Engineering 1907 Jul-Dec: Index: Addresses of Advertisers

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1907 Jul-Dec: Index
- Abbott and Co. (Newark), Ltd., Newark-on-Trent
- Adamson, Ramsbottom and Co., Ltd., Cleveland Works, Birkenhead
- Addressing Machines, Ltd., 93-100, Tottenham Road, N.
- Adjustable Cover and Boiler Block Co., Ltd., 64, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
- Aerators Ltd., “Prana” Sparklet Works, Upper Edmonton, N.
- Ahlers, Ad., Sunderland
- Alexander. E. P., and Son, 306, High Holborn, W.O.
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., Imperial Steel Works, Sheffield
- Allen, W. H., Son. and Co., Ltd.. Queen’s Eng. Works, Bedford
- Allen. W. H., Son, and Co., Ld., 1, Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, S.W
- Alley and Maclellan, Ltd., Sentinel Works, Glasgow
- American Locomotive Co., Ill, Broadway, New York City, U. 3.,
- American Locomotive Co., 26, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W.
- American Spiral Pipe Works, Chicago, 111., U.S.A
- Anderton and Sons, Antley Boiler Works, Accrington
- Appingedammer Bronsmotorcnfabrik, Appingedam, Holland
- Appleby’s Ltd., Leicester
- Appleby’s Ltd., 53, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W
- Aqua Engineering Co., The Carrs, Stockport
- Archdale, James., and Co.. Ltd., Ledsam Street, Birmingham
- Armorduct Manufacturing Co., Farringdon Avenue, E.C
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co. Ltd., Openshaw Works, Manchester
- Armstrong, Stevens and Son, Whittall Street, Birmingham
- Arnold, E., 41 and 43, Maddox Street, W
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Dalmarnock Iron Works, Bridgeton, Glasgow
- Arrol’s Bridge and Roof Co., Ltd., Germlston Works, Glasgow..
- Asbestos Co., Ltd. (Bell’s), 59J, Southwark Street, S.E. ..
- Asbestos Co., Ltd. (The United), Dook House, Billiter St., E.O.
- Ash, Joseph. and Son, Rea Works, Rea Street South, Birmingham
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees
- Askham Brothers and Wilson, Ltd., Sheffield
- Aston Chain and Hook Co., Ltd., Whitehouse Street, Aston, Birmingham
- Atkinson, Robert (London), Ltd., 10, Essex St., Strand, W.C
- Auld, David. and Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgow
- Aveling and Porter, Ltd., Rochester
- Avonside Engine Co., Bristol
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Oriel House, Farringdon Street, E.O.
- Bagnall. W. G., Ltd., Castle Engine Works, Stafford
- Bagshaw, J., and Sons, Ltd., Batley, Yorkshire
- Bagshawe and Co., Ltd., 3, Tower Royal, Cannon Street, E.C. ..
- Bailey, W. H., and Co. Ltd., Albion Works, Salford, Manchester..
- Baker Blower Engineering Co, Stanley St., Wicker, Sheffield
- Baker’s Patent Appliances Co., Ltd., Melrose Street Works, Scarborough
- Balcke and Co., 27, Clement’s Lane, E.G
- Baldwins Ltd., 5, Fenchurch Street, EG
- Baldwins Ltd., Orchard Street, Blackwall
- Barclay, Andrew, Sons and, Co., Ltd., Caledonian Works, Kilmarnock
- Barker. John, and Co. Ltd.. Kensington, W.
- Barns. W., and Son. Globe Works, Queensland Road, Holloway, N.
- Barrett, J. T., and Co., 2a, Austin Street, Belfast
- Batemans' Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Hunslet, Leeds ..
- Batsford, B. T., 94, High Holborn, W.C.
- Baucher. F. W., and Co., 13a, Ainsworth Street, Liverpool
- Baume and Marpent, Moyaux, Haine St.-Pierre, Belgium
- Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss, Ltd., Victoria Works, Wolverhampton
- Baxter. W. H., Ltd., Leeds _ _ _
- Beardmore, William, and Co., Ltd. Parkhead Forge Rolling Mine and Steel Works, Glasgow
- Beardshaw, J., and Son, Ltd., Baltic Steel Works, Sheffield
- Beardshaw, J., and Son, Ltd., 181, Bridgehouse, Queen Victoria Street, EC.
- Becker, R., and Co. 53. City Road, EC
- Bellamy, John. Ltd., Millwall, E _
- Belliss and Morcom Ltd., Ledsam Street Works, Birmingham
- Bennis. Ed., and Co., Ltd., Little Bolton, Bolton
- Berry, F., and Sons, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire _ _
- Berry, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Croydon Works, Leeds
- Bertram, John, and Sons Co., Ltd., 23 and 25, Victoria Street, S.W.
- Bessemer, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Sheffield —
- Bever, Dorling and Co., Ltd., Bowling Ironworks, Bradford ..
- Bever, Dorling and Co., Ltd,, 69, Old Street, E.0
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Gorton Foundry, Manchester ..
- Billington and Newton, Ltd., Longport, Stoke-on-Trent ~ _
- Birch, John, and Co., Ltd., 3, London Wall Buildings, E.0.
- Birmingham Battery and Metal Co Ltd., Birmingham
- Birtley Iron Co, 16, Cannon Street, E.C.
- Birtley Iron Company, Birtley, R.S.O., Co. Durham
- Blackburn, Starling and Co., Gresham Works, Nottingham
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Rutland Works, Stamford
- Blair, Campbell and McLean, Ltd., Woodville Street, Govan, Glasgow
- Blake Boiler, Wagon and Engineering Co., Ltd., Darlington
- Blake, John, Ltd., Oxford Street Works, Accrington, Lancashire
- Bleichert, Adolf, and Co., Leipzig-Gohlis 64
- Bleichert, Adolf, and Co., 99-100, Palmerston House, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C
- Boby, Robert; Ltd., St. Andrew’s Works, Bury St. Edmunds
- Bodley Brothers and Co., Old Quay Foundry, Exeter
- Bollinckx Works, Brussels and Buysinghen, Belgium
- Bolling and Lowe, 2, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C
- Bolton, A., and Co., 49, Deansgate, Manchester
- Booth, Joseph, and Bros., Ltd., Rodley, Leeds
- Borsig, A., Tegel-Berlin
- Borsig, A., Finsbury Pavement House, E.C
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Norwich
- Boyle, R., and Son, 64, Holborn Viaduct, E.0
- Boyle, R., and Son, 110, Bothwell Street, Glasgow
- Braby, Fredk., and Co., Fitzroy Works, 362 to 362, Euston Rd., N.W.
- Bradbury and Co., Ltd., Wellington Works, Oldham „
- Bradley and Craven, Ltd., Westgate Common Foundry, Wakefield
- Bradley Pulverizer Co., 37, Walbrook, E.C.
- Braime, T. F., and Co., Ltd., Hunslet, Leeds
- Brazil, Holborow and Straker, Ltd., Vulcan Ironworks, Bristol
- Brett's Patent Lifter Co., Ltd., Coventry
- Breuer Schumacher and Co., Ltd., 21, Lime Street, E.0
- Bridge, David, and Co., Engineering Works, Castleton, near Manchester
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., 28, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
- British Bronze and Silvo Metal Co., Ld., 34, Old Broad Street, E.C
- Britannia Engineering Co., Ltd., Colchester
- British Fuel Economiser and Smoke Preventer, 9, Bedford Row, W.C
- British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Prescot, Lancashire
- British Mannesmann Tube Co., Ltd., Landore, R.S.O., South Wales
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Elverton Street, Westminster, S.W.
- British Steel Piling Co., Dock House, Billiter Street, E.C.
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby
- British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.
- Broadbent, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., Chapel Hill, Huddersfield "
- Broadfoot, John, and Sons, Ltd., Whiteinch, Glasgow
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Birmingham ..
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., 53, Parliament Street, 8. W
- Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., 0, Broad Street Place, E.O.
- Broughton Copper Co., Ltd., Manchester
- Brown, Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd., Sheffield _
- Brown, D., and Sons, Ltd., Park Works, Lockwood, Huddersfield
- Brown, D., and Sons, Ltd., East Parade, Huddersfield
- Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S A
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Sheffield
- Brown, Lenox and Co., Millwall, E.
- Brown, W. B.. and Co. (Bankhall), Ltd., Globe Works, Bankhall, Liverpool
- Brunton and Trier, 1, Great George Street, S.W.
- Buck and Hickman, Ltd., 2*4, Whitechapel Road, K
- Buckton, Joshua, and Co., Ltd., Leeds
- Buffalo Forge Co., Caxton House, Westminster 8 W
- Bull's Metal and Melloid Co.. Ltd., Yoker, nr. Glasgow
- Bumsted and Chandler. Cannock Chase Engine Works, Hednesford.
- Burnet, Lindsay and Co.. Moor Park Boiler Works, Govan, Glasgow
- Burnham, Williams and Co., 110, Cannon Street, K.O.
- Burnham, Williams and Co., Philadelphia, U.S. A
- Burrell, Chas., and Sons, Ld., 81. Nicholas Wks., Thetford, Norfolk
- Burton. C. W., Griffiths and Co., 1, 2 and 3, Ludgate Square, Ludgate Hill, K.G.
- Butler, J., and Co., Victoria Ironworks, Halifax
- Butters Brothers and Co., 20, Waterloo 8treet, Glasgow
- Butterworth Brothers, Ltd., Newton Heath Glass Works, Manchester
- Caird and Rayner, 777, Commercial Road, Limehouse, E. _
- Cameron, John. Ltd., Oldfield Road Iron Works, Salford _
- Cammell Laird and Co. Ld., Cyclops Steel and Iron Wks., Sheffield
- Cammell Laird and Co. Ltd., 9, Victoria Street, S.W
- Campbell and Calderwood, Soho Engine Works, Paisley ..
- Campbell Gas Engine Co., Ltd.. Halifax, England
- Campbells and Hunter. Ltd.. Dolphin Foundry, Leeds ..
- Carborundum Co., 29, Clifton Street, E.C.
- Carbrook Steel Works, Sheffield
- Carron Co, Carron, Stirlingshire, N.B
- Carruthers, J. H.. and Co., Ltd., Polmadie Ironworks, Glasgow
- Carver, C. F., Ltd., Alfred Street Mills, Nottingham
- Casella and Co., 11,13 and 15, Rochester Row. Victoria Street, S.W.
- Chadburns (Ship) Telegraph Co., Ltd., Cyprus Road, Bootle. Lancs. ..
- Chalmers, William, and Co., Ltd., Broomloan Shipyard, Rutherglen, Glasgow
- Chambers, Scott and Co., Motherwell
- Chaplin, Alex., and Co., Govan, Glasgow
- Chatwin, Thos., Great Tindal Street, Birmingham
- Cherry, John, and Sons, Pump Works, Beverley, Yorks
- Churchill. Chas., and Co., Ltd., 9 to 16, Leonard St., Finsbury, E.C.
- Citroen, Hiustin and Co., 202, Rue du Faubourg St. Denis, Paris(x)
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Gateshead-upon-Tyne ..
- Clay Cross Co., Clay Cross, near Chesterfield
- Clayton, Son and Co., Ltd., Leeds City Boiler Works, Leeds
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Darlington ..
- Clifton and Waddell, Johnstone, near Glasgow
- Clyde Structural Iron Co., Ltd., Clydeside Ironworks, Scotstoun, Glasgow..
- Coates, Victor H., and Co., 2, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.
- Cochran and Co., Annan, Ltd., Annan
- Cochrane, John, Barrhead, N.B
- Cockburn, A., and Co., Gateside Street, Glasgow
- Cole, Henry A., and Co., Ltd., Coronet Works, Liverpool
- Coles. H. J., Ltd., London Crane Works, Derby
- Coltman, H., and Sons, Midland Ironworks, Loughborough
- Coltman, Walter W., and Co., Central Boiler Wks., Loughborough
- Colville, David, and Sons, Ltd., Dalzell Steel and Iron Works, Motherwell, near Glasgow -
- Colville, David and Sons, Ltd., 64, Old Broad Street, E.O.
- Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., Spencer House, South Place, E.0
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W
- Continuous Rail Joint Company of Great Britain, Ltd., Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster, S.W
- Contraflo Condenser Co., Ltd., 3 * 6, Crown Court, Old Broad Street,
- Conveyor and Elevator Co., Accrington, Lancashire ..
- Cook, Robt. J., and Hammond, 2 and S. Tothill St., Westminster, S. W.
- Cooke, William, and Co., Ltd., Tinsley Steel, Iron and Wire Rope Works, Sheffield
- Coventry Chain Co. (1907), Ltd., Coventry
- Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Ltd., Carlisle — — -
- Cowlishaw, Walker and Co., Ltd., Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent
- Cradock, Geo., and Co., Wire Rope Works, Wakefield_
- Craig, A. F., and Co., Ltd., Paisley
- Craig and Donald, Ltd., Johnstone, Renfrewshire, N.B. _
- Craig and Rose, Ltd., 172, Leith Walk, Edinburgh
- Craig and Rose, Ltd., 85, Cadogan Street, Glasgow
- Craig and Rose, Ltd., British Lion Wharf, Bankside, S.E
- Crane, Fred., Chemical Co., 22 and 23, Newhall Hill, Birmingham
- Craven Brothers, Ltd., Vauxhall Works, Osborne St., Manchester
- Craven and Craven, Whetley Grove, Manningham, Bradford
- Craven, P., and Co., Whetley Grove, Manningham, Bradford
- Croft and Perkins, Ltd., Leeds Road, Bradford, Yorke
- Crompton and Co., Ltd., Salisbury House, London Wall, E.O. ..
- Crompton and Co., Ltd., Arc Works, Chelmsford
- Crosbie, Adolphe, Ltd., Wolverhampton
- Crosby Steam Gage and Valve Co, 147, Queen Victoria St., E.C
- Crosier, Stephens and Co., 2, Collingwood St., Newcastle-on-Tyne
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester -
- Crow, Harvey and Co., Park Grove Iron Works, Glasgow
- Crowther, Henry, and Sons (Cleckheaton) Ltd., Cleckheaton, Yorkshire
- Cruikshank and Fairweather, Ld., 62, St. Vincent St„ Glasgow
- Cubitt Concrete Construction Co., 200, Gray’s Inn Rd., W.C.
- Cunningham and Morrison, Balfour House, Finsbury Pavement, E.0
- Curtis, Gardner and Co., Ltd., King’s House, King St., Cheapside
- Cutbill-King and Co., 20, Nicholas Lane, E.C.
- Dalglish, A. and W., W. of Scotland Boiler Wks., Pollokshaws, Glasgow
- Dampney. J., and Co., Ltd., Bute Docks, Cardiff
- Daniell, S. A.. Ltd., Edward Street, Parade, Birmingham
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Stroud, Glos
- Darlington Forge Co., Ltd., Darlington ...
- Darracq-Serpollet Omnibus Co., Ltd., Amelia street, Walworth Road, S.E.
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Standard Iron Works, Colchester
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 78, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Davidson and Co., Hulme
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Sirocco Engineering Works, Belfast
- Davies and Metcalfe, Ltd., Romiley, Manchester
- Davies, T., Ltd., Widnes Ironworks, Widnes, Lancashire ..
- Davies, W. J., and Sons, 109, Weston Street, S.E.
- Davis and Primrose, Etna Iron Works, Bangor Road, Leith, N.P.
- Davy Brothers. Ltd.. Sheffield
- Daw, A. and Z., 11, Queen Victoria 8treet, E.0
- Day, Summers and Co., Ltd., Northam Ironworks, Southampton
- De Bergue and Co., Ltd., Strange ways Ironworks, Manchester
- Dean, Smith and Grace, Ltd., Keighley
- Deighton's Patent Flue and Tube Co., Ltd., Vulcan Works, Pepper Road, Leeds
- Delta Metal Co., Ltd, East Greenwich, S.E.
- Delta Metal Co., Ltd., Dartmouth Street, Birmingham
- Dempster, Moore and Co, Ltd., 49, Robertson Street, Glasgow
- Dempster, Robert, and Sons, Ltd.. Elland, Yorks
- Denison, Saml., and Son, Ltd., Far Hunslet, Leeds, S.
- Dennis, W. F., and Co., 49, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Dennystown Forge Co., Dumbarton
- Dormatine Co., Ltd., 95, Neate Street, S.E.
- Dewhurst's Engineering Co., Ltd., Sheffield
- Dick, Kerr and Co., Ltd., Abchurch Yard, Cannon Street, E.C.
- Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., 179, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Dixon, Jos., Crucible Co., 2G, Victoria Street, S.W
- Donkin Co, Ltd. (The Bryan), Chesterfield
- Donovan and Co., Ltd., Broughton Bridge Iron Works, Salford
- Douglas and Grant, Dunnikier Foundry, Kirkaldy, N.B.
- Douglas, Lawson and Co., Birstall, near Leeds
- Doulton and Co., Ltd., Lambeth
- Dowson Economic Gas and Power Co., Ltd., 39, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W
- Drake and Gorham, Ltd., 08, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
- Drummond Brothers, Ltd., Engineering Works, nr. Guildford
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Bon Accord Works, Yoker, Glasgow, W.
- Dudbridge Iron Works, Ltd., Dudbridge, near Stroud
- Dudgeon, F. S., 30, Great St. Helen’s, E.0
- Duff Brothers and Co., 51, South John Street, Liverpool
- Duncan, Watson and Co., Dashwood House, New Broad Si., E.C.
- East Ferry Road Engineering Works Co., Ltd., Millwall, E.
- Easton and Bessemer, Ltd., Taunton
- Edmeston, A., and Sons, Patricroft, nr. Manchester..
- Edwards Air Pump Syndicate, Ltd., 3 and 5, Crown Court, Old Broad Street, E.C
- Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., Stellite Works, Birmingham ..
- Electrical Engineer Institute, 248, Norwich House, Southampton Street, Holborn, W.C
- Electrical Co., Ltd., 121 to 125, Charing Cross Road, W.C.
- Electromotors Limited, 35, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Electromotors Limited, Openshaw, Manchester ..
- Elektrochemische Werke G.m.b.H., Bitterfeld, Germany ..
- Elliot, George, and Co., Ltd., 16, Gt. George St., Westminster, S.W.
- Elliot, George, and Co., Ltd., Cardiff
- Elliott-Fisher and Co., 75, Cannon Street, E.C
- Elmore's Metall-A.-G., Schladern, Seig., Germany
- Empire Roller Bearings Co., Ltd., 15, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
- ‘Engineering,’ 85 and 36, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C
- Engineers Specialities Ltd., St. Philip’s Marsh, Bristol
- Entwistle and Gass, Ltd., Bolton
- Evans, A. G., and Co., 13, South Place, E.C
- Evans, Joseph, and Sons (Wolverhampton, Ltd.), Wolverhampton
- Eyre Smelting Co., Ltd., Barden Road Works, Tonbridge, Kent
- Fairbairn, Macpherson, Wellington Foundry, Leeds
- Fairley, James, and Sons, Old Mint, Shadwell Street, Birmingham
- Fastnut Ltd., 60, Aldermanbury, E.C.
- Fawcett, Preston and Co., Ltd., Liverpool
- Felten and Guilleaume-Lahmeyerwerke A.-G., 109- II, New Oxford Street,
- Ferguson Brothers, Port Glasgow
- Fiat-San Giorgio, Ltd., Spezia, Italy
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Gloucester
- Fife Forge Co., Kirkcaldy, Scotland
- Figee, Haarlem, Holland
- Finch, Edward, and Co., Ltd., Chepstow
- Findlay, Alex., and Co., Ltd., Motherwell, near Glasgow
- Firth, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., Norfolk Works, Sheffield ..
- Firth, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., S, The Sanctuary, Westminster, S.W
- Firth, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., 144, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow
- Firth, William, Ltd., Water Lane, Leeds
- Fleming and Ferguson, Ltd., Paisley, near Glasgow
- Fleming, Birkby and Goodall, Ltd, Clifton Bdge. Mills, Brighouse
- Fleming, Birkby and Goodall, Ld., Salford Card Wks., Brighouse
- Fleming, Birkby and Goodall, Ltd., West Grove Mills, Halifax
- Fleming, Birkby and Goodall, Ltd., Woodfield Mills, Liversedge
- Forced Lubrication Co., Ltd., 73, Bridge Street, Manchester.
- Forges, Usines and Fonderies, de et and Haine-Saint-Pierre, Belgium
- Forrestt and Co., Ltd., 22, Billiter Street, E.C
- Forrestt and Co., Ltd., Wyvenhoe, Essex
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 6, Lombard Street, E.O. ..
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.. Steam Plough Wks., Leeds
- Foy and Norton, 15, Three Colt Street, Limehouse, E.
- France and Morgan, Whitefield Brass Works, Govan, Glasgow ..
- Fraser and Chalmers, Ltd., 3, London Wall Buildings, E.O.
- Fraser, Douglas, and Sons, Ltd., Arbroath, Scotland ..
- Fuller, Horsey, Sons and Cassell, 11, Billiter Square, E.C. ..
- Fullerton, Hodgart and Barclay, Ltd., Vulcan Foundry and Engine Works, Paisley
- Galloways Limited, Manchester
- Galloways Limited, 17, Philpot Lane, E.C.
- Gandy Belt Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Wheatland Works, Seacombe, Cheshire
- Gandy Belt Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 97, Queen Victoria Street, E.O.
- Gardner, L., and Sons, Ltd., Barton Hall Engine Wks., Patricroft, Manchester
- Garnett, P. and C., Ltd., Cleckheaton
- Garrett, R., and Sons, Ltd., Leiston Works, Suffolk
- Gas Power and By-Products Co., Ld., 59, Bath Street, Glasgow
- Gasmotoren-Fabrik Deutz, Cologne-Deutz 34, Germany
- Gehrckens, C. Otto, Grosse Reichenstrasse 53-67, Hamburg
- Geipel and Lange, Vulcan Works, St. Thomas Street, S E
- General Accident Corporation, 9 and 10, King St., Cheapside, E.C
- German Niles Tool Works, Ober-Schoneweide, near Berlin ..
- Gibbins, R. C. and Co., Berkley Street, Birmingham
- Gilmour, W. and O., St. John's Hill, Edinburgh
- Gimson and Co., (Leicester), Ltd., Leicester
- Glacier Anti-Friction Metal Co., Ld., 112A, Queen Victoria Street, E.C
- Glasgow Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Wishaw Iron and Steel Works, Wishaw.
- Glasgow Railway Engineering Co., Ltd., Goran, Glasgow
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Kilmarnock, N.B
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 150, Queen Victoria Street, E.C
- Globe-Wernicke Co., Ltd., 44, Holborn Viaduct, E.C
- Glover, M., and Co., Leeds
- Godfrey, J. T., 24A, High Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire ..
- Goldsworthy, T., and Son, Hulme, Manchester
- Goodwin, Barsby and Co., Leicester
- Grafton and Co., Bedford
- Grafton and Co., 113, Cannon Street, E.C. —
- Graham, Morton and Co., Hunslet, Leeds
- Grantham Boiler and Crank Co., Ltd., Grantham
- Great Western Railway, Paddington Station, W.
- Greaves, Bull and Lakin, Ltd., 16A, South Wharf, Paddington, W.
- Greaves, Bull and Lakin, Ltd., Harbury, Leamington
- Green and Boulding, Ltd., 28, New Bridge Street, E.C
- Greenwood and Batley, Ltd, Albion Works, Leeds..
- Gresham and Craven. Ltd., Salford, Manchester
- Gresham Publishing Co., 34-5, Southampton Street, W.C.
- Grice, Grice and Son, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham
- Grieve, John, and Co., Motherwell, Scotland _
- Griffin, C., and Co., Ltd., Exeter Street, Strand, W.C
- Griffin Engineering Co.. Ltd., Bath
- Grondal Kjellin Co., Ltd., 20, Abchurch Lane, E.C
- Grover and Co., Ltd., Wharf Road, City Road, N. _ _
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., 16, Broad St., Birmingham
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., London
- Guilbert-Martin, 9, Edmund Place, Aldersgate, E.0. _
- Gunther, W., and Sons, Central Works, Oldham .. ,
- Gutehoffnungshutte Coal, Iron, Steel and Engineering) Co., Oberbausen-2, Rhineland
- Gwynnes Ltd., Hammersmith Ironworks, W„ and 81, Cannon St., E.C.
- Hadfield's Steel Foundry Co, Ltd, Hecla Works, Sheffield..
- Hagans Locomotive Works, Erfurt, Germany
- Haigh, W. B, and Co, Ltd, Globe Ironworks, Oldham .. ..
- Halden, J, and Co, Ltd., 8, Albert Square, Manchester
- Hall, B. J, and Co, Ltd., 29, Victoria Street, S.W
- Hall. J. and E, Ltd, 23, St. Swithin's Lane, E.0
- Hall, J. and E, Ltd., Dartford, Kent
- Hall. J. P, and Co, Oldham
- Hall, J. P, and Sons, Ltd., Peterborough
- Hamilton, J. B, and Co, Unica Works, South Tottenham, N.
- Handyside, Andrew, and Co, Ltd, Britannia Ironworks, Derby
- Handyside, Andrew, and Co, Ltd, 104, Queen Victoria St, E.0.
- Haniel and Lueg, Dusseldorf, Germany
- Hanna, Donald and Wilson, Abercorn Foundry, Paisley „
- Hannan and Buchanan, 75, Robertson Street, Glasgow
- Hannoversche Maschinenbau-Aktien-Gesellschaft \ vormals Georg Egestorff, Linden ver Hannover, Germany
- Hardy Patent Pick Co, Ltd, Sheffield ..
- Harper, A, Sons and Bean, Ltd, Dudley, Wore. England ~
- Harris and Mills, 23, Southampton Buildings, W.C. _ _
- Harris Patent Feed-Water Filter, Ltd, 82, Victoria St, &W
- Hartnell, Wilson, and Co, Ltd, Volt Works. Kirkstall Read. Leeds
- Hartung. Kuhn and Co, Dusseldorf
- Harvey Engineering Co, Ltd, Scotland St. Engine Wks., Glasgow
- Harvey, G. and A., Ltd, Govan, near Glasgow
- Harvey, G. A, and Co, Lewisham, S.E.
- Haslam Foundry and Engineering Co, Ltd, Derby..
- Hathorn, Davey and Co, Ltd, Sun Foundry, Leeds
- Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne
- Hayes, Edward, Stony Stratford, Wolverton
- Hayes, Edward, Palace Chambers, 9, Bridge Street, S.W.
- Hayward-Tyler and Co., Ltd., 99, Queen Victoria Street, E.O. ..
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Teesdale Ironworks, Thornaby-on-Tees
- Heap, Joshua, and Co., Ltd., Ashton-under-Lyne
- Heenan and Froude, Newton Heath Ironworks, Manchester —
- Heenan and Froude, Worcester Engineering Works, Worcester
- Henderson and Glass, Liverpool -
- Hendry, James, Laminated Leather Works, Bridgeton, Glasgow
- Henschel and Sohn, Cassel, Germany
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Coventry
- Hetherington, John, and Sons, Ltd., Manchester –
- Higginbottom and Mannock, Ltd., Crown Ironworks, West Gorton, Manchester
- Higgins, C. M., and Co., 11, Farringdon Avenue, E.O
- Hill and Smith, 118, Queen Victoria Street, E.O
- Hill and Smith, Brierley Hill Ironworks, near Dudley
- Hillen Steel Rail Works, 1, Cullum Street, E.C
- Hillier and Co., Hornsey, Hampshire
- Hindley, E. S., and Sons, Bourton, Dorset
- Hindley, E. S., and Sons, 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C
- Hirst, F., Folly Hall, Huddersfield .. .. :
- Hobdell, Way and Co., Ld., St. John’s House, 124-5, Minories, E.
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chelmsford
- Holden and Brooke, Ltd., Sirius Works, West Gorton, Manchester
- Hooker, Peter, Ltd., Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow7, E.
- Hopkins, G. F., and Co., 112, Westminster Bridge Road, S.W.
- Hopkinson, J., and Co., Ltd., Huddersfield
- Hornsby, R., and Sons, Ltd., Spittlegate Iron Works, Grantham..
- Hornsby, R., and Sons, Ltd., 75n, Hornsby House, Queen Victoria Street, E.O
- Horsfall Destructor Co., Ltd., Station Sheds, Holbeck, nr. Leeds
- Horsfall Destructor Co., Ltd., 110, Cannon Street, E.C.
- Howard Brothers, 110B, Queen Victoria Street, E.C
- Howard Brothers, 40, Paradise Street, Liverpool
- Howard Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Fort Road, Eastbourne
- Howden, James, and Co., Ltd., Scotland Street, Glasgow
- Howell and Co., Ltd., Brook Steel Works, Sheffield
- Hubner and Mayer, Vienna, XIX/6
- Hudson, John, and Co.’s Successors, 4, Victoria Warehouses, Mansell Street, E
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., Railway Foundry, Leeds
- Hughes and Lancaster, Liverpool
- Hughes and Lancaster, 16, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. ..
- Hulburd Engineering Co., 160, Leadenhall Street, E.O.
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Leeds
- Hunt and Mitton, Oozells Street North, Birmingham
- Hunt, R., and Co., Ltd., Atlas Works, Earls Colne, Essex ..
- Hunt, Robert W., and Co., Norfolk House, Cannon Street, E.C...
- Hunter and English, Bow, E
- Hurst, Nelson and Co., Ltd., Glasgow Rolling Stock and Plant Works, Motherwell
- Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Maine, U.S.A. -
- India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 100, Cannon Street, E.0
- India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., Silvertown, Essex ..
- Indian and Eastern Engineer Co., Ld., 50, Fenchurch St., E.C.
- Ingersoll-Rand Co., Ill, Queen Victoria Street, E.O
- International Time Recording Co., 161, 168,165, City Road E.O
- Isca Foundry and Engineering Co., Newport, Monmouthshire
- Isca Foundry and Engineering Co., 16 and 17, Devonshire Square, Bishopsgate Street, E.O
- Isler, C., and Co., Artesian Works, Bear Lane, S.E
- Isles Limited, Steam Crane Works, Stanningley, Leeds ..
- Jackman, J. W., and Co., Ltd., 39, Victoria Street, S.W
- Jenkins Brothers., 71, John Street, New York, U.S.A
- Jenkins Brothers., 95, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Jessop, Wm., and Sons, Ltd., Brightside Works, Sheffield
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., 14, Union Court, E.O
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Victoria Works, Old Charlton, Kent
- Richard, Clapham and Morris, 24, Lever Street, Manchester ....
- Jones, A. A., Pollard and Shipman, Ltd., East Park ltd., Leicester
- Jones, George, Ltd., Lionel Street, Birmingham
- Jones and Lamson Machine Co., Jubilee Buildings, 97, Queen Victoria Street, E.O
- Kay, James C., and Co., Ltd., Barnbrook Works, Bury, Lancs. ..
- Kaye, Jos., and Sons, Ltd., Look Works, Leeds
- Kaye, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., 93, High Holborn, W.O.
- Kearns, H. W., and Co., Ltd., Broadheath, Manchester
- Keep, F. A., Juxon and Co., Empire Works, Barn St., Birmingham
- Kell, T. and Son, 40, King Street, Covent Garden, W.O.
- Kennicott Water Softener Co., 18 h 19, Great St. Helens, E.C.
- Kennington Engineering Works, Lower Kennington Lane, S. K.
- Kenyon, Wm., and Sons, Dukinfield, Manchester
- Kerr, Stuart and Co., Ltd., 1 and 2, Broad Street Place, E.O. _
- Kerr, Stuart and Co., Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent _ _ -
- Kincaid, John G., and Co., Ltd., Greenock, Scotland 1
- King, H. J. H., and Co., Nailsworth, Glos
- Kirk, Wheatley, Price and Co., 40, Watling Street, E.0 1
- Kirk, Wheatley, Price and Co., Albert Square, Manchester
- Kirkaldy, John, Ltd., 101, Leadenhall Street, E.C <
- Kirkstall Forge Co., Leeds 1
- Klein Engineering Co., Ltd.,01, Market Street, Manchester.
- Klinger, Richard, and Co., 60, Fenchurch Street, E.C <
- Koppel, Arthur, 27, Clement's lane, E.0 A
- Korting Brothers., Ltd., 63, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. ]
- Krupp Aktiengesellschaft Grusonwerk, Magdeburg-Buokau, Germany
- Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 01, Victoria Street, 8. W
- Lancaster and Tonge, Ltd.. Pendleton, near Manchester _ _
- Lane, Howard, 126, Edmund Street, Birmingham
- Lane, J. J., Ltd., Phoenix Engine Works, Cranbrook St., Old Ford, E.
- Lang, John, and Sons, Lathe Makers, Johnstone, N.B. — —
- Lassen and Hjort, 62, Queen Victoria Street, E.C
- Laurence, Scott and Co., Ltd., Norwich
- Laycock. W. S., Ltd., Victoria Works, Millhouses, Sheffield
- Le Bas, Edward, and Co., London, Glasgow, Manchester..
- Le Carbone, 17, Water Lane, Great Tower Street, E.0
- Le Grand and Sutcliff, 126, Bunhill Row, E.O.
- Ledward and Beckett, Ltd., Sanctuary House, Tothill Street, Westminster, 8.W
- Leeds Engineering and Hydraulic Co., Ld., Rodley, nr. Leeds
- Leeds Forge Co., Ltd., Leeds
- Lees, T. and R., Hollinwood, near Manchester
- Leete, A., and Co., 120, London Road, S.E
- Leroy, F., and Co., 20, Gray Street, Commercial Road, E
- Lewis, E., and Sons, Wolverhampton
- Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.
- Liebau and Co., G.m.b.H., Berlin W., Potsdamerstr.
- Lilleshall Co. Ltd., Oakengates, Salop
- Lindsay, R. B., and Co., 31, Mair Street, Plantation, Glasgow
- Linton, Hope and Co., Adelphi House, Adam Street, Strand, W.C.
- Liverpool Engineering and Condenser Co., Ltd., Brunswick Dock, Liverpool
- Liverpool Refrigeration Co., Ltd., Colonial House, Liverpool
- Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland
- Lockwood and Carlisle, Ltd., Eagle Foundry, Sheffield
- Locomotive and Machine Company of Montreal, Ltd., 20, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W
- Locomotive and Machine Company of Montreal, Ltd., Imperial Bank Buildings, Victoria Square, Montreal, Canada
- Lodge Brothers and Co., It, New Street, Birmingham
- Loewe, Ludw., and Co., Ltd., Farringdon Road (opp. 106), E.O. ..
- London Emery Works Co., Park, Tottenham, N
- Lubecker Machine and Manufacturing Co., 30, Gt. St. Helen’s, E.O
- Lufkin Rule Co., 24 and 20, Holborn, E.O
- Luke and Spencer, Ltd., Broadheath, near Manchester
- Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
- Lysaght, John, Ltd., St. Vincent Ironworks, Bristol
- Mackies Ltd., Berks Iron Works, Bonding
- MacLellan, P. and W., Ltd., Clutha Ironworks, Plantation, Glasgow
- MacLellan, P. and W., Ltd., 103A, Cannon Street, E.C.
- Magnesia Coverings, Ltd., Washington Station, Co. Durham ..
- Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Company of Great Britain, Ltd., 40, Queen Victoria Street, E.C
- Main, Geo., and Co., Packe Street, Loughborough
- Manchester Steam Users Association, 9, Mount Street, Manchester
- Manlove, Alliott and Co., Ltd., Nottingham
- Manlove, Alliott and Co., Ltd.. 41 and 42, Parliament Street, S.W.
- Manning, Wardle and Co., Ltd., Boyne Engine Works, Leeds
- Mansfield Sand Co., Ltd., Mansfield, Notts.
- Marryat and Place, 38, Hatton Garden, E.C
- Marsden, H. R., Soho Foundry, Leeds
- Marshall, Fleming and Co., Motherwell, N.B
- Marshall, John, and Sons, Glasgow Tube Works, Glasgow, N.B.
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Gainsborough
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 79, Farringdon Road, E.O. ..
- Maschinenbau-Actiengesellschaft vorm. Gebrudor Klein. Dahlbruch, Germany
- Mason Brothers, Brandon Street, Leicester
- Mason Regulator Co., Boston, Mass., U.S.A
- Masons Gas Power Co., Ltd., Alma Works, Levenshulme ..
- Massey, B. and S., Openshaw, Manchester
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Salford Ironworks, Manchester
- Matthews and Yates, Ltd., Cyclone Works, Swinton, Manchester
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., 17, Broad Street, Mile End, Glasgow...
- McKie and Baxter, Copland Works, Govan, Glasgow
- McLachlan and Co., Ltd., Darlington ~ ... -
- McNeil, C., Kinning Park Iron Works, Glasgow –
- McOnie. A. and P. W., Cessnock Engino Works, Govan, Glasgow
- Measures Brothers. Ltd.. Southwark Street, S.E. - -
- Meehan and Sons, Ltd., Scotstoun Ironworks, Glasgow
- Meldrum Brothers, Ltd., 66, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. ~
- Meldrum Brothers, Ltd., Timperley, near Manchester
- Merkelbach. K. and F., G.m.b.H., Dotzheim, b. Wiesb., Germany
- Merryweather and Sons, 03, Long Acre, W.C. —
- Messer and Thorpe, 8, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, W.O.
- Metallic Valve Co. Colonial House, Water Street, Liverpool
- Metropolitan Amalgamated Railway Carriage and Wagon Co„ Ltd., Saltley. Birmingham
- Middleton, Robt., Sheepscar Foundry, Leeds
- Middleton Robt., 22, Walbrook, EC.
- Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Co„ Ltd., Shrewsbury
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., Scotland Street, Glasgow ..
- Mitchell's Emery Wheel Co„ Mill Street, Bradford, Ranches'
- Moncrieff, John, Ltd., Perth, Scotland .. ^
- Moore, R. S., and Co., Green Street, Birmingham
- Mork Patent Pulley Block Co., 42-44, Moor Lane, EC.
- Motherwell Bridge Co., Ltd., Motherwell, N.B...
- Muir, Wm., and Co., Ltd., Sherbourne Street, Manchester
- Mumford, A. G., Ltd., Culver Street Ironworks, Colchester
- Murray, Lotz and Co„ 102, Fenchurch Street, EC. ..
- Musgrave Brothers, Crown Point Foundry, Leeds
- Musgrave and Co., Ltd., 8L Ann's Ironworks, Belfast
- Musgrave, John, and Sons, Ltd., Globe Iron Works, Bolton
- Musker, C. and A., Ltd., Liverpool -
- Nalder Brothers and Thompson, Ltd., 34, Queen Street, EC.
- Napier Brothers., Ltd., 100, Hyde Park Street, Glasgow
- Nasmyth, Wilson and Co., Ltd., Bridgewater Foundry, Patricroft, near Manchester
- National Boiler and General Insurance Co., Ltd., 22, St Ann's Square, Manchester .
- National Explosives Co., Ltd., 11, Austin Friars, EC.
- National Gas Engine Co.. Ld., Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester
- Negretti and Zambra, 38, Holborn Viaduct, EO. _ _
- New Engine Co., Acton Hill Works, Acton, W
- New Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., York Mansion, York 8tree Westminster, S.W
- Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., Warrington
- Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., Thorncliffe Ironworks, tea I Sheffield
- Newton and Nicholson, Tyne Dock Corrugated Packing Work | 8outh Shields
- Nicaise and Delcuve (Société Anonyme), La Louvitre, Belgium
- Nichols Brothers., Gateshead-on-Tyne
- Nicrobalt Steel Co., 47, Victoria Street, S.W.
- Niles-Bement-Pond Co., Hamilton, Ohio, U.8.A
- Niles-Bement-Pond Co., 23 and 26, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W
- Noble and Lund, Ltd., Felling, near Newcastle on-Tyne
- Normand, A., and Co., Havre, France
- Normandy's Patent Marino Aerated Fresh Water Co Ltd., Victoria Dock Road, E
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Hyde Park Work Springburn, Glasgow _
- Northamptonshire Direct Castings Co., Ltd., Irthlingborough Ironworks, Wellingborough
- North Eastern Railway Co., York
- Nye, Arthur W., 110, Cannon Street, E.O
- Oakey, John, and Sons, Ltd., Westminster Bridge Road, 8.E.
- Oberbilker Stahlwerk Act. Gcs., Dusseldorf ..
- Oddesse Pump Co., 17, Victoria Street, S.W.
- Olrick, L. and Co., Palmerston House, Bishopsgate Street, EC.
- Osborne Brothers, Princess Works, Lincoln
- Otis Elevators, 4. Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Owens, S., and Co, Whitefriars, EC.
- Parker Foundry Co., Derby
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Heaton Works, Newcastle
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., 66, Victoria Street, S.W
- Partridge and Cooper, Ltd., 191 and 192, Fleet Street, and 1 Chancery Lane, K.O. _
- Patent Indented Steel Bar Co., Ltd., 8, Queen Anne Chambers, Westminster, S.W
- Patent Shaft and Axletree Co., Ltd., Wednesbury..
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., 21, Amberley House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.O
- Paul, James, and Sons, 386, Paisley Road, Glasgow _ _
- Paul, Matthew, and Co., Ltd., Levenford Works, Dumbarton
- Pearn, F., and Co., Ltd., West Gorton, Manchester _ _
- Peckett and Sons, Atlas Engine Works, Bristol.. — —
- Penman and Co., Ltd., 877, Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow _
- Penn Brothers, Cradley Heath, Staffordshire
- Pfeil and Co., 146-9, St. John Street, Clerkenwell, E.C.
- Phoenix Bolt and Nut Co., Handsworth, near Birmingham
- Phoenix Dynamo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Thornbury Works, Bradford
- Phosphor Bronze Co., Ltd., Sumner Street, S.E
- Phosphor Bronze Co., Ltd., Birmingham _
- Pickering, R. Y., and Co., Ltd., Wishaw, near Glasgow ..
- Pickering, R. Y., and Co., Ltd., 3, Victoria Street, S.W. ..
- Piercy and Co., Ltd., Broad Street Engine Works, Birmingham
- Pierson, J. and O. G., 47, Rue Lafayette, Paris
- Piggott, Thos., and Co., Ltd., Birmingham
- Piggott, Thos., and Co., Ltd., 63, Queen Victoria Street, E.O.
- Pilkington, Peter, Ltd., Bamber Bridge, Preston..
- Pitman, Percy, Cropthorne, Pershore
- Platt, Samuel, Ltd., Wednesbury
- Player, W. and J., Birmingham
- Plenty and Son. Ltd., Newbury, Berkshire
- Pollock and Macnab, Ltd. Bredbury, near Manchester
- Pollock, MacNab and Highgate, Shettleston, Glasgow
- Pontifex and Wood, Ltd., Union Foundry, Derby
- Pontifex and Wood, Ltd., 175-177, Salisbury House, London Wall, E 0.
- Pott, Cassels and Williamson, Motherwell, near Glasgow
- Potter, A. C., and Co., Lant Street, S.E. 1
- Power-Gas Corporation. Ltd., 30, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W.
- Pratt Chuck Co., Frankfort, New York, U S.A
- Pratt, F. and Co., Ltd., Eagle Tool Works, Halifax
- Pratt and Whitney Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A.
- Premier Gas Engine Co., Ltd., Sandiacre, Nottingham .. '
- Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd., Belmont Works, Battersea, S. W.
- Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd.. Bromborough Pool, Liverpool 1
- Priestman Brothers. Ltd., Holderness Foundry, Hull..
- Priestman Brothers. Ltd., 3, Laurence Pountney Hill, EC
- Princeps and Co., Matilda Street, Sheffield
- Procter, James, Ltd., Burnley, Lancashire
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd_ 61 and 63, Queen Victoria Street, EC. ..
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Nine Elms Ironworks, Reading, Berks
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., 15, King Street, Leeds ..
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., 76, Oldhall St., Liverpool
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., 8, York Street, Glasgow 1
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., 206, Corn Exchange Buildings, Manchester
- Radford, R. Heber, Son and Squire, 15, St. James Row, Sheffield
- Railway Passengers' Assurance Co., 64, Cornhill, EC. ..
- Ransome, A., and Co., Ltd., 63, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Ransome, A., and Co., Ltd., Stanley Works, Newark-on-Trent ..
- Ransome-ver-Mehr Machinery Co., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Waterside Ironworks, Ipswich ..
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Orwell Works, Ipswich
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 9, Gracechurch St., E.C.
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., Ltd., 18, The Crescent, Birmingham
- Raworth, John E., 70-71, Queen Anne’s Chambers, Tothill St, S.W.
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., B Dept., Ranelagh Works, Ipswich ..
- Reddaway, F., and Co., Ltd., Pendleton, Manchester
- Redfern, G. F., and Co., 4, South Street, Finsbury, E.C. _
- Reichwald, August, Lombard Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne..
- Reichwald, August, Finsbury Pavement House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C
- Reid, Wm., and Co., 112, Fenchurch Street, EC
- Rennie, G., and Co., Thames Street, Greenwich
- Renold, Hans, Ltd., Progress Works, Manchester
- Renshaw, W. R., and Co., Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent
- Reynolds, J. A., and Co., Ltd., 43, Colmore Row, Birmingham..
- Rex Roofing Co., Greenville Street, Connswater, Belfast..
- Reyrolle, A. and Co., Ltd., Hebburn-on-Tyne ..
- Rice and Co (Leeds). (Leeds), Ltd., Neville Works, Elland Road, Leeds ..
- Richards, Geo., and Co., Ltd., Broadheath, near Manchester ..
- Richards, Geo., Machine Tool Co. (London), Sydenham, S.E.
- Robey and Co., Ltd., Lincoln
- Robinson, T., and Son, Ltd., Rochdale
- Rodger, A., and Co., St. Helen’s Engine Works, Govan, Glasgow ..
- Roger, R., and Co., Ltd., Stockton Iron Foundry, Stockton-on-Tees
- Rollo, David, and Sons, Fulton Engine Works, Liverpool.
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., Old Foundry, Hull _
- Ross and Duncan, Govan, Glasgow
- Ross, R. G., and Son, Glasgow
- Rowland. B. R., and Co., Ltd„ Climax Wks., Reddish, nr. Manchester
- Royce Limited, Hulme, Manchester
- Royles Limited, Irlam, near Manchester
- Russell. G., and Co„ Ltd., Motherwell, N.B
- Russell, James, and Sons, Ltd., Crown Tube Works, Wednesbury
- Russell, John, and Co., Ltd., Alma Tube Works, Walsall..
- Ruston, Proctor and Co., Ltd., Sheaf Iron Works, Lincoln ..
- Rutherford, A., and Co., Neptune Works, Bridge Street, Birkenhead.
- Ryder, Thos., and Son, Turner Bridge Ironworks, Bolton ..
- Ryder, William, Ltd., Folds Road, Bolton
- Sale, H. B., Ltd., Constitution Hill, Birmingham
- Salter Brothers., Oxford
- Samuelson and Co., Ltd., Banbury, Oxon
- Sandycroft Foundry Co., Ltd., near Chester
- Schaffer and Budenberg, Ltd., Whitworth St., London Rd., Manchester
- Schaffer and Budenberg, Ltd., 77x, Queen Victoria Street, E.O.
- Schaffer and Budenberg, Ltd., 5, Wellington Street, Glasgow
- Schichau, F., Engineer, Elbing-Danzig, Prussia _
- Schmitz, August, Dusseldorf 64
- Schram, Harker and Co., Cannon Street House, EC
- Schuchardt and Schutte, 34, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
- Schwartzkopff Coal-Dust Firing Syndicate, Haydock, near St. Helens
- Scotch and Irish Oxygen Co., Rosehill Works, Glasgow
- Scott, Ernest, and Mountain, Ld., Close Wks., Newcastle-on-Tyne
- Scott, Ernest, and Mountain, Ltd., Norfolk House, Laurence Pountney Lane, EC.
- Scott, Walter, Ltd., Leeds Steel Works, Leeds
- Scriven and Co., Marsh Lane, Leeds
- Seal Motor Co., Oil Mill Lane, Hammersmith, W. ..
- Selig, Sonnenthal and Co., E5, Queen Victoria Street, E.O.
- Sellers, Wm., and Co. (Incorp.), Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A. ..
- Shanks, Thomas, and Co., Union Iron Wks., Johnstone, nr. Glasgow
- Shannon Limited, Ropemaker Street, E.C
- Sharon Chemical Co., Ltd., Derby
- Shaw, L., 39, Victoria Street, S.W
- Shaw, W., and Co., Wellington Cast Steel Foundry, Middlesbro’-on-Tees
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Chesterfield
- Sheppee Motor Co., Thomas Street, York
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., Neptune Works, S.E.
- Simons, W., and Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland
- Simpson, James, and Co., Ltd., 101, Grosvenor Road, S.W.
- Sinclair, George, Albion Boiler Works, Leith, N.B.
- Siordet, H. L., 21, Birch Grove, Acton, W.
- Sisson, W., and Co., Ltd., Gloucester
- Smedley Brothers., Ltd., Belper, Derbyshire .. _ _
- Smit, L., and Zoon, Kinderdijk, near Rotterdam, Holland ..
- Smith, A. and W., and Co., Ltd., Eglinton Engine Works, Glasgow
- Smith, Archibald, and Stevens, Janus Works., Queen’s Road., Battersea
- Smith and Coventry, Ltd„ Gresley Ironworks, Ordsal Lane, Manchester
- Smith and Grace Screw Boss Pulley Co., Ltd., Thrapston _
- Smith, Hugh, and Co., Ltd., Possil Engine Works, Glasgow
- Smith, John, and Co., Grove Ironworks, Carshalton, Surrey
- Smith, S., and Son, Ltd., 9, Strand, W.C
- Smith, Thos., and Sons, Steam and Electric Crane Works, Radley, near Leeds
- Smooth-on Manufacturing Co., Jersey City, N.J., U.S.A. ...
- Smulders, A. F., Schiedam, Rotterdam, Holland _
- Snowdon, Sons and Co., Ltd., Millwall, E
- Societe Anonyme des Etablissements Delaunay Belleville, L’Ermitage at St. Denis (Seine), France
- Societe Anonyme Westinghouse, 2, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.
- Societe St. Leonard, Liege, Belgium
- Sonnenthal, E,, Jun., Neue Promenade 6, Berlin, C2
- Spannagel, H., Broad Street House, New Broad Street, E.C.
- Spencer and Co., Ltd., Melksham, Wilts
- Spencer, John, Ltd., Wednesbury
- Spencer, John, and Sons, Ltd., Newburn Steel Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne
- Spencer, John, and Sons, Ltd., Ouseburn Wks., Newcastle-on-Tyne
- Spencer, John, and Sons, Ltd., 32, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W.
- Stableford and Co., Ltd., 26 and 27, Exchange Buildings, Birmingham
- Stacey, Frank, and Co., Winchester House, Birmingham
- Stamm, W., 25, College Hill, E.C.
- Standard Engineering Co., Ltd., Leicester
- Standard Piston Ring and Engineering Co., Ltd, Premier Works, Don Road, Sheffield
- Stanley, W. F., and Co., Ltd., 286, High Holborn, W.O
- Stanley, W. F., and Co., Ltd., Railway Approach, London Bdge., S.E.
- Star Brass Manufacturing Co., 28, New Bridge Street, E.O
- Steam Cylinder Lubricator Co., Ltd., Gordon Works, Lower Broughton, Manchester
- Steel and Iron Pipe Works Co., Bonnington Road, Leith
- Steel Company of Scotland, 23, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow
- Steel Pipe Co, Ltd., Kirkcaldy, N.B
- Stephenson, Robert, and Co., Ltd., Darlington
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., Crown Ironworks, Glasgow
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., Donington House, Norfolk Street, W.O...
- Steven and Struthers, Brassfounders, Glasgow .. .. _
- Stewart, D., and Co. (1902), Ltd., London Road Ironworks, Glasgow
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 41, Oswald St., Glasgow
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Nile Street, Birmingham
- Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., 25, Victoria Street, Westminster
- Stolzenberg Patent File Co., 50-53, Bishopsgate Street Without, E.O
- Storey, Isaac, and Sons, Ltd., Empress Foundry, Manchester ..
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Bath
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 53, Victoria St., S.W. ..
- Stott, S. S., and Co., Haslingden, near Manchester
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ld., 147, Queen Victoria St., E.O.
- Sugden, T., Ltd., ISO, Fleet Street, EC
- Sulzer Brothers, 34, Norfolk Street, W.O
- Summerson, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., Darlington
- Sun Fan Co., Ltd., Longside Lane, Bradford..
- Sun Fire Office, 03, Threadneedle Street, E.O.
- Tangyes Limited, Birmingham
- Tangyes Limited, 86, Queen Victoria Street, E.O.
- Tannett, Walker and Co., Ltd., Leeds
- Tattersall, A. R., and Co., 19 and 20, London Street, E.O...
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., Derwent Foundry, Birmingham ..
- Taylor, Charles. Bartholomew Street, Birmingham
- Taylor and Hubbard, Leicester _
- Tees Side Bridge and Engineering Works, Ltd, Middlesbro’
- Thompson, John, Wolverhampton
- Thompson and Southwick, Ltd., Tamworth, Staffs'
- Thomson, W. R. M., and Co., 96, Buchanan street, Glasgow
- Thornton, A. G., Ltd,, 28, King Street West, Manchester..
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Church Wharf, Chiswick
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd,, 2, Albemarle Street, W.
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Basingstoke, Hants.
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Woolston, Southampton
- Thwaites Brothers,, Ltd., Bradford, Yorkshire ..
- Tilghman’s Patent Sand Blast Co.. Ltd., Broadheath, near Manchester
- Tomey, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Manor Glass Works, Aston, Birmingham _ „
- Treasure. J. B., and Co., 8, Vauxhall Road, Liverpool
- Trewent, F. J. and Proctor, 43, Billiter Buildings, Billiter St., E.C.
- Trier Brothers, 1, Qt. George Street, Westminster, S. W.
- Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Ltd., GO, Caxton House, Westminster, 8.W
- Tubes, Ltd., Birmingham ..
- Tuck and Co., Ltd., 116, Gannon Street, E.O
- Tuck and Co., Ltd., IS, Aston's Quay, Dublin
- Tullis, D. and J., Ltd., Kilbowie Ironworks, near Glasgow
- Tullis, D. and J., Ltd., 1, Southwark Bridge Buildings, S.E.
- Tullis, John, and Son, Ltd., St. Ann’s Leather Works, Glasgow ..
- Turnbull, Alex., and Co., Ltd., Bishopbriggs, Glasgow _
- Turner, E. R. and F., Ltd., 82, Mark Lane, E.O.
- Turner, E. R. and F., Ltd. (182), Ipswich .. _
- Turton. T., and Sons. Ltd.. Sheaf Works, Sheffield
- Tylor, J. and Sons, Ltd., York Road, N
- Unbreakable Pulley and Mill Gearing Co., Ltd., 60, Cannon Street, E.O.
- Unbreakable Pulley and Mill Gearing Co., Ltd., 48, West Gorton, Manchester
- Underfeed Stoker Co., Ltd., Coventry House, South Place, E.O.
- United Kingdom Self-Adjusting Anti-Friction Metallic Packing Syndicate, Ltd., 14, Cook Street, Liverpool
- United States Metallic Packing Co. Ltd., Soho Works, Thornton Road, Bradford
- Urquhart, Lindsay and Co., Ltd., Blackness Foundry, Dundee..
- Vacuum Brake Co., Ltd., 32, Queen Victoria 8treet, E.O.
- Vaughan and Son, 67, Chancery Lane, W.C.
- Vaughan and Son, Ltd., West Gorton, Manchester
- Vaughton Brothers, Livery Street, Birmingham..
- Vauxhall and West Hydraulic Engineering Co., Ltd., 43. Leadenhall Street, E.O
- Veithardt and Hall, Ltd., 41, Eastcheap, E.0
- Vereinigte Maschinenfabrik Augsburg, &c., Nurnberg, JAMKS HALCROW, Agent, 18, Coleman Street, E.0
- Veritys Ltd., 31 St 82, King 8treet, W.O
- Vickers, Benjamin R., and Sons, Leeds
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Ltd., River Don Works, Sheffield
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Ltd., 28, Victoria St., Westminster, S. W.
- Vosper and Co., Ltd., Broad Street, Portsmouth _
- Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co., Ltd., 67, King Street, Manchester
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Pagefield Ironworks, Wigan
- Walker, James, and Co., Lion Works, Garford Street, Poplar, E.
- Wallwork, Henry and Co., Ltd., Manchester
- Ward, H. W., and Co., Lionel Street, Birmingham
- Ward, Haggas and Smith, Keighley
- Ward Ltd., T. W., Albion Works, Sheffield
- Warden, A., and Co., CO, Great Eastern Street, E.0
- Warner, Robert, and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 07, Queen Victoria Street, E.O.
- Warner, Robert, and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Walton-on-the-Naze
- Warsteiner Grubon-und Huttenwerke, Warstein, Germany
- Watkins, Stephen, Son and Groves, T5, Chancery Lane, w.CL
- Watson, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd., 'JJ, Dundas St. (South), Glasgow
- Waygood and Co., Lt<L, Falmouth Road, S.K. _
- Webb and Son, Combe Tannery, Stowmarket _ .. _
- Webb, Peet and Co., Westgate Iron Works, Gloucester
- Weber Steel Concrete Chimney Co., Ltd., Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, 8. W.
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Holm Foundry, Cathcart, Glasgow ..
- Weldless Steel Tube Co.. Ltd., Icknield Port Rd., Birmingham
- Wellman-Seaver and Head, Ltd., 17, Victoria Street, S.W.
- Wells, A. C., and Co, 102, Midland Road, St. Pancras, N.W...
- Wells, A. C., and Co„ Carnarvon Street, Cheetham, Manchester _
- Westinghouse Brake Co., 82, York Road, King's Cross, N. _
- Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Audrey House, Ely Place, Holborn, E.C
- Wheeler Condenser and Engineering Co., 2 and 3, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.O
- Whitaker Brothers., Ltd., Horsforth, near Leeds
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., East Cowes, IOW
- Whittaker, C., and Co., Ltd, Accrington
- Whittaker and Co., White Hart Street, Paternoster Square, E.G. ..
- Whittaker, Wm., and Sons, Ltd., Oldham
- Widdowson, John H., Ordsall Lane, Salford, Manchester ..
- Wiggins, F., and Sons, 102 and 103, Minories, E.0
- Wigglesworth, Frank, and Co„ Ltd., Mill Line, Bradford
- Wilkinson, G., and Sons, Keighley
- Willans and Robinson, Ltd., Rugby, Warwickshire
- Willcox, W. H., and Co., Ltd., 23, Southwark Street, 8.K. ..
- Willesden Paper and Canvas Works, Willesden Junction, N.W.
- Williams, Alfred, and Co., Artesian Works, Bow, E.
- Wilson, Alex., 3, Lombard Court, E.C
- Wilson, John H., and Co., Ltd., Dock Road, Birkenhead
- Wilson, John H., and Co., Ltd., 16, Victoria 8t., Westminster, S.W
- Wilson, William, and Co., Lilybank Boiler Works, Glasgow
- Wilsons and Union Tube Co., Ltd., 6, Wellington Street. Glasgow
- Winder, R. H., Levenshulme Road Works, Gorton, Manchester
- Winter, F., 8, Redcross Street, E.C
- Wippern, Otto, Hamburg
- Wolf, R., Norfolk House, Cannon Street, ELC.
- Wood, R. D., and Co., Philadelphia, U.S.A.
- Woodite Works, Mitcham Common, Surrey
- Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd, York Street, Westminster, S.W
- Worthington Pump Co., Ltd., 153, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- Wouldham Cement Co. (1900), Ltd., 35, Gt. St. Helen's, E C.
- Wright, J. and E., Ltd., Universe Works, Birmingham
- Wright, Jos., and Co., Tipton, Staffordshire
- Wright, Jos., and Co., 124, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
- Wrigley, E. G., and Co., Ltd., Foundry Lane Wks., Soho, Birmingham
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Isle of Dogs, Poplar, E.
- Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Pepper Road, Hunslet, Leeds
- Yost Typewriter Co., Ltd., M), Holborn Viaduct E.C.
- Youngs, Hyland Street Works, Birmingham
- Zeiss, Carl, 29, Margaret Street, Regent Street, W.
- Zeitz and Co., 21, Lime Street, E.O.
See Also
Sources of Information