Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,639 pages of information and 247,064 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index

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The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.
The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index.





  • E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co., American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 825; Elastomers Research Laboratory, 819
  • Eagle Tanker Company. Ltd., "San Edmundo" Tanker, (Plate 6, 2.1.59)
  • East African Railways and Harbour Board. Large Locomotive Traverser, 662; Prototype Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 306
  • Eastern Bloc's Economic Mutual Assistance. Council, Soviet Oil Pipe Line, 958
  • Eastern Region of British Railways, Barking Flyovers, 73; Bethnal Green Bridge Reconstruction. 497; British Railways 50 cfs Electrification, 658; Completion of Tunnelling Scheme on the Great Northern Linc, 858: Eastern Region Modernisation, (938); 82-Ton Prefabricated Railway Bridge, 150; Main- Line Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 889 M.V. "Colchester". New Cargo Vessel for the Harwich-Antwerp Services. 305; Railway Electrification, 9; Railway Modernisation. (Plate 3, 2.1.59); Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 757, 799; Visual Transmission of Train Information. 467; Voice- Frequency Control of Traction Supply, 738 Easton, Amos and Sons, Ltd., Newcomen Society's Summer Meeting. 966
  • E.C.S.C., Euratom Progress, 36
  • Eckersley, T. L., Obituary, 301
  • Economic Foundations. Ltd., Rig for Cylinder Piles, 967
  • Edison Group, Nuclear Power Plant for Italy, 902
  • Edwards, F. J., "Derivation of an Expression for Friction Coefficient", 585; "The Lubricating Properties of Synovial Fluid". 585
  • Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Sheet Metal Guillotine. 897
  • Eggers and Higgins, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
  • Eisen - and Stahlwarenfabrik A.G., Programme-Controlled Suspended Electric Railway with Electronic Point Switching. 705
  • Ekco Plastics, Ltd., Large Injection Moulding Machine, 394
  • Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., "Darn" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
  • Electric Construction Company, Ltd., Regulated Power Supply for Telecommunication Equipment, and an Electronic Control Panel, 504
  • Electric Home and Farm Authority, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 438
  • Electrical Installations, Ltd., High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348
  • Electricite de la Lienne S.A., Swiss Power Schemes, 970
  • Electricity Council, Electrical Engineering in 1958, 27
  • Electro-Chemical Engineering Company Ltd., Metal Cleaning Equipment, 897
  • Electrolube Sales Co, Contact Lubrication, (828)
  • Electro-Methods, Ltd., Optical Monitoring of Feed Water Contamination, 113
  • Electronic Switchgear (London) Ltd., Electrolytic Conductivity Recorder, 957
  • Electro-Watt S.A., Mauvoisin Dam, (Plate 16, 2.1.59)
  • Elektro Spezial G.m.b.H., Electronic Stroboscope, 782
  • Elgar Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Mannaioni "Man-au-Cycle" High-Speed Automatic Screw-Cutting Machine; Mecof Boring/ Milling Machine; MOssner Heavy Duty Band Sawing Machine; Rambaudi Milling Machine, Utita Multi-Chuck, Ending, Centring and Boring Machine; Traub Single-Spindle Automatic Chucking Machine, 278; Weisser "Frontor 35" Semi-Automatic Turning Machine, 278
  • Ellerman Lines, Ltd., Cargo Ship, "City of Lancaster", 107; "Malatian" Coastwise Ship, (Plate 13, 9.1.59)
  • Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Radiation Monitoring Equipment for Field Use, 112
  • Ellis, James W., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
  • Ellison, George, Ltd., 1 IkV, 250N1VA Circuit Breaker Unit, and Oil Switch Unit. 423; Switchboard with Two Circuit Breaker Cubicles Controlling. Respectively, a 750k VA Transformer and a 600-h.p. Motor, 603
  • Elm Engineering, Ltd., Welded Aluminium Tubes, 469
  • Elmeso Werkzeugfabrik Elfried Mengel, Jaw Blocks, 824
  • E.M.1. Electronics, Ltd., Closed Circuit Television Equipment Mark VI, 784; Control System for Automatic Weighing. 151; Driver- less Guided Industrial Truck System, 664; Electronic Positional Drilling Machine, 966
  • Emanueli, Luigi, Obituary, 342
  • "Energic Nucleairc S.A.", Atomic Power, Suppt. 9, 19.6.59
  • Energia Nucleate Sud Italia, Nuclear Power in Southern Italy, 958
  • Enfield Cables, Ltd., Water Supply at Hull, 774
  • Engel, F. V. A., The Use of Non-Dimensional Groups. 534
  • Engelhard Industries, Ltd., Catalytic Recombination Units, 139
  • Engineering and Allied Employers National Federation. Claim for Shorter Hours, 355; Efficient Use of Engineering Manpower, 313: Restrictive Practices in Industry. 286; Overtime and the Shorter Week. 780
  • Engineers Joint Council, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 865, 935
  • English Electric Company Ltd., A Big Risk, 45; Air Engines, 722: Anglo-American Collaboration on Organic-Liquid-Cooled Reactors, 916; Automatic Rolling Mill Control. 897; British Railways 50 c/s Electrification. 618; British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353: Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere. Kent, 454; Electric Locomotives for South Africa. 508; Electrical Drives. (Plate 5, 9.1.59) Greer's Ferry, 165; Heavy- Current, Off-Load Isolator. New Range of Load-Breaking Fuse Switches, "9350" Series Washing Machine Motor and Maximum Demand Meters, 462: "Lightning" and "Canberra" Jet Aircraft, 808; "Lightning" Interceptor Aircraft. 61; "Lightning" Rocket Pack. (938); Main-Line Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 889; Motor-Generator Locomotives for Kent Coast Electrification, 268: New Electric Melting Shop, 686; P.1B. "Lightning" Fighter, 60; Tilbury Power Station, 29
  • English Electric Valve Co. Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546; Germanium Rectifiers, 855; Midlands-East Anglia Television Links, 699; Radio Link With Travelling-Wave Tubes, 431; Storage Oscilloscope, 585; X-Ray Image Amplifier, 860
  • English Electric-Babcock and Wilcox-Taylor Woodrow Atomic Power Group. Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
  • English Steel Castings Corporation, Ltd., Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765
  • English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Films on Steel, 547
  • English Steel Forge and Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Films on Steel, 547
  • ENSIDESA (Empresa Nacional Siderurgica S.A.), Steel Melting Plant at Aviles, Spain, 236
  • Ericsson Telephones. Ltd., Subscriber Trunk Dialling, (Plate 8, 2.1.59)
  • Escher Wyss A.G., Axial-Flow Compressor for an Output of 6500kW, Eight-Stage Pusher Centrifuge, 704
  • Escher Wyss Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt., 21, 19.6.59
  • Esso A.G., Annual Meeting, 934; German Motorisation Trends, 237; North-West Oil Pipeline, 356
  • Esso Petroleum Company. Ltd., Flexible Oil Barge Progress, 392
  • Esso Research and Engineering Co, Oil-Fired Snow Disposal Equipment. 201
  • Esso Standard S.A., Bordeaux Refinery. 668
  • Esso Tankschiff Ruderei G.m.b.H., Annual Meeting of Esio A.G., 934
  • E.T.R. Tankers, Ltd., "Llanishen" Tanker, 108 Etablissemcnts Benoto, Five-Cubic Metre, 160-h.p. Power Shovel, 782
  • Euratom Commission, Euratom Progress, 35; United Kingdom/Euratom Atomic Energy Agreement, 254
  • European Atomic Energy Community, United Kingdom/Euratom Atomic Energy Authority. 254
  • European Coal and Steel Community, Fall in European Coal Output in 1958, 436; Production, Consumption and Exports. 50
  • European Nuclear Energy Agency, High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Project, 415 European Productivity Agency. Fourth Symposium on Applied Research, 591
  • Evans, J. I., "Silica Binders for Investment Castings", 798
  • Everard, F. T., and Sons, Ltd Small General Purpose Tanker "Grit", 109
  • Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., "Megger" Line- Earth Loop Tester, "Megger" Dielectric Testing Set, and a Pipe Type "Dionic" Conductivity Cell, s04
  • Exhall Grinding and Engineering Company, Ltd., Suction Unit for Waste Removal, (554)
  • Experimental Nuclear Power Station Consortium, Nuclear Power Projects, 704
  • Export Credits Guarantee Department, Export Credits, 196


  • Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd., Erratum, (906)
  • Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, Highway Bridge of Light-Gauge Aluminium Cellular Construction, 592
  • Fairclough, Leonard, Ltd., Slade Lane Bridge, 10
  • Fairey Aviation Company, Ltd., "Delta 2" Research Aircraft, 61; "Gannet" Anti-Submarine Aircraft, 8: Machine Control, 53; Machine Tools, (Plate I I, 2.1.59); Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 955: World Record for Rotocraft, (122)
  • Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. 426 "Chichester" Aircraft Direction Frigate, 88; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships. 741: Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 848 Ore Carrier "Morar", 373; Production of Fairfield-Stork Diesel Engine, 230
  • Falmouth Dock and Engineering Co, Queen Elizabeth Dock at Falmouth, (Plate 14, 9.1.59)
  • Farmer and Dark. Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere, Kent, 454
  • Farnell Instruments. Ltd., Fuel Consumption Measurement. (322)
  • Farr. A. E., Ltd., Ponders End Lock, 353 Water Supply at Hull, 774
  • Farrell Construction Co, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 476
  • Fawcett Preston and Co., Ltd., Grier-Mercier Hydro-Pneumatic Accumulator. Hydraulic Valves, 601
  • Fazekas, G. A. G., "Hydrocracker" Bearing Test Apparatus, 200
  • Federal Council for Science and Technology, Organising Scientific Research, 614
  • Federal German Railways, Oil Engine Manufacture, 392
  • Federal Institute of Technology, Technical Education, Suppt. 7, 19.6.59
  • Federal Power Board of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 330kV Transmission System, 51
  • Federation of British Industries, Annual General Meeting, 628 British Exhibition in New York, 470; Do Parents Earn These Scholarships ?, 676; Education and Careers Exhibition, 464, 793: Employment and Unemployment. 395; Export Trade Facilities, 616 F.B.I. Overseas Scholars, 628; Growing Demand for Water. 351; Industrial Trends. 313; Representations to the Chancellor. 167 Selling Overseas, 599; Water Pollution and Members of Parliament, 714
  • Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors, Contractors and Transport. 791
  • Federation of European Petroleum Equipment Manufacturers, Petroleum Equipment Congress, 824
  • Federation of French Industries, Conseil National Du Patromat Francais, 436
  • Federation National des Fabricants do Produits en Beton, Congress of Precast Concrete, 358
  • Feldmuhle Sudplastik und-Keramik. Sintered Aluminium Oxide Cutting Tools, 783
  • Felten and Guillaume Carlswcrk A.G., Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 901
  • Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., Butyl Insulated Current- Transformer, Epoxy-Resin Voltage Transformer, Instrument Switches and High- Breaking Capacity Fuse-Links, 422; BVPI 7 Single-Busbar, Air-Insulated Metalclad Switchgear. ROP32 Oil Circuit-Breaker, Rotary and Control Switches, 422
  • Ferguson Radio Corporation Ltd., Transistor- powered Instruments, 855
  • Ferranti, Ltd., Aircraft Seat Reservations by Computer, 466; Anechoic Chamber for Research on Transformer Noise, 896; Artificial Horizon with Stand-By Facility, 150; Clip-On Ammeter for Railway Electrification, 626; Computers, (Plate I, 9.1.59); Digital Display Voltmeter, 194; High-Speed Flash Tubes, 352; High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348; Machine Control, 53; Portable Peak Accelerometer, 894; Selection of Klystrons, DC3 On-Load, Three-Phase Tap Changer, Remote Reading Meter and Billing Meter, 461; Simplified Code for Computer Problems, 272; Traction Voltage Indicator, 738; Transformer-Rectifier Units for Vickers "Vanguard". 231: Transistorised Desk Computer. 854; 2FX-Band Ferrite Isolator. 3Ff l Ferrite Switch. 609; Two-Rate Watt-Hour Meter, 115
  • Ferranti-Packard Electric. Ltd., Aircraft Seat Reservations by Computer, 466
  • Festo Maschinenfabrik G. Stoll, Four-Sided Automatic Planer-Moulder, 824
  • Fewkes, P. L., Transportable Steam-Drisen Power Set, 856
  • Fezer, Albert. Maschinenfabrik G.m.b.H., Lifting Tackle Using Suction Pads, 783
  • Fielden Electronics, Ltd., Electronic Lesel Controller, 73
  • Fierro Esponja S.A., Recent Industrial Films. 700
  • Film Cooling Towers Ltd., Nitrogen Factory it Stanford-le-Hope, 943
  • Findlay, Alex., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
  • Findlay and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity. 391
  • Finkelstein. T., Air Engines, 492, 522, 568. 720
  • Firma Paul Ferd. Peddinghaus, Flame Hardening with Oxy-Town Gas, 449
  • First Atomic Power Industrial Group (F.A.P.I.G.), Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, 325
  • Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Recent Industrial Films, 700
  • Fischer, Georg, A.G., Construction Jig System, 705
  • Fischer, Grorge. Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 19, 19.6.59
  • Fisher Governor Co, Recent Industrial Films, 700
  • Fisons, Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
  • Fitzpatrick and Son (Contractors), Ltd., Doncaster By-Pass Motorway. 702
  • Fleck, Sir Alexander, Non-Ferrous Metals Research Facilities. 846
  • Fleck Committee. The Atomic Energy Authority. 18
  • Floor Care Experimental Centre, Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment, 352
  • Flug- and Fshrzeugwerke A.G., Light Structural Element in the Form of a Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Slab, 705
  • Focke-Wull G.m.b.H., Hydraulic Lifting Trolley. 822
  • Fodens, Ltd., Sectional Model of the Fa6 Mark III and the Complete Engines of the Marks FD.4, FD.6 and FD.12, 185
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation, Atomic Waste Disposal, 278
  • Ford Motor Company, Ltd., Design of Machine Tools, 482
  • Formica. Ltd., Printed Circuits Exhibition. 585
  • Forty, F. J., Constructing Route 11 from Aldersgate Street to Moorgate, (Plate 7, 9.1.59)
  • Foster Transformers. Ltd., Toroidal Voltage Regulators, 274
  • Foster-Wheeler, Ltd., Compressed Air Hose- Handling Installations at Fawley, 508
  • Fawkes, W. S., "Investment Castings and Some Aspects of their Costs". 798
  • Fowler, P. P., Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere, Kent. 450
  • Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Hot Rolling Mill for Stainless Steel. 511; Steel Town, (828)
  • France, William, Fenwick and Co., Ltd., Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 580
  • Frank, Karl, 1000 kg Electronic Tensile Testing Machine, 823
  • Frankfurter Maschinenbau A.G. vorm, Pokorny and Wittekind, "Hydroment" Hydraulic Power Elements, 744
  • Frederickson and Watson Construction Company, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California. 630
  • Freeman, E. R., 1959-60 Grid Tariff and Off- Peak Electricity Supplies, 380
  • Freeman, Fox and Partners. Auckland Harbour Bridge. 893; Auckland Harbour Bridge, New Zealand, (Plate 8, 9.1.59); Demolition of Cannon Street Station Roof, 209; Maidenhead By-Pass Motorway, 665; Progress at the Forth Bridge Site, 429; Raising the Kafue Bridge, 623
  • French Iron and Steel Research Institute, Oxygen Lime-Powder Steel-making Process. 317
  • French National Railways, French Observation Railcars. 396
  • French Railways, French Railway Electrification, 864
  • French, W. and Co., Ltd., Barking Flyovers. 73; Bridge for Mono-Rail Transporter. 857; Metropolitan Water Board: New Works in 1958, 111; Railway Modernisation, (Plate 3. 2.1.59); Sewer Diversion at Hyde Park Corner. 467; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
  • Frieseke and Hoepfner G.m.b.H., Accessories for the "Lukas" Universal Hydraulic Tool System, 824
  • Fry, D. W., Energy From Controlled Thermo• nuclear Reactions, 691
  • Fuel Research Station, Atmospheric Pollution. 405; New Brooms in D.S.I.R., 753
  • Fuller Electric. Ltd., British Railways 50 cis Electrification, 618; Resistor Transition Tap- Changer. 503
  • Furnace Construction Company, Ltd., Electric Furnace Elements. 153
  • Furness Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship, "Procyon", 106; Oil Tanker, "Violetta", 70; Tanker, "San Edmundo". (Plate 6. 2.1.59)
  • Furness Withy and Co., Ltd., Ore Carrier "Edenmore", 107


  • Gammon (Pakistan), Ltd., Deep Water Pier at Bahrain, (Plate 14, 9.1.59)
  • Gardner. L., and Sons, Ltd., Air Engines, 722; "Medina", the First Motor-Driven Vessel for Isle of Wight Services, 886; Motor Ship for Southampton and Cowes Service, "Canisbrooke Castle", 886
  • Gas Council of Great Britain, Liquefied Methane Carrier, 353
  • Gate Electronics, Ltd., Telephone Answering Machine, 816: Warning Bell Simulated Electronically, 224
  • Gear Grinding Company, Ltd., Machine Tools. (Plate I I, 2.1.59)
  • Gebr. Canali. Heavy Horizontal Band Saw with Hydraulic Adjustment and Feed, 784
  • G.E.C.-Simon Carves Atomic Energy Group, Hunterston Power Station. (Plate 9, 2.1.591 Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, 325, 389: Trawsfvnydd Nuclear Power Station. 914
  • G.E.C.-Simon Carves. A.E.I.-John Thompson. and English Electric-Babcock and Wilcox-Taylor Woodrow Group, Export of Reactors, 20
  • Gee, Walker and Slater. Ltd., Heavy Engineering Shop, 716; Multi-Storev Garage. 64
  • Gelsenberg Benzin A.G., Rotterdam-Rhine Pipeline, 550
  • General Dynamics Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 825: De Havilland High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor. 794: Nuclear Powered Attack Submarine "Skate". 92: Nuclear Powered Radar Picket Submarine. "Triton", 92; Prototype Submarine "Skipjack". 92
  • General Electric Company, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 786, 825; Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa". 279: Engines for Nuclear Powered Submarine "Triton". 92; Exhibits at the American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 865: Infra-Red Progress. 37 "J-79" Variable-Stator Units, (Plate 13, 21.59): Nuclear Power Plant for the New "DLG(N)" Nuclear Powered Warship, 91: Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 477; Two-Shaft Arrangement of Steam Turbines and Gears for the Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser "Long Beach", 91
  • General Electric Company, Ltd., Alternator Stability Tests at Poole Power Station. 11: Anglo-German Collaboration in Nuclear Power, 857: Demonstration of Air-Pressurised Electrical System, Various Systems of Busbar and Cable Trunking, 422; Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic. 765: Diesel-Electric Propulsion Machinery for Pilot Tender "Arnet Robinson, (Plate 13, 9.1.59): Export Prospects. 155; Fish Factory Trawler "Fairtry II". 739; Freedom from Glare in Lighting. 430; G.E.C./Simon-Carves Reactor, 754; General Purpose Vacuum Furnace, 779; Highland Water Power. 391; Impermeable Graphite Demonstration, 139; Japan's First Nuclear Power Station. 325, 389; Microwave Oscillator with Electrostatic Focusing, 860; New London Suburban Diesel Trains. 926; Niagara Falls Floodlighting Film, (660); Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741; Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 754 150MW Nuclear Power Station for Tokai-Mura, Japan, 622; "Osram" Lamps and Tubes. "Three-Eighty" Lantern for "Osram" 5ft., 80W Tubes, New Z8430CM" Lantern, Hose-Proof Weatherproof Fuseboard, 421; Silicon Rectifiers, 784; "Standarised System", 30; Standpipe Head Precision Tube. 678; Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre. 295, (440): Subscriber Trunk Dialling. (Plate 8, 2.1.59): Switch Functioning at Microwave Frequencies, 138; Temperature Control for Nylon Setting, 195; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard. 802; Withdrawable Relays. 393
  • General Metals Corporation, Rotary Atomisers, 439
  • General Motors Engineering Journal, A Good Grip on the Road. 167
  • General Motors Suisse S.A., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 24, 19.6.59
  • General Post Office, Aluminium Sheathing of Electric Cables by Direct Extrusion, 221; Automatic Correction of Telegraphic Errors, 394; Cheaper Radio-telephone Calls to Ships, (788); Midlands-East Anglia Television Links, 699
  • German Air Force, German Aircraft Industry, 117
  • German Federal Railway, German Locomotive Programme, 78; Installation of Further Diagrammatic Control Equipment, 473
  • Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik and Mechanik, Ludwig Prandtl Memorial Lecture, 629
  • Gesellschaft fur die Entwickiung der Atomkraft m.b.H., German Atomic Power Project, 358
  • Gessler, J. K., Electrogyro Traction, 541
  • Gest. J. M. Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 913
  • Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Underground Gasification Experiments, 207
  • Gibb, Sir Claude, Technology and Teachers, 365; Obituary, 128
  • Gibbs and Cox, Incorporated, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
  • Gibson, A. H., Obituary, 342
  • Gifford-Wood Co, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
  • Gillet, Guillaume, Water Tower at Caen--La Gueriniere, 315
  • G.K.N. Reinforcements, Ltd., New Electric Melting Shop. 686 -
  • Glacier Metal Company. Ltd., "Anti-Whirl" Turbine Bearing, 680; Self-Contained Self-Aligning Journal Bearing, 679
  • Glamorgan Acid and Alkali Company, Ltd., Germanium Rectifier Cubicle, 53
  • Glanville, W. H., James Forrest Lecture, 466
  • Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Newcomen Society's Summer Meeting, 966; Water Supply at Hull, 774
  • Globe Pneumatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Portable Capstan Winch, 310
  • Glover. I., Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere, Kent, 450
  • Gomex, Carbide-Tipper Circular Saws, 744
  • Goodier, A., Fully Transistorised Frequency Modulated Indicator for Field Tests, 374, 412
  • Goodman, George, Ltd., Nylon Driving Chain, (649)
  • Goodyear Pumps, Ltd., Marine Pressure Water Supply Set, Mining Pump Set for Face-Drainage, 732
  • Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Company, Ltd., M.V. "Colchester, New Cargo Vessel for the Harwich-Antwerp Services, 305: Small General Purpose Tanker "Grit", 109
  • Gourock Ropework Company, Ltd., Inflatable "Airhouse", 588
  • Grace Line, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa" 279
  • Grant Mills Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
  • Graton and Knight. Ltd., Belt Dressing, (242)
  • Graviner Manufacturing Company, Ltd., High Sensitivity Oil Mist Detector, 728
  • Grayson, Rollo and Clover Docks, Ltd., Docks, 32
  • Great Northern Telegraph Co Submarine Cable to Iceland. 586
  • Green, T. E., Electrogyro Traction, 541
  • Greenham Equipments, Ltd., Self-Erecting Jib Crane, 782
  • Greenock Dockyard Company, Ltd., "Clan Maciver" Cargo Ship, (Plate 12, 9.1.59): "Clan Menzies" Cargo Ship, 106
  • Gregory, R. W., and Partners, Dry Dock Project on Tyneside, 391
  • Griggs and Son. Ltd., Multi-Storey Garage, 64
  • Grimston Electric Tools, Ltd., Drilling and Boring Machine, 779; Unit Drilling Head, 310
  • Griscom-Russell Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 937
  • Grossrohrwer Mannesmann-Hoesch, North- West Oil Pipeline, 356
  • Grundig Werke, Transistorised Dictating Machine, 591
  • Gutehoffnungshiitte Sterkrade Aktiengesellschaft, Screw Compressors, 782; 30,000-Ton Floating Dock, 34
  • Guyrex Equipment, Ltd., Trussing for Temporary Structures, 194
  • G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943



  • Iliffe and Sons. Ltd., "Data Processing". (162)
  • Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Automatic Control of Hydrogen Production, (815); Bulk Production of Pure Silicon in Britain, (322); Education and Careers Exhibition, 793; Experiments on the Compressive Strength of Anhydrite. 288; Fibre Filter for Acid Mists and Fumes, 624; Gas Turbine for Industrial Duty in Canada, (282); "Intro- view" Flaw and Corrosion Detector, 680; New Silicone Compounds, (516)
  • Imperial College of Science and Technology, Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, 69; Experimental Work to Verify Mathematical Methods for Calculating Stresses in High Temperature and Pressure Steam Lines, 71; Ferrites in Railway Signalling, (527)
  • Independent Television Authority. Burnhope Television Station, Co. Durham, 146
  • Industrial Hydraulics, Ltd., Hydraulic Accumulators, 231
  • Industrial and Trade Fairs Ltd., Engineering, Materials Exhibition, (963): Industrial Photography and Television. 700; international Convention on Transistors, 796
  • Industrial Training Council, Assistance for Training, 898; Training for Industry, 872
  • Institut International pour l'Etude des Problemes Humains du Travail, International Institute for Labour Problems, 199
  • Intermit, Ltd., "Comprair" Compressed Air Filters, "Far-Air" Filtration and Air-Conditioning Products, "Birfield-Hilco" Oil Maintenance Equipment, 735
  • International Atomic Energy Agency, Atomic Waste Disposal, 278; Euratom Progress, 36; I.A.E.A. Signs Uranium Deals, 591
  • International Study of Atomic Liability, 277
  • International Combustion, Ltd., Heavy Engineering Shop, 736
  • International Combustion (Holdings), Ltd., Trawsfynydd Power Station, 955
  • International Committee on Space Research (C.O.S.P.A.R.), Rocket Development in 1958. 24
  • International Computers and Tabulators, Ltd., Digital Computers, (868)
  • International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, International Congress for Building Studies, 199
  • International Council of Scientific Unions, Unesco and Science in 1959-60, 118
  • International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Operational Research. 44
  • International General Electric Company, Boiling Water Reactors, 20: Nuclear Power in Southern Italy, 958
  • International Geophysical Year. Rocket Development in 1958, 24; "Skylark" Rocket, 66; Unesco and Science in 1959-60, 118
  • International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Conference on High Energy Accelerators, 473
  • Ipsen Industries, Inc., Control of Furnace Atmospheres. 432
  • Iron and Steel Board, British Iron and Steel, 955; British Steel, 443, 547; Iron and Steel, 155, 313, 470, 820 Iron and Steel Prices, 898: Scotland's Strip Mill Project, 155 Shipbuilding Statistics, 667; Steel Development Programme, 49
  • Iron and Steel Trades Confederation. British Iron and Steel, 742
  • Ironmonger, The, "The Ironmonger" Centenary, 833
  • IRSID, Oxygen Lime-Powder Steel-making Process, 317
  • Ishikawajima-Koehring, Spanish Excavator Factory, 513







  • O.E.E.C., De Havilland High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor, 794; Euratom Progress, 36; High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Project, 415; Overseas Trade. 355: Retrospect and Prospect. 1; Western European Trade, 206
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
  • Oberhasli Co, Hydro-Electric Power, Suppt. 10, 19.6.59
  • Oerlikon, Ltd., Electrogyro Traction, 541
  • Oerlikon Machine Tool Works Bdhrle & Co., Mechanicals Summer Visit. Suppt. 32. 19.6.59
  • Ohio Power Co, Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium. West Virginia, 318
  • Oldham, M. C., "Heat Treatment", (554)
  • Omega, Louis Brandt et Frere S.A., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 31, 19.6.59
  • Ongar Radio Station, New Radio Transmitters at Ongar, 339
  • Opperman Gears (Holdings), Ltd., Automatic Valve Actuation, 515
  • Oppold, August, Dynamically Balanced and Magnetically Crack-Tested Cutters and Routers, 783
  • Orenstein-Koppel and LUbecker Maschinenbau A.G., Universal Track-Laying Excavator. Rotary Excavator Loader, 822
  • Osterreichische Minerolverwaltung A.G., Suspension Pipe Bridge Over the Danube, 277
  • Oswald, H., Obituary, 97, 168
  • Ove Arup and Partners, Laboratories. Plant and Offices, 891; Shell-Roofed Hangars at Abingdon. 65
  • Overseas Tankship (U.K.), Ltd., "Caltex Newcastle" Tanker, 108
  • Oxley Engineering Co., Ltd., Romford Gas Reforming Plant, 842
  • Ozalid Company, Ltd., Microfilm Camera Unit. 642
  • Ozonair, Ltd., Throw-Away Air Filter Units, 299



  • Quasi-Arc, Ltd., Automatic Welding Machine, 195; Method of Welding Vertical Seams Automatically with "Unionmelt", Self- Propelled Twin-Fillet Automatic Welding Machine, 640; 7000-Ton Magnet for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 838; Welding Course, (516)
  • Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission, Large Steel Moulds for Dams, 38; St. Lawrence River Development, 969
  • Q.V.F., Ltd., Armourplate Glass Tanks, (40)





  • U.N.E.S.C.O., Atomic Waste Disposal. 278; Unesco and Science in 1959-60. 118
  • Unilever, Ltd., Faraday Lecture on "Automation", 193
  • Union Castle Line, Enlargement of East London Harbour, 154; Liner "Pendennis Castle", 31
  • Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Unesco and Science in 1959-60, 118
  • Union Rheinische Braunkohlen Kraftstoff A.G., North-West Oil Pipeline, 356
  • Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand, Ltd., "Pateena" Coastwise Ship, (Plate 13, 9.1.59); "Waikare" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
  • Union Tank Car Co, 384ft. Geodesic Dome, 360
  • United Engineering and Foundry Co, Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium, West Virginia, 318
  • United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Britain and Nuclear Power in 1958, 16 Changes in the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 507; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity, 391: Cobalt Container for Industrial Radiography, 954: Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428; Convention on Thermonuclear Processes, 719; Engineering Developments in Nuclear Power, 530; 150MW Nuclear Power Station for Tokai-Mura, Japan, 622; G.E.C./ Simon-Carves Reactor, 754; High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Project, 415; High- Voltage Laboratory, 877: Hot Experimental Reactor of Zero Power, "HERO". 269; Information on Atomic Energy, (122); Microphotography of Reports from U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, (225): New Cream Made by Rozalex. Ltd., 640: Nuclear Power at Sea. 751; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships. 741; Radiation Monitoring Equipment for Field Use, 112; Training in Radiation Dangers, 816; Transistor Oscilloscope, 855; United Kingdom/Euratom Atomic Energy Agreement, 254; Uranium Fuel Element Factory at Springfields, 169; X-Ray Equipment Exhibition, 902
  • United Kingdom Post Office, Submarine Cable to Iceland, 586
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Fall in European Coal Output in 1958, 436
  • United Shoe Machinery Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 934
  • United States Air Force Research Centre, Moon as Radio Reflector, 816
  • United States Army, Doak Model 16, (Plate 10, 9.1.59)
  • United States Atomic Energy Commission, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 785, 825, 865. 903, 935; Argonne Low Power Reactor in Idaho. 79; Los Alamos Power Reactor Experiment No. 2. 747; Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, 91
  • U.S. Bureau of Census, British Tractors in the U.S.A., 75
  • U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, Highway Bridge of Light-Gauge Aluminium Cellular Construction, 592
  • U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, High-Speed Digital Computers. 239
  • U.S. Naval Shipyard, "Independence" Aircraft Carrier, 91
  • United States Navy. H.M.S. "Dreadnought". 558; Infra-Red Progress, 37; The Submarine and Anti-Submarine Situation To-day, 7
  • U.S. Navy Bureau, Neutrons for the Navy, 715; Super-Cavitating Propeller for Ships, 38 U.S. Office of Naval Research, Super-Cavitating Propeller for Ships, 38
  • United States Steel Corporation, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630. 669; Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre, 295; Technological Progress in the Steel Industry. 746
  • United Steel Companies, Ltd., Hot Rolling Mill for Stainless Steel, 511; New Continuous Strip Mill, (Plate 3. 9.1.59); Pilot Plant for Steel Research. 501; Steel Town. (828)
  • United Steel Structural Company, Ltd., Computers for Structural Design, 85
  • Urquart Lindsay and Robertson Orchar, Ltd., Erratum (906)
  • Urquharts Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
  • Urquharts (1926). Ltd., Medium Size Oil Firing Units. 72: Printed Circuit for Oil Firing Unit, 617
  • University of Birmingham. Non-Ferrous Metals Research Facilities. 846; Traffic Engineering at the University of Birmingham, 701
  • University of California, Advanced Materials Technology, 595; Biomechanics as a Service to Man, 681
  • University College, Long-Distance Transmission by Waveguide, 172; Photo-Elasticity at University College, (463); The Work of Coker and Filon in Photoelasticity, 656
  • University College Hospital, International Conference on Medical Electronics, 513
  • University of Hamburg, Advantages of Prestressed Concrete, 472
  • University of Liverpool, Stroboflash-Coincident Unit for Engine Indicating. 336
  • University of Natal. Water Research in Natal. 234
  • University of Tennessee. Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 439
  • USINOR Steel Co, Oxygen Lime-Powder Steel-making Process, 317
  • U.S.S.R., Soviet Atomic Power Stations, 310; Soviet Seven-Year Plan, 1959-65, 118; Transferred Charge Telephone Service, (554)





  • Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen, Machine Tool Drive with Flange Motor and Eight-Step Planetary Gearbox, 784
  • Zarek, J. M., Biomechanics as a Service to Man, 681; "The Importance of Biomechanics as a Service to Man, Illustrated by a Discussion of Problems in Metallic Osteosynthesis", 585
  • Zeiss, Carl, Precision Optical Measuring Equipment, 472
  • Zinn, W. V., 1035 Flats and Maisonnettes at Roehampton, (Plate 7, 9.1.59)

See Also


Sources of Information