The Engineer 1938 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1938 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 166 Index
- ABEL, G. C., Measurements of Accelerations at Different Parts of a Boat. Seaplane during Take-off and Landing, 624
- Ablett, N. L., Railway Difficulties in Egypt, (591)
- Adamson, Daniel, and Co., Ltd., New Air-tight Inspection Door, 653
- Admiralty Laboratory at Sheffield, 689, 706
- Adwani, D. B., Water Supply of Karachi, India, 588
- A.E.G. Electric Co., Ltd., New Electric Control System, 421
- Ahearn, Hon. T. Obituary, 1
- Ailsa Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Troon Graving Dock Improvements, (227)
- Aircraft Operating Company of Africa (Pty.). Ltd., Aerial Maps of South Africa. 545
- Aitken, H. W., Co., Ltd., "Grano" Metal for Sugar Mill Rollers, Coal-tax Distilling Plant, Heat Exchanger, Carpet Shearing Machine, 354; Soda Recovery Plant for Paper Mills, 355; (Correction. 387)
- Albert Canal, Belgium, 269
- Alcock Viscous Flow Air Meters, Ricardo and Co. Engineers (1927), Ltd. 743
- Aldgate East Station, The New, 489
- Algoma Steel Corporation. Ltd., Steel Plant Extensions, 212
- Allen, R. W. The Use of Scale Models in Engineering, 246; (Leading Article. 473)
- Allen West and Co., Ltd., E.H.T. Switchgear for Durban. 101
- Allgemeine Elektrizitats Gesellschaft, Large Transportable Transformer, 422
- Allgemeine Transportanlagen, A.G., Moulding Concrete Drainage Pipes Underground. 654
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. Ltd., " B " Type Tractor, 39
- Allison, H., and L. E. Benson, Relief of Internal Stress in Castings. 23
- Aluminium Information Bureau, World Supplies of Bauxite, (471)
- Aluminium Union. Ltd., Bauxite Mining in British Guiana (Models), 305
- American Locomotive Co., 4-6-4 Streamlined Locomotives, (415)
- "Amra," British India Twin-screw Turbine Steamer, 666 (Supplement, December 16th, 1938)
- Andre-Hutton Experimental Pump, Silentbloc, Ltd., 499
- Andrews, C. F. W., Panama Canal Locks. (335)
- Andrews, L., Sources of Waste Heat Losses in Fine Grinding, 745
- Anglo-German Industrial Discussions, 719
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Ltd. New Oilfields in Iran, (13)
- Angus, R. W., Text-books. 538
- Archdale, James, and Co., Ltd., Radial Drilling Machine, 581; Traversing Head Line Milling Machine at A.E.C. Works, 697
- Armstrong's Patents Co., Ltd., Independent Front Wheel Suspension Unit, 449
- "Asama Muni," Nippon Yusen Kaisha Liner, 351
- Asbury. W., Klingenberg Power Station. (253)
- Asea Electric, Ltd., Krangede Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 193, 202, 244, 318; Resist-Lille° and Reactance Tap-changing Gear, 317
- Ashbridge, Sir Noel, Television (Hawksley Lecture), 526
- Ashworth and Parker, Ltd. Single-cylinder Steam Engine, 413
- Asquith, William, Ltd., Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine, 666
- Assiut Barrage Remodelling, Coode, Wilson, Mitchell and Vaughan-Lee, 254, 258
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., New Direct Injection Oil Engine, 120; Railcars for G.W.R., (281); Description of Southall Works, 678, 697, 702, 726
- Associated Offices Technical Committee. Arc-welded Pressure Vessels, (121)
- Atkinson, A. D. S., Lamps and Eyes, 77
- Aubrey, S. J., Re-elected Chairman of Lloyd's, (673)
- August's, Ltd., Cement Sand Preparation Plant, 398
- Automobile Association, Annual Meeting, (121)
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., Yard Dumper, 19
- BABCOCK and Wilcox. Ltd., Interesting Boiler Mishap, 177; Boilers at Clarence Dock Power Station, 460, 472; Boilers for British India Twin-screw Steamer " Mora." 666 (Supplement, December 16th, 1938)
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co., Ltd., Oil and Bearing Testing Machine ("Admiralty"), 209
- Bakelite, Ltd., New Adhesive for Plywood (" Plybond "), (41); Plastic Materials at Glasgow Exhibition, 250; Rapid-drying Primers. 510; Wood-faced Laminated Material, 742
- Baker, H. P., and E. E. Hoadley, Centralised Automatic Control of Street Lighting. 99
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Freight Locomotives for Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, (701)
- Balfour, H., and Co., Ltd. Automatic Operator for Water Gas Plants, 285
- Bamfords, Ltd., Manure Distributor. 74
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd. P. & 0. Troopship " Ettrick," (227), 719
- Barclay, W. R., Obituary, 339
- Barford, V. G., Obituary. (334)
- Barimar, Ltd., Welding Steel to Cast Iron. (78)
- Barnwell, Captain F. S., Obituary. 1.52
- Barr and Stroud, Ltd., Submarine Periscope, C.H. 55, 62
- Barry, W. C., Jointing Box Compound. (563) Bartlett Dam, Arizona. Multiple-arch Concrete Dam, 400
- Bassett Lowke, Ltd., Model Coal line at Glasgow Exhibition, 172
- Basrah Petroleum Co. Ltd. Iraq Oil Concession, (149)
- Bauer. S. G., A Mechanical-optical High-speed Indicator, 196; (Letters, 316, 392)
- Beardmore, W., and Co., Ltd., Steel Castings for " Queen Elizabeth," 357; Exhibits at Glasgow Empire Exhibition. 469
- Beaver H., Problems of Industrial Planning, 511; (Leading Article. 503)
- Beeny, H. H. and A. H. Lloyd. Cutting Fluids and the Machine Tool. 420
- Begeman, M. L. Hard-surfacing Processes and Materials, 743
- Beij, K. H., Pressure Losses for Fluid Flow in 90 deg. Pipe Bends, 624
- Bell Telephone Laboratories. Radio Echo Altimeter. (617)
- Bellamy, R. G., A Precombustion Ignition Coal-oil Engine. 39, 70
- Belliss, John, Obituary, 566
- Benford, Ltd., " Regulus " Portable Concrete Mixer, 317
- Bennett, Ben., Jun. Ltd., Electric Rolling Mill and Furnace Equipment. General Electric Co., Ltd., 206
- Benoto Societe Francaise. Travelling Grab Loader, 544
- Benson, L. E., and H. Allison. Relief of Internal Stress in Castings. 23
- "Berengaria", Cunard White Star Liner, to be Broken Up, (471). (533)
- Berk. F. W., and Co. Ltd., New Contact Sulphuric Acid Plant, Simon Carves, Ltd., 478
- Berthold, R., Non-destructive Testing in Germany. (617)
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Beyer-Garratt Articulated Locomotives for South Africa. (673)
- Bigwood, Joshua, and Sons, Ltd., Merger with Laystall Engineering Co., (227); Large Plate Bending Rolls. 372
- Binnie, W. J. E., Presidential Address, Institution of Civil Engineers. 493; (Leading Article, 535)
- Birkett, T. M. and Sons, Ltd., Aluminium-Bronze Anchor, 470
- Birmingham Electricity Failure, 570
- Birmingham, Tame and Rea Drainage Board. Air Ministry Land Purchases, (591)
- Black and Decker. Ltd., Small Electric Drill, 709
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., " A Hundred Years of Progress," T. L. Price. (613)
- Blackwall Tunnel, The New. 633
- Blakiston, J., The Modern Manufacture of Machine Tool Castings. 102; (Letter, 119)
- Bluewater International Road Bridge, Ontario, (471); Sodium Vapour Lighting, 709
- Boby, W., and Co., Ltd. Water-softening Plant at Newnham Pumping Station, 480
- Bojesen C. C., Electrical Installations in China, 104
- Booth, Charles, Obituary, (673)
- Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd., New Factory at Beeston. Notts, 618, 621
- Boulder Dam-Los Angeles Transmission Line, (471)
- Bournemouth District Sewage Scheme, (201)
- Bouton, Georges, Obituary, 549
- Bowley, A. L., Production and Efficiency, 658; (Leading Article, 647)
- Bowring, C. T., and Co., Ltd., Motorship " Regent Tiger," Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 287
- Brackenbury, H. I., Obituary, 339
- Bradby's Engineering Works, Ltd., Portable Electric Generator Set, 423
- Bragg, Sir William, The Molecular Basis of the Strength of Materials (Andrew Laing Lecture, 572; (Leading Article, 565)
- Bressey, Sir C. H., President, Junior Institution of Engineers, (12); Roads and Traffic (Presidential Address), 683; (Leading Article, 675)
- Bright, H. A. and J. L. Hague. Determination of Boron in Steel and Cast Iron, (335)
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd. Bin. Double Duo Rolling Mill, 22
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., " Bristol Hercules " Aero-engines, (471); Modified Version of Blenheim Bomber, (501)
- Bristol Tractors, Ltd., Jowett-engined Tractor, 39
- British Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Acquired by General Aircraft, Ltd., (121)
- British Airways "New Lockheed 14" Aircraft, (253), (335)
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Production in India, (149)
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House Extension, (175). (701): New Station at Aberdeen, (309)
- British Central Electric Co., Improved Electric Hand Lamp, 208
- British Coal Utilisation Research Association. First Ordinary Meeting, 689
- British Corporation of Shipping and Aircraft. Rules for Fusion Welded Boilers, 165
- British Engine Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co., Ltd., Interesting Shaft Fractures. 590
- British Gazogenes, Ltd., Fordson Tractor with Gas Producer, 73
- British Institute of Engineering Technology. Ltd., " Engineering Opportunities," (104)
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., A Large Resistance Welder, 510
- British Metal Corporation, Ltd. Base Metal Consumption, (41)
- British Oil Burner Manufacturers' Association, Annual Meeting, 12
- British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Surface Treatment for Piston Rings "Bricoscal", (117)
- British Power Boat Co. New Motor Torpedo Boats, 189; "Sea Lion" 500 B.H.P. Marine Engine, 465
- British Road Federation, Basic Road Statistics. 109
- British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., Rope. way at Avonmouth Works of National Smelting Co., 737
- British Steelwork Association, Air Raid Shelters, 297
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., I.E.E. Visit to Rugby Works, 75; Reduction of Noise from Transformer Sub-stations, 341; Ignitron Loading Equipments for Traction Sub-stations, 396; Switchgear for Clarence Dock Power Station, 463; Single-phase to Three-phase Conversion. 509; Individual Electric Drives, 521, 580
- Broken Hill Silver Lead Mines, (335-
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., " Isofuse " Triple-pole Switch. 597
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., New Yokes for Squeeze Riveters, 596; Lightweight Pneumatic Rock Drills, 742
- Broughty Ferry and District Steam Laundry. Ltd., Large Hot Water Storage Tank. 20
- Browett Lindley, J., (1931). Ltd., Monobloc Compressor. 46
- Brown Boveri Co., Mutator-operated induction Furnaces, 333; Mutators with Uncontrolled and Controlled Grids, 452
- Brown. David, and Sons (Rudd.), Ltd., Fabricated Gear Units, 101; Rear Axle Reduction Gears for Motor Cars, 465; Change-speed Gear-box, 610
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Cunard White Star Liner " RMS Queen Elizabeth," 189. 340 (Supplement, September 23rd, 1938), 351, 357, 390, 393; H.M. Submarine Depot Ship " Forth." (201); Launch of H.M. Destroyer " Jackal," (471); Naval Orders, (645)
- Brown, R. D., Social and International Problems and the Civil Engineer, 424: (Lending Article, 417)
- Brown, W. S., Theoretical Discharge of Air from Ports in a Duct, 587. 610
- Brownlie, J. T., Obituary, 447
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. Agreement with Petters, Ltd., 297; Loughborough Works' Reorganisation. 719
- B.S.A. Tools. Ltd. Multi-tool Lathe, 665
- Budd, R., Oil-engined Locomotives in Service, (238)
- Bumgardner, H. E., Smoke-density Measurements. 372
- "Buna." A. n . Little. Inc., 625 Burgenstock-Hammetschwand Lift, Schindler and Co. 542
- Burkhardt, J. E. The Marine Oil Engine in America, 11
- Burma-Yunnan Road and Railway. C. A. Middleton Smith, 692, 725
- Burnham, T. H., From Works Management E,lucation to Works Management. 158, 183
- Burmeister and Wain, High-speed Motorship " Besarabia." (415)
- Barntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Big Output, (201)
- Burt, L. N., The Grid and the Papermaker, 651; (Letter, 672)
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Machine Tool Demonstration Van, 708
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics Awarded to G. O. Jones, (67)
- Butler, R. R., Eye Protection in High- temperature Operations, 24
- CABLES and Wireless, Ltd., Empire Wireless Chain, (645)
- Cairns, T. Russell, Elected President, N.E.
- Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, (443); Shipbuilders, Shipowners and International Trade (Pres. Address), 483
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd. H.M.S. " Scott." Launched, (253)
- Callender, Sir Thomas 0., Obituary. 649
- Cambridge Aerodrome, (363)
- Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., H.M. Submarine " Thetis," (41); Cunard White Star Liner " RMS Mauretania." 143 Supplement, .4 ugust 51h, 1938), 178, (645)
- Campbell, D. F., Electric Furnaces in European Steel Works, 504
- Campbell. Hugh, The Grid and the Oil Engine Industry, 474
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, Water Speed Record, (227), (335)
- Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd., Thermal Tripping Element, 388
- Canadian Pacific Railway. Orders for New Ships, (93), (471)
- Canton Harbour, 574
- "Canton," P. & 0. Liner, Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., 379, 416, 419
- Cape Steel Construction Co., Steel Works for Cape Town, 545
- Cape Town Harbour, 426
- Cape Town Power Station, 184
- Cape Town's Reclamation Scheme, 291
- Cardiff Power Station Extensions, (645)
- "Carnarvon Castle," Re-engining the, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., (13)
- Carpenter, Dr. Charles, Obituary, 314
- Carter, B. C., Vibration in Aircraft, 307
- Cassis, France, Unusual Form of Reservoir, '236 Castlecary Railway Accident, L.N.E. Railway, 15
- C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Searchlight, 500
- Celotex, Ltd., Cane Fibre Expansion Joints, (67)
- Central London Railway Extension, 519
- Chabal et Cie., Unusual Form of Reservoir, 236
- Chalmers, R., The Engineers' Guild. 200, 333, 424; Engineers and the Peace of the World, 450
- Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., " Idaglas " Fibres, 385
- Charing Cross District Railway Accident Report, 325
- Chatley, H., The Status of the Engineer, 489
- Chatley, H., and H. Gutteridge, Engineering Aspects of Air Raid Protection, 529
- Chesterfield Tube Co., Ltd., Works Extensions, 672
- Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, New " Zephyr " Train, (452)
- Chicago Lift Bridges, 320
- Chicago and North-Western Railroad, New 4-6-4 Streamlined Locomotives, (309)
- Chicago Underground Railway, (563), 742
- Chisholm, W. F., Fight with an Oil Well, 332, 534
- Christie, A. G., Nominated President, A.S.M.E., (67)
- Christie, George, Ltd., Wire Drawing Machine, 438
- Christie, S. P., " Buzz Box " Power Units, 9
- Christopherson, D. G., Relaxation Methods Applied to Grid Frameworks, 145; Relaxation Method for the Solution of Poisson's Equation, 231
- Churchill-Redman, Ltd., Heavy-duty Shaping Machines, 653
- Clarence Dock Power Station, Liverpool Corporation, 460, 472
- Clark, J. H. M. Foreign-built Ships, (121)
- Clarke Troller Outboard Motor, Treglown, Ltd., 499
- Clerk, Dugald, and the Gas Engine, W. A. Tookey, 663
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Bridge Widening at Neasden, L.P.T.B., 339
- Clyde Alloy Steels, Ltd., Engine Crank Case from Airship " R101," 468
- Clyde Blowers, Ltd., " X L " Typo Blower, 413 Clyde Dredging, (701)
- Clyde Fuel Systems. Ltd. Automatic Coal Stokers and Oil Burners, 5
- Clyde Shipbuilding, (733)
- Coast Lines, Ltd., New Ships, (13)
- Cobb, John, Land Speed Record, (309), (335)
- Cochrane and Sons, Ltd., Ocean Tug " Neptunia," (309)
- Cockburn, A. and Co., Boiler Fittings, 413
- Cockerill, John, S.A., New Continental Winding Plant. 74
- Coisley Hill Sewage Works, Sheffield, 65
- Colchester Lathe Co., " Triumph " All-geared Lathe, 336
- Collie, W. Stewart, " Hydrogap " Rudder, 405, 708
- Collingwood Shipyards, Ltd., All-welded Tanker, 212
- Collis, J., and Sons, Ltd., Hydraulic Lifting Truck, and Stacking Machine, 414; (Correction, 440)
- Colombo Graving Dock, 83, (617)
- Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation, Cutting Up Scrap in Large Yards, (201)
- Colorado River Aqueduct, (673)
- Colquhoun, J. F., Street Lighting, 290
- Colvilles, Ltd., Clydebridge Plate Mill Model, 468; Memorial Gift to Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, (471)
- Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co., Unusual Haulage Job, 392
- Coode, Wilson, Mitchell and Vaughan-Lee, New Graving Dock at Colombo, 83; Assiut Barrage Remodelling, 254, 258
- Cook, F. C., Road Development in Great Britain, 275
- Cook, S. S., Sir Charles Parsons and Marine Propulsion (Memorial Lecture), 638
- Coombes, J. E. M., Suppression of Radio Interference Caused by Trolleybuses, 232
- Copper Development Association, Driving Earth Electrodes, 422
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., Trans-Iranian Railway, 217
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., Matrix Thread Grinding Machines, 666
- Coventry Water Supply, 351, (617)
- Cox and Stevens, Inc., Sea-going Sewage Sludge Vessels, 586
- Crampton, A. W., The Engineers' Guild, 119, 259, 360, 450
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Propaganda and Foreign Trade, 10; (Leading Article, 16); 230-Ton Lathe, 370; Double-ended Shafting and Turbine Lathe, 631
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., Variable-speed Pulleys, 608
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Four-cylinder 56 B.H.P. Oil Engine, and " BVD " 10 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 467
- Crossley, T. L., H. R. Petersen and R. J. Hart, Paper from Waste Wood, (93)
- Crompton, Colonel R. E., Diamond Jubilee, 57 Cuban Merchant Marine, Orders Placed, 269 Cutlers' Feast, The 310th, 431
- Czechoslovak State Railways Report, (501)
- DALMARNOCK Power Station, 50,000-kW Turbo-alternator, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 60, 68 (Supplement. July 15th, 1938)
- D'Arcy Exploration Co., Ltd., Broseley Oil Search Abandoned, (701)
- Darlington Forge Co., Ltd., Propeller Shaft Stern Tubes for " Queen Elizabeth," 358
- Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, 379, (415); New Approach Road, (645)
- Darwin, C. G., Logic and Probability in Physics, 237; (Leading Article, 229); Appointed Director, National Physical Laboratory, 405
- Davenport-Besler Corporation, 760 H.P. Oil- electric Shunting Engine, (335)
- Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., Sixteen-cylinder Light-weight Marine Oil Engine, 91
- Davidson, A. C., Alloying of Tin and Bismuth, (175)
- Davies, A. J., and F. V. A. E. Engel, Velocity Profiles and Flow of Fluids through a Contracted Pipe Line, 720
- Davis, P., Glider Altitude Record, (175)
- Dawson, Sir Philip, Obituary, 366
- de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., An Overload Aeroplane Test, 243; South African Factory Proposed, 545
- Delany, S., Obituary, (442)
- Delta, S. A., Electric Lamp Factory in South Africa, 52
- Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, Four-cylinder 4-6-6-4 Articulated Locomotives, (121)
- Derousseaux, J., Coal Reserves in France, (320)
- "Destron " Split Pulley for Belt Drives, Douglas Lawson and Co., Ltd., 510
- Des Voeux, H. A. , Presidential Address, Smoke Abatement Society. 633
- Deutsche Werft, Large Oil-electric Ship " Patria," (227)
- Dewhurst, P. C., Railway Wheels, 9
- Dick, J., Dynamical Problems in the Design of a Large Bell, 251
- Dickinson, H. W., Doctor of Engineering, Lehigh University, (483)
- Dollar Steamship Corporation, Taken Over by U.S. Government, (227); New Ships, (471)
- "Dominion Monarch," Shaw Savill Motorship. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd , (121), 137
- Donkin, S. B., Technical and Economical Developments in Electrical Engineering, 50 Dordogne Barrage, France, 135
- Dortmund Experimental Mine, 636
- Dott, G., Oil Drilling in Great Britain, 169, 191. 220; (Letter, 269)
- Doxford, William, and Sons, Ltd., 8000 S.H.P. Marine Oil Engine, 199
- Drechsel, W Glider Altitude Record, (175) Drum Engineering Co., Ltd., " P.R.D." Rotary Pump, 262
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Fountain Displays at Glasgow Exhibition, 115; " Upright " Pumps, 117
- Dulong, Andre, A New Bridge Design, 717 Duncan Stewart and Co., Ltd., Rapid Cooling Crystalliser, 332
- Duncan, W. J., Galerkin's Method in Mechanics and Differential Equations, 70; Diffusion of Load in Certain Sheet-Stringer Combinations. 644
- "Durban Castle," Union Castle Liner, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 719
- Durban's Sewerage Scheme, 90
- Durham, F. E. F. Retirement from Metropolitan Water Board, 719
- Duveen, H., Textile Factory in South Africa, 52
- Dzerjinsky Technical Heat Institute, Aluminium from Power Station Waste, (176)
- EBBW Vale, Richard Thomas and Co., Ltd., 31
- Eccles, G. O., A Moving-coil Vibrometer, 232
- Eckener, Dr., Awarded Gold Medal of Royal Aeronautical Society, (443)
- Edgecombe, C. H., The Braking of Railway Trains, 277
- Edward, J. and F. H. Todd, Steam Drifters Redesigned, 519
- Eire Great Southern Railway, 4-6-0 Express Locomotives, (363)
- Electroflo Meters Co., Ltd., Boiler Control Instruments, 413; Control System for Clarence Dock Power Station, 460, 472
- Ellison, G., Ltd., Switchgear for Clarence Dock Power Station, 463
- Engel, F. V. A. E., and A. J. Davies, Velocity Profiles and Flow of Fluids through a Contracted Pipe Line, 720
- Engineers' Guild, Policy and Activities, (562), 584
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Capacitor Motors, Split-phase Motors, Motor driven Suds Pumps, Flameproof Draw-out Switch Pillar, 224
- English Steel Corporation, Large Railway Wagon, (733)
- Eppelsheimer, D., The Development of Continuous Strip Mills, 502, 513
- Ericsson, L. M., Co., Automatic Road Traffic Control, (617)
- Esla Viaduct, Spain, 147, 150
- Esslingen, Masch., The Production and Use of Dry Ice, .560
- "Ettrick," P. & 0. Troopship, Barclay Curle and Co. Ltd., (227), 719
- Evans, E., Obituary, (281)
- Evans, H., and C. Sykes, Specific-Heat/temperature Curves, 505
- Eyston, Captain G., World Land Speed Record, (13), (253), (335)
- Fairbairn, Lawson, Combe, Barbour, Ltd., Engineering Firms and Rearmament, 31
- Fairey Aviation Co., Air Liner Ordered by Air Ministry, (591)
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., H.M. Aircraft Carrier ' Implacable," 405
- Farnsworth, W. M., and E. R. Johnson, American, Electric Furnace Practice, 504
- Federation of British Industries, Industry and Defence Committee, 579
- Fen Drainage Proposal, 189
- Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow), Ltd., Twin-grab Hopper Dredger " Foulney " for L.M.S., (335)
- Ferguson-Brown, Ltd., Four-cylinder Tractor and Cultivator, 99; Tractor Works, Huddersfield, 729
- Ferguson, John, Obituary, 505
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., Visit to Switchgear Works, 611
- Fescol, Ltd., New Works, North Road, London. N.7, 477
- Fisher, S. H., Acceleration of Railway Services, 706
- Fishleigh Rotary Cultivator Co., Ltd., Portable Winch, 72
- Fleming, A. P. M., Personnel in industry, I.E.E. Presidential Address, 467; (Leading Article, 473); (Letter, 537)
- Flender Variable-speed Gear Unit, Hansel and Schmitt, Ltd., 634
- Fletcher, S. B., The Upbringing of Engineers, 537
- Foley, Sir E. Julian, The State and the Marina Engineer, 399
- Folkestone Harbour Improvements, (471)
- Follows, J. H., Obituary, (673)
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Welded Waterless Gasholder. Horseley Bridge and Thomas Piggott, Ltd., 127; Engine Decarbonising, New Method, (733)
- Forster, F., and W. Koster, Elasticity and Damping in relation to the State of the Material, 626
- Forth Estuary Bridge Scheme, 137
- Foundry Plant and Machinery, Ltd., Sand-stinger Madding Machine, 250
- Fowler, Sir Henry, Obituary, 446
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd. P.A.M. Petrol Engine, and 3-kW Lighting Set, 126
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Drag Scraper for Belfast Harbour Power Station, 210
- Fredericton, N.B. Wharf Reconstruction, R. F. Legget, 301
- Freeman, S. B., Nominated President, Society of Consulting Marine Engineers, (443)
- French National Railway Co., Economies, 349, 429
- French, W. and C. Ltd., River Nene Improvement Works, 641, 646; (Correction. 684)
- Froude, William, Laboratory, Annual Report, 431
- Fuel Research Board, Annual Report, 689, 700
- Furness Shipbuilding Co., New Floating Dock for Durban, (149)
- GARDNER, A. C., Engineers and World Peace, 480
- Garras, A. and C. Usinger, Bog Blasting, 140
- Gayler, M. L. V., Copper-Aluminium Alloys, 536
- General Aircraft, Ltd., Acquire British Aircraft Manufacturing Co., (121)
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Directors' Fifty Years' Service, (13); Steam Sterilising Chest, 39; Electric Rolling Mill and Furnace Equipment, 206; Lighting System at Glasgow Exhibition, 225; Ore Conveyor Belt Lighting in South Africa, 235; High-rupturing Capacity Cartridge Fuses, 289; Oil Circuit Breakers with Spring-closing Mechanism, 371; Centralised Control of Public Lighting and Off-peak Loads. 388; Voltage Regulators of Ungoverned Generating Sets. 154
- Genissiat Dam, River Rhine, 722, 734
- Gent and Co., Ltd., An Electrical Staff Locator, 182; Air Raid Warning Syrens, 571
- Geological Museum, Rotating Globe, 405
- Gerard, I. J., and B. G. Dickens, Stressed-skin Structures, 644
- Geyer, E. W., Energy Content of High-pressure Gases, 256
- Gheselayagh. A., Engineers and the State, 145
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., New Coking and By-Products Plant at West Hartlepool, 86. 94 113, 122
- Gibbons, H. J., The Grid and the Oil Engine Industry, 644
- Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., Synchronous Electric Tower Clock at Norwich, 251
- Gilman, F. (B.S.T.), Ltd., Rotary Milling Cutters. 569
- Gilsons of Bath, New Cornish Stone Quarry, 570
- Glasgow, Empire Exhibition. Attendance Figures, (149), (253), (501); Description of Exhibits, 6. 34, 62, 87, 115, 147, 172, 198, 224, 249, 273, 305, 330, 354, 385, 412, 438, 468; Coal Pavilion, 412; Model Cane Sugar Factory, 330; " Steel Industry, Scotland," Pavilion, 468; United Kingdom Government Pavilion, 147, 172, 198
- Glasgow Railway Engineering Co., Ltd., 12- Ton Wagon Axle, 469
- Glasgow Water Supply, (281)
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Oil-fired Rotary Melting Furnace, 42, 52
- Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., 24, B.H.P. Oil Engine for Stainless Steel Lifeboat, 250; 120 B.I.P. and 72 B.H.P. Oil Engines, 500
- Godfrey, Sir George, and Partners, Ltd., Blowers and Exhausters for Industrial Application, 614
- Goldman, B., and N. C. Jones, The Modern Portable Gas Producer, 712, 740; (Leading Article, 703)
- Gooch and Son, Potato Sorter with Roller Conveyor, 72
- Goodacre, E. J., The " Buried City "—Report on Underground Planning, 283
- Goodwin, Barsby and Co., Ltd., Crushing and Screening Plant at Cornish Stone Quarry, 570 Goole Docks Improvements, (13), 31
- Gordon Bennett Balloon Race, (335)
- Gordon, Lord, Dudley, Elected President, British Engineers' Association, (443); Engineering Industrial Organisation, 654
- Graf Zeppelin," New German Airship " L.Z. 130. ' 325, (335)
- Grand Coulee Power Project, Generators. (363); Large Turbines, (733)
- Grand Union Canal, New Birmingham Warehouse, (363); Developments, 459; Shipping Interests, (673)
- Grant, A. J., Elected Master Cutler, (281)
- Grant, J. Fergus, Canadian Electrical Industry, (533)
- Gravelly Point Airport, U.S.A., (701)
- Gray, W. T., and E. S. Pritt, The Metadyne Applied to Electric Traction, 538
- Great Western Railway, New Goods Wagons, (67); Armour Plate Glass for Express Engines, (93); School for Road Motor Drivers, (149); Winter Train Service, (281); New Railcars, (281); Penzance Station Alterations, (415); Whitland Station Improvement Scheme, (501); Track-relaying Programme, (533); Weaver Viaduct Reconstruction, 551; Paddington Signal-box Fire, 607, (617), (673); Westbourne Bridge Signal-box Fire, (733); Appointments, (733); Line Subsidence Between Truro and St. Austell, (733)
- Greatrex, F. B., Transients in Transformers, 231
- Green, J. R., Relaxation Applied to Calculate the Flow of a Compressible Fluid, 231
- Greenly, J. H. M., President, Institute of Fuel, (227)
- Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., A Flameproof Locomotive, 451
- Gregory, Sir Richard, Retirement from Nature, 579
- Gresham, S. T., Obituary, 96
- Griffiths, G. J., Retirement from Thames Conservancy, 551
- Griffith, Sir J. Purser, Obituary, 475
- Grimaud, Gustave, Reinforced Concrete Screw Piles, 26
- Groves, A. W., Manganese, 546
- Grubb, Sir Howard, Parsons and Co., 741.n. Pretoria Reflector, 298, 326, 336, 353, 364 (Supplement, September 16th, 1938)
- Guest, J. J., Mechanical-optical High-speed Indicator, 392
- Gutteridge, H., and H. Chatley, Engineering Aspects of Air Raid Protection, 529
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co., Ltd., An Extra Low-voltage Lighting Transformer, 398
- Hadfields, Ltd., Railway Junction at Newcastle-on-Tyne, L.N.E.R., 571
- Hague, J. L., and H. A. Bright, Determination of Boron in Steel and Cast Iron, (335)
- Haldin, P., A Reserve of Ships, 633
- Hall, E. E., Sealing Porous Aluminium Castings, (389)
- Hammersmith Bridge Repairs, 165
- Hammond, R., Engineers and Air Raids, 538 Hams Hall Power Station, Birmingham, New Cooling Towers, (671) .
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., " Pullo-max " Sheet Metal Shearing Machines, 598
- Hansel and Schmitt, Ltd., Flender Variable-speed Gear Unit, 634
- Hanson, D., and W. T. Pell-Walpole, Antimony's Effect on Strength of Tin, (533)
- Hanson, J., and D. Williams, Gust Loads on Tails and Wings, 120
- "Harding " Constant-weight Feeder, International Combustion, Ltd., 63
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Re-engining the " Carnarvon Castle," (13); Re-powering " Warwick Castle," 379; Output in 1938, (701) Union-Castle Liner " Durban Castle," 719
- Harrison. G. M., The Railway Position in North America. (652)
- Harrison, McGregor and Co., Ltd., Holt Bracken Breaker, 98; Swath Turner and Collector, 99
- Hart, R. J.,H. R. Petersen, and T. L. Crossley, Paper from Waste Wood, (93)
- Harvest Saver and Implement Co., Ltd., Grass Cutter-collector Machine, Electric Fence Control Unit, 126
- Harvey, G. and A., Ltd., Spindle Milling Machine and Lathe with Motor for Quick Traverse. 581; 10in. Boring and Milling Machine, 596
- Hawthorn, Leslie, R. and W., and Co., Ltd., Launch of H.M. Flotilla Leader " Jervis," (309); Launch of H.M.S. " Kelly," (471)
- Hay, David, Obituary, 506
- Hayes, H. C., and E. Klein, Determining Natural Modes of Vibration of Structures, 682
- Head, Wrightson and Co. Ltd., Large Railway Wagon for English Steel Corporation, (733)
- Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Co., Exhibition in 1939, (533)
- Henry Hudson Bridge, Harlem River, Upper Deck, 512
- Henshaw, A., Winner of King's Cup Air Race, (41)
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Taylor " Feedright " Weighing and Rationing Machine, and " Drinkrite " Automatic Water Bowls, 98; Utility Head and High-speed Tapping Machine, 290; No. 2S Motor-driven Chasing Lathe, 451; Improved Toolmakers' Microscope (Zeiss), 477; Electrically Driven 4 SE Capstan Lathe, 520
- Hewes, L. I., Roads in the United States. (227)
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., Low Starting Current Motors, 334; Educational Film, (733)
- Highway Trailer Co., Pole-setting Equipment, 1
- Hildage. H. T., Incentives, 119
- Hill, Charles, and Sons, Ltd., Motorship " Brockley Combe," (253)
- Hirshfeld C. F., and R. M. Vanduzer, Heat Generated Energy, 636
- Hoadley, E. E., and H. P. Baker, Centralised Automatic Control of Street Lighting, 99
- Holloway, J., Defensive Rearmament Production, 450
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Loading from a Rock Dump by Scraping, 261
- Holroyd, John, and Co., Ltd., Slotting, Profile Milling, and Rifling Machines, 665
- Hope. Henry, and Sons, Ltd., Rotating Globe, 147
- Hornbuckle, T., Address to Diesel Engine User's Association, 21
- Horne, L. R., Electric Propulsion of Ships, (733)
- Horseley Bridge and Thomas Piggott, Ltd., A Welded Waterless Gasholder at Ford Works, 127
- Horstmann, Ltd., Screw Loosening Device, 20
- Hotine, L., and P. H. Smith, Oil Engines in B.B.C. Stations, (471)
- Houk, I. E., Stresses Around Galleries in Concrete Dams, 382
- Howe, G. W. O., The Concepts and Language of Electrical Engineering, 262; (Leading Article, 255)
- Hughes, Howard, Record New York to Paris Flight, (67); World Flight Completed, (93)
- Hull, Paragon Station. Resignalling, L.N.E. Railway, 49
- Humber Estuary Bridge Scheme, 137
- Humphries, Sir Herbert, Obituary, 45
- Hutchinson, A., Obituary, (253)
- IMPERIAL Airways, Ltd., New " Ensign " Air Liners, (443); New Long-range Flying Boats, (501) Annual Report, (533); New Services, (533); Annual Meeting, 551; Mr. W. L. Runciman to Join, (617), " Floating " Hotel at Mozambique, (733)
- Impey, A. C. W., Railways and the Transport of Iron and Steel, (41)
- Industrial Welfare Society, Annual Meeting, 579
- Inglis, C. E., Vibration in Ships and Aircraft, 307
- Inglis, Dr. C. E. Pencil Portrait No. 18, November 11th. 1938
- International Combustion. Ltd. " Harding° " Constant-weight Feeder, " Ty-Rock " Vibrating Screen, 63
- International Corrodeless Co., "Royal" Metal Treatment Process, 89
- International Electrotechnical Commission, Banquet, (41)
- International Engineering Concessionaires Ltd. "Silvercote" Thermal Insulating Material. (78)
- International Engineering Congress. Glasgow, 16, 50. 77, (546), (563)
- International Harvester Co., Ltd., W . 1 4 Tractor. 39
- International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd., Nickel Development, 709
- International Technical Developments, Ltd., Concrete Petrol Tanks, La Paroi Hydraulique, 732
- "Iscor," Mr. G. A. Jenkin's Appointment. 52: Reappointment of Dr. H. J. van der Baij, 291; Dismissal of Employees, 655; Steel Production, 71 1
- JARROW Free Ferry, (701)
- Jarrow Industries, New, (363)
- Jarrow Metal Industries, Ltd. New Works, 490 Jarrow Tube Works, Ltd., New Works, (227), 490
- Jenkin, G. A., Appointed London Representative of " Iscor," 52
- Jenkins, Rhys, Ironfounding in England, 599
- Jicwood, Ltd., New Constructional Material (" Samsonow Jicwood "), 682
- Johnson, E. R., and W. M. Farnsworth, American Electric Furnace Practice, 504
- Johnson, P., The Past. Present, and Future of the British Agricultural Engineer, 689
- Johnson, T. W., Retirement from Natal Lino, (41)
- Johnston, K. H., Railway Axle Seat Failures, 226
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., Electrically driven Sensitive Drilling Machines, 621; Unit-head Drilling and Tapping Machines and Machine for Drilling Fly-wheels, 580
- Jones. E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., A Multi-milling Machine, 182: H-Gear, 609
- Jones, G. O., Awarded Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, (67)
- Jones, J., Electricity in Mines, (451)
- Jones and Laughlin Steel Works, Steel Research Laboratory, 572
- Jones, N. C., and B. Goldman, The Modern Portable Gas Producer, 712, 740; (Leading Article, 703)
- Jones, R. F. Lloyd, Airport Design, (443)
- Jones, T. C. and Co., Ltd., New Contractor's Crane, 625
- Jones, Sir W. J., Obituary, 447
- Joseph, R. A., Engineers and the State, 174
- KARACHI, India, Water Supply of, D. B. Adwani, 588
- Keewatin, Ontario, Wharf Reconstruction, R. F. Legget, 302
- Keith Blackman, Ltd., Air Heating Unit, 625
- Kelly, S. F. A Perspective of Geophysics, 288
- Kendall and Gent (1920), Ltd., Heavy-duty Plano-milling Machine, 692
- Kennedy and Kempe, Ltd., Spiral Strake and " K & K " Earth Anchor, 99
- Kermit, H. E. M., Shasta Dam, California, 677
- Kent, Sir Walter, Obituary, (565), 598
- Kershaw. A., Machine Tool Castings, 119
- Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Co., Ltd, Pickling Acid Recovery Plant, 508
- Kidner, P. C., Elected President, Institution of Automobile Engineers, (357); Presidential Address. 379
- King, G. W., Ltd., Selective Conveyor Installation at Morris Engine Factory. Coventry, 21
- King's Cup Air Race, A. Henshaw, (41)
- Kingston By-pass Experiments. (262)
- Kingston Electricity Failure, 703
- Kingston, J. R., A Precombustion Ignition Coal-Oil Engine, 70
- Kitfield, P. H. Experience with Divided Highways, (227)
- Klein, E., and H. C. Hayes, Determining Natural Modes of Vibration of Structures, 682
- Kobold, J., The Production and Use of Dry Ice, 560
- Kodak, Ltd., Refrigeration in Lens Making. (563)
- Koster, W., and F. Forster, Elasticity and Damping in relation to the State of the Material, 626
- Krangede Hydro-electric Power Scheme, Sweden, 193. 202, 218, 244
- Krupp Treibstoff, Low Temperature Coke Process, (415)
- Kryn and Lahy (1928). Ltd. New Contractor's Crane, 625
- Kuibyehev Hydro-electric Power Station. (399)
- Kussmann, A. Control of Magnetic Quality by Surface Treatment, 474
- LACEY, J. M., Tube Wells and Electric Development in India, 554
- Laing. Andrew, Lecture on the Molecular Basis of the Strength of Materials. Sir W. Bragg. 572; (Leading Article, 565)
- La Mont Boiler Installation at Works of G. and J. Weir. Ltd., John Thompson Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., 367. 395; Test Figures. 626; (Letter, 424)
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto. Ltd. Planer Drive, 690
- Lancashire's Transport Problem, 31
- Land, E. S., United States Mercantile Marine, (389)
- Lang, J., and Sons. Lathe With A.C. and D.C. Motors. 665
- Langston Harbour Airport. (673)
- L'Anse au Beaufils Fishing Harbour, Quebec. 271
- Lanz Tractor Co. Ltd., " Bulldog " Oil-engine driven Tractors, 126
- Larke, Sir William, Welding Research, 431
- Latil Industrial Vehicles. Ltd., Tractor Fitted with Producer Gas Plant. 72
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Welding Generator, 682
- Lawson, Douglas, and Co., Ltd., Split Pulley for Belt Drives (" Destron "), 510
- Laystall Engineering Co. Merger with Joshua Bigwood and Son, Ltd., (227)
- Lea. F. C., Torque Converter for Motor Cars, 276 Lea Recorder Co., Ltd., " Uni-meter " Coal Meter, 413
- Legget, R. F., Some Canadian Wharf Structures of Steel Sheet Piling, 270. 301
- Le Grand, Sutcliff and Gell, Ltd. Lower Green Sand Water Bores at Slough, (25)
- Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. American Coal Mine Blasting, 264
- Leipzig Port Extensions, (13)
- Lepper, G. W., Oil Drilling in Great Britain, 519
- Leasing, R., Smoke Pollution in London, 379
- Levenger, M., Obituary, 705
- Levinstein, H., " Sir William Parkin's Adventure, and What Has Come of It," (591). 615
- Leyland Motors. Ltd., Fire Escape with a Life-saving Cage, (617)
- Liddell, R. R., London Docks, (645)
- Lima Locomotive Works. 4-8-4 Powerful Locomotives. (443)
- Lincoln Arc Welding Prize, (389)
- Lind, Peter, and Co., Ltd., Waterloo Bridge, 222. 228. 669. 674; Boots New Factory at Beeston. Notts, 618, 621
- Lions' Gate Bridge, Vancouver, (335)
- Lisbon Aerodrome, (149)
- Lister. R. A. and Co. Ltd. Grass Comb. Market Garden Hoe, 37
- Lithgow, Sir James, The Building of Ships; A British Survey, 4
- Little. A. D., Inc. " Rune." 625
- Liverpool Water Supply, (389)
- Livesay, E. H. Mechanical Stokers on Locomotives, 207
- Lloyd. A. H., and H. H. Beeny. Cutting Fluids and the Machine Tool. 420
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 76, 424; Wreck Returns, (41), (563): Wreck Statistics for 1937. 102: Statistical Tables, 153; Annual Report, 546
- Lock, C. N. H., S. H. Bateman, and H. L. Nixon, Wind Tunnel Tests and Charts of Airscrews at Negative Thrust. 145
- Lockyer, Norman, Observatory, Sidmouth. (92)
- Loetschberg Mountain Railway, Twenty-fifth Anniversary, (67)
- London Balloon Barrage. 269
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Goole Docks Improvements, (13), 31: " Coronation Scot " to Tour America, (13); Strengthening Monsal Dale Viaduct, 57; Quarry Blasting Operation at Caldon Low, (93); Derby School of Transport. 118; Penrith and Keswick Line. (121); London-Birmingham Railway Centenary, (149). (253), 325. (Leading Article, 337), 551; Oakley Railway Disaster Report. 165; Scottish Committee. (201); Wagon Works Improvements, (201); All-steel Wagons, (227); Peak Forest Station Goods Train Derailment, (227); " Lion " Locomotive, 243; Conveyors at Holyhead, (253); Derby Staff College, (281); Experimental Oil-engined Train, (309); Winter Services, (335); Hopper Dredger " Foulney." (335); Station Alterations, (363); Evening Classes. (389); Haddon Tunnel Goods Train Mishap. (415); Staff Films, (415); An Inexcusable Strike. 445: North Union Railway Centenary, (471); Strengthening Unstone Viaduct, (501); Weaver Viaduct Reconstruction. 551; Appointments, (563). (682); Wigan Signalling Scheme. (563); Freight Services. (645); Transport, of Telephone Equipment. (645); New Bridge near Wembley, (657); New Station at 'West Allerton. (673); Highest Line to Close, (701); Shock - absorbing Wagons. (733)
- London and North-Eastern Railway, Southend Line Colour Light Signals, (13); Castlecary Accident Report, 15; New " Flying Scotsman " Trains, 40; " Coronation " Train Speed Record, (41); (Leading Article, 44), 89, (264); Resignalling of Paragon Station. Hull. 49; An American Locomotive Bell, 57; Ivan " Atlantic " Locomotive No. 3279 Conversion, (67); " Pacific " Locomotive No. 4476 Millionth Mile, (67); Improvements at Frodingham and Scunthorpe, (93); Counter Pressure Brake Test of Locomotives, 142; Retirement of Mr. W. Whitelaw, 152; Excursion by Old " Flying Scotsmen," (175); Ipswich Locomotive Depot, (201); Automatic Train Control between Edinburgh and Glasgow. 212: Large Wagons. (253); Sir R. W. Matthew,. Appointed Chairman, 379; New " Hook Continental " Train, 420; Goods Train Derailment Near Nottingham, (471); Edit, burgh Signalling. (501); Shenfield Electrification. (533); Appointments. (533), (045) Hadfield " Era " Manganese Steel Junction at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 571 King's Cross Station Improrementa. (591); 1939 Programme. (591); Withdrawal of Trains, (645) New Wagons, (701); New Locomotives. (701)
- London Passenger Transport Board, Moorgate Joint Station, 380; Annual Report, 489; Waterloo and City Railway, (533). (645); Uxbridge Station, 607
- Lumsden Machine Tool Co., Ltd. Vertical Grinding Machine at Ferguson-Brown Tractor Works, 730
- "Lutine " Salvage Attempt Abandoned, (309)
- Lynde, G. G., Obituary, 152
- MACEWAN, H. Camden, Electric Heating for Merchant Ships, (591)
- MacIvor. D. T. The Grid and the Papermaker. 672
- Mackintosh, E. E. B., Parsons' Rotating Cylinder Steam Engine, 174
- MacLellan, P. and W., Ltd., River Findhorn Bridge and 20-Ton Implement Truck, 439; P. & O. Liner " Naldera " to be Broken Up. 679
- Maginness, E. J., Obituary. (733)
- Malborn, J., Continuous Rolling of Sheet and Tin-plate, 224
- Mallet Articulated Locomotives on Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, 238
- Manchester College of Technology, 1)r. J. F Myers Appointed Principal. 83
- Manchester Airport, The New, 1
- Manganese Bronze and Brass Co., Ltd. Cement Sand Preparation Plant., Augusts. Ltd., 399
- Mansions Motor Co. Ltd. Driving Earth Electrodes, 422
- Marconi Co., Retirement of Two Wireless Pioneers, P. W. Paget and C. Rickard, (149); (Correction, 175)
- Marine Parkway Bridge, New York, 406, 432, 444
- Markham Colliery Disaster Report, 459
- Marks, Lord, Obituary, 366
- Marseilles Dockers' Dispute, 215, 267, 295, 323, 349
- Marsh Brothers (Electric), Ltd., Equipment for West Hartlepool Coking Plant, 115
- "Marshall" Roots High-speed Blowers and Exhausters for Industrial Application. Sir George Godfrey and Partners, Ltd., (114
- Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd., Threshing Machine, 125
- Mason. C. C. Engineering Instruments, 329
- Massey-Harris, Ltd., Harvesting Tractor, 125
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Pumps for Clarence Dock Power Station, 461
- Matheson, Sir Charles, Retirement from Orient Line, (201)
- Matthews. Sir R. W., Appointed Chairman, L.N.E.R., 379
- "RMS Mauretania," Cunard White Star Twin-screw Liner, Cammell Laird and Co. Ltd., 143 (Supplement, August .5th, 1938). 178, (645)
- Mayor and Coulson, Ltd. Belt Conveyor Model at Glasgow Exhibition, 414
- Mayo Composite Aircraft, (93). 123, (175), (201), (335), (389). (415). (471), (617)
- McAra. A. Large Hot Water Storage Tank, 20
- McEwen, E., Gear Tooth Deflection. 500
- McLaren, J. H., Ltd., Twin-cylinder 20 B.H.P. Oil Engine. 125; Earth Moving Scoops. 125, 342
- McNeil, Charles, Ltd., Auto-Stoke " W " Type Boiler, 6
- Mechans, Ltd., Stainless Steel Ship's Motor Lifeboat, 250
- Meer, A. G., Pilger System of Rolling Mill Equipment at Jarrow Tube Works, 491
- Melchett Medal Awarded to Professor R. V. Wheeler. (67)
- Mercedes-Benz Co., Cross-country "Hunting and Pursuit" Car, 448
- Merkl, F., Use of Hydrogen in Quarry and Rock Blasting. (335)
- Merrett, W. H., Obituary, 505
- Merritt, H. E. Gear Performance, 2, 32, 58, 84, 110, 138. 166, 190
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd. " Greenwich " Model Hatfield Fire Engine, and Trailer Fire Engine. 72; Mobile Aerial Unit for Television, (201)
- Metalectric Furnaces, Ltd., 15-Ton Electric Furnace for Jarrow Industries. 490
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd., Summer School for Engineers, 57; 54,000-kW Turbo-generator Set for Brimadown, A.C. Winding Plant at Pinxton Colliery. " Alnor " Velometer, Transformer Voltage Regulator, 88; Inverted Synchronous Induction Motors, 200; Are Suppression Coils, 260; Turbogenerators at Clarence Dock Power Station, 461; Machine for Washing Meter Parts, 510; The Metadyne Applied to Electric Traction, 538; Direct-reading Air Velocity Meter, 571; Motors for Individual Electric Driving, 666, 690; Automatic Are Welding Machine, 670
- Metropolitan Water Board, New Laboratories. 431; Croydon Water Supply Acquired, 489; Annual Report, 596; Retirement of Mr. F. E. F. Durham, 719
- Meyenberg, F. L., Hand Work and Industrial Psychology, 537
- Mid-Kent Water Co., Water Softening Plant at Newnham Pumping Station. 480
- Miller, D. C., " The Evolution of Physics." 613
- Miller Electric Manufacturing Co., An Electric Are Saw, (227)
- Miller. J. L., Spot and Projection Welding, 693 Mining Research Laboratory, Report, 719
- Mirick, R. F., Laying Sewers over Quicksand. (281)
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., First British Oil Engine, 273, (Letter, 316); " U Typo Six-cylinder Oil Engine, " Imo Screw Pump, 274; " Combustioneer Mechanical Coal Stoker, 274
- Mirrlees, Watson Co. Ltd., Axial Flow and Self-priming Vertical Pumps, Brake Drums, 275; Panohmer " Recorder, Sugar Sub- eider, Rotary Leaf Filter, 355
- Mississippi River, Straightening, 742
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Two New Japanese Liners. (701)
- "Model Engineer " Exhibition, (121), 343
- Modern Foundries. Ltd., The Modern Manufacture of Machine Tool Castings, J. hlakis. ton, 102; (Letter. 119)
- Modern Roads Movement, Formation of, 431 Monarch Machine Tool Co., Hardened Lathe Bed. (673)
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Nickel Cast Iron for Tar Distillation Stills. 129
- Mond, Sir Robert, Obituary, 469
- Monsal Dale Viaduct, Strengthening, L.M.S. Railway, 57
- Moorgate Joint Station, L.P.T.B., 380
- Mordey, W. M., Obituary, 44
- Morris. J. T. MacGregor, Retirement from Queen Mary College, 31
- Morris Motors, Ltd., " M " Ten-Four Car, 449 Moscow Dynamo Works, High-speed Electric Locomotive, (471)
- Mossel Bay Harbour, South Africa, 52
- Motor Show at Earls Court. (392), 448, 464, 498
- Mott, Sir Basil, Obituary. 313
- Mott, Hay and Anderson, Moorgate Joint Station, L.P.T.B., 380
- Moulton, F. R. Influence of Astronomy on Science, 453
- Mount, A. H. L., Annual Report, Chief Inspect. ing Officer of Railways. 177
- Mount, V., Detection of Cracks Round Rivet Holes, (13)
- Mowat, Brig.-General M., Retirement from Institution of Mechanical Engineers. (646)
- Mowlem, John, and Co. Ltd., Moorgate Joint Station, L.P.T.B., 380
- Murray, J. O'Hara, and Co. Pilger Rolling Mill. Equipment at Jarrow Tube Works, 491
- Murray, W. B. and J. S. Sproule, World Gliding Record, (67)
- Myers, Dr. J. E., Appointed Principal, Manchester College of Technology, 83
- "NALDERA" P. & O. Liner, to be Broken Up. 579
- Natal Electricity Development, 655
- Nathan, Sir M., Governor of Hong Kong. 104
- National Coal Convention, The Fourth, (443)
- National Institute of Industrial Psychology, Special Course, 500
- National Physical Laboratory, Annual Inspection, 21; Dr. C. G. Darwin Appointed Director. 405; Testing Electrical Switch- gear, 431
- National Pulp and Paper Co., New Mill at Durban, 291
- National Research Council of Canada. High- tension X-ray Equipment, 746
- National Shipbuilders' Security, Ltd., Sale of Pallion Shipyard. (201); Sale of Greenock Shipyard, (563)
- National Smelting Co., Ropeway at Avonmouth Works, British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., 737
- National Union of Students, Vacation Employment for Students, 626; (Letter. 672); " The Moral of Meal Monday." 647; (Letters. 700. 731)
- Nautical and General Industries. Ltd. " Hydro- gap," Streamlined Rudder, 405, 708
- Neal, R. H. and Co., Ltd., 3-Ton Timber Yard Crane, 282, 288
- Neil, J. and J. (Temple), Ltd. Sprinkler Mechanical Stoker, Controller for Colliery Tubs, 440
- Nene, River, Improvement Works. W. and C. French, Ltd., 641, 646; (Correction. 884)
- Neuhaus, H. M., Early History of the American Navy, 130
- New South Wales Electrical Development Scheme, 1
- New South Wales Railways. Statistics, (563)
- New York, Ward's Island Sewage Works, 555 Seagoing Sludge Vessels, 586
- New York World's Fair, (93), (363), 400. (415)
- New Zealand Petroleum Co., Ltd., Oil Prospecting in New Zealand, (149)
- New Zealand Railways, Statistics, (533), (645)
- Newhouse, F. The Nile Flood, 304; Soil Erosion, 497, 522
- Newlands, Alexander, Obituary, 257
- Newman, Render and Co., Ltd., " Newman Milliken " Glandless Lubricated Plug Valves. " Newman Bowler " Stop Valves, 306
- Newnham Pumping Station. Mid Kent Water Co., Water-softening Plant, 480
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Successor to the " Leviathan," (93); United States Liner " America," (673); Large Turbines for Grand Coulee Power Project, (733).
- Niagara Bridges, 709
- Nicholson. W. N., and Sons. Ltd. Swath Turner, and Spring Balanced Ridger, 97
- Nile Floods, 243. (281). 304
- Noal, F. W., Obituary, (591)
- Noranda Power Project, Ottawa River, 388
- Norddeutscher Lloyd Fleet Modernisation, (13)
- "Normandie," French Line Liner, Hundredth Atlantic Crossing, (67), 83; Proposed Sister Ship, 457
- Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., Eight- cylinder, 136 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine, 466
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Locomotive Order for New Zealand, (389)
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. Triple-expansion Re-heater Steam Engine, 200
- North Union Railway, Centenary. (471)
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Lorry Body, 156
- Northern Ireland Transport, 607, (617)
- Northern Pacific Railroad, U.S.A., Large Turntables, (617)
- Norwich Synchronous Electric Tower Clock, Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., 251
- Nuffield, Lord, Purchase of Riley (Coventry). Ltd., (309)
- Nuttall, E., Sons and Co., Ltd., Moorgate Joint Station. L.P.T.B., 380
- OAKLEY Railway Disaster Report, L.M.S., 185
- Ockenfels, F. H., " Precede " Rotating Lathe Centres, 261
- Ogalo Glass Works, Ltd., New Glass Factory in Mysore. (253)
- Old Centralians, Engineering and Modern Economic Structure. Discussion, (372)
- Oliphant, M. L. E., The Contribution of Engineering to Physics, 319
- "Oranje," Netherland Steamship Co.'s Motor-ship, 12,500 S.H.P. Oil Engines, Sulzer Brothers, 361
- Ormerod Shapers, Ltd., Swivel Earn Slotting Machine, 653
- Orrok, G. A., Superimposing in Power Stations, 77
- Osaka Port Works, (733)
- Oshawa, Ontario, Wharf Construction, R. F. Legget. 301
- Otavi Copper Mines, South-West Africa, 52
- Owen, J. B. B., and J. Taylor, An Approximate Method of Stressing the Struts of a Stiff-jointed Framework, 145
- Pacific Steam Navigation Co., Acquired by Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., (415)
- Palmer. S. J. Stresses in Welded Pipes, 329
- Panama Canal Locks, C. F. W. Andrew, (335)
- Panama Canal Traffic, (281)
- Pardoe, G. T., Oil Drilling in Great Britain, 259
- Parent, E., New Form of Filing Cabinet, 236 Paris Aircraft Show, (501), 648
- Paris Motor Car Show, 440
- Paris Suburban Sewerage Works. 436
- Paris Underground Railway. (41)
- Paris Underground Roads, 749
- Parker Dam, U.S.A., Completion. 57 Parliamentary Science Committee, Annual Meeting, (701)
- Paroi Hydraulique, La, Concrete Petrol Tanks, 732
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd. 50,000-kW Turbo-Alternator at Dalmarnock, 60, 68 (Supplement, July 15th, 1938)
- Parsons, Sir Charles, and Marine Propulsion. S. S. Cook (Memorial Lecture), 638
- Parsons Engineering Co., Ltd., Dual Engine Generating Set, 157
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co. Ltd., 3500 S.H.P. Geared Steam Turbine Unit Model, 199; " Simplex " Turbine Drive Model, Low-pressure and Astern Turbine Model, 438
- Passenger and Express Air Services, Ltd. Canadian Air Navigation Co, (701)
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Engineers and Export Trade (Annual General Meeting). 243
- Paterson Hughes Engineering Co., Ltd., " Phec " Coal Elevator, 413
- Pearce. J. G., High-duty Cast Irons (I. Mech. E. Research Committee's Report), 695
- Pearson, T. F. Nickel Silver, (13), 36
- W. T. Pell-Walpole. W. T., and D. Hanson, Antimony's Effect on Strength of Tin, (533)
- Pelly, K. R., British Shipping Problems. 109
- Penman and Co., Ltd., Self-contained " Economic " Boiler, 412
- Perkin's, Sir William, Discoveries, (591), 616
- Peters, M. A., Low-resistance Electric Cable. (617)
- Petersen, H. R., R. J. Hart, and 'I'. L. Crossley, Paper from Waste Wood, (93)
- Petters, Ltd., British Oil Engines and Shipyard Orders, 1; " Superscavenge " Two-stroke Oil Engine, 10. 570; Air-cooled and Hopper- Cooled Petrol /Paraffin Engines. 37; Agreement with Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 297; Gift to Employees, (701); Reorganisation at Loughborough Works of Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 719
- Pezzi, M., Altitude Record for Aeroplanes, (471)
- Philadelphia Sewage Treatment Scheme, (415)
- Philip and Son, Ltd., Royal Research Ship " Research," 189
- Philipp, Paul Universal Spirit Level, 343
- Philippe, C. D., Reinforced Wood as a Structural Material, (645)
- Philplug Products, Ltd. Plugging Material for Screws, 290
- Pilger Rolling Mill Equipment at Jarrow Tube Works, Masch. Meer A.G. 491
- Plowden, E. F. J. " The Moral of Meal Monday," 731
- Pointe au Pic, Quebec, Wharf Extensions, 272
- Pollard, F., and Co., Ltd., Electrically Driven Sensitive Drilling Machine, 521
- Pollitt, Colonel G. P. Grass Drying Plant, 206 Port Hope Wharf Reconstruction, Lake Ontario, R. F. Legget. 301
- Port of London Authority, Annual Report, 217; Mr. J. D. Ritchie Appointed General Manager, 379
- Portsmouth Power Station Extensions, (121); Accident, (533)
- Pott, Cassels and Williamson. Under-driven Hydro Extractor, 355
- Potter, A. A., Problems Before the Engineering Profession, 103; (Leading Article, 95); (Letters, 119, 145, 174)
- Powell Duffryn Steam Co., Ltd., By-product Plant for South Wales, (93)
- Powell, J. W., American Shipbuilding Standards. (673)
- Power Transmission Association, Winding Up, (617)
- Premier Carbon Black, Ltd., Canada's First Carbon Black Plant, 388
- Pretoria Power Station Extensions, 545
- Pretoria Reflector, 74in., Sir Howard Grubb Parsons and Co. 298 (Supplement, September 16th, 1938). 326, 336, 353, 364
- Price, A. G., Obituary, (671)
- Price, L. E., and G. J. Thomas, The Tarnishing of Silver and Silver Alloys and its Prevention, and Oxidation Resistance in Copper Alloys, 536
- Price, T. L., Obituary, 506
- Pringle, Sir John, Obituary, 96
- Prior Burners, Ltd., " Mastoker " Underfeed Automatic Stoker, 413
- Pritt, E. S., and W. T. Gray, The Metadyne Applied to Electric Traction, 538
- Prozesky, R., " Procedo " Rotating Lithe Centres, F. H. Ockenfels, 261
- Prym, W., " P K " Variable-speed Drive, 212
- "RMS Queen Elizabeth" Cunard White Star Quadruple-screw Liner, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 189, 340 (Supplement, September 23rd, 1938), 351, 357, 390, 393
- "RMS Queen Mary," Cunard White Star Liner, Mishap at Southampton, (149); New Atlantic Record, 165, 189; Staff Changes, (175); Hundredth Atlantic Crossing, (309); Docking Feat., (443)
- RAGGED Rapids Hydro-electric Generating Station, Canada, 212
- Rand Water Board, 373
- Randupson Process of Cement Moulding, F. W. Rowe, 211
- Ranson, E. C. Dry Mining Methods, 52
- Rapid Transit Co., U.S.A., Petrol-electric Buses, 320
- Rawlplug Co., Ltd., Screw Anchor, (284)
- Raworth, A., Appointed Chief Electrical Engineer, Southern Railway. 351
- Rayleigh, Lord, Science and Warfare, 204; (Leading Article, 204)
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., Recent Developments in Automatic Regulation, 19
- "Regent Tiger," Motorship, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 287
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Now South Wales Electrical Development Scheme, 1; Waterloo Bridge, 222, 228, 669, 674; Centenary, 705
- Rendle, B. J. Commercial Mahoganies, 36
- " Research," Royal Research Ship, Philip and Son, Ltd., 189
- Reuter, Dr.-Ing. H. C., Industrial Jubilee, (13)
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Diagram Control Boards, " Dualock " Protective System,:14
- Ricardo and Co., Engineers (1927), Ltd.,
- Viscous Flow Air Meters, 743
- Richards, G., and Co., Ltd. Large Boring and Facing Machine, 208
- Richardson, H. W., Hurricane Damage in America, (471)
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co. Ltd., General Meeting, (149); Appointments, (201)
- Richardsons, Westgarth Brown Boveri, Turbo-driven Gas Exhausters for West Hartlepool Coking Plant, 113
- Riley (Coventry), Ltd., Purchased by Lord Nuffield, (309)
- Riley, R., New Water Softening Material. 426
- Rissik, H., Circuit Breaker Standards, 495
- Ritchie, Mr. J. D., Appointed General Manager,
- Port of London Authority, 379
- Road Transport (Defence) Advisory Committee. Constitution, (415)
- Robb, Henry, Ltd. Ferry Ship " South Steyne," (41); " Cubahama," Fast Coastal Liner, 217
- Roberts, D. E., Presidential Address, I. Mech. E. 463; (Leading Article, 473); (Letter, 537)
- Robinson, R. S., Noise Reduction in Ships, 568
- Robinson, T., and Sons, Ltd., Shaping and Preparing Machine for Timber Look Gates, 176, 180; Centenary, (182); Double-end Tenoning Machine, Cross-cutting and Trenching Machine, Band Saw, 562
- Robson, T., High-speed Indicators. 31 6
- Rocquet, P., Liquid Formation on Tin-plates, (591)
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., New Manchester Aircraft Factory, 189, (281)
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., New Aero-engine Factory at Crewe, (93); Works Extensions, (873)
- Romer, J. F., Improving the Efficiency of Hand Work, 338; (Letter, 537)
- Ross, R. G., and Son, Ltd., Electro-pneumatic Hammers, 249
- Rosyth Dockyard, 633, 663
- Rowe, F. W., The Randupson Process of Cement Moulding, 211
- Royal Agricultural Society, Show at Cardiff, 37, 72. 97, 125
- Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., Merger with Pacific Steam Navigation Co., (415)
- Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Nowbiggin Lifeboat., (501)
- Royles, Ltd., " Milletherm " Feed-water Heater Boiler Level Control. 413
- Ruston Bucyrus, Ltd., A Bulldozer or Grading Machine, 423
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Horizontal Oil Engine, 16-20 B.H.P. Oil-engined Locomotive, 73-kW Petrol Lighting Set, 708
- S.A.B.E.N.A., New Aircraft, (93)
- Sahara Road Construction, 323, 631
- St. Lawrence River Development, (13)
- Saklatvala, Sir Nowroji, Obituary, 109
- Salerni Torque Converter for Motor Cars, F. C. Lea, 276
- Salter, C., The Spinning Card, 200
- San Francisco World's Fair, 024
- Sanders, Sir Charles, Obituary, 314
- Schindler and Co., The Burgenstock-Hammetschwand Lift, 542
- Schlesinger, G., The Cutting Angle of Twist Drills, 650
- Schori Metallising Process, Ltd., New Method of Metal Spraying, 318
- Scott, W. Harding, Obituary, 284
- Scottish Development Council, Industrial Development Brochure, (602)
- Scrutton, J. H., Obituary, (41)
- Seaham Harbour, New Approaches, (253)
- Seemann, H. E., Radiography, (121)
- Seller, W. Gear Tooth Deflection. 500
- Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., " Volman " High-speed All-geared Lathes, 507
- Serby, J. E., A Review of Some Full-scale Tests on Landing Flaps, 120
- Serby, J. E., R. H. Francis, and P. Fortescue, Full-scale Tests of the " Airspeed Envoy," Type A.S.6 G., 624
- Severn Estuary Bridge Scheme, 137
- Sharon Steel Corporation, New Use for Spent Pickle Liquor, (285), (389)
- Sharpness Docks, Electrification of Hydraulic Machinery, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 344
- Shasta Dam, California, H. E. M. Kensit, 677
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co. Ltd., Air-swept Tube Mill, 87; Kennedy Slugger Crushing Machine, 88
- Sheffield, Coisley Hill Sewage Works. 65
- Sheffield Metallurgical Laboratory for the Admiralty, 689, 706
- Short Brothers and Co., Ltd., New Long-range Flying Boats for Imperial Airways. (501); Mayo Composite Aircraft, (93), 123, (175), (335), (617)
- Short and Harland, Belfast Aircraft Factory Extension, (201)
- Shrewsbury School Laboratories, 351
- Silentbloc, Ltd., Andre-Hutton Experimental Pump, 499
- Simms, H. A., Noise Measurements Aboard Ship, 345
- Simon Carves, Ltd., New Contact Sulphuric Acid Plant, F. W. Berk and Co., Ltd., 478
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Coal-handling Plant at Clarence Dock Power Station. 460, 472
- Siviour, S. R., Wooden Poles in Transmission Line Service, (617)
- Skempton, A. W., Settlement of Structures, 329
- Smith, A. and W., and Co. Ltd., " Werkspoor " * Crystalliser. " Rota " Pump, " Keyless " Sugar Mill Roller, 332
- Smith. C. A. Middleton, The Burma-Yunnan Road and Railway, 692, 725
- Smith and Houston, Ltd., Ship-breaking the Clyde, (563)
- Smith. P. H., and L. Hotine, Oil Engines in B.B.C. Stations, (471)
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., Improved " Two Ten " Excavator, 598
- Snell, Sir John, Obituary, 71
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machines, 234
- Souter, W. A., British Merchant Shipping, 607
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, G. A. Jenkin Appointed London Representative. 52; Reappointment of Dr. H. 3 . Van der Bijl, 292; Dismissal of Employees, 655; Steel Production, 711
- South African Railways, Derailing 'rests, 551, 592, (Leading Article, 593); Inquiry Wanted, 655
- South African Torbanite Mining and Refining Co., Ltd., Year's Production, 546
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., New Coking and By-products Plant at West Hartlepool, 86, 94, 113, 122
- South Wales Aluminium Co., Ltd., Now Factory in South Wales, (563)
- South-West Midlands Electrical Advisory Joint Committee, 1937 Report, 137
- Southampton Docks, Centenary, (387); Improvement Works, (645)
- Southampton Flying Boat Base, 187, (733) Southern Railway, Bognor Regis Electrified Extension, 7; Train Stoppage Caused by Lightning. 31; Trains for Waterloo and Bournemouth Services, (149); Mr. A. Raworth Appointed Chief Electrical Engineer, 351; Tunbridge Wells Electrification, (363); Sale of Railway Stations, (415); Collision at Herne Hill, (443); Folkestone Harbour Improvements. (471); Waterloo and City Railway, (533) (645)
- Southern Van Ryn Reef Gold Mining Co., Rich New Iron Field in Transvaal. 426
- Southwell, R. V., The Changing Outlook of ' Engineering Science, 194; (Leading Article, 230)
- Spencer (Melksham), Ltd., Coal Handling Plant at Clarence Dock Power Station, 460, 472; Forty-foot Sack Stackers, 625
- Sproule, J. S., and W. B. Murray, World Gliding Record, (67)
- Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., Oil-fired Rotary Melting Furnace, 42, 52
- Stephen. A. M., Elected President, Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, 551
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., P. & O. Liner " Canton," 379, 416. 419
- Sternol, Ltd., " Sternopal " Soluble Cutting Fluid, 89
- Stettiner Vulcan Werft, German Shipbuilding Yard to Re-open, (201)
- Stewart, Major-General J. W., Obituary, 367
- Stewarts and Lloyds. Ltd., Pipe Joints, Model of Corby Works, and " Camac " Tap. 386
- Stock, R. V. W., Appointed Chief Engineer. Thames Conservancy, 551
- Stockholm Port Improvements, (309)
- Stirk, John, and Sons, Ltd. " Hiloplanes," 691
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., Carbon Pile Voltage Regulators, 233; 'Variable-speed Gear, 635
- Stuart Turner, Ltd., 3 B.H.P. Oil Engine !,Generator Sot, 466
- Suez Canal Traffic, (250), (645)
- Sulzer Brothers, 12,500 S.H.P. Oil Engines for Motorship " Oranje," 361
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., " Dominion Monarch," Shaw Savill Motor- ship, (121), 137; Motorship "Regent, Tiger," 287; Mr. C. S. Swan Appointed Chairman, (333); Turkish Merchant Ships Ordered, (645); British India Twin-screw Steamer " Amra," 666 (Supplement, December 16th, 1938)
- Swedish Hydro-electric Projects, Expenditure, (362)
- Swift, H. W., The Functions of Cutting Fluids. 441; (Leading Article, 446)
- Swinburne, Sir James, Invention, 589
- Swiss Federal Railways, Report on, (314)
- Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., High Rupturing Capacity Switch and Fuse Unit, 397
- Sykes, C., and H. Evans, Specific Heat/Temperature Curves, 505
- Szlumper, G. S., Co-ordination of Transport, 406; Transport, 643
- TABLE Bay Power Station, South Africa, 666
- Tangyes, Ltd., Heating Stove, 682
- Taylor, G. I., The Determination of Drag by the Pitot Traverse Method, 120
- Taylor. J., and J. B. B. Owen. An Approximate Method of Stressing the Struts of a Stiff-jointed Framework, 145
- Team Valley Trading Estate, 719
- Tener, R. S., and E. S. Dibble, Voltage Regulators of Ungoverned Generating Sets, 154
- Tennent, R. B., Ltd., " Adamite " Metal Rolls, 1 15
- Thames Conservancy Board, Retirement of Mr. G. J. Griffiths, 651
- Thames Embankment Scheme, 551
- Thermotank, Ltd., Air Distributors and Ventilating Fans, 385
- Thomas, O. J., and L. E. Price, The Tarnishing of Silver and Silver Alloys and its Prevention, and Oxidation Resistance in Copper Alloys, 536
- Thomas, Richard, and Co., Ltd., Ebbw Vale Scheme, 31
- Thomas and Son (Worcester), Ltd., Pumping Head, 125
- Thomas T. S. E., and R. V. Wheeler, Inflammation of Coal Dust Clouds, (645)
- Thomas, W. N., Freezing of Building Materials, (13)
- Thompson, John, Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., Fusion Welded Boiler Drums. " Beta " and " Lamont " Boiler Models, 469; Lamont Boiler Installation at Works of G. and J. Weir, Ltd., 367. 395; Test Figures, 626; (Letter, 424)
- Thornton, A. G., Ltd., A Trigonometrical Set Square, 343
- Thornton, B. %V., The Lamont Boiler, 424
- Thornycroft, John I., Ltd. Oil-engined Picket Boat for the Royal Navy, 129; New Motor Torpedo Boats, 189; An lo-Iranian Twin-screw Launch, " R J/3 " Oil Engines, 500; H.M.S. " Erebus," Refitting. (711)
- Thousand Islands Bridge, St. Lawrence River, (281), 310, 315
- Tir John Power Station Extensions, Swansea, (045)
- Todd, F. H., Vibration in Ships, 307
- Todd, F. H., and J. Edward Steam Drifters Redesigned, 519
- Tookey, W. A., Dugald Clerk and the Gas Engine, 663
- Toward, T., and Co. (1932), Ltd., Pulverised Fuel Firing Equipment, 249
- Tower Bridge Repairs, 166
- Townend, Dr. D. T. A., Appointed Livesey Professor, Leeds University, (13)
- Townend, H. C. H., Visual and Photographic Methods of Studying Boundary Layer Flow. 70
- Townsend, Sir Reginald, Obituary, 505
- Tree, R. H., Obituary, 284
- Treglown, Ltd., Clarke Troller Outboard Motor, 499
- Trevithick, R. E., Forced Circulation Boilers, 656
- Tullis, D. and J., Ltd., " Imperial " Pneumatic Laundry Press, 305
- Tyn Plywood Works, (13)
- ULSTER Aircraft Works Extension, 189
- Union Pacific Railway, Turbo-electric Locomotive, 400
- United Insulator Co., Ltd., High-frequency Materials and Components, 570
- United Shipyards, Inc., Sea-going Sewage Sludge Vessels, 586
- Usinger, C., and A. Garras, Bog Blasting, 140 Uttoxeter Sewage Disposal Works, 450
- Uxbridge Station, L.P.T.B. 607
- VAN DER BIJL, H. J., Reappointed as Head of " Iscor," 292
- van Eendenburg, D. C. F., Obituary, (374)
- Vanduzer, R. M., and C. F. Hirshfeld, Heat-generated Energy, 636
- Variable Speed Gear, Ltd., " V S G " Hydraulic Gear, 664
- Vattenbygnadsbyran, The Krangede Hydro-electric Power Scheme. 193, 202, 218, 244
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Speedy Delivery of Motor Car Fleet, (415); " Six-phase " Carburation System and Front Springing Unit, 464
- Velox Boiler Fitted to 4-6-0 Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive, (253)
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Electrification of Hydraulic Machinery at Sharpness Docks, 344; Launch of H.M. Submarine " Thistle," (471); New Aircraft Factory, (471)
- Victor Oil Engines (Coventry). Ltd. Four-cylinder Oil Engine, and High-pressure Rotary Pump. 499
- Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co. Power Demand for the Rand, (309)
- Vincent, R. Why Foreign Trade ? 699
- "Volman " High-speed All-geared Lathes, Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 507
- Vosper, Ltd., Now Motor Torpedo Boats, 189; 950 B.H.P. Isotta-Fraschini Marine Engine, 498
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd. Locomotives for South America, (563), ((il 7)
- Wadell and Hardesty, Marine Parkway Bridge, New York, 406, 432, 444
- Wadkin and Co., Ltd., Woodworking Machinery with Individual Electric Driving, 552
- Walker, H., Gear Tooth Deflection and Profile Modification, 409, 434; (Letters, 500)
- Walker, J. A., The First Oil Engine, 316
- Wall, T. F., Control of Magnetic Quality by Surface Treatment, 474
- Wallis and Steevens, Ltd. " H " Pattern Oil Engine Driven Roller, 98
- Wallwork, H., and Co., Ltd., Infinitely Variable Speed Gear, 635
- Ward. T. W., Ltd., " Triumph " All-geared Lathe, 386; " Keetona " Guillotine Shearing Machine, and Portable Pumping Set, 387; Sixty Years' Service, 1878-1938, (658)
- Ward, W. A., Obituary, (574)
- Ward's Island Sewage Works, No. York. 555 Sea-going Sludge Vessels, 586
- Warren, A. G., Control of Magnetic Quality by Surface Treatment, 731
- "Warwick Castle," Union Castle Liner, Repowering, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 379
- Waterloo Bridge. Peter Lind and Co., Ltd., 222, 228, 669, 674
- Waterloo and City Railway, (533), (645) Waterloo Station, L.P.T.R. Collision, Inquiry Report., 36
- Watson, Laidlaw and Co. Ltd. " Autolift Hydro-extractors, 273; Centrifugal Machines for Sugar Factory, 355
- Weber, F., Boiler Construction in Germany, (562)
- Wedgwood, Josiah, and Sons, Ltd., New Factory at Barlaston, (227) 297
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., La Mont Boiler Installation, John Thompson Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., 367, 395; Test Figures, 626; (Letter, 424); New Social Centre at Cathcart, 558, 564
- Weir, Lord, Presidential Address, International Engineering Congress, 16
- Weller, R., Photo-elasticity in Three Dimensions, (742)
- Werking, L. C., Porous Carbon, (501)
- West, A. G. D. The Future of Television, (501)
- West, Sir Frederick Gas Engineering as a Career, 297
- Western Union Telegraph Co., New Cable laying Developments, 165
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd. Resignalling of Paragon Station, Hull, L.N.E.R., 49
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Generators for Grand Coulee Project, (363)
- Westinghouse Electrical International Co. Retail Business in South Africa, 184
- Wheeler, R.V., Melchett Medal Award, (67) (442)
- Wheeler, R. V., and T. S. E. Thomas, Inflammation of Coal Dust Clouds, (645)
- White, J. Samuel, and Co. Ltd. Launch of H.M. Destroyer " Jersey," (363)
- White, S. D. Fifty Years' Service with G.E.C. Ltd., (13)
- Whitehouse, Sir George, Obituary. (591)
- Whitelaw, William. Retirement from L.N.E.R., (152)
- Whiteley, F., Involute Gear Modification, 523
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., New Expansion Reamers, 208
- Widdop. H., and Co., Ltd., Six-cylinder 90 B.H.P. Oil Engine, and 5 H.P. " S W " Type Stationary Engine, 466
- Wilcox. D. M., The Calculation of Train Running Times, 277
- Wilkinson, G. B., Obituary, (253)
- Williams, D., The Use of the Principle of Minimum Potential Energy in Problems of Static Equilibrium, 624
- Williams, D., and J. Hanson, Gust Loads on Tails and Wings, 120
- Williams, Sir E. Owen, Boots New Factory at Beeston, Notts, 618, 621
- Williams, G., Cylinder Wear, (591)
- Wilson Boilermakers, Ltd., Boiler for Palace of Engineering, Glasgow Exhibition, 440
- Wilson, C. Fifty Years' Service with G.E.C. Ltd., (13)
- Wilson, Sir D. R. Factory Inspector's Report 165
- Wilson, W. G., The Control of Diesel Railcars, 594, 602
- Wilson, W. M., and F. P. Thomas, Fatigue Tests of Riveted Joints, (363)
- Winter, J. B., " Silver Rocket " Model at I. Mech. E. (93)
- Wolverhampton Airport, 1
- YARROW and Co. Ltd., " RMS Queen Elizabeth " Boilers, 358; Launch of H.M. Destroyer "Jupiter," (471); Machinery for Yugoslav Warship, (563)
- Yorkshire Electric Power Co., Proposed New Power Station, (533)
- Yorkshire Gas Grid, 689, 719, (733)
- Young, A. P., Work and Leisure in Industry, 83
- Young, H. J., " Loded " Cast Irons, (673)
- Young, William, Memorial Lecture, Gas Engineering as a Career, Sir F. West, 297
- Youngstown, Sheet and Tube Co., American Seamless Steel Pipe Works, 198
- ZEISS, Carl. Co., Improved Toolmakers' Microscope. 477
- Zinc Development Association, Ltd. Zinc Roll Cap Roofing, (562)
- Zuyder Zee Dyke Damage, (443)
See Also
- Alexander Newlands
- Alfred George Price
- Basil Mott
- Charles Booth
- Charles Claude Carpenter
- Charles Sanders
- Damm C. F. van Eendenburg
- David Hay
- Frank Sowter Barnwell
- George Croydon Marks
- George Whitehouse (1857-1938)
- Georges Bouton
- Henry Fowler
- Herbert Humphries
- Hereward Irenius Brackenbury
- James Herbert Scrutton
- John Belliss
- John Ferguson
- John Pringle
- John William Stewart
- Max Levenger
- Nowroji Saklatvala
- Philip Dawson
- Reginald Townsend
- Robert Ludwig Mond
- Samuel Thomas Gresham
- Stephen Delany
- The Engineer
- The Engineer 1938 Jul-Dec
- Thomas Ahearn
- Thomas L. Price
- Thomas Octavius Callender
- Valentine George Barford
- Walter George Kent
- William Henry Merrett
- William John Jones (1866-1938)
- William Robb Barclay
Sources of Information