The Engineer 1961 Jan-Jun: Index

Volume 211
- AB El- & Gassvetsning, Non-return Valve, 884
- A.B. Plastics, Ltd., PVC Pipe Systems for Building Construction, 914
- AB Skinska Cementgjuteriet, Tjorn. Bridge, 28
- A.C.D. Bridge Co., Forth Suspension Bridge Cable Wires, 579; Progress of the Forth Road Bridge, 296
- AEG, German Nuclear Research Centre, 474
- AEI-Birlec, Ltd., Furnace for Bright Annealing of Stainless Steel Strip, 786
- A.M.F., Ltd., Heat Recovery Unit, 660
- Abbott, R. A. S., The Fairlie Locomotive, 48
- Access Equipment, Ltd., Joints for Tubular Structures, 138
- Ackroyd, G. A., Structural Behaviour of a Spherical Pressure Vessel, 686
- Adams, W. F., Motorway Safety, 777
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Glove Box Enclosed Milling Machine, 563
- Addison Electric Co., Ltd., Acoustic Corona Detector and Cable Tracer, 959
- Admiralty Engineering Laboratory, Vortex Tube Attached to Ventilated Suit, 70
- Advance Components Ltd., Sound Spectrometer, 267
- Aerostyle, Ltd., Electrostatic Paint-spraying Equipment, 659
- Agricultural Engineers Association, Agricultural Machinery Exports, 96; Agricultural Machinery and Tractors, 832; Exports, 614
- Air Control Installations, Ltd., Marine Air Conditioning Systems, 593
- Air Traffic Control Experimental Unit, Improving Air Traffic Control Procedures, 387
- Airscrew Co. and Jicwood, Ltd., Induced Draught Cooling Tower Fan, 660
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Albion Motors, Ltd., Engine Oil Filters, 280
- Alcan Aluminium of South Africa Ltd., Generator Busbars for Komati Power Station, 695
- Alcan Industries, Ltd., Generator Busbars for Komati Power Station, 695; Reversing Hot Mill, (Plate 12, 6.1.61); Slab Heating Furnaces, (Plate 12, 6.1.61); West Thurrock Supergrid Crossing of the Thames, 49
- Alexander, George Henry, Obituary, 1060
- Alexander, J. M., Industrial Investigation of a Process for Tube Drawing, 682
- Allday, M. J., Training of Industrial Process Workers, 117
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., Trackwork Engineering, 910
- Allen, G. Cameron, British Railways from their Beginning until 1960. 945
- Allen. John E. Rockets and Space Flight, 1960, 505, 600, 645
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Brushless Alternator, 582; Epicyclic Gears for Mine Hoists. 661; Compression-ignition Engine, 582; Turbo-alternator, 582
- Allgemeine Elekticitats-Gesellschaft, Electronic Drafting Machine, 837
- Allis-Chalmers Great Britain, Ltd., Tractor, (Plate 19, 13.1.61)
- Allspeeds, Ltd., "Kopp" Variators, 676
- Aluminium Company of Canada, Ltd., Generator Busbars for Komati Power Station, 695
- Aluminium Company of South Africa (Acosa), Ltd., Boeing "707" Aircraft Hangar, 391
- Aluminium Industries, Inc., Finish Boring of Cast Iron Cylinder, Sleeves, 1105
- Aluminium Plant and Vessel Co., Ltd., Corrosion Congress Visits, 741
- Amber Oils, Ltd., Spray-on Insulating Grease, 346
- Ambuco, Ltd., Fume Cleaning Demonstration Pilot Plant, 1094
- Ampex Great Britain, Ltd., Magnetic Core Memory System, 1039
- Anderson, A. P., Industry or Landscape, 455
- Anderson. H. H., Millions to be Saved? 650
- Angus, George, and Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Winch, 728
- Angus, H. T., Physical and Engineering Properties of Cast Iron, 456
- Appleton and Howard. Ltd., Titanium for Submerged Pumps, 828
- Arc Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Carbon Dioxide Welding Equipment, 636; Rectifier, 636
- Argonne National Laboratories, 100kW "Jason" Reactor. 677
- Argyris, J. H., Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis, 553
- Armstrong Whitworth Equipment. Ltd., Digital Data Handling System, 411
- Armstrong Whitworth (Metal Industries). Ltd., Roll Making Modernised, 1086
- Arnold, Arthur, Obituary. 628
- Arnot, W. D.. Diseases of Words. 781
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Forth Suspension Bridge Cable Wires, 579
- ASEA, Locking Device for Push-button Controls, 838
- Ashwell, D. E., and Webb, H. A., Mathematical Tool Kit for Engineers, 377
- Aslib, Conference on New Technical Libraries, 345
- Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., Air-insulated Vertically-isolated Switch Unit, 451; Automatic Welding Equipment, 634; British Railways Rolling Stock (Plate 16, 6.1.61); Contactor Starter, 634; Crack Detectors, 634; Diffused Junction Power Transistors, 60; Drying Electrical Equipment in situ, 220; Electronic Control of Machine Tools, 912; Enclosed Machines, 432; Flameproof Immersion Heater, 23; Gas-filled Line Protector of Ceramic and Metal Construction, 235; Gas 'T 634; General Post Office Cable Ship "Alert", 1082; Integrating Meters, Control Relays and Velometers, 432; Internal Telephone System, 307; Laying the Cross-Channel Power Cable, 902; Locomotives, (Plate 16, 6.1.61); Metropolitan Line Rolling Stock, 955; Motor-alternator Set, 634; Portable Welding Set, 634; Quadrature Modulation for Single Sideband Generation, 70; Reactor Buildings at Berkeley, (Plate 14, 13.1.61); Speed Increasing Gearbox, (Plate 7, 13.1.61); Stands at British Trade Fair, Moscow, 794; Spondon "1-1" Power Station, 736; Steam Turbine, 634; Tap Changer, 452; Triggering of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, 247; Turbo-electric Machinery, P. & 0.-Orient Liner, "Canberra",1020; Turbo-generator, (Plate 16, 13.1.61); Water-cooled R.F. Power Valves, 179; Xenon-filled Rectifier, 388
- Associated European Sales (Great Britain), Ltd., Tool and Cutter Grinder, 792
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd., Pipe Laying by Helicopter, 95
- Associated Television Ltd., Elstree Television Studios, 610
- Association of British Chambers of Commerce, Wage Claims and the Domestic Economy, 1098
- Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Annual Convention, 999
- Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, Electrical Engineers Exhibition, 410; Electrical Plant in Petroleum Installations, 291
- Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique, Annual Meeting, 885
- Atkins, W. S., and Partners, Rubber-tyred Cranes, 562
- Atkinson, J. R., and S. Rigg, Irradiation Experiments, 383
- Atlas Copco (Great Britain), Ltd., Air Compressor, 640; Tractor-mounted Air Compressors, 255
- Atlas Lighting, Ltd., Low-loss Fluorescent Lighting Circuit, 428
- Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., "Gammacell 220", 731
- Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, "Nestor" Reactor Goes Critical, 465
- Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, New Carbon-16 Isotope, 783
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Industrial Gas Turbine, 463; Large Multi-storey Garage, 787
- Australian Iron and Steel Pty., Ltd., Inner Harbour at Port Kembla, 919
- Autogenwerk Zinser, Welding Torch. 884
- Automotive Products Group, Test Equipment for Rotating Parts, 957
- Autoset (Production), Ltd., Swivelling Wheel Bracket, 753
- Auto-Stackers, Ltd., Automatic Car Park, 825
- Aveley Electric, Ltd., Oscilloscope Cameras. 470
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Electrodynamic Balancing Machine, 595
- Axelrad, D. R., Torsional Stiffness of NonCircular Shafts, 281
- Axia Fans, Ltd., Air Conditioning Unit, 729
- B.P. Research Centre, B.P. "Aquascan", 950
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., "Bi-Drum" Boilers. 728; Digital-computer-controlled 200MW Boiler, 728; Hinkley Point, (Plate, 14, 13.1.61); Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Passes Test, 306; Start of Construction at Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, 611; Test Plant for Nuclear Power Station Machinery, 743; Tower Cranes. 1035; Waagner-Biro System for Waste Heat. 728
- Bach-Simpson, Ltd., Engine Analyser, 731; Ignition Tester, 731
- Bacon, Francis, Anniversary of, 194
- Bahn, G. S., Kinetics, Equilibria and Performance of High Temperature Systems, 946
- Baker, C., Guide to Technical Writing, 1080
- Baker Perkins, Ltd., Continuous Weighfeeder for Process Materials, 143; Manipulative Equipment, 632
- Baker, Professor, Unwin Memorial Lecture, 1014, 1035
- Bakes, M. D., Digital Computer Programme for Critical Speed Calculations of Non-uniform Shafts, 853
- Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., Spillway Channel of Selset Dam, (Plate 7, 6.1.61)
- Ballard, G. G., Reactor Temperature Monitoring, 958
- Banbury, J., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Operational Research, 861
- Banks, D. H., Ross Motorway, 16
- Banks, George D., Electricity Generation in Scotland, 514
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., "Athelqueen", 54; Cargo Liner "City of Sydney", 85
- Barfield, T. J., Is this a Record? 209
- Barnsley, John, and Co., Ltd., West Thurrock Supergrid Crossing of the Thames, 49
- Barrs, H., Millions to be Saved? 780
- Bateman, E. H., Millions to be Saved? 208
- Bauchet et Cie., Non-chemical Photocopying Process, 373
- Baxter, A. L., Mechanical Design Details of 4ft by 3ft Working Section Leg, 546
- Bayly, L. P., Millions to be Saved? 738
- Beardmore, William and Co. Ltd., Rapid Reconstruction in a Steel Works, 136
- Beaumont, F. E.. Ltd., Thermal Insulation of Steel Chimneys, 877
- Beck, O. N., and Co., Portable Industrial De-humidifier, 829
- Beeching, Richard, Can British Railways Pay? 986; New Broom at B.T.C., 974
- Bekker, M. G., Off-The-Road Locomotion: Research and Development in Terramechanics, 455
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Continuously-operating Optical Maser, 802; Stroboscope for Microwave Studies, 438; Superconducting Wire Solenoids for Ultra-high Magnetic Fields, 618
- Benno Schilde Maschinenbau A.G., Drum Washer, 834
- Benson, C. S., Graphic Statics, 910
- Bergius Co., Ltd., Kelvin Engines, 676
- Beton and Monierbau A.G., Munich-North Autobahn Fly-over, 17
- Beyer Peacock (Hymek), Ltd., Type Diesel-hydraulic Locomotives, 874
- Biggs, W. D., Brittle Fracture of Steel, 209
- Billig, K., Structural Concrete, 700
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., Centenary. 997
- Birmingham University, Training Traffic Engineers, 220
- Black and Decker, Ltd., Portable Electric Drill. 753
- Blackburn Electronics, Ltd., Digital Recorder, 411
- Blackett, P. M. S., Controlled Fusion Reactions, 371; Engineers and the Developing Countries. 273
- Blakeborough, J., and Sons, Ltd., Industrial and Marine Valves, 731
- Blandford Gee, Ltd., Hawthorn Combined Mine. 707
- Blaw Knox, Ltd., Concrete Mixing Plant. 1033; Variable-speed-drum Truck Mixer. 713; West Thurrock Supergrid Crossing of the Thames. 49
- Blohm and Voss, Electrically-operated Stabiliser Fin. 568
- Blundell Rules. Ltd., Pipe Weights and Strength Calculator, 216
- Board of Trade. Engineering Production, 917: Engineering Statistics. .389; Exhibit at British Trade Fair, Moscow. 793; Export Credits. 663; Overseas Trade Fairs. 352; Overseas Trade Figures, 26, 352 527, 755. 917. 1098
- Boiler Availability Committee, Testing Boiler-Flue Gases for Corrosive and Fouling Tendencies, 870
- Bolton, Thomas, and Sons. Ltd., 1700-ton Extrusion Press Installation. 768
- Bomford and Evershed, Ltd., Cultivation Implement, 345
- Bonallack and Sons. Ltd. Pneumatic Discharge Vehicle, 825
- Bond, Laurence. F. J. Car, 18
- Bond, R. C.. Engineering in Railway Modernisation. 747
- Borax Consolidated, Ltd., Preservative for Timber. 826
- Bosch. Robert, G.m.b.H., Gear Pumps, 834: High-frequency Welding Transformer, 473: Semiconductors in Motor Vehicles, 567
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., Rubber Bolster Press, 561
- Bowley, Marion, Innovations in Building Materials. 516
- Bowmaker (Plant) Ltd., Centre for "Caterpillar" Plant. 833; Rock-ripplino., 216
- Bowman, Sir James, Coal in 1960, 96
- Boyd, G. M., Hull Structural Steel, 655
- Bradley, E. M., Thin Magnetic Films for Computing Devices, 221
- Bramah and Son, Lobed Pressure Vessels, 171
- Bretschneider, H., Achema Jahrbileli, 195961, 377
- Bridge, David, and Co., Ltd., Mechanised Tyre Factory, 576
- Brighton Technical College, Scientists and Technologists, 564
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., Durgapur Steel Works, (Plate 13, 6.1.61)
- Brisby, M. D. J., Steel in India, 202
- Bristol Aeroplane Plastics, Ltd., "Epoch" Pipe, 676
- Bristol Siddeley Engines, Ltd., Lift and Propulsion Engine, 833; Maybach Engines, 588; Maybach MD.220 and MD.330, 79; Mobile Gas Turbo-alternator, 386; "Proteus", 3MW, Turbo-generator, 393; Turbogenerator Set, 588
- Bristol Waterworks Co., Ultrasonic Inspection of Aqueduct, 711
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Thermal Insulation of Steel Chimneys, 877
- British Aircraft Corporation, Short Range Jet Airliner, 825
- British Arca Regulators, Ltd., Electro-pneumatic Valve Positioner, 141
- British Cast Iron Research Association, Russian Castings Production, 717
- British Celanese, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 734
- British Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., Sewer Dredging Rig, 1034
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Report, 442; Co-operation in Electrical Exports, 144; Cooperation in Exporting, 155; Statement on Railway Modernisation, 215; Territorial Analysis of British Exports, 960
- British Electrical Development Association, Annual Luncheon, 809
- British Employers' Confederation, Objective for 1961, 59
- British Executive and General Aviation, Ltd., Executive and Touring Aircraft, "Airedale", 753
- British Federal Welder and Machine Co., Ltd., Automobile Underbody, 635; Drum Forming and Welding Equipment, 635; Timer Unit, 635
- British Hydromechanics Research Association Open Days, 1038
- British Institute of Management, Arithmetics of Absence, 537; Conference on New Technical Libraries, 345
- British Institution of Radio Engineers, Dinner, 996; Electronic Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Stations, 559; Radio in Space Research. 783
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Floor Warming Systems, 453; McFadzean Laboratory, 808; Power Cable Exhibits, 453; Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- British Insulated Callender's Construction Co., Ltd. Overhead Contact System (Plate 19. 6.1.61); Power Cable Link between Kintyre and Jura, 710; Railway Overhead System, (Plate 16, 6.1.61); West Thurrock Supergrid Crossing of the Thames, 49
- British Insulated Callender's Cables Group, Flexible Submarine Gas Pipeline, 55
- British Insulated Callender's (Submarine) Cables, Ltd., Laying the Cross-Channel Power Cable, 902
- British Interplanetary Society, European Symposium on Space Technology, 751
- British Investment Casters' Technical Association, Annual Conference, 873
- British Iron and Steel Federation. Commercial Dictionary, 1030; Iron and Steel— Profits and Costs, 527; Report, 26; Request for Increased Iron and Steel Prices, 878
- British Iron and Steel Research Association, Annual Report; 846; Faster Continuous Casting, 874; New Research Section, 953; One-way Traffic in Ideas? 846; Open-Days, 1094; Research on the Rolling of Strip, 210
- British Junior Chambers of Commerce, Apprentice Awards, 96
- British Lift Slab, Ltd., Large Multi-storey Garage. 787
- British Manzel Oil Pump Co., Revolution Counter. 638; Oil Pump, 638
- British Mining Tools Association, 833
- British Motor Corporation, Scottish Factory, 1098
- British National Committee on Space Research, Plans for Second U.K. "Scout" Satellite, 710; "Scout" Satellite Experiments, 933
- British Overseas Airways Corporation. Component Performance Testing. 1090; Doppler Navigation for B.O.A.C., 465; Electronics in Airways Traffic Handling, 823
- British Overseas Fairs, Ltd., British Trade Fair in Sweden, 755
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Cutting Machine, 644; Evaporator Vessels, 644
- British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Fuel Dispensing System, 136; Industrial Films, 831; Oil Gasification Plant, (Plate 17, 13.1.61); Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702
- British Racing and Sports Car Club, Ltd., Racing Car Show, 18
- British Railways, Centralised Traffic Control and Track Singling, 783; Freight Modernisation Scheme for Sheffield Area, 427
- British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co., Ltd., Hawthorn Combined Mine, 707
- British Road Federation, Government Road Programme Critically Examined, 1054
- British Ropes, Ltd., Exhibition Buildings at Le Bourget, 1032; Non-kink Rope, 1095, Rigid Cable Roofs, 1032; Supermarket at Orly, 1032
- British Rototherm Co., Ltd., Bimetal High. temperature Thermometer, 730; Temperature Controllers, 730; Temperature Recorder-controller, 730
- British Sarozal, Ltd., Automatic Dehumidifiers, 180; Broadcast and Communication Transmitters, 177
- British Space Development Company, Exploitation of Space, 193
- British Transport Commission, New Broom at B.T.C., 974; Rolling Stock Exhibition, 817
- British United Traction, Ltd., Diesel Engines and Transmission Equipment, 639
- British Waterways, Improvement of the Lee Navigation, 956; Modernisation of the Trent Navigation, 524
- British Welding Research Association, Welded Boilers and Pressure Vessels, 122
- Brock, G., Creative Aspects of Engineering Design, 1029
- Brockhouse, J., and Co., Ltd., Transmission Units, 641
- Brook Motors, Ltd., Induced Draught Cooling Tower Fan, 660
- Brooke Tool Automation, Ltd., Stand at British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Brookgate Industries, Ltd., Automatic High-speed Paper Coating Machine, 241
- Brookhirst Igranic, Ltd., Static Switching System, 451; "303" Heavy-duty Multi-cell Rotary Switch, 451
- Brooks, P. W., Modern Airliner: Its Origins and Development, 295
- Brown Boveri & Cie, A. G., Silicon Thyratron. XA
- Brown, David, Ltd., Gear Measuring Machine, 58; Construction Equipment. Ltd. "Implematic" Tractor. 1034: Double Volute Centrifugal Pump, 675; Gearing. 675
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., Offset Harvester, 526
- Brown, John, Ltd., Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702; Oil Terminal at Cardiff, 56; H.M.S. "Hampshire", 470
- Brown, John, and Co. (Clydebank), Ltd., Towing Carriage for Experimental Tank, 429
- Brown, John (S.E.N.D.). Ltd., Re-fuelling Machine for Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor Windscale, 560
- Bruce, A. K., Bi-centenary of the Birth of John Rennie, 911; Engineering Associations, of St. John's Gate House, Clerkenwell, 938
- Bruel & Kjaer, Precise Sound Meter, 925; Strain Gauge Equipment, 530
- Brush Crystal Co., Ltd., "Transfilter" (T.F. Series), 941; "Transfilter" (T.O. Series), 941
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Industrial Truck, 958; Spondon "H" Power Station, 736; Static Rectifier Supply Unit, 518; Type 3 Diesel-hydraulic Locomotives, 874
- Bryans Aeroquipment, Ltd., Transistorised Tuning Fork, 786
- Bryce Berger, Ltd., Governor, 583
- Brydon Construction Company, Rapid Reconstruction in a Steel Works, 136
- Buchanan, John Noel, Obituary, 961
- Building Research Station, Studies in Composite Construction, Part III, 239
- Bullard Co., Simplified Control for Vertical Turret Lathes, 189
- Bullows, Alfred, and Sons, Ltd., Automatic, Paint Spraying Machine, 141
- Buma Engineering Co. Ltd., Coupling Flange Hole Boring Machine, 349
- Bundy Marine, Outboard Engines, 77
- Bureau Veritas, Technical Conditions for Nuclear Ships, 467
- Burgess, E. H., Ltd., Parcels Depot Conveyor System, 714
- Burmeister and Wain, Diesel Engines, 589
- Burn Brothers (London), Ltd., PVC Pipe Systems for Building Construction, 914
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Bulk Phosphate Carrier, "Arthur Albright", 86; Cargo Liner "Westbury".85; "Lancastrian Prince", Cargo Ship, (Pate 21, 6.1.61)
- Bushell, T. W., Hull Structural Steel. 655
- Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd., Mobile Crane, 991; Travelling Monotower, (Plate 4, (6.1.61)
- C.A.V., Ltd., Rotary Selector Gas Valve 590
- Cable and Wireless, Ltd., Cable Repair Ship "Retriever", 815
- Caird and Rayner, Ltd., Evaporator for Motorships, 466
- Caldecote, Lord, Carpet of Technical Advance. 4Si
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., "City of Worcester", 22; "Maron", 85
- Calverley, John E., Obituary, 701
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Dissolved Oxygen Analysis, 1097
- Cameron, Scott, Self-organising Systems; Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference, 700
- Campbell, Donald, "Bluebird", (Plate 20, 13.1.61)
- Cammell Laird and Co. (Shipbuilders & Engineers), Ltd., H.M.S. "Devonshire", Guided Missile Ship, 8; H.M.S. "I-inwhale", 43; "Windsor Castle", (Plate 2, 6.1.61)
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Transcontinental Trains, 236, 324
- Canham, H. J. S., Propulsive Performance of a Group of Intermediate Tankers, 737
- Carey, A. W., Indicating the Free-piston Engine, 249
- Carlson, W. B., Pressure Vessel Design Requirements in the Near Future, 122, 624
- Carlyle Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. Ltd., Packaged Air Conditioners, 97
- Carr, Laurence H. A., Testing of Electrical Machines, 126
- Carron Co., Cargo Transporter, (Plate 5, 13.1.61)
- Carter Brothers (Billingshurst), Ltd., Plastic Coated Steel Tube, 1039
- Carter, Ernest F., Unusual Locomotives, 127
- Carter, H., Dictionary of Electronics, 415
- Cavitron Equipment Corporation, Application of Ultrasonics to Grinding, 1050
- Cawkell Research Electronics, Ltd., Photoelastic Bolt Dynamometer, 71
- Cement and Concrete Association, Investigation of the Stress Distribution in the Anchorage Zones of Post-tensioned Concrete Members, 279
- Cement Marketing Co., Ltd., Industrial Films, 831
- Central Advisory Council for Education, (Wales), Technical Education in Wales, 389
- Central Electricity Generating Board, Automatic Power Station Control, 752; Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, 351, 898; Electricity Shut-down, 847; Electricity Supply Security, 893; 500MW Generators for West Burton, 346; Generating Plant Installed in 1960, 58; Interruption of Electrical Supplies, May 15, 914; Largest Power Station can be Built at West Burton, 309; Power "Black-Out", 823; Power Station Sites in the West Riding, 611; Spondon "H" Power Station, 734; Supergrid Switching Station, Feckenham, 1024; Thermal Efficiencies of C.E.G.B. Power Stations, 711; West Thurrock Supergrid Crossing of the Thames, 49
- Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke A.G., Goschenen Power Scheme, 261
- Chadwick, G. S., Welsh Highland Railway, 908
- Chalmers, Bruce, Physical Examination of Metals, 700
- Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, Annual Report, 311; Shipping Freight Index, 878
- Chamberlain Industries Ltd., Large Capacity Portable Pipe Bender, 466
- Chantiers de l'Atlantique (Penhoet-Loire) Funnels for S.S. "France", 355; Transatlantic Liner "France", (Plate 3, 6.1.61)
- Chapman, A. J., Heat Transfer, 295
- Chapman, J. C., Behaviour of Long Deckhouses, 656
- Charrington, Gardner, Locket (London), Ltd., Small Tanker, "Charmo", 86
- Chauvet, R. P., Millions to be Saved? 1028
- Chemical and Insulating Co., Ltd., Development and Production of Improved Heat Insulation Material, 289
- Chief Alkali Inspector for England and Wales, Industrial Pollution Annual Report, 1043
- Chone, G., Taschenbuch fur Druckluftbetrieb, 1081
- Christiani and Nielsen, Ltd., Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702
- Churchill Gear Machines, Ltd., Layshaft Gear Cutting Line, 521
- CIBA (A.R.L.). Ltd., Honeycomb Processing Data, 247
- Citroen, "AMI 6", Enlarged Economy Car, 885; Passenger Car Modifications, 615
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Commonwealth Technical Training Week, 845
- Civil Engineering Construction Conciliation Board for Great Britain, Civil Engineering Wages, 352
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Cargo Handling System, 252; Mooring Winch, 637
- Clausen, Hugh, Application of Elliptical Gear Wheels, 859; Engineering Design, 628; Borderland Between Science and Engineering, 896
- Clayton Dewandre, Ltd., "Clayton Still" Tube, 590
- Clayton Equipment Co., Ltd., Reversible Locomotives. 829
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Forth Suspension Bridge Cable Wires. 579
- Cobon, C. F., Millions to be Saved?, 48
- Cochran and Co. (Annan), Ltd., Coal-fired Packaged Boilers, 387
- Cochrane and Sons, Ltd., Fisheries Research Vessel "Clione", 465
- Cocks, W. J. F., Electrical Plant in Petroleum Installations. 291
- Codling, N. H.. Electrical Trades Directory. 1961. 1081; Electricity Undertakings of the World (The "Red Book"), 1960-61, 457
- Cohen, George, 600 Group, Ltd., Mobile Crane, 993; Tower Cranes. 868
- Coil Spring Federation, Spring-Making Research, 878
- Cold Forging. Ltd., Cold Forging Press, 138
- Collins, H. E., Gloom Unjustified, 65
- Commonwealth Department of Trade. Manufacturing Activity in Australia, 144
- Commonwealth Edison Co., Dresden Nuclear Power Station in Illinois, 268. 315
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australian-American Experiments on the Theory of Rainmaking. 259
- Compagnie Internationale des Machines Agricoles, Combine Harvester, (Plate 19, 13.1.61)
- Connell, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Industrial Deratine and Shinbuilding, 471
- Connell, D. J., Millions to be Saved? 552
- Consett Iron Co., Ltd., Plate Mill, 108
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Torque-controlled Pneumatic Screwdriver, 179
- Construction Equipment Exhibitions, Ltd., International Construction Equipment Exhibition, 991
- Construction Machinery, Ltd., Self-loading Dumper, 991
- Continuous Casting Co., Ltd., Faster Continuous Casting, 874
- Convair, "Hustler" B-58 Medium Bomber. 921
- Conveyancer Fork Trucks, Ltd., Truck, British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Cooke and Ferguson, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Copeland, W. C., Motor Vehicle Noise Measurement, 493
- Copes Regulators, Ltd., Variable-orifice Desuperheater, 591
- Copycat, Ltd, Non-chemical Photocopying Process, 373
- Cornish Engines Preservation Society, Memorial to an Engineer, 1054
- Cossor Radar and Electronics, Ltd., Weather Radar, 180
- Costain, Richard, (Civil Engineering), Ltd., Progress with the London-South Wales Motorway Project, 613
- Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co., Ltd., Industrial Space Heater, 1041
- Coventry Victor Motor Co., Ltd., Petrol and Diesel Engines, 732
- Cowans Sheldon and Co., Ltd., Railway Breakdown Crane, (Plate 4, 6.1.61)
- Crandall, W. B., Cermets, 1080
- Crane, Ltd., Carbon Steel Valve, 586
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Profiling Machine, (Plate 15, 6.1.61); Skimming Machine, (Plate 14, 6.1.61)
- Craven Electronics, Ltd., Continuous Weighing Equipment for Belt Conveyors, 1092
- Cravens, Ltd., Metropolitan Line Rolling Stock, 955
- Crawley Industrial Products, Ltd., Mining Machine Factory, 915
- Creed and Co., Ltd., Fir Tree Hill v.h.f. Station, (Plate 22, 6.1.61)
- Cremer, H. W., Chemical Engineering Practice, Vol. 10, 781
- Cristescu, Jean, Doublet d'Helices Coaxiales. Helice Unique, 376
- Croft, Sir Arthur, Obituary, 293
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Generator Busbars for Komati Power Station, 695; Mechanised Tyre Factory, 576; Shock Tests for Panel Instruments, 830; Stud Welding. 641; Traction Batteries, 219
- Crosby Valve and Engineering Company, Ltd., Heavy Duty Valves, 387
- Cross Co., Machine for Facing Cuts on Asymmetrical Workpieces, 969; Transfer Machine for Milling and Boring Small Engine Blocks, 721; Transfer Machine for Power Steering Gear Housing, 1104
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Marine Engine Units. 77; Two Production Machines, 308; Turbocharged Diesel Engine, 588
- Crow, C. P., Roads for a New Town. 709
- Cunard White Star, Ltd., North Atlantic Shipping Bill, 481
- Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Rotary Piston Engine Developments. 796
- Cyriax, George, The Bargainers, 553
- Dahl, C. G., Millions to be Saved? 414; Railway Conversion, 374
- Dansk Svejsemaskine Fabrik Hans H. Larsen & Son, Spot-Welder, 884
- Darwell, H. M., Solid Propellant Dual Thrust Motors, 91
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Extended Range of Engines, 252
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Air Heater, 1097: Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Davison, C. St. C., Bridges of Historical Importance, 196
- Davidson, Sir Jonathan, Obituary, 1060
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., Durgapur Steel Works, (Plate 12, 6.1.61)
- Day, John R., More Unusual Railways, 209
- Decca Radar Ltd., Display Console, 584; Waveguide Aerial, 584
- Deere-Lanz, John, A. G., Crawler Loader, 752
- Delapena, Ltd., High-Powered Induction Heaters, 997; Size Control Honing Tool. 139; Universal Hardening Fixture, 139
- Deloro Stellite, Ltd., Powder Welding Torch for Hardfacing, 141
- De La Rue Film Unit. Industrial Films, 831
- De Laval Ljungstrom Turbine Co., Economiser Studies, 871; Prototype Marine Turbine, 1100
- Demag Aktiengesellschaft. "Kret" Ground Piercing Equipment, 881; Rourkela Steel Plant. 616
- Demag-Zug, G.m.b.H., Stacker Crane, 881
- Demerara Sugar Terminals. Ltd., Bulk Handling Plant for Sugar, 942
- Denis, J.. Canberra Lake Project. 414
- Dennis "Vendor", (Plate 20. 13.1.61)
- Denny, William and Brothers, Ltd., "Cape Wrath". 21; "Phyllis Bowater" Cargo Shin. (Plate 21, 6.1.61); Sidewall Hovercraft. 1093
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Annual Conference, 727; Communication in Science and Industry. 76: Grant for Nuclear Structure Research at Oxford University, 913; Finance for the D.S.I.R., 933; Hydrological Research. 194: Noise Survey. 384: Not a Wholly Satisfactory Conference. 669; Research Effort of. 913; Research Grants, 1961. 516; Studentships and Fellowships. 1961, 516
- Derry, T. K., A Short History of Technology, 335
- Desgranges & Huot S.A., Liquid Level Indicator Float, 837
- Dewrance. Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Diafilter Engineering Co., Ltd., Chemical Pump, 525
- Dicalite Europe Nord, S.A., Filtration Material Plant. 617
- Dick, R. and J., Ltd., Flexible Couplings, 754
- Diesel Engineers and Users Association, A ircooled Diesel Engines, 361; Annual Luncheon, 654
- Dinglerwerke Aktiengesellschaft, Mine Ventilators, 883
- Dixon, Peter and Son, Ltd., Transparent Plastics Film, 558
- Dobbie McInnes, Ltd., Ullage Indicators, 181
- Dobie, J., Steel in India, 202
- Dodson, S. C., Flow Properties of ATK at Low Temperatures, 499
- Dohm, Ltd., Siphon for Dangerous Liquids, 915
- Donelly, Desmond, David Brown's, 651
- Dorman Long (Bridge and Engineering), Ltd., Forth Suspension Bridge Cable Wires, 579
- Dorman Long (Steel), Ltd., Forth Suspension Bridge Cable Wires, 579
- Dorman, W. H., & Co., Ltd., 12 Q.A.T. Engines, 589
- Douglass, M. J., Millions to be Saved? 208, 374, 514, 699, 780, 1028; Thousandsof Millions to be Saved?, 80
- Dowty Group, Ltd., Turbo-chargers for Engines, 731
- Dowty-Hamilton, Jet Turbine, 79
- Dowty Hydraulic Units, Ltd., Lock Gate Power Operating Equipment, 143; SemiRotary Actuator, 662
- Dowsett Engineering Construction, Ltd., Hawthorn Combined Mine, 707
- Doxford, William, and Sons (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Cargo Ship "Custodian", 470
- Doxford, William, and Sons, (Engineers), Ltd., "P" Engines, 588
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., "Unimac" Pumps, 729; Pumps, 638
- Ducarme, J., Progress in Combustion Science and Technology, 945
- Dudley, D. W., Zahnrader, 910
- Du Mont, Allen B., Laboratories, Oscilloscope Cameras, 470
- Duncan, J. P., Lobed Pressure Vessels, 169
- Dunedin Engineering Co., Ltd., Diesel Engine Fume Reduction, 751; "Injectester" Gauge, 732
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Developments at Fort Dunlop, 773; Polyether Foam Plant at Hirwaun, 487; Racing Tyre Recognised, 135
- Du Pont de Nemours and Co., Metals Centre at Baltimore, 1105
- Du Pont Co. (United Kingdom), Ltd., Engineering Plastics. 425
- Dyckerhoff and Widmann K.G., Nordwestbogen Bridge, 267
- E.M.I., Ltd., Travelling Exhibition of Sound Equipment, 470
- E.M.I. Electronics, Ltd., Computers, (Plate 4, 13.1.61); Miniature Television Camera, 386; Punched Tape Control System with Protective Device, 526; Timetable Compilation by Computer, 25
- Earth Boring Machine Co., Power-driven Earth Auger, 560
- Ebbisham, Lord, Presidential Address, 960
- Eccles, Sir David, Grants to Students, 274; Technology and Science Outside Universities, 389; United Kingdom Advisory Council on Education for Management, 214
- Edinburgh, H.R.H. the Duke of, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Annual Conference, 727; Graham Clarke Lecture, 135;- Engineers and the Commonwealth, 622; Engineer in Commonwealth Development, 652
- Edwards High Vacuum, Ltd., Vacuum Melting Furnace, 661
- Eilon, S., Industrial Investigation of a Process for Tube Drawing, 682
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Industrial Electrical Air Filters, 875; 250kW, 10,000 c/s, Motor Generator, 412
- Electrical Research Association, Annual Report, '770; Co-operative Electrical Research, 766; Films, 518
- Electrolux, Ltd., Electric Dishwasher, 306
- Electronic Associates, Ltd., Vehicle Identification System, 731
- Electronic Engineering Association. Equipment Exports, 216
- Electro-Watt, Ltd., Goschenen Power Scheme, 267
- Electroweighers (Birmingham), Ltd., Electronically-controlled Weighing, 253
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Automatic Test Equipment, 138; Computer for Guidance Systems, 469; Tone Telemetry, 412
- Elliott-Litton, Ltd., Klystrom Oscillators, 997
- Elliott. R. L., Automatic 1000-Channel Readout System, 941
- Ellison, George, Ltd., Flush-fronted 660V Air-break Switchgear, 344
- Eltron (London), Ltd., Finned Heating Elements, 467
- Endicott. F. W., Obituary, 565
- Enfield Rolling Mills, Ltd., Expanded Production of Phosphor Bronze and Gunmetal Rods and Tubes, 1091
- Engineering Designers (Salisbury), Ltd., Toroidal Two-stroke, 814
- Engineers' Guild, Remuneration of Engineers, 65, 93; What is a Professional Engineer? 482
- England, E. C. Gordon, Yes! Thousands of Millions can be Saved! 16, 334
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Diesel-electric Locomotive, 583; Diesel-electric Locomotives, (Plate 19, 6.1.61); EM27P Industrial Gas Turbines, 583; 500MW Generators for West Burton, 346; Hinkley Point, (Plate, 14, 13.1.61); Locomotives, (Plate 16, 6.1.61); Mine Car Circuit, 411; Diesel Mixed Traffic Locomotives, 1040; Rotary Electric Actuators, 583; Sheet Metal Classifier, 410; Spondon "H" Power Station, 736; Start of Construction at Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, 611; Test Plant for Nuclear Power Station Machinery, 743; Transformer, (Plate 8, 13.1.61); Welding Equipment, 633
- English Electric Valve Company, Ltd., High Vacuum Variable Capacitors, 348; Transmitters for B.B.C. External Services, 872
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Tinsley Park Steelworks Development Scheme, 953
- Entreprise G. Safont & Cie, Meffrouch Bar rage, 31
- Ericsson Telephones, Ltd., Fir Tree Hill v.h.f. Station, (Plate 22, 6.1.61)
- Etablissements Neyrpic, French "Bulb" Sets for Tidal and Low Head Power, 146
- Euclid (Great Britain), Ltd., Scraper, 993
- European Atomic Energy Community, Nu clear Translation Pool, 47
- European Coal and Steel Community, Annual Report, 886; Ninth General Report of the High Authority, 394
- European Committee of Foundry Associations, European Foundry Industry, 1047
- European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Annual Report, 1047
- European Free Trade Association, Agreement with Finland, 564
- Evans, D. S., Fundamentals of Digital Instrumentation, 250
- Evans, H. W., Reinforced Concrete Piling and Piled Structures, 651
- Evans, M., Pacific Steam: British Pacific Locomotive, 988
- Even, Arthur D., Engineering Data Processing System Design, 127
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Analogue Automatic Instrumentation and Control Equipment, 752; Quick Response Recorder, 412
- Evode, Ltd., Adhesive for Polyurethane, 565
- Ex-Cell-O Corporation of Canada, Ltd., Ram Turret Milling Machine, 731
- Excelsior Motor Co., Ltd., Two and Three cylinder Petrol Units, 79
- Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., Fire Protection of Structural Steelwork, 347
- Export Council for Europe, British Export Missions, 614; British Trade Fair in Sweden, 755; Second Report, 1043; Trading Opportunities in Europe, 832
- F. A. (Membranes), Ltd., Waterproof Liner for Hydraulic Work, 346 Fahrzeug- and Gerlitewerk Rubner, Roller, 882
- Fairclough, Leonard, Ltd., Birmingham Preston Motorway, 215
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., General Post Office Cable Ship "Alert", 1082; H.M.S. "Blake", 470; H.M.S. "Lincoln", 42 Fairman, A. G. C., Flow Properties of ATK at Low. Temperatures, 499
- Falmouth Boat Construction, Ltd., Engines, 79
- Farrow, Howard, Ltd., Improvement of the Lee Navigation, 956
- Federal Trust for Education and Research, Report on the Common Market, 182
- Federation of British Industries and the Budget, 352; British Trade Fair in Sweden, 755; Further Education, 222; Industrial Trends, 257, 1043; Presidential Address, 663; Trade with Spain, 788 Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors, Annual Report, 832; Standardised Crane Signals, 955
- Federation Nationale des Industries Electroniques (F.N.I.F.), Radio and Television Exhibition, 1103
- Feigenspan, H., Taschenbuch fiir Druckluft betrieb, 1081
- Ferd, Paul, Hardening Colloquium, 100
- Ferranti, Ltd., "Atlas" Computer, 68; Computer System for Process Control, 350; Electronic Summation Metering Equipment, 557; Excess Demand Warning System, 24; Line Fault Locator, 452; Metering Equipment, 452; Packaged Substations with Air cooled Transformers, 876; Pulse-measuring Potentiometer, 941; Semiconductor Applications Laboratory, 466; Thermal Ampere Demand Meter. 611; 225MVA, Three phase, 16/295kV Generator Transformer, (Plate 8. 13.1.61)
- Fessler, H., Centrifugal Stresses at the Bores of Wheels, 113
- Fiat Stabilimento Grandi Motori, Large Bore Supercharged Diesel Engine, 838
- Field, A. J., Noise, 335
- Finishing Aids and Tools, Ltd., Abrasive Sponge Wheels, 827
- Finkelnburg, Hans H., Mehrspindelau tomaten, 250
- Firth Brown, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Firth Cleveland Tools, Ltd., Industrial "Surform" Files, 94
- Fischer Gauge Works, Ltd., Semi-automatic Die-casting Machine, 731
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., Conveyor System, British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Fisk. J. B., Sapphires for Satellite Protection, 1010
- Flagle, C. D., Operations Research and Systems Engineering, 515
- Flexibox, Ltd., Mechanical Seal for Highspeed Shafts, 916
- Flugge, Wilhelm, Stresses in Shells. 210
- Fluidrive Engineering Co., Ltd., Fluid Couplings for Control of Centrifugal Pumps, 873; Vulcan-Sinclair Fluid Coupling, 640
- Foraky Boring and Sinking Co., Ltd., Hawthorn Combined Mine, 707
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Light Commercial Vehicles, 957; New Passenger Car, "Consul Classic 315", 824
- Fordham, S., Silicones, 210
- Formica, Ltd., Industrial Films, 831
- Foster Wheeler, Ltd.,Dual-circulation Boilers at Spondon "H" Power Station, 25; Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Computer Control of Billet Cut-up Line, 785; New Alloy Steel, 1042
- Fowler, John and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 1042
- Francis, A. J., Engineering Education and Engineering Practice, 848
- Francis, M., Millions to be Saved? 700
- Frankenberg, R. von, Porsche—The Man and his Cars, 415
- Franklin, A. C., J. & P. Transformer Book, 910
- Frederick, S. H., Materials for Advanced Steam Conditions, 405
- Freeman Fox and Partners Forth Suspension Bridge Cable Wires, 579
- Freiberger, W. F., International Dictionary of Applied Mathematics, 210
- French Centre for Telecommunications Studies, Transatlantic Communications Satellite Tests, 608
- Fuller Electric, Ltd., Rectifier Transformers, (Plate 8, 13.1.61)
- Furman, T., Edge Cracking of a Steel-band Conveyor, 249
- Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., "Llangorse", 53; Oil Tanker, "San Conrado", 86
- G. and E. Engineering, Ltd., Generator Busbars for Komati Power Station, 695
- G. M. Carburetter Co., Mangoletsi-Remix Compound Carburetter, 19
- G.W.B. Furnaces, Ltd., "Flash" Annealing of Aluminium Alloy Sheets, 997
- Gaffee, D. I., Microcircuit Concept, 1026
- Gagarin, Tovarich, Man in Orbit, 573
- Gagarin, Yury Alexeyevich, Man in Orbit, 621; Report on First Manned Space Flight, 790
- Gardner, W., and Son (Gloucester), Ltd., Powder Mixing Machine, 831
- Garrett, F. C., Garcke's Manual of Electricity Supply, vol. 57, 1959-60, 377
- Garringtons, Ltd., Automatic Induction Billet Heating Equipment, 593
- Gas Council, Air Heater, 633; Brass Billet Heating Furnace, 633; Gear Hardening Machine, 633; Industrial Appliances, 633
- Gayer, P., Berechnung von Gusseisernen. Emaillierten Druckbehaltern, 250
- General Council of British Shipping, British Shipping and Future Prospects, 106
- General Dynamics Corporation, U.S.S. "Patrick Henry", 43
- General Electric Co., Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trains, 276; Dresden Nuclear Power Station in Illinois, 268, 315; Hirst Research Centre, 131
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Alternator Stator, (Plate 16, 13.1.61); Assembling Gas Circulators for Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 826; British Railways Rolling Stock, (Plate 16, 6.1.61); Control Console for S.S.B. Radio Equipment, 996; Diesel-electric Traction Equipment, (Plate 16, 6.1.61); Extreme Temperature Hydraulic and Lubricating Fluids, 749; Ffestiniog Heavy Current Switchgear, 750; Fluorescent Lamp Tubes of Increased Efficiency, 524; Hawthorn Combined Mine, 707; Hunterston, (Plate 14, 13.1.61); Infra-red Drier for Ladle Stoppers, 254; Intrinsically Safe Earth-proving Equipment, 215; Iodine-treated Lamp, 69; Marine Equipment, 730; Metropolitan Line Rolling Stock, 955; Progress at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 307; Railway Electrification Troubles, 234; Switch Fuse Ring-main Unit, 452; 3300 h.p. Locomotives, (Plate 16. 6.1.61); Visual Glide Path Indicators, 830; Zinc-Lead Sinter Crushers, 1001
- General Post Office, Paramatic Amplifier, 521
- General Precision Systems, Ltd., Automatic Profiling of Tube Ends, 556
- Gerrard, J., and Sons, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Gershank, S., Mejoras en la Apreciacion de Cargas Sismicas, 946
- Gerstein, M., Progress in Combustion Science and Technology, 945
- Ghia, "Selene", (Plate 20, 13.1.61)
- Gilbert. G. and R. (Industrial), Ltd., Recirculating Ovens, 349
- Gilliam and Co., Ltd., Mobile Water Treatment Plant. (Plate 7, 6.1.61)
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Low-friction Surface Treatments, 961
- Glass Manufacturers' Federation, Industrial Films, 310
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Hydraulics Laboratory at Kilmarnock, 982
- Gliner, B. M., Determination of the Mechanical and Technological Properties of Metals, 909
- Glinn, R. J., Obituary, 947
- Godfrey, Sir George, and Partners (Industrial), Ltd., "Godfrey/Waterous" Pump. 675; Screw Type Compressor, 675; Torquemeter, 675
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., High Temperature Conveyor Belt, 178; Tyres for Weak Soils, 348
- Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co., Ltd., Trawler "Barnsley", 52
- Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Goulding and Partners (Consultant Engineers), Ltd., High-temperature Vacuum Furnace, 218
- Grabener, Theodor, Press Unloading Device, 720
- Graf, O., Die Eigenschaften des Betons, 516
- Grant Lyon and Co., Ltd., Fast Preparation for Blast Furnace Relining, 340
- Gray, W. S., Reinforced Concrete Piling and Piled Structures, 651
- Grayson, Rollo and Clover Docks, Ltd., Dry Dock, (Plate 22, 13.1.61)
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., Economiser for Small Boilers, 871
- Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., "Clan Macilwraith", 85; "Rothesay Castle" Cargo Ship, (Plate 20, 6.1.61)
- Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Type 3 Diesel-hydraulic Locomotives, 874
- Grimond, H., Traffic Engineering for Airports, 597
- Grobet, Fl., Flexible Hacksaw Blade, 267
- Groote, M. de, Euratom Developments, 838
- Grootenhuis, P., Balancing Multi-bearing Machines, 285
- Gross, Siegfried, Berechnung und Gestaltung von Metallfedern, 210
- Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, "Intruder", (Plate 10, 13.1.61); "Mohawk", (Plate 10, 13.1.61)
- Grundig Radio-Werke G.m.b.H., Valve Voltmeter, 188
- Guenin, H. R., Millions to be Saved? 454
- Guillaume, Charles-Edouard, Centenary, 530
- Gutehoffnungshiitte Sterkrade A.G., Rourkela Steel Plant, 616
- Guyon, Y., Prestressed Concrete, 909
- Hacon, R. J., Management Training, Aims and Methods, 1030
- Hagan Controls, Ltd., Boiler Control System, 641
- Haigh, G., Nuclear Power Plant Steam Conditions, 698
- Hailsham, Lord, An Outspoken Minister, 847; Research in Civil Engineering, 869
- R. T. Haley and Co|Haley, R. T.,and Co., Ltd.]], Hawthorn Combined ine, 707
- Hallam, Vic, Ltd. Preservative for Timber, 826
- Hamilton, Ltd., Traffic-compatible Road Marker, 221
- Hammond, Rolt, Power Stations Work Like This, 168; Foundations and Soil Properties, 910
- Hampshire Narrow Gauge Railway Conversion Society, Preservation, 611
- Hainworthy Engineering, Ltd., Air-cooled Compressor, Vertical Centrifugal Pump, 585
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Tube Profiling Machine, 636; Flame Planer, 636
- Hansford, R. F., Radio Aids to Civil Aviation, 375
- Hankey, J. Alers, Ltd., Generator Busbars for Komati Power Station, 695
- Harbach, R. J., Millions to be Saved? 944
- Harbour, B. H.. Metropolitan Railways in Urban Public Transport, 1101
- Harding, J. R., Millions to be Saved? 248. 335, 454, 738; Thousands of Millions to be Saved? 166
- Hare, John, Industrial Relations, 527; Youth Employment in Scotland, 471
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., "Amazon", (Plate 2, 6.1.61); Cargo Liner "Bamora", 470. Compressor, 673; Diesel Engines. 673; P. & 0. Orient Liner "Canberra", 976; "Tresform"1 20; "William Wheelwright", (Plate 21, 13.1.61)
- Harlow, Robert, and Son, Ltd., "Kernon" Deadweight Pressure Relief Valve, 592
- Harris, E. P., Survey on Nickel and Chromium Recovery in the Electroplating Industry, 201
- Harris, P. K., and Sons, Ltd., Diesel-electric Tug "Llanwern", 52
- Harris, P. K., and Sons, Ltd., Tug, "Meeching", 87
- Harvey. G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., Autoclave, 584; Spun Pressure Vessel Head, 393
- Hawker Siddeley Industries, Ltd., Diesel Engine, 643; Exhibits at British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., Irradiation Services in "Jason" Reactor. 524; "Jason" Reactor Operated at 100kW, 251; Nuclear Engineering Casualty, 574
- Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders), Ltd., "Kerriemoor" Cargo Ship, (Plate 20, 6.1.61); Tanker "Brandon Priory", 53
- Hawthorne, W. R., The Dracone Flexible Barge, 156
- Hay, E. I., Centrifugal Stresses at the Bores of Wheels, 113
- Hayes, R. S. (Pembroke Dock), Ltd., Catamaran Firefloat, "B.P. Firemaster",87
- Hayward, A. T. J., New Portable vacuum Manometer, 523
- Head Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Annual General Meeting. 1098; Composite Flood Construction, 951; Hawthorn Combined Mine, 707
- Heal, T. J., Materials for Nuclear Engineers, 599, 908
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Dynamometer. (Plate 7, 13.1.61); Dynamometer, British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Held und Francke Bau A.G., Munich-North Autobahn Fly-over, 17
- Henderson Brothers (1936), Hawthorn Combined Mine, 707
- Henney, Alex, Angry Young Engineer, 80
- Henninger-Brau KG a.A., Grain Silo at Frankfurt, 720
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., High-speed Gear Shapers, 521; Machine Tool Applied Research Laboratory, 1091
- Hertfordshire Technical Library and Information Service, County Technical Library Service, 52"
- [B. Hick|Hick, B.]], Early 0-6-0 Goods Locomotives, 247
- Higgs and Hill, Ltd., Maidenhead By-pass (M4), 1084; Progress with the LondonSouth Wales Motorway Project, 613
- High Definition Television, Ltd., Teaching by Television. 537
- Hillier, J. A., Traffic Research Instruments. 419
- Hills Precision Die Castings, Ltd., Pressure Diecasting Works, 827
- Hims, H. E. C., Materials for Advanced Steam Conditions, 405
- Hindmarch, T., and Co., Ltd., Picking-up and Paying-out Gear for Cables, 659
- Hindustan Steel, Ltd., Rolling Mills, (Plate 12, 6.1.61)
- Hinton, Sir Christopher, British Electricity Transmission System, 1055
- Holden and Brooke, Ltd., Calorifiers, 662
- Hollands, E. H., Measurement of Exhaust Smoke Density, 335
- Holman, A. Treve, Memorial to an Engineer, 1054
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Drill Rig, British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., HolmesKemp Inert Gas Generator, 591; "HoloFlite" Processor, 591; Industrial Electrical Air Filters, 875
- Hoist and Co., Ltd., St. Leonards Hill Service Reservoir, (Plate 7, 6.1.61)
- Holzmann, Philipp, Aktiengesellschaft, Grain Silo at Frankfurt, 720; Munich-North Autobahn Fly-over, 17
- Honeywell Controls, Ltd., American Computers to be Marketed in Europe, 824; Collision Warning Light, 190; Combustion Safeguard Relay, 347; Logarithmic Electronic Recorder, 998; Square Wave Pulse Switch, 310; Two-Wire Control and Telemetry, 561
- Hook, Lionel, and Sons, Ltd., Plant for Plastics Dip Coating, 943
- Hoover (Washing Machines), Ltd., Test Equipment for Washing Machine Motors, 512
- Hopkinson, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Horseley Bridge and Thomas Piggott, Ltd., Maidenhead By-pass, (M4), 1085; West Thurrock Supergrid Crossing of the Thames, 49
- Houghton, E. C., Edge Cracking of a Steel Band Conveyor, 167
- Houghton, D. S., Structural Behaviour of a Spherical Pressure Vessel, 686
- Houghton, J., Fluid Mechanics Through Worked Examples, 295
- Howard, John and Co., Ltd., Progress of the Forth Road Bridge, 296
- Howden. James, and Co., Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Howe, Jack, and Partners, British Trade Fair in Moscow, 792
- Howitt, F., Creative Aspects of Engineering Design, 944
- Hudson, Robert, Ltd., Fully Articulated Dumper, 177; "Leedsall" Dumper-trailer, 1031
- Huggins, W. H., Operations Research and Systems Engineering, 515
- Hughes, A. C., 100kW "Jason" Reactor, 677
- Hughes Aircraft Co., Active Repeater Satellite, 534; Mobile Remote Manipulator, 00
- Hughes, D. H., Deflection of a Wohler Test Piece during Fatigue Cycling, 498
- Hughes International (U.K.), Ltd., "Dot" Diode, 58; Silicon Capacitor, 941
- Humber Graving Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd., Henderson Dry Dock, (Plate 22, 13.1.61)
- Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., Westfield Works Pressure Gasification Plant, 1016
- Hungarian State Railways, Steam Engine Smoke Stack Device, 1045
- Hunt, J. B., Instability of Semi-brittle Steels at Room Temperature under Torsional Impact, 551
- Hunt. R. J.. and Son, Ltd., Mechanised Foundry, 1094
- Hunting Aircraft, Ltd., Jet Flap Research Aircraft, 223
- Hunting Technical Services, Ltd., Major Drainage and Salinity Survey in Pakistan, 612
- Hunting, Sir Percy, The World's Future Transport Requirements, 153
- Huson, J. E., Millions to be Saved? 248, 454, 780
- Huttenwerk Salzgitter, A.G., Ultrasonic Tester, 837
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Ltd., Valve and Remote Control Assembly, 875; Valves, 642
- Hydraulics Research Station, Annual Report, 1000; Coast Protection: a Rational Approach, 179; Power from Sea Waves, 954; "The Ways of Water", 247
- Hydraulik G.m.b.H., Continuous Cable Sheathing Press, 1046; Plate Stretcher, (Plate 9, 13.1.61)
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., High Pressure Solenoid Valve, 140
- IBM United Kingdom, Ltd., Data Processing Centre, 1001; Punched Card Accounting, 180
- I.G.E.-A.E.G., Nuclear Power Station, Kahlon-Main. (Plate 10, 6.1.61)
- Imperial Aluminium Co., Ltd., Extruded Traced Tubes, 1041
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., European Common Market, 389; Extreme Temperature Hydraulic and Lubricating Fluids. 749; Modernisation of Meadowbank Salt Mine, 162; Polyester Film Plant, 382; PVC Pipe Systems for Building Construction, 914; Silicone Products, 1093
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Meeting of Corrosion Scientists. 740; Training for Electric Traction. 726, 736
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Heat Treatment Plant for Chains, 715
- Indian Institute of Science, Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, 247
- Indian Steelworks Construction Co., Ltd., Rolling Mills, (Plate 12, 6.1.61)
- Industrial Coal Consumers' Council, Coal Prices, 471
- Industrial Training Council, "Payroll Tax" and Industrial Training, 716; Regional Committees. 954
- Ingham, R. E., Millions to be Saved? 552
- Innocenti, Hot Ingot Milling Machine, 719
- Inspectorate of Fighting Vehicles and Mechanical Equipment, Open Days, 812
- Institute of Landscape Architects, Landscape Architecture at Harwell, 775
- Institute of Marine Engineers, Tanker Machinery Installation, 253; Annual Dinner, 428
- Institute of Metals, Co-operation of Metallurgical Institutions, 611; Spring Meeting, 305
- Institute of the Motor Industry, Annual Dinner, 208
- Institute of Physics, Selected Papers on Stress Analysis, 782
- Institute of Refrigeration, Dinner, 177
- Institute of Road Transport Engineers, Measurement of Exhaust Smoke Density, 243
- Institute for Transuranic Elements, Euratom Transuranes Centre, 148
- Institution of Agricultural Engineers, Annual Conference, 753; Annual General Meeting, 307
- Institution of Chemical Engineers, Annual General Meeting and Dinner, 786; PostGraduate Courses in Chemical Engineering, 953
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Accidents and Safety in Bridge Construction, 333; Annual Dinner, 869; Channel Crossing, 481; Future of Civil Engineering Research, 1035; Institution Merger, 426; Landscape Architecture at Harwell, 775; Lessening Probability of Institution Merger, 1014; Models at the
- I.C.E. Conversazione, 1077; Motorway Safety, 777; Pedestrian Crossings, 292; Refinements in Traffic Lights, 464; Roads for a New Town, 709; Safety on the Motorway, 765; Traffic Engineering for Airports, 597; Unwin Memorial Lecture, 1014; Voting for an Institution Merger, 275
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Annual Dinner, 367; Electronics and the I.E.E., 1039
- Institution of Gas Engineers, Annual General Meeting, 806; Gas Industry Feedstocks, 806
- Institution of Locomotive Engineers, Golden Jubilee, 806; Golden Jubilee Luncheon, 817
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Award of James Watt Medal, 135; High Vacuum: a Rarefied Occasion, 362; Pressure Vessel Design, 106; Secretaryship, 214; Summer Meeting, 56, 1053; Symposium on Industrial Vacuum Plant, 135; Welded Boilers and Pressure Vessels, 122
- Institution of Metallurgists, Annual General Meeting, 907; Progress in Metallurgical Technology, 167
- Institution of Mining Engineers, Symposium on Shaft Sinking and Tunnelling, 295
- Institution of Municipal Engineers, Annual Conference, 994; Convention, 1040; Institution Merger, 426; Lessening Probability of Institution Merger, 1014; Voting for an
- Institution Merger, 275
- Interlas, Ltd., Electrode Holder, 57
- Intermit, Ltd., Filtration Exhibits, 729
- International Aeradio, Ltd., Fir Tree Hill v.h.f. Station, (Plate 22, 6.1.61)
- International Association for Cybernetics, Congress, 530
- International Atomic Energy Agency, "Astra" (Adapted Swimming-pool Tank Reactor Austria), (Plate 10, 6.1.61); Liability for Nuclear Damage, 886; Radioactivity in the Sea, 665
- International Combustion, Ltd., Boilers, 639; "Dynoscreen" Continuous Screen Design Centrifuge, 639; 500MW Generators for West Burton, 346; Raymond Flash Drying System, 639; Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- International Combustion Products, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- International Computers and Tabulators, Ltd., Magnetic Film Digital Store, 68;
- Industrial Films, 310
- International Institute of Welding (I.I.W.). Pressure Vessel Design Requirements in the Future, 624
- International Nickel Co., Inc., Steel for High Pressure and Stress Conditions, 467
- International Rectifier (Great Britain), Ltd., High-voltage Silicon Rectifier Columns, 413; Silicon Rectifier Stacks, 310; Silicon Rectifiers, 23
- International Systems Control, Ltd., British Company for Industrial Process Control Systems, 1089
- International Union of Architects, Building for Architectural Congress, 251
- International Union of Public Transport, Metropolitan Railways in Urban Public Transport, 1101
- International Water Supply Association, Congress, 1046
- Irish Sugar Co., Ltd., Accelerated Freeze Drying, 905
- Iron and Steel Board. Annual Report, 1089; Development of the Iron and Steel Industry, 687; Iron Castings, 389; Iron and Steel Production. 430; Production During March, 663; Production Figures. 257; Production Statement, 96, 1043; Steel Production in April. 832
- Iron and Steel Holding and Realisation Agency. Steel Securities, 311
- Iron and Steel Institute, Co-operation of Metallurgical Institutions. 611; Production of Wide Steel Strip, 517
- Ishikawajima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., "Onami", 42
- Iwel Engineering, Ltd., Model, British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Jackson, Sir Willis, More Light on Education. 974; Some Aspects of Engineering Education, 980
- Jaeger, Thomas. Grundziige der Strahienschutztechnik, 168
- Jaguar Cars, Ltd., Independently Sprung "Grand Touring" Car. 420
- Jameson. J. L.. Ltd., Disc Slot Broaching Machine, (Plate 15, 6.1.61)
- Jaroszynski, T., Compression of Doublebottom Plating, 468
- Jetreys, Alan E., Michael Faraday: A List of His Lectures and Published Writings, 819
- Jellicoe, G. A., "Capability" Brown in the Twentieth Century, 805; Point of View of the Landscape Architect, 775
- Jenbacher Werke AG., Portable Air Compressor "JW 440 KF", 100
- Johnson, C. H., (Machinery), Ltd., "Rotaplacer", 1031
- Johnson Matthey and Co., Ltd., Miniature Capacitors, 55; Zone-refined Tellurium, 953
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Repeater Switch for Use with 11kV 50 MVA Fuse Switches, 256
- Joint Committee on Structural Concrete, Visit to Scandinavia, 759
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., Automatic Cutter Grinding Head for Surface Grinding Machine, 388
- Jones, P. d'A., Story of the Saw, 415
- Jones, Sidney J., Ltd., Flexible Hacksaw Blade, 267
- Joy-Sullivan, Ltd., Heavy Duty Air Compressors, 1041; "Trac Drill", 1033
- Jung, Richard, Berechnung und Anwendung der Strahlgeblase, 1079
- K. & L. Steelfounders and Engineers, Ltd., Lorry-mounted Crane, 393
- K.S.M. Stud Welding, Ltd., Capacitor-discharge Stud Welding, 713
- Kaelble, Carl, G.m.b.H., Liquid Slag Transporter, 356
- Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, Sawing Machine for Large Light Alloy Plates, 1010
- Kampnagel Aktiengesellschaft, 20-ton Semiportal Bloom Handling Crane, 882
- Karo, D., Calibrating A.C. Ammeters of Widely Differing Ranges, 284
- Kay, E. J. R., Metropolitan Line Widening, 294, 515. 818
- Kaye, J., Direct Conversion of Heat to Electricity, 1029
- Kearns, H. W., and Co., Ltd., Precision Horizontal Boring Machine, 525
- Kelsey, S., Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis, 553
- Kelvin and Hughes, Ltd., Electronic Precision Tachometer, 71
- Kendall and Gent, Ltd., Plano Milling Machine, (Plate 14, 6.1.61)
- Kent Engineering and Foundry, Ltd., Tractor-mounted Sprayer, 137
- Kent, George, Ltd., History of Flow Measurement by Pressure-difference Devices, 336
- Kenyon, William, and Sons, Ltd., Power Transmission Equipment, 674
- Kerry's (Ultrasonic), Ltd., Stud Welding Equipment, 636
- Kershaw, B.. Millions to be Saved? 699
- Kidde, Walter, Co., Ltd., Fire-resistant Alarm, 214
- Kier, J. L., and Co., Ltd., Garret Hostel Footbridge over the River Cam, (Plate 6, 13.1.61)
- King, Geo. W., Ltd., Mechanised Tyre Factory, 576
- Kingsford, P. W., "Lanchester, F.W.", 250
- Kirchner, Richard, Obituary, 609
- Kitchen, A. - Walker. D., Ltd., Horizontal Facing Machine. 870
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Duplex Drilling, Boring and Screwing Machine, (Plate 14, 6.1.61)
- Kitson, Thompson and Hewitson, Early 0-6-0 Goods Locomotives, 247
- Klein, Theodor, G.m.b.H., Space Heaters, 834
- Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz, Interurban Railcar, (Plate 18, 6.1.61)
- Klotter, Karl, Technische Schwingungs Lehre. 2 Band Schwinger von Mehreren Freiheitsgraden (Mehrlafige Schwinger). 701
- Koninklijke Vlaamse Inpenieursvereniging, Jubilee Book, 1928-58, 336
- Korotkov, K. P., Continuous Casting of Steel in Commercial Use, 1080
- Kras, F. E., Measurement of Surging Frequencies in Helical Springs. 1068
- Krupp-Ardelt G.m.b.H., 150-ton Floating Crane. 617
- Krupp, Fried., Bucket-Wheel Excavator. 835; Elevated Roadway, 835; Limestone Crushing Plant. 835; Rourkela Steel Plant, 616; Warm Air Tent for Building Construction, 473
- Kuhale, J. C., Automatic Marshalling Yards, 172
- Kunrianoff, J., Die Kleinkaltemaschine, 517
- Kwikform, Ltd., Tie Rods for Formwork, 915
- L.M.B. Components. Ltd., "Turnkey" Mechanical Engineering. 609
- Labour Party. Labour Party and Science, 575
- Lacey. H. Morgan, J. & P. Transformer Book, 910
- Laffan, L. A., Pedestrian Crossings, 292
- Laing Development Co., Ltd., Advanced Desien Shopping Centre for Birmingham, 822
- Laing, John, Construction, Ltd., Advanced Design Shopping Centre for Birmingham, 822; Industrial Safety Award to, 751; Maidenhead By-pass (M4). 1084
- Laing, John, and Son, Ltd., Industrial Films, 310
- Lamberton and Co., Ltd., Horizontal Forging Machine for Large Tube Ends. 827
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto. Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station. 736
- Lancashire Dynamo Holdings, Ltd., Mechanised Tyre Factory, 576
- Lancaster, J. F., Comparison of United States, European and British Commonwealth Codes for the Construction of Welded Boilers and Pressure Vessels, 122
- Lanchester, F. W. by Kingsford, P. W., 250
- Longhorn Thompson, J., Ltd., Polaroid-Land Camera Units, 70; Zero Length Strain Gauges, 70
- Lap, A. J. W., Scale Effect Experiments on Victory Ships and Models, 703
- Lapp Insulator Co., Inc., Radio Aerial Corona Rings, 534
- Larrad (Hydrajaws), Ltd., Work Clamping Devices, 876
- Laurence, Scott, and Electromotors, Ltd., Automatic High-speed Paper Coating Machine, 242; Spondon "H" Power Station, 736; Winch, 642
- Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Discovery of a New Element, 842
- Laycock Engineering, Ltd., Type 3 Diesel hydraulic Locomotives, 874
- Lee, Howl and Co., Ltd., "Hypersilid" Chemical Pump, 729
- Lefebvre, A. H., Progress in Combustion Science and Technology, 945
- Legault, A. R., Highway and Airport Engineering, 910
- Lehfeldt, Dr., & Co., G.m.b.H., Drilling Machine, 882
- Leitz, Ernst, G.m.b.H., Microscope Attachment, 883; MP5 Scale Reading Projector, 883; Leliaysky, Serge, Irrigation and Hydraulic Design Vol. III, 738
- L'Entreprise Industrielle, Meffrouch Barrage, 313
- Leonard, J. T., Grouting: Clay Based and Chemical, 864
- Lewis, E. M., Rubber-tyred Cranes, 562
- Leyer, A., Design and Science in Mechanical Engineering, 936
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Direct Injection Fourstroke Unit, 673; Engine Oil Filters, 280; Torque Converter, 673
- Lin, T. Y., Prestressed Concrete in Building Frames, 175
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., Hand Welding Set, 630; "Lincoln-Cloos" Welding Equipment, 630; Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702
- Lind, Peter, and Co., Ltd., Tranmere Jetty, (Plate 23, 13.1.61)
- Lintott Engineering, Ltd., 'An Engineering Apprentices' Guild, 935; Apprentice Guild, 952; Electro-mechanical Engineering Works, 952
- Lister Blackstone Marine, Ltd., Four-cylinder, Air-cooled, Four-stroke Engine, 78
- Liverpool Steam Ship Owners' Association, Annual Report, 468
- Livesay, E. H., Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trains, 236, 276, 324, 364, 650, 781
- Livsey, A. E., Passenger Car Brake Testing, 444
- Livshits, A. V., Electro-Erosion Machining of Metals, 336
- Lloyd, Selwyn, New Wind Through the Treasury? 621; Wage Claims and the Domestic Economy, 1098
- Lloyd, T. I., Millions to be Saved? 208, 294, 374, 598, 908, 988;
- Lloyd, T. I., Millions to be Saved, with Improved Safety, 126
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Annual Report 1960, 427; Shipbuilding Returns, 125
- Lockheed, "Hercules" BLC-130, 922; Manoeuvrable Satellite "Agena", (Plate 1, 13.1.61)
- Lockheed Precision Products, Ltd., Weather Deck Hatches of M.V. "Turakina", 586
- Locomotive and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Statement on Railway Modernisation, 215
- Loewy Engineering Co., Ltd., 1700-ton Extrusion Press Installation, 768
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., Aluminium Alloy Slab Casting and Sawing Installation, 666; Large Circular Saw for Aluminium Billets and Slabs, 1106
- London Building and Engineering Constructors' Accident Prevention Group, Annual Dinner, 430
- London Chamber of Commerce, Presidential Address, 960; Tally Clerks' Strike, 144
- London County Council, Engineering Studies in Secondary Schools, 430; London's Traffic Survey, 873, 1036; Two-level Roundabout Proposal at Vauxhall Cross, London, 254
- London County Council and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Noise Survey, 384
- London Transport Executive, Metropolitan Line Rolling Stock, 955: Timetable Compilation by Computer, 25: Tunnelling in London Clay, 422; Works Reorganised, 657
- Loughborough College of Technology, Analogue Comnuter Symposium, 306
- Louis, Jean F., Secondary Flow and Losses in a Compressor Cascade. 904
- Lucas Industrial Equipment. Ltd., Pumps and Motors for Hydraulic Systems, 640; Turbine. 837
- Lucas. Joseph. Ltd., Electronically Controlled Ignition System, 426
- Lucas, Joseph, (Electrical). Ltd., Data Storage Unit "Scout" Satellite, 904
- Lucas, H. W., Electro-pneumatic Contactors for Traction. 199
- Lumalampan, A. B., Wire Cutting, Stripping and Twisting Machine. 356
- Lumb, C.. An Introduction to Sewage Treatment. 1030
- Lundell (Great Britain), Ltd., Combine Drill, 467
- Lyle, Sir Oliver. Obituary. 293
- Lynn, W. M., Propulsive Performance of a Group of Intermediate Tankers, 737
- Lyon, Arthur, and Co. (Engineers), Ltd. Portable Centrifugal Pumping Set, 958
- Lyons, Claude, Ltd., Stabilised Power Supply, 23
- Lythall. R. T., A.C. Motor Control and Distribution Gear, 80; Simplified ShortCircuit Calculations, 336
- M-O Valve Co., Ltd., Acceleration Instrument Tube, 941; Corona Discharge Tubes, 941; Industrial Double-triode, 597; Travelling Wave "it ube, 255
- McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Sons, Ltd., Birmingham-Preston Motorway, 215; hawthorn Combined Mine, 707
- McArthur, A. W. C., Obituary, 223
- McCorquodale, Lord, British Employers' Confederation, 527
- McCoy, V. L., Tne Farm Shop, 457
- Macfarlane, M. J., Land Drainage and Water Supply, 167
- MacGregor and Co. (Cargo Handling), Ltd., Cargo Handling, 712
- MacGregor International, Cargo Handling System, 252
- McIlleron, R. C., Millions to be Saved? 781
- McIntosh, A. B., Materials for Nuclear Engineers, 599
- McKay, William, Obituary, 223
- Maclay, J., Committee on Scottish Water Power, 426
- Macmillan, Harold, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Centennial Address, 929
- McMullen, D., Tube Train Fire Report, 893
- McMullen, John J., Associates, Flume Stabilisation System for Ships, 762
- Machine Tool Trades Association, Machine Tool Figures, 527, 788; Monthly Report on Metal-working Machine Tools, 832
- Madan, Charles S., and Co., Ltd., High Pressure Hydraulic Pump, 386
- Madras Aluminium Ltd., Plant to be Established, 181
- Main, J. B., Tanker Machinery Installation, 253
- Maitland, J., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Operational Research, 861
- Malcus, Drill, 883
- Mandoval, Ltd., Fire Protection of Structural Steelwork, 347
- Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft, Annual General Meeting, 1103
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., Millivoltmeter (TF1371), 903; Suppressed-zero Voltmeter, 69: Transistorised Microvoltmeter, 466; Wien Bridge Oscillator TF1370, 903
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., Amplifier Integrator Technique for Echo Sounder, 373; Meter Display of Echo Soundings, 306; Radiotelephone for Small Craft, 875
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Crystal Oven. 904; Doppler Navigation for B.O.A.C., 465; Four-port Ferrite Circulator, 904; Radio Compass Accessories, 712; Radio Station at Mount Gough, (Plate 22, 6.1.61); Television Control of Car Body Inspection, 308; Transmitters for B.B.C. External Services. 872
- Mare Island Naval Shipyard, U.S.S. "Halibut", 43
- Margam Slag Co., Ltd., Slag Processing at Margam, 308
- Markham and Co., Ltd., Re-fuelling Machine for Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor Windscale, 560
- Marples Ridgeway and Partners, Ltd., Progress of Hammersmith Flyover, 240
- Marshall Organisation, Road Roller with Hydrostatic Transmission, 1034
- Marshall Sons and Co., Ltd., Boiler, 642
- Marston Excelsior, Ltd., 639
- Marston, G. S., Obituary. 183
- Martin, G. R. K., Aesthetics in Engineering Design, 650
- Martindale Electric Co., Ltd., Phase and Continuity Indicator, 451
- Martonair, Ltd., Impact Cylinders, 674; Pneumatic Equipment. 674
- Mas Kovosvit, Double Column Jig Borer, 434
- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg A.G., German Industries Fair in Hanover, 757; Lightweight Overhead Travelling Cranes, 100
- Maschinenfabrik Deutschland A.G., Heavy Lathe, (Plate 9, 13.1.61)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Centennial, 889. 926; Notes on Operations Research, 782
- Massey-Ferguson (United Kingdom), Ltd., Tractor, (Plate 19, 13.1.61), 1031
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Mechanised Tyre Factory, 576; Stand at British Trade Fair, Moscow, 794; Steam Blancher for Vegetables, 905
- Mattison Machine Works, Abrasive Belt Grinding Machine with Feed Conveyor, 666
- Matz, G., Berechnung von Gusseisernen Emaillierten Druckbehaltern, 250
- Maunsell, Guy Anson, Obituary, 1060
- Maunsell, G. A., and Partners, Progress of Hammersmith Flyover, 240
- Mawdsley's, Ltd., Variable-speed, Singlephase A.C. Motors, 613
- Maxim Silencers, Ltd., Heat Recovery Unit, 660
- Maxwell, R. L., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 988
- Megator Pumps and Compressors, Ltd., Pressure Sets, 592
- Melville, W., Nuclear Power Plant Steam Conditions, 515
- Mendelssohn, K., Progress in Cryogenics, Vol. III, 1080
- Mengeringhausen Nachf. K.G., Wheel Dressing Lathe, 925
- Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain), Ltd., Sixcylinder Four-stroke Diesel Engine, 79
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 60-Ton Floating Crane "Samson". 342
- Messen an Zahnriidern and Getrieben, V.D.I. Berichte Vol. 32 (1959), 127
- Messier Co., Servo Motor, 834
- Metalectric Furnaces, Ltd., Heat Treatment Plant for Chains. 715; Heat Treatment Plant for Tubes, 711
- Metallgesellschaft, A.G., Metallstatistik 194958, 1030
- Metallisation, Ltd., Metal Spraying Pistol, 640
- Metropolitan Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Diesel Pullman Trains, (Plate 16. 6.1.61)
- Metropolitan-Vickers, Ltd., Hawthorn Com bined Mine, 707
- Metropolitan Water Board, Progress of New Works, 121
- Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., Tyre Efficiency, 693
- Microcell, Ltd., Type 400 "Transistorscope", 904; Type 41 Dielectric Test Set, 904; Data Logger and Alarm Scanner, 254; Transistor Analyser, 347
- Military Engineering Experimental Establishment, Open Day, 866
- Millett, Levens (Engravers), Ltd., Printed Circuit and Nameplate Production, 916
- Millom Hematite Ore and Iron Co., Ltd., New Plant for Hematite Pig Iron, 776
- Mills, C. H. G., Subjective Rating of Motor Vehicle Noise, 1070
- Mine Safety Appliances Co., Ltd., Ventila tion Smoke Tube, 1099
- Ministry of Education, Engineering Course for Technicians, 716
- Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Hydrology- of the River Severn, 135; Surface Water Year Book of Great Britain, 295
- Ministry of Labour, Annual Report, 960; Civil Employment, 614; Dock Labour Scheme, 222; Earnings of Manual Workers, 755; Employment Figures, 59, 430, 788, 1002; Industrial Relations, 663; Industrial Relations in the Motor Industry, 716; Safety Regulations for Unsealed Radio active Substances, 614; Stoppages of Work Due to Industrial Disputes in 1960, 917; Stoppages of Work in 1960, 222; Tech nicians in Engineering and Chemical Industries, 26; Unemployment Figures, 59, 222, 389, 614, 788, 917, 1098; Wages and Hours of Work, 26, 222, 564, 917
- Ministry of Transport, Construction and Use Regulations, 419; Road Schemes in and Around London, 522
- Ministry of Works, Construction Figures, 1002; New Orders for Construction Work, 471
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Diesel Engine, 643
- Mitsubishi Zosen Co., "Akizuki", 42
- Modern Wheel Drive, Ltd., Marine Gears, 596; Picking-up and Paying-out Gear for Cables, 659
- Moldauer, P. A., Fast Reactor Cross Sec tions, 457
- Molyneux, W. G., Design of Non-1 i near Spring Supports for Vibration Isolation at Very Low Frequencies, 1061
- Moore, M. B., Theory and Application of Mechanical Engineering Measurements, 989
- Moore, P. T., Millions to be Saved? 1028
- Moore and Wright (Sheffield), Ltd., Screw Pitch Gauge, 1003
- Morcom R. K., Obituary, 782
- Morecambe Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. , Packaged Substations with Air-cooled Transformers. 876
- Morgan, W. H., Water Supply by Distilla tion, 745
- Morganite Exports, Ltd., Heating Elements, 884
- Morris, B. O., Ltd., Grinding Indicator, 143; Polishing Machine, 142
- Morse, H. E., Millions to be Saved? 515
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702
- Motor Gear and Engineering Co., Ltd., Flexible Couplings. 310
- Mott, Hay and Anderson. Forth Suspension Bridge Cable Wires, 579; Progress of the Forth Road Bridge, 296
- Mountbatten, Earl, Radio Engineers' Dinner, 996
- Mowlem, John. and Co., Ltd., Tinsley Park Steelworks Development Scheme, 953
- Mudi River Water Board, Water Development in Nyasaland. 387
- Mahlhauser, Karl-H., Concrete Re-mixer, 884
- Mullard, Ltd., Alloy-diffused Transistor for V.H.F.. 658: Maser Assembly, 69; Photocell for Infra-red Applications, 214; Quick-heating Transmitting Valves. 940; Semiconductor Power Rectifiers, 520; Semiconductors for Industry, 387; Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitor. 940
- Mullard Equipment, Ltd., Transistor Power Supplies, 176
- Muller, Ernst. Hydraulische Pressen and Druckfliissigkeitsanlaeen, 599
- Multideck Car Park Developments, Ltd., Car Park, (Plate 3. 13.1.61)
- Muntz, Alan, and Co., Ltd., Direct Air Flow Valve. 593
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., "Muramatic" Automatic Welding Head. 631
- Murgatroyd, T. B., Millions to be Saved? 514
- Murphy, G. M. Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Solutions. 249
- Murphy Radio, Ltd., Continuous Weighing System, 252
- Murray, J. M., Rules for Nuclear Ships. 329
- Myford, Ltd., Small Parts Copying Lathe. 658
- N.G.N. Electrical, Ltd., Vacuum Manometer, 388
- N.P.P.C., Reactor Buildings at Bradwell , (Plate 14, 13.1.61)
- NSU Co., Ltd., Rotary Piston Engine Developments, 796
- National Advisory Council on Education for Industry and Commerce, Sandwich Courses, 788
- National Bureau of Standards, Gauge Block Developments, 29, 61, 101
- National Chemical Laboratory, D.S.I.R. Isotope Applications Unit, 954; Annual Report, 954, 957
- National Coal Board, Annual Report, 960; Coal, 564; Coal Resources, b69; Sales Drive by N.C.B., 574
- National Dock Labour Board, Annual Report, 960
- National Engineering Laboratory, Conference on the Condensation of Superheated Steam, 175; Design of Air Bearings and their Application to Measuring Instruments and Machine Tools, 523; Diode-operated Decimal-to-Binary Converter for a Tape Punch, 279; New Portable Vacuum Manometer, 523; Noise Attenuation Properties of Flexible Piping, 464
- National Federation of Building Trades Employers, Standardised Crane Signals, 955
- National Foundry Craft Training Centre, Foundry Apprentices, 788
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., Marine Engine, 643
- National Institute of Industrial Psychology, Annual Report, 182
- National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science, Particle Accelerator Responsibility, 754
- National Physical Laboratory, Conference on. Noise Control, 1089; Open Days, 766
- National Research Development Corporation, Eleventh Annual Report, 176; Technical Innovation, 154
- National Steel Corporation, Colour Finishing of Galvanised Steel Sheet Panels, 228
- National Union of Teachers, Guide to Careers, 471
- Navalmeccanica, Open Gap Hydraulic Press, 798
- Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., Magnetic Plastic Strip, 179
- Neolith, Ltd., In situ Construction of Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs, 140
- Netherlands Universities Foundation for. International Co-operation, International Course in Hydraulic Engineering, 136
- Nettle Accessories, Ltd., Integrally-moulded' Cable Join, 254
- Neumann, E., Der Neuzeitliche Strassenbau,. 377
- New Electronic Products, Ltd., Miniature Pressure Transducer, 996
- Newalls Insulation Co., Ltd., Polyurethane Pipe Sections, 672
- Newcomen Society, Incorporation of, 1089
- Newhouse, F., Floods, 81, 126; Land Drainage and ater Supply, 249; National Water Grid, 552
- Newman, Hender and Co., Ltd., Valve, 730
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., U.S.S. "Enterprise", 40
- Newson, James, Obituary, 863
- Nielsen, H., and Son Maskinfabrik A/S,. Continuous Mixing Plant, 798
- Nock, O. S., Millions to be Saved, 249, 454; Thousands of Millions to be Saved? 166; Railway Conversion, 374
- Nonweiler, T. R. F., Stability and Control of Deeply Submerged Submarines. 706 .
- Norddeutsche Maschinen-und Schrauben-, werke A.G., Tower Jib Crane. 883
- Norgen. C. A., Ltd., Compressed Air Filter!; Regulator, 714
- Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., Single Lever Engine Control. 350
- North American Aviation, omputer for Guidance Systems. 469; Inc.,isluclear Reactor for Auxiliary Power Generation, 930
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Fatigue Strength of Marine Shafting. 345; Heavy-lift Vessel "Adventurer". 254
- North Eastern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., Gotaverken Engine, 216
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Report, 345; Power Cable Link Between Kintyre and Jura, 710
- Northern Gas Board, Carbonising Plants, (Plate 17, 13.1.61)
- Northfield Industrial Fabrications, Ltd., Dumpers. 990
- Norton, Sir James Farmer, and Co., Ltd., Machine Tools, British Trade Fair, Moscow, 795
- Nottingham Electronic Valve Co., Ltd., Industrial Television Camera. 467
- Nuneaton Museum, Historic Engine Drawing Competition, 251
- Oakeshott, Robert, The Bargainers, 553
- Okrent, D., Fast Reactor Cross Sections, 457
- Oliver, A. C., Soft Rot: A Summary of Existing Knowledge, 1079
- Omark Industries, Inc., Stud Welding Equipment, 636
- Opancol, Ltd., Engine-driven Cleaning Spray. 137
- Optical-Mechanical (Instruments), Ltd., Work Clamp Sets, 1097
- Orenstein-Koppel und Lubecker Maschinenbau Aktiengesellschaft, Diesel Locomotives, 882; Rolling Stock, 882
- Ormerod, A., A Design Criterion for Springs, 503
- Osborn, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Facing Chuck, 714
- Osram, Ltd., "Two-room" Heater. 453
- Otis Elevator, "Trav-o-lators", (Plate 3, 13.1.61)
- P. and O. Orient Lines, "Oriana", (Plate 1, 6.1.61)
- Page, K. G., Packaged Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, 89
- Painter Brothers, Ltd., West Thurrock Super- grid Crossing of the Thames, 49
- Pallets, N., Millions to be Saved? 294, 552
- Palmer Aero Products, Ltd., Orbital Welding Equipment for Tube Assemblies, 1o92
- Panellit, Ltd., Encapsulated Logic Units, 958
- Papierfabrik an der Sihl, Synthetic Paper, 925
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Asphalt Plant, 351; Crushing Plant, 991
- Parkinson Cowan Gas Meters, Ltd., Meters for High Pressure Gas Supply, 998
- Parkinson Cowan Measurement, Ltd., Water Meters, 662
- Parkinson Howard, Ltd., Tranmere Jetty. (Plate 23, 13.1.61)
- Parr, Geoffrey, Obituary, 947
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Broaching Machine, (Plate 15, 6.1.61); 500MW Tandem Compound Turbo-generators for theE Ci . 13.' 612; Plano Milling Machine, (Plate 14, 6.1.61); Turbo-generator, (Plate 16, 13.1.61)
- Parsons Engineering Co.' Ltd., Oil-operated Marine Reverse Gear, 78
- Parszewski, Z., Balancing Multi-bearing Machines, 285
- Patterson, J. R., Obituary, 97
- Paul, K. S., (Molybdenum Disulphide), Ltd., Lubrication with Molybdenum Disulphide Dry-film Bonded Coatings, 661
- Payne, Ci. L. Britain's Scientific and Technological Manpower, 908
- Pearson, H. M., Railway Works Construction, 989
- Pedestrians' Association for Road Safety, Annual Conference, 671
- Peekel Laboratorium voor Electronica N.V., Sound Spectrometer, 267
- Pemberton, H. N., Rules for Nuclear Ships, 329
- Penn, Captain A. E., Obituary, 664
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Industrial Engines, 673; "Mars" Gas Turbine, 673; 40 h.p. Outboard Engine, 77
- Perkins Gas Turbines, Ltd., Gas Turbine Generating Sets, 637
- Permali, Ltd., Glass Fibre Materials, 519
- Permutit Co. Ltd., Flow Controller, 468; Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Persia, Mario, Trans-European Road Haulage, 72
- Peters, G. D., and Co., Ltd., Vacuumoperated Lifting Equipment, 181
- Petow, W., Untersuchung Einer Hydraulischen ampfturbinenregelung and Versuche Uber das Abschaltverhalten mit Hilfe Einer Modellregelstrecke, 1079
- Petrocarbon Developments, Ltd., High Purity Nitrogen Plant, 213
- Petroleum Information Bureau, Oil Production and Reserves, 427; Oil Consumption in 1960, 832
- Philip and Son, Ltd., Lightship "Skua", 87; Passenger Ferry "Woodchurch", 52
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., "Block-release" Scheme for Apprentice Training, 56
- Philips Laboratories, Inspection of Lamp Filaments on a Coiling Machine, 1047
- Photoelectronics (M.O.M.), Ltd., Simple Geiger Counter, 429
- Physical Society, Physics Exhibition, 68
- Pickles, Sir John, Future of Electricity in Britain, 983
- Pippard, A. J. S., Ceiiinosssttuv, 323
- Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd., 400kV Oil-filled Cable, 368
- Planer, G. V., Ltd., Continuous Response Mercury Levelling Switch, 69
- Plank. R., Die Kleinkaltemaschine, 517
- Plannair, Ltd., Assembly Cabinets, 71
- Plessey Group of Companies, Metallised Paper Capacitors, 940; Two-gang Variable Capacitor, 940
- Plessey Nucleonics, Ltd., Matching Transformers for Pulse Links, 426
- Portable Welders, Ltd., Hand-operated Production Gun, 676
- Porter, F. C., Aluminium Sprayed Steel in Marine Conditions, 906
- Portuguese National Civil Engineering Laboratory, 474
- Post Office, High-capacity Telephone Systems. 176; London Tower for Microwave Links, 218; Telecommunications, 560; Transatlantic Communications Satellite Tests, 608
- Poultney, E. C., Some Notes on Locomotive Power, 205
- Powell Duffryn Engineering Co., Ltd., Experimental Goods Wagons. 831
- Power Jacks, Ltd., Hydraulic Clamp. 142
- Pownall, J. F., National Water Grid, 375, 698
- Prandtl, Ludwig, Memorial Lecture. 355
- Precision Gear Machines and Tools, Ltd., Gear Shaving Machine, 137
- Preformations, Ltd., Permanent Magnets, 940
- Premag G.m.b.H., Pneumatic Impact Spanners, 837
- Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., British Railways Rolling Stock, (Plate 16, 6.1.61)
- Prestidge, A. F., Passenger Car Brake Testing, 444
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., Truck-mounted Crane, 992
- Printed Circuits, Ltd., Printed Circuit and Nameplate Production, 916
- Printing and Paper Drives, Ltd., Automatic High-speed Paper Coating Machine, 242
- Production Engineering Research Association, Taps on Trial, (Leading Article, 361)
- Progressive Welder (Canada), Ltd., Welding Equipment, 731
- Projectina Optical Works, Micro-measuring Instrument, 252
- Pullin, R. B., and Co., Ltd., On/Off Controller with Photo-transistor Relay Control, 69
- Pye Telecommunications, Ltd., Fir Tree Hill v.h.f. Station, (Plate 22, 6.1.61); Marine Radio-telephone, 562
- Pyrene Co., Ltd., Fire Detection and Alarm Insulation, 1096
- Q.V.F., Ltd., Glass Pump, 943
- Quaker State Metals Co., Aluminium Alloy Slab Casting and Sawing Installation, 666
- Quarrell, A. G., Physical Examination of Metals, 700
- Quarrell, A. P., Air-cooled Diesel Engines, 598
- Radio Research Station, D.S.1.R., "Mini-track" Station at Winkfield, 111; Radio Research at Slough, 953
- Railway Conversion League, Reorganisation of the Nationalised Transport Undertakings, 23
- Rank Precision Industries, Ltd., Demonstrating Closed-circuit Television, 428 -
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Mobile Cranes, 959; "Rapier 1D20" Mobile Crane, 992; Truck Mixer, 993
- Recon (Pipelines), Ltd., Plastics Hose, 872
- Redex, Ltd., Diesel Fuel Additive, 787
- Redwood, M. R., Mechanical Waveguides, 336
- Reed Paper Group, Automatic High-speed Paper Coating Machine, 241
- Reeves, E. A., Newnes Electrical Pocket Book, 1081; Uses of Electricity in the Oil Industry, 168
- Reid, Sir Charles, Obituary, 293
- Reinforced Concrete Association, Large Diameter Bored Piles, 549; Structural Reinforced Concrete in Buildings, 523
- Reinisch-Westfalisches Elektrizitatswerk A.G., Annual General Meeting, 395
- Relton, E., Millions to be Saved? 514, 780
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702
- Rennie, A. J., Motor Vehicle Noise Measurement, 493
- Rennie, John, Bi-centenary of the Birth of, 911
- Renold Chains, Ltd., Reversible Locking Clutches, 873
- Research and Control Instruments, Ltd., Philips Automatic CO•2 Welding Equipment, 676
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Spondon "1-1" Power Station, 736
- Rheinkalte G.m.b.H., Cooling Tower, 837
- Rhoades, Inc., "Hover Scooter", (Plate 3, 13.1.61)
- Rhoden Partners, Ltd., Dowel Inserting Press, 142
- Rhodes, Brydon and Youatt, Ltd., Centrifugal Pumping Sets, 953
- Rhodes, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Up-cutting Shearing Machine, 956
- Richard Ironworks, Ltd., Near Water Trawler, "Boston Provost", 87
- Richard Thomas & Baldwins, Ltd., Progress at Spencer Works, Newport, 948
- Richards, A. J., Early 0-6-0 Goods Locomotives, 247
- Richards, J. H. Melville, The Municipal Task, 994
- Richardson, E. G., Aerodynamic Capture of Particles, 861
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Engines, 732
- Ridland, D. M., Measured Power Spectrum of the Vertical Component of Atmospheric Turbulence, 904
- Rigg, S., and J. R. Atkinson, Irradiation Experiments, 383
- Riley (I.C.) Products, Ltd., Chain Grate Stoker, 955
- Ritz Gebr. and Schweizer, Pump, 837
- Road Research Laboratory, Determination of the Cement or Lime Content of Cement- or Lime-Stabilised Soil, 464; Open Days, 779; Test Track at Crow thorne. (Plate 24, 6.1.61)
- Robb, Henry. Ltd., "Aaro" Cargo Ship. (Plate 21, 6.1.61); "Rapallo" Cargo Ship, (Plate 21, 6.1.61)
- Robbins, Brian, Retirement of a Secretary, 895
- Robbins, R. M., Metropolitan Line Widening, 414, 699
- Robens, A., Coal Prospects, 257
- Roberts, E. A., Centrifugal Stresses at the Bores of Wheels, 113
- Robertson, D. A., Lightweight Ground Effect Machine, 712
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., Durgapur Steel Works, (Plate 13, 6.1.61)
- Robinson, D., and Co., Ltd., Relays, 518
- Robinson, D. W., Motor Vehicle Noise Measurement, 493; Subjective Rating of Motor Vehicle Noise, 1070
- Rochdale Motor Panels and Engineering, Ltd., "Olympic" Coupe, 19
- Rockweld, Ltd., "Comet", 632; Machine for Vertical Welding, 632
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Highspeed Six-spindle Automatic, 349
- Rodene Electrical Co., Ltd., Bonus Indicating Clock, 94
- Roger, Alexander, Obituary. 609
- Rogers. T. Howard, Marine Corrosion Handbook, 376
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Generating Sets. 675; Six-cylinder Turbocharged Unit, 77; 600 h.p. Diesel-hydraulic Locomotive, "Taurus", 877
- Rotherham. L., The Contribution of Metallurgy to Electric Power Generation. 44
- Rougeron, M., The Channel Dom, 403
- Rowe, R. E., Investigation of the Stress Distribution in the Anchorage Zones of Post-tensioned Concrete Members, 279
- Roxbee Cox, Sir Harold, Chairman of the D.S.I.R. Research Council, 751
- Roy, R. H., Operations Research and Systems Engineering, 515
- Royal Aeronautical Society. Rocket Propulsion, 88
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, High Supersonic Wind Tunnel, 540; Open Days, 985
- Royal Fine Arts Commission, Wider Aspects of Urban Planning, 725
- Royal Institution, Annual Meeting, 726
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Appraisal of Building Costs, 711
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Annual Dinner, 559; Annual Spring Meeting, 306, 550, 578, 655, 703, 737
- Royal Radar Establishment, Radio Telescope Interferometer, 1058
- Royal Society, Conversazione, 820
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Safety in Industry, 663
- Royce Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Diffusion Furnaces for Transistor Production, 1040
- Royles, Ltd., Pressure Control Switch, 786
- Rubery, Owen and Co., Ltd., Sliding Roof for Open Rail Wagons, 382
- Ruhrpumpen G.m.b.H., Pumps, 837
- Runciman, Viscount, Naval Architects' Annual Dinner, 559
- Runge, Peter, On Being "Taken Over", 539
- Ruppert, Motor Vehicle Noise Measurement, 699
- Rushworth and Co. (Sowerby Bridge), Ltd., Open Gap Hydraulic Press, 798
- Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, Annual General Meeting, 716
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Engines, 643
- Rustyfa, Ltd., Mechanised Tyre Factory, 576
- Ryde, J. W., Obituary, 863
- S.A.R.M.A., Clip Locking Turnbuckle, 967
- S.G.E. Signals, Ltd., Railway Signalling Track Circuit, 520
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, Annual Report, 823
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Electrohydraulic Tension Cell, 221
- Salzgitter Maschinen Aktiengesellschaft, Side Tipping Loader, 834
- Sandberg, Messrs., Consulting Engineers' Centenary, 94
- Sanders, C., 100kW "Jason" Reactor, 677
- Sanders, R. Y., Obituary, 258
- Sandvikens Jernverks AB., Sandvic Research Laboratories, 1046
- Saro (Anglesey), Ltd., "Firebrace", Fireboat for Thames Service, 821
- Saturn Industrial Gases, Ltd., "Seirion", 642
- Sauter. Rudolf, Maschinen and Apparatebau, Machine for Joints in Timber, 882
- Savage. J. D., Measurement of Exhaust Smoke Density, 243
- Scandinavian Airlines System, Electronics in Airways Traffic Handling, 823
- Schenck, Hilbert, Heat Transfer Engineering, 599
- Schiel. Friedrich Statik der Pfahlwerke, 457
- Schindler and Co., Ltd., High Speed Lifts of Centre International Rogier, 98
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., Motor-car Wheels, 630
- Science Museum, Rockets on Exhibition, 251
- Scientific Instrument Manufacturers' Association of Great Britain, SIMA Review, 216: Ultrasonics Executive Committee, 999
- Schlichting, H., Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges, Vol. II, 517
- Schloemann Aktiengesellschaft, Rolling Mill for Arbed, 665
- Schopenhauer, Noise., 235
- Scott, R. E., Linear Circuits, 861
- Scottish Gas Board, Westfield Works Pressure Gasification Plant, 1016
- Scott's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., "Dunkwa", 22; "Iron Horse" Cargo Ship, (Plate 20, 6.1.61); Tanker "Quiloa", 54
- Schutt, Tool and Cutter Grinder, 792
- Selwood, William R., Ltd., Toroidal Twostroke, 814
- Senior Economisers, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Serck Radiators, Ltd., Heat Exchange Equipment. 594
- Servo Consultants, Ltd., Transistorised Cam Pick-off, 310
- Servomex Controls, Ltd., Portage Oxygen Analyser. 662
- Sex, C. W., Some Railway Queries, (Letter, 375)
- Sharpies Centrifuges, Ltd., Oil Purification Equipment, 675
- Shaw, Francis, and Co., Ltd., Mechanised Tyre Factory, 576
- Shawnee-Poole, Ltd., Dumpers, 990
- Shell Film Unit, Film on High-speed Flight, 217
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Industrial Films, 310; Support for Club Flying, 658
- Shell Research, Ltd., Measurement of Engine Temperatures, 386: Trace Reader. 563
- Shepard, Alan B., American in Space, 839; First American Astronaut, 765
- Shepherd, R., Mechanised Cutting and Loading of Coal, 517
- Shepherd, R. J., International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 1960
- Shipbuilding Advisory Committee, Shipbuilding Prospects, 670, 716
- Shipbuilding Conference, Shipbuilding Statistics, 144; Rating Revaluation and Shipbuilding, 832
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, Wages, 59
- Shipping World, Ltd., Year Book and Who's Who. 1961, 457
- Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd., Analogue Computer Nuclear Power Plant, 638; Educational Analogue Equipment. 638; Simulater for Nuclear Power Stations, 136
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke, A.G., Electricallyoperated Stabiliser Fin, 568; "Electronics in the Organisation!', 836; Nuclear Reactor, 836: Refrigerating Elements, 836; Runway Lighting Cologne-Bonn Airport, 967: Testbed, 836; Transistor, 836
- Simms Motor Units, Frigid Test Facility, 218
- Simon-Carves Atomic Energy Group. Progress at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 307, (Plate 14, 13.1.61)
- Simon Handling Engineers, Ltd., Bulk Handling Plant tor Sugar, 942; Mechanised lyre Factory, 576
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Metal Strip Coating Plant, 10.39
- Simons, E. N., Story of the Saw, 415
- Skil (Nederland) N.V., Electro-pneumatic rlammer, 861
- Slaughter, F., Creative Aspects of Engineering Design, 1029
- Slough Industrial Health Service, Industrial Health Clinic for Small Firms, 870
- Smedley, U. P., Fatigue Strength of Marine Shatting, 345
- Smith, D. R. L., Fluid Mechanics Through Worked Examples, 295
- Smith, H. Shirley, Accidents and Safety in Bridge Construction, 333
- Smith, 1. E., Problems with Liquid Oxygen in Large Rocket Engines, 88
- Smith, P. J., Millions to be Saved?, 699; Thousands of Milions to be Saved?, 166
- Smith, R. (Horley), Ltd., Detachable Dumper, 563
- Smith's Dock Co., Ltd., Open Shelter Deck Cargo Ship "Rembrandt' , 84
- Smith's Industrial Division, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Equipment, 594
- Smout, Sir Arthur, Obituary, 328
- Societa Azioni Ansaldo, "Leonardo da Vinci", (Plate 3, 6.1.61)
- Societe Francaise d'Entreprises de Dragages et de Travaux Publics, Tahiti International Airport, 355
- Societe Industrielle Belge des Petroles, Antwerp Refinery, 356
- Societe SPIT, "Roc" Threaded Dowel, 881
- Societe de la Viscose Suisse, Synthetic Paper, 925
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd., John de Havilland Award, 175; Support for Club Flying, 658
- Society of Chemical Industry, Corrosive Occasion, 443; European Federation of Chemical Engineering, 759
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., Motor Vehicle Statistics, 550, 756
- Soho Mills, Fish Carburetters, 19
- Soil Mechanics, Ltd., Spondon "1-1" Power Station, 736
- Solar Weld Languepin, Ltd., Spark Erosion Machines, 280 Solartron Electronic Group, Tangential Flow Fan Heater, 468
- Solartron Laboratory Instruments,. Ltd., Digital Voltmeter, 348; Frequency and Capacitance Meter, 828; Rack-mounting Oscilloscope, 468
- Solus-Schall, Ltd., Crack Detector, 631; Equipment for ongitudinal Weld Testings, 631; Gauge, 631
- South Wales Switchgear, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Southampton University, First International Conference on Timber Engineering, 997
- Sovex, Ltd., Industrial Films, 175; Mechanised Baggage Handling Equipment, (Plate 5, 13.1.61); Mechanised Sorting Equipment, (Plate 5, 13.1.61); Parcels Depot Conveyor System. 714
- Spanner Boilers, Ltd., "SN‘ irlyflo" Boiler, 596
- Spernbly Engineering Co., Ltd., Vacuum Sintering Furnace Loading echanism, 957
- Spembly, Ltd., Intercommunication for Pressurised Suits, 57; Shorted Turn Detector, 561
- Spencer-Bonecourt-Clarkson, Ltd., "Steambloc", Boiler, 905
- Spicers, Ltd., Self Adhesive Wrapping, 387
- Square D, Ltd., Time Delay Relay, 1041; Modified Limit Switches, 998
- Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute, Time for Invention, 194
- Stainless Steel Manufacturers' Association, Stainless Steel Exhibition, 427
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Detection and Control System, 69; Electronics in Airways Traffic Handling, 823; Industrial Heating Triode, 1093; Nassau Communications Terminal, (Plate 22, 6.1.61); Register-translator Equipment for London Trunk Dialling, 828; Supervisory System, 518
- Starczewski, J., Graphical Design of Tubular Heat Exchangers, 116
- Stead, J., and Co., Ltd., Sheet Saw, 829
- Stealite and Porcelain Products, Ltd., Generator Busbars for Komati Power Station, 695
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., Cranes, 992
- Stein Atkinson Vickers Hydraulics, Ltd., Improvement of the Lee Navigation, 956
- Steinkohlengas A.G., Pressure-gasification in Germany, 810
- Stenbergs Maskinbyra AB, Planer and Moulder, 837
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., "Mobil Acme", (Plate 12, ,13.1.61); Tanker "British Curlew", 54
- Stephenson. C., Heavy-lift Vessel "Adventurer", 254
- Steward, Stanley F., Electrical Manufacture in Britain's Economy. 1013, 1023
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Granulated Pig Iron, 24; Horizontal Forging Machine fqr Large Tube Ends, 827; Resonance Bending Fatigue Machine, 585
- Stieant, S. Austen, J. & P. Transformer Book. 910 Mohr, Wilhelm, Tube Conveyor. 884
- Stone, P. A., Appraisal of Building Costs, 711
- Stoyel, A. J. Discount on Books, 455
- Strachan and Henshaw, Ltd., Rubber-tyred Cranes, 562
- Strickland, R. E., Nuclear Power in 1960, 12
- Stromag, Cable Carrier "Kabelkuli", 883
- Strub, U. A., Screwy Screw Threads, 167
- Stuttard, D. E., Ltd., "Imperial", Low Pressure Boiler Burner Unit, 427
- Submarine Cables, Ltd., Cables and Repeaters for "Compac", 178
- Sulzer Brothers (London), Ltd., Spondon • "1" rower station, 73b
- Superllexit, Ltd.,Conduit System for Control Desk, 256
- Sutcliffe, 1-. and H., Ltd., Preservative for 1 imPer, 826
- Sutcliffe, Richard, Ltd., Tubular Conveyor framework, 348
- Swaan, W. A., Effect of Forebody Section Shape on Ship Behaviour in Waves, 704
- Swan, A. W., Retracing the Steps in the Design of a Special Slide Rule, 691
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., "llorin Palm", 51; "Lobito Palm", 85; "Minas Gerais", 40;. Oil Tanker "Border Pele", 470; "Port New Plymouth" Cargo. Ship, (Plate 20, 6.1.61); Tanker "Ellenga", • (Plate 21, 13.1.61); "Vistafjord", 20
- Swiss Federal Railways, Gaschenen Power Scheme, 261
- Switchgear and Equipment, Ltd., Torquedriven 1 lkV Isolator for Rural Systems, 219
- Tangyes, Ltd., Bench Press, 584; High Pressure Pumping Sets, 584
- Tarmac Civil Engineering, Ltd., Birmingham Preston Motorway, 816
- Tata-Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd., Golden Jubilee, 880
- Taylor, F., and Sons (Manchester), Ltd., Earth Boring Machine, 1033
- Taylor Woodrow, Hinkley Point, (Plate, 14. 13.1.61); Start of Construction at Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, 611; Test Plant for Nuclear Power Station Machinery, 743
- Telecommunications Engineering Establishment, Airway Telecommunications Engineering, 995
- Telellex Products, Ltd., Purpose-built Overhead Runway System, 954
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., Picking-up and Paying-out Gear for Cables, 659
- Telephone Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Harmonic Analyser, 139
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress of, 435
- Tennet, M. G., 100kW "Jason" Reactor, 677
- Terrapin, Ltd., Fast Building System, 1096
- Texas Instruments, Ltd., Alloy-diffused Transistors, 1001; Factory, (Plate 6, 13.1.61); Silicon Epitaxial Transistor, 252; Transistors and Rectifiers, 519
- Thermal Control Co., Ltd., Measurement of Undissolved Water in Aviation Turbine Fuels, 950
- Thomas, Peter, Construction Accidents in 1960, 430
- Thompson, Major J. B. L., Obituary, 293
- Thompson, John, Ltd., "Demipac" Package Boiler, 672; "Multipac" Wet Back Package Boiler, 672; Reactor Buildings at Berkeley, (Plate 14, 13.1.61); Conveyor Co., Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736; Industrial Constructions, Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736; Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., Lobed Pressure Vessels, 171
- Thormann, K., Absorption, 48
- Thorn Electrical Industries, Ltd., Combined Stepping Relay Rotary Switch, 217; "Microminiature" Lamp, 216
- Thornton, Roy H., Millions to be Saved? 650
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Torpoint Diesel-electric Chain Ferries. 173; Tug/Tender "Gatcombe", 52
- Thourel, L., Antenna, 946
- Thring, M. W., Nuclear Propulsion, 945
- Thunderbird Enterprises, Ltd., Effluent and Water Treatment, Second Exhibition, 425
- Thwaites and Reed Ltd., Astronomical Clock on Exhibition, 829
- Thyssen Industrie, G.m.b.H., Floor Construction. 881
- Tinklepaugh, J. R., Cermets, 1080
- Tomlinson, M. J., Large Diameter Bored Piles, 549
- Toplis, C. M., Obituary, 328
- Towler Brothers (Patents), Ltd., Hydraulic Transmission, 835
- Trades Union Congress and the Budget, 352
- Transport and Chemical Equipment. Ltd., Acid Pump, 429
- Trennjager Maschinenfabrik, Metal Cutting Machines. 883
- Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., Fabricated Windows, 345
- Tripp. G. W., Motor Vessels for TilburyGravesend Ferry, 211
- Trist, Ronald and Co., Ltd., Level Controller, 674; Sequencing Blow-down Cock, 674
- Triulzi, Injection Moulding Machine, (Plate 9, 13.1.61)
- Truckenbrodt, E., Aerodynamik des Flugzeuges, Vol. II, 517
- Trunk Pipelines, Ltd., Petitions Against Bill for Oil Pipelines in London, 214
- Truscon, Ltd., Automatic Car Park, 825
- Tuhewrights, Ltd., Prefabricated Tubular Steel Roofing, 56
- Tulin, W. A., Geometry and Design of Crossed Helical Gears, 489; Millions to be Saved? 414
- Turner, T. H., Clean Air for City Streets, 698; Jubilee of Metal Spraying Processes, 337
- Turners Asbestos Cement Co., Ltd., Fire Protection Material, 512; Fire Protection at Sea, 177
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Drilling into Molten Lava in Hawaii, 722; Nuclear Reactor Accident in Idaho, 357; Prospects of Gas Centrifuge Technology, 478
- U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Transatlantic Communications Satellite Tests, 608
- U.S. Industries, Inc., Inclinable Presses, 253
- U.S. Industries Inc. (Great Britain), Ltd., Self-instruction Device, 998
- Uddeholm Ltd., Uddeholmaren, 651
- Ultra Prazisionswerk G.m.b.H., Adjustable Slip Gauge, 759
- Ultrasonoscope Co. (London), Ltd., Nondestructive Testing Equipment, 637
- Unilever, Ltd., Packaged Substations with Air-cooled Transformers, 876
- Union Routiere de France, Channel Crossing, 481
- Union Syndicale des Industries Aeronautiques, Twenty-Fourth Salon International de l'Aeronautique, 921, 965
- United Kingdom Advisory Council on Education for Management, Formation of, 214
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, A Low Energy Beta Probe, 421; Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor, 751; Automatic Thermocouples, 999; Availability of Calder Hall Reactors, 251; British Programme for Seismic Research, 253; Dounreay Fast Reactor, (Plate 11, 6.1.61); Flow Control Valve, 221; Gas Entrainment in the Dounreay Fast Reactor, 783; New Radioactive Chemicals, 176; Radioactive Fallout in Air and Rain, 421; Re-fuelling Machine for Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor Windscale, 560; Streamlining of, 322; Versatile Experimental Reactor, 346
- United States Army Chemical Research Station, Biologically Isolated Mill, 318
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Cold Rolling Mill for Steel Strip at Brinsworth, 554; Compensation Plan, 1002; Industrial Films, 831
- United Wire Works, Ltd., Superfine Wirecloth for Filters, 524
- University of Sydney, Radio Astronomy Centre, 920
- VEB Drahtziehmaschinenwerk Gruna, Hot Wire Drawing Machine, 432
- VEB Giesserei und Maschinenb'a Zittau, Welding Table, 56g
- VEB Maschinenfabrik Halle, 50kA Electrolytic Cell for Sodium Hydroxide and Chlorine Production from Brine. 431
- VEB Pressen-und Scherenbau Erfurth, 2500ton Crank Hot-forging Press, 432
- VEB Schwermaschinenbau Georgij Dimitroff, Chain Bucket Excavator, 432
- VEB We rkzeugmasch i nen fabrik Saalfeld, Multiple Drill Press with Rotary Table with Mechanical Ejector, 433
- VEB Zemag, Travelling and Slewing Plate Conveyor, 433
- VVB Landmaschinen-und Traktorenbau, Tandem Disc Harrow, 433
- Vacuum Metallurgical Developments, Ltd., Vacuum Metallising, 470
- Vacu-Blast, Ltd., Shot Blast Equipment, 730
- Valkenburg, M. E. Van, Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, 818
- Van Der Lingen, T. W., Universal Efficiency Equation for Machines Employing Working Fluids, 1066
- Van Manen, J. D., Scale Effect Experiments on Victory Ships and Models, 703
- Varley Pumps and Engineering, Ltd., Pea Washer, 905
- Venner, Ltd., Automatic Reset Timer. 525
- Vero Precision Engineering, Ltd., Hydraulic Copying Attachment, 715
- Versuchsanstalt fur Binnenschiffbau e. V, Inland Ship Research Station, 566
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Accelerated Freeze Drying, 905; "ATmirante Williams", 42; "Northern Star", 1099; Ship Performance Research, 1095: Troopship "Dunera", Conversion of, 251
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Engineers), Ltd., Inclinable Presses. 253
- Vickers Group of Companies, Pavilion at British Trade Fair, Moscow. 794
- Vicsteels Ltd., Wire Cutting, Strippinr, and Twisting Machine, 356 •
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., Light-alloy Engines. 562
- Visvesvaraya, Sir Mokshagundam, Centenarian Engineer. 260
- Vosper, Ltd., High-speed Yacht "Mercury", 1087
- Vosper, D. F. C. Millions to be Saved? 414
- Vossers, G., Effect of Forebode Section Shape on Ship Behaviour in Waves, 704
- Wakeman. T. J., The Farm Shop, 457
- Waldersee, J., Natural Frequencies of Large Seismic Mountings on Non-coplanar Isolators, 115
- Walker. J. V., Millions to be Saved? 334, 598; Thousands of Millions to be Saved? 167
- Wall. T., and Sons (Meat and Handy Foods), Ltd., Packaged Substations with Air-cooled Transformers, 876
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., Packaged Automatic Oil Burner Equipment, 592
- Ward, T. W., Ltd., Hawthorn Combined Mine, 707
- Waring Products Corporation, Biologically Isolated Mill, 318
- Warne, William, and Co., Ltd., Inflatable Oil Boom, 309
- Water-Tube Boilermakers' Associated, Research on Flow Conditions in Boiler Tubes, 658
- Watkins. S. B., Chemical Engineering Practice, Vol. 10, 781
- Watkinson, A. I. Millions to be Saved? 334. 650. 1028; Thousands of Millions to be Saved? 166
- Wayne Kerr Laboratories, Ltd., Transfer Function Computer, 68
- Webb, H. A. and Ashwell, D. F.. Mathematical Tool Kit for Engineers, 3T7
- Webster, F. W., Refinements in Traffic Lights, 464
- Weedon, Harry, and Partners, Large Multistorey Garage, 787
- Weir, G, and J., Ltd., Evaporators, 595; High Vacuum Exhaust Steam Turbine, 871; Sea-water Distillation Plant, (Plate 7, 6.1.61); Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Weittenhiller, Hellmuth, Pressure-gasification in Germany, 810 •
- Weida!! and Assembly, Ltd., Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corp., Ltd., Melting Shop Machines, (Plate 12, 6.1.61); Mixers, (Plate 12, 6.1.61); Furnaces, (Plate 12, 6.1.61)
- Welsh Advisory Water Committee, Report on Welsh Water Resources Shows Exploitable Surplus, 710
- Welsh, J. A., Direct Conversion of Heat to Electricity, 1029
- Weltronic Co., Welding Equipment, 731
- Wendel, K. Handbuch der Werften, 1081
- Wentworth-Shields, F. E., Reinforced Concrete Piling and Piled Structures, 651
- West Australian Department of Public Works, Ord River Settlement Scheme, 354
- Western Hemisphere Exports Council, Venezuelan Trade Mission, 311
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Centralised Traffic Control and Track Singling, 783; Dummy Ship's Bridge. 583; Remote Control of Railway Signalling, 212; Silicon Rectifiers, 520
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Highenergy Electric Arc Heater, 570; Roller Road System of Highway Transport, 968; Yankee Atomic Power Station in Massachusetts, 799, 840, 887
- Westwood, Joseph, and Co., Ltd., Bridge Bearing for Heavy Loads, 252
- Wheel Mountings, Ltd., Knock-on Hub Cap, 19
- Wheelers (Sudbury), Ltd., Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells at Market Drayton, (Plate 6, 13.1.61)
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., "Caesarea", 87; H.M.S. "Hampshire", 470; H.M.S. "Londonderry", 42
- Whites Shipyard (Southampton), Ltd., Ferries, 586
- Whitlock Brothers, Ltd., Fork Lift Attachment for Power Shovel, 915
- Whitman, J. G., Repeated Rest Periods in the Fatigue of a Mild Steel Bar, 1074
- Whittingham and Mitchell, Ltd., Aluminium Pontoon, 175
- Wiedemann Machine Co., Turret Press with Numerical Control, 761
- Wiest, Wilhelm, Automatic Indexing Machine, 148
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Improved Range of High-frequency Gnerators, 1096
- Williams, Lady, Management and the Social Structure of the Firm, 128
- Williams, T. I., A Short History of Technology, 335
- Williams. T. R. G., Deflection of a Wohler Test Piece During Fatigue Cycling, 498
- Wilson, C., Millions to be Saved? 248
- Wilson, C. L., An Institute of Corrosion? 175
- Wilson, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Small Oilfired Boilers, 351
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., Hawthorn Combined Mine. 707; Oil Tanker Terminal at Angle Bay, 702
- Winder, A. S., Building for Architectural Congress, 335
- Winn, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Pivoted Disc Valves, 140
- Winston Electronics, Ltd., Portable Trigger Generator, 388
- Wipac Group, High Current Spark Ignition, 732
- Withers, A. G., Mechanised Cutting and Loading of Coal, 517
- Wolff, Julius, and Co., G.m.b.H., German Industries Fair in Hanover, 757
- Wood, Edward, and Co., Ltd., Spondon "H" Power Station, 736
- Wood, H. C., Obituary, 293
- Wood, R. H., Stiffness of a Crane Jib, 781
- Woo, D. F., Passenger Car Brake Testing, 444
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., Pump, 642
- Wright, A. W. H. L., Creative Aspects of Engineering Design. 944
- Wright, P. J. F., Durability of Concrete Kerbs, 855
- Wright, R. A., Pedestrian Crossings, 292
- Wunsch, H. L., Design of Air Bearings and their Application to Measuring Instruments and Machine Tools, 523
- Wycon Services, Ltd., Major Chemical Plant Contracts in the U.S.S.R., 428
- Yale and Town Manufacturing Co., Tractor Shovel, 826
- Yankee Atomic Electric Co., Atomic Power Station in Massachusetts, 799, 840, 887
- Yarrow & Co., Ltd., H.M.S. "Hampshire", 470
- Yiftah, S., Fast Reactor Cross Sections, 457
- Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd., Diesel-hydraulic Locomotive, "Taurus", 877; 600 h.p. Diesel-hydraulic Locomotive, 877
- Young, A. S., and Co., Ltd., Resistance Welder Pressure Recorder, 662
- Young, G. J., Fuel Cells, 457
- Young, Joseph and Sons, Ltd., Oil Hydraulic Gear Pumps, 347
- Yovits, Marshall C., Self-organising Systems: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference, 700
- Zbrozek, J. K., Measured Power Spectrum of the Vertical Component of Atmospheric Turbulence, 904
- Zeffert, H., Principles and Practice of Aircraft Electrical Engineering, 376
- Zentrale fur Guss verwendung, Guss im Schiff, 464
- Zielinski, J., Investigation of the Stress Distribution in the Anchorage Zones of Posttensioned Concrete Members, 279
- Zukosi, E. E., Kinetics, Equilibria and Performance of High Temperature Systems, 946
see The Engineer 1961 Jan-Jun: Index: Sections 2 and 3
See Also
Sources of Information