The Engineer 1963 Jan-Jun: Index

Volume 215
- A.E.C. Ltd., 20-cubic Yard "Dumptruk", 1105
- A.E.G., a.c. Motor for Oil Burners, 544 Exhibits at Hanover Fair, 840 400kV Transformer, Plate, 80 A Oil Drilling Equipment Exhibited at Frankfurt, 1189 Surge Diverter for Low-voltage Network Protection, 498 A
- A.R.O. Machinery Co. Ltd., Welding Equipment, 773 A
- A.S.E.A., Electric Equipment for Quebec Hydro-electric Commission, 500 Industrial Disc Brakes, 919 Konti-Skan Supergrid Link, 802 Laboratories, 328 A
- A. T. and E. (Bridgnorth) Ltd., Radio Telephone Services in Hong Kong, 738 Remote Control of Lighthouses, 529
- Abeles, P. W. and Turner, F. H., Prestressed A Concrete Designers Handbook, 472, 1119
- Accles and Pollock Ltd., Manipulated Tubing, A 717
- Acheson Colloids Ltd., Screw Thread Lubricant, 1006
- Ackers, P. and Jaffrey, L. J., Model Simulation of Vertical Mixing in Stratified Flowing Water, 622 A
- Ackoff, R. L. and Rivett, P., Managers Guide to Operational Research, 901
- Acrob, Chemical Processors Ltd., Chemical Consultancy Service, 1125
- Acrow Ltd., Dredger for Apapa Harbour in Nigeria, 590
- Acton, J. R. and Swift, J. D., Cold Cathode Discharge Tubes, 628, 1120
- Admiralty, Scheme for Electrical Engineers, 702
- Advance Components Ltd., In-circuit Transistor Tester, 411 Transistorised Timer Counter, 795
- Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Symposium on Automatic Transmissions, 736
- Agricultural Engineers Association, Agricultural Production, 1009 Annual General Meeting and Luncheon, 879 Machinery Export and Import Figures, 595
- Air Cushion Developments Ltd., Plenum Chamber Craft, 62
- Air Products Ltd., High-purity Hydrogen Supply, 639 Oxygen Plant at Ebbw Vale, 144 Oxygen Plant for Italian Steelworks, 53 Nitrogen Plant, 527
- Airmec Ltd., Frequency Control for B.B.C. Transmitter at Droitwich, 407
- Albion Motors Ltd., Factory for Vehicle Transmission Units, 858
- Albright and Wilson (Mfg.) Ltd., Electroplating Rectifiers, 1114
- Alexander, W., Electrical Instruments and Measurements, 65
- Allcock, H. J., Nomogram: Theory and Practical Construction of Computation Charts, 340
- Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation., Miniaturisation of Metallurgical Research Methods, 503
- Allen, J. E., Aerodynamics: A Space Age Survey, 1116
- Allen Sons and Co. Ltd., W. H., Pump Test House, Plate, 92
- Allspeeds Ltd., Variable Speed Drives, 717
- Alpine A.G., Multi-stage Winnowing Device, 923
- Alumasc Ltd., Lightweight Cask Production, 629
- Aluminium Federation, Aluminium in Structural Engineering, 1102 A
- Aluminium Development Association, Aluminium in Structures Symposium, 313
- Aluminium Wire and Cable Co. Ltd., Conductor for Reinforcement of Electricity Grid, 1044 A
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Annual Meeting, 879 A
- Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Shipwrights, Blacksmiths and Structural Workers, A Formation, 258
- Ambuco Ltd., Pilot Fume-cleaning Plant, 891
- American Oil Co., Computer for Salt Lake A City Plant, 462
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, A Friction and Wear in Machinery, Vols., 11 A and 14, 872
- American Society for Metals, Casting Design Handbook, 397 Machining Difficult Alloys, 430 A Strengthening Mechanisms in Solids, 306 Ultra-high-purity Metals, 518 A
- American Telephone and Telegraph Co., "Telstar II" Experimental Communications A Satellite, 1015
- Ampex Great Britain Ltd., Fast Ferrite A Memory, 285 Pulse Code Modulation Recorder, 493 Tape Recorder for Telemetry, 493 A
- Ampex/Marconi Pilot Landing Aid Television, 319 A
- Anderston Clyde Engineers Ltd., Hoist Blocks, 594 Portable Gantry Cranes, 1087 A
- Angus, Norman S., Roman Nails Galore, 725
- Angus and Co. Ltd., George, Fire-fighting A Appliance for South America, 678 Self-fixing Ball Knobs, 1186 A
- Antonakis, C. J., Reactions to Beeching, 943 A
- Apex Construction Ltd., Vibratory Ball Mill, A
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co. Ltd., Four-strand Continuous Casting Plant, 19 High-speed Bar and Rod Mill, 1063
- Apton Ltd., Module System of Construction for Displays and Exhibitions, 737
- Aqua-Chem Inc., Sea Water Distillation Plant for Taranto, 53
- Argentinian Government, Development of the Comahue Region, 912
- Argonne National Laboratory, Plutonium Laboratory Facility, 843
- Argyris, C., Interpersonal Competence and Organizational Effectiveness, 196
- Armfield Hydraulic Engineering Co. Ltd., Aluminium Weir Gates, 368
- Armstrong Whitworth (Metal Industries) Ltd., Self-propelled Pneumatic-tyred Soil Compactor, 1166
- Arscott, F. M. and Khabaza, I. M., Tables of Lame Polynomials, 397
- Asbrink, K. G., Teaching What Comes Naturally, 396
- Ashby, E., Speech to Students at Battersea College of Technology, 467
- Ashley, J. W., Wylfa Nuclear Power Station, 699
- Asphalt Roads Association., Hot Rolled Asphalt Bases, 628
- Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., Avalanche Rectifier, 908 Closed-loop Crane Control Drives at Ravenscraig, 320 Contactor Panel Assembly on Slotted-Base, 488 Controlled Rectifier Stacks, 493 E Diesel-electric Locomotives for Africa, 991 Durability Load Tests on a Tap Changer, 403 Electrolytic Moisture Meter, 128 Export of a.c. Traction Locomotives to India, 121 Experimental Sodium Lamp with Improved B Colour Rendering, 914 55MW Gas Turbine Generators for Peak Load, 108 1500MW Turbine with Integral Condensers 13 for Aberthaw-B Power Station, 399 First "Circarc" Gear Set Presented to Science Museum, 790 Float Charger with Silicon-controlled Rectifiers, 488 40MeV Linear Accelerators, 35 Generator/Motor Sets for Ffestiniog Pumped Storage Scheme, 198 Glass Fibre Marine Aerial, 908 Hall-effect Probe, 877 13 Heavy Current Spark Gap, 109 Impulse Generator, Plate, 93 Inverters for Shipboard Air Conditioning, 1042 B Train Lighting, 1043 "Lion" Prototype Diesel-electric Locomotive, Plate, 86 B Machine Tool Slide Position Indicator, 203 Marine Radio Transmitter, 201 Numerically-controlled Jig Borer, 530 Progress Survey of Marine Engineering, 1079 Research Activities Reorganised, 364 Semiconductor Rectifiers, 908 Telephone Handset with Push-button Switch, B 447 Test House for Overspeeding Rotors, Plate, B 92 Time Interval Marker, 1044 Traction Exports to Australasia, 143 255MVA, Three-phase, 16.5kV / 230kV, Generator Transformer, 860 Turbo-generating Set for West Thurrock, Plate, 79
- A.E.I. Automation Ltd., Alarm Analyser for 1E1 Oldbury Nuclear Power Station, 147
- A.E.I.-G.R.S. Ltd., Electronic Control of Signalling in New Zealand, 531 Computer Gift to Cambridge, 674
- A.E.I. English Electric and G.E.C., "Ingot" Range of Heavy Duty Slipring Motors, 1008
- Associated Industrial Consultants Ltd., Report on Salaries, 50
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd., Westbury Cement Works, 861
- Association of Bronze and Brass Founders, Quality Certificates for Copper Alloy Castings, 441
- Association of Consulting Engineers, Golden B Jubilee Dinner, 404
- Association of Cost Engineers, Foundation, 316
- Association of German Engineers, Conference on Civil Engineering in Underdeveloped Countries, 958 B Shaft Coupling Conference, 329
- Association of Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineering Employers, Pay Pact, 322
- Association of Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers, London Showroom, 198
- Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Annual Convention, 1115
- Associazione Nazionale Controllo Combustiono, Italian Nickel-steel Approved for Low Temperatures, 1054 Ateliers de Construction Electriques de Charleroi, Belgian a.c.-d.c. Locomotives, 841
- Atkins, H. F., Nuclear Ship Propulsion, 778
- Atkinsons of Clitheroe Ltd., Coke and Coal 13 Lorry, 924
- Atlas Copco A /B, Manufacturing Plants in Sweden, 373
- Atlas Copco (G.B.) Ltd., Compressed Air 13 Powered Lamps, 1182
- Atlas Preservative Co. Ltd., Metal Primer, 493 13
- Atomenegi AB, Swedish Power Reactor, 329
- Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Research at Harwell, 1107 "Hector" Experimental Reactor at Winfrith in Operation, 486 "Scorpio" Reactor Experiments Fuel Elements, 315
- Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Measurement of Oxygen in Gases, 1041
- Audco Ltd., Hydraulically-operated Tanker Valves, 634
- August Thyssen Hutte, Technische and Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 544 I
- Austinite Ltd., Overhung-flywheel Diesel Alternator Set, 712
- Automotive Products Co. Ltd., Clutches and Flexible Drive Units, 820
- Auxiliary Rolling Machinery Ltd., Coil Cut-up Line, 1084 I
- Aveley Electric Ltd., Large Display Oscilloscope, 916
- Avery, M. F., Methods Engineering, 65, 516
- Avica Equipment Ltd., Stainless Steel Pipes, I 411
- Avimo Ltd., Self-sealing Pipe Coupling, 450
- Avo Ltd., Multi-range Meter, 147 Zener Diode Selector, 934
- B. B. and R. Relays Ltd., Dry Reed Switches, 795 Timing Relays, 237
- B. & T. Designs (Richmond) Ltd., Circuit Symbol Labels, 451
- B.I.P. Engineering Ltd., Sequence Controller, 489
- B.I.P. Tools Ltd., Toolroom for Heavy Plastics Mould Making, 913
- BM Federal Systems Division, Microwave Laser Beams, 1058
- BOC (PL) Ltd., Oil India Pipeline Project, E 208
- B.R.D. Co. Ltd., Hydraulic Armoured Conveyor Rams, 1041 13
- B.T.R. Industries Ltd., Corrosion Protection, 405 Data-logging System, 282
- Babbitt, Isaac, Centenary of Death, 623
- Babcock and Wilcox Co., Continuous Steel Billet Casting Plant in Virginia, 1136 and Radio Corp. of America, Molecular Nuclear-thermionic Power Plant, 1018
- Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., Aluminium Gantry for Loading Alumina in British Guiana, 792 E Level Luffing Portal Jib Crane, 37 Membrane Wall for Boiler Furnaces, 439 Weitz Tower Crane, 1168 13
- Bagnall, R. M., Prospects for Stainless Steel, E 50
- Bahco A/B, Factory, 328
- Bailey, I. A., Obituary, 372
- Bakelite Ltd., Building of Structural Glass reinforced Plastics, 871
- Baker, R. J. S., Management of Capital Projects, 397
- Baker Perkins Ltd., Foundry Equipment at the Birmingham Exhibition, 891
- Baker Perkins Developments Ltd., Cable Drum Carrier, 109
- Baldwin Industrial Controls Ltd., Continuous Analogue Memory, 411
- Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Steelworks, Automatic I Ring Forging Press, 1097
- Bamford (Excavators) Ltd., J. C., Hydraulic Excavators, 366
- Banks, B. and others, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection in Metals, 129
- Banks, J. A., Advantages and Disadvantages of Competitive Tendering and Design in Civil Engineering, 751
- Banks, J. H. and others, Transient Stability of Turbo-generators in an Interconnected System, 855
- Banks, R. A., Industrial Training, 1187
- Barlow-Whitney Ltd., Furnaces, 772
- Barnett, C. V. and others, Diode for Thermodynamic Topping of Power Generation, 781
- Barnett, S. A. and McLaren, A., Penguin Science Survey B, 584
- Barnfield, G. R. and Male, T., Technical Drawing Vol. 1, 1000
- Barr, D. I. H., Model Simulation of Vertical Mixing in Stratified Flowing Water, 345, 943
- Barr and Stroud Ltd., Lasers, 127
- Barret Laboratories Ltd., Threshold Accelerometer and Indicator Kit, 638
- Barrow, H. and Lee, Y., Thermal Entry in Turbulent Gas Flow, 169 13
- Bartlett, Vernon F., Obituary, 1117
- Bashforth, G. R., Manufacture of Iron and Steel, Vol. 4., 309
- Bath Iron Works, U.S.S. "Leahy", Guided Missile Frigate, Plate, 89 13
- Batten, B. K. and Couchman, A. J., Fatigue Tests in Air on Model Propeller-tailshaft 13 Assemblies, 365
- Battersea College of Technology, Prize Day Speech to Students, 467
- Baxendale and Sons Ltd., Richard, Mechanised Foundry, 1030
- Bayham Ltd., Contents Gauges and Level Switches, 772 Level Gauges and Switches, 49
- BEAGLE-Wallis, "WA116", Plate, 96
- Beakbane (Fortox) Ltd., Henry, High-temperature Protective Bellows, 242 Protective Bellows, 285
- Becker Equipment and Lifts, Ltd., Resin Mixer and Dispenser, 145
- Belfast Harbour Commission, Review of the Port 1947-62, 198
- Belgo-Nucleaire, Nuclear Reactor Project for Merchant Ships, 336
- Bell Brothers (Manchester 1927) Ltd., Swimming Pool Purification Plant, 368
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Electronic Switching System, 844 Joining of Metals to Thermoplastics, 962 "Telstar" Transmits Again, 292 Waffle Iron Construction for High-speed Memory Device, 422
- Bellis and Morcom Ltd., Air Compressors, 366 Compressor and Steam Turbines, 775
- Bellman, R. E. and Dreyfus, S. E., Applied Dynamic Programming, 430
- Bennett, A. E., Remotely-controlled Longwall Face, 1115
- Bennett Tools Ltd., Spring-end Grinding Machine, 407
- Bennington, T. W., Obituary, 741
- Bershader, D., Plasma Hydromagnetics, 1000
- Bessey and Sohn, Clamp for Machine Tables, 881
- Bethlehem Steel Co., U.S.S. "Bainbridge", Guided Missile Frigate, Plate, 89
- Beyer, R., Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms, 628, 1121
- Bir-Vac Ltd., High Vacuum Equipment 146
- Birks, J. B. and Hart, J., Progress in Dielectrics-4, 517, Vol. Five, 1033
- Birmingham Locomotive Club, New Periodical "Industrial Railway Record", 198
- Biss, R. G. and Brand, N. P., Camp Hill Car Bridge, 434
- Black, Sir Robert, Public Works in Hong Kong, 833
- Black-Clawson Ltd., Pulp and Paper Mill Spot Cooler, 793
- Blackman Ltd., Keith., Fan Engineering Equipment, 938
- Blackmore, F. C., Priority at Roundabouts, 859
- Blakeborough and Sons Ltd., J., Valves, 707
- Blaw Knox Ltd., "Mini-Paver" and "Hi-Lo" Site Batching Plant, 1106
- Blohm and Voss, Controllable Pitch Propeller for 51 000-ton Tanker, 1054
- Board of Trade, Advanced Factories and Redundancy, 740 Overseas Trade Figures, 370, 640, 796, 837, 955 Trading with West Germany, 595
- Boart and Hard Metal Products S. A. Ltd., World Slim Hole Drilling Record Broken, 524
- Boeing Co., Initial Flight of "727" Jetliner, 462
- Bofors A/B, Survey of Sweden, 374
- Boilermakers Society, Conference, 1009
- Bolkow Entwicklungen K.G., Exhibits at Le Bourget Air Show, 1130
- Bolsdon, H. J. and J. A. Sandover, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, 968
- Bonallack and Sons Ltd., "Wind Pack" Truck Tilt, 411
- Bond, R. C., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 166
- Bone Brothers. Ltd., Plastics Sacks, 1114
- Booth Aluminium Ltd., James, Bulk Butane for Aluminium Processing, 488 Portable Recompression Chamber, 868
- Borg, S. F., Matrix-tensor Methods in Continuum Mechanics, 779
- Bosch G.m.b.H., Robert, Frost Protection for Air Brakes, 744 Universal Electric Hammer, 744
- Boulton and Paul Ltd., Report on Testing Under Static Loading of a "Preflexed Beam, 928
- Bound Brook Bearings Ltd., Porous Stainless Steel Sheets, 369
- Bovey, L., Spectroscopy in the Metallurgical Industry, 671
- Bowden-Smith, E. C., Training Engineers, 480
- Box, H. R., Mechanical Engineering in the Coal Mining Industry, 15
- Boyd, Sir John Smith, Obituary, 945
- Boyle, Sir E., Education for Management, 588
- Boys and Son Ltd., Henry, Braking of Reactive Bogies, 678
- Bradley Ltd., G. and E., Laser Demonstration, 867
- Braithwaite, J. C., Use of Scale Models in Predicting the Behaviour of Complex Structures, 141
- Bramall, B., Beams on Elastic Point Supports, 759
- Brand, N. P. and Biss, R. G., Camp Hill Car Bridge, 434
- Branton, Thomas Arthur, Obituary, 149
- Brearley, N., Reflections on Education for Design, 901 Training of Engineers, 522
- Brewer, C. D., Temperature Distribution in Diesel Engine Pistons, 16
- Brierly, J., Parking of Motor Vehicles, 340, 519
- Brigstowe Products, Workbench Lamp, 493
- Brinton, H., Finding Out About Sound, 313
- Bristol Aeroplane Co. Ltd., "Britannia", 60
- Bristol Pneumatic Tools Ltd., Speed-responsive Compressors, 532
- Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., "Olympus, 593", 61 3MW Mobile Generator Set, 914 Vectored Thrust Aero-engines, 636
- Britec Ltd., Thermal Relay, 147
- British Aircraft Corporation. Ltd., British-built Satellite, 1123 "Concorde" Airliner, 22, 60 North-finding Instrument, 283
- British Aluminium Co. Ltd., Commercial Vehicle Bodybuilding Manual, 1178
- British Broadcasting Corp., Frequency Control at Droitwich Transmitter, 407
- British Ceca Co., On-site Insulant Production, 1181
- British Ceramics Research Association., Ceramic High Tension Insulators, 769
- British Chemical Plant Manufacturers' Association, Annual Report, 1075
- British Conference on Automation and Computation, Automation and British Industry, 875
- British Council, Civil Aviations Telecommunications Course, 909
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Luncheon, 595 Annual Report, 525 Current Ratings for P.V.C.-insulated Insulated Cables, 928 Electrical Exports in 1962, 236 Soil Moisture Measurement, 128 Trade with Sweden, 148
- British Electrical Development Assoc., Industrial Electric Trucks, 229
- British Electrical Power Convention, Presidential Address by Sir C. Hinton, 1111, 1141
- British Employers' Confederation, Annual General Meeting, 533 Labour Relations, 640 Overtime, 286 Training of Shop Stewards, 837
- British Engineers Assoc., Engineering Exports, 779 Trade with Sweden, 148
- British Flame Research Committee, Annual Report, 912 British Heart Foundation, Appeal for Funds, 1062
- British Industrial Gases Ltd., Flamecleaning Nozzle and Gas Cylinder Regulator, 109
- British Institute of Management, Education for Management, 588
- British Institution of Radio Engineers, Electronics and Productivity, 751 Symposium on Masers and Lasers, 107 Symposium on Processing and Display of Radar Data, 965
- British Insulated Callenders Cables Ltd., Busbars at West Thurrock Power Station, 106 Electric Traction System, Chislet Colliery, 1180 Flexible Spacers for Overhead Transmission Lines, 1042 Printed Circuit Connector, 909 Overhead Transmission Lines at Kincardine, Plate, 80
- British Internal Combustion Engine Research Association., Variable Compression Ratio Piston, 591 British Iron and Steel Federation, Film "Listen to Steel", 833 Presidential Address by Sir J. Pode, 552 Steel Review, 825
- British Iron and Steel Research Association., Booklet on Rust Prevention, 395 Experimental Rolling Mill Built by Apprentices, 93, 890 New Heavy Metallurgical Laboratory, 905 Open Days at Sketty Hall Laboratories, 403 Steel Sheet for Building, 1177
- British Jefferey-Diamond Ltd., Impact Breaker, 1167
- British Manufacture and Research Co. Ltd., Sheet Preparation for Pressing, 320 Vibratory Screen for Catalyst Cleaning, 48 Welding Machines, 709
- British Motor Corporation., Air Pollution by Motor Vehicles, 681 Engine-under-cab Trucks, 528 Experimental Twin-engined Vehicle "Moke", 202 Oversquare Engine of 1,071 cc., 638
- British Moulding Machine Co. Ltd., Moulding Machines, 893
- British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association., Mobile Laboratory for Bronze Foundries, 1081
- British Nuclear Energy Society, Second Annual Lecture, 788 Symposium on Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors, 507 British Overseas Fairs Ltd., British Exhibition in Australia in 1964, 631
- British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Annual Report, 243 Dished End Cutting Machine, 1082 Hot Ingot Cropping Machine, 1003 Non-mechanical Refrigeration System for Road Vehicles, 1007 Tonnage Oxygen Film. 912 Welding Equipment, 707
- British Petroleum Co. Ltd., Statistical Review of the World Oil Industry, 907
- British Plastics Federation, Permanent Plastics Exhibition at Science Museum, 121 Plastic Pipes in the Frost, 487
- British Racing Car and Sports Car Club, Racing Car Show, 230
- British Railways, Automatic Warning System for Multiple Unit Trains, 443 Central Wagon Authority, Formation, 235 Crewe-Stafford Electrification, 143 Design Exhibition, 405 Diesel-electric Freight Locomotives for Western Region, 405 Diesel Locomotive Servicing at Landore, 948 Diesel Traction Manual for Engine-men, 872 "Electro-diesel" Experimental Locomotive, Plate, 86 Express a.c. Multiple-unit Trains, 101 Locomotive Duties Planned by Computer, 1038 Repairs to Cornish Viaducts, 946 Reshaping and the Beeching Plan, 551, 575 Road Motor Division, Formation, 281 Silicon Rectifier Substation, 282 Tees Marshalling Yard, 1002 "Western Enterprise" Locomotives, Plate, 86
- British Resin Products Ltd., Renovation of Corroded Pipes, 633
- British Road Federation, Memorandum on Road Taxation and The Budget, 533
- British Road Services, Efficiency Pamphlets, 365
- British Rototherm Co. Ltd., Temperature Controller, 285 Three-stage, Mercury-in-steel, Temperature Controller, 704
- British Scientific Instrument Research Association., Guide to Instrument Design, 129
- British Ship Research Association, Inauguration I and Programme, 97 Marine Turbine Thrust Tests, 365
- British Standards Institution, Government Grant, 631 Standards Engineers' Conference, 107
- British Steel Piling Co. Ltd., Helical Weld Aluminium Alloy Pipe, 238 Vibratory Pile-driver, 1165
- British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Co. Ltd., Ceramic Filters for Flue Dust Collection, 144
- British Welding Research Association., Experimental Friction Welding Machine, 769 Welding Arc Research, 791
- Briton Ferry Steel Co., Retractable Roof Burners, 147
- Britton, S. C., Corrosion and the British Technical Societies, 825
- Brockhouse Engineering Ltd., Torque Converter Coupling, 714
- Brocklebank Ltd., T. and J., Cargo Liner, "Markhor", 275
- Brodrick, J., Productivity and Technical Progress, 787
- Bromford Iron and Steel Co., Portuguese Rolling Mill, 1014
- Bronx Engineering Co. Ltd., Press Brakes, 708 1600-ton Hydraulic Press, 1085
- Brook Motors Ltd., Dust Proof Motor, 865
- Brookes and Gatehouse Ltd., Speedometer and Depthmeter for Small Craft, 680
- Brookes (Oldbury) Ltd., Hydraulic Tube Bending Press, 448
- Brophy, J. J. and Buttrey, J. W., Organic Semiconductors, 65, 309
- Brosan, G. S., Education and Training for Productivity, 897
- Brown, F. H. S., Development of Modern Steam Power-station Plant, 9
- Brown, T. W. F., Shore Trials of Marine Steam Turbine Machinery, 733
- Brown and Co. (Clydebank) Ltd., John, Advanced Machinery Control in Oil Tanker "British Mariner", 833 Launching of Cargo Passenger Liner "Centaur", 1178 Liner "Transvaal Castle", 34 Marine Turbine Machinery, 142 Reorganisation of Shipyards and Engine Works at Clydebank, 821
- Brown, Boverie et Cie, Large Turbo-set for T.V.A. Power Station at Widdow's Creek, 150 "Vee" Welding Equipment, 881
- Brown Corp. (Sales) Ltd., David, Double Volute Centrifugal Pump, 773 Expansion Schemes, 412 Gears, 773
- Brown Industries Ltd., David, Heavy Duty Gear Boxes, Plate, 82
- Browns Agricultural Machinery Co. Inc., Bale Loader, 1004
- Bruce, C. E. R., Cosmic Electric Fields and Discharges, 789 Stellar Plasma Jets and "Catherine Wheels", 68
- Brunst, W. and Fahrenbach, W., Widerstandsschweissen, 65 C
- Brush Crystal Co. Ltd., Power Transistor, 933
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd., "Falcon" Diesel-electric Locomotive, Plate, 86 C
- Buchanan, C. D., Appointment to Chair of Transport at Imperial College, 485 Traffic Engineering and Town Planning, 226
- Budworth Ltd., David, Gas Turbines at the Boat Show, 139
- Building Research Station, Effect of Embedding Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys in Building Materials, 1140 Simplified Tables of External Loads on Buried Pipelines, 1020
- Bulleid, C. H. Memorial Lectures, 487
- Bullows and Sons Ltd., Automatic Spraying Machines, 876
- Burdett, G. A. T., Automatic Control Handbook, 65
- Burman, P. G. and F. DeLuca, Fuel Injection and Controls for Internal Combustion Engines, 309
- Burman Ltd., H. P. Injection Moulding Machine, 1114
- Burmeister and Wain, M.S. "Vitus Bering", 251
- Burnerd and Co. Ltd., F., Flowline Production of Lathe Chucks and Collets, 672
- Burnley Aircraft Products Ltd., Controlled Atmosphere Electric Furnace, 316
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Cargo Liner "Beaverpine", 32 Cargo Ship "Margo", 33
- Burroughs Machines Ltd., Computer for Banking, 314
- Burstall, A. F., History of Mechanical Engineering, 671
- Butters Bros. and Co. Ltd., Tower Crane, 37
- Buttrey, J. W. and Brophy, J. J., Organic Semiconductors, 65, 309
- C.A.V. Ltd., Diesel Fuel Injection Pump, 867
- C. T. London Ltd., Vibratory Pile Driver, 1006
- Cable Covers Ltd., Fibre Rope Splice, 205
- Caldecotte, Viscount, Automation as a Means to an End, 896
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., Cargo Ship M.V. "Benarty", 493 "Ngatoto", 32 Heavy Lift Derrick, 198
- Callaghan and Son Ltd., A. E., Non-woven Fabric Machinery, 832
- Callendar, H. L., Steam Tables Centenary, 652
- Calouste Gulbenkian Institute in Portugal, 801
- Cambray, R. S., Radioactive Fall-out in Air and Rain: Results to the Middle of 1962, 232
- Cambridge University School of Architectuie, "Artificial Sky", Plate, 93
- Cammell Laird and Co. Ltd., H.M.S. "Devonshire", Plate, 88 "Manx Maid", Plate, 99 Modernisation and Reconstruction Schemes at Merseyside, 403
- Campbell, B., Housing from the Factory, 628
- Canada Department of Trade and Commerce, Stand at International Engineering Exhibition, 818
- Capellen, W. M. zur, and Rischen, K.-A., ( Symmetrische Koppelkurven and ihre Anwcndung, 440
- Carborundum Co., Ceramic Textiles, 548 Precision Diamond Former, 951
- Cardew Ltd., Alexander, Diecasting Machine, 892
- Carolinas-Virginia Nuclear Power Associates, Carolinas Virginia Pressure Tube Reactor, 690
- Carr, Geoffrey, Obituary, 149
- Carr Fastener Ltd., Universal Joint for Control Drives, 49
- Carron, S. W., Meaning of Craftsmanship, 218
- Carruthers and Co. Ltd., J. H., 50-ton Steelworks Crane, 635 Overhead Travelling Crane, 37
- Carson-Paripan Ltd., Non-oxidising Grease Paints, 639
- Carter Gears Ltd., Hydraulic Variable Speed Drives, 774
- Casella Ltd., C. F., Gas Moisture Content Determination, 1185
- Casson, W. and others, Transient Stability of Turbo-generators in an Interconnected System, 855
- Catchpole Engineering Co. Ltd., Sugar Beet Harvesting Machine, 282
- Catmur Machine Tool Corporation. Ltd., Automatic Stator Winding Machine, 1003
- Cattermole and Co. (Hydraulics) Ltd., H. E., Hydrostatic Drive Units, 916
- Cawkell Research and Electronics Ltd., Storage Oscilloscope, 205
- Cement and Concrete Association, Overseas Visits, 631 Study Tour of U.S. Roads, 1194
- Cementation Co. (Africa) (Pty) Ltd., Deep Shaft for Phillipines Copper, 859
- Central Electricity Generating Board, Blyth-B Power Station Steam Turbines, Plate, 78 Bulk Supply Tariff 1963-64, 141 Contracts for Development Areas, 206 Exhibition of "Architecture of Power", 197 Ffestiniog Pumped Storage Scheme, 24 500MW Turbine with Integral Condensers for Aberthaw-B Power Station, 399 Turbo-generators for Fiddler's Ferry Power Station, 403 Generating Plant Commissioned in 1962, 106, C Correction, 144 Power Engineering Laboratories at Marchwood, 931 Proposed Coal Fired Power Station at Cottam, Notts, 735 Power Station at Fiddler's Ferry, 788 Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, 587 Thermal Efficiencies of Power Stations, 631 Tilbury Power Station Reheat Turbo-generators, Plate, 79 Transport of Coal by Pipeline, 1179 Trawsfynydd Lake, Effects of the Weather, 100 West Thurrock Power Station Turbo-generators, Plate, 79
- Central Office of Information, Britain, An Official Handbook, 725 Technical Education in Britain, 584
- Cessna Aircraft Co., "Skymaster", 23
- Chadburns (Liverpool) Ltd., Automatic Recording of Telegraph Orders, 819
- Chalk Lime and Allied Industries Research Association, International Research Agreements to Study Calcium Silicate Products, 106
- Chalmers, B. J., Asynchronous Performance of Turbo-generators, 141
- Chamber of Shipping in the United Kingdom, Report for 1962-63, 485
- Chamberlain, M. D. and D. Hind, Decelerating Media for Shock Testing, 1024
- Chamberlain Industries Ltd., Hydraulic Motors, 718
- Chambre Syndicate de la Siderurgie Francaise, Conference on Oxygen Steelmaking, 629
- Chandratreya, G. L. and Gurjar, L. V., Calculus, 65
- Chantiers Boel, Car Ferry "Koningin Fabiola", 626
- Chapman, Lewis, Obituary, 270
- Chapman, W. A. J., Workshop Technology, Part Two, 1000
- Charringtons, Gardner, Locket and Co. Ltd., Chessington Mechanised Coal Depot, 1179
- Chase Ltd., P. C. & C. K., Pallet Storage Racks, 407
- Chernukin, A. E., English-Russian Technical Dictionary, 311
- Chorlton, A. and others, Transient Stability of Turbo-generators in an Interconnected System, 855
- Chow, C. L. and Hoyle, R., Temperature ( Distribution in the Rotor of a Steam Turbine during Warm and Hot Starts, 763
- Christie and Dickinson Ltd., Reginald, Hydraulically-operated Valves, 233
- Chrysler Corporation., Mobile Airport Lounges, 548
- Churchill Gear Machines Ltd., Gear Sound Testers, 737
- Churchill Redman Ltd., Production Lathe, 1005
- Civil Engineering Research Council, Grants, 1963, 316
- Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ltd., Bulk Cargo Unloader, 406 Heat Exchanger Booklet, 1081 Particulate Filters, 447 Static Control Unit, 865
- Clarkson (Engineers) Ltd., Milling Machine, 794
- Clausen, H., Teaching Engineering Design, 1117
- Clayton Crane and Hoist Co. Ltd., Chain Hoist, 1004
- Clayton Equipment Co. Ltd., Mixed Traffic Locomotive, Plate, 86
- Clyde Crane and Booth Ltd., Electro-hydraulic Grab, 493
- Cobham Engineering Co. Ltd., Alan, Float Switches and Control Valves, 771
- Cochrane, H. B., Latina Nuclear Power Station, 901
- Cockerill-Ongrec S.A., 300-tonne Goliath Crane, 599
- Cohen 600 Group Ltd., George, Ammann 304 Spreader and Finisher, 1167 International Engineering Exhibition Exhibits, 715 Pingon Tower Crane, 1168
- Cohen Machinery Ltd., George, Contractors' Equipment, 794
- Cole, B. N., Optimum Design Methods for Short Duplex Cylinders, 136
- College of Aeronautics, Research Fellowship Endowed by English Electric, 1171 Collier, J. G., Pressure Drop Data for the Forced Convective Flow of Steam/Water Mixtures in Vertical Annuli, 1140
- Colvilles Ltd., Film "Strip Mill in action", 1179, 1143 Four-stand Cold Strip Mill, 20 Ravenscraig Hot Strip Mill, 272
- Combustion Engineering Association, Coal and the Future, Conference, 1180 Liquid Fuel, Conference, 487
- Cometa, SARL, Bracket Mounted Photocell Unit, 921
- Commer Cars Ltd., Driven-third-axle Conversion, 795
- Compagnie Francaise Thomson Houston, Ceramic Envelope Valves, 381
- Compagnie Generale d'Electricite, Ruby Laser, 380
- Compagnie Generale des Semiconducteurs, Gold-bonded Diode, 381
- Compagnie Industrielle des Ceramiques Electroniques, Peltier Elements, 380
- Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie Sans Fil, Linear Accelerator, 35 Micro Module Electronic Circuits, Plate, 95 Plasma Oven, Plate, 95 Quartz Rod Height Simulator, 381 Ruby Lasers, Plate, 95 Compagnie Industrielle pour la Transformation de l'Energie, Controlled Rectifier, 380
- Concrete Ltd., Parking Garage at Croydon, Plate, 75
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Engineer's Wages and Hours Claim, 1046
- Conference on Water Resources in the North West, Report, 675
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co. Ltd., Breaking Out Steel Convertor Linings, 1124
- Consultair Ltd., Miniature Double Acting Air Cylinder, 738
- Contract Journal Co. Ltd., Directory and Year Book, 725
- Controlled Mechanical Processes, Precision Centre Spotting Jig, 835
- Cook, M. and Larke, E. C., Rolling of Strip, Sheet and Plate, 628
- Cook, R., and Fleming, N., Aspects of Noise Reduction in Merchant Ships, 365
- Cook, Welton and Gemmel. Ltd., Trawler "Cape Otranto", 42
- Cooper Car Co. Ltd., "Formula Junior", 230
- Cooper and Turner Ltd., Load Indicating Washer, 49
- Co-operative Insurance Society, New Building in Manchester, 74
- Corrosion Group, Annual General Meeting, 825
- Cossor Electronics Ltd., Transistorised Radar System, 1043
- Costain (Civil Engineering) Ltd., Richard, Slough By-pass, 674
- Costain Construction Ltd., Richard, "Jackblock" Construction, Plate, 75
- Couchman, A. J. and Batten, B. K., Fatigue Tests in Air on Model Propeller-tailshaft Assemblies, 365
- Couling, S. A., Industrial and Marine Gearing, 133
- Coventry Engineering Co. Ltd., Damped Boring Bars, 321
- Coventry Movement Co. Ltd., Indicating Gap Gauge, 1045
- Cox, H. L., The Buckling of Plates and Shells, 945
- Cranes (Dereham) Ltd., Six-degree of-freedom Transporter, 47 Transporter for Hot Steel Ingots, 1082 Transporter for Loaded Trolleys, 1085
- Craven, A. T., Electricity and Magnetism for Electrical Engineers, 397, 727
- Craven Bros. (Manchester) Ltd., Heavy Machine Tools, 334 Locomotive Bar Frame Milling and Profiling Machine, Plate, 84 Portable Radial Planing Machine, 282 Roll Grinding Machine, 449 Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 203
- Cravens (Machines) Ltd., Solid State Switching, 1114
- Crawford. R., and others, Blasting Vibrations and Building Damage, 973
- Crawshaw, C. J., Rate of Dust Emission from a Precipitator, 1149
- Creed and Co. Ltd., Paper Winder for Teleprinters, 1183
- Creswell, D. A. and King, J. H. G., Structural Engineer's Data Book, 519
- Crofts (Engineers) Ltd., Heavy Gear Assemblies, 915 Worm Reduction Gears, 718
- Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Alternator with Static Excitation, 410 Capacitor Discharge Unit Stud Welding Equipment, 716 Extended Range of Squirrel-cage Motors, 916 National Power Transformer, 1181
- Croome, D. F. and Jackson, A. A., Rail. Through the Clay A History of London's Tube Railways, 196
- Crosby Valve and Engineering Co. Ltd., Titanium Valves, 1033
- Curie, N., Laminar Boundary Layer Equations, 135
- Currie, R. M., Financial Incentives Based on Work Measurement, 779 Work Study, 1173
- Curtis, E., Obituary, 1010
- Cushioncraft Ltd., Twelve Seat Cushioncraft, 594
- Cutler, A., Instant Maths, 584
- Crernin, W., Cement Chemisry and Physics for Civil Engineers, 308
- Dadswell, Cyril J., Obituary, 371
- Dadswell, E. J., Future of Guided Transport In Great Britain, 167
- Dagleish, J. W., Clyde Drydock Project. 316
- Daniel, A. W. T., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 869
- Daniel, T. and Meyer, K., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 621
- Daniels Ltd., T. H. and J., Injection Moulding Machines for Rubber, 1186
- Darwins Ltd., Ceramic Permanent Magnets, F 1041
- Dassault, G. A. M., Exhibits at Le Bourget Air Show, 1132 "Mirage", v.t.o.1., Plate, 96 "Mystere 20", Maiden Flight, 958 "S.E.212", 60
- Davall and Sons Ltd., S., Sonic Strain Gauges, 492
- Davies, D. G., Applied Soil Mechanics, 435 F
- Davies, F. R., Development of the Large Assisted-circulation Boiler, in England, 302 E
- Davis and Metcalf Ltd., Automatic Condensate Drain Valve, 1005
- Davis and Son (Derby) Ltd., John, Equipment Protection in Hazardous Atmospheres, 1082
- Davy and United Engineering Co. Ltd., Five Week Old Strike, 110
- Dawe Instruments Ltd., Analogue Torque meter, 129 Mobile Ultrasonic Cleaner, 878 Transistorised Stroboscope, 877 I
- Dawson Brothers. Ltd., Metal Cleaning Equipment, 242
- Dean Smith and Grace Ltd., Automatic Pitching Mechanism for a Lathe, 950
- Decca Navigator Co. Ltd., Computer-controlled Air Navigation, 639 Data Link for Air Traffic Control, 677 E
- Decca Radar Ltd., Transistor Marine Radar, 1006 1
- DECHEMA, Annual Meeting, 644
- De Havilland Aircraft Co. Ltd., "DH 125", 22 "Sea Vixen", 59
- Delaney Gallay Ltd., Damped Isolating Mountings, 238
- Delft Technical University, Test Lathe, 643
- Delta Metal Co., Industrial Films, 855
- DeLuca, F. and Burman, P. G. Fuel Injection and Controls for Internal dombustion Engines, 309
- De Mare, E., Your Book of Bridges, 340
- Denison and Sons Ltd., Samuel, Tensile Testing Machinery, 702
- Denis-Papin, M., Mathematiques Generales, 1033
- Denny and Bros. Ltd., William, Ferry "Aramoana",41 "Hovercraft" for Thames Passenger Service, 1079
- Denton Stainless Steels Ltd., C. R., Bright Annealed Stainless Steel, 145, 236
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Fellowships for Scientific Research, 403 Industrial Value, 653 Research Grants, 1963, 786 Satellite Data Processing, 235 Technical Services for Industry, 196 Scientific Attaché for Electronics Industry in Japan, 675
- Design Centre, Railway Exhibition, 405
- Designs and Installations Ltd., High-speed Vial sealing Machine, 1083 Variable-speed Unscrambling Table, 1083
- Dessauer, Professor Friedrich, Obituary, 418
- Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftschforsnung, German Productivity in 1962
- Deutsche Verband fur Schweisstechnik, Welding Technology Congress, 689
- Dewar, J. D., Some effects of Prolonged Agitation of Concrete, 1140
- Diesel Engineer and Users Association, Golden Jubilee Luncheon, 674
- Diesel Equipment Ltd., Heat Recovery Evaporator, 242
- Donaldson, J. M., Obituary, 168
- Dorman Long and Co. Ltd., Finishing Services for Rolled Steel, 676
- Dorman Long (Steel) Ltd., Lightweight Universal Steel Beams, 1126
- Douglass, M. J., Preserving the Routes, 271; Rail to Road Conversion, 1176
- Dowsett Engineering Construction Co. Ltd., Further Improvements on the Great North Road. 588
- Dowty Marine Ltd., Marine Jet Units at the Boat Show, 139
- Dowty Mining Equipment Ltd., Underground Powered Support System, 591
- Dowty Rotol Ltd., Electro-hydraulic Fatigue Testing Machine, 949
- Drallim Industries Ltd., Coupling for Plastics Tubing, 915
- Draughtsmen's and Allied Technicians' Association, Mechanical Engineering in the Coal Mining Industry, 15
- Dreyfus, S. E. and Bellman, R. E., Applied Dynamic Programming, 430
- Drinkwater (Willesden) Ltd., W. W., Vehicle and Baling Press for Transporting Refuse, 240
- Dubesco Laboratories, Control System Assemblies, 321
- Duckworth, K. C., Inventors and the N.R.D.C., 58
- Dudley, D. W., Gear Handbook, 133
- Duff, J. T., One-way Streets, 46
- Duke of Edinburgh, Education for Technology, 1001 Handley Page Memorial Lecture, 228
- Duke, W. M. and Vance, R. W., Applied Cryogenic Engineering, 524, 1119
- Dummer, G. W. A., Variable Resistors, 340 and Griffin, N. B., Environmental Testing Techniques for Electronics and Materials, 517
- Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Mines Safety Device, 954 Polypropylene Linings for Mild Steel Tanks, 368 Science of Rubber, 1173
- Dunn, P. D., In-pile Experiment for Thermionic Power Generation, 831, Correction, 875
- Du Pont Co. (United Kingdom) Ltd., Application and Design of Fluorocarbon Resins Seminar, 874 Seminars on "Teflon", 487
- Dunsmuir, P. G. and Wignall, J. S., Material Education : Some Experiments, 899
- Dyson and Co. Ltd., R. A., Semi-trailer Load Divider, 146
- E. B. Industrial Plastics Ltd., Ncw Factory at Burslem, 487
- E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Ionsphere Sounding System, 1086 Cathode Ray Tube with Internal Magnetic Deflection, 128 Microwave Klystron, 1008 Push-button Switches, 318 Telemetry for Weather Forecasting, 527 Vidicon Tube, 127
- Eary, D. F. and Johnson, G. E. Process Engineering for Manufacturing, 397, 519
- Eastham, J. F. and Laithwaite, E. R., Pole1 changing Multi-speed Motors Using Phase Mixing, 222
- Eastwood, E., Electronics—The Key to Air Safety, 334
- Eckersley, P. P., Obituary, 524
- Eco, U. and Zorzoli, G. B., Pictorial History of Inventions, 134
- Edgcombe, G., Introductory Mechanics and Engineering, 1000
- Edinburgh, Duke of, Education for Technology, 1001 Handley Page Memorial Lecture, 278
- Edwards, A. T. and others, Blasting Vibrations and Building Damages, 973
- Edwards, R. S., Economics and Electrical Research, 808
- Edwards, Ltd., F. J., Mobile Bar Cropping Machine, 284 Universal Folding Machine, 368
- Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., Hot Pressing Vacuum Furnace for Beryllium, 319 "Speedivac" Vapour Booster Pump, 638 1 Vapour Booster Vacuum Pump, 489
- Efco Furnaces Ltd., Roller Hearth Furnace for Annealing Transformer Core Sheets, 1040
- Eisen-und Drahtwerk Erlau, Tyre Chains, 923
- Ekco Electronics Ltd., Weight Measurement System, 593
- Electrical Research Association and the Electricity Supply Industry, 1178 Annual Report, 830 Communicating Electrical Research, 258 Overseas Tour, 279 Overvoltage Research, 277 Transportable 200kV Surge Generator, 995
- Electricity Council, Wages in the Industry, 205
- Electromark (G.B.) Ltd., Portable Marking Unit, 409
- Electronic Associates Ltd., High-speed Plotting Table, 739 Precision Capacitors, 1045
- Electronic Engineering Association, Printed Wiring and Printed Circuit Techniques, 1116
- Elektrim, Polish Collective Stand at International Engineering Exhibition, 866
- Elektro-Apparate-Bau G.m.b.H., Electrical Brazing Machines, 769
- Elektro-physik, Adjustable Permanent Magnets, 921
- Elfin-union A.G., Induction Hardening Machine, 921
- Elliott Bros. (London) Ltd., Direct-reading Wavemeter, 1045 Ultrasonic Surgical Therapy, 368
- Elliott-Automation Ltd., Computer Hire Service, 143 Control Unit for Materials Handling, 681 Minilog Logic Systems, 934 Process Stream Analyser, 954 Radar Receiver Noise Level Measurer, 127 Scheme for Basic Instruction on Computers, 218
- Elliott-Liton Ltd., Microwave Power in Industry, 636
- Elliott (Machinery) Ltd., B., Lathe and Milling Machines, 817
- Ellis, E. R., Transportation of Liquid Ethylene, 264
- Ellis, F. S. and Gould, I. H., Digital Cornputor Technology, 731
- Elliston, Evans and Jackson Ltd., Calliper Disc Brake Operated by d.c. Solenoid, 774
- Eltenton, G. C., Education and Training for Automatic Control, 897
- Emmott and Co. Ltd., Mechanical World Year Book, 1963, 904
- Endevco (U.K.) Ltd., Piezo-electric Transducers, 638
- Engel, F. V. A. and Stainsby, W., Broadcrested Weirs, 724
- Engineering Equipment Users Association, Agitator Selection and Design, 397 Installation and Commissioning of a.c. and d.c. Rotating Machines, 340 Surface Preparation, Protection and Finish Painting, 397
- Engineering and Plastics Manufacturing Ltd., Practical Plastics Repairs, 108
- Engineering Industries Association, Classified Directory and Buyers' Guide, 196
- Engineer's Guild Ltd., Professional Engineers and the Common Market, 1173 Scope of Membership Widened, 441
- Engins Matra, S.A., Exhibits at Le Bourget Air Show, 1090
- English, J. W., Design and Performance of Lateral Thrust Units for Ships, 144
- English Electric Co. Ltd., "Blue Water", 60 Computer for Banking, 314 "Deltic" Locomotive for Science Museum, 873 Export of a.c. Traction Locomotives to India, 121 500MW Turbo-generators for Fiddler's Ferry Power Station, 403 Flow-line Manufacture of Instruments, 472 Gas Turbo-alternators for Nahorkatiya Oil Field, 208 Improved House Service Meter, 109 with Transducer Control, 164 On-line Digital Computer for Steelmaking, 1080 Prototype 2 700 Diesel-electric Locomotive, Plate, 86, 228 Research Fellowship at the College of Aeronautics, 1171 Steam Turbine Testing, Plate, 78 Welding Equipment, 704
- English Electric Corporation, Ltd., British Pumps for Californian Irrigation Scheme, 962 English Electric, G.E.C. and A.E.I., "Ingot" Range of Heavy Duty Slipring Motors,
- English Electric Valve Co. Ltd., Long-life Magnetron, 836 Orthicon Tube, 128 Travelling Wave Tubes, 1186 Vacuum Variable Capacitors, 205
- English Steel Corporation. Ltd., Chairman's Reviev, 955
- Enterprise Louis Segrette, Pont Saint-Michel at Toulouse, 114 1-
- Ernst, M. H., The Present Screwthread Situation, 103
- Erroll, F., Exports Finance, 322
- ESAB, Survey of Sweden, 376
- Escritt, L. B., Pumping Station Equipment and Design, 730
- Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd., Film on Severnside Pipeline, 527
- Esso Tankschiff-Reederci G.m.b.H., Tanker "Esso Deutschland", 544
- Euclid (Great Britain) Ltd., Front-end Loaders, 1167
- Euco Tools Ltd., Nozzle for Injection MouldF ing Machines, 739
- European Coal and Steel Community, Long-term Energy Prospects in Europe, 600 Tenth Anniversary, 418
- European Nuclear Energy Agency, Symposium on Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, 418
- European Work Study Federation, Congress, 452 Wider Scope for Work Study, 197
- Eurospace, Proposals for a European Space F Programme, 684
- Evans, A. D. and others, Start-up and Performance of the Windscale A.G.R., 554
- Evans, D., Jet-propulsion, 313
- Evans, I., Soil Vehicle Mechanics, 16
- Evans, J. C. and Taylerson, C. O., Inspection of Gauging Dimensions Involving Linear and Angular Measurements, 945
- Evans, U. R., Why Does Stainless Steel Resist Acid?, 225
- Everett, D., The "K" Boats, 430
- Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., d.c. Amplifier, 593 Earth Testing Equipment, 205
- Evill, T. H., Training of Engineers, 1117
- Export Credits Guarantee Dept., Financial Guarantee for Ghana Ships, 1128 Financial Guarantee for Yugoslav Steelworks, 412
- F. and M. Supplies, "No-bake" and "Hotbox", Core Making Apparatus, 892
- Fafnir Bearing Co., New Factory, 322
- Fahrenbach, W. and Brunst, W., Widerstansschweissen, 65
- Fairchild Ltd., S. G. S., Miniature Logic Devices, 241
- Fairey Air Surveys Ltd., Low-frequency Vibra don Generator with Hydraulic Drive, 638
- Fairey Engineering Ltd., Exhibits at International Engineering Exhibition, 777 Microfilters, 638 Variable-delivery Pump, 638
- Falk and Co. Ltd., M., Radiographic Exposure Machine, 489
- Farm Implement and Machinery Review, Farm Implement Buyers Guide, 1963, 1033
- Farquharson, Sir J., The Future of Railways in Tropical Africa, 808
- Farr Ltd., A. E., Westbury Cement Works, 861
- Fawcett Preston & Co. Ltd., Fluidised Continuous Vulcanisation System, 1043 Small Fluidised Bed Unit, 1114
- Fearns Calculators, Belt Conveyor Calculator, 109 Unit Conversion Calculator, 491
- Federation et Syndicats des Industries et Transformatrices des Metaux, Annuaire 1962, 1107
- Federation of British Industries, Enquiry into Industrial and Export Trends, 370 Europe and the World, 333 F.B.I. and the Chancellor, 388 Future of U.K. Trade, 364 Register of British Manufacturers 1963, 519 Reunion Dinner of Overseas Students, 697 Survey of Opportunities for British Industry in India, 412
- Federation of British Rubber and Allied Manufacturers, Micro-hardness Testing of Rubber Components, 235
- Fenner & Co. Ltd., J. H., Variable Speed Units, 713
- Ferguson, T. B., One Dimensional Incompressible Flow in a Vaneless Diffuser, 562
- Fernlund, I., Critical Speeds of a Shaft with Thin Discs, 440 Solving Reynold's Equation for Bearings of Finite Width with Fourier Sine Transforms, 623
- Ferns, J. L., Meter Engineering, 340
- Ferranti Ltd., Fibre Optic Cathode Ray Tube Applications, 493 Numerical Control Equipment Factory, 780 Ship Design by Computer, 948 Silicon Solid State Integrated Circuits, 908 Solid State Circuits, 493
- Ferrous Gate Co. Ltd., Tin Can Disposal Unit, 1087
- Fielden Electronics Ltd., Electro-pneumatic Converter, 681
- Fielding and Platt Ltd., Horizontal Extrusion Machines, 868
- Finnish State Railways, Modernisation and Electrification, 115
- Fire Research Station, Boreham Wood, 653
- Firmage, D. Allan, Fundamental Theory of Structures, 945
- Firth, A. and others, Start-up and Performance of the Windscale A.G.R., 554
- Firth Brown Ltd., Electrode Arc Furnace, 18 Induction Hardening of Rolls, 790 Steam Boiler Drum for Drakelow Power Station, Plate, 82
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd., Rolling Mills, 21
- Fischer, Artur, Nylon Rivet, 922
- Fischer and Porter Ltd., Large Flowmeter, 1087
- Fitzpatrick and Son (Contractors) Ltd., Twin Bridges at Temple Mills, Hackney, 834
- Fleischer, P. and Sabberwal, A. J. P., Development of an Improved Face Milling Cutter, 355
- Fleming, N. and Cook, R., Aspects of Noise Reduction in Merchant Ships, 365
- Flinn, M. W., Men of Iron, 310
- Fluid Power Ltd., Lever Powered Valves, 109
- Flygt A/B, Submersible Pump, 959
- Folkes (Lye Forge) Ltd., John, 2,000-ton Forging Press, 20
- Ford Motor Co. Ltd., "Consul Cortina" with Gran Turismo Engine, 639 Developments in Tractor Design, 1122 Five-bearing "Consul" Engine, 230 High-specific-output Car Engine, 408 Motor Vehicle Production and Exports, 110 Report on Dagenham Dispute, 695, 1009 Transfer Machine for Automotive Valve Bodies, 803
- Fordath Engineering Co. Ltd., Continuous Mixer-clinger Machines, 937
- Forest Products Research Laboratory, Annual Report, 1037
- Forges et Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Jeumont, 250MW Generators for Blenodles-Pont-a-Mousson, 459
- Formica Ltd., Industrial Laminates Exhibition, 1041
- Fort Wayne Die and Tool Inc., Automatic Stator Winding Machine, 1003
- Foster, D., Modern Automation, 584, 903
- Foundry Mechanisations (Baillot) Ltd., Continuous Sand Mill, 894
- Foundry and Metallurgical Equipment Co. Ltd., Shell Core Blowing, Mould Closing Machines, 936
- Foundry Trades Equipment and Supplies Association, N.E.D.C. Report and the Industry, 452
- Fox and Co. Ltd., Samuel, Apprentices Build Experimental Rolling Mill for B.I.S.R.A., 889 Stainless Steel for Razor Blades, 532
- Freeman, P., Lubrication and Friction, 135
- Freeman Taylor Machines Ltd., Temperature Programme Controller, 868
- French, M. J., Balancing High Speed Rotor at Low Speeds, 1154
- Frost, N. E., Alternating Stress Required to Propagate Edge-cracks in Steel Plates, 386
- Fuller Electric Ltd., 400kV Three Phase Transformers, Plate, 80
- Funditor Ltd., Marking Machines, 713
- Furness Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Cargo Ship, "Duke of York", 32 Floating Dock for Szezecin, Poland, 43 Oil Tanker "Voluta", 31 Shop Trial of Diesel Engine, 280
- G. M. Power Plant Co. Ltd., Generating Setg and Marine Engines, 139
- G.W.B. Furnace, Half-ton Frequency Coreless Induction Furnace, 893
- Gabr, M. I. and others, Pressure Drop of Two-phase Vapour-liquid Flow of Petroleum Products in Horizontal Pipes, 568
- Garnet Products Ltd., Multi-holder Tool Post, 204, Correction, 267
- Gammon U.K. Consortium, "Packaged Deal" for Ghana Water Scheme, 834
- Gardner, M., More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions from "Scientific American", 945
- Garnett, C. V. H., Priority at Roundabouts, 1036
- Garrett, A., Penguin Science Survey A, 584
- Garringtons Ltd., Induction Hardening Machine, 705
- Gaskell, T. F., Deep Boreholes, 508, 520
- Gates, S. B., Crude Theory of Hovercraft Performance at Zero Tilt, 1020
- Geary, P. J., Fluid Film Bearings, 307
- General Aeronautique Marcel Dassault, "Super Caravelle", 60
- General Descaling Co. Ltd., Mobile Bender for Pipelines, 950
- General Dynamics Corporation., U.S.S. "Lafayette", Nuclear-powered Submarine, Plate, 90 U.S.S. "Thomas A. Edison", Nuclear-powered Submarine, Plate, 90
- General Electric Co. Ltd., Deuterium-filled Pulse Modulator Valves, 28 Hirst Research Centre, Quartz Crystal Units, 876 Impermeable Cellulose Carbon with Fine Surface Finish, 1044 Pulse Counter and Store, 54 Radio System for the Gambia, 487
- General Electric Co., Hydrocarbon Fuel Cell, 1055 Miniature Electronic Circuits, 748 Refractory Metals Plant in Ohio, 1191 Silicon Rectifier Locomotives, 384 Wall-mounting Switching Telephone, 1045
- G.E.C. (Engineering) Ltd., Control Rod Standpipe Closures, 1072 85MW Turbines for Tokai Mura Nuclear Generating Station, Plate, 79 Express a.c. Multiple-unit Trains, 101 Flameproof Mining Transformer, 679 Reheat Turbo-generator, Plate, 79 60MVA Synchronous Compensator, 860 Tests on a 60MW Turbo-generator with Rectifier Excitation, 193 350MW 20kV Turbo-generator, 860 Transportable Metal Recovery Plant, 1182
- G.E.C. (Telecommunications) Ltd., Transmission Equipment Construction by "C.A.S.E." System, 446
- G.E.C., English Electric and A.E.I., "Ingot" Range of Heavy Duty Slipring Motors, 1008
- General Post Office, Car Radio Service for London, 630 Five New North Sea Submarine Cables, 441 International Trunk Dialling, 795 Museum Radio Tower, Plate, 74 Prospects, 1963-64, 675 Telegraph Message Stores, 441 Television Detector Cars, 235
- Geological Survey and Museum, Classified Geological Photographs, 725
- German Nuclear Research Centre, Second Karlsruhe Reactor Commissioned, 289
- German Productivity Council, Simpler Correspondence, 744
- Gibson, Sir D., Importance of Industrialised Building, 631
- Giddings and Lewis-Fraser Ltd., Double-ended I Boring Machine for Axle Housing, 1007
- Gillespie, J. F. and Harrison, J. F., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 301
- Glasgow National Productivity Year Committee, Conference on Technical Advisory SerI vices, 106
- Glasstone, S. and Sesonske, A., Nuclear I Reactor Engineering, 731, 1
- Glenfield and Kennedy Ltd., Couplings for P.V.C. Pipes, 108 1
- Glennifer Engines Ltd., Boat Show Exhibits, 137 1
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Co., Remotely Controlled Bilge Blocks, 677 1
- Gloucester Controls Ltd., Spring and Diaphragm Valves, 638 1
- Glynn, Joseph, 1862, 297
- Godfrey and Partners (Industrial) Ltd., Sir George, Electric Discharge Equipment for Road Tankers, 409 1
- Godwin Warren Ltd. Automatic Car Park Control, 862
- Goldman, R., Ultrasonic Technology, 671
- Goodyear Pumps Ltd., Exhibits at International Engineering Exhibition, 868
- Gorczynski, W., Effect of Creep on Stresses in Piping Systems, 565
- Gotaverken A/B, Opening of New Shipyard, 1001, 1049 Russian Order for Six Refrigerated Cargo Ships, 598 Survey of Sweden, 377
- Gould, I. H. and Ellis, F. S., Digital Computer Technology, 731
- Gravely Tractors (England Division) Ltd., Lubricating Oil Additive, 636
- Gravelle-Williams, C. H., Conditons Favourable to Faster Growth, 870
- Graydons Industrial and Marine Plastics Ltd., Lead-lined Plastics Chimneys, 1087
- Greengate and Irwell Rubber Co. Ltd., Butylinsulated Cable with Shaped Conductors, 1181
- Greenock Dockyard Co. Ltd., Cargo Ship "Clan Macgillivray", 33
- Greenough, G. K., Recording Load Cell for Tensile Loads, 938
- Griffin, N. B. and Dummer, G. W. A., Environmental Testing Techniques for Electronics and Materials, 517
- Grimston Electric Tools Ltd., Low-speed Drilling Machine, 592
- Grundig-Werke G.m.b.H., High-frequency Speed Control for Tape Recorder, 153
- Guest Keen and Nettlefolds Ltd., Annual General Meeting, 1046
- Gulf Oil Corporation, Marine Fuels and Lubricants, 1000
- Gulf Oil (Great Britain) Ltd., Opening of Ocean Oil Terminal at Ellesmere Port, 1123
- Gummifabrik A/B, Adaptable Rotating Seal, 115
- Gunner, A. M., Three Books on Gearing, 522
- Gurjar, L. V., Elementary Mechanics, 1116 and Chandratreya, G. L., Calculus, 65
- Guy, A. G., Physical Metallurgy for Engineers, 1120
- Gyssler, G. and Von Gunten, H. E., Turbocharger and the Supercharging of Large Two-stroke Diesel Engines, 736
- Haag, J., Oscillatory Motions, 308
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co. Ltd., Silicon Rectifier Substation, 282
- Hadley, W. A. and Longobardo, G., Automatic Process Control, 945
- Hagglund and Soner, Electro-hydraulic Deck Crane, 1092
- Haigh, G., Nuclear Reactors as Hopeless Propositions, 522
- Hailsham, Lord, Productivity and the Engineer, 854
- Halcrow and Partners, Sir William, Orange River Scheme, 1011
- Hall, J., Story of the Construction of Berkeley Power Station, 872
- Hall Russell and Co. Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship "Orcadia", 41
- Hall and Sons (Bristol and London) Ltd., John, Metal Protection Primer, 1186
- Hallen, E., Electromagnetic Theory, 65
- Halpin, Lawrence, Obituary, 111
- Hamburger Flugzeubau G.m.b.H., Maiden Flight of C.160 "Transall", 544
- Hamilton, E. M. and Jarvis, W. D., Identification of Atmospheric Dust by the Use of A Microscope, 947
- Hamilton and Co. Ltd., William, Cargo Ship "Halifax", 33
- Hammond, Rolt, Automatic Welding, 872
- Hamworthy Hydraulics Ltd., "Hydreco" Hydraulic Units, 772 Sewage Disposal Unit, 772 Small Two-stage Compressors, 772
- Hamworthy Oil Burning Ltd., Rotary Oil Burner, 772
- Handley Page Memorial Lecture, H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh, 278
- Hanover Fair, 839, 881
- Haracopos, B., Principles of Structural Metallurgy, 779
- Harding, J. R., Preserving the Routes, 166
- Hare, J., Industrial Relations, 494 Provision for Redundancy, 595
- Harkley, S. A. and others, Pressure Drop of Two-phase Vapour-liquid Flow of Petroleum Products in Horizontal Pipes, 568
- Harland and Wolff Ltd., Bulk-carrier "Ringwood", Plate, 98 Cargo Liner "Port Nicholson", Plate, 97 Oil Tanker "British Osprey", 30
- Harley, Frederick Henry, Obituary, 136
- Harnischfreger Corporation., P. and H., Engines at the Boat Show, 137
- Harper and Co. Ltd., John Conference on Designing Iron Castings, 848
- Harris, N., Rail-to-Road Conversion, 1076
- Harrison, A. J. M., Broad-crested Weirs, 999
- Harrison, J. F., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 301, 1176
- Hart, J. and Birks, J. B., Progress in Dielectrics —4, 517; Vol. Five, 1033
- Harvey, A. F., Microwave Engineering, 397, 730
- Harvey and Co. (London) Ltd., G. A., 500-ton Hydraulic Press, 951 Heavy Vessel Fabrication Shop, 268
- Hasselbach, A. and Kleinlogel, A., Multibay Frames, 1173
- Hatfield Memorial Lecture, Professor A. G. Quarrell, 1034
- Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd., "P.1154", 59
- Hawthorn Leslie (Engineers) Ltd., Shop Trial of 15 000 b.h.p. Diesel Engine, 20
- Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd. Cargo Liner "Ocean Transport", 98
- Haymor Ltd., Lubricator for Inaccessible Points, 147
- Hayward, Leslie H., History of Air Cushion Vehicles, 945 1
- Hayward Tyler and Co. Ltd., Vertical Process Pumps, 1190
- Head Wrightson (Stockton) Ltd., Light Alloy Bascule Bridge for Gloucester Docks, 1127
- Headland Works Ltd., Hydraulic Presses, 636
- Heath, E., Speech at Annual Luncheon of B.E.A.M.A., 595
- Heating and Domestic Engineers' Union, Pay Pact, 322
- Hebburn Conveyor Co. Ltd., Pangborn "Roto-in blast" Machine, 893
- Heidenreich & Harbeck A.G., Test Lathe for Delft Technical University, 643
- Heenan and Froude Ltd., Dynamometers, 867 Foreign Language Teaching, 875
- Heinkel, "He 211 Bl", Plate. 22
- Henen, N. A., Prediction of the Torque-speed Characteristics and Design of Pneumatic Governors for Diesel Engines, 1159
- Henney, A. R., Damping of Continuous Systems, 572
- Henschel-Werke A.G., "V-320" Prototype Diesel-hydraulic Locomotive, (Plate) 87, 920
- H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, H.WS. "Albion", Commando Ship, Plate, 89
- H.M.S. "Nubian", Destroyer, Plate, 88
- Herbert Ltd., Alfred, Annual Report, 682, 837 Diecasting Machines, 734 Injection Moulding Machines for Rubber, 1182 Sheet-metal Working Machines, 820 Throw-away Tip Toolholders, 369
- Hermes, P., Channel Bridge Project, 418
- Herold, H. H. and Opitz, H., Elektromechanische Kopiersteuerungen, 216
- Hertfordshire Technical Information Service, Select Bibliography on Slender Wings for Supersonic Aircraft, 1173
- Herzbi Ltd., Wall Plugs, 15
- Heyes and Co. Ltd., Flameproof Mercury Lighting Fitting, 489
- Hibberd and Co. Ltd., F. C., Oil Tanker Diesel Mooring Tractor, 241
- Higgs and Hill Ltd., London-South Wales Motorway, 674
- High Duty Alloys Ltd., Mobile Ladle, 915
- Higham, R. R., Handbook of Papermaking, 340
- Hilger and Watts Ltd., Spectrochemical Abstracts, 1958-1961, 901
- Hill, A. W., Obituary, 641
- Hill, D. Y., Bridge Calculation and Design for Steel Bridges, 397
- Hind, D., and Chamberlain, M. D., Deccelerating edia for Shock Testing, 1024
- Hinton, Sir C., "Design and Research", Presidential Address to British Electrical Power Convention, 1111, 1141
- Hirst Electronics Ltd., Welding Head, 1004
- Hjo Mekaniska Verkstad, 45-tonne Press Brake, 842
- Hobson Ltd., H. M., Tangential Form Grinding Machine, Plate, 84
- Holland & Hannen and Cubitts (Southern) Ltd., New Zealand House, 895
- Hollington, M. R., ABC of Prestressed Concrete, 623
- Hollis, F., Tractors on the Move, 779
- Hollitch, R. S. and Mittman, B, Computer Applications, 1961, 731
- Honeywell Controls Ltd., High-impedance Recorder, 493
- Hoover Ltd., Effluent Treatment Plant for Plating Shop, 239
- Horridge, J. F., Deflections of Portal Frames, 1140
- Houghton, P. S., Grinding Wheels and Machines, 671 Lathes, 671
- Howaldtswerke Hamburg A.G., Turbine Tanker "Esso Deutschland", 544
- Howard, D. R., Photographic Technique for the Measurment of Transient High Temperatures, 475
- Howard, J., Fixing Devices, Tools and Adhesives, 662
- Howards of Ilford Ltd., Cyclohexane Developments, 529
- Hoyle, R. and Chow, C. L., Temperature Distribution in the Rotor of a Steam Turbine during Warm and Hot Starts, 763
- Hoyt Meal Co., Testing Instruments for Lined Bearings, 835
- Hsu, Shao Ti, Engineering Heat Transfer, 1000
- Hughes Aircraft Co., Experimental "Syncom" Satellite, 54 Laser Development Work, 960 Rangefinder, 843 Liquid Laser Development, 214 Satellite Ion Engine, 291 Sub-miniature Crystal Filter, 118
- Hughes International (U.K.) Ltd., Laser Demonstration, 199 Planar Devices, 934
- Hughes-Hallett, J., Radar Control of Shipping, 441
- Hume Pipe Co. (South Africa) Ltd., 84in. Diameter Water Main, 1011
- Hungarian Electrotechnical Association, Illumination Engineering Conference, 329
- Hunslet Engine Co. Ltd., Smoke Elimination on Shunting Locomotives, 950 Track Drainage Equipment, 998
- Hunslet Taylor Consolidated (Pty) Ltd., Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive for Pretoria, 288
- Hunt, B. J., Instability of Semi-brittle Steels at Low Temperatures under Torsional Impact, 183
- Hunter, Sir S., Obituary, 620
- Hunting Aircraft Ltd., Jet Flap Aviation on I "H.126", 627
- Hursant (Developments) Ltd., Electrostatic Sprayer for Difficult Shapes, 677
- Hutchings, E. E., E.R.A. and the Electricity Supply Industry, 1141, 1178
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics Ltd., Valves, Pumps and Seals at International Engineering Exhibition, 775
- Hydrostatic Transmissions Ltd., Hydraulic Wheel Motors, 1126
- Hyndley, Viscount, Obituary, 72
- Hymatic Engineering Co. Ltd., Cryogenic Symposium, 451
- I.G.E. (Control Equipment) Ltd., Automatic Sequential Control for Butane Reforming Process, 673
- Ikenberry, E., Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians and Physicists, 340
- Illuminating Engineering Society, Lighting During Daylight Hours, 440
- Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Acrylic Sheet for Vacuum Forming, 109 Ammonia Development at Billingham and Severnside, 1125 Chemical Plant Construction in 1962, 40 Metal-adherent P.V.C. Pastes, 635 Painting by Electrophoresis, 361 Petrochemical and Polymer Laboratory in Cheshire, 948 'Plasbin' Bulk Container, 1126 Steam/Naphtha Process, 940 Trichloro-ethylene-thinned Paint, 205 Ii
- Imperial College, Appointment of C. D. Buchanan to Chair of Transport, 485
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, National Productivity Year, 198 Open Day, 278
- Imperial Metal Industries (Kynoch) Ltd., Heat Exchanger Design, 236 Pendulum Rolling Mill, 701
- Impex-Essen am.b.H., Pin Driving Gun, 923
- Independent Television Authority, Coverage in Wales, 279 Television Tower at Beulah Hill, Croydon, 28
- Industrial Diamonds Information Bureau, Proceedings of the First International Congress on Diamonds in Industry, 1000
- Industrial Process Heating Symposium, Heat Treatment of Metals, 281
- Industrial Pumps Ltd., Submersible Pump, 959
- Industrial Training Council, Annual Report, 640
- Industrial Welfare Society, Conference for Foremen and Shop Stewards, 589 It
- Inertia Switch Ltd,. Threshold Accelerometers and Indicator Kits, 638 Ir
- Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd., Drilling and Tapping Tools, 200 Flexible Drum Sander and Scaling Tool, 531
- Institute of Directors, Better Factories, 872 Ir Production Survey, 533
- Institute of Fuel, Economics of Integration of Fuel and Power in Scotland, 736 Waste Heat Recovery, 397 Ir
- Institute of Geography, Moscow, High-frequency Installation for Snow Clearance, 1054
- Institute of Materials Handling, Management Conference, 816 Ir
- Institute of Metals, Spring Meeting, Low-endurance Fatigue or High-strain Fatigue, It 394, 1035
- Institute of the Motor Industry, Annual It Dinner, 479, 674 Summer School, 197
- Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, Conference on High-magnetic Fields and Their Applications, 72 Exhibition, 127 Fundamental Problems of Low Pressure Measurements, 1037 Reports on Progress in Physics, Vol. 25, 65 Solid State Physics Conference, 281 Ii
- Institute of Refrigeration, Annual Dinner, 278
- Institute of Road Transport Engineers, Vehicle Exhaust Study Group, Final Report, 676 Ii
- Institute of Sewage Purification, Directory of Sewage Works, 1071
- Institute of Welding, Ultrasonic Examination of Welds Conference, 236
- Institution of Agricultural Engineers, Annual Conference, 789, 834 Annual Dinner, 809
- Institution of Chemical Engineers, Annual General Meeting, 874 Symposium on Catalysis, 791 Working Party on Materials Science and Technology, 527
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Careers Conference, 197 Conversazione, 1174 Development of a Storm Surge Warning Service on the West and East Coasts, 195 Discussion on A.A.S.H.O. Road Tests, 443 James Forrest Lecture by T. F. Gaskell, 508, 520 Publication of Conference Proceedings of Overseas Engineering Problems, 365 Research Bulletin, 525
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Annual Dinner, 444 Applications of Superconducting Materials 696, 732 Conference on Dielectrics and Insulating Materials, 106 Conference of Microwave Valves, 441 Education and Training of Electrical Technician Engineers, 873 International Telemetering Conference, 281 Magnetoplasmadynamic Electrical Power Generation, 1173
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Awards for Best Papers for .1 1961-62, 244 Hugh MacMillan Lecture by Sir Miles Thomas, 508
- Institution of Locomotive Engineers, Annual Luncheon, 485
- Institution of Marine Engineers, Annual Dinner, 485
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Benevolent Fund Appeal, 965 C. C. Pounder Prize, 281 Conference on Education and Training for Automation and Computation, 482 Conference on Thermal Loading and Creep in Structures and Components, 281 Education and Training of Technicians Conference, 314 Productivity and the Engineer, Conference, 314, 889 Reception for Overseas Students Robert Napier Exhibition, 1148 Statement on National Certificates, 590 Vehicle Stability Symposium, 912
- Institution of Metallurgists, Annual General Meeting, 1035 Heat Treatment of Metals, 945 Purer Metals, 515
- Institution of Plant Engineers, Annual Dinner, 404
- Institution of Production Engineers, Productivity and the Engineer, Conference, 314
- Institution of Professional Civil Servants, Emigration of Scientists and Administrators, 322
- Institution of the Rubber Industry, Plastics Conference, 527
- Institution of Structural Engineers, Aluminium in Structures Symposium, 313 Annual Dinner and Dance, 946 Associate Membership Section B Qualification, 853 Building Professions and Productivity, 123
- Institution of Works Managers, Survey, 217
- Institutions of Engineering, Raising Standards, 736
- International Aeradio Ltd., Extended-range V.H.F. Operation, 935
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Hot Cell Installed at Seibersdorf, 544 Conference on Large Radiation Sources in Industry, 689
- International Business Machines Corp., Current Injection Laser, 118 Optical Transistors, 1058 Pulse-frequency Modulation in Laser Communications Experiments, 1098 Tunnel Diode Register, 1194 International Civil Defence Conference, Fifth Conference, 689
- International Computers and Tabulators Ltd., Film Data Processing, 912 Films on Computing, 524 Sales Computer Methods for Shipbuilding, 946 "1300" Business Computing System, 200 International Engineering Exhibition, 695, 703, 767, 817, 865
- International Exhibition of Transport and Communications, Munich, 1054
- International Federation of Automatic Control, Second Congress, 645
- International Harvester Co. of Great Britain Ltd., Loaders, 1167
- International Labour Organisation, International Labour Conventions and Recommendations, 740 International Mining Congress, Salzburg, 689
- International Nickel Co. Inc., Cast Maraging Steel, 679 Ductile Iron Output, 527 Economic Lightweight Stainless Steel Road Tanker, 886
- International Organisation for Standardisation, Iron Ore Specifications, 873
- International Organisation for the Study of the Endurance of Wire Ropes, 687
- International Plastics Convention, 875
- International Rectifier Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., High-power Rectifier Assemblies, 145 Liquid-cooled Heat Sink, 47 Rectifier Heat Sinks, 320 Silicon Cartridge Rectifiers, 281 Silicon Rectifier Stacks, 492
- International Research and Development Co. Ltd., Laboratories for Sponsored Research, 130 International Systems Control Ltd., Large Scale Control Computer, 681 Mobile Computer Centres, 205 International Telemetering Conference, 281
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Re-use of Water in Industry, 472, 118
- Ionics Inc., Municipal Electrodialysis Plant at Buckeye, Arizona, 254
- Iron and Steel Board, Production Figures, 370, 412, 740, 917, 1128
- Iron and Steel Institute, Indian Survey, 389, 427, 476, 512 Japan on the Move, 849 Refractories for Oxygen Steelmaking, 71 Technical Mission to Japan, 235
- Irons, B. and others, Analysing Axisymmetrical Discontinuous Shells, 999
- Jackson, A. A. and Croome, D. F., Rails Through the Clay: A History of London's Tube Railways, 196 Jackson, J. N., Surveys for Town and Country Planning, 229 Jackson, P., Developments in the British Large Marine Diesel Engine, 783 Jacobi, H. R., Screw Extrusion of Plastics: Fundamental Theory, 779 Jacobs, J. J., World Survey of Nuclear Power, 435
- Jaffrey, L. J. and Ackers, P., Model Simulation of Vertical Mixing in Stratified Flowing Water, 622
- Jarvis, W. D. and Hamilton, E. M., Identification of Atmospheric Dust by the Use of a Microscope, 947
- Jencons (Scientific) Ltd., Free Piston Burette, 129
- Jenson, N. W., Obituary, 136
- Jervis, G., Obituary, 287
- Jessop-Savile Ltd., Enclosed Induction Furnace, 18
- Jewel Engineering (Leicester) Ltd., Drawing Press Incorporating a Tool Making System, 409
- Jobling and Co. Ltd., James A., Precisionbore Glass Tubing, 1186
- Johnson, A. J. and McClimont, W.,. Machinery induced Vibrations, 236
- Johnson, G. E. and Eary, D. F., Process Engineering for Manufacturing, 397, 519
- Johnson, L. Tools and Machines, 629
- Johnson (Machinery) Ltd., C. H., Construction Site Equipment, 1104
- Johnson Mathey and Co. Ltd., Gold Germanium Eutectic, 321
- Johnson and Phillips Ltd., Flameproof Mininy Dry Transformers, 911
- Johnston, James Arthur, Obituary, 657
- Joint Fire Research Organisation, Borehamwood, Value, 653
- Joint Iron Council, European Foundry Apprentices Competition, 740 Iron Castings Production, 1009
- Jolley, E. H., Telecommunications, 513
- Jones, Sir H., Storage of Gas Underground in Aquifiers, 523
- Judge, E. T., Iron and Steel Pricing Policy, 110
- Junior Institution of Engineers, Annual Dinner, 809
- Kaiser Ltd., Henry J., L-D Process in America, 330
- Kaplan, I., Nuclear Physics, 945
- Kappa Electronics, Continuous Moisture Meter, 528
- Karim, G. A., Some Safety Measures in an Engine Investigation, 182
- Karman, Theodore Von, Obituary, 924
- Karo, D., Some Popular Fallacies in Electrical Engineering, 62
- Kaufmann, W., Technische Hydround Acromechanik, 397
- Keeping, J. O., Critical Path Techniques: An Appraisal, 786
- Kelston Pumps Ltd., Slurry Pumps, 1106
- Kempe's Engineers Year-book 1963, 126
- Kemwell Ltd., Self-contained Portable Foundry, 1184
- Kennedy, A. J., Processes of Fatigue and Creep in Metals, 15, 727
- Kent (Stroud) Ltd., George, Flowmeter Detector Head, 639
- Kern, D. Q., Heat Exchanger Design, 236
- Kerry's (Ultrasonics) Ltd., Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding Equipment, 718
- Khabaza, I. M. and Arscott, F. M., Tables of Lame Polynomials, 397
- Khalil, K. H. and others, Pressure Drop of Two-phase Vapour-liquid Flow of Petroleum Products in Horizontal Pipes, 568
- Kilford, W. K., Elementary Air Survey, 872
- King, J. H. G. and Creswell, D. A., Structural Engineer's Data Book, 519
- Kinney, G. F., Explosive Shocks in Air, 628, 1121
- Kinniburgh, W. and Short, A., Lightweight Concrete, 430
- Kinnis and Brown Ltd., Corrosion Prevention, 1008 Water Treatment, 236
- Kipp, Heinrich, Jig Clamping E'ement, 921
- Kirkham, R. H. H. and White, M. G., Compaction of Concrete Road Slabs, 1020
- Kleen-e-ze Brush Co. Ltd., Conveyor Belt Cleaners, 1186
- Kleinlogel, A. and Haselbach, A., Multiba Frames, 1173
- Klinger Ltd., Richard, Closed Circuit Television, 818
- Knight, B. H., Surveying and Levelling for Students, 1000
- Kochanski, S. L., Critical Path Techniques: An Appraisal, 559; (Letter, 786) (Letter, 869) (Letter, 942)
- Koenigsberger, F., Age, Obsolescence and Production Efficiency of Machine Tools, 663
- Kopings Mekaniska Verkstads A/B, Survey of Sweden, 375
- Krabbendam, G., Roaring Rails, 72
- Kraemer, Otto, Bau und Berechnung der Verbrennungsmotoren, 671
- Krischer, O., Die Wissenschaftlichen Grundlangen der Trocknungstechnik, 1000
- Krupp, Fried., Chemical Plant and Equipment, 921
- Kumag, A. G., Indexing Table, 802
- Kuo, B. C., Automatic Control Systems, 518
- Laboratoires d'Electronique et de Physique Appliquee, Laser Action by Bombardment with Gallium Arsenide, 380
- Labgear Ltd., Single-sideband Communications, 952
- Lacey, H. M., Obituary, 372
- Laing, C. E., Maintenance Work on Engineers' Pensions, 621
- Laithwaite, E. R. and Eastham, J. F., Polechanging Multi-speed Motors Using Phase Mixing, 222
- Lamberton and Co. Ltd., Automatic Measuring Stop for Hot Saw, 739
- Lanarkshire Steel Co. Ltd., Two-stand Universal Beam Mill, 20
- Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products Ltd., Electrical Control of a Steel Strip Mill, 1039 Industrial Counters, 321 Transistorised Temperature Controller, 237
- Lanco Factory, Watch Assembly System, 1014
- Lan-Elec Ltd., Miniature d.c. Power Packs, 532
- Langham Thompson Ltd., J. Silicon Strain Gauges, 455
- Lapointe Machine Tool Co. Ltd., High-capacity Broaching Machine, 1083
- Larke, E. C. and Cook, M., Rolling of Strip. Sheet and Plate, 628
- Larsen, E., Finding Out about Atoms and Atomic Energy, 196
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors Ltd., Cargo Winch with Contactor Control, 718
- Law, M., Heat Radiation from Fires and Building Separation, 1140
- Lead Development Association, Lead-asbestos Anti-vibration Mounting Pads, 1180
- Leckie, F. A. and Parentis, J. M., Mechanical Vibrations: An Introduction to Matrix Methods, 129
- Lee, J. F. and Sears, F. W., Thermodynamics: Introductory Text for Engineering Students, 129
- Lee, R., Communications in the Mining Industry, 1116
- Lee, Y. and Barrow, H., Thermal Entry in Turbulent Gas Flow, 169
- Leitz, Ernest, Equipment at Hanover Fair, 921
- Leon Engineering Co. Ltd., Improved Boning Rods, 320
- Leonhard, A., Selbsttatige Regulung, 340
- Le Tourneau Inc., R. G., Self-propelled Sheepsfoot Roller, 504
- Levermore and Co. Ltd., A., Coloured Indented Lettering, 954
- Lewin, G. F., Physics for Engineers, 671
- Lewis, R. I., Annular Cascade Wind Tunnel, 341
- Leyland Motors Ltd., "S.C.G." Fluid Friction N Clutch, 771 Transmission Units and Diesel Engines, 771
- Lincoln Electric Co. Ltd., CO, Gas-shielded Metal-arc Welding Equipment, 774
- Lindley, P. B., Design and Use of Natural Rubber Bridge Bearings, 71
- List, H. L. and Schmidt, A. X., Material and Energy Balances, 307
- Liverpool Steam Ship Owners' Association., Annual Report, 525
- Livesay, E. H., Swan Song of French Locomotive Experiences, 185, 219, 260
- Llanwern Slag Ltd., Slag Processing, 910
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Addition to Lloyd's Rules, 948 Annual Report, 526 Launches During 1962, 404 Shipbuilding Returns, 197, 832
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation., "U-2", 59
- Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Patent N Award on a Space Station, 692 Spray-on Gold Plate, 886 Lockheed Precision Products Ltd., Hydraulic Equipment, 820 Hydraulic Valve Actuator, 145
- Lohner, Kurt, Die Brennkraftsmaschine, 1000
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., High-speed Cold Sawing Installation, 330 Semi-automatic Drawbenches for Rods and Tubes, 502
- Londex Ltd., Conveyor Load Monitor Switch, 639 Electrical Controls, 713 Miniature Relays, 451 N Londex Components Ltd., Illuminated Pushbutton Units, 1086
- London Transport Board, Automatic Driving of Electric Trains, 553, 583, 736 Message to Staff, 50 Longden, E., Productivity Year, 1076
- Longobardo, G. and Hadley, W. A., Automatic Process Control, 945
- Lord, P. and Thomas, F. L., Noise Measurement and Control, 1000
- Lotus Cars, "Lotus 29" in Indianapolis '500', 1194
- Loughborough College of Technology, Running Tests with Molybdenum Disulphide, 633
- Low and Sons Ltd., Archibald, Flooring for Computer Rooms, 638 rr
- Loxley, R. A. K., Continued Progress of Cast Iron, 1036
- Lucas Ltd., Joseph, Alternators for Automobiles, 362 Exhibits at the International Engineering Exhibition, 866
- Lyn, W-T, Correlation of Methods of Diesel Smoke Measurements, 661
- Lyon and Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Arthur, Alternators with Static Excitation and Regulation. 1084 * Lyons Ltd.. Claude, High-current Stabilised N Supply, 491
- M.A.N., Casting Crane at Klockner WorkN, Bremen, 21 Equipment for Petroleum Exhibited at Frankfurt, 1190
- M.O. Valve Co. Ltd., Double-gun p.d.a. Tube, 128 High Voltage Protection Device, 934
- McCalls Macalloy Ltd., Prestressing with Bars, 444
- McClimont, W. and Johnson, A. J., Machinery induced Vibrations, 236
- McDonnell Aircraft Co., "Phantom", 59 "Voodoo", 59
- MacGregor and Co. (Cargo Handling) Ltd., Coiling Roof for Rail Wagons, 1086
- MacGregor International Organisation, Shipboard Cargo Handling System, 1184
- Machine Products Ltd., Sintered Metal Components, 775
- Machine Tool Industry Research Association Machine Tools Research, 363
- Machine Tools Behind the Iron Curtain, 874
- Machine Tool Trades Association, Statistical Summary, 322, 955, 1046
- Mackenzie, J. N. and others, Progress in Automation, 832
- McKenzie, R. D. and others, Analysing Axisymmetrical Discontinuous Shells, 999
- McKenzie, S. C., Communicating Scientific and Technical Information, 725 Education for Design, 1036
- McKillop, N., Ace Enginemen, 430, 902
- McLaren, A. and Barnett, S. A., Penguin Science Survey B, 584
- McLeod, R. C., Further Practical Turbinology, 667; Practical Turbinology, No. IV, 1144
- McNaught, J. and others, Progress in Automation, 832
- McPhail, D. S. and Ritchie, W. A. B., What Price Steel Castings, 875
- Madan and Co. Ltd., Chas. S., Valve Testing Machine, 531
- Madge, E. W., Latex Foam Rubber, 229
- Magnatex Ltd., Motor Car Windscreen Wiper, 492
- Makowski, Z. S., Space Structures in Plastics, 906
- Male, T. and Barnfield, G. R., Technical Drawing Vol. 1, 1000
- Management Selection Ltd., Increased Demand for Executives, 148
- Manby, T. C. D., Use of Hydraulics in Agriculture, 359
- Manchester College of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering Building, 732
- Machine Tool Design and Research Conference, 198
- Manders, C. S. R., Soviet Technological Curricula, 1173
- Mann Engng. Co. Ltd., Albert, High-speed Sawing Machine, 1183
- Mannesmann-Meer, Back-pressure Turbo-sets, 922
- Marconi Instruments Ltd., Telecommunications Measuring Equipment, 908 Universal Bridge Instrument, 49 Universal Bridge, Transistorised, 877 Valve Voltmeter, 49
- Marconi International Marine Co. Ltd., Docking Television, 444 Marine Radio Headquarters, 735
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., Closed Circuit TV Camera, 1042 Doppler Navigator, 1087 Electronic Scan for Height Finding, 317 u.h.f. Television Transmitter, 490 Varactor Diodes with Frequency-multiplying Properties, 127
- Marples, E., Reshaping of British Railways; Statement to House of Commons, 630
- Marples Ridgway and Partners, Grosvenor Bridge Reconstruction, 1001
- Marsden, E. W., South-East Essex Society of Professional Engineers, 227
- Marshall Sons and Co. Ltd., Automatic Packaged Boiler, 777
- Marsham, T. N. and others, Start-up and Performance of the Windscale A. G. R., 554
- Martin, R., Construction Site Accidents, 621
- Martin Ltd., V. L. Constant Tension Cable Reeling Units, 954
- Martin Engineering Development Co., Balanced Air Hoist, 283
- Martonair Ltd., Pneumatic Cylinder Calculator, 794 Small Pneumatic Poppet Valves, 954
- Maschinenbau Hemag, Vertical Spindle Moulder, 923
- Maschinenfabrik Andreas Stihl, KS244 Horizontal Power Earth Drill, 114
- Maschinenfabrik Froriep, Large Vertical Boring Mill, Plate, 85
- Maschinenfabrik Johann Bucher, Axial Piston Hydraulic Motors, 922
- Mason, B. A., Brahmaputra River Bridge, 725
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Grant for Advanced Studies from Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 1138
- Massey-Ferguson-Butler Ltd., Auger Conveyors, 528
- Matbro Ltd., Imports of Military Fork Trucks, 1022
- Material de Traction Diesel-61ectrique (M.T.D.E.O.) Diesel-electric NS.2801 Prototype, Plate, 87
- Material Handling Equipment (GB) Ltd., Flameproof Mine Tractor, 448
- Materiel Electrique S-W, Process Control System, 380
- Matousek, Robert, Engineering Design, 872 Maunder, L. and Watson, R., Communicating Scientific and Technical Information, 435 Mawdsley's Ltd., Brushless Vertical Motor-alternator Set, 1044 Flowmeters and Concentration Meters, 770
- Mayfield, B. and Sherratt, F., Laboratory 11 Experiments in Off-road Locomotion Using Artificial Clay Soil, 1103
- Mellor, P. B., Tensile Stability Conditions in Ideal Pressure Containers, 174
- Melvin, Alexander Buchanan, Obituary, 111
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Langton-Canada Scheme, 73
- Mervyn Instruments Ltd., Lasers, 127 Relay Protective System, 1045
- Mesucora 63 Exhibition, 329 Metaduits Ltd., Demountable Resilient Couplings, 316
- Metal Parts Ltd., Small Power Saw, 318
- Metalectric Furnaces Ltd., Large Furnaces, 936
- Metallisation Ltd., Sprayed Protective Coatings, 202
- Metals Research Ltd., Metallurgical Consultancy, 49
- Meter-flow Ltd., Portable Flow Indicator, 285
- Metropolitan Railway, Centenary, 66
- Metropolitan Water Board, Proposed Filtration Works in East London, 828 Thawing of Pipes by Electricity, 259
- Metters-Clow Pty. Ltd., Spun Cast Iron Pipe is Plant, 1048
- Meyer, K. and Daniel, T., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 621
- Michelin Tyre Co. Ltd., Factories in Northern Ireland, 1187 Tyre Efficiency Comparisons, 276, 836
- Microcell Ltd., Data-logging System, 282 Tape-record Transistor Tests, 239
- Middlesex County Council, Main Drainage Scheme at Deephams, Edmonton, 39
- Middlesex Prefabricated Buildings, Ltd., Humorous Trade Literature, 609
- Midgley and Sutcliffe Ltd., Drilling Machines, Plate, 84
- Midland Bank Ltd., Computer for Banking, 314
- Midland Machine Tool Co. (Birmingham) Ltd., Universal Pitch Circle Drilling Jig, 406
- Midland Silicones Ltd., Self-bonding Glasscloth Tapes, 450
- Millard, Patricia, Trade Associations and Professional Bodies of the U.K., 105
- Mills, G. M., Lateral Oscillations of Large Geared Presses on Flexible Foundations, 179
- Mills, R. E., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 480
- Millward, G. H., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 166
- Milward and Sons, Henry, Cordless Electric Shaver, 1003
- Milne, A. A., Theoretical Studies of the Performance of Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearings, 1140
- Mimic Diagrams Ltd., Discrepancy Switches, 1186
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Tractors and Machinery, 206
- Ministry of Aviation, Aviation Electronics Symposium, 736 Communications Satellite Studies, 607, 630 Plastics in the Tropics—Low-pressure Glassfibre Laminates Bonded with Polyester Resins, 1140
- Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Report, 1962, 735
- Ministry of Labour, Earnings in Engineering Enquiry, 1046 Industrial Disputes in 1962, 50, 286, 640, 837 Wages and Hours of Work, 50, 786, 879
- Ministry of Public Buildings and Works, 74 Dimensional Co-ordination of Industrialised Building, 365 Integrated List of Contractors, 494 Proposed Building Research and Information Association, 1002
- Ministry of Transport, Beaconsfield-Gerrards Cross Motorway Proposed, 1002 Extension of M1 Towards London, 364 Medway Towns Motor Road, 1026 National Ports Council, 494 Salt-spreading Vehicle, 283 Survey of Domestic Goods Transport by Road, 401 Tees-side Traffic Survey, 236
- Mirrlees National Ltd., Diesel Driven 5MW Alternator, 941
- Mitchell, E., Blows to the Vending Industry, 665 Engineering Law, 100, 194 Legal Charges, 723
- Mitchell, L. J., Obituary, 534
- Mitchell Hydraulics Ltd., Miniature Hydraulic Actuator, 739
- Mittman, Benjamin and Hollitch, R. S., Computer Applications, 1961, 731
- Mobile Lifting Services Ltd., 80-ton Trailer Crane, 586
- Mohr and Federhaff, A.G., Extensometers, 770 Testing Machines of 80 0001b Capacity, 770
- Molian, S., Use of Algebraic Polymonials in Design of Cams, 352, 725
- Molykote Great Britain Ltd., Inorganic Dryfilm Bonded Lubricant, 202
- Monk and Co. Ltd., A., M5 Motorway, Plate, 76
- Monks and Crane Ltd., Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Showroom in Leeds, 1039
- Mono Pumps Ltd., Sewage Pumping Main of 1 }in. Diameter, 201
- Monometer Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Reverbatory Melting Furnace, 894
- Moore, R. V. and Thorn, J. D., An Assessment of Gas-cooled Reactors, 468
- Morgan, W. J., Engineering Metalwork Technology, 628
- Morgan (Engineers) Ltd., D. H., Novel Fifth Wheel Low-loader, 949
- Morganite Carbon Ltd., Brush for Hydrogen-cooled Machines, 795
- Morris Ltd., B. O., Carbide Burrs, 532
- Morris Ltd., Herbert, Large Capacity Overhead Cranes, 876 Sand Conditioning Equipment, 892
- Morris and Butters Ltd., 6-ton Cargo-handling Crane, 392
- Moscow Coal-Mining Design Institute, Remote-controlled Coal-cutter, 1014
- Moss Gear Co. Ltd., Worm Reduction Units. 492
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Co. Ltd., Non-destructive Testing Service, 405
- "Motor Ship", Ships on Order, 1180
- Muckle, W., Design of Aluminium Alloy Ships' Structures, 1000
- Mullard Ltd., Electronic Components Exhibition Display, 933 Large Signal Transistors, 681 Microminiature Integrator, 367 Radar Cathode Ray Tubes, 451 Single Sideband Transmitting Valve, 795 Solid-state Diode Parametric Amplifiers, 1040 Standard Noise Sources, 638 Transmitting Valves, 739
- Mullard Research Laboratories, Laser Light-output System, 127 Variable-capacitance Diode Parametric Amplifier, 127
- Munck International S. A., Rolling Deck Cranes, 358
- Munton, R. and others, Progress in Automation, 832
- Murad Developments Ltd., "Bormilathe" Small Versatile Machine Tool, 447
- Murex Welding Processes Ltd., Welding Equipment, 768
- Murphy, J. S., Electronics in Industry, 1000
- Murphy, M. M. and Stires, D. M.. Modern Management Methods PERT and CPM, 779
- Murphy Radio Ltd., Radio Communications for Oil India Pipeline Project, 208
- Museum of British Transport, London, 1028
- NCK-Rapier Ltd., Crawler Mounted Crane, 1168
- N.G.N. Electrical Ltd., Outgassing Unit, 878
- Napier, Robert, Centenary Exhibition at Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1148
- National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers, Dock Labour Scheme Rejected, 494
- National Bureau of Standards, American Standards for Hearing Measurement, 460 Calibration on Temperature Measuring Instruments, 501 High Purity Crystals, 925 Thermodynamic Tables for Hydrogen, 804 Use of Digital Computer for Quantative Metallographic Analyses, 646
- National Cash Register Co., Plant Workloading System, 1171
- National Coal Board, Annual Report for 1962, 1101 Colliery Roadway Bunker, 1038 Finances, 122 New Computer Centre, 972 Production Figures 1962, 148
- National Economic Development Council, Pa Meeting, 370, 451 Growth of U.K. Economy to 1966, 426, 451 Pzi Report, 796 Report on Export Trends, 1088
- National Engineering Laboratory, Condensation of Superheated Steam, 628 Pz Flow Fans, 769 Pz Hydrostatic Transmission System, 769
- Method of Measuring Pump Flows, 588 Two Computer Programmes for Feedheaters, 623 Pz
- National Incomes Commission, First Report, 796 P. T.U.C. Instructions to Affiliated Unions, 243
- National Institute for Research in Nuclear P. Science, 150cm Hydrogen Bubble Chamber, P. 431
- National Physical Laboratory, 1961 Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis, 671 Standardising Machine of 500 Tons Force Capacity, 862 Conference on Fundamental Problems of Low Pressure Measurements, 1037 Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, 46
- National Ports Council, Formation, 494
- National Research Development Corporation, P Annual Report, 231 Computer Gift to Cambridge, 674
- National Union of Mineworkers, Demand for Rest Days, 370 Pay Claim, 494, 595, 682
- National Union of Railwaymen, Rail Strike P Cancelled, 917
- Neill and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd., James, PerP manent Magnet Lifting Unit, 204
- Nemet, A., Need for Improved Non-destructive P Testing Methods, 359
- "Nestum", Netherlands Sluice and Tunnel Construction Co., Haringvleit Sluice Structure, Plate, 77
- New Electronic Products Ltd., Ultra-violet Galvanometer Recorder, 1186 F
- Newage (Manchester) Ltd., Marine Engines at the Boat Show, 137
- Newall Engineering Co. Ltd., Jig Boring and F Milling Machine, 481 Numerically-controlled Jig Borer, 530
- Newcomen Society, Summer Meeting in F Devon, 1039
- Neill and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd., James, Magnetic F Conveyor of Unit Design, 1087
- Nock, O. S., Fifty Years of Railway Signalling, 134 Reshaping British Railways: A Commentary on the Beeching Report, 610, 658 F Swan Song of French Locomotive Experiences, 271
- Nolan, H. G. B., Transportation of Coal by Pipeline; 403, 1069
- Nord Aviation, Exhibits at Le Bourget Air Show, 1090 Maiden Flight of C.160 "Transall", 23, 544
- Norris Bros. Ltd., Multipurpose Collapsible Aluminium Container, 680
- North Bar Tool Co. Ltd., Bolt Load Meter, 446
- North British Rubber Co. Ltd., Submergible and Flexible Floating Oil Hose, 680
- North Downs Engineering Co. Ltd., Small Inboard Engine, 139
- North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Annual Dinner, 364
- North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Election Results, 875
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Report, 404 Highland Water Power Schemes at Fada Fionn and Loch a'Bhraoin, 630 Inauguration of Strathfarrar and Kilmorack Schemes. 1081
- Northwood, T. D. and others, Blasting Vibrations and Building Damage, 973
- Nuclear Power Group, Latina Nuclear Power 1 Station, 798
- Oberst, H., Elastische and Viskose Eigenschaften von Werkstoffen, 671
- Occupational Hygiene Service, Eliminating Health Hazards in Industry, 1102
- Ogorkiewicz, R. M., Plastics in the Design of Military Equipment, 753 Soil-vehicle Mechanics, 227
- Ohar, M. M., Fluid Mechanics Vol 1, 872 1
- Ohlin, M., Precise Measurement of Loss of Blood, 802
- Oi. W. Y. and Shuldiner, P. W., Analysis of 1 Urban Travel Demands, 229
- Opitz. H. and Herold, H.-H., Elektromechanische Kopiersteuerungen, 216
- Organick, E. I., "Fortran" Primer, 945
- Organisation Europeene pour des Recherches 1 Astronomiques dans l'Hemisphere Austral, Astronomical Research in Southern Hemisphere, 689
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Does Your Firm Need Its Own Information Service, 65 New "Dragon" Reactor Agreement, 106
- Organisation Internationale Pour L'Etude de L'Endurance des Cables. 687
- Osram (G.E.C.) Ltd., Mercury Lamp with Built-in Reflector, 201
- Otway, F. O. J. Combined Gas Turbine/ Steam Cycle, 271 Electro-diesel and the Electric-gas Turbine Locomotive, 578
- P.E.C.O. Machinery Sales (Westminster) Ltd., Machinery Exhibits at Interplas, 1113
- P.H.I. Engineering Ltd. Vertical Spindle Mill 1 for Westbury Cement Works, 938
- P.M.D. Chemicals Ltd., Filter for Plating Solutions, 531
- Paintmakers' Association, Council Election, 279
- Pametrada. Now British Ship Research Association, 97
- Panax Equipment Ltd., Courses on Scintillation Counting, 674 Portable Liquid Level Gauge, 679
- Pantatron Ltd., Light-weight Automatic I Gamma Source, 633
- Parcar Ltd., Shoe Lane Mechanical Car Park, 1 192
- Parker, E. B. Dr. Beeching and the Transport System, 870 Education for Design, 944 French Locomotive Experience, 168
- Parker, T. B., Obituary, 534
- Parker Ltd., Frederick, Batch Mixer "Plow-Mixer 14AT", 1105 "Speedex" Mechanically fed Concrete 1 Mixer, 1105
- Parolle Electrical Plant Co. Ltd., Modernisation of Lots Road Power Station. 141
- Parsons and Co., C. A., Steam Turbo-generator Set, Plate, 78
- Pascoe, Sir John, Obituary, 313
- Pascoe, T. L., Critical Path Techniques— An Appraisal, 942 Value and Duration of Civil Engineering Contracts, 1022
- Paterson Engineering Co. Ltd., Military Water Treatment Plant. 952
- Peace (Steels and Tools) Ltd., John, Hardness Testing Files, 532
- Pearsall, I. S., Survey of Surge Tank Design Theories, 623
- Pearson, F. J., Nuclear Power Technology, 872
- Pegson Ltd., Gyratory Crushers, Plate, 83
- Pegus Ltd. Heat Meter, 49
- Pendred, K. J., The Proliferation of Professionalism, 167 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., Anti-corrosive Metal-finishing Process, 1123 Penny, R. K., New Design Method for Pressure Vessel Nozzles, 16
- Pequignot, C. A., Tunnels and Tunnelling, 779
- Percival, A. E., Exports Credits, 955 Perkins Group, Direct-injection, Four-cylinder Diesel Engine, 1183 Engines at the Boat Show, 137
- Permali Ltd., Epoxy Anode Guides for Tin Plating, 203
- Permanent International Association of Road Congresses, Technical Dictionary of Road Terms, 397
- Permutit Co. Ltd., Automatic Water Softener, 1008
- Petrofina (Great Britain) Ltd., Oil by Rail, 487
- Petroleum Information Bureau. Tax on Oil Products, 286
- Petters Ltd., Engines at the Boat Show, 138
- Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken N.V., Orthocyclic Coils, 959 Portable Neutron Source, 499 Stable He-Ne Gas Laser, 380
- Physical Society and Institute of Physics, Reports of Progress in Physics. Vol. 25, 65
- Picked11, E. F., Engineering Thermodynamics, 313
- Pickering and Co. Ltd., R. Y., Tower Cranes, 1168
- Pickstone Ltd., R. E. Small Electric Furnace, 914
- Pigott and Son Ltd., J. G. Highly Manoeuvrable Tug, 1126
- Pike, G. B., Obituary, 918
- Pinner, R., Copper and Copper-alloy Plating, 313
- Pipeline Industries Guild, Annual Dinner, 485
- Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co., Stainless Steel Arch at St. Louis, 504
- Plaskowski, Z. and Reist, B., UberscallVerkehrsflugzeuge, 694
- Plastics Institute, Conference. 527
- Plessey Nucleonics Ltd. Automatic Determination of Oxygen Content in Iron, 775
- Plessey Co. (U.K.) Ltd., Electronics for Industry. 933 High-g Relay, 450. Hydraulic Systems and Components, 775 Parametric Ferrite Aerial, 127 Static Inverter, 49 Vitreous Carbon, 316
- Pneulec Ltd. Moldmaster Moulding Machine, 891
- Pode, Sir J., Freedom for Steel, 552
- Polservice, Glass Polarising Prisms, 1054
- Polygram Casting Co. Ltd. Shell Mould and Core Shooting Equipment, 893
- Polyrey Ltd., Polythene Plant in Mexico, 1081
- Portcrete Ltd., Products in Precast Concrete, 532
- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, U.S.A.. U.S.S. "Thresher", Nuclear-powered Submarine, Plate. 90
- Post Office Engineering Union, Annual Conference. 1187 Pay Claim, 917
- Pounder, C. C. Annual Prize Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 281
- Powell, L. S., Engineering Science Book 1. 1000
- Power-Gas Corp. Ltd. Gas Reforming Plant for S.W. Gas Board. 197, 217
- Power Tools (Specialists) Ltd., Air-powered Hand Grinder. 1054
- Powertruc Co. Ltd., Engine, 1166
- Precision Pumps Ltd., Twin Pump for Hot Water Systems, 410
- Prentis, J. M. and Leckie, F. A., Mechanical Vibrations : An Introduction to Matrix Methods, 129
- Press Equipment Ltd. Coil Cut-to-length. 1007
- Pressed Steel Co. Ltd., Painting by Electrophoresis, 361 Polystyrene Foam Patterns, 952 Pressure Technology Corp.. Fluid-to-fluid Extrusion of Metals, Materials, 290
- Preston, M. Tilting Drives for Vessels Containing Liquids, 984
- Printing Equipment AB, Offset Press Manufacturers, 327
- Pritchard, R. T., Workshop Processes, Vol. 1, 945
- Prodorite Ltd. Tank-lining Material, 878
- Production Engineering Research Association, Conferences and Exhibitions Programme, 142 Conference and Exhibition on Machine Tools and Production Techniques, 527, 873 Conference on Industrial Training, 525 Conference on Publication for Industry, 862 Extension of Services. 1037 Machine Tool Research. 363 Reamer Development. 827
- Prvomaiska, Universal Milling Machines. 817
- Pryor, E. J., Dictionary of Mineral Technology, 725
- Publishers Association, Books for Industry. Exhibition, 235
- Pugh, S., Fighting Vehicles and Weapons of F the Modern British Army, 227
- Pullin and Co. Ltd., R. B., Controller for Chemical Processing, 835
- Pullman, George Mortimore, Centenary of the Pullman Car, 848
- Purday, H. F. P., Diesel Engine Designing, 514
- Pye Ltd., Electrical Linear Actuator, 144
- Pye Telecommunications Ltd., Radio Link Equipment, 242
- Pye-Ling Ltd., Shakers, 638
- Quarrell, A. G., Hatfield Memorial Lecture, 1034
- Quartzlampen G.m.b.H., Special Light Sources for Scientific and Technical Applications. 881
- Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission, Installation of 735kV Super-grid, 500
- Radcliffe, S., Small Quantity Production, 898
- Radio and Electronic Manufacturers' Federation, Electronic Components Exhibition, 908, 933
- Radio Belvu, Transistors, 381
- Radio Corporation of America, Project "Relay" Satellite, 253 and Babcock and Wilcox, Modular. Nuclear Thermionic Power Plant, 1018
- Radio Research Station, Annual Report, 1142 Ft Upper Ionosphere Data from "Alouette" Satellite, 526
- Railway Conversion League, Use of Redundant Railways for Roads, 735
- "Railwayman", Critique of Railway Modernisation, 578
- Rank Cintel, "Illumitronic" Check Weighers Approved by Board of Trade, 532 Metallurgical Inclusion Counter, 734
- Rank Organisation, Computer Aid for Roundness Measurement. 490 Radar Teaching Aid for Norway, 493 Surface Measurement Attachments, 950
- Rao, N. S. G., Hydraulics, 524
- Rapid Magnetic Ltd., Lifting and Handling Ferrous Metals, 937
- Rasbach, D. J., Inert Gas Generator for Control of Fires in Large Buildings, 978
- Rath, W., Massenkrafte in den Lagern Spharischer Getriebe, 216
- Raviolo, V. G., Motor Car of the Future, 656
- Reavell and Co. Ltd., Pneumatic Hammers, 777
- Rectifier Co (Great Britain) Ltd., Selenium Rectifiers, 594
- Redifon Ltd., Analogue Computing Course, 855 Arbitrary Function Generator, 878 Long-range Navigational Receiver, 237 Marine Radiotelephone, 792
- Redpath Brown and Co. Ltd., Cost of Steel Production, 236
- Reed Paper Group, Moisture-resistant Board, 1127
- Renault Machine Tools (UK) Ltd., Transfer Machining Line for Crankshafts, 204
- Research and Control Instruments Ltd., Battery-operated Flaw Detectors, 1086 Liquid Air Machine for Low Temperature Research at Queen Mary College, 486 Magnetic Filter for Powdered Materials, 792 Panoramic Radiography Unit, 48 Stud Welding Cartridges, 594 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, 450 Welding Plant, 708 X-ray Analysis Laboratory, 1127
- Research Electronics Ltd., Counter for Engineering Applications, 877
- Reynolds, Charles E., Basic Reinforced Concrete Design, 729
- Reynolds Metal Co., Aluminium Sheets Rolled from Pellets, 1058
- Rheinstahl, Exhibits at Hanover Fair, 841
- Rhodes and Sons Ltd.. Joseph, Hold-downs for Shearing Machines, 835
- Richard Thomas and Baldwins Ltd., Continuous Casting Plant, 19 Roller Hearth Furnace for Annealing Transformer Core Sheets. 1040 Spencer Steelworks, 17
- Richardson, J. G., Practical Foram ork and Mould Construction, 229
- Richardson and Co. Ltd., W., Spirally Welded Tube Making Machine, 1005
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co. Ltd., High-pressure Fan. 793
- Rickard, S., Re-shaping British Railways, 786
- Ridley, P. G. and Roberts, N. P., Worked Examples in the Theory of Structures, 313
- Ridsdale & Co. Ltd., Sand Testing and Control Equipment, 894
- Riiken, H. and Swaan, W. A., Speed Loss at Sea as a Function of Longitudinal Weight Distribution, 236
- Riordan Enterprises Ltd., Storage Pallets for Steel Drums, 449
- Rinpon, Geoffrey, Construction Industry and The Government, 837
- Rischen, K. A. and Capellen, W. M. zur Symmetrische Koppelkurven and ihre Anwendung. 440
- Ritchie, W. A. B. and McPhail, D. S., What Price Steel Castings?, 875
- Rivett, P. and Ackoff, R. L., Managers Guide s to Operational Research. 901
- Road Haulage Association, Efficiency Pamphlets, s 365, 789
- Road Machines (Drayton) Ltd., Hoppers for Constructional Sites, 529
- Road Research Laboratory, Bituminous Materials in Road Construction, 313, 340, 724 Distribution of Moisture in Soils at Overseas Airfields. 928 Fifty-point Traffic Census, 1020
- Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, Continuous Steel Billet Casting Plant in Virginia, 1136
- Robb Ltd., Henry, "Bacchus" and "Hebe" Sister Ships, Plate, 99
- Roberts, N. P. and Ridley, P. G., Worked Examples in the Theory of Structures, 313
- Roberts, Sparrow and Co. Ltd., Coil Cut-up Line, 1084
- Robertson, J. M., Obituary, 838
- Robertson Thain Ltd., Cavity Floor for Computer Wiring or Other Services, 737
- Robichaud, L. P., Signal Flow Graphs and Applications, 196
- Robinson, D., Relays and Static State Switching, 357
- Robinson and Sons Ltd., Thomas, Dust Collection Machine, 1183
- Robson, T. D., High-alumina Cements and Concretes, 65, 726
- Rockweld Ltd., Comet Duowire Machine, 711
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co. Ltd., Tape-controlled Drilling Machine, 54
- Rogers, E. M., Diffusion of Innovations, 472
- Rolls-Royce Ltd., Engines at the Boat Show 139 Low Density Cermet, 835 "Tyne" Turbo-prop Tested at 6100 e.h.p., 369 with F. W. Berk and Co. Ltd., Prevention of Decarburisation During Hardening of Tool Steels, 1042
- Rolt, L. T. C. Thomas Newcomen : The Prehistory of the Steam Engine, 779, 850
- Romanoff, M., Corrosion of Steel Pilings in Soils, 1060
- Rootes Group, Engines at the Boat Show, 138 "Imp", 815; Letter, 1076
- Rootes (Scotland) Ltd., Car Manufacture in Scotland. 810
- Rose Downs and Thompson Ltd., Extraction Plants, 948
- Rosenak, S., Soil Mechanics, 1000 Rotax Ltd., Anti-friction Way Bearings, 867
- Roth, G. J., Congestion Costs, 396 Pricing Congested Roads, 662
- Roto-Finish Ltd., Cadmium Plating Solution, 451 Immersion-cleaning Machines, 369
- Rotork Engineering Co. Ltd., Operating Unit for Large Valves, 447
- Rougeron, C., Channel Dam, 298
- Rover Co. Ltd., Two-shaft Free-power Turbine, 138 Rover-B.R.M., Gas Turbine Car at Le Mans, 1126
- Rowe, R. E., Concrete Bridge Design, 729
- Royal Aeronautical Society., Symposium on Progress of Ground Effect machines, 589
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Atmospheric Turbulence and its Relation to Aircraft, 1116 Human Engineering and Air Crew Protection, 442 Lasers, 127 Simulated Sea-going Helicopter Platform, 315 Royal College of Surgeons, Convention on Accidents, 929
- Royal Commonwealth Society., Conference on Control of Water on Agricultural Land, 234
- Royal Dutch/Shell Group, Heat Engine for Schools, 146 Sea Conditions and Engine Temperature, 675 Strength of Crystalline Filaments of Metals, 1179
- Royal Flemish Institution of Engineers, Fourth International Harbour Conference. 329
- Royal Geographical Society, Long Ranges by Airborne V.H.F. Radio, 889
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Annual Dinner, 361 Spring Meeting, 278, 613
- Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Hospital Electronic and Electrical Services, 829
- Royal Radar Establishment, Open Days, 967 Photographic Tracking of Artificial Earth Satellites, 364
- Royal Society, Bursary Scheme Awards, 372 Conversazione on Direct Generation of Electricity, 1038 Emigration of Scientists, 335, 425
- Royce Electric Furnaces Ltd., Packaged High Temperature Tube Furnaces, 636 Packaged Furnace for Solid Diffusion, 916
- Rubber and Plastics Research Association, Annual Report, 1123
- Rubert and Co. Ltd., Universal Beval Protractor, 1093
- Rubery Owen Ltd., Self-loading Vehicle Transporter, 367 Welding Equipment, 768
- Rudkin and Riley Ltd., Heavy-duty Polishing Machine, 451
- Rugby Portland Cement Co., Dunstable-Rugby Pipeline for Chalk Slurry, 1002
- Rusling Ltd., John, Joint for Tubular Structures, 738
- Russell F., Obituary, 797
- Ruston Bucyrus Ltd., Excavation Equipment, 1165
- Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., Engines at the Boat Show, 138 Extension of Diesel Range, 826
- Rybach, L. Refraktionsseismische Untersuchungen im Raum Aare-, Limmat-und Surbtal, 1140
- Rydzewski, J. R. Introduction to Structural Problems in Nuclear Reactor Engineering, 15
- SAAB, "Draken",60
- S.E.A.G. Rheinstal Siegener Eisenbahnbedraf, Road Transporter for 400 Tonne Loads, 743
- S.E.F.O.M., Injection Moulding of Rubber, 1114
- S.F.U.P.. Automatic Four-speed Sugar Centrifuge, 866
- SGS-Fairchild Ltd., Dual Transistors, 321
- Sabberwal, A. J. P. and Fleischer. P., Develop of an Improved Face Milling Cutter, 355
- Sadi Engineering Co. Ltd., Hydraulic Conversion Unit for Planing Machines, 633
- Safety Products Ltd., Protective Goggles and Shields. 147
- Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd., Wagon Identification Code Scanning, 105
- Salisbury Transmission Ltd., Limited Slip Differentials, 369
- Samson Pty. Ltd., James S., Canberra Radio Telescope, 1048
- Sanders and Foster Ltd., Computer Designed Standard Steel Buildings, 907
- Sandover, J. A. and Bolsdon, H. J., Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Equipment, 968
- Sandvik Swedish Steels Ltd., Throw-away Tip Tools, 369 Si
- Sanger, J., Worked Examples in Engineering Mathematics, 524 Si
- Sankey and Son Ltd., J. H., Protective Wrapping Paper, 1087
- Sansome, G. E. and Stratford, B. S., Performance of Supersonic Turbine Nozzles, 1060 Theory and Tunnel Tests of Rotor Blades for Supersonic Turbines, 1060
- Sartorious-Werke A.G., Vacuum Balance with Si Magnetic Suspension, 645
- Sauer, R., Ludwig Prandtl Memorial Lecture, 544 Si
- Saunders, R., The Raising of the "Vasa", 129
- Scammell Lorries Ltd., Discharge Valve for Si Molten Solids, 633 Si U.T.S. Machinery Carrier, 1087
- Scheiss, A.G., Crankpin Turning Machine, Si Plate, 85
- Schermuly Pistol Rocket Apparatus Ltd. SI Ships Distress Rocket, 681
- Schmidt, A. X. and List, H. L., Materials and sl Energy Balances, 307
- Schroeder, K., Grose Dampfkraftwerke SI Planung Vol 2, 310
- Schur, T., Experience with Diesel Engines in SI Railway Traction, 789
- Schwartz and Co., G., Plastics in Rolling Mill Construction, 1053
- Schwenkhagen, H. F., Dictionary of Electrical Engineering; German-English, English-German, 519
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd., Electron Beam Welding Equipment, 767 Welding Transformer, 1093
- Science Museum, First "Circarc" Gear Set Preserved, 790 New Gallery of Sailing Ships and Small Craft, 442 Plastics Exhibition. 121
- Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association., Exports and Prospects, 205 Guide to Instrument Design, 129
- Scott, E. C. and others, Transient Stability of Turbo-generators in an Interconnected System, 835 Scott, J. and Vickerstaff, H., Application of Planned Maintenance to Steam Turbine Tankers, 198
- Scottish Building and Public Works Exhibition, 676
- Scottish Machine Tool Corporation. Ltd., Guillotine Shears and Plate Bending Rolls, 706 Numerically-controlled Turret Press, 445 Rail Planing Machine, Plate, 84
- Scotts Engineering (Newport) Ltd., Developments in Roll Forming, 1185
- Scotts' Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., Cargo Liner "Falaba", 97
- Scrivener Ltd., Arthur, Combined Centreless and Surface Grinding Installation, 953
- Sealectro Corporation., Cordless Programming Boards, 878
- Sears, F. W. and Lee, J. F., Thermodynamics: Introductory Text for Engineering Students, 129
- Seculate Ltd., Metal Protection, 639
- Sefton, L., Board of Aeronautics and Science, 168 Standing Economic Committee of Parliament, 396
- Semmens, P. W. B., Critique of Railway Modernisation, 999 Separator A/13, New Factory, 325
- Service Bureau Corporation., Data Transmission Network, 804
- Services Electronics Research Laboratory. Lasers, 127
- Sesonske, A. and Glasstone, S., Nuclear Reactor Engineering, 731
- Shandon Scientific Co. Ltd., CO2 and O. Indicators, 284 Rapid Metallurgical-Analysis, 593
- Sharriff, A., Practical Plane and Solid Geometry, 340
- Sharpies Centrifuges Ltd., Centrifuge for V cous Liquids, 1043
- Sheffield Wire Rope Co. Ltd., Wagon Pinch Bar, 594
- Shell Film Unit, Technical Films, 281
- Shell International Petroleum Co. Ltd., Programme of Grants for Scientific Research, 47
- Shell Refining Co., Additional Plant at Stanlow Refinery, 834
- Shell Research Ltd., Liquid Spring for Road Research, 876 Reduction of Cavitation Erosion in Cylinder Liners, 634
- Shepley, E., Continuous Beam Structures: A Degree of Fixity Method and Method of Moment Distribution, 584
- Shipbuilding Conference, Maritime Industries at the EBB, 387 Statistics, 205, 874
- Shoenberg, Sir Isaac, Obituary, 229
- Shore, D. T., Heat Exchange in Profound Hypothermia, 124
- Short, A. and Kinnihurgh, W., I ighmeil2lit Concrete, 430 uc..e,
- Short. A. and Thomas, F. G., St can Bridge Deck Systems, 1060 Short Bros. and Harland Ltd., "Skyvan" Light Transport Aircraft, 199 Shuldiner, P. W. and 0i, W. Y., Analysis of Urban Travel Demands, 229
- Sidelor Tube Works, Rotary Hearth Furnace, Plate, 81
- Siemens A.G., Automatic Letter Sorting Equipment, 882 Portable H.F. Cable Tester, 645 Research and Industrial Computer "300", 544
- Siemens and Halske A.G., Electronic Alarm Device, 743 Ionisation Fire Alarm, 212 Magnetic Image Recorder, 601 Museum of Electrical Measurement Technology, 114 Punched Tape Reader for the Blind, 1054 Technical Reports on Semiconductors, 53
- Siemens Schuckert (Great Britain) Ltd., Air operated Spot Welding Machines, 714
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., High -I eill()I1 and Power Laboratory, 496
- Silicon Rectifier Developments, 535
- Silenka Aku-Pittsburgh, N.V., Dutch Glass Fibre Plant. 743
- Simm, Gilbert Edward, Obituary, 741
- Simon Handling Engineers Ltd., Portable S Pneumatic Handling Plant, 532
- Simon-Carves Ltd., Coal Ash Content S Measurement, 585 Otto Continuous Reforming Plant for Nechells Gasworks, 36 S
- Simons-Lobnitz Ltd., Dredger "W. H. Orbell", 42 Future Prospects, 148
- Simplex Electric Ltd., Control equipment h)r Assell Mill, Plate, 81
- Simpson, N. G., Obituary, 838
- Sinclair, T. C. Control of Hazards in Nuclear Radiation, 872
- Sisson and Co. Ltd., W., Dual Fuel Engine, 818
- Skanska Cementgjutereit, Biggest Underwater Blast in Sweden, 924
- SKIL (Nederland) N.V., Portable Electric Hammer, 920
- Skinner Precision Industries Inc., Solenoid Linear Motor, 922
- Slaughter, F., Design and the Education of Mechanical Engineers, 903 Teaching of Design in Universities, 480 S Training of Engineers, 396
- Smallwood, G., Development of the Large Assisted-circulation Boiler, 480
- Smialowski, M., Hydrogen in Steel, 132
- Smith, R. W., Technical Writing, 779
- Smith and Sons (England) Ltd., Battery-driven Electric Clock, 240 Engine Protection Panel, 819 Radio Aids for Executive Aircraft, 1045
- Smith and Sons (Rodley) Ltd., Thomas, Truck Crane, 1168
- Smith's Dock Co. Ltd., Oil Tanker "Border Chieftain", 31
- Smiths Jacking Systems Ltd., Pump /Motor Units, 819
- Societe Alsacienne d'Electronique et de Mecanique Appliquees, Heating by Electron Bombardment, 381
- Societe Alsthom, Power-controlled Silicon Rectifiers, 380
- Societe Anglo-Beige Vulcain, 329
- Societe Beige de Mecamciens, Symposium Novel Methods of Metal-working, 688
- Societe d'Electricite Mors, Static Logic Systems, 380
- Societe d'Etudes Recherches et Constructions Electroniques, Testing Transistors, 381
- Societe des Forges et Ateliers du Creusot, Heavy Lathe 100-tonne Workpiece, 53
- Societe Francaise d'Exportation de Navires de Peche en Acier, Fishing Fleet for Korea, 418
- Societe Industrielle d'Aviation Latecoere, Experimental Aircraft, 60
- Societe Innocenti, Orinoco Steel Works, 1073
- Societe National des Chemins de Fer, Franco Belgian Electrification, 381 Electropneumatic Braking on "Mistral" Express, 885
- Societe Thomson-Varian, s.h.f. Valves, 381
- Society of Acoustic Technology, Formation, 444
- Society of Chemical Industry, Chemical Engineering Group, Proceedings, 1173 Plastics Conference, 527
- Society of Environmental Engineers, Formation. 966 Environmental Testing Symposium and S Exhibition, 278, 609, 638
- Society of Technical Publications Contractors, S Formation, 791
- Soderfors Swedish Steel Co., Hot Work Steel, 702
- Sogenique (Electronics) Ltd., Demonstration Unit for the Societe Genevoise Linear Transducer, 129
- Somers Ltd., Walter, Hot Ingot Cropping Machine, 1003
- Sonneberg, G. J., Radar and Electronic Navigation, 472
- Sorby, Henry Clifton, Centenary Celebrations, 1034
- South-East Essex Society of Professional Engineers, Formation. 227
- South of Scotland Electricity Board, Annual Report, 588
- South Western Gas Board, Gas Producing Plant at Avonmouth, 197, 217
- Southern Aircraft Group (Entwicklungring Sud), West German v.t.o.l. activities, 939 S
- Southern Instruments, Digital Voltmeter/ Counter and Counter-tachometer, 773 Direct Recording u.v. Oscillograph, 773 Ultra-violet Oscillograph, 493
- Sparton Steel and Alloys Ltd., Spectrographic Control in Stainless Steel Making, 395
- Spembly Ltd., Miniature Thermocouple Connector, 836
- Spencer and Halstead Ltd., Shot Blast Machine. 369
- Sperry Gyroscope Co. Ltd., Golden Jubilee, 994, 1081 Road Graders, Automatic Control of the Blade Slope, 1168 Correlation of Methods of Diesel
- Spiers, J., Smoke Measurement, 901
- Spinks, W. S., Vacuum Technology, 671
- Stacey, N. A. H. and Wilson, A., Industrial Marketing Research Management and Technique, 628
- Stainsby, W. and Engel F. V. A., Broadcrested Weirs, 725
- Stal-Laval Turbine Co|Stal-Laval Turbine Co., Survey of Sweden. 374
- Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., Air Navigation Beacons, 238 Marker Relay, 1045 Silicon Avalanche Rectifier, 908 Tramway Power Control, 1048 Transmitter for "Relay Satellite", 28
- Stanford, E. G., Progress in Applied Materials Research, 196
- Stanier, Sir William, Award of James Watt International Medal. 314
- Stanton and Staveley Ltd., "Kaldo" Convertor for Low Phosphorous Foundry Iron, 912 1
- Starling, C. W., Theory and Practice of Flat 1 Rolling, 65, 904
- Startrite Machine Tool Co. Ltd., Automatic Bandsaw Blade Welding Machines, 717
- Statter and Co. Ltd., J. G., High-voltage Fuse Switches, 791
- Steam and Power Development Co. Ltd., Smokeless Coal-fired Boilers, 632
- Steel Castings Development Committee, Design and Properties of Steel Castings, 694
- Steel Peech and Tozer Ltd., Large Arc Furnace, 242 Open Hearth Furnaces, 19
- Steel Process Plants Ltd., Spray Drying Plant, Plate, 92
- Steel Works Plant Association, Trade with Spain, 955
- Steels Engineering Products Ltd., 100-ton Truck Mounted Crane, 836 Stein et Roubaix, Rotary Hearth Furnace, Plate, 81
- Step Industrial Equipment Ltd., Manual Greasing Equipment, 408
- Stephen and Sons Ltd., Alexander, Cargo T Liner "Markhor", 275 Cargo Ship "Antrim", 32 Oil Tanker "British Bombadier", 30
- Stephens (Plastics) Ltd., Plastics River-bed Lining, 1080
- Stevens Co. Ltd., H. G., pH and Millivolt Meter, 449
- Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd., Pipeline Equipment, 774
- Stewarts Construction Equipment Ltd., Tower Crane, 1168
- Stires, D. M. and Murphy, M. M., Modern Management Methods PERT and CPM, 779
- Stockhuy, F., Dutch Windmill, 311
- Stokes Ltd., F. J., Infra-red Pre-heater Attachment, 1114
- Stone Manganese Marine Ltd., Film "Pattern for Propulsion", 834
- Stone-Platee Group, International Engineering Exhibition Display, 712
- Stothert and Pitt Ltd., Tower Crane, 1168 Universal Tower Crane, 698 Vibrating Rollers, 1165
- Stourbridge Rolling Mills Ltd., Four-high Steel Strip Mill, 947
- Strachan and Henshaw Ltd., Rotating Wagon Tipper, 634 Wagon Tipper for Coal Loading of Ships, 532
- Stratford, B. S. and Sansome, G. E., Performance of Supersonic Turbine Nozzles, 1060 Theory and Tunnel Tests of Rotor Blades for Supersonic TurbineS, 1060
- Straw, H. and Walker, S., Spectroscopy, Vol. T 2, 15
- Stream-Line Filters Ltd., Oil Filtration Plant, 705
- Strickland. R. E., 1962— World Survey of Nuclear Power, 14
- Struve, Otto and Zebergs, V., Astronomy of the Twentieth Century, 671
- Stuart, A., Basic Ideas of Scientific Sampling, T 524
- Stucky, A., Druckwasserschlosser von Wasserkraftanlagen, 313
- Sud-Aviation-British Aircraft Corporation., "Concord" Airliner, 22, 60
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920) Ltd., Profile Cutting Machine, 714
- Sulzer Bros. Ltd., Industrial Gas Turbines and Compressors Exhibited at Frankfurt, 1190 Marine Engine Production, 313
- Summers and Sons Ltd.,John, Tonnage Nitrogen Plant at Shotton Vorks, 527
- Sutcliffe Ltd., Richard, Hydraulic Power Pack, 410
- Svenska Flaktfabriken A/B, New Factory, 324
- Swaan, W. A. and Rijken, H., Speed Loss at Sea as a Function of Longitudinal Weight Distribution, 236
- Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., Cargo Liner "Clan Farquharson", Plate, 98 Oil Tanker "Abadesa", 31
- Swedish Aga Co., Oxygen Respirator, 924
- Swedish Aircraft Co., "SAAB 401", Swedish Air Cushion Vehicle, 689
- Swift, J. D. and Acton, J. R., Cold Cathode Discharge Tubes, 628, 1120
- Sykes. W. J. A., Electro-diesel Locomotive, T 405
- Sykes Ltd., Henry, Hose Couplings, 237
- Sylvania Electric Products, Direct Cam Generating System, 1096
- Symonds Ltd., R. H., High Temperature Flexible Dielectrics, 281
- Syndicat General de la Construction Electrique, T Annuaire 1962, 1071
- T.I. Stainless Tubes Ltd., Prospects for Stainless Steel, 50
- TRW Computers Co., Computer for Oil Plant at Salt Lake City, 462
- Tabb, R. P. E., Obituary, 797
- Talbot, B. C., Iron and Steel Pricing Policy, 110 T
- Tangyes Ltd., Small Jacking Tool, 530
- Tapp, E. J. T., Alternative to Road-Rail Conversion, 1176 Vehicle and Baling Press for Transporting Refuse, 396
- Tarmac Civil Engineering Ltd., Harbour Improvements at Eyemouth, 1002
- Tasmanian Hydro-electric Commission, Mersey-Forth Power Development, 736
- Taylor, A. J., Irons, B., McKenzie, R. D., Analysing Axisymmetric Discontinuous L Shells, 999
- Taylor and Co., John, Carillon for America, 736
- Taylor and Sons (Manchester) Ltd., F., Earth Borers, 1166
- Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd., Shaft Raising by Jacking, 284
- Technovision Ltd., International Technical 1 Abstracting, 281 Telcan Co., Home Television Recording, 1182
- Telcon Plastics Ltd., Plastics Pipeline for Acid Effluent, 147 Polythene Coatings, 321
- Telehoist Ltd., Front End Tipping Gears, 147 Quantity-production Centralised Lubrication System, 490
- Telephone Cables Ltd., Laying Machine for Polythene-insulated Cables, 28
- Telex-Verlag Jaeger and Waldman, World Trade Telex, 904
- Telfer, E. V., Ship Model Resistance Data Presentation, 873
- Teller, E., Awarded Enrico Fermi Awards by U.S.A.E.C., 254
- Tempair Ltd., Portable Air Conditioning Unit, 411
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Large Turbo-set for Widdow's Creek Power Station, 150
- Tersons Ltd., Croydon Centre Development Project, 895
- Tewksbury Symposium on Fracture, University of Melbourne, 270
- Texas Instruments Ltd., Rectifier Bridges, 411 Semiconductor Power Controls, 592
- Textile Machinery Corporation., Licence for Alloy Steel Project, 642
- Thames Board Mills Ltd., Case-making Factory, 913
- Thermotank Ltd., Packaged Water Chillers, 284
- Thomas, F. G. and Short, A., Studies on Bridge-deck Systems, 1060
- Thomas, F. L. and Lord, P., Noise Measurement and Control, 1000
- Thomas, Sir Miles, Competition Between Air and Sea Traffic, 508
- Thompson, A. S. T. and others, Experimental Investigation into the Honing Process, 1123
- Thompson and Sons Ltd., Joseph L., High-power Poppet Valve Diesel Engine, 619
- Thompson (Wilson Boilers) Ltd., John, Manufacturers' Maintenance and Inspection Service, 589
- Thompson Water Tube Boilers Ltd., John, Steam Boiler Drum, Plate, 82
- Thompson (Wolverhampton) Ltd., John, Boilers, 706
- Thomson, W. R., Motorways in Worcestershire, 660
- Thorn, J. D. and Moore, R. V., Assessment of Gas-cooled Reactors, 468
- Thornycroft and Co. Ltd., John I., Automatic Oil Burner, 770 Customs Launch for Libya, 319 Ferry "Osborne Castle", 42 Fireboat for Southampton, 913
- Thunderbird Enterprises Ltd., Insulation Exhibition, 1964, 907
- Thyssen Hiitte A.G., August, Casting Bay of LD-AC Plant, 21
- Tilghman's Ltd., Super Tumblast Wheelabrator, 937
- Tipei, N., Theory of Lubrication, 671
- Topham, W. L., Obituary, 495
- Tornado Fixings Ltd., Electromagnetic Hammer, 528
- Tough Plastics Ltd., Pressure-resistant Plastics Transport Tank, 239
- Traders' Road Transport Association, Licensing of Road Vehicles, 1125 Drivers Handbook for "C" Licence Holders, 874 Goods Vehicle Operation, 235
- Trades Union Congress, Day Release for Apprentices, 640 Equal Pay for Women Workers, 740 Instructions to Affiliated Unions Concerning National Incomes Commission, 243 Mechanisation in Offices, 322 Pre-Budget Statement, 533 Sweden— Its Unions and Industrial Relations, 917, 929 Trade Union Structure, 1009 Training of Shop Stewards, 837 Work Study Booklet, 108
- Transelektro Hungarian Trading Co. Electrical Equipment at the International Engineering Exhibition, 820
- Transfer Tools Ltd., Rotary Transfer Machines, 793
- Transport and General Workers Union, No Strike at Fords, 1009
- Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd., Diesel Engines at the Boat Show, 138
- Tretol-Servicised Ltd., Waterproofing Construction Joints Below Ground, 739
- Tribot-Laspiere, M. J., Obituary, 918
- Tripp, G. W., Car Ferry "Koningin Fabiola", 626 Woolwich Ferries, 731
- Trist and Co. Ltd., Ronald, Sequencing Valve, 710
- Trunk Pipelines Ltd., Application for Pipeline from Canvey Islan to Ellesmere Port, 487
- Tubela Engineering Co. Ltd., Heavy-duty Pipe-bending Machine, 241
- Tube Investments Group, Stainless Tubes, 716 Tubes Ltd., Assell Mill, Plate, 81
- Tubewrights Ltd., Crash Barrier for Elevated Roads, 1004
- Tuplin, W. A., Gear Load Capacity, 133 Involute Gear Geometry, 515 Wormgear Standardisation Envisaged, 1066
- Turboma Co., Industrial Gas Turbine, 601
- Turner, F. H. and Abeles, P. W., Prestressed Concrete Designers Handbook, 472, 1119
- Turner, L. B., Obituary, 270
- Turner, T. H., Roaring Rails, 136
- Turner and Brown Ltd., Lined Mild Steel Tanks, 368
- Turner and Newall Ltd., Asbestos Fibre Research Laboratory, 312 International Engineering Exhibition Display, 709
- U.N.E.S.C.O., Flow Study of the River Mekong, 459
- U.S. Industries Inc. Engineering Ltd., Complete Oil Sealing Device, 408
- Udal Ltd.,J. P., Timer Control Press Guard, 285
- Uddeholm Ltd., Cold-drawn Heat Resisting Steel Tubes, 954
- Uddeholms A.G., Improved Rock Drill Steel Shank, 949
- Uljanik Shipyard and Diesel Engine Factory, Diesel Engines for Russian Ships, 329
- Ultra-High Pressure Units (Ireland) Ltd., Synthetic Industrial Diamond Production, 953
- Ultrasonoscope Co. (London) Ltd., Probe Manipulator and Flaw Detector, 776
- Union Carbide Ltd., Tantalum Capacitors, 321 V;
- Union Castle Line, Two New Fast Cargo Liners, 444 V;
- Unit Construction Co. Ltd., Industrialised V; Housing Contract in Liverpool, 833
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority,; Anglo-Japanese Symposium on Nuclear Power, 141 Ball Bearing Rotary Swaging Equipment, 144 Chapelcross Trials of French Nuclear Elements, 526 Dounreay Fast Reactor at Full Power, 1178 Official Openings of Bradwell and Berkeley Power Stations, 608, 614 Nuclear Reactor Project for Merchant Ships, 336 Plutonium Fuel in "Zenith" Reactor, 527 Production of Uranium Fuel Elements from Springfields in 1962, 236 Steam-generating Heavy Water Reactor, v 387, 400 Ultrasonic Measurements of Thin Tube v Walls, 795 "Vera", Low-power Fast Reactor, 1001 Windscale Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor, 509, 579
- United Kingdom Oil Pipelines Ltd., Oil Pipe line Project, 280
- United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Proceedings of the Fourth v Regional Conference on Water Resources, 1060 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Volume of Transport in Europe, 744 v United Nations Organisation, Conference on Science and Technology for Less Developed v Areas, 378, 414
- United Power Co. Ltd. Wylfa Nuclear Power v Station, 699 United States Atomic Energy Commission, Enrico Fermi Award to Dr. Edward Teller, 254 Experimental Breeder Reactor with Plutonium Fuel Loading, 213 V Reduction in the Price of Heavy Water, 382 Results of the "Gnome" Peaceful Nuclear Detonation in New Mexico, 602
- United States Industries Inc., Training by Teaching Machine, 886
- United States Navy, "Fresh I" Hydrofoil Tests in Washington, 1138
- United States Office of Saline Water, Converv sion Programme, 745
- United States Steel Corporation., Continuous Galvanising Line, 1058
- United Steel Companies Ltd., This Is United V Steel, 397
- United Steel Structural Co. Ltd., Handbook v on Structural Steelwork: Properties and Safe Loads, 440
- United Trade Press Ltd., Computer Survey, 527
- Uni-Tubes Ltd., Tubing at International Engineering Exhibition, 819
- Universal Grinding Wheel Co. Ltd., Abrasive Cut-off Machine, 450
- Universal Power Drives Ltd., Driven-third-axle Conversion, 795
- University Grants Committee, Increased Expenditure, 917
- University of Melbourne, Tewksbury Symposium on Fracture, 270
- University of Oxford Delegacy for Extra-mural Studies, Experiments in Industrial Relations, 122
- University of Southampton, Symposium on Progress of Ground Effect Machines, 589
- Urry, S. A., Steam Tables in Metric Units, 628
- Vacuum Generators Ltd., Electrometer Amplifier, 47
- Vacuum Reflex Ltd., Multi-channel Recorder, 48
- Van Muylder, Mobile Shop Vehicle, 252
- Vance, R. W. and Duke, W. M., Applied Cryogenic Engineering, 524, 1119
- Varley, G. A., French Locomotive Experience, 72
- Vauxhall Motors Ltd., Vehicle Production and Exports, 110
- Venner Ltd., Time Switch with Thermostat, 285
- Vero Electronics Ltd., Circuit Assembly Boards, 109
- Vero Ltd., Weld-slag Scaling Tool, 321
- Vickers, A., Stagnation, 167
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., "Hovercraft" Trials over Snow, 142 Liner "Northern Star", 34 Modernisation of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Shipyard, 142
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Engineers) Ltd., Machinery Exhibits at Interplas, 1113
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Shipbuilders) Ltd., H. M.S. "Dreadnought", Nuclear-powered Submarine, Plate, 90 Launch of Methane Tanker "Methane Princess", 1180
- Vickers Sperry Rand Ltd., Hydraulics School, 1080 Intra-vane Single Hydraulic Pumps, 710
- Vickerstaff, H. and Scott, J., Application of Planned Maintenance to Steam Turbine Tankers, 198
- Vidor Ltd., Metal-clad Batteries, 448
- Viking Marine Co. Ltd., Glass Reinforced Plastic Lifeboats, 285
- Voith Getriebe K.G., Diesel-hydraulic Locomotives in Action, 957, 1012
- Volvo, Cross-country Carrier Vehicle, 252 Survey of Sweden, 376
- Von Gunten, H. E. and Gyssler, G., Turbocharger and the Supercharging of Large Twostroke Diesel Engines, 736
- Vose, J., Dumpy Level Work, 15
- Vosper, D. F. C., Reactions to Beeching, 943
- Vosper, J. S., Short-time Reactances of a Generator, 1020
- Vosper Ltd., Patrol Boat K.D. "Sri Kedah", 318
- W. S. Industries Engineering Ltd., Machinery Exhibits at Interplas, 1114
- Waddington and Son Ltd., A., Reconstruction of Euston Underground Station, 1080
- Wagner and Co. A.G., Double Column Milling Machine, Plate, 85
- Walker, S. and Straw, H., Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 15
- Walker Crosswellcr and Co. Ltd., Liquid Level Measurement, 146
- Walkers (Century Oils) Ltd., Lubricating Grease Plant, 1124
- Wallace, P. J., Further Reflections on Education for Design, 719
- Wallace, Sir William, Obituary, 1033
- Wanson Co. Ltd., Compact Horizontal Air Heater, 793 Use of 220 Secs. Fuel Oil with Air Heating Units, 402
- War Office, Army Technicians for Industry, 1124 Exhibition of Engineering Work, 484 Prefabricated Buildings, 75
- Ward, Ltd., Thos. W., Contractor's Plant Demonstrated, 993 International Engineering Exhibition Exhibits, 711
- Ward and Co. Ltd., S. A., Automatic Saw Tooth Notching Machine, 818
- Ward Brooke and Co. Ltd., Nylon Terminal Blocks, 836
- Ward Group, Self-propelled Sheepsfoot Roller, 504
- Ware, P. G., The Hillman "Imp", 1076
- Warner, S. L., Stochastic Choice of Mode in Urban Travel, 229
- Warren, H. A., Technical Education in the U.S.A., 628
- Warsop Power Tools Ltd., Portable Petrolengined Rock Drill, 1106
- Water Pollution Research Laboratory, Annual Report, 946
- Water Research Association, Annual Report, 833 Proceedings of the Hydrology Symposium, 1060 Programme Approved, 673
- Wates Ltd., London Wall Development Building, 895
- Watson, C. E. H., Becching's Way to Make the Railways Pay, 662
- Watson, R. and Maunder, L., Communicating Scientific and Technical Information, 435
- Watson and Sons (Electro-Medical) Ltd., X-ray Equipment, 710
- Watson-Marlow Air Pump Co., Glandless, Valveless Pump, 444
- Watt, James, International Medal Awarded. 314
- Watts Regulator Co., Small Air Line Filters, 144
- Wegner, P., Introduction to Symbolic Programming, 628
- Weir, G. and J. Ltd., Boiler Feed Pump, Plate, 83
- Welin-Maclachlan Davits Ltd., Deck Cranes and Lifeboat Davits, 776
- Welling and Welling Ltd., Sheet Metal Joint V Forming Machines, 819
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation., V Teeming Ladle Crane, 1032
- Wells and Hingley (Sales) Ltd., Adhesive Wiring Clips, 321
- Welschof, G., Pneumatische Forderung bei V grossen Fordergutkonzentrationen, 216
- Welsh Metal Industries Ltd., Spark Erosion V Machine, 200
- West European Coal Producers, Meeting V Europe's Energy Requirements, 398
- West Instrument Ltd., Miniature Temperature Recorder, 147 V
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. Ltd., Rectifier Heat Sink, 878 Remote Control Systems, 321 Selenium Surge Suppressors, 530
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation., High Power Laboratory for Extra High Voltage Electrical Equipment, 419 On-off Permanent Magnet with a Memory, 692 Present and Future Economics of Large Nuclear Power Stations, 382 Rapid Transit Service for Metropolitan ti Areas, 116
- Westhoff, G., Praktische Smiertechnik im 1 Betreib, 1033
- Westminster Engineering Co. Ltd., Machine for Resistance Welding of Aluminium Wire, 366 Rotary Feed Unit, 242
- West's Pilling and Construction Co. Ltd., Film 2 on Piling, 405
- Westwood and Co. Ltd., Joseph, Motorised 2 Display Turntable, 637
- Weydanz, W., Die Vorgange in Strahlappartcn, 2 1033 2
- Whessoe Ltd., Bradwell Nuclear Power Station, 875
- White, T. A. Blanco, Industrial Property and 2 Copyright, 313
- White, E. L., Switching Surges on E.H.V. Transmission Systems, 996
- White, M. G. and Kirkham, R. H., Compaction of Concrete Road Slabs, 1020
- Whitelaw, W., Construction Site Accidents, 451
- Whitlock Bros. Ltd., Hydrostatic Transmission Applied to Dump Truck, 1078
- Wibault M. Michel, Obituary, 251
- Wickman Ltd., High Energy Metal Forming Machine, 717
- Wicksteed and Co. Ltd., Charles, Tube Expanding Equipment, 772
- Wignau, J. S. and Dunsmuir, P. G., Material Education, Some Experiments, 899
- Wilkinson, P. H., Aircraft Engines of the World, 1962-63, 311
- Williams, C. A., Aircraft Instrument Control Systems, 901
- Williams, G., Apprenticeship in Europe, 313
- Williams-Thompson, Mike, Techniques of Public Relations, 872
- Willmott, F. B., Engineering Law, 168
- Willsmore, A. W., Modern Production Control, 397
- Wilson, J. G., Exposed Concrete Finishes, 308
- Wilson, T. H., Spun Cast Iron Pipes in Australia, 1176
- Wilson, W. J., Obituary, 797
- Wimpey and Co. Ltd., George, Consolidating Worked Coal Seams to Support a 16 Storey Building, 790 Furnas Hydro-electric Scheme, Brazil, 863 Wimpey: Europe's Largest Contractor, 728
- Window, A. L., Use of Strain Gauges at High Temperatures, 436
- Wood, A. M. M., Channel Tunnel, Bridge or Dam, 357
- Wood, B. J., Polynomials in Design of Cams, 621
- Woodcock, George, Industrial Relations and Education, 58
- Woodhall-Duckham Construction Co. Ltd., Lurgi Installation at Coleshill, 36 Micro-Simplex Reforming Plants for Cremorne Lane Gasworks, 36
- Woods of Colchester Ltd., High-pressure Fan, 793
- Wright, J., Distribution Methods of Analysis, 671
- Wright Electric Motors (Halifax) Ltd., Parting-off Machine and Motorised Grinding Heads, 775
- Wright Rain Ltd., Liquid Manure Tanker, 738
- Wymark Co., Rust Proofing Treatment, 1006
- Yankee Atomic Electric Co., Core Performance at Power Station at Rowe, Mass., 545
- Yarrow and Co. Ltd., Diversification Developments at Scotstoun Yard, 1080
- York Shipley Ltd., Packaged Water Chiller, 952
- Young, Frank, Obituary, 857
- Young, George J., Fuel Cells Vol. 2, 872
- Young and Sons Ltd., Joseph, Hydraulic Gear Pumps, 205
- Zebergs, V. and Struve, 0., Astronomy of the Twentieth Century, 671
- Zeiss, Carl, Automatic Builders Level, 919 Measuring Projection Microscope, 1093
- Zenith Carburetter Co. Ltd., Industrial Decarbonisers and Degreasers, 1083
- Zest Equipment Ltd., Universal Hose Clip, 1045
- Zorzoli, G. B. and Eco, U., Pictorial History of Inventions, 134
see The Engineer 1963 Jan-Jun: Index: Sections 2 and 3
See Also
Sources of Information