The Engineer 1939 Jan-Jun: Index

The Engineer 1939 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 167 Index
- ACHESON. E. G., Ltd., Lubricant for Rubber (463)
- Acworth, B., Coal v. Oil in the Navy. 441
- Adhesive Products Co., " Seal-Tite " Coating Compound for Polishing Wheels, (500)
- Air Registration Board, Annual Meeting, (679)
- Akers Mek Verksted A/S, Olsen Liners "Black Prince" and "Black Watch" 64
- Albert Canal, Belgium, 48, 637; Collapse. 785
- Alcock, J. F., Viscous Flow Air Meter, 285
- Alexander. W. O., Copper and Copper Alloys, 352
- Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., "Newcon" Liquid Filters, 628
- Algoma Steel Corporation Ltd., New Helen Mine. Ontario, 405; Grinding Balls for Mining Trade, 445
- All-American Canal, California, 696, 710, 728
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., Dredger Buckets and Tumblers, Suppt. 19.5.39. xix
- Allen, J., Scheme of Improvement for the Cheshire Dee, 503
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Oil Engines for " Dominion Monarch," 256; L.C.C. Western Pumping Station, 369; Pumps for Durban Floating Dock, 787
- Alsthom, Soc., Trade by Barter, 755
- Aluminium Company of Canada. Ltd., Expansion Programme. 690. (797)
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Llandudno Conference, 727
- Amontons "Moulin-a-Feu" Rotary Engine, 44
- Anchor Line, Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Liner " Cilicia," 58, 62
- Andrew " Concealed Reciprocator." 1858, 610
- Andrews, H. J., Airport Costs, (217)
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., New Petroleum Refinery in Palestine, (437)
- Angwin, Colonel A. S., Appointed Engineer-in-Chief, G.P.O., 487, (679); Appointed Member of the Post Office Board, (739)
- Ansaldo Co., Italian 260 H.P. Railcars. 477
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co, Ltd., Frodingham-Hoesch Piling, Suppt., 19.5.39, iii
- Appleton, E. V., Appointed Secretary to D.S.I.R ., 41
- Armstrong, H. E., Memorial Fund, 379, 510
- Arno Krebs, Universal Milling Machine, 442
- Arnold, R. N., and J. F. Shannon. The Singing Propeller Problem, 228
- Arrol, Sir Wm., and Co., Ltd., Air Locks for Diving, Suppt., 19.5.39, xi
- Ashington Colliery Ropeway, R. White and Sons, 376, 384
- Assiut Barrage, Egypt 30 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939).
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Oil-engine Shunting Locomotive. 16
- Association Technique Maritime. Annual Meeting, 734
- Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, Passenger and Freight Locomotives. 12
- Atherton, W. H., Industrial Management 100 Years Ago, 742
- Austin Motor Co., Deep Air-raid Shelter, (407), 509
- Australian Railways, Report, (19)
- Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Co, Ltd., Low Resistance Ohmmeter and Test Bridge, 118
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Booster for Hydraulic Brakes and Other Mechanisms. 686
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Transposing Unit Recorder, " Unit Count " Machine, and Hardness Testing Machines, 244; Testing Machine for Aircraft Struts, 414
- Ayre, W., Elected President. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland (469)
- BABBAGE, Charles, Industrial Management a Hundred Years Ago. 705; (Letter, 742)
- Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., " E " Type Coal Pulverising Mill, 221; Renfrew Foundries. 402, 408, 430, 438; Oil-firing Equipment for " Llandovery Castle." 627; Boilers at Brighton Power Station, 779
- Bagley, D., Distillation of Coal by Electrical Means, 647
- Bainbridge " Crescent " Rotary Machine. 1822. 334
- Bakelite Ltd., Materials for Aircraft Construction, (345)
- Baker. H. W., Manchester Appointment. 727
- Baker's Blower (Johnson), 1873, 207
- Baldwin Locomotive Works. Freight Locomotives, 4—S--4 Type for Chicago and Pacific Railroad, 12
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., F100(1 Control on the River Euphrates. 757
- Ball, E. Bruce, Elected President, I. Mech. E. 242
- Ballantine Sensitive Electronic Voltmeter. Leland Instruments Ltd., 117
- Banks, F. R., Valve and Valve Seat Technique. (679)
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., P. and 0. Troopship " Ettrick," 25
- Barker, F. G., The Spectrograph and the Quantitative Analysis of Metals. 601, 626, 629
- Barrett, S. H. H., Noise-reducing Screens for L.P.T.B., 772
- Barrie, D. S., North American and British Locomotive Experiences. 534
- Barton Power Station, Manchester. Tests on Boilers, 138; (Letter, 248)
- Barvoys System of Coal Cleaning, 689
- Bauer. S. G., High-speed Indicator for Engines, 772
- Beale, B., Rotary Engine, 1841, for " Pygmy Giant,":335
- Beale, J. T., Rotary Engine and Exhauster. 335
- Beale. J. T., and T. T. Beningfield, Rotary Engine, 1822, 174
- Beardmore. W., and Co., Ltd., Dalmuir Arms Factory. 1, (19)
- Behrens Rotary Engine, 1867. 580
- Beilby, Sir George Memorial Awards. (19)
- Belfast Airport, (531)
- Belfast Harbour Improvement 8, 36, (155), (187), (217)
- Bellevue Bridge and Dam Research Laboratory. France. 30
- Bellford Elliptical Rotary Engine and Pump. 1855. 520
- Bell's Asbestos and Engineering (Australia). Ltd., Insulation Work at East Perth Power Station. (196)
- Beningfield T. T., and J. T. Beale, Rotary Engine, 1822. 174
- Benn, Sir Ernest, Employment and Confidence, 309
- Bennett, J. G., and R. L. Brown, Thu Assessment of Technico-economic Factors, 127
- Bernal, J. D., The Social Function of Science. 252
- Berry Differential Machine, 1835. 456
- Bertrams Ltd., Guillotine Shear at Boulton and Paul's Works. Norwich. 149
- Bessemer Gold Medal Award, J. Henderson, (281), 585
- Beyer, Peacock and Co, Ltd., Beyer Garrett Locomotives for South Africa, (313), 326 Annual Meeting. (621)
- Bigwood, Joshua, and Sons, Ltd, Shape and Section Straightening Machine, 71
- Bilbrough, G. F., National Aspects of Transport, (795)
- Binns, Asa, Plant for Work on Harbours and Docks (Introduction). Suppt., 19.5.39, i
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces Ltd., Clean Hardening Furnace and Birlec " Lectro-dryer." 247
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Railcars of 1938, 49
- Bishopp "Disc" Engine, 1845, 639
- Black and Decker, Ltd., " Holgun " Portable Drill, Portable " Lectro-Shear " Shearing Machine, and Two-speed Sanding Machine. 306; " Hornet " Electric Drill. 477
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., " Roe " All-metal Two-seater Fighter, 568
- Blackburn Meadows Power Station, 30,000-kW Turbo-generator Set. 32 (Supplement. January 6th, 1939)
- Blackett, P. M. S., Cosmic Rays (Kelvin Lecture), (561)
- Blackwall Tunnel, Duplication. 6
- Blackwood. A. J., and G. H. Cloud. Oil Engine Fuel Research, 667
- Blayden. H. E., W. Noble, and H. L. Riley. Influence of Carbonising Conditions on Coke Properties. 65h
- Bloch, G., The Photographic Emulsion (May Lecture), 599
- Blodgett. K. B., Making Glass Invisible, (217)
- Blohm and Voss, German Motor Liner " Wilhelm Gustloff," 58. 64: German Battleship " Bismarck," 205. (217)
- Budding, A. L., Finance of Municipal Electricity Supply, 733
- Boeing Aircraft of Canada, Ltd., Aircraft Plant at Vancouver, 445
- Boggett and Smith, Excentric Engine. 1850. 268
- Boot, H. A. H., and A. H. Knight. Van der Graaf Electrostatic Generator. 91
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd, "Defiant" Two-seater Fighter, 216
- Boulton and Paul Ltd., Structural Engineering Works at Norwich. 149
- Boydell, E., and Co.,, Ltd., Muir-Hill Mobile Loading Shovel. Suppt., 19.5.39. xxxi
- Bradford Power Station Extension. (309)
- Bradley and Craven Ltd., Horizontal Auger Pipe Making Machine, 306
- Bramah Rotary Engine. 79
- Brancepeth Pulverised Fuel Works, Standard Pulverised Fuel Co., Ltd., 746
- Brand, Charles, and Son Ltd., Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel. 6
- Brasher, W. K., Appointed Secretary. I.E.E., (709)
- Brayshaw Furnaces and Tools Ltd., Recirculation Pot Furnace, 247
- Bremner. D. A., " Why Foreign Trade ? " 26 " What Confronts Us in 1939." 77
- Bressey, Sir Charles, Retirement, 1; Bigger or Better London, 173
- Brett, E. J., Floors for Industrial Purposes, 285
- Brighton Power Station Extensions, 779
- Brimsdown "A" Power Station. Reconstruction. 643. 650, 674
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., " Hercules IV " Sleeve-Valve Engine, (407) " Taurus II " Aero-engine, (649) " Beaufort " Bomber, 716
- Bristol Ring Road. (92)
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Lochaber Power Scheme, 29, 64
- British Coal Campaign, Mechanical Stoking at Sea ("Shepperton Ferry"). 299
- British Diesel Oil Co., Ltd., Bolsover Coal Oil Refinery, (649)
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Ultra-High-frequency Receiver, and Investigation of Dielectric Behaviour of Thin Liquid Films. 54; Annual Report. 190, 205
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Report. 500, 519
- British Electrical Development Association (BEDA). Annual Report, 363; Luncheon. (383)
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham. 221, 235, 243, 274, 305
- British Insulated Cables Ltd., Fire-refined High-conductivity Copper, 568
- British Jeffrey-Diamond Ltd., " Ace Glimmer for Coal-cutting Plant, 804
- British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association. New Research Laboratories, 794
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Caledonian Power Scheme, 29
- British Ozaphone Ltd., New Sound-reproducing System, (561)
- British Physical Laboratories, Variable Condenser Ganging Bridge. 118
- British Power Boat Co, Ltd., Motor Torpedo Boats for Netherlands, 1; High-speed Motor Torpedo Boat. (679)
- British Power and Light Corporation, Annual Meeting, 299
- British Ropeway Engineering Co, Ltd., Coke-handling Cableway, Derwenthaugh Works, Durham. 748
- British Steel Piling Co, Ltd., Larssen Sheet Steel Piling. Suppt., 19.5.39. v; Pile-driving Plant. vi
- British Thomson-Houston Co, Ltd., " Telebrightness " Meter, Study of Lamp Mounting under Vibration Conditions, 17: Turbogenerator Work in 1938. 33: Switchgear Work in 1938. 34; Rolling Mill Drives, 65; Electric Winders, 66; Flameproof Thrustors 164; A.C. Commutator Motor for Driving Cranes, 225. (289) Electrical Equipment at Ebbw Vale Works. 525, 532, 556; Retirement of F. Samuelson, 727
- Britton, S. C., and U. R. Evans, Corrosion Tests on Protected Steel. (531)
- Brockhouse, J., and Co., Ltd., Trailer for Battery Charging Sets for the Post Office, Tilling-Stevens Ltd., 657
- Broken Hill (Pty.) Co., Ltd., Tin-plate Works in Australia, (649)
- Bromage, J. A. R., The Sewerage of Delhi, 670, 680, (713)
- Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd., Guillotine Shearing Machine, 305
- Brookman, R. S., Ltd., Woodworking Machines at B.I.F., 274
- Brookman, R. S., Obituary. (379)
- Broomfield, J., and J. Luckcock, Rotary Pistol' Designs in the Nineteenth Century, 175
- Brossard Rotary Engine, 1881, 270
- Brown, A. F. G., Rotary Engine. 1891. 208
- Brown, Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd., Proposed Steel Works at Edale. 609
- Brown, Boveri and Co., Refrigerating Plant at Swiss National Exhibition, 654
- Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., New Reception Room at Park Works, Huddersfield, 137; Rolling Mill Pinions. 195 Slide Rule for Reamer Sizes, (406); Turbine Reduction Gear, 570
- Brown, G. D., Wheel Engine, 1824, 395
- Brown, H. R., Reduction of Dust Explosion Damage, (797)
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Cunard White Star Liner " Queen Elizabeth," 24 (Supplement, January 6th. 1939); New Zealand Motor Vessel " Suffolk," 599; New Aircraft Carrier to be Ordered, (769)
- Brownrigg. Sir Douglas E. R., Obituary. (219)
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Transformer Work in 1938, 34
- Brunt, D., Artificial Dissipation of Fog. (642)
- Brush Coachwork, Ltd., Comb•1'orks at Loughborough. 99
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Ljungstrom Turbo-generator Sets at. Brighton, 615, 622
- Buchi Syndicate, Pressure Charging for Railcars, 88
- Building Research Board. Annual Report, 757
- Bulawayo Power Station, South Africa. 326
- Bureau of Information on Nickel, Test of Nickel-clad Steel, 322; Valve and Valve Seat Technique, (679); Nickel-bronze in Marine Engineering, (797)
- Burgenstock-Hammetschwand Lift, Schindler and Co., Ltd., (289)
- Burness, T. P. N., The Production of Accurate Bores. 194
- Burnett, Air-Marshall Sir Charles, Appointed A.F. Inspector-General. (797)
- Burrows and Holcroft Differential Engine. 1s48. 456
- Burstall, A. F., and M. W. Woods, Experiments on a High-speed Producer Gas Engine, 640
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Large Steam Drop Hammer. 162
- Busk Studentship of Aeronautics. (591)
- Butters Brothers and Co, Ltd., Cranes and Derricks for Harbour Construction Work, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxv
- Bywater. H. C., Naval Construction in 1938, 2. 45 (Supplement, January 1939)
- CALAIS Marine Station, 757
- Caledonian Power Scheme. 29
- Calverley, J. E., Static Converters on Electric Railways. 157
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Einthoven String Galvanometer. " A " Thread Recorder, and Spot Vibration Instrument, 17; Photoelectrically Maintained Tuning Fork and Stroboscope, 682
- Cameron " Concealed Reciprocator," 1841. 610
- Cameron Rotary Engine, 79
- Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., Ellerman Liner " City of Edinburgh," 58, 63; Cunard White Star Twin-screw Liner " Mauretania." 24 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939), 735, 740. 763, 770. 791 (Supplement. June 23rd. 1939); Battleship " Prince of Wales." 549
- Campbell. H., The Future of the Oil Engine. 124, 24s The Combustion Gas Turbine.:179
- Campbell, W. M., Durban City Engineer, 197
- Campion, F. W., Obituary, (752)
- Canadian Car and Foundry Co., Single-seater Fighter Aeroplane. 691,
- Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd., Mine Hoists, 708
- Canadian Niagara Power Co., Ltd., Submerged Weir on Niagara River, 118
- Canadian Pacific Railway, "'1'.1.13." Class 2-10-4 Locomotives, 12
- Canalizzazioni Acquedotti Fognature, S.A., Collapsible Tube Cores for Concrete Pipes, 312
- Cantieri Riuniti dell'Adriatico. B. and N. Express Liner " Vega." 63
- Cape Town Electricity Supply. (375)
- Cape Town Graving Dock. 481
- Cape Town Harbour, 72, 196
- Cape Town Power Station. 326. 539
- Carpenter, Sir Harold, Platinum Medal Award, Institute of Metals, 352
- Carter Differential Engine. 1820. 426
- Cave-Browne-Cave, T. R., The Airship " R 101," (217)
- Central Electricity Board, Progress in 1938. 31; New Supply Schemes. 331. 757, (769) Annual Report, 440
- Central Uruguay Railway. Reconstructed Locomotives, 714
- Chadwick, R., Tin Bronzes, 403
- Chalmers, R., " Human Engineering." 595
- Chamberlain. A., German Policy and Trade Outlook (Churchill Machine Tool Co. Ltd.). 466; (Leading Article. 472)
- Chance Sand Flotation Process of Coal Mani: 688
- Chaseside Engineering Co., Ltd., Motor Dumper and " Demon " Mobile Shovels, 246
- Chatley, H., The Mysteries of Clay Structures. (19); Production and Efficiency, 60
- Chester Engineering Co. (1918), Ltd., Air Compressor Plant at a Service Depot, 805
- Chicago and North-Western Railroad. Passenger Locomotives, 4-6-4 Type, 13
- Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. 1200 H.P. " Rocket " Train, 90, 94
- Chorlton, Alan, The Coal Dust Engine, 378
- Christie, S. P., Fuel for Road Vehicles. 27
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., German Policy and Trade Outlook (A. Chamberlain). 466; (Leading Article, 472); Slideway Grinding Machine, 569
- Churia Tunnel, Nepal, Reconstruction of the. 703
- Clark, R. G., South Holland Outfall Sluice, 177
- Clark. R. H., Newcomen Society's Visit to Ipswich, 773
- Clark Rotary Engine, 1860, 610
- Clark and Standfield, New Floating Dock for Durban, 787, 798
- Clarke, A. Vincent, Obituary. (439), (500)
- Clarke, R. T., Retirement, from P. & 0. Line, (19)
- Clayton, D., and M. J. Wilkie, An Investigation of the Warlop Bush, 761
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co, Ltd., Richmond Bridge Widening, 6, 459. 470; Howrah Bridge, Calcutta. 7; Creeper Cranes for Howrah Bridge, Wellman, Smith, Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., 562, 566 (Supplement, May 5th,, 1939)
- Cloud. G. H., and A. J. Blackwood, Oil Engine Fuel Research, 667
- Clyde Navigation Trustees, Extensions to Meadowside Granary. Glasgow, 161. 188. 193 Diving Bell, Wm. Simons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 19.5.39, xii
- Coastal Trade Development Council, Coastal Shipping and the Railways, 113
- Coble, H., American High-powered Freight Locomotive Performance Data, 552
- Cochrane, Sir T., Excentric Rotary. 1830, 237
- Cole, E. K., Ltd., Air Raid Shelter Scheme. 510
- Collet and Engelhard, Boring and Milling Machine and Horizontal Boring NI ill. 342
- Coltman, J., North American and English Locomotive Experiences, 705
- Colyer, J. F. H., Obituary, (134)
- Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation, " Wirraway No. 1," Two-seater Aircraft. (407) _
- Conn, J. F. C., "Singing" Propellers, (57)
- Consett Iron Co., Ltd., Coke-handling Cableway at Derwenthaugh Works. British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., 748
- Conway, M. J., Ingot Heating, (565)
- Coode, Wilson, Mitchell and Vaughan-Lee, Habbaniyah Flood Control Scheme, Iraq. 788
- Cook, M., and G. K. Duddridge, Hardness and Strength of Drawn Brass Rod, 403
- Cooke, John, Rotary Ventilator, 1868. 269
- Cooke Wheel Engine, 80, 394
- Coolidge, W. D., Faraday Medal Award, (187)
- Cooper, A. R., Director of Air Ministry Factories, 77
- Costigan, John, Rotary Piston Design in the Nineteenth Century, 176
- Coursey, P. R., and S. N. Ray, Electrolytic Condensers, 167
- Cowan, Major P. J., Retirement from Engineering, (285)
- Cowans, Sheldon and Co. Ltd. Crane Conversion at Rothesay Dock. 256
- Cramb, A. C., Advertising and Selling Electric Service. 733
- Cramp, W., Obituary. 530
- Crawford, W. R., Mechanical Evaluation or Definite Integrals. 495
- Creach Lighthouse. Valiant. 329
- Croft, Herbert, Obituary. (570)
- Crompton Parkinson. Ltd., Illuminated Dial Ammeter, l 17; Thermatrip " Thermal Circuit Breaker, 414
- Cronin, H. F., Models and Relies of London's Water Supply System, 772
- Croydon Water Supply. 113
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co. Ltd., Hydro copying Lathe. 766
- Cumberland Mowers, Ltd., Small Portable Lighting Set, 288
- Cunard White Star, Ltd., Annual Report, (505)
- Cunliffe-Owen Aircraft Ltd., Burnelli " Flying Wing," 12
- Cunningham, G., Staggered Pay Days, 473
- Cuthbertson, J. W., Elastic Properties of Anti-friction Alloys. 352
- Cwmbran Engineering Co., Ltd., New Valve Works. 374
- DADSWELL, C. J., and T. R. Walker, Dry Sand Practice for Steel Castings, 749
- Dakeyne "Spherical" Engine, 1830, 638
- Dale, John. Metal Containers. Ltd., Industries in and Around London, J. Holloway, 700
- Dall, H. E., Viscous Flow Air Meters, 123
- Dalmuir Arms Factory. 1. (19)
- Dalrymple-Hay, Sir H. Richmond Bridge Widening, 459, 470
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Pre-filling and Robbing Presses, 684
- D'Arcy Exploration Co., Ltd., Oil Prospecting Licences Relinquished, (125); Oil Strike at Downholland Moss, Lanes. (709)
- Dartford-Purfleet, Tunnel, Charles Brand and Son, Ltd., 6
- Darwin. Ltd., " Alnico " Permanent Magnet. 118
- Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., 1000 B.H.P. Sixteen-cylinder Oil Engine, 52
- David, W. T., influence of Speed on Heat Loss in Petrol Engines. 765
- Davies. I., Rotary Engine, 1844, 200
- Davies and Taylor, " Disc " Machine, 1836, 639
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., The Modernisation of a Roll Foundry, 239, 270, 282; Cold Steel Strip Mill Plant, 795
- De Bergue and Co., Ltd., Power Riveting Machines at Boulton and Paul's Works. Norwich, 151
- De Berlhe, B., Obituary. 747
- de Bruyne, N. A., Plastic in Aircraft Construction, (57); (Leading Article, 95)
- de Cambis, Marquis, Rotary Piston Design the Nineteenth Century, 176
- De Havilland Aircraft Co, Aircraft of 1938. 12
- Delhi. The Sewerage of, J. A. R. Bromage, 670. 680, (713)
- Deloro Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd., " Stellite " Tipped Hot Shear Blades, 162
- Denny, W., and Brothers, Ltd., New Cross-Channel Steamer. 579; General Steam Navigation Motorship " Royal Natoli' (155). 647
- Desch, C. H., Intercrystalline Cracking in Boiler Plates, 418
- Deutsche Niles Werke, A.G., Gear-hobbing Machine and Clear-grinding Machine. 442
- Deutsche Werke Kiel. .A.G., Eight-cylinder 180 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 90
- Devereux, W. C., and E. V. Teller, Light Alloy Ship Construction. 479
- Dexter, J. L., Rotary Engine. 1880, 367
- Dominion Monarch." Shaw Savill and Albion Motor Liner, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 214, 218, 250, 253
- Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, New Open-hearth Furnaces, 690
- Donges-Montargis Pipe Line, 783
- Donkin, Bryan, and W. Farey, " Disc " Engine. 1850, 639
- Donovan Electrical Co., Ltd., Automatic Contactor Starter. and " Scrutact " Fuse Board, 278
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Otto Beit Bridge, 8; Krupp Steel Sheet. Piling, Suppt., 19.5.39, iv
- Downs, C. R., and J. W. Spiselman, Calcium Chloride, (769)
- Dowsett, H. M., Retirement from Marconi Co., 113
- Dravo Corporation. Spillway Gates for Pickwick Landing Dam, 31
- Dredging and Construction Co, South Holland Outfall Sluice, R. G. Clark, 177
- Drewry Car Co., Ltd., Railcars of 1938, 51
- Driessen, M. O. Cleaning of Coal by Heavy Liquids. 688. 718
- Dring, G. D., and C. D. Philippe, Materials for Aircraft Construction, (345)
- Duddell Medal Awarded to Mr. R. W. Paul. (375)
- Duddridge, G. K., and M. Cook, Hardness and Strength of Drawn Brass Rod, 403
- Dudgeon. R., Gear Engine, 1869, 521
- Durban Floating Dock. Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 196, 787, 798
- Durban Harbour Development, (437)
- Durban Sewerage Scheme, 68
- Durban Waterworks. 722
- Dyson. R. A., and Co., Ltd., New Road Trailer. 717
- EAST PERTH Power Station, Australia, 85, (125), (196)
- Eastern, J., and T. J. Hamilton, Rotary Machine for Propelling a Ship, 1835. 238
- Ebbw Vale Works, Richard Thomas and Co., Ltd., 525. 532. 556, 588 (Letter, 596)
- Eckert mid Ziegler. G.m.b.H., Automatic Injection Moulding Machine, 474
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., Collection of Historic Lamps, (18), (531), (769)
- Edwards, C. A., H. N. Jones, and B. Walters. Strain Age Hardening, 625
- Edwards. W., and Co., Portable Vacuum and Pressure Pump, 805
- Egerton, A. C., D. M. Newitt, and S. Ruhemann, Liquid Methane as a Source of Power. 682
- Eichelberg, G., Some New Investigations on Old Combustion Engine Problems, 173
- Einthoven String Galvanometer, Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 17
- Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., Mr. W. L. Robinson Appointed Superintendent Engineer, 695
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Multiple-voltage Generating Sets,:322
- Electric Furnace Co., Ltd., Efco-Heroult Furnace at Davy and United Roll Foundry. 241
- Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd., Shotter-Elliott Peak Comparator. and C02 and Oxygen Meter, 18; Temperature Recording Apparatus for Meadowside Granary, Glasgow. 193; Direct-reading Humidity Meter, 467
- Ellison Insulations, Ltd., Tufnol Products. 118; Taper Synthetic Tubes, (79:3)
- Ellor, J. E., and F. M. Owner, Fuel Injection for Aero-engines. (407)
- Elsden, O., Investigation of the Outer Approach Channels to the Port of Rangoon by metric of a Tidal Model. 503
- Emerson, A., Special Trials of the " Beacon Grange," (249); Bow Wave and Resistance, 465
- Engineering. Editorial Changes, (285)
- Engineering Public Relations Committee. Report. 519
- Engineers' Guild, 21. 235, 252, 595; Annual Meeting, 677
- English Electric Co. Ltd., 400 B.H.P. Oil-electric Train for Ceylon, 14 (Supplement. .January 6th, 19:39); Locomotive for Brazil. 14; 30,000-kW Turbo-generator Set for Blackburn Meadows, 32 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939); Switchgear Work in 1938. 34: Rolling Mill Drives. 65; Electric Winders. 66; Air Circuit Breakers and Metal- clad Horizontal Draw-out Switchgear, 245; Small Transformers, 288; Six-cylinder Oil Engines for Motorship " Vecta," 404; Equipment for Ebbw Vale Works. 589
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., World's Heaviest Ingot. Mould, 540
- Erren, R. A., New Injection System for Gas Engines, 468
- Escher, F., Port. Kembla Steel Works, 585
- Escher-Wyss. Ltd., Steam Circulating Pumps at Brimsdown "A" Power Station. (144. 650
- Esla Viaduct. Spain. 7
- Ettrick, William, Wheel Engine, 1831, 396
- Evans. J. T., Inland Transport, and Defence. 596
- Evans. U. R., and S. C. Britton, Corrosion Tests on Protected Steel. (531)
- Evans. U. R., and R. S. Thornhill. Protection of Steel Surfaces. (:31:3)
- Eve Bi-rotor Machines, 1825. 580
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., Earth Leakage Indicators and Recorders, 90; Colliery Winding Cage Speed Recorder, 91
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Megger Paint Tester, and Bridge Meg Testing Set, 17
- Ewing Medal Awarded to Professor A. H. Gibson, (249). 549
- Fabry Bi-rotor Machine, 1850, 581)
- Fairbairn, J. M. R., Retirement from C.P.R., (155)
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Anchor Liner " 58. 62
- Fairlop, City of London Airport, (739)
- Farey, W., and Bryan Donkin. " Disc " Engine, 1850. 639
- Farmer Norton. Sir J., and Co., Ltd., Drawing and Strip Rolling Equipment, 415
- Fear, C. J., Payment of Wages During illness, 565
- Fedden, A. H. R., Elected President. Royal Aeronautical Society, (679)
- Federation of British Industries, Anglo-German Trade Negotiations, 113, 143, 205, 331, (345), 363, 393; Annual General Meeting. 487; and the Ministry of Supply, 757
- Fell. L. F. R., Railways and the Quest for Speed, 248
- Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow), Ltd., Suction Dredger " Prince Farouk," Suppt., 19.5.39, xvi; Twin-screw Hopper Dredger " Lord Cochrane," xvii
- Ferguson, J. H., Rotary Engines and Pumps, 742
- Fergusson, H. B., Shallow Covered A.R .1'. Trenches, 773
- Ferranti, Ltd., Transformer Work in 1938, 34 Low-range Light Tester, 91
- Field, J. F., Efficiency of Steam Turbines, 182
- Fielding Universal Joint Engine, 1885, 669
- Firth, T., and John Brown, Ltd., Evaporator Drums at Brimsdown "A" Power Station, 644
- Fischer, G., Hydro-copying Lathe, 766
- Fitzmaurice, L. R., Rotary Pomp, 1829, 176
- Fitzmaurice, R., and F. M. Lea, Floors for Industrial Purposes, (159,) 197; (Letters. 248, 285)
- Fleming, Sir Ambrose, Physics and Physicists of the Eighteen-seventies, (56); The History of the Thermionic Valve at University College, (57)
- Flint, Andrew, Rotary Piston Design in the Nineteenth Century, 174
- Flurscheim, C. H., New High-speed 132-kV Circuit Breaker, 493
- Ford Motor Co., Air Conditioning in a Large Paint Shop, (1871
- Forman, Walter, Rotary Piston Designs in the Nineteenth Century, 175
- Forrest, James, Lecture Soil Mechanics, K. von Terzaghi, 555
- Forth Road Bridge, 77
- Fosse Way Improvements, Leicester and Road, (1 )
- Foster Instrument Co., Ltd., Photo-electric High-speed Recording Pyrometer, 18
- Foster, Yates and Thom., Ltd., 55-ton Open-fronted, and 250-Ton Geared Presses,:305
- Fountain, H. J. Waste Heat Boilers, (345)
- Fowke, W. H., The Producer Gas Road Vehicle, 449
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board Portable Generating Sets, 314,:318
- Fox, J., Kiln Fuel in the Ceramic Industry, (407)
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Robins Portable Conveyor, Suppl., 19.5.39. xxviii
- Fraser-Smith, E. W., Obituary, 472
- Frater, J. Purvis, New Method of Photographic Production, (649)
- Flicks A/S, 500 B.H.P. Oil-electric Railcar for Danish State Railways, 89
- Frick Gallagher Manufacturing Co., " Rota-bin " Storage Bin, 195
- Friese-Greene, W., inventor of the Cinematograph, Memorial. 765
- Frigidaire, Ltd., Marine Refrigeration. (768)
- Frodingham-Hoesch Piling, Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co, Ltd., Suppt., 19.5.39, iii
- Fry's (London), Ltd., Small Tube Cutter, 599
- Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Durban Floating Dock, 49, 196, 787, 798; Escort Vessels Ordered by Admiralty. (797)
- GALLAHUE Rotary Engine, 1874, 669
- Galloway, Elijah, Rotary Engine, 238
- Galloway Paracyclic Machine, 1846, 612
- Galveston, Texas, New Causeway, 210
- Galway Harbour Development, 706
- Ganz and Co., Railcars of 1938, 53
- Garcke, S. E., Comfort in Travel (by Road). 357; (Leading Article, 347)
- Gatineau Power Co.'s Hydro-electric Plant, (407)
- Gaye, F., Road Safety, Hooded Kerbside Lights, 406 4;.11.
- G.B. Equipments. Ltd., B H " Harmonic " G.2 Sound Head, (632)
- Gebbie, Sir Frederick, Obituary, 363
- Gedye, N. G., Diving and Work under Compressed Air. Suppt., 19.5.39. viii
- Gee, Philip, 100 Questions and Answers About Coal, (19)
- General Aircraft. Ltd., " Cygnet ' All-metal Light Monoplane, 10 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939)
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternator Work in 1938, 32; Switchgear Work in 1938, 33; Measurement of Magnetic Field Strengths, and Multi-range Photo-electric Potentiometer, 117; 132-kV Oil-immersed Reactors. 133; Trolleybus Sub-stations. 215; Metal-clad " Subgear," Illuminator for Film Studios. and Street Lighting Lanterns, 275; Uni-directional Street Lighting. 444; Electrical Equipment at Ebbw Vale Works, 556; Modern Electric Street Lighting Practice, 806
- General Electric Co. of America, Turbo-electric Locomotive, Union Pacific Railroad. '286: Hydrogen-cooled Turbo-generators, 541
- General Post Office, Equipment for Scanning Letters, 772
- General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Thames Passenger Vessel " Royal Daffodil," (155). 647
- Genissiat Dam, Rhone, 30, 61, 577
- Gent and Co., Ltd., Electric Clocks and Liquid Level Recorder, 276
- Gibb, R. F., President of Chamber of Shipping. (155)
- Gibbons, F., Gas Engines for Marine Purposes, 513
- Gibson, A. H., Ewing Medal Award. (249), 549
- Gilbert, J. D., Retirement from P.L.A., (679)
- Gilbertsville Dam, Tennessee Valley Authority, (797)
- Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., English Carillon for San Francisco. 512
- Glanville, W. H., Appointed Director of Road Research, 425
- Glen Line, Ltd., Motorships " Glenearn " and " Glenroy," 62
- Glen and Ross, The " Rota " Engine. 1889, 457
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Emergency Repairs to Water Mains, 354
- Glossop, R., and H. J. B. Harding, Recent Applications of the Ground Water Lowering Process, 528; Modern Processes the Support of Excavations, Suppe., 19.5.39, xxii
- Godfrey, Sir G., and Partners, Ltd., Blowers and Exhausters for Industrial Application 444
- Goldschmidt, Haklo and Co., Heussy "Portland" Pump, 1882. 582
- Goodall, Sir S. V., H.M.S. " Ark Royal," 416, 434
- Goodchild, Sir William, Scottish, Industries, 267
- Goodwin, Barsby and Co., Ltd., Portable Conveyor with Adjustable Head, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxix
- Gorton Machine, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 684
- Gouge, A., Musick Memorial Trophy Award, (249), (679)
- Gough, H. J., O. A. Tomlinson, and P. L. Thorpe, The Fretting Corrosion of Closely Fitting Surfaces, 323,:124, 355; (Leading Article, 315)
- Gould, H. R., Floors for Industrial Purposes, 248
- Graham and Dixon, Rotary Engine, 1870, 610
- Grand Coulee Power Project, 31
- Grangemouth Airport, 173, (187), (621)
- Gray, Thomas, Memorial Trust, (5:31), (709)
- Great Southern Railway. Eire, New 4-6-0 Locomotives, (500)
- Great Western Railway, " Manor " Class Locomotives, 12; Rolling Stock of 1938, (19); New Birmingham Hotel, (313); Tank Locomotive Reconstruction, (406); Training School for Motor Drivers, (561); Electrification Proposals, 637; Shock - absorbing wagons, (649); Summer Service, (718); All-electric Signal-box at Paddington, (739); Motley Station Closed, (769)
- Greenly, J. H. M. Re-elected President, Institute of Fuel, (769)
- Greenock Harbour Improvements, (125) Greenwood, J. N., and H. K. Worner, Creep of Lead, 352
- Greindl Rotary Pump. 1878, 581
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., Metallurgical Mounting Press, 56
- Grogan, J. D., and R. J. Pleasance, Corrosion of Aluminium Alloys, 385
- Grund, E., Recent Development of 'Machine 'fool Construction. (93)
- Guenalt, K. M., and H. Lloyd, Recording Micro-photometer, 92
- Guntersville Dam, Tennessee Valley, Spillway Gates, 478
- HABBANIYAH Flood Control Salem, Iraq, 788
- Hackney Power Station Extensions, 331, 338, 346
- Hackworth, T., and J. Yule, Excentric Rotary, 1836, 238
- Hadfield, Sir R., Freedom of the City of Sheffield, (469); Quick-immersion Thermo-electric Pyrometer, 682: New Applications of Heat and Corrosion-resisting Steels, 772
- Hadfields, Ltd., Annual General Meeting. (437); Dredger Tumblers, Suprt., 19.5.39, six
- Hagelin "Cryptographer." (281)
- Haigh, B. P., and T. S. Robertson. Fatigue in Riveted and Welded Plates, 490
- Haldin, P., Coal and Oil Fuel at Sea, 549
- Hall, H. L., Retirement. from Imperial Airways, (769)
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Refrigerating Plant for Motor Liner, " Dominion Monarch," 253
- Hall, W., Rotary Engine, 1804. 268
- Hall, W. K., and J. Latta. Coal v. Oil in the Navy, 441
- Halliday, F., Wheel Engine, 1825. 396
- Hamilton, T. J. and J. Eastern. Rotary Machine for Propelling a Ship 1835, 238
- Hammar, H. G., and E. Johansson. Marine Combustion Engines with Pneu untie Power Transmission, 597
- Hammond, R., The Future of the Oil Engine', 162
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Multi - burner Cutting Machine. 133
- Handley Page. Ltd., " Hampden " Medium Bomber, 10 (Supplement, January 60, 1939); Thirtieth Anniversary Dinner. 757
- Harding. H. J. B., and R. Glossop, Recent Applications of the Ground Water Lowering Process. 528; Modern Processes in the Support of Excavations. Sapp., 19.5.39. xxn Hargreaves, Vapour Pressure' of Zinc in Brasses, 385
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 225 B.H.P. Oil-mechical Locomotive, 16: Union-Castle Liner " Capetown Castle," 25 (Supplement, January is/h, 1939): Tanker, " British Fidelity," 64; Launch of Royal Mail Passenger Liner " Andes," (:313); Union Castle Motor. Liner " Pretoria Castle," (501); Fleet. Air Ann Floating Workshop. (501); "Llandovery Castle " Converted to Oil Fuel, (591), 627; Royal Mail Cargo Ships Ordered. (649); Machinery Conversion, " Llanstephan Castle," (797)
- Harley, C. B., Speed and the Passenger. 182
- Harley, S. J., Forming of Screw Threads by Grinding. 122. 136; (Leading Article. 127) Hart, Thomas, Ltd., 150th Anniversary, ( NS) Hartley, Sir H., Great Organisations and the Individual, (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology), 767; (Leading Article, 771)
- Harvey, G. and A., Ltd., High-speed Sliding. Surfacing and Screw-cutting Lathe, 353
- Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., " Harco Tapergil " Gilled Tubes, 243: An All-welded Steel Boiler. 628. (682)
- Hasselt Bridge, Albert Canal. Failure
- Hatfield, W. H., Experimental Equipment, for Detecting " Creep " in Metals, 682
- Haweswater Dam, Mardale Valley, 29 (Supplement, January 611, 1939), 037
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., " Hotspur " Two-seater Fighter, 216
- Haworth. H. F., Obituary. (778)
- Hawthorn, Leslie, R. and W., and Co., Ltd., Launch of H.M. Cruiser "Naiad." (187); H.M. Flotilla Leader " Jervis," (649)
- Hayward-Tyler and Co., Ltd., Submersible Salvage and Bore-hole Pumps, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxxvi
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Scrap Balling Machines, 540
- Heeley, E. J., Welding of Steam Pressure Vessels, (437)
- Head, Wrightson and Co, Ltd., Conveyors at Westminster Central Cleansing and Transport Depot, 126, 129
- Henderson, G. C. C., Inland Transport. and Defence, 565, 620
- Henderson. J., Bessemer Gold Medal Award, (281), 585
- Henderson, J. M., and Co., Ltd., Excavating and Spreading Scraper, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxx
- Henry Nielson Bridge, New York, 8
- Henshaw, A., London to Cape Record Flight, (187), (217)
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., " C " Junior Drilling Machine, 134; Electro-pneumatic Capstan Lathe, 154; Weingarten Inclinable Excentric Presses, 276; Electric Control of a Mechanised Foundry, 289: Plastic Machinery Exhibition, 684
- Herriot, Edouard, Dock at Lyon, Experiments with a Scale Model of the, L. Levin, 490
- Heussy "Portland" Pump, 1882. 582
- Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., Large Glass Bulb Rectifier Sub-stations, 131
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Condensing Plant, at Hackney Power Station, 341
- Hickin, W. H., Why Foreign Trade 211
- Higgs Motors. Ltd., Electrically Operated Beer-rousing Apparatus. 258; Three-phase Variable-speed Commutator Motors, 310
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., Large Steam Drop Hammer, Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., 162
- Hilgay, L.N.E.R., Railway Accident, 718
- Hilger, Adam, Ltd., Dekkor Inspection Enlarger. 1 17; Spectrographic Apparatus, 117, 380
- Hill, W. Scott, Coal v. Oil in the Navy, 378
- Hille-Werke, A.G., Vertical Turret. Lathe, 374
- Himley Brick Co., Ltd, Reinforced Brickwork, 648
- Hindley, Sir Clement, Appointed to Air Raid Precautions Department. 455
- Hirshfeld, C. E., Obituary. 564
- Hodson, High-speed Rotary Engine. 1881, 207
- Holden and Hunt Electric Rivet-heating Machine, 305
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., Wandsworth Bridge Reconstruction, 5, 507
- Holloway, John, Industries In and Around I London. John Dale Metal Containers, Ltd., 700
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., A Large Scrapeloader, 101; London Depot Removal, (722)
- Homer, G. E., and H. Plummer. Embrittlement of Tin. 385
- Hood. M. J., Rivet Drag on Aeroplanes, (446)
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Automatic Emergency Closing Valve, 133
- Hornblower Rotary Engine. 79
- Howrah Bridge. Calcutta, Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd. 7; Creeper Cranes for Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., 562, 566 (Supplement, May 511- 1939)
- Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Mine Hoists, 708
- Hudson, R., Ltd., Bogie Tipping Wagon, .113
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., 74 K.H.N. Shunting Locomotive. 16
- Hughes, G., Twin-screw Propulsion, 465
- Humphrey, H. A., Melchett Medal Award, (769)
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Oil-engined motive for Peru, 321
- Hurd, Sir Archibald, Maritime Industries, 294
- Hurst, Nelson and Co., Ltd., Ballast Hopper Wagon, 613
- Huxley Rotary Engine, 1865, 613
- Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co., Ltd., Vulcan-Sinclair Fluid Couplings, 52
- I.G. Farbenindustrie Paints for Indicating Increasing Temperature, (375)
- Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., Contactor Motor Starter and Long Time Delay Relay. 118
- Imperial Airways Ltd., Activities in 1938. (19) Captain L. A. Walters Appointed Navigation Staff Chief, (155); New London Terminus, (709); Major R. H. Mayo Appointed Technical Adviser, (739); Flying Boat " Golden Hind " Launched, (769); Flying Boat " Connemara " Fire, (769); Mr. H. L. Hall's Retirement, (769)
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory. (679)
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Gas-fired Salt Bath and Gas-fired Furnaces, 243; Bright Annealing Conveyor Furnace, 247
- International Alloys, Ltd., Magnesium Works at Cardiff. (561)
- International Combustion, Ltd., Large Mechanical Stoker, 446
- International Marine Radio Co., Ltd., New Sound - Reproducing System. (561)
- International Nickel Co. of Canada. Ltd. Review of Nickel Industry, (37); Nickel Plant Developments. (621)
- Ivor Power Specialty Co., Ltd., Soot Blower and La Mont Waste [feat Boiler, 278
- Jackson, H. Stonewall, Obituary, (92)
- Jamieson, J., and W. J. Skilling, Coals in Storage, (407)
- Japp, Sir Henry, Obituary. 472
- Jefferson, R. A., and M., Rotary Engine. 1800. 207
- Jenkins, Sir Walter. Industry in War Time. 809
- Jennings, Dimensionless Characteristics of Fans and Centrifugal Pumps. 123, 614. 773; Efficiency Formulae for Model and Full-scale Pumps, 307
- Johansson. E., and H. G. Hammer, Marine Combustion Engines with Pneumatic Power Transmission, 597
- Johnson, Baker's Blower, 1873, 207
- Johnson Hi-rotor Machine, 1890, 582
- Johnson. Wm., and Sons (Leeds), Ltd., Briquetting Press for Cast Iron Swarf. 570
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools). Ltd., Self-contained Dust Extractor, 276
- Jones, H. N., C. A. Edwards, and B. Walters. Strain Age Hardening, 625
- Jones. H. Spencer, Artificial Lighting and tli Royal Observatory. 393
- Jones, J., and A. Shirreff, Rotary Machine. 1856, 366
- Jones, T. C., and CO., Ltd., Mobile Petrol Engine Driven Crane, Suppt., 19.5.39. xxvii
- Journet "Concealed Reciprocator." 1842. 6111
- Justice "Abutment" Engine, 1866, 580
- KEELAVITE Ltd., Rotary Engines and Pumps, 307
- Keiller, C. M., Locomotive Experiences. 56.1. 646
- Keith Blackman, Ltd., " Blackman Ant i elastic " Propeller Fan. 100
- Keith Piercy, Ltd., "Threshold" Treatment for Scale Prevent ion, (311)
- Keller Automatic Toolroom Machine, 684
- Kennedy, Sir Alexander M., Obituary. 98
- Kennedy, J. M., A.R.P. and Electricity Under-takings, 760
- Kent, George, Ltd., Specific Gravity Recorder and Portable pH Potentiometer, 55; Meter. ins; Equipment and Contnd System at Hackney Power Station, 340
- Kiel Canal, Widening, 235
- King, G. K., The Future of the Oil Engine, 183; History of Rotary Engines and Plumps. 646
- Kingdon, Simpson and Denison, Universal Joint Engine, 1885, 669
- Kingston Power Station Fire, 77. 627; Repairs, (249)
- Klockner-Humboldt Deutz A.G., Two-stroke Oil Engine, and Hopper-cooled Horizontal Oil Engine, 475
- Kloof Nek Water Purification Plant. South Africa, 68
- Knight, A. H., and H. A. H. Boot. Van der Graaf Electrostatic Generator, 91
- Knott, J, H., Rotary Pimp, 1863. 208
- Koela Producer Gas Plant Co., Ltd., Fuel for Road Vehicles, 27
- Kra Canal, 100
- Krupp, Fried., A.G., German 4-8-4 Streamlined Express Locomotive, (281)
- Krupp Type Piling, Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 19.5.39. iv
- Kut Barrage. (407)
- LAIDLAW and Thompson, Rotary Pump and Exhauster, 1868, 581
- Lamb, H. C., Presidential Address. I.M.E.A. 699 (Leading Article, 741)
- Lamb, J., Excentric Engines. 1842. 238
- Lamport and Holt Line, Ltd., Foreign Shipbuilding Competition. (345)
- Lancashire Electric Light and Power Co., Annual Meeting. 267
- La Que., F. L., Measurement. of Metallic Corrosion, (501)
- Larssen Sheet Steel Piling, British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., Suppt., 19.5.39, v
- Latin, A., The Influence of Fluxes on the Spreading Power of Tin Solders on Copper, (249)
- Latta, J., and W. R. Hall, Coal e. Oil in the Navy, 441
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., " KS " Electric Welding Sets, 382; Improved A.('. Motors, 412
- Lawrence, A. Lyndon, Obituary, (711)
- Lawrence, Lorenzo B., Wheel Engine, 1879, 3911 Lawson Beck, Cart ridge Fumes, 415
- Lea, F. M., and R. Fitzmaurice, Floors for Industrial Purposes, (159), 197; (Letters, 248, 285)
- Leatherhead By-pass, (797)
- Lee Valley Flood Relief Scheme, (57)
- Lefeaux, E., Obituary. (374)
- Legget, R. F., The Engineer and the Community, 540; (Leading Article, 533) (Letter. 595)
- Leipzig International Fair, 308. 342, 372, 442. 474
- Leland Instruments, Ltd., Ballantine Sensitive Electronic Voltmeter, 117
- Lemielle Ventilator, 1853, 365
- Lennox, E. C., Street Lighting Lamps, (125)
- Leslie, R., Obituary, (19)
- Le Tourneau, R. G., Co., Inc., Mobile Crane and Caterpillar Tractor, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxvii; " Carryall " Scraper, xxxi
- Leupold's Rotary Engines, 44.:394
- Levetus, F. B., Rotary Engines and Pumps. 307
- Levin, L., Experiments with a Scale Model of the Edouard Herriot Dock at Lyon. 490
- Levinstein, H., National Planning for Industry 205
- Lewis. C. W., Modern Research in the Problem, of Flight (Wilbur Wright Lecture), 743; (Leading Article, 741)
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Articulated 750 B.H.P. Oil-engined Train for L.NLS., 13 (Supplement, January fith, 1939); Railcars of 1938. 50
- Lidgerwood Rotary Engine, 1840, 669
- Liege Water Exhibition and the Albert Canal. 637
- Lind, Peter, and Co., Ltd., Waterloo Bridge, 5 (Supplement. January 6th, 1939)
- Liverpool Port Improvements, (797)
- Livesay, E. H., North American and English Locomotive Experiences. 272, 302, 336, 396, 427. 457, 522; (Letters, 307, 344, 505, 534, 564. 596, 619. 646, 705)
- Ljungstrom Turbo-generator Sets at Brighton. Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 615. 622
- "Llandovery Castle" Union Castle Liner, Oil Firing. (591). 627
- Llanelly Associated Tin-plate Companies, Ltd., Merger. (469)
- Lloyd, H., and E. M. Guenault, Recording Micro-photometer, 92
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Annual Summary. 159; Marine Engineering Scholarship, (248), (326); Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 138, 482; Wreck Returns, (281); Appointments, (797)
- Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., Suction Dredger Bleshok," Suppt., 19.5.39. xiv; Non-propelling Dredger " Stewart Clan," xix Dipper Dredger and Rock-breakers, Sappr., 19.5.39. xxi
- Lochaber Power Scheme, British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 29
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Booster for Hydraulic Brakes and Other Mechanisms, 686
- Loeffler Boiler Installation at Brimsdown "A" Power Station, Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., 643, 650, 674
- Loewe-Gesfurel Sliding Surfacing, and Screw-cutting Lathe, and Electrically controlled Milling Machine, 373
- Londex, Ltd., Liquid Level Controller, 56 London County Council, Western Pumping Station, 369; New Water Mains and Pumping Stations, 785, (797)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway Princess Coronation " 4-0-2 Class Engines. 12; Articulated 750 B.H.P. Leyland Oil-engined Train, 13 (Supplement January 6th. 1939); New Turntables. (19); " Coronation Scot " American Tour, 41, (93); Elderslie Station Accident Report. (57); Electrification Progress in 1938, 83; Wishaw South Station Accident Report. (217): Preston Signalling Scheme. (249); S•oberoes Junction, Glasgow. Collision, (281); Dock Improvements. (345); More " Coronation " Engines, (375); Oil-engined Train Services, (375); Northampton Improvements, (375); Herbert Jackson Prize Award. (407); Bridge Reconstruction Work. (407); Spring Timetable, (437); Steamer Services, (437) Three-car Oil-engined Unit in Service, (469); " Princess Victoria " for Larne-Stranraer Route, (501). (769); Appointments. (501), (7:39); Derby Station Improvements, (531); Stations to be Closed, (540); Freight Train Acceleration. (561): Tut-Mead Improvements. (591); Staff Transfer to h.rbN-. (600); Chester Station Alterations, (621); Birmingham Improvements (649); Crewe Suspension Bridge to he Demolished. (649); Centenaries, (679); New " City " Engines. (708); Tot on Sidings, Coto Rug by Signalling. (769); Summer Time-table. (769): Observation Cars. (780);
- London and North Eastern Railway. " Green Arrow " 2 6-2 Locomotives.: " Flying Scotsman " and " Hook Continental " 12; York Station Collision Report, (19); Sleeper Drilling Machines. (125); Retirement of Sir Ralph Wedgwood. 143; at Hatfield, (155); 1Vagon Unload., for Sheffield, (155); Push anti Pull Trains. (187); Mr. H. H. Mauldin's Appointment. (249); Rolling Stock for Electrified Lines, (384); Appointments. (501); Approach Light Signals. (591); Colchester Improvements. (649); Resignalling for Tube Stir vices. (649); Darlington Collision arm Witham Derailment, (679); Carriage Works. (709); Hilgay Accident. 718
- London Passenger Transport Board. Activities in 1938. (19)
- Lorant and Co., Ltd., Cup-, heel Grinding Machine, 306
- Louis, Henry, Obituary. 284
- Lovett, W. H., Obituary, (155)
- Luckcock, J., and J. Broomfield, Rotary Piston Designs in the Nineteenth Century, 175
- MACHINE Tool Trades Association. 1940 Exhibition Cancelled, 785; (Leading Article. 799)
- MacKenzie, K. Obituary. (632)
- Mackenzie, P. W., Rotary Machine. 1857, 367
- Mackinac Multiple-spat I Suspension Bridge. Lake Michigan, 752
- Macmillan, R. A., Obituary. (679)
- Maddams, W. E., Obituary, (281)
- "Magnein " Carbonising Oven, 158
- Magrath, J. G., Descaling Steel by Flame Process, 720
- Maim Wheel Engine, 1818, 394
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., Annual Report. (249), 267
- Manganese Bronze and Brass Co, Ltd., Propellers for Motor Liner " Dominion Monarch," 214
- Marbaix, Gaston E., Ltd., Surface Roughness Meter (" Profilometer "), 100; " Rotabin " Storage Bin, 195
- Marconi-Ekco Instruments, Ltd., Analyser. 92
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., Marine Wireless Developments, 487
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., Retirement of H. M. Dowsett, 113
- Mardles, E. W. J., Protection Against Corrosion and Fouling, 498
- Marine Industries, Ltd., New Type Marine Engines, 445
- Marine Parkway Bridge. New York, 8 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939)
- Marriner and Co., Ltd., Representatives Frigidaire, Ltd., (768)
- Marriott, H., and A. Siebe, Rotary Pump, 1828. 176
- Morrison Case, 503, 533; (Letter, 565)
- Marshall, C. F., Dandy, Wax Portrait of James Watt, 379
- "Marshall" D.1638 Blower. Sir G. Godfrey and Partners Ltd., 444
- Marshell, G. N., Individual Transport in War Time, 620
- Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd., Single-cylinder Industrial Oil Engine, 132 Loading and Tipping Dumper, Send., 19.5.39, xxx
- Martin, Glenn L., Co., Aero-engine Test Bench. (797)
- Martin-Baker Low-wing Fighter Aeroplane, 667
- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg A.G., Oil Engines for Railcars. 90, 94; Emergency Oil Engine Generating Set and Welded Gas Engine Cylinder, 474
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Excerpts from Sir Harold Hartley's Address. 767; (Leading Article, 771)
- Massey Rotary Engine, 1872, 669
- Mastabar Belt Fastener Co., Ltd., Belt Lacing Machine, 224
- Masterman Wheel Engine ("Troke"). 1821, 395
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., " Lonovane " Pumps at Hackney Power Station, 341
- Maudslay, J., Rotary Engine, 1852, 365
- “Mauretania”, Cunard White Star Liner, Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., 24 (Supplement, January 61h, 1939); 735, 740, 783. 770, 791 (Supplement, June 23rd, 1939)
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Belt Conveyors at Brimsdown " A " Power Station, 674
- May and Baker, Ltd., " Rhodoid," 777
- Maybach-Motorenbau, G.m.b.H., Oil Engines for Hallett., 89
- Maybank, E. W., Locomotive Experiences, 504
- Mayo Composite Aircraft, Short Brothers, Ltd., 11
- Mayo, R. H., Appointed Technical Adviser, Imperial Airways. Ltd., (739)
- M. and C. Switchgear Ltd., Push-button Switches, 196
- McAlpine. Sir Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Extensions to Meadowside Granary. Glasgow, 101. 188, 193
- McDonald, G. G., Dimensionless Characteristics of Fans and Centrifugal Pumps, 60, 182, 619; Efficiency Forumulae for Model and Full-scale Centrifugal Pumps, 285. 344; Centrifugal Pump Characteristics with Viscous Flow, 505; Dimensional Analysis of turbo-blower Stage Performance, 800
- McFarland Rotary Pump, 1875, 367
- McKiernan-Terry Pile Driving Hammers, British Steel Filing Co., Ltd., Suppt., 19.5.39, vi
- McLean. G. O., Electric Battery Vehicles, (482)
- McLean, N., High-altitude Gliding. (797)
- McMurdo. A. H., Railways and the Quest fur Speed. 165; (Leading Article, 157) (Let term 182, 248)
- Mead Differential Engine, 1808. 426
- Meadowside Granary, Glasgow, Extensions, 161, 188, 193
- Mechans, Ltd., Steel Shuttering for Concrete Work, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxiv; Steel Skips, xxv
- Meijer, W. M., Extraction of Condensate and the Heat Cycle, 464
- Menai Suspension Bridge, 6
- Metalectric Furnaces, Ltd., 12-15-Ton Electric Melting Furnace, 244
- Metallisation, Ltd., New Metal Spraying Pistol. 163
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd, 50,000-kW Turbo-generators for Clarence Dock, Power Station 32 (Supplement January 6th, 1939); Switchgear Work in 1938. 33; Rolling Mill Drives, 65; Elettric Winders, 66; 24,000-kVA Alternator at Arapuni, 65; Colliery Electrification. 258; Portable Magnetic Crack Detector, 258; Long Service Association, (383); New High-speed 132-kV Circuit Breaker, 493; Equipment for Ebbw Vale Works, 589; Switchgear Installation at Stretford, 717
- Metropolitan Water Board, Croydon Water Supply, 113; Appointments. 235; Portable Generating Sets, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds). Ltd., 314, 318
- Meyer, A., The Combustion Gas Turbine, 279. •91; (Leading Article, 283); (Letters. 379. 406)
- Michell Bearings, Ltd., Thrust Blocks for " Mauretania," 764
- Midland Counties Electric Supply Co., Annual Meeting, 299
- Mile End Station, Rebuilding. 508
- Mills, James, Exors. of, Ltd., " G.K.N. Ledloy," 274
- Ministry of Supply, 519. 667, 757
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 330 B.H.P. 5 UD Type Engine for Peru Locomotive, 321
- Mitchell, E. H., Self-Trimming Colliers, 464
- Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., Loeffler Boiler Installation at Brimsdown " A " Power Station, 643. 650, 674
- Moffat Tunnel, Denver and Salt Lake Railroad. Welded Rails, 186
- Moir, A., Minor Inventions. 646
- "Monitor " Patent Safety Devices, Ltd, An Alarm Bell, 776
- Montgomrey, J. E., Appointed Secretary, I. Mech. E., (371)
- Moore Wheel Engine. 1820, 394
- Morecambe Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., Combined Stator and Rotor Starter, 275
- Morland, E. L., and P. J. Robinson, Electrical Development and Distribution, 700, 733
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., Hand-operated Portable Cranes. Suppt., 19.5.39, xxvi; Portable Conveyors, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxviii
- Moss Gear Co., Ltd., Geared Couplings, 196
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Ltd., Extensions to Meadowside Granary, Glasgow, 161, 188, 193
- Mount, V., Welding Corroded Cast Iron, (501)
- Mouritzen, J. G., and Co., Grab Dredger " San Juan," Suppt., 19.5.39, xxi
- Mowat, Brigadier-General M., Retirement from I. Mech. E., (125)
- Muir-Hill Mobile Loading Shovel, E. Boydell and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 19.5.39, xxxi
- Murdock Gear Engine, 80
- Musick Memorial Trophy. Awarded to A. Gouge, (249), (679)
- Myers Rotary Engine, 670
- Mysore Hydro-electric Project, (281)
- NASH, R. G. J., Aeroplane Exhibit at the Science Museum, (621)
- Natal Ores, Ltd., New Iron Ore Field, 197
- National Industrial Alliance, Booklet on Family Allowances, (658)
- National Physical Laboratory, Exhibits at Physical Society's Exhibition, 53; Micro-manometer for Water Pressure Difference, 682; Annual Inspection, 785
- National Railway Co. of France, New Cross- Channel Steamers, 265
- National Standards Laboratory, Australia, 143
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., " Rapid " Concrete Mixer, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxiv; " Rapid " Slowing and Self-propelling Crane, Suppe., 19.5.39, xxvii; Platform Hoist, Stipp/., 19.5.39, xxviii; Portable Pump, 613
- Negretti and Zambra, Three-switch Control Indicator, and Duckworth Air-operated Hygrostat, 56
- Nehan, E. A., Mechanical Torque Amplifier, 772
- Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., Magnetic Chuck Adaptor Plate, 307
- Netherland Shipbuilding Co., K.P.M. Motor Liner " Tegelberg," 58, 64
- New York and Long Island Suspension Bridge. 722
- New York World's Fair, 549
- Newcomen Society, Summer Meeting, 738; (Letter, 7734
- Newitt, L. M., A. C. Egerton, and S. Rohe-:nun., Liquid Methane as a Source of Power, 682
- Neyret-Beylier, Ateliers, Discharge of Flood Waters at Bissorte Dam, 574
- Niagara Falls Bridge, (187), (281), (469), (531). (649)
- Niagara River, Submerged Weir, 118
- Nicholl, Commander Sir Edward, Obituary. (437)
- Nicholls, A., The All-welded Hull Construction of H.M.S. "Seagull" 496
- Nixon, J., Obituary, (196)
- Noble. W., H. E. Blayden, and H. L. Riley, Influence of Carbonising Conditions on Coke Properties, 658
- North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co., Annual Meeting, 331; Reconstruction of Brimsdown " A " Power Station, 643. 650, 674
- Northampton Electric Light and Power Co., Annual Meeting, 299
- Northcutt, L., Casting Steel by the Durville Rotatory Process, 626, 659
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Large Extrusion Press. (709)
- Northfield, H. J., The Combustion Turbine, 406
- OAKLEY, S., Cutting Glass Tubes, (591)
- O'Driscoll, F., Obituary, 41
- Ohio River Cantilever Bridge, 202
- Olding, Jack, and Co., Ltd., Le Tourneau Mobile Crane and Caterpillar Tractor, Stepp. 19.5.39, xxvii; Tourneau " Carryall " Scraper and La Plante-Choate Angledrizer, Suppe., 19.5.39, xxxi
- Oliver, R. K., Fuel for Road Vehicles, 534
- Ontario Power Plant, Reconditioning, 350
- Oram, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir H. J. Obituary. 594
- Orr, W. H., Drives for Paper-making Nadine,, 242. 260
- Ottawa Science Laboratories, 690
- Otto Beit Suspension Bridge, Zambesi River, Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 8, 637, (679)
- Owner, F. M., and J. E. Eller, Fuel Injection for Aero-engines, (407)
- PANAMA CANAL Traffic. (19)
- Pappenheim Rotary Pump, 43
- Pardoe, G. T., The Strength of Bamboo, 248 Rotary Engines and Pumps. 705
- "Paris," French Liner, Fire, 519, 547, (649)
- Paris Suburban Sewerage Scheme, 68
- Paris Trade Fair, 651
- Paris Water Supply, 297
- Parker, A. H., Retirement from New Zealand Shipping Co., Ltd., (57)
- Parker, E. B., The Genissiat Dam, 61; Locomotive Experiences, 565
- Parker, Frederick. Ltd., " Speedia " Roller bearing Concrete Mixer. Suppt., 19.5.39, xxiv; Portable Belt Loader. Suppt., 19.5.39, xxix
- Parry, C. P., Ltd., Soot Blowers for " Mauretania " Boilers, 792
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 'Turbo-generator Work in 1938, 32; 30,000-kW Turbo-generator for Hackney Power Station, 338,:146
- Parsons Engineering Co., Ltd., Multiple-voltage Generating Sets, 322
- Parsons Rotary Engine, 1882, 610
- Pascal Rotary Machine, 1857, 366
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Lime Softening Plant for " Mauretania," 791
- Pattison, Juan. Rotary Pump, 1857. 268
- Paul, R. W., Duddell Medal Award, (375)
- Payton Water Meters, 1867, 581
- Pearson, C. E., Extrusion of Aluminium Alloys. 403
- Peck Rotary Pump, 1883, 612
- Pee-Wee Maschinen and Apparatebau-Gesellschaft, Thread-rolling Machine, 374
- Pegson, Ltd., Pegson Marlow Portable Pump, 613; Concrete Vibrator Units, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxv
- Pels, Henry, and Co., Ltd, 400-Ton Double- crank Press, 443
- Pemberton, H. N., Welding in Marine Construction, 436, 447
- Pensacola Dam, Oklahoma, (313)
- P.E.P. (Political and Economic Planning). The Location of Industry, 363; Gas Industry Report, 425
- Percival Aircraft, Ltd., " Q 6 " Passenger Aircraft, 12
- Percival, E. W., Comfort in Travel (By Air), 358; (Leading Article, 347)
- Petrie, D., Obituary, (155)
- Petters. Ltd., Non-magnetic Oil Engines for Research Ship " Research," 434
- "Phenix." French Submarine Disaster, 757, (769). 783. (7117)
- Philip and Son, Ltd., Non-magnetic Research Ship " Research," 425
- Philippe, C. D., and G. Dring, Materials for Aircraft Construction, (345)
- Philips Lamps. Ltd., A Wire Rope Tester, 195
- Phillips, J. F., Rotary Machine, 1885, 367
- Phillips and Powis Aircraft. Ltd., Miles " Magister " Cantilever Monoplane. 10 (Supplement, January 6th. 1939)
- Photo Electrograph Co., Ltd., New Method of Photographic Reproduction. (649)
- Physical Society's Exhibition, 17, 53, 90, 116
- Physicists Research Co., Surface Roughness Meter (" Protilorneter "), 100
- Pickwick Landing Dam, Steel Spillway Gates, 31
- Piezo Electric Indicator, Zeiss Ikon. 152
- Piling and Construction Co., Ltd., Pneumatic Caisson Piles, Suppt., 19.5.39. vi
- Pilliner and Hill. Gear Engine. 1867. 521 Pinchbeck Rotary Engine. 1882. 27U
- Pipe Joint Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Now Pipe Joint, 382
- Pirie, H. L., Producer Gas Propulsion for Road Transport. 419
- Pittler, A. G., long-turning Automatic, and Small-part Automatic, 443
- Pleasance. R. J., and J. D. Grogan, Corrosion of Aluminium, 385
- Plummer, H., and G. E. Homer. Embrittlement of Tin, 385
- Pneulec, Ltd., Moulding Machines at Davy and United Rull Foundry, 70
- Pneumatic Cores, Ltd., Pneumatic Cores for Concrete, 600
- P. and O. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Personnel Changes, 28
- Poole, Moses, Rotary Piston Designs in the Nineteenth Century, 174
- Port of London Authority, Thirtieth Anniversary, 425; Retirement of J. D. Gilbert, (679)
- Portable Plating and Equipment Co., Brush Plating of Metals. (621)
- Portobello Power Station. Edinburgh, Extensions, 487
- Post Office Research Station, Improved Telephone Transmitter, 53
- Potteries Motor Transaction Co|Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 519
- Poultney, E. C., Locomotive Experiences. 620
- Pound. Admiral Sir A. Dudley. Appointed Chief of Naval Staff, (649)
- Powell, C., Blowing Engine. 1 S23. 396
- Preece, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir G., Engineers and the Navy, 214
- Price, Sir J. F. G., Appointed Commissioner for Special Areas, (591)
- Price Rotary Piston Design in the Nineteenth Century, 174
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., Locomotive Grabbing Crane, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxvi
- "Prince of Wales", British Battleship, Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., 549
- Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Pipe Indicator for Excavating Machines. (469)
- Pullin, V. E., Non-destructive Testing—the Powder Method, 27
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Pulsometer for Contractors' Work. Suppl., 19.5.39. xxxv
- Pumphrey Bi-rotor Machine, 1829, 580
- Pyman, F. U., British Shipbuilding.(19)
- "QUEEN Elizabeth", Cunard White Star Liner, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 24 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939)
- RABOMA Maschinenfabrik, RH Radial Drilling Machine, 343
- Radial Tillers, Ltd., Combined Cultivator and Radial Tiller, 537
- Railway Companies' Association. The Inland Transportation Question (T.AA '. Report). • 661; (Leading Article, 651)
- Ramelli Rotary Pump. 42, 44
- Ransome, E. C., Obituary, 247
- Ransome and Marles Bearing Co, Ltd., Improved Needle Roller Bearings. 569
- Ransomes and Rapier Ltd, Portable Wharf Winch. Suppt., 19.5.39. xxvii; cubic yard Mechanical Excavator, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxxii; Self-priming Pump, Suppt., 19.5.39, xxxiv
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., Ltd., Magnetic Separator, 277
- Ray. S. N., and P. R. Coursey, Electrolytic Condensers, 167
- Reavell. Sir William Pencil Portrait No. 19 Supplement, March 3rd, 1939)
- Redman, A. S., Road and Rail Passenger Transport, 41
- Redmayne, Sir Richard, Safety in Coal Mines, 332; Coal e'. Oil in the Navy, 344
- Reed Prentice Corporation, Injection Moulding Machine, 685
- Renault, S. A., 500 H.P. Oil Engine for Railcars, 88
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Howrah Bridge. Calcutta, '7
- Renfrew Airport, (469)
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., Small Flexible Couplings, 747
- "Research," Admiralty Research Ship. 425; Non-magnetic Oil Engines. Petters, Ltd. 434
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Switchgear Work in 1938. 33; Flameproof Air-break Switchgear, 499
- Rhodesian Iron and Steel Corporation, Ltd., Two New Steel Works for South Africa. 569
- "Rhodoid," Cellulose Acetate Plastic, May Baker, Ltd., 777
- Rhone Hydraulic Works, 813
- Richards, G., and Co., Ltd., 35ft. Boring and Turning Mill, 538
- Richards, G. Tilghman, The Science Museum, 290
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Large Surface Condenser for Battersea Power Station, 509
- Richmond Bridge Widening, Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., 6. 459, 470
- Rider, Job, "Crescent" Rotary Engine. 1820. 334
- Ridge Gear Pump, 80
- Rigg Rotary Engine. 1887. 612
- Riley. G. E., Obituary, (416)
- Riley, H. L., H. E. Blayden, and W. Noble, Influence of Carbonising Conditions on Coke Properties, 658
- Riley Stoker Co., Ltd., Underfeed Automatic. Stoker, 223
- Rimmer, E. J., Conditions of Contract, 251
- Ringway Airport, Manchester, Extensions, (281)
- Rio Grande River. Combined Irrigation and Hydro-electric Plant, 583
- Ritchie-Atlas Engineering Co., Ltd., Portable Belt Conveyors, Suppt., 19.5.39. xxix
- Roberts, Llewellyn, Obituary. (437)
- Robertson. V. A. M., Civil Engineering Works on American and Canadian Railways, 808
- Robinson, P. J., and E. L. Morland, Electrical Development and Distribution. 700, 733
- Robinson. W. L., Appointed Superintendent Engineer, Elder Dempster Lines. Ltd., 69.;
- Rodgers, J. W., and H. A. Wainwright, Strain Ageing of Dead Mild Steel, 623
- Rolls-Royce. Ltd., New Aircraft Engine Factory in Scotland, 609, 637
- Rome Exhibition, (155)
- Ronceray. E., The Problem of Economic Foundry Production, 536, 542. 571
- Roots Machines, 550
- Rosenberg, E., The History of an Invention. 462; (Leading Article, 471): (Letter. 393)
- Rotherham, Hugh, Obituary. (311)
- Rothesay Dock, Crane Conversion. Cowan, Sheldon and Co., Ltd., 256
- Rotterdam Dry Dock Co., Holland-America Liner " Nieuw Amsterdam," 24 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939)
- Routledge Rotary Engine, 174
- Royal Daffodil. Cross-Channel Motorship, Wm. Denny and Brothers, Ltd., (155), 647
- Royston. M. H., Steam Ploughs and the Agricultural Emergency, 800
- Ruhemann, S., A. C. Egerton, and D. M. Hewitt, Liquid Methane' as it Source of Power. 682
- Rumsey Rotary Engine, 80
- Runcorn Power Station Extensions. (407)
- Ruston, Lieut.-Colonel J. S., Obituary, 564
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., New Stationary and Portable " VPB " Oil Engines, 186; 33 40 B.H.P. Oil-engined Locomotive. 614; De-watering Pumps, Suppt., 19.5.39. xxxiv Annual General Meeting, 785
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd, Walking Draglines Suppt., 19.5.39, xxxiii
- SACHS, G., Forging Aluminium Alloys, 403
- Safety in Mines Research Board, Recording Mierophotometer, 92
- St. Ives, Cornwall, Proposed Harbour Works. 143
- St. Lawrence Waterway Project, 82
- St. Maurice Power Corporation, 160,000 H.P. Power Plant at La Tuque, Quebec, (313)
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Protection Thermostats for Electric Motors, 116; " Geculloy " Radio Cores. 116; High-frequency Terminal, 117; Refrigerating Equipments for Calibrating Thermostats.:183; Hardness Tester for Thin Metals. 445
- Salter, George. and Co., Ltd., Electrical Centro! Gauge and Pressure Gauge Testing Equipment. 277
- Sams, C. E. R., Retirement from Secretaryship of Old Contralians, 363
- Sams. J. G. B., Steam Ploughs mid the Agricultural Emergency. 742
- Samuelson, E. A. G., Rotary Engines and Pumps, 705
- Samuelson, F., Retirement from B.T.H. Ltd., 727
- Sangamo Weston Ltd., Single-phase Watt-hour meter, and Time Switch Motor Unit., 246
- Saunders Valve Co., Ltd., New Valve Works at Cwmbran, 374
- Saurer, S. A., Supercharging t -l Engines, 89 Oil Engines at Swiss National Exhibition. 656
- Sauveur, Professor A., Obituary, 143
- Sawin, N. K., Testing Metals for Wear by Friction Discs, 184, (214)
- Schiess-Defries A.G., Milling Machine for Alternator Rotor Slots. 308; Horizontal Slotting Machine, Vertical Boring Mill. and Automat is Fay-type Lathe, 309
- Schindler and Co., Ltd., Burgenstock-Hammetschwand Lift, (289)
- Schmitt. O. H., Variable-speed Motor Circuit, 54
- Scholz, W., Fundamental Reflections on the Application of Welding in Mercantile Shipbuilding, (469)
- Schuler, L., A.G., Double-acting Hydraulic Press, 172; Side-seam Soldering Machine, 373
- Scott, C. F., What is Engineering Experience? 776; (Leading Article. 771)
- Scott-Paine, H., The Development of High-speed Craft (Lowe Gray Lecture), 68. 105
- Scottish Aircraft Components. Ltd., Aircraft Construction in Scotland, 455
- Scott's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Glen Line .Motorship " Glenroy." 62
- Seaboard Air Line, " Silver Meteor " Luxury Train Service, (:317)
- Selas Gas and Engineering Co., Ltd., Salt Pot Furnace, 244
- Self-adjusting Tappets. Ltd., Self-adjusting Tappets. 414
- Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Testing Metals for Wear by Friction Discs (Skoda-Sawin). 184, (214)
- Senior, A., Obituary, (85)
- Shannon. J. F., and R. N. Arnold, The Singing Propeller Problem, 28
- Sharpley, G. R., The Oil Engine Industry (Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.), 785
- Sheffield University. Department of Glass Technology. (765)
- Shell Co. of East. Africa. Ltd., Tanker " Africa Shell," 604
- Sherrington. C. E. R., Pneumatic-tyred Rail- cart,. 473
- Shimonoseki-Moji Undersea Tunnel, (797)
- Shirreff A. and J. Jones. Rotary Machine, 1856. 366
- Short Brothers, Ltd., Empire Flying Boats and Mayo Composite Aircraft, 11 " Sunder. land " Flying Boat, 11 (Supplement. January 6th, 1939)
- Sidery, A. J., and J. W. W. Willstrop, Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium Alloys, •56
- Siebe. A., and H. Marriott. Rotary Pump. 1828, 176
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., Diving Bell for Tyne Improvement Commission, and Diver's Equipment, Suppt., 19.5.39, xi, xiii
- Siegbahn, M., Precision Scriber, (561)
- Sillcox, L. K., Running Costs of Steam and Oil-en fined Locomotives, (437)
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Extensions to Meadowside Granary, Glasgow. 161, 188, 193
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Boiler Installation at Hackney Power Station,:338, 346
- Simons, W., and Co., Ltd., Diving Bell for Clyde Navigation Trustees, Suppl., 19.5.39. xii Suction Cutter Dredger " Lord Willingdon," Sappy. 19.5.39, xiii
- Simpson and Shipton, Rotary Engines, 1849. 268; " Pendulous " Engine, 1850, 301
- Singapore Naval Base, 81
- Sirpur Paper Mills. Ltd., New Indian Company, (376)
- Skelton, J. E. L., Locomotive Experiences, 596
- Shilling. B. H., Electric Strength of Air at High Pressures. (531)
- Shilling. W. J., and J. Jamieson. Coals ie Storage, (407)
- Skinner, H. E., Ship Corrosion and Paint. 498
- Skoda-Sawin Wear Testing Machine, 184. (214)
- Smith Differential Engine, 1829. 427
- Smith, E. F., Locomotive Performance, 505; " The History of an Invention," 595
- Smith, Sir Frank, Retirement from 41
- Smith, G., Rotary Pump, 1870, 456
- Smith, H. A., Deputy City and Water Engineer fur Durban, 604
- Smith, H. G., Elected President, Society of Naval Architects, (217)
- Smith, Sir L. W., Rearmament and Export Trade. 135
- Souter, W. A., Shipbuilding Statistics. (19)
- South African Airways, Record Earnings, 326
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Ltd., New Steel Works in South Africa, 569; Steel Prices. 604
- South African Torbanite Mining and Refining Co., Year's Progress, 72
- South Holland Outfall Sluice, R. G. Clark, 177
- South Wales Docks Scheme, 695. (709)
- Southend Road Improvements, (57)
- Southern Railway, Goods Locomotives 0-6-0 Type, 12; Virginia Water and Reading Electric Services, (19); New Cross-Channel Boat, (19). 579; Electrification Progress in 1938, 83: Marine Services, (125); Annual Meeting, 267. (281); " Shepperton Ferry " and Mechanical Stoking at Sea, 299; Landslide at Sevenoaks, (501); Swanky Station, (501); Havant Junction Collision, (769); Colour Light Signalling at Victoria, (797); Electrified Extension to Maidstone, 803
- Spencer (Melksham), Ltd., Portable Conveyor, Suppt., 19.5.39. xxix
- Spiselman, J. W., and C. R. Downs, Calcium Chloride, (769)
- Staatsmijnen-Loess Coal-washing System. 689 718
- Stamp, Lord, Comfort in Travel ( By Rail), 357: ( Leading Article. 347)
- Standard Pulverised Fuel Co., Ltd., Brancepeth Pulverised Fuel Works, 7.16
- Stanier, W. A., Problems Connected with Locomotive Design, 319; (Leading Article, 315)
- Starziezny, J., The Development of the Coal Dust Engine, 433
- Stead, H. V., Awarded Percy Still Medal, D.141 tr.A., (249)
- Stein Differential Engine, 1833. 427
- "Stellite" ripped Hot Shear Blade, Deloro Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd., 162
- Stephen. A., and Sons, Ltd., P. and O. Liner " Canton," 25 (Supplement January 6th, 1939); N.M. Cruiser " Hermione " Launched, (649)
- Stephenson, George. On the Fallacies of the Rotary Engine, 115
- Stephenson, Robert, and Hawthorns, Ltd., Oil-engine Geared Locomotives, 15
- Stern, Walter, Liquid Level Controller. 56
- Stevenson, 0. H., Cross-Channel Flight by Glider. (531)
- Stewart Bi-rotor Machine. 1893. 582
- Stewart Differential Engine, 1883. 456
- Stewarts and Lloyds. Ltd., South African Company, 72; Steel Pipes and Fittings, 222: Piping at Brimsdown " A " Power Station. 677
- Stone. J., and Co., Ltd., Water-tight Doors for Motor Liner " Dominion Monarch," 214
- Stonehaven, Lord, Presidential Address, 410
- Stothert and Pitt. Ltd., "'Titan " Crane for Block Setting. Suppt., 19.5.39. xxv
- Stretford, Manchester. Switchgear installation. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd, 717
- Sudlow, W. E., Rotary Engine, 1874, 207
- Suez Canal Traffic, (19), (345); Annual Report, (739)
- "Suffolk," New Zealand Motorship, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 599
- Sulzer Brothers, 4400 B.H.P. Oil-electric Locomotive for Roumania. 88, 94: 2200 B.H.P. Oil Engine and Generator. 88; Two-stage Reciprocating Ammonia Compressor, 654; 1200 B.H.P. Oil-electric Locomotive, 656
- Sulzer. R., Oil Engine Temperature and Deflection Measurements. 398
- Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd., Proposed New Strip Mill, 41
- Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Electrical Installation on " Mauretania," 792
- Sunvic Controls. Ltd., Simmerstat Control Apparatus and Battery Trickle-charge Relay. 55
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd. Shaw Savill Motor Liner "Dominion Monarch," 62. 214, 218, 250. 253: Oil Tank Steamship " La Corriere. 64: Lamuli of H.M. Destroyer " Khartoum." (187)
- Swiss Federal Railways, 12.000 H.P. Electric Locomotive, (187)
- Swiss Locomotive Works. 11.000 H.P. Electric Locomotive for Swiss Federal Railways, 655
- Swiss National Exhibition, 579, 654; (Letter, 742)
- Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., Motor-operated Spring-closing Switchgear Mechanism. 134; Mobile Switchgear. 164
- TAMPA, U.S.A., Esplanade mid Sea Wall. 688
- Tancarville Bridge over the Seine, 141, 297, 755
- Tangyes, Ltd., De-watering Pumps, Suppr. 19.5.39, xxxiv
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd, Armature Notching Press, and 60 Ton Open Front. Press. 222
- Taylor, J. Lockwood. Steam Power in the Air, 742
- Taylor. T., Obituary. (187)
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd, Pantograph Mill ink; and Die-sinking Machine, 684
- Telfer, E. V., and W. C. Devereux, Light, Alloy Ship Construction, 479. 497
- Tennessee Valley Power Scheme. 31
- Tennyson. C., The E.H.P. of Atlantic Liners. 466
- Thames Barrage Scheme. 29, 35
- Thames Conservancy Board, Effects of Rain and Snow in the Thames Area. 41 Flooding in Thames Valley. 205
- Thames Embankment Scheme. 393
- "Thetis," H.M. Submarine. Loss of. 7117, 727, 785; (Leading Article. 711)
- Thiel, Gebr., G.m.b.H., Filing and Sawing Machine, 443
- Tholl, W. B., Petroleum Research, 1-37
- Thomas, Richard, and Co., Ltd., Ebbw Vale Works, 525, 532, 556. 588; (Letter. 596)
- Thompson. W. B., North American Locomotive Experiences. 307, 535
- Thomson Differential Engine. 1563. 456
- Thornhill. R. S., and U. B. Evans, Protection of Steel Surfaces. (313)
- Thornton, W. M., Appointed Chairman of Electricity in Mines Committee, (621)
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Twin-screw Motor Lighter for the Zambesi, 124: High-speed Naval Launches, (281) Southampton and Isle of Wight Motorship " Vecta," 404; New Motor Torpedo Boat. 41l;; H.M. Destroyer " Kimberley," (709)
- Thorpe. P. L., G. A. Tomlinson, and R. J. Gough. The Fretting Corrosion of Closely Fitting Surfaces,:323. 324, 355; (Leading Article. 315)
- Thousand Islands Bridge, St. Lawrence River, A (Supplement, January 6th. 1939)
- Thwaites and Carbutt, Roots Machines, 550
- Tilling-Stevens. Ltd., Battery-charging Sets for the Post. Office, 657
- Timber Engineering Company. " Connector " Joints for Heavy Timber construction. 774
- Tomlinson. G. A., P. L. Thorpe, and H. J. Gough, The Fretting Corrosion of Closely Fitting Surfaces, 323, 324, 355 (Leading Article. 315)
- Tower, Beauchamp, Universal Joint Engine. 1879, 668
- Tower, W. S., Drop in American Steel Prod's,. Lion. (125)
- Towler Brothers (Patents). Ltd., High-pressure Coolant Pump. 718. (793)
- Travancore Hydro-electric Developments. 755
- Travers, W. Electro-plating or Aluminium, (649)
- Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd, Staggered Paydays. 473
- Tripp. G. W., The Study of Waste, 146
- Tromp Heavy Liquor Process of Coal Cleaning. 689
- Troost, L., New Dutch Ship Tank. (249)
- Trotter Excentric Rotary Engine. 1805. 237
- Tube Patents, Ltd., "Crownwall" Pipe Coupling, 716
- Turbine Gears Ltd., Large Gear Unit for Cement Mill, 353
- Turner Rotary Piston Designs in the Nineteenth Century, 174
- Turner. T. H., Steel Rails. (531)
- Twyman, F., Spectrography in the Non-ferrous Metallurgical Industry. 387: (Leading Article, 409)
- Tyne Dock Improvements. (19). 267, (313)
- Tyne Improvement. Commission Diving Bell. Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., Suppe., 19.5.39, xi
- ULLSWATER, Pollution of, 579, (649)
- Union Pacific Railroad, New 4000 H.P. Oil-Electric Locomotive, (19); 5000 H.P. Steam-electric Locomotive, 262, 286
- United States Maritime Commission, New Cargo Ships. (769)
- Universal Oil Products Co., Catalytic Cracking Process, (345)
- VAAL-HARTZ Irrigation Scheme, 480
- Van Deventer, J. H., Effiency has Some Disadvantages. 280
- Variable Speed Gear, Ltd., Torque Converters, 52
- Vaughan Crane Co., A.C. Commutator for Driving Cranes, 225, (289)
- "Vecta," Southampton-Isle of Wight Motor-ship, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 404
- Verrugas Railway Bridge, Peru, 8
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Geodetic System of Airframe Construction. I 1; (Letter, 61): P. 0. Liner " Strathallan," 25: Launch of H.M. Battleship King George V. 235; Launch of H.M. Aircraft Carrier " Illustrious," 455; British Submarines " Triad " and " Truant," (591)
- Victoria Falls Power Scheme,:31 , 64
- Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co., Viljoensdrift Power Station, 747
- Viljoensdrift Power Station, Vaal River, Rand, 747
- Vokes, Ltd., Exhaust Silencers for Pneumatic Drills. 289
- von Terzaghi, K., Soil Mechanics, A New Chapter in Engineering Science (James Forrest Lecture). 555
- WAINWRIGHT. H. A., and J. W. Rodgers' Strain Ageing of Dead Mild Steel, 625
- Waldrich, K. G., High-speed Lathe with Electric! Feeder Control, 342
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Railcars of 1938. 52
- Walker, H. C., Obituary, 411
- Walker, T., Rotary Engine, 18:38, 206
- Walker, T. R., and C. J. Dadswell, Practice for Steel Castings, 749
- Walley, T., Zeebrugge Raid and THE ENGINEER, 381
- Walters, B., C. A. Edwards, and H. N. Jones, Strain Age Hardening, 625
- Wanderer-Werke. 2 DV R Circular Table Milling Machine, 444
- Wandsworth Bridge Reconstruction, Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., 5, 502. 507
- Ward, H., Training for Management in Chemical Engineering Works, (535)
- Ward, T. W., Ltd., Dismantling of Carnarvon Wireless Station, (437)
- Ward's Island Sewage Disposal Works, New York, 67
- Warlop Bush, All Investigation of the, D. Clayton and M. J. Wilkie, 761
- Warragamba Emergency Water Supply Scheme. 294
- Waterloo Bridge. Peter Lind and Co., Ltd., 5 (Supplement, January 6th, 1939); Cost of, (621)
- Watt, James, Wax Portrait of, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 379
- Watt Rotary Engines. 78
- Watt's Steam Wheel, 394
- Wedgwood, Sir Ralph, Retirement from L.N.E.R., 143
- Weidlein, E. R., Laminated Safety Glass, (649)
- Weingarten. Masch., Four-point Stamping and Drawing Press, 372; Flanging and Moulding Machine, 443
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Closed-feed System on " Mauretania," 791
- Wellman, Smith, Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Creeper Cranes for Howrah Bridge, 562, 566 (Supplement, May 5th, 1939)
- Western Avenue Viaduct, 235
- Western-Electric Co., New Directional Microphone, 71
- Western Pumping Station, L.C.C., 369
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., " Noreg " Constant-potential System, 91
- Westminster Central Cleansing and Transport Depot, 126, 129
- West's Rotinoff Piling and Construction Co., Ltd., Shell Piling. Suppt., 19.5.39, vi
- White, J., Samuel. and Co., Ltd., H.M. Destroyer " Kingston," (57); Fire-fighting Boat for London, (531)
- White, R., and Sons Ropeway at Ashington Colliery, 376, 384
- Whitehead Switchgear and Inventions. Ltd., Metal-clad Oil Pump Pressure Circuit Breakers, 778
- Wickham, D., and Co., Ltd., 150 B.H.P. Conversion Bogie, and 110 B.H.P. Railcar for Buenos Aires, 15
- Wickman. A. C., Ltd., " Wimet " Tipped Expansion Roamer, 223
- Wigglesworth, P., Obituary, (618)
- Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture. Modern Research in the Problems of Flight, G. W. Lewis, 743; (Leading Article, 741)
- Wilkie. M. J., and D. Clayton, An 1nvestigation of the Warlop Bush. 761
- Winans, K. W., Why Foreign Trade, 26; Marine Steam Plant, (187)
- Willesden Paper and Canvas Works, Ltd., " Cuprammonium " Process of Sandbag Protection, (618)
- Williams, E. C., Electric Discharge from Motor Vehicles. (249)
- Williamsburg Power Station. U.S.A., 28
- Willstrop, J. W. W., and A. J. Sidery, Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium Alloys, 256
- Wilson, Sir Arnold, Workmen's Compensation. 364; H. E. Armstrong Memorial Fund, 379
- Wilson Gear Pump, 1802. 520
- Wimshurst Rotary Engine. 1850. 365
- Winch, Robert. Rotary Piston Design in the Nineteenth Century, 175
- Windeler, G. E., Oil Engine Reliability (Presidential Address, D.E.U.A.), 785
- Winnipeg Sewage Disposal Plant, 68
- Winsor Engineering Co., Ltd., Ventilation on the " Mauretania," 765
- Witty "Concealed Reciprocator." 1811, 610
- Wolseley Motors, Ltd., Noise Detection in Motor Car Bodywork, (469)
- Wood, Skinner and Co., Ltd., Bill Quay Shipyard to be Scrapped, (.501)
- Woodcock, A. F. Locomotive Fire-boxes, 344
- Woodfield Hoisting and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Pile Drivers, Suppt., 19.5.39, vii
- Woodhouse, J., Rotary Engine, 1837, 206
- Woods, M. W., Viscous Flow Air Meters, 406
- Woods, M. W., and A. F. Burstall, Experiments on a High-speed Producer Gas Engine, 640
- Worner, H. K., and J. N. Greenwood, Creep of Lead, 352
- Worthington Simpson Ltd., De-watering Pumps, Suppt., 19.5.39. xxxv; " Nux " High-pressure Centrifugal Pump, 768; A Mobile Fire Pump, 777
- Wright, J. A. C., Employers and Territorials, 596
- Wright, L. F., Blast-furnace Process, (217)
- Wright, L. Welman, Rotary Piston Design, 1825, 175
- Wright, W. G. S., The Future of the Oil Engine, 182
- YARROW and Co., Ltd., New Greek Destroyers, (2491
- Yarrow, H. E., Coal to Oil in the Navy, 379, 505
- Yorkshire Gas Grid, 173. 331. (437)
- Yule, J., and T., Hackworth. Excentric Rotary, 238
- ZEEBRUGGE Raid and THE ENGINEER, T. Walley,:181
- Zeiss Ikon, The Piezo-electric Indicator. 152
- Zvegintzov, M., international Trade, 252
See Also
Sources of Information