The Engineer 1952 Jan-Jun: Index

- A.C.E. Machinery, Ltd, Builder's Winch, 68
- Acratork Engineering Co., Ltd., Torque Spanner, 646
- A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., Haulage and Recovery Vehicle, 76; Experimental Lightweight Diesel Train, 740
- Adams, G. C., Basic Engineering Standards and their Place in Design, 405
- Aerox, Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 72; Filter Vessel, 722
- Airwork, Ltd., Bristol "Hercules" Tests, 177
- Alabama Power Co., Underground Gasification of Coal at Gorgas, Alabama, 398
- Alar, Ltd., Cast Aluminium Alloys (243)
- Allam, E. P., and Co., Ltd., Small Compacting Machine, 499
- Allen, Clary Edgar, Obituary, 23
- Allen, F., J., Experimental Furnace for the Investigation of Open-hearth Furnace Combustion Problems, 709
- Allen, H. N. G., Epicyclic Gears, 373, 413, 442
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Cross-Channel steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Allott, C. S., and Son Westwood Power Station, 24
- Allsop, H., Iron and Steel Institute Discussion, 62
- Amari, Shoichi, Generation of Gas Bubbles at the Shrinkage Boundaries of Built-up Crankshafts for Diesel Engines, 543
- Anderson, Sir Alan, Obituary, 637
- Ando, Eiji, Generation of Gas Bubbles at the Shrinkage Boundaries of Built- up Crankshafts for Diesel Engines, 543
- Andrade, E. N. da C., Flow of Metals, 658, 692
- Anglo-American Council on Productivity, Productivity Team on Fuel Conservation, 41; Productivity Team on Ammunition, 81; Departure of Two Teams, 233; Visit of Electricity Supply Team from U.S.A., 318; Gas Industry Productivity Team, 393; Fifth and Final Joint Session, 585; Councils on Productivity, 653; (Leading Article, 668); Food Canning Industry, 685; Productivity in the Grey Ironfounding Industry, 841
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Underground Gasification Project, 866
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co, Oil Refineries in 1951, 74; Aluminium Alloy Launch, 109;. Finnart Pipe-Line (294); Refinery Progress, 418; Australian Oil Refinery (486); Oil Survey at Nottingham (618); Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Ltd., Shipping Orders, 34; Oil Refineries in 1951, 74; Tanker " Auris," 142, 168 (454); Burning of Boiler Fuel in a Marine Diesel Engine, 577
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Appleton, Sir Edward, Elected Honorary Member Institution of Electrical Engineers, 23l
- Archdale, James, and Co., Ltd., Transfer Machine for Gearboxes, 529
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., River Entrance Lock at Liverpool, 42; Rolling Lift Bridge at Surrey Docks, 383; Model of a Rolling Lift Bridge, 645 -
- Asea Electric, Ltd., Long Service Presentations (842)
- Ashmore, Benson and Pease and Co., Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry ill 1951, 66; British Workshops in 1951, 31
- Ashton, James, Engineer Rear-Admiral, Obituary, 23
- Associated Ethyl Co, New Wharf in the Manchester Ship Canal, 42
- Aston Chain and Hook Co., Ltd., Extrusion Plant, 444
- Ateliers et Chantiers de France, S.S. " Flandre " (650)
- Atkins, W. S., Sir William J. Larke Medal (358)
- Atkins, W. S., and Partners, Protection Against Corrosion at the Abbey Works, Marga, 808
- Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd., Semi-Portable Air Compressor Units, 324
- Austin Co. (U.S.A.) Prestressed Concrete Roof Girders, 514
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 72
- Australasian Petroleum Co., Papua Oil Programme (869)
- Auto-Burners, Ltd., Automatic Solid Fuel Burner, 657
- Auto Ducts, Ltd., Self Priming Pump Air-cooled Diesel Engine Pump, 656
- Axia Fans, Ltd., Oil Tanker " World Unity," 826
- Ayre, Sir Amos, Obituary, 103
- Ayre, Sir Wilfred, Merchant Ship Design: A Thought for the Future, 542
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853; Research Laboratories, 857
- Badger, E. B., and Sons, Ltd., Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Bagnall, W. G. Ltd., Diesel-electric Shunting Locomotive, 2
- Bailey, C. H., Ltd., Barry Commercial Dry Dock Reconstruction, 42, 739
- Bailey, J. H., Obituary, (454)
- Bakelite, Ltd., Plastics Catalogue (707)
- Baker Perkins Ltd., Works Apprenticeship School, 742
- Balfour Beatty, Ltd., Brighton " B " Power Station, 128; Woodhead Tunnel, 128
- Bangay, Raymond Dorrington, Jubilee of a Wireless Pioneer (618)
- Barclay Curle and Co., Ltd., Cargo Ship " Chakdara," 109; T.S.S. " Kenya," 109; Naval Hospital Ship (358); Modern Tramp Ship, 432; Launch of M.S. " Windsor," 717
- Barclays Bank, Ltd., Nationalisation Disappointments, 81
- Barnard, George, Obituary, 282
- Bartram and Sons, Ltd, M.V. " 109
- Basrah and Iraq Petroleum Co., Zubair Oil Field Opened, 81
- Bastian and Allen, Ltd., Mobile Steam Jet Cleaner, 690
- Baxter, Sir Arthur, Obituary (38)
- Baxter, John M., Obituary (230)
- Beebee, Alfred, Obituary (746)
- Beedham, F. L. E., Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 473
- Belgian Broadcasting Corporation, Welded Radio Masts, 548
- Bell, Sir Thomas, Obituary, 102
- Benjamin Electric, Ltd., Lighting a Saw Doctors Bench, 645
- Bennett, T. P., and Son, Castle Bridge, Shrewsbury, 82
- Bennett, W. D. G., Diffusion of Hydrogen in Iron and Iron Alloys at Elevated Temperatures, 724
- Bentham, Max., Some Considerations Regarding a Factory Maintenance Engineering Department, 510
- Beresford, James, and Son, Ltd., Submersible Electric Pump, 656
- Berger Equipment, Ltd., Engine Starter, 213
- Bierrum and Partners, Ltd., Brighton " B " Power Station, '128
- B.I.P. Engineering, Ltd., Pelleting Machine, 721
- Birlec, Ltd., Furnace Atmosphere Generators (370); Fully Automatic " Lectrodryer," 656, Silver Jubilee, 675; Die Block Plant, 704
- Birmabright, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy for Torpedo Tubes and Ship's Davits, 109
- Blache, H. H., Obituary, 409
- Blackman, Raymond V. B., Naval Construction in 1951, 85, 124, 170
- Blackwood, John, Hodge and Co., Ltd, " Carlisle " Heavy-Duty Road Grader, 625
- Bland, D. R., Cold Rolling with Strip Tension, 677
- Blaw Knox, Ltd., Gear Cutting and Heat Treatment Plant, 706
- Blundell Rules, Ltd., B.R.L. Slide Rules, 746
- Boats and Engines, Bi-fuel System (842)
- Booth, Joseph, and Bros., Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66; Crane Crab, 757
- Bourdon Tools, Ltd., Vertical Surface Grinding Machine, 528
- Bowhill, Sir Frederick The Flying Boat, 289
- Braithwaite and Co., Engineers, Ltd., Chittagong Port Development, 42
- Brand, Chas., and Son, Ltd., Lock at Newark-upon-Trent, 738
- Bray, W. E., and Co., Ltd., Electrically Operated Tower Crane, 803
- Bredouw, F. E., Lilly Spiral Slide Rules, 797
- Brewer, C. D., Fuels for Use in Marine Auxiliary Oil Engines, 275
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Jet and Turboprop Engines, 28; Bristol " 173 " Twin-engined Helicopter, 156; Bristol " Hercules " Tests, 177; " Britannia " Airliner, 367; Helicopters (650); Bristol " Proteus III " (Series 700) Propeller Turbine, 791
- Britain Steamship Co., Ltd., Launch of M.S. " Windsor," 717
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., aluminium Alloy Cargo Lighter, 699
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Kirk O'Shotts Television Transmitting Station (230), 371; Temporary Transmitter at Barnstaple, 375; Unattended High Power Radio Transmitter, 416
- British Electricity Authority, Generation Plant Construction in 1951, 59; Power Station Progress, 60; Precast Concrete Turbine House Structure, 173; Electric Thermal Storage Plant for Space Heating, 212; Drakelow Power Station, 277; Visit of Electricity Supply Team from U.S.A., 318; Fulham Power Station, 339; Clyde's Mill Power Station (390); British Power Station Efficiencies, 644; Power Station Extensions at Hams Hall, Ocker Hill, Northampton and Hackney (650); Deferment of Festiniog Hydroelectric Scheme (778)
- British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., T.S.S. " Kenya," 109; Cargo Ships " Chakrata," " Uhangchow," " Chakdara and " Mtwara," 109
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Cables for Operation at 275 kV, 62; 750-ft. Television Mast, 128; Bolted Flameproof Couplers (390); British Capacitor Installations in Canada (550); Improved Television Camera Cable System, 699
- British Oxygen Co., Film on Argon-Arc Welding, 109; Universal Oxygen Cutting Machine, 586; Continuous Tube-making Machine, 805
- British Petroleum Chemicals, Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74
- British Rollmakers Corporation, Ltd., Roll Works at Crewe, 837
- British Tabulating Machine Co., Ltd., Tabulating Machine Factory, 507
- British Tanker Co., Ltd., Shipping Orders, 34
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Development Work on Turbines and Alternators during 1951, 62; Gas Turbines in 1951, 93; Extra-high-voltage, High-power Transformer, 105; Heavy Current D.C. Switchboards, 105; Marine Electrical Equipment, 142; 1,200 h.p. Gas Turbo-alternator set, 142; Walking Dragline, 142; Marine Gas Turbine in M.V. " Auris," 168; Opthalmic Magnet, 465; Radiation Pyrometer, 465; h.p. Squirrel- cage Induction Motor running under Water, 465; Wheel Mill at Sheffield, 574; Totally Enclosed Fan-cooled Motor with Standard Fixing: A.C. Contactor Starter, 626; Quantity Production of Glass Bulbs, 696; Stacreep " System of Crane and Hoist Control, 757
- British Transport Commission, Accounts, 813
- Bronx Engineering Co., Ltd., Continuous Tube-making Machine, 805
- [Broom and Wade|Broom and Wade, Ltd.]], British Workshops in 1951, 31
- Brown Boveri and Co., Ltd., Continental Gas Turbines, 147
- Brown Bros., and Co., Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamer " Normannia," 331; British Steam Catapult (682); Oil Tanker " World Unity," 825 Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Brown, David, Machine Tools, Ltd., Turbine Gear Hobbing Machines, 545
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., Gearboxes for Engine Compressor Testing Equipment (486)
- Brown, E. M., Test Flying in Naval Aircraft, 435
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Destroyer " Diamond," 85; " Relentless " Conversion, 85; Gas Turbines in 1951, 93; Motor Liner " Ruahine," 109; " Norfolk Ferry," 109; 12.5 MW Gas Turbine Set at St. Denis Power Station, Paris, 186; Stabilising Fins on the " Media " (294)
- Bruce, A. K., Internal Combustion Engine from the User's Point of View, 436
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Loch Fannich Scheme, 62
- Bruce, R. F. D., Obituary (78)
- Brush Bagnall Traction, Ltd., Diesel-electric Shunting Locomotive, 2
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Diesel-electric Shunting Locomotive, 2; Gas Turbines in 1951, 93; Brush Ljungstrom Turbo-generators (454)
- Bryce Fuel Injection, Ltd., Engine Starter, 213
- Bullows, Alfred, and Sons, Ltd., Water Wash Spray Booth, 623; Rotary Air Compressor, 631
- Cable Covers, Ltd., Wire Rope Clamping System, 774
- Cabot, Godfrey L., Inc., Carbon Black Film (358)
- Caffin and Co., Ltd., Wharf at Bathurst, Gambia, 42
- Callander, Sir James, Obituary, 441, 475
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Needle Pyrometer for Plastics and Rubber, 742
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Aircraft Carrier " Ark Royal," 85; Naval Construction in 1951, 124
- Cark Ruckle, Wood Polishing Machine, 736
- Carrington, E., Creep Research, 313
- Carruthers, J. H., and Co., Ltd., Oil Tanker " World Unity," 825
- Carter, Joseph James, Obituary, 669
- Carty, C., Return of the Native, 181; Rome Metropolitan Railway, 210, 257
- C.A.V., Ltd., Vehicular Rear Lighting, 183
- Cementation Co., Ltd., Brighton " B " Power Station, 128
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Mobile Crane, 259
- Chang, P. L., Diffusion of Hydrogen in Iron and Iron Alloys at Elevated Temperatures, 724
- Charlton, T. M., Note of the Effect of Transient Force, 300
- Charrold, Ltd., Coal Lorry with a Conveyor Belt Discharge Unit, 711
- Chilton, H., Performance of Natural Draught Water-cooling Towers, 319
- Cie Industrielle des Travaux, Port of Colombo, 42
- Clelands (Successors), Ltd., Petrol Train (810)
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Middle Harbour Bridge, Sydney, Australia, 82; River Neath Bridge, 82
- Clyde Blowers, Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Cock, C. M., Elected President Institution of Locomotive Engineers, 653
- Cockburns, Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., Dismantling at the South Bank Site (618); Demolition at the South Bank Site (714); Jones " KL66 " Mobile Crane, 757
- Colquhoun, Brian, and Partners, Precast Concrete Turbine House Structure, 173
- Companhia Nacional de Navegacao, M.V. " India," 109
- Conveyancer Fork Trucks, Ltd., 6,000 lb. Fork Truck, 591
- Coode, Vaughan-Lee, Frank and Gwyther, Apapa Wharf, Lagos, 42; Port of Colombo, 42
- Cook, R. M., Determination of Hydrogen in Liquid Steel, 724
- Cook, Stanley Smith, Obituary, 733
- Cooper-Bessemer Corporation, Gas-engine-driven Compressors, 350
- Cope, G. and F., and Co., Automaton Figure Clock at Nottingham, 298
- Corke, D. M., Acceleration and Vibration, 735
- Corlett, E. C. B., Aluminium as a Shipbuilding Material, 355
- Costain-John Brown, Ltd., Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Cousins, R. J. W., Obituary, 281
- Cox, H. Roxbee, James Clayton Prize, 265
- Crancher, D. W., Steam Pipe Materials for Advanced Steam Conditions, 807
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, Obituary, 553
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., Melting Cast Iron Swarf in Cupolas, 503
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Circular Scale Switchboard Instruments, 743
- Crone and Taylor, Ltd., Mobile Stacking Machine, 625
- Crosfield, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74
- Crosthwaite Furnaces and Scriven Machine Tools, Ltd., Wheel Mill at Sheffield, 574
- Crouch and Hogg, Glen Tarsan Dam, 10
- Dale Electric (Yorkshire), Ltd., Diesel Generating Set, 247
- Dallow Lambert and Co., Ltd., Multi-bagging Attachment for Dust Collectors (158)
- Dalton, C. R., " Phenomenological," 313
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Pre-forming Machine and Hydraulic Press, 590
- Danks, Edwin, and Co. (Oldbury), Ltd, Waste Heat Recovery Installation, 790
- D'Arcy Exploration Co, Oil Search (262); Isle of Wight Oil Well (486)
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Admiralty Standard " Range II " Engine, 727
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., Wheel Mill at Sheffield, 574
- de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., Certificate of Airworthiness for the " Comet (194)
- de Havilland Engine Co., Ltd., Further Anglo-American Interchange of Gas Turbine Knowledge (326)
- de Havilland Propellers, Ltd., High- frequency Induction Heating, 142; Guided Missiles (486); Hollow Steel Blade Propellers (550)
- De La Rue, Thomas, and Co., Ltd., Laminated Plastics, 208
- Delisle and Ziegele, Tool Room Milling Machine, 616
- Demag, A. G., Universal Excavator: Mobile Drilling Machine, 663
- Demolition and Construction Co., Ltd., Extension of Dry Dock, 42
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., T.S.M.V. Tofua," 109; T.S.M.V. " Royal Iris," 142; Cross-Channel Steamer " Normannia," 331; Cross- Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Derry, L. D., Obituary (842)
- Dickie, W. H. High-powered Single-screw Cargo Liners, 558
- Dickinson, H. W., Obituary, 314
- Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge, Canada (810)
- Dominion Iron and Steel Corporation, Krupp-Renn Steel Plant for South Africa, 544
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66; Bridge Across River Tagus, Portugal, 82
- Dorr Oliver Co., Ltd., Sludge Filtration and Drying Plant, 128
- Dow-Mac (Products), Ltd., Prestressed Concrete Sheet Piles, 316; Prestressed Concrete Fencing (714)
- Dowell, H., Obituary (390)
- Dowty Equipment, Ltd., Aircraft Hydraulic Jack, 289
- Dowty, G. H., Elected President of the Royal Aeronautical Society, 598
- Drewitt, James, and Son, Ltd., Bus Garage, 128
- Dugdale, F. W., Obituary (38)
- Duncan, Sir Andrew, Obituary, 474
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Training Centre for Boys, 509
- Eastern Region, British Railways, Report on the Doncaster Derailment, 142; Liverpool Street-Shenfield Train Describer, 477; Manchester-Sheffield-Wath Electrification, 205, 244, 271; Potters Bar Station Reconstruction (510); Fire on the West Riding - Express Train, 707
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Bar Cropping Machines, 99; 24-inch Saw Bench, 586; Universal Folding Machine, 586
- Edwards, W., and Co., Ltd., Jig for Coating Quartz Crystals, 498
- Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., Motor Liner " Aureol," 109
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Motor Alternator Set, 722
- Electronic Instruments, Ltd., " CT54 " Valve Voltmeter, 498
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Automatic Dewpoint Hygrometer, 496
- Ellis, F., Cold Rolling with Strip Tension, 677
- Eltron (London), Ltd., Engine Pre- heater, 98
- Emhart Manufacturing Co., Press Load Indicator, 872
- Engineering Developments (England), Ltd., Probe Illuminators, 616
- Engineering Diamonds, Ltd., Fillet Radius Fixtures (390)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Gas Turbines in 1951, 56; 60/66 MW Hydrogen- cooled Turbo-alternators, 62; Review of Gas Turbine Progress, 1951, 89; Improved Electrical Equipment on S.R. Multiple Unit Trains, 97; Test of 165 kV 3,500 MVA Air-blast Circuit Breaker, 105; 1,800 h.p. Electric Locomotive, 142; 25 kW High-frequency Induction Heater, 142; 1,800 h.p. Articulated Electric Locomotive for New Zealand, 304; Fulham Power Station, 339; 80 MVA British Transformer Order for California (518); Admiralty Lightweight Diesel Engine, 576; 3,600 h.p. Electric Locomotive for Spanish National Railways, 601; Control and Relay Crucible Unit, 622; Folsom Power Station in California, 712
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Forgings, 625
- Equipment Repairs, Ltd., Lifting Table, 758
- Escher Wyss, Ltd., American Gas Turbines, 147; 12.5 MW Gas Turbine Set at St. Denis Power Station, Paris, 186
- Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd, Radio Telephones in Tankers (38); Oil Refineries in 1951, 74
- Etablissements Billiard, Port of Colombo, 42
- Evans, Wallace, and Partners, Prestressed Concrete Bridge in Monmouthshire, 413
- Everest, A. B., Engineering Properties and Applications of S.G. Iron, 794, 838
- Evode, Ltd., Red Lead Primer (326)
- Ewbank and Partners, Ltd., Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Destroyer " Disdain," 85; Emigrant Ship " Captain Cook " (262); Cross-Channel Steamer "Normannia," 331, 362
- Fairleede Engineering, Ltd., British-built Kessler-Fairleede Crusher (294)
- Fairmile Construction Co., Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Cargo Lighter, 699
- F.B. Engineers, Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Fealdman, H., Graphical Method for Changing Scale, 225
- Felco Hoists, Ltd., Small Lifting Unit, 655
- Fell Developments, Ltd., Diesel Locomotive No. 10,100, 2
- Fenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd., Variable-speed Pulleys, 858
- Ferguson Bros., Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., Tractor-Mounted Pumps (550)
- Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., Electrical System Development at Johannesburg, 99; " A8B33 " Air-break Circuit Breaker for 3.3 kV 1,200A, 590
- Ferranti, Ltd., Manchester Electronic Computer, 146; Electronic Computer for Torronto (381); " Tesvac " High Voltage Test Set, 465; Kilovoltampere-hour Meter, '589; Polyphase Meter Testing Desk Set, 589
- Fibreglass, Ltd., Drawing of 1839 Locomotive (294); Glass/Resin Plastics Convention (582); Reinforced Plastics Convention, 708
- Fisher Governor Co., Ltd., Pneumatically Operated Butterfly Valves, 290
- Fleming, Sir Arthur P. M., Elected Honorary Member Institution of Electrical Engineers, 233
- Fleming, J. and R., Ltd., Safety Lenses (486)
- Fletcher, A. Holmes, Marine Gas Turbines and the Aeronautical Engineer, 184, 187, 207
- Flowers, T. H., Electronic Telephone Exchanges, 417
- Fluidrive Engineering Co., Ltd., Icelandic Trawler Porkell Mani," 317
- Ford, H., Cold Rolling with Strip Tension, 677
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Agricultural Machinery Demonstration, 746; " New Fordson Major " Tractor, 864
- Forth Chemicals, Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74
- Forward, E. A., Links in the History of the Locomotive, 266; Trevithick's First Railway Locomotive, 442
- Foster, Yates and Thom, Ltd., Automatic Plastic Moulding Press, 691
- Fothergill, A. E., Vibrations in Marine Engineering, 375
- Fox, John, B.E.A. Power Station Progress, 141; Fuel Supplies, 410; Present-day Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 702
- Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd. British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Frankfurter Maschinenbau A.G., Diesel-engine Air Compressor Sets, 737
- Franki Compressed Pile Co., Coming-of-Age Celebration, 830
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Infra-red Ore Drier, 840
- Fry, Maxwell, Jane Drew and Partners, Testing a Prestressed Concrete Bridge, 707
- Furness Withy and Co., Ltd., T.S.S. " Ocean Monarch," 109
- Furse, W. J., and Co. (London) Ltd., Rolling Lift Bridge at Surrey Docks, 383
- Ganilen, R. E., Future Demand for Coal, 861
- Garner, Sir Harry M., Prophecy and Achievement in Aeronautics, 767, 785
- Garrett, Sir Frank, Obituary, 441
- Gas Council, Portable Cover Furnace, 588; Prototype Crucible Furnace, 588
- General Electric Company, American Gas Turbines, 147; Folsom Power Station in California, 712
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Diesel-electric Shunting Locomotives for Ceylon Government Railways, 2; British Workshops in 1951, 31; Review of Gas Turbine Progress, 1951, 89; Cathode Ray Tube for High Speed Oscillography, 186; Electrode Holder for A.C. Welding, 228; Further Anglo- American Interchange of Gas Turbine Knowledge (326); Humidifying Unit for Aircraft, 355; Engineering Stores Classification System, 437; High Temperature Vacuum Furnace, 463; Instrument for Measuring the Variation in Diameter of Machine-drawn Glass Tubing, 463; Test Set for Making Measurements on Groups of . Turbine Blades, 654; Quantity Production of Glass Bulbs, 696; Rectifier Installation in an Insecticide Factory, 743; " Sherwen " Electro-mechanically Operated Vibratory Conveying Equipment, 756; Infra-red Ore Drier, 840
- General Post Office, London's Telephone Service (38)
- George VI, His Majesty King, Obituary, 214
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Fannich and Tummel Garry Schemes, 10; Gaur, Lawers, Garry and Conon Basin Projects, 10; Blackwall Point Power Station, 24; Braehead Power Station, 24
- Gibb, Sir Claude, Coal Shortage and Efficient Use, 41
- Glass Bulbs, Ltd., Quantity Production of Glass Bulbs, 696
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Claerwen Dam, 12
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 10-Ton Capacity Pneumatic Hoist, 419
- Gloster Aircraft Co., " GA5 " Multipurpose Fighter, 53
- Godwin, H. J., Ltd., Jet Pump, 656
- Golden Bay Co., Ltd., Cement Carrier, 142
- Goodeve, Sir Charles, Iron Atoms in the Service of the Electrical Engineer, 599
- Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co., Ltd Icelandic Trawler " Porkell Mani," 317
- Gordon, Lord Dudley, Honorary Membership of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 813
- Graff-Baker, W. S., Considerations on Bogie Design, with Particular Reference to Electric Railways, 58; Bogie Design on Electric Railways, 108; Obituary, 281
- Graham, A., Phenomenological Theories of Creep, 198, 234, 377
- Gray, J. A. B., Prediction of Thermal Conditions in H.M. Ships in Tropical Waters, 604
- Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., " Clan Sutherland," 109
- Greenwell, T. W., and Co., Ltd., Barry Commercial Dry Dock Reconstruction, .42
- Greenwood, H. W., Metals and Alloys of To-day and To-morrow, 540
- Grimston Astor, Ltd., Survey Launch " Ain-Al-Bahr," 109; Aluminium Alloy Launch (582)
- Groocock, W. G., Obituary, 230
- Gulf Research and Development Co., Lubrication and Cooling of Cutting Tools, 535
- Gutehoffnungshutte, Compressor, 738
- Guy, Sir Henry, Elected Honorary Member Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 161
- G.W.B. Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Electrode Steam Boiler for Valve Testing, 19; Electric Thermal Storage Plant for Space Heating, 212
- Haden, G. N., and Sons, Ltd., Electric Thermal Storage Plant for Space Heating, 212
- Hadfields, Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Hadjispyron, A. G., Ship Structural Members, 610
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, Garry Project, 10; Mullardoch Dam, 10; Claerwen Dam, 12; Extension of Dry Dock, 42; Keadby and Brighton Power Stations, 128; Woodhead Tunnel, 128; Ffrith Beach Sea Defence Works, 192
- Hale and Hale (Tipton), Ltd., Quick- release Wedge, 644
- Hall Harding, Ltd., Two-colour Prints from Tracings, 806
- Hall, J. R., Experimental Furnace for the Investigation of Open-hearth Furnace Combustion Problems, 709
- Hall, Matthew, and Co., Ltd., Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Oxygen Cutting Machine, 622
- Handley Page (Reading), Ltd., " Marathon " Aircraft (682)
- Hannoversche Maschinenbau A.G., Bulldozers and Angledozers, 726
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Owen Falls Power Scheme (45); Aircraft Carrier "Eagle," 85; Liner "Rhodesia Castle," 109; Gas-engine-driven Compressors, 350; S.S. "Kenya Castle," 462
- Harley-Mason, J. H., Obituary, 410
- Harris, E. W., Obituary (454)
- Harris, N. L., Cold Cathode Gaseous Discharge as a Switching Device, 460
- Hartley, Sir Harold, Chemical Engineering at the Cross-roads, 614
- [Sydney Harvey|Harvey, Sydney]], Fifty Years Service (12)
- Hawker Aircraft Co., Ltd., " Hunter ' Interceptor (682)
- Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co., Ltd., Marine Gas Turbine in M.V. " Auris," 168; Burning of Boiler Fuel in a Marine Diesel Engine, 577
- Hay, J. M. Harvesting of Brown Sub-Littoral Seaweeds, Continuous Grapnel Method, 814, 846
- Haynes, R., Measurement of Air Infiltration in Open-hearth Furnaces, 723
- Haynes, Walter, Sixty Years' Service with Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd. (390)
- Hayward Tyler and Co., Ltd., Oil Tanker " World Unity," 825
- Head, A. and Co., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Head Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Apprentices School (618); Welded Dock Gates for a 100-ft. River Entrance, 870
- Heather Filters, Ltd., Multi-brush Air Filter, 858
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Jubilee (582)
- Henley's, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., Walking Dragline, 142
- Heppenstall Co., Die Block Plant, 704
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Exhibition of Measuring Equipment (326); 125 Pre-forming Machine, 589; 8-oz. Injection Moulding Machine, 590
- Hessenberg, W. C. F., Effect of Tension on Torque and Roll Force in Cold Strip Rolling, 677
- Hetherington, Sir Roger, Obituary, 316
- Hicks, T. G., Coal-burning Gas Turbines, 217
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., Pressure casting Foundry, 355
- Hill, G. H., and Sons (Manchester), Digley Reservoir, 12; field Reservoir, 128
- Hobbs, L. F. Phenomenological, 410
- Hobson, J. D., Determination of Hydrogen in Liquid Steel, 724; Distribution of Hydrogen in Large Ingots and Forgings, 724; Effect of Hydrogen on the Properties of Low-alloy Steels, 724
- Hockley Chemical Co., Ltd., Cabinet for Pickling awl Dipping, 591
- Hodgson, J. E., Obituary, 521
- Holcroft, H., Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 216
- Holder, C. P., High-speed Salient Pol, Water Wheel Generators, 512
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., MO Beach Sea Defence Works, 192
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Pneumatic Forging Hammer, 116
- Hopkins, E. C., Ltd., Hand Screwing Machine (615)
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd. 150-Ton Press, 657
- Houldsworth, Sir Hubert, Coal Shortage and Efficient Use, 4 1
- Howard, E. R. Ltd., Surface Cleaning Material (194)
- Howard, John, and Co., Ltd., Barry Commercial Dry Dock Reconstruction, 42, 739
- Hughes, G., Frictional Resistance of Smooth Plane Surfaces in Turbulent, Flow—New Data and a Survey of Existing Data, 629
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Standard Gauge 0-8-0 Diesel Mechanical Locomotives, 2; Diesel Locomotive for Rhodesia, 230
- Hunter, Norman, M., Changes in Ship Construction Methods, 1850 to 1950, 542
- Hunting Aerosurveys, Ltd., Aerial Survey of Ceylon (462)
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Small Air Compressor, 228; Lightweight Air Compressor, 770
- Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., Rolling Lift Bridge at Surrey Docks, 383
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Heavy Current D.C. Switchboards, 105; Creep Test Research Station, 136; Shotfirer's Carriage for a Mechanised Anhydrite Mine, 532; Gear Cutting and Heat Treatment Plant, 706
- Industrie Companie Kleinwefers Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H., Rotary Wood Slicing Machine, 736
- Inglis, Sir Charles, Obituary, 570
- Inoxa Laboratories, Industrial Barrier Cream Demonstration, 258
- International Bechtel Inc., Trans- Arabian Pipe-line " Tapline," 611
- International Combustion, Ltd., Boiler Units for Drakelow Power Station, 622; Combustion of Coal (729)
- International Combustion Africa, Ltd., " 1, " Type Louvre Travelling Grate Stoker, 27
- International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., Pick-up Baler; " Farman BM " Tractor; B-200 Manure Spreader; Three-Furrow Mounted Plough, 865
- International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd., Nickel Ore Pipe-line (473)
- Iraq Petroleum Co., Agreement with Iraq Government, 265; Oil Pipe-line (358), (618)
- Irmer and Elze, Diesel Compressor Unit, 737
- Irvine-Brown, L., American Diesel-electric Locomotive for Australia, 181
- I.T.D., Ltd., Battery Fork Lift Truck with Grab Unit, 590
- Jackson, Heywood and Co., Ltd., Twin Moulding Press, 625
- Jackson, P., Fuel Injection Systems for Large Marine Oil Engines, 308
- Jackson, Philip, Harvesting of Brown Sub-Littoral Seaweeds, Assessment of the Problem and Review of Preliminary Experiments, 718, 750
- Jackson, W. C., Obituary (810)
- Johnson, C. H. (Machinery), Ltd., Portable Conveyor, 623
- Johnson, E. H., Obituary (682)
- Johnson, E. M., High-speed Salient Water Wheel Generators, 512
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., "Trinal" Single Break Oil Circuit Breaker; "Trinal" Plain Break Oil Circuit Breaker, 691
- Johnson, W. E. P., Garratt and the Gas Turbine, 377
- Joliffe, C., Present-day Locomotive Working, 603
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., Tool and Cutter Grinding (422)
- Jones and Attwood, Ltd., " R36 " Comminutors, 128
- Jones, T. P., Epicyclic Gears, 442
- Juhlin, G. A., Obituary, 23, 61
- Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, Chalmette Aluminium Reduction Works, Louisiana, 452
- Kampnagel A/G Hamburg, Chittagong Port Development, 42
- Keam, J. S., and Co., Ltd., Mobile Units for V.H.F., Radio Surveys, 318
- Keelavite Rotary Pumps and Motors, Ltd., Balanced Gear Pump, 624
- Kleiner, C. M., Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 505
- Kelvin and Hughes, Ltd., Yarn Tension Pick-up and Strain Recorder, 464
- Kelvin and Hughes (Marine), Ltd., Pressure-operated Tide Gauge, 464
- Kennedy and Donkin, Westwood Power Station, 24
- Khalil, K. H., Rotational Effects on a Cascade of Aerofoil Blades, 831
- Kincaid, John G., and Co., Ltd., " Clan Sutherland," 109
- Kirk and Kirk, Ltd., Testing a Prestressed Concrete Bridge, 707
- Kirkham, R. H. H., Experiments on the Vibration of Freshly Placed Concrete, 240
- Klipfontein Organic Products, Rectifier Installation in an Insecticide Factory, 743
- Knapp, Robert T., Cavitation Mechanics in the Design of Hydraulic Equipment, 571, 592, 627
- Kraumandahl, Walter, G.m.b.H., Tungsten-Carbide Tool Grinding Machine, 76
- Lackenby, H., Ship Structural Members, 610
- Lamb, John, Explosions in Enclosed Crankcases of Reciprocating Engines: Their Cause, Effect and Possible Remedy, 597
- Lang, D. W., Structural Strength Investigations on Destroyer " Albuera," 559
- Lansing-Bagnall, Ltd., Mobile Loading Platform, 711
- Lawrence, Ernest O., Faraday Medal of the I.E.E., 288
- Leckie, A. H., Experimental Furnace for the Investigation of Open-hearth Furnace Combustion Problems, 709
- Lehane, Mackenzie and Shand, Ltd., Digley Reservoir, 12
- Leigh, E. T., Aerodynamic Factors Associated with the Wear of Open- hearth Furnace Roofs, 723
- Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition, 329; Quincentenary, 378
- Lewis, John, and Sons, Ltd., Doxford Oil Engines (714)
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 72; Multi-engined Six-coach Diesel Train, 560; Training Course for Industrial Diesel Users (582)
- Leys, J. A., Aerodynamic Factors Associated with the Wear of Open-hearth Furnace Roofs, 723
- Light Machines, Ltd., British Iron and Steel industry in 1951, 66
- Lind, Peter, and Co., Reconditioning and Old Jetty, 218
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., " Freedom " Diesel Engine, 695
- Lithgow, Sir James, Obituary, 314
- Livesay, Edward H., The Garratt and the Gas Turbine, 251, 41()
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping (840), (859); Annual Report, 457; Appendix to Lloyd's Register Book, 217; Launch Returns, 297; New Construction (76); Shipbuilding Returns, 121, 553; Wreck Returns (118), (294), (650), (874)
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd., Apprenticeship Scheme (78)
- Loewy Engineering Co., Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, (-f;
- London Midland Region, British Railways, Diesel Locomotive No. 10,100, 2; Signal-box at Carlisle, 155; Last of an L.Y.R. Engine Class (262); New Signal box at Stafford, 419; Railway Accident at Weedon, 685; Marshalling Yard at Toton 758, 799; Mixing Valve with Thermostatic Control, 858
- London Transport, Bus Garage at Norbiton (733); Aluminium Underground Coaches (810)
- Lonsdale, Frank, Obituary (230)
- Lysaght's, John, Scunthorpe Works, Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Sons, Ltd., Oil Dock at Eastham, 128
- McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Precast Concrete Turbine House Structure, .173; Kent Oil Refinery, 671; Keadby Power Station, 128; Prestressed Concrete Bridge in Monmouthshire, 413
- McCance, Sir Andrew, Chairman of Mechanical Engineering Research Board, 137
- McDermid, Charles, Obituary, 669
- McKenzie and Brown, Ltd., Oscillating Conveyors, 690
- Mackie, James, Obituary (682)
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., Reorganisation of Airedale Works, 403
- McLean, Hugh, and Son, Ltd., Oil Tanker " World Unity," 825
- McMurray, Thomas, Obituary (454)
- Manchester Oil Refinery, Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74; Fluorescent Ink for Crack Detection (778)
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., Oil Dock at Eastham, 128
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., Marine Scholarship Scheme (810)
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Mobile Units for V.H.F., Radio Surveys, 318; Unattended High Power Radio Transmitter, 416; Underwater Television, 565, 642
- Marinite, Ltd., Fireproof Material, 771 (867)
- Marley, W. H., Thread Measuring Parallels (47)
- Marley, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Collet Fixture, 635
- Marbles Ridgway and Partners, Ltd., Reconstruction of Marine Jetty, 42; Reconditioning an Old Jetty, 218 Maryland Drydock Co., Six-bladed Ship Propeller, 451
- Mason, F. O., Gas Blast Circuit Breakers, Recording of Current in A.C. Power Arcs Near Current Zero, 686
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship "Lord Warden," 853
- Matterson, Ltd., 5-Ton Grab, 757
- Matthews Bros., One-ton Fork Truck, 608
- Maunsell, Posford and Pavry, New Wharf in the Manchester Ship Canal, 42; Wharf at Bathurst, Gambia, 42; Reconstruction of Marine Jetty, 42; Barry Commercial Dry Dock Reconstruction, 42, 739; Oil Refineries, 128; Reconditioning all 01(1 'Jetty, 218
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Sectional Belt Conveyor, 755
- Maxwell, K. G., Retirement (682)
- Mayor, F. J., Diesel Hydraulic Propulsion, 153
- Medians, Ltd., Aluminium Lifeboats, 109; Ship's Davits (262)
- Meer, A. G., 660 h.p. Three-cylinder Enclosed Steam Engine, 704
- Merrill Pumps, Ltd., Tube Diaphragm Pump, 655
- Merritt, H. E., Gear-tooth Stresses and Rating Formulae, 341, 348, 384
- Merz and McLellan, Blackwall Point Power Station, 24; Braehead Power Station, 24
- Merz Rendel Vatten (Pakistan), Chittagong Port Development, 42
- Metalducts, Ltd., Flexible Shaft Coupling, 321
- Method X Co., Electro-mechanical Cutting Method, 351
- Metro-Cutanit, Ltd., Cemented Carbides (778)
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Gas Turbine Locomotive No. 18,100, 2, 176; Gas Turbines in 1951, 56; Electrical Equipment for Main Drives of Roughing Mill, 105; Railway Electrification, 142; Infra-red Plant for Drying Assembled Cars, 246; Microwave Test Equipment, 465; Sorting Tungsten Steel in Scrap Cutting Tools, 470; Radiation Research Laboratory, 533; " LG3CS/ 66 " Outdoor Oil Circuit Breaker: 31 -ton High-pressure Rotor, 587; " KNB " Totally Enclosed Fan-cooled Squirrel-cage Motor, 758
- Metropolitan Water Board, Some Works of the Board in 1951, 189; Ozone Treatment of Water (275)
- Micklem, Sir Robert, Obituary, 669
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Diesel-electric Shunting Locomotive, 2; Waste Heat Recovery Installation, 790
- Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Modern Wheel Drive, Ltd., Icelandic Trawler " Porkell Mani," 317
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Physical Properties of the Nickel Iron Alloys (420); Nimonic 95 (518)
- Mono Pumps, Ltd., Pump for the Bulk Handling of Liquified Gases, 656
- Montecatini Co., Tavazzano Power Station (550)
- Morgan, R. Travers, and Partners, Bus Garage, 128
- Morris, B. O, Ltd., Twin Brushing Machine, 721
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., Chain Hoist, 757
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Transfer Machine for Gearboxes, 529; Marine Engine for Small Craft, 676
- Morrison Automatic Pumps, Ltd., Deep Well Jet Pumps, 656
- Morrison, S. J., Design of Glass Vacuum Chambers of Elliptic Cross Section, 426
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Thames Haven Jetty, 42; Castle Bridge, Shrewsbury, 82
- Mowlem, John, and Co., Ltd., Blithfield Reservoir, 128
- Muckle, W., Scantlings of Long Deckhouses, Constructed of Aluminium Alloy, 630
- Mullard, Ltd., Vacuum Gauge Control Unit, 495
- Munnion, J. D., Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 101, 250, 410, 441; Present-day Locomotive Working, 670
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Welding (778)
- Napier, D., and Son, Ltd., Admiralty Lightweight Diesel Engine, 576
- National Coal Board Scholarships (146); Maintenance of Aluminium Alloy Equipment (194); Mine Conveyor Control (326); Awards to Inventors, 361; Research Work (682); Report, 762; Quarterly Statement, 809; Preservation of Mining Timber (830)
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., Reorganisation of Airedale Works, 403; Reorganisation of Gas and Oil Engine Works, 639
- National Physical Laboratory, Conducting Coatings on Glass, 367; High Voltage Attracted Disc Electrometer, 497; Open Day, 728; Annual Report, 871
- National Steam Car Co., Ltd., Mobile Units for V.H.F. Radio Surveys, 318
- Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., Magnetic Floater Units for Sheets, 807
- New Zealand Shipping Co., Ltd., Motor Liner " Ruahine," 109
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Folsom Power Station in California, 712
- Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., Training and Welfare at Thorncliffe, 502
- Nife Batteries, Ltd., Self-contained Mine Shaft Signalling Battery Unit, 108; Counter-E.M.F. Cell for Colour Light Signalling, 483
- Nock, O. S., Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 347; Present-day Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 458; British Locomotive Performance and Efficiency Tests, 788, 817; Gas Turbine and Diesel-electric Locomotives, 797
- Nordberg Manufacturing Co., Rod Deck Screen; "Symons V" Screen, 624
- North American Aviation Inc., Low-power Research Reactor, 387
- North American Shipping and Trading Co. (London), Ltd., Oil Tanker " World Unity," 825
- North Atlantic Shipping and Trading Co., Launch of "World Concord," 197 North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Diesel Electric Shunting Locomotives for Ceylon Government Railways, 2; 4-6-4 Steam Locomotives for the Victorian Railways, 2; IOU b.h.p. " North British Miner " Mines Locomotive, 2; 2-8-2 Locomotive for East African Railways, 98; Locomotives for New Zealand, 643
- North of Scotland Hydro-electric Board, Overhead Transmission Lines from Beauly to Invershin (454); 1:32 kV Transmission Line from Fort Augustus to Glentruim (550); Mullardoch-Fasnakyle-Affric Project, 490, 522, 554; Slag Cement in the Construction of Scottish Dams, 647; Annual Report, 685
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Specifications (514); Aluminium Data (740)
- Nortons-Tividale, Ltd., Modern Coal Preparation (407)
- Norwest Construction Co., Ltd., River Entrance Lock at Liverpool, 42
- Nuttall, Edmund, Sons and Co. (London), Ltd., Tunnel for Loch Sky Scheme, 128; Claerwen Dam, 12
- Nuway Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Matting, 721
- Oil Well Engineering Co., Ltd., Oil Search in Tunisia, 290
- Olding, Jack, and Co., Ltd., "Tractor, 609
- Orenstein and Koppel, Grader, 726
- Orient Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., R.M.S. " Oronsay," 109
- Osborn, Sir Samuel, Obituary, 829
- Osborn, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Centenary, 469, 585
- Ove Arup and Partners, Testing a Prestressed Concrete Bridge, 707
- Pacific Oerlikon Co., Turbines and Generators for the Eklutna Project, 451
- Parker, E. B., "Britannia" Locomotive, 702
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Film on Constructional Equipment (262)
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 31; 100 MW 1,500/1,800 r.p.m. Hydrogen-cooled Turbo-alternator, 62; Gas Turbines in 1951, 93
- Pasold, R., and Co., Ltd., Waste Heat Recovery Installation, 790
- Paterson and Dickinson, Ltd., Rolling Lift Bridge at Surrey Docks, 383
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Jubilee, 863
- Pendred, Lough, Trevithick's First Locomotive, 347. 473
- Pennington, R., Centrifugal Pumps in Steam Power Stations, 433, 467
- Petrocarbon, Ltd., Petroleum Chemical Plant Construction (78)
- Philblack, Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74
- Philip and Son, Ltd., Mersey Passenger Ferry " Egremont," 531
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., Multi-point Welding Machine, 633; 15 MeV Linear Accelerator for Harwell, 824
- Pilmour, W. H., Obituary, 361
- Plessey Co., Ltd., Nyquist Diagram Plotter, 463
- Polakowski, N. H., Technical (or "Technological") Universities, 282; Softening of Metals During Cold Working, 677
- Pollitt, Arthur, Obituary, 23
- Pope, P. C., Obituary, 345
- Port and Harbour Fenders, Ltd., Thames Haven Jetty, 42
- Potter Instrument Co., High-speed Automatic Typewriter, 579
- Poultney, E. C., Compound Locomotives, 23; Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 216
- Powell Duffryn, Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74
- Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 31
- Power Jets (Research and Development), Ltd., School of Gas Turbine Technology (746)
- Pratt and Whitney Co., Centrifugal Flow Engines, 53
- Precision Equipment (Pty.), Ltd., Large Gear Wheel, 356
- Prestressed Concrete Co., Ltd., Castle Bridge, Shrewsbury, 82
- Pullin, V. E., Protective Measures for Radioactive Isotopes, 660; Defects in Speech, 670
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., " Ionomatic " Water-treatment Process (294)
- Pye, Ltd., Underwater Television, 642
- Pye, Sir David, Elected President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 457
- Pye, W. G., and Co., Ltd., Galvanometer Amplifier, 498
- Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., Design of Welded Structures " (158)
- Ralston, S. B., Obituary (550)
- Ransome, David, Plough Shares, 191
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Walking Dragline, 142; High -capacity Fork Lift Truck, 756
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 10-cwt. Capacity Fork-lift Truck, 625; Admiralty Standard " Range 1 1 " Engine, 727; Mounted Gang Mower; Disc Plough with Seeding Attachment, 865
- Rea, Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Rediweld, Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 72
- Redmayne, Sir R. A. S., Coal in 1951, 51, 112
- Regent Oil Co., Reconstruction of Avonmouth Oil Installation (38)
- Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, Experimental Rail Coaches on the Paris Metro, 259
- Reiss Engineering Co., Ltd., Fuel Distributor, 744
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Chittagong Port Development, 42; Takoradi Harbour, 42; Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd. Test Equipment, 105
- Rice and Diethelm, Ltd., Electrical System Development at Johannesburg, 99
- Riley, H. L., Pig Iron Production and Coke Quality, 41
- Rippers, Ltd., Lighting a Saw Doctors Bench, 645
- Robb, Henry, Ltd., Cargo Ship " Mtwara," 109; Cement Carrier, 142
- Robinson, T. R., Automaton Figure Clock at Nottingham, 298
- Robson, T., Present-day Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 829
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Tungsten-Carbide Tool Grinding Machine, 76; Sheet Metal Guillotines, 247; Showroom for Machine Tools, 535; Equipment for Converting Presses to Fully Automatic Operation, 591; Tool Room Milling Machine, 616
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., Delta Design, 28
- Roebling's, John A., Sons Co., Prestressed Concrete Bridge in Michigan, 868
- Rolland, Thos. C., Thames Haven Jetty, 42
- Rolt, F. H., Development of Engineering Metrology, 448, 480
- Rook, V. R., Obituary (518)
- Ruhrstahl, A. G., Welded Column and Cylinder Casing Unit Weighing 9,000 kg., 663
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Gas Turbines in 1951, 93; Admiralty Standard " Range II " Engine, 727
- Ryley, Denis J., Flow of Wet Steam, 332, 363
- Saab Aircraft Co., Swedish Wind Tunnel (422)
- Sanderson, Basil, Britain's Deep Sea Liner Trade, 1945-1951, and Some Random Thoughts, 500
- Sanderson and Porter, American Gas Turbines, 147
- Sandford Fawcett and Partners Maple Lodge Sewage Disposal Works, 128
- Saunders Valve Co., Ltd., Electric Pump with Air Primer, 656
- Scott, F. H., Pressure Distribution Between Stock and Rolls in Hot and Cold Flat Rolling, 677
- Scott's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., " Rocket " Conversion, 85; Cargo Ship " Changchow," 109
- [[Arthur Scrivener|Scrivener, Arthur, Lt, Duplex Face Grinding Machine, 646
- Settle Speakman and Co., Reconstruction of Marine Jetty, 42; Reconditioning an Old Jetty, 218
- Shankland, Horace, Obituary (518)
- Sharp Control Gear, Ltd., Multi-engined Six-coach Diesel Train, 560
- Shell Mex and B.P., Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74; Two New Industrial Films (635)
- Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74; Marine Gas Turbine in M.V. "Auris," 168; Stanlow Refinery (358); Refinery in Venezuela (564)
- Shell Refining and Marketing Co., Oil Refineries, 128; Portable Engine Indicator, 497
- Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., Heavy Duty Fork Lift Truck, 712
- Siebe Gorman and Co., Ltd., Underwater Television, 565
- Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd., Liverpool Street-Shenfield Train Describer, 477
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Flameproof Limit Switch, 869
- Silvaflame Co., Ltd., Swarf Air Blast Guard (194)
- Simon Engineering Group, British Workshops in 1951, 31
- Simon Handling Engineers, Ltd., Pneumatic Grain Discharging Plant, 757
- Simpson, M. S., "Phenomenological," 313
- Sims, A. J., Thomas Gray Memorial Lecture, 457
- Sims, R. B., Effect of Tension on Torque and Roll Force in Cold Strip Rolling, 677
- Slack and Parr (Marine), Ltd., Variable Pitch Propeller (290)
- Smith, C. L., Pressure Distribution Between Stock and Rolls in Hot and Cold Flat Rolling, 677
- Smith, F. E., Prediction of Thermal Conditions in H.M. Ships in Tropical Waters, 604
- Smith, J. R. P., Heavy Fuels for Diesel Engines, 380
- Smith, S. Livingston, Ship Research, 132, 165, 201
- Smithells, C. J., Elected President of the Institute of Metals (194)
- Societe Constructions Navales de Meulan, Small High-speed Craft for Egypt, 827
- Soest-Ferrum Apparatebau G.m.b.H., Clay Working Machinery, 704
- Solar Aircraft Co., American Gas Turbines, 147; 250 kW Gas Turbine Electric Generating Set, 428
- Solignum, Ltd., Liquid Plastic Coating (712)
- Somers, Walter, Ltd., Die Block Plant, 704
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., Basrah-Fao Pipe-line (876)
- South Staffordshire Waterworks Co., Blithfield Reservoir, 128
- Southern Region, British Railways, Main Line Diesel-electric Locomotive No. 10,201, 2; British Railways. Improved Electrical Equipment on Multiple Unit Trains, 97; Cross-Channel Steamer " Normannia," 331
- Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., Development of Gyroscopes (422)
- Spillingwerk Maschinenfabrik, Three-cylinder Engine, 703
- Spray Finishing Systems, Hot Spray Unit., 450
- Standard Building Products Co., Prestressed Concrete Bridge in Michigan, 868
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Direct Current Milliwatt Calibrator, 450; Mosaic Diagrams (454); " Common Diagram " Remote Control Equipment: " Sentercell " Rectifier Equipment, 721; High Permeability Nickel Iron Alloy, 775
- Starling, P. P., Radiation Research Laboratory, 533
- Startrite Engineering Co., Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 31; 10-in. Saw Bench (177)
- Steel Company of Wales, Ltd., Diesel- electric Shunting Locomotive, 2; Works, 17; Electrical Drives and Associated Equipment, 105
- Steel, Peech and Tozer, Wheel Mill at Sheffield, 574
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., 20-ton Mobile Crane, 534, 757
- Stelcon (Industrial Floors), Ltd., Self-supporting Unit Wall for Bulk Material Storage, 624
- Stephen, Alex., and Sons, Ltd., Destroyer " Defender," 85; Motor Liner " Aureol," 109
- Stephenson, Robert, and Hawthorns, Ltd., 1,800 h.p. Electric Locomotive, 142
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., Icelandic Trawler " Porkell Mani,". 317; Oil Tanker " World Unity," 825
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Walking Dragline, 142
- Stewarts and Lloyds Minerals, Ltd., Development in Opencast Ironstone Mining, 302
- Stokes, James, Locomotive Experiences, 735
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Strachan and Henshaw, Ltd., Vehicle-loading Platform Levelling Device, 729
- Stradling, Sir Reginald, Obituary, 179
- Streatfield, E. L., Anthracite for Filtration, 771
- Structural and Mechanical Development Engineers, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Hangars at London Airport, 128
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920), Ltd., Oxy-Acetylene Welding Rods (810)
- Sulzer Brothers (London) Ltd., Waste Heat Recovery Installation, 790
- Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Sunvic Controls, Ltd., Electronic Relay. 497
- Surfard, Ltd., Automatic Control of Oxygen-Town's Gas Flame Hardening, 306
- [Richard Sutcliffe|Sutcliffe, Richard, Ltd.]], Belt Conveyor Driving Equipment, 755
- Swaminathan, V. S., Trans-Arabian Pipe-line " Tapline," 556, 611
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Destroyer Flotilla Leader " Daring," 85; Cargo Ship " Chakrata," 109; Turbine Steamship " Patricia," 109; H.M.S. " Daring (213)
- Swinburne, Sir James, Portrait (486)
- Switchgear Testing Co., Extra-high-voltage, High-power Transformer, 105
- Sykes, C., Distribution of Hydrogen in Large Ingots and Forgings, 724; Effect of Hydrogen on the Properties of Low-alloy Steels, 724
- Sylwestrowicz, W., Pressure Distribution Between Stock and Rolls in Hot and Cold Flat Rolling, 677
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 31
- Taylor, W. H., Obituary (158)
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., Castle Bridge, Shrewsbury, 82
- Taylor Woodrow (West Africa), Ltd., Takoradi Harbour Extensions, 254
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., " Telconal " Alloy, 499
- Thames Launches, Ltd., "Queen Elizabeth" Motor Launch Maiden Cruise (714)
- Thermotank, Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., Direct Drive Centrifugal Machine, 657; Civil Jet Re-fuelling Vehicles, 807
- Thomson, J. A., Obituary (874)
- Thomson, R. G., Obituary (194)
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Destroyer " Duchess," 87; River Gunboats, 109; Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- T.I. Aluminium, Ltd., Electronic System for Quality Control of Aluminium Casting, 309
- Tinsley (Industrial Instruments), Ltd., Disappearing Filament Optical Pyrometer, 213
- Tookey, W. A., Suction Gas Plant Development Fifty Years Ago, 754
- Townend, D. T. A., Melchett Medal, 489
- Triplex Safety Glass Co., Infra-red Heating in Safety Glass Production, 859
- Tripp, G. W., Cross-Channel Steamer "Normannia," 331, 362; French Cross-Channel Steamship " Lisieux," 821; Cross-Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- T. and T. Works, Ltd., Mobile Self-loading Elevator, 690
- Tuplin, W. A., Assessment of Locomotive. Performance, 141, 250; Simplified Standards for Gears, 394; Gear Design and British Standard 436, 766
- United Paint Co., Ltd., Protective Aluminium Paint (190)
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66; Wheel Mill at Sheffield, 574
- Urquharts, Ltd., Die Block Plant, 704
- Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Oil Refineries in 1951, 74; Water Intake at Coryton Refinery, 382; Coryton Oil Refinery. 605; Oil Stores Practice (618)
- Varatio-Strateline Gears, Ltd., Speed Reducing Unit for Vertical Mounting, 691
- Vaughan Crane Co., Ltd., 3-ton Travelling Crane, 757
- Vaughan Lift Engineering Co., Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 72
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 72; Infra-red Plant for Drying Assembled Cars, 246
- Vibrated Concrete Construction Co., Ltd., Bus Garage, 128; Prestressed Concrete Bridge in Monmouthshire, 413
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., " Viscounts," 28; Single-cylinder, Opposed Piston Experimental Engines, 34; " Valiant " Bomber, 53; T.S.S. " Ocean Monarch," 109; R.M.S. " Oronsay," 109; Naval Construction in 1951, 124; Caisson Gates, 128; Launch of " World Concord," 197; Vickers " V.R. 180 " Tractor (326); Harmonic Response Test Gear, 496; Bauxite Ore Carrier (714); Orient Liner " Orsova " (714); Oil Tanker " World Unity," 825
- Vokes, Ltd., Exhibition (842)
- Vosper, Ltd., M.T.B. " 5720," 85
- Votteler, Theodor, Wood Polishing Machine, 736
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., 3,600 h.p. Electric Locomotive for Spanish National Railways, 601
- Wade, R. C., Obituary (38)
- Wailes, R. P., Obituary, 103
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Multi-engined Six-coach Diesel Train, 560
- Wallace, John, Obituary (158)
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., Triple Expansion Turbines, 109
- Ward, Ashcroft and Parkman, River Entrance Lock at Liverpool, 42
- Watercraft, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Cargo Lighter, 699
- Watson and Sons (Electro-Medical), Ltd., X-Ray Camera Unit, 676
- Watts Watts and Co., Ltd., Modern Tramp Ship, 432
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Icelandic Trawler " Porkell Mani," 317; Optimum De-aerator (390); Cross-Channel Steamship "Lord Warden," 853
- Welbourn, D. B., Gear Design and the Revision of British Standard, 436, 725
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Wheel Mill at Sheffield, 574; Die Block Plant, 705
- Werkspoor N.V., Engine Works Anniversary Brochure (486)
- Western Region, British Railways, Gas Turbine Locomotive No. 18,100, 2; Gas Turbine Locomotive No. 18,100, 176, 237, 283; Tests on Gas Turbine Locomotive No. 18,000, 665; Standard Class "3" Tank Engine, 710
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Hydrogen Cooling of Large Turbo-generator Windings, 527; Folsom Power Station in California, 712
- Westool, Ltd., A.C. Solenoid, 416
- Wetton, D. G., Use of Railcars, 861
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., Cage-controlled, Overhead Travelling Crane, 757
- Whessoe, Ltd., Stanlow Refinery (746)
- Whiffin, A. C., Experiments on the Vibration of Freshly Placed Concrete, 240
- Whipp and Bourne, Ltd., Cross-Channel Steamship "Lord Warden," 853
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Destroyer "Dainty," 85; M.T.B. " 5701," 85; Inshore Minesweepers (618)
- White's Marine Engineering Co., Cross- Channel Steamship " Lord Warden," 853
- Wickens, A. P., Appointed Chief Engineer of Armament Design, 265
- Wickham, D., and Co., Ltd., Articulated Diesel Mechanical Railcars for Venezuela, 353
- Wickman, Ltd., British Workshops in 1951, 31
- Willans, P. W., Centenary Exhibition, 1
- Williams, Gertrude, Labour in 1951, 13, 46
- Williams, W. H., Obituary (158)
- Wilson, William, Obituary, 701
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., Kent Oil Refinery, 671
- Wincott, G. P., Ltd., Wheel Mill at Sheffield, 574
- Windsor, R. H., Ltd., Plastics Machine Works Extension, 800
- Wolf, A. G., Single-cylinder " Locomobile " Steam Unit, 703
- Wood, H. C., Retirement, 1
- Workington Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., British Iron and Steel Industry in 1951, 66
- Wullschlleger, A., S.A., Electrically-operated Tower Crane, 803
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Destroyer " Decoy," 85; Destroyer " Diana," 85
- Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd., 230 h.p. Diesel-electric Locomotives, 2
See Also
Sources of Information