1920 Automotor: Index

Vol 025. Jan to Dec 1920
- A.A. and M.U. See Automobile Association.
- A.B.C. car, 887, 1169, 1266.
- A.B.C. Motors, Ltd., 454-
- A.C. car, 1x9, 173, 199, 205, 356, 3b4i 3““> 3”9, 436, 469, 472, 495, 501, 581, 617, 804, 841, 944) 982, 988, 1014, 1153, 1188, H97) 1371
- A.C. sparking plugs, 1121.
- Accidents, 27, 37, 62, 119, 157, *48, 45L 4«7, 524, 595, 638, 677, 723, 726, 73L 748, 760, 779. 815, 819, 845, 898, 916, 1032, 1051, 1052, 1143. 1188, 1225, 1227, 1292, 1310, 1336, 1342, 1374, 1391.
- Accidents (leaders on), 272, 350, 458, 612, 710, 877, 904, 978, 1362.
- Accidents, statistics, 273, 350, 597, 978.
- Accumulator terminals, 175.
- Accumulators, 225, 241.
- Adam, Grimaldi and Co. See Albert car.
- Adler Car, 206, 722.
- Advertisements, 495, 907.
- Aerial Derby, cars at, 785.
- Aero Dictionary, 997.
- Africa, 528, 848.
- “After the Ball,” 1256.
- Agents. See “ Service ” ; Traders.
- Agricultural motors. See Tractors.
- Aircraft and aviation, 9, 62, 657.
- Albert car, 78, 363, 751, 773, l°74, H53, 1162, 1197. Details, 38.
- Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., 322, 348, 610, 1026.
- Alcohol, 31, 125, 185, 248, 290, 295, 312, 510, 619, 664, 688, 759, 776, 800, 898, 904, 917, 923, 999, 1025, nix, 1x48, 1230.
- Alda car, 761.
- “All Roads Out,” 846.
- “All” Trading European Corporation. See Huffman car.
- Alldays and Onions, Ltd., 28.
- Allen car, 1169, 1266.
- Allen and Simmonds, 822, 1121, 1374.
- Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., 1121, 1312.
- Allen piston, 1140.
- Alloys. See Metals.
- A.L.P. car, 1169, 1197, 1266.
- Alpine car (details), 1181.
- Alps, 215.
- Alsace car, 1267. Details, 521.
- Aluminium, 374, 453.
- Aluminium car, 1257, 1332, 1354.
- Aluminium pistons. See Pistons.
- Alvis car, 1075, 1099, 1101, 1252, 1267.
- Ambulances, 200, 232, 240, 341, 849, 1195.
- "America. All About,” 1350.
- America, British cars in, 31, 40, 74, 80, 128.
- America, petrol and oil in, 84, 300, 383, 398, 413, 45i, 456, 529, 532, 609, 625, 847, 878, 915, 971, 1003, 1262.
- America, racing in, 233, 620, 699, 847, 943, 1310.
- American car production, 147, 243, 268, 320, 374, 398, 451, 452, 529, 597, 658, 1921.
- American cars in Britain, 251, 365, 367, 409 434, 444, 567, 658, 672, 73L 778, 836, 899, 957, 993, 1047, 1309, 1347-
- American imports and exports. See Imports and Exports.
- American legislation, 54, 233.
- American National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, 451, 597, 706, 1143.
- American roads. See Roads.
- American schools, 597.
- American shows, 374, 451, 597, 1067.
- American Society of Automotive Engineers, 233.
- American statistics (see also Imports and Exports), 54, 233, 398, 451, 658, 706, 847, 915.
- American taxation, 597.
- Ammonia turbine, 399.
- “Amphyglider,” 1134.
- Andre, T. B. See Grant car.
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 113, 248, 280, 399, 692, 849, 1049, 1121.
- Anglo-Dutch motor-cycle trials, 552.
- Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co., 280, 692, 952.
- Anglo-Persian Oil Co., 484, 518, 952.
- Angus, Sanderson and Co., Ltd., 138, 217.
- Angus, Sanderson car, 165, 698, 825, 826, 972, m2, 1153, 1198, 1224, 1230.
- Animals on roads. See Obstruction.
- Ansaldo car, 815.
- Antwerp Festival, 248, 426, 529.
- Anzani motor, 103, 493.
- Apax plug-cleaner, 1049.
- Apollo Manufacturing Co., 280, 1121.
- Apperson car, 548, 1169, i2(>8.
- Application of Machine Tools to Modern Car Construction (A. J. Hancock), 343, 370.
- Argentine, 597.
- Argyll car, 201, 1165, 1169, 1198.
- Argyll motor, 124, 190.
- Ariel Motors and General Repairs, Ltd., 290.
- Armoured cars, 1234, 1337.
- Armstrong-Siddeley car, 63, 76, 278, 413, 851, 937, H53, ii57, 1158, 1165, 1268, 1374.
- Armstrong-Siddeley wheel, 209.
- Arrol-Johnston car, 427, 448, 502, 698, II53I IJ54, 1174, 1198.
- Arrol-Johnston, Ltd., 402, 837.
- A.S.C. car, 770.
- Ashton car, 601, 887, 1075. Details, 598.
- Asmo carburettor, 1121.
- Association of British Driving Chain Manufacturers, 25, 292, 411.
- Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers, 57, 79, 752, 1336.
- Aston Martin car, 1101.
- Atlantic motor, 314.
- Auburn car (details), 766.
- Auction sales, 242, 528.
- Auster, Ltd., 1116.
- Austin car, 63, 136, 422, 477, 5°U 525, 54°, 542, 556, 576, 603, 609, 744, 852, 923, IO72> IO76> 1152, 1153, 1158, 1164, 1172, 1x74, I199> 12°7, 1236, 1318, 1328, 1379- „ , „
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 109, 140, 322, 578, 008, 610, 633, 954, 973, 1134, 1144-
- Austin service scheme, 427.
- Austin, Sir Herbert, 629.
- Australia, motoring in, 46, 480, 510, 595, 645, 1136, 1374.
- Australia, petroleum, etc., in, 422, 518, 997, 1370.
- Austro-Daimler car, 407, 677, 761.
- AUTO. See Ourselves.
- Auto Carriers, Ltd. [see also A.C. car), 109, 1224.
- Auto-Cycle Union (see also Tourist Trophy), 37, n4> 166, 248, 518, 784, 849, 868, 919, 939, 1353-
- AUTO, road signs. See Road signs.
- Autocar, 1050.
- Autocar Handbook, 971.
- Autocrat car, 1170, 1293.
- Autokrat horn, 1093.
- Auto-lock, 285.
- Automobile Association and Motor Union, 46, 149, 159, 161, 187, 210, 227, 232, 296, 337, 34&, 399, 416, 418, 453, 460, 473, 477, 524, 54b, 585, 595, 603, 606, 626, 667, 678, 726, 747, 752, 754, 767, 784, 810, 820, 860, 888, 895, 945, 949, 958, 961, 965, 1025, 1067, 1071, 1076, 1087, 1143, 1150, 1188, 1235, 1292, 1336, 1364.
- Automobile Association benzole roadside stations. See Roadside suppliers.
- Automobile Association (leaders on), 247, 272, 431, 483, 508, 589, 878, 977.
- Automobile Golfing Society, 296.
- Automobile Owners' Guide, 1051.
- Automotive Products Co., 1121.
- Autovac fuel-feed, 487.
- Autovox bulbless horn, 1065.
- A.V. car, 1170, 1293.
- Avon tyre, 1126, 1223.
- Axles, 21, 99, 122, 123, 255, 256, 465, 112% 1322, AZ369, 1399-
- Ayrtite” valve-guide sleeve, 1142.
- “BACK Road to the Sea,”358.
- Backus utility lock, 285.
- Bale, Maj. F. H., 558.
- Ball bearings. See Bearings
- Ballot, E., 847.
- Ballot car, 1017.
- Ballot engine, 1404.
- Bandits, motor, 233.
- Barimar, Ltd., 533, 603, ioj, 1090, 1121, 1137.
- Barlow, G., 809.
- Barnes, G. N., 1002.
- Bate, H. A., 873, 922.
- Bath and West of England I.C., 394, 450, 468.
- Bath-chair. See Carter electic.
- Batteries, 74, 1072, 1133.
- Battlefields of France, 372, 69.
- Bavox mechanical inflator, 134-
- Bayard car, 698.
- Bean car, 268, 294, 840, 9x4, 97, *014, 1068, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1200, 1253, 139.
- Beardmore car, 937, ri55> 120, 1201. 1221.
- Beardmore engine, 280, 315.
- Bearings, 75, 105, 691, 1119.
- Beaumont, W. Worby, 324, 339 346. 5°4-
- Beauvais, C. F. See C.F.B. car.
- Beldam tyre, 1126.
- Belgian roads. See Roads.
- Belgium, motor industry in, 123, 215, 398, 426, 1370, 1397-
- Belgium, touring in, 679.
- Belgium, views in, 1, 208.
- Bellanger car, 1268.
- Belsize car, 1155, 1x66, 1217, 1224, 1269. Details, 1320.
- Belsize Motors, Ltd., 1152.
- Belts (see also Whittle belting), ‘43, 1195, 1280.
- Bennett (F. S.), Ltd. (see also Cadillac and Chevrolet cars), 280, 752, 778, 779-
- Bentley car, 1171, 1294.
- Benz car, 818.
- Benzole, 9, 52, 185, 204, 232, 2 8, 253, 47°, 487, 558, 607, 632, 776, 943, 1077.
- Benzole (leaders on), 143, 246, 299, 508, 536, 903, 1028, 1148.
- Benzole, price of, 128, 227, 203, 27I 291, 354, 633, 939-
- Benzole road trials, 52, 338.
- Benzole supply stations. Sec Roadside supplies.
- Bergougnan tyre, 1126, 1224.
- Berliet car, 1155, 1294.
- Berriman, A. E., 108.
- Berwick (F. W.) and Co. See Sizaire-Berwick car.
- “Between Ourselves”—weekly notes.
- Bettws-y-Coed, 323, 327.
- Bianchi car, 1155, 1200.
- Bicycles. See Cycles.
- “Bi-jet” nozzle, 100.
- Bird (C.) and Co., 475.
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., 428.
- Biss, Gerald, 1332.
- Blackpool, 591.
- Bleriot-Scott starting and lighting set, 1116.
- Bleriot-Whippet car, 1155, 12m1, (details), 700.
- B.M. starter, 1044.
- Board of Trade, 114, 232, 300, 132.
- Boats. See Motor-Boats.
- Bodies. See Coachwork,
- Boillot, M., 191.
- Bollee car, 1163, 1301.
- Books, technical (see also Reviews), 290.
- Bonnet, revarnishing, 741.
- Bosch magneto, 90, 160, 205, 213, 226, 265, 318, 1262, 1291.
- Boscombe, 689.
- Bovier engines, 1116, 1202.
- Bowden petrometer, 799.
- Boyce accessories, 1122.
- Boys, 772, 845, 848, 895, 928, 1141, 1142, 1370.
- Bradford Auto. Club, 163, 794, «68.
- Brakes, i<\ 63, ”2, /26, 741, 909, 954, 963, 977, 1022, IO-5> 1030, 1004, 1127, nu, 1280, iiq8 1303. I391i 1398. *
- Brainco, Ltd. See Cotay car.
- Brampton Bros., Ltd., 1116.
- Brasier car, 1155, 1294.
- Bray, A., 558.
- Brazil, 28, 422, 878.
- Brett, C. W., 533-
- Bridges. See Roads.
- Bridgwater Motor Co., 899, 972, 1047.
- Bridgwater Motor-Cycle Club, 725.
- Bright, Sir Charles, 1192.
- Brighton, 358, 520, 1230.
- Briscoe car, 1171, 1269.
- Bristol Simplex, Ltd., 1142.
- British army vehicles {see also Armoured cars; Tanks; Surplus war material), 532.
- British Association, 909.
- British Commercial Lorry and Engineering Co., Ltd., 280.
- British Empire Steel Corporation, 509.
- British Engineering Standards Association, 504, 79.1-
- British Ensign car, 1155, 1294, 1327.
- British Government (leaders on), 30, 60, 142, 194, 221, 248, 324, 326, 376, 405, -132, 456, 457, 483, 509, 562, 588, 613, 663, 686, 710, 711, 734. 806, 830, 856, 1028, 1030, 1054, 1234, 1286, 1314, I3t7, 1338, 1360, 1361.
- British Government (Parliamentary Papers), 221, „ 350, 430. . , 0
- British Government (Questions in Parliament), 8, 32, 204, 207, 2x0, 227, 242, 253, 266, 267, 294, 295» 306, 312, 318, 336, 341, 359, 369. 394, 399, 432, 457, 463, 47o, 479, 484, 488, 506, 510, 550, 552, 554, 585, 600, 701, 712, 75L 752, 753, 700, 826, 828, 848, 849, 870, 891, 923, 1338, i4°4-
- British Industries Fair, 227, 296.
- British International Trophy. See Royal Motor Yacht Club.
- British Lighting and Ignition Co., 1122,
- British Motor-Boat Club, 128, 261, 800.
- British Motor-Cycle Racing Club, 294, 352, 412, 697, 780, 866.
- British motor manufacturers and profiteering (Lanchester), 421.
- British Motor Spirit Syndicate, Ltd., 82.
- British-Motor Trading Corporation, Ltd., 1382.
- British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 281, 1121.
- British Red Cross Society, 550, 654.
- British Science Guild, 290.
- British Thomson-Houston Co., 1122.
- Briton car, 16, 698, 1x55, 1221, 1269, 1295.
- Briton Motor Co., Ltd., 534.
- B.R.M. tyre, 209.
- Brolt, Ltd., 1122.
- Brooklands, handicapping at, 842, 1058, 1075, 1102, 1186.
- Brooklands, racing at, 114, 294, 352, 366, 375, 379, 401, 403, 407, 408, 412, 423, 444, 492, 502, 505, 53L 539, 540, 556, 557, 56i, 565, 579, 582, 604, 608, 644, 661, 665, 677, 693, 699, 721, 747, 760, 794, 805, 809, 818, 837, 866, 886, 925, 944, 1001, 1007, 1015, 1046, 1227, 1342, 1281, 1342.
- Brooks (J. B.) and Co., 1116.
- Brooks-Ostruk coachwork, 128.
- Brown Bros, accessories, 22, 100, 102, 127, 281, 392, 1049, 1116,
- Brussels Show, 1397.
- Buckinghamshire, 651.
- Budget. See Taxation.
- Bugatti car, 939, 944, 98l> 988, 993, I0I3, I048> 1075, 1099, 1100, 1136, 1137, ”39, 1155, n86, 1224, 1228, 1238, 1282, 1328, 1379. (details), 718.
- Buick car, 355, 373, 54L 608, 1136, 1155, ”74, 1202, 1207, i3®9 (details), 176.
- Buist, H. Massac, 1007.
- Burgoyne, Col. A. H., 294.
- Burma, 1292, 1391.
- Burnett tyre, 1126, 1223.
- Burnett tyre pump, 1046.
- Burt engine {see also Argyll), 190, 1137.
- Burt-McCollum engine, 201.
- 'Bus fares, 736, 1000, 1002,
- ’Buses, motor, 8, 185, 196, 200, 242, 253, 331, 396, 422, 450, 479, 492, 528, 604, 723, 752, 777, 828, 836, 849, 891, 893, 897, 900, 917, 937, 97L 999, 1000, 1051, 1230, 1333, 1362, 1392.
- ’Buses (leaders on), 85, 220, 325, 326, 664, 736, 807, 1002.
- ’Buses, taxation and maintenance charges, 65, 85, 217, 326, 359, 664, 807, 828, 999.
- Butterosi car, 236.
- Butterosi works, 132.
- CAB-WHISTLING, 1025, 1029, 1x34, ”43, 1234.
- Cabs. See Taxicabs.
- Cadillac car, 222, 243, 765, 779, 949, ”55, ”62, 1221,1238. Details, 823.
- Cadman, Prof. Sir J., on Oil Resources of British Empire, 631.
- Cairo,. See Egypt.
- Calcott car, 627, 698, 1155, 1159, 1270.
- Calthorpe car. 257, 364, 565, 693, 809, 1135, ”55, 1202, 1372.
- Cambria, Autumn in, 951, 955, 959.
- Cambridge University, 494.
- Cambridgeshire, 4, 544,
- Cambro runabout, 1375-
- Camera and the Car weekly.
- Campbell, Capt. and Mrs. Malcolm (see also Mors tar), 945. 18342, 367, U22, 1x82. 404. 566, 920, 421, 602, 993, 180, 330, 422, 606, 995,
- Camping (see also Caravan), 288.
- Canada, 26r, 374, 422, 453, 470, 5°9> 723, 9'5, l,'3i 1176, 1292.
- Canton-Unne motor, 103.
- Caravan, motor, 260.
- Carbon deposit. See Engines.
- Carburation, 89,
- Carburettors (see also Vaporisers), 584, 674, 991, 1091, 1092, 1120, 1121
- Carden car, 1238, 1295.
- Cardiff meeting. See Royal Auto. Club.
- Carless, Capel and Leonard, 988.
- Car-washing. See Coachwork.
- Cars, bad, (see also Design), 179, 3 — , 522, 788, 823.
- Cars, certificate of origin, See Certificates ; Licences
- Cars, delivery of, 213, 23If, 347, 4°4, 446, 461, 484, 589, 606. . , _
- Cars, equipment of. See Electrical Equipment.
- Cars light (see also Co-tay ; Grahame-White etc.) 61, 173, 200, 501, 567, 617, 65b, 857, 981, loon, 1136, 1309, 1323, 1330, 1347, 137-. 13 7 5, 1395-
- Cars (light), running costs of, 384, 417, 4-3, 440
- Cars, prices of, 46, 61, 92, 97, IO6, H3> *79, 187, 191, 213, 2x7, 224, 233, 238, 292, 318, 335, 355, 367, 373, 381, 3S3, 397, 434, 48i, 477, 533, 538, 542, 54 7, 650, 741, 745, 779, 833, 850, 899, . 998, 1006, IOI4, 1022, 1023, IO|8, 1052, IO87, 1078, 1107, 1139, 1253, 1283, 1394-
- Cars, second-hand, 224, 618, 998.
- Cars, weight of, 440.
- Carter carburettor, 182.
- Carter electric bath-chair, 1295.
- Cartoons, 86, 300.
- Carver, Harry. See Bridgwater Motor Co.
- Castle-Three cycle-car, 1330.
- “Castrol,” 339.
- Cathedrals, 5, 429, 639.
- Caucasus, mule transport in, 1337.
- C.A.V. starters, 240.
- C.A.V. starting and lighting set, 137, 1120.
- Ceirano car, 1168.
- Census of cars, 463.
- Certificates of origin and ownership of cars, 326, 341, 1054, 1286.
- Ceylon, 470.
- C. F. B. car, 1100.
- Chains, 25, 292, 411, 1093.
- Chalmers car, 1038, 1088, 1171, 1239, 1354-
- Champion Spark Plug Co., 1122.
- Chandler car, 761, 770.
- “Change of Air,” 994.
- Channel Islands, 645, 773-
- Chapuis-Dornier engine, 283.
- Charron car, 1155, 1225, 1270.
- Charron-Laycock car, 1155, 1270.
- Chars-a-bancs, 187, 552, 669, 678, 697, 702, 717, 726, 731, 747, 748, 769, 772, 777, 793, 803, 824, 839, 845, 848, 849, 856, 859, 888, 891, 893, 898, 900, 926, 943, 949, 973, 995, xoig, 1022, 1025, 104.9, HOI, 1102, 1143, 1230, 1292, 1336, 1353, 1399-
- Chars-a-bancs (leaders on), 710, 760, 783, 807, 856, 877, 953, 1148. 11 * “Charaphone," 796.
- Chassagne, Jean, 1017.
- Chassis descriptions :—
- - Alpine, 1181.
- - Alsace, 521.
- - Amphyglider, 1134.
- - Ashton, 598.
- - Auburn, 766.
- - Belsize, 1320.
- - Bleriot-Whippet, 700.
- - Bugatti, 718.
- - Buick, 176-
- - Cadillac, 823.
- - Cambro, 1375-
- - Cole, 93.
- - Columbia, 234.
- - Commonwealth, 181.
- - Crossley, 1127, 1367.
- - Crouch, 1097.
- - Diatto, 889.
- - Dixie, 940.
- - Dort, 332,
- - Duplex, 66.
- - Essex, 1009.
- - G.N. , 228.
- - Grahame-White, 814.
- - Guy, 43.
- - Hampton, 120.
- - Haynes, 4J4-
- - Henry car, 1133-
- - Hispano-Suiza, 360.
- - Horstmann, 254.
- - Hurtu, 1041.
- - Isotta-Fraschini, 962, 990.
- - Jordan, 742.
- - Jouffret, i4°3-
- - Lington, 210.
- - Majola, 1098.
- - Metallurgique, 1036.
- - Miller-Metcalf, 1134-
- - Moon, 419.
- - Nash, 384.
- - Noma, 838.
- - Overland, 50, 39*-
- - Packard, 1097-
- - Panhard, 71.
- - Peugeot Quadrilette, 471.
- - Pierce-Arrow, 910.
- - Holland-Pilain, 307.
- - Huston Hornsby, 694.
- - Kyner-Wilson, 1x77. 705, 801, 870, 999, 1229,
- - Scripps Booth, 865,
- - Seneca, 1392.
- - Sigma, 98.
- - Silver Hawk, 1094.
- - Sizaire-Berwick, 10.
- - S.P.A. , 464.
- - Standard, 1061.
- - Straker-Squire, 17, 1373.
- - Turrat-Mery, 1180.
- - Vandy, 64(1.
- - Varley-Woods, 21.
- - Vauxhall, 70, 1131.
- - Voisin, 570.
- - Willys-Knight, 1325.
- - Zebre, 870.
- Chassis undershields. See Undershields,
- Chauffeurs (see also Drivers; National Society of Chauffeurs), 740, 802, 1332, 1404,
- Chenard-Walcker car, 1156, 1295.
- Cheshire, views and tours in, jn, 520, 811, 7L3, 853,801, 1105, 1109, mo, 1287, 1386,
- Chester Motor Co. See Mackenzie car.
- Chevrolet car, 320, 321, 1150, 1203.
- Chevrolet, Gaston (death of), 1310, 1342.
- Children and road dangers, 626.
- China, 779.
- Chiribiri car, 115C, 1171, 1172, 1298.
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., 241, 1073, 1122.
- Churchill, Mr. Winston, 248.
- Cippenham motor repair depot. See Slough motor depot.
- Citroen car, 135, 672, 723, 801, 824, 872, 1017, 1069, 1170, 1171, 1203, 1207.
- Claes, Davis and Co., 1:22.
- Clark, Davis and Osborn, 139.
- Claudel Hobson carburettor, 3C7.
- “Clavrite " accessories, 65*0 1122.
- Cleaning. See Coachwork.
- Clear-vision wind screen cloth, 52.
- Clearing-house. Sec Transport.
- Clement-Talbot, Ltd. (see also Talbot car), 55-1» 634, 658.
- Clergymen, 242, 302,
- Clincher tyre, 1126, 1223.
- Clovelly, climbing of, 905, 919, 988.
- Club officials, 816.
- Cluley car, 1171, 1296.
- Clutches, 255, 595, 648, 720, 1064, 1248.
- Coachwork, bad, 34, 1039*
- Coachwork, cleaning of, 100,440, 1035,
- Coachwork, general design, 14, 48, 65, 88, tc8, 109, 128, 134, 155, 177, 232, 284, 3<'3, 473, 502, 530, 53L 572, 698, 705, 753, 775, 70s. 804, K13, 815, 898, 969, 996, 1035, 1039, 1063, 1072, 1074, 1183, 1217, 1271, 1281, 1329, 1351, 1.371- Coachwork (hoods), 207, 279, 331, 410, 583, 584, 893, Coachwork (paint), 381, 423, 741, 1090.
- Coachwork, (production), 584, 899, 1371.
- Coachwork (scats), 602, 1374.
- Coachwork (upholstery), 602.
- Coachwork (windows), 1118.
- Coal, 3, 348, 657, 777, 1004, 1028, 1080, not, 1148, 1192.
- Coan, R. W., 888, 1116.
- Coatalen, Louis, 1349.
- Cockermouth Rural Council, 953.
- “Coincidences,” 987, 1085.
- Cole Aero-Eight car]], 549, 1035.
- Cole Aero car[[ (details), 93.
- Cole, Albert, 1048,
- Cole and Sons, 637.
- Cole coachwork, 93, 108, 383, 584, 753, 898, 996, 1035, 1281.
- Columbia car (details), 234.
- Commercial Motor Users’ Association, 127, 183, 185, 236, 3G9, 426, 446, 502, 629, 769, 845, 1139, 1281, 1364, 1384.
- Commercial vehicles. See Heavy vehicles.
- Commercial vehicle exhibition, 248, 7^4, 870, 9°l, 978, 1254.
- Commonwealth car (details), i8r.
- Company doings - weekly,
- Compass. See Milometer.
- Competitions (see also Prizes; Races, Sports; Trials), 186. 488,
- “Concerning Florrie,” 1070.
- “Confidences of Janus,” 1184.
- Connaught Motor Co. See Bollee car.
- Conner Magneto Co., 1122.
- Constantinople, 828.
- Consuto plywood. See Saunders.
- Continental Chat, 27,81, 191, 215, 268, 398,428, 529.
- “Continental” engine, 398.
- “Continuing offences," 1192.
- Control, central, 8, 225.
- Control-rod adjustment, 813.
- Conway Castle, 1079.
- Cooke, Maj, Stinson, 288, 337, 473. 499-
- Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., 907, mb,
- Co-operative societies, 1225.
- Cornwall, 894, 1191.
- Correspondence -weekly.
- Costs. See Cars, running costs of.
- Cotay car, 73*. *<*73. 1*7*. 1~7°- Cotswolds. 975, 983.
- County Councils Association, iNo,
- Coupe Internationale des Voiturettes, 337.
- Coventry and Warwickshire Motor Club, 341.
- Coventry Premier cycle-car, 1330, 15 31.
- Coventry Repetition Co., 25.
- Cowey speedometer, etc., 111 ?•
- Crankshafts, 103, 1130.
- Crippled children, outings for, (138, 858.
- Crompton, Col., on Roads and Vehicle Maintenance. 1336.
- Crompton Medal, 1283.
- Cromwell Engineering Co. See A. L. P., Major, and Zeiller cars.
- Cross roads. See Road signs, Auto scheme of Roads, dangerous corners.
- Crossley car, 14, 109, 133, 258, 413, 441. 453. 489, 608, 619, 748, 790, 800, 822, 847, 851, 957. 96i> 993, 1040, 1069,1156, 1158, 1174, 1203,1241. *271, 1280. Details, 1127, 1367.
- Crossley engine, 281.
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., 28, 77, 218, 397, 528, 802, 874-
- Crossley works, 559.
- Crouch car, 1016, 1171, 1239. (details), 1096.
- Crown-Magnetic car, 1296.
- Crystal Palace steps, climbing of, 992.
- Cubitt car, 937, 1271.
- Cubitt's Engineering Co., Ltd., 1383.
- Cummings, Miss Ivy, 379.
- Curios of the roadside, 652.
- Curtiss camp-car, 260.
- Customs. See Import duties.
- Cut-outs. See Exhaust.
- Cycar. See Parnacott.
- Cycle-cars. See Cars, Light.
- Cycles and Cyclists, 222, 242, 295, 298, 3x2, 446, 751, 9i7, 1076.
- Cylinder cooling. See Engines.
- Daily Mail, 113, 146, 194, 198, 221, 274, 456, 486, 59°, 736, 738, 834, 877, 1188.
- Daily Telegraph, 143.
- Daimler car, 14, 136, 155, 400, 423, 473, 531, 657, 705, 937, 969, 1154, 1156, 1161, 1174, 1201, 1204, 1222, 1281, 1331, 1391.
- Daimler Co., Ltd., 107, 10S.
- Daimler engine, 240.
- “Dark doings,” 72.
- Darracq (A.) and Co., Ltd., 428, 634, 658.
- Darracq car, 1156.
- Davis, S. C. H., 558.
- Davis Furnace Co., 609.
- Dawson car, 1171, 1297.
- Dawson, Lt.-Col., 993, 1048, 1075, 1099, 1100, 1282.
- Dayton wheels, 1121.
- Dazzling lights. See Headlamps.
- Dealers. See Traders.
- Decarbonisation. See Engines.
- De Dion Bouton car, 63, 173, 887, 1047, 1168, 1174, 1271.
- Deemster car, 698, 1171, 1239, 1284.
- De Freville, G. P. H. (see also Alvis car), 1075, 1099, 1252.
- Degory jet-less carburettor, 674, 1092.
- Delage car, 1157, 1297, 1327.
- Delahaye car, 1157, 1271.
- Delaunay-Belleville car, 1157, 1165, 1172, 1204.
- Denmark, 27, 40, 114, 139, 178, 191, 341.
- Design (see also Coachwork; Engine design), 15, 41, 48, 65, 147, 160, 225, 277, 311, 3i7, 342, 388, 593, 623. 932, 968, 981, 1114, 1395-
- Designers and repair shops, 754, 773.
- Devonshire, views in, 141, 167, 353, 781, 901, 905, 979, 1005, 1027, 1313, 1339-
- D.F.P. car, 1157, 1272.
- Diatto car (details), 889.
- Differential gears, 311, 317, 342, 399, 575.
- Disabled men, employment of and help for, 62, 347, 789.
- Disabled men, entertainment of, 654, 725, 909, 1225.
- Disease and motoring, 848.
- Disposal Board, 359.
- Dixie car, 1298. Details, 940.
- Djinn motor, 316.
- Doctors’ cars, 123, 520, 1025.
- Dodge Brothers, 212.
- Dodge car, 1298.
- Dogs, 185.
- Dominion tyres, 755, 1089, 1126, 1223.
- Dorman (W. H.) and Co., Ltd., 1078.
- Dort car, 1157. 1205. Details, 332.
- Douglas car, 1157, 1160, 1161, 1163, 1221, 1272.
- Dow metal, 1380.
- Drivers (see also Chaffeurs), 62, 841, 848, 851, 891.
- Drivers, tests for, 56, 858, 903, 968, 1032, 1076, 1282.
- Driving belts. See Belts.
- Driving, inconsiderate (see also Prosecutions), 62, 594, 673, 697, 747, 788, 917, 1292, 1399.
- Driving, inconsiderate, correspondence on, 424, 669, 751, 1047, 1101.
- Driving inconsiderate (leaders on), 380, 710, 78}, 807, 854, 877, 926, 953, 976, 1081.
- Drummond Bros., Ltd., 281, 1117.
- Drunken drivers, 753, 928, 943, 1035, 1x43, 1230, I399- . „
- “Duco” accessories. See Brown Brothers.
- Du Cros, Sir A., 128.
- Du Cros (W. and G.), Ltd., 780.
- Dugdale (G.) and Co. See Mathis car.
- Dunchurch, 929, 935.
- Dunhills’ accessories, 1117.
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 218, 454, 874, 974.
- Dunlop tyres, 374, 907, 1126, 1223, 2237, 1310.
- Dunsmoro Heath to Daventry, 934.
- Duplex car, 135, 1159, 1205. Details, 66.
- Durham, 639, 640.
- Duties. See Imports ; Taxation.
- Dynamos, 37, 74, 95, 225, 259, 266, 523, 789.
- EAGLE car, 722.
- Eaton Hall, 713.
- Ebblewhite, A. V., 580.
- Echo electric horn, 705.
- Economy, 60.
- Edge and Napier, Ltd., 261, 293, 342. 1312.
- Edge, S. F. (see also Past, Present and Future- weekly), 160, 186, 213, 237, 26r, 265, 266, 290, 317, 427, 477, 650, 909, 1022, 1224, 1312, 1372.
- Edge Hill Battle Memorial, 96.
- Edmond car, 1298.
- Egypt, 83, 87, 295.
- Elections, 460-
- Electric vehicles, 448, 1245, 1295.
- Electrical equipment of cars, 137, M9. 259> 266, 292, 705.
- Electricity Supply Act, 108.
- Electro-Deposition of Iron (Maj. B. H. Thomas), 532.
- Elephant Chemical Co., 1123.
- Elm Street Engineering Works, 1353-
- Elt and Co., 287.
- Ely
- Empire Motor Fuels Committee, 53°, 789, 800, 923, 999, 1019, it48.
- Enfield-Allday car, 63, 1159, 1225, 1272.
- Engall and Co. See Horstmann car,
- Engine accelerator, 1406.
- Engine design, 6gt, 792, 1085.
- Engine power, 19, 49, 529.
- Engine rating. See R.A.C. rating.
- Engine starters. See Starters.
- Engine, “tank,” 240.
- Engineering Employers’ Federation, 169.
- Engineers. See Labour.
- Engines, Air-Cooling of (A. H. Gibson), 162.
- Engines, cooling of, 792.
- Engines, decarbonisation of, 1076, 1402.
- Engines, erratic running of, 789.
- Engines, marine and stationary, 280.
- Engines, single-sleeve-valve, 201, 896.
- Ensign car. See British Ensign.
- Equipment. See Electrical equipment.
- Eric Campbell car, 394, 468, 539, 557, 565, 581, 665, 779. 1203.
- Eric Campbell, Ltd., 337, 753-
- Essex and the War, 502.
- Essex car, 565, 957, 993, 1047, 1066, 1069, 1075, 1113, 1156, 1160, 1x71, ii73. 1240, 1284. Details, 1009.
- Essex Motor Club, 106, 294, 321, 352, 366, 412, 448, 638, 649, 837, 866, 922, 982, 1046.
- Eural Patents, Ltd., 1x23.
- Evening News, 1332.
- Evening Standard, 195.
- Evinrude propulsion plant, 315.
- Ewarts, Ltd., 1123.
- Ewen, Ltd., 1123.
- Excess profits duty. See Taxation.
- Exhaust, 395, 479, 738, 926, 1267.
- Exhibitions (see also Motor Show; Motor Boat exhibitions), 27, 101, 123, 129, 133, 153. I83. 191, 215, 248, 266, 398, 426, 529, 574, 595, 597, 608, 637, 750, 784. 860, 924, 998, 1019, 1353, 1370, 1391, 1397.
- Exide batteries, 1072, 1x22.
- Experiments. Sec Tests; Trials.
- Export trade methods, 997.
- Exports. See Imports and exports.
- Ex-service men (see also Disabled men), 763, 995, 1195.
- “FAMILY” cars, 427.
- Fan-drivers, 183.
- Farman car, 1171, 1207, 1240, 1327.
- Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd., 506, 586, 1052.
- Fellows magneto, etc., 160, 213, 265, 1123.
- Fellows vulcaniser, 791.
- Ferries, 1392, 1399.
- Fiat car, 40, 91, 136, 258, 1016, 1159, 1164, 1299, 1322.
- Fiat Co., 645, 1144.
- Fiction, motoring in, 844.
- Fifty Years of Travel, 1324.
- Films, 54.
- Finance (see also Taxation ; Oil Shares), 401, 405, 432, 613, 683, 744, 1405.
- Finding the Way,” 553.
- Finland, 870.
- Fire engines, 175, 238, 240, 458, 606, 793. 945, 1030.
- Fires, 233, 554, 693, 765, 849, 897, 924, 973, 978, 1052, xi88, 1227, 1336, 1362.
- Firestone tyre, 1126.
- Floods, 132.
- Fluid Pressure Pumps, Ltd., 721, 1123.
- F.N. car, 1159, 1272.
- Ford car, 215, 383, 423, 424, 440, 463, 501, 547, 573, 576, 595, 657, 672, 770, 815, 899, 1016, 1022, 1023, I032, 1038, 1048, 1051, 1060, 1152, 1353, 1374. 1391-
- Ford Motor Co., 233, 542, 597, 915.
- Fords and water-splashes, 210, 437 733, 967.
- Foresti, G., 809.
- Formula of Interest to Motor-Cyclists, 1103.
- Fox, Maj. E. Bethell, 286,
- France, Auto. Club of. See Grand Prix race.
- France, motors and motoring in, 81, 191, 215, 268, 372, 398, 426, 529, 625, 637, 640, 679, 870, 1056, 2139-
- France, petrol and petroleum in, 81 426, 1262.
- France, racing in, 337, 426, 625, 637, 682, 688, 916, 938, 987.
- France views in, 193, 424, 441, 1334.
- Frazer-Nash, Capt. A. G. (see also G.N. Car), 558, 941 ?
- French roads. See Roads.
- Fryer, Capt. E. H., 286.
- Fuel consumption meters, 772, 799, 1124
- Fuel consumption tests, 52, 334, 390.
- Fuel feed, 89, 487, 772.
- Fuel research, 105, 125, 47o, 776.
- Fuel taxes and duties. See Taxation.
- Fuels (sec also Alcohol; Benzole;" Oil; Empire Motor Fuels Committee, 3 ’ 4r _x6’ 346, 347, 367, 44h, 450 526, 532, 568, 723 8^0’ 870, 939, 943, 1077, not, 1192, 1334, 1359.
- Fuller, Lt.-Col. J. F. C., 212.
- Furnaces, 609.
- Future. See Industry, future of.
- GALLOWAY car, 1159,1205,1221.
- “Gang Warily,” 917.
- Garages, (see also Motor traders ; Repairers), 6, 47, 336, 440, 499, 617, 739, 873, 899, 908, 920, 922, 924, 972, 1021, 1024, 1106, 1143, 1228, 1255, 1354. Gas, 159, 187, 216, 240, 253, 536, 607, 839, 1077, „ J37o.
- Gaspar power system, 28.
- Gaston, Ltd. See Citroen and Voisin cars.
- Gattrie goods clearing-house scheme, 57, 342, 1335.
- Gaunt and Co. See Packard car.
- “G.B.” tail lamp, 1352-
- Gear boxes, 44, 120, 255, 691, 932, 964, 968, 1064, 1272, 1299, 1353.
- Gear changing, 463, 595.
- Gearless Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., 500.
- Gears. See Differential.
- Geddes, Sir Eric, 86.
- Gedge, 1227.
- General Motors Corporation (see also Buick and Oldsmobile cars), 428, 658, 778.
- General Motors Export Co., 320.
- George, D. Lloyd, 706.
- German cars, 206, 426, 523, 722, 1228, 1255, 1283, 2361.
- German magnetos. See Magnetos, British v. German.
- German motor industry, 498, 909.
- Gerrans, F. H., 243.
- Gifts of cars (see also Ambulances), Z17.
- Glass, rain spots on, 52.
- Glastonbury Abbey, 587.
- Gleniffer engine, 314, 316.
- Gloucestershire, 973, 983.
- G.N. car, 69, 231, 264, 289, 311, 327, 383, 539, 54°, 565, 581, 582, 602, 665, 762, 770, 792, 939, 944, 1068, 2099, 2236, 2269, 2272, 2206, 2222, 1282. Details, 228.
- Gnapp (G. Cecil) and Co. See Moon car.
- G.N.U. Motor and Accessories Co., 294.
- Godfrey, H. R., 558.
- Godward Carburettor Co., 2123.
- Golf, 586, 703.
- Goodrich tyre, 1126.
- Goodrich (B. F.) Co., 233.
- Goods. See Gatti scheme ; Transport.
- Goodyear Tyre Co., 387, 398, 452, 725, 847, 925.
- Goodyear tyre, 2226.
- Grahame-White bodywork, 1224.
- Grahame-White cycle-car, 947, 2073, 2259, 2273, 2321. Details, 814.
- Grand Prix race, 625, 682, 688, 987.
- Grant car, 1160, 2274.
- Graphite, 383.
- Grease, use of, 63.
- Grease-plunger, 1118.
- “Great Silence,” the, 2231.
- Green engine, 324, 315, 316.
- Greenwood, Sir H., 352.
- Gregoire car, 762, 1160, 2299.
- Grimshaw Leather and Co., 969.
- Grimston tyre, 1126.
- Guide to British War Area, 823.
- Guides, 62, 76.
- Guiterman and Co.’s accessories, 2093, 2224.
- Guy car, 363, 437, 520, 1026, 1256, 2260, 2262, 2206, 2243. Details, 43.
- Guy Motors, Ltd., 240, 2254.
- G.W.K. car, 206, 2272, 2299.
- Gwynne’s, Ltd. See Albert car.
- HACKING, Lt.-Col., on The Motor Taxation Tangle, 596-
- Hall and Hall, 2224.
- Hall hood side-curtain, 207.
- Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., 428.^
- Hampshire Automobile Club, 836, 945.
- Hampshire, views in, 689, 857, 2057.
- Hampton car, 606, 656, 775. Details, 220.
- Hampton Engineering Co., 773.
- Hancock, A. J., on The Application of Machine Tools to Modern Car Construction, 343, 370, 400.
- Hancock (J. L.), Ltd., 664.
- Handbooks (see also Reviews), 555, 2228.
- Harlech Castle, 951.
- Harmen’s Motor Agencies, 772, 1224.
- Harper-Bean, Ltd., 123, 322, 329, 523, 887.
- Harris, F. P. S. (death of), 813.
- Harvey Frost, 373.
- Harvey Frost Vulcaniser, 531, 1073, 1227, 1229.
- Hatfield, Dr. W. H. on Steels for Automobile Parts, 449-
- Hawker, H., 971, 1349, 1371.
- Haynes car, 150, 401, 651, 1156, 2172, 1242. (details), 414.
- H.E. car, 16, 2172, 1274, 1327.
- Headlamps, 19, 56 233, 336, 366, 397, 444, 447, 45°, 645, 701, 1081, 1102, 1333, 1334, 1370, 2404-
- Heat Wave Experience,” 628
- Heavy Vehicles (see also 'Buses; Chars-h-bancs; Commercial Motor Users' Association; Roads, damage to; Transport; Tractors), 387, 477 995, 1143, 1230.
- Heavy vehicles (leaders on), 087, 760, 831, 832, 850,
- Hele-Shaw, Mr. H. S., 870.
- Henley tyre, 1126.
- Henry car, 1133.
- Hercules paraffin engines, 282.
- Here and There — weekly notes.
- Herschal-Spillman motor, 522.
- Hertfordshire, views in, 33.
- Hicks, Sir W. Joynson. See Joynson-Hicks.
- High Tension Co., Ltd. M.I.R.A. igniter; Echo horn.
- Hill-climbing, 79. 9L 96, 132, *5r, r8o, 321, 433, 437, 5io, 554, 595, 600, 604, 615, 619, 625, 627, 644, 668, 724, 780, 794, 795, 816, 839, 868, 905, 9T9> 933, 945, 968, 9S7, 992, 993, 1056, 1102, 1134, 1136, 1230, 1237, 1281.
- Hillman car, 407, 412, 698, 770, 809, 1016, 1160, 1163, 1166, 1170, 1221, 1300, 1310.
- Hillman Motor Co., 326.
- Hiring, 347.
- Hispano-Suiza car, 608, 1132, 1172, 1242. Details, 360.
- History, early motor, and historic cars, 765, 779, 1047, 1108, 1292.
- Hobson (H. M.), Ltd., 367, 1x18.
- Holland, 197, 208, 219, 249, 640, 1352, 1356.
- Honours, 32, 387, 411, 629, 1148.
- Hood-lifting mechanism, 583.
- Hoods. See Coachwork.
- Hooper coachwork, 155.
- Horns and hooters, 706, 1065, 1093, 1123.
- Horse-power rating. See R.A.C. rating ; Taxation. Horses, 220, 374, 589, 735, 738, 976, 1311, 1354, 1379-
- Horstmann car, 696, 698, 1172, 1206, 1208, 1236, 1242, 1252, 2180. (details), 25}.
- Hospital for motors, 996.
- Hotchkiss car, 1160, 1209, 1300.
- Hotels, 958, 994, 999, 1022, 1060, 1070.
- Housing scheme, 161.
- Huddersfield Auto Club, 510, 600, 644, 668.
- Hudson car, 747, 1069, 1156, 1160, 1172, 1173, 1208, 1284.
- Huffman car, 526, 77S.
- Humber car, 16, 330, 356, 888, 1161, 1195, 1208, 1221, 1222.
- Humber, Ltd., 232.
- Humber reliability trial, 569.
- Humorous pictures, 73, 378, 1255, 1380.
- Hunting, 1259, t374-
- Huntingdonshire, 544.
- Hupmobile car, 124, 223, 258, 417, 1161, 1243.
- Hurricane petrol lamp, 1353-
- [[Hurtu] car, 795, **37, 1161, 1163, 1243. Details, 1041.
- Hutchinson tyre, 1126.
- Hydroplanes, 455, 1134-
- Hyland, C., 796-
- IDENTIFICATION marks. See Index marks; Licences ; Number plates.
- Ignition (see also Magnetos), 215, 225, 389, 426, 427, 477, 497, 576, 792, 843, 1308.
- Ignition Control : Variable or Automatic, 551.
- Ignition plugs, 22, 49, 5L 63, 280, 283, 383, 550, 921, 1021, 1049, 1091, 1092, 1118, 1121.
- Ignition plugs, testing of, 139, 392, 1119.
- Ignition, Process of (Young and Warren), 188,
- Imperial Motor Transport Council, 554, 771, 789, 933, 1067, mi, 1148, 1192.
- Import duties, 32, 365, 434, 595, 1143.
- Imports and Exports, American, 256, 398, 451,
- Imports and exports, British, 82, 217, 322, 453, 480, 534, 585, 595, 660, 691, 744, 755, 874, 974, 1104, 1258, 1358.
- Imports and exports, German, 426.
- Impulse starter, 232.
- Index marks, 54, 178, 180, 416, 524, 633, 777, 791, 1025, n88, 13x0.
- India, 256, 585, 878, 893, 1292, 1381, 1391.
- Indianapolis Circuit, 622, 699.
- Industrial League and Council, 144.
- Industry, motor (prospects of), 410, 578, 683, 712, 754, 758, 773, 835, 850, 948, 968, 1006, 1050, 1081, 1263, 1289, 1341, 1388, 1405.
- Ingram piston-ring, 1121.
- Inns, old English, 5, 853, 929.
- Institute of British Automobile and Carriage Builders, 982.
- Institute of Metals, 422.
- Institute of Transport. See Transport.
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 9, 49, 77, 108, 123, 162, 175, 188, 191, 242, 296, 321, 334, 422, 449, 450, 453, 470, 472, 479, 492, 524, 526, 585, 729, 767, 791, 883, 949, 1008, 1071, 1100, ti39, 1144, n88, 1251, 1282, 12S3, 1351, 1352, 1356.
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1353.
- Institution of Petroleum Technologists, 119, 351.
- Instone, E. M. C., x33I. ’ y’ J
- Instruction Manuals. See Handbooks.
- Insurance, 564, 891, 1038.
- International Association of Recognised Automobile Clubs, 669.
- International Road Congresses. See Road Congresses.
- International Touring Alliance, 524.
- Inventors, 532,. L393-
- Ireland, motoring in, 42, 69, 76, 149, 178, 753, H93, 1143, X225.
- Ireland, petrol, in, 32, 784-
- Isle of Man, 1 r4, 238, 297, 301, 422, 552, 590, 829.
- Isle of Wight, 123, 949-
- Isotta-Fraschini car, 1244. Details, 962, 990.
- Italy, motor trade in, 972, 973, 1017, 1144.
- Italy, motoring in, 15C, 217, 625, 848, 849, 898, 1025.
- JACKS, 583, 1118.
- James, Talbot and Davison, Ltd. (See also Zephyr car), 506.
- Japan, 399, 444) 473.
- Jarrott and Letts. See Bugatti, Nash and Tureat-Mery cars.
- Jarrott, Lt.-Col. Charles, 337, 461, 557-
- Jarrott, Ltd. (see also Haynes car), 281.
- Jeffreys, W. Rees, 430.
- Johansen ball-holder, 75.
- Johnson, Claude, 409,
- Jones (R. E.) Ltd., 28.
- [[W. Yarworth Jones|Jones, Sir W. Yarworth, 1281.
- Jordan car, 796, 1172, 1209, 1283. Details, 742.
- Jouffret car (details), 1403.
- Journalism, 605, 797, 1114, 1141, ”76, 1188, 1349, 1374.
- Journalistic experiences, 319, 34°, 393> 425, 527, 675, 690, 821, 1138.
- Joynson-Hicks, Sir W., 961, 1049, 1055.
- Junior Car Club, 96, 155, 271, 289, 316, 326, 334, 366, 369, 390, 420, 448, 470, 502, 331. 539. 540, 582, 604, 619, 633, 678, 723. 744, 780, 816, 868, 891, 924, 925, 944, 989, 1000, 1040, 1046, 1032, 1075, 1087, 1137, 1311.
- K.D. Boat and Engine Co., Ltd., 282, 313.
- Kempshall, tyre, 1x26.
- Kent, 205, 293, 841, 845, 908.
- Kent (G.) and Co., 1124.
- Killarney, Tore Fall, 1149.
- King car, n6x, 1174, 1210, 1121, 1375.
- King George, 629, 688, 1019.
- King’s Lynn. See Lynn to Cromer.
- King’s National Roll, 347.
- Kingsbury junior car, 1244, 1254.
- Kingston Magistrates, 108, 418, 819, 9x7, 961, 993, 1143, 1288, 1385.
- K.L.G. plugs, 283.
- Kodak pictures, 193, 1285.
- Krishna Car Co., Ltd,, 825.
- LABOUR outlook (see also Strikes), 35, 265, 373, 763, 930, 972, 1018, 1019, 1034, 1048, 1187, 1402, 1405.
- Labour outlook (leaders on), 168, 195, 482, 636, 687, 712, 735, 759, 808, 1003, 1357.
- La Buire car, 16, 1161, 1274, 1322.
- Lagonda car, 581, 1161, 1300.
- Lake and Elliott, 1118.
- Lake Bala, 507.
- Lake District, 349.
- Lambert skimmer, 455.
- Lamp-diffuser, 26.
- Lamps (see also Headlamps; Lighting), 53, 331, 458, 895, 913, 1051, 1090, 1116, 1117, 1352, 1353-
- Lancashire, views in, 591, 685, 1383.
- Lanchester car, 501, 620, 643, 705, 792, 989, 1013, 1067, 1143, 1163, 1195, 1207, 1210, 1224, 1280, 1337.
- Lanchester, F., 1370.
- Lanchester, Geo., 1142, 1194.
- Lanchester, F. W., on Profiteering, 421, 444, 461.
- Lancia car, 1163, 1301,
- Land’s end to John o’ Groat’s, 892.
- Lathes, 281.
- Laurin-Klement car, 1244.
- L’Auto. See Tour de France.
- Law. See Legal cases; Legislation ; Prosecutions.
- Laystall Motor Engineering Co., 282, 1118.
- Lectures and papers, 8, 9, 77, 123, 162, 175, 177, 188, 212, 232, 256, 296, 318, 324, 326, 334, 346, 347, 396, 422, 449, 450, 453, 479, 479, 532, 585, 590, 631, 891, 904, 909, 923, 1071, xioo, 1139, 1283, 1356.
- Left-hand drive. See Steering.
- Legal cases (see also Prosecutions), 27, 484, 538, 562, 590, 612, 726, 759, 13x2.
- Legal cases (leaders on), 484, 562, 589, 612, 759, 1362.
- Legislation (see also Motor Legislation Committee; Taxation), 6, 207, 295., 326, 663, 686, 734, 810, 831, 906, 927, 1192, 1286, 1314, 1316, 1338, 1356, 1360.
- Lenses, anti-glare, 444, 1102. 1116.
- Leon Bollee. See Bollee.
- Letts, W. M., 729, 1224.
- Leyland car, 1160, 1163, 1194, 1274.
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 453, 708.
- Liberty engine, 529.
- Liberty League, 290.
- Library, a travelling, 968.
- Licence-holder, 1346.
- Licences (see also Prosecutions) 326, 341, 43s. "05, 726, 793, 845, 848, 858, 939, 968, 1032, 1282, 1316, 1334, 1378, 1399, 1404-
- Licences, endorsement of, 253, 831, 906, 1356.
- Licences (leaders on), 56, 564, 662, 663, 831, 903, 928, 1054, 1192, 1286, 133S, 1360.
- Licences, statistics, 127, 422, 479, 893, 1000, ”41, 1336, 1353, 1370-
- Lichfield Cathedral, 429, 1253-
- Lifeboats, motor, 166, 422, 1377.
- Life-saving appliances, 987, 1025.
- Light cars. See Cars.
- Lighting of ears (see also Lamps; Lighting regulations; Prosecutions), 53, 173, 1120.
- Lighting regulations, 16, 20, 137, 169, l83. 222, 242, 295, 298, 312, 447, 458, 831.
- Lights, rear. See Lamps.
- Lincoln tractor trials, 92.
- Lincolnshire, 515, 544.
- Lington cyclc-car, 210.
- List, W., 286.
- Lloyd, Col. F. Lindsay, 557.
- L.M. car, 1301.
- Locking devices for cars, 285, 541, 820.
- Lodge Plugs, Ltd., 282, 1091, 1118.
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, 37.
- Log. See Milometer.
- London Country Club, ir86, 1324.
- London County Council (see also Tramways), 180, 217, 1025, 1029, 1334.
- London-Edinburgh, 546, 581, 624, 657.
- London General Omnibus Co. (see also ’Buses), 921.
- London-Land’s End, 448.
- London Motor Garage, 1118.
- Lorna Doone Valley, 167.
- Lorraine-Dietrich car, 407, 412, 565, 1015, 1163.
- Lorries. See Heavy Vehicles ; Transport.
- L.S.D. cycle-car, 1330, 1331.
- Lubrication, 63, 339, 595, 891, 1118, 1125, 1188 1215, 1396.
- Lubrication (H. M. Wells and J. E. Southcombe), 177, 891.
- Lucas Electrical Co., Ltd., 506, 708, 1x18, 1358.
- Luggage carriers, 923.
- Lunches, public, 425, 690.
- Lynite, 1332.
- Lynn to Cromer, 489.
- Lyons Fair, 81, 268.
- MACHIN, Lt. G. H. (drawings by), 73, 86, 300, 378, 1380.
- Machine tools, (see also Hancock), 860, 924.
- Macintosh tyre, 1126.
- Mackenzie car, 396.
- Mackle (Joseph A.), Ltd. (see also Jordan, Milburn and Mitchell cars), 569.
- “Maclock,” 820.
- Magnetos (see also Ignition), 283, 569, 837, 843, 1195-
- Magnetos, British v. German, 77, 90, 160, 186, 205, 213, 226, 237, 265, 290, 317, 329, 1056, 1260, 1283, 1290, 1361.
- Maibohm car, 1173, 1302.
- Majola car (details), 1098.
- Major car, 1173, 1275.
- Malay States, 803, 870.
- Mann, Egerton and Co., Ltd., 166, 705.
- Manners, road. See Driving.
- “Maple Leaf V,” 871.
- Maps, 422, 489, 5i5, 544, 546, 680, 803, 846, 861, 959, 983-
- Marine Motor Racing Association, 488.
- Marine Motor Show. See Motor Boat Exhibition.
- Markt and Co., 282, 1118.
- Marlborough car, 1221.
- Marles steering, 22, 602, 607, 707, 751, 793, 107G 2124.
- Martin, Major Noel. See Maxwell car.
- Mascots, 363.
- Mascotte car, 679, 1173, 1302./
- Mass production. See Production.
- Mathis car, 627, 761, 795, 1173, 1207, 1302.
- Maxwell car, 802, 867, 870, 892, 905, 946, 1021, 1038, 1078, 1173, 1211, 1354-
- Maxwell Motors, Ltd. See Chalmers and Maxwell cars.
- Maybury, Sir Henry, 588, 903, 1147, 1384.
- McKenzie car, 1175, 1245.
- McWhirter, C., 296.
- Mechanical Road Transport Associations, 508, 537, 687.
- Melchior, Armstrong and Dessau. See Apperson, Briscoe, Templar and Velie cars.
- Menai Bridge, 245.
- Mendip car, 887.
- Mercedes car, 523, 745, 1187.
- Mercury car, 698, 1175, 1302, 1310.
- Mesopotamia, 510. 847, 987, 999.
- Metallurgique car, 1x75, 1211. Details, 1036.
- Metals (see also Aluminium ; Steel), 1380.
- Meteorite car, 1162, 1163, 1302.
- Metric system, 470, 597.
- Mexican Eagle Motor Spirit Co., 113.
- Mexico, 1049, 1069.
- Michelin et Cie, 26.
- Michelin tyres, 206, 907, 1126, 1223.
- Michelin wheel, 715.
- Middle Classes Union, 524.
- Middlesex County Auto Club, 448, 484, 595, 615, 627, 656, 676, 693, 819.
- Midland Automobile Club, 554, 724, 773-
- Midland Light Car Club, 448, 502, 530, 673.
- Milburn car, 1245.
- Mileage register, 49.
- Miller (H.) and Co., 1124.
- Miller-Metcalf “Amphyglider,” 1134-
- Milometer, 702.
- Milton, Tony, 484.
- Minerva car, 813, 1164, 1303.
- Ministry of Transport. See Transport.
- M.I.R.A. igniter, 427, 477. 497-
- Mirrors on vehicles, 76, 187, 396, 552, 900, 1122.
- Mitchell car, n75. 1245.
- M. L. Magneto Syndicate, 1124.
- Molla car, 620, 649. Sparking-plug, 51.
- Moller car, 1211.
- Monaco, motor boating at, 447, 455. 479-
- “Money for Nothing,” 577.
- Montagu of Beaulieu, Brig. Gen. Lord, 437, 554 606, 681, 868, 1380.
- Moon car, 1246. Details, 419.
- Morden, Col. Grant, 509,
- Morgan car, 565, 665, 770, 809, 1016.
- Morocco, 852.
- Morris-Cowley car, 41.
- Morris-Oxford car, 761, 1101, 1164, 1224, 1*52 1303.
- Mors car, 1016, 1175, 1211, 1275.
- Mosque of Mohammed, Cairo, 83, 87.
- Motor, 538.
- Motor Agents. See Traders.
- Motor boat exhibition, 266, 280, 300, 313, 367, ,396, 574. 784-
- Motor boats (see also British Motor Boat Club; Royal Motor Yacht Club; Lifeboats), 123, 227, 447, 455, 5io, 606, 849, 888, 978, 1392.
- Motor Car Act. See Legislation.
- Motor coach. See Chars-it-bancs.
- Motor coach stations, 846, 856.
- Motor Cycle Reminiscences, 1356.
- Motor Cycle Show, 1330.
- Motor-cycle trials and races (see also Brooklands), 114, 552, 725, 74L 752, 849, 868, 895, 916, 919, 939-
- Motor-cycles (see also Auto-Cycle Union ; British Motor-Cycle Racing Club; Tourist Trophy), 76, 180, 480, 525, 619, 725, 752, 777, 870, 968, 1025, 1349.
- Motor-cycling club, 42, 448, 546, 581, 624, 657, 671.
- Motor-cyclists, 848, 1038, 1052, 1071, 1103, 1134, 1139. 1143, 1188, 1225, 1227, 1362, 1370, 1391.
- Motor-Cyclists’ A.B.C., 997-
- Motor Gadgets, Ltd., 1352.
- Motor Industry, Sec Industry.
- Motor Insurance Co., Ltd., 732.
- Motor Legislation Committee, 14, 108, 160, 175, 192, 216, 296, 299, 483, 506, 509, 536, 555, 681, 782, 796, 830, 906, 923, 973, i°54, mo, 1378.
- Motor Mechanics’ Handbook, 240.
- Motor Owner, 1077.
- Motor scooters, 46, 8r, 529, 552, 726, 736, 748,
- Motor Service Society, 502, 801.
- Motor ships, 1351.
- Motor Show, 248, 574, 678, 73°, 793, 880, 1046, 1056, 1066, 1084, 1088, 1115, 1121, 1136, 1151, 1184, 1189, 1194, 1231, 1233, 1235, 1236, 1252, 1256.
- - Accessories at, 1116.
- - Cars at, 1153, 1197, 1236, 1238, 1266, 1293.
- - Leaders on, 637, 1107, 1146, 1190, 1193, 1232.
- - Tyres at, 1126, 1223, 1237.
- Motor spirit. See Petrol; Benzole ; Fuels.
- Motor Trade Association, 127, 143, 538, 562, 784.
- Motor Trades Debating Society, 178, 1310, 1379.
- Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd.,732.
- Motoring (see also “ Past, Present and Future,” by S. F. Edge; Touring), 262, 956, 1376.
- Motoring organisations, 238, 264, 292, 460, 538, 562, 563, 667, 948, 1364.
- Motorists’ Purchasing Association, 778.
- Mudguards, 585.
- Municipal vehicles, 16, 175, 217, 248, 266, 267, 422, 448, 748, 849, 900, 1021, 1030, 1327.
- Munitions, Ministry of, 287, 289, 295, 359, 432, 463, 613.
- “Murder,” 527. '
- NAPHTHALENE solutions, 1356.
- Napier car, 118, 133, 293, 390, 501, 574, 6Z4, 691, irt2, 1164, 1174, 1207, 1237, 1246.
- Napier (D.) and Son, Ltd., 54, 454, 1312, 1383.
- Napier, Col. J. S., 261.
- Nash car, 1020, 1059, Il(H> 1212, 1225. Details, 384.
- “Natalite,” 723.
- National Benzol Co. See Benzole.
- National Society of Chauffeurs. See Official Notices each week.
- Nationalisation. See State Control.
- Naval Training College, Dartmouth, 1315.
- Nazarro car. 1141.
- Nesta spring seat, 602.
- Netley Hospital, 857.
- New companies registered—weekly list.
- New Forest, 350, 458, 585-
- New Hudson cycle car, 1330.
- New Motoring, 25. ,
- New Pegamoid, Ltd., 1312.
- New York Notes, 54, 233, 374, 398, 451, 529, 597, 847, 915-
- New Zealand, 1004.
- Newhaven, 1261.
- Newton and Bennett. See Ceirano and Scat cars.
- Newton and Co. See Rolland-Pilain car.
- Nieuport-Hispano motor boat, 455.
- “Night before, The,” 869.
- Night driving, 331.
- N.K.A. bearing, 75, 105.
- Noises in motor-cars, 543, 569, 593, 595.
- Noises, street, 69, 209, 479, 484, 796, 898, 926, 1025, 1029, 1134, 1139.
- Noma car, 477, 1246.
- Noma car (details), 838.
- Norfolk, 481, 489, 544.
- North Star car, 1304.
- Northamptonshire, 4, 1195.
- Northern Ball Bearing Co., 76, 105.
- Norton (Tom), Ltd., 1118.
- Norway, 387, 422, 568, 895, 1051.
- Nova Scotia, 470.
- Number-plates, 479, 603, 633, 688, 760, 828, 837, 849, 870, 921, 954, 1017, 1137, 1225, 1251, 1288, 1316, 1385.
- Nuts and bolts, 37, 175, 253.
- Obstruction, 350, 458, 585, 628, 702, 786, 849, 851, 878, 1026, 1035, 1052, 1143, 1370.
- See Com-
- Officers’ Association, 692, 772.
- Oil-boring. See Oil production.
- Oil-drum tilter, 102.
- Oil fillers and filters, 46, 851, H24, *305, 1372, 1396.
- Oil, leaders on (sec also Petrol), 144, I7°, 35G 45b, 483, 510, 808, 1262.
- Oil production in Britain, 30, 144, 170, 260, 306, 32C, 416, 505,550, 552, 554, 779* 8o8> 849> 98o, 1077, iroo.
- Oil production abroad, 422, 5i8> 529>. 009, 025, 909, 915, 97i, 997, 1049, i°<>9, *l88>
- Oil Resources of the British Empire (Prof. Sir J. Cadman), 631.
- Oil shares, 113, 367, 456, 477, 484, 486, 510, 518, 684, 708, 952, 1049.
- Okeh, 658, 1148.
- Oldsmobile car, 413, 1164, 1212.
- Olympia Commercial Vehicle Exhibition.
- Olympia Motor Boat Exhibition. See Motor Boats.
- Olympia Motor Show. See Motor Show.
- Olympia Motor-Cycle Show. See Motor-Cycle Show.
- “Olympian Tragedy, An,” 1226.
- Opel car, 565, 761, 809.
- “Open Road, The,” 4, 58, 640, 1082, 1386.
- Orde, Fl.-Lt. M. J. (death of), 849-
- Orde, Sir Julian, 4,Cr.
- Organisation, 269.
- Ormandy, Dr. W. R., on Liquid Fuel Problem, 347.
- Orpington car, 1275.
- “Ourselves,” 246, 272, 576, 920, 1108.
- Overland car (see also Willys-Overland), 295, 443, 503, 624, 627, 828, 982, 992, 4051, 1162, 1164, 1213, 1347.' Details, 50, 391.
- Owen (Joseph) and Sons, 1118.
- Owner-Driver, notes for—weekly.
- Owner-Drivers, 752, 802.
- Ownership certificates. See Certificates.
- Oxfordshire, 64.
- Oyler’s tyre, 1126, 1223.
- PACKARD car 1175, 1201, 1213. Details, 1097.
- Packard Motor Co., 409.
- Paige car, 1175, 1276.
- Paint. See Coachwork.
- Palladium Autocars, Ltd., 20.
- Palmer, L. S., on Naphthalene Solutions, 1356.
- Palmer Tyre, Ltd., 317, 1358.
- Palmer tyres, 74, 496, 1x26, 1223, 1237.
- Palmerston car, 1304.
- Panhard car, 71, 374.
- Paraffin, 114, 483.
- Parent Tyre Co., Ltd., 1026.
- Paris Salon, 637, 1370.
- Parking of cars in London, 873, 920.
- Parks, motoring in, 242, 351, 540, 849.
- Parliament. See British Government.
- Parliamentary strike. See Isle of Man.
- Parnacott, A. E., 20, 74, 160, 214, 342, 499, 525, 555, 576, 603, 657, 801, 1402.
- Parnacott “Cycar,” 312, 441, 501.
- Parsons Motor, 316.
- Passenger transport. See ’Buses : Trams.
- Passing Show—weekly.
- Past, Present and Future (S. F. Edge)—weekly.
- “Patchquicks ” Patent, Ltd., 1118.
- Patents (see also weekly list), 74, 287, 336, 870, 923, 1021.
- "Payment by results.” See Labour outlook.
- “Peace—Perfect Peace,” 918.
- Pedals, 1221.
- Pedestrians, 771, 855, 978.
- Peerless dynamo, 259.
- Pentony, R., 124, 1137.
- Penzance, 1191.
- Perfex car, 1304.
- Perrens and McCracken. See Moller, Pilain, Seneca and S.L.I.M. cars.
- Peru, 1030.
- Peterborough, 4, 544.
- Petrograd, 29.
- Petrol, 19, 777, 784.
- Petrol cans, 128, 968.
- Petrol consumption trial. See Fuel consumption tests.
- Petrol, dirt in, 253.
- Petrol-electric cars, 716.
- Petrol fillers and filler-caps, Cq8, 1124, 1213.
- Petrol filters, 90.
- Petrol imports and exports, 16, 82, 217, 322, 453, 479, 534, 660, 751, 755, 874, 974, 1104, 1258, 13 5 8.
- Petrol (leaders on), 30, 84, 113, 114,'143, 170, 221, 247, 248, 299, 300, 352, 537, 876, 902, 952, 1003, 1028, 1055, 1262, 1385.
- Petrol licences, 1087.
- Petrol meters. See Fuel consumption meters.
- Petrol pipe, coil in, 92.
- Petrol pourer, 127.
- Petrol, price of, 16, 30, 84, 113, 143, 170, 184, 187, 204, 2xo, 232, 247, 250, 263, 266, 274, 299, 300, 334, 346, 352, 372, 451, 476, 479, 499, 902, 916, 930, 946, 952, 961, 968, 973 1003, 1025, 1033, 1049, 1055, 1069, 1143, 1385.'
- Petrol Profiteering Committee, 42, 221, 263, 274, 352, 372, 476, 965, 1143.
- Petrol pumps, public, 108', 682.
- Petrol storage, 8, 114, 131 160, 213, 237, 266, 292, 645, 682, 1051, 1227, 1282.
- Petrol substitute, 432.
- Petrol tanks, 972, 1207.
- Petrol lax. Sec Taxation.
- Petroleum. See Oil; Institute of Petroleum technologists.
- Petroleum storage, 1281. .
- Pettett safety petrol-filler, 1124.
- Peugeot car, 132, 818, 1164, 1276.
- Peugeot “Quadrilette,” 471.
- Phillips, J., 286.
- Phillips, Walter (death of), 1327.
- Phoenix car, 1157, 1221, 1304.
- Photography (see also Films), 847.
- Picard, A., 282, 1118.
- Piccard-Pictet car, 1165, 1169, 1213, 1224, 1396.
- Picnics, 727.
- Pierce-Arrow car (details), 910.
- Pilain car, 630, 649, n75, 1246.
- Pirelli tyre, 1126, 1223.
- “Pistol” ignition plug, 1021.
- Pistons and piston rings, 26, 48, 74, 80, 125, 132, 161, 164, 215, 237, 264, 291, 595, 657, 1121, 1140.
- "Pity the poor Car-Owner,” 158.
- Pledger gas-saving accelerator, 1406.
- Poland, 398.
- Police (see also Prosecutions), 46, 62, 114, 191, 232, 268, 590, 592, 619, 626, 628, 644, 688, 701, 751, 772, 784, 786, 793, 828, 846, 848, 868, 897, 924, 947, 958, 965, 999, 1022, 1045, 1052.
- Police cards, 380.
- Police (leaders on), 220, 298, 564, 662, 711, 926, 953, 977, 1385-
- Pomeroy, L. H., 1351, 1354-
- Powell and Hanmer, 1090.
- “Powrlok” differential, 575-
- Prade, Georges (death of), 656.
- Press (see also Journalism), 31, 148, 194, J95, T98, 198, 220, 274, 456, 486, 538, 590, 690, 738, 738, 777, 789, 834, 854, 877, 976, 995, io°3, 1028, 1048, 1051, 1071, 1257, 1319.
- Price’s Co., Ltd., 802, 1103, 1125, 1402.
- Prince Albert. See Duke of York.
- Prince Henry, 678.
- Prince of Wales, 222, 227, 822, 961.
- Princess Mary, 1399.
- Prison vans, motor, 453.
- Prizes, 108, 159, 187, 337, 422, 645, 888, 1049, 1071, H39, 1253.
- Process of Ignition (Young and Warren), 188, 192.
- Producer Gas for Motor Vehicles (J. D. Smith), 77.
- Production (see also American), 78, 80, 117, 147, 233, 243, 264, 267, 329, 400, 513, 578, 584, 630, 637, 792, 840, 850, 915, 1002, 1035, 1081, 1319, 1371, 1391, 1395.
- Profiteering, 138, 143, 224, 352, 372, 397, 421, 444, 462, 476, 562, 566, 616, 636.
- Prophecy, 920.
- Prosecutions, police, 9, 16, 46, 62, 65, 69, 108, 119, -123, 149, 178, 209, 236, 238, 296, 446, 453, 470, 524, 558, 595, 604, 606, 638, 640, 688, 702, 717, 723, 726, 731, 74i, 748, 75i, 752, 753, 772, 780, 784, 815, 828, 837, 848, 849, 851, 852, 893, 898, 917, 943, 949, 987, 999, 1019, 1025, 1026, 1034, 1035, 1049, 1051, 1052, IIOI, 1114, 1134, 1139, 1141, 1143, 1188, 1225, 1227, 1230, 1251, 1265, 1288, 1334, 1349, 1370, I391, 1399-
- Prosecutions, leaders on, 298, 564, 662, 711, 877, 953, 977, H92, 1316, 1385-
- Prosecutions, statistics, 418, 633, 723, 751, 752, 819, 841, 848, 856, 900, 924, 928, 958, 961, 1143, 1192, 1265, 1292.
- Public service vehicles (see also ’Buses; Cabs ; Chars-a-bancs, Trams), 701.
- Publications received—weekly list.
- Publicity, penalties of, 23.
- Pugh, J. V., 751, 811.
- Puncture-Proofed Tubes, Ltd., 1229, 1284.
- Pyramids. See Egypt, 29.
- Pyrene fire engine, 945.
- QUESTIONS in Parliament. See British Government.
- R.A.C. rating, 1254.
- Race tracks (see also Brooklands), 40, 215, 1007.
- Races, motor (see also America; Brooklands), 14, 114, 172, 337, 426, 625, 637, 649, 669, 671, 682, 723, 752, 916, 938, 982, 1007, 1025, 1068, 1342, 1370.
- Racing men, 881.
- Radiators, 475, 608, 1174, 1215, 1224, 1278, 1303.
- Railways, 20, 46, 196, 378, 452, 686, 687, 834.
- Ramsden’s spring lubricator, 1125.
- Ransome and Marles bearings, 1125.
- Rapson Automobile Patents, Ltd., 804.
- Rapson, F. Lionel, 338, 706, 1224, 1280, 1378.
- Rapson inventions, 583.
- Rapson sparking plug, 550.
- Rapson tyre, 52, 157, 583, 706, 1022, 1126, 1137, 1223, 1229, 1253, 1282, 1354, 1402.
- Rear lights. See Lighting regulations.
- Reckless driving. See Driving.
- Records, 462, 484, 697, 745, 947, 965, 1056, 1188, 1227, 1237, 1281, 1349.
- Regent Carriage Co., 813.
- Registration of cars. See Licences.
- Registration marks. See Index marks."
- Renault car, 1276.
- Renold chains, 1093, 1119.
- Renrut tyre pump, 1125.
- Repairs and repairers (see also Tyre repairs), s.32, 75°i 754) 773) 99^> *030, 1106, iT.t2, uso, 1187, 1228, 1262.
- Research, 57, 79, 105, 227, 416 752, 753, 776, 791-
- Research Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers, 640.
- Research Association of British Motor-Cycle and Cycle-car Industry, 712.
- Research Association of British Rubber and Tyre Manufacturers, 390, 102s.
- “Rest and be Thankful,” climbing of, 433.
- Return load. See Transport.
- “Return Loads, 970.
- “Revergen” furbace, 609.
- Review's of books, 25, 27, 340, 502, 504, 560 81, 97i. 997,,1051, ixo3) 1324, 1356. 9’ 13,
- Rhyddlan Castle, 635.
- Richardson car, 1x75, 1247.
- Riley car, 1165, 1305.
- Rims. See Wheel rims.
- Ripault plugs, etc., 1092, 1x19.
- Rist Magniter, 843.
- R.L.C. car, 1175, 1248.
- Road Congresses, 729.
- Road dangers. See Road signs ; Traffic : Drivimr inconsiderate. b)
- - Great West, 418.
- - Guides, Ltd. Sec Milometer.
- - Maintenance, improvements, and repairs, 65, 97, 123, 210, 294, 326, 359, 438, 448, 470,’ 600,’ 7o9. 793, 807, 921, 973, 1000, 1029, 1082, 1113, xi39, 1356.
- - Manners, see Driving.
- - Notes, 108, 346.
- - Rule of the (see also Road signs), 7, 196.
- - Signalling, 796, 898, 954, 973, 1102.
- - Signs, 46, 62, 156, 180, 194, 197, 482, 488, 490, 510, 590, 626, 638, 855, 904, 1076, 1087, 1102, 1107, 1234.
- - Signs, AUTO, scheme of, 612, 832, 868, 931, 1167.
- - Stability, 816.
- - Surfaces, 165, 839, 928.
- - Tarring, 139.
- - Traffic Bill. See Legislation.
- Roads Advisory Committtee, 130, 210, 295, 446.
- - American, 374, 431, 847, 848.
- - Bad, 346, 594, 714, 949, 956, 1029.
- - Belgian, 62.
- - Bridges, 64, 77, 171, 196, 210, 245, 323, 390, 441, 459, 1021, 1051, 1079, 1145- Classification of, 509, 524, 638, 714.
- - Damage to, 8, 200, 253, 359, 387, 664, 753, 787, 803, 845, 870, 924, 1038.
- - Dangerous corners, 701, 916, 920, 968, 1067, 1071, 1362.
- - Dutch, 640.
- - French, 268, 426.
- - Hedges. See Dangerous corners.
- - Improvement of, See Road Maintenance and repair.
- - Leaders on, 85, 196, 482, 509, 612, 638, 807, 854, 856, 904, 953, 1029, 1055, 1082, 1107, 1147, 1234, 1314, 1338, 1360, 1362, 1384.
- - London, 196, 1029, 1147- New, 196, 200, 1147.
- - Norwegian, 387.
- vNumbering of, 482, 1107.
- - Roman, 848.
- - Scottish, 422, 472.
- - South African, 715,
- Roads Improvement Association, 504.
- Roads of Remembrance, 793, 849.
- Roadside curios, 652.
- Roadside supplies, 108, 248, 286, 418, 678, 682, 707, 856, 1071, 1353-
- Roamer car, 996.
- Robbialac enamel, 1090,
- Roe (A. V.) and Co., Ltd., 528.
- Rolland-Pilain car, 1276, 1396. Details, 307.
- Rolls-Royce cars, 27, 52. 80, 108, 109, 128, 242, 338, 409, 413, 436, 50X, 533, 643, 706, 753> 999. xo6o, 1167, ii74. 1247, 1292, 1365-
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 31 32, 40, 109, 218, -233, 374, 480, 513, 554, 609.
- Rom tyre, 1126.
- Rotary Club, 199.
- Rotax accessories, 1119.
- Roumania, 909.
- Rover car, 126, 321, 608, 887, 947, 967, 1X57, 1x67, 1174,1214.
- Rover Ltd., 107, 1052. _ ^ , ,, „ u
- Royal Automobile Club, 32, 62, 166, 656, 667, 848, 1143, 1176, 1353, 1364-
- - Leaders on, 221, 563, 1x92, 1234-
- - Membership, 258, 1176, I331-
- - Provincial meeting at Cardiff, 699, 748.
- - Table of Mo*or Cars, 1103.
- - Trials, 52, 69, 157, 338, 339, 607, 688, 705, 747, 1044, 1229, 1284, 1370, I4°4, I4°6-
- - Year Book, 721.
- Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (see also Shell, 299, 312, 334, 367, 394, 484, 952, 1262.
- Royal Motor Yacht Club, 437> 5I0> 638, 680, 600, 75X, 753, 767, 789, 800, 836, 837, 868, 871, 933.
- Royal Scottish Automobile Club, 247, 256, 346, 422, 462, 526, 564, 839, 933, 943-
- Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 37-
- Royal Tournament, 572.
- Rubber, 645, 664, 1139,
- Rubber roads. See Road surfaces.
- Rubber tubes, soft soap for, 357.
- Rubber vulcanisation, 678.
- Rubery Owen and Co. See Wiley hand-vise.
- Rubury-Lindsay car, See R.L.C.
- Rudge-Whitworth wheels, 699, 751, 811, 1343.
- Running costs. See Cars, running costs of,
- Russia, 29, 171- Rust, 37-
- Ruston-Hornsby car, 46, 79, 1075, 1167, 1214. Details, 694.
- Rutland, Duke of, 807.
- Ryner-Wilson car, n75, X215, 1277, 1396. Details, IX77-
- SAFETY first, 144, 76o, 868, 961.
- Sage (F.) and Co., 1119, X338.
- Sahara desert, 6x4.
- Salesmanship, 239, 368, 435.
- Salmons and Sons’ coachwork, 109.
- Salsbury anti-dazzle lens, 444, 1102.
- Samuel, Sir Marcus, 274, 283, 488, 499.
- Sangster, Charles, 1361.
- Sarthe race meeting, 9x6, 939.
- Saunders “Consuto” bodywork, 1351, 1399.
- “Save-u-Petrol” device, 822.
- S.C.A.T. car, 1168, 1277.
- Scarborough, 1053.
- Schneider car, 1176, 1207, 1305, 1396.
- Schrader valves, 495. 1125-
- Scooters. See Motor scooters.
- “Scotch” for heavy vehicles, 995.
- Scotland, motoring in, 433, 437, 574-
- Scottish Auto. Club. See Royal Scottish A.C.
- Scottish Light car trial, 69, 92, 154, 161, 172, 326, 418.
- Scottish motor show, 101, 129, 133, 183.
- Scripps-Booth car (details), 865.
- Scabrook car, 1167, 1207, 1215.
- “Secret of George Biddle,” 1376.
- Segrave, Maj. H. O. D., 809.
- “Selecting a New Car,” 1328.
- Seneca car, 630, 649. Details, 1392.
- Serck Radiators, Ltd., 282, 1119.
- Serex sleeve-valve motor, 896.
- “Service,” 442, 478, 502, 585, 768, 827.
- “Service” Garage Association, 1378.
- Service Motor Co., Ltd. See Albert car.
- Shakespeare Country, 1082.
- Shaw and Killburn, Ltd. See Essex car.
- Sheep. See Obstruction.
- Sheffield-Simplex car, 14, -03, Il67, 1207, 1277.
- Shell Marketing Co., Ltd., 113, 187, 274, 456, 477, 486, 510, 692, 1125.
- Shell Transport and Trading Co., Ltd. (see also Royal Dutch), 684, 708, 732, 952.
- Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb, 554, 724, 773.
- Shrapnel Smith, E. S., 483, 504, 1384.
- Side-car taxis, 954, 1021, 1143, 1230, 1370.
- Sight tests for drivers. See Drivers.
- Sigma car (details), 98.
- Signals, road. See Road signalling ; road signs.
- Sign-posts. See Road signs.
- Silencers, 924. v
- Silent Record motor, 314.
- Silver Hawk car, 745, 753, 916,939, xo68, 1227, 1252. (details), 1094.
- Simms Motor Units, Ltd., 282.
- Singer car, 1280, 1306.
- Singer (American) car, 130.
- Sizaire-Berwick car, 851, 1162, 1164, 1167, 1174. Details, 10.
- Sizaire-Naudin car, 1249.
- Skefko bearings, 691, 1119.
- S.L.I.M. car, 630, 649, n75> 1216.
- Slough motor depot, 377, 405, 406, 424, 432, 463, 470, 528, 613, 7x2, 828, 848, 856, 968.
- Slump in motor trade. See Industry.
- Smith (S.) and Sons’ accessories, 178, 282, 1090, 1119, 1346.
- Smith (S.) and Sons, Ltd., 950.
- Snow ploughs and sweepers, 374, 971.
- Society of Engineers, 470.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers, 14, 27, 114, 238, 248, 299, 404, 461, 472, 608, 637, 668, 730, 771, 808, 870, 895, 954, 998, 1364.
- Soft soap for water pipes, 357.
- Solex carburettor, 1120.
- Somerset, views in, 587, 733, 979, 1259.
- Sopwith Aviation Co., 453, 1025.
- South Africa, 715, 987, 1038.
- South Harting hill-climb, 604, 780, 794.
- Southampton, 1057.
- Southend and District Auto. Club, 870.
- Southend Speed Trials, 649, 669, 757, 761, 770, 801, 1025, 1068.
- Southport, 685.
- S.P.A. car, 433, 437, 1159, 1163, 1175, 1277- Details, 464.
- Spain, 331.
- Spain, King of, 800.
- Spare wheel carriers, 258, 1220, 1297.
- “Spares,” 749, 867.
- Spark plugs. See Ignition plugs.
- Speed averages, 5x9, 556.
- Speed, excessive. See Driving, inconsiderate.
- Speed limits, 144, *78, 180, 185, 242, 351, 394, 399, 416, 422, 552, 638, 645, 701, 704, 752, 760, 831, 877, 9W. 927, 928, 976, 1021, 1049, 1087, 1143, 1188, 1281.
- Speed records. See Records.
- Speed trials. See Races.
- Speedometers, 463, 593, 1119, 1306.
- Spence and Johnstone, Ltd., 1143.
- Spencer tyre, 1126, 1224.
- Sport, 166, 341, 950.
- Springs (see also Suspension), 39, 76, 334, 388, 416, 450, 602, 937, 1014, ii79. 1206, 1215, 1216, 1218, 1243, 1250, 1272, 1305- Springs, lubrication of, 1125.
- “Springtime,” 445-
- Spyker car, n75, 1216, 1217, 1224, 1253, 1352, 1356, 1396-
- Stafford car, n75> 1278.
- Standard car, 16, 64, 96, 145, 263, 275, 335, 364, 895, 966, 1066, Ii65, II67, 1174, 1207, 12X7, 1222, 1225, 1278, 1327, 1329, 1348. Details, 1061.
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., 756, 1394.
- Standard Oil Co., 893, 1262.
- Standardisation, 25, 292, 411, 504.
- Stanley, Sir Arthur, 629.
- Stanley steam car, 1143, 1311, 1344.
- Star, 1082, 1230.
- Star car, 851, 1159, 1166, 1167, 1306, 1322.
- Starley, J. K., on Sonic Adventures with an old Rover, 126.
- Starters, 211, 232, 240, 256, 259, 411, 692, 765, 1044, 1119, 1202.
- Starting, 211, 306, 357, 7i7, 837, 1195- Starting and lighting sets, 137, 1116.
- State control, 699, 726.
- Statistics, American. See America.
- Statistics, British (see also Accidents; Licences; Imports and Exports; Traffic), 113, 232, 295, 396, 463, 711, 759, 774, 803, 846, 1055.
- Statistics, foreign, 422, 470, 9x5.
- S.T.D. Motors, Ltd., 634, 658, 660, 780, 1052, 1358.
- St. David’s Day, 340.
- Steam cars, 451, 995, 1143, 131L 1344-
- Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., 1125.
- Steel, 9, 263, 374, 451, 506, 509, 1100.
- Steels for Automobile Parts (Dr. W. H. Hatfield), 449-
- Steering gear, 22, 25, 413, 569, 602, 607, 709, 751, 793, 9I3> 11^4, 1130, 1327, 1396, 1399-
- Steering, left-hand, 7, 26, 625, 640, 672, 701, 722, 736, 746, 760, 777, 801, 824, 842, 870, 877, 1147-
- Stellite car, 173, 388, 859, 981.
- Stepney tyre, 1126.
- Sterns, Ltd., 1120.
- Stewart (W. L.) and Co. See Lancia car.
- Stewart tool. See Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co.
- Sthenos carburettor, 1122.
- Stiles’ garage tool, 750.
- Stirling Castle, 574.
- St. Leonards-on-Sea, 737-
- Stone-throwing, 46, 772-
- Storey car, 413, 608, 1174, I3°7-
- Straker-Squire car, ii59> 1167, 1207, 1224, 1225, 1237, 1307, 1322, 1327. Details, 17, 1373-
- Straker-Squire, Ltd., 472, 684, 1406.
- “Strangeness of Truth,” 1138.
- Streatham Engineering Co., 1142.
- Streatham, model yachts at, 1285.-
- Strickland, F., 1370.
- Strikes, 2, 9, 31,' 77, 85, 112, 163, 166, 178, 452, 552, 554, 609, 613, 752, 909, I0°4, 1006, xoi8, 1080, 1084, 1107, 1402, 1405.
- Studebaker car, 1396.
- Studs. See Threaded studs.
- Stunting, 503.
- S.U. carburettor, 91.
- Suere cars, 318.
- Suffolk County Auto. Club, 86.
- Sunbeam car, 16, 109, 118, 407, 412, 565, 608, 665, 677, 678, 724, 726, 971, 1056, 1093, 1134, 1167, 1174, 1218, 1221, x349, 1371-
- Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., 28, 402, 634, 658, 996, 1358.
- Sunday trading 617,972,1024.
- Sundials, 536, 544-
- Sunrising Hill, climbing of, 180.
- “Sunset in Cornwall,” 894.
- “Supaphord ” outfit, 1353-
- Surplus war material, sale of, 233, 287, 295, 1335-
- Surrey, motoring in (see also Kingston magistrates), 298, 1230.
- Surrey Motors, Ltd., 827, 1329.
- Surrey, views in, 124, 223, 389, 417, 472.
- Suspension (see also Springs), 13, 501, 720, 1275, 1298, 1303, 1398.
- Sussex, 358, 737, 833, 1020, 1261.
- Sutton Bank, climbing of, 79.
- Sweden, 469.
- Swift car, 513, 608, 698, 817, 888, 914, 995, 1014, 1089, 1167, 1169, 1218, 1224, 1378.
- Switzerland,76, 81, 530, 1353.
- TABLE of 1911—1915 cars, 1103.
- Tail lamps. See Lamps ; Lighting regulations.
- Talbot car, 412, 627, 761, 945, 1156, 1239, 1329.
- Talbot-Darracq car, 608, 851, 937, 1154, 1218, 1324, 1372, 1375-
- Tamplin car, 1307.
- “Tanks,” 62, 153, 191, 2x2, 261.
- Targa Florio race, 625, 1069, 1141.
- Taunton District M.C. Club, 752.
- Taxation (see also Import duties), 9, 14, 125, 139, 160, 192, 198, 214, 238, 250, 256, 291, 294, 318, 426, 438, 442. 470, 472, 473, 476, 479, 499, 500, 504, 505, 5o6, 514, 520, 524, 525, 526, 529, 550, 554, 555, 576, 603, 626, 642, 657, 664, 666, 669, 699, 701, 721, 726, 762, 796, 828, 842, 851, 859, 870, 872, 973, 1025, 1048, 1103, 1110, 1235, 1263, 1354, 1364, 1381, 1388. '
- Taxation (Departmental Committee Re part), 681.
- Taxation (leaders on), 3, 85, 88, 114, 142, 146, 194, 221, 222, 247, 272, 324, 328, 376, 406, 430, 432, 457, 460, 483, 508, 537, 538, 563, 564, 58S, 614, 664, 687, 734, 782, 806, 902, 1147, 1288, 1316, 1384.
- Taxation Tangle, The Motor (Lt.-Col. Flacking), 596-
- Taxi-cab drivers, 178, 664, 7*1, 7x7, 1334.
- Taxicab fares, 256, 399, 7x7, 928, 958, 961, 978, 1143. ,
- Taxicabs (see also Side-car taxis), 37, 119, 4 79, 86S, 1147-
- Taxicabs abroad, 139, -15, 399, 848, 987-
- T.B. runabout, 1330-
- Templar car, 1176, 1249.
- Tennyson, Lord, 458.
- Tennyson’s birthplace, 517.
- Terry (Herbert) and Co., 100, 1091, 1x20.
- Tests (see also Trials : Tyres), 366, 397, 437, 477, 607, 620, 748, 966, 1229, 1255, 1333.
- Theft, 16, 54, 65, 233, 268, 341, 400, 453, 645, 7x7, 726, 741, 751, 752, 897, 978, 1024, 1025, 1035, 1052, 1114, 1187, 1227, 1349, 1378, 1391.
- Theft, correspondence on, r86, .4.23, 921.
- Theft, leaders on, 326.
- Theft, prevention of. See Locking devices.
- Thomas, Maj. B. H., on Electro-Deposition of Iron, 532.
- Thor car, 1308.
- Threaded studs, 37, 253.
- Three-wheeled cars, 651, 1330, 1375-
- Times, 196, 220, 952, 976, 1003, 1051, 1106; 1150, 1187, 1192, 1262, 1340.
- Tin-snips, 175.
- Tolls and turnpikes, 848.
- Tool receptacles, 989, 1297.
- Tools (see also Machine Tools), 175, 227, 474, 75°, 1091, 1116, 1125, 1379.
- Torkington, A. W., 524.
- Torquay, 1005.
- Tour de France, 27, 52.
- Touring Club de France, 640.
- Touring, 208, 238, 372, 489, 524, 553, t>25, 679, 729, 797, 803, 8.49, 942.
- Tourist Trophy race, 238, 422, 552, 590, 614, 071, 802.
- Tractor trials, 25, 92, 973.
- Tractors, 178, 236, 484, 568, 624, 909, 915.
- Trade, foreign, 131, 373, 434, 498, 637, 746, 1056, 1361.
- Trade marks, 1312.
- Traders, motor (see also Garages), 107, 164, 214, 368, 484, 505, 899, 947.
- Traffic, Committee on London, 37, 4°, 366.
- Traffic control (see also Road, rule of) 220, 232, 296, 640, 705, 784, 786, 819, 1139.
- Traffic control (leaders on), 196, 220, 273, 274, 325, 509, 760, 831, 854, 954-
- Traffic, heavy. See Heavy vehicles; Roads, damage to.
- Traffic signals. See Road signs ; Road signals.
- Traffic statistics, 196, 220, 470, 740, 751, 856, 928, 1113.
- Trailers, 54.
- Tramways, 46, 165, 196, 273, 274, 324, 325, 34G 346, 399. 7io, 712, 717, 784, 949. 973, 1002, 1051, 1139-
- Transport (see also Imperial Motor Transport Council ; Railway Transport; Military Transport), 106, 119, 342, 396, 446, 753, 754. 8oi, 847, 888, 909, 949, roo8, 1019, 1335, 1337.
- Transport, Institute of, 014, 740, 949, 13S4.
- Transport, Ministry of, 8, 9, 32, 65, 97, 130, 210, 438, 446, 470, 472, 48-t, 500, 520. 550, 596, 625, 678, 701, 714, 760, 762, 787, 796, 848, 891, 1087, 1113, 1317, 1338, 1384-
- Transport, Ministry of, (leaders on), 56, 57, S4, 114, 19-f. 326, 457, 482, 509, 588, 663, 686, 687, 782, 807, 832, 877, 878, 1030, 1054, 1081, 1147, 1234, 1286, 1338, 1340, 1360.
- Trend of the Trade—weekly notes.
- Trial runs, 448, 468, 549, 790, 821, 892, 914, 922, 989, 1020, 1021, 1069, 1264, 1318, 1356, 1365, 1389.
- Trials (see also Hill Climbs; Motor-cycle trials; Tractors), 52, 69, 92, 114, n6, 154, 157, 161, 172, 217, 316, 334, 338, 339, 366, 390, 394, 448, 450, 469. 470, 569, 607, 649, 688, 705, 715, 723, 747^ 757, 770, 895, 924, 989, 1040, 1044, 1075, 1087, 1229, 1284, 1352.
- Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., 54.
- Triumph Cycle Co., 326.
- Trusts, 352, 509.
- Turcat-Mery car, 1176, 1209, 1224, 1249, 1306 Details, 1180.
- Turner (Wm.) and Co., 1125.
- Tyler (J.) and Sons, Ltd., 165.
- Tyre damp, xoo. .
- Tyre inflation pressures, 13/— „
- Tyre mileage and wear, 3”, 3*/> I*00*
- Tyre pumps, 1046, 1123, *334-
- Tyre repairs, 92, 531. IIl8,’.1I2_^,'c onc
- Tyre trade, unemployment 111, 735, 00°- 268, 336, 383, 387, 496, 574, so7 601 642, 701, 706, 715, 723, 731, 748, 755! 777,’ 828, 1023, 1052, 1076, 1089, 11^6, 1223, 1237, 1310, 1311, 1355-
- Tyres, size of, 132, 504, 650.
- Tyres, testing of, 52, 157, 847, i°22- J137- i--9, 1253, 1255, 1282, 1284, 1311; 1333, 354, 37 , 1402. ,
- Unemployment. See Labour.
- Unic car,1168, 1207, 1250.
- Unit car, 1176, 1247.
- United Motor and General Insurance Co., Ltd., 7°7, 732.
- United Vehicles Workers’ Union, 851.
- “Unto the Hills,” 150.
- Upholstery. See Coachwork.
- Uruguay, 923.
- VACUUM Oil Co., Ltd., 1120.
- Vaeuumeter, 772.
- “Value for Money,” 1072, 1089.
- Valve-caps, 399, 645.
- Valve-grinding, 227.
- Valve-guide sleeve, 1x42.
- Valve-springs, 9, 883.
- Valves (see also Tyre Valves), 39, 306, 450, 719.
- Vandervcll, C. A., 965.
- [[C. A. Vandervell and Co|Vandervell (C. A.) and Co., Ltd. (see also C.A.V.), 366, 397, 660, 1120, 1406.
- Vandy car, 1163, 1176, 1279. Details, 646.
- Vandy’s Ltd. See Chiribiri, S.P.A. and Vandy cars.
- Vaporisers (see also Carburettors), 688.
- Varley-Woods car, 14, 761, 1068, 1166, 1176, 1250. Details, 21.
- Vauxhall car, 14, 109, 134, 161, 217, 379, 530, 724, 773. 798, 848, 1052, 1154, 1167, 1174, 1218, 1253, 1264, 1394. Details, 70, 1131.
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 192, 400, 480, 585, 801.
- Vauxhall works, 343.
- Velie car, 1176, 1279.
- Vermorel car, 1167, 1220.
- Vibration, 645, 1025.
- Vickers, Ltd., 283, 428, 1125.
- Vickers-Wolseley engine, 283, 315, 3x6.
- Victory tyre-clamp, 100.
- Village signs, 590.
- Vinot car, 1168, 1279, 1327.
- Voisin car, 1176, 1220. Details, 570.
- Voiturettes. See Light cars.
- Vulcan car, 513, 630, 698, 1092, 1168, 1279.
- Vulcanisers (see also Harvey Frost), 678, 791, 1123.
- Vulco Manufacturing Co., 843.
- WAKEFIELD (C. C.) and Co., Ltd. See Castrol.
- Wales, 58, in, 115, 245, 323, 327, 459, 5°7, 535, 635, 870, 951, 955, 959, 1026, 1031, 1040, 1079, ,1X45, 1359-
- War, motor vehicles in (see also Ambulances; Armoured cars ; Tanks, 103S.
- War surplus. Sec Surplus.
- Ware and De Freville, 538, 562.
- Warland dual rim, 400, 423, 1126.
- Warland Dual Rim Co., 187, 402, 817, 820.
- Warren-Lambert car, 1251.
- Warwickshire, views in, M5> J8o, 275, 485, 929, 1003, 1348-
- Washers, 933.
- Waste, 663.
- Water supplies, 856.
- Watermota, 3x5. , . „
- Waverley car, 407, 698, 77°, nt>8, 1308.
- Weddings, 868.
- Weir, Lord, 264, 267. .
- Wells and Southcombe, on Lubrication, 177, 891.
- Wessex cottages, 709.
- West of England Motor Industries, Ltd., 1125.
- Westcliff speed trials, 723-
- Westwood car, 615, 1176, i3°8.
- Wheel rims, 37.
- Wheelbase length, 388.
- Wheels, 65, 495, 715, 726, 751, 811, 887, 947, xi2L 1249.
- Wheels, detachable, 209, 648, 699, 872.
- White City Motor Show. See Motor Show.
- Whiting, Ltd. See Dort, Hupmobile and Zebre cars.
- Whittle belting, 266.
- Whizz-Bang! 569.
- Wilcot Co., Ltd., 1125.
- Wiley hand-vise, 1379.
- Williamson, C. N. (death of), 1069.
- Willmot scotch, 995, 1022, 1025.
- Willys, John N., 946, 948.
- Willys-Knight car, 1168, 1221. Details, 1325.
- Willys-Overland Co. (see also Overland car), 529, 9I7, 946, 1087.
- Willys-Overland-Crossley, Ltd., 28, no, 729, 950.
- Wilton car, 1168, 1221, 1308.
- Wind-screens, 331.
- Wind-screen cloth, 52.
- Windermere, 349.
- Windover’s coachwork, 969.
- Window regulator, 1118.
- Windsor Castle, 1363.
- Winter motoring, 9, 145, 469, 1348, 1366, 1376.
- “Woes of the brain-worker,” 675.
- Wolf (S.) and Co., 1120.
- Wolseley car, 55, 180, 278, 330, 356, 388, 424, 43&f 485, 625, 827, 851, S59, 946, 967, 1004, 1102, 1152, 1159, 1162, xx68, 1174, 1222, 1236, 1351.
- Women drivers, 232, 267, 423, 444, 655, 780 849, 851, 1292, 1327.
- Women’s Industrial League, 463.
- Wood-Milne tyre, 1126, 1224.
- Worcestershire, views in, 55, 967.
- Workers (see also Labour ; Strikes), 243, 303, 494, 851.
- Works organisation, 343, 370, 400.
- Works testing, 966.
- World’s Work, 77.
- Worthing, 358, 833, 848, 1034.
- Wounded men. See Disabled.
- Wrigley (E. G.) and Co., 1120.
- YORK, Duke of, 114, 5r8, 633, 657, 688.
- Yorkshire, 639, 640, 794, 875, 879, 884, 1053.
- Yorkshire Daily Post, 1381.
- Young and Warren, on Ignition, 188, 192.
- “Young Idea, The,” 655.
- ZBOROWSKI, Count, 809. 8S1.
- Zebre car, 1168, 1251. Details, 670.
- Zeiller car, 1176, 1251.
- Zenith carburettor, 991, 1091, 1120.
- Zephyr car, 180, 475, 751.
See Also
Sources of Information