The Engineer 1936 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1936 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 162 Index
- Abbot, C. G., Solar Heat Collector, 372, (289)
- A. C. Welding Co., Ltd., " Alternarc " Portable Arc Welding Equipment, Suppt., 23.10.36, xvi
- Activated Sludge, Ltd., Aeration Plant for West Middlesex Drainage, 488
- Adams, Foster, Rural Electrification, 471
- A.E.G. Electric Co., An Ammeter for Stray Currents, 215
- Aero Research, Ltd., Private Aeronautical Research Works, 386
- A1 Electric Welding Appliances Co., Ltd., Spot Welder, Seam Welder, Suppt., 23.10.36, xvii
- Alexandra Palace, The London Television Station, 208, 211
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Turbine-driven Refinery Cooling Water Pumps, 10, 12
- Allibone, Dr. T. E., D. B. MacKenzie, and E. R. Perry, Impulse Voltage on Transformer Windings, 525
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., " All-Croe " Harvester and Thresher, 12-20 H.P. Paraffin engined Tractor, 56
- Aluminium Plant and Vessel Co., Ltd., 2-Ton Sommer Linseed Oil Stand Oil Plant, 18
- Alvis Co., Multi-valve Spring Arrangement, 428
- "Amazone " Twin-screw Motor Yacht, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 109
- American Shipping, 693
- Anderson, B. T., High-speed Train Operation in America, 127
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Explosion at Hull Petrol Storage Depot, 409
- Angus, George, and Co., Ltd., An Improved Oil Seal, 192
- Angus, Jonathan, Obituary, 149
- Anotints, Ltd., Aluminium Dyeing Process, (547)
- Anstey, Engineer Rear-Admiral W. J., Obituary, 660
- Archibald, R. D., Road Accidents and Road Design, 320, (384)
- Ardeltwerke G.m.b.H., Special Gantry Crane, 462, 474
- Armco Co., New Type of Galvanised Sheet, (460)
- Armstrong, H. C., Modern Methods of Smoke Prevention, (451)
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W. G., and Co., Ltd., Railcar Operation in the Argentine. 328
- Arnold, G. A., Air Resistance of Trains, 627
- Arnold-Forster, H. C., Steel Works at Jarrow, 38
- Arrol, Sir W., and Co., Ltd., Pontoon and " Box " Gates for Dover Train Ferry, 404
- Ash Co. (London), Ltd., Ash-handling Plant at Fulham Power Station, 351
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Tubular Stay, Dracco Filter System, 17
- Aspinall, Sir J. A. F., to be Awarded James Watt 'International Medal, 621
- Asquith, William, Ltd., U.S.D. and U.F.D. Drilling Machines, 42; New Milling Unit, 416
- Atkinson, R. H., and H. R. Raper, Metals of the Platinum Group, 335
- Auger, F. H., Oswestry Booster Plant on the Vyrnwy Aqueduct, 690
- Auto-Mower Engineering Co., Ltd., 24 H.P. Petrol-engine Driven Tractor, 29
- Aveling-Barford. Ltd., Motor Road Rollers, 29
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Tin-plate Grading Machine, 181
- Avonmouth Superphosphate Plant, National Fertilisers, Ltd., 557
- " Awatea," Twin-screw Turbine-driven New Zealand Liner, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 112. 115
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Welded Pressure Vessels, Suppt., 23.10.36, xiii, xxi
- Badische Maschinenfabrik, Jolt Ramming Machine for Bath Cores, 485
- Bailey, R. W., D.Sc., London University, (612) Baird Television, Ltd., The London Television Station, 208, 211
- Bakelite, Ltd., Laminated Bakelite Bearings, 270
- Ballast, Sand and Allied Trades' Association, Weights and Measures Act, 1936, 182
- Bamford, Joseph, Obituary, (685)
- Bamfords, Ltd., Grassland Harrow, Twin-cylinder Oil Engine, 6
- Bamlett, A. C., Ltd., " Momoro " Motor Mower, 57
- Barber, A. T., and T. F. Hurley, Cleaner Coal, 440
- Barimar, Ltd., " Sopromo " System of Welding , Suppt., 23.10.36, vi
- Barnsley Colliery Disaster, 149
- Batten, Jean, England-New Zealand Flight, (433)
- Baxter, W. B., Experiments in the Heating of Large Ingots, 142
- Beall, R. T., The Development and Utilisation of Power Resources, 371
- Beardmore, Wm., and Co., Ltd., Castings for New Cunarder, (433)
- Beaumont, E. G. E., Brake Efficiency, 110; Biological Action as the Cause of an Explosion, 671
- Becker Coke Oven and By-product Plant at Workington, Woodall-Duckham Company, 228, 234, 257
- Bennes Automatiques Benoto., Soc., New Design of Grab Crane, 642
- Bennett, J. G., Fuel Economy in British Industry, 14
- Benson Boilers in the Liner " Potsdam," B. Bleicken, 551
- Bentall, E. H., and Co., Ltd., " Kent " Root Gappor, 56
- Bermuda Electric Light Co., 3500 B.H.P. Eight-cylinder Fullagar Oil Engine and Generator, English Electric Co., Ltd., 517
- Bethlehem Steel Co., Rolling Mill Work in the United States, 565
- Billner, C. P., Vacuum Concrete, 216
- Binnie, W. J. E., Facing of Masonry and Concrete Dams, 526
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Air Conditioning of Railway Carriages, J. Stone and Co., Ltd., 656
- Blache, H. H., Burmeister and Wain Two-stroke Cycle Engine, 423; Residing in Belfast, (519)
- Black, T. Campbell. Obituary, (317)
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., Agreement with Denny Brothers to Manufacture Aircraft at Dumbarton, (519)
- Blackpool Illuminations, (207)
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 18-24 B.H.P. Oil Engines, 55; Teleprinter Service Installed, (347)
- Bleicken, B., Benson Boilers in the Liner " Potsdam," 551
- Blench, T., Temperature Error in Cup Type Current Meters, 101; (Letter, 410)
- Bleriot, Louis, Obituary, 138
- Blood, General Sir Bindon, Chief Royal Engineer, 423
- Boehringer Sohn, A.G., Artificial Stone Patterns, 486
- Bondy, Otto, Achievements and Prospects of Welding, Suppt., 23.10.36, i
- Bosch, Robert, Honorary Member of Institution of Automobile Engineers, (347)
- Boulton, E. H. B., Fireproofing of Timber, (11)
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Method of Soil Heating, 57
- Bowyer, E. C., Lupital Ships and Aircraft, 543, 571
- Bradford, S. C., Subject Indexes to Volumes of Periodicals, 180; (Letters, 213, 346)
- Braithwaite and Co., Engineers. Ltd., Rita Materials and Exports, 449
- Brakpan Sewage Disposal Works. 244
- Brancker Memorial Lecture, Empire Air Mails, D. H. Handover, 563
- Brassert, H. A., and Co., Steel Production in Turkey, 689
- Brett, E., Winner of International " Flying Flea " Race, (159)
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., High-aItitude Monoplane, 342
- Bristol's Instrument Co., Ltd., New Instrument Works, 658, 664
- Bristow, F. G., Resignation as Secretary of British Road Federation, (317)
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Research into Special Steels, 465; (Letters, 607)
- British Gas Federation, Drying Oven, Rotary Dryer. 15
- British Granite and Whinstone Federation, 321
- British Holder Tractor, Ltd., Small Tractor Cultivator, 5
- British Industrial Gases, Ltd., Blow-pipe and Gas Pressure Regulator, Suppe., 23.10.36, vi
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Power Factor Calculator, (248); Heavy-duty Butt Welder, Suppt., 23.10.36, xix
- British Iron and Steel Federation, Steel Works at Jarrow, 38, 75, 479
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Welding Materials at Chemical Plant Exhibition, 17; Caledonian Power Scheme, (233), 635; Equipment for Building Trades, 322; Gas Welding Equipment, Suppt., 23.10.36, iii; Burners and Automatic Shaping Machine, 458; Staff Dinner, (672); Oxygen Cylinders at Crystal Palace Fire, (693)
- British Power Boat Co, New Motor Torpedo Boats, 1; High-speed R.A.F. Rescue Boat, 92
- British Ropes, Ltd., Rebuilding of Leith Ropery, (11)
- British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., Heavy- duty Aerial Ropeway, London Brick Co., Ltd., 380, 390
- British Science Guild, 277
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Mercury Arc Rectifiers on South African Railways, 66; Impulse Voltage Tests on Transformers, 231; New Electrical Plant for Pretoria, 260; Electrical Equipment for Small Hoists, 326; Magnetos, 458; Interesting Machine Tool Drive, 684; Thyratron-controlled Spot Welder, Suppt., 23.10.36, xviii
- British Timken, Ltd., Annual Dinner, (433)
- Britten, Sir Edgar, Obituary, (491)
- Broadbent, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Self-contained 26in. Fixed-spindle Centrifugal, 16
- Brook Motors, Ltd., Care of A.C. Motors (216)
- Brooke, W. J., Blast-furnace Coke, 360, 486
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Regulation of Portahic Air Compressors, 415
- Broughton, H. H., What's Wrong, 689
- Browett-Lindley, J., (1931), Ltd., Air Compressor Control, 469; (Correction, 490)
- Brown, Bayleys Steel Works, Ltd., Corrosion and Heat-resisting Steels, 16
- Brown, Boveri and Co., Ltd., Peak Load Equipment for Oslo, 628
- Brown Brothers and Co., Ltd., Steering Gear of " Awatea," 115; Wave-making Plant at Portobello Swimming Pool, 133; Denny- Brown Ship Stabiliser, 312; (Leading Article, 319)
- Brown, D., and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., Manufacture of Modern Rolling Mill Gear Units, 94; Welded Drum. Suppt., 23.10.36, xii. xx
- Brown, David, Tractors. Ltd., Hydraulically Operated Farm Machinery, 206
- Brown, Sir G. McLaren, Retirement of, (347). 449
- Brown, Sir Harold, Director-General of Munitions Production, 51
- Brown, W. S., Stress and Strain in a Thin Elliptic Cylinder under Internal Pressure, 201
- Brown and Ward (Tools), Ltd., High-speed Bar Automatic Machine, 610
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., New Electric Motors, 270
- Buell Combustion Co., Ltd., Dust Collectors, Amendment of a Patent, (124), 304, 528
- Building Research Station, Heating Research Laboratory, 101
- Bureau of Analysed Samples, Ltd., New British Chemical Standard, 94
- Burghead Broadcasting Station, (407)
- Burstall, Dr. A. F., Appointment at Melbourne University, (547)
- Burt, Engineer-Captain G. C. P., Assistant Engineer-in-Chief of the Fleet. (207)
- Burt, Sir Henry, Obituary, 479
- Burton, H. L., Road Accidents and Road Design, 320
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Landis Collapsible Hand Tap, 41; Landis Screwing `nip with Pilot, 356
- Caledonian Power Scheme, W. T. Halcrow (233), 635; (Leading Article, 633)
- Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., Nottingham Gun Factory, 101
- Campbell, A. J., Obituary, 75
- Canadian Industries, Ltd., Fertiliser Plant Extension, 611
- Canadian International Paper Co., Canadian Paper Plant Changes, 457
- Canadian National Railways, World's Largest Streamlined Locomotive " No. 6400," 167
- Canton—Hankow Railway and the Development of China, C. A. Middleton-Smith, 225 Cape Town Power Station, 55
- Cauty, A. B., Retirement of, from Cunard White Star, Ltd., 25
- Champness, E. L., Fire in Passenger Spaces, 400
- Chapman, William, Engines, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 223
- Charing Cross Bridge Scheme, 221, 232: (Leading Article, 263)
- Chelsea Bridge, 136, 139
- Chevenard, Pierre, On the Function of Science in Works, 279
- Chorlton, A. E. L., Hydraulic Power in Wales, 661
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Roll Grinder for Kemsley Paper Mill, 238
- Cierva Autogiro Co, Ltd., Direct Take-off Autogiro, 120
- Cierva, Don Juan de la, Obituary, 660
- Clan Line Steamers, Ltd., Important Shipbuilding Order, 479
- Clarke, J. W. E., Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, (111)
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Kincardine-on-Forth Bridge, 160, 163, 177, 184 (Supplement, August 21st, 1936)
- Clinch, W. N. C., Economics of Power Generation, (657)
- C. and M. Welding Co, Welding Repairs, Suppt., 23.10.36, xxii
- Coal Utilisation Council, Smoke from Domestic Grates, 320
- Cobb, John, Motoring Records. (289)
- Cohen, G., Sons and Co., Ltd., Raskin Power Presses, 470
- Colbeck, E. W., S. W. Craven, and W. Murray, Determination of Non-metallic Inclusions. 515
- Colclough, T. P., Blast-furnace Slags, 487 Colwell, R. C., and N. I. Hall, High-speed Electric Motors, 143
- " Conte di Savoia," Rolling of the, R. de Santis and M. Russo, 323. 426
- Continental Can Co. of Canada, Ltd., New Plant. 429
- Coqueret, F., and P. Romano, Design of " Normandie " and Elimination of Vibration, 416, 425
- Corby Steel Works Extensions, 365
- Cory, H. T., Utilisation of Small Water Powers, 472
- Coventry Pneumatic Railcar Co., Ltd., Railcar with Pneumatic Tires, 156
- Coyle, D. Cushman, Conservation of Natural Resources, 415
- Cox. E. C., Retirement from Southern Railway, (135); Southern Railway Electrification, 529
- Cox, H. L., The Design of Built-up Cylinders. 179
- Cramp, Professor W., The Engineer and the Nation. 292
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Lathes for Kemsley Paper Mill, 239; Axle-box Boring Machine, 240; Billet Drilling Machine and Wobbler End Milling Machine, 354; Armour- plate Planing Machine, 441; Electrically Driven Roll Grinding Machine, 664
- Craven, Commander Sir Charles, Pencil Portrait, No. 7, July 10th, 1936
- Crawford, W. R., Mechanical Construction of the General Conic Section, 210
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., Simple Flexible Coupling, 110
- Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., Description of Chelmsford Works, 8, 9; Alterations at Rothesay Dock Power Station, 498, 499; Traction Motors for Experimental Tube Trains, 555; Arc-welding Equipment, Suppt., 23.10.36. xi
- Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd., Atmospheric and Pressure Charging of a C.I. Engine. W. A. Tookey, 501
- Cruikshank and Co., Ltd., Denny Grass Rejuvenating and Spring Tine Harrow, 7
- Crypton Equipment, Ltd., Oxide Cathode Rectifiers, 469
- Crystal Palace, Destruction by Fire, 606; And the Railways, O. A. Sekon, 626; Tho Structure of, 652
- Crystal Palace Fire. Oxygen Containers. (693)
- Cunard White Star, Ltd., New Liner " No. 552," 51, 101,(135), 365, (491), (547), (631); Captain R. V. Peel Appointed Commodore, (575)
- Cunningham, Brysson. Maritime Passenger Stations, (631)
- Daimler Co., Ltd., New Cars, 1936-37, 364: New Trollybuses, 637
- Dalby, Professor W. E., Obituary, 18
- Dargue Acetylene Gas Co., Ltd., Acetylene Gas Generator, Suppe., 23.10.36. v
- Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, 173. 563, (657)
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 6 M.R.W. Engine Series, 458
- David. Professor W. T., Heat Loss in High-speed I.C. Engines, 675
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Dust Collectors, Amendment of a Patent, (124), 304. 528
- Davies, Ashton, Holiday Traffic. 287
- Davies, Dr. S. J., King's College Engineering Appointment, 535
- Davis, R., Breakdown of Dielectrics under Transient Electrical Stresses, 309
- Dean, F. W., Slip Coaches. 19
- Deane, H. J., and E. Latham, Coast Protection. 287
- de Berlhe, A. B., Safety of Life at Sea. 400
- de Fleury, R., and H. Portier, Alloys and Conditions of Manufacture, 315
- De Havilland Co., Ltd., Aircraft Works at Hatfield. 632, 636
- Demag A.G., Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 374, 376
- Denny-Brown Ship Stabiliser, Southern Railway t.s.s. " Isle of Sark." 312; (Leadine Article, 319)
- De Santis, R., and M. Russo. Rolling of B.s. " Come di Savoie." 323, 426
- Dick, A. Forbes, Obituary, 647
- Dick, J., Pendulum Torsional Vibration Absorber, 595
- Dittmar, H. R., " Pontalite " Clear Plastic, (461)
- Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Modern, nation of Steel Mills, 681
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Coke Ovens at Middlesbrough, (11); All-welded Bridge, Suppt., 23.10.36, xxiii
- Doulton and Co., Ltd., Rotating Stoneware Jar, 16
- Dover Train Ferry, Southern Railway, 376, 377, 397. 404, 408
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Pumping Equipment at Kemsley Paper Mill, 203
- Duffield Electric Metals, Formation of Company, (519)
- Dunford and Elliott, Rotary Dryer, 15
- "Dunnottar Castle," Union-Castle Motor Liner, Harland and Wolff. Ltd., 93
- Dunsheath, P., Continuous Extrusion of Lead Cable Sheaths, 609
- "Dunvegan Castle," Union-Castle Motor Vessel, Maiden Voyage, 305
- Durban (Congella) Power Station, South Africa,
- Earl’s Court, Staging Collapse, 479; Building, 693
- Ebbw Vale Steel Works, Richard Thomas and Co., Ltd., 333
- Eckert, Gebr., Pressure Diecasting Machine, 484
- Eddy, H. P., New England Floods of 1936. 58
- Egerton, Professor A. C. G., Retirement of, (603)
- Electricity Commission, Annual Report, 523
- Electroflo Meters Co., Ltd., Reducing Valves and Regulators at Kemsley Paper Mill, 189; Regulators and Control Gear at Fulham Power Station, 352; Metering Plant for West Middlesex Main Drainage, 454
- Ellerman City Lines, " City of Bonares," 423
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Sensitive D.C. Current Recorder, 499
- Ellison, George, Truck Switchgear, 215
- Emma, Thorne and Sheehy, Ltd., New Tubular Scaffolding Bracket, 583
- Enamelled Metal Products Corporation, Ltd., Glass-lined Still, 16
- England, W. H., Organisation of Private Electric and Gas Utilities, 413
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 3500 B.H.P. Eight- cylinder Fullagar Oil Engine and Generator, 517: Steam and Water Turbine Activities, Hydro-electric Test Station, 546 Electrification of Polish State Railways, 692; Arc- Welding Equipment, Suppt., 23.10.36, ix
- English Steel Corporation, Number of Employees. (35)
- Equipment and Engineering Co., Ltd., Crack. detecting Machine, 458
- Evans, Rear-Admiral E., Appointed to H.M. Dockyard. Gibraltar, (685)
- Eyston. G. E. T., World's Speed Records, (85)
- Fachanstalt fur Giessereiwesen Coke-fired Melting Furnace, 485
- Farrar, Wm. E., Ltd., Sedimentation Tanks for West Middlesex Drainage, 488
- Ferguson Farm Tractor, David Brown Tractors, Ltd., 206
- Ferranti, Ltd., Transmitter and Repeater, 525
- Finn, H. J., Munitions of War, Pictures of Hadfields Works, 537; (Correction, 590); (Supplement, November 201/4, 1936)
- Fire Offices' Committee, Testing Station at Boreham Wood. (630)
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd., " Stay- brit. " Welded Tanks, 15
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., New Works at Birmingham. 591
- Fishleigh Rotary Cultivator Co., Ltd., Rotary Cultivator, 7
- Foerster, E., Power, Speed, Economy and Seaworthiness of Medium-sized Fast Liners, 426, 442
- Fuppl, O., Damping Capacity of Metals, 388
- Forbes, Dr. George, Obituary, 457 (Letter, 490)
- Ford Motor Co., Now Steel Works, 96
- Ford Motor Show, 423
- Forgie, J. T., Obituary, (461)
- Foster, William, and Co., Ltd., Self -feeder for Threshing Machine, 25 B.H.F. Agricultural Traction Engine, 30
- Fournier. L. T., and J. Butler Walsh, Public Regulation of Private Electrical and Gas Utilities, 414
- Fowler, Professor A., The Spectroscope and the Atom (Thomas Hawksley Lecture), 507; (Leading Article., 549)
- Fowler, H. C., Conservation of Petroleum and Natural GIs, 415
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Self-lift Tractor Plough, 28; 40 H.P. Oil Engine Driven Gyrotiller, 29
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Kraut Ore Flotation Machine, 356
- Frey, J. W., and B. L. Johnson, Conservation of Coal Resources, 415
- Frost, W., and Co., The Venus-Vice, 610 Fry, Lawford H., Locomotive Testing, 550
- Fry's (London), Ltd., Insulated Hack Saw Frame, 31; Small Electric Grinder, 387
- Fryer, E. H., Safety on Roads, 357
- Fulham Power Station, Preece, Cardew and Rider, 348, 351, 368
- Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., A.C. Welder, Suppe., 23.10.36. xv
- Galloway Water Power Scheme, 262, 265, 283, 309, 318 (Supplement, September 25th, 1936). 337
- Gardner, Charles, Winner of King's Cup Air Race, (65)
- Garrard, Dr. C. C., The Economic Incentive of the Engineer, 285
- Gauthier, O. G., Conductivity of Pure Aluminium, 314
- Genders, R., and R. Harrison, Tantalum Iron and Steel, 541
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 7--20-kW Electrical Steam Raiser, 6; Electrical Sterilising Chest, 7; 33.kV Metal-clad Switchgoar, 90; Remote Supervisory Control at Ipswich, 117; Outdoor Electrical Equipment. at Northampton and Kettering, 214; Kincar• dine-on-Forth Bridge Electric Control, 466; (Correction, 506); New Switchgear, 583 , A.C. Welding Sets. Suppt., 23.10.36, x
- General Electric Co of America, Power Factor Correction. 612
- General Refractories, Ltd., New Offices. 305 George VI, H.M. King. 659
- Germ Lubricants, Ltd., Heating of Lubricating Oil, 525
- German Foundry Exhibition at Dusseldorf, 483 Gibb, Sir Alexander, Engineers and Empire Development. 482
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Kincardine on-Forth Bridge, 160, 163. 177, 184 (Supplement, August 21st, 1936); Galloway Water Power Scheme, 262, 265, 283, 309, 318 (Supplement, September •5th, 1936); 337
- Gillett, Sir George, Commissioner for Special Areas, 397
- Gillick, Mrs. M., The Parsons Medal, 654 Glasgow's Coke-oven Gas Scheme, 673
- Godfrey Engineering Works, Flame Cutting Machine, guppt., 23.10.36, v
- Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, 78 (Supplement, July 24th. 1936), 105. 128, 129
- Goodall, B. V., Director of Naval Construction. 101
- Gooday, W. E., Heating of Lubricating Oils, 437
- Gordon, Lieut.-Colonel Lord Dudley Elected President of British Engineers' Association. 449
- Goyder, C. W., Chief Engineer of All-India Radio, (159)
- Grange Road Bridge over River Yarra, Melbourne, 166
- Granjon, M. R., The Training of Oxy-acetylene Welders, 19
- Gray, Wm., and Co., Ltd., Pillion Shipyard to be Sold, (575)
- Greenwell Sir Bernard E., Grass-drying Plant, 56
- Gresley, Sir H. Nigel, Development of the Locomotive, 452
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., Drying Oven, 15
- Grimshaw, L. G., New Welding Method by Application of Arent and Pressure, 190
- Gutehoffnungshutte, Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 373
- Guthrie, H. J., Signalling Developments in the Irish Free State, 500
- Gwynnes Pumps. Ltd., Pumps for Dover Train Ferry, 404
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Transformer Protective Relay, 497
- Hadfields, Ltd., 300-350-ton Stone Breaker. 41; Manganese Steel Medallions, (448); Munitions of War, 537 (Supplement. November 20th, 1936): (Correction, 590)
- Halcrow. W. T., The Caledonian Power Scheme, 635; (Leading Article, 633)
- Hall, Sir Henry, Obituary. (631)
- Hall, James, and Co. (Edinburgh). Ltd., Automatic Boiler and Heating Plant, 473
- Hamilton, B. L., Now Method of Lining Tunnels, 300
- Hancock and Co (Engineers). Ltd., Profiling Machine and Circalino Cutting Machine, Suppt., 23.10.36, iv
- Handover, D. H., Empire Air Mails, Brancker Memorial Lecture, 563
- Hanson, D., and E. J. Sandford. Creep of Tin and Tin Alloys, 337
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Union Castle Motor Liner " Dunnottar Castle," 93; Reconditioned Liner " Ceramic," 173; Oil Engines for West Middlesex Main Drainage. 438
- Harris, L. H., E. H. Jolley and F. O. Morrell, Developments in Telegraph Transmission. (590)
- Hartleys (Stoke-on-Trent), Ltd., Boiler Circulator. 110; Screening Equipment for West Middlesex Drainage, 488
- Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., Extensions at Greenwich Metal Works, (124); Welded Evaporators, 297; Steel Equipment at Building Exhibition, 322
- Hatfield, W. H., Report of Alloy Steels Research Committee. 542
- Hatton Garden Memorial, 75
- Hawes, P. E., Engineers and Economics, 490
- Hay. A. C., Obituary, (327)
- Hay. Sir David Allan, Commissioner for Special Areas in Scotland, (35)
- Hayes, A. H., Mr. J. L. Hodgson and the E.S.G., 19
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Welded Girders, Suppt., 23.10.36, xxii
- Henderson, Sir Brodie Haldane, Obituary, 350
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Denny Grass Rejuvenating and Spring Tine Harrow, 7; Copper Stay Lathe, 387
- Herbert, Sir Alfred, Pencil Portrait, No. 8, September 4th, 1936
- Higgins, Sir George Re-elected Chairman of Lloyd's Register, (11)
- Hill, W. Scott, Engineers and Economies, 571
- Hillhouse, P. A., Speed at Sea, (379), 499
- Hirst of Witton, Lord, elected Chairman of British Committee on Empire Trade, (85)
- Hodgson, John L., Obituary, 173
- Holbrook Machine Tool Co., Ltd., British Machine Tool Makers, No. VI, John Holloway, 4111
- Holloway Brothers (London). Ltd., Chelsea Bridge, 136, 139
- Holloway, J., British Machine Tool Makers, VI,
- Holbrook Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 401
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Compressed Air Engine, 298; Electrical Equipment for Small Hoists, 326
- Holmes, J. H., and Co., Ltd., Arc Welding Equipment, Suppt., 23.10.36, ix
- Holroyd, John, and Co., Worm Gear Plant, 26
- Holt, V. H., Bracken Breaker, (207)
- Holttum, W., Jointing and Terminating of Hig--voltage Cables, 629
- Hood, Dr. O. P., Retirement from U.S. Bureau of Mines. (111) A'
- Hornby, Frank, Obituary. 305
- Houseman, C. R., Industrial Oxygen Production, 43
- Howden, James, and Co. (Land), Ltd., Inlet Scroll Dust Collector Patent, (124); Gas washing Plant at Fulham Power Station, 353
- Howrah Bridge Across the Hooghly, Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, 51, 543
- Huddersfield Refuse Disposal Plant, Woodall Duckham Co., Ltd., 62, 68
- Hudson, F., Mould and Coro Sand Mixtures at Elevated Temperatures, 241
- Hume Reservoir, Opening of, 563
- Hungerford, S. J., President of Canadian. National Railways, 277
- Hunt, H. F., Retirement from Portsmouth Dockyard, (159)
- Hunter, Sir John, Obituary, 43G
- Hunziker (Great Britain), Ltd., Flint Bricks, 231; New Concrete Pipe Works, 600
- Husband, Professor J., Retirement for Sheffield University, (519)
- Hutchinson, Mr. Alfred, Nominated President of Iron and Steel Institute, (85)
- Hyde, C. A., Air Resistance of Trains, 627
- Hyde, R. R., Industry's Contribution to Public Health, (547)
- Iena Bridge, Paris Exhibition Works, 82, 86
- Ikushima, S., Safety and Loadline, 401
- Imperial Airways, Ltd., Trials of Flying-boat Tenders, 535
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., " Faspos Fireproofing Compound, (547)
- Imperial Smelting Corporation, Ltd., Cadmium Recovery Plant, (631)
- Ingersoll-Rand Co., Ltd., Single•tage noel Two- stage Air Compressors, 458
- International Association for Testing Materials, 168, (207)
- International Combustion, Ltd., Vacsea I Rubber-lined Grit Pump, 17; (Correction, 96); An Industrial Film, (93); Reconstruction of Two Sixteen-year-old Boilers, 95
- International Conference on Soil Meehtinie.4 and Foundation Engineering, 175. 199
- International Congress for Applied Mechanics. The Fifth, (546)
- International Congress on Large Dams, 495, 522. 528, 666. 595, 626, 650
- International Electrolytic Plant Co., Knowles Cells for Production of Hydrogen and Oxygen, 17
- International Harvester Co., Ltd., " Farman " Tractor and Implements, 57
- International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd., New Buildings at Port Colborne, (61)
- Irthlingborough Road Viaduct, Opening, 449
- " Isle of Sark." Southern Railway Steamer. Fitted with Denny-Brown Ship Stabiliser, 312; (Leading Article, 319)
- Jackson, Sir Herbert, Obituary, 647
- Japanese Steel Industry, $l, 627
- Japp, Sir Henry, President of Whitworth Society, (111)
- Jarrow Staith, Tyne Improvement Commission. 119
- Jarrow Steel Works, 38. 75, 479
- Jarvis, Sir John, Purchases Boiler Shop and Offices at Palmer's Works, Jarrow, (379)
- Jenkins, Rhys Newcomen and the Steam Engine, 444
- Johannesburg Electricity Undertaking, 55
- Johannesburg Empire Exhibition, 260, 277, 372, 406, 511
- Johanson, F. C., Air Resistance of Trains, 605 , (Lotteis, 627)
- Johnston, K. H., Railway Electrification. 264 378, 524, 688
- Joicey, Lord. Obituary. (575)
- Jones. E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., C.V.A. Precision Lathe, 41: Now British Jig Borer, 655
- Jones, H. Spencer, Predicting Earthquakes and Auroras. 689
- " Joseph Medill." Loss of. Board of Trade Inquiry. 125
- Kaye, U. W. C., and W. Rinks, Ionisation Measurement of Short-Wave Radiation, 308
- Kearsley Power Station Extensions, 694
- Kearton, W. J., Entropy and Enthalpy of Compressed Water at or near the Freezing Point, 662
- Keeley Motor, The. J. H. Van Deventer. 134
- Kempf, G., Ship Performance, 426
- Kemsley Paper Mill, Edward Lloyd, Ltd., 153, 187, 202, 237
- Kent, George, Ltd., Flow Metering Equipment for West Middlesex Drainage, 488; Multelee Recorder, 553
- Keyworth, R. P., Obituary, (627)
- Kincardine-on-Forth Bridge, 160, 163, 177, 184 (Supplement, August 21st. 1936); Opening. 449; Electric Control, 466; (Correction, 506)
- Kinder, C. W., Obituary, (159)
- Kirkus, A. E., Some Tramway Statistics, 423. (519)
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Special Drilling Machine, 611
- Klopstock, K., Elimination of Noir• and Vibration in the Design of Machinery, (556)
- Knight, L. B., Reclamation of Foundry Sands, (685)
- Kovats, A., Tests on Railcar Coolers, 253
- Kraut Ore Flotation Machine, Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 356
- Krupp, Fried. A.G., Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 430, 434
- Ladner, A. W., Developments in the Beam Array, 288
- Lagonda, Twelve-cylinder Car, 427
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., Are Welding Equipment, Suppt., 23.10.30, xv
- Lancashire Electric Power Co., Kearsley Power Station Extensions, 094
- Lanchester, F. W., Study of the Dynamo Based on Dimensional Theory, 578
- Landis Machine Co., Collapsible Hand Tap, 41
- Larke, Sir W. J., President of Junior Institution of Engineers, (347)
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Burke Scott Arc Welder, Suppt., 23.10.36, xi
- Le Chatelier, Professor H. L., Obituary, 397
- Lee, Howl and Co., Ltd., Petrol Engine Driven Pump, 31
- Lennox, John, Obituary, (491)
- Lewis, Wilfrid, Obituary, 18
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Oil-engined Buses for L.P.T.B., (111); Tall Turntable Fire Escape. (461)
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., Electrodes, Suppt., 23.10.36, x
- Link Belt Co., American Foundry Equipment, E. Longden, 638
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., 12 H.P. Petrol Engine, 29; A New Cylinder Treatment. 378; Annual Dinner, (661)
- Lloyd, Edward, Ltd., Kemsley Paper Mill, 153, 187, 202, 237
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 57, 410; Lloyd's Register Book, 1936-37, 75
- Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., New Tug for South Africa, 529
- London Brick Co., Ltd., Heavy-duty Aerial Ropeway, 380, 390
- London Electric Firm, Large Iris Shutter, 499 London Iron and Steel Exchange, Annual Dinner, 507
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., Composite Sleeping Cars, 94; New Staff College, 507;
- London-Glasgow High Speed Train Run, 535, 608; Welded Underframes for Goods Wagons, 610
- London and North Eastern Railway, Three- cylinder Eight -coupled Locomotive " Lord President," 20
- London Passenger Transport Board, New Experimental Tube Trains, 554
- London Television Station at Alexandra Palace, 208, 211
- London University Centenary, 1
- Longden, E., Mechanisation of Foundry Operations, 639
- Lovely, J. E., Foreign Trade in Machine Tools. 601
- Lovic Johnson Co., A New Pyrometer, 611
- Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., Smokeless Fuel Plant at Bolsover, 397, 431
- Lubin, I., Processing and Distribution of Coal, 342
- Lucas, Joseph, Ltd., Anti-dazzle Devices, 468
- Lusty, H. C., Appointed Chief Engineer, New Zealand Railways, (603)
- Lycurgus, 235
- McAdam Centenary Memorial, 479 Macdonald, Gibbs and Co., New Delta Barrage, (491)
- McGowan Report, on Electricity Distribution, 591
- Main, A. and J., and Co., Ltd., New Aeroplane Hangar. 70
- Mannesmannrohren Werke, Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 345
- Marconi E.M.I. Television Co., Ltd., The London Television Station, 208, 211
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, Links in the History of the Locomotive, 223; Air Resistance of Trains, 627
- Marshall, C. W., Some Electrical Discharge Phenomena on High-voltage Systems, 309
- Marshall, Major H. D., Obituary, 38
- Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd., 12-20 H.P. Tractor, 10-ton Oil Engine Driven Road Roller, 5
- Masson, P. R., Science and Society, 320 Mather and Platt, Ltd., Pumping Equipment at Kemsley Paper Mill, 203
- Mavor and Coulson. Ltd., Grit-proof Idlers for Belt Conveyors, 70; Arc-shearing Coal Cutter, 267
- Mawdsley's, Ltd., Arc Welding Generator.
- Multi-operator Welder, Suppt., 23.10.36, x
- Mayer and Schmidt, Grinding Machine for Foundry Work, 485
- Mediterranean-Atlantic Canal, 219
- Meldrums, Ltd., An Air Preheater, 326
- Mercedes-Benz, Front Suspension System, 428
- Merritt, H. E., The Art of Gear Design, 52, 76, 102, 120, 150, 174, 198, 222. 250, 278, 306, 334, 366, 398, 424, 450, 480, 508, 536, 564
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., " Greenwich Salamander " Motor Fire Pump, 6
- Merz and MacLellan, Galloway Water Power Scheme, 262, 265, 283, 309. 318, 337 (Supplement, September 25th, 1936)
- Metalectric Furnaces, Ltd., Electric Furnaces for Heat Treatment, (74), 665
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., New Experimental Tube Trains for L.P.T.B., 554
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Individual Drive of Live Rolls, 216: Transformers and Switchgear at Fulham Power Station, 369; Electric Winding Plant for Copper Mines, 439; Electrification of Polish State Railways, 692; Arc Welding Equipment, Suppt., 23.10.36, xii, xiv, xix, xx
- Metropolitan Water Board, Annual Report, 500
- Middleton-Smith, C. A., Canton-Hankow Railway and the Development of China, 225
- Miles, J. C. G., Road Accidents, 346, 437
- Millington, Ltd., Sino-British Catalogue for Engineers, 270
- Mills, P. A., Long-distance Gliding Record, (35)
- Mineral Resources Department of Imperial Institute, Columbite, 518
- Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., Kemsley Paper Mill, Coal-handling Plant, 155; Water Circulating System. 189; Coal-handling Plant at Fulham Power Station, 351
- Model Engineer Exhibition, 327
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Nickel in the Fabrication of Chemical Plant, 15; New Research Laboratory at Birmingham, 459
- Monitor Patent Safety Devices, Ltd., Vacuum- operated Oil Alarm System, 192 Montgomerie, J., Safety at Sea, 389
- Moore, Hon. Sir Newton, Obituary. (491)
- Morgan, Crossley and Co., Ltd., Brake Efficiency Chart, (24); (Leading Article, 37); (Letters, 81, 110); Brake Performance in Practice, 346
- Morgan, R. H., Coal Consumption and Generation of Electricity, 607
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Profit-sharing Scheme , 591
- Morse, G. H., Distribution of Electric Energy and Gas, 472
- Mott, Sir Basil, Bart., Pencil Portrait, No. 9, November 6th, 1936
- Mowlem, J., and Co., Ltd., Dover Train Ferry Dock, 377
- Moyes, Wm., and Sons, Ltd., Acetylene Generator, Suppt., 23.10.36, iv
- Mufulira Mines, Ltd., Electric Winding Plant, Metro-Vickers Co., 439
- Mulder, J. G. W., and H. L. Van Der Horst, Grid-controlled 20-kV Rectifier, 537
- Muller and Wagner, Sand Sifter and Thrower, 484
- Munzinger, F., Modern Water-tube Boilers for Land and Marine Use, 584, 613 (Discussion, 580)
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Arc Welding Equipment. Suppt., 23.10.36, xvi
- Murray, Sir Oswyn, Obituary, (61)
- National Fertilisers, Ltd., Avonmouth Superphosphate Plant, 557
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., Reverse Reduction Gear-box, 458
- National Oil Refineries, Ltd., New Equipment at Llandarcy, (207)
- National Physical Laboratory, Annual Inspection, 25
- National Research Council, Canadian Laundry Research, 36, 40
- National Shipbuilders Security, Ltd., General Meeting, 479
- Need, J. H., J. W. Hall, and S. Epstein, Composition for Low-alloy High-strength Steel, 59
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., Excavator t-yard Capacity. 322
- Negretti and Zambra. Multi-point Recording Pyrometer, 15
- Newcomers and the Steam Engine, Rhys Jenkins, 444
- New Process Welders, Ltd., Resistance Welding Machines Suppt., 23.10.36, xviii
- Nicholas Horthy Bridge in Buda-Pest, 32, 33
- Nicholson, W. N., and Sons, Ltd., Heavy Tractor Cultivator, 57
- Noll, Albert, Rolling Mill Problems, 389
- Norbury, A. L., and E. Morgan, Non-metallic Inclusions in Cast Iron, 487
- Northampton and Kettering Outdoor Electrical Equipment, General Electric Co., Ltd., 214
- Northcott, L., Veining and Sub-boundary Structures in Metals, 337
- Northern Aluminium Co., New Laboratory Building, (11)
- Nuffield, Lord, Gift for Assistant of Special Areas. 673
- Oerlikon Co., Air Blast Circuit Breakers, 240
- Officers' (Merchant Navy) Federation, Ltd., Shortage of Engineer Officers, 277
- Ohinemutu Sewerage Scheme, New Zealand. 7 Olympia, Alterations, 149
- Ontario Creosoting Co., Ltd., Wood-preserving Plant, 216
- Ontario Paper Co., Hydro-electric Project, 681
- Orient Line, Ltd., Launch of " Orcades," 591
- Orr, Dr. John, Chairman of South African Standards Association, (183)
- Osborn, Ian S., Obituary, 673
- Oswestry Booster Plant on the Vyrnwy Aqueduct, F. H. Auger, 690
- Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Hollow Glass Blocks as Building Material. 510, 520
- Owens. J. S., The Smoke of Cities, 654, 667
- Oxley Engineering Co., Welded Gasholder and Purifier, Suppt., 23.10.36. xiii, xxi
- Palmers Hebburn Co., Ltd., Purchased by Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 630
- Paneth, Professor F. A., and Dr. E. Gluckauf, Analysis of Air Samples from the Stratosphere, (519)
- Paris Exhibition, 171; Exhibition Works, 82, 86, 572
- Paris Motor Car Show, 381
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Sand Washing Elevator, 637
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Liquid Brazing, J. M. G. Turnbull, 622. 648
- Parsons. Sir Charles. and Steam, Sir F. E. Smith, 513. 544
- Parsons, Sir Charles, Memorial Exhibition. (534)
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Directorate Changes, 591
- Parsons Medal, Mrs. M. Gillick, 654
- Parsons Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 90 H.P. Petrol Marine Engine, 458
- Passamaquoddy Project for Tide-harnessing. 429
- Patent Safety Rotary Cam Fitments Co., An Improved Crane Hook, 528
- Paterson, C. C., Statement on Electrical Interference with Broadcasting, 89; (Leading Article, 113); Science and Electric Lighting 287
- Patteson, J. C., European Manager, Canadian Pacific Railway, 491
- Pearce, S. L., Coal Consumption and Generation of Electricity, 607
- Pearsall, C., United States Merchant Shipping, (685)
- Peel, Captain R. V., Commodore of Cunard White Star Fleet, (575)
- Peters, G. D., and Co., Ltd., Belt-driven Arc Welder, Suppe., 23.10.36, xv
- Petbow, Ltd., Dual Motor Welder, Suppt., 23.10.36, xv
- Petter. P. B. K., The Harmonic Induction Engine, 695
- Petters. Ltd., 2-kW Lighting Sets. 30; " Harmonic Induction " Oil Engine, 621, 695 Philips Lamps, A New Rectifier, 144
- Phillips, P., Cup-Type Current Meters, 410
- Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., " Insulight " Glass Bricks. 322
- Pink, M. C., The International Telephone and the British Exporter. (11)
- Pitchford, J. H., Combustion System of Small High-speed Compression-ignition Engines, 592
- Plybestos, Ltd., Asbestos-covered Plywood, 41
- Poles, Ltd., Steel Section Poles, 166; Road Lighting Poles, (668)
- Polish State Railway Electrification, 692
- Port of London Authority, Annual Report. 221 Port of New York Authority, 2
- Portal, Lord. Industrial Adviser for Special Areas, (685)
- Portevin, A., and P. G. Bastien, Study of the Forgeability of Light and Ultra-light Alloys, 337
- Portobello Swimming Pool, 133
- Potter, F. R., Superintendent of the Line, G.W.R., (135)
- Potter, H. V., Synthetic Resins, (657)
- Poulton. Sir Edward, Elected President of British Association, (289)
- Powell Duffryn Colliery Co., Reopening Mountain Ash Navigation Colliery, (685)
- Power Transmission Association, Mechanical Power Transmission, (375)
- Precision Meters, Ltd., New Liquid Meters, 468
- Preece, Cardew and Rider, Fulham Power Station, 348, 351, 368
- Preece, Engr. Rear-Admiral G., Appointed Engineer-in-Chief of Fleet, 125
- Priestman, W. D., Obituary, 249
- Pullen, N. D., Aluminium Reflectors, 315
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Filtration Plant and Pumping Equipment at Portobello, 133
- Pump Unit, Ltd., " Unit " Pumps, 441
- Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., A.C. and D.C. Welding Equipment. Suppt., 23.10.36, xvi
- "Queen Mary," Cunard White Star Liner, An Acknowledgment, 14
- "Queen Mary, " and New Liners. 51, 101
- "Queen Mary," Cunard White Star Liner, Time of Atlantic Crossing. (111), 221
- Quinney, H., Distortion of Steel Wires on Passing through a Draw Plate, 496
- Radio Times, The Printing of the, Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., 655
- Rand Mines, Ltd., Dredging on the Rand. 470 Rangoon Tidal Model, 294; (Leading Article, 290)
- Ransom, W., Retirement as Worcester City Engineer, (233)
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies Ltd., Equitine Cultivator, Ransomes-Davies Grass Dryer, 31
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Excavator, Cubic Yard,:322
- Raskin Power Presses, G. Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 470
- Rawlings, A. L., Ground Defence against Hostile Aircraft, 358
- Reavell. W., Our Freedom and its Limitations, 464; (Leading Article, 463)
- Rebbeck, F. E., Elected President, Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, (631)
- Reed, T. T., The Largest Iron Costing, 60 Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Howrah Bridge Across the Hooghly, 51, 543
- Renold Marx, Ltd., Wood Pulping Equipment at Kemsley Paper Mill, 202
- Rettie, C., Railway Electrification, 436, 490, 570. 661
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Auxiliary Switch-gear at Fulham Power Station, 370
- Rheinische A.G., fair Braunkohlenberbau, Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 411. 412
- Ribera, Don Jose Eugenio, Obituary, 162
- Ricardo, H. R., High-speed Diesel Engines, 357
- Richardson, B., Electric Traction on Suburban Lines. 213; Railway Electrification, 346, 437, 606, 660
- Richman, H., and D. Merrill, Atlantic Flight Record, (289)
- Rigg, E. H., Modern Atlantic Liners, 425
- Roaring Meg Hydro-electric Development; New Zealand, 59
- Robertson, J. A., Obituary, 138
- Robinson, Commander C. N., Obituary, 277
- Robinson, T., and Son, Ltd., Planing Machine. Precision Saw Bench, 321
- Ropeways, Ltd., Life of Ropes on Aerial Ropeways, 416
- Ropner, Sir J. H., Obituary, (85)
- Rose, Sir H. Arthur, Scottish Special Areas Report, 125
- Rosherville Power Station, South Africa, 53 Ross. Courtney and Co., Ltd., Petromag " Locking Tap, 458
- Rothesay Dock Power Station Alterations, 498, 499
- Russell, G. A. V., and S. S. Smith, Rolls for Cold Production, 515
- Ruston, H. E., Road Accidents and Road Design, 410
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 13 H.P. Engine with Exhaust Gas Boiler, 30; Four-cylinder 38 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 458; Some New Small Oil Engines, 602
- Ryder, Thomas, and Son, Ltd., New Vertical Spindle Lathe, 386
- Sack, Maschinenfabrik, Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 345
- Saint-Chains Powder Factory Explosion, 589
- Sams, J. G. B., Railway Electrification, 543 Long-distance Locomotive Operation Overseas, 680
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge; 535, 538. 548, 567, 576, 593
- San Gabriel Rock Fill Dam, 674, 686
- Sankey. J. H., and Son, Ltd., Pyruma Cement Gun, 636
- Sanders, S. H., Subject Indexes, 213
- S.A.P., Ltd., Auto-delivery Elevator, 664
- Scar House Reservoir, Opening Ceremony, 249
- Schiess-Defries, A.G., Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 344
- Schindler-Huber, D., Obituary, 350
- Schmutz Automobile Brake, 583
- Scottish Oils, Ltd., Closing of Uphall Work:. (317)
- Seewer, P. W., Recent Developments in Hydroelectric Engineering, 681, 682
- Seguin, Marc, Removal of Statue, 505
- Sekon, G. A., Closing St. Pancras Station, 34; The Crystal Palace and the Railways, 626 Severn Bridge Scheme, 101
- Shanahan, H. F., Electricity for the Consumer, 287
- Shillington, A. F., Personnel in Engineering. 582
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, Annual Meeting, 591
- Shore, John, Obituary. 529
- Siddeley, Sir John, Retirement of,
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., Novox Resuscitating Apparatus, 16
- Silentbloc, Ltd., Anti-vibration Device, 70
- Sims, L. G. A., Standardisation in Incremental Magnetism, 285
- Smith, Dr. Bernard, Obituary. 197
- Smith, Sir Frank Sir Charles Parsons and Steam (Memorial Lecture), 513, 544
- Smith, T., and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., New Excavating Machine, 415
- Smith's Dock Co., Ltd., Electrically Propelled Ship for Trinity House, (178)
- Smithfield Club Show, 621
- Smulders, A., Obituary, (547)
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Annual Display, 1; Aircraft Engineering Scholarships, 689
- South Africa's Empire Exhibition, 260. 277, 372, 406, 511
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Progress, 168; Exhibit at Johannesburg, 406
- South African Railways, Mercury Arc Rectifiers. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 66; Latest Locomotives, 141
- South African Torbanite and Refining Co., Ltd., Capital Increase, 168
- South Scotland Electricity Scheme. 479
- South Wales and Trade Recovery, 647
- Southern Railway, New Signalling Scheme, 423; New Warehouse at Nine Elms, 582; (Correction, 668); Waterloo to Hampton Court Signalling, 597, 604
- Spalding, Engineer-Captain T., Appointed to R. N. Engineering College. Keyham, (519)
- Stacey, F. S., Obituary, 149
- Stamp, Sir Josiah, Impact of Science on Society, 251; (Leading Article. 263); (Letters, 320, 346, 378)
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., V 8 Standard Engine, 428
- Stanier, W. A., Locomotive Testing. 285; (Leading Article, 319); (Letter, 346)
- Stanier, W. A., Recent. Development of Locomotive Design, 333, 381
- Steel Structures Research Committee, Final Report. 213
- Sternol, Ltd., Jubilee, (661)
- Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., Boilers at Kemsley Paper Mill, 154, 155, 187
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., Air Conditioning of Railway Carriages, 556
- Stott, F., and H. Walker, Worm Gear Plant, 26
- Stowell, Hugh, Obituary, 479
- Strohlein and Co., Apparatus for Determining Carbon in Iron and Steel, 485
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., Ventilation at Kemsley Paper Mill, 237
- Suez Canal Dues, 621
- Sulphur Patents, Ltd., Manufacture of Sulphur and Liquid Sulphur Dioxide, 197
- Sunbeam Straight Eight-cylinder Engine for 30 H.P. Chassis, 428
- Swain, Squadron Leader F. R. D., Aircraft Altitude Record, 333. 342
- Swarm, W. F. G., Cosmic Rays, 271
- Swanson, E. B., Petroleum and Petroleum Products, 371
- Swinden, T., and G. R. Bolsover, Controlled Grain Size in Steel. 388, 486
- Switchgear Testing Co., Ltd., Modern Switchgear Testing Plant, 384
- TALBOT. Vice-Admiral C. P., Director of Admiralty Dockyards, (461)
- Tanner, T., Lecturer in Aeronautics at University College, Southampton, (124)
- Tawa Flat Deviation and Tunnel, New Zealand. 96
- Tawresey, J. G., Safety at Sea, 401
- Taylor, W. T, Water Vapour (Vacuum) Refrigeration, 131, 151
- "Teal," Motor Vessel for Lake Windermere. Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 69
- Telegraph Condenser Co., Ltd., Aqueous Electrolytic Condensers, 528
- Telephone Rentals, Ltd., Staff Insurance and Pension Scheme, (575)
- Thames-side Industrial Board, Formation of, 673
- Thanheiser, G., Gases in Steel, 360
- Thermotank, Ltd., Punkah Louvres for Aircraft Ventilation, 192
- Thomas. P., Electric and Gas Utilities, 471
- Thomas, R., and Co., Ltd., Ebbw Vale Steel Works, 333
- Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., Welded Water Turbine Casing, Suppt., 23.10.36, xiii. xxi
- Thompson, L., Blackpool Amusement Park, 285
- Thornton, W. M., Measurement of Voltage by Spark Gaps. 308; Tho Micro-gap Switch, 666
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Twin-screw Motor Yacht, 109; Floating Water Treatment Plant, 356
- Thrupp, E. C., A Challenge, 212; (Leading Article, 209); Predicting Earthquakes and Auroras, 607
- Tintometer, Ltd., Tintometer Colour Meter, 17
- Tookey, W. A., Atmospheric and Pressure Charging of a C.I. Engine. 501
- Tozer, Brevet-Colonel W., Master Cutler-Elect•, 221
- Tratman, E. E. R., Surface Finish for Concrete Roads, 457
- Triborough Bridge, New York, 51
- Turnbull, J. M. G., Liquid Brazing, 622. 648
- Tyler, M. C., Planned Utilisation of Water Resources, 471
- Tyne Improvement Commission, Jarrow Staith, 119
- Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co, Motor Liner " Dunnottar Castle," 93
- Union Screen Plate Company of Canada, Chromium Plating Plant, 216
- Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, Ltd., Twin-screw Turbine-driven Liner, " Awatoa," 112. 115
- United Water Softeners, Ltd., Floating Water Treatment Plant, 356
- Urra, Senor Lazaro, Buttressed Dam, Built in 1747, 202
- Van Deventer, J. H., The Keeley Motor, 134
- van Sweringen, 0. P., Obituary, (575)
- Vereinigte Stahlwerke, A.G., Iron and Steel Institute Visit, 413
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., " Teal," Motor Vessel for Lake Windermere, 69; Launch of Orient Liner " Orcades," 591; Twin- screw Turbine-driven Liner, " Awatea," 112, 115; Ship Repairing at Hebburn, 630
- Victoria Falls Power Co, 56
- [[Vogel and Schemmann, A.G., Tumbling Barrel and Rotary Table Machine, 483; Core- blowing Machine, 485
- von Bonde, Dr. W. Mapping South African Coastline, 39
- von Zeerleder, A., and R. Irmann, Aluminium and its Alloys, 315
- Vowles, H. P., Machinery and Unemployment, 34; Engineers and Economics, 456
- WADKIN and Co., Combined Surfacing and Thicknessing Machine, 321; High-speed Router, 322
- Waghorn, Sir W., Obituary. 350
- Wakefield, C. C., and Co., Ltd., A Conveyor Lubricator, 240
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., New Railcar for Peru, 316; Ventilation of the Mersey Tunnel, 661
- Walker, H., and F. Stott, Worm Gear Plant, 26
- Walker, R. J., Obituary, 436
- Wallace, L. 'W., Early Wind Tunnel Studies for the Railroads. 298
- Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., Lightweight Motor Roller, Hand Sprayer for Cold Emulsions, 5
- Walmsleys (Bury), Ltd., 320in. Fourdrinier Paper-making Machine at Kemsley Mill, 204
- Waring, A. H., Locomotive Tests, 346
- Waterloo to Hampton Court Signalling, Southern Railway, 597, 604
- Waterlow and Sons Ltd., The Printing of the Radio Times, 655 •
- Watson, J. D., and D. M., West Middlesex Main Drainage, 438, 454, 488, 492
- Watson, Laidlaw and Co Ltd., 48in. Centrifugal, 16
- Watt, James, 33rd Anniversary Dinner, Tokyo. 60
- Watt, James International Medal Awarded Sir John Aspinall, 621
- Watt, R. A. Watson, Superintendent of Air Research Station, 249
- Watts, E. H., Mercantile Marine in Time of War, (575)
- Weaver, E. R., Natural and Manufactured Gas. 414
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Direct Take-off Autogiro, 120; Fifty Years' Retrospect, 546
- Welding Plant Ltd., Automatic Are Welding Apparatus, 581
- Welland Canal Pollution, 118
- Wentworth-Sheilds, F. E., Retirement of, 397
- Wesemann, F., Furnaces in German Steel Works, 359
- West Middlesex Main Drainage, J. D. and D. M. Watson, 438, 454, 488, 492
- Westminster City Council, Silencers on Road Drills, 81, 502; (Leading Article, 494)
- Weston, Dr. Edward, Obituary, 197
- Westphalian Coal Syndicate, Coal-fired Motor Coaches, 10
- Whaley, J. A., The Power of Locomotives, 58
- Wheelwright. G., Theory of Polarised Light, Demonstration, (317)
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Oil electric Chain-driven Ferry, (233)
- Whitehead, S., Electric Strength of Dielectrics, 309
- Wickham, D., and Co., 36-seater Petrol Trolley for L.N.E.R., 18
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., New Vertical-spindle Lathe, 386
- Willans, K. W., Science and Society, 378
- Williams, A. E., Solvent Recovery with Activated Carbon, 676
- Wilson Boilermakers Ltd., Automatic Boiler and Heating Plant, 473
- Wilson, Maurice, Obituary, 75
- Winget, Ltd., British Foundry Equipment, E. Longden, 640
- Wolfe Barry, K. A., Obituary, 38
- Woodall-Duckham Co Ltd., Huddersfield Refuse Destructor Plant, 62, 68; Becker Coke Oven and By-product Plant at Workington, 228. 234, 257
- Woolwich Arsenal Explosion. 51
- World Power Conference, The Third. 125; 341, 371, 413
- Wright, C. Science and Society. 346
- Yorkshire Electric Power Co., Ferrybridge Power Station Extensions. (529)
- Young, H. T., Electrical Installations in Buildings, 472
- ZEISS. Carl, Spectrum Analysis Apparatus, 485
See Also
Sources of Information