The British Daimler Motor Company of Coventry, not connected with Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft.
See also
The History
1896 February 17th. The public were invited to subscribe for shares in the Daimler Motor Company formed to take over from the Daimler Motor Syndicate. In the prospectus the directors were named as: [1] [2]
Agreement had been entered into with British Motor Syndicate to acquire UK licences to patents from Daimler[3].
After the formation of the company they appointed:
- Harry Lawson Chairman
- J. S. Bradshaw (James A. Bradshaw?)
- Charles Osborn became the first company secretary
- James S. Critchley was employed as Works Manager until he joined British Electric Traction Co in 1900.
- Frederick Simms Consulting Engineer
- A. J. Drake was sub-manager
- J. Van Toll was Marine Engineer
- A. H. D. Altree as Secretary
- Otto Mayer from Cannstatt to assist
1896 April. The company purchased a lease for sixty-two and a half years on the former premises of the Coventry Cotton Spinning and Weaving Co which occupied a site of 13 acres with a newly re-build factory. The premises were four stories measuring 162 ft. by 102 ft. and was in 12 acres of ground. Part of the site was then immediately sold to the Great Horseless Carriage Co for more than the total cost of the site. [4]
1896 The Great Horseless Carriage Co was formed by Harry Lawson with the objective of gathering under one management all the patent rights held by the British Motor Syndicate other than those related to cycles; these included Daimler, De Dion, Bollee, Kane-Pennington, Garrard and Blumfield and Serpollet systems[5].
1896 The first Coventry Daimler engine built by William Alfred Perkins and was reportedly still operational 50 years later
1897 March. Long article trying to defend against Daimler and the Great Horseless Carriage Co against some poor reports of the company progress. Includes images of the internals of the works.[6]
1897 March. Report of shareholders meeting. Long article.[7]
1897 Shipping fifty 'machines with motor covers' or chassis to Stirling's Motor Carriages for £13,000
1897 Received order for a hundred chassis from the London Motor Van and Wagon Co
1897 March. See Daimler: 1897 Extraordinary General meeting
1897 A. H. D. Altree became the General Manager and Ernest Instone was appointed Secretary.
1897 March? First complete Daimler delivered to Ernest Estcourt
1897 Early Daimler delivered to T. R. B. Elliot
1897 June. Employing 223 persons and just completed extension measuring 120ft x 130ft. Producing three cars per week and have 350 orders on hand. Also producing motors for marine and stationary use.
1897 June. First parcel van driven from Coventry to London by Bush and Gadschen.[8]
1897 June 26th. Long and detailed letter to 'The Autocar' from Henry Sturmey, the acting chairman, mainly about how unfairly he has been treated by 'The Engineer'. Sturmey is coincidentally the editor of 'The Autocar' at this time.[9]
1897 August. Major-General Montgomery of Winchester collected his 4 hp Cranford wagonette and was later stated to be the first gentleman unconnected with the motor industry to purchase an English-built carriage
1897 October 12th. Evelyn Ellis and his daughter Mary, James Critchley and Johann van Toll drove to the top of Worcestershire Beacon (1,395 ft) in the Malverns
1897 September. Sturmey took delivery of the ninth car built completely by Daimler and then became the first person to drive from John o' Groats to Land's End.
1897 Supplied Carter, Paterson and Co with their first motor vehicle - a 5.5 hp twin-cylinder van.
1897. Frederick Simms resigned as Consulting Engineer and Harry Lawson (7th October) as Chairman.
1897 October. Second OGM and first AGM. Details of accounts. Twenty-four vehicles are in the workshops at all times and progress through in batches of six. Finishing vehicles at rate of four per week. Have supplied nine parcel vans and have more orders for them.[10][11]
1897 Exhibited at the 1897 Stanley Cycle Show. Took the largest part of the King Edward Hall. Showed 'Marseilles Phaeton', a chassis for others to add bodies', a parcels van built for Iliffe and Sons, Henry Sturmey's car, a Siamese Phaeton and a Knightley Victoria. [12]
1898. Gottlieb Daimler (in July) and J. A. Bradshaw resigned
1898 28th February. Reported to have delivered over the past nine month some 89 complete vehicles of motors and frames and 24 single engines being £23,000 of sales
1898 May. Dr. W. W. Barrett of Park Crescent, Hesketh Park, Southport took delivery of a Knightley Victoria - one of the first doctors to use a car on the road.
1898 May 7th. Trial run of the Daimler launch (2x 10-hp motors) built by Paul, Jones and Son to designs by J. and H. M. Paterson, Greenock. Mention of A. H. D. Altree, general manager, and Van Too, chief engineer of the launch department.[13]
1898 June. The Motor Mills were re-named as the Daimler Works
1898 August. EGM meeting report. Roger Bannister proposed to be chairman but the company is against this. W. B. Avery is the largest shareholder in the company. Avery, Arthur Rawlinson and Herbert A. Leake appointed to a committee to investigate.[14][15]
1899 2nd AGM held. J. H. Mace presided. [16]
1899. February. A. H. D. Altree and E. M. C. Instone resigned from the board of directors and Evelyn Ellis and William Wright resigned by rotation and did not seek re-election.
1899. May. Henry Sturmey resigns.
1899 June. Extraordinary Meeting to update the the financial situation of the company. Present were:[17]
- E. H. Bayley, Director, Presided
- Edward G. Jenkinson, Sir, Director
- J. H. Mace, Director,
- H. E. Sherwin Holt, Director,
- John Ware, Secretary
- Harvey George Shareholder
- Henry Sturmey Shareholder
- ? Heap
- Arthur Rawlinson
1900. Foster Pedley became General Manager and Percy Richardson the London Manager.
1900 December 21. Fourth AGM. Directors were E. H. Bayley (Chairman), Thomas Bayley, J. H. Mace and Sherwin Holt.
1901 February. Thomas Bayley and Sherwin Holt resign as Directors. Sidney Straker who had acted as the Consulting Engineer resigned and was replaced by Herbert W. Bamber
1901. April 17. Edward Jenkinson elected as Chairman.
1901. October 23. Percy Martin joined as Works Manager.
1902. January. New depot at Brownlow Mews, Guildford Street opened.
1902. February. Prospectus to raise £60,00 shows directors as Edward Jenkinson, Edward Manville and C. C. Longridge.
1902. April. H. W. Bamber resigned after just over one year to join British Electric Traction Co
1902. November 27. '6th AGM. Directors are Jenkinson, Longridge, Manville and John Marshall Gorham.
1903. April. Fire in the paint and finishing shop destroyed seven completed cars.
1903. Percy Richardson resigned as London Manager and U. Stratton replaced him. John M. Gorham re-joined the board of the company.
1904. Daimler purchased the buildings of the Motor Manufacturing Co (MMC) as it went in to liquidation for £14,000.
1904. December 8. 8th AGM. To improve the company's finances it was sold to the Daimler Motor Company (1904) Ltd.
1905. At the AGM there we new directors - A. H. E. Wood and G. S. Barwick
1906. Jenkinson resigned as chairman and he was replaced by Manville.
1906 Daimler started Societa Anonima Officine de Luca Daimler in Italy.
1906. Bristol depot opened.
1906 Decision to enter commercial vehicle market using the 'Auto-Mixte' system. Planned to produce next year a 28, 30, 35 and 45 h.p. chassis.
1906. Percy Martin made a director.
1907. Employed 2,750 persons
1908. December. First issue of 'The Daimler Bulletin' issued.
The Knight engine was developed further in England by Daimler.
1909. March. Extensive trials of the Knight Engine under the control of the RAC.
1909. Formed Societe Francais de la Daimler Motor Company based in Paris
1909. Frederick Lanchester joined as Consulting Engineer.
1910. Daimler was acquired by BSA. At that time the directors appointed were:
- Edward Manville Chairman
- A. H. E. Wood
- Percy Martin Managing Director
WWI. Made the 80 h.p. Gnome engine and the 70 h.p. Renault for the aeroplane industry. Produced the engine and transmission for the new military tanks. Produced shells in large numbers.
1919. Set up Daimler Hire Ltd. with a fleet of 250 cars and based at the old Prince's Skating Rink at Knightsbridge.
1921. Ernest Instone resigned after 24 years.
1926 AEC and Daimler entered into an arrangement to form the Associated Daimler Co which would be responsible for sale of chassis and engines. The company was to be floated so that it would be free of the financial control of L.G.O.C. and therefore would be able to supply other companies [18]. In fact the company ended up being wholly owned by UERC in order to completely separate the manufacturing and operating units [19]. New works opened at Hanwell, Southall, west of London.
1927 The Daimler company was controlled by BSA
1928 Problems with the Daimler engines led to the break-up of the Associated Daimler Co into its 2 constituent parts (i.e. AEC and Daimler).
1929. L. H. Pomeroy appointed Managing Director having been the Chief Engineer. Percy Martin becomes Chairman.
1931. The Lanchester Motor Co is taken over.
1933. The sleeve-valve or Knight Engine is finally abandoned for the more conventional poppet valve type.
1939. Absorbed the Birtley Co, Hooper and Co and Barker and Co.
1960 The company, which had been a subsidiary of BSA since 1910, now became part of Jaguar. The Daimler brand was used for their luxury models.
Later became a subsidiary of the Premier Automotive Group, making it part of Ford.
- Note: 1904. Gear-cutting machine built for them by Lanchester Motor Co. (Exhibit at Birmingham Thinktank museum)
See Also
- 1896 Motor Car Club: Inaugural Dinner
- 1896 Motor Show
- 1897-1898 Automotor: Index
- 1897 Automobile Manufacturers
- 1897 International Exhibition of Motor Cars and Cycles
- 1897 Midland Cycle and Motor Car Exhibition
- 1897 Motor Car Club Meet
- 1897 Stanley Cycle Show
- 1897 UK Motor Vehicles in Production
- 1898-1899 Automotor: Index
- 1898 July Automobile Club Autumn Tour
- 1898 July Automobile Club Run
- 1898 Liverpool Cycle and Motor Show
- 1898 Stanley Cycle Show
- 1898 Whitsuntide Tour
- 1899 Automobile Club Show
- 1899 Bradford Cycle Exhibition
- 1899 Liverpool Cycle and Motor Show
- 1899 Midland Cycle and Autocar Show
- 1899 Motor Show (Cordingley)
- 1899 Motor Show (Richmond)
- 1900-1901 Automotor: Index
- 1900 Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland
- 1900 National Cycle Show
- 1900 Nottingham and District Automobile Club
- 1900 One Thousand Mile Trial
- 1900 One Thousand Mile Trial: Awards Section 2 - (Private Entries)
- 1900 One Thousand Mile Trial: Private Entries
- 1900 One Thousand Mile Trial: Trade Entries
- 1900 The Autocar: Index
- 1900 Yorkshire Cycle and Motor Exhibition
- 1901 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1901 Automobile Club Irish Tour
- 1901 Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland: June Conference
- 1902/04/19 Motor Show (Cordingley)
- 1902 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1902 (Part 2) Automotor: Index
- 1902 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1902 Anniversary Run to Oxford
- 1902 Bexhill Trials
- 1902 Car Illustrated v1: Index
- 1902 Car Illustrated v2: Index
- 1902 Reliability Trial
- 1902 Welbeck Brake Trial
- 1903 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1903 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1903 Automotor: Index
- 1903 Car Illustrated v6: Index
- 1903 Car Illustrated v7: Index
- 1903 Motor Show (SMMT January)
- 1903 Motorists
- 1903 Reliability Trial
- 1903 Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)
- 1903 The Motor: Index
- 1904 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1904 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1904 Automobiles Manufactured in Britain
- 1904 Automotor: Index
- 1904 Blackpool Race Meeting
- 1904 Irish Automobile Club Speed Trials
- 1904 Motor Show (SMMT)
- 1905/09/14 Tourist Trophy Race: Drivers and Cars
- 1905 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1905 Automotor: Index
- 1905 Motor Show (SMMT February)
- 1905 Motor Show (SMMT February): Petrol Cars
- 1905 Motor Show (SMMT November)
- 1905 The Motor: Index
- 1906 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1906 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1906 Autocars
- 1906 Automotor: Index
- 1906 Birmingham Motor Show
- 1906 Blackpool Race Meeting
- 1906 Graphic Cup Race
- 1906 Motor Car Manufacturers
- 1906 Motor Show (SMMT)
- 1906 The Motor: Index
- 1907/07/06 Brooklands Race Meeting
- 1907/07/20 Brooklands Race Meeting
- 1907 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1907 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1907 Automotor: Index
- 1907 Commercial Motor Show
- 1907 London to Edinburgh Run
- 1907 Motor Show (SMMT)
- 1907 Tourist Trophy Race
- 1908-1909 The Motor: Index
- 1908/04/18 Brooklands Race Meeting
- 1908 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1908 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1908 Autocars
- 1908 Automotor: Index
- 1908 Commercial Motor Show
- 1908 Motor Show
- 1908 Motor Show: A Review
- 1908 Motor Show: A Review (2)
- 1909 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1909 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1909 Autocars
- 1909 Automobile Manufacturers in the UK
- 1909 Motor Show
- 1909 RAC Directory of Cars
- 1910 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1910 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1910 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Visits to Works
- 1910 The Motor: Index
- 1911 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1911 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1911 Automotor: Index
- 1911 Motor Cars
- 1911 Motor Show
- 1911 Pattern Pleasure Car Chassis
- 1911 Royal Agricultural Show
- 1911 Smithfield Club Show
- 1912-1913 The Motor: Index
- 1912 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1912 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1912 Automobile Manufacturers in the UK
- 1912 Automotor: Index
- 1912 RAC Directory of Cars
- 1912 The Motor Cycle: Index Jan-Jun
- 1913-1914 The Motor: Index
- 1913/11/07 Motor Show
- 1913 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index
- 1913 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1913 Automotive Facts and Figures
- 1913 Automotor: Index
- 1913 Commercial Motor Vehicle Exhibition
- 1913 The Motor: Index
- 1914/06/01 Brooklands Race Meeting
- 1914/08/03 Brooklands Race Meeting
- 1914 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index
- 1914 Automobile Manufacturers in the UK
- 1914 Automotor: Index
- 1914 Commercial Motor Vehicle Exhibition
- 1914 Motor Car Red Book: Cars
- 1914 RAC Directory of Cars
- 1914 Royal Agricultural Show
- 1914 The Motor: Index
- 1914 Whitakers Red Book: M
- 1914 Who's Who in Business: Company D
- 1915 Autocar Buyers Guide
- 1915 Automotor: Index
- 1915 Royal Agricultural Show
- 1916 Automotor: Index
- 1916 Royal Agricultural Show
- 1917 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Cars
- 1917 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Petrol Motors
- 1919 Roads and Transport Exhibition
- 1920/11/05 Motor Show
- 1920 Automotor: Index
- 1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Cars
- 1920 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Petrol Motors
- 1921/11/04 Motor Show
- 1921 Automotor: Index
- 1921 Commercial Motor Exhibition
- 1922/11/03 Motor Show
- 1922 Automotor: Index
- 1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Company D
- 1923/11/02 Motor Show
- 1923 Automotor: Index
- 1924/10/17 Motor Show
- 1925 Automotor: Index
- 1926 Automotor: Index
- 1927 Automotive Facts and Figures
- 1927 Automotor: Index
- 1950 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Visits to Works
- 1950 Makes and Models of Road Vehicles
- 1951 Motor Show
- 1954 Commercial Motor Show
- 1957-58 Veteran and Vintage: Index
- 1958-59 Veteran and Vintage: Index
- 1961-62 Veteran and Vintage: Index
- 1961 Dun and Bradstreet KBE
- 1961 Guide to Key British Enterprises: Motor, Motor-Cycle and Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers
- 1963-64 Veteran and Vintage: Index
- 1963 Motor Show
- 1965-66 Veteran and Vintage: Index
- 1968-69 Veteran and Vintage: Index
- 1970 Automobile Models
- 1972 Motor Show
- 2.5-litre V.8 S.P. 250 Sports
- 2009 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run
- 3.5-litre Majestic
- 4.5-litre V.8 Majestic Major
- A. P. Longmore
- A. T. Drake
- AEC: Buses
- Aircraft Manufacturing Co: DH.10 Amiens
- Alexander Drysdale Wilson
- Alfred Doherty
- Alfred John Dawson
- Allan C. Instone
- Archive Journal: Issue 29
- Archive Journal: Issue 59
- Arthur Herbert Deavill Altree
- Arthur James Drake
- Arthur James Rochfort Allman
- Arthur Joseph Hungerford Pollen
- Arthur Mulliner Ltd
- Arthur Robert Hensman
- Associated Daimler Co
- Associated Omnibus Co
- Automobile Engineer: 1910/07 July
- Automobile Engineer: 1923/11/22
- Automobile Engineer: 1926/11/11
- Automobile Engineer: 1937/12
- Automobile Engineer: 1945/10/25
- Automobile Engineer: 1950/12
- Automobile Engineer: 1958/11
- Automobile Engineer: 1958/11/26
- Automobile Engineer: 1961/12
- Automotor Journal 1896/11/17
- Automotor Journal 1896/12/16
- Automotor Journal 1897/02/17
- Automotor Journal 1897/05/15
- Avon India Rubber Co
- BSA: Cars
- BSA: Motorcycles
- BSA Buses
- Barker and Co (Coachbuilders)
- Barton Brothers
- Beeston Pneumatic Tyre Co
- Belmont (Coachbuilders)
- Bernard Docker
- Birtley Co
- Blumfield and Garrard
- Bombay Motor Car Co
- British Leyland Motor Corporation
- British Motor Holdings
- British Motor Syndicate
- British Motor Traction Co
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co: Railways
- Burt-McCollum
- C. B. Smith
- C. E. Forman
- Carter, Paterson and Co
- Cecil Clement Longridge
- Charles Alexander Hamilton
- Charles Byron Loxton
- Charles Follett
- Charles Harrington Moore
- Charles Richard Crosher
- Charles Temple Orme
- Charles Yale Knight
- Chasseur Developments
- Collingwood Transport Co
- Coventry Cotton Spinning and Weaving Co
- Coventry Mark I Armoured Car
- Coventry Motor Co
- Crabtree and Son
- Cross and Ellis
- Crossley Brothers
- Crossley Motors
- Crouch Motors
- D. McCall White
- Daimler: 104
- Daimler: 1897 Extraordinary General meeting
- Daimler: 2.5-Litre Consort Salon
- Daimler: 2.5-Litre Dauphin
- Daimler: 2.5-Litre Special Sports
- Daimler: AA 11
- Daimler: AP 221
- Daimler: A 193
- Daimler: BS 8316
- Daimler: Buses
- Daimler: CC Series
- Daimler: CD Series
- Daimler: CL Series
- Daimler: CS Series
- Daimler: CV Series
- Daimler: Cars
- Daimler: Century
- Daimler: Commercial Vehicles
- Daimler: Conquest
- Daimler: DB18
- Daimler: DMS
- Daimler: DU 630
- Daimler: DW 21
- Daimler: EX 10
- Daimler: Fifteen
- Daimler: Fleetline
- Daimler: Freeline
- Daimler: H 6779
- Daimler: Majestic
- Daimler: Majestic Major
- Daimler: Military Vehicles
- Daimler: RS 12
- Daimler: Roadliner
- Daimler: Straight Eight
- Daimler: Twenty
- Daimler: Twenty-Four
- Daimler Car
- Daimler Cars
- Daimler Co
- Daimler Motor Car Co
- Daimler Motor Co
- Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft
- Daimler Transport Vehicles
- E. H. Bayley
- Edgar Leonard Foster
- Edmund Badderley Wood
- Edmund Woodward Lewis
- Edward Frederick Huckvale
- Edward George Jenkinson
- Edward Hewer
- Edward Manville
- Edwin Sewell
- Engineering 1898 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index
- Engineering 1902 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index
- Engineering 1902 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations
- Engineering 1905 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index
- Engineering 1907 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index
- Engineering 1907 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations
- Engineering 1908 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index
- Engineering 1909 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index
- Engineering 1914 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index
- Ernest Alfred Roughton
- Ernest Hemus
- Ernest Martyn Critchley Instone
- Evelyn Henry Ellis
- F. M. Charles
- Farman Automobile Co
- Foster Pedley
- Frank Dudley Docker
- Frank Edward Morriss
- Frank Searle
- Frederick Richard Simms
- Frederick William Lanchester
- General Post Office
- George Coombes
- George F. Milnes and Co
- George Hally
- George Henry Roesch
- George Herbert Henson
- George Short Barwick
- George Starr Bambrick
- George Thomas Smith-Clarke
- Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler
- Great Horseless Carriage Co
- H. J. Mulliner and Co
- Harold Briggs
- Harold Edward Sherwin Holt
- Harry Norris
- Harry Turnley Jones
- Harry Woollen
- Henry George Burford
- Henry John Lawson
- Henry Maurice Surtees Tuckwell
- Henry Sturmey
- Herbert Langley Towns
- Herbert William Bamber
- Herbert le Vack
- Hooper and Co
- Horace Pelham Lee
- Horace Turner
- Howard Stuart Wilson
- Hugh Inglos
- Hugh Patrick McConnell
- Humphrey Draper
- J. A. Drake
- J. H. Mace
- J. Leek
- J. and C. Stirling
- Jaguar
- James Norman Ogston
- James Richer
- James Roland Hewitt
- James Sidney Critchley
- Johann van Toll
- John Cecil Jolly
- John Davenport Siddeley
- John Marshall Gorham
- John Samuel Irving
- John T. Clark and Co
- John William Fisher Crouch
- Johnson, Hurley and Martin
- Joseph Lionel Daniels
- Kane-Pennington
- Knight Engine
- Knight and Kilbourne Patents Co
- Lanchester: Ten
- Lanchester Motor Co
- Laurence Edgar
- Laurence Henry Pomeroy
- Leigh Mills Co
- Leigh Mills Co: 1920
- Leonard Percy Lord
- Leyland Motors: Buses
- Lincoln Chandler
- London Motor Van and Wagon Co
- Lynhurst
- Mann, Egerton and Co
- Mark II Tank
- Maurice Nathan
- Maythorn and Son
- Mercedes
- Mercedes-Knight
- Mercedes Simplex
- Montague Grahame-White
- Moore's
- Most Linked Companies
- Motor Car Club
- Motor Carriage Supply Co
- Motor Manufacturing Co (MMC)
- Motor Mills
- Motor News 1906/05/12
- Motor Traction Co
- Mulliners
- NEDIAS: Newsletter 37
- Norman Reginald Foley
- Ogle Design
- Oliver Stanton
- Osborne Louis De Lissa
- Otto Mayer
- P. W. Straker
- Paul Jones and Son
- Percy Martin
- Percy Richardson
- Peugeot: Cars
- Phillips and Marriott
- Plaxton's
- Reginald Noel Kendal Aveline
- Renard
- Richard Ashley
- Richard Coulson
- Robert Carnegie Napier
- Robert Hardie
- Ronald Edwin Green
- Roots and Venables
- Rover: Cars
- Rover: Cycles
- Rover Cycle Co
- Rowland Hill
- Royal Aircraft Factory: B.E.12
- Royal Aircraft Factory: B.E.2
- Royal Aircraft Factory: R.E.8
- Royal Mail
- Rudolph Stroyer
- Salmons and Sons
- Saurer
- Scott, Stirling and Co
- Shadow Factories
- Shaw and Kilburn
- Sheffield-Simplex Motor Works
- Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb
- Siddeley-Deasy
- Sidney Brookman
- Sidney Samuel Straker
- Societe Francais de la Daimler Motor Company
- Spennell's Annual Directory of Coventry and District, 1912-13 p823-p830
- Stirling's Motor Carriages
- Stratstone
- Stratton-Instone
- Sulzer Brothers
- The Autocar 1895/11/02
- The Autocar 1895/11/16
- The Autocar 1895/11/30
- The Autocar 1895/12/21
- The Autocar 1896/01/11
- The Autocar 1896/01/18
- The Autocar 1896/02/01
- The Autocar 1896/03/14
- The Autocar 1896/04/11
- The Autocar 1896/07/18
- The Autocar 1896/07/25
- The Autocar 1896/08/22
- The Autocar 1896/11/14
- The Autocar 1899/06/24
- The Autocar 1900/11/24
- The Autocar 1900/12/22
- The Basic Industries of Great Britain by Aberconway: Chapter VI
- The Basic Industries of Great Britain by Aberconway: Chapter XXI
- The Basic Industries of Great Britain by Aberconway: Chapter XXIV
- The Engineer 1896/05/08
- The Engineer 1896/11/20
- The Engineer 1897/05/21
- The Engineer 1897/11/26
- The Engineer 1898/06/17
- The Engineer 1898/10/14
- The Engineer 1898/11/25
- The Engineer 1899/06/23
- The Engineer 1900/07/20
- The Engineer 1901/05/10
- The Engineer 1901/07/05
- The Engineer 1901/09/13
- The Engineer 1903/02/06
- The Engineer 1903/09/25
- The Engineer 1903/12/11
- The Engineer 1904/02/19
- The Engineer 1904 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous
- The Engineer 1905/02/17
- The Engineer 1905/08/18
- The Engineer 1905/11/24
- The Engineer 1905 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous
- The Engineer 1906/05/04
- The Engineer 1906/11/23
- The Engineer 1906 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations
- The Engineer 1907/01/25
- The Engineer 1907/11/15
- The Engineer 1907/12/27
- The Engineer 1907 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous
- The Engineer 1908/11/20
- The Engineer 1909/05/14
- The Engineer 1909/06/18
- The Engineer 1909/07/02
- The Engineer 1909/09/03
- The Engineer 1909/11/19
- The Engineer 1910/06/24
- The Engineer 1910/08/05
- The Engineer 1910/08/26
- The Engineer 1910/11/04
- The Engineer 1911/01/06
- The Engineer 1911/06/30
- The Engineer 1911/11/03
- The Engineer 1911/11/24 Supplement
- The Engineer 1911/12/08
- The Engineer 1912/07/05
- The Engineer 1912/11/22
- The Engineer 1912 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous
- The Engineer 1913/07/25
- The Engineer 1913/11/14
- The Engineer 1913/12/05
- The Engineer 1914/01/16
- The Engineer 1914/02/13
- The Engineer 1914/03/13
- The Engineer 1914/07/10
- The Engineer 1914/07/17
- The Engineer 1914 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations
- The Engineer 1915/07/09
- The Engineer 1915/07/23
- The Engineer 1916/05/12
- The Engineer 1916/07/07
- The Engineer 1917/08/31
- The Engineer 1918/04/05
- The Engineer 1919/05/23
- The Engineer 1919/11/28
- The Engineer 1920/01/02
- The Engineer 1920/10/22
- The Engineer 1920/11/19
- The Engineer 1921/07/22
- The Engineer 1921/10/21
- The Engineer 1921/11/11
- The Engineer 1921/11/18
- The Engineer 1922/03/31
- The Engineer 1922/05/19
- The Engineer 1922/11/10
- The Engineer 1922/11/17
- The Engineer 1923/11/16
- The Engineer 1924/10/17
- The Engineer 1925/02/20
- The Engineer 1925/10/16
- The Engineer 1926/07/02
- The Engineer 1926/10/22
- The Engineer 1929 Jul-Dec: Index
- The Engineer 1930 Jul-Dec: Index
- The Engineer 1931 Jul-Dec: Index
- The Engineer 1933 Jul-Dec: Index
- The Engineer 1935 Jul-Dec: Index
- The Engineer 1936 Jul-Dec: Index
- The Engineer 1937 Jul-Dec: Index
- The Engineer 1948 Jul-Dec: Index
- Thomas Edward Bain Chalmers
- Thomas Newton Harrop
- Thomas Robert Barnewall Elliot
- Thomas Wilson Weston
- Timeline: Automotive 1896
- Timeline: Automotive 1897
- Tractors
- Transport Vehicles (Daimler)
- UK Manufacturers: Road Vehicles: Internal Combustion: Pre-WWI
- Underground Electric Railways Co
- United Service Transport Co
- Valentine George Barford
- Vanden Plas
- W. Ferrier Brown
- Walter Mace Macfarlane
- Watkins and Doncaster
- Weymouth Motor Co
- White and Thompson Co
- William Alfred Perkins
- William Arnold
- William J. Miller
- William Matthews Hodges
- William Morgan
- William Parker Thomas
- William Proctor
- William Wright (c1828-1900)
- Wingham Martin Walter
- World War II (1939-1945) Adverts
Sources of Information
- ↑ The Times, Saturday, Feb 15, 1896
- ↑ The Standard (London, England), Monday, February 17, 1896
- ↑ The North-Eastern Daily Gazette, 15 February 1896
- ↑ Vital to the Life of the Nation. Published 1946.
- ↑ The Pall Mall Gazette 19 May 1896
- ↑ The Autocar 1897/03/06
- ↑ The Autocar 1897/03/13
- ↑ The Autocar 1897/06/19
- ↑ The Autocar 1897/06/26
- ↑ The Autocar 1897/10/09
- ↑ The Autocar 1897/10/23
- ↑ The Autocar. 27th November 1897
- ↑ The Autocar 1898/05/14
- ↑ The Autocar 1898/08/13
- ↑ The Autocar 1898/08/20
- ↑ The Times, Friday, Jan 13, 1899
- ↑ The Autocar 1899/07/01
- ↑ The Times 25 June 1926
- ↑ The Times, 16 March 1927
- Wikipedia
- Ian Allan - British Buses Since 1900 - Aldridge and Morris
- 1961 Guide to Key British Enterprises: Motor, Motor-Cycle and Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers
- British Motor Cars 1950/51
- Daimler 1896-1946 by St. John C. Nixon. Published by G. T. Foulis in 1946
- Daimler Century by Lord Montagu and David Burgess-Wise. Published 1995. ISBN 1-85260-494-8