1929 British Industries Fair: Difference between revisions
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Federation of British Industries London | Federation of British Industries London | ||
Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades of Great Britain and Ireland London | Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades of Great Britain and Ireland - London | ||
[[J. T. Fell and Co]] Longton | [[J. T. Fell and Co]] Longton |
Revision as of 10:06, 3 September 2008
Abbey Sports Co London
George S. Abbott London
Aberdeen Combworks Co Aberdeen
M. Aberstone London
Abrahams and Co Birmingham
Accurate Recording Instrument Co Teddington
Acetate Products Corporation London
Acme Showcard Co London
Acta Corset Co London
A. Adams and Co London
Fred H. Adams and Co (Silversmiths) Birmingham
G. R. Adams and Co Rickmansworth
Adams, Montgomery and Co London
William Adams and Co Belfast
William Adams and Sons (Potters) Tunstall
W. A. Adamson London
Adana Twickenham
Adderleys Longton
Addis Hertford
Adelphi Potteries London
Adie and Lovekin Birmingham
Advertising Mirrors London
Aerofilms London
Aerograph Co London
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries London
Ailsa Craig Motor Co London
Ajax London
Albion Sewing Cotton Co London
Albion Shades London
Albright and Wilson Oldbury
Ralph Alcock and Co London
Alexander and Lauriston London
Allan Manufacturing London
Frederick Allen and Sons (Poplar) London
Allines (London) London
Allwood Brothers Haywards Heath
Alwetha Leeds
Amalgamated Dairies (Importers) London
Amalgamated Photographic Manufacturers London
Amalgamated Signs London
Ambassador Talking Machine Co London
W. W. Amor, Son and Co London
Andersons, Edinburgh Edinburgh
Aneta Pleat Co London
C. Angel and Son London
Angelo Brothers (England) London
Anglo-American Pharmaceutical Co Croydon
Anglo-French Bag Co London
Anglo-Italian Artistic Marble Liverpool
Anty-Sag (Parent) Co London
Aplin and Barrett and The Western Counties Creameries London
Ardinco London
Ards Weaving Co Co Down
Argus Clothing Co London
A. and W. Arnold Northampton
Arnull, S. Watt and Co London
Arpak Playing Card Co Liverpool
Art Metal Construction Co London
Art Porcelain Co Birmingham
Art Products London
Arts and Crafts Bureau London
Arts and Crafts Publishing Co London
Artistic Lampshade Manufacturers London
John Ashford and Son Birmingham
Ashton Brothers and Co Manchester
Ashton Brothers and Phillips Warrington
Aslatt Tyre Stopping Co Southampton
Associated Newspapers (Publishers) London
Associated Photographic Printers London
Association of British Chemical Manufacturers London
Association of British Knitted Goods Manufacturers London
Aston and Mander (1917) London
Aston and Stevens Bath
T. Aston Birmingham
Atalanta (of Brixton) London
C. Creswick Atkinson, M.I.R.E. Bedford
Atlas Manufacturing Co London
Attaché Case Manufacturing Co London
Attracta Electrical Co London
Frank Austin London
Australia (Official Exhibit)
Automatic Sun-Blind Co London
Avon India Rubber Co London
Axuel Time Switches London
John Aynsley and Sons Stoke-on-Trent
F. H. Ayres London
BSA Guns Birmingham
William Bailey (Birmingham) Birmingham
A. Baily and Co Glastonbury
Baird and Tatlock (London) London
Bakelite London
Baker and Co Ltd Stoke-on-Trent
Charles Baker London
Edward Baker and Son Birmingham
Percy P. Baker London
W. H. Baker London
Balkan Cigarette Co London
W. H. Ball and Co Nottingham
Ballymena Manufacturing Co Ballymena
A. E. Bangham and Co London
Barium Consolidated London
A. Barker London
Barker Brothers Longton
Bar-Lock Nottingham
Barnards Mascot Inhalant Catarrh Cure London
Barnes and Co London
Barrie and Kersel Hawick
Barrow, Hepburn and Gale London
Bartlett and Son (Birmingham) Birmingham
Barton Pottery Torquay
William Base and Sons Birmingham
Batley, Lewis and Co Stockport
Battersby and Co London
G. Battle London
A. G. Baylis and Sons Studley
R. Bazaj London
John Beal London
Beard and Co London
Beatl Sales London
Bective Shoe Co (James Branch and Sons) Northampton
Beetle Products Co Oldbury
Belfast Collar Co Belfast
Belfast Linen Handkerchief Co Belfast
Bell Punch and Printing Co Uxbrige
Belleek Pottery Co Fermanagh
Belling and Lee Middlesex
D. M. Bembaron London
Beney London
Bertie B. Benjamin London
Benn Brothers (Publishers) London
H. O. Bennett Banbury
Bennett and Jennison Grimsby
Isoult M. Bennett London
Wilmot Bennett Walsall
Bensons Tool Works Birmingham
Beresford and Hicks London
Berkefeld Filter Co (British) London
Berkeley Expanding Bracelet Co Birmingham
William Bernstein (Furriers) London
Berrys Patents Exeter
Arthur Berton London
Besway Manufacturing Co London
John Beswick and Beswick and Sons Stoke-on-Trent
G. Betjemann and Sons London
Charles H. Betts and Co Birmingham
A. W. Beuttell London
Beverley Hall Birmingham
Bevingtons and Sons London
A. H. Biagiotti London
Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co London
Bihar and Orissa, India, Cottage Industries Beckenham
Birch (London) London
Birkbys Liversedge
Birks, Rawlins and Co Stoke-on-Trent
Birmingham Jewellers and Silversmiths Association Birmingham
J. Bishop and Co London
R. C. Bishop and Son London
Thomas Bishton Birmingham
B. Black and Son London
R. Blacklock and Co Sunderland
Blackmore, Howard and Metherell Birmingham
Blackstaff Flax Spinning and Weaving Co Belfast
Mabel Bland-Hawkes London
Blind Employment Factory London
Bliss and Co London
Bloxidge Brothers Birmingham
A. Boake, Roberts and Co London
Boots Pure Drug Co Nottingham
Bough Pottery Edinburgh
Joseph Bourne and Son Ltd Derby
George Bowen and Sons Birmingham
R. M. Bowen London
Bower Electric (1926) London
Bowman Models Norfolk
Bradleys (Longton) Stoke-on-Trent
Charles B. Bragg and Co Birmingham
Brand and Co London
C. H. Brannam Barnstaple
Charles E. Braun and Co London
Bra-Way Briars London
Bridge Pottery Alresford
Bridgwater Manufacturing Co Bridgwater
J. Briggs, N.R.S. Dorking
Brimtoy London
T. F. Bristow and Co London
Britains London
Britannia Pottery Co Glasgow
British Acoustic Co London
British American Product Co Birkenhead
British and American Salmon Curing Co London
British Booklet Matches (1928) London
British Celanese London
British Chemical Plant Manufacturers Association London
British Cigarette Automatic Machine Co London
British Composition Co Brentford
British Cushion Supply Co Watford
British Cyanides Co London
British Drawing Ink and Adhesive Manufacturing Co London
British Drug Houses London
British Ever-Cold London
British Homophone Co London
British and Irish Travel Agency London
British Ivric London
British Maid Co London
British Metal (Kingston) Kingston-on-Thames
British Metallising Co London
British Monomarks London
British Motorsign Co London
British Music Strings London
British Needle Co Redditch
British Nicollwood Co London
British Photographic Manufacturers Association London
British Rabbit Farmers Association Maidstone
British Road Tar Association London
British Typewriters London
British West Indies, Official Exhibit London
British Xylonite Co London
B. H. Britton and Sons Birmingham
Broadway Damask Co Belfast
C. T. Brock and Co's Crystal Palace Fireworks Sutton
William Brock and Co London
James A. Brook Huddersfield
Brooke, Procter and Co Keighley
Brookes and Adams Birmingham
Brookes and Sexton Birmingham
Brookfield Linen Co Belfast
J. B. Brooks and Co Birmingham
Brotherton and Co Leeds
C. Brown London
E. and S. Brown Birmingham
John S. Brown and Sons Belfast
S. G. Brown London
Thomas Brown and Co (Leicester) Leicester
Brownie Wireless Co of Great Britain London
Bruce Hall Plate Co London
Frank Bryan London
Bryant and Co London
Robert Bryant London
Burgoyne Wireless London
J. and A. J. Burman London
Burnett London
Burovox London
H. Burnham and Sons London
James Burrough London
Bursley Burslem
Burt Brothers (Bow) London
Burton Holt (Chelsea) London
Harold Bushell and Co (1925) Birmingham
W. J. Bush and Co London
Business Account Books London
Butler and Crispe London
George Butler and Co Sheffield
James Butler and Co London
T. A. Butler and Co (1927) Birmingham
J. Butterworth and Co Leeds
Butywave Co London
Cadbury Brothers Birmingham
Robert Cadzow and Co Croydon
H. Cahen and Son London
Caldicot Tin Stamping Works Monmouthshire
W. Callcut London
F. C. Calvert and Co Manchester
I. Calvete London
Cambridge, Owen and Co Bathampton
Duncan Campbell London
Canada (Official Exhibit)
Canadian National Exhibition
Canadian National Railways Co
Canadian Pacific Railway Co
Canadian Section (Organised by the Canadian Government Exhibition Commission)
Cann and Taylor London
Canning Pottery Co Stoke-on-Trent
Cantilever Shoe Co Northampton
Carfax Cards London
Caribonum London
Carisbrooke Brick, Tile and Pottery Works Isle of Wight
Carmichaels Manchester
Carr and Co Carlisle
Albert Carter Birmingham
Carter, Stabler and Adams Poole
A. S. Cartwright Birmingham
Cascelloid Leicester
Louis Cassier Co (Publishers) London
C. W. Cave and Co London
Celebritone London
Celebrity Gramophones London
Cellular Clothing Co London
Chad Valley Co Birmingham
D. Chalmers, Brothers London
A. T. Chamberlain and Co London
F. Chambers and Co Nottinghamshire
John B. Champion and Sons Dursley
Changeable Sign Co London
M. Chapman, Son and Co London
Chapmans, Longton Stoke-on-Trent
Charbens London
Charles, Roberts and Co (London) London
Checkley and Blackmore Leeds
A. J. Child and Co London
Chivers and Sons Cambridge
W. E. Christie London
Christy and Co London
C. Chumas London
Clark Brothers London
Frank Clark London
Uriah Clark and Nephew Sussex
H. Clarke and Co (Manchester) Manchester
S. Clarke and Co London
Clarocit Co London
Classic Table Lighters London
G. R. Clegg Manchester
Clenist Fork Co London
E. J. Clewley and Co Birmingham
Jabez Cliff and Co Walsall
Cliftons Chocolates Manchester
Cliftophone and Records London
Cluse London
W. Coates and Sons Nottingham
James Cobbett London
Cogswell and Harrison Feltham
E. K. Cole Leigh-on-Sea
Coley Brothers Birmingham
Collard, Parsons, and Co London
Collaro London
Collett and Anderson Birmingham
Collier and Co London
Collingwood Brothers Longton
C. H. Collins and Sons Birmingham
R. J. Collins London
Colmore Depot Birmingham
Colour Photographs (British and Foreign) London
Colour Snapshots (1928) London
Consol Products Middlesex
Constantines Bradford
Cooks Wireless Co Ipswich
Henry Cooper Junr. London
Corfield London
Corke and Apthorp London
E. Cornell Welwyn
Corona Engineering and Motor Co London
Corrugated Packing Materials Co Manchester
Cosmic Crayon Co London
A. C. Cossor London
W. Coulthard Birmingham
P. B. Cow and Co London
Cowes Model Yacht Co Isle of Wight
Craftworkers' Supply Association London
Craies and Stavridi London
T. and H. Crathorne Birmingham
G. M. Creyke and Sons Stoke-on-Trent
Crisford and Norris Birmingham
Critchley Brothers Stroud
Cromessol Co Glasgow
A. W. Crosbee and Sons Birmingham
F. Burton Crosbee Birmingham
Joseph Crosfield and Sons Warrington
Cross and Co Dunstable
Crosse and Blackwell London
Crown Staffordshire Porcelain Co Stoke-on-Trent
G. T. Culpitt and Son London
Cumberland Pencil Co London
Cunard Steam Ship Co - Liverpool
J. T. Cussans and Co London
Cussons, Sons, and Co Manchester
Bernard Cuzner Birmingham
Cyprus (Official Exhibit)
D. A. P. Model Aeroplane and Engineering Co London
Dakol Electric London
Dale, Waller and Co London
John E. Dallas and Sons London
H. F. Daltrey and Co London
J. T. Darlington Birmingham
George Davidson and Co Gateshead-on-Tyne
H. E. Davies London
J. Davies and Allen London
D. Davis (Beech St.) London
H. Clifford Davis Birmingham
Cresswell P. Day Southport
Edward Day Birmingham
Thomas De La Rue and Co London
Deakin and Francis Birmingham
Dean and Son London
Deanes London
Dean's Rag Book Co London
G. T. Dearberg and Sons London
G. Delgado London
Dell and Co London
E. T. W. Dennis and Sons Scarborough and London
Dennis and Webb London
Dennison Watch Case Co Birmingham
Derwent Mills Derbyshire
Devon’s Chemical Co London
Devonmoor Art Pottery Co Newton Abbot
James Dewsnap Sheffield
Dexine London
Dhaussy Powder Box Co London
Diana Shoemakers Leicester and Northampton
Thomas J. Digby Illuminating Engineering Co London
W. J. Dingley Birmingham
John Dobson (Milnthorpe) Milnthorpe
Miss L. O. Dobson London
Docker and Burn Birmingham
Dominion Gramophone Records London
Dominion Tobacco Co London
S. Dory London
Douglas and Green Belfast
Doulton and Co London and Stoke-on-Trent
Dousona Manufacturing Co Croydon
Downham and Co London
Dowsing Radiant Heat Co London
Drakeite Co London
Drannek Pianos London
Drum Engineering Co Bradford
Dryad Works Leicester
Dubilier Condenser Co (1925) London
Duke and Son Kent
Duncan (Cereals) Wembley
Duncan, Turnbull and Co Glasgow
Dunfermline Linen Manufacturers Scotland
Dunkleys (Manufacturers) Birmingham
Dunlop Sports Co London
Dunn and Taylor Birmingham
Duramend Co London
J. Dyson and Co London
Eagle Transfer Birmingham
East, Kinsey and East London
East London Toy Factory London
Eastern and Continental Trading Co London
Eastern Telegraph Co London
J. J. Eastick and Sons London
J. R. Eastman London
James Eastwood and Sons Castleton
Eaton and Wrighton Birmingham
"Econasign" Co Piccadilly
John Edgington and Co London
Edison Bell London
W. Edwards and Son Bridport
Walter Edwards and Son Norwich
Eldona Manufacturing Co Birmingham
Electrodrives London
Elektra Porcelain Co Stoke-on-Trent
Elkington and Co Birmingham and London
Ellams Duplicator Co London
Ellgreave Pottery Co Burslem
F. W. Elliott London and Croydon
Elliott and Sons Hertfordshire
Ellis and Co Birmingham
Ellis Optical Co Croydon
Ellis, Simpson and Saunders London
J. Parker Ellison Bolton
Henry Elwin Nottingham
J. P. Emerson and Co Leamington Spa
Enamelcar Co Tottenham
Enamo Co Wimbledon
Energen Foods Co London
Enfield Embroidery Co Middlesex
English Carnival Co London
English Cheddar Cheesemakers Federation
Enolin (1926) London
Epstein Brothers London
Era Pottery Co Stoke-on-Trent
Erasmic Co Warrington
Erskine Beveridge and Co Dunfermline
Ess and Kay Burton-on-Trent
Evans and Harris Birmingham
Ever Ready Co (Great Britain) London
Ever Ready Golf Tee Co London
William Ewart and Son Belfast
Expanded Rubber Co Wembley
Expandit Suitcase Co London
L. and J. Fabian Branch of The General Tobacco Co London
Faire Brothers and Co Leicester
Fairway Golf Target Co London
"Fancy Goods Record" (Publication) London
"Fancy Goods Trader", W. B. Tatterall (Publication) London
J. K. Farnell and Co London
Faudels London
C. W. Faulkner and Co London
Federation of British Industries London
Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades of Great Britain and Ireland - London
J. T. Fell and Co Longton
Fellows Manufacturing Co London
Fenton Manufacturing Co London
Thomas Ferguson and Co Co Down
Ferranti Lancashire
Fibre Case Co London
Field and Co London
Field and Co (Fruit Merchants) London
F. Field Birmingham
S. Fielding and Co Stoke-on-Trent
T. F. Firth and Sons London
Fisk, Davey and Co Birmingham
Fitrobe London
Fitter Brothers Birmingham
J. Foot and Son London
Richard W. Foote London
Samuel Ford and Co (Burslem) Staffordshire
T. B. Ford High Wycombe
Formo Co (Arthur Preen and Co) London
Forsbrey Trouser Press Co London
Fox Brothers and Co Somerset
C. J. Fox and Co London
Foxcrofts (Littleborough) Manchester
Fox's Glacier Mints Leicester
Franco-British Electrical Co London
Fraser and Glass Hornsey
Joseph Fray Birmingham
Frazer Brothers Leeds
Freeder Brothers London
D. Freeder and Co London
S. Freeman London
Freers Manufacturing Co London
Freezone Willesden
Thomas French and Sons Manchester
Frenchs London
Frontier Commercial Agency London
Jack Frost London
Fruit Products Buckinghamshire
E. B. Fry London
S. H. Fry London
Fulham Pottery and Cheavin Filter Co London
Full-Fashioned Hosiery Co Hertfordshire
Fuller Accumulator Co (1926) Essex
Furmoto Chemical Co London
Gaffer Coffee Co Leeds
Galsworthy London
"Games and Toys" (Journal) London
T. M. Gardiner Hoddesdon
Wells Gardner, Darton and Co (Publishers) London
James Garnar and Sons London
Garnett, Whiteley, and Co Liverpool
Garrard Engineering and Manufacturing Co Swindon
A. Garstin and Co London
Gas Light and Coke Co London
Gater, Hall, and Co Stoke-on-Trent
"Gates of London" London
J. R. Gaunt and Son Birmingham
William Gaymer and Son Norfolk
F. George Surrey
Gem Dry Plate Co London
General Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co London
General Wood-Working Co Chesham
George Games London
George and George London
Gibaud and Higley London
Gibbons Brothers, Rotary Co Birmingham
H. P. Gibson and Sons London
Percy Gieve London
C. Gilbert and Co Sheffield
Gilchrist and Fisher Exeter
Gillett and Ewer London
John Gilliland John and Sons Belfast
Gillott Cutlery Co Nottingham
Joseph Gillott and Sons Birmingham
J. and H. Glasman London
Globe-Wernicke Co London
Joseph Gloster Birmingham
Goddard Hammock Bed Co London
Gold Coast (Official Exhibit)
John Goode and Sons Birmingham
George Goodman Birmingham
A. and K. Goodwin and Sons Tunbridge Wells
Goodworks London
C. G. Goord and Sons London
C. and O. Goring London
Goss, Harding and Co London
William H. Goss Stoke-on-Trent
William Gowlland (1916) Croydon
H. Gradidge and Sons Woolwich
Gradiophone (Cabinets) London
Graesser-Monsanto Chemical Works London
Graham Farish Kent
R. A. Graham, B.Sc. (Engineering) Kingston-on-Thames
A. E. Gray and Co Staffordshire
H. J. Gray and Sons Cambridge
Gray-Stan Glass London
Gray and Wilson Birmingham
Great Britain Section (Empire Marketing Board)
Charles S. Green and Co Birmingham
George Green and Sons Leicester and Northampton
H. J. Green and Co London
Greenmount and Boyne Linen Co Belfast
R. Greg and Co Stockport
Gregory and McBeath London
D. J. Greig and Co Birmingham
Henry M. Grey Hackney
William Griffith and Sons Birmingham
Grimwades Stoke-on-Trent
W. H. Grindley and Co Stoke-on-Trent
Grocery Products London
J. Grossmith and Sons London
Gutta Percha and Rubber London
E. L. Gyde Birmingham
H. C. B. Leatherwork London
Haden, Mullett and Haden Stourbridge
P. and J. Haggart Perthshire
Hailwood and Ackroyd Leeds
Halcyon Wireless Co London
P. Haldinstein and Sons Norwich
Hall Thorpe Gallery London
William Hall and Co Ltd Warwickshire
Halliday and Co Leeds
Halls Modern Toys Burnley
Theodore Hamblin London
Hamilton’s (Arundel) Sussex
C. Hancock and Son London
Hancock, Corfield and Waller Surrey
Handee Manufacturing Co Brighton
Arthur Hands and Sons Birmingham
Harbutts Plasticine Bathampton
Hardie and Rose Southport
Harding, Tilton and Hartley London
W. H. Harling London
S. Harold and Co Birmingham
D. Harper and Co London
Harper Piano Co London
Harpham and Son London
John Harrap and Son London
Harrington, Day and Partners (General Shipping and Forwarding Agents) London
A. D. Harris London
E. Harris and Co London
Harris and Sheldon London
W. J. Harris Birmingham
James Harrison and Sons Birmingham
Harrison Patent Knitting Machine Co Manchester
W. B. Harrison and Sons Lincolnshire
Harrow Chutney Co Harrow-on-the-Hill
William Hartman London
W. H. Haseler Birmingham
Hassett and Harper Birmingham
William Hatchman and Co London
G. Hattersley and Sons Keighley
George Hatton and Co Birmingham
Frank Hawker, Carpathian Silver Co Birmingham
W. H. Hawkes and Co Birmingham
Hay and Robertson Dunfermline
G. J. Hayter and Co Bournemouth
Hayward Brothers London
Hazells London
Dora Head London
Nathaniel Heard, A.R.C.A. Indian Artware, Woodwork, Ivories, etc., London
Charles Hearson and Co London
Heatons (Leeds) Leeds
Hendry and Bishop Edinburgh
Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co London
Hermetic Rubber Co Birmingham
R. C. J. Hervey, A.M.I.N.A. Isleworth
Hick, Hargreaves and Co Bolton
Hickson and Partners Castleford and Bradford
Higgins and Giles London
Leonard Hill (Publishers) London
S. Hille and Co London
Hindes Birmingham
Hinks, Wells and Co Birmingham
B. Hirst and Sons Halifax
T. G. Hirst and Co Leicester
His Majesty’s Eastern African Dependencies (Official Exhibit)
Hobbies Norfolk
E. T. Holden and Son Walsall
David Hollander and Sons Birmingham
L. B. Holliday and Co Huddersfield
Holly-Bush Publications (Publishers) London
W. F. Holmes and Co Sutton Coldfield
Homeware Co (Hook) Surrey
Hookway, Sons and Cook London
Hoover (Canadian Section) London
Samuel Hope Birmingham
Hopkin and Williams London
Hopkin and Williams (Travancore) London
Hopol Cheshire
Thomas Hopwood Birmingham
Horlicks Malted Milk Co Slough
Hornby and West Northampton
J. Horton and Co London
Thomas Horton Birmingham
W. Horton Harrow
Houghton-Butcher (Great Britain) London
Household Equipment Supply Co London
Howard Pottery Co Stoke-on-Trent
Howard, Rawson and Co Chelsea
Howard Wall London
Howards and Sons Ilford
Henry Howell and Co London
Howlett and White Norwich
H. P. Sauce Birmingham
E. Hughes and Co Stoke-on-Trent
Hukin and Heath London
M. Hunter (MME) London
Huntley and Palmers Reading
W. Hurrell Norwich
Ice Stove Co Hayes
Thomas Icke and Son West Bromwich
T. and W. Ide London
Ideal Home Electrical Appliances London
Ideal Leather Case Co Walsall
Igranic Electric Co London
Iles and Gomms Birmingham
Ilford London
Thomas Illingworth and Co Willesden
Imperial Basket Manufacturing Co London
Imperial Chemical Industries London
Imperial Dry Plate Co Cricklewood
Imperial Patent Wadding Co Manchester
Imperial Typewriter Co Leicester
Government of India, Indian Trade Commission London
India Section (Empire Marketing Board)
Indurite London
Ingram and Co London
J. G. Ingram and Son London
W. G. Ingram London
I. Murray Innes Reading and London
Institute of Patentees (Inc) London
Bernard Instone Birmingham
Ireland Brothers Belfast
John Ireton and Co London
Irish Free State (Official Exhibit)
Irish Linen Guild Belfast
Irish Linen Mills Belfast
Irving’s Yeast-Vite Watford
Jack White Golf Co London
Ernest Jackson Co Crediton and London
Jackson and Gosling Stoke-on-Trent
G. Jackson and Co Norwich
Henry Jackson and Co Belfast
W. H. James Ltd London
Alexander Jamieson and Co Ayrshire
John Jardine Nottingham
Jarrett, Rainsford and Laughton Birmingham
John Jaques and Son London
Henry Jay London
Jekmoth Home Store London
Jell and Marlow London
Herbert Jenkins (Publishers) London
William Jenkinson and Co London
Jewel Pen Co London
James A. Jobling and Co Sunderland
Jobson Manufacturing Co Dundee
Johnson and Sons Great Yarmouth
Johnson and Sons Manufacturing Chemists London
D. C. Johnson and Son London
Henry Johnson, Sons and Co (Freight Contractors and Shipping Agents) London
James F. W. Johnson London
Johnson, Matthey and Co London
Johnsons Cereal Food Co Willesden
Johnston, Allen and Co Northern Ireland
G. H. Johnstone and Co Birmingham
A. B. Jones and Sons Longton
A. Edward Jones Birmingham
A. V. N. Jones and Co London
R. H. Jones and Sons. Birmingham
Samuel Jones and Co London
William A. Jones (Exporting Agents) Liverpool
Jordan and Sons London
B. H. Joseph and Co Birmingham
J. Joseph London
N. C. Joseph Stratford-on-Avon
R. Journet London
Joyce and Co London
Jungle Toys (Miss E. M. Daniels) London
K. F. M. Engineering Co London
Kaputine (General) Syndicate Manchester
Simon Kaufmann London
J. Kaufmann's Successors (Sidney Abbot) London
Kay and Lee Manchester
Kay Sports Co London
Keele Street Pottery Co Stoke-on-Trent
James Keiller and Son London
Kellogg Co of Great Britain London
Kenney Limb Co London
G. B. Kent and Sons London
Kenya Coffee Co London
Thomas Kerfoot and Co Lancashire
Keystone Knitting Mills (1928) London
Kia-Ora London
S. Kifayatulla Kudratulla (Estab. 1896) India
A. King and Co London
Henry W. King and Son London
King and Barratt Stoke-on-Trent
Kirk Brothers London
Kleen-Food Cover Co London
Klipto Ledgers Blackpool
W. F. Knight Nottingham
William Knowles London
Komfort Keys London
Komposill Universal London
S. Kronenberg London
T. and G. Lack London
John and James Laker Co Beckenham
Executors of Walter Lambert Nelson
A. E. Lamdin Liverpool
Samuel Lamont and Sons Belfast
Lamson Paragon Supply Co London
Langham Radio London
Langridge (Kingswood) Bristol
Lanston Monotype Corporation London
Larkin Brothers London
Lavodent Co London
A. J. Lawrence Birmingham
Lawton Manufacturing Co Manchester
E. Lazenby and Son London
F. W. Leach and Sons London
P. Leach Nottingham
"Leather Goods" (Journal), W. B. Tattersall London
Leather Products (Yorkshire) Horbury
J. Leckie and Co Walsall
George Lee and Co Sheffield
E. and J. Leek Birmingham
Leethems Portsmouth
R. Lehmann and Co (Agents) London
Leighton-Straker Bookbinding Co London
Leilah London
Noah Lessof London
S. J. Lethbridge Plymouth
Charles Letts and Co London
Eric J. Lever (Trix) London
S. J. Levi and Co Birmingham
Samuel M. Levi Birmingham
Andrew Levy and Co Edinburgh
F. Levy and Co London
John Lewer London
B. Lewis and Co London
G. W. Lewis and Co Birmingham
Lewis and Hardcastle and Associated Co London
Lewis, Rose and Co Sheffield
Edward Light and Co London
John Lilley and Son North Shields
Lilywhite Halifax
Linco Packet Potato Co (Potato Packers) Spalding
Lincoln, Bennett and Co Stockport
Linden Knitting Co Isle of Man
Lindsay Thompson and Co Belfast
Lines Brothers London
Lingard, Webster and Co Tunstall
Link Appliances London
Lissen Richmond
Llanrwst Foundry Co Llanrwst
Miss Z. Lloyd Ryde
Manuel Lloyd and Co London
Loewe Radio Co London
London Association For The Blind London
London Holeproof Hosiery Co London
London Metal Warehouses Westminster
London and Provincial Corporation London
London Telephone Service
Longman Brothers Cheltenham
Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops London
Lorson and Co London
Lott's Bricks Watford
John Louden and Co (Agents) London
Louis Cassier Co (Publishers) London
Lovatt and Lovatt Nottingham
H. S. Lovell and Co London
M. Lowe Birmingham
Robert H. Lowe and Co Congleton
William Lowe Stoke-on-Trent
F. H. Lucas Birmingham
Ludgate Co Edinburgh
Lugard and Pulham Wembley
L. Lumley and Co London
Lumos and Co London
Peter Lunt and Co Liverpool
Luralda London
W. Lusty and Sons London
Lybro Liverpool
Lycesi London
James Lyle and Co (Tea/Coffee Experts and General Provisions/Groceries) London
John Lynch Manchester
M. C. Manufacturing Co London
M. L. Magneto Syndicate Coventry
"M. P. A." Wireless London
Mabie, Todd and Co London
Edward Macbean and Co Glasgow
McAfee and Appleton London
Robert McBride and Co Belfast
McBride and Williams Belfast
John McClory and Sons Sheffield
McCrum, Watson and Mercer Belfast
Robert McDade Belfast
H. A. Mace Sussex
John Mackintosh and Sons Halifax
W. McKenzie and Co London
MacNiven and Cameron Edinburgh
W. Godfrey Macoun Belfast
James McCreath Liverpool
Malay States (Official Exhibit)
Elisha Mander Birmingham
A. Vivian Mansell and Co London
Mansell, Hunt, Catty and Co London
Manuwares London
Marathon London
Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co London
Joshua Margerison and Co Preston
A. L. R. Marks London
Paul Marks and Co London
John Marlow and Sons Northampton
Marmet Letchworth
Marmite Food Extract Co London
William L. Marrian Birmingham
Marsen and Jones Birmingham
Marshall and Co Nottingham
Marshall and Co London
"Marshall's" (Marshall Manufacturing Co) London
C. and A. B. Martin London
D. Mason and Sons Walsall
George Mason and Co London
Henry Mason (Shipley) Yorkshire
T. Mason and Co Birmingham
Masson, Seeley and Co London
James Mathewson and Son Dunfermline
Henry Matier and Co Belfast
K. B. Mavlankar Yiewsley
Mauritius (Official Exhibit)
May and Baker London
Mayfair Manufacturing Co London
W. A. Maylor and Co London
Alfred Meakin (Tunstall) Stoke-on-Trent
Meccano Liverpool
F. J. Mee London
Menley and James London
Mentmore Manufacturing Co London
Thomas Mercer Hertfordshire
Merrington Brothers Wembley
Mettamake Birkenhead
G. E. Mewis London
Middletons (Aberdeen) London
Midland Cattle Products Birmingham
Clifford Milburn and Co London
Millar and Lang Glasgow
Milners Safe Co London
H. C. Mitchell and Co London
William Mitchell Birmingham
Models (Leicester) Loughborough
Monarch Manufacturing Co Northampton
John Moncrieff Perth
Mond Staffordshire Refining Co London
"Monomarks" London
Montgomerys Birmingham
R. M. Moody London
Moorcroft Burslem
Moore, Abbott and Co Birmingham
Morbrook Polish Co London
S. Mordan and Co London
Morgan and Boon Birmingham
Morgan Brothers, (Publishers) London
Morley, Fox and Co Stoke-on-Trent
Thomas Morson and Son London
A. Morton Birmingham
J. Moss London
Motorways - London
Phyllis Mott London
Thomas L. Mott Birmingham
Frank Mousley London
F. A. Mousley and Sons London
Muir, Young and Martin Glasgow
Beatrice Mullane London
Mullard Wireless Service Co London
Multiple Utilities Co London
R. W. Munro London
R. S. Murray and Co London
W. J. Myatt and Co Birmingham
Edward Myers London
Myers (London) Walthamstow
M. Myers London
M. Myers and Son Birmingham
Myott, Son and Co Stoke-on-Trent
N. Y. Display Service London
Nash and Pearce Birmingham
Natalie and Co London
National Art Productions Teddington
National Jewellers' Association - London
National Paper Mills London
National Piano Actions London
National Services (Publishers and Distributors) - London
National Union of Manufacturers - London
Elwin Neame London
Walter Needham Birmingham
James Neill and Co Sheffield
Nelsa Handicrafts Bushey
Neophone Engineering Co London
New Bond Co London
New Chelsea Porcelain Co Stoke-on-Trent
New Croydon Rubber Co London
New Eccles Rubber Works Eccles
New Hall Pottery Co Hanley
New Zealand (Official Exhibit)
S. A. Newall and Sons London
Newey Brothers Birmingham
Newlin Underwear London
Newman and Guardia London
Newport Pottery Co Burslem
Newton, Chambers and Co Sheffield
J. M. Newton, Vitreo-Colloid (1928) London
S. Newton and Co Manchester
Newton, Shakespeare and Co Birmingham
John Glover Nicol Worcester
Kathleen Nicholas London
George Nobbs London
"Nolabo" Polish Co St. Annes-on-Sea
Nonette Glasgow
Norman and Hill London
North British Rubber Co Edinburgh
North Lincolnshire Fruit Preserving Co Southall
Northampton Polish Co Northampton
Northern Aluminium Co (Canadian Section) London
Northern Ireland (Official Exhibit) Belfast
Novelart Studios London
John Nowill and Sons Sheffield
O. C. A. Furnishing Co London
Oceanic Steam Navigation Co (White Star Line) Liverpool
Old Bleach Linen Co Co Antrim
H. Oliver and Sons London
Oliver Typewriter (Sales) Co London
Olney and Newbury Hitchin
Optical, Scientific and Photographic Trades Various
Orange-Crush Co (London) London
Oravox London
Orchorsol Gramophones London
Ordnance Survey Southampton
Oriental House London
Oriental Leather and Leatherette Co (1908) London
Ormond Engineering Co London
S. Ortweiler London
Percy Osborne Sheffield
Owen Brothers London
Henry Owen and Sons Birmingham
Ozonal Laboratories London
"Packing, Packaging and Conveying Gazette" London
Packs (1925) Feltham
Padgett and Braham London
Thomas Padmore and Sons Birmingham
James Pain and Sons London
Palatine Branch of The Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Co Preston
Pall Mall Advertising Services London
Papworth Industries Cambridge
Paragon China Co Longton
Parcedoors Brighton
A. G. Parker and Co Birmingham
E. H. Parkin and Co Sheffield
Alex Parsons (Kaputine) Manchester
A. and M. Passes London
Patent Pulp Manufacturing Co London
Paton, Calvert and Co Liverpool
Patterson, Edwards London
Payton Pepper and Sons Birmingham
Peacock and Co London
Pearl Pottery Co Hanley
E. J. Pearson and Sons London
E. T. Pearson and Co London
Pearson-Page Co Birmingham
John Peck and Co Liverpool
Peek, Frean and Co London
Peerless Electrical Manufacturing Co London
W. J. Pellow Birmingham
Pencils London
Penfold London
Pentagon Shoe Works Northampton
Peradon and Co London
H. Perkins and Sons London
Permanent Reproductions London
Perry and Co Birmingham
E. S. Perry London
R. H. Perry London
Peter Pan Manufacturing Co Wolverhampton
Phantestra (Renn's Gramophone and Wireless) Stoke Newington
George Philip and Son London
Robert W. Phillips London
"Phono Record and Musical Instruments Journal", W. B. Tattersall London
Photochrom and Co London
Photo-Litho Process London
Photo-Matik Portraits London
Pickering and Mayell Birmingham
Pilkingtons Tile and Pottery Co Manchester
Pilley and Co London
J. Pillischer London
F. T. Pillivant London
Pirie, Appleton and Co London
Plant Brothers London
R. H. and S. L. Plant Longton
Playway Co London
Plimsoll Pipes Leeds
Pneumatic Rubber Stamp Co (Buck's Patent) London
Pocock Brothers London
Pomona Toys London
Henry Pooley and Son Birmingham
J. Pope London
Positive Organ Co (1922) London
Arthur J. Potts London
Power Engineering Co London
Powder Puffs London
W. and H. Pownall Manchester
Press Caps London
Printurown London
T. H. Prosser and Sons London
Prouts Productions London
R. and J. Pullman London
Pytram New Malden
Q. Stoke Pottery Works Kew Gardens
Quaker Oats London
Quash Tennis Syndicate London
Quick and Co Brixton
Radio-Tri-Phone London
Railways of Great Britain London
J. R. Raphael London
Rayner and Co London
Rayon Manufacturing Co (1927) Leatherhead
J. F. Read London
Read Radio London
C. F. Reader and Co London
N. C. Reading and Co Birmingham
Redfern and Drakeford Longton
Rees, Mace Manufacturing Co London
Reeves and Sons London
Regal Pottery Stoke-on-Trent
Regent Manufacturing Co Willenhall
Douglas Reid and Co Ltd Essex
Henry Reid and Son Dunfermline
Reimann and Sons London
Reliance Rubberware London
Religious Tract Society London
Renn, Hounam and Co London
R. J. Reuter Co London
Richards Art Co London
Brinley Richards London
Richards, Son and Allwin Birmingham
(Miss) A. G. Richardson London
A. G. Richardson and Co Stoke-on-Trent
Richardson, Sons and Owen Belfast
Rigby, Battcock London
Risboro' Furniture Buckinghamshire
William Ritchie and Sons Edinburgh
R. M. J. School of Basketry Sydenham
Ernest O. Robathan Walsall
Roberts Brothers (Gloucester) Gloucester
Roberts and Sheppey London
James Robertson and Sons, Preserve Manufacturers Pailsey, Manchester, Bristol and London
E. Robinson and Sons Stockport
T. Robinson Liverpool
Rolls Razor (1927) London
A. Romary and Co Tunbridge Wells
Roscoe Knitwear Co London
Ross Brothers Belfast
C. J. Ross and Co (Successors) London
Ross London
Rotherham and Sons Coventry
Rothman's London
B. J. Round and Sons Birmingham
George Rowney and Co London
Royal School for the Blind Leatherhead
Royal Sovereign Pencil Co London
Rubber Brushes London
Rubber Growers Association London
Rudd and Co London
Rudkin, Laundon and Co Leicester
Rust-Off London
Ryland, Llewellyn London
S. and D. Rivet Co Leicester
S. and L. Manufacturing Co London
J. Sadler and Sons Burslem
Frederick Sage and Co Ltd London
St. Dunstan's London
Salisbury Crown China Co Longton
Salmanger Map Co London
Salter Brothers Oxford
Thomas Salter London
C. A. Sampson London
Sams Brothers and Barnes Hoddesdon
Sanders and Mackenzie Birmingham
Sandle Brothers London
Savage and Co London
John Sayer London
Sawdon, Pritchett and Co London
Schweppes London
Scientific Novelties London
Scotia Fine Art Pottery Co Stoke-on-Trent
Scotia Knitting Co London
G. W. Scott and Sons London
R. M. Scott (Ipswich) Sufflok
L. P. Scott-Paine and Deptford Glass Works London
Scrubb and Co London
Seftonian Laboratories Liverpool
Selectors London
Semple and Co Scotland
Semprolin Co London
Harry Senior Leeds
William Sessions York
E. Sharp and Sons Maidstone
B. Shaw London
Robert Shaw and Co Nottingham
Shaw and Shrewsbury Sports Co Nottingham
J. and S. Sheffield London
Sheffield Steel Products Sheffield
Shell Pottery Co Stoke-on-Trent
Sheringham Daylight Co London
W. Shillaker and Co London
Shore and Coggins Longton
Shoreditch Wood Turning Co London
Short and Mason London
Shorter and Son Stoke-on-Trent
William Shufflebottom Stoke-on-Trent
Sierra Leone (Official Exhibit)
Simco London
Simplex Sampling Association London
A. Simpson London
Simpson, Fawcett, and Co Leeds
Simson and Co Hertford
James A. Sinclair and Co London
William Sinton Edinburgh
John Skelton and Son Norwich
Slack and Brownlow Tonbridge
J. Sloper and Co London
Slough Estates (Trading Estate) - Slough
H. Smallwood and Son Walsall
Smith and Ancill London
Smith, Ewan and Stylic Birmingham
J. R. Smith London
Smith and Matthews London
Peter Smith and Co London
T. J. and J. Smith London
W. A. Smith and Co London
Smiths (Ipswich) Suffolk
Sodax London
Soho Pottery Stoke-on-Trent
Solaflex London
Solidite and Synthetic Mouldings London
Solomon and Whitehead London
Solport Brothers London
Sorbo Rubber-Sponge Products Woking
Souplex Morecambe
South Africa (Official Exhibit)
South Metropolitan Gas Co London
Southern Rhodesia (Official Exhibit)
Charles Southwell and Co London
Souvenir Manufacturing Co Birmingham
Soya Flour Manufacturing Co London
A. G. Spalding and Brothers (British) London
Spauldings London
Specialities (Liverpool) Liverpool
James Speller and Co London
Spencer, Chapman and Messel London
George Spencer, Moulton and Co London
Spero Leather Workers London
D. and L. Spiers Birmingham
Spiers and King London
Splintex Safety Glass London
"Sports Dealer" (Journal) - London
"Sports Trader" (Journal), W. B. Tattersall - London
"Sports Trades Journal" - London
Spring and Co Lincolnshire
Springbok Manufacturing Co Glasgow
Stafford and Co Nottingham
Standard Fireworks Huddersfield
Edward Stanford London
H. Stanley and Co London
Stansell and Gregory London
Star Brush Co London
Star Manufacturing Co London
J. Stead and Co Sheffield
V. G. Steinhart London
Steval London
Stevens and Williams Staffordshire
Stevenson and Son Co Tyrone
Stevenson and Howell London
John Steventon and Sons Stoke-on-Trent
Stoddarts London
C. A. Stokes and Co Bristol
H. G. Stone and Co London
A. J. Storey London
Stourbridge Glass Co Stourbridge
Stratton and Co Birmingham
Charles Straus London
Stuart and Sons Stourbridge
Joseph Stubbs Manchester
Stutely London
B. Stych Birmingham
Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920) Stowmarket
Suit Case Manufacturing Co London
Sumerling and Co London
George E. Sumner London
Sunjoy Studio London
Sun-Vi-Lite London
J. W. Sutcliffe Leeds
Joseph Sutliff Leicester
W. J. Sutton Birmingham
F. A. Swaine London
E. Swatkovsky London
Sweet-Orr Liverpool
William Sykes Yorkshire
T. and C. Associated Industries Gloucester
John Tams Longton
W. H. Tandy and Sons Birmingham
Tan-Sad Birmingham
P. W. Taylor Refrigerators London
Samuel Taylor and Co Huddersfield
Taylor and Ustonson London
Taylor-Rolph Co London
Taylors (Huddersfield) Huddersfield
"Teddy" Toy Co London
Tedson, Thornley and Co Rochdale
Telegraph Condenser Co London
Televel London
Tella Co London
Terra Enda (A. B. Holt and Co) London
Thermega London
Thermos (1925) London
H. Thomas and Co London
Thomas J. Digby Illuminating Engineering Co London
William Thomlinson Glasgow
Thompson and Capper Wholesale Liverpool
Thompson, Diamond and Butcher London
Ernest E. Thompson and Sons Birmingham
Thomson, Kelly and Co Belfast
R. R. Thompson New Malden
Thorium London
Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co Altrincham
Tickets and Co Leicester
Timil Products London
Tiptaft Birmingham
Tooth and Co Woodville
Torquay Corporation Publicity Department - Devon
"Toy Trader" (Journal), W. B. Tattersall - London
Tree-Top-Toys London
Triotone London
Triumph Cabinet Works London
Truphonic London
Tubbs, Lewis and Co London
Raphael Tuck and Sons London
Tucker Manufacturing Co Harlesden
Tunstall Optical Co Croydon
Ernest Turner High Wycombe
Luke Turner and Co Leicester
R. Turner Sons Studley
Turner and Simpson Birmingham
Thomas Turner and Co (Sheffield) Sheffield
20th Century Co Exeter
Thomas Tyrer and Co London
Ulster Weaving Co Belfast
Union Jack Paste Co Sussex
Unique and Unity Cycle Co Birmingham
United Chemical Engraving Co Newcastle-upon-Tyne
United Kingdom Optical Co London
United Signs London
Universal Cabinets Peckham
Universal Postal Frankers London
Uno Products South Norwood
Samuel Usher Birmingham
V. K. Rotary Co London
Vacuum Patent Pourers Falmouth
W. Vale and Sons (Birmingham) Birmingham
Valentine and Sons Dundee
Vaniti Manufacturing Co Kensington
Veerasawmy and Co Barnet
Vickers (Crayford) Kent
Victavia Games and Toy Co Old Ford
Victor Crepe Co London
Virol London
Virtue and Co London
Vitalite Shoe and Sock Co London
Vitamins (1928) London
Wadhurst Industry Sussex
Wahl Eversharp Co (Canadian Section) - London
Waite and Son Mitcham
Wakeley Brothers and Co London
H. Wald and Co London
Walker and Co (Sheffield) Sheffield
R. H. Walker London
William Walker and Co Co Down
John Wall Birmingham
John Walsh Walsh Birmingham
Walters' “Palm” Toffee London
Wandle Radio Co London
War Relief Toy Works London
Thomas Ward and Sons Sheffield
John Wardale and Co London
Douglas Warne and Co London
Warsash Pottery Southampton
Watmel Wireless Co Middlesex
W. Watson and Sons London
W. A. P. Watson Birmingham
Matthias Watts and Co Birmingham
J. H. Weatherby and Sons Staffordshire
Francis Webb Ltd Birmingham
Oliver Webb and Co London
Thomas Webb and Corbett Burton-on-Trent
William A. Webb London
Wedekind and Co London
F. H. Weight and Co Northampton
G. Weinberg London
Norah Wellings Shropshire
Wellington and Ward Elstree
A. Wells and Co London
H. Rumsey Wells Norwich
West of England Knitting Co Penzance
West Surrey Central Dairy Co Surrey
West Woodworkers London
F. Westbury and B. Webb Surrey
Western Perfumery Co London
Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co London
Richard Wheatley and Son London
Richard Wheen and Sons London
Wheway Optical Co Birmingham
Whiffen and Sons London
W. H. Whisson London
Beatrice M. White Glasgow
White, Tomkins and Courage Surrey
Whitecroft Pin Manufacturing Co Gloustershire
Edwin Whitehouse and Son Birmingham
Whitehouse, Willetts and Bennion Worcester
Whittingham, Smith, and Co London
Thomas C. Wild and Sons Stoke-on-Trent
Wildt and Kray London
Henry Wilkes and Co London
A. J. Wilkinson Burslem
Wilkinson Cutlery Co London
F. Wilkinson and Co Stourbridge
T. Wilkinson and Sons Birmingham
Arnold E. Williams Birmingham
Williams (Hounslow) Hounslow
Williamson Brothers London
H. Williamson London
Willing and Co (Marketing) - London
W. H. Wilmot Birmingham
F. Wilson and Co London
Wilson and Green Birmingham
Wilson, Warden and Co London
William Wilson and Sons Leeds
Wilsons' Soda Fountains (1921) Accrington
Wiltshaw and Robinson Stoke-on-Trent
W. A. Winder and Co (Curriers) Birmingham
Windover (British Piano Co) London
Windsor Works London
Winsor and Newton London
A. Winston and Co London
“Wireless Export Trader,” The Trader Publishing Co - London
John Wisden and Co London
S. L. Witton Norwich
Henry Wolff and Co (1927) London
Louis Wolff and Co London
S. Wolfson and Sons London
Wondersigns London
H. J. Wood London
Wood and Sons Stoke-on-Trent
W. Wood and Son London
Woolpack Hoisery Manufacturing Co London
World Transport Agency - London
Herbert O. Worrall and Co Birmingham
Wraggs Sheffield
Wray Kent
Wrexham Lager Beer Co North Wales
Wright and Hadgkiss Birmingham
Wright and Weaire London
Wyvern Fountain Pen Co London
X. L. Showcard Machine Co London
H. Yager London
Yagerphone London
Albert S. Yates Leicster
Yeascuit Manufacturing Co Uttoxeter
York Street Flax Spinning Co Belfast
A. Young and Sons Stoke Newington
Edward Young and Co London
G. Zambra Dawlish
M. Zang (1926) London
Zephyr Racket Press London
Zo-Glo Beauty Co London
Zone Wireless Co London
Zoo Soft Toy Co London
Sources of Information
Board of Trade British Industries Fair 1929, held at The White City, Shepherd's Bush, London W12, from February 18th to March 1st 1929, and organised by the Department of Overseas Trade (Empire and Home Edition).