The Engineer 1956 Jul-Dec: Index: Difference between revisions
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[[Image:im1956BEr-6c.jpg|thumb| The Engineer 1956 Jul-Dec: Index. ]] | [[Image:im1956BEr-6c.jpg|thumb| The Engineer 1956 Jul-Dec: Index. ]] | ||
[[Image:im1956BEr-6d.jpg|thumb| The Engineer 1956 Jul-Dec: Index. ]] | [[Image:im1956BEr-6d.jpg|thumb| The Engineer 1956 Jul-Dec: Index. ]] | ||
Note: There is an extended index at [[Media:Er1956v202Index.pdf| Volume 202 Index]] | Note: There is an extended index at [[Media:Er1956v202Index.pdf| Volume 202 Index]] | ||
* [[A.C.V. Sales|A.C.V. Group]], "Bridgemaster" Double-Decker Bus, 392 | * [[A.C.V. Sales|A.C.V. Group]], "Bridgemaster" Double-Decker Bus, 392 | ||
* [[AEC|A.E.C. Ltd.]], 10 cubic yard Dumper. 737 | * [[AEC|A.E.C. Ltd.]], 10 cubic yard Dumper. 737 |
Revision as of 06:34, 26 January 2019

Note: There is an extended index at Volume 202 Index
- A.C.V. Group, "Bridgemaster" Double-Decker Bus, 392
- A.E.C. Ltd., 10 cubic yard Dumper. 737
- A.E.I.-John Thompson Nuclear Energy Co., Ltd., 300MW Nuclear Power Stations for Great Britain, 891
- Abell, T. B., Obituary, 147
- Aberdeen Electrical Eng. Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Accles and Pollock Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537 Tubes and Tubular Products, (602)
- Adams Hydraulics, Ltd., Troopship "Nevasa", 162 Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Adlain George, and Sons, Ltd., Electrical Equipment for Malting Plant in Nairobi, 204
- African Explosives and Chemical Industries (Rhodesia). Ltd., Superphosphate Plant for Salisbury, 63
- Aickman, Robert, London's Water Supply, (Letter, 268)
- Air Control Installations Ltd., Air Filtration Material, (618)
- Air Registration Board, Annual Report, 112
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Akers, R. L., Irrigation Scheme in Malaya, 58
- Albion Motors Ltd., "Claymore" Underfloor-engined Lorries, 430
- Alexandre, Ltd., Some Recent Industrial Developments, 128
- Allen, S., Rocket Motors, 505
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Troopship "Ne asa", 162 Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingcrworth, 623, 655 Twin-Screw Liner "Camito" 860
- Allgemcine Electricitats-Gesellschaft, Tuncbilek Power Station, 65
- Alsacienne de Constructions Mcchaniques, Medium Horsepower Diesel Engine, 208
- Aluminium Construction, Ltd., Some Recent Industrial Structures, 128
- Aluminium Union Ltd., Aluminium for Trans- mission Lines, (678)
- American Machine and Foundry Co., First German Reactor, 65
- American Metal Products Co., Fabrication of Frictional Parts from "Teflon" Fibre, 32
- Ames Crosta Mills and Co., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Anderson, Sir Donald F., Presidential Address, 499 Nuclear Power for Ships, 759
- Andre Rubber Co., Ltd., Troopship "Nevasa", 162
- Anglamol, Ltd., Oil Test Laboratory, 56
- Anglo-American Asphalt Co., Ltd., Electrification of a Welsh Grit-Stone Quarry, 95
- Angus, George, and Co., Ltd., Oil Seal Factory, (602) Opening, 672
- Annan, J. G., Operation of a Modern Petroleum Refinery, (754)
- Appalachian Electric Power Co., Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Large Blast- Furnace-Hearth, (286)
- Archdale, James, and Co., Ltd., Radial Drilling Machine Vertical Milling Machine Transfer Machine, 47
- Arens Controls Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Ai-infield Hydraulic Engineering Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577 647
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124 North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, Garry and Moriston, 503 577
- Artic Fuse and Electrical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Ascough, H. H., Wide-Strip Rolling and Sheet Finishing Equipment, 765
- Asea Electric Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Atkins, W. S., and Partners, Cantilevered Stand Roof, 27
- Atkinson Vehicles Ltd., Twin-steer Six-wheeled Lorry, 430
- Atkinson's Agricultural Appliances, Ltd., Silver Medal Award, 25
- Atlas Copco, Use of Compressed Air Against Ice, 900 Petrol-Engine-Driven Drill, 737
- Atomic Power Development Associates, Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Augustin-Norman, M. A., Free-Piston Gas Generators, (868)
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 7-ton Truck, 430 "Princess IV" Car, 552
- Automatic Telephone and Electrical Co., Ltd., Carrinvon Power Station, 124
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Lockheed Transmission Hand Brake, 470
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Balancing Machine for Cardan Shafts, 102 500-Ton Universal Vertical Testing Machine, 161
- Aviation Developments Ltd., Blind Fastener, 365
- Ayling, P. W., Some Observations on Local Vibration, (792)
- B.E.N. Patents Ltd., Air Compressors, (932)
- B. I. P. Chemicals Ltd., Glass-Reinforced Plastic Lifeboat, 376
- B.S.A. Tools Ltd., Chuck for Screwed Shank Tools, 709
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124 Industrial Nucleaf` Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176 Kariha HydroElectric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155 Calder Hall Power Station, 464, 500, 537 Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingerworth, 623, 655 Developments in Nuclear Power Engineering at Renfrew, 697 Nuclear Propulsion for Merchant Vessel, 791
- Bacon, F. T., High-Pressure Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell, 93
- Baker, J. F., Symposium on the Plastic Theory of Structures, 484
- Bailey Meters and Controls, Ltd., Smoke Density Meter, (318)
- Bailey, N. G., and Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Baird Associates Inc., Semi-Conductor Resistivity Test Set, 317
- Baldwin Instrument Co., Ltd., Nucleonic Level Indicator, 630
- Baldwin, Lima-Hamilton Corporation. Instrument Ibr the Calibration of Torque Wrenches, 677 Electrical Load Measuring System for Kingsbury Thrust Bearings, 715
- Banks, F. R., Aircraft Procurement, 535, 619
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., Troopship "Nevasa", 162
- Barthalon, M., Free-Piston Gas Generators, (868)
- Baycrische Wasserkraft-werke A. G., River Lech Hydro-Electric Scheme, 173
- Bean, Alexander T., Obituary, 607
- Beazley, L., Cut-offs in Modern Hydraulic Diversion Works on Alluvial Rivers, (Letter, 236)
- Beer, Stafford, Test for Detecting Real Changes in Frequency, 798
- Benson, R. S., One-Dimensional Transient Flow in a Pipe with Two Gases, 687
- Bentall, E. H., and Co., Ltd., Disc Harrows, 816
- Berk, F. W., and Co., Ltd., Plastic Coating of Metallic Articles, 823
- Berkeley Coachwork Ltd., Two-seater Sports Car, 552
- Berkeley Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Electrical Equipment for Malting Plant in Nairobi, 204
- Bethlehem Steel Co., Erection of Great Egg Bay Bridge Superstructure, 317
- Beves and Co., Ltd., Timber Storage Shcd, 407
- Bierrum and Partners. Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Biggleswade Water Board, Some Recent Industrial Structures, 128
- Binnie, Deacon and Gourley, Some Recent Industrial Structures, 128 Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply in Lanarkshire, 592 Foxcote Reservoir, 695
- Binnie, G. M., Conserving Water Resources, 571
- Birfield Industries, Ltd., Strainer for Pipelines, 412
- Birlec, Ltd., High-Frequency Vertical Hardening Equipment, 45 Apprentice Training Centre, (458)
- Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., Some Recent Industrial Developments, 128
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Eire, 485
- Bishop, R. E. D., Myklestad's Method for NonUpiform Vibrating Beams, 838, 874
- Blackburn and General Aircraft, Ltd., Air Trooping, 333
- Blake, L. R., A.C. and D.C. Conduction Pumps for Liquid Metals, 541, 572
- Blakeborough, J., and Sons, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124 Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Blaw Knox Ltd., Pneumatic Conveying Equipment, (678) "Adjusta-Wate Motomixer" for Concrete, 737
- Blok, H., Theory of Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Parallel Sliding, (Letter, 304)
- Boadle, C. D., Some Safety Considerations of Nuclear Power Reactors, (754)
- Boiler Availability Committee, Research on Boiler Availability, (118)
- Bomford Brothers, Ltd., Front-Mounted Mowing Machine, 342
- Bomford, D. R., Power for Ploughing, 556 Sonar, Long and Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Bonser, Frank, and Co., Ltd., Tractor-Mounted "Agrotiller", 25 One-Ton Truck, 817
- Booth, James, and Co., Ltd., Automatic Triple- Draw, High-Speed Drawbench, 375
- Borg and Beck Co., "Manumatic Control", 552
- Borg-Warner, Transmission, 552
- Bosch, Robert, G.m.b.H., Improved Car Headlamp, 489 Electric High-Frequency Power Drill Hammer, 599 Lightweight Pendulum Starter Dynamo, 787
- Boughton, T. T., and Sons, Ltd., Silver Medal Award, 25 Industrial Equipment Display, 341
- Boving and Co., Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155 Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577. 647
- Bovis, Ltd., Some Recent Industrial Develop- ments, 128
- Bowater Paper Corporation Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Boydell, E., and Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Loader, 737
- Brackett, F. W., and Co., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Braithwaite and Co., Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemslcy, 851, 888
- Bramall, B., Resonance Stress Testing, 224, 582
- Breda Elettromeccanica e Locomotive, S.p.A., Lightweight Electric Passenger Train, 280
- Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd., Mechanised Motor Body Building, 817
- Briggs, William, Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Brigham and Cowan, Ltd., Opening of Dry Dock on the River Tyne, 413
- Bristol Aero-Engines, Ltd., Ramjet Engine, 203
- Bristol Aircraft, Ltd., Aircraft Design Mathematics, 39 Helicopter Progress, (178)
- Bristol Repetition Ltd., Basic Automatic Index-Machine, 450
- British Acheson Electrodes Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Refrigerated Vehicles, (442)
- British Broadcasting Corporation, New Mobile Studio, (34) Reith Lectures, (602) Research Scholarships, (638)
- British Brown Boveri, Ltd., Jubilee, 3
- British Central Electrical Co., Ltd., Miniature Circuit Breaker, (458)
- British Columbia Electric Co., Ltd., 138kV Submarine Cable for Vancouver Island, 589
- British and Continental Traders, Ltd., Heavy-Duty Roughing Roll Lathe, 30
- British Council, Visit of British Engineers to Russian Hydro-Electric Schemes, 535
- British Engineers Small Tools and Equipment Co., Ltd., Dinner, 3
- British European Airways, Helicopter Progress, (178)
- British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Troopship "Nevasa", 162
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd Carrington Power Station, 124 Calder Hall Power Station, 537 138kV Submarine Cable for Vancouver Island, 589 Dielectric Irradiation Laboratory, 594
- British Iron and Steel Federation, British Steel Home Demand, 170 World Steel Production, 170
- British Motor Corporation, Settlement of Dispute, 242
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Jet Airliner, (709)
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Automatic "Argonaut" Welding Head, 59 Tonnage Oxygen Plant Opened at Margam, 183 Automatic "Argonarc" Welding Equipment, 267
- British Oxygen Engineering Ltd., Training School for Apprentices, (792)
- British Oxygen Research and Development Ltd., Industrial Research Laboratory, 517
- British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Egmanton Oilfield, (163) Aviation Fuel Filters, (374) Low-temperature Corrosion, 483 Low Temperature Corrosion Control, (588)
- British Productivity Council, Productivity, 61 ,
- Work Study in Ordnance Factories, 488
- British Road Federation, Traffic Survey of the Cromwell Road Extension Scheme, 39: Scottish Roads, (409)
- British Road Services Board, Plan, 206
- British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., Pile Extractor, 737
- British Sugar Corporation, Mechanical Harvesting of Sugar Beet, 596
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Finlarig Power Station, 25 Power Drive, 25 Fleetwood Power Station. 408 Silicon Junction Rectifiers, 484 Calder Hall Power Station, 537 Electrical Drive for Five-Stand Tandem Cold Mill at Velindre, 661 Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- British Timken Ltd., Factory for Heavy Tapered Roller Bearings, 819
- British Transport Commission, Training Establishments, (106) Reconstruction of Cromwell Weir on the River Trent, (494) Railway Productivity, 522 British Railways and the Oil Shortage, 785 Careers for Engineers in Railway Service, (830) Transport Treasures Exhibition, (830) Development Engineers for British Railways, 835 Universities, 898
- British United Traction, Ltd., Railcars in Australia, (34) Inter-City Diecel Railcars, 164
- Broadbent, Henry, Ltd., Ultrasonic Cleansing Plant, 49
- Broadwell Engineering Co., Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Brockhouse Engineering Co., Ltd., Oil Well Drilling Package Units, 706
- Broken Hill Pvt., Co., Ltd., Modern Pyrite Plant Opened in South Australia, 205
- Bronx Engineering Co., Ltd., Heavy-Duty Plate Shearing Machine, 27 Roller Straightening Machine, 708
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Unit Head for use on Transfer and Special Purpose Machines, 7
- Brookhirst Switchgear Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Broughton, H. H., Gear Standards, 652
- Brown Brothers and Co., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Brown, David, Companies, Constant Drive on Tractor, 23
- Brown, David, Group, Aston Martin "Superleggera" Sports Car. 552
- Brown, David, Industries Ltd., Overshot Loader. 737 "2D" Diesel Engine, 737 "900" Diesel-engined Tractor, 782
- Brown, David, Machine Tool Division, Automatic Cycle Gear Hobbing and Shaving Machine, 926
- Brown, Gordon, Commissioning of Calder Hall No. 1 Reactor, 722
- Brown, J. Guthrie, Presidential Address, Historical Review of British Hydro-Electricity, 499
- Brown, John, and Co. (Clydebank), Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Brown, John, Land Boilers, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Bruce, C. E. R., Static in the Stars? 230
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577, 647; Impulse Tests on 275 kv. Super-Grid Transformer, 241
- Brunner, Adolf, Obituary, 900
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Self- Contained Turbo-Chargers, 57 Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Bryon, J. F. W., James Nasrnyth 1808-1890, (Letter, 236)
- Buchanan, James, and Sons Ltd., Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingcrworth, 623, 655
- Buck and Hickman. Ltd., "Valvetrace" Milling Machine Face Grinding Machine, 8
- Bucks Water Board, Homogeneous Earth-Fill Dam of the Foxcote Reservoir, 618
- Budworth, David, Ltd., Manufacture of a Whales Head, 896
- Building Research Board, Annual Report. 291
- Bullows, Alfred, and Sons Ltd., Portable Spray Painting Plant, (638)
- Bull's Metal and Marine, Ltd., Troopship "Ncvasa", 162
- Bureau of Reclamation, New Construction Programme, 249
- Burns, R. M., Acheson Medal Award, (743)
- Burton, A. G., Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Butler, Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Open-Side Planing Machine. 11 Precision Tool-Room Slotting Machine, 11
- Bywater, William, Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- C.A.V. Ltd., Distributor Pump for Diesel Engines. 373 Electrical Gear Change Control, 470 Engine Equipment, (830)
- Campbell, Gifford and Morton, Ltd., Metal Cleaning and Electro-Plating Factory, 97
- Carbon Dioxide Co., Calder Hall Power Station, 500, 537
- Carmichael, C. D., Development of the "Deltic" Engine, 700
- Carter, A. C., Hydraulic Self-Aligning Seating, 232
- Carter, N., M. S. Bergensfjord, (875)
- Carter-Horsley, Newsprint Mill at Kernsley, 851, 888
- Carves, Simon, Ltd., An Industrial Establishment for Nuclear Power Development, 271
- Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Winger- worth, 623, 655
- Castingite, Ltd., Cleaning Process for Castings, 25
- Cave, F. H., The State of the Ports, 522
- Cementation Co., Ltd., Finlarig Power Station, 25 Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155 Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Central Electricity Authority, Bradwell Nuclear Power Station, 98 120MW Reheat Sets in Power Stations, 112 Carrington Power Station, 124 Ferrybridge Signalbox, (142) Two 120MW Sets at Belvedere Power Station, (178) High Marnham Power Station, 240 Cross-Channel Cable Project, 323 Fleetwood Power Station, 408 The Channel Cable, 433 Annual Report, 482 Consultation Machinery, 631 550MW Generating Sets, 797 Proposed Site for Nuclear Power Station in Somerset, 797 Turbo-Generator with Water-Cooled Stator Windings, 854 300MW Nuclear Power Stations for Great Britain, 891
- C.E.R.N., European Proton Synchrotron. 243 Chamber of Shipping, Annual Dinner, 560
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Hydraulicall) Operated Truck-Mounted Crane, 412
- Chambersburg Engineering Co., Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Chard, E. A., Recording Techniques for Rolling Mill Operation Studies, 765
- Chemical Engineering Wiltons Ltd., Carbonisa- tion and Chemical Plant at Wingerworth, 623, 655
- Cheshire Engineering, Ltd., Industrial Equip- ment Display, 341
- Chloride Batteries Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537 Garry and Moriston Hydro- Electric Schemes, 577
- Christiani and Nielsen Ltd., Langstone Bridge, Hampshire, 377
- Churchill, Charles. and Co., Ltd., Vertical Spindle Chucking Lathe Profile Facing Lathe Gear-Shaving Machine, 43
- Civil Service Commissioners, Annual Report, 522
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Clayton, S. T., French Locomotive Experiences, (Letter, 402)
- Cleming Machine Corporation, Automatic Transfer Feed Press Line for Automotive Wheel Production, 282
- Cliean! Co., Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Clifton and Baird, Ltd., Heavy-Duty High- Speed Cold Sawing Machine, 47
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, Ltd., Twin-Drill Rigs for Trench Blasting Holes. (702)
- Clyde Crane and Booth, Ltd., Carrington Power Station. 124
- Cockcroft, Sir John, Scientific Problems in Development of Nuclear Power, 40
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., Horizontal Milling Machine Machine Designed to Sharpen Tungsten Carbide Tipped Tools, 10
- Coleman, D'Alton Corry, Obituary, (602)
- Collier, W., and Co., Slotting Machine, 551
- Colt Ventilation Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Colvilles Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Commer Cars Ltd., 10-Ton and 12-Ton Tractors, 430
- Commonwealth Edison Co., Issue of Construction Permits for Large-Scale Nuclear Power Stations, 175
- Commonwealth Engineering Co., Ltd , Railcars in Australia, (34)
- Communication Systems, Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia-, 199
- Componex Co., Ltd., Quarterly Magazine on Flexible Tubes and Hoses, (699)
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Annual Conference, 242
- Consett Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Consolidated Edison Co., Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176 Issue of Construction Permits for Large-Scale Nuclear Power Stations, 175
- Cooke, William, and Co., Ltd., Wire Rope Works, 309
- Coombes, L. P., Aeronautical Development in Australia, 741
- Copas, B. A., Storm Water Storage Calculations, 684
- Corrosheath Ltd., Aluminium Sheathing, 487 Corrosion Ltd., Metal Protection, (932) Costain-John Brown Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Schem on the Zambesi River, 155 North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, Garry and Moriston, 503, 545
- Couling, S. A., Tooth Gearing and Research, 915
- Council of Industrial Design, Design Research, (95)
- Courtaulds Ltd., Rayon Cord Tyres, (868)
- Coventry Climax Engineering Co., Ltd., 1.5-litre Engine, 585
- Cowlin, F. J., Obituary, 39
- Coyne, A., and J. Bellier, Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Crane Packing Ltd., Flexible P.T.F.E., Bellows, (530) Corrosion Protection for Springs, (602)
- Cranfield Brothers, Ltd., Electrical Drive for a Flour Mill, 167
- Crittall Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Coal Tar as Fuel for Gas Turbine, 153
- Crittall, Richard, (Marine) Ltd., Twin Screw Tug "Takoradi", 484
- Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Electrical Drive for a Flour Mill, 167
- Crossley Brothers Ltd., Problem of Rising Costs, 597
- Crowe, T. A., Motive Power on Sea and Land, 580. 614
- Crowley Russell and Co., Ltd., Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply in Lanarkshire, 592
- Crowthorne Engineering Co., Ltd., Lathe for High-Speed Production, 48
- Crypton Equipment Ltd., Flywheel Magneto Testing, (458)
- Cunard Steam Ship Co., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Cutts, B., Calder Hall Reactors, 771
- D'Albiac, Sir John, London Airport, 643
- Dana, R. W., Obituary, 798
- Danks of Netherton, Carrington Power Station, 124
- Darlington Insulation Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Railway Oil Engines, (42): Oil Well Drilling Package Units, 706 Diesel Engine Speed Increase, (932)
- Davies, Arthur, Obituary, (566)
- Davies, Hubert, and Co., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Davis, A. W., Marine Steam Turbine, (904)
- Davis, Stuart, Ltd., Spur Gear Grinder Universal Automatic Press Automatic Internal Grinder, 10
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., Electrical Drive for Five-Stand Tandem Cold Mill at Velindre, 661
- De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., Super- phosphate Plant for Salisbury, 63
- de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., Jet Airliner, (709)
- Decca Radar Ltd., True Motion Radar, 707
- Demag A.G., Rhine Bridge, Mannheim-Ludwigshafen, (114)
- Dempster. Robert, and Sons Ltd., Works Pickling Plant, 660
- Denham's Engineering Co., Ltd., 22in. Heavy- Duty Lathe, 50
- Dennis Bros. Ltd., "Loline" Double-deck Bus, 430 Bulk Oil Dispensing Vehicles, 669
- Denny, William, and Bros., Ltd., Steamer "Duke of Rothsay", 307
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Directing Research Establishments, 28 Bill Third Reading, 75 Road Research in 1955, 147 Expenditure on Research and Development, 362
- Desoutter Brothers Ltd., Rivet Setter, 365
- Deutsche Werft, German Super Tankers, 675
- Dewrance and Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537 Newsprint Mill at Kernsley, 851, 888
- Dexion Ltd., Slotted Angles, (494)
- Dial Automatic Scale Co., Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Dickerson, P. D., Design of Ingots for High Output in the Slabbing Mill, 765 Time Characteristics of the Slabbing Mill, 765
- Distillers Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 500
- Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., Canadian Structural Engineering Firm's Expansion Programme, 669
- Donkin and Co., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Dorey, S. F., Retirement, 643
- Dortmund-Horder Hutten-Union, Slabbing Mill begins Operation. 454
- Dowding and Doll, Ltd., Spline Rolling Machine Copying Lathe Automatic Hydraulic Copying Milling Machine Vertical Fine Baring Machine, 44
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Twin Screw Tug "Takoradi", 484
- du Pont de Nemours, E. I., and Co., Fabrication of Frictional Parts from "Teflon" Fibre, 32
- Duckham, Alexander, and Co., Ltd., Measurement of Cutting Tool Performance with Radioactive Isotopes, 127
- Dunford and Elliott Process Engineering Ltd., Rotary Cooler for Granular or Powdered Materials, 897
- Dunlop Research Centre, Irradiation Laboratory, 309
- Dunlop Rim and Wheel Co., Automatic Transfer Feed Press Line for Automotive Wheel Production, 282
- Dunlop Rubber Co, Aircraft Brake Testing, 520
- Durrwerke, A. G., Tuncbilek Power Station, 65
- E.N.V. Engineering Co., Ltd., Continuous Carburising, 308
- East African Breweries, Ltd., Electrical Equipment for Malting Plant in Nairobi, 204
- Eastern Electricity Board, Electrical Drive for a Flour Mill, 167
- Eastern Gas Board, East Anglian Gas Grid, (165)
- Eastern Region of British Railways, Diesel Maintenance Depot at Stratford, (318)
- Eaton Manufacturing Co., Magnetic Dry-particle Clutch, 585
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Motor-Driven Swing-Beam Press Brake, 8
- Eisenwerk Rothe Erde G.m.b.H., Wire Race Ball and Roller Bearings, 525
- Elders and Fyffes Ltd., Twin-Screw Liner "Camito", 860
- Electric Furnace Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 500, 537
- Electricite de France, The Channel Cable, 433
- Electro-Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Metal Cleaning and Electro-Plating Factory, 97
- Elgar Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Copy-Spinning and Flow-Forming Lathe Automatic Spline Hobbing Machine Automatic Production Milling Machine Plano-Milling Machine, 47
- Ellison, George, Ltd., Medium Voltage Withdrawable Switchgear, 486
- Elliston Evans and Jackson Ltd., 7i-Ton Grabbing Crane, 856
- Enfield Cables Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851. 888
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Electrification of a Welsh Grit-Stone Q aarry, 95 Abbey Works Slabbing Mill Drive, 98 Carrington Power Station, 124 Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155 Electrical Equipment for Malting Plant in Nairobi, 204 Fleetwood Power Station, 408 Diesel and Electric Locomotive Building in Lancashire, 413 Calder Hall Power Station, 537 Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577, 647 Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705 711-Ton Grabbing Crane, 856
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Stainless Linered Press Cylinder, 278 Calder Hall Power Station. 464, 537
- Eonit Engineering Co., Ltd., Cement Silo, 737 Erftwerk, Aluminium Brightening Process, 174
- Ericsson, L. M., Automatic Train Graphs, 674
- Escher Wyss A. G., Controllable-Pitch Marine Propellers, 513 Coal-Fired Closed-Cycle Air Turbine Plant, 927
- Esso A.G., Annual Report of a Hamburg Oil Company, 209 Expansion of Civil Aviation, 525
- Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., Surplus Refinery Gas, 147
- Esso Tankschiff Reederei G.m.b.H., German Super Tankers, 675
- Ether Ltd., Programme Temperature Controller, 746
- Eumuco (England), Ltd., Forging Machine Feeding Device, (106)
- Evans, Ifor, Old Students of University College London, (Letter, 402)
- Eve, J. L., Construction Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Guided Missiles, 333 Photo-electric Safety Ohm-meter, 364
- Fairey, Sir Richard, Obituary, 476
- Falconer, J. M., Use of Wind Tunnel Techniques in Radio Engineering, 266
- Farrel-Birmingham Co., Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176.
- Fawcett Finney Ltd., Hopper Loader for Injection Moulding Machines, (669)
- Federal Power Board, Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Federation of British Industries, Overseas Scholarships, 112
- Felco Hoists Ltd., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Ferodo Ltd., "The Ferodo Story", (34)
- Ferranti, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124 Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155 Factory for Electronic Digital Computers, 593
- Fina Petroleum Products Ltd., Fuel Oil Calculator, (602)
- Findlay, Alexander, and Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd., Fire-Bars, (837)
- Flindt, C. B., Theory of Restrained Corrugated Diaphragms, 193
- Florida Power Corporation, Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Florida Power and Light Co., Industrial Nuclear
- Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Fluidrive Engineering Co., Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Automatic Pick-Up Hitch, 23 Industrial Equipment Display, 341 "Thames" Goods Vehicles, 430: Spline Rolling, 450
- Fordson "Major" Tractor Refinements, 782
- Forrest, J. S., High-Pressure Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell, 93
- Foster Transformers, Ltd., High-Energy Spark Ignition Equipment for Oil Burners, 310
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Coal Preparation Plant in Australia, 486
- Fuel Research Board, Reports for 1955, 112
- G.E.C.-Simon-Carves Atomic Energy Group, 300MW Nuclear Power Stations for Great Britain, 891 An Industrial Establishment for Nuclear Power Development, 271
- Garnett, P. and C., Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Gas Council, Annual Report, 522 Gas Industry Statistics, 170
- Gascoignes (Reading), Ltd., Silver Medal Award, 25
- Gear Grinding Co., Ltd., Spur Tooth Gear Grinding Machine Shaft Grinding Machine Involute Measuring Machine, 44
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Fluorescent Lighting, 25 i - Ward-Leonard Control of Veneer Peeling Lathe, 96 Flameproof Loudspeaker Driving Unit, 165 7kW Induction Heater, 240 Sound System for Colston Hall Organ Tuning, 241 An Industrial Establishment for Nuclear Power Development, 271 Air Turbine Testing, (350) Machine Shop for Apprentice Training, (386) Long Range Radar Installation at New York International Airport, 420 Daylight Monitor, 483 Coal Preparation Plant in Australia, 486 Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577 Industrial Triode Valves, (754) Small Bending Machine for Conduit Tubes, (792) 300MW Nuclear Power Stations for Great Britain, 891 General Motors, Buick "Centurion", 585
- General Post Office, Weighing Machine, 427
- Gent and Co., Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Geratebau Eberspacher, Automotive Turbo- Charger, 858
- Gercke, M. J., Aerothermopressor, (Letter. 305)
- Gerrard, J., and Sons, Ltd., Fleetwood Power Station, 408
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Gibb, Coyne, Sogei (Kariba) (Pvt.), Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Gilkes, Gilbert, and Gordon Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577 Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply in Lanarkshire, 592
- Gill, John, Contractors, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Glasgow Water Department, Annual Report, (286)
- Gleeson, M. J., Ltd., Fleetwood Power Station, 408 Carrington Power Station, 124
- Glenfield and Kennedy Ltd., Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply in Lanarkshire, 592
- Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 545 Pumping Plant for the Wallasey Impounding Station at Mersey Docks, 129
- Glover, W. T., and Co., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Goodeve, Sir Charles, Steelmaking Since Bessemer, 329 Research and Road Traffic, 835
- Goodlet, B. L., Calder Hall Reactors, 771
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Annular Piston Brake, 365 Anti-Skid Braking, (530)
- Gough. H. J., Changing Nature of the Fatigue Problem, 359
- Gourley, H. J. F., Obituary, 910 Presidential Address, 649
- Grantham Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Tyre Drier, 671
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., Cunard Liner-"Carinthia", 199
- Gresham Transformers Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Grieveson, S., Road Research, (Letter, 236)
- Griffiths, W. H. F., Decade Air Condenser, 691, 728
- Griggs and Son, Ltd., Proposal for a Fully Automatic Multi-Storey Garage, 607
- Gronblad, K., Automatic Stock Level Control on Blast Furnaces, 800
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Profits and Trade, 28
- Gunner, A. M., Calculation of Backlash Between Gear-Teeth, 734 Gear Standards, 694
- Gutehoffnungshutte A.G., German Industrial Gas Turbine, 65
- Gutehoffnungshutte Sterkrade A.G., Coal- Fired Closed-Cycle Air Turbine Plant, 927
- Guy, Sir Henry Lewis, Obituary, 111
- Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., Pumping Plant for the Wallasey Impounding Station at Mersey Docks, 129
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124 Expansion of Transformer and Rectifier Factory, 703
- Hahnsche Werke A.G., Erection of Broad- Strip Rolling Mill, 102
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 545
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199; Twin-Screw Liner "Camito", 860
- Hall, Matthew, and Co., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Halmatic, Ltd., Experimental High Speed Launch. 26
- Hamworthy Engineering Ltd., Screw Pumps, (792)
- Hanovia (Lamps Division of Engelhard Industries Ltd.), Radiant Heaters, 743
- Harding, J. R., All-Weather Connectors for Aluminium-to-Copper Conductors, (Letter, 402)
- Hardon Precision Engineering Co., Ltd., Air- operated Vice, (630)
- Harland Engineering Co., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Steamers "Duke of Lancaster" and "Duke of Argyll-, 307
- Harris, P. K., (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Manchester Ship Canal Tug "Sabre", 342
- Harrison, P. W., Oil Test Laboratory, (Letter, 122) Optical Instrument for Measuring Camber on Large Rolls, 327
- Harza Engineering Co., Construction of the Priest Rapids Dam in Washington, 565
- Hastings, W. W., Recording Techniques for Rolling Mill Operation Studies, 765
- Haug, Kaare, M. S. Bergensfjord, (875)
- Hayward Tyler Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Head Wrightson Machine Co., Ltd., Automatic Triple-Draw, High-Speed Drawbench, 375
- Headland Engineering Developments Ltd., Machine Clamp, (830)
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Cold Strip Forming Machine, 48
- Henderson, J., Combined Stress Creep Fracture of a Commercial Copper at 250 Deg. Cent., 261, 299
- Henderson and Keay, Ltd., Machining of Turbine Castings, 208
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Machine Tool Demonstration at Manchester, (458) Travelling Scholarship, 535
- Hess Products, Ltd., Cationic and Nonionic Chemical Plant, 131
- Heywood, W. H., Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Pumping Plant for the Wallasey Impounding Station at Mersey Docks, 129
- Higginson, G. R., Strength of a Tube Under Local External Pressure, 428
- Higgs and Hill Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Hinton, Sir Christopher, Place of Calder Hall Reactor in Nuclear Power Generation, 726
- Hodge, John Blackwood, and Co., Ltd., Twin- Engine Two-Stroke Track Layer, 628
- Hollings, James Spencer, Obituary, 3
- Holman Brothers Ltd., Automatic Control and Warning Equipment for Air Compressors, 824 Colour Film, (70)
- Holme, E. and Co. (1931) Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., Electrostatic Air Filter, 824 Oil Mist Precipitator for Machine Shops, (704)
- Hommelwerke, Suction-Clamped Test Indicator Stand, 30
- Hopkinsons Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537 Carrington Power Station, 124
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., 100-Ton Open-Front. Geared Press, 49
- Horne, M. R., Effect of Distortion of a Stiff- Jointed Frame on its Plastic Collapse Load, (Letter, 87)
- Horwitch Smith and Co., Ltd., Polymer Deposition, 434
- Hosking, J. R., Efficiency of Screening Operations for Roadmaking Aggregates, 258
- Howaldtswerke (Hamburg), German Super Tankers, 675
- Howarth Walker and Liley, Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Hudson, Sir Austin, Bt., Obituary, 797
- Hume Atkins and Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Hunter, Philip Vassar, Obituary, 571, 608
- Hunting Percival Aircraft, Ltd., Executive Aircraft, 333
- Hunting Technical Services, Ltd., Development of Natural Resources, (318)
- Hydrauliska Industri Aktiebolaget, Lorry Loader, 633
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Non-Magnetic Compressor, (241) Pneumatic Stop Valve, (286)
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Surerphosphate Plant for Salisbury, 63 Explosives Manufacturing Plant at Ardeer, 91: Prices Stabilised, 170 Heat Transfer Panels, 521 Moulded Polythene Tube Fittings for Plumbing Systems, 671
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Expansion, (318)
- Impresa Umberto Gircla, Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Imprese Italiane Allestero S.p.A., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Impresit (Kariba) (Pvt.), Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Impresit (South Africa) (Proprietary), Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Impressa Ing. Lodigiani S.p.A., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Innocenti, Machining of Turbine Castings. 208
- International Combustion, Ltd., Test House for Grinding, Screening and Filtering Equipment, 166
- International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, Third Congress, 169
- International Harvester Co. of Great Britain Ltd., Baler, 815 Skid-Shovel, 737
- International Marine Radio Co., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Iron and Steel Board. Iron and Steel. 99, 242
- Iron Castings Production, 311 , Funds, 311
- Irvine-Brown, L., Steel Works Locomotives, (Letter, 268)
- Jaeger, J. C., Study of Underground Water Movements by Measurements in Drill Holes, 76
- Jaguar Motors Ltd., Mark VIII Saloon, 552
- Jarvis, J., and Sons, Ltd., Automobile Trans- mission Factory, 133
- Jenkins, D. E., Effect of Distortion of a Stiff- Jointed Frame on its Plastic Collapse Load. (Letter, 20)
- Jenkins, Robert, and Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Jenkins, W. and J., and Co., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Johnson, A. E., Combined Stress Creep Fracture of a Commercial Copper at 250 Deg. Cent., 261, 299
- Johnson, A. J., Some Observations on Local Vibration, (792)
- Johnson, T. W., Measurement of Gas Transit Times in a Blast Furnace, 800
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Aluminium Cable Soldering, 96 Newsprint Mill at Kemsley. 851, 888
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman Ltd., Technical Films, (566) Circular Form Tool Grinding Machine, 861
- Jones, H. G., Time Characteristics of the Slabbing Mill, 765 Design of Ingots for High Output in the Slabbing Mill, 765
- Jones, R. P. N., Some Uses of a University, 152 Resonance Stress Testing, (Letter, 402)
- Jones, W. K., Conservation of Natural Resources, 498, 499
- Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, All-Weather Connectors for Aluminium-to- Copper Conductors, 347
- Kapp, Reginald O., Tesla's Contribution to Electrical Engineering, 371
- Karaiba Transport Co., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Karrier Motors Ltd., 10-Ton and 12-Ton Tractors, 430
- Kay and Co (Engineers) Ltd., Hydraulic Pipe Coupling, 377
- Kearns. H. W., and Co., Ltd., Horizontal Toolroom Boring Machine, 7
- Keelavite Rotary Pumps and Motors, Ltd., Hydraulic Power Pack. 50
- Keith Blackman Ltd., Shot Cleaning for Heat Exchanger Surfaces, (678)
- Kellogg International Corporation, Opening of Kellogg 'louse, (904)
- Kelvin and Hughes Ltd., Attitude Indicator, 364
- Kelvin and Hughes (Marine), Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia". 199: Echo Range and Sounding Fishing Equipment, 559 Marine Radar Equipment. 239
- Kennedy and Donkin, Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Kent, George, Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537 Newsprint Mill at Kemslcy, 851, 888 Slack-Diaphragm Pressure Controllers, 595
- Kenyon, William, Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Keown, J. E., Loading in Bracket Bolting, (Letter. 86)
- Kerry's (Engineering) Co., Ltd., Ultrasonic Cleansing Plant, 49
- Kerry's (Great Britain) Ltd., Machine Tool Manufacturers' Exhibition. (830) Ultrasonic Cleansing Plant. 49
- Khalil, K. H., Conditions of Failure in some Turbine Diaphragm Blades. 78
- Kieler Howaldswerke, German Super Tankers, 675
- Kiers Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley. 851, 888
- King, J. W. H., Effect of Distortion of a Stiff Jointed Frame on its Plastic Collapse Load, (Letter, 20)
- Kjellman, I., Automatic Stock Level Control on Blast Furnaces, 800
- Klingelnberg, W. Ferd, Sohne, Involute and Helix Tester for Large Gears, 561
- Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz A.G., Four-wheel Drive Tipper. 430
- Knight, N. V., Concept of Irrigation Diversion Headworks, (Letter. 304)
- Knowles. Wilson. and Sons. Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Kodak Ltd., Colour Densitometer, 671
- Kohlescheidungs - Gesellschaft, Coal – Fired Closed-Cycle Air Turbine Plant, 927
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappii, Centenary, 562
- Koppers Company. Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingerworth, 623, 655
- Laing, John. and Co. (Rhodesia), Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Laing, John, and Son, Ltd., Career in Construction. (904)
- Lancaster and Tonge Ltd., Inverted Bucket Steam Trap, 487
- Land. E. H., Award of Howard N. Potts Medal, 637
- Laurence. Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia". 199
- Leder and Cie Ltd., Self-Tensioning Belt Drive. 675
- Leggat, Hugh, Ltd., Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply, 592
- Leliaysky, S., Cut-offs i n Modern Hydraulic Diversion Works on Alluvial Rivers. 184, 228: Modern Dzwatering Methods in Irrigation Problems. 114, 148
- Le Tourneau-Westinghouse Co, Motor Grader Equipped with Torque Converter, 931
- Leverton, H., and Co., Ltd., Silver Medal Award, 25
- Lewicki, W., Theory of Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Parallel Sliding, (Letter. 336)
- Lex Garages Ltd., Underground Urban Parking. 835
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., "Buffalo" Truck Forty-Seater Coach "Atlantean" Double- Deck Bus, 392 Rear-Engined Double- Decker Bus, 339
- Lightfoot Refrigeration Co., Ltd., Low-Temperature Test Cabinet, (286)
- Lind, H. P. T., Obituary, 885
- Lindsay. F. E., One-Tooth Pinions, 368
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Diesels in Industry, (142) Small Diesel Engine, 737
- Livesay, E. H., Further French Locomotive Experiences, 188, 221, 256. 292. 324. 366, 400. 474, (Letter, 368) Rebuilt Chapclon "Pacifies". 734
- Lloyd-Hamol Ltd., Silicone Barrier Preparation, (602)
- Lloyd's Register, Shipbuilding Returns. 219, 571 Statistical Tables, 835 Wreck Returns, (178), (530), (792)
- Lockers Engineering Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- London Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Brightening Process, 174
- London County Council, Rejection of Development Schemes at Victoria Station, 499
- London General Omnibus Co., One Hundred Years' Omnibus Operation. 89
- London and Glasgow Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- London Transport, Aldenham Bus Repair and Overhaul Works, 626 Electrification of the Epping-Ongar Line. 643 Signal Installation at Farringdon, (932) Review of 1955, 427
- Longden. H. A., Post-War Development in the Coal-Mining Industry. 918
- Longworth, Thomas, (Sales). Ltd., Cooling System for Weaving Shed. 310
- Lotus Engineering Co., Ltd., "Le Mans" Sports) Racing Car, 552 Sports Car, 585
- Low, A. M., Obituary, 391
- Lucas, Joseph. (Industries) Ltd., The Automobile Industry's Outlook
- Lumsden Machine Co., Ltd., Four-Head Continuous Grinder, 46
- Lund. John, Ltd., Combined Hydraulic Tailstock and Wheel Truing Equipment for Cylindrical Grinder. 9
- Lyon, G., How to Avoid Building Roads, 810
- McAlpine. Sir A., and Son, Ltd., Carrington Power Station. 124
- McCracken, Andrew, and Co., Ltd., Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply, 592
- MacGregor, Robert, Obituary, (566)
- Mackay, J. E., Obituary, (106)
- McLellan and Partners. Electrical Drive for Five-Stand Tandem Cold Mill at Velindre. 661
- Macmillan. R. H., Control System Nomogram, 195
- Maihak A. G., Remote-Reading Inclinometer, 490
- Malcolm and Allan Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., Manchester Ship Canal Tug "Sabre", 342
- Manganese Bronze and Brass Co., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Mannesmann-Export G.m.b.H., Tuncbilck Power Station, 65
- Marbaix, Gaston E., Ltd., Contouring Lathe
- Hydraulic Surface Grinder Oscillating Shaving Press Automatic Press Honing Machine, 45
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., British Research into Radio Propagation by Tropospheric Scatter, 595
- Markland, A. D., Obituary, (566)
- Marples Ridgway and Partners. Ltd., Opening of Dry Dock on the River Tyne, 413
- Marryat and Scott, Ltd., Lift Planning Rule. (142)
- Marshall, Fleming and Co., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., New Earthmoving Equipment. (295)
- Martin, B. W., Performance Characteristics of Free Piston Compressor. 4
- Martin, Glenn L., Company, Packaged Nuclear Reactors, 753
- Maschinenfabrik Herkules, Heavy-Duty Roughing Roll Lathe. 30
- Masing, G., Obituary, 525
- Massey-Harris-Ferguson, Ltd., Self-Propelled Combine-Harvester Tractor-Mounted Spinner Broadcaster Reinforced Rubber Tyre Tracks Mid-Mounted Industrial Mower. 23 37 B.H.P. Agricultural Tractor, 479
- Masson Scott Co., Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851. 888
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124 Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Mathew Brothers Ltd., Attachment for Tractor- Mounted Tools, 737
- Mathur, V. D., Combined Stress Creep Fracture of a Commercial Copper at 250 Deg. Cent., 261, 299
- Matling Ltd., Heavy Tool and Die Handling Equipment, 4566)
- Matthew Hall and Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Maunsell, G., and Partners, Opening of Dry Dock on the River Tyne, 413
- Meadows, Henry, Ltd., Four Automotive Diesel Engines, 405
- Mechanical Engineering Research Board, Report for 1955, 112
- Menter, J. W., Direct Observation of Defects in Crystal Lattices, 6
- Merritt. H. E. Calculation of Backlash Between Gear-Teeth. 438 Whither British Standards for Gears, 547
- Merritt-Chapman and Scott Corporation, Construction of the Priest Rapids Dam in Washington, 565
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Pumping Plant for the Wallasey Impounding Station at Mersey Docks, 129
- Merz and McLellan, Constructional Progress at Chapel Cross Nuclear Power Station, 94 - Finlarig Power Station, 25 Kariba Hydro- Electric Scheme on the Zimbesi River, 155 Turbo-Generator with Water-Cooled Stator Windings, 854
- Metalastik Ltd., Variable Spring Rate Rubber Suspension System, 470
- Metallic Extractors (Non-Ferrous), Ltd., Copper Residue Valuation, (59)
- Metcalf. B. L., Post-War Development in the Coal-Mining Industry, 918 Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 464, 537 Radioactive Cobalt Therapy Unit, 42 Carrington Power Station, 124 Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155 Rectifier Arc-Welding Set, 310 Fleetwood Power Station, 408 Infra-Red Curing of Varnish and Lacquer on Photo-Lithographic Rollers, 670 Turbo-Generator with Water Cooled Stator Windings, 854 Heavy Welding Manipulator, 897
- Michigan Tool Corporation. Spline Rolling, 450 Microcell Ltd., Glass-Reinforced Plastic Water Tanks, 737
- Midland Region of British Railways, Block Signalling Instrument of Unit Construction, 410
- Millspaugh Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kernsley, 851, 888
- Ministry of Supply, Demonstration of Military Vehicles, 518
- Mirrlees (Engineers), Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Mitchell Construction Co., Constructional Progress at Chapel Cross Nuclear Power Station, 94
- Mitchell, Colman and Co., Ltd., "Almak" Multi-purpose Machine, 816
- Mitchell, Fred, and Sons, Ltd., Fleetwood Power Station, 408
- Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., Industrial Films, (678)
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Mining for Nickel, (265) Nickel Plating for Engineers, (904)
- Monk, A., and Co., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Moore, R. V., Calder Hall Reactors, 771, 802 Development of Gas-Cooled Reactors for Power Production, 881
- Morgan Brothers (Publishers) Ltd., Appointment of Chairman, 873
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Electric Furnace Elements, (904)
- Morgan, William, Coal Cutter Loader. 823
- Morley, A. W., Gas Turbine Developments in Aeronautics. 16
- Morris Commercial Cars Ltd., Forward Control 15 cwt. Vehicles. 430
- Morris. H., Calder Hall Heat Exchangers. 841
- Morrison. J. L. M., Criteria of Yield. 810
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., 300MW Nuclear Power Stations for Great Britain, 891
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Ltd., Fleetwood Power Station, 408
- Mowlem, John, (Scotland) Ltd., 300MW Nuclear Power Stations for Great Britain, 891
- Mullard Ltd., Triode for Industrial R.F. Generators. (754)
- Munich Technical University, First German Reactor. 65
- Murphy, A. J., Aircraft Materials, 885
- Myford Engineering Co., Ltd., Cylindrical Grinding Machine, 708
- Nairne Pyrites, Ltd., Modern Pyrite Plant Opened in South Australia, 205
- Napier. D., and Son, Ltd., Gas Turbine Engines. 333 Rocket Engines. 333 Development of the "Deltic" Engine, 700
- National Coal Board, New Department, 61 Canonbie Coalfield, (94) Coal Statistics, 391 Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingcrworth, 623. 655 University Scholarships, (868) Oiler for Mine Gauge Guide Ropes, (868) Underground Gasification of Coal, 873 Central Engineering Establishment, 893 Coal Preparation Plant in South Wales, 903 Coal Statistics, 909
- National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service, Second Progress Survey, 170
- National Inspection Council, Change of Name from National Register of Electrical Installation Contractors, 28
- National Physical Laboratory, Optical Instrument for Measuring Camber on Large Rolls. P. W. Harrison, 327
- National Register of Electrical Installation Contractors. Change of Name to National Inspection Council, 28
- National Research Corporation. Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139. 176
- National Union of Mineworkers, Annual Conference, 61
- Natural Asphalts Mineowners and Manufacturers Council, Mastic Asphalt, (530)
- Natural Rubber Development Board, Rubber in Engineering, (205)
- Naval Construction Research Establishment, 500-Ton Universal Vertical Testing Machine, 161
- Negretti and Zambra Ltd., Pneumatic Instrumentation, 463
- Nettell. D. F., Recording Techniques for Rolling Mill Operation Studies. 765
- Neulen, Martin. K. G., Motorised Glider, 454
- Neumann, Dr. John Von, Enrico Fermi Award, 141
- New Electronic Products Ltd., Artificial Heart and Lung Machine, 744
- New Western Engineering Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Newstead Gordon, Study of Underground Water Movements by Measurements in Drill Holes, 76
- Newton and Bennett Ltd., Centrifugal Clutch, 470
- Newton. Chambers and Co., Ltd., Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingerworth, 623. 655
- Newton Victor, Ltd., Radioactive Cobalt Therapy Unit, 42
- Niagara Screens Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kerns- Icy. 851. 888
- Nicol and Andrew Ltd., Rectification of Large Cylinders. (422)
- Nicol Hugh, Equation of Food and Fuel, 510 Noren, T. M., Cleavage Strength of Steel, (904)
- Normalair Ltd., Lightweight Breathing Apparatus, (422)
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Diesel Engine Manufacture at a British Locomotive Works, 411
- North-Eastern Region of British Railways, Reconstruction of Railway Bridge, (92) Track Lifting and Scarifying Equipment, 487
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Finlarig Power Station, 25 Garry and Moriston Schemes. 468, 503, 545, 577
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Cantilevered Stand Roof. 27: Body-Building Sections, 521 Aluminium Portable Bridge. 855
- Norton Grinding Wheel Co., Ltd., Surface Protection by Coating, 822
- Nuclear Power Group, Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Nuclear Power Plant Co., Ltd., 300MW Nuclear Power Stations for Great Britain, 891
- O'Beirne, Thos. H., Gear Standards. 652
- Optical Measuring Tools Ltd., Large-Capacity Projector for Inspecting Turbine Blades. 746
- Orr, J. G., Professional Engineers and the Future, 693
- Oxv-Catalyst Sales Ltd., An Oxidation Catalyst, 743
- Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Sea Water Evaporators at the Morro Bay Steam Power Station, 315
- Packman, G., Calder Hall Reactors, 771
- Palmer Tyre Co., Ltd., Annular Piston Brake, 365
- Paneletrik O.H.G., Moisture Content Meter, 634
- Parker. Winder and Achurch Ltd., Translucent Flexible Doors. (740)
- Parolle Electrical Plant Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 500
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155: Calder Hall Power Station. 464. 500, 537
- Patent Automatic Machine Feeding Co., Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Paterson, Sir William, Obituary. 220
- Pearson, T. B., and Sons. Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Percival, Edgar, Aircraft Ltd., Aircraft for Agricultural Duty. (386)
- Perkins. F., Ltd., Diesel Engine Mobile Training Equipments. (808)
- Permutit Co., Ltd., Carbonisation and Chemical Plant, at Wingerworth, 623, 655
- Perrin, J. F., Never be Short of Labour, 695
- Petmar Industries Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Petrie and McNaught Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Petroleum Information Bureau, Oil Consumption, (142)
- Petters Ltd., Low-Power Marine Diesel Engines, 515
- Philip and Son. Ltd., Twin Screw Tug "Takoradi", 484
- Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Improved Car Headlamp, 489
- Phillips Petroleum Co., Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 176
- Phoenix-Rheinrohr A.G., Plastic Pipework. 29
- Pilkington Brothers Ltd., High Voltage Glass Insulator Laboratory. 658
- Pioneer Oilsealing and Moulding Co., Ltd., Sealing Rings, (670)
- Pirelli General Cable Works Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577, 647
- Platt Malleable Castings Ltd., Automatic Moulding Equipment, 668
- Plessey Co., Ltd., Magnetic Ferrite, (566) Ram Air Turbine, 365
- Plessey Nucleonics Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Plysec Products Ltd., Petrol-proof Aprons, (494)
- Pollard and Co., Ltd., Special Purpose Machine, 48
- Polymer Corporation Ltd., Rubber, 863
- Porn and Dunwoody Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley. 851, 888
- Postbox G.m.b.H., Collapsible Packing Container, 419
- Poultney, E. C., Notable Locomotives of 1906, 731. 767
- Powell Duffryn Carbon Products Ltd., Graphite Heat Exchangers, (830)
- Power Reactor Development Co., Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Priestley, Sir Raymond, Twentieth-Century Man Against Antartica, 296
- Pritchett and Gold and E.P.S., Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Proudlock-Dunbar, O. M., Obituary, (602)
- Pullin, Victor Edward, Obituary. 220
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Vacuum Gauge, 205
- Qualters and Smith Bros., Ltd., Ultrasonic Cleansing Plant, 49
- Quasi-Arc, Ltd., Metal-Rectifier Welding Set, 238 Welding Set Suspension Undergear, (350)
- Radio Heaters Ltd., Crankshaft Hardening Machine. 485
- Radley, Sir Gordon World Telecommunications, 507
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 12 Cubic Yard Walking Dragline, 274
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Tractor- Mounted. Subsoiler and Mole Drainer, 24 Self-propelled Combine-harvester, 815
- Redpath, Brown and Co, Newsprint Mill at Kernsley, 851, 888
- Reeves, D. L., How to Avoid Building New Roads, 694
- Registrar of Restrictive Trading Agreements, Appointment, (318)
- Reilly Engineering Ltd., Electronic Tachometer, (364); Precision Internal Grinding Spindle, 519
- Reliance Rubber Co., Anti-Static Mouldings, (792)
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Twin Screw Tug "Takoradi", 484
- Republic Aviation Corporation, Lightweight High-Altitude Research Missile, 753
- Reynolds, William. and Sons (Bedford) Ltd., Trench Digger. 815
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station. 537 Garry and Moriston Hydro- Electric Schemes, 577, 647
- Rhein-Plastic-Rohr G.m.b.H., Plastic Pipework, 29
- Rheinisch-Westfalische Elektrizitaetswerke River Lech Hydro-Electric Scheme. 173
- Rheinische Gummi-und-Celluloid-Fabrik, Plastic Pipework, 29
- Rhodes, Brydon and Youatt, Ltd., High- Temperature Circulating Pumps, 203
- Rhodesian Power Lines (Pvt.,), Ltd., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Ricardo and Co. (1927), Ltd., Supercharger Development, 156
- Richardson. P. C., and Co. (Middlesbrough), Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Richardsons Westgarth (Hartlepool), Ltd., Fleetwood Power Station, 408
- Ridgion, J. M., Studies of Blast Furnace Assessment. 800
- Ridsdale, N. D., Obituary (286)
- Riemsdijk, J. T. Van, French Locomotive Experiences. 368
- Ritter, Fleck and Roller Maschinenlabrik A.G., Ward-Leonard Control of Veneer Peeling Lathe, 96
- Robertson, A., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, Garry and Moriston. 503
- Robertson, A. I. G., Irrigation Scheme in Malaya, 58
- Robinson, W., Street Lighting and Safety, 759
- Rocol Ltd., Industrial Greases, (932)
- Rodger, John Wilfred, Obituary, 255
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Experimental High Speed Launch, 26 Thrust Reversers, 333 "Hydra-matic" Gearbox, 552
- Roto-Finish Ltd., Metal Finishing Processes, 486
- Rover Co., Ltd., Automatic Transmission, 585
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Aberporth, Missile Experiment. 629
- Royal Naval Engineering College, at Manadon, 75
- Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., Automatic Moulding Equipment, 668
- Rupert and Co., Ltd., Surface Roughness Specimens, (6) Suction-Clamped Test indicator Stand. 30
- Rural Industries Bureau, Report, 291
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd., Rotating-wing Aircraft with Booster Rockets, 333
- Scammell Lorries Ltd., "Super Constructor" Chassis. 430 8 cubic yard Dump Truck, 737
- Schenck, Carl, G.m.b.H., Balancing Machine for Cardan Shafts, 102
- Schloemann Aktiengesellschaft. Multi-Roll Cold Rolling Mill, 246
- Schwing, Friedrich Wilh., G.m.b.H., Com- pressed Air Concrete Placer. 381
- Sciver, Mr., Some Problems in the Purification of Sewage, 355
- Scoles, C. A., Pneumatic Measurement of Turbine Shaft Displacement, 763
- Scottish Aviation, Ltd., Air Strips in Use, (318)
- Scottish Mechanical Light Industries, Ltd., Silver Medal Award, 25
- Scottish Machine Tool Corporation Ltd., Cold Hydraulic Ship Frame Bender, 520
- Scottish Region, British Railways, Pre-Apprentice Training, 721
- Sealdraught, Ltd., Self-Adhesive Seal, (202)
- Self-Changing Gears Ltd., Automatic Control for Power-operated Epicyclic Gearboxes. 470 Fluid Coupling, 470
- Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Automatic Screw Machine Heavy-Duty Profiling Machine, 9 Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 10
- Semler, E. G., Never be Short of Labour, 619. 781
- Senior, A. A., Coal Cutter Loader, 823
- Senior, D. A., Ships' Speed Measurement, 80
- Shapiro, Ascher, H., Aerothermopressor, 510
- Sharp Control Gear, Ltd., Snap-Action Limit Switch, 133
- Sharpies Centrifuges Ltd., Continuous Auto- matic Swarf and Oil Separator, 515
- Shell Austria A.G., Lubricating Oil Installation for Austria, 346
- Shell Chemical Co., Ltd., Styrene Monomer Plant. (470)
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Dingle Bank Boiler Installation. 132 Bulk Oil Dispensing Vehicle, 669
- Shell Petroleum Co., Folding Caravan, 27 Lubricating Oil Installation for Austria, 346; Kerosene Burning Appliances, (458)
- Shergold, F. A., Efficiency of Screening Operations for Roadmaking Aggregates, 258
- Shipbuilder and Marine Engine-Builder, Jubilee Number, (106)
- Short Brothers and Harland Ltd., "Britannia" Air Liners, 797
- Short S.C.I Research Aircraft, 895
- Siegener Eisenbedarf A.G. (S.E.A.G.), Two-Way Lifting and Tipping Goods Wagon, 30
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., Individual Axle Drive for Electric Locomotives, 900
- Sigmund Pumps Ltd., Centrifugal Pumping Set, 449 Self-Priming Contractors' Pump, 737
- Simmonds Acrocessories Ltd., Films, (932)
- Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Injector Inspection, 265 Automotive Turbo-Charger, 858
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Fleetwood Power Station, 408
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Soap Amalgamator, 409 Automatic [latching System, 596
- Simplex Concrete Piles, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Skelton, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald, Obituary, 356
- Smith. E. H., (Westhaven), Ltd., Some Recent Industrial Developments, 128
- Smith and Nephew, Ltd., Protective Marking Warning Tape, (350)
- Smith, S., and Sons (England) Ltd., Magnetic Dry-particle Clutch, 585
- Smith, William Allan, and Co., Garry and Moriston Schemes, 647
- Smith-Clarke, G. T., Mechanical Breathing Machines, 876, 911
- Societe Pradairol Poujardieu and Cie, All-Fuel Industrial Boiler, 562
- Solar Aircraft Co., Gas-Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Electric Power Unit for Aircraft, 66
- Sopwith, D. G., Criteria of Yield, 810
- South Wales and Monmouthshire Radiotherapy Service, Radioactive Cobalt Therapy Unit, 42
- Southern Gas Board, Surplus Refinery Gas, 147
- Southern Region of British Railways, Barnes Station Accident Report, 157 Mobile School for Maintenance Staff, (458)
- Spencer and Halstead Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Spencer, W. D., French Locomotive Experiences, 474
- Staffordshire Technical College, Nuclear Engineering Course, (178)
- Stamp, L. Dudley, Conservation of Land, 643
- Stanat Manufacturing Co., Inc., Back-up-Driven Four-High Cold Strip Rolling Mill, 601 Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., "Vanguard Sportsman", 552
- Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply in Lanarkshire, 592
- Starks, H. J. H., Parking in the U.S.A., 356, 396
- Startrite Engineering Co., Ltd., Bandsawing Machine, 708
- Stedall Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Worm and Thread Grinder Jig Boring Machine Carbide Tool Grinding Machine. 46
- Steel Company of Wales, Velindre Tinplate Works, 28; Abbey Works Slabbing Mill Drive, 98 Calder Hall Power Station, 464, 537 Electrical Drive for Five-Stand Tandem Cold Mill at Vclindre, 661; Axial Blast- Furnace Blower, 783
- Steele's Engineering Products, Ltd., Crane Manufacturer's Laboratories (164) Mobile Crane Developments, 814
- Steer, D. T., Design of Ingots for High Output in the Slabbing Mill, 765 Time Characteristics of the Slabbing Mill, 765
- Stemag Steatit-Magnesia Aktiengesellschaft, Insulators for 380kV, 64
- Stenners of Tiverton Ltd., Band Resaw with Hydraulically-Operated Feed, 591 Portable Log Mill, 824
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., Twin-Screw Liner "Camito", 860
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124 Inauguration of the Daer Water Supply in Lanarkshire, 592 Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingerworth. 623, 655 Full-Scale Testing Station for Tall Structures, 821
- Still, E. W., Air Conditioning in Aircraft. 683
- Stokes, James. Further French Locomotive Experiences. 582
- Stone, J., and Co. (Deptford). Ltd., Small Packaged Steam Generators, 277
- Stone, J., and Co., (Holdings) Ltd., Glass- Reinforced Plastic Lifeboat, 376
- Storhaven Engineering Ltd., Diesel Engine Starter, 740
- Stothert and Pitt Ltd., 7i-Ton Grabbing Crane. 856 Agitator/Mixer Trucks for Concrete. 737
- Strachan and Henshaw Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station. 537
- Stretch, K. L., Engineers and Physicists, 368 Commissioning of Calder Hall No. I Reactor, 760
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 851, 888
- Sulphuric Acid, Ltd., Modern Pyrite Plant Opened in South Australia, 205
- Sulzer Brothers, Ltd., Notes on the Brittle Fracture of Steels, 443 Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Eire, 485 Condensing Engine. 654 Axial Blast-Furnace Blower, 783
- Sulzer, Gebr., A.G., Trials of Turbo-Charged Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine, 245
- Superheater Co., Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Sutton Coldfield Electrical Engineers. Batch Counting Equipment, 709
- Svenska, A. B., Use of Compressed Air Against Ice. 900
- Swaminathan, V. S., Italian Oil and Gas Industry, 313, 344
- Swan, A. W., Time Study and Statistics, 609, 644
- Swedish Cellulose Co, Paper from Bark- Stained Timber, 381
- Swedish State Power Board, High-Voltage Transmission Lines in Sweden, 209
- Switchgear and Equipment Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577, 647
- Sykes, J. H. M., Energy from the Sea. 54: The Channel Cable. 433
- Sykes, W. E., Ltd., High Precision Gear Hobbing Machine, (566)
- Sykes. W. R., Interlocking Signal Co., Ltd., Block Signalling Instrument of Unit Construction. 410
- Talbot Stead Tube Co., Ltd., Nylon Nuts, (932)
- Talbot-Ponsonby and Co., Ltd., Heavy Tool and Die Handling Equipment, (566)
- Tampa Electric Co., Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia, 139, 176
- Tate. G., and Son. Ltd., Slipway for Repair of Small Craft at Millwall, 683
- Tatton-Brown. P. D., Welding at Calder Hall, 924
- Taylor Tools and Supplies Ltd., Wet Belt Grinder, (638)
- Taylor Woodrow (Building Exports) Ltd., Prefabricated Storage Building of 10011. Span, 517
- Taylor Woodrow Construction. Ltd., Carrington Power Station. 124 Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Technical and Scientific Films, Ltd., Diesels in Industry, (142)
- Tensator Ltd., Constant Tension Spring, 630
- Thames Dry Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd., Slipway for Repair of Small Craft at Millwall, 683
- Thermodare (Great Britain) Ltd., Off-peak Electrical Heating, 483
- Thermotank. Ltd., Troopship "Nevasa". 162 Cunard Liner "Carinthia". 199 Air Conditioning and Ventilating Development, 516 Twin-Screw Liner "Camito". 860
- Thom. Lamont and Co., Ltd., Twin Screw Tug "Takoradi", 484
- Thompson Bros. (Bilston) Ltd., Bulk Oil Dispensing Vehicle. 669
- Thomson, Sir George, Physics and Technology , 297
- Thomson. W., and Co., Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes. 577
- Thornycroft, Oliver, Obituary, 291
- Tiltmen Langley Laboratories, Break-Away Clutch, 629
- Timber Development Association, Ltd., Timber Research Centre. 39
- Torno, Doti. brig. Giuseppe, and C.S.p.A., Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme on the Zambesi River, 155
- Towy Electrical Co., Electrification of a Welsh Grit-Stone Quarry, 95
- Trade Union Congress, Report Agenda, 279 Eighty-Eighth. 343
- Transport Commission. Design Panel, 597
- Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd., "Big Ben" Turbo-charged Diesel Chassis, 430 "Swiftsure" 6-Ton Platform Lorry, 430
- Trend Industrial Equipment Ltd., Drifting Tools, (541)
- Tresises Drip Mat Co., Wood Pulp Board Washers, (792)
- Trinidad Oilfield Service. Ltd., Oil-Engined Vehicles, 50
- Trion Inc., Electrostatic Air Filter, 824
- Tripp. G. W., New Turbine Steamers for Heysham-Belfast Service. 307
- Tritton, J. S., Diesel Engines for Rail Traction. 719 The Special Requirements of Diesel Engines for Rail Traction. (754)
- Tube Investments Ltd., Irradiated Plastic Tapes, (494) Plant Investment, 747
- Tuplin, W. A., Calculation of Backlash between Gear-Teeth. 190, 510 One-Tooth Pinions, 438 Our Roads Are Perilous, 510 Let's Forget the Cycloid Tooth 836
- Turnbull, J., Hull Structures. (932)
- Tyne Timber and Veneers, Ltd., Ward-Leonard Control of Veneer Peeling Lathe, 96
- Union Fibre Pipes (Great Britain) Ltd., Pitch Fibre Pipes for Sewerage, 521
- United British Caravan Co., Ltd., Folding Caravan. 27
- United Filters and Engineering Ltd., Inauguration of Daer Water Supply in Lanarkshire. 592
- U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, Constructional Progress at Chapel Cross Nuclear Power Station, 94 Report, 112 Atomic Energy Inventions, (214) Reactor Conference at Harwell, 291: Calder Hall Power Station. 537 Radioactive "Waste" for Deep Therapy in Great Britain, 607
- United Lubricants, Ltd., Boundary Lubrication, 239
- U.N. Technical Assistance Board, Eighth Annual Report, 29
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Construction of Research Reactor at M.I.T., 31 Industrial Nuclear Facilities Works in Virginia. 139, 176 Issue of Construction Permits for Large-Scale Nuclear Power Stations, 175 Work of, 491, 526
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Flood Control in the Columbia Basin, 349
- U.S. Metallic Packing Co., Pumping Plant for the Wallasey Impounding Station at Mersey Docks, 129
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., 12 Cubic Yard Walking Dragline, 274 Continuous Casting of Steel Billets, 374
- University of Birmingham, Post-Graduate Courses in Highway and Foundation Engineering. (214): Summer School in Highway- Engineering, (167)
- Upham, J. W. and A., Ltd., Launch of "Mayflower 11", 427
- Vacu-Blast, Ltd., Blast Cleaning Equipment for Large Plates, 169
- Vapor international Corporation, Ltd., Small Packaged Steam Generators, 277
- Vaporheat Ltd., Air Heating, 671
- Vaughan Crane Co, Garry and Moriston Hydro-Electric Schemes, 577
- Vauxhall Motors Ltd., 25/30 cwt. Van, 430
- Venner Ltd., Process Timer, (792)
- Vereinigte Industrieunternehmungen A.G., River Lech Hydro-Electric Scheme. 173
- Vessey, H. F., Transonic Tunnel Testing Technique, 921
- Vian, C. A., Appointed Chairman. 873
- Vickers, Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Eire, 485
- Vidal, J. F. B., Presidential Address, 427
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., 2,000,000th Engine, (494) Updraught Carburetters, 596 Voigtlander, Bi-Centenary, 525
- Vokes Ltd., An Oxidation Catalyst, 743
- Volkswagen Werke, Pick-up and Delivery Vans. 430
- Volvo, A. B., "Volvo Six-wheeler Truck, 430 P.V.444 Sports Saloon, 585
- Vosper, Ltd., Experimental High Speed Launch, 26
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., Diesel and Electric Locomotive Building in Lancashire, 413
- Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., Machine Tool Lubrication. (818)
- Walker. John, and Sons, Ltd., Blending and Bottling Plant, 742
- Walker and Smith (Batley) Ltd., Fibre Blending and Carpet Plant, 705
- Wallace and Tiernan, Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Waller, G., and Co., Ltd., Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Wingerworth, 623, 655
- Walmsley (Bury) Group Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Walton. T. and J., Ltd., Plastic for Engineering Applications. (286)
- Ward, Thomas. and Co., Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851. 888
- Wasag Chemie A.G., Plastic Pipework, 29
- Watford Engineering Works Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Watkins. T. L., Whymper and the Mont Cenis Tunnel. (Letter. 86)
- Watson, W. and J. R., Ltd., Carrington Power Station, 124
- Wayss and Freytag A.G., Tuncbilek Power Station. 65
- Weatherill, F. E., Ltd., Hydraulic Loading Shovel, 737
- Wedgwood. Sir Ralph, Obituary, 356
- Weir. C. D., Heat Transfer to a Fluid Flowing in a Tube within a Radiating Enclosure, 780
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Carrington Power Station. 124 Troopship "Nevasa". 162: Twin Screw Tug "Takoradi", 484 Calder Hall Power Station. 537
- Weser, A. G., German Super Tankers. 675
- West, Allen. and Co., Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley. 851. 888 7i-Ton Grabbing Crane, 856
- Western Region, British Railways. Railway Soil Mechanics Laboratory, (157) Inter-City Diesel Railcars. 164
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Dual Air Brakes, (581)
- Weston, G., Gear Standards, 734
- Whalley, W., London's Water Supply, (Letter, 196)
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- Whatlings Ltd., Garry and Moriston Hydro- Electric Schemes. 545
- Whessoe Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station. 464, 537
- Whipp and Bourne Ltd., Calder Hall Power Station, 537
- White, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Double-Spindle Automatic Shaper, 11
- Whitehouse. A. M., Studies of Blast Furnace Assessment. 800
- Whitlock Brothers Ltd., Dragline Ditch Cleaner, 815
- Whitworth, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Aircraft Ltd., Turbine Transport (494)
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Welding of High-Nickel Alloys. (34)
- Wiggins, C. L., Volta River Project. (Letter, 402)
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Horizontal Batch Production Furnace, 44
- Wilkinson, K. J., Our Roads Are Perilous. 438
- Williams. Samuel, and Sons, Ltd., 71j-Ton Grabbing Crane, 856
- Williams and Williams Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Williamson, James, and Partners, Finlarig Power Station, 25
- Wimperis, H. E., Directing Research, 372
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., Laboratory, (558)
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., Portable Power Point for Electric Tools, (318)
- Woodall-Duckham Construction Co., Ltd., Carbonisation and Chemical Plant at Winger- worth. 623, 655
- Woodhouse and Mitchell, Ltd., Turret Milling Machine Horizontal Boring, Facing and Milling Machine, 48
- Woodnutt and Co., Ltd., Glass-Reinforced Plastic Lifeboat. 376
- Woods of Colchester, Ltd., Cunard Liner "Carinthia", 199
- Wootton, W. R., Calder Hall Heat Exchangers, 841
- Workington Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Industrial Films, (631)
- Worthington Simpson Ltd., Newsprint Mill at Kemsley, 851, 888
- Wright, W. F., Never be Short of Labour, 550
- Wunsch, H. L., Machine for Determining Vibration of Precision Ball Bearings, 884
- Yates Plant, Ltd., Combined Continuous Backing Bar and Clamp for Cylindrical Welding, 26
- Yorkshire Copper Works Ltd., Films. (494)
- Young. A., Post-War Development in the Coal-Mining Industry, 918 •
- Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen, "Hydromedia" Transmission, 470
See Also
Sources of Information