The Engineer 1965 Jan-Jun: Index

Volume 219
- A.C.D. Bridge Co. Ltd., and John Howard and Co. Ltd., Forth Road Bridge, 17
- A.C.E.C. Charleroi ( Belgium ), Electronic Diamond Sorting Machine, 827
- A.E.C. Ltd., "Merlin" Chassis for London Transport "Standee" Buses, 270
- A.E.G., Battery Charger/Inverter. Formation of Lead Acid Accumulator Batteries, 1034 Cyclotron, 50 MeV Relativistic Isochronous, Karlsruhe Research Centre, June 18, Supp.-16 Electrical Equipment, High-voltage Laboratory, State Engineering College, Dortmund, 661 Engelberg Tunnel Lighting Installation, 415 Ignitron, High-Voltage, 788 Messung des pH- Wertes. P. Wunderer, 592 Rectifiers, High Current Selenium, Belecke Factory, 956 Sidmar Steelworks Broad Strip Cold Rolling Mill, Electrical Mains Installation, 828
- A.E.G. International Aktiengesellschaft, Zurich, New Holding Company, 701
- A.I.T.E.C., Reinforced Concrete Standards, 324
- A.I. Welders Ltd., Welding Equipment, London International Engineering Exhibition, 708
- A.M.F.-Thermatool Inc., High Speed Welding Process, Structural Shapes, 1128
- Abadie, George, Sur I'Etude d'un Systeme de Telemesures Multicanaux (partie Emission), 133
- Abeles, Paul W., "An Introduction to Pre-stressed Concrete," 811
- Abir, David, and Markus Reiner, "Second-order Effects in Elasticity, Plasticity and Fluid Dynamics", 229, Review by D. S. Dugdale, 507
- Abrahamson, M. W., "Engineering Law and The I.C.E. Contracts", 944
- Accles and Pollock Ltd., Steel Tube Drawing & Coiling Machine, 105 Tubes, Zirconium, Pressure Vessels, U.K.A.E.A., 669
- Acme Steel Company, Kentucky, Newport Division Works, Strip Steel Annealing, Tempering Plant, 662
- Acoustical Investigation and Research Organisation Ltd., Reverberation Chamber, Suspended Ceiling, 895
- Addy Products Ltd., Portable Air Sampler, Laboratory Air Contamination, 1025
- Adler-Fahrrad-Werke, Typewriter Manufacturers, June 18. Supp.-28
- Advance Electronics Ltd., Modular Power Supplies, PM Series, 987
- Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cranfield, Spark Ignition Combustion Processes. Symposium, 854
- Advisory Committee on Censuses of Production, Inauguration, President of Board of Trade, 609 Advisory Committee on Engineering Responsibility Levels, First Meeting, 776
- Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, Comment by Professor Williams on Scientific Research Policy, 3
- Aerospace Medical Association, Pulse Measurement, Breathing Rate, Without Instruments, Paper by W. A. Shafer, 961
- AGA Company, Sweden, Infra-red Camera, Medical Diagnosis, 700
- Agricultural Engineers Association, Exports of Agricultural Machinery, 521
- Agro AG, Spiral Tubing, Nipple, Construction Kit, Support Brackets, 865
- Ahmed, Dr. A. A., Aswan High Dam, Criticism, 770
- Air Products Ltd., Oxygen/Nitrogen/Argon Plant Extension, 130
- Aircraft Marine Products (G.B.) Ltd., "Termipoint X-Y" Tape Controlled Co-ordinate Wiring Machine, 915, Correction, 1023
- Airpel Ltd., Humidifier, 409
- Ajax Magnethermic (U.K.) Ltd., Induction Melting Furnace Installation, Sandusky Ltd., New Foundry, 820
- Albu, Austin, British Non-ferrous Metals Research Association, Annual Luncheon, Speech, 947
- Akin Industries Ltd., High-current M.I.G. Welding, Thick Aluminium Plate, 896 Y Shaped Bottom Boom, 200 ft. Span Lightalloy Launching Truss, 895
- Alcock, J. F., "Thermal Loading of Diesel Engines", Paper to Marine Engineers Conference, 975
- Alfa-Laval Co. Ltd., Centrifugal Oil Purifier, Self-cleaning, 747 Plate Heat Exchanger, 950 Vacuum Centrifuge, "Delavac", 747
- Alfa Romeo S.p.A., "Guilia 1600 GTA..', 580
- Allaway, R. A., and Grindrod, S. H., Rotary Indexing Polishing Tables, 1052
- Allen and Sons (Oxford ) Ltd., John, Agricultural Tractor, Lightweight, 821
- Allen, Dr. N. P., Metallurgical Research, Royal Society Discussion, 434 Superintendent, National Physical Laboratory. Metallurgy Division, Bessemer Gold Medal Award, 973
- Allen, Sons and Co. Ltd., W. H., Gearing, Marine Epicyclic. High Power, Stal-Laval AB Co-operation, 639 Mechanical, Electrical and Hydraulic Engineering Plant, 670
- Allgemeine Electricitats Gesellschaft. see A.E.G. Alston Tool and Gauge Co. Ltd., Relief Grinding Attachment, 485
- Altenpohl, D., "Aluminium and Aluminiumlegierungen", 509
- Altshiller-Court, Nathan, "Modern Pure Solid Geometry", 435
- Alvis Ltd., "Saracen" Armoured Personnel Carrier, "Saladin" Armoured Car, 3
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Annual Youth Conference, 577
- "Amatsukaze", Japanese Guided Missile Ship, 11
- "America", U.S. Transport Ship, 12
- American Association of Chemical Engineers, Congress, 311
- American Defence Department, Export of Aircraft to Britain, 350
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Institution of Chemical Engineers, Joint Meeting, 689
- American Marine and Machinery Company Inc., Cutter Suction Dredge Plant for Europe, Ammco Ltd., New Company Formation, 805
- American Society for Metals, Metalworking Technology Exhibition, 324
- American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers, Metalworking Technology Exhibition, 324
- Amoco (U.K.) Ltd., Fire-resistant Hydraulic Fluid, Permamul Fluid FR, 941
- AMTEC International Fair, Brussels, 324
- Ancsell, B. W., Critical Path Analysis, Electronic Development Project Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium on CPA., 593
- Anderson, J. C., "Dielectrics". Review by H. F. Church, 506
- Anderston Clyde Engineers Ltd., Self-erecting 8 Ton Goliath Crane, "Super Colussus", 838
- "Andrea Doria", Italian Escort Cruiser, 13
- Andriot, J., "Economie et Perspectives de I'Energie Atomique", 306
- Anglo-Dutch Trade Council, Anglo-Dutch Trade Council Yearbook 1964-1965, 685
- Anker Brothers and Co. Ltd., Diatomaceous Earth Filter, Stainless Steel, 1113
- "Annapolic", U.S. Communications Relay Ship, 13
- Ansaldo, Leghorn, "Intrepido", Italian Guided-missile-armed Destroyer, 13
- Appleton, Sir Edward, Obituary, 774
- Applied Controls Ltd., Pneumatic Control Modules, 1027
- Applied Electronics Laboratories, Electronics Development Centre, G.E.C. (Electronics) Ltd., 438
- Arab Contractors (Osman Ahmed Osman and Co.), Contractors, Aswan High Dam, 675
- Archer, V., Engineering, Qualifications, Recruitment, Letter, 601
- Archimedes, Disproof of Legend, Fire Research Station, 368
- Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, Superconducting Magnet System, 287
- Arkless, G. F., Overspeed Governor, Pump, Boiler-feed, Turbo-driven, 719
- Arkon Instruments Ltd., Twin Recorder for Cupolas, 952
- Arrowsmith, J. R., "Introduction to Numerical Control of Machine Tools". Review by F. Koenigsberger, 504
- Arup, Ove, Sydney Opera House, 163
- ASEA, Alternators, Mossy Rock Power Station, 828 Electrical Equipment, Converter Stations, 800 kV d.c. Transmission Scheme, U.S.A. West Coast, 854 Induction Furnaces, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit Foundry, 419, 735 Iron Foundry, 323 Pump Motors, 40,000 h.p. for Mile 18 Station, Central Valley, California, Irrigation Project, 582 Transformatorenwerk August Lepper, Take-over, 620 Transmission Link, d.c., Vancouver Island, 231
- Asea (Great Britain) Ltd., Conference, Electric Furnaces for Iron Foundries, 689 Synchronous, Induction Motors, 1000-10,000 h.p., 1027
- Ashby, Sir Eric, Thrill of Technology, Brighton College of Technology, 369
- Ashcroft, H. Du. V., The G. Problem, Letter, 852
- Ashfield, H. E., Greenock Water Works, Water Wheel Specification, 266
- "Assiduity", Flush Deck Tanker, Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co. Ltd., 66
- Associated Bearing Co. Ltd. (India), New Company, Subsidiary of S.K.F., 661
- Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., A.G.M., Effects of Budget, 824 Cables, Synthetic Rubber Insulated, for Transformers, 575 Circuit Break, Air-blast, 780 Generator Transformer, 425 MVA, 19 kV/ 300 kV, for Drakelow Power-station, 80 Lifts, Electrical Control Equipment, 348 Locomotive Rheostatic Braking System, 88 Locomotives, Diesel-electric, 1,400 h.p. Nigerian Railway Corporation, 774. Commonwealth Railways of Australia, 972 Metallurgical Analysis, Gas Trace Measurement, 1063 Mine Winder, Motor Speed Control System, Manton Colliery, 272 Power Cable Depot, Ponders End, 232 Power Station Plant Design, Model Construction Kits, 780 Power Transformer, 750 kV, High Voltage Tests, Wythenshawe Works, 515 Power Turbine, Assembly, Gas-turbine Generator, 650 Radar System, Unified, Trawlers, 1062 Radio-frequency Control, 51 Radio-telephone, Marine, Marine Communications Department, 237 Rectifier, Silicon High Voltage, Central Research Laboratory, 680 Starter, Automatic a.c., Squirrel Cage Induction Motors, 1025 Thyristor, Automatic Voltage Regulator, FV 67, 693 Thyristor, Firing Circuit, Encapsulated, 916 Transformer Division, Plastic Dome, Transformer, West Burton Power Station, 690 Voltage Regulator for Traction, 1120 Winch, a.c., Cargo, "Sea-Sling", 239
- Associated Industrial Consultants Ltd., Survey of Executive Salaries, 112
- Associated Lead Manufacturers Ltd., Dispersion Hardened Lead, Corrosion and Metal Finishing Exhibition, 74
- Association for Industrial Road Safety Officers, Formation, 1057
- Association for Science Education, Getting Sixthformers to Choose Engineering, 62 School Education and Technology, 51
- Association of Consulting Engineers, Civil Engineering Technicians, Training, 647, Joint Committee, 666
- Association of Highway Technicians, Institution of Highway Engineers, 231
- Association of Italian Engineers and Architects, Simplification of Administrative Procedure, 196
- Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, Engineering Techniques for Communications, Address by Sir Albert Mumford, 180
- Atkinson Co., Guy F, Mangla Dam, 32
- Atlas Copco (Great Britain) Ltd., Pneumatic Hand Tools, Air Compressors, 746
- Atlas Preservative Co. Ltd., Boiler Maintenance Cleaning Process, "Citrosolv", 189
- Atomenergi AB, Aluminium-clad Uranium Dioxide Fuel Elements for Switzerland, 582
- Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Culham "Phoenix", Experiment, 37
- Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Portable Gamma-ray-dose-meter, James Scott Ltd., 517
- Audco Ltd., "Lomu" Process, Corrosion and Metal Finishing Exhibition, 74 P.t.f.e. Coating, Anti-corrosive, Lubricating, 409
- August-Thyssen-Hutte, A.G., Beeckerwerth Steelworks Plant, 93, 280
- "Aurora", General Purpose Frigate, 10
- Austin Motor Co. Ltd., Gas Turbine, Austin 250, 800
- Australian Department of Supply, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Report, 412 Space Research Experiments, "Skylark" Research Rockets, 894
- Auto Union (G.B.) Ltd., DKW F102 Saloon Car, 641
- Auto-Union G.m.b.H., Car Production 1964, 700 DKW F102, Saloon Car, 641
- Autobianchi S.p.A., "Primula", 41 "Stellina", Glass Fibre Body. 94
- Autocars Ltd., Carmel "12" Saloon Car, 580
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co. Ltd., Computer Readout Device, Television Monitor, 859 Mimic diagram, Merseyside Gas Distribution System, North Western Gas Board, 515 Radio Telephone, v.h.f. Link, 86 Rugby Control Room, 25 kV a.c. Power Supplies, Midland Region, Main Line, Rugby-Nuneaton, 185 Telephone System, P.C.M., Post Office Cables, Reading-Marlow, 816
- Automobiles M. Berliet, "Stradair", Air Suspension Vehicle, Commercial, 1034 TX40 Experimental Articulated Dump Truck, 96
- Avery Ltd., W. and T., Crankshaft Balancing Machine, Model 7211, Modification. 819 Charpy Testing Machine, Type 6704, 988 Dynamic Balancing Symposium, 139
- Avery, Michael, "Time Study Incentives and and Budgetary Control", 344, Review by Leslie Watson, 886
- Avica Equipment Ltd., Tubing, Stainless Steel, 712
- British Aircraft Corporation (Operating) Ltd., Effluent Treatment Plant, Filton, 853
- British Association of Corrosion Engineers, Corrosion and Metal Finishing Exhibition, 74 Corrosion Societies and Journals, 75
- British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC-2, Transmission Stations, Opening, 608 25 kV u.h.f. Television Transmitter, 87
- British Coal Utilisation Research Assoc. Gazette No. 51. 13th Coal Science Lecture, The Chemistry of Carbon and Graphite by Prof. Ubbelohde, 514
- British Columbia Electric Company Ltd., d.c. Transmission Link for Vancouver Island, 231
- British Compressed Air Society, Synchronous Motors for Large Reciprocating Compressors, Paper by K. D. Stephens, 177
- British Crane and Excavator Corporation, Mobile Crane, 4 Ton, 1120
- British Deutz Ltd., Diesel Engine, Mark BA12M, 710
- British Drug Houses Ltd., "Chemical Methods of Water Testing," 1111
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Report, Export Performance, 511
- British Employers' Confederation, Annual General Meeting, 577 Arguments against Steel Nationalisation, 278
- "British Ensign," Tanker, Cammell Laird & Co. ( Shipbuilders and Engineers) Ltd., 29
- British Exports Marketing Advisory Committee, 488
- British Federal Welder and Machine Co. Ltd., Electronic Controls, Solid-state, Projection Welding Machines, 712
- "British Fern", Lithgows Ltd., Tanker for BP Tanker Co. Ltd., 105
- British General Electric Co. of Japan, Tokai Nuclear Power Station, 272
- "British Hawthorn", Tanker, Hawthorn Leslie ( Shipbuilders) Ltd for BP Tanker Co. Ltd., 29
- "British Hazel", Oil Tanker, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 67
- British Hydromechanics Research Association, Fluid Logic and Amplification Conference, 945
- British Industrial Measuring and Control Apparatus Manufacturers' Association, Planning, Process Control, 369
- British Insulated Callender's Cables Ltd., Backstrap for Cable Cleats, 518 Cable, Flexible Multiway, "Biccastrip", 916
- British Insulated Callender's Construction Co. Ltd., Anthorn v.l.f. Transmitter Aerials, 86 400kV Transmission Line Erection, West Burton-Waltham Cross Line, 443 Neutral Sections of Catenary, NuneatonRugby Railway Line, 88
- British Insulated Callender's (Submarine Cables) Ltd., Submarine Cables, 500kV d.c. Power Link, Cook Strait, 965
- British Insurance Association, Fire Damage, Statistics, 112, 488
- British Iron and Steel Federation, Annual General Meeting, Production Statistics, 616
- British Iron and Steel Research Association, Annual Report, ( Leader ), 1078 Vacuum Degassing, Continuous, 873 Vacuum Degassing Trials, 233 Ventilated Jacket, Co-operative Investigations, 820
- British Iron and Steel Research Laboratories, Open Days, 441
- British Joint Corrosion Group, Corrosion Societies and Journals, 76 Inaugural Meeting, 606
- British Joint Electronic Research Committee, Electronic Exchange Equipment Unit, Learnington Spa Telephone Exchange, 723
- British Light Steel Pressings Ltd., Electro-Painting Plant, Anti-corrosive Paint, Hillman Cars, Fuel Tanks, 689
- British Lighting Council, Office Lighting, Exhibition, 162
- British Mechanical Engineering Federation, Annual Luncheon, K. M. Leach's Speech, 862 Annual Report, Mechanical Engineering Production, 732
- British Motor Corporation Ltd., Austin "1800" (A.D.O. 17 ), 40 Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, 933 Commercial Vehicle Exhibition Hall, Longbridge Plant, 650 1000 000th Mini, 271
- British National Committee for Non-destructive Testing, 104
- British National Export Council, New Measure to Increase Exports, 278 Trade Missions and Market Research, 410
- British Non-ferrous Metals Research Association, Annual Luncheon, 947 Annual Report, 939
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Teleprinter Traffic, Computer Control, Collins Radio Co. of England Ltd., 297
- British Oxygen Company Ltd., Annual General Meeting, 24 i Cutting Machine, "Falcon", Pulsed Arc Welding, 707 1 litre Cryostat, Helium, 636 Oxygen Pipeline, 442 Pneumatic Hoists for Handling Lorry Loads, 574
- British Petroleum Co. Ltd., B.P. Research Centre and P.E.R.A., Test Technique for Form Grinding Research, Collaboration, 749 Statistical Review of the World Oil Industry, 1964, 1030
- British Polar Engines Ltd., Diesel Engine, Marine, MN 165, SF16RS, SF15RS, 774
- British Productivity Council, and Harrow and Wembley Productivity Association, Critical Path Analysis, 139
- British Railways Board, Annual Report, 877 "Diesel Power on British Railways", Marylebone Goods Yard, 776 Diesel-electric Locomotives, Centre Cab Design, Second Series Ordered, 538 "House Style", 102
London Midland Region, Locomotives, Class AL6. Letter by J. R. Hodson, 394 Electric Locomotive, Driving Instruction, Willesden District Electric Depot, 638 Euston Main Line Electric Services, 478 Power Signalling at Rugby, 423 Resignalling of the Northampton Loop Line, 440 Major Trunk Routes, Development, 329, 346 Southern Region, Electric Trains for London-Brighton Service, 127 Natural Rubber Suspensions for Underground Trains, Waterloo-Bank, 479
- British Safety Council, Factories, Fire Prevention, Survey, 824 "Health at Work", 450
- British Ship Research Association, Bulk Carrier, Design Study, 893 ( Leader) 872 Research Grant from D.S.I.R., 65
- British Society for Strain Measurement, "Strain", 397
- British Standards Institution, Annual Conference, Plenary Session, ( Leader), 871 Butt-welding Pipe Fittings for Pressure Purposes: Austenitic Stainless Steel, No. 1965: Part 2, 794 Cast and Forged Steel Flanged Screwed and Socket-welding Wedge Gate Valves (Compact Design) Sizes 2- and Smaller for Petroleum Industry, No. 3808, 458 Clothing for Protection against Intense Heat for Short Periods. No. 3791, 562 Code for Temperature Measurement: Temperature/Time Indicators, No. 1041 Part 7, 870 Colour Transmission of Photographic Lenses, No. 3824, 962 Copper Alloy Check Valves for General Purposes. No. 1953, 510 Copper Alloy Gate Valves for General Purposes. No. 1952, 510 Copper Alloy Screw-down Stop Valves for General Purposes. No. 2060, 510 Copper for Electrical Purposes: Rod and Bar, No. 1433, 562 Counting Trays (Planchets) for Radioactive Assay, No. 3775, 1130 Engineering Drawing Practice, No. 308, A, 962 Estimating the Dryness of Saturated Steam, No. 3812, 160 External Dimensions of Centrifugal Pumps, Part 1. Horizontally Split Casing, Double Inlet Impeller, Part 2 End Suction Pumps, No. 3829, 1000 Footwear, Anti-static Rubber, No. 2506, 1000 Footwear, Electrically Conducting Rubber, No. 3825, 1000 Forged Steel Pipe Fittings Screwed and Socket Welding for the Petroleum Industry, No. 3799, 160 Glasgow and Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, Co-operation, New Sales Offices, 870 Glass Fibre Woven Tapes for Electrical Purposes, No. 3779, 870 Glossary of General Terms Used in Maintenance Organisation, No. 3811, 198 Hand Hammers, No. 876, 680 Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer Elements, No. 1904, 962 Installation of Automatic Liquid Level and Temperature Measuring Instruments on Storage Tanks, No. 3792, 794 International System (S1) Units, No. 3763, 908 Machine Tool Motorised Centrifugal Type Coolant Pumps, No. 3766, 1130 Method for the Type Testing of Enclosures for Electrical Apparatus for use in Onerous Dust Conditions, No. 3807, 198 Methods for Testing the Accuracy of Machine Tools, No. 3800, 160 Methods of Testing Fusion Welded Joints & Weld Metal in Steel, No. 709, 908 Methods of Testing Water Used in Industry: Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrazine and Sulphite, No. 2690, Part 2, 1000 Milling Cutters for Reamers Part 2 Reamers, Countersinks and Counterbores, No. 122, 458 Naval Brass Sheet, Strip and Plate, No. 409, 870 Oil Burning Equipment, No. 799: Part 2, 680 Portable Motor-operated Tools, No. 2769, 562 Roughness Comparison Specimens Part 2. Specimens Representing Turned and Bored Surfaces, No. 2634, 458 Sprayed Metal Protective Coatings. Part 1. Protection of Iron and Steel by Aluminium and Zinc against Atmospheric Corrosion, No. 2569, 1000
- British Steel Castings Research Association, "Recommended Procedure for the Welding of Steel Castings by the Metal Arc Process," 344
- British Sugar Corporation, 16th National Sugar Beet, Spring Demonstration, 936
- British Telecommunications Research Ltd., Data Processing Device, Compressed Air, 814
- British Transport Docks Board, Southampton Docks, £60,000,000 Scheme, 726
- British Valve Manufacturers Association, Technical Reference Book on Valves for the Control of Fluids, 559
- British Welding Research Association, Residential Conference Centre, Abington, 945 Standard for Hydrogen-in-Steel Determinations, 950
- Britover (Continental) Ltd., Iodine Vapour Lighting for Automobiles, 318
- Brittain, R. E., et al., Fault Protection and Other Switching Uses of a New Surge Diverter, 207
- Broadbent, J., Basingstoke Road Plan, Omission of Public Transport, 510
- Brockhouse and Co. Ltd., J., Injection Moulding Machine, 240 Vertical and Screw Injection Moulding Machines, 1083
- Broderna Edstrand Group, Automated Brick Works, 248
- Brogan, Prof Sir Denis, Paper, Democracy in a Technological World, Inst. of Engrs. & Shipbuilders in Scotland, 511
- Broise, P., "Le Langage Algol: Applications a des Problemes de Recherche Operationelle," 850
- Bromage, K., and Pearce, J. G., "Copper in Cast Iron," 476, 605
- "Bronstein," U.S. Escort Ship, 13
- Bronx Engineering Co. Ltd., Mechanical Press Brake, Two-speed, 857
- Brook, Geo. H. "Induction Motor, Its Application and Maintenance," 811
- Brookhirst Igranic Ltd, Latched Relays, 444 Weatherproof Speed-sensitive Switches. 407
- Broom and Wade Ltd., Duct-rodding Motor, Pneumatic, 745
- Brophy, J. H., et al., "Thermodynamics of Structures", 944
- Brown & Co. (Clydebank) Ltd., John, "Centaur", Twin-screw Passenger-Cargo Liner for Fremantle to Malaysia Service, 14 Clydebank Shipyard Development Scheme, 855 Cunard Liner, Q.4., 62 H.M.S. "Aurora", 10 Joint Agreement with General Electric Co., U.S.A., Industrial Gas Turbines, Heavy Duty, 1084 "Kungsholm" Passenger Liner Construction, 726 see also Constructors John Brown Ltd.
- Brown, Boveri & Cie AG, June 18 Supp. 25 Switchgear Installations, Space-saving Isolating Switches, 992 Turbo-alternator, Erection, June 18, Supp. 15
- Brown-Boveri (British) Ltd., Betatron Radiography Symposium, 348 Electric Motor, Squirrel-Cage, Lightweight. 111 Thruster, Electro-hydraulic, 490 Thyristor, CS.30, 285
- Brown Brothers and Co. Ltd., Ship Controlled Tank Stabiliser, 395
- Brown, G. E. C., "Maid of the Loch." Letter, 772
- Brown, J. W. G., Transducer for Thrust Measurement, 72
- Brown, Sanborn C., "Count Rumford," 476
- Browne, Sir Humphrey, National Association of Colliery Managers, Annual Conference, Speech, Competition and Manpower Shortage, 1030
- Brugeoise et Nivelles, Stainless Steel Stock for Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam Trains, 89
- Brun & Cie AG, Electric Silo Hoist. 864
- Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, Clifton Bridge Centenary, 103
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd., Dieselelectric Locomotive. Variable-frequency a.c. and Squirrel-cage Motors, 183 "Falcon" Locomotive in Service, with British Rail, 479 Large Transformer Workshop, 848 Re-equipment of B.-R. Diesel-electric Locomotive, 234
- Buchanan, Professor C. D., Paper to I.Mech.E., Transport in A.D. 2000, 466
- Budd, W. C.. Editorial Tradition. Shaving Experience, Letter, 937 "Maid of the Loch," Letter, 980
- Buderus'sche Eisenwerke, Wetzlar, Iron Foundry Plant, June 18. Supp. 17.
- Bull, F. B., and Sved, G., "Moment Distribution in Theory and Practice, 435
- Bullard Co., Bridgeport, Connecticut, Automatic Control System for Machine Tools, "Templa - Turn", Twin - spindle Chucking Machine, 530
- Bulleid Memorial Lectures, University of Nottingham. 608
- Burmeister and Wain, Bulk Carrier "Athelprince," 443 "Geizer" Cargo Ship, Construction, 817 Remote Control Equipment, Marine Engines, Automatic Manoeuvring System. 614 Turbo-charged Poppet Valve Diesel Engines for "Centaur", 14
- Burndept Electronics Ltd., Portable Backscatter Non-destructive Gauge for Zinc Coatings, 75
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Cargo Ship "Halifax City, 31
- Burrell, R. J., Obituary, 113
- Burrill, Professor L. C., Obituary, 839
- Business Gifts Exhibition, Paris, 582
- Bussing Automobilwerke A.G., " Universal", Cross-country Vehicle, 826
- Butler, James, Obituary, 1123
- Butterfield ( Engineers) Ltd,, W. P., Frameless Tank Trailers, Joint Manufacture with York Trailer Co. Ltd., 949
- Butters Brothers & Co. Ltd., Tower-mounted Derrick Cranes, Aberthaw "B" Power Station, Steelwork, 875
- C.D.L. (Swedish Central Power Supply Management), Electricity in Sweden, 362
- C.E.R.N., Bubble Chamber Leaves C.E.R.N., 248 Council, 29th Session, Sub-nuclear Physics, 660
- C.I.M.A.C. see International Congress on Combustion Engines
- Cable and Wireless Ltd., South China Sea Cable, 231
- Cable and Wireless (West Indies) Ltd., Caribbean Communications, 311 "Cable Enterprise" Cable Repair Ship, 15
- Cable St. Mills, Wolverhampton, Steelworks, 23
- Cadillac Gage Company, "Commando" Armoured Car, 127, 174
- Cadulac Chemicals Ltd., Anti-corrosion Treatment, 111
- Cahen, F., "Electrotechnique. Tome 4: Machines Tournantes a Courants", 509
- Cairo, L., and Kahan, T., "Variational Techniques in Electromagnetism," 944
- Calderwood, J., Junior Institution of Engineers, Presidential Address, 268
- Caldwell, F., What is an Engineering Detail? 73
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., Cargo Ship "Ivernia", 31
- Calladine, C. R., Design of Nozzles in Spherical Pressure Vessels, 386
- Callaghan, James. see Chancellor of Exchequer
- Calow, C. A., and Begley, B., A Study of the Properties of Silicon Nitride Whiskers, 133
- "Calshot", Tug Tender, John I. Thornycroft and Co. Ltd., 91
- Caltex Deutschland AG, Frankfurt ( Main) Refinery, June 18. Supp. 19
- Calval Developments Ltd., Vertical Cyclone Furnace, 445
- Calvert, Robert, "Encyclopaedia of Patent Practice and Invention Management," 944
- Calvert, Roger, "Future of Britain's Railways," 944
- Cambridge University, Engineering Laboratory Extension, 98 Postgraduate Course in Engineering Design, (Leader), 459
- Cameca, Paris, Analyser, Electronic M icroprobe, 658
- Cammell Laird & Co. (Shipbuilders and Engineers) Ltd., "Cable Enterprise," 15 Tanker "British Ensign" for B.P. Tanker Co. Ltd., 29
- Campbell, Betty, Obituary, 731
- Canadian National Research Council, Frost Protection Experiment for Roads. Joint Venture with Dow Chemical of Canada Ltd., 540
- Canning & Co. Ltd., W., Automatic Zinc Plating Plant, Design and Construction, 1103 "Harperizing," Barrel Finishing, 845
- "Cape Kennedy", Fishing Trawler, Electrical Propulsion System, 777
- Capital Controls Company Inc., Direct Cylindermounted "Advance" Gas Chlorinators, 563
- "Carinthia IV", Chantier Navals de l'Esterel, Cannes, 234
- Carpentier, J. L., Lectures on Computers and Electrical Power, Queen Mary College, 479
- Carr, G. W., Aerodynamics of Saloon Cars, M.I.R.A. Report, 430
- Carr, G. W., and Tustin, R. C., Aerodynamics of Saloon Cars, M.I.R.A. Report, 470
- Carriere, P., Methodes Theoriques d'Etude des Ecoulements Supersoniques, 740
- Carruthers and Co. Ltd., J. H., "Monobox" Goliath Crane, 176
- Carswell, W. S., Ageing During Cyclic Stressing of Freshly Quenched and Quench-aged .-iron Containing Nitrogen, N.E.L. Report, 164
- Carter & Co. Ltd., B & F., Length Measuring Machine, Cable and Hose, 573
- Carter, C. S., Use of Fracture Mechanics in Engineering Problems, 375
- Carter Gears Ltd., Gears, Hydraulic, Variable Speed, 674
- Carter Thermal Engineering Ltd., "Bantam Aquamiser", Cooling Towers, 1061
- Cartiere Burgo, S.p.A., Turin Factory with Suspended Roof, 321
- Carver & Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Clamps, Teeslot, 800
- Casci, Corrado, "Fuels and New Propellants", 811
- Casignol, E., and Chow Y., "Theorie et Applications des Graphes de Transfert", 229
- Cement & Concrete Assoc., Application of the Yield-line Theory to Calculations of the Flexural Strength of Slabs and Flat Slab Floors, 702 Investigation, Compressive Strength Test, Concrete, 764 Standard Mixes, 460
- Cementation Company (South Africa) (Pty ) Ltd., 6,600ft. Shaft, Hartesbeestfontein Gold Mining Company, 647
- Cenco Instrumentation Mij, N.V., High-speed Homogeniser, 994
- "Centaur", Twin-screw Passenger-Cargo Liner, Fremantle—Malaysia Service, 14
- Central Design Office for Building Equipment, Polish Tower Cranes, 358
- Central Electricity Generating Board, Efficiencies in C.E.G.B. Power Stations, 511 Electricity Bulk Supply Tariff 1965-66, 269 Forged Steel Steam Chests for Turbo-generators, Ferrybridge-C Power Station, 185 Lancashire Power-station Sites, 51 Research into Power Generation and Transmission, 80 Seawater Corrosion Laboratory, Brighton, Improved Cathodic Protection for Condensers. 313 Southern Project Group, Chimney Foundation, Fawley Power Station. 611 West Burton-Sundon 400kV Transmission Line, Switching-in Ceremony, 1081
- Central Electricity Research Laboratories. Research into Power Generation and Transmission, 80
- Central Office of Information, "Britain: An Official Handbook", 508
- "Central Radio Propagation Laboratory Ionospheric Predictions", 58
- Central Road Research and Technique Laboratory, Glued Bridge, 362
- Central Training Institute, Recruitment and Training of Instructors, India, Prof. Lady Williams, 425
- Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches des Charbonnages de France, Mining Research, E.C.S.C., 699
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Aeronomics Division, Laser Locates Satellite, 491
- CENTREDOC, Watch-making Documentation, 248
- Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, Annual Report, 396 Laid-up Shipping Statistics, 228
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Hydraulic Motor "Staffa", Tube Bending m/c., 673
- Chambers Brothers Ltd., Pre-cast Refractory Blocks, Soaking Pit Lining, 727
- Chancellor of the Exchequer, Budget Proposals (Leader), 627
- Chantiers de l'Atlantique (Penhoet-Loire), Oil Tanker "Roger Gasquet", 194
- Chantiers Navals De l'Esterel, Cannes, "Carinthia IV", 234
- Chapek, Kazimierz, Hydrostatic Bearings, 196
- Chapman, J. C., "Transverse Bending of a Ship's Double Bottom", Paper to North East Coast Institution of Engineers & Shipbuilders, 269
- [[C. Chartan|Chartan, C., and White, D. J., Paper to I.Mar.E., Flexible Couplings for Marine Installations, 397
- Chaseside Engineering Co. Ltd., Bucket Loader, "SL 3000 Super-Load master", 836
- "Chemical Processing", Special Supplement "Materials of Construction for the Chemical Industry", 479
- Chemische Werke HuIs A.G., 1964 Statistics, 491
- Chow, Y., and Casignol, E., "Theorie et Applications des Graphes de Transfert", 229
- Christian, B. C., and Shearring, H. A., "Reports and How to Write Them, 811
- Christiani and Nielsen A/S et al, Mailsi Siphon, West Pakistan, Construction, 1004
- Christiani and Nielsen Ltd., M4 Elevated Road, Brentford, 20
- Christiani & Nielsen, N.V., Rotterdam Metro. Progress, 617
- Christie and Grey Ltd, W., Vibration, Noise Isolation Equipment, 674
- Chrysler Airtemp Ltd., Air Conditioners, 481
- Chrysler Corporation, Defense Operations Division, Armoured Car, 127 Induction Furnaces, Detroit Foundry, Ordered from ASEA/Whiting Corp., 419, 735 Missile Division, Self-propelled One-man Space Work Capsule, 961
- Chrystal, G., "Algebra. An Elementary Textbook", 435
- Church, H. F., Review, "Dielectrics", J. C. Anderson, 506
- Churchill and Co. Ltd., Charles, 16 inch Gear Hobbing Machine, 986
- Churchill, Rt. Hon. Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer), Obituary, 199
- Cia Constructora Nacional S.A. Rio de Janeiro, Civil Engineering Films, 51
- Cie Francaise D'Entreprises, et al, Mailsi Siphon, West Pakistan, Construction, 1004
- CI MAC, see International Congress on Combustion Engines
- Cincinnati Milling Machine Ltd., Machine Tool Castings Foundry at Tamworth, 34
- Citroen-France, New Company Formation, N.S.U. Germany, 659
- Clare-Elliott Ltd., Sub-miniature Industrial Relay, 654
- Claridge, R. H., Exporting Doesn't Always Pay, Letter, 140
- Clark Equipment Ltd., Tractor Shovel, "Michigan 35AWS", 836
- Clark, Jim. 500 Miles Indianapolis Motor Race Win, 978
- Clark, Ronald H. "Brough Superior: The Rolls-Royce of Motor Cycles," 266
- Clarke, Chapman & Co. Ltd., 7.5 Tons Level Luffing Grabbing Crane, 520 Steam Generation Unit, Oldbury Nuclear Power Station, 948
- Clarkson (Engineers) Ltd, Milling Cutters, FC3 Series, 693
- Clausen, Hugh, Engineers, Lack of Identity, Letter, 229 Innovation, Lack of Managerial Creativity, Letter, 773 Research Development and Design, 71, 135, 166, Letters, J. H. Jellett, F. H. Towler, B. S. Everett, 308, W. R. B. Frank, 439
- Clay & Co. Ltd., Richard, "Linasec" Computer System, 309
- Clements, R., and Parkes, D., "Manual of Maintenance Engineering Vol 6", 982
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Ltd., George Street Bridge, Newport, 20 M4 Elevated Road, Brentford, 20 Tinsley Viaduct, 351
- Cliff, P., Pametrada, Steam Turbine Reduction Gear, 462
- Clinker„ C. R., Revision of E. T. MacDermot's "History of the Great Western Railway", 344
- Coats, R., Marine Turbine Thrusts, Paper to North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 649 "Pametrada Standard Turbines, Present Position and Future Outlook", Paper to Marine Engineers Conference, 976
- Cobham Engineering Ltd., Alan, Magnetic Level Indicator, Road Tanker Use, 188
- Cochrane and Sons Ltd., "Cape Kennedy" Fishing Trawler, Construction, 777
- Cohen Machinery Ltd., George, Crane, Hydraulically Operated, "Hiab", 801 Die Casting Machine, 300 ton Capacity Pressure, 1084 Forging Press, 236 Plastics Sheet Hot Curving Machine, Automatic Control, 1084 Vacuum Lifter, "Autovac", 801
- Coker, A. J., "Questions and Answers on Automobile Electrical Systems", 509 "Questions and Answers on Electric Motors", 563
- Colchester Lathe Co., Conveyor Line Assembly of Lathes, 34
- Cole, D. G., and Drake, R. J., Strain Indicating Cube, Testing of Concrete, 763
- Collett, D. B., Manpower and the Polymer Age, 20th Foundation Lecture, Paper to Institution of Rubber Industry, 977
- Collinge, Portable Phase-earth Loop Impedance Tester, Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium, 890
- Collins Radio Company of England Ltd., Computer Control of Teleprinter Traffic, 297
- Collis, J. P., Rank-Audio-Visual Division, Films for Universities, 201
- Colloque International Sur les Techniques des Memoires, Paris, Computer Memory Devices Colloquium, 733
- Colt Ventilation and Heating Ltd., Powered Ventilators, 446
- Colvilles Ltd., A.G.M., Strikes at Ravenscaig and Gartcosh, 316
- Colvinaire Ltd., Ventilated Jacket, Hot Dust Prevention, 820
- Combustibili Nucleari, S.p.A. Nuclear Reactors, Fuel Services, Company Formation, 723, 995
- Comfort, J. V., Saloon Car Aerodynamics, Letter, 601
- Commercial Plastics Ltd., Fablon Division, Plastic Film, Self-adhesive, Aircraft Construction, Material Protection, 654
- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Eurochemic Reprocessing Contracts, 196
- Committee for Exports to the U.S.A., Advisory Committee, 488
- Committee of Inquiry into the Shipbuilding Industry, Personnel and Terms of Reference, 352
- Committee on Manpower Resources for Science and Technology, 311
- Commonwealth Exports Council, New Measures to Increase Exports, 278
- Commonwealth Railways of Australia, 1400 h.p. Diesel-electric Locomotives, 972
- Commonwealth Telecommunications Board, Thirteenth Annual Report, 101
- Commonwealth Welding Conference, Institute of Welding, 686
- Communications Satellite Corporation, "Early Bird" Hughes Aircraft Co., 533, 796
- Comobil, New Company, Citroen-France and N.S.U. Germany, Combination, 659
- Compagnie Electro-Mecanique, Electric Motors for Rumania, 56
- Compagnie Francaise Thomson-Houston, Secondary Radar System "Secar", Joint Development, Marconi Co. Ltd., 600
- Compagnie Generale d'Automatisme, Montreal Metro, Automation, 735
- Compagnie Generale d'Electricite, Ignition of Electric Arc by Laser, 903 Thyristor, Bidirectional, 788
- Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie Sans Fil and D.B.A. Company, Agreement, 454
- Compagnie Industrielle Maritime, Methane Facilities at Le Havre, 488
- Computing Devices Co. Ltd., Navigation System for Helicopters, 408
- Computing Devices of Canada Ltd., Navigation System for Helicopters, 408
- Comtex Ltd., Fractional Horsepower Motors, 276
- Conference of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Wages Agreement, 3, 16
- Connecticut Advanced Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, Molten - Lithium - Lubricated Bearings, "Snap" 50/"Spur" Nuclear Space Power Plant, 999
- Connell and Co. Ltd., Charles, Cargo Ship "Bendearg", 31
- Connor, T. A., Hermetic Sealing of Electrical Conductors to Ceramic Insulators, 851
- Consett Iron Co. Ltd., Kaldo and L.D. SteelMaking, 370
- Consolidated Zinc Corporation, Merger with Rio Tinto Company, 174
- Construction Industry Training Board, Training and Re-training Grants Scheme, 989, Letter, 862
- Constructors John Brown Ltd., Electrolytic Sewage Process, 187
- Conveyancer Fork Trucks Ltd., "Travelift", 50 ton capacity, 835
- Cooper Electroheat Ltd., Heating Elements, Nickel Chrome, 745
- Cooper, McDougall & Robertson Ltd., One Hundred Million Aerosols, Celebration, 647
- Coopers Mechanical Joints Ltd., Engine Air Cleaner, Renewal Warning Device, 692
- Coras lompair Eireann (C.I.E.), Bus, Singledeck, 725
- Corrosion and Metallurgical Consultancies, Corrosion and Metal Finishing Exhibition, 74
- "Corrosion Technology", Corrosion & Metal Finishing Exhibition, 74
- Cory, B. J., and Jones, B. L., Polyphase Thyristor Inverters, Paper to I.E.E. Conference, 880
- Costain Ltd., Richard, Group Centenary, 1114
- Cottrell, Prof. A. H., Strengths of Solids, Royal Society Discussion, 434
- Council for Middle East Trade, Lebanon and Gulf States Trade, 316
- Coune, Jacques, M.G. "B", 244
- Cousins, Frank. see Minister of Technology
- Cousteau, Capt. Jacques Yves, "Diving Saucer", Mobile Underwater Research Vehicle, 793
- Coventry Climax Engines Ltd., Flat Sixteen Racing Engine, 334
- Coventry Victor Motor Co. Ltd., Industrial Petrol Engine, Air-cooled, "K" Mark 111A, 847
- Cox (Sales) Ltd., William J., "Perspex" Acrylic Sheet, Plastic Underwater House at International Boat Show, 442
- Craig Alford Ltd., Percussion Grab, World's Largest, 835
- Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd., Fast Discharge Hopper Road Tankers, 187
- Cranfield College of Aeronautics, Machine Tool Automation, 442 Production and Industrial Administration Dept., Fluid Logic and Amplification Conference, 945
- Craven Brothers ( Manchester) Ltd., 36ft Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 349
- Crawford, S., Basic Engineering Processes, 344
- Cromack Ltd., Benjamin, Oil-fired Air Heater, 442, 409
- Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Electrical Equipment for 29 Type 1 Diesel-electric Centre Cab Design Locomotives, British Rail, 538
- Crompton Parkinson (Stud Welding) Ltd., Stud Welder, "Cromparc Autofeed", 746
- Croney, D., and Loe, J. A., Paper on Alconbury Hill Road Experiments to I.C.E., 441
- Crosland, Anthony. see Secretary of State for Education and Science.
- Cross, R. C., Two-metal Connecting rods, Road Vehicle Engines, 981
- Crossley Brothers Ltd, Diesel Engine, Design, Testing, 648 Diesel Engine, Marine, Mark H, 799 Diesel Engine, "S.E.M.T. Pie!stick". 799
- Crouch and Hogg, Consulting Civil Engineers, Centenary, 778
- Crown Office, Buildings, Hastings, Composite Construction, 883
- "Cubitt Index", Building Industry Productivity, 241
- Culpin, Claude, "The Facts on Moist Grain", Paper to National Power Farming Conference, 339
- Cumat, S. A. S., "Blitz 50", Bar and Tube End Finishing Machine, 1072
- Cunard Steam-ship Company Ltd., Cunard Liner Q.4, 62
- Cyanamid of Great Britain Ltd., "Glaskyd" Moulding Compounds, 111
- D.B.A. Company and Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie Sans Fil, Agreement, 454
- Daimler Benz AG, 400kVA Tandem Generator Set, 902
- Daimler Co. Ltd., "Ferret" Mark 2 Armoured Scout Car, 63
- D'Arcy, Captain N. J. H., Pametrada, Steam Turbine Reduction Gear, 462
- Davenport Vernon Co. Ltd., Accident Rescue Vehicle, 951
- Davey, Paxman and Co. Ltd., Range of "Autonomic Boilers, 475 "Ventura" Diesel Engines, British Railways Board (Scottish Region ), 514
- Davie Shipbuilding Ltd., Unpainted Aluminium Alloy Ship Superstructure, 310
- Davies, R. D., Spectrometer for Radio Astronomy, 571
- Davies, R. M., "Maid of the Loch", Letter, 980
- Davies, W., Errors in the Values of Integrated Quantities in Laplacian Fields, 549
- Davis and Son (Derby) Ltd., John, Portable Electricity Distribution System, Single-phase a.c. Supply, 1026
- Davis and Timmins Ltd, Mobile Demonstration Room, 776
- Davy and United Engineering Co. Ltd., Extrusion Press, Aluminium Extrusion, 2750 Short Tons Capacity, 175 Plate Mill, 142in, Raahe, Finland, 1084 Plate Mill Plant for Masinimport, Rumania, 234 Rolling Mill, Stainless Steel Plate Production, 804
- Dawe Instruments Ltd., Audio-Oscillator, High-power, 859 Audio Sweep Oscillator, 402 Teaching Machines, Question-and-answer Device, and Linear Programme Tutor, 485 Thickness Gauge, Portable, 405 Ultrasonic Equipment, Audio-frequency Instrumentation, 711
- Day, A. S., "An Introduction to Dynamic Relaxation", 218
- Deakin Phillips Electronics Ltd., Strain Gauges, Vibrating Wire, 679
- De Barr, A. E., Review of "Design Principles of Metal-cutting Machine Tools".142
- De Beers Industrial Diamond Division, Conference, Industrial Diamonds in Metalworking, 529 Decca Radar Ltd., Service Division, Radar Service Headquarters, Croydon, 479 Transistor Marine Radar "Transar", 858
- Dedow, H. R. A., The Control of Hydraulic Models, D.S.I.R., Hydraulics Research Station, Wallingford, 259, 301
- De Ferranti, Dr. Sebastian Film, Ferranti Ltd., 151
- De Havilland, Sir Geoffrey, Obituary, 935
- De La Rue Bull Machines Ltd., Expansible Computer System, M40, 274 "Gamma 115" Computer, 482
- Deloro Stellite Ltd., Coating, Arc Spray, Welding Techniques, 712
- Demag, A.G., Duisburg, Lourenco Marques Ore Loading Plant, 196
- Demag Industrial Equipment Pty. Ltd. ( Johannesburg), Lourenco Marques Ore Loading Plant, 196
- Demag-Lauchhammer Maschinenbau und Stahlbau, G.m.b.H., Lourenco Marques Ore Loading Plant, Stacker-reclaimers, 196
- Demag-Zug G.m.b.H., Silo Storage Bay, Pallet, 826
- Deming, W. Edwards, "Statistical Adjustment of Data", 563
- Denholm, J. F., Paper, Problem of Time in Shipping Economics, Institution of Engrs. & Shipbuilders in Scotland, 511
- Denison and Sons Ltd., Samuel, Electrical Tensile Machine, 10 ton, 845
- Dennert and Pape, Aristo-Werke KG, Coordinate Polar-orthogonal Plotting Table, 283 Co-ordinate Plotting Table, "Aristomat 8446", 995
- Dennis Brothers Ltd., Single-deck Bus, 951 Dent, F. S., Development of Catalytic Rich Gas Process, 4 Department of Education and Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies, Administration Changes, 1121
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. see also Office for Scientific & Technical Information Department, see under Individual Departments e.g. National Engineering Laboratory. "Forthcoming International and Technical Conferences", 508
- Derby and Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce, Centenary Exhibition, 1021
- DeRienzo, Paul, "Chemical Engineering", 850
- Desma-Werke, G.m.b.H., Two-colour Injection Bottoming Machines, 246
- Desoutter Lang Pneumatic Ltd., Pneumatic Logic Control System, 846
- Detewe Deutsche Telephonwerke und Kabelindustrie AG, Radio Exchange Telephone, 902
- Deutsche Wanson Warmetechnik G.m.b.H., Oilfired Space Heaters, June 18. Supp. 25
- Deutscher Verband fur Schweisstechnik, Welding Congress, 324
- Dewey, John L., Reynolds Metals Company, Freeze Purification of Aluminium, 457
- Dewidels, Jan Richard, Obituary, 279
- Dey, N. C., "Heat Engines and Applied Thermodynamics", 850
- Dickson-Simpson, J. M., Articulated Vehicle, Design Problems, Paper to Institute of Road Transport Engineers, 598
- Diesel Engineers and Users Association, Annual Luncheon, 686 Smoke from Diesel Road Vehicles. Paper by J. D. Savage, 367
- Digital Equipment Corporation (U.K.) Ltd., Table-top Computer, 898
- Dinglerwerke A.G., Axial Blower, 64m Wind Tunnel, Volkswagen Works, 826
- Direction Technique et Industrielle de l'Aeronautique, French Aircraft Arrester, 247
- Distington Engineering Co. Ltd., Stress Corrosion Testing Machine, 409
- Dixon J. R., & Stranigan, J. S., Strain Distributions Around Cracks in Ductile Sheets during Loading and Unloading, N.E.L. Report No. 175, 740
- Dobson, K. G., B.A.C., One-Eleven Accident, Midas Recorder, Letter, 806
- Dolmel Factory, Wroclaw, Poland, 500MW Generators, 286
- "Dolphin", Gosport Submarine Base, Escape Trials, 1059
- Dorman and Co. Ltd., W. H., Diesel Engines, Air-cooled, "DA Series", 728
- Dorman Long (Steel) Ltd., Cleveland/Lackenby Works Area, South Bank River Tees, Approval of Development by Iron and Steel Board, 1121
- Douglas, A. H., "Engineering Mathematics; An Introductory Survey of Modern Developments", 646
- Douglas, Dr. A. S., Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium on Critical Path Analysis, Computer's Function, 593
- Douglas Aircraft Company Inc., Airborne Solar Eclipse Expedition, Experiments, 961 DC8 Series 60. 737 DC9, 9 DC-9 Jetliner Roll Out, 197
- Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, Britain and European Co-operation, 367
- Doulton and Co. Ltd., 150th Anniversary, Brochure, "A Pattern of Progress", 1013
- Doulton Industrial Porcelains Ltd., Ceramic Cores for Investment Casting, 445
- Dounie, D. M., Experimental Vocabulary Test, Letter, 980
- [[Dow ChemicalDow Chemical of Canada Ltd., Frost Protection Experiment for Roads. Joint Venture with Canadian National Research Council, 540
- Dowson. A. G., Experimental Vocabulary Test, Letter, 852
- Dowty Mining Equipment Ltd., Pumps, Hydraulic, Mining Equipment, 502
- Dowty-Rotol Ltd., "Taurodyne", Drive Unit, 902
- Doxford & Sons (Engineers) Ltd., William, Mark 7619 Engine, Diesel, London International Engineering Exhibition, 667
- Dracone Developments Ltd., Flexible Towing Containers, Marine, 183
- Drake, R. J., and Cole, D. G., Strain Indicating Cube, Testing of Concrete, 763
- Dravo Corporation, Automatic Coal-handling System for Chalk Point Electric Generating Station, 120
- Dredging and Construction Co. Ltd., Great Ouse River Flood Protection Scheme, 85
- Drehmaschinenwerk Leipzig, VEB, "DRT 36a" Capstan Turret Lathe, Electro-mechanical Programme Control, 526
- Drill Service (Horley) Ltd., End Mills, 189
- Drynamels Ltd., Electrocoating, Developments, 950
- Duckett, H., Automatic Train Operation, Paper to the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers ( Leader), 497
- Duckworth, J. C.. Paper to I.Mech.E., Innovation, Comparison, Great Britain & U.S.A., 589
- Dugdale, D. S., Review, "Second Order Effects in Elasticity, Plasticity and Fluid Dynamics", M. Reiner and D. Abir, 507
- Duggan, T. V., "Stress Analysis and Vibrations of Elastic Bodies", 144
- Dumas, Regis, Contribution a l'Etude des Spectres de Turbulence, Publications Scientifiques et Techniques du Ministere de l'Air No 404, 664
- Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Automatic Recording and Control System, for Testing Tyres, 353 Flexible Towing Containers, Marine, 183
- Du Pont (U.S.A.), "Viton" Fluorelastomer 0-ring, 581
- Dyckerhoff and Widmann, K. G., Bremen City Hall, 360
- Dyckerhoff Zementwerke AG, Cement Manufacture, June 18. Supp. 24
- Dymar Electronics Ltd., Plug-in Instrumentation, 447
- E.B. (Staffs) Ltd., Outdoor Meter Enclosures, 186
- E.H. Research Laboratories, California, Highspeed Pulse Generator, I 1 1
- E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Conveyor Control for Mines, 408 Television Camera, Closed Circuit, Miniature, 691
- E.N.I. Refinery, Dar-es-Salaam, Construction, 735
- E.R.I.A.G.. Oil Refinery, Ingolstadt, 828
- "Eagle", H.M.S., Reconstruction, 10
- Earles, S. W. E., and Zarek, J. M., Reflection of Pressure Waves at Sharp-edged Orifices, 383, Letters, 681, 720, 806, 887
- "Early Bird", Communications Satellite, 533, (Leader), 796
- East Midlands Gas Board, Refrigerated Storage Tank, Whessoe Ltd., 105
- Ebauches S. A., Grenchen, Electric Screwdriver, Watch Repair Work, 863
- [[Josiah Eccles|Eccles, Sir Josiah[[, Electricity Supply in Northern Ireland, White Paper, H.M.S.O. Northern Ireland, 299
- Ecole Polytechnique, Bubble Chamber Leaves C.E.R.N., 248
- Economic Development Committee for the Electrical Engineering Industry, Work of, 1121
- Economic Development Committee for the Machine Tool Industry, Programme of Action for the Machine Tool Industry, Report, 1044
- Eder, W. E., and Gosling, W., "Mechanical System Design", 1111
- Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., Large Vacuum Metallising Plant, 401
- Edwards Ltd., F. J., Sheet Metal Working Plant, Guillotines, Press Brakes, Power Presses, 744
- Eimco (Great Britain) Ltd., Extractor Filter, Horizontal, 782
- EI-Sarha, M. E., and Railly, J. W., Ackeret Method for the Design of Tandem Cascades, 1085
- Electrical Apparatus Co. Ltd., Small Automatic Motor Starter, 404
- Electrical Development Association, Annual Luncheon, 892
- Electrical Research Association, Annual Luncheon, Speech by Minister of Power, 816 High Vacuum Plant, 916
- Electricite de France, Electrical Heating for Power Station Pipes, 362
- Electricity Council, Electricity Supply Faults, National Scheme by Area and Scottish Electricity Boards, 513
- Electro Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd., "Deltech Filters, Oil-free Compressed Air Supply, 1113
- Electro-Mecanique, Cie, C.E.M. Gardy Group, Switchgear Manufacture, 415
- Electronic Associates Ltd., Special Purpose Analogue Computer for Analysis of Animal Foodstuffs, 571
- Electronic Controls Co., Miniature Photo-relay, 240 Miniature Viewing, Print Register Control, 1044
- Electronic Engineering Association, Annual Report, Electronics Imports, 498
- Electronic Machine Control Ltd., Machine Guard, 237
- Electrosil Ltd., Integrated and Thin Film Circuits, 1061
- Elga Products Ltd., International Ion Exchange Centre, Water Purification, Demonstration, 983
- Elfin-Union AG., Semi-automatic Welding Equipment, 323
- Elliott-Automation G.m.b.H., Munich Traffic Signal Control Scheme, 269
- Elliott-Automation Ltd., Computer Exports, 105 Computer 503, G.P.O. Engineering Department,, 478 Control Console, Hampstead Civic Centre, 43 Data Processing System, N.C.R. Elliott 4100, 355 Data Storage on Discs, "Data Disc", 897 Gas Laser Beam as Light Source of Interferometer, 36 Plant Control, Direct Digital Controller, ARCH 101, 516 Ultrasonic Cleaner, 402
- Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd., Pneumatically-worked Tube Bore Gauge, 75 Servo Components Division, "Steromotor". Torque Motor, Valve Actuator, 916
- Elliott Electronic Tubes Ltd., Oscillator, K and Q Frequency Bands, 680
- Elliott Flight Automation Ltd., Airborne Display Division, High Speed Film Processor, 1059
- Elliott (Machinery) Ltd., B., "Milmor", Turret Milling Machine, Hydraulic Copying Equipment, 846 Turret Milling Machine, 136
- Elliott Process Automation Ltd., On-stream Quality Control, 1041 Elliott Traffic Automation Ltd., Munich Traffic Signal Control Scheme, 254, 269
- Ellis, F. L., The G. Problem, Letter, 1018
- Elliston, Evans and Jacksons Ltd., Caliper Disc Brake, 111
- "Elyria", Cargo Ship, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., 610
- Emmaboda Glass Works, Metal-coated, Heat Reflecting Window Glass, 865
- Emmott & Co. Ltd., Electrical Year Book, 1965, 559
- Emms, S. A. G., Bridge Control System for Marine Diesel Engines, 473
- Energy for Industry Conference, Report, 890
- [[F. V. A. Engel|Engel, F. V. A.], and Stainsby, W., Reflection of Pressure Waves at Sharp-edged Orifices, Letter, 887
- ENGINEER Buyers' Guide, 1965, 233 Contracts Supplement 1965 Edition, Amendments, 352 Index, 1856-1959, (Leader), 2 Page Size ( Leader), 1039 "Engineering", Page Size Reduction (Leader), 1039
- Engineering and Laboratory Equipment Ltd., Testing Machine, Concrete, 353
- Engineering Employers' Federation, Agreement on Wages, 3, 16 Engineering Equipment Users' Association, Thermal Insulation of Pipes and Vessels. Part 3: Insulation of Cold Surfaces, 266 Engineering Foundation, 1914-1964. 325 Engineering Industries Association, Conference, Making the Small Firm More Efficient, 953
- Engineering Industry Training Board, Industrial Training ( Leader), 61 Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Address, 521 Training in Engineering Firms, Improvements, 963 Engineering Institutions Joint Council, Conference, Challenge of Modern Engineering, 497, 145 Engineering Education, Conference, Headmasters and Headmistresses, 627
- Engis Ltd., Lapping Machine, Multi-speed, Metal Finishing, 668
- English Electric-Arc Welding Co. Ltd., Arc Welder, Portable, Oil-cooled, 654 Welding Equipment, Semi/ Fully Automatic CO., 708
- English Electric Co. Ltd., Actuators, Industrial, 849 Arc-welding Machine, Pump, Stainless Steel Cladding, Netherton Works, 611, Education in Electronics (Leader), 1077 Engineering Scholarships, 1965, 571, Generating System 17kVA, Land Rover Chassis, 691 Locomotive, Diesel-electric, 1750 h.p., 12C5VT, 1058, Meter Relay and Instrument Division, "Modulectric" Process Instrumentation Equipment, 651, Methane Detector, Automatic, 109 Nelson Research Laboratories, Glass-ceramics "Mexim", 782 Nuclear Reactor, No. 1. Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station, 400, Pumped Storage Scheme Commissioned, Valdecanas, 320, Switchgear Distribution Unit, Oil-break, 109 Traction Equipment, Electric Trains, London-Brighton Service, 131, Turbine, Gas, Peak Lopping Generator, C.E.G.B., 312 Turbines, 350MW Steam, for Munmorah rower-station, 400, Turbo-generator, Bearing Beam, Cockenzie Power station, 690, Turbo-generator, steam, for West Burton Power-station, 80, 52, Turnover in 1964, 430, Wylfa Nuclear Power Station, Construction Progress, 856
- English Electric, Babcock and Wilcox, Taylor Woodrow Atomic Power Group, Hinkley Point, 77 Wylfa, Anglesey Nuclear Power Stations, 79
- English Electric Leo-Marconi computers Ltd., Computer KDF7, Digital Control, Generating Sets, Fawley Power station, 1117, Computer Systems, Installation at U.K.A.E.A. Winfrith Establishment, 1115, Data Logger, Cargo Liner "Laurentic", 1022, Data Loggers, Marine, "Simonburn and "Zealandic", 473
- English Electric Valve Co. Ltd., Klystrons, vapour-cooled, 715
- English Steel Casting Corporation, Rolling Mill castings for Plate Mill, Kaahe, Finland, 1004.
- English Steel Corporation Ltd., Addendum to Annual Report, Steel Nationalisation, 899 Plasma Melting of Steel, 899
- Environmental Equipments Ltd., Charge Amplifiers, 406
- Equipment and Engineering Co. Ltd., "NorVac ' Manual Hydraulic crane, 702.
- Equipment Comparisons Ltd., business Equipment survey, tlectric Typewriters, /42
- Ericsson Telephones Ltd., Electronic Telephone Exchange -Pentex-, G.P.O. Peterborough rials, d54, In Service, 1059
- Errut Products Ltd., Portable Concrete Sawing Machine, 517
- Erwall, Lars G., et al, "Industrial Isotope echniques", 850
- ESAB, Gothenburg, Consumable Nozzle Welding, 194 Short-arc Welder for Heat Exchanger Tubes, 155 Welding Rectifier, Single-operator, Three Types, 701
- Escher vVyss G.m.b.H., Steam Turbine Components, 903
- Esso Lerman Oil Consumption, 324 Esso Chester Ctinversion or i anKer to Asphalt Carrier, Humble Oil and Kenning Co., 336
- Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd., Steam Turbine Machinery, Design Study, 876
- Etablissement du Materiel des bases Aeriennes, trench Aircraft Arrester, 24/
- Etablissements Carel rouche, Stainless Steel stock, for Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam Trains, 89
- Eteico Ltd., "Pentex", Electronic Telephone Exchange in Service, Peterborough, 1059, tis4
- Ether Lta., Potentiometric Programmed Temperature Controllers, 9d7
- Ets, Winter, "ND" Machine for Butt Adhesive Jointing of Panels, 902
- Eurochemic Company, Reprocessing Contracts, 196
- European Coal and Steel Community, High Authority Policy Report, 413 International Steel Congress, 362 Iron-ore Production, 362 Mining Research, Financial Support, 699 Promotion of Steel Consumption, 454 State Aid to the European Coal Mines, 454
- European Economic Community, Commission, Natural Gas, Problems and Prospects, 658
- European Federation of Chemical Engineering, and Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Food Symposium, 155
- European Free Trade Association, Britain's 15 Surcharge, 151
- European Launcher Development Organisation, "Europa 1", 38
- European Metal Working Plant Makers Association, Steel Works Plant Conference, 196
- European Reinforced Concrete Committee C.E.B. ) Reinforced Concrete Standards, 324
- European Space Research Organisation, "Skylark", Launching, 38
- "Euryalus", H.M.S., General Purpose Frigate, 10
- Evans, A. D., and Barlow, L., Operating Experience with Windscale Advanced Gascooled Reactor, 891
- Evans, Dr. U I ick R., British Joint Corrosion Group, Problems, 606
- Everett, B. S., Engineering Qualifications, 308
- Everett Edgcumbe & Co. Ltd., Insulation and Continuity Tester, 654
- Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., "Megger", Resistance Bridge and Insulation Tester, 1119
- Export Credits Guarantee Department, Broader Basis for Guarantees, 278 Cover for Foreign Sub-contractors, 488 Insured Exports, 241
- Faas' Aanneming M ij, N.V.A., Rotterdam Metro, Progress, 617
- Fairchild Semiconductor (U.S.A.), High-density Integrated Circuit, 106
- Fairclough Ltd., Leonard, Motorway Contract, 8 Miles of M4, 894
- Fairey Engineering Ltd., Fuel Handling Machine, Trawsfyndd Nuclear Power Station, 79 Generator, Thermoelectric, 679
- Fairhurst, W. A., and Beveridge, A., Tay Road Bridge, Paper to I .Struct.E., 464
- Fairman, A. G. C., and Moore, A. I. W., Test Technique for Form Grinding Research, 748
- "Falster", Danish Minelayer, 11
- Farbwerke Hoechst AG, Chemical Industry Works, June 18. Supp. 22 High Temperature Pyrolosis Plant, June 18. Supp. 15
- Farm Hydraulics Ltd., "M inno-Ho", Inter-row Cultivator and Thinner, 937
- Farrel, John, Construction Steelwork Practice, 944
- Fatti, I. P., Bearing Lubrication, Aircraft Cabin Superchargers, 602
- Faupel, Joseph H., Engineering Design, A Synthesis of Stress Analysis and Materials Engineering, 850
- Federation of British Industries, Arguments against Steel Nationalisation, 278 Industrial and Engineering Design. Working Party, 268 Industrial and Export Trends, 356 Industrial and Export Trends Survey, 1065 Metric System and Industry, 481 President, Comment on Statement of Intent, Productivity, Prices and Incomes, 410 Water Resources Act, 1963, Reminder, 1065
- Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors, Civil Engineering Technicians, Training, 647 Training Scheme, Joint Committee, 666
- Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte, 1966 World Prestressed Concrete Congress, 441
- Feedback Ltd., Instructional Servo System, 819
- Feilden Committee, Industrial Design, 253 Recommendations for Electronic Design, Electronic Engineering Association, 94/
- Felten & Guilleaume Carlswerke AG, Waveguides, 902
- Felvic Marketing and Sales Co. Ltd., Air Humidifier, Small, 1062
- Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow) Ltd., Stern Trawler "St. Finbarr", 265
- Ferguson Research Ltd., Harry, Horizontally Opposed Flat Four Engine, 442, 560
- Ferranti Ltd., Film, Work of Dr. Sebastian de Ferranti, 151 Gallium Phosphide Diode, Light Source, Industrial Indicating, 878 Instrument Department, Wattmetric Transducer, 148 "Integrated System Transformer", 1049 Load Cell Weigher, Portable Hydraulic, 519 Logic Circuit Elements, 406 Moving Map Display for Vehicles, 186 Optical Pulse Digitiser, 952 Optical Shaft Encoder, 576 Transformer Works Extensions, Opening, 1048 Varactor Diode Limiter, 878
- Ferrari "Berlinetta 250 LM", Geneva Motor Show, 580 Manufacturing Agreement with Fiat, 442
- "Fian", Cargo Liner, Lithgows Ltd., 65
- Fiat Abarth, Automobile, Car, "1,000", 580. "1,000" Special, 245
- Fiat S.p.A., Annual General Meeting, 956 Automobile, Car, "850", 41, 5L8: "850 Familiare", 1073: "1500", 361: 1500 and 1600S, Modifications, 956 Manufacturing Agreement with Ferrari, 442
- Fiat S.p.A., Grandi Motori, High-speed Lightweight Multi-cylinder Engine "Mark X 1832", 12 Cylinder Engine, Mark 2312SS, 12 Cylinder Diesel Engine, 846
- Field Emission Corporation, X-ray Machine, Two Million Volt, Mobile, 698
- Fielding and Platt Ltd., Aluminium Extrusion Presses, Brochure, 271 Mould Press, 400-ton, for Concrete Slabs, 147
- Fifth European Management Conference of the Comite Europeen du Conseil International pout- l'Organisation Scientifique, 286
- Filament Wound Reinforced Plastics Ltd., Filament-wound Road Tanker, 110
- Finlay, I. C., Dynamic Response of Heat-exchangers to Disturbances in Flow Rate, N.E.L. Report 170. 832
- Fire Protection Association, Fire in Metal Working Industries, 268 Planning Fire Safety in Industry, 463
- Firth of Clyde Dry Dock Company, Greenock Port Facilities, 90
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd., Rolling Mill, Stainless Steel Plate Production, 804
- Fisons Fertilisers Ltd., Immingham Factory, Single-train, Medium Pressure Nitric Acid Plant, 1024
- Fittes, D. W., and Nash, P., Gas-turbine-operated Foam Generator for Aircraft Fire Control, 536
- [[R. Fleeting|Fleeting, R.], Natural Frequencies of Unshrouded Cantilever Blades, Letter, 979
- Fleischer, Paul, Improved Cutter for High Performance Milling, 918
- Flight Refuelling Ltd., Industrial Electronics Division, Stepping Switch, RSC-41, 821 "Relog" Reed Logic Elements, Hamlin MRC 1 Miniature Reed Switch, 1025
- Fluidrive Engineering Co. Ltd., Fluid Couplings, Components, Marine Propulsion, 799 "Scoopactor", Speed Control, Fluid Couplings, 799
- Fokker Ltd., "F 28", Aircraft, 9
- Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches Relative au Probleme de la Securite Routiere, Road Safety Competition, 362
- Foratom, Second Foratom Congress, 491
- Ford Motor Co. Ltd., Aerodynamics, Saloon Cars, Tests in M.I.R.A. Wind Tunnel, 430, 470 Commercial Vehicles, "D" Series, Forward Control, 596, Endurance Test, 881 Engine and Special Equipment Operations, Diesel Engines, Six-cylinder, 818 Factory, Basildon, Tractor Production Line, 817 Grinding Machine, Centreless, Installation, 897 Moulding Line, Automatic, Dagenham Works, Planet Corporation of U.S.A., 569 Windscreen Wipers, High Speed, "Speedblade", 947 Zephyr "Executive", 233
- Ford Motor Company of U.S.A., 7 Litre Single Overhead Camshaft Engine, 587
- Forest Products Research Laboratory, Durability of Woodwool Cement Boards, 571 Timbers for Boat Building, 146
- Formby, John, "An Introduction to the Mathematical Formulation of Self-organising Systems", 509
- Forsberg, Hans G., et al, "Industrial Isotope Techniques", 850
- Fourteenth International Inventors' Exhibition, Brussels, 196
- Fox, Alan, "The Milton Plan", 509
- Fox & Co. Ltd., Samuel, "Silver Fox", 316 Stainless Steel, Reflector, G.P.O. Station Goonhilly, 630 Steel Bar Stores, Underslung Stacker, 727
- Foxboro France S.A., Instrument Plant at Arras, 248
- Foxboro-Yoxhall Ltd., Hydrocarbon Gas Analyser, 573 mml
- Foyn, Dr., Electrolytic Sewage Treatment, Process, H. W. Marson, 591
- Francis, A. J., Analysis of Suspension Cable Behaviour, 1094
- Frank, W. R. B., Research, Development and Design, Letter, 439
- Frankland, Thomas W., "Pipe Trade Pocket Manual", 685
- Fraser, Tom, see Minister of Transport
- Frazer-Nash, A. G., Obituary, 657
- "Free Enterprise 11", Car Ferry, 1010
- Freeman, Henry C., "Enzyklopadisches Fachworterbuch Spanende Werkzeugmaschinen", 508 "Freetown". Cargo Liner, Lithgows Ltd, 65
- French, M. J., Reliability Tests with Artificially Damaged Components, 917
- French Shipbuilders Export Association, French Shipbuilding in 1964, 454
- French Shipbuilding Association, French Shipbuilding in 1964, 454
- Fritz-Heckert-Werk, Karl-Marx Stadt, VEB, Vertical Miller, Numerical Tape Control, 524
- Fryling, Glenn R., "The Engineer", Editorial Tradition, Letter, 642
- Fuchs Metallwerke, Otto, Meinerzhagen, 30 000 Ton Downstroke Press, 48
- Fuel Furnaces Ltd., Oil-Fired Heating Furnace for Aluminium Extrusion Factory, 1/5
- "Fulani", Cargo Liner, Lithgows Ltd., 65
- Furness Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Tanker "Naess Louisiana" for Sulphur Carriers Ltd., 29 * G.E.C. (Electronics) Ltd., Applied Electronics Laboratories, Electronics Development Centre, 438 Data Link Terminals, 275 Tape Punch, High-speed, 110
- G.E.C. (Engineering) Ltd., Brakes, Electromagnetic, 483 Electric Motors, "Division-2 Areas", 268 Electrical Propulsion Equipment, "Cape Kennedy Fishing Trawler, 777 Falcon Brook Pumping Station, Electrical Equipment, 687 Nuclear Reactor, "Consort", Silwood Park Field Station, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 780, Inauguration, 1115 Transformer Division, "Pocket" Distribution Substations, 728 Transformers, Small General Purpose, 275 Turbo-generator, Gas, 15MW/17.5MW Jersey, 139 Turbo-generator, 500MW, Rotor, Kingsnorth Power Station, 726 Witton-Kramer Division, Daylight Sensitive Switch, 480
- G.E.C. Ltd. see General Electric Co. Ltd.
- G.E.C. (Nuclear Engineering) Ltd., New Company, End of Nuclear Consortium, 396
- G.E.C. (Process Engineering) Ltd., New Company, End of Nuclear Consortium, 396
- G.E.C. (Telecommunications) Ltd., Electronic Exchange Equipment Unit, Development, 723 Microwave Radio Equipment, "Semi-conductored", 781 Multi-cam Ratchet Relay, 821 Small Single-pole Reed Relays, 898
- G.K.N. Bolts and Nuts Ltd., Nut with Built-in Hydraulic Jack, 1119
- Gabriel, J. B. S., Fifty-two Years Service, Charles Churchill and Co. Ltd., 185
- "Gaelic Ferry", Atlantic Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., 16
- "Galatea", General Purpose Frigate, 10
- Gammon (Pakistan) Ltd., et al., Mailsi Siphon, West Pakistan, Construction, 1004
- Gardner, James, Museum of Glass, Theme, Pilkington Brothers Ltd., 767
- Garrard, C. J. 0., Engineering Standardisation, 229 Main Road Policy, Rail-road Conversion, Letter, 642
- Garringtons Ltd., Billet Heater, 747
- Gas Council, Midlands Research Station, Industrial Gas Research, 634 Natural Gas Pipeline. Netherlands-Great Britain, 24 Underground Storage, "The Gas Bill", 293
- Gascoignes (Kee Klamps) Ltd., Storage Systems, Pallet Racking, 671
- Gebriider Frech Fabrik for Transportgerate, Sissach, Portable Ramp, Sack Unloading, 865
- Gebruder Sulzer AG, Irradiation Equipment, Sterilisation Plant for Surgical Material, 864
- Gee, D. E., et al., Performance of a Compression Ignition Engine in Unconventional Atmospheres, 551
- Geest Industries Ltd., Banana Carriers "Geestbay" and "Geestport", Netherland Dock and Shipbuilding Co., 115
- "Geestbay" Banana Carrier, 115
- "Geestport" Banana Carrier, 115
- "Geizer", Cargo Ship, Burmeister and Wain of Copenhagen, 817
- Gelfand, I., et al., "Commutative Normed Rings", 435
- General Dynamics Corporation, Convair Division, "Coin", Multi-mission Prototype, 45 Seaplane, Submersible, 635 Submarine, Two-man Research, 907
- General Dynamics Corporation/Grumman Aircraft, F111, 46: First Supersonic Flight, 587
- General Electric Co. Ltd., Hirst Research Centre, Optical System, Oxide Film, Thickness Measuring, 679 Hunterston 300MW Power Station, United Power Co. Ltd., 79 see also G.E.C.
- General Electric Co., U.S.A., B.W.R. Nuclear Power Plant Prices in U.S.A., 289 Coil, Magnetic, Super-conducting, 625 Electrical Equipment, Two Converter Stations, 800kV Direct Current Transmission Scheme, 854 Turbo-jet Engine, "GE4/J5", 1125
- General Electric Co., U.S.A., and John Brown and Co. (Clydebank) Ltd., Heavy Duty, Industrial Gas Turbines, Joint Agreement, 1084
- General Motors (Continental) S.A., General Motors' Ten-millionth Vehicle, 248
- General Motors Corporation, Chevrolet Division, M28 Armoured Car, 172 Chevrolet "Corvette" Mako Shaft II, 739 Al Chevrolet Turbo-jet Engine, 625 Research Laboratories, Man-computer Design System, DAC-1 ( Design Augmented by Computers), 363, 416 Rochester Products Division, Four-jet Carburettor, Chevrolet Turbo-jet Engine, 625 Stirling Engine Developments, 197 Ten-millionth Vehicle, outside North America, 248 Thermionic Converter, 793
- General Post Office, Electronic Telephone Exchange, Leamington Spa, G.E.C. (Telecommunications) Ltd., 723 Electronic Telephone Exchange, "Pentex" System, Ambergate, 854, Peterborough, 854, 1059 Goonhilly Station, Reflector, Radio Equipment, "Early Bird" Satellite, 630, Wave Masers for Amplifying Signals from "Early Bird" Satellite, 779 Photographic Meter Reading Telephone Exchange Meters, 514 Telecommunications, North Sea Drilling, 103
- General Precision Systems Ltd., Simulator, Locomotive, Driving Instruction, British Rail, London Midland Region, 638
- Generale Aeronautique Marcel Dassault, "Balzac" Resumes Flight, 491 "Mirage 111 V.01." Vertical Take-off and Landing Fighter, 956
- Generale Montagg, S.p.A., Factory with Suspended Roof, Turin, 322
- Genrom-Somua, Armoured Car Convertible from Six to Two-wheel Drive, 172
- Geological Survey, Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyser, 637
- Georgian Polytechnical Institute, Ultrasonic Generator, Tea Processing, 735
- Gerend Motors-Holden Pty Ltd., Holden HD Saloon Car, 412
- German Productivity Council, Telephone Intermissions, 582
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Food Symposium, 155
- Gesellschaft fur Kernenergieverwertung in Schiffbau und Schiffahrt, K.N.K. Prototype Reactor, 56 "Otto Hahn" Experimental Nuclear Orecarrier, 54
- Gibb and Partners, Sir Alexander, Aswan High Dam, Design, 718
- Gibson, E., Chemical Plant Design, Catalogue, Data Sheet Library, 473
- Gibson, H. L., Fault Protection and Other Switching Uses of a New Surge Diverter, 207
- Giddings and Lewis-Fraser Ltd., Crankshaft Ending Machines, 150
- Gilbert, Gilkes and Gordon Ltd., et al., Instructional Engineering Equipment Demonstration and Conference (Leader), 1002
- Gill, K. F., and Schwarzenbach, J., Analysis of a Gas Turbine Engine Fuel System, 209
- Glacier Metal Co. Ltd., Bearings, Bushes, 671
- Glas, G.m.b.H., Hans, Goggo-Mobilwerke, Glas "1500", 245
- Glasgow Corporation, Glen Finglas Dam, 82
- Glasgow University, Wolfson Hall of Residence Design by Building Design Partnership, 98
- Glazier, Dr. E. V. D., Radar Today and Tomorrow, Lecture to I.E.E., Electronics Division, 345
- [[Gloster Equipment|Gloster Equipment Ltd.], Flowmeters, Turbine Design, "Pottermeter", 747
- Gloucester Foundry Co. Ltd., Continuous Tunnel Annealing Plant, Malleable Castings, 947
- Goffey, J. D., Some Locomotives of 1914, 73
- Golding, E. W., Obituary, 1003
- Goldman, A. S., and Slattery, T. B., "Maintainability: A Major Element of System Effectiveness", 944
- Goodstrack Ltd., Small Portable Pump, 447
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company, Radialply Tyres, 289
- Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co. Ltd., Tanker "Assiduity", for F. T. Everard and Sons Ltd., 66 "Wm. Woolaway", Dredger and "Trentonia" Coaster, 91
- Gorlin-Okun, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Service Building and Maintenance Garage, 1037
- Gosling, W., and Eder, W. E., "Mechanical System Design", 1111
- Gotaverken, AB, Oil Tanker, "Tank Regina", 490 Ore Carriers, Two 71,500 ton Deadweight, Order, 1304
- Government of Northern Ireland, Ministry of Commerce "Who Makes What in Northern Ireland", 508
- Graham, E. C., "Science Dictionary in Basic English", 631
- "Graigwerdd", Cargo Ship, Scotts' Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., 31
- Graneek, M., Review of "Gas Lubricated Bearings", by N. S. Grassam & J. W. Powell, 342
- Grangesberg Company, Stockholm, Two 71 500 ton Deadweight Ore Carriers, Order to Gotaverken AB, 1034
- ]]Grantura Engineering|Grantura Engineering Ltd.]], T.V.R. "Trident" Prototype Grand Touring Car, 527
- Grassam, N. S., and Powell, J. W., "Gas Lubricated Bearing". 342
- Grassman, P. et al., "Energie und Exergie", 1111
- Graviner (Gosport) Ltd., Containers for Radioactive Materials, 277
- Gray, D., "Centralised and Automatic Controls in Ships", Paper to Marine Engineers Conference, 976
- Gray. W. S., Concrete Water Towers, Bunkers, Silos and other Elevated Structures, 563
- Great Ouse River Board, Flood Protection Scheme, 85
- Greater London Council, Dept. of Highways & Transportation, Organisational Details, 201, 230 Department of Public Health Engineering, 398 Motorways, Urban, London, 629
- Green, J. A. "Sets and Groups ', 944
- Gregory, R. E. C., Comment on Leader, Fuel and rower Policy, 510
- Greiner Electronic AG, "Balance-O-Test", Measurement of Out-of-balance of Balance Wheels, 864
- Gresham Lion Electronics Ltd., Multi-track Recording Head, 447
- Griffiths (Willenhall) Ltd., Samuel, "Epic" Power Press, Epicyclic Urive,
- Grindrod, S. H., and Aliaway, R. A., Rotary Indexing Polishing Tables, 1052
- Grootenhuis, P., Review of "Stress Analysis & Vibrations of Elastic Bodies", 144
- Grossdrehmaschinenbau, "8 Mai" VEB, Automatic Lathe, Numerical Control, 525
- Grossmith, G. W., Engineering Detail, Comment on Article by P. J. Wallace, 393
- Grotetield, A. W., Obituary, 901
- Grothues-Spork, L)ipl. Ing. H., 'On Geosim Tests for the Research Vessel 'Meteor' and a Tanker", Paper to Marine Engrs. Conference, 975
- Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, F111B Aircraft, Roll Out, 999
- Grylls, S. H., Paper to I.Mech.E., Car Transport, A.D. 2000, 4(36 "Guadalcanal", U.S. Amphibious Assault Ship, 12
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds Ltd. see G.K.N. Ltd.
- Gulf Oil (Great Britain) Ltd., Plan for Inland Bulk Plant, Petroleum Products, 514
- Gunter, R. J. see Minister of Labour Gutehoffnungshiitte Sterkrade A.G., Large Ammonia Reactor Vessel, 826 Winch, Mobile 40 tonne, 826
- Guthrie Brown, J., Hydro-electric Engineering Practice: Vol. 1. Civil Engineering, 476
- Hadfields Ltd., A.G.M., Steel Nationalisation, 410
- Hagglund Industrial Ltd., Welding Equipment, London International Engineering Exhibition, 712
- Hagglunds & Soner AB, Underground Shuttle Lars, 414
- Hakewill, J., Cast Iron Bridge Design, 202
- Haldor Topsoe of Denmark, Poland Orders Fertiliser Plant, 117 "Halifax City", Cargo Ship, Burntisland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., 31
- "Halifax Star", Cargo Ship, Bartram and Sons Ltd., 31
- Hall Engineering Ltd., Variable Area Supersonic Nozzle, 36
- Hall Ltd., J. and E., Crankshaft Ending Machines, 150 Dartford Works, Apprentice Training Department, (:$./ Industrial Computer Installation, 813
- "Hamburg", German Destroyer, H. C. Stulken Sohn, Hamburg, 1
- Hamburger Flugzeubau, G.m.b.H., HFB 320 "Hansa", 95
- Hamilton Equipment Ltd, Peter, Excavators, Hydraulic, "Hy-Mac 1080", 837
- Hamilton, S. B., Robert Thom and the Greenock Waterworks, 168
- Hamling and Co. Ltd., Thomas, "St. Finbarr", 265
- Hammond, Rolt, "Dictionary of Civil Engineering", 685 "Glossary of Welding Terms", 685
- Hamworthy Engineering Ltd, Air Compressor, 709 Gas Burner, Automatic, Package Form, "HSN", 841 Hydraulic Pumps, Tank Mounting, 709
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Flame Cutting Machines, "Hanco 40", 708 Flame-cutting m/c., Tracer-controlled, 35
- Handley Page Ltd., "HP 130" Laminar Flow Aircraft, Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd., 9 HP135 Laminar Flow Freighter Aircraft, 1125
- Hannah, G. A., Rammer Foot, Glass Fibre, 938
- Hansen, Soren, Metric System for Britain, Letter, 1051
- Harland and Wolff Ltd., Cargo Ship "Weybank", 31 Lagen Bridge, 312 Oil Tanker S.S. "Texaco Maracaibo", 184
- Harlow, W. F. and Mason, Vice-Admiral Sir Frank, Exhibition, Sir Joseph Whitworth's Centenary of Presidency of I.Mech.E., Letter, 806
- "Harmonic", Just a Detail, Improved Mouse Trap, Letter, 979
- Harris Structural Steel Company, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Brooklyn Steel Tower, 829, 866, 905, 957, 996, 1035
- Harrison, P. W., Yard, Legal Definition, 681
- Harrow and Wembley Productivity Association and British Productivity Council, Critical Path Analysis, 139
- Hartesbeestfontein Gold Mining Company, 6,660 ft Shaft, Concrete-lined, 647
- Hartles, R. J., "An Introductory Course for Electrical Technicians, 344
- Hartmann & Braun, AG, Electrical Instruments, Control Equipment, June 18. Supp. 20
- Hartop, R. W., Miniature Joystick Controller, 888
- Haslam, J., and Willis, H. A., "Identification and Analysis of Plastics", 394
- Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd., "Andover", 44 Autoflare, Automatic Touch Down, "Trident" Aircraft, Approval, 1058 HP 130 Laminar Flow Aircraft, 9 "Trident lE" Flight Trials, 183
- Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Ltd., T.R.A.C.E. Tape-controlled Automatic Test Equipment, 8
- Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., Tanker "British Hawthorne" for B.P. Tankers Co. Ltd., 29
- Hawthorne, W. R., "Aerodynamics of Turbines and Compressors. Vol. X. High Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propulsion", 1111
- Hayward, A. T. J., et al., Compressibility Measurements on Hydraulic Fluids, N.E.L. Report 176, 542, Report 173, 832
- Head Wrightson Iron and Steelworks Engineering Ltd., Kaldo and L.D. Converters for Consett Iron Co. Ltd., 370
- Head Wrightson Processes Ltd., Waste Heat Boiler, for Consett Iron Co. Ltd., 373
- Head Wrightson Stockton Ltd., Classifier "84" Akins Simplex Double Pitch, 480 Launching Truss, 200ft Span Light-alloy, 895 Valve, Rotary Discharge, 108
- Headland (Machine Tools) Ltd., Thomas P., "Ashlea" Sine Bar, 110
- Healey, Denis. see Secretary of State for Defence.
- Heating and Ventilating Research Association, Annual Report, 816
- Heatlock Industrial Furnaces Ltd., Gas-fired Furnace, Aluminium Melting, 782
- Hedges, E. S., "Tin in Social and Economic History", 507
- Heffner, F. Earl, Stirling Engine Developments, 197
- Heid AG, "DZKR" Turret Copy Lathe, Automatic Control, 92
- Heimer, H., Difficulty of Determining Magnitude of Earth Fault Currents in Medium Voltage Installations, Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium, 890
- Helmes, Fr., Road and Rail Container Handling Device, Semi-trailer with Hydraulicallyoperated Tilting Platform, 969
- Helsdon, R. M., "Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics-, 850
- Henderson, A., and Trimble, M. W., Flange Joint for Glass-lined Valve Body, 1109
- Henkel, Ernst, Universal Load Moment Limiter for Jib Cranes, 526
- "Henry Clay", U.S. Polaris Submarine, 12
- Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Fire Research Technical Paper No. 10, Design of Roof-venting Systems for Single-storey Buildings, 542 Machinery of Prices and Incomes Policy, 356 Trade Disputes Bill, 316 White Paper, Prices and Incomes Policy, 697
- Herbert Ltd., Alfred, Factored Division, Tube Bending Machines, 798 Screw Injection Moulding Machine, 1083 Toggle-operated Bar Chucks, 682 * Hermite, Eugene, Electrolytic Sewage Treatment, H. W. Marson, 591
- Hidroelectrica Espanola S.A., Pumped Storage Scheme Commissioned Valdecanas, 320 Higginbotham, W. H., Obituary, 317
- Higgins, T. J., et al., "Progress in Control Engineering", Vol. 2, Review by J. M. Howe, 1056
- Higgs and Hill Ltd., Covered Way Construction, Aldersgate and Moorgate Underground Stations, 985
- Higgs Motors Ltd., Brake Motors up to 50 h.p., 355
- High Voltage Engineering Corporation, Two Model MP "Emperor" Tandem Van de Graaff Particle Accelerators, Joint Contract, 1037
- Higher National Certificate, Graduates (Leader), 589
- Hilger & Watts Ltd., Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyser, 637
- Hilger and Kern G.m.b.H., Integral Multi-Vbelts, 904
- Hill, E. J., President of Central Training Council, 151
- Hill, Lord, Television Definition Standards (Leader), 1002
- Hiller & Son Ltd., A. H., Butyl-lined Reservoir, 612
- Hilmer, Hermann, Largest Multi-bladed Frame Saw, 1060
- Hindle and Sons Ltd., Joshua, Ball Valves with Actuators, 239
- Hino, "Contessa 1,300" Coupe Saloon Car, 528
- Hinton of Bankside, Lord, Transport Enquiry, 292, 311, 368
- Hird-Brown Ltd., High-temperature Photo Cells, 277
- Hirschmann Ltd., F., Welding Equipment, Rectifier, Sensing Device and Automatic Welder, 672
- Hitchcox, G. I., Lightweight Direct Reading Line-earth Loop Impedance Test Set, Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium, 890
- Hix, L., Computers in Signalling, Paper to Institution of Railway Signal Engineers, 200, 179
- Hochtief Co. and William F. Rees Ltd., Road Surfacing Process, 415
- Hodson, J. R., London Midland Locomotives, Class AL6, Letter, 394 Hoffman Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Automatic Data Processing, Production Control, I.C.T. 1500 Computer, 608
- Holister, G. S., and Zienkiewicz, 0. C., "Stress Analysis, Recent Developments in Numerical and Experimental Methods", 1111
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts Ltd., Index, Building Industry's Productivity, 241
- Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij, N.V., Rotterdam Metro, Progress, 617
- Holliday, J. B., & Keenan, J. G. Turbo-machinery for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors, Paper to Colloquium on Nuclear Gas Turbine Power Plants, 1011
- Holmes and Co. Ltd., Charles D., "Tradesman" Tug, 91
- Holroyd and Co. Ltd., John, Duplex Milling Machine, 1118 Wormgears, "Versatile" & "Verso" Ranges 800
- Hoist and Co. Ltd., 651ft High Four Flu( Chimney, Eggborough Power Station, 1117
- Honda Ltd., Power Generator, Portable, 652
- Honeyman. Sir George, Commissioner of In quiry into Objections to Draft Regulation for Safety in the Construction Industries 989
- Honeywell Controls Ltd., Digital Compute Control System "20". 276 Electronic Instrumentation Panel, Digit; Computer Control, Pernis Oil Refiner-) 700
- Hong Kong Electric Co. Ltd., Site for Ne, Power Station on Ap. Lei Chau, 512
- Hong Kong Government, Water Resources Survey Unit, 471
- Hope and Sons Ltd., Henry, Modular Standard Metal Window, 314
- [G. Horne|Horne, Maj. G.]], Main Road Policy, Letter, 1108
- Horovitz, M., & Wilbourn, R. C., Development of Articulated Spacer for Overhead Transmission Lines, 564
- Houseman and Thomson Ltd., Combustion Control Process, 313
- Hove-Streijt, A. J. W., and Bakker, F. J., Arc Welding, 306
- Howard and Co. Ltd., John, and A.C.D. Bridge Co. Ltd., Forth Road Bridge, 17
- Howe, J. M., Progress in Control Engineering, Vol. 2, Review, 1056
- Hughes Aircraft Company of California, Aircraft Fire Control, Pulse Doppler, 5 "Early Bird" Communications Satellite, 533, (Leader) 796 Laser Emission at Room Temperature, 495 Missile Control System, Long-range Air-to-air, 6 Missile, Guided, AIM-47A Air-to-air, 5 "Surveyor" Lunar Probe Programme, Unmanned Exploration, 624
- Hughes International (U.K.) Ltd., Micro Electronics, 878
- Humble Oil and Refining Co, Conversion of Tanker "Esso Chester" to Asphalt Carrier, 336
- Humphreys, 0. W., President of I.E.E., Electronic Components Conference, Speech, ( Leader), 871 Engineering Recruitment ( Leader), 497
- Hunsiet Engine Co. Ltd., Locomotives, Diesel-hydraulic for National Coal Board, 781 Standard Parts for Diesel Loco's., 277
- Hunt, J. B., Cavitation in Thin Films of Lubricant, 221
- Hunter, Sir John, Industrial Training Boards, Progress, 697
- Hurst, H. E., et al., "Long Term Storage: An Experimental Study", 982
- Husqvarma Vapenfabriks AB., Radio-frequency Domestic Cooker, 454
- Hutarew, G., "Einfuhrung in die Technische Hydraulik", 476
- Hutton, S. P., "Review of Dimensional Analysis and Scale Factors", by R. C. Pankhurst, 722
- Hydraulic Machinery Company (Great Britain) Ltd., Excavator, Hydraulic, "Hy-Mac 1080", 837
- Hydraulics Research Station, Control Equipment, Hydraulic Models, 259, 301
- I.B.M. United Kingdom Ltd., Computer Unit for Imperial College of Science and Technology, 893 see also International Business Machines Corp.
- Ideal Standard AG SA, Domestic Boilers, Double Fire Boxes, Oil and Solid Fuel Firing, 864
- Ilford Ltd., Centre for Non-destructive Testing, 184
- Iliffe Publications Ltd., Noise and Vibration Exhibition, Organisation, 978
- Illinois Institute of Technology, Cryogenic Technique for Rapid Freezing of Food, 457 Research Institute, Annual Report, 121 World Congress on Engineering Education, 271
- Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., "Cassel" Manual of Heat Treatment and Casehardening, 76 Computer-controlled Message Switching, 816 Filled "Fluon" Range, 277 I.C.I. Research Associateships, 231 Mond Division, Vinyl Chloride Plants, 894 Plastics Division, Plastic Underwater House at International Boat Show, 442
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Computer Unit, 893 Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Aspects of Lubrication, 233 Reconstruction, 98 Silwood Park Field Station, "Consort II" Nuclear Reactor, 780, 1115 Vibration in Civil Engineering, Symposium, 478
- Imperial Metal Industries (Kynoch) Ltd., Niobium Alloy Developed, 355 Pendulum Mill, 351 Witton Brass and Copper, 48
- lmrie, B. W., and Trengrouse, G. H., Reflection of Pressure Waves at Sharp-edged Orifices, Letter, 681
- Independent Television Authority, Cylindrical Steel Television Mast, Emley Hall Transmitting Station, 1017
- "Index Medicus", 309
- Indus Basin Development Fund, Mailsi Siphon, Finance, 1004
- Industrial Administration Ltd., Impact of the Industrial Training Act, Sixth Managing Directors' Conference, 232 Managing Directors' Conference, Industrial Training Act, Doubts (Leader), 459
- Industrial (Anti-corrosion) Services, Rust-preventing Additive for Water, 574
- Industrial Disputes Tribunal, Legislation, T.U.C. and Ministry of Labour, 616
- Industrial Instruments Ltd., "Metistron", Electrochemical Variable Resistance Device, 680
- Industrial Training Act, Doubts, Managing Directors' Conference ( Leader), 459
- Industrial Training Institutes, Training Manpower for India's Industry, Prof. Lady Williams, 425
- Industrial Vibrators Ltd., Batch Mixer, 520
- Industrial Warm Air Heater Manufacturers Association, 310
- Inland Steel Co, Chicago, High Strength Low Carbon Sheet Steel, "Martensitic", 533
- Innes, G., Connections for Strip Wound Pressure Vessels, 807
- Institute for Satellite and Space Research, Bochom Observatory, Radio Telescope, 247
- Institute of Marine Engineers, Annual Dinner, 512 Joint Conference with Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft and Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 975 Paper, Flexible Couplings for Marine Installations, D. J. White & C. Charlton, 397 Paper, Naval Engineering Corrosion Problems, L. Kenworthy, 1/4 Paper, Some Factors Affecting the Selection of Systems for Automatic Control of Marine Machinery, L. Young & P. Wheeler, 816
- Institute of Metal Finishing, Corrosion and Metal Finishing Exhibition, 74 Corrosion Societies and Journals, 75 Institute of Patentees and Inventors, Inventors Exhibition, 196
- Institute of Personnel Management, Redundancy Payments Bill, 824 Institute of Physics and Physical Society, Annual Exhibition, 478 Conference, Solid State Physics, 1966, 638 Conference, Stress Analysis, 812 Physics Exhibition, Manchester College of Science and Technology, 636 Institute of Printing Ltd., Conference on Computer Typesetting, 309
- Institute of Refrigeration, Sixty-fifth Anniversary Dinner, 2/0 Institute of Road Transport Engineers, Articulated Vehicles, Design Problems. Paper by J. M. Dickson-Simpson, 598 Lunch, 25th Anniversary, 805
- Institute of Technical Publicity and Publications, "Need of Our Institute", Meeting, 833 New Professional Body, 51 Institute of the Motor Industry, Annual Dinner, 649 Luncheon, 104 Value of Motor Racing to Motor Industry, Jack Brabham, 271
- Institute of Welding Quality in Shipbuilding, Paper by D. B. Kimber, 351 Second Commonwealth Welding Conference, 686
- Institution of Agricultural Engineers, Annual Conference, 776
- Institution of British Engineers, Aswan High Dam, Visit, 675
- Institution of Chemical Engineers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Joint Meeting, 689 Annual General Meeting, 814
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Annual Dinner, Speech by Lord Bowden, 941 Civil Engineering Technicians, Training Scheme, Joint Committee, 647, 666 Conference, "Plastics in Building Structures", 1046 Paper, Alconbury Hill Road Experiments by D. Croney and J. A. Loe, 441 Symposium, River Floods, Hydrological Group, 540 Institution of Electrical & Electronics Technician Engineers, Incorporation, 514
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Colloquium, Critical Path Analysis (CPA), 590, 593 Colloquium, Problems of Earth Loop Impedance Testing, 890 Colloquium, "Programmed Test Equipment and Techniques", 101 Conference, Application of Large Industrial Drives, 879 Conference, Electronic Components ( Leader), 872 Conference, Electronic Engineering Components and Materials, 816 Conference, Electronics Design, 311 Conference, Therm ionic Electrical Power Generation, 104, 514 Control and Automation Division, 478 Divisional, Structure, Amended, 478 Membership Structure, Change Proposed, 983 Paper, CPA Network Analyser, Dr. R. H. Barker to Colloquium on CPA, 595 Paper, Microminiature Circuits, K. A. Matthews and C. P. Sandbank, 984 Paper, Radar Today and Tomorrow, Dr. E. V. D. Glazier to Electronics Division, 345 Paper, Two-speed Single Winding Salient Pole Synchronous Machines, W. Tong, J. R. French, G. H. Rawcliffe, 913 Symposium, Electronics in Industry—the Next Five Years, Birmingham, 511 Symposium, "Microwave Applications of Semiconductors" jointly with I.E. & R.E., 571
- Institution of Electronic & Radio Engrs., Symposium, Electronics in Industry—The Next Five Years, Birmingham University, 511 Symposium, Microwave Applications of Semiconductors, jointly with I.E.E., 571
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Conference with Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft and Institute of Marine Engineers, 975 Paper, Democracy in a Technological World, Prof. Sir Denis Brogan, 511 Paper, Graduate Training, C. F. Watkinson, 270 Paper, Large Bulk Carriers, J. M. Murray, 511 Paper, Problem of Time in Shipping Economics, J. F. Denholm, 511 Paper, Quality in Shipbuilding, D. B. Kimber, 351 Paper, Snow Plough, Pedestrian Controlled, M. D. Bennet, 270
- Institution of Highway Engineers, Association of Highway Technicians, 231 Basingstoke Town Development—Roads and Economics. Paper by Robert Steel, 468
- Institution of Locomotive Engineers, Luncheon, Minister of Transport, Speech, 477 Paper, Appearance and Amenity Design of Rolling Stock, E. G. M. Wilkes, 205 Paper, Development of Railway Technique and Operation, J. P. Koster, 474 Paper, Rheostatic Train Braking Experiments, A. W. Manser, 437 Paper, Transmission a.c. for Diesel-electric Locomotives, S. B. Warder, 183 Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton's Lecture, Automatic Train Driving, J. P. Koster (Leader), 497
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Conference, Earth-moving Machinery, 101, 608 Conference, Vacuum Technology, 103 Discussion, "Transport in the Year A.D. 2000, 466 I Ith Graham Clark Lecture, Innovation, Comparison, Great Britain & U.S.A., J. C. Duckworth, 589 Paper, Curing Condenser Tube Corrosion, Kincardine Power Station, A. M. Lockhart, 499 Paper, Gas Circulators, Failure, Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station, W. Rizk and D. F. Seymour, 713 Proceedings, Adhesion Convention, 646 Appliea Mechanics Convention, 646 Associating and Ionising Gases in Engineering Symposium, 811 Engineering education and Career Patterns, Conference, 76 Lubrication and Wear Second Convention, 646 Operating Experience of High-duty Prime Movers, Symposium, 646 Steam Plant engineering, Present States and Future I rends Convention, 3U6 Techniques of Works Engineering, Convention, 646 Summer Meeting, Wiesbaden, June 21-25, June 18. Supp 1; (Leader), I u40 Visit, Works of W. h. Allen & Co. Ltd., 910
- Institution of Metallurgists, Lectures, Corrosion and Protection or Metals, 43.5
- Institution of Municipal Engineers, Civil Engineering technicians, Training Scheme, Joint Committee, 64/, 666
- Institution of Plant Engineers, Annual Conference, 609 Annual Dinner, Address by Dr. R. Beeching, 398
- Institution of Production Engineers, Conference, Exhibition, Production Engineering, 5/ I
- Institution of Railway signal Engineers, Dinner, Kesignall ing Had ress, h. CI. Johnson, 8 1 3 Paper, Automatic I rain Operation, G. R. rent ( Leader, 49/ Paper, Place of Computers in Signalling, L. H ix, 1/9, ( Leader) 2U0
- Institution of Structural Engineers, Annual Dinner, 834 Conference, "Plastics in Building Structures", I U46 Examination Changes, 309 Paper, Superstructure of the Tay Road Bridge, A. Beveridge & W. A. Fairhurst, 464 Report, Tully Rigid multi-storey Welded steel Frames, 4LU
- Institution of the Rubber Industry, Paper, "Manpower and the Polymer Age", U. b. Collett, 91/
- Interatom, rOR" Advanced Pressurised Water Keactor for -Otto Kann, 54 ( Internationale Atomreaktorbau G.m.b.H.), Post-scram Study, 491
- International Air space Show, Le Bourget., 50L
- International Apprentice Competition, 14th, 989
- International Building Exhibition, Paris, 582
- International Business Machines Corporation, Computer /094, General Motors Mancomputer Design System, 364, 416 see also I.B.M. united Kingdom Ltd.
- International Cargo Handling Co-Ordination Association, 7th Conference, Co-ordination between Sea and Inland Transport, 853
- International chemical Exhibition, Faris, 582
- International Combustion Ltd., boiler Drums of Steam-generating heavy-water-moderated Reactor, 14/
- International Computer Typesetting Conference. Proceedings, .5(
- International Computers and Tabulators Ltd., Computer Development Project, N.R.D.C., 442 1500 Computer, Production Control, Hoffman Manufacturing Co. Ltd., 608 150u Computer, Stock Control, Design Problems, J. & E. Hall Ltd., 813 1905 Computer, Northampton College of Advanced Technology, 515
- International Congress of the Precast Concrete Industry, 1966, 2/1
- International Congress on Combustion Engines (CIMAC), 7,6, 839 Diesel Locomotives Exhibition, Marylebone Goods Yard, 814
- International Construction Equipment Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 835
- International Electronic Components Exhibition, Paris, 582
- International Exhibition of Mechanical Handling in Textile Processing, Trade Fair in Switzerland, 415
- International Filtration Exhibition, "Filtech", 571, 1112
- International Harvester Company of Belgium, Self-closing Gate for Tipping Trucks, 245
- International Harvester Company of Great Britain Ltd., "Payloader" H-120, 836 Tractor Shovel, 407
- International Hydraulics & Compressed Air Exhibition, Paris, 582
- International Mechanical Handling Exhibition, Paris, 1965, 582; Switzerland, 1966, 286
- International Nickel Co., Nickel Research Laboratory at Sterling Forest, New York, 156
- International Office Equipment Exhibition, Paris, 582
- International Paper and Printing Exhibition, Paris, 582
- International Plastics Exhibition, "Interplay", 1965, 1045, 1083
- International Radio and Television Exhibition, Paris, 582
- International Rectifier Company ( Great Britain) Ltd, Works Extensions, 723
- International Research and Development Co. Ltd., Improved Gas Laser Tube, Thermal Syndicate Ltd., 1 1 1 Solenoid System, Superconducting, 636 Thyristor Control of 400kW Loads, 235
- International Synthetic Rubber Co. Ltd., "Unipol 31", Plastic Putty, 1070
- International Tin Research Council, 1964 Annual Report, 571
- International Twist Drill Company Ltd., Forging Process for Helically Fluted Tools, 337
- Interplas, International Plastics Exhibition, 1965, 1045, 1083
- "Intrepido", Italian Guided-missile-armed Destroyer, 13
- Inyutin, 1. S. and V. F. Yakovlev, Measure-ments tor Stresses in Macnine Lomponents', 4/6
- Ionic Plating Co. Ltd., Smethwick Factory, Automatic Zinc Hating Installation, 110.3
- Iron and Steel boai.i, Cleveland/ Lackenby Works Area, South bank River Tees, Development Approval, 1121 Iron castings rrouuction, 481, 953 steel Prices, Increase, /32 steel Production figures, 1964, 190, i 965, 356, .32.1, 899 Tinplate, trice increase, 1121
- Iron and Steel Industry Training Board, Proposals Approved by Minister of Labour, 953 Training Levies, Minister of Labour's Approvdi, 10os
- Iron and Steel Institute, Annual General Meeting, Bessemer Vold Medal Award, 9/ 3 Metallurgical Meetings Calendar, 268 Special Report tits, National Steel specifications, Special Report 90, Non-metallic inclusion; in Steel, 542 Visit to Spain, 399
- Isaacs, rroressor r. L. G., Statistics on Water, Inaugural Lecture, 433
- lsuzu, six seat station Wagon, 581
- Ital-suisse "Ranchi' , Geneva Motor Show, 581
- "Ivernia", Cargo Ship, The Caledon Shipbuilding and Enginee...,6 Co. Ltd., 31
- Jacobs Manufacturing Company, Commercial Vehicle Engine brake, 951
- James, J. G., Some Early Cast Iron Bridges, JUL
- Japan Atomic Power Co., Tokai Nuclear Powerstation, 2/ 1
- Jaques, Elliott., "Time-span Handbook". Review by G. W. Tripp, 506
- Jay, Douglas. see Presiaent of the Board of Trade
- Jellett, J. H., Research Development and Design, Letter, 308
- Jenkins, Norman, Words and Their Meanings, Letter, 1108
- Jenkins, Roy. see Minister of Aviation
- Jennings, K. E., Earth/ Neutral Loop Test by bridge and Comparison Methods, Paper to I.t.t. Colloquium, bt.)
- Jersey Electricity Co. Ltd., Gas-turbine Generating Plan, Jersey, I s9
- Jewel Engineering (Leicester) Ltd., "JeWeLtorm Drawing tress incorporating Tool Making Equipment, 465
- Jobson and Beckwith Ltd., Submersible Pumps, 4Us
- Johnson, A. E. and Khan, B., Complex-stress Creep Fracture of Nimonic 90 at 75U C, N.E.L. Report No. 179, I U38 Thermal Uradient in Cylindrical Pressure Vessels, 9/4
- Johnson Corporation, Arthur A, Verrazano-Narrows bridge, Anchorages, Staten Island, and Brooklyn, 829, 866, 905, 996, 1035
- Johnson Electrical Corporation Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Electrical Work, 829, 866, 905, 996, 1035
- Johnson, Matthey & Co. Ltd., A 1 Diffusion Unit, Small Hydrogen Purifier, 5 i 9 Electrical Contact Material, 2/ /
- Johnson, W. & Travis, F. W., Explosive Hydrodynamic Extrusion of Metals, 546
- Johnson, W., Review of "High Velocity Forming of Metals", Frank W. Wilson, 721
- Joint Fire Research Organisation, Freeze-proofing Fire Buckets, Si
- Joint Francais, Le, "Viton" 0-rings, Turbo-generating sets, s81
- Joint Stanading Committee on Health, Safety and Welfare in Foundries, Minister of Labour, 45U
- Jones, A. C., Control Engineering for Ships, Paper to North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 441
- Jones and Shipman Ltd., A. A., "Surface Grinding and Wheel Forming", Industrial Film, 1059
- Jones, Aubrey, Chairman of National Board for Prices and Incomes, Appointment, 536
- Jones, B. L. and Cory, B. J., Polyphase Thyristor Inverters, Paper to I.E.E. Conference, 880
- Jones, G. J., "Fundamentals of Workshop Technology", 982
- Jones, Sir Henry, Underground Gas Storage, Paper to I.C.E., 292
- "Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science", 138
- Joy-Sullivan Ltd., Rotary Portable Air Compressor, 238
- Joy Trading Corporation, High Temperature Filter Installation, for Magnesia Works, 402
- Jrle K. G., Heinrich, Ring-forming Machines, "B.140.HM", 711
- Judge, E. T., President of British Iron and Steel Federation, Steel Nationalisation, Statement, 899
- Jukes, P. G. W., Experimental Vocabulary Test, Letter, 1108
- Junior Institution of Engineers, Presidential Address by J. Calderwood, 268
- Junkers Flugzeug and Motorenwerke, AG, Catapult-launched Low Orbit Flight Vehicle, 1124
- K. and L. Steelfounders and Engineers Ltd., Demonstration of Fast-travel Crane, 351
- K.D.G. Instruments Ltd., DR 10 DiaphragmActuated Transducer, 576
- K.V.A.B. Kalmar, Prototype Swedish Post Office Vehicles, 246
- Kahan, T., and Cairo, L., Variational Techniques in Electromagnetism, 944
- Kahn-Freund, Otto, "Labour Relations and the Law: A Comparative Study", 294, Review by Ewan Mitchell, 886 Kaiser Chemicals, Partnership with Norsk Spraengstofindustri, Aluminium Flouride Plant, Engene, 582
- Kaiff, Peter B., Aswan High Dam Scheme, Letter, 980
- Kandux Precision Instruments Ltd., "Visilux" Twin Optical Comparator, 516
- Kanellopoulos, E. V., & Pirie, D. A., "Effect of Temperature and Blade Number on Cavitation & Cessation in a Small Centrifugal Pump", 740
- Karachi Port Trust, Extension of Docks, 231
- Karim, G. A. et al., "Performance of Compression Ignition Engine in Unconventional Atmospheres", 551
- Karlstads Mekaniska Werkstadt, Propellers for Danish Liners, 155
- Karo, D., Further Popular Fallacies in Electrical Engineering, 930
- Karpov Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Radiation Chemical Centre, 196
- Kaunas Polytechnic (Lithuania), Computer, Reading Type Device, 701
- Kearney and Trecker Corporation, "Milwaukee-Matic" Numerically Controlled Machine Tools, 264
- Keeling, B. S., and Wright, A. E. G., "Development of the Modern British Steel Industry", 722
- Keenan, J. G., & Holliday, J. B., Turbo Machinery for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors, Paper to Colloquium on Nuclear Gas Turbine Power Plants, 1011
- Keiller, C. Q., Anti-Dazzle Lamp, Patent, Letter, 980
- Kelly, A., Strengthening of Metals, Dispersed Particles, Royal Society Discussion, 434
- Kelly, Paul, Obituary, 113
- Kempf & Co AG, Compressed Air Operated Emptying Device for Barrels, 864
- Kendall and Gent Ltd., Tape-controlled Milling Machines, 106
- Kent, G. R., Automatic Train Control, Central Line, Paper to I. of Railway Signal Engineers ( Leader), 497
- Kent Ltd., George, Analogue Transducers, Remote Control of Methane Distribution Grid, 332 Electronic Strip-chart Recorder, Carbon Equivalent, White Irons, 1062
- Kent-Reliance Ltd., Large Vacuum Metallising Plant, 401
- Kent (Stroud) Ltd., George, Electromagnetic Flowmeter, 483
- Kenworthy, Leslie, Some Corrosion Problems in Naval Marine Engineering. Paper to I. Marine Engineers, 174, 267
- Ker Wilson, W., "Practical Solution of Torsional Vibration Problems, Vol. 3, Strength Calculations", 944; Review by W. A. Tuplin, 1055
- Kerry (Ultrasonics) Ltd., Ultrasonic Machining Apparatus, 239 Ultrasonic Spot and and Seam Welding Equipment, 844
- Kestner (S.A.) (Pty.) Ltd., Caustic Soda Evaporator, 479
- Key, K. A., Analogue Computing for Beginners, 435
- Keyswitch Relays Ltd., Microswitch Relays, 1061 Plug-in Component Board, 404 Timer/Relay Units, P33VT Series, 859
- Khaimovich, E. M., "Hydraulic Control of Machine Tools", 944
- Khan, B., and Johnson, A. E., Complex-stress Creep Fracture of Nimonic 90 at 750'C, N.E.L. Report No. 179, 1038 Thermal Gradient in Cylindrical Pressure Vessels, 924
- Kharkevitch, A. A., "Non-linear and Parametric Phenomena in Radio Engineering", 476
- Kharkov Transport Engineering Works 6 000 h.p. Diesel Locomotive, 155
- [[J. L. Kier and Co|Kier & Co. Ltd., J. L., M4 Elevated Road, Brentford, 20
- Kiessling, R., Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel. Special Report 90, Iron & Steel Institute, 542
- Kiewit Sons' Company, Peter, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Anchorages, Staten Island and Brooklyn, 829, 866, 905, 996, 1035
- "Killingholme", Tanker, Henry Robb Ltd. for Shell Mex and B.P. Ltd., 29
- Kimber, D. B., Quality in Shipbuilding, Paper to I. of Engrs. & Shipbuilders in Scotland, 350
- Kindersley, Lord, Chairman, Rolls-Royce Ltd., Annual Report, Statement, 1030
- Kinetrol Ltd., Continuous Rotation Dashpot, 484
- King, Ltd., George W., Handling System, Diesel Engine Production Line, 501 Installation of Automatic Moulding Line at Dagenham Works, of Ford Motor Co. Ltd., 569
- King Industries Ltd., Stewart, Air Filtration Units, 189
- Kirby, D. C., and MacLeod, N. D., "Development in Service Core Units and Prefabricated Bathrooms", Paper to "Plastics in Building Structures" Conference, 1047
- [[A. J. Kirkman|Kirkman, A. J., Experimental Vocabulary Test, Letter, 937
- Klein, Schanzlin & Becker AG, Pump Manufacturers, June 18. Supp., 23
- "Klin", Ship, Electronic Navigation, 248
- Klinger Ltd., Richard, Bondable p.t.f.e. Sheets, 447 p.f.t.e. Duplex Sheets, 671 Steam Valve, 409
- Koehring Company, Slip-form Paver, 912
- Koenisberger, F., Design Principles of Metalcutting Machine-tools, 142 Review, Introduction to Numerical Control of Machine Tools, Puckle & Arrowsmith, 504
- Kolectric Ltd., M K.L. Covermeter, 75
- Komet Stahlhalter-und Werkzeugfabrik Robert Breuning, G.m.b.H., Chip Shield for Lathe Tools, 248
- Koppers Associates, Pittsburgh, Hearth Blast Furnace, 948
- Kornhauser, M., "Structural Effects of Impact", 341
- Koster, I. P., Lecture. Automatic Driving of Trains, I.Loc.E., 497 Development of Railway Technique and Operation, to I.Loc.E., 470
- "Krasnoufimsk", Ship, Electronic Navigation, 248
- Kraus, A. D., "Extended Surfaces". Review by D. B. Spalding, 506
- Kreuger, F. H., Discharge Detection in High Voltage Equipment, 342
- Kreweras, G. and G. Morlat, The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Operational Research, 306
- Krick, Edward V., "An Introduction to Engineering Design", 1111
- "Kromantse", New Corvette for Ghana, 11
- Krupp I3aubetriebe, Fried., Industrially-built House, 285
- Krupp, Fried., Essen Locomotive Works, June 18. Supp., 16 Rolling Mill, Tower Crane, Folding Tanks, Fences, Dumper Trucks, 904
- Krupp Maschinen- und Stahlbau Rheinhausen, Kaldo Converters in Japan, 361
- Krupp-Stahlbau AG, Aluminium Swimming Pool, 1127
- Krupp Stahlbau Rheinhausen, Fried., Swing Bridge over Suez Canal, 491
- Kuhnle, Kopp & Kausch, AG, Metallurgical Plants, June 18. Supp., 27
- Kumag AG Maschinenfabrik, Zurich, Highcapacity Stacker for Crates, 864
- "Kungsholm", Passenger Liner, Construction, John Brown and Co. (Clydebank) Ltd., 726
- Kunstoffhaus AG, Zurich, Family House Design, Steel, Timber and Plastic, 864
- Kynmore Engineering Co. Ltd., Rotary Reed Switches, EMS "Rotireeds", 694 Wafer Switches, 238
- Labinal Electronique, Remote Control System, Cranes, Industrial Plant, 789
- Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisbon, Publications, 995
- Lafforest, J. De. London Lacks Conference Halls, Letter, 229
- Laing Construction Ltd., John, Bull Ring Shopping Centre, 43 Drilling Base. 442
- Laird, A., Laboratory Studies in Dilution Methods of Flow Measurement, NEL Report 172, 702
- Lambe, C. G.. "Teach Yourself Statics and Hydrostatics", 811
- "Lanathai", Tanker, Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. for Thai Petroleum Co. Ltd., 29
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto Ltd., Large Two-speed Motors with Pole Amplitude Modulation, 427
- Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products, Automatic Feed Control, I 1 1 Infra-red Photoelectric Billet Detector, 575 Teaching Machine, Type tm. 1024, 653
- Lancashire Steel Corporation, Steel Products and Prices, Annual Report, 241
- Lancashire Steel Manufacturing Co. Ltd Rein-forcing Bars for Higher Working Stresses, 519
- Lancashire Water Authority, River Fish, Movement, Recording, 1058
- Lancia, "Fulvia" Coupe, Geneva Motor Show, 581
- Lancia Concessionaires Ltd., Lancia "Fulvia 2C", 352
- Landis and Gyr Ltd., Maximum Demand Controller, 354 Portable Kilo-watt Hour Recorders, 1118 Pulse Transmitters, Telemetry, 952
- Lan-Electronics Ltd., Computers, Training. 680
- Lange, N.. Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel, Special Report 90, Iron & Steel Institute, 542
- "La Salle", U.S. Amphibious Transport Dock, 12
- Lauchammer Maschinenbau und Stahlbau G.m.b.H., Rotary Bucket Wheel Excavators for Oroville Dam, 97
- "Laurentic", Cargo Liner, Refrigerated, Shaw, Savill and Albion Co. Ltd., 1022
- Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Combination Rolling Mill, 158
- Lebdeov, Dmitry, Contour Transmission of Images, 324
- Lecco, Factory with Suspended Roof, Turin, 322
- Lee, A. B., and Thurlow, G., Engineering Thermodynamics, 266
- Lee, Frederick. see Minister of Power
- Leicester Lovell & Co. Ltd., "Cascover", Nylon Sheathing Process, Wooden Boat Protection, 816
- Leicester University, Engineering Faculty, Wilson Lovatt and Sons Ltd., 98
- Leitz, G.m.b.H., Ernst, Optical Manufacturers, June 18. Supp. 23
- Leleux, Sydney A., "Brotherhoods, Engineers", 563
- Leonov, Lt. Col. Alexei, Somersault in Space ( Leader). 535
- Lewis, A. W., and Millard, R. W., "Engineering Drawing: Book Two", 476
- Leyland Motor Corporation, Engines, Multifuel, Vickers Ltd., 37-ton Tank, 685
- Leyland Motors Ltd., Prototype Bus for Sweden, 398
- Ley's Malleable Castings Co. Ltd., Blackheart, Copper Additives, 605
- Lieber, E. E., Occupational Health: Guide to Safeguards Against Employee Sickness and Accident, 435
- "Ligar Bay", Cement Carrier, Henry Robb Ltd., 91
- Lighthill, Professor M. J., Address at Battersea College of Technology, University Status, 514
- Lincoln Electric Co. Ltd., "Mini-Sprite" Portable Co, Welding Equipment, 517
- Lind and Co. Ltd., Peter, Post Office Tower, 43
- Lindley, Sir Arnold, Training in Engineering Firms. Improvements, 963
- Lindley, P. B., Engineering Design with Natural Rubber, 231
- Ling, Professor Arthur, The Trent Valley and Its Landscape, Inaugural Lecture, 440
- Lintex Ltd., British Week, Milan, "Scotland in Milan", 529
- Lisnave, Repair Shipyard, Construction, 701
- Lithgows Ltd., M.V. "Fulani", "Freetown" and "Fian", Cargo Liners, 65 Oil Tanker "Orissa", Ram Bow, 686 Tanker "British Fern" for B.P. Tanker Co. Ltd., 105 Tanker "Orama" for Trident Tankers Ltd., 29
- Litton, E., Laboratory Experiments on Plastic I heory of Design, /54
- [[Sheldon Littwin|Littwin, Sheldon, Pulse Generators in Indus! trial Electronics, 850
- Liverpool Corporation, Llyn Celyn Reservoir, Afon Tryweryn, 82
- Liverpool Steam Ship Owners' Association, Annual Report, 776
- Livesay, E. N., 0-4-4 Tank Engine, Inverness-Dunrobin Line, Now in Victoria, B.C., Letter, 979
- Livingston Laboratories Ltd., EH Research Laboratories, 111 Hall tirect Demonstrator, 111
- Ljunggren, Knut, et al, Industrial Isotope Tecnniques", b)0
- Lloyd, Brigadier T. I., Letter, Minister of Transport, Paper, "Alternative Policy for Britain's Main Roads, s4I New Main Roads Policy, Letter, 772
- Lloyds, F, J., Paper to I.Mech.E., bus Transport, AL) 2UuU, 4b6
- Lloyd s Register of Shipping, Amendments to Lloyd s Rules, 399 Annual Report, 1964, Trend Survey, 687 "Annual summary of Merchant Ships Launched in the World 1964, 570 Merchant Shipbuilding, 1st Quarter, 1965, 946 Merchant Shipbuilding Returns, 271
- Locker Industries Ltd., Air-maze Division, "Lint-a-Maze" Automatic Self-cleaning Arrestor, I I 13
- Lockey, J., and Maw, N., "Viscous Flow of a Gas Through an Annular Passageway", /6.1
- Lockhart, A. M., Kincardine Power Station, Condenser Tube, Corrosion Prevention, Paper to Steam Power Group, I.Mech.E., 499
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, "A.11", S Liuuu, 6 supersonic Transport ( S.S.T.) and CL 823, 6 Y I IA Mach .3.s Interceptor, 5, 44
- Lockheed Precision Products Ltd., Hose for Pneumatic Tools, 314
- Loewy Engineering Co. Ltd., Induction Heater for Steel Billets, 14/
- Lokomotivbau- and tlektrotechnische Werke VEB "Hans Beimler" ( LEW ) Bo-bo Locomotive with 1 wo Motorised Tipping Wagons, _159
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Company, of New York, "Auto-cast" continuous Casting Plant, Bronze Bearing Firm, 736 Continuous Casting at Japanese Copper Refinery, 159
- Lona ex Ltd., Adjustable-cam Timer, 107 Changeover Relays, 444
- London Chamber of Commerce, Annual General Meeting, President's Speech, Illus
- London, Corporation of, New University, Northampton C.A.T., 440
- London County Council, Northern Outfall Sewage Treatment and Disposal Works, Gas - Turbine Performance Burning Sludge Gas, 352 see also Greater London Council
- London International Engineering Exhibition, 667, 707, 743, 797, 845, ( Leader) 703
- London Transport Board, Buses, Single Deck, New Models, 270 Competition with Private Car (Leader), 871 Electric Train, Automatic Driving, Central Line, 88, Paper, G. R. Kent, 497 Green Line Coaches, Double Deck, 1016 Ticket Barrier, Electronically Controlled, Acton Town, 945 Victoria Line, Rheostatic Train Braking Experiments, Paper by A. W. Manser, I.Loc.E., 437
- Lotus Cars Ltd., Lotus Thirty with Ford "Fairline" Engine, 224
- Lotus Group of Companies, Lotus 38, Car, 724
- Low Moor Alloy Steelworks Ltd., Continuous Vacuum Degassing of Steel, 873
- Lucas, Joseph Ltd., Axial Piston Pumps, Constant Power Control, 896
- Luitpoldhutte A.G., P.V.C. Tubes, 50mm200mm Diameter, 825
- Lurgi Apparatebau G.m.b.H., Dust Collection, June 18. Supp. 27
- Lyons Ltd., Claude, Instruments Division, Laser Power Meter, 693
- M.A.N. see Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Niirnberg AG
- M.A.T. Transport Ltd., Road /Rail Haulage Equipment, Demonstration, 968
- M.E.L. Equipment Co. Ltd., Linear Accelerator Radiotherapy Machine, X-ray Treatment of Cancer, Rotterdam Radiotherapy Institute, 689 Philips Filtration Division, Filter, Submicron Particle and Water from Oils 1113 Portable Strain Bridge, 275 Sound Measurement Devices, 313
- M.E.X.E. see Military Engineering Experimental Establishment
- M.L. Aviation Co. Ltd., Vehicle, Self-propelled, Pedestrian Controlled "Minihorse", 729
- M.O. Valve Co. Ltd., Display Tubes, Track Diagram, Rugby Power Signal Box, 424 Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier, 789
- M.T.E. Group, Diesel-hydraulic 4 800 h.p. Prototype B-B Locomotive, 89
- Mabon, G. P.. John Scott Russell, 19th Century Engineer, Letter, 852
- McAlpine and Son Ltd., Sir Alfred, Garthwood Bridge, M6 Motorway, 273 Motorway Contract, 8 miles of M4, 894
- McAlpine and Sons, Sir Robert, Hampstead Civic Centre, 43
- McCance, Sir Andrew, Hon. Member of West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, 312
- MacDermot, E. T., "History of the Great Western Railway. Vol. 11", 1863-1921, 344
- McDivitt, Major James, Gemini 4, Space Flight, ( Leader), 1001
- McDonald, Donald, "The Johnsons of Maiden Lane", 982
- McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, St. Louis, Crew Compartment Escape Pod, 7
- McDowell-Wellman Engineering Co. of Cleveland, Rotary Bucket Excavators for Oroville Dam, 97
- Mace, A. E., Sample-size Determination, 882
- "Machevo 65" Exhibition, Sixth International Trade Fair for Machinery Used in Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Process, Food and Dairy, Industries, 324
- Machine Products Ltd., Small Components Manufacture Powder Metallurgy, Demonstration, 967
- Machine Tool Industry Research Association, New Headquarters, Huddsfield Industrial Estate, 894
- Machine Tool Trades Association, Machine Tool Exports, 190
- McIntosh, J. D., "Concrete Mix Design", 142
- McKechnie, A. C., Obituary, 279
- Mack, G. J., Electricity High Voltage Lines, Dual Carriageways, Letter, 182
- McLachan, N. W., Theory and Application of Mathieu Function, 563
- Maclaren & Sons Ltd., "Who's Who of British Engineers, 571
- MacLeod, N. D., and Kirby„ D. C., "Development in Service Core Units and Prefabricated Bathrooms", Paper to "Plastics in Building Structures" Conference, 1047
- MacMillan, R. H., et al, "Progress in Control Engineering, Vol. 2", Review by J. M. Howe, 1056
- Maihak AG., H., Remote-reading Clinometer, 902
- Maitland, J. D., Control of Hydraulic Models, Fan Type Meter, 473
- Makowski, Z. S., and Benjamin, B. S., "The Analysis of Folded Plate Structures in Plastics", Paper to "Plastics in Building Structures" Conference, 1047
- Malcolm, Ian, C., Main Road Policy, Letter, 937
- Malcus Holmquist, AB, Sweden, Fully Automatic Centreless Grinding Machine, Collaboration with Selson Machine Tool Co. Ltd., 897
- Management Information Ltd., The Powder Metallurgy Industry and the Future of Sintered Components, 429
- Managing Directors Conference, Industrial Training Act, Doubts (Leader), 459
- "Manchester City", Cargo Ship, Smith's Dock Co. Ltd., 31
- Manchester College of Science and Technology, Institute of Physics and Physical Society, Annual Exhibition, 636
- Manchester Corporation, Manchester's Water Supplies, 231
- Manser, A. W., Railway Transport, A.D. 2000, Paper to I.Mech.E., 466 Rheostatic Train Braking Experiments, Paper to I.Loc.E., 437
- Mantle, E. C., and Whitstance, D. J., Effluent Treatment in the Copper and Copper Alloy Industries, 1102
- Marconi Co. Ltd., Aerial, "Log-periodic" v.h.f. Radio System, 87 Mechanical Products Division, Hydraulic Pumps, Variable-delivery "Donkin-MPD", 709 Oscillator, High Stability, 1025 Radar Displays, High-brightness, 107 Radar System, Secondary, "Secar", Joint Development, Compagnie Francaise Thomson-Houston, 600 Radio Telescope for Millimetre Waves, 104 Reflectivity of Gliders to Radar Signals, 149 Switch, Transistorised High-Speed, 186 Television Camera, Mark V Transistorised, 513
- Marconi Instruments Ltd., Accessories for Counters, Recording and Control, 859 Transistorised Oscilloscope, TF2201, 949, Export Possibilities, Speech by Sir Gordon Radley, 862
- Marconi International Marine Co. Ltd., "Pennant" Single-side-bank Marine Receiver, 110
- Marples Ridgway & Partners Ltd., M4 Elevated Road. Brentford, 20
- Marsh, Richard, MP, Engineering Industry Training Board, Speech, 521
- Marshall, F. K., Critical Path Analysis, Cavendish Trunk Telephone Exchange, Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium on CPA, 594
- Marshall, J., William Burton Wright, Letter, 140
- Marson, H. W., Electrolytic Sewage Treatment, Demonstration Plant, Paper to I.Chem.E., 591
- Martins, R. R., et al., "Compressibility Measurements on Hydraulic Fluids Part II", N.E.L. Report 176, 542 Compressibility Measurements on Hydraulic Fluids, N.E.L. Report 173, 832
- Martonair Ltd., Pneumatic Hoists for Handling Lorry Loads, British Oxygen Co. Ltd., 574
- Marwin Group of Companies, Milling Machines, Numerical Control, "Max-E-con", 709
- Marwin Machine Tools Ltd., Tape-controlled Milling Machine, 436
- Maschinenfabrik Aschersleben, VEB "SFBE 1,250 x 4,000 Single-column Grinder for Guide Ways, 526
- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-NUrnberg A.G., Coal Handling Installation, 491 Gustaysburg Works, June 18 Supp. 19
- Maschinenfabrik Hasenclever, "Autovac" Vacuum Pad for Lifting Loads, 904
- Masinimport, Rumania, Plate Mill Plant built by Davy and United Engineering Co., 234
- Mason, Vice-Admiral Sir Frank, and Harlow, Walter F., Exhibition, Sir Joseph Whitworth's Centenary of Presidency of I.Mech.E., Letter, 806
- Mason, Roy. see Minister of State (Shipping) Massey-Ferguson Ltd., Tractor, Excavating and Loading, "MF 3165", 836
- Massey-Ferguson (United Kingdom) Ltd., "The Essential User/Manufacturer Link", Power Farming Conference, 338
- Mastic Asphalt Advisory Council, Mastic Asphalt in Building, Specification, 433
- Mather and Platt Ltd., Compound-wound Reversible Motors, 52
- Matthews and Yates Ltd., Air Heaters, Platefinned, 612
- Matthews, K. A., and Sandbank, C. P., Microminiature Circuits, Paper to I.E.E. Conference on Electronic Components and Materials, 984
- Matthews, P. A., Radio Wave Propagation: v.h.f. and Above, 509
- Maudling, Mrs. R., "Sir Winston Churchill", Oil Tanker, Launching, 985
- Maw, N., and Lockey, J., Viscous Flow of a Gas Through an Annular Passageway, 763
- Meadows, Ltd., Henry, Marine Gearbox, 100 hr. Test, 298
- Medical Research Council, Ventilated Jacket, Hot Dusty Areas, Colvinaire Ltd., 820
- Megator Pumps and Compressors Ltd., Industrial and Marine Pumps, Sliding-shoe Design, 846
- "Melbrook," Cargo Ship, Alexander Stephen and Sons Ltd., 31
- Mendia, Prof., Sewage Treatment Process, Electrolytic, H. W. Marson, 591
- Mercedes-Benz AG, LP608, Truck, 284 190D Station Wagon, 244
- Mercedes-Benz (G.B.) Ltd., "Unimog" 406 Tractor, Double-drum Winches, 952
- Merica Research Laboratory, Paul D., Nickel Research Laboratory at Sterling Forest, New York, 156
- Merritt, H. E., Contact Stress in Crossed-axis Cylinders and Crossed Helical Gears, 543
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Liverpool Port Extension, Details, 778 Discharging Berth, Mechanised, Carcase Meat, Liverpool, 1059
- Messer-Griesheim, G.m.b.H., Welding Cutting m/c, 826
- Metal Sections Ltd., Bus Bodies, Manufacture, Coras lompair Eireann, 725 Production Line for Television Tube Frames, 227
- Metallisation Ltd., "Industrial Metal Spraying", Industrial Film, 1059
- Metaimeccanica S.A.S., Screw Preplasticisers, 35-100 ton, Locking Capacity, 1045
- Metalonics Corporation, Extrusion Rams, Maraging Steel, 698
- Meter-Flow Ltd., Road Tanker Turbine Flowmeter, 1025
- "Methane Princess", Liquid Methane Carrier, 16
- Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool, Construction, 1042
- Metropolitan-Cammell Ltd., Locomotives, Diesel-electric, Mechanical Parts, Nigerian Railway Corporation, 774
- Meyer, M. L., Review of "Structural Effects of Impact", M. Kornhauser, 341
- Meyer, W. E., —Bibliography on Compression Ignition Engine Low Temperature Problems", 808
- Mid-Cheshire Water Board, Hurleston Control Station, 82 Telecontrol System for Water Supply, 226
- Middleton, D. H., Technicians in the Aircraft Industry, Letter, 473
- Mikromat Dresden, VEB, Double Column Jig Borer, Numerical Control, 525
- Military Engineering Experimental Establishment, Christchurch, Hants, 1079
- Millard, R. W. and Lewis, A. W., "Engineering Drawing: Book Two", 476
- Miller, F., "Maid of the Loch", Letter, 937
- Miller Weblift Ltd., Nylon Belt Slings, 402
- Milner, R. E., What is Automation, Letter, /20
- Mingori S.A., Pipe Bending Machines, "Curving", 746
- Miniature Electronic Components Ltd., Trimming Potentiometer, 916
- Minister of State (Overseas), Trade with Australia, 783
- Minister of State (Shipping), Tours of Yards in United States, Sweden and Japan, 199
- "Minister of Technology Order 1964", A.E.A. Functions, 138
- Ministry of Aviation, Anglo-French Co-operation, Military Aircraft, Ministerial Statement, 350, 893 ( Leader), 909 B.A.C. One Eleven Aircraft, Accidents, Report ( Leader), 665 Floating Platforms for Atlantic Air-communications, Study, 779 Short Brothers and Harland Ltd., 284 Seat Air Bus, Ministerial Visit, 945 Sonic Bangs Experiment, 777 Thin-Film Integrated Circuits, 916
- Ministry of Defence, Military Aircraft, Anglo-French Co-operation, Ministerial Statement ( Leader), 909
- Ministry of Labour, Employment Figures, 112, 356, 488 Industrial Disputes in 1964, 989 Industrial Training Board, Mineral Products Industries, 783 Industrial Training Boards, Regulations, 953 Iron and Steel Industry Training Board, Approval, 953; Training Levies Approval, 1065 Joint Standing Committee on Health Safety and Welfare in Foundries, 450 Manpower Research Unit, Second Report, Metal Industries, 783 Occupational Earnings and Hours, Enquiry, 989 Unemployment Figures, 410, 577, 783, 953
- Ministry of Land and Natural Resources, Water Resources Responsibility, Prime Minister's Statement, 233
- Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, Lost Working Days, Sickness, Statistics ( Leader), 1001
- Ministry of Power, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Board, Appointments, 104
- Ministry of Public Building and Works, Future of Civil Engineering, Ministerial Speech ( Leader), 460 Large-scale Coal-dust Explosion Gallery, Safety-in-mines Research Establishment, 942 Mark 11 Radio Telescope. Jodrell Bank, 39 Speech to South-West Regional Joint Committee for Building and Civil Engineering Industries, 475
- Ministry of Technology, Computer Industry, Stimulation, Ministerial Announcement, 421 Economic Development Committee for the Machine Tool Industry's Report, Ministerial, Statement in Parliament (Leader), 1077 Government Attitude to Science, (Leader), 1 Graduates in Production, Ministerial Speech (Leader), 796 Machine Tool Industry, Ministerial Statement, 1114 Plenary Session, Annual Conference, British Standards Institution, Ministerial Speech (Leader), 871 Rubber and Plastics Research Association, Grant, 894 £10,000 Contract with Yarrow-Admiralty Research Department, Marine Engine Study, 983 Work of Ministry, Ministerial Speech, 813
- Ministry of Transport, Liner Trains, Ministerial Speech, 824 Locomotive Engineers' Luncheon, Ministerial Speech, 47/ M 1 Motorway, Reconstruction, 778 M 1 Motorway, Repairs ( Leader), /96 M6 Motorway, Dunstan-Carnforth, Ministerial Speech, 231 M6 Motorway Junction, Gravelly Hill, Proposal, 1008, (Leader) 1002 Slip-form Paver, Trial, 96 Temporary Flyover Design Competition, Award Winners, Ministerial Announcement, 1116 Vehicle Construction and Lighting, Regulations Revision, 983 Written Parliamentary Answer, Brig. T. I. Lloyd's Paper "Alternative Policy for Britains' Main Roads", 541
- Mirrlees National Ltd., K Major and F Series 11, Marine Diesel Engine, 668
- Misr Concrete Company, Aswan High Dam, Power Station, Intake, Concrete Works, 675
- Mitchell Construction Co. Ltd., Chimney Foundation, Fawley Power Station, 611
- Mitchell, Ewan., Engineering Law, Children, Infants and Young Persons, 500 Factories Act 1961, 70 Industrial Injuries, 393 Review of "Labour Relations and the Law. A Comparative Study," Otto KahnFreund, 886 Union Recognition, Terms and Conditions of Employment, 559
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Nagasaki, "Amatsukaze" Japanese Guided Missile Ship, 11
- Mittelman, J., "Circuit Theory Analysis", 1018
- Moag, T. G. J., and Benham, P. P., Fatigue Crack Propagation and Hardness, Aluminium Alloy Sheet, 160
- Mobil Oil Co. Ltd., Coryton Refinery, Productivity Plan, 655; Union Agreement, Conditions of Employment, 628
- Mobil Producing North Sea Ltd., Off-shore Drilling Platform, 183
- Modern Wheel Drive Ltd., Isolating Reduction Gear-boxes, Hindmarch/MWD, 798
- Moffat, W. G. et al., "Structure", 4/6
- Mole, G., Review of "Discharge Detection in High Voltage Equipment", F. H. Kreuger, 342
- Molykote (Great Britain) Ltd., Self-lubricating Bearing Material, "Molynium 20", 148
- Monk, P. G. et al., "Apparatus and Instrumentation for High Frequency Pulse Measurements", 420
- Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., "A Cast of Thousands", Industrial Film, 1059
- Moon, F. A., Critical Path Analysis, Power Station Construction, Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium on CPA, 593
- Moore, A. I. W., and Fairman, A. G. C., Test Technique for Form Grinding Research, 749
- Moore, F. K., "Theory of Laminar Flows. Vol. IV, High Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propulsion", 1111
- Moore Ltd., W. and E., Nylon Belt Slings, 402
- Moore, Reed and Co. Ltd., Analogue-Digital Converter, 447 Sampling Switch, 277 Shaft Encoders, 606
- Moorside Components, "Pilgrim", Ship Propeller Assembly Nut, 1064
- Morlat, G. and Kreweras, G., "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Operational Research", 306
- Morley, J. G., Strong Fibres and Fibre Reinforced Metals, Royal Society Discussion, 434
- Morris Ltd., Herbert, Lightweight Pulley Block, "Lightalift", 1064
- Morrison, J. R., Engineering Industries Association's Conference, Speech, "Profit Squeeze", 953
- Moscow Institute of Hydro-Projects, Black SeaBaltic Waterway, 735
- Moscow International Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Exhibition, British Section, 655
- Moser, Reta C., "Space Age Acronyms: Abbreviations and Designations", 508
- Motala, AB, Continuous Casting Plant, 93
- Motor Industry Research Association, Aerodynamics of Saloon Cars, Report by G. W. Carr, 430; Report by R. C. Tustin & G. W. Carr, 470 Research Reports, 702
- "The Motor Ship", British Shipbuilding Survey, 943
- Motoren-Werke Mannheim AG, Engines, Diesel, Air-cooled, AKD 1105, 669
- Mottram, R. A., & Woolman, J., "The Mechanical and Physical Properties of The British Standard En Steels", 344
- Moulton, Alex, 1965 Design Centre Awards, Speech, Design Procedure, 940
- Mount Edgcumbe, Earl of, (Kenelm), Obituary, 340
- Mowag Motorwagenfabrik A.G., Wheeled Armoured Vehicles, 126
- Mowlem and Co. Ltd., John, Covered Contact and Balancing Reservoir, Concrete Walls, 948
- Mowlem (Scotland) Ltd., Glen Finglas Dam, 83
- Muirhead & Co. Ltd., Phototelegraphy Equipment, Picture Transmitter, Receiver, 651 Ship Controlled Tank Stabiliser, 395
- Mullard, Ltd., Diode, Gallium Arsenide, 878 Diode Indicator, ZA1004, 277 Magnetron, Tunable, 484 Resistors, Light-dependent, 313 Transistors, Television Receivers, "TVistors", 691 Valve, Single Sideband Tetrode, Radio Transmitters, 604
- Mullard Radio Observatory, Cambridge, Radio Telescope, 39
- Mullard Research Laboratories, Continuous Dynode Channel Electron Multiplier, 637 Superconducting Magnet, Helmholtz, 636 Wave Masers, Satellite Communications, G.P.O. Goonhilly, 779
- Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Outstation Physics Dept., University College, London, 178
- Muller, G.m.b.H. J. and W., "Atex-Oxymat", Oxy-acetylene Welding, 826
- Muller, Wolfgang, "Technical Dictionary of Automotive Engineering", 685
- Mumford, Sir Albert, General Post Office, Engineering Techniques for Communications. Address to Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, 180
- Muntz and Barwell Ltd., P. H., "Landcoil" Polythene Land Drainage Pipe, 185
- Murex Welding Processes Ltd., London International Engineering Exhibition, Welding Equipment, 6/3
- Murland, J. R. W., Automation, Definition, 393
- Murray, J. M., Paper, Large Bulk Carriers, Institution of Engineers & Shipbuilders in Scotland, 511 Paper, North East Coast Institution of Engrs. and Shipbuilders, "Strength of Tankers", 511
- Myles, D. J., A Design Method for Mixed-flow Fans and Pumps, N.E.L. Report No. 177, 1038
- NCK-Rapier Ltd., Excavator, Crawler-mounted Cubic Yard, 837
- N.S.U., Germany, New Company Formation, Citroen, France, 659
- N.U.K.E.M. and U.K.A.E.A., Joint Company, 196
- "Naess Louisiana", Tanker, Furness Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., for Sulphur Carriers Ltd., 29
- Nairn-Williamson Ltd., Butyl-lined Reservoir, 612
- Nakskov Skibsvaerft, "Falster", Danish Minelayer, 11
- Naparstek, Marvin I., "Mechanical Engineering", 476
- Nash, P., and Fittes, D. W., Gas Turbine Operated Foam Generator for Aircraft Fire Control, 536
- Naslin, P., et al., "Progress in Control Engineering, Vol. 2", Review by J. M. Howe, 1056
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Centre, Heating Element.), Tungsten Wire Mesh, /39 Marshall Space Flight Centre, Special-purpose Ground Handling Equipment for Space Vehicles, 249 "Surveyor" Lunar Probe Programme, Unmanned Exploration, 624
- National Agricultural Advisory Service, 16th National Sugar Beet Spring Demonstration, 936
- National Association of British Manufacturers, Arguments against Steel Nationalisation, 278
- National Association of Colliery Managers, Annual Conference, Sir Humphrey Browne's Speech, 1030
- National Board for Prices and Incomes, Chairman Appointed, 536 Prices and Incomes, ( Leader) 665
- National Bureau of Standards, Bi-axial Accelerometer for Aircraft, 326 Central Radio Propagation Laboratory, Research, 57 Institute for Basic Standards, Improved Method of Calibrating Radioactivity Standards, 1074
- National Cash Register Co. Ltd., NCR-Elliott 4100 Computer System, 355, 650
- National Castings Company, Transportation Products Division, Mechanical Handling, Freight, "Speed loader" System, 791
- National Coal Board, Manton Colliery, Twin 1 440 h.p. Motors of No. 4 Mine Winder, 272 Mining Apprenticeship Scheme, 450 Mining Engineers, 151 Parkside Colliery and Bilston Glen Colliery, 27
- National College of Agricultural Engineering, Visit, 570
- National Electronics Research Council, Selective Dissemination of Information, Grant, 946
- National Engineering Laboratory, Symposium, Pump Design, Testing and Operation, 351 Reports. see Titles in Book Review Section and Authors in Names Section
- National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Visit, 570 Test Reports for Users Scheme, Power Farming Conference, 338
- National Institute of Research in Nuclear Science, "Nimrod". 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 36
- National Physical Laboratory, Autonomics, Aerodynamics, Ship and Standards Divisions, Open Days, 970 Autonomics Division, Building, Opening, 648, 779 Metallurgy Division, Annual Report, 973 Ship Division, Passive-type Roll Stabilisers, 1021 Theory of Self-adaptive Control Systems, Symposium, 1059
- National Power Farming Conference, 1965, 338 After-sales Service, ( Leader) 330
- National Process Industries, "Dyna-tube" High Temperature Lubricant for F-111 Aircraft, 961
- National Research Council of Canada, Floating Ocean Platform, 943
- National Research Development Corporation Computer Development Project, 442 Flexible Towing Containers, Report, 183
- National Television System Committee, Colour Television Demonstration, 352
- Natural Environment Research Council, Members and Work, 892
- Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association, Rubber in Engineering, 231
- Navy Department Committee for the Prevention of Corrosion and Fouling, Naval Engineering Corrosion Problems, 265
- Nechleba, M., "Theory of Indirect Speed Control", 811
- Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappif N.V., Natural Gas Pipeline from Netherlands to Great Britain, 24
- Neill and Co. (Sheffield ) Ltd., James, Export Achievements, 241
- Nervi, Pier Luigi, Factory with Suspended Roof, Turin, 322
- Netherlands Dock and Shipbuilding Co., Banana Carriers "Geestbay" and "Geestport", 115
- Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Co-operation. Hydraulic Engineering, Ninth Course, 529 Sanitary Engineering Course, 529
- Neumann Mess- and Regeltechnik, Dr., Portable Refrigerator, Laboratory, 701
- Neumo Pumps Ltd., Container Filling to Precise Limits, 481
- New York Airways, Helicopter Navigation Aid, 419
- Newalls Insulation and Chemical Co. Ltd., "Foamglas", Glass, Thermal Insulation, 800
- Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology, Annual Summer Meeting in Netherlands, 963
- Newman Industries Ltd., "Newmistors", Engine Overheating Prevention, 1062
- Newport Instruments (Scientific & Mobile) Ltd., Digital Integrator, Multi-channel, 680
- Newton Brothers (Derby) Ltd., Magnet Alternators, 818
- Nife Batteries Ltd., Emergency Lighting Unit, 574 Emergency Power Pack, 149
- Nigerian Railway Corporation, Locomotives, Diesel-electric, 1 400 h.p., A.E.I. Ltd., 774
- Nimmo, W. M., Air-flow Data for Flat Air Bearings, N.E.L. Report, 174, 592
- Noblanc, Jean-Pierre, "Sur [Etude d'un Systeme de Telemesures Multicanaux ( Partie Reception )", 133
- Noise and Vibration Exhibition, 978
- Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke AG, Net-Probe Cable, Flexible, 902
- Nordisk A.D.B., Data Processing Co., 491
- Norman, Ranulph, Automation, Definition, Letter, 691
- Norsk Spraengstofindustri, Partnership with Kaiser Chemicals, Aluminium Fluoride Plant, Engene, 582
- North American Aviation, Electron Beam Welders, Aerospace Application, 121 Valkyrie XB 70A, 8, 46
- North British Locomotive Co. Ltd., Dieselelectric Bo-Bo Locomotive, 234
- North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Dinner, 351 Paper, Marine Turbine Thrusts, R. Coats, 649 Paper, J. M. Murray, Strength of Tankers, 512 Paper, Rear Admiral J. Y. Thompson and A. C. Jones, Control Engineering for Ships, 441 Paper, Transverse Bending of a Ship's Double Bottom, 269
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Loch Awe Pumped Storage Scheme, 83
- North Western Gas Board, Merseyside Gas Distribution System by Automatic Telephone & Electric Co. Ltd., 515
- Northampton College of Advanced Technology. Computing Centre, I.C.T. 1905 Computer, 51 New University, City of London, 440
- Norton & Co. Ltd., Sir James Farmer, Bar Straightening Machine, 402 Bar Turning Machine, Heavy Duty, Automatic, 1050
- Norwood Instruments Ltd., et al., Instructional Engineering Equipment Demonstration and Conference ( Leader), 1002
- Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Technical Information Service, "N.A.N.T.I.S. Handbook and Directory of Resources, 19641965", 559
- Nottingham Brick Co. Ltd., Woodfield Bennett Automatic Brick Setting Equipment, 480
- Nottingham University, Civil Engineering Department Laboratories, 98
- Nuclear Chemical Plant Co. Ltd., "Hotspot" Irradiation Equipment, 573
- Nuclear Gas Turbine Power Plants, Colloquium, Paris, 1011
- Nuclear Power Group, Dungeness (550MW) Nuclear Power Station, 79
- "Nuclex 66", Nuclear Industries Fair at Basle, 324
- Nukleardienst G.m.b.H., U.K.A.E.A. and N.U.K.E.M. Joint Company, 196
- Nutt, W. 0., "Polymer Cements", Paper to "Plastics in Building Structures" Conference, 1047
- Nuttall Sons and Co. ( London) Ltd., Edmund, Greenock Dry Dock, 90
- Nutting, Professor J., Corrosion, Metal Structure Influence, British Joint Corrosion Group, 606
- Office for Scientific and Technical Information, Formation. 814 "Information Explosion" Problems, 833
- Office of Saline Water Research and Development Test Station, Sea-Water Distillation Pilot Plant, 698
- "Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act," Display of Provisions, 577
- Ogorkiewicz, R. M., Wheeled Armoured Vehicles, 63, 125, 172
- Ohrn, John, Diesel-hydraulic Crawler Tractor, 441
- Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Modernised Brass Strip Mill in Illinois, 119
- Omega Laboratories Ltd., Ultrasonic Transducers, 189
- Onahama Smelting and Refining Co., Continuous Casting at Japanese Copper Refinery, 159
- Opel AG, Adam, Car Production, June 18. Supp. 17
- Optec Reactors Ltd., Diameters, Lengths and Viewing Heads for Inspecting the Inside of Aircraft Wings, 75
- "Orama", Tanker, Lithgows Ltd., for Trident Tankers Ltd., 29
- Ord, H., "Introduction to Technical Drawing", Book One, 476
- Orenstein-Koppel und Lubeck Maschinenbau AG, "RobbV" Suction Dredger for Gebr. Neurmann, 116
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Nuclear Energy Agency, Eurochemic Reprocessing, 196 European Nuclear Energy Agency, Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, 104 Industrial Statistics 1900-1962, 435
- Oriental Tube Co. Ltd., West Bromwich Works, Steel Tubing for Small-bore Closedcircuit, Hot Water Heating Systems, Plant, 1023
- "Orissa", Oil Tanker, Ram Bow, Lithgows Ltd., 686
- Ormsby, E. S. ( 1870-1954) Engineering Works of Willans & Robinson, 255
- "Orpheus", H.M.S.. Submarine Escape Trials, 1059
- Osment, B. D. J. et al., Experimental Condenser for Heat Transfer Measurements. N.E.L. Report No. 160, 664
- Osram (G.E.C.) Ltd., Floodlight Fitting, 574 "Warmtone" Fluorescent Tube, 409
- "Ottawa", Trident Tanker, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 137
- "Otto Hahn", Experimental Nuclear Orecarrier, Gesellschaft fur Kernenergieverwertung in Schiffbau und Schiffahart m.b.H. (G.K.S.S.), 54
- Owen, W. S., High-strength Iron Alloys, Royal Society Discussion, 434
- Owen Organisation, Rover-B.R.M., Car, Gas Turbine-engined, Rover Co. Ltd., Joint Enterprise, 705
- Owens-Corning Fiberglas Ltd., Glass Fibre Lining Material, 409
- Oxford College of Technology, Production Engineering Conference and Exhibition jointly with I.Prod.E., 571
- Ozalid Co. Ltd., Drawing Office Microfilm Camera, 239
- P.I.A.N.C. see Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
- P.S.C. Equipment Ltd., Bridge Bearings, 274
- Pacific Car and Foundry Company, Armoured Personnel Carrier, Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle, 999
- Page, F. E., "General Course in Engineering Drawing", 266
- Paine, Thomas, Cast Iron Bridge Design, 202
- Pall (U.K.) Sales Ltd., "Epocel" and "Ultipore" Filters, 1113
- Palmer Ltd., G. A. Stanley, Rechargeable Emergency Lamps, 237
- Pametrada Ltd., Steam Turbine Machinery, Design Study, 876 Steam Turbine, Reduction Gear, 462
- Panax Equipment Ltd., Alarm Switch for Ratemeters, 276
- Panhard & Levassor, Armoured Cars, A.M.L. 245, E.B.R. 75; 65, 173
- Pankhurst, R. C., "Dimensional Analysis and Scale Factors", 722
- Pannell, Charles. see Minister of Public Building and Works
- Paris Air Show, 26th International Aviation and Space Salon, 1068, 1124
- Parker, E. B., What is a Detail, Letter, 601
- Parker, Lance, "The Essential User/Manufacturer Link", Power Farming Conference, 338
- Parker Ltd., Frederick, Asphalt Plant, 120/160 tons/hour Capacity, 835 Crusher, Mobile Jaw, 1060
- Parkes, D., and Clements, R., "Manual of Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 6", 982
- Parkinson and Co. Ltd., Sir Lindsay, Great Ouse Flood Protection Scheme, 85
- Parkinson and Son (Shipley) Ltd., J., Programme Controlled Milling Machines, 235
- Parkinson Cowan Ltd., (Measurement Division), Telemetering and Control Systems, 304
- Parliamentary Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Commission for Building Barrages across Morecambe Bay and Solway Firth, ( Leader), 535
- Parsons and Co. Ltd., C. A., Generator Transformers, 600MVA 22/430kV Three-Phase for Cottam Power Station, 183 Stator, 500MW Single-shaft Turbo-generator, 52
- [[[Paterson Engineering Co|Paterson Engineering Co. Ltd.]], Water Clarification System, 444
- Paterson, W. A., "Four Fast Cargo Liners", Paper to Marine Engineers Conference, 975
- Pearce, J. A., "H. and V. R. Catalogue of Heating and Directory of Heating Engineers", 1965, 1056
- Pearce, J. G. and Bromage, K., "Copper in Cast Iron", 476. 605
- Pearce, J. G., Cast Iron, Copper Additives, 605
- Pearsall, G. W., et al., "Structure", 476
- Peebles & Co. Ltd., Bruce, Transformer Shop Extension, Edinburgh Works, 650
- Pegson Ltd., Power Rammers, 939
- Peirson & Co. Ltd., Tower-mounted Derrick Cranes, Aberthaw "B" Power Station, 875
- Pels and Co. Ltd., Henry, Silent Riveting Machine, 188
- Perkins Engine Group, Exports and the Small Firm, 316
- Perkins Group of Companies, High Power Diesel Engine for Light Vehicles, 987
- Perkins Ltd., F., Oil Engine Factory and Production Line Equipment, 567
- Perkins Manufacturing Company, Production Line, Diesel Engine, Four Cylinder 80 b.h.p., Handling System, 501
- Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses, Symposium, Behaviour of Concretes Exposed to Sea-Water, 104
- Perthen G.m.b.H., Dr. Ing., Portable Electronic Gauge, 116
- Petbow Ltd., Generating Sets, Brushless Alternators, 483
- Petroleum Information Bureau, Report on Consumption and Refinery Production,
- Petroleum Information Bureau (continued ) 1963-1964, 943 U.K. Oil Consumption, 1964, 478; 1965, 1065 Peugeot "404", Automobile, Car, Fuel Injection, 1057 "204", Automobile, Car Saloon, 734, 789
- Pfizer Ltd., Boiler Maintenance Cleaning Process, 188
- Philips (Electro-Acoustique), Television Recorder "Magnetoscope", 789
- Philips Welding Ltd., Stud Welding Gun, Self-contained Switch-box, 743 Welding Machine CO , Automatic Pipe, 743 Welding Rectifier, CO., 743
- Phillips, Howard, Museum of Glass, European Vessel Glass Section, Collaboration, 769
- Phoenix Precision Instrument Co. Inc., Analyser for Nucleic Acids, 415
- Photronic Controls Ltd., Smoke Detector, Photoelectric, 651
- Picard and Frere, Henri, Portable Miniature Blowtorch, 447
- Pickard and Co. Ltd., W., Abrasion Resistant Material, 189
- Pierhead Ltd., Factory, Prestressed Concrete Joists and Lightweight Concrete Floor Blocks, Manufacture, 984
- Pilkington Brothers Ltd., Museum of Glass, 767, ( Leader), 742
- Pintsch Bamag A.G., Actuator, 825 Kaldo and L.E. Converters at Consett, 370
- Pippard Committee, Thames Pollution Report, 123, 129
- Pirelli General Cable Works Ltd., Cable-making Plant, Eastleigh Factory Extensions, 515, 803
- Pirie, D. A., & Kanellopoulos, E. V., "Effect of Temperature and Blade Number on Cavitation & Cessation in a Small Centrifugal Pump", 740
- Pitman Ltd, D. A., Portable Gamma Ray Monitor, U.K.A.E.A., 519
- Pittler Maschinenfabrik AG, Langen Works, Lathe Manufacture, June 18 Supp. 18
- Planet Corporation of the U.S., Automatic Moulding Line for Dagenham Works of Ford Motor Co. Ltd., 569
- Plastics Institute, Engineering Design Problems in Plastic, 145 Plastics in Building Structures, Conference, 1965, 478, 1046 Plenty and Sons Ltd., Packaged Pumping Set for Lubricating Oil, 518
- Plessey-U.K. Ltd., Allen Clark Research Centre, Thermoelectricity, Thermomagnetics, Physics Exhibition, 637 Atomisers, Spray Drying Installation, Ferrite Production, 400 Capacitors, Non-polar Tantulum, 189 Digital Tape Transport Control and Nucleonics Division, 482 Electronics for Aviation and Industry, 307 Linear Potentiometer, 916 Magnetic Film Memory System, 855 Permant Magnet Applications. Chemical and Metallurgical Division, 407 Professional Components Division, Titchfield, 815
- Plint and Partner Ltd., et al., Instructional Engineering Equipment Demonstration and Conference, (Leader), 1002
- Plowden Committee, Future of the Aircraft Industry, Statement by T.U.C., 824
- Plowman, J. M., Review of "Concrete Mix Design", 142 Pohlig-Heckel-Bleichert Vereinigte Maschinenfabriken, Conveyor Installation, Portage Mountain Dam, British Columbia, 154 Polensky and Zoellner, West Germany, Dibbis Dam, Iraq, 33
- Polimex, Warsaw, Fertiliser Plant, 117
- Political and Economic Planning, "Thrusters and Sleepers. A Study of Attitudes in Industrial Management", 850
- Pollution Control Ltd., Effluent Treatment Plant, Installation, Filton, 853
- Polypenco Ltd., "Seattite" Flexible Sealing and Gasketting Materials, p.t.f.e., 149
- Porsche, Dr. Ferdinand, Flat Twelve Cylinder Engine for Four Wheel Drive Cisitalia, 334 Porsche, "904", Glass Fibre Body, 94 1964 Production Levels, 360
- Portable Welders Ltd.. Arc Welding Set, "Farare IV", Spot Welding Gun, "5.20", 747
- Porter, B., Analysis of Relative Stability by the Method of D.-Partition, 556 Inertia Excited Torsional Vibration of Multi-throw Crankshafts, 387
- Portobello Fabrications Ltd., Reflector, Petal Fabrication, G.P.O. Station Goonhilly, 630
- Post Office Research Station, Improving h.f. Radiotelephony, "Lincomplex", 479
- Potomac Electric Power Co., Automatic Coal-handling System for Chalk Point Electric Generating Station, 120
- Potterton Ltd., Thomas, Domestic Gas-fired Boilers. 1027
- Powder Couplings Ltd., Couplings, Powder, 797
- Powell & Co., Burry Port, Industrial Truck "Trop", Electric, 652
- Powell Duffryn Engineering Co. Ltd., "Sideloder", Container Handling System, Road/ Rail. 857, 969
- Powell, J. W., and Grassam, N. S., "Gas Lubricated Bearings", Review by M. Graneek, 342
- Power-Gas Corporation Ltd., Single-train, Medium Pressure Nitric Acid Plant, Immingham Factory, Fisons Fertilisers, 1024
- Prandtl, Ludwig, Annual Memorial Lecture, 701 Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Company, High Temperature Gas Turbine Material. 961 Precious Metal Depositors Ltd., "PMD Transtherm H.R." and "PMD Aurodex", Gold Plating Processes, 1118
- Preformations Ltd., Wide-range Portable Gaussmeter, 1119 President of the Board of Trade, Export Credits, Parliamentary Speech, 1030 Metric System in Britain, 10 Years, ( Leader), 909 New Measures to Increase Exports, 278
- Preston, F. D., Large a.c. Motors, Present Problems, Future Trends, Paper to I.E.E. Conference, Application of Large Industrial Drives, 879
- Prestressed Concrete Development Group, Data Sheets on Prestressed Concrete, 233 Sydney Opera House, Lecture by Ove Arup, 163
- Priest Furnaces Ltd., Gas-fired Furnace, Rolling Mill, Stainless Steel Plate, 805 Rolling Mill, Furnace, Letter, 887
- Prime Minister, Parliamentary Statement, Royal Commission on Labour Relations, 316
- "Pro Aqua 65", Basle, 56
- Production Engineering Research Association, Castings and Foundry Techniques, Conference, 309 Cold Forging Press Process Development, 23 Conference and Exhibition, Design, Engineering and Management, (Leader), 909; ( Leader), 964 Conference, Automating Engineering Manufacture, 103 Conference, Financial Management and Cost Control, 647 Conferences 1965, 271 Dynamometer, Hydraulic, High-torque Measuring Capacity, 653 Exhibition Hall, Sales Promotion Conference, 570 Form Grinding Research, Test Technique Research, B.P. Research Centre, 749 Seminar, Critical Path Method, 442
- Progress Engineers Ltd.. Filter Presses, 1112
- Provins, K. A., "Men, Machines and Controls, Ergonomics for Industry; 7", 563
- Prowse, W. A. et al., "Apparatus and Instrumentation for High Frequency Pulse Measurements", 420
- Public Schools Appointments Bureau, Careers Convention, 51
- Puckle, 0. S., "Introduction to Numerical Control of Machine Tools", Review by F. Koenigsberger, 504
- Puget Sound Bridge and Dry Dock Co., Multiple Duty Naval Ships, 457
- Pullen, Keats A., "Topological and Matrix Methods", 850
- Pumpen und Maschinenfabrik Lederle OHG, "KRM", "KRH", Circular Piston Pumps, 1127
- Pye and Co. Ltd.. W. G., Oxygen Measuring Equipment and Model 79 pH Meter, 75
- Pye Printed Motors Ltd., Servo Amplifiers for Printed Circuit Motors, 405
- Queen Mary College, University of London, Professor Thring's Inaugural Lecture, The Future of Engineering Teaching, 391
- R.I.L.E.M. see Reunion Internationale des Laboratoires d'Essais et de Recherches sur les Materiaux et les Constructions
- R.T.Z. Metals Ltd., Factory for Aluminium Extrusions, Widnes, 175
- Racing Car Show, Olympia, 224
- Radio and Electronic Component Show, 878, 915
- Radio and Space Research Station, Formerly Radio Research Station, 940
- Radio Corporation of America, Colour Television Demonstration, 352 Long Term Agreement, Data Processing Equipment, Siemens, 661
- Radio-Physical Institute of Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, RAO, Radio Telescope, 196
- Radio Research Station, Now Radio and Space Research Station, 940
- Radiotechnique, La, Ignitron for Small Welding Machines, Radiation Detectors, 788
- Raikov, D. et al., "Commutative Normed Rings", 435
- Railly, J. W., and EI-Sarha, M. E., Ackeret Method for the Design of Tandem Cascades, 1085
- Railway Conversion League, Rail Conversion, 123
- Rainer, Professor Roland, Architect, Bremen City Hall, 360
- Rajchman, Dr. J., Colloquium, Computer Memory Devices, 733
- Rank Audio-Visual Division, Films for Universities, 201
- Rank Taylor Hobson Division, Instrument Demonstration Tour. 570 Multi-Purpose Micro Comparator, 314
- Ransomes Sims and Jefferies Ltd., Agricultural Machinery Manufacture at Ipswich, 233
- Rant, Z. et al., "Energie und Exergie", 1111
- Rao, E. G. K., "A Guide to Tractor Operation and Maintenance", 182
- Rao, P. Venkata, "Transient Analysis of Singlephase Induction Motors, 811
- Raphael, Coleman, "Civil Engineering", 76
- Ravenseft Properties Ltd.. Proposal, Shopping Precinct, City Centre, S14
- Rawcliffe, Professor G. H., Pole Amplitude Modulation (P.A.M.), 427
- Raymond, S. E., Chairman of British Railways Board, Continuity in Policy, Speech, Press Conference, 971
- Readhead and Sons Ltd.. John, Strick Cargo Liner M.V. "Shahristan", 145
- Redfyre Ltd., "Centramatic 35", Oil-fired Boiler, Improvement, 988, Leader, 964
- Redhead, Edward. see Minister of State (Overseas),
- Redifon Ltd., Manpack Transmitter-receiver, 445
- Redpath, Brown and Co. Ltd., Returns on Capital Employed, 190
- "Redundancy Payments Bill". 655
- Reed and Mallik Ltd., Clywedog Dam, 273 Gladesville Bridge, 19
- Rend. Col. W. P., Diesel Train Fire Report, 853
- Reede, Braithwaite. Stuart and Lipscombe, Tasman Bridge, 480
- Reekie and Sons Ltd., David, Stainless Steel Flanges, Machining, 780
- Rens Ltd., William F. and Hochtief Co., Road Surfacing Process. 415
- "Regent Liverpool", Regent Oil Co. Ltd., Pembroke Refinery. 26
- Reiner, Markus and David Abir, "Second-order Effects in Elasticity, Plasticity and Fluid Dynamics", 229; Review by D. S. Dogdale, 507
- Reinforced Concrete Association, Lunch, Speech by Prince Philip, 1057
- Reitzer, Henry, "Contribution a l' Etude des Jets. Formation et Deviation", 510
- Reliant Engineering Ltd., Collaboration with Autocars Ltd., Carmel "12" Saloon Car, 580 "Rebel" and "Scimitar", Glass-fibre Bodies, 94
- Rellumit (London) Ltd., Microfilter, Aviation Fuels, Oils, 1113
- Remington Rand G.m.b.H., Univac Division, Data Processing Installations, June 18. Supp. 21
- Renault, Automobile, Car, "16". 192, 527 Car, "1500", 41 Induction Melting Plant, 454
- Rennie, John, Cast Iron Bridge Design, 292
- Reno, S.A., Quartz-controlled Digital Timer, Time-keeping Accuracy, 863
- Rentokil Group Ltd., Cure for Rising Damp from Buildings, 891
- Research Cottrell, U.S.A., Kaldo and L.E. Converters at Consett, 370
- Reunion Internationale des Laboratoires d'Essais et de Recherches sur les Materiaux et les Constructions ( R.I.L.E.M. ), Symposium, Behaviour of Concretes Exposed to Sea-water, 104
- Reynolds Ltd., F. W., Field Telephones for Industry, 148
- Reynolds. G. C., Mathematics and Science for Engineering Technicians Courses, 563
- Reynolds Metals Co., Aluminium Alloy and the American Car Industry, 197 Deep Diving Aluminium Submarine, 456 Freeze Purification of Aluminium, 456
- Rheinstahl Industrie-Planung G.m.b.H., Centrifugal Casting of Pipe Plant, Hyderabad, 155
- Rheinstahl Nordseewerke G.m.b.H., Electronically Controlled Warping Winch, 992
- Rheinstahl Union Brikkenbau AG, Bascule Bridge, near Lubeck, 115 Flyover, Waldthausenpark, Essen, 699
- Rheinstahl Wagner & Co., Dortmund, 360 ton Lathe, June 18. Supp. 15
- Ricardo, Sir Harry, Eightieth Birthday, 231
- Rickover, Admiral H. G., Enrico Fermi Award, 289
- Riley (I.C.) Products Ltd., Small Capacity Vibratory Feeder, 516
- Rio Tinto Company Ltd., Merger with Consolidated Zinc Corporation, 175
- Rio Tinto-Zinc Corporation Ltd., Formation, 174
- Rizk, W., and Seymour, D. F., Gas Circulators, Failure, Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station, Paper to I.Mech.E., 713
- Road Research Laboratory, Alconbury Hill, Road Making Experiments, 441 Co-ordinated Traffic Control Experiment, Glasgow City Centre, 945 Slip-form Paver Capabilities, British Concrete Road Design, 912
- Roband Electronics Ltd., Measurement Oscilloscopes, 406
- Robb, A. B., "G.1. Science for Engineers". 509
- Robb Ltd., Henry, "Ligar Bay", Cement Carrier, 91 Tanker "Killingholme", Shell Mex and B.P. Ltd., 29
- "Robbe V" Suction Dredger, Orenstein-Koppel und Lubecker Maschinenbau AG for Gebr. Neurmann, 116
- Robens, Lord, Credits for Exports, 910 Financial Position and Future of the Coal Industry. 162
- Roberts, T. W., Future of the Aircraft Industry, Letter, 229
- Robertson, J. et al., Compressibility Measurements on Hydraulic Fluids N.E.L. Rpt, 173, 542, 832
- Robertson & Co. Ltd., W. H. A., Heavy Plant Shop at Bedford, 34 Rolling Mills for Canberra Mint, 412
- Rocket Research Corporation, Hydrazine Gas Generator, 1129
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co. Ltd., Milling Machine, Universal, 659 Plotting and Marking Out Drawing Machine, "Co-ordinatograph", 748 Rocol Ltd., Lubricating Compound for Tube Forming. 108
- Rodgers, William. see Parliamentary Under Secretary for Economic Affairs
- Rodin, S., Earth-moving Machinery. Research, Government Appeal I.Mech.E., 608
- Rogener, H. et al., "Energie und Exergie", 1111 "Roger Gasquet", Oil Tanker, Chantier de l'Atlantique ( Penhoet-Loire ). 194
- Rogers (Aviation) Ltd., W. H. and J., "Cessna 41 I ", 95
- Rohde and Schwartz, Aircraft Noise Monitor, Frankfurt ( Main) Airport, 195
- Rohsennow, W. M., "Developments in Heat Transfer", 811
- Rolba Ltd., Self-propelled Snow Clearing Machines, 446
- Rolinx Ltd., Larger Plastics Mouldings, 613
- Rolls-Royce Ltd., Annual Report, 1030 "Avon" Engine, Industrial Gas Turbine, 847 "Avon", Engine, Turbo-generator, Ruston & Hornsby Ltd., 649 Engine, RB 172-T260, Turbomeca Collaboration, 350 "Spey 25", Turbo-fan Engine, 1024 Rolt. L. T. C., Cornish Engines. Kew Bridge Pumping Station, Letter, 806 "Talyllyn Century: The Talyllyn Railway, 1865-1965", 504
- Rootes Group, Singer "Chamois", 40 Rose, R. M. et al., "Thermodynamics oi Structures", 944
- Rosenthal, Daniel, "Introduction to Propertie! of Materials", 344
- Rosenthal, Stanley A., "Engineering Economic. and Practice", 476
- Rosin Engineering Co. Ltd., Extension of Range of Pneumatic Dryers, 571
- Rotameter Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Variabl, Area Industrial Flowmeter, 1073
- Roto-Finish Ltd., Automatic Deburring an( Finishing Machine. Metal Components, 981
- Rotork Engineering Co. Ltd., Electric Actuator Small Rotary Valves, 727
- Rotterdam Radiotherapy Institute, Linear Accelerator Radiotherapy Machine, X-ray Treatment of Cancer, 689
- Rotterdamsche Droogdok Mij., Conversion of "De Zeven Provincien", Guided Missile Cruiser, 13
- Round Oak Steel Works Ltd., 70 ton Standard Messo Degassing Plant, 1024
- Round, R. G., Electrical Installations, Protective Multiple Earthing (P.M.E.), Paper at I.E.E. Colloquium, 890
- Roura and Forgas Ltd., "Katadyn" Filter, Drinking Water, 1113
- Rover Co. Ltd., Generating System, 17kVA, Land Rover Chassis, 691
- Rover-B.R.M. Car, Gas Turbine-engined, Owen Organisation, Joint Enterprise, 705
- Rover Gas Turbines Ltd., Ceramic Coating, "Ferro Solaramic", Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers, 843 Gas Turbines, Marks 15/60 & 15/90, 801
- Rowbotham, J. R. et al., "Apparatus and Instrumentation for High Frequency Pulse Measurements", 420
- Rowe. G. W., "An Introduction to the Principles of Metalworking", 850
- Royal Aeronautical Society, Centenary, 399 Future State of Aircraft Industry, Discussion, 723
- Royal Air Force, "Radio Engineering Trade Group Standard Technical Training Notes. Part 3. Elementary Radar", 882
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Large Electron Beam Welder, 821
- Royal Bank of Scotland, "Establishing a Business in Scotland", 112
- Royal College for Advanced Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Conference for School Teachers, 935
- Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers' Associations, Second Meeting. 732
- Royal Institute of British Architects, "Plastics in Building Structures" Conference, 1046
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Annual Dinner, 609 Spring Meeting, 271, 607
- Royal Naval Physiological Laboratory, Deep Diving Research, 503
- Royal Navy. Hydrographic Department, Submarine Cables, Charting. 271
- Royal Society, British National Committee on Space Research, Space Research Programme, Woomera Range, 894 Conference. Challenge of Modern Engineering, with E.I.J.C., 145, 498 Conference, Engineering in Schools, Headmasters and Headmistresses, 627 Conversazione, Scientific, 892 Discussion, New Materials, 434
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Safety Drive in Industry, 278
- Royal Verkade Manufacturing Co., Zaadam, Netherlands, Automatic Biscuit Production, 2R6
- Rubber and Plastics Research Association, Grant of 08,000 by Minister of Technology, 894
- Rudman. W. et al.. Experimental Condenser for Heat Transfer Measurements, N.E.L. Report, No. 160. 664
- Ruhrstahl Henrichshiitte, Nine-throw Crankshaft, 992
- Runge. Sir Peter, F.B.I. President, Metric System and Industry. 488 Statement of Intent, 410
- Russell and Sons (Engineers) Ltd., S., "IeWeLform" SO-ton Drawing Press Incorporating Tool Making Equipment, 465
- Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., Generator, Gas Turbine, Collaboration, Rolls-Royce Ltd., 649 "Mark AO" Two-stroke Engine, 847
- Ruston-Bucyrus Ltd., Hydraulic Excavator, "3-RB". 837
- Rutherford High-Energy Laboratory. Proton Synchrotron Power Supply System Fault, 421
- S.E. Laboratories (Engineering) Ltd., Digital Plotters, 314
- S.G.E. Signals Ltd., Power Signalling, Rugby Box, 423 Resignalling of the Northampton Loop Line, 441
- S.G.M.E., Guntert and Zimmerman Slip-form Paver, Cromwell By-pass, 911
- S.G.S.-Fairchild Ltd., Amplifier, Integrated Circuit. 239 Circuit, High-density Integrated, 106 Semi-conductor Devices, "Planar" System, 879
- S.N.A.M., Formation of a Nuclear Energy Company. Combustibili Nucleari S.p.A., with U.K.A.E.A., 995 Nuclear Reactors, Fuel Services, Italian Joint Company, Agreement, 723 Refinery. China, 620
- Saab. see Svenska Aeroplan AB
- Safety-in-Mines Research Establishment, Large Scale Coal-dust Explosion Gallery, 942
- Saguenay Shipping Ltd., Unpainted Aluminium Alloy Ship Superstructure. 310
- St. Andrews University, Fulton Building of Queen's College, Engineering Education, 100
- "St. Finbarr", Stern Trawler, Ferguson Brothers ( Port Glasgow) Ltd. for Thomas Hamling and Co. Ltd., 265
- "Sakumo Lagoon". Cargo Ship, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 66
- Salford Council. Shopping Precinct, Proposed City Centre, 514
- Salles, Francisque, "Theorie de l'Elasticite Plane Rapportee a des Axes Obliques. Application Pratiques", 429
- Salon International de la Chimie, 1965, 362
- Salon International des Composants Electroniques. Electronic Components Exhibition, Paris, 733, 788
- Salon International de I'Electroacoustique, Paris, 789
- Sandbank, C. P. and Matthews, K. A., Microminiature Circuits. Paper to I.E.E. Conference on Electronic Components and Materials, 984
- Sanders. F. N., Elastic Creep and its Effect on the Performance of Conveyor Drives, 1089
- Sandman, A., Railway Automation, Letter, 642
- Sandusky Ltd., Induction Melting Furnace Installation, 820
- Sandvik Steel Band Conveyors Ltd., Moving Walkways on Paris Metro., 195
- Sandvik Steel Works Company, Sweden, Sales Turnover, Increase, 117, 196
- Sanyo Special Steel Co. Ltd., Japan, Induction Heater for Steel Billets, 147 Kaldo Converters, 361
- Saro (Anglesey) Ltd., Lightweight Re-compression Chamber, 236
- Satterford, R. T. C. et al., Performance of a Compression Ignition Engine in Unconventional Atmospheres, 551
- Saume, Dr.-Ing. Max, Architect, Bremen City Hall, 360
- Saunders Valve Co. Ltd., Actuator, Electrochemical, 748 Diaphragm Valves, Pressure Heads, 748
- Savage, J. D., Paper to Diesel Engineers and Users Association, Smoke from Diesel Road Vehicles, 367
- Saviem, SC10, Single Deck Bus, 285
- Saxl, Dr. K., Pendulum Mill, Rolling Metals, Paper to I.Mech.E., 351
- Scald is Volga S.A., "Volga" 1000 kg Light Van, 284
- Scandinavian Hovercraft Promotion Ltd., SR.N5 Hovercraft, Operation, Inauguration, 650
- Scania-Vabis, Two-axle 7-ton Truck, 284
- Schenck G.m.b.H., Carl, Weighing Instrument Manufacture, June 18. Supp. 28
- Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Joint Conference with I.Mar.E. and Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 975
- Schloemann Aktiengesellschaft, Cold Rolling Strip Mill, High-grade Steel Strip, 701 Merchant and Wire Rod Mill, 196
- Schlumpf AG, Electro-hydraulic Worktable, 864
- Schmidt, K. R. et al., "Energie and Energie", 1111
- School of Applied Non-destructive Testing, Establishment, 271
- Schreuder. D. A., "The Lighting of Vehicular Traffic Tunnels", Review by C. A. Pequignot, 343
- Schuh, J. F.. "Principles of Automation. What a Robot Can and Cannot Do", 850
- Schwartz, K. G., Hermann, Hydraulic Pit Prop, 56
- Schwarz, Dr. Benno, Obituary, 901
- Schwarzenbach, J. and Gill, K. F., Analysis of a Gas Turbine Engine Fuel System, 209
- Schwermaschinenbau VEB. "S.M. Kirow", Heavy Railway Crane, 322
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd., Welding Machine, Electron Beam. 672 Welding Machine. Electron Beam, R.A.E., Farnborough, 821
- Science Research Council, Materials Research Grant, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1116 Membership, 309
- Scientific Instrument Manufacturers' Association, Conference, Instrumentation, 103 Instrument Exhibition in Moscow, 441 Machine Tool and Production Eauipment Group, Formation, 723, 805; ( Leader ), 704
- Scott and Electromotors Ltd.. Laurence, Fabrication Shop for Electrical Machinery, 138 Mooring Winch, Automatic, "Tight Rope", 844
- Scott Ltd.. James. Portable Gamma-ray-dose Meter, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. 517
- Scotts' Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., Cargo Ship "Graigwerdd", 31 H.M.S. "Eurvlas", 10
- "SEACOM", Telephone Cable, South China Sea, 231
- Seale, I. N., "Questions and Answers on Diesel Engines", 563
- Seastation Telecommunications Ltd., Floating Platforms for Atlantic Air Communications, 779
- Second International Congress of Food Science and Technology, Warsaw. 1966, 415
- "Second Snark". Shin Controlled Stabiliser. Muirhend and Co. Ltd. and Brown Brothers Ltd., 39S
- Secretary of State for Defence, Joint Development, Military Aircraft, France, Statement, 893
- Secretary of State for Education and Science, Higher Education. Parliamentary Debate, 616 Natural Environment Research Council. Appointmentc. P91
- Seeley, Ivor H., "Civil Engineering Quantities", 509
- Sefton. L.. Future of the Aircraft Industry, Letter. 266
- Sefton. Lionel A., Obituary, 901
- Seitz-Werke G.m.b.H., Industrial Filtration, lune 18. Stipp. 27
- Selby. I. L. A.. Undereround, Victoria Line. Network Analysis, Paner to I.E.F. Colloauium on Critical Path Analysis. S93
- Sellotape Products Ltd.. Industrial Division, cylindrical Wranoing Machine, 915
- Selcon Machine Tool Co. Ltd.. Fully Automatic Centrelesc Grinding Machine. Collaboration with Mllrur Holmquist. AB, P97
- Semler. E. G.. Editorial Tradition, Letter, 980
- Serck Controls Ltd., Data Lopping Equipment, Shins. 669 Hurleston Con tr,1 Station, Mid-Cheshire Water Board. 87 Telecontrol System for Water Supply 11.A Telemet.rinc -telecontrot Installation, Met' ine Distrihut;on Grid, 311
- Seventh International Congress on Combustion Engines London. 1945, 399. 839
- Seymour. D. F. and Ri7k. W.. C:ls Circulators, Failure. Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station Paper to I.Mer.h.F.. 713
- Shafer, W. A. Pulse Measurement and Breath;-,c, Rate Without Inctrum,,nts. Paper to Aero Spare Medical Association. 9A1
- "Shahristan" Strick Cargo Liner, John Readhead and cons Ltd.. 145
- Sharma. S. K. and Sharma, R. C., "PrincinI' and Practice of Highway Engineering", 811
- Sharpies Centrifuges Ltd., Oil Purifier, Self-cleaning, "Gravitrol"; Vibrating Screen "Kason", 711
- Sharp's Commercials Ltd., Bond "Equipe" GT4S, Glass Fibre Body, 94
- Shaw, Savill and Albion Co. Ltd., "Laurentic", Refrigerated Cargo Liner, 1022
- Shaw, W. A., "Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 2", 982
- Shaws Water Joint Stock Company, 1825, Greenock Water Works, 168
- Shearring, H. A. and Christian, B. C., "Reports and How to Write Them", 811
- Sheldons Engineering Works Ltd., "Simplicity" Steamtraps, 479
- Shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd., Civil Engineering Films, 51 "Oil Year Book", 442 "Production for Plenty", Industrial Film, 1059
- Shell-Mex and B.P. Gases Ltd., Flame Cultivation of Growing Crops, 520
- Shell Nederland N.V., Oil Refinery, Digital Computer Control, 700
- Shell Refinery Co. Ltd., Automatic Shot-blast Cleaning of Tube Bores, 461
- Shelton Iron and Steel Ltd., Concast/Distington Continuous Casting Machines, 1st Casts, 1117
- Shenstone, B. S., 3rd Handley Page Memorial Lecture, 816
- Shilov, G., et al., "Commutative Normed Rings", 435
- Shipbuilding Conference, British Shipbuilding Survey, 943 Economy Class Bulk Carrier Design Study, 893 Shipbuilding Statistics, 278 Shipping Orders, Quarterly Statistics, 824
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, Wage Claim in Shipbuilding, 356
- Shipbuilding Inquiry Committee, (Leader), 497
- Short Brothers and Harland Ltd., Turbo-prop Beech "King Air", 95
- Shorthose, N. L., Rotor Blade, Gas Turbine, Industrial, 643
- Siba Electric Ltd., Anodisation Comparator, 75
- Siebe Gorman and Co. Ltd., "Automan", Portable Oxygen Resuscitator, 819
- Siemens & Halske A.G., Book Conveyor for Frankfurt University Library, 491 Electron Microscope, 489 Fire Protection in Dust-laden Atmospheres, 491 "From Silicon to Power Electronics", Exhibits at Hanover Fair, 901 Long Term Agreement, Radio Corporation of America, Data Processing Equipment, 661 Radiation Monitor, 660 Radio-controlled Bus Services, Control Room, Munich, 285 Transport Installations for Library, Munich, 361
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., Central Research and Development Laboratories, 1031 "From Silicon to Power Electronics", Exhibits at Hanover Fair, 901 Regenerative Battery Locomotive. 362
- Signalbau Huber K.G., Munich Traffic Signal Control Scheme, 269
- Signals Research and Development Establishment, Army and Air Force Communications, Demonstration, 976
- Signeur, Austin V., "Guide to Gas Chromotography Literature", 344
- Simaika, Y. M. et al., "Long Term Storage; An Experimental Study", 982
- Simmons, T. M., "Railways. 1. To the End of the Nineteenth Century", 509
- Simmons, Dr. W. A., Industrial Gas Research, Gas Council, Midlands Research Station, 634
- Simms, Fire Research Station, Disproof of Archmidean Legend, 368
- Simms Motor Units Ltd., Pump, Fuel Injection, "MajorMec", 745
- Simon Handling Engineers Ltd., Travelling Pneumatic Grain Intake Plant, Kuwait, 234
- Simonacco Ltd., Gravel Pump. 274
- "Simonburn", Waste Heat Recovery System, Data Logger. 473
- Simon-Carves Ltd., Poland Orders Fertiliser Plant, 117
- Simons, S., "Vector Analysis for Mathematitions, Scientists and Engineers", 811
- Simplex Electric Co. Ltd., Electrical Equipment Lock, 149
- "Sir Winston Churchill", Oil Tanker, Launching, 985
- Sixth International Conference on the Properties of Steam, New York, 1963, 68
- Sixth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference, Manchester College of Science and Technology, 233
- Sixth Managing Directors' Conference, Eastbourne, 1965, 232
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co., India, Poona Factory, Inauguration, 661 Oil Injection Method, Crank-shaft Components, "Climax" 16 Cylinder Engine, 729
- "Skitter Ness", Dredger, Alexander Stephens and Sons Ltd., 91
- Skoda, "1000MB", 41
- Slattery Contracting Company Inc., VerrazanoNarrows Bridge. Staten Island and Brooklyn Approaches, 829, 866, 905, 957, 996, 1035
- Slattery, T. B. and Goldman, A. S., "Maintainability: A Major Element of System Effectiveness". 944
- Smart and Brown (Machine Tools) Ltd., Forging m/c. for Helically Fluted Tools, 337
- Smith & Sons ( England) Ltd., S., Aviation Division. "Elfin" Module Systems for Aircraft, 107
- Smith and Sons (Rodley) Ltd., Thomas, Excavator/Crane, 837
- Smith, D. R., Toggle Chuck Mechanism, 682
- Smith's Dock Co. Ltd., Cargo Ship "Manchester City", 31 Tanker "Lanathai", Thai Petroleum Transports Co. Ltd., 29
- Snare Corporation, J. Rich Steers and Frederick, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Tower Piers and Foundations, 829, 866, 905, 957, 996, 1035
- Soag Machine Tools Ltd., Finishing and Tryout Machine, TUS 60A Reis, 1083 Packaging Equipment Division, Automatic Tablet-weight Checker, 898 Plastics Machinery Division, "Rico-Plas", Injection Moulding Machine, 1045
- Societe Aerazur, French Aircraft Arrester, 247
- Societe Beige de i'Azote, et des Produits Chimiques du Marly, Ammonia Synthesis Plant, 828
- Societe d'Electronique et d'Automatisme, Circuit Motors, Wire Cutting Machine, 788
- Societe d'Etude de la Propulsion par Reaction, C2 Aircraft Engine, 1070
- Societe d'Etudes, de Recherches et d'Application pour l'Industrie. Oxidation of Metals, 454
- Societe d'Etudes, Recherches et Constructions Electriques, Digital Voltmeter, 733
- Societe des Soudures Castolin S.A., "Eutalloy Microflo", Gas Torch, 864
- Societe Etude et Construction Evence CoppeeRust (COPPEE-RUST), Urea Plant for Hungary, 155
- Societe Generale de Constructions Electriques et Mecaniques Alsthom, Diesel-electric Locomotive Power Plant, 88
- Societe H. Emault-Somua, Paris, CNZ.3. Three Dimensional Milling Machine, Punched Tape-controlled, 92
- Societe Machines-Outils, Floating Nut Lead Screw, 194
- Societe Nationale de Chemins de Fer, "Kangaroo 2" System, Road/Rail Freight Handling, 968
- Societe Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation, M45 Engine Range, Joint Development with Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., 1125 Manufacturing Agreement, Development, Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., 350
- Society of Automotive Engineers Congress and Exposition, Stirling Engine Developments, 195
- Society of Chemical Industry, Corrosion Group, 75
- Society of Instrument Technology, Revised Articles of Association, 853
- Society of Non-destructive Examination, Meeting, "Automation in Non-destructive Testing", 478
- Society of Technical Publications Contractors Ltd., Technical Publications, 476
- Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., Solid State 1 me/s, Operational Digital Modules, 916 Vibrating Cylinder Pressure Transducer, Liquid Depth Measurement, 680
- "Soloven" Gas Turbine Fast Patrol Boat, Vosper Ltd., 353
- Solus-Schall Ltd., Improved Cathodic Protection for Condensers, 313
- Somers Ltd., Walter, Crank-shafts for Plate Mill Plant, Rumania, 234
- "Soridderen", Gas Turbine Fast Patrol Boat, Vosper Ltd., 353
- "Southampton Castle", Union Castle Cargo Liner, Mail Service Acceleration, 934
- Southampton College of Technology, Ship Model Towing Carriage, John I. Thorneycroft and Co. Ltd., 817
- Southern Gas Board, Reforming Plant Furnaces, Hythe Gas Works, 24
- Sovex Ltd., Selective Document, Parcels Elevator, Nestle Co. Ltd., 692
- "Soviet Technology Bulletin", 491
- Spalding, D. B., Review, "Extended Surfaces", A. D. Kraus, 506
- Specialloid Ltd., Piston, Oil-cooled, 797
- Spencer, J., Study of Comprehension of Engineering Drawings, Paper to P.E.R.A. Conference, Leader, 964
- Spiers, R. R. M. et al., Experimental Condenser for Heat Transfer Measurements, N.E.L. Report No. 160, 664
- Spotts, M. F., "Mechanical Design Analysis—, 141
- Stacey, N. A. H. and Wilson, A., "The Changing Pattern of Distribution", 476
- Stainsby, W., and Engel, F. V. A., Reflection of Pressure Waves at Sharp-edged Orifices, Letter, 887
- Stal-Laval Turbin AB, Brochure on Large Gas Turbines, 529 District Heating Installation, 415 Gearing Reduction, Epicyclic Gears, High Power, Co-operation, W. H. Allen Sons & Co. Ltd., 639
- Standard Telecommunication Laboratories Ltd., Error Detection Technique, Computer Data, Telephone Transmission Link, 609 Microminaturised Airborne Radio Equipments, 636 Semiconductor Microwave Generator, 636
- Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., Computer Data, Telephone Transmission Link, United Steel Companies, 608 Data Transmission Equipment Exhibition, 575 Digital Circuit Modules, 447 Export Achievements, 241 Microwave Aerial Development, 315 Transmission Systems Group, Telecommunications Plant Factory, 1106 Transmission Testing Apparatus Division, High-impedance Millivoltmeter, Telecommunications, 652 Valve Division, Varactor Diodes, 878
- Staveley Industries Ltd., Computer-controlled Machine Tools, 35 Steeds, W., "Engineering Materials, Machine Tools and Processes", 1018
- Steel, Peech and Tozer, Electric Arc Furnace Shop, 272 Steel Peech Electric Arc Reorganisation, "Spear", 292
- Steel, Robert, Town Development Roads and Economics, Basingstoke, Paper to I. Highwzy E., 468
- Steel Works Plant Association, Press Conference, Total Orders 1964, 862
- Steels Engineering Installations Ltd., Conversion of Tanker "Esso Chester" to Asphalt Carrier, 336
- Steine and Erden G.m.b.H., Prefabricatec Elements, "Ytong" Foamed Lightweight Concrete, Housing Construction, 825
- Stephen and Sons Ltd., Alexander, Cargo Shir "Melbrook", 31 H.M.S. "Zulu", 10 "Skitter Ness", Dredger, 91 "Zealandic" Refrigerated Cargo Ship, Shaw Savill Line, 687
- Stephen, K. D., Synchronous Motors for Large Reciprocating Compressors. Paper to British Compressed Air Society, 177
- Stephens, R. C., and Ward, J. J., "Applied Mechanics", 435
- Sterling, H., Pole Amplitude Modulation, Singlewinding Multi-speed Induction Motors, Paper to I.E.E. Conference, 880
- Stetter Baumaschinenfabrik KG, Georg, FDM 250 Semi-automatic Chucking Lathe, 1073
- Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd., New Welding Technique, "Serbex", 709
- Stirling, Rev. Robert, Stirling Engine Developments, 197
- Stohr (Munich) Karl, Re-surfacing at Munich Airport, 116
- Stothert and Pitt Ltd., "Sea-sling" a.c. Cargo Winch, 239
- Stoximport of Czechoslovakia, Forging Press, 236
- Strachan, G. R., Pametrada, Steam Turbine Reduction Gear, 462
- Strachans ( Coachbu ilders ) Ltd., Coachwork, London Transport "Standee" Buses, 270
- "Strain", British Society for Strain Measurement, 397
- Stranigan, J. S., and Dixon, J. R., Strain Distributions around Cracks in Ductile Sheets during Loading and Unloading, N.E.L. Rpt. 175, 740
- Structural Clay Products Ltd., Calculated Load-bearing Brickwork, Data Sheets, 433
- Stuart Brothers (Pty) Ltd., Gladesville Bridge, 19
- Stuart, John, Obituary, 823
- Stubbs, S. B., "Horridge" for Norwich, Letter, 473
- Stulken Sohn, H. C., Hamburg, "Hamburg" German Destroyer, 11
- Submarine Cables Ltd., Telephone Cable, Submarine Repeaters, 86
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920) Ltd., Torch Set, Lightweight, Welding, Cutting, 673
- Sulzer Brothers (London) Ltd., Diesel Engines for 1400 h.p. Locomotives, Commonwealth Railways of Australia, 972; Nigerian Railway Corporation, 774
- Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Cable Anchorages, Metal Work, 829, 866, 905, 957, 996, 1035
- Sunbeam-Talbot Ltd., 4.2 Litre "Tiger", 442
- "Sunbrayton", Unpainted Aluminium Alloy Ship Superstructure, 310
- "Sunrip", Unpainted Aluminium Alloy Ship Superstructure, 310
- Superheater Co. Ltd., Welding Gun, Tubes in Box-section Headers, 484
- Sutcliffe Engineering Systems Ltd., Richard, Hydraulic Drive for Armoured Conveyors, 236
- Sutcliffe Hydraulics Ltd., Variable Delivery Hydraulic Pumps, 315
- Sved, G., and Bull, F. B., "Moment Distribution in Theory and Practice", 435
- Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebologet, Missile Weapon System "08", 581 Swedish Prototype Sports Cars, 396
- Svenska Cellulosa AB, (S.C.A.), Aerial Fertilising, Forests, 701
- Svenska Flygmotor AB, Aero Engine, By-Pass, RM8, 659 "Flygmotor" HR 4, Hybrid Rocket, 1070
- Svenska Maskinverken AB., Kaldo and L.E. Converters at Consett, 370 Waste Heat Boiler, for Consett Iron Co. Ltd., 373
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., "British Hazel" for B.P. Tanker Co. Ltd., 67 "Gaelic Ferry", 16 "Galatea", H.M.S., 10 "Ottawa", Trident Tankers Ltd., 137 "Sakumo Lagoon", Black Star Line of Ghana, 66 "Sir Winston Churchill" Oil Tanker, Launching, 985 "Talamba" for Trident Tankers Ltd., 29
- Swasey, Ambrose, Engineering Foundation 1914-1964, 325
- Swedish Aeronautical Association, Symposium on Supersonic Transport, 117
- Swiss Industries Fair, Basle, 1965, 863
- "Swissair", Transport Figures, 491
- Sylvania Electric Products Inc., The Lighting Products Division, Heating Element, Tungsten Wire, Mesh, 739
- Sylvania France, Colour Television Equipment, 788
- T.I. Stainless Steel Tubes Ltd., Helically Welded Stainless Steel Tube Plant, 223
- Tailliez, Philippe, "Aquarius", 306
- "Talamba", Tanker, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd. for Trident Tankers Ltd., 29
- Taller and Cooper, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Toll Booths and Equipment, 1035
- "Talyllyn", Railway Locomotive, Centenary Celebration Run, 1022
- Tame, Ronald, Obituary, 523
- Tangyes Ltd. "Hydraflo H" Type Pumps, Hydraulic Operation, Swing Bridges, 512
- "Tank Regina", Oil Tanker, GOtaverken, 490
- Tap and Die Corporation Ltd., Forging Process for Helically Fluted Tools, "Tadco Superforge", 337
- Tapp, E. T. J., Fruition of Inventions, Letter, 1018
- Tarmac Civil Engineering Ltd., Eyemouth Harbour, Reconstruction, 895 Holdenhurst Sewage Purification Works, 611 Llyn Celyn Reservoir, Afon Tryweryn, 82
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Engineering, Recruitment and Status, Exploratory Study, 805 Study Groups and Case Conferences, 19651966, 609
- Tawse Ltd., William, Loch Awe Pumped Storage Scheme, 83
- Taylor Electrical Instruments Ltd., Model 45D, Electronic Valve Tester, 915
- Taylor, F. J. D., "The Goonhilly Project", 563
- Taylor, P. C., Government Appreciates Engineers, Letter, 140
- Taylor, P. F. Transverse Bending of a Ship's Double Bottom, Paper to N.E. Coast Institution of Engineers & Shipbuilders, 269
- Taylor Woodrow Atomic Power Group, No. 1. Reactor, 500MW, Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station, 400
- Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd, Liverpool Cathedral, Construction, 1042
- Taylor Woodrow Ltd., Shaft Excavation, Reinforced Concrete Pile, 610 Wylfa Nuclear Power Station, Construction Progress, 856
- Taylor Woodrow (Overseas) Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Kowloon, Hong Kong, 147
- Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, June 18. Supp. 11
- Technograph and Telegraph Ltd., Roller Solder Coating Machine for Printed Circuits, 915
- Teknicus AB, Timber Handling Installation in Norway, 195
- Telefunken AG, Computer, RA 800 "Hybrid" Precision Analogue, 994 Document Handling Installation, Electronic, 994
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress, 583, 621
- Terresearch Ltd., Diaphragm Walls, Bentonite Process, 400
- Terrington, J. A., & Turner, F. H., "Design of Non-planar Concrete Roofs", 563
- "Texaco Maracaibo", Oil Tanker, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 184
- Texas Instruments Inc., Oceanographic Survey, Eastern and Central Atlantic Ocean, North Sea and Mediterranean. 663
- Texas Instruments Ltd., Bidirectional Thyristor, 5A Gate-controlled Switch, 916.
- Textile Machinery Makers Ltd., Automatically Controlled Cotton Spinning Plant, 1021
- Thadani, B. N., "Modern Methods in Structural Mechanics", 394
- Thames Board Mills Ltd., "Inverform" Board Machine, 479 Sawmill, Workington, 374
- Thames Survey Committee, Pollution of the Thames Estuary, 127
- Thermal Control Co. Ltd., Self-contained Trolley, Filtration of Hydraulic Test Rigs, 1112
- Thermal Syndicate Ltd., and International Research and Development Co. Ltd., Improved Gas Laser Tube, 111
- Thewlis, J., "Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics, Vol. 9: Multilingual Glossary", 1056
- Thiel, Alfons, "Principles of Vacuum Forming", 435
- Third International Heat Transfer Conference, August 1966, 1059
- Thirty-fifth International Motor Show, Geneva 1965, 286
- Thom, Robert (1774-1848) Greenock Waterworks, 168, H. E. Ashfield, Letter, 266
- Thomas and Baldwins Ltd., Richard, Annual General Meeting, Steel Production and Costs, 189 Automation Progress at Spencer Works, 48 Colour Coated Wide Steel Strip and Sheet, 74 Supplementary Oil Firing of Cupolas at Landore Foundry, 146
- Thompson, Rear-Admiral J. Y., Control Engineering for Ships, Paper to North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 441
- Thompson ( Dudley) Ltd., John, Crane Beam for Oldbury-on-Severn Nuclear Power Station, 443
- Thomson, Rear-Admiral Sir George, Obituary, 228
- Thorn Electronics Ltd., Coating and Plating Evaluation, Instrumentation, 74
- Thorneycroft and Co. Ltd., John, I., "Calshot" Tug/Tender, 91 Oil Burner, Air-atomising, "Variojet", 671 Ship Model Towing Carriage, Construction, 817 Southampton University Engineering Laboratories, Equipment Design, 100
- Thornton, D. J., Effect of Large Motors on Station Auxiliaries Supply, Paper to I.E.E, Conference, 880
- Thornton Ltd., B., "Thornton-Fest" Overpressure Vacuum Rotary Drum Filter, 1112
- Thring, Professor M. W., Future of Engineering Teaching, Inaugural Lecture Queen Mary College, 391, Letter from P. J. Wallace, 439
- Thurlow, G., and Lee, A. B., "Engineering Thermodynamics", 266
- Timber Research and Development Association, Joints in Timber Structures, Symposium, 310
- Tinsley and Co. Ltd., H., Amplifier, Portable, Frequency Selective, 652
- Titcomb, G. R. A., "G.2 Engineering Science", 306
- Titford, R. M., "The Golden Age of Concrete", 394
- Toa Gosei Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., Japanese Synthesis Gas Plant, 415
- Toko Inc., Memory Plane, Computers, 733
- Toleries Gantoises S.A., Large Absorption Towers, 18/8 Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel, 1034
- Torry Research Station, Conference, "Design of Fishing Vessels and Their Equipment, 853
- Torvac Ltd., Interchangeable Furnace Elements for Stainless Steel Modular Vacuum Unit, 576
- Tot Aanneming Van Werken v/h H. J. Nedorhorst, N.V., Rotterdam Metro, Progress, 617
- Total Oil Products (G.B.) Ltd., Foreign Car Test Day, June 2, Silverstone, 1023
- Tower Industries Ltd., Multi-purpose Circular Sawing Machine, 444
- Towler Brothers (Patents) Ltd., Hydraulic Control Valve, Medium Pressure, 847 Low Pressure Vane Pumps, 447
- Towler, F. H., Editorial Tradition, Letter, 772 Research Development and Design, Letter, 308
- Towler Ltd., Fred, Forging Process for Helically Fluted Tools, 337
- "Tradesman", Tug, Charles D. Holmes and Co. Ltd., 91
- Trades Union Congress, Attitude, Trunk Route Plan, 404 Day Release, 450 General Council, Report, Prices and Incomes, 732
- Trades Union Congress (continued ) Statement on Future of the Aircraft Industry, to Plowden Committee, 824 Union Mergers, 616
- Transformatorenwerk August Lepper, Takeover, ASEA, 620
- Transport Advisory Council, Transport Advice for the Minister, 311
- Transportation Engineering Exhibition and Conference, June 22-25 ( Leader), 1039
- Travis, F. W., & Johnson, W., Explosive Hydrodynamic Extrusion of Metals, 546
- Trengrouse, G. H., & Imrie, B. W., Reflection of Pressure Waves at Sharp-edged Orifices, Letter, 681
- Trennjaeger (Great Britain) Ltd., Cold Sawing Machine, 745
- "Trentonia", Coaster, Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co. Ltd., 91
- Trewman, H. F., "Mechanical Engineering as a Career", 850
- Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, Verrazano-Narrows Suspension Bridge, 19, 829, 866, 905, 957, 996, 1035
- Trico-Folberth Ltd., "Speed blade" Anti-lift Windscreen Wiper Blades, 946
- Trident Tankers Ltd, Oil Tankers, Ram Bow Experiments, N.P.L., 686
- Trimble, M. W., and Henderson, A., Flange joint for Glass-lined Valve Body, 1109
- Tripp, G. W., "Free Enterprise II", Car Ferry, Dover-Calais, 1010 Review, "Time-span Handbook", Elliott Jacques, 506
- Truniger AG, Lifting Magnets, 865
- Trusler, J. D. C., Critical Path Method Programme "Capstan", U.K.A.E.A., Harwell, 632
- Tschudin & Heid AG, Space-saving Push Button Arrays, Neon Signal Lamps, 864
- Tube Headings Ltd., Horizontal Auger Boring Machine, 96
- Tube Investments Ltd., Brierly Hill Laboratory, 36
- Tubewrights Ltd., Box Girder, Tubular Fabricated, Production Line, 725
- Tuchel, Klaus., "Die Philosophie der Technik bei Fried lich Dessauer, lhre Entwicklung, Motive and Grenzen", 507
- Tulloch Ltd., Mechanical Parts for Dieselelectric Locomotives, Commonwealth Railways of Australia, 972
- Tuplin, W. A., Improved Mouse Trap Design, 773 Load Capacity of Crossed Helical Gears, 375 Review "Mechanical Design Analysis", 141 Review, "Practical Solution of Torsional Vibration Problems, Vol. 3, Strength Calculations", 1055
- Tupolev, Tu. 134 Aeroplane, 45
- Turbomeca, Engine, RB 172-T260, Rolls-Royce Ltd., Collaboration, 350
- Turner and Brown Ltd., Polypropylene Fans, Centrifugal & Bifurcated Axial Flow, 276 "Turbro" Closed Circuit Fume Scrubbers, 988 "Turbro", Filter, "Polycor", Filter Cartridge, 1119
- Turner, F. H., & Terrington, J. A., "Design of Non-planar Concrete Roofs", 563
- Turner, T. Henry, Cast Iron, Copper Additions, 605 Corrosion & Metal Finishing Exhibition, 74 Metallurgical Research at the National Physical Laboratory, 973 Metallurgists and Metallurgical Education, Spot-welding, Galvanised Sheet Steel, 809 Naval Engineering Corrosion Problems, 267 New Materials, Royal Society Discussion, 434 Review of "Introduction to the Solidification of Metals", 144
- Tustin, R. C., Report on Aerodynamics of Saloon Cars, 470
- Twentieth Century Electronics Ltd., Cascade Image Intensifier, 636 Ten-stage Photomultiplier, 636
- Twiflex Couplings Ltd., Flexible Couplings, Zero Stiffness & Overload Release Clutch, 671
- Tyack, F. G., Quick Release Shackle for Magnetic Hold fasts, 1019
- Ucan Developments Ltd., Cable Clips, 189
- Udal Ltd., J. P., Strip Feeder for Presses, 238
- Uddeholm Company of Sweden, Cold-rolling Mill, 155 Heat Exchange Elements, 189
- Undersea Equipment Research Society, Proposal for a North-west Channel Tunnel, Northern Ireland to Scotland, 396
- Underwood, Eric H., Nuclear Power Progress, 140
- Union Carbide Ltd., Glossop Derby Works, Vacuum Melting Plant, Flame Plating, 677
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, State Production Committee for Gas Industry, Gas Pipeline Central Asia-Moscow, 117
- United Aircraft Corporation, Model, Filament Winding of Rocket Motor Casings, 1125
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Analyser, Portable X-ray Fluorescence, 637 "Capstan" Critical Path Method Computer Programme, J. D. C. Trusler, 632 Containers, Radioactive Materials, 277 Formation of a Nuclear Energy Company, Combustibili Nucleari S.p.A. with S.N.A.M., 995 Gamma Ray Monitor, Portable, D. A. Pitman Ltd., 519 Inert Gas Purification, 233 Joint Company, N.U.K.E.M., 196 Nuclear Reactors, Fuel Services, Agreement, Italian Joint Company, 723 Reactor ( A.G.R. ), Windscale, Two Years of Operation, 396 "Ripple 1", Thermoelectric Generator, 916 Thyristor Control of 4001<W Loads, 235
- United Kingdom Automation Council, Automatic Control in Electricity Supply, Symposium, 805
- United Kingdom Computation Centre, Postscram Study, 491
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 396
- United Power Company Ltd., End of a Nuclear Consortium, 396 Hunsterston (300 MW) Power Station, 79
- United States Army Electronics Command, Laser Beam, Relay, Seven Television Channel, Demonstration, 1075
- United States Atomic Energy Commission, Compact Nuclear Reactor Power System, 738 Enrico Fermi Award for Admiral Rickover, 289 Two Model MP "Emperor" Tandem Van De Graaff Particle Accelerators, Joint Contract, 1037
- United States Communications Satellite Corporation, Telecommunications, "Early Bird" Satellite (Leader), 533, 796
- United States Steel Corporation, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Cables, Suspenders, Suspended Structures, 829, 866, 905, 957, 996, 1035
- United Steel Companies Ltd., "Date! 600", Computer Data, Telephone Transmission Link, Standard Telephone & Cables Ltd., 608 Electric Arc Furnace Shop, 272 Report and Accounts, 1963-64, 151 Ventilated Jacket, Co-operative Investigation, 820
- Uni-Tubes Ltd., Flexible and Vibration Damping Shaft Coupling, 576
- University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire. Conference, Engineering Science and Schools, 513; Engineering Building, 98
- University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ocean Floor Exploration, La Jolla, "Diving Saucer" Underwater Vehicle, 793
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Medical Research Council, Decompression Sickness, 816
- University of Southampton, Engineering Laboratories, Equipment Design, John I. Thorneycroft Ltd., 100 Symposium on Gas Lubricated Bearings, 397 Symposium on Tall Buildings, April 1966, 512
- Unstead, P. J., "Questions and Answers on Automobile Engines", 509
- Utzon, Jorn, Sydney Opera House, 163
- VDO Techometer Werke Adolf Schindling G.m.b.H., Industrial Instruments, June 18. Supp. 25
- Vactric Control Equipment Ltd., Synchros for Control Systems, 447
- Vacuair Engineering Ltd., Small Motorised Air Filter for Air-conditioning, 517
- Vacu-Blast Ltd., Automatic Shot-blast Cleaning of Tube Bores, 461
- Vacuum Industrial Applications Ltd., Vacuum Metallising Plant, Mass Production, Glass, Plastic and Metal Products, 613
- Vacwell Engineering Co. Ltd., Laboratory Wafer Prober, 148
- Van den Bosch Ltd., Glass Fibre Lining Material, 409
- Van Doorne's Automobielfabriek, N.V., Armoured Personnel Carrier, YP 408, 125, 284 Automobile, Racing Car, "Variomatic" Transmission Unit, Formula 3, 700, 735 DAF Daffodil, Prototype Swedish Post Office Vehicles, 246 Light Infantry Weapons Carrier, "Pony", 245, 250 New Factory, Geel-Oevel, 701 1964 Production Figures, 454
- Van Lier, J. J. C., et al., "Energie und Exergie", 1111
- Vanden Plas, (England) Ltd., "Princess R", 40
- Vasy, G. S., Letter, "What is Automation", 563
- Vauxhall Motors Ltd., Vauxhall VX 4/90, 40
- Venner Ltd., Electrical Stop Clock, 149
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Conference, Modern Organisation of Constructional Work, 828
- Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke, G.m.b.H. "MM 221/kr" Telescopic Working Stage, 582
- Vereinigte Osterreichische Eisen- und Stahlwerke A.G. (VOEST), Poland Orders Fertiliser Plant, 117
- Verenigde Maschinefabrieken N.V., StorkWerkspoor Diesel Engine Division, 865
- Verkehrswissenschaftliches Seminar e.V., Academy of Transport, 735
- Versil Ltd., "Thermal Insulation Handbook", 508
- Vibrated Concrete Construction Co. Ltd., Water Tower, Reinforced Concrete, 780
- Vickers, Anthony, Production or Restriction? 228
- Vickers Ltd., "McArthur" Microscope, 1105 Tank, Military, 37-ton & 13i-ton, 685
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Engineers) Ltd., Dounreay Submarine Prototype, Nuclear Propelling Plant, 690 Strip Wound Pressure Vessels, 807 Super VC. 10, 43
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Shipbuilders) Ltd., "Methane Princess", 16
- Victor Products (Wallsend ) Ltd, Flameproof Pendant Light Fittings, 576
- Vidosic, J. P., "Metal Machining and Forming Technology", 306
- Visco Ltd., Automatic Dust Collector, 188
- Volkswagen Motors Ltd., Industrial Engine, Four-cylinder, Mark 126, 711
- Volvo "131" Saloon, 41
- Vosper, D.F.C., Rail-Road Conversion, 266
- Vosper Ltd., "Kromantse" New Corvette for Ghana, 11 "Soloven" and "Soridderen", Gas Turbine Fast Patrol Boat, 353
- Vulcascot Ltd., Boiler Tube Cleaning Equipment, 692
- W.T.B. Automatic Handling Ltd., Vibratory Hopper Feeders, 694
- Waldrich, G.m.b.H., Plano-Miller, 55-ton Spheroidal Graphite Casting, 362
- Walker, Crosweller and Co. Ltd., Automatic Effluent Sampling Devices, 109
- Walker, G. E., and Barnacle, H. E., "Mechanics of Machines, Vol. 1", 882
- Walker, T. C., Controls for Automation, 140
- Wallace, P. J., Engineering Teaching, Letter, 439 Status of the Engineer, 1003, 1054, 1104 What is Engineering Detail", Letter, F. Caldwell, 773; Letter, G. W. Crossmith, 393
- Wallace Wright Ltd., Hydraulic Tracer for Lathes, 149
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co. Ltd., Propulsion Machinery for "Ottawa", 137
- Walsh, J., Metric System, Letter, 1018
- Walther & Cie, AG, Automatic Welding Machine, 903
- Walther, Rudolf, "Dictionary of Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Materials", 722
- Wand sbeker Werkzeug-Gesellschaft Beinhoff and Co., Metal-cutting Band Saw, 324
- Wandsworth Stonemasonry Works Ltd., Largest Multi-bladed Frame Saw, Installation, 1060
- Ward, F. A. B., "Timekeepers", 509
- Ward, J. J., and Stephens, R. C., "Applied Mechanics", 435
- Warder, S. B., a.c. Transmission for Dieselelectric Locomotive, Paper to Institution of Locomotive Engineers, 183
- Wardle, K. L., "Differential Geometry", 1018
- Water Pollution Research Laboratory, Pollution of the Thames Estuary, 123, 127 Steering Committee, Appointment by Ministry of Technology, 1057
- Water Research Association, Medmenham Research Station, Filtration Test Plant, 1060 Open Days ( Leader), 1078
- Water Resources Board for England and Wales, 82 Long Term Study of Water Supplies in South-east England, 311
- Watkinson, A. I., Main Road Policy, Letter, 772
- Watkinson, C. F., Trends in Graduate Training, Paper to Institution of Engineers & Shipbuilders in Scotland, 270
- Watson & Sons (Electro-Medical) Ltd., Betatron Radiography Symposium, 348
- Watson, G. O., "Dictionary of Marine Engineering and Nautical Terms", 808
- Watson, Leslie, Review, "Time Study Incentives and Budgetary Control", Michael Avery, 886
- Watt, James, Bicentenary, 943
- Wayne Kerr Laboratories Ltd., Digital Thermometers, 1064 System-error Bridge, Control and Torque Transmitter Testing, 987
- Webber, N. B., "Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers", 394
- Wednesbury Tube Company Ltd., Loma-Mann Two-strand Machine, 48
- Wegener, Fritz, Magnetic Pick-up and Inspection Tool, 248
- Weir, Ltd., G. and J., Steam Turbine Machinery, Design Study, 876 "Weir-Davidson" Presses, Dewatering SemiSolids, Slurries, 1112
- Weller Electric Corporation, Soldering Pencil, Automatic Temperature Control, 693
- Wellman Steelworks Engineering Ltd, Oxygen/ Fuel Oil Burners ( F.O.S. Process), 30 Ton Furnace, Brymbo Steel Works, 572
- Wells Krautkramer Ltd., Transistorised Pulse Echo Unit, 75
- Wells, Professor A. A., Proposal for a Northwest Channel Tunnel, Northern Ireland to Scotland, 396
- Weltrawo AG, "Precisotester", Slide Position Indicator, Lathe Attachment, 995
- Welwyn Hall Research Association, Open Days, 884
- Werkspoor N.V., Cold-gas Refrigeration for Air Separation, 450
- Werkzeugmaschinenbau Saalfeld, VEB, Multispindle Boring Mill "BRMS 25" Punched Tape Control, 525
- Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Union, Gera., VEB, Horizontal Boring Mill "BFT 125/5 num", Punched Tape Programme Control, 524
- Wernicke, H., "Dictionary of Electronics, Communications and Electrical Engineering, Vol. H", 508
- West Hyde Developments Ltd., Automatic Tape Playback, A.T.P./4, 485
- West Lothian, County Council of, Second "Major-Size" Industrial Estate, 521
- West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, Mangla Dam, 32
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. Ltd., Contanct-cooled Selenium Rectifier, 1064 Locomotive, Rheostatic Braking System, 88
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Astronuclear Laboratory, Tantulum-base Alloy for Aerospace Materials Applications, 158 Cryogenic Systems Dept., Cable, Multiple Superconducting Strands, for Magnet Coils, 288 Equipment Department, Scanning Electron Microscope for Inspection of Semiconductor Microcircuits, 492 Magnetic Wheel-less Transport, 1075 "Phonovid", Sound and Picture Recording, 1129
- Westland Aircraft Ltd., Saunders-Roe Division, "Hovercraft" Assembly Line, 948 Hovercraft, S.R.N.5, Civil Certification, 609; Inauguration of Scandinavian Service, 650 Hovercraft, S.R.N.6, 480 Load Monitoring on Power Presses, 445 Torque Transducers, 237
- Westland Aircraft Ltd., Strain Gauge Department, Portable Strain Indicator, 405
- Westool Ltd., Literature, U.D.C. Endorsed, 311
- Weston, G., Steel Terminology Standardisation, 422
- Westwood, Dawes & Co. Ltd., Walking Beam Table for Aluminium Extrusion Factory, 175
- "Weybank", Cargo Ship, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 31
- Whately, R. F. A., Experimental Vocabulary Test, Letter, 887
- Wheeler, P. J., and Young, LI., Some Factors Affecting the Selection of Systems for Automatic Control of Marine Machinery, Paper to I.Mar.E., 816
- [Whessoe|Whessoe Ltd.]], Refrigerated Storage Tank for East Midlands Gas Board, 105 Steel Liners for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessels, Oldbury Nuclear Power Station, 985
- Whistance, D. J., and Mantle, E. C., Effluent Treatment in the Copper and Copper Alloy Industries, 1102
- White, D. J., and Chartan, C., Paper to Institute of Marine Engineers, Flexible Couplings for Marine Installations, 397
- White, E. L., "Switching Surges on a 2751(V/ 1 32kV Auto-transformer ( S/T 111 )", 832
- White, Major Edward, Gemini 4, Space Flight, ( Leader), 1001
- White Fish Authority, Conference, Design of Fishing Vessels and their Equipment, 310, 853
- White, 0. M., "Essentials of Electricity and Magnetism", 563 "Essentials of Heat", 563
- Whitehead, R. A., Garretts of Leiston", Review, 722
- Whitehouse, P. B., "Main Line Album", 182
- Whiting Corporation, Induction Furnaces, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit Foundry, 735
- Whitlock Brothers Ltd., Bucket Loader and Excavator, "5055", 836
- Whitworth, Sir Joseph, Centenary of Presidency of I.Mech.E., Letter, 806
- Wickham Engineering Ltd., Self-erecting Constructor's Hoist, 1120
- Wicksteed and Co. Ltd., Charles, Torque Control Equipment for Tube Expanding Tools, "Mark V", 845
- Wiggleworth & Co. Ltd., Frank, "Textorq" Speed Reduction Gear Units, 743
- Wilbourn, R. C., & Horovitz, M., Development of Articulated Spacer for Overhead Transmission Lines, 564
- Wilby, C. A., "Elastic Stability of Post-tensioned Prestressed Concrete Members", Review, 886
- Wild & Co. Ltd., A. G., "P.A.S.E." Equipment for Fabrication Shop for Electrical Machinery, 138
- Wild and Co. Ltd., M. B., Crane, Industrialised Building, 134 Crane, 6-ton Goliath, 96
- Wild (Machinery) Ltd., Thos. C., Draw Benches. 1127
- Wilkes, E. G. M., Appearance and Amenity Design of Rolling Stock, Paper to I.Loc.E., 205
- Wilkinson, Alan, Mailsi Siphon, 1004
- Willans and Robinson, Central Valve Engine Manufacture, 255
- Willans, Peter Williams (1851-92), Engineering Works, 255
- Willey, Frederick, see Minister of Land and Natural Resources.
- "Wm. Woolaway", Dredger, Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co. Ltd., 91
- Williams and Co., C.K. Stainless Steel Paint Pigment, 275
- [[L. A. Williams Williams, L. A.. Critical Path Analysis, Electrical Plant Manufacture, Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium on CPA, 593
- Williams, Professor Lady, Training Manpower for India's Industry, 3, 373, 425
- Williams, T. G., "Instruments, Electronics, Automation Year Book and Buyers' Guide, 808
- Willis, H. A., and Haslam, J., "Identification and Analysis of Plastics", 394
- Willis (Middlesbrough) Ltd., G.A., Plastic Coating Material, 187
- Willowbrook Ltd., Coachwork, 49 seat Green Line Coaches. 270
- Wilson, A., and Stacey, N. A. H., "The Changing Pattern of Distribution". 476
- Wilson, F. W., "Die Design Handbook", 886
- Wilson, Frank W., "High Velocity Forming of Metals", 721
- Wilson, Harold, see Prime Minister
- Wilson Lovatt and Sons Ltd., Engineering Faculty of Leicester University, 98
- Wimpey and Co. Ltd., George, Civil Engineering Films, 51 Greenock, Jetty for Pembroke Oil Refinery, 90 M I Extension, 20
- Winegard, W. C., "An Introduction to the Solidification of Metals", 144
- Wittfoht, H., "Kreisformig gekrummte Trager mit starrer Torsionseinspannung an den Auflagerpunkten. Therie unde Berechnung", 76
- Woodgate, H. S., "Planning by Network", 142
- Woolman, J., and Mottram, R. A., "The Mechanical and Physical Properties of the British Standards En Steels, 344
- Woolwich and District Industrial Training Council, Industrial Training Year, 112
- Woolwich Polytechnic Seventy-fifth Anniversary, 477
- "World Calendar of Forthcoming Meetings: Metallurgical and Related Fields", Iron and Steel Inst., 269
- Wright, A. E. G., and Keeling, B. S., "Development of the Modern British Steel Industry", 722
- [[V. J. Wright|Wright, V. J.], Critical Path Analysis, Power Station Overhaul, Paper to I.E.E. Colloquium on CPA, 594
- Wroclaw Metallurgical Works, Flameless Gasstoves, 286
- Wulff, John, et al.. "Structure", 476 "Thermodynamics of Structures", 944
- Wunderer, Peter, "Messung des pH-Wertes", A.E.G., 592
- Wynstruments Ltd., Marine Window Wipers, 108
- Y. Construction Co. Ltd., Paul, of Hong Kong, Ocean Terminal at Kowloon, Hong Kong, 147
- Yakovlev, V. F., and Inyutin, I. S., "Measurements for Stresses in Machine Components", 476
- Yarrow-Admiralty Research Department, C0,000 Contract for Marine Engine Study, 983
- Yarrow & Co. Ltd., Shipbuilder's Centenary, 842
- York Trailer Co. Ltd., Frameless Tank Trailers, Joint Manufacture with Butterfield ( Engineers) Ltd., W. P., 948
- Young, L. I., and Wheeler, P. J., Some Factors Affecting the Selection of Systems for Automatic Control of Marine Machinery, Paper to I.Mar.E., 816
- Young, R. E., Remote Control of Methane Distribution Grid, Canvey Island, 331, 292
- Zagato, "Zimp", 41
- Zarek, J. M., and Earles, S. W. E., Reflection of Pressure Waves at Sharp-edged Orifices, Letters, 383, 806
- "Zealandic", Refrigerated Cargo Ship, Shaw Savill and Albion Ltd., 687 Refrigeration System, Data Logger, 473
- "Zeven Provincien'", Converted to Guided Missile Cruiser, 13
- Zienkiewicz, 0. C., and Holister, G. S.. "Stress Analysis. Recent Developments in Numerical and Experimental Methods", 1111
- Zienkiewicz, Professor 0. C., "Problems of Rock Mechanics—. 293
- "Zulu", Gas-turbine-powered General Purpose Frigate, 10
see The Engineer 1965 Jan-Jun: Index: Sections 2 and 3
See Also
Sources of Information