The Engineer 1966 Jul-Dec: Index

Volume 222
- AB Civil engineering, Gothenburg. Ship-borne pulp mill to initiate paper industry in developing countries, 770
- A.C. Cars Ltd. Frua-bodied "428" convertible, 621
- A.E.C. Ltd. "Reliance 69" with engine under floor, 406
- Abbey Works, Margam. Computer control of four-stand tandem cold mill, 241
- Abbeydale Works, Sheffield. Progress in restoration by Council for the Conservation of Sheffield Antiquities, 56
- Abbott Ltd., E. D. Ford passenger cars to "Zephyr"/"Zodiac" estate car conversions, 621
- Abelso & Co. (Engineers) Ltd. Universal tower crane, 59
- "Aberthaw Fisher" roll-on roll-off heavy load ship.
- Ailsa Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., (colour plate facing), 233
- Ackers, P. Flow through narrow rectangular notches, 205
- Acos Anhanguera, S.A. Steelworks at Mogi das Cruzes, sao Paulo (Brazil) to produce ballbearing steel, 33
- Acton, W. I. et al. Symposium on noise from power plant (Paper), 604
- Addison, Herbert. "Centrifugal and other rotodynamic pumps", 416
- Adige SpA, Verona (Italy). "Trailsteer" three axled semi-trailer with self-tracking rear axle and air suspension, 404
- Adler, R. Television by acoustic deflection and modulation of coherent light (Paper), 402
- Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington. Underwater Scanning by acoustic radiation, 952
- Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment. Shipborne satellite terminal, 920
- AEG-Telefunken Group (GFR). Annual report for 1965, 69 Carrier frequency transmission of data from large excavators in Rhenish lignite fields, 67
- AEI-Birlec Ltd. Electro-slag refining plant, 122
- AEI Electronics. Chart recorder for use with thermocouples, resistance thermometers, strain gauges, etc., 456 Phosphorus automatic control system, 952 Radar sets, multi-purpose with "view-ahead" off-centre display, 568 Transient voltage surge counter, portable, 216
- AEI Power Systems Engineering Department. Rapid analytical service for power system engineers, 95
- Aerex Ltd. Axial-flow fans, 246
- AG "Weser", Bremen (GFR). Data processing installation, for shipyard, 930 Agrement Board formed to test new building methods and materials, 533
- Ailsa Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. "Aberthaw Fisher" "roll-on roll-off" heavy load ship, (colour plate facing), 233 Akademiska Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden. Air cushion bed for burn cases, 105
- Alanco Engineers Ltd. Industrial Disc Brake, for light tensioning and stopping duties, 817 Albion Motors Ltd. "Chieftan Super Six" multipurpose chassis at International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, Earls Court, 383
- Albright & Wilson Ltd. Phosphorus automatic control system, 952
- Alcorn Combustion Co. Ltd. Heaters in Bitumen refinery, Eastham, 643
- Aleksandrov, N. N. and Klochnev, N. I. "Production Technology and Properties of HeatResisting Cast Iron", 88
- Alimak (Sweden). "Scando" system Self-Erecting Mast Hoist, 569
- Allgemeine Elektrizitits-Gesellschaft (AEG) and consortium. Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Station (GFR), 460 Allegre, Jean." Deviation aerodynamique d'un jet supersonique par injection parietale", 170
- Allen, P. C. Presidential address on the industry, opening fourth congress of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, 55
- Allinson, J. P. Protecting liquid petroleum gas vessels from fire (Letter), 125
- Allman & Co. Ltd., E. Crop-spraying Equipment, 757
- Alloy Steel Rods Ltd. Electrical Drive with Thyristor Converters for a Rod Mill, 44 Aluminium Co. of America. Aluminium Sheet Rolling Mill at Warwick, Indiana (USA), 335
- Aluminium Corporation Ltd. Constant-Gap Wide-Strip Rolling Mill four-high, at Dolgarrog, North Wales, 467 Rolling mill at Dolgarrog, North Wales. Colour plate facing, 552
- Aluminium Federation. Annual luncheon speeches on the industry, 653
- Aluminium Laboratories Ltd. Aluminium in the electrical engineering industry, 323
- Alvsborg suspension bridge, Gothenburg (Sweden), 963
- Amax (American Metal Climax) (USA). Aluminium Reduction Works, Puget Sound, 863
- Ambergate, Derbyshire. Electronic Telephone Exchange in Service, 912
- American Institute of Timber Construction. "Timber Construction Manual", 126
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Corrosion and deposits in boilers, etc. (Paper), 966
- AMF Thermatool, New Rochelle, NY. VoestThermatool producing numerous shapes from one combination set of forming rolls, 775
- "Amherstburg" Ice-Breaking Tug. Erieau Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. (Canada), 877
- Amoco (UK) Exploration Co., and Gas Council Group. Another North Sea gas strike, 498
- Amoco U.K. (continued) Mobile Drilling Platform "Orion", 17
- Amrhein, H. G. Plunge cut grinding of tungsten carbide with diamond cup wheels (Paper), 495
- Analog Devices Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Parametric differential operational amplifier with low-noise, low-drift characteristics, 256 Ananyan, A. K. "Fluid Flow in Bends of Conduits", 754
- Andantex Ltd. Two-speed positioning gear-box, 62 Andax Ltd. Vented space heater, 391
- Anderson, J. and West, T. D. "Engineering Drawing", 350
- Anglo-Dutch Trade Council Year Book 1966-1967, 383
- Anti-Submarine Warfare School, San Diego (US Navy). Shorebased training system, 776
- "Apollo" man-on-the-moon project. Ascension Island earth station, 536
- Appels, J. and Geels, B. H. "Handbook of Relay Switching Technique", 598
- Appleby Frodingham Steel Co. Ltd. Cold plate leveller, 605 Degassed Steel for Plates, 837
- Arbeitsstelle fur betriebliche Berufsausbildung, Bonn. Instruction sheets etc., for industrial techniques, available also in English, 140
- Archimedes SA Construction Co. and Odon & Odostromaton SA Construction Co. (Archirodon) (Greece). Reconstruction of Benghazi Harbour (Libya), 951
- Ardleigh Reservoir, Essex. Construction authorised, 722
- Argonne National Laboratory (USA). Experimental Boiling Water Reactor for Plutonium Recycle Demonstration Programme, 966
- Arkon Instruments Ltd. Measurement flume of glass-fibre, 454
- Armerad Betong AB, Malmo. Alvsborg suspension bridge, Gothenburg (Sweden), 963
- Armitage, J. W. and Gallimore, T. "Electrical Engineering Principles for Third Year Electrical Technicians", 598
- Armstrong Whitworth (Metal Industries) Ltd. Ship propellers of graphite cast iron, 216
- Armytage, W. H. G. "A Social History of Engineering", 322
- Arthur D. Little Research Institute, near Edinburgh. Reverse osmosis desalination system, (Leader), 191
- Arup and Partners, Ove. Barbican scheme, City of London, Colour plate facing, 873
- Ascension Island. Earth station for US "Apollo" man-on-the-moon project. Marconi Co. Ltd., 536 ASEA, Visteris, (Sweden). Water-wheel generators for Estreito power station on Rio Grande (Brazil), 430
- Ashby, R. J. and Chilver, A. H. "Problems in engineering structures", 86
- Ashdown Products, Peter. Quartz iodine dipping headlamp conversion, 584
- Asphalt and Coated Macadam Association formed, 533
- Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. Algonquin Radio Telescope, Ontario, 232 (and colour plate facing) Assembling a 2 200 hp 750/17.9 rpm divided-drive, double-reduction gearbox, colour plate facing, 872 Automatic machine for preparing safety-glass, 536 Cadweld Thermit welding process used for earth rod connections at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power-station, 692 Contactor Starters for squirrel-cage electric motors, 724 Gas turbine packaged power plant I 4MW, 987 Milling Machine, Special-Purpose, for steam turbine diaphragms, 608 Ship's automatic control room, 120 Tacho-generator, permanent-magnet d.c. in Flameproof Enclosure, 988 Telecommunications Equipment Factories at Glenrothes and Kircaldy, Scotland, 804 Thyristor control on a.c. motor coaches on British Railways, 420
- Associated Engineering Ltd. Sub-miniature non-contact inductive transducer, 388
- Associated Fire Alarms Ltd. Bromochlorodifluoromethane non-toxic fire fighting equipment, 133, 923
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd. 70-ton Wakefield 69 impact breaker at Plymstock, 421
- Association of Engineering Distributors. Annual luncheon speeches, 722 Criticism of Selective Employment Tax, 697 Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (USA). 1966 Iron and Steel Exposition in Cleveland, 774, 826
- Aswan High Dam, progress. I. Z. Kenawi (Lecture), 597
- Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi. Electric locomotives for Belgian National Railways, 734
- Ateliers et Chantiers de Dunkerque et Bordeaux. "Pasteur" passenger and cargo liner, 825
- Atkinson Lorries Ltd. "View Line" cab; also "Silver Knight" twin-steer chassis, 405
- Atlas Copco (GB) Ltd. Portable rotary air compressor, 752 Rock Drill Attachment to Hydraulic Excavators, for boring blast holes, 986 Ship's engine room crane for very low head-room, 121
- Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. Variable Energy Cyclotron, 745
- Atomic Power Constructions Ltd. Tender for Dungoness-B accepted, 522
- Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. "Petrel" research rocket, 387
- Atomics International (USA). Titanium-niobium super-conducting cables, 864
- Audco Ltd., Pneumatic Actuators for Valves requiring quarter turn operation, 818
- August Thyssen Hlitte AG (GFR). Ingot mould milling machine, 962
- Auricoste, J. and Vichnevetsky, R. "Use of OnLine Digital Computers in Process Control" (section of "Progress in Control Engineering") 414
- Austin, C. and Davey, A. B. Glass-reinforced Plastics as Engineering Materials, 686
- Auto Diesels Ltd. Lightweight Air-Starter for jet aircraft, 954
- Automatic Control Engineering Ltd. Parcel sorting machines at North Western Parcels Office, Willesden, 848
- Automotive Products Group. Hydraulic actuators for butterfly valves working to a programmed cycle, 79
- Avco Corporation (USA) Hall mode and self-excited magneto-hydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- Aveling-Barford Ltd. Pneumatic-tyred road roller with "Air-O-Matic" tyre inflation, 709
- Avery Ltd., W. & T. Load Cell measuring and indicating device, demonstration, 655 Weighbridge on load-cell principle, 50 Weighing equipment for automated control of malt blending, 353
- Axia Fans Ltd. Near-Silent space heater, 358
- Ayrshire Foundry Training Group centre opened at Hurlford, Kilmarnock, 570
- B.I.P. Engineering Ltd. Transfer screw moulding press machinery: "Direct Screw Thermoset" injection machine and fully automatic transfer screw moulding press, 54
- Babcock & Wilcox Ltd. Graphite reactor cores for Dungeness-B nuclear power-station, 355
- Babtie, Shaw and Morton. Hamilton By-pass Motorway, 879
- Bach, K. et al. "Handbuch der Kaltetechnik. Fiinfter Band: Kaltemaschinen", 235
- Badische Anilin-und Sodafabrik AG, Ludwigshafen/Rhein. Air separation plant, 363
- Bailey, A. R. "Introductory Practical Metallography", 598 "The Role of Microstructure in Metals", 598
- Balding Engineering Ltd. "Beavermatic" Numerically-Controlled Milling Machine, 179
- Balewsky, A. T. and Nikolov, D. Pressure-Casting with Counter-Pressure, 31
- Balfour, Beatty & Co. Ltd. Kainji dam, Nigeria. Colour plate facing, 873 Power Transmission through Woodhead Tunnel, 949
- Ball, L. W. D. Basic Concept Method training films (Leader), 547
- Balzers AG fiir Hochvakuumtechnik und Diinne Schichten, Balzers (Liechtenstein). Lowenergy cathode spluttering equipment for industrial production, 253
- Bamford Bros. Ltd. Four-furrow semi-mounted reversible plough, 833
- Bamford (Excavators) Ltd., J. C. Scooper with centrally placed boom and stub dipper, 751
- Bamfords Ltd. High-Capacity Baler for haymaking, 658
- Bangor, University College of North Wales, School of Engineering Science. Stereoscan scanning electron microscope applied to semiconductors, 292
- Barbican scheme, City of London. Ove Arup & Partners, Colour plate facing, 873
- Barnes, E. G. "The Rise of the Midland Railway, 1844-1874", 322
- Barr, D. I. H. Postgraduate courses in civil engineering at British Universities (Letter), 321
- Barr, D. I. H. and Shaikh, A. D. Model Simulation of Surfaces Profiles in Tidal and Non-Tidal Watercourses, 625
- Barracudaverken AB, Stockholm. Inflatable Airhall for Reynolds (Packaging) Ltd., Dagenham, 952
- Barran, D. On North Sea Gas developments, 882
- Barrett, H. O. Machine Tool Trades Association revised definition of "machine tool", (Letter), 495
- Barrett, R. E. Sulphates in boiler furnaces (Paper), 966
- Barwell, F. T. "The Unity of Engineering as Illustrated by Transport Technology", 496
- Basler, K. and Kollbrunner, C. F., "Torsion", 496
- Batchelor, J. H. and Upson, A. R. "Synchro Engineering Handbook", 125
- Batelle-Entwicklungs-Gesellschaft mbH (GFR) formed for developing inventions to the patent or licence stage, 140
- Battelle Memorial Institute (USA). Corrosion and deposits in boilers, etc., 966
- Bates, J. J. D.c. motors with modified mechanical commutator plus silicon controlled rectifiers (Leader), 289
- Bauer (GB) Ltd. Geared servo motor with automatic position control, 396
- Beagle Aircraft Ltd. Single-engined light aircraft "Pup", 410
- Beakbane (Fortex) Ltd., Henry. Slideway protection devices for machine tools, 696
- Beaton, R. H. and Bryant R. A. A. Gas Dynamics— Hydraulic Analogy for Diabatic Flow, 307
- "Beaufort" oil tanker. Gotaverken Arendal (Norway), 933
- Beaumont Ltd., F. E. Tall chimneys of mild steel, 983
- Beck, W. E. and Small, G. R. A Motor Terminal Bushing improvement, 237
- Becker Equipment & Lifts Ltd. Goods and mail lifts at Watford Junction station, British Railways, 813 Volumetric Filler. Accurate with automatic sequence control for large containers, 132
- Beckton Sewage Works. Proposed extension, 943
- Bedding, D. G. S. and Porter, D. W. "Higher Mathematics Examples for Electrical Engineering Students", 235
- Beer, S. "Decision and Control" 717
- Belford, Adam J. R. "Design of an Archimedian Screw Conveyor", 350
- Belgian National Railways. Electrification Practice and connections with neighbouring systems, 734 Colour plate facing 713 3 560 h.p. electric locomotives able to run also on three other systems, Colour plate facing 713, 734
- Bell & Howell Ltd., Consolidated Electrodynamics Division. Portable 12-channel direct writing oscillograph, 763 Universal Electromanometer for precise pressure measuring, 423
- Bell, Christopher. S.I. Units. (Letter), 602
- Bell Telephone Laboratories. Microwave generation silicon diode oscillators, 951 Sound Spectrograph, high-speed, producing printed diagram of the frequencies and amplitudes, 579
- "Bell Vanguard" container carrier ship for UK Ireland service, 692
- Bellferry Ltd. Bellport handling terminal for UK-Ireland traffic, 692
- Belliss & Morcom Manufacturing Ltd. Open days at Compressor Works, Birmingham 497
- Bendat, J. S. and Piersol, A. G. "Measurement Analysis of Random Data", 88
- Benghazi Harbour (Libya) reconstruction. Sir William Halcrow & Partners, 951
- Benjamin Electric Ltd. Choke/capacitor assemblies for Pendant Lamp control, 659
- Benn, Mr Anthony Wedgwood, Minister of Technology. Speech at Annual Dinner of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 811 Speech opening new accommodation of British Standards Institution (Leader), 706
- Bennett Tools Ltd. Double-acting, spring toiler, 132
- Benson, Sir Henry. Chairman of Development Co-ordinating Committee, British Iron and Steel Federation (Leader), 145, 181
- Bent, R. W. "Motor Vehicle Technology", 384
- Berg, Frank F. "Korrosionsschaubilder—Corrosion Diagrams", 198
- Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG. 345M W/ 440MVA ordered for Scholven powerstation, (GFR), 253
- Berliet (France). Double deck bus prototype and "Tekel" front-wheel-drive lorry, at Paris Motor Show, 574 Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories of Central Electricity Research Board. Use of burnable poisons in reactor cores, 451
- Berrick Bros. Ltd. Slide rule. Low price for students, 24
- Best, B. C. and Hannah, I. W. Cooling tower model for wind test (Letter), 167
- Betteridge, W. S. Securing Blades in Turbine Rotors and Casings, 914
- Betz, A. "Introduction to the Theory of Flow Machines", 684
- Bevan, P. A. T. Engineering of the Independent Television Service, 721
- Bevercotes Colliery, remotely-operated. Working agreement reached, 730
- Beveridge A. A. and Ormiston, M. "Effect of a Temperature Step During Fatigue Testing of L65 Aluminium Alloy and a Carbon Manganese Steel, NEL Report No. 221", 263
- Beverley Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd. Heat Transfer Medium for pipelines, pumps and valves, 538
- BICC-Burndy Ltd. Portable compression tools for "live-line" working on overhead lines, 326
- BICC Construction (Nigeria) Ltd. Erecting wooden telephone poles in running sand, 386
- Bilston College of Further Education. Historical exhibition by Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute (Leader), 146
- Binks-Bullows Ltd. Spray gun, light-weight, airless, 24
- Binney, Eric A., (Obituary), 611
- Binnie and Partners. Shek Pik syphon spillway and Tung Chung water scheme, air regulated syphon spillway by British Hydromechanics Research Association, 4
- Blom Biornstad and Co., Oslo. "Beaufort" tanker, 933 Birchon, D. Review of "The Technology and Properties of Ferrous Alloys for High Temperature Use", 601
- Birchon, E. Hidamets: metals to reduce noise and vibration, 207
- Birfield Ltd., merger with Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds Ltd., 135
- Birkett Ltd., Samuel. High-Lift Safety Valve, 62
- Birkigt, M. Anti-aircraft guns, Hispano Suiza designs, 196
- Birmetals Ltd. High-strength magnesium alloy, 357
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting Co. Ltd. Rear trailing arms, 623
- Birmingham, New Street Station. Resignalling with control panel indications from 478 track circuits covering 36 route-miles, Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co. Ltd., 229
- Birmingham Small Arms Co. Ltd. Annual report, 768 Merged with Alfred Herbert Ltd., for machine tools, 250
- Bir-Vac Ltd. Electron Gun for High Vacuum Evaporation, 245
- Bishop, Sir Harold, President, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers, at first annual dinner, 603
- BKL Alloys Ltd. Aluminium alloy anodes for cathodic protection of Haringvliet (Netherlands) sluice gates, 452 0. Hahn (Letter), 532
- Black, P. "Strength of Materials, 350
- Blackley, D. C. "High Polymer Lattices, Vols. I and 2", 450
- Blackman Ltd., Keith. Lightweight propeller type fans, 694
- Blanco White, T. A. "Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names", 984
- Bligh, Thomas P. Potential Flow Solutions of Jet Curtains, 297
- Blue Funnel Line. Dock complex being built jointly with Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 454
- Blyth-B power-station. Noise from circulating-water pump motors. (Paper at symposium), 604
- Boal, G. A. and Openshaw Taylor, E. "Electric Power Distribution 415V-33kV", 717
- Board of Trade. Import and export figures with comment, 135 Industry's investment intentions, answers to inquiry, 25 Investment Grants under Industrial Development Act 1966, 890 Investments intentions forecasts 609 Overseas trade figures for July, 329
- Boby & Co. Ltd., William. Reactivator water treatment unit, film, 691
- Boehm, K. "University Choice", 168
- Boeing Co. and Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. American Supersonic Transport Aircraft Proposals, 397
- Bonallack & Sons Ltd. Aluminium-bodied road vehicles, 240
- Bonneville Power Authority (USA). Transformers with 525kV bushings from Bushing Co. Ltd., 693
- Boonton Electronics Corporation (USA). Radio Frequency/Microwave Power Meter, 954
- Booth, E. S. Generating Plant for 1970, inaugural address as chairman of the Power Division, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 682
- Borough Polytechnic, London, S.E.I. Laboratory courses on pulse circuits and digital circuits, 292
- Boswell, D. Microelectronic market estimate and thin film techniques (Paper), 124
- Bosworth, H. W. (Obituary), 281
- Bouchiat, Marie-Anne. "Etude par pompage optique de la relaxation d'atomes de rubidium, 596
- Boudarel, R. et al. "Analytic Study of Non-Linear Sampled-Data Systems (section of "Progress in Control Engineering"), 414
- Bower & Co. Ltd., Walter. Gasholder dismantled unconventionally by using hydraulic chocks at works of Sheepbridge Co. Ltd., 212
- Bowles, E. A. and Hockley, H. R. Role of the professional communicator of technical information (Paper), 451
- Boxmakers Plastics Ltd. Filling and sealing machine for preformed thermoplastic containers, 884
- Boyer, J. L. Silicon diodes and thyristors development. At Symposium held by International Rectifier Corporation, 534
- BP Benzin and Petroleum AG, Hamburg. "St. Michaelis" fully automatic motor tankership, 140
- Braby of Britain Group. Lightweight Air-Starter for jet aircraft, 954
- Bradley Ltd., G. & E. "LIDAR" (Laser Intensity Direction And Ranging) equipment, 592
- Brazier, L. G. (Obituary), 767
- Brentnall, E. G. Euston Main-Line Electrification: Signalling and Telecommunications (Paper), 672
- Brico Engineering Ltd. Petrol Injection with Electronic Control, 492
- Brightside Group, Sheffield. District Heating at Rowlatts Hill, Leicester, 653
- Brissonneau et Lotz, Nantes (France). Cargo winch for use on ships a.c. supplies, 167
- Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. Resumption of sales on open market, 550 VRL double-deck chassis with engine at rear on offside, 550
- Bristol Pneumatic Tools _Ltd. Portable, diesel-driven air compressor with noise suppression, 709
- Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd. "Black Arrow" motor, 371 "Marine Proteus" gas turbine driving a centrifugal pump for US Navy hydrofoil gunboat, 451 "Olympus 593" engine for "Concord" supersonic aircraft, 409 Turbomeca Astazou for "Jetstream" business executive airliners, 952 "Viper" Turbo-Jet engine for business jet aircraft and future military trainers, 324
- Bristol Siddeley/SNECMA. M45H turbo-fan engine for short haul VFW6 I 4 transport, 371
- British Aircraft Corporation, Anti-Aircraft Weapons System, "Sightline" and ET.316, 163 "Concord" prototypes of components interchanged between Britain and France, 353 "Concord" supersonic airliner, road transport using special-purpose trailer system, 835 First all-British scientific satellite, UK.3, space simulation trial, 174 "Project Mustard", rocket propelled space transporter system (Lecture), 494 "Swingfire" anti-tank missile, 411 Tender for "Thor Delta" advanced scientific satellites, 847 Variable geometry aircraft, hypothetical model, 411
- British Aluminium Co. Ltd. Colourbond aluminium sheet cladding on Fort William plant of Scottish Pump and Paper Mills, 454
- British Association for the Advancement of Science. Meeting at Nottingham (Leader), 337, (Leader), 369, 376, 407, 446
- British Broadcasting Corporation. Aerial mast, high-level maintenance hoist, Waltham-on-the-Wolds, 887 Stereophonic sound transmissions, 83
- British Celanese Ltd. Large diameter plastics ducting system, 760
- British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority. Submarine power cables for Vancouver Island connection, 284
- British Computer Society. "(The) Computer Bulletin—Datafair Issue", 496 Membership grades, 921 Symposium on optical character recognition, 968
- British Cycle and Motor Cycle Industries Association. International Show, 743
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association. Remarks by Mr. Harold Wilson, Prime Minister, after dinner (Leader), 829 Standardisation of interfaces coupling peripheral equipment to industrial control processes computers, 274
- British European Airways. Double-Deck Buses for Airline Duty, 688
- British Hydromechanics Research Association New Laboratories, Cranfield, and current work, 3
- British Industrial Exhibition, Moscow (Leader), 38, 39
- British Institute of Management. Elborne memorial lecture by Lord Kings Norton, 867
- British Insulated Callender's Cables Ltd. High-voltage power cables manufacture and testing plant, Erith (Kent), 129
- British Insurance Association. Fire damage figures, 217
- British Iron and Steel Federation. Development Co-ordinating Committee's Report (Leader), 145, 181 Automatic carbon-in-steel analyser, 537 Blast furnace slag density control to improve its commercial value, 569 Electro-Slag Refining Technology Unit set up in Sheffield, 122 Marine Corrosion Research. J. F. Stanners, 910 Steelmaking by the Spray Process, 585 Yield Stress/Ultimate Tensile Stress Ratio discussed at open meeting of Engineering Properties Committee, 295
- British Jeffrey-Diamond Ltd. "Hydropower" tandem roller, 708 70-ton Wakefield 69 impact breaker at Plymstock, 421 Shredder for reducing domestic refuse tailings, 708
- British Joint Electronic Research Committee. Electronic Telephone Exchange in Service, Ambergate, Derbyshire, 912
- British Lighting Council. Display of Interior Lighting, 834 Floodlighting of building sites, economics, 385
- British Manufacture & Research Co. Ltd. in Hispano Suiza group. Small-Calibre Guns, 196
- British Marine Equipment Council. "Conqueror" class standard 14 000 tons d.w. cargo ship projected, 690 Inaugurated, 237
- British Mechanical Engineering Federation. Exporting to Scandinavia, co-operative market research project, 457
- British MHD Collaborative Research Committee. Experimental 300MW magnetohydrodynamic generator described at Salzburg symposium, 199
- British National Export Council. Annual report, 504 Comments by Lord McFadzean on overseas investments, 609
- British Overseas Airways Corporation. Purchase of six Boeing 747 aircraft authorised, 210
- British Oxygen Chemicals Ltd. Acetylene plant using Wulff process, Colour plate facing 44 Hydrocarbon-Based Acetylene Plant Maydown, Northern Ireland, Wulff process, 90
- British Oxygen Co. Ltd. Air separation column of a 600 tons/day oxygen plant for Colvilles Ltd., Colour plate facing 713 Automatic line follower for gas-cutting machines, 134 Cutting and welding, new range of manual equipment, 423
- British Oxygen Cryoproducts. Cryogenic expansion engine, 356 Re-alignment of ship's twisted crank-shaft without landing, by use of oxy-propane torches, liquid nitrogen and hydraulic jacks, 385
- British Paints Ltd. Electric curing system for aircraft. Metal-protection sealant, 357
- British Petroleum Co. Ltd. "Industrial Lubrication", 206
- British Petroleum Co. Pipe laying barge "Hugh W. Gordon", 129 Turbo drilling in North Sea, along curved path deviating from vertical, 243
- British Plastics Federation. 5th International Reinforced Plastics Conference, London, 847
- British Pump Manufacturers Association. "British Pumps Buyers' Guide", 269
- British Railways. Data processing centres at Crewe and Peterborough. International Computers & Tabulators Ltd., 497 Diesel-hydraulic locomotives with hydraulic transmission, Design Problems (Leader) 937 (Paper), 941 Diesel train fire reports, 846 London Midland Region, Harecastle tunnels diversionary line, 94 Main Line Electrification Technical Conference (Leader), 669, 671 Oil Rail Terminal for Leeds, 844 Permanent Way Records Processing, "Neptune" system. Derwent Electronics Ltd., 151 Stoke-on-Trent resignalling completed, 497 Thyristor control on a.c. motor coaches, 420
- British Road Federation Ltd. "Basic Road Statistics 1966", 235 Motorway programme, charts and table, 973 Road Finance and Administration forum, 80
- British Ropes Ltd. Cold-Worked "Dyform" seven-wire steel-strand for Prestressed Concrete, 607 Pit Head portable Winch, 500
- British Standards Institution Anodised wrought aluminium for external architectural applications, BS 3987: 1966, 950 Cast Iron Butterfly Valves for General Purposes, BS 3952, 378 Cast Iron Parallel Slide Valves for General Purposes, BS 3948, 378 Corrosion. Code of Practice for the protection of iron and steel structures, from corrosion (Leader), 619 Guide to the Specification of the Performance of Electronically Controlled Adjustable Speed Drive Equipment, 841 Hard-Drawn Thin Wall Copper Tubes (BS 3931: 1965), 784 Lined moulded industrial rubber boots. BS 3995, 320 Lining of Vessels and Equipment for Chemical Processes. Part 3. Lead. Part 4. Plasticised PVC Sheet (BS 3003: 1965), 784 Method of certifying elevated temperature proof or yield stress properties of steel products by selective testing. BS 3920: 1965, 675 Method of test for low penetration air filters (other than for the supply to I.C. engines and compressors). BS 3928, 236 Metric system, draft programme for change over in the construction industry, 535 Pipe Wrenches. Part 2. Footprint Type Wenches (BS 3954: 1965), 784 Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes. (BS 3924) 236 Remarks by Mr. Wedgwood Benn, Minister of Technology, at opening of new accommodation (Leader), 706 Rigging screws for shipping purposes and for guyed masts. BS 4013, 320 Safety footwear, part 3, lined moulded rubber safety boots No. 1870: Part 3: 1966, 950 Technical digests of information on overseas regulations, 457 Temporary protection of metal surfaces against corrosion (during transport and storage) No. 1133: Section 6: 1966, 950
- British Steel Castings Research Association. "Recommended Procedure for Surface Flaw Detection of Steel Castings by Magnetic Particle Examination, 755
- British Steel Piling Co. Ltd. Hydraulically operated rig, 750
- British Transport Docks Board. Contracts awarded for ore harbour at Port Talbot and for Newport Docks scheme, 273
- British Vacuum Cleaner & Engineering Co. Ltd. Versatile, portable vacuum cleaner, 99
- British Valve Manufacturers Association. "Technical Reference Book on Valves for the Control of Fluids", 269 Wide-plate test rig, 4000-ton, 16
- British Welding Research Association. Charpy test specimens broaching machine, 764 "Scando" system Self-Erecting Mast Hoist, 569 "Trackmaster" for trenching, dozing, scarifying and grading, 708 Vehicle-mounted hydraulic crane for bricks, 841
- Brize Norton, Oxfordshire. Large hangar for R.A.F., 848
- Brno International Trade Fair, Czechoslovakia, 507, 541, 576
- Brockhouse Steel Structures Ltd. Clasp system steel framework in school at Ballancourt-surEssone (France), 987
- Broderick, R. and Green, W. J. "Photographic method for measuring velocity profiles in a liquid jet" (Letter), 236
- Brogan, T. R. and Mattsson, A. C. J Magnetohydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- Brogan, T. R. et al. Hall mode magnetohydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- Bronx Engineering Co. Ltd. Edge Trimmer for Coiled Steel Strip, 883 Hydraulic press brake, large, 922
- Brookhirst Igranic Ltd. Automated control of malt blending, 353 Foot and Palm Switches, 723 Parcel sorting machines at North Western Parcels Office, Willesden of General Post Office, 848 "Power 70" Switchboard for distribution and motor starting, 177 Thermistor Overheat Control Unit for motor protection, 725
- Brooks Instrument NV, Veenendaal, (Neth). Explosion proof, high-pressure, armoured, flow indicator with alarm signal, 284
- Brosan, G. S. and Hayden, J. T. "Advanced Electrical Power and Machines, 496
- Broughton & Sons (Engrs.) Ltd., J. Pneumatic/ hydraulic cylinders, 456
- Brown & Co. Ltd., John. Report and accounts, 181
- Brown & Co. (Clydebank) Ltd., John Mobile Drilling Platform "Orion, self-elevating, 17
- Brown, Boveri & Cie AG, Mannheim (GFR) Miniature choke unit for small fluorescent tubes, 284 Portable fully transistorised, frequency-modulated radiotelephone with selective call device, 430
- Brown, C. N. (Obituary), 855
- Brown, F. A. S. "Great Northern Locomotive Engineers, Vol. I" 350
- Brown Gear Industries Ltd., David: see under David Brown, J. G. "X-Rays and Their Applications", 875
- Browns Ferry, Alabama. 2 200MW Nuclear Power-Station contract awarded, 254
- Bruce, C. E. R. Thermal and Non-Thermal Cosmic Energy Sources, 801
- Bruce Peebles Ltd. Automation of constant-gap four-high wide-strip rolling mill, Dolgarrog, North Wales. Colour plate facing 552 Loewy Robertson constant-gap control of aluminium wide-strip rolling mill at Dolgarrog North Wales, 467
- Bruun & Sorensen A/S Copenhagen. District Heating at Rowlatts Hill, Leicester, 653
- Bryan, Walter. (Obituary), 27
- Bryans Ltd. High speed digital-to-analogue converter, from punched tape to oscilloscope display, 412
- Bryant, R. A. A. and Beaton, R. H. Gas Dynamics— Hydraulic Analogy for Diabatic Flow, 307
- Brydson, J. A. "Plastics Materials", 87
- Buchan, J., et al. Stress-Relaxation Properties of some Nickel-Chromium Alloys for Steam Power Plant, 480
- Buchanan, Cohn. Transport in Towns (Paper at World Road Meeting, London), 435
- Buerde-Migule principle sealless agitator, high pressure/high vacuum, for mixing low and medium viscous liquids. F. J. Gattys Ingenieurbur°, Frankfurt (Main) (GFR), 223
- Building Control Act 1966, 282
- Building Research Station, Garston. Current researches, 113
- Bull, T. W. et al. Symposium on noise from power plant (Paper), 604
- Bungeroth, R. K. Kockswing-forging machine (Letter), 984
- Burmeister and Wain, Copenhagen. "Missouri", fast cargo-liner, 363
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Tanker M.V. "Teviot" to carry liquid ethylene for ICI plant at Rozenburg, near Rotterdam, 386
- Bush Beach & Segner Bayley Ltd. "Stretch" cable, lightweight, kinkless and non-coiling, "Retraflex", 725
- Bush Murphy Electronics. High-Speed Teleprinter, 954
- Bushing Co. Ltd. 525kV bushings for transformers, 693
- Butland, A. N. Civil engineering works of the Euston Main-Line Electrification (Paper), 672 (Letter), 756
- Butler, G. and !son, H. C. K. "Corrosion and its Prevention in Waters", 267
- Butterfield Ltd., Charles. Ships' cargo blocks, quick-release towing hooks controlled from bridge, 165
- Cable & Wireless Ltd. Ascension Island satellite Earth station for "Apollo" communications, 95, 536
- Callender's Construction Co. Ltd. Catenary and cables for Pakistan Western Railway electrification, 127
- Calvert, N. H. Work of the Water Resources Board (Paper), 446
- Calvert, Roger. Project Tidepower (Letter), 270
- Cameron, A. "The Principles of Lubrication", 948
- Campbell, D. S. Preparation of thin films (Paper) 124
- Candy, P. J. H. Traffic accidents and offences on M4 (Paper), 836
- Canning & Co. Ltd., W. Polishing machine for injection moulded plastics components, 880
- Cannon, A. G. W. (Obituary), 959
- Cape, Albert Bernard. (Obituary), 855
- Capper-Neill Ltd. Storage tanks in Bitumen refinery, Eastham, 643
- Carlyle Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd. Air cooled condenser, 213
- Carmichael, A. D. Review of "Fluid Flow in Bends of Conduits", 754
- Cargo Aids Ltd. Semi-automatic cargo hook for helicopters, 413
- Cargo Dynamics (Great Britain) Ltd. Hatch covers hydraulically operated, 80
- Carlisle, S. S. Co-operative automation centres to aid smaller-unit industries proposed, 690
- Carr, J. and Newmann, J. Medium-speed geared diesel engines for Ocean-going Merchant Ship Propulsion (Paper), 845
- Carr, P. E. What is a machine tool? (Letter), 560
- Carter, E. F. "Dictionary of Inventions and Discoveries", 919
- Carter Engineering Co. Ltd. Four-Seat battery-electric city car, 656
- Carver & Co. (Engineers) Ltd. T-slot Clamp giving instant adjustment, 98 Universal hydraulic bending machine, 178
- Case Co., J. I. Track-mounted loader-dozer, 709
- Cassignol, E. J. "Semiconductors—Vol. I. Physics and Electronics, 350
- Casson, W. Review of "Protective Relays Application Guide", 415
- Catalan Lafuente, J. G. "Estudio quimico-sedimentalOgico de algunos afluentes del Tajo", 170
- Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill. (USA). Inertia Welding Process, 107
- CAV Ltd. Primary filter for water in diesel fuel, 872
- C-E-I-R. "SPL" (Software Programming Language) as computer programming aid, 986
- Cement and Concrete Association. Eight new technical reports, 318 "Recent Developments in Yield-Line Theory", 596 Summer school for lecturers in formwork planning and technology, 119 (The) Use of Concrete for Hard Shoulders for Motorways", 945
- Cementation Construction Co. Ltd., Jetty at refinery on North Bank of Tees, 515
- Cenco Instrumenten Mij NV (Neth.) Combined hotplate and magnetic stirrer, 396 High-vacuum gate valve, 736 Illuminated magnetic stirrer, 930
- Center for Computer Sciences and Technology (USA), 897
- Central Committee of Study Groups. Fifth report, "Status and Benefits in Industry", 504
- Central Electricity Generating Board. "Aberthaw Fisher" roll-on roll-off heavy load ship, (colour plate facing) 233 Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, work on use of burnable poisons in reactor cores, 451 Coal Handling Machine at Aberthaw, near Barry with 27 ft. dia. bucket-wheel stacker/re claimer, 953 Generating Plant for 1970. E. S. Booth, inaugural address as chairman of the Power Division, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 682 Generation and Transmission, statistics and technical developments outlined, 522 "Good Neighbours" colour film (Leader), 967 Tests on three-layshaft co-axial gear units, 943 Woodhead Tunnel used for 400kV cables, 949 (Leader), 967
- Central Eletrica de Furnas SA, Rio de Janeiro. Water-wheel generators for Estreito power station on Rio Grande (Brazil), 430
- Central Water & Power Research Station, Poona (India). Golden Jubilee symposia on "Model and prototype conformity" and "Modern trends in hydraulic engineering research", 415 Centro-Maskin Co., Goteborg (Sweden). Pneumatic grinding pressure system for surface conditioning of billets, blooms, ingots, slabs, rounds, 775
- CERN, Geneva: see European Organisation for Nuclear Research
- Chadwick, A. B. (Obituary), 650
- Chadwick, George. The Crisis: broken promises of delivery a contributory cause (Letter), 913
- Chamberlain Industries Ltd. Hydraulic Motor, double-banked ten-cylinder, 500 Pit Head portable Winch, 500 Channel Islands high-capacity cable. Submarine Cables Ltd., 692
- Charles Churchill Group acquires Froriep GmbH (GFR) machine tool company, 957
- Chaseside Engineering Co. Ltd. Underground drilling rig for use on wheeled hydraulic loading shovel in Billingham anhydrite mine, 325 Chasma Barrage, West Pakistan. Tenders, quantities and cross section, 566 Chebotarev, N. P. "Theory of Stream Runoff" 875
- Chemische Apparatebau Ltd., Manchester. "Lurgi" heat exchanger from Thies, Coesfeld (GFR), 334
- Chesham Amalgamations & Investments Ltd. Machine tool industry, international comparisons, 425 Report on structure and productivity of machine tool industry in UK, 533
- Chesterfield Tube Co. Ltd. School to works, week's trial scheme, 821 Chesterton windmill, Warwickshire, restoration, 241
- Cheydleur, Ben. Inter-Company computer link, Ford-America, Dearborn with 48 connections in USA, now also with Ford Motor Co., Aveley, Essex, 21
- Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. Offshore crude oil storage for Tenneco Oil Co., in Gulf of Mexico, 512 Clarkson (Engineers) Ltd. Milling Cutters for very heavy cuts, etc., 763
- Chilver, A. H. and Ashby, R. J. "Problems in engineering structures", 86
- Chlumsky, V. "Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors", 916 Chooz Nuclear Power-Station of Franco-Belgian SENA, 822
- Choubey, R. and Murray, D. "Some Variations in the Activation Energy for Creep in Nimonic 80A. (NEL Report No. 209)", 749
- Christiani & Nielsen Ltd. District Heating at Rowlatts Hill, Leicester, 653 Hamilton By-pass Motorway, 879 Tube elements prefabricated in drydock and floated into position for Coen Tunnel at Amsterdam, 332
- Christopher, P. R. Fatigue properties of steels related to yield stress/ultimate tensile stress ratio, 296
- Churchill Gear Machines Ltd. Chamfering Machine for Starter Ring Teeth, 126 Machine Tool Factory Extensions, 12 Single Spindle Bar Automatic, 658
- CIGRE: see Conference on Large Electric Systems (Conference International des Grands Reseaux Electriques)
- City University (in London). Inauguration under Royal Charter (Leader), 546
- Civil Service. Administrative and professional officers, separation criticised in evidence to Fulton Committee (Leader), 865, 890 KD Works, Prague. Heavy diesel-electric shunting locomotive, 541 Self-propelled crane to lift 8000 kg, slewable through 360`', 223
- "Clan Macgillivray" class ships with automatic control, 6 Clapp, B. P. "Economics of Cold Extrusion". NEL Report No. 195, 521
- Clark, F. and Twining, J. "Standards of Welding Achievement during Training". 416
- Clark, W. J. "Flow measurement by square-edged orifice plates using corner tappings", 599
- Clarke, B. L. and Harper, F. C. Forces Applied by Persons Rising and Sitting Down, 479
- Clarke Chapman and Co. Mooring equipment, remotely controlled, 79
- Clarkson (Engineers) Ltd. Milling Cutters for very heavy cuts, etc., 763
- Claudgen Ltd. 4 kW Infra-Red Quartz Heater, 852
- Clausen, Hugh. Feilden Report, maintains a head of steam (Letter), 270 From University to Industry (Letter), 205 The Junior Institution of Engineers and technician engineers (Letter), 913
- Clausen, Mads. Life record published by Danfoss A/S (Denmark), 962
- Clayton Equipment Co. Ltd. Battery/Trolley Locomotives for construction work, 711 Reflections on the development of engineering, arising from the Whitworth Exhibition (Letter), 417 Review of "Mechanical Engineering Design, an Introduction", 601
- Clean Air Congress and Exhibition, London, October 1966. T. Henry Turner, 983
- Cleaver-Hume Group of Correspondence Colleges, Aldermaston Court, (Leader) 465
- Clements R. and Parkes, D. "Manual of Maintenance, Vol. 2 Plant", 384 "Manual of Maintenance Engineering Handbook, No. 10", 53
- Clutterbuck, C. K. "3-D Scale Drawing", 168
- Coales, J. F. Historical remarks at International Conference on Microwave and Optical Generation and Amplification, Cambridge (Leader), 402
- Coalite & Chemical Products Ltd. Solid smokeless fuels, 983
- Cochran and Co. Hemispherical Tubeplate in a Shell Boiler, 946
- Cochran & Co. Annan, Ltd. Electronic Differential Relay, transistorised plug-in, 328
- Cockcroft, M. G. and Latham, 0. J., "The Effect of Stress System on the Workability of Metals", NEL report No. 216, 494
- Cockers of Southport Ltd. "Kewtainer" demountable body resembling an ordinary van, 552
- Coen Tunnel at Amsterdam, under the North Sea Canal, 332
- Cohen Machinery Ltd., George. Crawler crane; also hydraulic lorry loader, 710 Portable Weighbridges for Road Vehicles, 423
- Cohen 600 Group Ltd., George. Additional acquisition of F. J. Edwards Ltd., 730
- Colchester Lathe Co. Ltd. Training centre, 882
- Colchester Tillage Ltd. "Rotacrumbler" comprising drag harrows and "Quirt" rotary cultivators, 833
- College of Aeronautics, Cranfield. Symposium on Diesel Engines, 91
- Colvilles Ltd. Air separation column of a 600 tons/day oxygen plant, Colour plate facing 713
- Combustion Chemicals Ltd. Cleaning and protection Process for water-tube boilers, 391
- Combustion Engineering Association. Joint Conference on energy for the new towns, 353 Riviera Oil Award offered for paper relating to petroleum products, 729 Tomorrow's all-electric towns? Conference paper by R. H. Phillips (Leader), 670
- Comet Pump & Engineering Co. Ltd. Oil, greases and molasses cargoes transferring pumps, 80
- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (France) superconducting magnet, 45 000-gauss for "Saturne" Department, 961
- Committee of Directors of Research Associations. Suggestions to Fulton Committee on the Civil Service, 985
- Committee on Manpower Resources for Science and Technology. Triennial Survey; interim report of Manpower Parameters for growth (Leader), 582
- "Commercial Motor" Fleet Management Conference, 489
- Communications Satellite Corporation. First "live" broadcast of television from Australia, 847
- Compagnie Francaise Thomson-Houston, Paris Secondary radar systems (SECAR) for Brussels and Shannon airports, 95
- Compagnie Generale d'Electricite (France). Superconducting magnet, 45 000-gauss, 961
- Computer Group, Electrical Research Association, Leatherhead. Power systems analysis research 233
- Computer Offices Ltd. Systems analysis training course, 882
- Computer Services (Birmingham) Ltd., connected by private line to satellite bureau in London, 127
- Computerised Management Ltd. Low-cost computer service for small concerns, 692
- Comte-Bellot, Genevieve. "Ecoulement turbulent entre deux parois paralleles", 596
- "Concord" supersonic airliner project. Cost estimates revised, 419 First exchange of major components, 234 Flight deck windscreens. Triplex Safety Glass Co. Ltd., 372 Forward fuselage test rig at Royal Aircraft Establishment, 242 Fuel mass flowmeter. Elliott-Automation Ltd., 846 Prototype components interchanged between Britain and France, 353 Road transport using special-purpose trailer system, 835
- Concrete Society Ltd. formed to replace four existing organisations, 240
- Condor Werkzeuge and Steuerungen GmbH, Hochmossingen, Wurtt, (GFR). Tapping machine for small threads, 334
- Confederation of British Industry. "Fuel Economy 1966", 88 Mechanical engineering trade associations study (Leader), 779 Scholarships for training in industry, 114 Steel nationalisation discussions with Minister of Power, 957
- Conference on Large Electric Systems (Conference International des Grands Reseaux Electriques CIGRE). Paris meeting, 6, 42
- Conference of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects in Munich, 5
- Conflex (Agent: Strojexport) (Czechosl.). Overhead conveyor for small loads in garment industries, laundries, &c. 542
- "Conqueror" class standard 14 000 tons d.w. cargo ship projected, 690
- Conservative Political Centre. Report on Trade Unions, 394
- Consolidated Edison, New York. 1000MW steam-turbine generator, Ravenswood, and ties with other systems, 7
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co. Ltd. Airpowered Scribing Tool with accessories for engraving, chiselling, scraping, riveting and gouging, 327 High-speed tunnel drill, 750 Rock drill, lightweight general-purpose miniature, 131
- Constable, J. and Smith, D. "Group Assessment Programmes—The Measurement of Indirect Work", 417
- Consterdine, E. W. and Pomfret, B. Large turbogenerators, design problems (Paper), 42
- Constructors John Brown Ltd. Electrolytic Sewage Treatment at Le Creux Mahie, Guernsey, C.I., 231
- Consultair Ltd. Pneumatic control cylinders, with built-in reed switches, 422
- Continental Oil Co. Ltd. Immingham oil refinery project, 243
- Controls for Radiation Inc., (USA). Thermoluminescent Dosimetry equipment, 726
- Coode and Partners. Chasma Barrage, West Pakistan. Tenders, quantities and cross section, 566
- Coon, J. E. "Nantis (Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Technical Information Service) Handbook and Directory of Resources 1966", 755
- Cooper & Turner Ltd. Friction-Grip Bolts for Higher Loading, 391
- Cooper, C. B. et al. Limited pole-slipping of turbo-generators, (Paper) 42
- Corning Glass Works, Corning, NY (USA). Application of Fluidic Devices, 34 Summing junction for outputs of two propor tional fluid amplifiers, 246
- Cornish Engines Preservation Society. Endowment fund appeal (Leader), 938
- Corrosion Advice Bureau of British Iron and Steel Research Association, 911
- Costain (Civil Engineering) Ltd., Richard. Fourlevel interchange between M.4 and M.5 motorways at Almondsbury, Gloucestershire, 176
- Cossor Electronics Ltd. Ships' radiocommunication equipment, 167
- Cosworth Engineering, Northampton. Ford Formula II 1599 cm" racing engine, 453
- Cottam Power Station near Nottingham. Automatic control system. English Electric, 385
- Cotton, Silk and Man-Made Fibres Research Association. "Fibre Data Summaries", 755
- Coull, A. Gravitational Stresses in Deep Beams, 305
- Council for National Academic Awards. Higher degrees (Leader), 110
- Council for the Conservation of Sheffield Antiquities. Progress in restoration of the old Abbeydale works, Sheffield, 56
- Council of British Manufacturers of Petroleum Equipment. Speeches at annual dinner, 565
- Council of Engineering Institutions. Evidence to Fulton Committee on Civil Service (Leader), 865, 890 Statements on Education, training and examinations, 419
- Cowley, A. Review of "Physical Networks", 86
- Coppermills Waterworks, Walthamstow. John Mowlem & Co. Ltd., 454
- Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. "Hy-Spill" frameless, tipping semitrailer, 405 Non-tipping hopper pressure tanker, 925 Semi-Trailer Developments exhibited on tour, 48
- Crane, Maurice. Current locomotive developments on British and overseas railways, (Presidential address), 545
- Cranfield Society. Discussion on "Training the technocrat for 1975", 127
- Cray-Campling Ltd. Positioning tool enabling engine to be installed in vehicle by one person, 279
- Crayford Auto Developments Ltd. Ford de luxe "Cortina" convertible, 620
- Crompton Parkinson Ltd. Battery by critical path analysis, 718 Lightweight portable Stud-Welder, 98 Switchgear for Battery/Trolley Locomotives, 711 Traction motors for Victoria line, London. Colour plate facing 377
- Crossley Premier Engines Ltd. Pielstick highpower, medium-speed diesel engines, now at Openshaw, Manchester, 845
- Crowther, R. Dual reading dials for machine tools (Letter), 716
- Csillag, I. K. Test Rig for Water-Cooled TurboGenerator Rotor (Excerpts from paper), 674
- Cubitt Index for construction industry, 821
- Cumming, Ian. Review of "Progress in Control Engineering", 414
- Cunningham, M. T. and Wearne S. H. "Problems and Efficiency in the Management of Engineering Projects", 984
- Curn, F. and Kopecky, R. Diamond profiling wheels for the grinding of sintered carbide (Paper), 495
- Cybernetics Instrumentation Ltd. Displacement transducers providing a d.c. analogue output from a battery supply, 499
- Dailey, J. W. and Harleman, D. R. F. "Fluid Dynamics", 126
- Daimler Co. Ltd. "Sovereign" saloon car, 621
- Daimler Transport Vehicles Ltd. "Fleetline" double-deck buses, 406 "Roadliner" rear-engined single-deck, 36 ft bus/coach chassis with Metalastik togglelink rubber suspension, 406
- Dalton, John. Bicentenary of birth, 756
- Danarm Ltd. Chain Saw rotary cutting attachment, 99
- Danfoss (London) Ltd. High-pressure atomising nozzles for oil burners, 615
- Danish State Railways. "MZ" type diesel-electric locomotives, 3300HP, from NOHAB Trollhattan (Sweden), 223
- Danks of Netherton Ltd. "Maestro" package boiler with "Supaqua" hot water heater, 277
- Danloux-Dumesnils, M. "Esprit et bon usage du Systeme Metrique", 168
- Darling, R. F. and Isherwood, T. Engineering tests for marine turbine lubricating oils (Paper), 691
- Dart Valley Railway Co. to operate former GWR branch line, 920
- Data Corporation, Dayton, Ohio. Automatic dialling device using magnetic tape, 364
- Datsko, Joseph. "Material Properties and Manufacturing Processes", 810
- Davall Gear Co. Ltd. Small Precise Differential bevel gear for instrument and similar applications, 180
- Davey, A. B. and Austin, C. Glass-Reinforced Plastics as Engineering Materials, 686
- David Brown Gear Industries Ltd. Large Gear Boxes Test Rig, 943 Standard helical and bevel reduction units, 608
- Davies, I. et al. Measurements on Chimney Plumes, 592
- Davy & United Instruments Ltd. Load cells weighing equipment for polyester fibre plant, USSR, 714 Non-Destructive Tube Inspection. Heliscan ultrasonic equipment, 593 Universal beam mill for NADIR, Luxembourg, 176
- Dawe Instruments Ltd. Vibration Monitoring System, 887
- Dawson, J. and Silverleaf, A. Hydrodynamic design of merchant ships for high speed operation, (Paper), 5
- Day, C. C. et al. "Worked Examples in Engineering Science", 450
- Day, N. L. Higher National Certificate and Local Industry, 315
- Day, P. G. (Electronics) Ltd. Equipment factory at Hitchin, Herts., 564
- De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. International Industrial Diamond Conference, Oxford, 495
- De Beers, Shannon Airport. "RDA-MC" (Resin Diamond Abrasive-Metal Clad) for grinding wheels, 215
- Decca Navigator Co. Ltd. Hyperbolic Area Coverage air navigation system for Eurocontrol, 95 Long-range hyperbolic air navigation system, 413 Loran C/A airborne installation, 413
- Decca Radar Ltd. Queen's Award to Industry for marine exports, 329 Ships centralised control and monitoring, 167
- Dechamps, J. L. Amortissement des vibrations d'un aubage de turbomachine en fonctionnement, 749
- Deere Ltd., John. Plough landing hitch, hydraulic, 82 Self-Propelled and Trailed Combine Harvesters, also pick-up baler, 606
- Deering, J. E. Telephone cable duct rodding machine, 956
- Degenhardt & Co. Ltd. Stereo microscope 253
- Demag AG, Duisburg (GFR). Drive for vertical rolling mill, 825 Hard-Rock Tunnelling Machine, 930 Pig iron desulphurisation with shaking ladle, 823
- Department of Economic Affairs. Economic progress and foreign trade of West Germany since the war, 539
- Derby, County Borough, Automatic Continuous Incinerator Plant, 645
- Derwent Electronics Ltd. "Neptune" system for Permanent Way Records Processing, 151
- Deshpane, M. V. "Elements of Electrical Power Station Design", 496
- Desoutter Lang Pneumatic Ltd. Solenoid Spool Valves, 765
- Deutsche Solvay Werke GmbH, Rheinberg (GFR). Spherical tank holding 1000t vinyl chloride, weighing installation, 896
- Development Group of Chartered Quantity Surveyors. Computer Applications, 881
- Devlin, Lord. Report of Committee of Inquiry on Dock Workers' Pay, 539
- Dewar & Son Ltd., James. "Portsmouth Queen" and "Gosport Queen" ferries, 175
- Dial Automatic Scale Co. Ltd. Portable Weighbridges for Road Vehicles, 423
- Dick Ltd., R. & J. Variable Speed Drive Units, 100
- Dickens, W. R. "Degree Problems in Fluids", 717
- Digest Data Books Ltd. "Computers 1966", 919
- DiNanno, L. R. et al. Hall mode magnetohydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- Distillers Chemicals & Plastics Ltd. Improved working conditions through safe smoking areas and refreshment kiosks at Salt End, Hull factory, 25
- Distington Engineering Co. Ltd. Vacuum degassing vessel built for Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Scunthorpe, Lincs., 837
- Docks and Harbours Act, 1966. Licensing of Port Employers, 570
- "Dolabella" bridge-controlled oil tanker. Societe Maritime Shell, 104
- Dolan, J. A. "Motor Vehicle Technology and Practical Work, Vol. I.", 984
- Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd. Algonquin Radio Telescope, Ontario, 232 (and colour plate facing)
- Dominions Export Co. Ltd. Arranged British participation of named firms at East German Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, 67
- Donors' Association for German Science. Organisation and activities, 613
- Donovan Electrical Co. Ltd. Eddy current proximity switches, 537
- Dorman Long & Co. Ltd. merger, 853
- Douglas-Rownson Ltd. Conveyor line pressure release system, semi-automatic for palletiser equipments, 762
- Douglas, William. (Obituary), 65
- Dow Chemical Co. Ltd. Polystyrene foam roofing insulation, 501
- Dowson, D. and Higginson, G. R. "Elastohydrodynamic lubrication: The fundamentals of roller and gear lubrication, 754 "Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication", 417
- "Dragon" nuclear reactor project. First fullpower run, 420 European Nuclear Energy Agency seventh annual report, 271 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 549
- Drake, James. Motorways for Lancashire (Paper at World Road Meeting, London), 436
- Dravo Corporation, Pittsburgh (USA). Steel degassing by R-H circulating flow process, 774
- "Dreadnought", HMS, first British nuclear submarine; quality of steel (Leader), 257
- Drysdale & Co. Ltd. "Pelican" in-line pump, hinging open for inspection, 120
- Duckworth, W. E. Fracture mechanics approach to brittle fracture problem, 296
- Dufay (Birmingham) Ltd. Daihatsu (Japan) cars, 621
- Duffin, S. and Gibson, W. H. Rig for Testing and Developing Large Turbine-Generator Bearings, 785
- Duncton, P. J. Technological "Fall-out" (of knowledge gained) from nuclear engineering into other technologies, 440
- Dungeness B Nuclear Power Station. Atomic Power Constructions Ltd., tender accepted, 522
- Dunlop Aviation Division. Solenoid valve, twoway, 24
- Dunlop Footwear Ltd. Rubber footwear-making plant using injection moulding and polymer technology, 313
- Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd. Hoses for the chemical and oil industries, and floating, 15
- Duramin Engineering (Lydney) Ltd. Containers for Tartan Arrow Ltd., handled by 20-ton electrically-operated goliath crane, 761
- Durham University. Engineering classes started in 1838. W. T. Shaddock (Letter), 236
- Dust Control Equipment Ltd. Sack-tipping cabinet with collecting system, 659
- Dutton, F. L. "Jigs and Tools for Schools and Colleges", 717
- Dyer, H. B. Diamond grits (Paper), 495
- Dynajet Engineering Co. (London) Ltd. Instant Clearing of Blocked Pipes, 24
- Dyson & Co. Ltd., R. A. "Trailsteer" three-axled semi-trailer with self-tracking rear axle and air suspension, 404
- E. N. V. Engineering Co. Ltd Gear-box ten-speed twin-layshaft unit, 60
- E. R. F. Ltd: Fire engine. Chassis for fire appliances and Simon Snorkel hydraulically-operated escape, 551
- East African Posts and Telecommunications Administration. Tropospheric scatter links for low cost multi-channel systems "beyond the horizon" Mwanza-Bukoba, 171
- East German Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, Markkleeberg, near Leipzig, 28, 66
- Easton, V. et al. Limited pole-slipping of turbogenerators (Paper), 42
- Eaton Yale & Towne Inc. Kenosha, Wis., (USA). Gear-box, ten-speed twin-layshaft unit, 60 ' VariDRAULIC" stepless variable-speed coupling, 776
- Ekco Electronics Ltd. "Missdistance indicator" Missile Firing Monitor, 538
- |Ekman, T. and C. Froberg. "Introduction to Algol Programming", 563
- Economic Development Committee for Civil Engineering. Interim report on manpower, 570 Machine Tool Industry, progress report (Leader), 433 Mechanical Engineering, 821
- Economic Foundations Ltd. Hydraulically driven auger rig for large diameter bored piles, 707
- Edmiston & Co., J. M. Butterworth tank washing machines, 120
- Educational Systems Ltd. Teaching machines, 811
- Edwards High Vacuum Ltd. Vacuum ionisation gauge control, 131
- Edwards, Sir George, managing director of British Aircraft Corporation. Remarks on British Aerospace Industry, 697
- Efco-Stuart Electrolyser Ltd. Electrolytic hydrogen plant using Stuart cells, 721 Eilon, S. et al. "Exercises in Industrial Management", 322 Electrautom Ltd. Ultrasonic non-heating stitchbonder for manufacture of semiconductor devices, 278
- Electrical Research Association. Heat Storage using Sodium Hydroxide, 842
- Electrical Trades Union and National Federated Electrical Association. Three-year industrial agreement, 63
- Electricite de France. Statistics from annual report, 700 Tidal power schemes, 858
- Electricite Neuchateloise SA (Switzerland). Combined steam/gas-turbine power-station for 26MW peak, 735
- Electricity Boards and Electricity Council ."Electricity Supplies for Building Sites", leaflet, 274
- Electricity Council. Experimental tariff tests on seasonal, time-of-day basis, using three-rate single-phase meter, 279 Generation and Transmission, statistics and technical developments outlined, 522
- Electro-Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd. Automatic Pickling Plant for non-ferrous wire, Woking, 656
- Electrolytic Refining & Smelting Co. of Australia, Port Kembla, NSW. Continuous casting machines for non-ferrous billets, 666
- Electronic Data Processing Committee for the Nationalised Industries. Optical Character Recognition founts, 881 Electronic Services — STC. Solid-state plug-in module for thermistor motor protection systems, 724
- Electrosil Ltd. Fluidic-to-Electric Switch, 180 Four-Bit binary fluidic counter, 180 Summing junction for outputs of two proportional fluid amplifiers, 246 ElI, S. 0. Design Problems of Diesel Locomotives with hydraulic transmission (Leader), 937, (Paper), 941
- Elliot & Co. Ltd. English 'Metric Dials on Machine Tools, 883 Elliott-Automation Ltd. Electronic head-up display system in American Ling-Tempco-Vaught A-7 "Corsair 2", enabling air pilot to see instrument information and outside world simultaneously, 412 Fuel mass flowmeter for "Concord" supersonic aircraft, 846
- Elliott-Automation Radar Systems Ltd. Aircraft inter-communication system, solid-state, 412 Elliott-Automation Space Laboratory. Environmental tests on British experimental package in US research satellite, Orbiting Astronomical Observatory No. 3, 276
- Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd. Aircraft panel instruments wiring technique, 412
- Elliott Electronic Tubes Ltd. Controlled high-voltage power supplies for x-ray and neutron analysis, 726
- Elliott (Machinery) Ltd., B. Machine tools exhibition, also travelling showroom in semi-trailer, 921
- Elliott Process Automation Ltd. On-line computer control system for Imperial Smelting Furnace process, 691
- Ellison Ltd., George. Laminated Busbars, 694
- Embassy Machine & Tool Co. Ltd. Hobbing machines for internal gear milling, 615
- Emco Brass Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Ticket-operated loading arms for road tankers at refinery on North Bank of Tees, 516, 643
- Emerson, A. H. Paper at Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference, 671
- Endcliffe Designs (Plastics) Ltd. Hot press injection of glass-reinforced plastics, 687
- Engineering Employers Federation. Charter of fair conditions for staff employment proposed, 425
- Engineering Employers' West of England Association. Engineering designers training project at Heenan & Froude Ltd., Worcester, 128
- Engineering Equipment Users Association. Annual luncheon speeches, 656 "Ball and Roller Bearings. EEUA Handbook No. 10", 919 "Chemical Resistant Materials Part I. E.E.U.A. Handbook No. 21", 755
- Engineering Industry Training Board. Group training schemes, booklet, 425 Register of Trainees a condition for firms to claim general grant, 323 "The Training of Supervisors, booklet (Leader), 258 Turners, national standards of competency, 882
- Engineers' Day Exhibition for arousing of interest among schoolchildren (Leaders), 777, 778
- Engineers' Guild. Evidence to Fulton Committee on Civil Service (Leader), 865, 890 Reactions to formation of Council of Engineering Institutions (Leader), 290
- Engins Matra. "Martel" Anglo/French air-to-ground missile incorporating television, 411
- English Electric Co. Ltd. Automatic control system for 500MW turbo-generators, 385 Domestic appliances quality and reliability campaign in Liverpool works, 720 Electrical Drive with Thyristor Converters for a Rod Mill, 44 Mercury-arc valves, four-anode for Kingsnorth d.c. transmission scheme, Colour plate facing, 712 "Protective Relays Application Guide", 415 Reinforced plastics display, 812 Selective level meters (synchronous tracking filters) for Vibration Analysis, 988 Schools Engineering Project Competition, (Leader), 778, 809 735kV power transformers for world's highest operating voltage, Levis substation, Quebec, 176 Silicon rectifier equipment exported 1962-5, thyristor prospects, 359 Thyristor control on a.c. motor coaches of British Railways, 420, 685
- English Electric group. Nelson Research Laboratories, Beaconhill near Stafford, 374
- English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd. Computer applications in quantity surveying, 881. Computer for National Computing Centre, 353 Microcircuit Computer Construction, 204 PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) service users symposium, 94 Pipe-stressing calculations, 760 Route-planning service computerised for Schweppes Ltd., 691
- English Electric Valve Co. Ltd. Argon ion device, 587 Radio-frequency heating triode valves for welding, brazing and heat treatment, 885
- English Steel Corporation Ltd. "Engineers in Steel" film, 566
- Entreprises Borie and Societe Dumez (France), consortium lowest tender for Chasma Bridge, West Pakistan, 566
- Entreprise Generale Industrielle SA. 160 m-high chimney (tallest in France), 140
- ENV: see E.N.V. above
- Epsylon Industries Ltd. Data Recording and Monitoring Equipment, including flight data recording system, 712 Differential Amplifier, two-stage d.c., for increased sensitivity of oscilloscope or meter, 501 "Labcorder" Recorder Extension Unit, 328
- Erieau Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. Ice-Breaking Tug "Amherstburg", 876
- Eriksberg shipyard, Gothenburg. Ship-borne pulp mill to initiate paper industry in developing countries, 770
- Errut Products Ltd. Concrete and asphalt surface preparation equipment, 750
- ERF: see E.R.F. above
- Essex, University of. Chair for Telecommunications systems, 985
- Ether Engineering Ltd. Automatic electrical measuring device for testing, 372
- Ether Ltd. Laboratory Furnace Controller, 926
- Euratom. Charging machine for ESSOR research reactor at Ispra (Italy), 429
- Eurocontrol air and ground services, 95
- Europa-Gehl Ltd. Hopper-blower for grain, 871
- European Coal and Steel Community. Research activities during past decade, 664
- European Community. Coal and steel production figures, 993
- European Economic Community. Economic Impact of Energy Prices, summary of study, 68 Prime Minister's speech at Lord Mayor's Banquet, (Leader), 741
- European Federation of Chemical Engineering. Fourth Congress. Presidential address on the industry by P. C. Allen, 55 Six symposia totalling 53 papers, 55
- European Federation of National Associations of Engineers (FEANI). London meeting (Leader), 617, 720
- European Nuclear Energy Agency. "Dragon' Reactor project, seventh annual report, 271 Halden Reactor Project, Norway, Sixth annual report, 285 Magnetohydrodynamic power generation, International symposium, Salzburg, (Leader), 73, 77. Closed-Cycle Experiments, 118 "Nuclear Power Reactor Characteristics", 681 "OECD Halden Reactor Project— Fifth Annual Report", 945
- European Organisation for Nuclear Research. Intersecting Storage Rings for CERN Proton Synchrotron, 428 Proposed 300 GeV particle accelerator, 69
- European Space Research Organisation. Advanced scientific satellites, "Thor Delta" series, 847 Large Astronomical Satellite: scientific payload to be provided by United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 273
- Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference (Leader), 669, 671
- Expandite Ltd. Baffles in Neoprene and p.v.c. for dry-jointing concrete panels, 178
- Faber-Castell. Slide rule. Low price for students, 24
- Fairbank, R. and Naylor, R. Tantalum thin film passive components in electronics (Paper), 124
- Fairclough Ltd., Leonard. M6 motorway consortium contract, 566
- Fairey Engineering Ltd. Linear Displacement Recorder, high resolution, with automatic print-out, 131 Static switching systems in solid logic devices series, 989
- Farbwerke Hoechst AG, Frankfurt (Main) (GFR). "Hotalen" low-pressure polyethylene pipes for industrial effluent treatment plant, 701
- Farnborough. Flying Display and Exhibition by Society of British Aerospace Companies, 242, 345, (Leader), 369, 371, 410
- Falla Ltd., R. G. Civil engineering of sewage plant at Le Creux Mahie, Guernsey, C.I., 231
- Farrand, Richard. Simple Comparator for Measuring from Photographs without elaborate equipment, 227
- Faupel, Joseph H. "Engineering Design, 753
- Federation Europeenne des Associations Nationales d'Ingenieurs (FEANI): see European Federation of National Associations of Engineers
- Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte. Fifth International Congress on Prestressing (Leader), 1, 8
- Federation of British Industries. Industrial trends survey, 661
- Feilden Report on "Engineering Design, 1963 (Leader), 190, (Letters), 270, 349
- Feller, R. "Automatische Regelsysteme— Eine Einfiihrung in die Regelungstechnik", 125
- Felten and Guillaume Carlswerk AG, Cologne (GFR). Protective mains cut-out, 363
- Fenner & Co. (Holdings) Ltd. J. H. Report and accounts, 927
- Ferguson Research Ltd., Harry. Four-wheel-drive units, 553, 594 Prototype Passenger Car with equal traction and braking power to all wheels, 264
- Ferranti Ltd. Automated Draughting Equipment Drawing Reader contract for Ministry of Technology, 951 Auto-transformer, 700kV/286kV/11•9kV for Manicouagan substation of Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission, 355 Ceramic Cathode Ray Tube with Electrostatic Focusing, 849 Communication of plant operational data to microminiature "Argus" Computers, 950 Display system for computers, 358 Microminiature computers, 413 Sine/Cosine Potentiometers, 883 Thin-Film Circuits, 99 Three-rate single-phase meter for exper imental tariff tests on seasonal/time-of-day basis, 279
- Ferrybridge cooling towers collapse, final report (Leader), 289, 291
- Ferrybridge "C" power-station. Coal by Rail with automatic unloading, 314
- Festiniog Railway. Beyer-Garratt Locomotive, 564
- Field & Grant Ltd. "Labelarm" annunciator system, 130
- Fielden Electronics Ltd. Anticipatory control amplifiers for "Bikini 6000' series indicator/ controllers, 390
- Fielding & Platt Ltd. Densified wood laminate press for Permali Ltd., Gloucester, 565
- Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, Chertsey. British Developments shown at Open Days, 517, 555 Light tracked vehicles "Hydrogas" suspension system, 557
- Fine Tubes Ltd. Electrolytic hydrogen plant using Stuart cells, 721
- Finland Line, Helsinki. Ferry for Germany— Finland service, 222
- Fire Protection Association. Fire prevention course for management, 354
- Firth, B. W. and Malleson, H. R. Fuel Utilisation of an Automotive Engine at varying speeds and torques, 157
- Fischer & Porter Ltd. Magnetic Flowmeter for Sewage Sludge, 817
- Fisher & Co. (Bedford) Ltd., R. W. Drill and Fertiliser machines, 81
- Fisher & Sons Ltd., James. "Aberthaw Fisher" roll-on roll-off heavy load ship, (colour plate facing), 233
- Fitzpatrick & Son (Contractors) Ltd. Concrete construction train, single pass, Rahco machines from U.S.A., on M 11 southern extension, 22 M.1 extension, Berrygrove to Brockley Hill, 693
- Flexibox Ltd. Mechanical seals and special seals for corrosive duties, 16
- Flinton, E. "Manual, Semi-automatic and Automatic Arc Welding", 984
- Ford Motor Co. "Cortina passenger cars restyled, 588 Sodium-sulphur battery for the city car, 534
- Ford of Britain and British Rail. Car distribution system, 128
- Ford Tractor Operations. Rear-mounted offset excavator; front-end loader, 751
- Fords (Finsbury) Ltd. Machine for inspecting milk bottles, 203
- Fothergill & Harvey Ltd. Matched-die-moulding of glass-reinforced plastics, 687
- Foundry Industry Joint Committee for Training. Training recommendations, 890
- Foundry Suppliers Ltd. Bench-type and portable Brinell tester, 388
- Foxboro-Yoxall Ltd. "Consotrol" solid-state electronic control instrumentation, 569
- France. Water Resources, Management by six Comites de Bassin, 94
- Franco-Belgian SENCA. Nuclear Power-Station at Chooz, 822
- Freeman, Fox and Partners. Algonquin Radio Telescope, Ontario, 232 (and colour plate facing) Four-level interchange between M.4 and M.5 motorways at Almondsbury, Gloucestershire, 176
- Freeman, Ralph. Presidential Address to Institution of Civil Engineers (Leader). 669, 680
- French, M. J. Contact Curvatures of Circular-Arc Gearing. Novikov gears, 975
- French National Railways Diesel-mechanical shunting locomotives with coupled axles, 824 Five-year development programmes, 284
- Friedlander, E. Static network stabilization by reactive power control (Paper), 624
- Froberg, C. and Ekman, T. "Introduction to Algol Programming", 563
- Froggatt, A. W. Torsional vibration after Holzer (Letters), 167
- Fulton Committee on the Civil Service (Leader), 865, 867, 890 Committee of Directors of Research Associations: suggestions, 985
- Funke and Huster, Essen (GFR) Alarm bells and hooters, 883
- Furneaux, Rupert. Mystery of extensive underground works at Oak Island, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia in 17th century (Letter), 53
- Fusawo Mori et al. Japanese Faraday mode experiments on magnetohydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- G. & M. Power Plant Co. Ltd. Propane gas engine and 2kW generator as battery booster for electric vehicles, 815
- Gale, W. K. V. "The Black Country Iron Industry", 269
- Galileo, Florence. Computer fire control system for anti-aircraft guns, 196
- Gallimore, T. and Armitage, J. W. "Electrical Engineering Principles for Third Year Electrical Technicians", 598
- Ganz-Mavag, Budapest. Vibration tester for railway tracks simulated, 896.
- Gardner Engines Ltd. New 6LXB engine at International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, Earls Court, 383
- Garrett Corporation, Los Angeles, Cal. AiResearch Division. Gas Turbine-Driven Rail-Car TestRuns on Long Island, NY, 616
- Gas Council. Annual report, (Leader), 581 Conversion Executive to co-ordinate purchases for use of Area Gas Boards (Leader), 829
- Gas Council — Amoco Group. Another North Sea gas strike, 498 Mobile Drilling Platform "Orion", selfelevating, 17
- Gas Industry Training Board. Levy proposals approved, 697
- Gattys, F. J. Ingenieurburo, Frankfurt (Main) (GFR). Sealless agitator. High pressure/high vacuum on Buerde-Migule principle, for mixing low and medium viscous liquids, 223
- Gaubschat Fahrzeugwerk GmbH. Double-deck buses for one-man operation in West Berlin, 824
- Gauge and Tool Makers' Association. National Competition in Toolmaking for apprentices, 609
- GEC Automation and Computers Ltd. Computer control of four-stand tandem cold mill, Abbey Works, Margam, 241
- GEC Computers and Automation Ltd. Time-sharing computer for up to 32 users, 356
- GEC (Electronics) Ltd. Control panels mosaic mimic diagrams formed from plastics tiles for accommodating instruments, switches and indicators, 765 Digital height encoding system for aircraft, 758 Prototype UK-3 satellite, 848 "Televeyor" remote control and instrument monitoring system, collective for two collieries, 453 Television Studio Camera, 455
- GEC Engineering Group. Static Stabiliser for Electrical Networks using saturating reactors, 624
- GEC (Plant Co-ordination Division). Automatic Positional Control for 72in universal plate mill at Dorman Long Steel Ltd., Lackenby works, 498
- GEC (Process Engineering) Ltd. Mobile, selfcontained crusher demonstration unti, 707
- GEC (Telecommunications) Ltd. Microwave aerials on Post Office tower, Birmingham,
- 421
- GEC (Tansformers) Ltd. Packaged Transformer substations, 607 Static frequency-multiplier for induction furnace to produce alloy steels, 175
- GEC (Witton Kramer division). Lightweight lifting magnet, 55in. dia., 388
- Gee, D. E. and Karim, G. A. Heat Release in a Compression-Ignition Engine, 473
- Geels, B. H. and Appels, J. "Handbook of Relay Switching Technique", 598
- Gemmill, M. G. "The Technology and Properties of Ferrous Alloys for High Temperature Use, 601
- General Descaling Co. Ltd. Cleaning Head for bulk transport and storage vessels, 763
- General Dynamics, Avenel, N J (USA), Dynapak pneumatic-mechancial high energy rate impact extrusion press. Aluminium Co. of America. New Kensington, Pa, 580
- General Dynamics Electric Boat Division, Groton, Conn. (USA), Industrial Controls Department. Wedge-Actuated Gauge Control for Hot Strip-Rolling Mills, 995
- General Electric Co. Ltd. Circuit breaker, 400 kV, 35 000MVA, sulphur-hexafluoride-insulated, 355 Long-range proximity detectors for trafficlight control, 324 Semiconductor control equipment for fully automatic parallel operation of enginedriven alternators, 764 Static Exciter for 500MW Turbo-Generators, 213 Sulphur hexafluoride circuit breaker, 400kV, 35 000 MVA, 3-phase, 22 Telephone pulse code modulation equipment order received, 127 Thyristor Control o f Paper-Making Machine, 876
- General Electric Co. (USA). Dip-Forming of Wire Rod (by a continuous casting process reminiscent of candle-dipping), 543, 578 Magnets, strong using superconducting tapes, 72 2 200 MW Nuclear Power-Station contract for Browns Ferry, Alabama, 254 X-ray thickness gauge, balanced beam system, 827
- General Motors Corporation (USA). Battery-propelled passenger car ("Electrovair II") and fuel cell propelled ("Electrovan") 738 "Camaro" sports car with "safety-related product improvements", 512 Defence Research Laboratories. Deep Ocean Work Boat, two-man submersible, 336 Fuel cell "Electrovan" and battery propelled passenger car "Electrovair II", 704 Low-Pressure Aluminium Die Casting Method 826 New high performance V8 engines, 368 Packard Electric Division. Glass Filament Rope, 668
- General Post Office. Bournemouth—Salisbury 960 circuit small-diameter co-axial cable link completed, 202 Parcel sorting machines at North Western Parcels Office, Willesden, 848 Rugby radio station v.l.f. transmitter reopened, 881 Telecommunications service, (Report for 1964-5), 172 Telephone pulse code modulation, equipment orders placed, 127
- General Precision Inc. (USA). Semi-contact thickness gauge for moving ferrous flat products, 827
- General Precision Systems Ltd. "Concord simulator, colour visual flight attachment, 47
- German Democratic Republic. East German Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, Makkleeberg, near Leipzig, 28, 66 British Exhibition, 67 Economic progress and foreign trade since the war. Department of Economic Affairs (UK), 539 Leunall plastics development programme, 396 Trade agreement with Great Britain, 30
- German Federal Railway. Locomotives, etc., totals, 896
- German Federal Republic. Computer data transmission by telephone cables, 140 Market Survey by London Chamber of Commerce, 927 Science financing and supporting organisations, 614 Stifterverband fiir die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors' Association for German Science), organisation and activities, 613 Technical Inspection Associations (Technische Uberwachungsvereine e.V.), road vehicle tests, 253 Vereinigte Deutsche Planer (United German Consultants) group set up in Bonn, 283
- Gerstl, J. E. and Hutton, S. P. "Engineer: The Anatomy of a Profession", 984
- Gerwick, B. C. Prestressed lightweight concrete (Paper), 9
- Gibson, W. H. and Duffin, S. Rig for Testing and Developing Large Turbine-Generator Bearings, 785
- Gifford & Partners, E. W. H. National Building Frame of precast concrete elements for "component building", 241
- Gilbern Sports Cars Ltd. "Genie" model, 622 Gilbert, K. R. "Science Museum. Machine Tools: Catalogue of the Collection, 496
- Gilbert, V. S. "Multiple project control using small networks" (Paper), 94
- Gilbrech, D. A. "Fluid Mechanics, 810
- Gill, K. F. and Schwarzenbach, J. Dynamic Characteristics of a Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing, 309
- Gille, Bertrand. "The Renaissance Engineers", 684
- Gilleard, J. T. N. "Motor Vehicle Laboratory Experiments, Vols. I and 2", 384
- Girard-Perregaux and Co., La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland). High-frequency wrist watch, 223
- Gladman, C. A. "Manual for Geometric Analysis of Engineering Designs", 948
- Glas Concessionaires (GB) Ltd. Agent for Glas (of Bavaria) cars, 621
- Glasgow Airport, Abbotsinch. John Laing Construction Ltd., 22
- Glasgow inner ring road, second stage, 973
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Ltd. Hose handling gantry at Tees-side petroleum refinery, 515
- Godfrey, D. J. High Grade Ceramics for Microwave and Other Applications, 839
- Goldner, R., et al. "Handbuch der KHItetechnik. Fiinfter Band: Kaltemaschinen", 235
- Goldstein, R. F. (Obituary), 281
- Gollins, Melvin, Ward and Partners. P. & 0. Group head office building, London, 657
- "Good Hope Castle" refrigerated cargo mail ship with automatic control, 6
- Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. Super single tyres to replace dual tyre assemblies on commercial vehicles, 24
- Gopal, E. S. R. "Specific Heats at Low Temperatures", 16
- "Gosport Queen. Portsmouth Harbour Ferry Co. Ltd., 175
- Gotaverken Arendal. "Beaufort" oil tanker, 933
- Gotaverken. "Nuolja", 72 500-tons Ore Carrier for Grangesberg Co., Stockholm, 184
- Gothenburg suspension bridge, 963 Graduate Appointments Register. Salary Survey, analysis, 242
- Grafham Water, largest reservoir in England, 45
- Grand Contour Canal proposal not adopted in Water Resources Board report on supplies for South East England, 194
- Grant & West Ltd. Protection of multicore cables by polythene cap with moulded internal spike, 424
- Grantham Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd. Invicta linear action vibrator screen; variable speed control by silicon rectifiers and transistors, 710
- Grassman, P. et al. "Handbuch der Kaltetechnik. Funfter Band: Kaltemaschinen", 235
- Greater London Council. Development Plan invest i gation of distribution and quantity of homes and places of work, 282 London Traffic Survey, second volume, 74 Roads and Traffic, report, (Leader), 110, 115 Western Avenue Extension, 193
- Green & Son Ltd., E. Coal-fired hot water boilers, 134
- Green, V. College Courses in Control Systems, 905
- Green, W. J. and Broderick, R. "Photographic method for measuring velocity profiles in a liquid jet" (Letter) 236
- Greenberg, H. D. "Application of Fracture Toughness Parameters to Structural Metals-, 684
- Greenside Machine Co. Ltd. Award for hard rock tunnelling research at University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 692
- Gregory, M. S. "Linear Framed Structures", 417
- Gregory, Malcolm S. "Linear Framed Structures, 918
- Greig, J. Technique: presidential address to Section G at British Association meeting, 376
- Griffin & Son, R. L. 30-ton oil-fired mobile boilers for hire, 761
- Grootenhuis, P. Review of "Vibration Theory and Applications, 919
- Grootenhuis, P. Review of "Some Problems of Rotor Dynamics", 87
- Groupement de Constructeurs Francais des Centrales Nucleaires to build nuclear powerstation at Vandellos (Spain), 963
- Grumridge, J. L. "Marketing Management in Air Transport", 755
- Grunberg, L. NEL Report No. 208, 494
- Guest General Trading Co. Ltd. Agent for Polish Cable-Making Machines, 138
- Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds Ltd., merger with Birfield Ltd., 135
- Guichet, P. et al. "Analytic Study of Non-Linear Sampled-Data Systems (section of "Progress in Control Engineering"), 414
- Gundremmingen (GFR) Nuclear Power Station, 460
- Gunner, A. M. Proposed IEE membership title changes; value of HNC qualification (Letter), 602
- Guntert and Zimmerman. Slip Form Paver at Tuxford By-pass, 873
- Guppy, A. W. Review of "Centrifugal and other rotodynamic pumps", 416
- Guy Motors Ltd. Three-axle twin-steer tractor at International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, Earls Court, 381
- GWB Boilers Ltd., 30-ton oil fired mobile boilers, 761
- GWB Furnaces Ltd. "Inductostat-150" melting furnace for production of alloy steels, 175 Industrial electric Infra-red Heaters, 817
- Haasis, G. Diamond honing equipment (Paper), 495
- HADIR, Luxembourg. Wide flange beam being rolled in universal beam mill. Davy & United Engineering Co. Ltd., 176
- Hahn, J. "Structural Analysis of Beams and Slabs", 496
- Hahn, 0. Sacrificial anodes in Al, Mg, Zn for cathodic protection (Letter), 532
- Hakansson, Bengt. "The Journal Bearing Considering Variable Viscosity", 198
- Hakluytt, J. P. D. and North, B. C. Design of air registers for oil-fired boilers (Paper), 565
- Halcrow & Partners, Sir William. Benghazi Harbour (Libya) reconstruction, 951
- Halden Reactor Project, Norway. Sixth annual report, 285
- Hall Engineering Ltd. Spot Welding Transfer Line for car Underbodies, Ellesmere Port, 758
- Hall Ltd., J. & E. Refrigeration compressors, 120
- Hall, R. I. et al. "Exercises in Industrial Management", 322
- Halmshaw, R. (edr.) "Physics of Industrial Radiology—, 600
- Hamburg-Siid Steamship Co. Eggert & Amsinck. "St. Michaelis" fully automatic motor tanker, 140
- Hamilton By-Pass Motorway opening, 879
- Hammond, P. H. and Rees, N. W. "Self-Optimising and Adaptive Control Systems" (section of "Progress in Control Engineering—) 414
- Hammond, R. "A Career in Civil Engineering", 125
- Hammond, Rolt and Lewin, C. J. "The Panama Canal—, 266
- Hamworthy Hydraulics Ltd. Hydraulic Equipment Factory making pumps, valves and control equipment at Poole, 527
- Handels and Fabriks AB Stiko, Stockholm. Magnetically-supported ball bearing, 105
- Handley Page Ltd. "Jetstream" twin prop-jet executive and local-service airliner, HP 137, 242
- Handley Page "Jetstream" business executive airliners for International Jetstream Corporation, 952
- Hands (Letchworth) Ltd. "Hy-Spill" frameless, tipping semi-trailer, 405
- Hannah, I. W. and Best, B. C. Cooling tower model for wind test (Letter), 167
- Hanson, A. H. Political and administrative implications of a self-financing road system (Paper), 80
- Harbert, G. M. Building and services for the Harwell variable energy cyclotron (Report), 747
- Hargreave (Products) Ltd., J. M. Underground electrical system for aircraft servicing, 885
- Hargreaves Ltd., Henry. Large diameter plastics ducting system, 760
- Harleman, D. R. F. and J. W. Daily. "Fluid Dynamics", 126
- Harland & Wolff Ltd. Re-alignment of ship's twisted crankshaft without landing, by use of oxy-propane torches, liquid nitrogen and hydraulic jacks, 385 "Sea Quest" Oil Drilling Platform for British Petroleum Co. Ltd., 93 Thermistor solid-state protection for marine electric motors, 390
- Harocopos, B. "Principles of Structural Metallurgy", 916
- Harper, F. C. and Clarke, B. L. Forces Applied by Persons Rising and Sitting Down, 479
- Harper, J. J. and Pope, A. "Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing" 652
- Harrow, G. A. and Orman, P. L. Electronic Morse Test Unit, 979
- Harwood J. "Introduction to Mechanics", 598
- Hawker Siddeley Dynamics. Automatic Artificial Kidney machine for peritoneal dialysis, 924
- Hawker Siddeley. "Martel" Anglo/French air-to-ground missile incorporating television, 411
- Hay & Co. Ltd., G. M. Weighbridge on load-cell principle, 50
- Hay & Smart (Projects) Ltd. Hopper barge, diesel-powered articulated with detachable stern section, 565
- Hayden, J. T. and Brosan, G. S. "Advanced Electrical Power and Machines", 496
- Hayward Tyler & Co. Ltd. Process pumps in Bitumen refinery at Eastham, 643
- Haywood Forge, Hales Owen, 1866-1966. Forging wrought iron, and transition to steel, now using 3 000-ton oil hydraulic press with automatic thickness control, 39
- Head Wrightson Teesdale Ltd. Flap design dock gate for Port of Tema, Ghana, 212
- Hearn, Frank H. (Obituary), 855 Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association. "Heating and Ventilating Year Book, 1966", 269
- Heavy Engineering Equipment Ltd. Multi-purpose 6.3-ton Auto Crane, convertible to tower jib crane (agent for VEB Hebezeugwerk Sebnitz), 220
- Henderson, J. Review of "Mathematical Theory of Creep and Creep Rupture", 87
- Hennessy, Sir Patrick, on export performance of the motor industry, 609
- Herbert, Ltd. Alfred. Numerically-controlled drills, lathes and boring machines, 76
- Herbert Ltd., Alfred, merged with Birmingham Small Arms Co., for machine tools, 250
- Hersee, E. H. W. "Simple Approach to Electronic Computers", 88
- Hettler, Jean-Paul. "Contribution a l'etude du frottement turbulent des fluides en conduites lisses", 406
- Hewitt, H. and Vause, A. S. "Lamps and Lighting", 450
- Hewlett Packard Ltd. Frequency Meter for characteristics of rapid frequency deviations in signals, 955 Microwave Sweep Oscillators with interchangeable frequency band units, 695
- Higgins, T. J. et al. (Edrs.) "Progress in Control Engineering", 414
- Higginson, G. R. and Dowson, D. "Elastohydrodynamic lubrication: The fundamentals of roller and gear lubrication", 754
- High Precision Equipment Ltd. Planetary Leadscrews, 885
- Higher National Certificate. Abolition as an Institution membership qualification. A. M. Gunner (Letter), 602 and Degree qualifications. John A. Hock (Letters), 560, 689 And Local Industry. N. L. Day, 315 Holders should form own society outside CEI (Letters), 838, 913
- Highley, A. et al. "Worked Examples in Engineering Science" 450
- Hilger & Watts Ltd. Remote control scale reader, 100
- Hildred, Sir William, on International Air Transport Association: "imperative design objectives" for a civil supersonic aircraft. (Paper), 408
- Hill & Co. Ltd., Walter C. Hydraulic Test Equipment, portable, 926
- Hill Equipment Ltd. "Tune-A-Line" Wheel Alignment Equipment, 216
- Hill (Rotherham) Ltd., Thomas. Diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotives. Rolls-Royce "Sentinel", 58
- Hillen en Roosen, Amsterdam. Coen Tunnel under the North Sea Canal, 332
- Hills Precision Die Castings Ltd. Injection moulded plastics components at Saltley, Birmingham, 880 Pressure die casting factory at Hall Green, Birmingham, 880
- Hines, W. A. "Noise Control in Industry", 598
- Hinkley Point, Somerset, nuclear power station. New specification, 522
- Hinton, Lord. Speech saying that Junior Institution of Engineers will become qualifying body for technician engineers (Leader), 705, (Letter), 913
- Hinton, Lord. Good Management: The Foundation of Good Technology. Presidential Address to Institution of Mechanical Engineers, with reflections on training 50 years ago and now. 558
- Hirst, A. J. Suspension Systems for engines, bogies, axles (Paper), 444
- Hirst, A. W. "Applied Electricity", 206
- Hochtief AG and consortium. Gundremmingen Nuclear Power-Station (GFR), 460
- Hock, John A. HNC and Degree (Letter), 560
- Hockley, H. R. and Bowles, E. A. Role of the professional communicator of technical information (Paper), 451
- Hoesch AG Rohr- and Bauteilwerk, Hamm, Westf., (GFR). Steel standard components for industrial and commercial structures, 253
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Ball Bearing Assembling Machine, 209
- Hohn, Eduard. "Dictionary of Electrotechnology, German-English", 984
- Hok Tau dam. Air regulated syphon spillway, model testing by British Hydromechanics Research Association, 4
- Holland & Hannen and Cubbits Ltd. Construction industry Index, 821
- Holland & Hannen and Cubitts (Civil Engineering) Ltd. Concrete gravity dam at Thurscross reservoir for Leeds, 421
- Holliday, L. "Composite Materials", 531
- Holman Brothers Ltd. Twin "Holrig" for large numbers of small blast holes, 710 Rotary air compressors, free-standing, 816
- Honda Motor Car Co. Ltd. (Japan). "Moped" with overhead camshaft engine, 743
- Honda (UK) Ltd. Diesel-engined tractor F90, 871 Sports car at London Motor Show, 583
- Honeywell Controls Ltd. Magnetic Tape System, 851
- Honeywell Inc., Minneapolis (USA). Fluidic control for natural gas pipeline engines and compressors, 288
- Hope & Sons Ltd., Henry. Natural draught low silhouette ventilator flat or shallow pitched roofs, 277
- Hoppe, W. Automatic single-crystal X-ray refractometer, 429
- Hopt, Karl (GFR) Electromechanical six-digit counters, 285
- Hopyard Foundries Ltd. (Partial) Mechanisation by Fork-Lift Truck, 150
- Hore, R. A. "Advanced Studies in Electrical Power System Design", 267
- Hore, R. A. et al. Symposium on noise from power plant (Paper), 604
- Horne, G. Enforcement of speed limits (Letter), 602
- Horsley, R. A. and Morris, A. C. "Shell Polyolefins Engineering Design Data", 383
- Horstman Ltd. Stress Analysis Equipment, 98
- Hougen, J. 0. "Experimental Techniques and the Synthesis of Process Control Systems" (section of "Progress Control Engineering") 414
- Houldcroft, P. T. Review of"Standards of Welding Achievement during Training", 416
- Howard Harvestore Products Ltd. High speed mills for wet grain, 832
- Howard Rotavator Co. Ltd. New models, 832
- Howarth, M. H. "Design of High Speed Diesel Engines", 266
- Howmet Corporation. 6-strand aluminium rolling mill slab casting machine at Lancaster, Pa. (USA), 702
- Hudson Electronics Ltd. Mobile V.H.F. Radio Equipment, 851
- Hudson, K. and Walters. G. "Technology and Society. The First Bath Conference, 1965", 496
- "Hugh W. Gordon" pipe laying barge. British Petroleum Co., 129
- Hughes, A. M. Engineering Films at International Film Festival, Venice, 519
- Hult, Jan. "Creep in Engineering Structures", 810
- Humphrey, E. F. and Tarumoto, D. H. (edrs.) "Fluidics", 86
- Hunt Ltd., H. Automatic Flute Milling Machine for drills, taps and reamers, 884
- Hunter, L. C. Problems of labour supply in shipbuilding (Lecture), 545
- Hure, P., Paris. Numerically-controlled Universal milling machine, 185
- Hurst, R. Andrew Laing lecture at North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 843
- Husband and Co. Woolwich Free Ferry Terminals, 471
- Hutchinson, A. C. Floating annulus for load sharing (Letter), 948 S.I. units (Letter), 808
- Hutchinson, Sir Joseph. Land, human populations and water. Remarks in Presidential Address to the British Association at Nottingham (Leader), 337
- Hutchison, Sir Kenneth. North Sea gas prospects (Leader), 37
- Hiittenwerk Oberhausen AG (GFR). Continuous four-strand wire rod mill, 701
- Hiittenwerk Rheinhausen AG, Variable-diameter stockline armour in blast furnaces, 186
- Hutton, S. P. and Gerstl, J. E. "Engineer: The Anatomy of a Profession", 984
- Hydra-Muscle Hydraulics Ltd. Actuators for butterfly and gate valves, 165
- Hydraulic Projects Ltd. Power packs in one unit with oil reservoir the pump, 955
- Hydro-Electric Commission of Quebec. 735kV power transformers for world's highest operating voltage, Levis substation, 176
- Hymatic Engineering Co. Ltd. New factory to produce oil-sealed air compressors, Redditch, 654 Rams for Vosper electro-hydraulic steering Gear, 166
- Iberduero SA, Bilbao. Villarino power-station, Spain, with high-head reversible pumpturbines, 58
- IEC Electronics Ltd. Rig with telemetry to study track performance of tracked vehicles, 558
- Imperial Aluminium Co (Wales) Ltd. Works Modernisation at Waunarlwydd, Swansea, 520
- Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Cargo pre-slinging on nylon webbing, trials, 214 Nobel Division. Fluid Logic Controls for Detonator Crimping Machine, 887 Petroleum Refinery on North Bank of Tees, built jointly with Phillips Petroleum Co., 515 Tankers to carry liquid ethylene for plant at Rozenburg, near Rotterdam, 386 Underground drilling rig for use on wheeled hydraulic loading shovel in Billingham anhydrite mine, 325
- Imperial Metal Industries (Kynoch) Ltd. ' Multikon" Stabilised Superconducting Material 989 Superconducting Alloy Wires, single-core up to 100 000 gauss, 886
- Imperial Paper Mills, Gravesend.Thyristor Control of Paper-Making Machine, 876
- Imperial Smelting Corporation, Avonmouth to have on-line computer control system, 691
- Impresit-Girola-Lodigiani. Kainji dam, Nigeria. Colour plate facing 873
- Inchgreen Engineering Co. Ltd. Multi-purpose excavator-loader, 215
- Independent Television Authority. Colour on 405 lines, demonstrations, 604 Engineering highlights. P. A. T. Bevan, 721
- Indus Waters Treaty. Chasma Barrage, West Pakistan, 566
- Industrial and Commercial Education-Macmillan Ltd. Technical educational films for Basic Concept Method of rapid training in industrial techniques, 570
- Industrial Development Act, 329
- Industrial Fastening and Automation Consultants Ltd. Captive Nuts for Blind Holes, 423
- Industrial Society, The. Shop Stewards duties and training survey, 768 Surveys of holiday entitlements, 609
- Industrial Training Act 1964. Amendments proposed in Ministry of Labour circular, 457 Research associations can help (Leader), 777
- Industrial Training Boards for engineering, iron and steel, and shipbuilding. Reports for first year's operation, 250 planned to cover chemical and allied industry, petroleum industry, plastics processing and rubber industries, 730
- Institute for Applied Technology (USA), 897 Institute for Basic Standards (USA), 897 Institute for Materials Research (USA), 897 Institute for Mechanisation in Agriculture, Potsdam, Tractors and other developments, 67
- Institute of Advanced Machine Tool and Control Technology to be established (Leader), 257 Institute of High Energy Physics, Serpukhov, south of Moscow. 70 GeV proton accelerator, 334
- Institute of Marine Engineers. Conference of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects in Munich, 5 Engineering tests for marine turbine lubricating oils (Paper), 691 Medium-speed geared diesel engines for Ocean-going Merchant Ship Propulsion. J. Newmann and Carr, J. (Paper), 845 Oil-fired boilers, air registers design, (Paper) 565 Presidential address by Sir Stewart Mactier 603
- Institute of Technical Publicity and Publications. Meeting at Coventry College of Art, 451 Institution of Civil Engineers. Aswan High Dam, Progress (Lecture), 597 Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference, 671 Occupational Deployment of Corporate Members, 680 Presidential Address by Ralph Freeman (Leader), 669, 680 Transportation Engineering Group discussions: driver behaviour on M4, 836
- Institution of Electrical Engineers. Buildings, Electrical equipment regulations, 603 Control and Automation Divison: Conference on Integrated Process Control Applications in Industry, 524 Co-operative automation centres to aid smaller-unit industries proposed, 690 Electronics Division. Engineering of the Independent Television Service. P. A. T. Bevan, 721 Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference, 671 Generating Plant for 1970. 682 High-Voltage d.c. Power Transmission conference (Leader), 466, 469 Joint conference on thin films, 124 Membership classes, proposed title changes. A. M. Gunner (Letter), 602 Selective Dissemination of Information, project, 881
- Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers. Sir Harold Bishop, President, at first annual dinner, 603. (Leader), 617.
- Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers. Presidential address by Professor Emrys Williams, 970 Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Conference of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects in Munich, 5 James Watt dinner speeches, 604 Problems of labour supply in shipbuilding. (Lecture), 545
- Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Joint Conference on energy for the new towns, 353 Institution of Highway Engineers. Presidential address by T. S. Sinclair: road safety, 920
- Institution of Locomotive Engineers. Current locomotive developments on British and overseas railways, (Presidential address), 545 Design Problems of Diesel Locomotives with hydraulic transmission (Leader), 937 (Paper) 941 Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference, 671
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers Annual dinner, speech by Minister of Technology on the importance of engineers in the industrial, social and political revolution, 811 "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication", 916 Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design, symposium, 908 Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference, 671 Guided Land Transport convention (Leader), 741 Noise from power plant (Symposium), 604 Presidential Address by Lord Hinton, with reflections on training 50 years ago and now, 558 Test Rig for Water-Cooled Turbo-Generator Rotor. I. K. Csillag (Excerpts from paper), 674
- Institution of Production Engineers. President's speech at annual dinner, 881 Institution of Railway Signal Engineers. Euston Main Line Electrification Conference, 671 Speed monitoring system added to "Indusi" automatic train control system on German Federal Railway, Gunter Lentz (Paper), 971 Victoria Line (London Transport) Signalling Principles for automatic train operation (Extracts from Paper), 802
- Institute Quimico de Sarria, Barcelona. Fiftieth anniversary, 396
- Intalco Aluminium Reduction Works, Puget Sound (USA), 863
- Interim Defence Communication Satellite Programme. Shipborne satellite terminal, 920 International Air Transport Association. "Imperative design objectives" for a civil supersonic aircraft, 408
- International Apprentice Competition, 1967, to be held in Spain. UK National Committee, 457
- International Atomic Energy Agency. Magneto-hydrodynamic Power Generation International symposium, Salzburg (Leader), 73, 77. Closed-Cycle Experiments, 118 "Manual of Radioisotope Production", 984 "Pressure Vessel Codes: Their Application to Nuclear Reactor Systems", 552
- International Business Machines Corporation. "Resonistor" for frequency control in microcircuits, 336
- International Cargo Handling Coordination Association. Cayzer Gold Medal Competition and money prize, 174
- International Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Exhibition, 15
- International Clean Air Congress. 90 papers discussed in seven technical sessions, 533
- International Combustion Products Ltd. Automatic Continuous Incinerator Plant contract, Derby, 645
- International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, Earls Court, London, 379, 403, 550
- International Computers & Tabulators Ltd. "Addon" mathematical units and tape reader/ punches for scientific work, 424 "Automatic Operator" replacing typewritten instruction procedure, 816 Character recognition, optical print quality monitor, 132 Data processing centres for British Railways at Crewe and Peterborough, 497 Information Retrieval System, 956 Lectures for sixth-formers in Science Museum, London, 720 Management and systems courses, 985 Punched tapes preparing service for numerical control of multi-spindle drilling machines, 388 Test Box for central unit and peripheral devices, 214 Transport problems "package" programmes, 389
- International Conference of Engineering Societies to be organised, 720
- International Conference on Microwave and Optical Generation and Amplification, Cambridge (Leader), 402
- International Consultative Committee on Radiocommunications PAL (Phase Alternate Line) and SECAM colour television systems, choice left open (Leader), 147
- International General Electric (USA), Operations SA and consortium. Gundremmingen Nuclear Power-Station (GFR), 460
- International Harvester Co. of GB Ltd. Crawler Loader, 500 Integrated tractor cab meeting safety requirements of BS 4063, 870 "Payhauler" 30 ton capacity off highway dump truck, 326 "Paylogger" four-wheel-drive skidder for hauling heavy logging loads, 59 Tractor-mounted air compressor, 59 "Speed Amplifier" for 434 tractor, 81
- International Industrial Diamond Conference and exhibition, Oxford, sponsored by Dc Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., 495
- International Nickel Co., New York. Pore-Free Nickel Coating of Steel, 900
- International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd. "Raise borer" machine for excavating shafts in rock, 174
- International Rectifier Co. Glass-to-metal sealed, flangeless diodes, 886 Silicon diodes and thyristors development, symposium, 534 Symposium on thyristors and their applications, 651
- International Rectifier Co. (GB) Ltd. Rectifiers, high-voltage silicon, as plug-in replacements for thermionic valves, 326
- International Road Federation. Fifth World Road Meeting, London (Leader), 433, 435
- International Society of Rock Mechanics. First International congress, Lisbon, 647
- International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations. 90 papers discussed in seven technical sessions at Congress, 533
- Intrator Mining Engineers Ltd. Steep surface drift with cable belt conveyor at North Gawber Colliery, 325
- Iron and Steel Bill. (Leader) 37
- Iron and Steel Board. Monthly statement, 282
- Iron and Steel Exposition, Cleveland, Ohio, 774, 826
- Iron and Steel Institute. "Pilot Plants in the Iron and Steel Industry. Special Report 96", 552 Vacuum Degassing of Steel, papers and discussions at sessions on 5-6 May 1965, 521
- Isherwood, T. and Darling, R. F. Engineering tests for marine turbine lubricating oils (Paper), 691
- Isle of Wight underwater gas pipeline, 95
- Islington Public Libraries. "Industrial Training", 269
- Ison, H. C. K. "Corrosion and its Prevention in Waters", 267
- Italian International Automobile Salon, Turin, 731, 771
- Italian Navy. Destroyer leader "San Giorgio", combined diesel and gas turbine machinery, 275
- Italian trade prospects. London Chamber of Commerce report, 853
- "Ivo Lola Ribar" Works, Zeleznik, near Belgrade. Universal horizontal knee-type miller, 220
- Jackson, P. The British high-powered marine diesel engine (Paper), 5
- Jamison, R. R. Hybrid Engines for Hypersonic Flight. Lecture at Royal Aeronautical Society's centenary congress, 494
- Jaray, F. F. and Tolley, G. Investigations of Steel Wire Reinforcement for Plastics, 347
- Jay, B. E. "Beam and Frame Analysis", 206
- Jenkinson & Archer Ltd. Bellport handling terminal for UK-Ireland traffic. Bellferry Ltd., 692
- Jenny Pressen AG. Hydraulic Straightening Press, 963
- Jensen Cars Ltd. "Interceptor" and "FF" fourwheel drive passenger cars, 553
- Jentzsch, S. and A. F. Steinegger, A. F. "Der Einfluss der Wasserstoffvorbehandlung auf das lonitrieren von Stahl", 841
- Jepson, Carle H. Heat-resistant polymide binder for diamond abrasive wheels (Paper), 495
- Jessop-Saville Ltd. New titanium alloy"Hylite 65", 357
- J. F. Farm Machines Ltd. Forage harvester, 833
- Jevons, M. "Electrical Machine Theory", 754
- Johnson, A. E. and Khan, B. "Complex-stress Creep Fracture of Magnesium-2% Aluminium Alloy at 50°C" 681
- Johnson, Burton (Pottergate) Ltd. Rear loader on tractor, 52
- Johnson, Matthey & Co. Ltd. Delay lines "Silver Star", 389
- Joint British Committee for Stress Analysis to hold conference in March 1968, 920
- Joint Iron Council. Objection to discontinuance of grant for National Foundry College, Wolverhampton, 56
- Jones, N. "Basic Electrotechnology", 948
- Jones, Sir Henry. North Sea gas prospects, (Leader) 37, Press conference thereon, (Leader) 581
- Jones, V. J. A. et al. "Worked Examples in Engineering Science", 450
- Joseph, A. et al. "Physics for Engineering Technology", 125
- Jost, H. Peter, chairman of Lubrication Engineering (Education and Research) Working Group, report (Leader), 465
- Jost, Peter. Lubrication (Tribology) as a design responsibility, 596
- Jost Report on Lubrication (Tribology), 323
- Jowett, W. G. on semiconductor traction rectifiers at Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference, 671
- Joy Manufacturing Co. "Transloader", 752
- Junior Institution of Engineers. New policy as qualifying body for technician engineers. Lord Hinton's speech opening new headquarters. (Leader), 705, (Letter), 913
- Junkerather (GFR). Ingot mould milling machine, 962
- Kaiser Jeep Corporation (US). Polyethylene Fuel Tanks, 72
- Karim, G. A. and Gee, D. E. Heat Release in a Compression-Ignition Engine, 473
- Kavanagh, R. J. "Multivariable Problem" (section of "Progress in Control Engineering") 414
- Keen, D. "Related Subjects for Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Vol. 1, Mathematics and Drawing", Vol. 2, Science, 88
- Keitley, R. Corona power loss and radio interference at 400kV and 750kV, experiments at Central Electricity Research Laboratories (Paper), 6
- Kelk Ltd., George (Canada). Washer-type rolling mill load cells, 828
- Kelly, A. "Strong Solids", 206
- Kelvin Electronics Co. Transportable ultrasonic mains-operated transportable, 568
- Kelvin Hughes. Cargo plan verification computer, data logger, Pneuline liquid measurement device and marine radar display unit with computer for true motion display, 165
- Kenawi, I. Z. Progress at Aswan High Dam (Lecture), 597
- Kendall, E. J. M. "Modern Physics for Electrical Engineers", 948
- Kennecott Copper Corporation, Baltimore. Continuous casting machines for non-ferrous billets, 666
- Kensington (Olympia) "Motorail" Terminal, London, 262
- Kent Industrial Instruments Ltd. Automatic Titration for Water Supply, 327
- Kent, R. P. of et. Stress-Relaxation Properties of some Nickel-Chromium Alloys for Steam Power Plant, 480
- Kenyon & Sons Ltd., William. Book recounting a century of ropemaking, 211
- Kerry's (Ultrasonics) Ltd. Equipment factory at Hitchin, Herts, 564
- Khan, B. and Johnson, A. E. "Complex-stress Creep Fracture of Magnesium-2% Aluminium Alloy at 50 C" 681
- Khanna, D. and Yeomans, K. A. An Improved Caliper Gauge for Measuring Hot Billets, 782
- Kidde Co. Ltd., Walter. Ships' fire detecting and protection systems, 121
- Kier Ltd., and Marples Ridgway Ltd. Contract to build ore harbour at Port Talbot, 273
- Kincardine-B. Automatic Turbine Control, 525
- King George Dock, Hull. Speedramp passenger conveyor. Richard Sutcliffe Engineering Systems Ltd., 275
- King, J. R. et al. "Exercises in Industrial Management", 322
- King Truck Equipment Ltd. Special-purpose trailer system with detachable goosenecks to vary the ground clearance for road transport of "Concord" supersonic airliner, 835
- Kingfisher (Lubrication) Ltd. Leakproof assembly of angle hydraulic grease gun nipples, 818
- King-Scott, P. "Industrial Management", 350
- Kings Norton, Lord. Science, Technology, Education and Management. 12th Elborne memorial lecture, 867
- Kingsnorth d.c. transmission scheme. Fouranode mercury-arc valves, I 331<.V, 1200A. English Electric Co., colour plate facing 712
- Kinniburgh, William. "Dictionary of Building Materials", 755
- Kinnis and Brown Group. Automatic control of acidity, built-in scale and corrosion inhibition in water treatment, 924
- Kirke, M. et al. Stress-Relaxation Properties of some Nickel-Chromium Alloys for Steam Power Plant, 480
- Kirkpatrick and Partners. P. & 0. Group head office building, London, 657
- Kitchen, A.—Walker, D., Ltd. Heavy-duty, highproduction drilling machine for billets and forgings, etc., 989
- Kittatinny Mountain project, New Jersey, (USA), 365
- Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG, Cologne. Bulldozer, I 68-b.h.p. with on-load-changing gearbox, 736
- Klochnev, N. I. and Aleksandrov, N. N. "Production Technology and Properties of HeatResisting Cast Iron", 88
- Klock ner-Humboldt-Deutz AG, Cologne-Deutz. Front-loading power shovel, 396
- Knight, S. A. "Understanding Graphs", 717
- Knof, Hans. "Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes in Liquid Metals", 384
- Kochs, Friedrich, Dusseldorf (GFR). Swing-forging machines (Letter), 984
- Kocks Pittsburgh Corporation, Pittsburgh, Penns. Swing-forging machine with oscillating motion of the dies, 774 (Letter), 984
- Koenigsberger, F., and S. Tobias. "Advances in Machine Tool Design and Research 1965", 531
- Kollbrunner, C. F. and Basler, K. "Torsion", 496
- Kopecky, R. and Curn, F. Diamond profiling wheels for the grinding of sintered carbide (Paper), 495
- Kovo foreign trade organisation, Prague. "Consul 251" electric typewriter, punching a tape while typing prototype text, 576
- Krasnoyarsk (Siberia). Inclined-plane shiplift, 664
- Kranz, R.-D. and Noser, R. Water-cooled rotors for 1 333 MVA turbo-alternator (Paper), 42
- Kravtchenko, J. and Sirieys, P. N. (editors) "Rheology and Soil Mechanics. IUTAM Symposium Grenoble 1964", 916
- Kremikovtsi, near Sofia, integrated steel plant, 577
- Krupp, Fried., Essen (GFR). Oil-hydraulic pile driver, for light sheet piles, 221
- Krupp, Fried:, Maschinen und Stahlbau Rheinhausen, Alvsborg suspension bridge, Gothenburg (Sweden), 963
- Krupp Universalbau, Essen (GFR), Mobile oil decontamination equipment, 395
- "Kungsholm" M. V. a splendid ship, but contract was financially disastrous for Clydebank, Lord Aberconway, 181
- Kynmore Engineering Co. Ltd. Key switches and multi-push-button stations with dry-reed contacts 696 "Micro-Clockdial" ten-turn analogue dial for precise setting of controls, 326
- Laing Concrete Ltd., John. Casting a four-module r.c. element, 987
- Laing Construction Ltd., John. Western Avenue Extension, London, 193
- Laing Film Unit. "17 Million New Homes" film on industrialised building, 985
- Laithwaite, E. R. "Induction Machines for Special Purposes", 268
- Lam borghihi (Italy). P400 Bertone "Muira" sports coupe at London Motor Show, 583
- Lancashire Dynamo & Crypto Ltd. D.c. motors with modified mechanical commutator plus silicon controlled rectifiers (Leader), 289
- Land & Marine Contractors Ltd. Underwater pipeline to Isle of Wight, 95
- Lane, F. J. Introductory lecture at High-Voltage D.C. Power Transmission conference, 469
- Lange, F. H. "Signale und Systeme", 168
- Langford, E. J. Leisure (Letter), 53
- Last, F. H. Review of "Long-Distance Electrical Transmission between the V. I. Lenin Hydroelectric Station and Moscow", 601
- Latham, 0. J. and M. G. Cockcroft. "The Effect of Stress System on the Workability of Metals." NEL report No. 216, 494
- Laurence Scott & Electromotors Ltd. Marine electrical equipment, 121
- Lawrenson, P. J. Reluctance motors with magnetically anisotropic rotors, 844
- Lawson, J. D. The Harwell variable energy cyclotron (Report), 745
- Leafield H.F. Radio Station for long-distance telegraphy. Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd., 649
- Lederman, W. "Multiple Integrals", 322
- Lee & Sons (Malleable) Ltd., Dronfield, William. Foundry Malleable iron, 759
- Lee Wilson type Open-Coil Annealing plant, 903
- Leeds Inner Ring Road. Concrete train, 173
- Leeford (London) Ltd. Agricultural tool carrier, Colour plate facing 45, 66
- Lee-Smith Photomechanics Ltd. Roller tinning and fluxing machine for printed circuit boards, 660
- Lee Wilson Engineering Co., Cleveland, Ohio. "Scroll slitter" producing strips in a continuous hour-glass shape for stampings, 774
- Lehane, MacKenzie & Shand Ltd. Hamilton Bypass Motorway, 879 Leeds Inner Ring Road, 173
- Leitch, R. Pressure and Lubrication Pipe Trunnion for Denny-Brown-AEG ship stabiliser, 969
- Lentz, Giinter. Speed monitoring system added to "Indusi" automatic train control system on German Federal Railway (Paper) 971
- Lerbs, H. W. Propeller design for high-powered ships (Paper). 5
- Les Cables de Lyon. Submarine power cables for Vancouver Island connection, 284
- Lester, W. F. Trent River Authority, pollution and regeneration problems (Paper), 448
- Leuna (GDR). Plastics £70m development programme, 396
- Levitov et al. 500kV transmission, experience in U.S.S.R. (Paper), 6
- Levermore & Co. Ltd. Markal Thermomelt surface temperature indicators, 245
- Levy, A. Suphates in boiler furnaces (Paper), 966
- Lewin, C. J. and Hammond, R. "The Panama Canal", 266
- Leyland Motors Ltd. "Atlantean" double-deck bus chassis 33ft long, 406 Three-axle twin-steer tractor at International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, Earls Court, 381
- Leyland-Rover Motors merger (Leader), 901
- Library Association. "Guide to Reference Material, Vol. I, Science and Technology", 235
- Liebherr, Hans (GFR). Electro-hydraulic drilling and tapping units, 221
- Lilley, A. A. Cement and Concrete Association. "The Use of Concrete for Hard Shoulders for Motorways", 945
- Linde AG, Hollriegelskreuth (GFR). Air separation plant, 363 Deposition by strip-electrode submerged-arc system, 962 Hard-surfacing with tungsten carbide by percussion sparking, 363 Inert gas welding gun, 363
- Linde AG, Werksgruppe Miinchen (GFR). Automatic welding and cutting equipment for curved surfaces, 185
- Lindholmens Vary AB, Gothenburg. Combined passenger, container and car ferry for HullGothenburg service, 761
- Lindley, B. C. Magnetohydrodynamic power generation: closed-cycle prospects, 161
- Lindop, T. W. Silicon nitride (Letter), 205
- Linge, K. et. al "Handbuch der Kaltechnik. Funfter Band: Kaltemaschinen", 235
- Linstead, Sir Patrick (Obituary). 523
- Liquefied Petroleum Gases Ancillary Services Ltd. Chassisless articulated road tankers, for liquefied propane or ammonia, 216
- Lisbon Rock Mechanics Congress. 0. C. Zienkiewicz, 647
- Lister & Co. Ltd., R. A. Centenary search for old Lister machines, 58
- Lister, Raymond. "The Craftsman in Metal", 563
- Liverpool University. Conference on collaboration with industry, 56 Electronic Data Processing Research to study computer techniques for small firms, 275
- Livingston Components Ltd. Multipolar reed relay, 133 "Nexus" encapsulated cermet film resistor networks, 455
- Livingston Electronics Group. New Headquarters, 809
- Livingston Electronics Ltd. X-Ray Inspection System for factory use, 954
- Livingston Laboratories Ltd. Battery-Operated Electrometer to measure voltage, current resistance and charge, 499 Radio Frequency/Microwave Power Meter, 954
- Lloyd, T. 1. Where the Road Programme Errs. IV— The Motorway Programme, II. V—Urban road plans, 43 (Letters), 270, 560
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping. "Automatic Controls in Ships booklet, 847 Shipbuilding returns, 164, 690 Statistical Tables, 692
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and Boeing Co. American Supersonic Transport Aircraft Proposals, 397
- Lockheed Precision Products Ltd. Hatch covers hydraulically operated, 80
- Lockyer, K. G. "Critical Path Analysis, Problems and Solutions", 684
- Loewy Robertson Engineering Co. Ltd. ConstantGap Wide-Strip Rolling Mill, four high, at Dolgarrog, North Wales, 467, 552
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., New York. Rolling Mill for powder rolling method of thin-gauge strip production, 580
- Londex Ltd. Liquid level control units meeting range of seven basic requirements, 389 Alarm bells and hooters, economically-priced, 883 Relay contactors for machine tool, etc. Variable-ratio percentage timer, 100 Control applications, 246
- London Air Traffic Control Centre. Three "Myriad" computers to form a triplicated flight plan processing system. Marconi Co. Ltd., 211
- London Borough of Camden. Floodlighting of building sites, economics, 385
- London Chamber of Commerce. Italian trade prospects report, 853 Trade mission to New Zealand, Australia and Fiji, 661 West German market survey, 927
- London Electricity Board. Test van for power cable systems up to 66kV, 277
- London Metallurgical Society formed, 354
- London Motor Show, 583, 620
- London Traffic Survey. Phase II, with planning forecasts, 117
- London Transport. Rear-Engined Double-Deck Bus being tested, 974 Reshaping London's Bus Services. Report (Leader), 433 Single-deck 'bus plans, 843
- London's Roads and Traffic. Greater London Council report (Leader), 110, 115
- Long Island Rail Road (USA). Gas Turbine-Driven Rail-Car Test-Runs, 616
- Lorch, H. 0. Feasibility of Supercooled Normal Metal Power Transformers, 797
- Los Angeles area. Nuclear-fuelled desalting and electric power plant, world's largest to be built, 616
- Lovell, S. Maynard. England's Mountain Motorway (Lancashire-Yorkshire, M.62) (Paper at World Road Meeting, London), 437
- Lubrication Engineering (Education and Research) Working Group report (Leader), 465
- Lucas, D. H. et al. Measurements on Chimney Plumes, 592
- Lucas Gas Turbine Equipment Ltd. Gas turbine starters, 371
- Lucas, H. W. and Wojtas, B. Automatic Wheelslip Control in electric and diesel-electric locomotives (Abstract of of paper), 748
- Lucas Ltd., Joseph. Air pollution control advisory service for motor manufacturers, 584
- Lunar Society (1766-1813) Bi-Centenary Exhibition of models, &c., 535
- Lunn, G. H. Review of "High-Speed Photography", 599
- Lupton Manufacturing Co., 24-strand aluminium extrusion-billet casting machine at Los Angeles, Cal., 702
- Lyman Printing & Finishing Co. (USA). Computer-controlled dyeing process, 996.
- M.E.I. Co. Ltd. Low-Voltage Distribution System, 456
- M.E.L. Equipment Co. Ltd. Broadband line equipment for coaxial telephone cables, 133 Thyristor Speed Controllers, "Ergotrol" range, 178
- M.L. Industrial Products Ltd. Heavy-duty Industrial castors on three-wheel principle, 134
- Machine Tool Industry Research Association. Utilization survey, 944
- Macdonald, J. M. Planning and organisation of moves, (Paper), 94
- Machine Tool Trades Association. Annual dinner speeches on economic situation (Leader), 778 821 Report on structure and productivity of the industry in UK, from Chesham Amalgamations & Investments, 533
- McAlpine & Son Ltd., Sir Alfred. M.62 and M.6 motorway contracts, 566
- McAlpine & Sons Ltd., Sir Robert. Hydraulically driven auger rig for large-diameter bored piles, 707 Oil Rail Terminal for Leeds, 844
- McBratney, G. and Moag, T. G. J. "Science for Mechanical Engineering Technicians, Book I" 875
- M'Ewen, Ewen. Floating annulus for load sharing, (Letters), 756, 948
- McFadzean, Lord, on economic situation at annual dinner of Machine Tool Trades Association (Leader), 778, 821
- MacGregor & Sons Ltd., Robert. Leeds Inner Ring Road, 173
- Mackenzie, William. (Obituary), 563
- Mackintosh, I. M. Survey of Microelectronics, including future development, 831
- McKee & Co. Ltd., F. B. (Northern Ireland). Buildings contract negotiations for New University of Ulster, 952
- McKenzie, S. C. "Size" and basic concepts in education (Letter), 716
- McLeold, R. C. Stand-By Turbine-Driven Oil Pumps, 348
- MacMillan, D. H. "Tides", 168
- MacMillian, R. H. et al. (Edrs.). "Progress in Control Engineering", 414
- McMillan, P. W. High-Strength Glass Materials, 351
- McNaught, J. and R. Munton. Automation of high-powered diesel machinery (Paper), 5
- McNaughton, Sir George. (Obituary), 384
- McNeil Group (Northern Ireland). Buildings contract negotiations for New University of Ulster, 952
- McNicol, J. Cotton/phenolic Mouldings as car body panels (Paper), 847
- Mactier, Sir Stewart. Presidential address to Institute of Marine Engineers, 603
- Magnetic Devices Ltd. Timers for industrial applications, 724
- Magnesium Elektron Ltd. ZE63A alloy for complex thin-walled components, 373
- Main Line Electrification Technical Conference (Leader), 699, 761
- Mair, W. M. "The Yield Surface of Metals", 681
- Malaysia and Singapore. Trade mission to visit, 25
- Malleson, H. R. and Firth B. W. Fuel Utilisation of an Automotive Engine at varying speeds and torques, 157
- Malik, R. "Penguin Survey of Business and Industry 1966", 168
- Maling, R. G. "Possum" system enabling electric wheelchair to be operated by mouth, 362
- Mann & Son Ltd., J. 14ft Combine Harvester and High-Density Pick-up Baler, 441
- Manchester University. Institute of Science and Technology. Post-graduate course reorganised to help industry, 94 Machine tools demand, investigation at Institute of Science and Technology, 927
- "Manchester Port" Cargo Liner. Manchester Liners Ltd., 688
- Mang, Friedrich. "Berechnung and Konstruktion ringversteifter Druckrohrleitungen", 916
- Mann & Son Ltd., J. 14ft Combine Harvester and High-Density Pick-up Baler, Class "Senator", 441
- Marbon NV, Amsterdam. Experimental plastics-bodied car of aerylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, 812
- Marconi Co. Ltd. Acoustic traffic detector, 659 Air-to-ground missile guidance system providing direct visual identification of the target, 411 Ascension Island satellite earth station for US "Apollo" man-on-the-moon project, 95, 536 Low-Cost Microelectronic Computer, 501 "Mynoid" computers for weather forecasting centres of Swedish Military Weather Service, 386 "Myriad" computers to form a triplicated flight plan processing system at London Air Traffic Control Centre, 211 Plug-in Crystal Oscillators forming medium-stability frequency sources, 328 Secondary radar system (SECAR) for Brussels and Shannon airports, 95 "Selcal" selective calling system aircraft using all-transistor tuned reed airborne receiver, 411 Television camera, Mark VI, 925 Tropospheric scatter links for low cost multi-channel systems "beyond the horizon" Mwanza-Bukoba, East Africa, 171
- Marconi Instruments Ltd. Electronic voltmeter for 25mV to 300V a.c., 20c/s to I 500Mc/s, 455 Programmed "teach yourself" course in electronic logic (Leader), 434 Selective level meters (synchronous tracking filters) for Vibration Analysis, 988
- Marconi International Marine Co. Ltd. "Lodestar" automatic direction finder, 765 "Seastar" closed circuit television and "Harbafone 20" six-channel v.h.f. radiotelephone, 165
- Marcos Cars Ltd. Marcos 1500 and Mini-Marcos GT 850, 620
- Marples Ridgeway Ltd. Woolwich Free Ferry Terminals, 471
- Marples Ridgway Ltd. and Kier Ltd. Contract to build ore harbour at Port Talbot, 273
- Marr, Alan J. Presidential address to North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 654
- Marsh, A. "A Collection of Teaching Documents and Case Histories", 322
- Marshall & Partners, Alan, and Redpath Brown & Co. Ltd. Hospital Building modular industrialised system, 23
- Marshall Sons & Co. Ltd. Road roller with hydrostatic transmission, 709
- Martinez, G. (Obituary), 27
- Maschinenfabrik Deutschland Dortmund. Pneumatic conveyor system and improved internal telephones, 736
- Maschinenfabrik Esslingen, Esslingen (GFR). Electronic-hydraulic equipment for spannerless tensioning of bolts, 395
- Maschinenfabrik Froriep GmbH, Rheydt. Numerically-Controlled Plano/Vertical Boring Mill "Spheromill", 32
- Mashinenfabrik Rudolf Staehely, WuppertalBarmen (GFR). Hobbing machines for internal gear milling. (Agent: Embassy Machine & Tool Co. Ltd.), 615
- Massey-Ferguson (UK) Ltd. Double-action Separation system for Combine Harvesters to save loss of grain, 491 Pressure-controlled tractor hitch, 52
- Massey Ltd., B. & S. High speed with "Logicon" static equipment, 422
- Matbro Ltd. Fork-Lift Trucks for heavy yard work, 59
- Mather & Platt Ltd. Food Machinery Developments exhibition, 646
- Matthews & Yates Ltd. Grain drying units for the smaller farm, 870
- Mattsson, A. C. J. and Brogan, T. R. Self-excited magneto-hydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- Maulden Engineering Co. (Beds.) Ltd. Hymas "Quicklink" tractor attachment, 83 32 h.p. Agricultural tractor, "Ursus Agripol 328", 215
- Maunsell & Partners, G. Western Avenue Extension, London, 193
- Maxam Power Ltd. Electro-Pneumatic Coal Separator, 23 Fluid Logic Controls for Detonator Crimping Machine, 887 Telephone cable duct rodding machine, 956
- Meddings (Sales) Ltd. High-speed universal joints, precision Swiss-made, 765
- Mercedes-Benz Ltd. 30-ton tractor at International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, Earls Court, 382
- Merryman, E. L. Sulphates in boiler furnaces (Paper), 966
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Dock complex being built jointly with Blue Funnel Line, 454
- Meriam, J. L. "Statics", 810
- Mesta Machine Co. (USA). "Progressive cutting" shears for billets and slabs, 828
- Metalectric Furnaces Ltd. Electro-slag refining plant, 122
- Metallisation Ltd. Powder-spraying pistol, 130
- Metcalfe, F. "Heat Engines and Applied Heat", 563
- Metra Blansko Works (Agent: Kovo) (Czechosl.). Moving-iron instruments for voltage and current measurements, 577
- Metra Sigma Martech Ltd. Export Delivery Times investigation, 853
- Metropolitan-Cammell-Weymann Ltd. Bus and Coach Developments, 272 41-seat low cost, low weight coach, 878
- Metropolitan Tool & Products Ltd. Cable support system for overhead cranes, 606
- Metropolitan Water Board. Coppermills Waterworks, Walthamstow, 454
- Midland Industries Ltd. Dual relay temperature control valve, 390
- Military Engineering Experimental Establishment. Methods for Testing the Performance of Rock Granulators, 10
- Miller, Ruth. "Peacock Book of Careers for Girls", 168
- Millom Hematite Ore & Iron Co. Ltd. Steelmaking by the Spray Process, 585
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft, interest in underwater scanning developments, 952
- Ministry of Aviation. Effusion Cooling and heat transfer on turbine discs, researches at University of Sussex, 842 Transfer of responsibilities to Ministry of Technology, 812 United Kingdom/United States co-operative space research programme. UK-3 all-British satellite, experimental programme, 874
- Ministry of Defence. Services Electronics Research Laboratory, Balcock, open days, 586
- Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Committee to assess possible health hazards of new chemicals for water treatment, &c. 565
- Ministry of Labour Selective Employment Tax, guide to employers, 394 Unemployment figures, 661, 853 Unemployment figures, 853
- Ministry of Power. West Midlands Shortages of Gas Supplies in 1965/6 winter. Report by Sir Robert Wynne-Edwards, 532
- Ministry of Public Building and Works Building Control Act, 1966, 282 Civil engineering laboratory, Cardington (Leader), 618
- Ministry of Social Security. Selective Employment Tax, details of payments, 282
- Ministry of Technology Advanced Computer Techniques Project, 323 "Approaching Automation" colour film aimed at improving production methods in small factories, 457 Automated Draughting Equipment Drawing Reader contract to Ferranti Ltd., 951 Committee on Tribology, 323 (Leader), 465 Computer control, one-week course at Warren Spring Laboratory, Stevenage, 986 Computer techniques for small firms, research contract to Electronic Data Processing Research Unit of Liverpool University, 275 Engineering production figures, 359 Integrated Process Control Applications in Industry, conference with Ministry support, 524 Machine tool statistics, 25 Machine Tool orders and deliveries figures, 661 Machine Tool Technical Committee established, 603 Minister's remarks opening new accommodation of British Standards Institution (Leader), 706 Pressure vessels committee of enquiry established, 921 "The Engineers' Day" exhibition, 101 Transfer of responsibilities from Ministry of Aviation, 812 Ministry of Transport Re-cut tyres and compulsory seat belt anchorages, 20 Transport Policy, White Paper. (Leader), 189
- Mintard viaduct carrying B288 motorway over Ruhr valley (GFR), 896 "Missouri", fast cargo-liner, 363
- Mitchell, Ewan, See under Engineering Law in Subject Index.
- Mitchell (Metal Propellers) Ltd., L. A. Stainless steel fabrications, 15
- Moag, T. G. J. and McBratney, G. "Science for Mechanical Engineering Technicians, Book I", 875
- Mobile Lifting Services Ltd. Keppel 80-ton trailer crane in use erecting 200-ton reactor vessel, 421 Molmann, H. "On the Nodal Forces of the Yield Line Theory", 170
- Moon, B. A. M. "Computer Programming for Science and Engineering", 598
- Morris, A. C. and Horsley. R. A. "Shell Polyolefins Engineering Design Data", 383
- Morris, A. J. Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Loaded Plates, 304
- Morris, B. P. and Romney. G. C. "Mathematics for Electrical Engineering Technicians, Vol. 2", 717
- Morgan Construction Co. Worcester, Mass., (USA). "Stelmor" controlled cooling of rod coils, 828
- Morgan, J. H. HNC and HND holders should form own society outside CEI (Letter), 838
- Morganite Carbon Ltd. Hanger assemblies for conveyor bearings, 818
- Mortimer Machine Tool Co. Ltd. Milling, boring and drilling machines, knee-type with universal table, 223 Rotary Automatic Injection Moulding machine, 665
- Motherwell Bridge Thermal Ltd. Heat exchangers in Bitumen refinery, Eastham, 643
- Motor Industry Research Association. Annual Luncheon speeches, 880
- Motorenfabrik Hatz, Ruhstorf, GFR. Small industrial diesel 1.5 HP at I 500 r.p.m., 284
- Mottram, R. A. and Woolman, J. "The Mechanical and Physical Properties of the British Standard En Steels", 322
- Moulton Bicycles Ltd. Mini-Cycle with TwoSpeed Gear, 60 Movement of Exports Economic Development Committee. Export Delivery Times investigation, 853
- Mowlem & Co. Ltd., John. Coppermills Waterworks, Walthamstow, 454
- Muijderman, E. A. "Spiral Groove Bearings", 918
- Muirhead & Co. Ltd. Facsimile transmission equipment for documents, 695
- Mullard Ltd. Delay Line for Television Receivers, pre-adjusted, ultrasonic, 245 Gunn effect oscillator, 956 Liquid Nitrogen Replenisher for unattended cooling systems, 327 Transistors with "Lock-Fit" encapsulation for printed circuits, 456
- Muller, A. H. Safety factors in commercial vehicle design (Paper), 489
- Munday, A. J. Flexible Wall Externally Pressurised Gas-Bearing, 977
- Municipal Agency Ltd. Public Works and Municipal Services Congress and Exhibition, London, 707, 750 Munich-Salzburg Motorway, Centralised Traffic Control, 106
- Munton, R. and McNaught, J. Automation of high-powered diesel machinery (Paper), 5
- Murfitt Bulk Transporters Ltd. Mobile Container Transfer, 61 Three-axle semi-trailer steering bogie, 403
- Murray, D. and Choubey, R. "Some Variations in the Activation Energy for Creep in Nimonic 80A. (NEL Report No. 209)", 749
- Murray, J. M. (Obituary), 236
- "Mustard" Project. Rocket propelled space transporter system (Lecture), 494
- Myklestad, N. 0. "Statics of Deformable Bodies", 350
- Naib, S. K. A. "Photographic method for measuring velocity profiles in a liquid jet" (Letter), 236 Naslin, P. et al. (Edrs.) "Progress in Control Engineering", 414
- National Air Traffic Control Services of Board of Trade. Ground radome of plastics materials, 812
- National Board for Prices and Incomes. Productivity and Pay during Severe Restraint period, 957 National Building Frame of precast concrete elements for "component building", 241
- National Bureau of Standards (USA) at Gaithersburg, Md., 897 High-Flux Reactor for nuclear research at Gaithersburg, Md., 964
- National Cash Register Co. Ltd. Information retrieval by "Photochromic Micro-Imagery" system, 131
- National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. Modular Method of Assembling HighFrequency Measuring Instruments, 286
- National Coal Board. Annual report, 504 Brickworks at Desford, Leics., 276 Haigh Woolley collieries, Yorkshire, collective conveyor with "Televeyor" remote control and instrument monitoring system, 453 North Gawber, steep surface drift with cable belt conveyor, 325 "Notes for Electricians", 322
- National Computing Centre. Aims and membership, 758 KDF9 computer ordered from English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd., 353
- National Economic Development Office. Working party on supply of plant to the chemical and allied industries, 135
- National Engineering Laboratory. "Heat Bibliography 1965" 523 "Some Aspects of the Cold Extrusion of Steel", 552 The Design and Performance of Tooling for the Cold Extrusion of Steel", 552
- National Federated Electrical Association and Electrical Trades Union, three-year industrial agreement, 63
- National Foundry College, Wolverhampton. Discontinuance of grant opposed by Joint Iron Council, 56
- National Physical Laboratory. English or metric system dual reading positioning dial for machine tools, 391
- Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory, Daresbury, Cheshire. Power Supply Capacitors for Synchrotron "Nina", 418
- National Research Development Corporation. Seventeenth report, 359
- National Research Development Corporation. D.c. motors with modified mechanical commutator plus silicon controlled rectifiers (Leader), 289
- National Rubber Producers' Association. Conference at Imperial College, London on uses of rubber in engineering, 444
- National Society for Clean Air. 33rd conference, incorporated in International Clean Air Congress. 533
- National Standard Co. Ltd. Wire sheet Reinforcement for Plastics, 347
- Naylor, R. and Fairbank, R. Tantalum thin film passive components in electronics (Paper), 124
- NEDECO group (Neth.). Kainji dam, Nigeria, colour plate facing, 873
- Needham, F. H. Yield stress /ultimate tensile stress ratio considered unimportant, 295
- Nekrsov, M. and S. S. Rokotyan (edrs.) "LongDistance Transmission between the V. I. Lenin Hydroelectric Station and Moscow", 601
- Nelson Research Laboratories of English Electric, Beaconhill near Stafford, 374
- Nesbitt-Hawes, Sir Ronald. "The Training of Youth in Industry: Vol. I, Engineering", 126
- Nestle Alimentana S.A., Vevey (Switzerland), joint research project for edible proteins from hydrocarbons, 106
- Nethe Canal bridge carrying King Baudouin Motorway, Belgium, collapse, 770
- Neuenschwander, A., et al. "Handbuch der Kaltetechnik,Funfter Band: Kaltemaschinen", 235
- Neville Industries (Mansfield) Ltd. Aluminium alloy, tipping semi-trailer, 550
- New Jersey (Yards Creek) (USA) Pumped-Storage Scheme, 365
- Newalls Insulation and Chemical Co. Thermal insulation of pipework by glass fibre rigid sections, 130
- Newcastle upon Tyne University. Hard rock tunnelling research award, 692
- Newmann, J. and Carr, J. Medium-speed geared diesel engines for Ocean-going Merchant Ship Propulsion (Paper), 845
- Newmark, Natham M. Earthquake Simulator, 108
- Newmarket Transistors Ltd. "Silind" range for industrial electronics, 954
- Newport Docks development contract awarded. Edmund Nuttall, Sons & Co. (London) Ltd., 273
- Nicholls, H. H. On being stuck in a lift (Letter), 349
- Nigerian Posts and Telegraphs Department. Erecting wooden poles in running sand, 386
- Nikolov, I. D. and Balewsky. A. T. PressureCasting with Counter-Pressure, 31
- "Nina" Synchrotron at Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory Daresbury, Cheshire, 418
- Nippon Kokan Kabushiki Kaisha. Integrated steelworks at Fukuyama, Japan, 377
- Nock, 0. S. "The British Steam Railway Locomotive from 1925-1965", 918
- NOHAB, Trollhattan (Sweden). "MZ" type diesel-electric locomotives, 3300 HP, for Danish State Railways, 223
- Normalair Ltd. Trace Reader for automatic graphical to numerical conversion of records, 850
- Norstel & Templewood Hawksley Ltd. "Cross Cut mechanical sludge lifter for existing beds and smaller sewage works, 695
- North Atlantic Container Experiment results published, 691
- North, B. C. and Hakluytt, J. P. D. Design of airregisters for oil-fired boilers (Paper), 565
- North Bar Tool Co. Ltd. Dynamic torque testing rig, 99
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Andrew Laing lecture by R. Hurst, 843 Conference of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects in Munich, 984,5 Report and presidential address by Alan J. Marr, 654
- North Sea gas. Another strike Gas Council— Amoco Group, 498 Developments. D. Barran, 882 Exploration and provisional programme of Gas Council (Leader), 581 Prospects as seen by Sir Henry Jones and Sir Kenneth Hutchison (Leader), 37 "Transocean II" drilling platform. Smith's Dock Co. Ltd., 536
- North Thames Gas Board. Conversion to natural gas on Canvey Island, Essex, 173
- Northern Divers Ltd. Sewage outfall at Le Creux Machie, Guernsey (CI), 231
- Northern Outfall sewage works. Proposed extension, 943
- Northrop Tractors Ltd. Four-wheel drive 5005, 871
- Norton W. E. (Machine Tools) Ltd Hydraulic shaping machines, 568
- Noser, R. and Kranz, R.-D. Water-cooled rotors for 1 333MVA turbo-alternator (Paper), 42
- Novikov gears. Contact Curvatures. M. J. French, 975
- Nuclear Design & Construction Ltd. Wylfa nuclear power-station, Anglesey, fuelling machines for reactors, 605
- Nuclear Power Group Ltd. Charging machines for uranium fuel elements, Oldbury-on-Severn, 922
- Nuttall, Sons & Co. (London) Ltd., Edmund. Contract for Newport Docks scheme, 273
- "Nuolja", 72 500-tons Ore Carrier. Gotaverken for Grangesberg Co., Stockholm, 184
- Oak Island, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Mystery of extensive underground works in 17th century Rupert Furneaux (Letter), 53
- Odon & Odostromaton S.A. Construction Co. (Greece). Reconstruction of Benghazi Harbour (Libya), 951
- Odqvist, F. K. G. "Mathematical Theory of Creep and Creep Rupture", 87
- Oerlikon Electrodes Ltd. Portable welding screen, 615
- Oesterschelde Bridge (Neth.), film, 519
- Office of Engineering Standards (USA), 897
- Office of Invention and Innovation (USA), 897
- Office of Weights and Measures (USA), 897
- Ogorkiewicz, R. M. Small-Calibre Guns, Hispano Suiza designs, 196 Two French Armoured Car Designs, 894
- Oil Rail Terminals (Leeds) Ltd. Construction begun, 844
- Old Park Engineering Ltd. Chassisless articulated road tankers for liquefied propane or ammonia, 216
- Oldenburger, Rufus. "Optimal Control, 652
- Olin Matheson Ltd. Test centre for prototype high-pressure hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, 210
- Olivier, H. Rockfill dams model testing by British Hydromechanics Research Association, 4
- Onahama Smelting and Refining Co. Iwaki City (Japan). Continuous casting machines for non-ferrous billets, 666
- Opel, Adam AG. New Opel "Rekord" models, 461
- Openshaw Taylor, E. and Boal, G. A. "Electric Power Distribution 415V-33kV", 717
- Optiz, Herwart. "Verschleissuntersuchungen an VVerkzeugmaschinenfli hrungen unter be-sonderer Berucksichtigung des Fressverschleises", 198
- Ord, H. "Engineering Drawing and Materials for Mechanical Engineering Technicians—Vol. 3", 168
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris. "Dragon" reactor experiment, 549 "Economic Growth 1960-1970", 843 Report on energy policy, problems and objectives (Leader), 225
- "Orion" Mobile Drilling Platform, self-elevating. John Brown & Co. (Clydebank) Ltd., 17
- Orman, P. L. and Harrow, G. A. Electronic Morse Test Unit, 979
- Ormiston, M. and Beveridge, A. A. "Effect of a Temperature Step During Fatigue Testing of L65 Aluminium Alloy and a Carbon Manganese Steel, NEL Report No. 221", 263
- Osborn & Co. Ltd. Heating Pickling Baths by Submerged Combustion, 60
- Ottley, G. "A Bibliography of British Railway History", 755
- P. & 0. Group head office building, London, 657
- Packaging Automation Ltd. Filling and sealing machine for preformed thermoplastic containers, 884
- Page, G. T. Applied science activities in grammar and public schools, (Paper in symposium at B.A. meeting, Nottingham), 407
- Pakistan Western Railway, section to be electrified, 21, 211 Catenary and cables for electrification, from Callender's Construction Co. Ltd., 127 Electric locomotives for Khanewal-Lahore section. British Rail Traction Group (English Electric and AEI), 56
- Palmer, R. S. Bore-Matching Tailstock for shaft grinding machines, 806
- Panda Engineering Ltd. Small hydraulic clamping units for work-holding devices, 724
- Panhard & Levassor SA. French Armoured Car Designs, 894
- Pannell, J. P. M. (Obituary), 805
- Parker, A. K. "Proceedings of the Conference on the Training of Scientists and Technicians in Written Communication", 450
- Parkes, D. and Clements, R. "Manual of Maintenance, Vol. 2 Plant", 384 "Manual of Maintenance Engineering Handbook, No. 10" 53
- Parker Ltd., Frederick Asphalt mixing plant, 707 Asphalt Plant with "Specstore" memory unit at Nuneaton quarry of Judkins Ltd., 247 Automatic Batching Plant for concrete mixers, 886
- Paris Motor Show, 573
- Paris Regional Express Metro. Etoile Station, underground, on new line Saint-Germain to Auber, 657
- Parr, N. L. Editor of Materials for Engineers series and author of No. I therein: Silicon Nitride, 18
- "Pasteur" passenger and cargo liner, 825
- Paterson, A. Wheel slip detectors and correctors for electric locomotives, 673 (Letter), 756
- Paterson Hughes Engineering Co. Ltd. Electrically-operated goliath crane at Kentish Town, London Terminal of Tartan Arrow Ltd. 761
- Payne Products International Ltd. Continuous automatic lapping machines, 278
- Pechiney Enterprises Inc. (US subsidiary of Pechiney, France). Aluminium Reduction Works, Puget Sound, 863
- Pedro, J. 0. and Silveira, A. F. da. "Quantitative Interpretation of Results obtained in the Observation of Concrete Dams", 170
- Pegson Ltd. Packaged pumping set for raw sewage and trade wastes, 727
- PEK-Electronic, Tettnang (GFR). Automatic electronic length measurements on cold rolled products, 770 Electricity breakdown monitoring tape recorder, 222
- Pell & Partners, C. J. Heavy steelwork at St. Martin's Lane, London, 57
- Pennsalt Ltd. Centrifuges with opening bowl to receive solids, 131
- Pequignot, C. A. Review of "The Panama Canal", 266
- Permali Ltd. Densifield wood laminate press, 565
- Peterborough Engineering Co. Ltd. "Load-0Matic" transfer of demountable van bodies on rigid chassis, 551
- Peters & Co. (Engineering) Ltd., G. D. Marine Defecamat sewage treatment plant, 166
- Petroleum Information Bureau. Inland consumption figures, 519
- Peto Scott Ltd. Programmed learning device for electric circuits, 811
- Petters Ltd. Lightweight air-cooled o.h.v. diesel engine, 872
- Philip's Glocilampenfabriken NV, Eindhoven (Neth.). All-solid-state electron microscope, 509
- Phillips-Imperial Petroleum Ltd. Refinery on North Bank of Tees, 515
- Phillips Petroleum Co. Petroleum Refinery on North Bank of Tees, 515
- Phillips Products Co., Dexter (US). Polyethylene Fuel Tanks, 72
- Phillips, R. H. Tomorrow's all-electric towns? Paper at Combustion Engineering Association conference (Leader), 670
- Phillips, R. S. "Electric Lifts", 810
- Philmac Oils Ltd. Bitumen Refinery at Eastham, 643
- Phipps, S. H. and Spencer, J. Ergonomics Applied to Distribution Control Systems (for gas, electricity, water, oil, etc.), 259
- Photain Controls Ltd. Monitoring Equipment for Automatic Machines, 726
- Photoelastic Inc., Malvern Pa. (USA). Stress Analysis Equipment, 98
- Piersol, A. G. and Bendat, J. S. "Measurement Analysis of Random Data", 88
- Pickering, F. B. Control of yield stress/ultimate tensile stress ratio in steel manufacture, 296
- Pinchin Johnson & Associates Ltd. Electropainting developments, 719 17 000-gallon electro-painting tanks with automatic membrane control system, colour plate facing 712, 719
- Pisolkar, V. G. Heat Transfer Characteristics of Studded Cyliners, 978
- Pitman Ltd., D. A. Thermoluminescent Dosimetry equipment, 726
- Pitman, R. J. G. "Automatic Control Systems Explained", 984
- Plank, R. et al. "Handbuch der Kaltetechnik. Funfter Band: Kaltemaschinen", 235
- Platt Group. Cotton machinery training centre, 693
- Plastics Institute. "Permeability of Plastics Films", 206
- Plenty & Son Ltd. Mixers in Bitumen oil refinery at Eastham, 643
- Plessey Co. Ltd. Remote control and telemetry system, 134 Vibration monitoring system with subminiature integrated circuit amplifiers, 413
- Plessey Components Group."Lectroflash" electrolytic capacitors to supply pumping power for lasers, 358 Capacitors, miniature electrolytic, for transistor circuits and printed board mounting. Plessey Components Group, 279
- Pneumatic Tool Co. Ltd. Air-powered, torque-controlled nut runner, 358
- Pochobradsky, B. (Obituary), 270
- Poland. Sulphur deposits, 30
- Polyplan Ltd. Plastics in Building Design, intensive short course, 209
- Pomfret, B. and Consterdine, E. W. Large turbogenerators, design brob!ems (Paper), 42
- Pook, L. P. Correlation of a Fracture Mechanics Parameter with Mechanical Properties for High-strength Steels, NEL Report No. 225, 783
- Poole, H. H. "Fundamentals of Display Systems", 322
- Pope, A. and Harper, J. J. "Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Testing", 652
- Poppelmann Werkzeugbau, Lohne/Oldb. (GFR). Plastic caps protecting nuts and threads of bolted connections against corrosion, 664
- Port of London Authority. Tilbury Dock developments project approved (Leader), 779, 780
- Port Talbot. Ore harbour to be built serving Steel Co. of Wales Ltd., 273
- Portable Welders Ltd. Portable Arc Welder with Toroidal Transformer, 817
- Porter, D. W. and Bedding, D. G. S. "Higher Mathematics Examples for Electrical Engineering Students", 235
- Portsmouth Harbour Ferry Co. Ltd. "Portsmouth Queen" and "Gosport Queen" ferries, 175
- Post Office Engineering Research Station, Dollis Hill. Open days, 498 Electronic Telephone Exchange in Service, Ambergate, Derbyshire, 912
- Poultney, E. C. (Obituary), 650
- Powder Couplings Ltd. Friction Clutches, 4 to 200HP, 391
- Powell Duffryn Engineering Co. Ltd. Oil Rail Terminal for Leeds, 844
- Powell, E. Passenger cars applications of fuel cells, likelihood weighed, 655
- Powell, J. R. How Important is Yield Stress/ Ultimate Tensile Stress Ratio? 295
- Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. "Apollo" fuel cell power-plants for spacecraft, 108 Electrical Discharge Machining, published examples of applications, 144 Second supersonic transport engine tested, 144
- Presentation of Technical Information Group. "Proceedings of the Conference on the Training of Scientists and Technicians in Written Communication", 450 Herovske strojlrni (PFerov Engineering Works) (Agent: Strojexport) (Czechosl.). Vibratory Screen, non-linear resonance, for non-sticky granular material, 542
- Prices and Incomes Standstill. White Paper (Leader), 830
- Primatools Ltd. Adjustable work clamping device for bench drilling machines, 850
- Priestley, Barbara. "British Qualifications", 383
- Priestman Brothers Ltd. Hydraulically operated rig, 750
- Problems in engineering structures. R. J. Ashby and Chilver, A. H., 86
- Prodorite Ltd. Large diameter plastics ducting system, 760
- Production Engineering Ltd. "Economics of Cold Extrusion" NEL report No. 195, 521
- Projecteurs Cibie. Dipping iodine headlights, 846, 879
- Prvni Brnenski Strojirna (Czechosl.) expansion turbine for carbon monoxide, 577
- Prvni Brnenskii Strojirna. Heat exchanger steam generator in nuclear power-station, Bohunovice, Slovakia (Czechosl.), 577
- Public Works and Municipal Services Congress and Exhibition, London, 707, 750
- Publicity Working Party on Engineering and Technology (inter-departmental) establishes "Project" magazine for schoolboys and girls (Leader), 38
- Pugsley, Sir Alfred. "The Safety of Structures", 810
- Pullen, John. Rotating Plasma Furnace development by Electrical Research Association, 589
- Pye Telecommunications Ltd. Exhibition of products, 386
- "Quality and Reliability Year" (Leader), 618
- Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission. Manicouagan substation, 700kV/286kV/ I 1.9kV auto-transformer, 355
- Quinn, L. P. S. "Marine Oil Engine Proving Trials", 350
- Radiation Dynamics Inc., Westbury, N.Y. Particle' Accelerator for Curing Coatings of paint, lacquer, dyes, etc., 71
- Radiation Physics Centre at National Bureau of Standards (USA), 934
- Radio Corporation of America and Radio Rentals Ltd., joined to form RCA Colour Tubes Ltd., with factory at Skelmersdale, Lancs. (Leader), 225
- Rance Estuary Closure Works, 893
- Rance Tidal Power-Station, (Colour plate facing) 45 (Leader), 831, 856, 891
- Rank Taylor Hobson. Micro-alignment telescope equipment for Machining Large Turbine Casings to fine tolerances, 567 Thin Film step-height measuring instrument, 567
- Ransomes Sims & Jefferies Ltd. Grain driers, "Multivac" range, 51 Six-furrow semi-mounted plough, 871
- Rapid Magnetic Ltd. Wet Drum permanent magnetic Iron Ore Concentrators, 818
- Ratter, J. Summing up at Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference (Leader), 669, 673
- Raven, F. H. "Mathematics of Engineering Systems", 126
- Rawlplug Co. Ltd. "Spiral Nylon Delta" plug for building blocks, 537
- RCA Colour Tubes Ltd., formed to manufacture shadow mask tubes for colour television receivers at Skelmersdale, Lancs. (Leader), 225
- Redpath Brown & Co. Ltd., and Alan Marshall & Partners. Hospital Building, modular industrialised system, 23 P. & 0. Group head office building, London, 657
- Redford, G. D. "Mechanical Engineering Design, an Introduction", 601 •
- Redman Tools Ltd. Machine for Large Transformer Laminations, made for USSR, 378
- Reed, H. R. and Russell, C. M. "Ultra-High Frequency Propagation: (Second Edition)", 753
- Rees, N. W. and Hammond, P. H. "Self-Optimising and Adaptive Control Systems" (section of "Progress in Control Engineering") 414
- Reeves, D. L. What is a Machine Tool? (Letter), 838
- Reid, W. T. Sulphates in boiler furnaces (Paper), 966
- Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP). Berliet prototype double deck bus, 574 Paris Regional Express System, 283 Passenger conveyors for Metro, 363
- Regional Advisory Councils in England and Wales. "A Compendium of Advanced Courses in Technical Colleges", 416
- Reiss, H. "Methods of Thermodynamics", 919
- Reliant Motor Co. Ltd. "Scimitar" 3-litre, 620
- Republic Foil Inc., Salisbury, North Carolina. Aluminium Foil Rolling Mill, 431
- Republic Steel Corporation (USA) Continuous Stretch-Reduction Pipe Mill in Ohio, 861
- Research and Development Society. Conference on "Communicating the Results of Research and Development" to industry, 514
- Reynolds, Osborne, first model experiments on Mersey estuary in 1885, 625
- Reynolds (Packaging) Ltd., Dagenham. Inflatable Airhall warehouse, 952
- Rheinstahl Handel GmbH, Duisburg (GFR). "Rheinstahl 108" pusher tug, 364
- Rhodes & Sons Ltd., Joseph. Multi-Purpose Hydraulic Shearing Machine, 925
- Richmond, F. A. Leisure (Letter), 205
- Rickman Bros. (Engineering) Ltd. Rickman-Metisse motor cycle, 743
- Ridgway, S. Plastics laminates as slideway inserts on machine tools, 715
- Riisnaes, R. P. Where the road programme errs (Letter), 270
- Riley, John T. Wormshaft for Industrial Worm Reduction Gear Unit, 294
- Rish, R. F. Cooling tower model for wind test (Letter), 88
- Road Machines (Drayton) Ltd. 4-wheel-drive 2-ton dumper, 751
- Road Research Laboratory. "A Guide to the Structural Design of Flexible and Rigid Pavements for New Roads". Road Note 29, revised 2nd edition, 945 Methods for Testing the Performance of Rock Granulators, 10 Use of Critical Path Method on Road Construction Projects. (RRL Report No. 1), 749
- Robb, A. B. "G.2 Science for Engineers", 948
- Robertson & Co. Ltd., W. H. A. High-Speed Wire-Drawing Machine with electronic control, 61
- Robertson, W. S. and Siddle, W. D. "Technical Writing and Presentation", 717 Rocha, M. and Silva, A. "Assessment of Observation Techniques used in Portuguese Concrete Dams", 945
- Rokotyan, S. S. and Nekrsov M. (edrs.) "Long-Distance Electrical Transmission between the V. I. Lenin Hydroelectric Station and Moscow", 601
- Rolba Ltd. Road marking machine, 708
- Rolt, L. T. C. Review of "The Black Country Iron Industry", 269
- Rolex Paper Co. Ltd. Plasticised p.v.c. electrical insulating tape, 455
- Rolls-Royce Ltd. Advanced Gas Turbine Technology, press conference, 84 Reheated turbo-fan twin engines for "Jaguar", 84 "Spey" turbo-fan for American Ling-Temco-Vought A-7A "Corsair 11" close support aircraft, 240 200 b.h.p. Diesel Engines.. "Eagle" range, 92
- Romney, G. C. and Morris, B. P. "Mathematics for Electrical Engineering Technicians, Vol. 2", 717 Root Harvesters Ltd. Potato harvester, 872
- Rosenberg, H. "Instationare Stromungsvorginge in Leitungssystemen mit flexibel-elastichen Rohrwanden,"198
- Rosenbrock, H. H. and Young, A. J. Real-Time On-Line Digital Computers (Paper), 89
- Rotameter Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Flow warning alarm, 180
- Roth, G. J. "Self-Financing RDA System", 206
- Roto-Finish Ltd. Vibratory burnishing and polishing machine for batched metal components, 244
- Rotork Engineering Co. Ltd. Electro-Hydraulic, control unit for high pressure pipe lines, etc., 424 Works extension to produce electric actuators, Bath, 325
- Rotork Marine Ltd. Sea Truck exploiting 'Aquaglider" air lubricated hull principle to carry bulky cargoes quickly over water, 244 Rotterdam Waterworks, "Berenplaat". Mechanical installation, 992
- Round, Captain H. J. (Obituary), 321
- Rover Gas Turbine Co. Engines and gas turbine starters, 371
- Rowlands Engineers Ltd. "Hydrofil" feed and grain bulk transporter, 83
- Rowlatts Hill, Leicester. District heating scheme, 653
- Royal Aeronautical Society. "Engineering Sciences Data Index", 598
- Royal Agricultural Society. Agricultural Machinery at the Royal Show, 51
- Royal Air Force. Computerised Stock Control at Supply Control Centre, Hendon, 13 Hangar at Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, 848
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough. Collaboration with Southampton University, 757 "Concord" forward fuselage test rig, 242 Soft-ground arresting for safety in overshooting, experiments, 242 Wind tunnel, Automatic Model-Measuring, 877
- Royal College of Art. School of Industrial Design (Engineering), exhibition and current work, 73
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Conference of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects in Munich, 984, 5 Royal Navy. Shipborne satellite terminal, 920
- Royal Smithfield Show. Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, 832, 870
- Royal Swedish Air Board. Air-to-surface missile, SAAB 305A, 284
- Roylance, T. F. "Engineering Design", 417
- Rubber and Plastics Research Association. Data sampling system to obviate periodic logging of instrument readings, 885
- Ruhrorter Schiffswerft and Maschinenfabrik, Duisburg (GFR) "Rheinstahl 108" pusher tug, 364
- Ruhrorter Stahlbau works (GFR). Ingot mould milling machine, 962
- Ruhrstahl-Heraeus circulation process for vacuum degassing of steel, 837
- Rubert & Co. Ltd. Surface Roughness Specimens in composite pocket set, 538
- Rumania, British Exhibition, 570
- Rusk, R. D. "Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics", 496
- Russell, A. E. Supersonic transport design factors (Paper), 408
- Russell, C. M. and Reed, H. R. "Ultra-High Frequency Propagation: (Second Edition), 753
- Rylands Brothers Ltd. Take-off unit for patented steel wire component makers, 390
- S.E. (Engineering) Ltd. Oscillator/demodulator for transducer systems, 279 S.E. Laboratories (Engineering) Ltd. Digital Indicator of dynamic and static strain, 568 Multi-Channel Amplifier, 180 St. Albans Concrete Ltd. Post-tensioned concrete handling problem (Colour plate facing), 233
- St. Lawrence river, Canada. "Gannet light buoys, 987
- "St. Michaelis" motor tanker with fully automatic control. Hamburg-Slid Steamship Co. Eggert & Amsinck, 140 (Corrigendum), 770
- Sachsenring Automobile Works, Zwickau (GDR). Cotton/phenolic Mouldings as car body panels, 847
- Salon de ('Auto, Paris, 573
- Saltney Engineering Co. Ltd. "Gehl Chop-King" self-propelled forage harvester, 82
- Salzgitter Huttenwerke AG, Heerte (GFR). Pig iron desulphurisation with shaking ladle, 824
- Salterfix Ltd. New factories for plastics moulded components and for small metal pressings, fasteners and retaining rings, 56
- Salter, R. J. "Civil Engineering", 450
- Saltney Engineering Co. Ltd. Self-propelled forage harvester, "Gehl Chop King", 82
- Salzburg, International Symposium on Magneto-hydrodynamic Power Generation (Leader), 73, 77, 118
- "San Giorgio" destroyer leader, Italian Navy, combined diesel and gas turbine machinery, 275
- Sands, R. L. and Shakespeare, C. R. "Powder Metallurgy Practice and Applications", 810
- Sanford, R. S. "Physical Networks", 86
- Sargent, L. M. "Methods of education within the company prior to implementation of PERT" (Paper), 94
- Sattin, Phillip. Basic concept method of teaching, (Letter), 808
- Saunders, K. J. "The Identification of Plastics and Rubbers", 384
- Saxe, R. F. "High Speed Photography", 599
- Scandinavia. Co-operative market research project for exporting to. British Mechanical Engineering Federation, 457
- Scandinavian Airlines. Automatic telecommunications centre, Stockholm, 30
- Scamco Ltd. Filters, self-cleaning full-flow, 179
- Scania-Vabis AB. Swedish vehicles for Britain, 354
- Schat Davits Ltd. Hydraulically-operated crane forhandling hoses, on oil tankers, 849
- Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft e.V. Conference of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects in Munich, 984, 5
- Schloemann AG, Dusseldorf (GFR). Continuous four-strand wire rod mill, 701 Extrusion-press conference, 860
- Schmitz-Anhanger, Altenberge (GFR). Threeaxle semi-trailer steering bogie, 403
- Schofield, J. "Workshop Processes and Materials, Vol. 1", 717
- Schofield, J. R. G. Reversing Thyristor Drives Using Contactors, (extracts from Paper) 651
- Schools Engineering Project Competition (Leader), 778, 809
- Schroder, K. (edr.). "Grosse Dampfkraftwerke. Planung, Ausfiihrung and Bau. Dritter Band: Kraftwerksausriistung", 755
- Schuhmann, Daniel. "Contribution a la theorie des impedances electro-chimiques. Application a un exemple de polissage anodique", 841
- Schwarz, K. K. et al. Symposium on noise from power plant (Paper), 604
- Schwarzenbach, J. and Gill, K. F. Dynamic Characteristics of a Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing, 309
- Schweppes Ltd. Computerised route-planning service, 691
- Science Abstracts and computer-based information retrieval system. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 881
- Science Museum, South Kensington. Fire fighting appliances collection, 951 "The Engineers' Day" exhibition to encourage young people to become qualified engineers, 534
- Science Research Council. Engineering designers project sponsored at Heenan & Froude Ltd., Worcester, 128 First annual report. Organisation. Industrial Studentship scheme. Science and Industry Awards (Leader), 705, 721 Fluidisation research grant, 137
- "17 Million New Homes" film on industrialised building. Laing Film Unit, 985
- Scott & Wilson, P. & 0. Group head office building, London, 657
- Scott Boag Paper Sales Ltd. "Rau" three-point linkage system, 82
- "Sea Quest" Oil Drilling Platform for British Petroleum Co. Ltd., 93
- Sealectro Ltd. Programme Boards with two-position pins, 849 Programme switches high capacity, 883
- Seddon, A. E. Review of "Central Water and Power Research Station", Poona (India), Golden Jubilee Symposia", 415
- Sejournet, J. "Glass lubrication" for steel extrusion-presses, 860
- Selective Dissemination of Information and computer-based information retrieval system to be administered by Institution of Electrical Engineers, 880
- Selective Employment Tax. Criticism by Association of Engineering Distributors, 697 Employers' guide. Ministry of Labour, 394
- Self-Changing Gears Ltd. "Pneumocyclic" gearbox, 274
- Self-Changing oil operated gear-box, on marine version of modified Ruston Mark 6YEX diesel engine, 760
- Senouillet, G. et al. "Analytic Study of NonLinear Sampled-Data Systems" (section of "Progress in Control Engineering") 414
- Serafim, J. L. and Silveira A. F. da. "Use of Computers in the Observation of Dams," 170
- Services Electronics Research Laboratory, Baldock, open days, 586
- Setpoint Ltd. Ships' centralised control and monitoring, 167
- Severn Suspension Bridge: (Leader), 337; Data, cable anchorages, towers and cables, suspended structure, aerodynamic aspects, corrosion protection, comparisons with Forth bridge and others, folding plate, 339, Colour plate facing 376
- Severn Tunnel steam pumping engines, question of scrapping or preserving (Leader), 901 (Letter), 913
- "Severodvinski", trailing suction hopper dredge, by Simons-Lobnitz Ltd., for USSR, 605
- Seward, F. "What is a Machine Tool r. (Letter), 689
- SGS-Fairchild Ltd. "All-planar" silicon-controlled rectifiers (thyristors), 327
- Shaddock, W. T. Engineering classes at Durham University started in 1838. (Letter), 236
- Shaikh, A. H. and Barr, D. I. H. Model Simulation of Surface Profiles in Tidal and Non Tidal Watercourses, 625
- Shakespeare, C. R. "Powder Metallurgy Practice and Applications", 810
- Shaw & Sons (Salford) Ltd., John. 400-Ton Bending Press, 130
- Sheepbridge Co. Ltd. Gasholder unconventionally dismantled using hydraulic chocks. Walter Bower & Co. Ltd., 212
- Shek Pik syphon spillway and Tung Chung water scheme. Air regulated syphon spillway by British Hydromechanics Research Association, 4
- Shell UK Exploration and Production Ltd. Mobile drilling platform "Transocean 11", 536
- Shepherd, Frank (Obituary), 959
- Shipbuilding Conference. Changes taking place commented by M. A. Sinclair Scott, President, 655 Statistics, 217, 692
- Shipbuilding Industry Training Board. Training levy, 359
- Shipton Automation (Sales) Ltd. Telephone Answering Machine, 62
- Short Brothers Ltd. "Blowpipe" one-man antitank missile, 411
- "Shoulton", HMS. Minesweeper with sevenoutput gear-box for hydraulic systems. Alfred Wiseman & Co. Ltd., 657
- Shreider, Yu. A. "Monte Carlo Method — The Method of Statistical Trials", 16
- Siddle, W. D. and Robertson, W. S. "Technical Writing and Presentation", 717
- Siders, R. A. et al. "Computer Graphics: a Revolution in Design", 843
- Siemens (GFR). Magnetic coding of mine tubs, 962 Nine-track magnetic recording head, 963 "Oscillomat E" 18-channel light beam, 364 Werner-von-Siemens-Institute for the History of the Siemens Co., Munich, 961
- Siemens & Halske AG, Berlin-Munich. "Data Report" of informatory publications, 106, Formed by incorporating Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG with Siemens-Reiniger-Werke AG (GFR), 615 Portable electric thermometer, 105 Speed monitoring system added to "Indusi" automatic Train Control System on German Federal Railway, 971
- Siemens Central Research Laboratory (GFR). "Laser Lichtverstraker and Oszillatoren", 496
- Siemens do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Tres Marias hydroelectric power-station, Minas Gerais (Brazil), 69
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG, Berlin-Erlangen. Gallium arsenide laser diode, 285
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG, Miilheim. Order for 345MW/440MVA turbo alternator, 253
- Sifam Electrical Instrument Co. Ltd. Specialpurpose portable Pyrometer, 245
- Signode Ltd. Tensioning and Welding Tool for Nylon Strapping, 815
- Silva, A. and Rocha, M. "Assessment of Observation Techniques used in Portuguese Concrete Dams", 945
- Silveira, A. F. da, and Pedro, J. 0. "Quantitative Interpretation of Results obtained in the Observation of Concrete Dams", 170
- Silveira, A. F. da, and Serafim, J. L. "Use of Computers in the Observation of Dams", 170
- Silverleaf, A. and Dawson, J. Hydrodynamic design of merchant ships for high speed operation (Paper), 5
- Simon Handling Engineers Ltd. Automated rubber mill room for USSR, 811
- Simons-Lobnitz Ltd. Trailing suction hopper dredge "Severodvinski ' for USSR, 605
- Simplex-GE Ltd. Automatic testing installation for tarters and contactors, Colour plate facing 872 "Century" range of Switchgear and Distribution Boards, 499
- Sinclair Scott, M. A. President of Shipbuilding Conference, comments on changes taking place, 655
- Singleton, W. T. "Current Trends Towards Systems Design", 916 Skills of the Driver and Response of the Vehicle (Paper), 908
- Sirieys, P. M. and Kravtchenko, K. (editors). "Rheology and Soil Mechanics. IUTAM Symposium Grenoble 1964", 916
- Skinska Cementgjuteriet AB, Stockholm. Prefabricated Construction with Angle Elements, 700
- Skelton, E. "Simplified Draughtsmanship for Engineering Students", 384
- Skillman, T. S. "Road Safety, How to Reduce Accidents" (Leader), 226
- Skoda Works (Agent: Strojexport) (Czechosl.). Automatic diesel-driven no-break emergency power plant, 542 Diesel Generator Set, mobile, 576 Epicyclic Gear-box, 541
- Small, G. R. and Beck, W. E. A Motor Terminal Bushing improvement, 237
- Smets, Henri B. Background paper for International Symposium on Magnetohydrodynamic Power Generation, Salzburg, 77, 118
- Smith & Sons (Rodley) Ltd., Thomas. Excavator/ crane, 750 Mobile Excavator/Cranes, 972
- Smith, D. and Constable, J. "Group Assessment Programmes—The Measurement of Indirect Work", 417
- Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. "Manchester Port" Cargo Liner, 688 Mobile drilling platform "Transocean II", 536
- Smiths Industries Ltd. Double-Inlet Centrifugal Fans, 926 Servo System Tester, 245
- Smith, L. I. "Armored" metal-clad diamond resinoid bonded grinding wheels (Paper), 495
- Smith, M. G. "Laplace Transform Theory", 322
- Smith, N. R. Diamond impregnated roller truers (Paper), 495
- Smith, V. H. Victoria Line (London Transport) Signalling Principles for automatic train operation. (Extracts from Paper), 802
- SNECMA. "Olympus 593" for "Concord" supersonic aircraft, 408
- Sneddon. I. N. "Mixed Boundary Value Problems in Potential Theory", 948
- Sneyd Brickworks Ltd. Vehicle-mounted hydraulic crane unloading equipment, 841
- Snow, Sir Frederick. President-elect of newly formed Concrete Society Ltd., 237
- Societe ALCATEL, Paris. High-Precision Cylindrical Grinder, 139
- Societe d'Energie Nucleaire Franco-Belge des Ardennes. Nuclear Power-Station at Chooz, near Givet (Ardennes), 822
- Societe Dumez and Entreprises Borie (France) consortium lowest tender for Chasma Bridge, West Pakistan, 566
- Societe IndustrieIle d'Aviation Latecoere, Paris. Environmental machines simulating space flight conditions for test purposes, 222
- Societe Maritime Shell. Bridge-Controlled Oil Tanker "Dolabella", 104
- Societe Fives-Lille Cail. Diesel-mechanical shunting locomotives with coupled axles, 824 Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer. See French National Railways
- Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Chesterton windmill, Warwickshire, restoration, 241
- Society of Automotive Engineers (USA). V-8 Crank-shaft Balance by Computer (Paper), 224
- Society of British Aerospace Companies. Flying Display and Exhibition, 345 (Leader), 369, 371, 410
- Society of Chemical Industry. "Proceedings of the Chemical Engineering Group, Vol. 43, 1964", 652
- Society of Independent Manufacturers, defending interests of small firms (Leader), 967
- Society of Instrument Technology establishing a National Technical Committee, 127
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Open Days at Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, Chertsey, 517, 555
- Society of Telecommunication Engineers. Affiliated to Trades Union Congress, 25
- Solartron Ltd. Moving target indicator, for radar, to suppress "ground clutter", 985
- Solid State Controls Ltd. Transistorised relay delay, 816 "Transistorised A.C. Driver" static control relay based on thyristor, 214
- Someren, E. H. S. van, et al. "Spectro-Chemical Abstracts Vol. I I 1964-65", 755
- Somers Ltd., Walter. See: Haywood Forge, Hales Owen, 1866-1966, 39
- Sommerfelds Ltd. Heavy steelwork at St. Martin's Lane, London, 57
- Sondes Place Research Institute, Dorking, Surrey. Data sampling system to obviate periodic logging of instrument readings, 885
- South Durham Steel & Iron Co. Ltd. merger, 853
- South Eastern Gas Board. Grid system programmed, 534
- South Western Gas Board. Control centre at Widcombe, Bath, 848
- "Southampton Castle" refrigerated cargo mail ship with cascade engine cooling automatic control, 6
- Southern Engineering and Machinery Co. Numerically-controlled universal milling machine from P. Hure, Paris, 185
- Southampton University. Collaboration with Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, 757 Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, data analysis centre, 985
- Sparkler Filters (Great Britain) Ltd. Horizontal and vertical pressure filters, 15
- Spencer-Bonecourt-Clarkson Ltd. Hot water boilers, Cl2 range, 358
- Spencer, J. and Phipps, S. H. Ergonomics Applied to Distribution Control Systems (for gas, electricity, water, oil, etc.), 259
- Sperry Gyroscope Co. Ltd. Navigation and control equipment including "Seatrac" 16 in solidstate radar, 79
- Spiral Tube & Components Co. Ltd. Air blast cooler, I5
- Spiro-Gills Ltd. Fin-Fan coolers in Bitumen refinery at Eastham, 643
- Sporn, Philip "Energy, its production, conversion, and its use in the service of man", 268
- Squire, N. and Wilkinson, D. (edrs.) "Water Engineers' Handbook 1966", 755
- Staffordshire College of Technology. Control Systems course, 105
- Staffordshire County Museum of local industrial history, Shugborough, 201
- Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute. Centenary meeting and historical exhibition (Leader), 146, 172
- Stahlbau Albert Liesegang. Mintard viaduct over Ruhr valley (GFR), 896
- Stal-Laval Turbin AB, Finspong (Sweden). AP (Advanced Propulsion) type steam turbine propulsion units for large tankers, 430
- Standard Messo, Duisburg (GFR). Vacuum degassing vessel designed for Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Scunthorpe, Lincs., 837
- Standard Oil Co. (N.J.), New York. Joint research project for edible proteins from hydrocarbons, 106
- Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd. Telephone pulse code modulation equipment order received, 127 Insertion loss of circuits and networks, measuring equipment, 727 Instrument landing system, 373 Self-tuning transmitters under one-man control for long-distance telegraphy at Leafield H.F. Radio Station, 649
- Standard-Triumph International Ltd. Exhibits at Paris Motor Show, 573
- Stanelco Industrial Services Ltd. Induction Heating Generator, 500W radio-frequency, 213
- Stanford University (USA). Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator, 462, 510
- Stanley Palmer Ltd., G. A. Electromechanical six-digit counters, 285
- Stanlow to Heysham multiple pipeline project, 690
- Stanners, J. F. BISRA Contribution to Marine Corrosion Research, 910
- Starmer, Geoffrey H. Careers Literature and Six-Formers, 875
- Startrite Engineering (Sales) Ltd. Multi-Head Drilling Machines, 422
- STC Potentiometer Division (P.X. Fox Ltd.) Potentiometers Roller-Contact, 659
- Staveley Industries Ltd., acquires Lapointe machine tool interests, 957 Demand for machine tools, investigation at University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 927
- Steadman, A. J. Review of "Physics of Industrial Radiology", 600 Computer-controlled four-stand tandem cold mill at Abbey Works, Margam, 241
- Steel Co. of Wales. Static Switching for Sheet Steel Classifier for R.T. Mills Works, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, 96 Tinplate substitute, "Hi-Top" chemically treated black-plate, 727
- Steel Peech & Tozer. Training for Steel-making, in Rotherham works, 868
- Steelweld Ltd. Automated resistance welding plant for AB Volvo (Sweden), 960
- Steinegger, A. F. and Jentzsch, S. "Der Einfluss der Wasserstoffvorbehandlung auf das lonitrieren von Stahl," 841
- Stephens & Carter Ltd. Electric or air-powered winches for suspended platforms, 424
- Stewarts & Lloyds Ltd. merger, 853 Non-Destructive Tube Inspection by ultrasonic techniques, 593
- Stieber, J. "Employment Problems of Automation and Advanced Technology", 206
- Stifterverband fur die Deutsche Wissenschaft. Organisation and activities, 613
- Stockholm, Essingeleden motorway. Gekonsult, 395
- Stoeckicht, W. G. Floating flexible gear annulus in epicyclic gears, 948
- Stephens & Carter Ltd. Winches for operating suspended platforms, electric or air-powered, 424
- Stokes, Sir Donald. Speech at annual luncheon of Motor Industry Research Association, 880
- Stone & Webster Engineering Ltd. Ultra Selective Cracking using pyrolysis furnace integrated with rapid quench exchanger, 214
- Stone-Chance Ltd. 300 "Gannet" light buoys for St. Lawrence river, Canada, 987
- Stone-Platt Industries. Cotton machinery training centre, 693
- Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB (Sweden). Pig iron desulphurisation with shaking ladle, 823
- Stothert & Pitt Ltd. Container automatic spreader unit at handling terminal for UKIreland traffic, Bellport, 692 Contract for cranes in Newport Docks scheme, 273 Universal tower crane, 59
- Stowers, A. Severn Tunnel steam pumping engines, question of scrapping or preserving (Letter), 913
- Strauss, W. "Industrial Gas Cleaning", 384 Machine tool exhibits at Brno International Trade Fair, 507
- Strub, U. A. Asbestos compound lined brakeshoes on rails suggested (Letter), 875
- Structural Clay Products Ltd. Calculated Brickwork Data Sheets, 783
- Strojexport, Prague. Agent for exhibits at Brno International Trade Fair (Czechoslavakia) 541
- Sturtevant Engineering Co. Ltd. Air separators for Centro-zap of Poland, 176
- Submarine Cables Ltd. Channel Islands high capacity cable, 692
- Sud-Aviation. "Concord" prototypes of components interchanged between Britain and France, 353 "Concord" supersonic airliner, road transport using special-purpose trailer system, 835
- Sulzer Bros., Winterthur (Switzerland). Combined steam/gas-turbine power-station for 26MW peak, 735
- Summers & Sons Ltd., John. Film showing uses o galvanised steel sheet, 95
- Superior Electric Co. (USA). "Bifilar" stepping motor, 850
- Sussex, University of. Researches for Ministry o Aviation, 842
- Sutcliffe Engineering Systems Ltd. Speedramp passenger conveyor at King George Dock, Hull, 275
- Suzuki (japan). Motor cycle developments, 743
- "Svea", M.V. Combined passenger, container and car ferry for Hull-Gothenburg service, 761
- Swain, John (Obituary), 855
- Swan, A. W. Creative Thinking in Industrial Engineering, 939
- Sweden. Vehicle and road expenditure statistics, 577
- Swedish Air Force. Pilots' errors investigation, including optical illusions and autokinetic reactions, 735
- Swedish Military Weather Service. Weather forecasting centres using "Mynoid" computers. Marconi Co. Ltd., 386
- Swedish Wallboard Association. Fibreboard panels combination with thin facade bricks, 577
- Sweepwell Products (Birmingham) Ltd. Petrol driven pavement sweeper, 727
- Swiss Aluminium AG. Fully Automatic Billet Sawing Machine, 955
- Swissair. Douglas DC-9 jets on London-BasleZurich day flights, 324
- Switzerland. Toxicological enquiry centre accessible by telephone 24 hours a day, 285
- Swoboda, Rudolf. "Thyristoren" (in German), 717
- Sykes, J. H. M. (Obituary), 855
- Sykes, 0. J. R. Hemispherical Tubeplate in a Shell Boiler, 946
- System Computors Ltd. R5 ruby laser for industrial use, 852
- Tangyes Ltd. Lightweight hand-operated hydraulic Pump, 851
- Tagus Suspension Bridge, 251
- Tannenbaum, A. S. "Social Psychology of the Work Organisation", 684
- Tarmac Civil Engineering Ltd. Bitumen Refinery at Eastham, 643
- Tartan Arrow Ltd. Electrically-operated goliath crane for containers at Kentish Town, London Terminal, 761
- Tarumoto, D. H. and Humphrey, E. F. (edrs.) "Fluidics", 86
- Tavistock Institute. "Interdependence and Uncertainty. A Study of the Building Industry", 810
- Tay Road Bridge. Colour plate facing 232
- Taylor, David. An Introduction to Integrated Process Control, extract from Paper, 524
- Taylor, John W. R. "Jane's All The World's Aircraft 1966-67", 917
- Taylor, S. M. Subscriptions to Institutions (Letter), 206
- Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd. P. & 0. Group head office building, London, 657
- [Teckne (Cambridge) Ltd. Fluid Logic Control on a Capstan Lathe, 956
- Tees-side Petroleum Refinery, 515
- Tees-side road plans, 973
- Telefonaktiebolaget L.M. Ericsson, Stockholm. Automatic dialling device using magnetic tape, 364
- Telehoist Ltd. "Hy-Spill" frameless, tipping semitrailer, 405
- Tenneco Oil Co. Offshore crude oil storage in Gulf of Mexico, 512
- Tennessee Valley Authority. 500kV transformer and current-limiting reactors at Madison substation, 701 2 200MW Nuclear Power-Station designed for Browns Ferry, Alabama, USA. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., 254
- Teno, J., et al. Hall mode magneto-hydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- "Teviot", M.V. to carry liquid ethylene, 387
- Texas Instruments Ltd. Integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices for industry, seminars, 843
- Thadani, B. N. "Engineering Mechanics", 450
- Thames Board Mills Ltd. High-Speed Corrugator for fibreboard, Warrington, 676
- Thames flood barrier. Model testing by British Hydromechanics Research Association, 4
- Thaw, D. Future trends in transmissions (Paper), 489
- The 30-98 Company Ltd. Weight-sensitive pulley system "Bin-Dex" level indicator for powders, granular or lumpy materials, 762
- Theobald, D. W. "The Concept of Energy", 268
- Thermosen Inc. Multipolar reed relay, 133
- Thermotank Ltd. Marine refrigeration unit, 120
- Thies, B., Coesfeld (GFR). "Lurgi" screw heat exchanger, 334
- Thiokol Chemical Corporation, Reaction Motors Division (USA). Small radiation/regeneratively cooled rocket engine, 288
- Thirlwall, C. G. Leeds Inner Ring Road, 173
- Thomas & Baldwins Ltd., Richard. Open-Coil Annealing plant Ebbw Vale, 903 Soaking pits at Rebourn Works, Scunthorpe, Lincs., 97
- Thomson, W. T. "Vibration Theory and Applications", 919
- Tilbury Dock. Developments project costing over m approved (Leader), 779, 780
- Tilbury Power-Station. Chimney Plumes Measurements, 592
- Tinker, G. C. Utilisation of Machine Tools, survey by Machine Tool Industry Research Association, 944
- Tiree island, Inner Hebrides, air traffic control by extended-range v.h.f. communication, 273
- Thomson, W. T. "Vibration Theory and Applications", 531
- Thor Delta advanced scientific satellites, 847
- Thorncliffe Industrial Equipment Co. Ltd. Imports of Yugoslavian machine tools, 719 Universal horizontal knee-type miller (Agent for "Ivo Lola Ribar" Works, Zeleznik, near Belgrade), 220
- Thorneycroft & Co. Ltd., John I. "Portsmouth Queen" and "Gosport Queen" ferries, 175
- Thring, M. W. Review of "Methods of Thermodynamics", 919
- Thruscross reservoir for Leeds, with concrete gravity dam, 421
- Tobias, S. and Koenigsberger, F. "Advances in Machine Tool Design and Research 1965", 531
- Toelke, Friedrich. "Praktische Funktionenlehre. Zweiter Band :Theta-Funktionen and spezielle Weierstraszsche Funktionen", 350
- Tolley, G. and Jaray, F. F. Investigations of Steel Wire Reinforcement for Plastics, 347
- Tompsett, E. Checking the calculations for pipe bends, 16
- Tondl, A. "Some Problems of Rotor Dynamics", 87
- Tou, J. T. "Dynamic Programming and Modern Control Theory" (section of "Progress in Control Engineering") 414
- Towler, F. H. Geared Wobbler, 169
- Towler, F. H. Subscriptions to Institutions (Letter), 349
- Towler Hydraulics. Axial hydraulic pump, 357 Marine transmission unit operating at nominal pressure, 166
- Traders Road Transport Association. Drivers' hours review, 853
- Trades Union Congress, Blackpool, 394 Comments on unemployment and investment on prices and incomes policy, 697 Economic situation debated, 425 Evidence to Royal Commission (Leader), 742, 768
- Trans-Alpine oil pipeline, Trieste to Ingolstadt, 921
- Transocean Drilling Co. Ltd. Mobile drilling platform "Transocean II" in North Sea, 536
- Transporta Chrudim Cableways (Agent: Stroj- export) (Czechosl.) Timber Cableway, 541
- Trent River Authority. Pollution and Regeneration problems, W. F. Lester (Paper), 448
- Trident Equipment Ltd. Electrical Distribution System for Building Sites, 923
- Tripp, Basil H. "The Joint Iron Council 19451966", 322
- Triplex Safety Glass Co. Ltd. Automatic machine for preparing safety-glass, 536 Flight deck windscreens for "Concord" aircraft, 372
- Trotman, R. E. "Longitudinal Space-Charge Waves", 235
- Truesdale, C. "The Mechanical Foundations of Elasticity and Fluid Dynamics", 717
- Trumeter Co. Ltd. Electro-magnetic currentsensing counter for components, 988
- Trumpler, P. R. "Design of Film Bearings", 917
- Truninger A. G., Solothurn (Switzerland). Batteryoperated lifting magnet, 105
- Trusler, J. D. C. "Wasp" system of Workshop Loading, 153
- Tryhorn, D. W. "Turbocharging the automotive two-stroke cycle engine", 91
- Tube Headings Ltd. Pipe jacking machine, 708
- Tube Products Ltd. Finned Tubes for Boiler Wall Construction, 62
- Tully, N. Damping in Externally Pressurised Gas Bearing Journals 1794
- Tuplin, W. A. Aiming at Constant Speed in fatigue testing, 679 Load Capacity of Helical Gears, 483 Review of "The British Steam Railway Locomotive from 1925-1965", 918
- Turbomeca, France. Reheated turbofan twin engines, 84
- Turin Motor Show, 731, 771
- Turner & Brown Ltd. Mixed-Flow Fans for corrosive fume extraction, 278
- Turner Brothers Asbestos Co. Ltd. Aluminised asbestos cloth, 885
- Turner, R. H. S. Speech at annual dinner of Institution of Production Engineers, 881
- Turner, T. Henry. Clean Air Congress and Exhibition, London, October 1966, 983 Review of "Corrosion and its Prevention in Waters", 267
- Tuxford By-Pass. Slip Form Paver. Robert McGregor & Sons Ltd., 873
- Tweedale, J. D. "Practical Mechanical Deisgn", 810
- Twining, J. and Clark, F. "Standards of Welding Achievement during Training", 416
- Twort, A. C. "Civil Engineering: Supervision and Management", 948
- Udder, P. E. C. Electric Wheelchair, 362
- Uginchus, A. A. "Seepage through Earth Dams, 984
- Ulster. New University buildings contract negotiations, 952
- Ultra Electronics Ltd. "Cub" pocket set radiotelephone, 538
- Union Carbide Ltd. Heavy-duty manual MIG welding set, 100
- Union Carbide Corporation (USA). Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells and thin electrode fuel cell module developed jointly with General Motors Corporation (USA), 740
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics British Industrial Exhibition,Moscow (Leader), 38, 69 Delegation from TUC to study trade unions, 25 Electrification growth, 30 500kV transmission, experience. Levitov et al., 6 High-Voltage D.C. Transmission, Volgograd-Donbass and future developments (Leader), 466. 505 Specialist training in higher educational establishments, statistics, 701
- United Builders Merchants Ltd. Aluminium-bodied road vehicles, 240
- United Kingdom Automation Council. Conference on Integrated Process Control Applications in Industry, 524 National economic comparisons with coal and oil, planning by computer, 656 Scientific payload to be provided for large astronomical satellite of European Space Research Organisation, 273 12th annual report (Leader), 546, 548 UKAEA test rig. Ralph and Bainton, (Paper), 118
- United Engineering and Foundry Co. 80-in cold rolling mill in Japanese Integrated Steelworks, Fukuyama, 377
- United States. Air pollution regulations affecting motor manufacturers, 584
- United States Air Force. Ling-Tempco-Vought A-7A "Corsair II" close support aircraft with "Spey" turbo-fan by Rolls-Royce Ltd., 240
- United States Atomic Energy Commission. Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator at Stanford University, 462, 510
- United States/United Kingdom co-operative space research programme. UK-3 all-British satellite, 874
- United Steamship Co. Ltd. "Missouri", Fast Cargo-Liner, 363
- United Steel Companies Ltd. Aircraft industry steels, 373 Degassed Steel for Plates, 837 Pig iron casting machine and stockyards for pig iron, spiegel and ferro-manganese at Workington Iron & Steel Co. branch, 128
- Upson, A. R. and Batchelor, J. H. "Synchro Engineering Handbook", 125
- Urwin, B. E. Design for standard 14 000 tons d.w. cargo ship, 690
- USSR: See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- Vacu-Blast Ltd. Mobile Dust-free Shot Blasting Equipment, 179
- Vacuum Industrial Applications Ltd. Wishaw, Scotland. Extension to assembly shop, 212
- Value Engineering Association constituted, 730
- Vales Plant Register Ltd. "Vales Plant Data Book", 598
- Vancouver Island. Submarine power cables connection. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 284
- Vandyke Machine Tools Ltd. Support System for electric cables, 537
- Varatio-Strateline Gears Ltd. Speed reduction units, 816
- Vause, A. S. and Hewitt, H. "Lamps and Lighting", 450
- Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Spot Welding Transfer Line for Car Underbodies, Ellesmere Port, 758 Bedford trucks at International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, Earls Court, 379 "Viva" restyled I 100cm3 Light Passenger Car, 443
- VEB Dampferbau Lommatzsch, combine harvesters, harvester-thresher, at East German Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, 30
- VEB Forderbau Falkensee. Large mobile elevator, 67
- VEB Hemawerk, Luisenthal (Thuringia). Vacuum hoisting equipment, self-contained, for metal sheets, concrete slabs, precast components, etc., 221
- VEB Hebezeugwerk Sebnitz. Multi-purpose 6.3-ton Auto Crane, convertible to tower jib crane, 220
- VEB Kombinat Fortschritt. Multi-purpose, all-steel trailer, 67
- VEB Traktorenwerk Schonebeck (Elbe) (GDR), Agricultural tool carrier, Colour plate facing 45, 66
- VEB Weimar-Werk, Weimar. Potato planter, 28
- Venice: International Film Festival. Engineering Films. Alec M. Hughes, 519
- Venner Electronics Ltd. All-silicon Digital Clock, 852
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Report for 1965 with comment on new German legislation protecting the title "Ingenieur", 615
- Vereinigte Deutsche Planer (United German Consultants) group set up in Bonn, 283
- Vero Electronics Ltd. Instrument cases for the housing of assemblies, 538
- Verdict Gauge (Sales) Ltd. Dial test indicator with inch and metric, 816
- Vero Precision Engineering Ltd. Special-Purpose Milling Machine for steam turbine diaphragms, 608
- Vickers, Antony. The Crisis (in the economy), 747
- Vichnevetsky, R. and Auricoste, J. "Use of On-Line Digital Computers in Process Control" (section of "Progress in Control Engineering") 414
- Vickers Sperry Rand Ltd. Miniature Solenoid-Operated Hydraulic Valve, 660
- Vicon Agricultural Machinery Ltd."Vari-Spreader" with poly-hopper, 871
- Vienna, Underground Trams and Metro project, 769
- Villarino power-station, Spain. High-head reversible pump-turbines, 58
- Viswanathan, K. S. "The Many-Electron Problem", 652
- Voest (Austria). Self-contained mill producing numerous shapes from one combination set of forming rolls, AMF Thermatool, New Rochelle, NY, 775
- Voith GmbH, J. M. Weir with "Bear trap gate on River Neckar at Rottenburg temberg) on Neckar weir, Rottenburg, 106
- Volvo AB. Car manufacturing plant extensions, Torslanda (Sweden), 960
- Volvo Umeverken. Lorry cab plant at Umea (Sweden), 615
- Vosper Electric Ltd. Static Switching Units including delay timers and the equivalent of electro-mechanical relays or contactors, 763
- Vrengdenhil, A. Optical Ship's Turn Indicator, 253
- Walters, G. and Hudson, K. "Technology and Society. The First Bath Conference, 1965", 496
- Walker, J. S. and Martin, E. R. "Injection Moulding of Plastics", 717
- Walker Ltd., C. & W. Heating Pickling Baths by Submerged Combustion, 60
- Waltham-on-the-Wolds aerial mast, High-Level Maintenance Hoist, 887
- Walther Nothelfer KG (GRF). Rotary Automatic Injection Moulding Machine, 665
- Wallace, P. J. "Size" of Education, 562 "Size" of Engineering and a Conference, 3N
- Walton, W. Review of "Engineering Design", 75:3
- Walker, R. L. "Introduction to Transistor Electronics", 16
- Walker, W. K. "Engineering Productivity: Vol. 2, New Manufacturing Processes", 53
- Wang, Ping-Chun. "Numerical and Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics", 53
- Wandsbeker Werkzeug Ges. Beinhoff & Co., Hamburg. "Barson" curve-cutting shear, bench mounted, 575
- Warwickshire County Council. Chesterton windmill restoration, 241
- Warder, S. B. Railway electrification in the twentieth century. Paper at Euston Main Line Electrification Technical Conference, 671
- Waring, Gerry (Obituary), 855
- Warren Spring Laboratory, Stevenage. Chemical and other processing industries, oneweek course in computer control, 986 Dry-fluid bed separator for minerals, 16
- Water Resources Board. Activities described by N. H. Calvert (Paper), 446 Water supplies in South - East England (Leader), 190, 194
- Water Supply Industry Training Board. Training levies, 387
- Waters, M. "The Short-Circuit Strength of Power Transformers", 598
- Watton Electronics Ltd. Centre Locator for jig boring machines, 178
- Watts, John H. (Obituary), 361.
- Wearne, S. H. and Cunningham, M. T. "Problems and Efficiency in the Management of Engineering Projects", 984
- Weatherill Ltd., F. E. Loading shovels, 751
- Webb Ltd., Ernest A. Universal loader/trencher, 51
- Webber, N. B. A Review of Postgraduate Courses in Civil Engineering, 148 (Letters), 321, 560
- Wedgwood Benn, Rt. Hon. Anthony, Minister of Technology. Speech at annual dinner of Motor Industry Research Association, 880
- Weinberg, S. The reliability of machines (Paper), 20
- Weiste & Co., H., Soest. Drill and fertiliser machines, 81
- Weld Tooling Corporation, Pittsburgh (Pa.). Automatic welding and cutting equipment for curved surfaces, 185
- Wellman Incandescent Furnace Co. Ltd. Open-Coil Annealing plant, 903 Soaking pits for Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd., Red bourn Works, Scunthorpe, Lincs., 97
- Wells-Krautkramer Ltd. Ultrasonic edge-to-edge plate tester to reveal laminations and slag inclusions, 568
- Wellworthy Ltd. Development Laboratory for Diesel Engine Components, I I I High-pressure compressors for pneumatic discharge of powder bulkers, 246
- Welsh Metal Industries Ltd. Spark Erosion Machine, 606
- Welsh National School of Medicine. Automatic Artificial Kidney machine for peritoneal dialysis, 924
- Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Greiz (GDR). Grinder for engraving cutters, 665
- Werner and Pfleiderer, Stuttgart-Feuerbach (GFR). De-aerator/Drier, four-spindle screw model, 665 Injection Moulding Press for rubber, 665
- Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd. Battery Electric Tractors, 694
- Wessex Machine Tools Ltd. Fully automatic billet sawing machine, 955
- West Berlin Transport Corporation (BVGWest). Double-deck buses for one-man operation, 824
- West, J. V. Mechanised form of statistical sampling, 939
- West Midlands, Gas, Shortages of Supplies in 1965/6 winter. Report by Sir Robert Wynne-Edwards, 532
- West, T. D. and Anderson, J. "Engineering Drawing", 350
- Western Avenue Extension, London, 193
- Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co. Ltd. "Conqwest" valve operator giving precise remote control by pneumatic or electropneumatic means, 166 Railway Resignalling Birmingham, 229
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Penns. Thyristor static-reversing hoist control for crane drivers, 776
- Westminster School. Exhibition of Science, Medicine and Technology (Leader), 226
- Weston, E. B. "Automobile Engineering Drawing for Technical Students", 684
- Wheelabrator Corporation (USA). "No-Acid Descaling" blast cleaning process for steel coils, 827
- Whessoe Ltd. Storage tanks at Tees-side petroleum refinery, 516
- Whitbread & Co. Ltd. Automated control of refinery, 516 malt blending, 353
- White Fish Authority, Industrial Development Unit. Measurement of power in fishing craft, 497
- White, Harvey E. "Modern College Physics", 384
- Whitworth, D. "Basic Digital Computer Concepts", 916
- Whitworth, Sir Joseph. Biographical note (Leader), 109
- Whyte, G. CEI and engineers. (Letter), 689
- Wickham Engineering Co. Ltd. Aerial mast highlevel maintenance hoist, 887 Hoist control by r.f. link, 725
- Wickman Machine Tool Sales Ltd. Heavy-duty, high production drilling machine for billets and forgings, etc., 989
- Widcombe, Bath, gas grid control centre, 848
- Wielogorski, J. W. Flow Through Narrow Rectangular Notches (Letter), 450
- Wild & Co. Ltd., A.G. Mechanised Storage and Handling System, 247 Self-advancing, powered thin-seam roof support, 356
- Wilder Ltd., John. "Robomatic" grain dryer, operating unattended, 81
- Wilkinson, D. and Squire, N. (edrs.) "Water Engineers Handbook 1966", 755
- Willbros (Pipelines) Ltd. Stanlow to Heysham Multiple project, 690
- Williams, Emrys. Presidential address on professional specialisation. Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers, 970
- Wilson, A. "Engineering Science for Technicians: Third and Fourth Years", 652
- Wilson, Mr. Harold, Prime Minister. Remarks on the electrical manufacturing industry, 829
- Winget Gloucester Group. Loading shovels, 750
- Winget Ltd. Coal Handling Machine at Aberthaw, near Barry with 27 ft. dia. bucket-wheel stacker/reclaimer, 953
- Wirth, Arno H., Spezialmaschinenfabrik, Reutlingen (GFR). Electrostatic flocking machine for continuous lengths of material, 222
- Wiseman & Co. Ltd., Alfred. Seven-output gearbox for hydraulic systems in minesweeper, HMS "Shoulton", 657
- Wix & Liesenhoff Industriebau GmbH (GFR). Hard-Rock Tunnelling Machine, 930
- Wolverhampton and Birchley Rolling Mills Ltd. Cooling rack and bar shearing machine, 922
- Wojtas, B. and Lucas, H. W. Automatic Wheelslip Control in electric and diesel-electric locomotives, (Abstract of paper), 748
- Wood, E. K. (Obituary), 503
- Wood, K. M. Article on industrialised building techniques in "Bison Survey" (Leader), 73
- Wood, W. G. Review of "The Concept of Energy", 268
- Woodhead Tunnel. Power Transmission using 400kV cables, 949 (Leader), 967
- Woolacott, R. G. Review of "Design of Film Bearings", 917 Review of "Spiral Groove Bearings", 918
- Woolman, J. and Mottram, R. A. "The Mechanical and Phsysical Properties of the British Standard En Steels", 322
- Woolwich Free Ferry Terminals. Husband & Co., 471
- Workington Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Long-range proximity detectors for traffic-light control, 324 Pig iron casting machine and stockyards for pig iron, spiegel and ferro-manganese, 128
- World Satellite Terminals Ltd. Design of ground terminals for satellite communications terminals, 813
- Worthington-Simpson Ltd. Vac-Strip cargo oil handling and stripping system, 121
- Wu, H. L. Prediction of Wall Temperatures Inside Diesel Engines by Digital Computer, 789
- Wylfa Nuclear Power Station, Anglesey. Fuelling machines for reactors. Nuclear Design & Construction Ltd., 605
- Wynne-Edwards, Sir Robert. Report on Shortages of Gas Supplies in the West Midlands during 1965/6 winter, 532
- Wysall Tractor Co. Ltd. Potato soil extractor and grader, 82
- Xlander, Mel. "Fundamentals of Reliable Circuit Design Volumes I and 2", 206.
- Yakovlev, K. P. "Handbook for Engineers—Volume 2. Mechanics, Strength of Materials and the Theory of Mechanisms and Machines", 206
- Yamaha (Japan). Motor cycle developments, 743
- Yamamoto, M. et al. Japanese Faraday mode experiments on magnetohydrodynamic generators (Paper), 200
- Yards Creek pumping and generating station for Pumped Storage Scheme in New Jersey, 367
- Yarrow, Sir Eric. Turbine propelling machinery (Paper), 5
- Yeomans, K. A. and Khanna, D. An Improved Caliper Gauge for Measuring Hot Billets, 782
- York Trailer Co. "Load-O-Matic" transfer of demountable van bodies on rigid chassis, 551
- Young, A. J. and Rosenbrock, A. H. Real-Time On-Line Digital Computers (Paper), 89
- Young, R. D. Organisation for Numerically-Controlled Machine Tools, 75
- Youngman Fork Trucks Ltd. Cross-Country Fork Lift Truck, 852
- Youngman Ltd., W. C. Portable oil-fired forced draught space heaters, 762
- Zeiss, Carl, Oberkochen (Wiirtt, GFR). Stereo microscope, 253
- Zenith Carburetter Co. Ltd. "Duplex" carburettor to meet US regulations against air pollution, 623
- ZEZ (Agent: Scrojexport) (Czechosl.). Aluminium and copper welding by pressure without heating, trolley-mounted machine, 542 Automatic Butt Welder, 576 Plasma cutting machine torch, 576
- Zienkiewicz, 0. C. Lisbon Rock Mechanics Congress, 647
- Zuckerman, Sir Solly. Scientific instruments, national industrial importance, 604
see The Engineer 1966 Jul-Dec: Index: Sections 2 and 3
See Also
Sources of Information