1949 Motor Show

Note: This is a sub-section of Motor Show Catalogues
Motor Show. Held 16th-26th October at Earl's Court
List of Exhibitors (The full catalogue holds detailed information of these companies and their products)
- A.C. Cars
- A.F.N.
- Allard Motor Co
- Alvis
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors
- Aston Martin
- Austin Motor Co
- Bentley Motors (1931)
- Bristol Aeroplane Co
- Chrysler Motors
- Citroen Cars
- Daimler Co
- Delage, Soc. Nouvelle des Automobiles
- Delahaye, Soc. des Autos
- Dodge Brothers (Britain)
- Fiat (England)
- Ford Motor Co
- General Motors
- Healey, Donald, Motor Co
- Hillman Motor Car Co
- Hotchkiss et Cie
- Hudson Motor Car Co
- Humber
- Jaguar Cars
- Jensen Motors
- Jowett Cars
- Lagonda
- Lanchester Motor Co
- Lancia (England)
- Lea-Francis Cars
- Lendrum and Hartman
- Lincoln Cars
- M. G. Car Co
- Morgan Motor Co
- Morris Motors
- Panhard and Levassor, Soc. des Anciens Etabs
- Peugeot, Soc. Anon, des Automobiles Renault
- Riley Motors
- Rolls-Royce
- Rover Co
- Singer Motors
- Standard Motor Co
- Steele, Griffiths and Co
- Studebaker Corporation
- Sunbeam-Talbot
- Thomson and Taylor (Brooklands)
- Triumph Motor Co (1945)
- U.S. Concessionaires
- Vauxhall Motors
- Williams, Leonard, and Co (1940)
- Wolseley Motors
Carriage Work
- E. D. Abbott
- Barker and Co (Coachbuilders)
- Briggs Motor Bodies
- Carbodies
- Fisher and Ludlow
- Freestone and Webb
- Hooper and Co (Coachbuilders)
- Lancefield Coachworks
- H. J. Mulliner and Co
- Mulliners
- Park Ward and Co
- Pressed Steel Co
- Rippon Brothers
- J. Saoutchik and Cie
- Thrupp and Maberly
- Tickford
- Vanden Plas (England), 1923
- Vincents of Reading
- Young, James
Accessories and Components
- Abingdon King Dick
- A. C. Sphinx Spark Plug Co
- Alford and Alder (Engineers)
- Amal
- Andre (Components)
- Andrews, Harold, Grinding Co
- Angus, George, and Co
- Anti-Attrition Metal Co
- Armstrong's Patents Co
- Autocar Electrical Equipment Co
- Automotive Engineering Co
- Automotive Products Co
- Baco Motor Products
- Bambergers
- Beans Industries
- G. Beaton and Son
- Bendix
- Bennett, Walt., (Spare Parts)
- Benton and Stone
- Berger, Lewis, and Sons
- T. M. Birkett and Sons
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co
- Bluemel Brothers
- Borg and Beck Co
- Bound Brook Bearings (G.B.)
- Bowden (Engineers)
- Bowmaker
- Boyriven
- Brake Linings
- Bramber Engineering Co
- Bricovmo
- Brifex
- British Belting and Asbestos
- British Bundy Tubing Co
- British Indestructo Glass
- British Jaeger Instruments
- British Oil and Turpentine Corporation
- British Piston Ring Co
- British School of Motoring
- British Thomson-Houston Co
- British Wagon Co
- Brown, Bayley's Steel Works
- Brown Brothers
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield)
- Butlers
- Camel Accumulators
- Cape Asbestos Co
- Car and General Insurance Corporation
- C.A.V.
- Caxton Name Plate Manufacturing Co
- Ceag
- Challenge Oils
- Champion Sparking Plug Co
- A. W. Chapman
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co
- Clark, William, (Spare Parts)
- Clayton Dewandre Co
- Clews Petersen Piston Ring and Engineering Co
- Clyde Alloy Steel Co
- Cocker Brothers
- E. K. Cole
- Commercial Ignition Co
- Connolly Brothers (Curriers)
- J. W. and T. Connolly
- Cooper and Co (Birmingham)
- Cooper's Mechanical Joints
- Cords Piston Ring Co
- Comercroft
- County Electrical Services
- Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co
- Cox and Co (Watford)
- Cox and Co (R. W.)
- Cresswells Asbestos Co
- Dartmouth Auto Castings
- Delaney Gallay
- Delco-Remy-Hyatt
- Desmo
- B. Dixon-Bate
- Docker Brothers
- Dover
- Duckham, Alexander, and Co
- Earle, Bourne and Co
- Edison Swan Electric Co
- Edmunds, Walker and Co
- Ellis, Bernard J.
- Engelbert and Co (Lubricating Oils)
- E.N.V. Engineering Co
- Eversure Accessories
- Ewarts
- Express Electrical Services
- Farnborough Engineering Co
- Feeny and Johnson
- Ferodo
- Forgings and Presswork (Birmingham)
- Gandy
- Garrington, John, and Sons
- Gear Grinding Co
- General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation
- Gill, William, and Co
- Girling
- Glacier Metal Co
- Glasso Paint Products
- J. Gliksten and Son
- Globe and Simpson
- W. Goodyear and Sons
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds (Midlands)
- S. Guiterman and Co
- Hairlok Co
- H. and E. Halford
- Hall and Hall
- Hall and Nielsen
- Hallam, Sleigh and Cheston
- Hardy, Spicer and Co
- Hepworth and Grandage
- Hermetic Rubber Co
- Hills (Patents)
- Hobbs Transmission
- Holt, Douglas, (Est. 1919)
- Homo
- Hoyt Metal Co of Great Britain
- Hughes-Johnson Stampings
- Imperial Chemical Industries, (Leathercloth Division)
- Imperial Chemical Industries, (Metals Division)
- Imperial Chemical Industries, (Paints Division)
- Intalok
- E. J. Jack
- A. A. James
- W. G. James
- Joy, Edward, and Sons
- Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Co
- Kenilworth Manufacturing Co
- Kerry's (Great Britain)
- Key-Leather Co
- Klinger, Richard
- K.L.G. Sparking Plugs
- Lace Web Spring Co
- Lake and Elliot
- Laycock Engineering Co
- Laystall Engineering Co
- Ley's Malleable Castings Co
- Liddiard Lubricants
- Light Production Co
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co
- Lodge Plugs
- Lombard Banking
- Lucas, Joseph
- Lucas, Joseph, (Batteries)
- Lucas, Joseph, (Electrical)
- Lucas, Joseph, (Sales and Service)
- A. P. Maglen
- Manganese Bronze and Brass Co
- Mansell and Adams
- Marston Excelsior
- Masonite
- Maxima Lubricants
- Mercantile Credit Co
- Metalastik
- Mid-Kent Products Co
- Midland Motor Cylinder Co
- Morgan Crossley and Co
- Moss Gear Co
- Motor Panels (Coventry)
- Motor Union Insurance Co
- Muirhead, Andrew, and Son
- Mutual Finance
- Myers, Wayne V., Co
- National Employers’ Mutual General Insurance Association
- Neale, James, and Sons
- Newton and Bennett
- L. H. Newton and Co
- Notek Electric Co
- Oiline Refining Co
- Oldham and Son
- Omes
- R. M. Papelian
- Park Brothers
- Parsons Chain Co
- J. Payen
- Perry Barr Metal Co
- Peto and Radford
- Philidas
- Pickles, Robert
- Pinchin, Johnson and Co
- Plastahide (Coverings)
- Premier Motor Policies
- Prima Industries
- Projectile and Engineering Co
- Pye
- Pyrene Co
- Qualcast
- Quicktho (1928)
- Radiomobile
- Raybestos-Belaco
- Regent Axle Co
- Remax
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co
- Ripaults
- Rist's Wires and Cables
- Rival Lamps
- Roadways Transport Development
- Romac Industries
- Rootes Acceptances
- Ross, Courtney and Co
- Royal Insurance Co
- Rubery, Owen and Co
- Salisbury Transmission Co
- Salter, George, and Co
- Sankey, Joseph, and Sons
- A. Schrader’s Son
- Scintilla
- Scottish Midland Guarantee Trust
- Serck Radiators
- Servais Silencers
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co
- Silentbloc
- Silent Channel Co
- Silvertown Lubricants
- Simmonds Aerocessories
- Simms Motor Units
- Simoniz (England)
- Small and Parkes
- S. Smith and Sons (England)
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons of Saltley
- Smiths Jacking Systems
- Smith’s Stamping Works (Coventry)
- Snowdon, Sons and Co
- Solex
- Specialloid
- Splintex Safety Glass
- Stedall and Co
- E. Steiner
- Sterling Metals
- Sternol
- S. U. Carburetter Co
- Super Oil Seals and Gaskets
- Surridges Patents
- Tapley Meters
- Tecalemit
- Tempered Spring Co
- Terry, Herbert, and Sons
- Tewel Industries
- Thompson, John, Motor Pressings
- Thomson and Brown Brothers
- Thornley and Knight
- Transport Brakes
- Trico-Folberth
- Triplex Safety Glass Co
- Trist, Hubert H. P., and Co
- Tudor Accessories
- Tufnol
- Tungstone Products
- Turner, Ernest, (London)
- Tyre Products
- United Dominions Trust
- United Motor Finance Corporation
- Universal Dampers
- Universal Ball Bearing Repair and Manufacturing Co
- Vandervell Products
- Vigzol Oil Co
- Vokes
- Walters and Dobson
- Weathershields
- Wellworthy Piston Rings
- White Cross Insurance Co
- Wico-Pacy Sales Corporation
- Willenhall Motor Radiator Co
- Wilmot-Breeden
- Wingard (M.A.)
- Woodhead, Jonas, and Sons
- World Radio
- Wright, Chas
- Young Accumulator Co
- Zenith Carburetter Co
- Zinc Alloy Rust Proofing Co
- Avon India Rubber Co
- Bergougnan Tyre Co
- British Tyre and Rubber Co
- Davies Tyre Co
- Dominion Rubber Co
- Dunlop Rubber Co
- Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co (G.B.)
- Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co
- India Tyre and Rubber Co
- John Bull Rubber Co
- Michelin Tyre Co
- North British Rubber Co
- Palmer Tyre
- Pirelli
Motor Boats
- A.E.C
- A.R.C. Marine Co
- Associated British Oil Engines
- Associated Manufacturers Co (London)
- Austin Motor Co
- W. Bates and Son
- Boats and Engines
- Boats' Fittings
- Bray, Arthur
- British Anzani Engineering Co
- British Marine Distributing Co
- Brockhouse Engineering (Southport)
- Brooke Marine
- Cornubia Yacht Yard
- County Passenger Launch Co
- Coventry Climax Engines
- Coventry Victor Motor Co
- Dean's Yachts
- W. H. Dorman and Co
- General Motors
- Hillyard, David
- Johnson and Jago
- Leyland Motors
- R. A. Lister (Marine Sales)
- Long, Kenneth, and Co
- Mathway Marine
- Meadows, Henry
- Morris Motors
- Norris, Henty and Gardners
- Osborne, Wm
- Parsons Engineering Co
- F. Perkins
- Petters
- Russell, Newbery and Co
- Self-Changing Gear Co
- Taylor, James, (Chertsey)
- W. and J. Tod
- Turner Manufacturing Co
- Turner, Stuart
- University Marine
- Viking Marine Co
- Vosper
- Wallasea Bay Yacht Station
- Watermota Marine Engines
- Whittingham and Mitchel
Transport Service Equipment
- Air Industrial Developments
- Armature Manufacturing Co
- Automotive Parts and Accessories
- Avery-Hardoll
- E. P. Barrus
- Beck and Co
- Benjamin Electric
- B.E.N. Patents
- Black and Decker
- Bradbury, Joseph, and Sons
- Bristol Pneumatic Tools
- British Extracting Tool Co
- British Oxygen Co
- Brown Brothers
- Buck and Hickman
- Buma Engineering Co
- Burtonwood Engineering Co
- R. Cadisch and Sons
- W. Canning and Co
- V. L. Churchill and Co
- C. L. Equipments
- R. Cruickshank
- Crypton Equipment
- Delapena and Son
- Desoutter Brothers
- Dunlop Rubber Co
- Epco
- General Electric Co
- Hartridge, Leslie
- Harvey Frost and Co
- Hatch, George
- Headland, Thomas P.
- F. C. Heayberd and Co
- H.E.C. Compressors and Engines
- Hobday Brothers
- Ingersoll-Rand Co
- Jenks Brothers
- Kerry's (Great Britain)
- Laycock Engineering Co
- E. Le Couteur
- Lister Equipment
- McFadden and Barron
- Mann, Egerton and Co
- Meldrum, Thos
- G. H. Midgley and Co
- Moore, Ernest, and Son
- B. O. Morris
- Morris and Ingram
- National Cash Register Co
- Newton Brothers (Cudworth)
- Paddon Precision Tools
- Partridge, Wilson and Co
- Philips Electrical
- J. W. Pickavant and Co
- Pneumatic Components
- G. T. Riches and Co
- Romac Industries
- Rubery, Owen and Co
- F. G. Ruggles
- Runbaken Electrical Products
- J. A. Ryley
- Skyhi
- Stains, Gerald
- Stanwell Quality Tools
- Stemco
- Stenor
- Stevco
- Stream-Line Filters
- J. F. Sykes (St. Annes)
- Taylor and Jones
- Tecalemit
- Thomas, Bertram, (Engineers)
- Timson Brothers (England)
- C. R. Tipping and Co
- Triangle Products
- Turner, Wm., (Kismet)
- Tyresoles
- C. C. Wakefield and Co
- H. W. Ward and Co
- Wayne Tank and Pump Co
- Weaver Manufacturing and Engineering Co
- Whatton and Sons
- Wolf Electric Tools
- Yorkshire Factoring Co
Caravans and Light Trailers
- Berkeley Coachwork
- Bertram Hutchings Caravans
- Bramber Engineering Co
- Burlingham Caravans
- Car Trailers
- Carlight Trailers
- Cheltenham Caravan Co
- B. Dixon-Bate
- Eccles (Birmingham)
- Ensor Caravans
- Jubilee Caravans
- Kingston Caravan Co
- Low Loading Trailer Co
- O. G. Lywood
- Northampton Caravans
- M. R. Pascall
- Raven Caravans (1947)
- Rollalong Caravans
- Siddall Caravans
- Taskers of Andover (1932)
- Thomsons (Carron)
- Cable Printing and Publishing Co
- Caravan Publications
- Iliffe and Sons
- Motor Commerce
- Motor World Publishing Co
- Penton Publishing Co
- Temple Press
- Trader Publishing Co
- Automobile Association
- British Road Federation
- Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers
- Motor Agents Association
- Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund
- Motor Industry Research Association. Royal Automobile Club
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
See Also
Sources of Information