The Engineer 1959 Jan-Jun: Index

- A.A.S.H.O. Bridge Committee, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 670
- AB Svenska Maskinverken, Thermal Power Plant for Stockholm, 591
- Access Equipment, Ltd., Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., Standpipe Mead Precision Tube, 678
- A.C.E. Machinery, Ltd., Road Gritting Equipment, 73; Weigh-Batching Plants for Concrete, 928
- Acheson Colloids, Ltd., Low-Temperature Curing Anti-Friction Coatings. 466
- Acheson Industries, Inc., Low-Temperature Curing Anti-Friction Coatings, 466
- Acme Conveyors Ltd., Pneumatic Conveyors, 882
- Acme Steel Co, Technological Progress in the Steel Industry, 747
- Acrow (Engineers) Ltd., "Jet" Dredger, (Mate 4, 9.1.59)
- Adams Hydraulics, Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 427
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Turret Milling Machines, 779
- Addison Electric Company, Ltd., Rope Tension Gauge, 550
- Admiralty, Changes in Wages Rates, 75: Hydro-Ballistic Research Establishment, Life Saving from Submerged Aircraft. 227; Klystrons, 461: Life Saving from Submerged Aircraft, 227; Machinery Installations for the "Ashanti" General Purpose Frigate, 89 Reports, 72; Royal Navy-1958, 46; Tribal Class Frigate H.M.S. "Ashanti", 430
- Advanced Research Project Agency (A.R.P.A.), Rocket Development in 1958, 24
- Advisory Committee on Arid Zone Research, Unesco and Science in 1959-60, 118
- Advisory Committee on Further Education, Education for Commerce. 465
- Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 787
- Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1958, 68
- AEG Allgemeine Elektricatsgesellschaft, Hoesch Broad Strip Mill, 550
- A.E.I. Group, Electrical Drives, (Plate 5, 9.1.59)
- A.E.I.-John Thompson Nuclear Energy Company, Ltd., Berkeley Power Station, (Plate 9, 2.1.59): Progress at Berkeley, 220 "Herald" 5MW Test Reactor, 19; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741: Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts. (322); Tests on Berkeley Reactor Pressure Vessel, 956
- Aerojet-General Corporation, "Thor-Able" Vehicle, (Plate 9, 9.1.59)
- Aerotaps, Ltd., Radiator Valve, (651)
- AGARD, Meetings, 316
- A.G.I.P. Nucleare, Export of Reactors, 20
- Agricultural Research Council, Organising Scientific Research, 614
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd., Mark R.F., R.K., and R.A. Engines, 183
- Air Products (Great Britain), Ltd., The Tonnage Oxygen Plant, 687
- Air Products Incorporated, The Tonnage Oxygen Plant, 687
- Air Service Training, Ltd., Training of Air Line Pilots, 780
- Aircraft Research Association, Ltd., Wind Tunnel Facilities, 179
- Airmec, Ltd., Ultrasonic Drilling Equipment, 317
- Airscrew Company and Jicwood Ltd., Wood Chip Board Plant, 925
- Aitken, Ian, M. E., Using Water Over and Over Again, 418
- Ajax Marine Engines. Ltd., Several Examples from the Leyland/Albion Range of Marine Engines Including the "Argonaut", 184
- Aktieselskabet Bruel and Kjaer, Impedance Deviation Bridge, 934
- Alabama Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co, Liquefied Methane Carrier, 353
- Alabama State Docks Department, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 398
- Albatross Marine, Ltd., F.W.E. Engine Installed in a "Continental" Four-Seater Runabout, 183
- Albion Motors, Ltd., Crawler Tractors, 338
- Alderton Construction Company, Ltd., Chiswick Flyover, 22
- Alexander Shipping Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner "Shaftesbury", 106
- Alexander, T., Train Resistance, 181
- Alfa Laval and Co., Ltd., Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 580
- Allegheny Ballistic Laboratory, "Thor-Able" Engine, (Plate 9, 9.1.59)
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Eight-Cylinder, Pressure-Charged Vee-Form Diesel Engine, Epicyclic Gear for 160-h.p. Mine Tunnelling Machine, 561; Fast Patrol Boat Trials, (322); New Gas Turbine Alternator for H.M.S. "Llandaff", 88; Self-Regulating Alternator, 187
- Allgemeine Elektricitiits-Gessellschaft, "Multiple Free Jet" Switch, Components of the "Logistat" System of Construction Units, 10kV, 350MVA Compressed Air Switch, 743
- Allied Employers' National Federation, Engineering Industrial Relations, 247
- Allied Kennecott Titanium Corporation, New Prospects for Titanium, 551
- Allweather Paints, Ltd., Metal Conditioner for Paint, (788)
- Aluminium Company of South Africa (NY.) Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Footbridge in Natal, 314; Aluminium Screens for South African Drive-in Cinemas, 235; S.A.A. "Viscounts" Fitted with Aluminium Alloy Galleys, 314
- Aluminium Union, Ltd., Shaped Aluminium Ingot, (322)
- Aluminium-Industrie-A.G., Aluminium Suppt. 5, 19.6.59
- Aluminiumwerke A.G., Aluminium Suppt. 5, 19.6.59
- Aluminum Company of America. Highway Bridge of Light-Gauge Aluminium Cellular Construction, 592
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Engineering Industrial Relations. 247; Forty-Hour Week, 703; Overtime and the Shorter Week, 780 Wages and Hours, 714
- Amber Chemical Company, Ltd., Fuel Additives, 272
- American Concrete Institute, 55th A.(•.1. Convention in Los Angeles, 281
- American Electric Power Co, Ravens- wood Works of Kaiser Aluminum, West Virginia, 318
- American Machine and Foundry Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 934; "Hydrocracker" Bearing Test Apparatus, 200
- American Toll Bridge Co, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630
- Amsler, Alfred J., and Co., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 32, 19.6.59
- Andre Rubber Co "Raykin" Fender for Harbour Installations, Examples of Rubber Bonded to Metal Components, 604; Slade Lane Bridge, 10
- Andrews, Kent and Stone, Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence, 270
- Anglian Building Products, Ltd., Slade Lane Bridge. 10
- Anglo-AmericanCouncil on Productivity, International Conference on Materials Handling, 780
- Anglo-Persian Oil Co, Fiftieth Anniversary, (672)
- Angus, George, and Co., Ltd., ElectroMechanical Thrust Units, 819
- Angwin, Sir Stanley, Obituary, 689
- A.P.V. Company, Ltd., Aluminium and Methane, (788); Liquefied Methane Carrier, 353
- Apex Construction. Ltd., Ball Mills, 469
- Apparechi Scientifici Frederici, Ultrasonic Drilling Equipment, 317
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Company, Horsehay Blast-Furnaces, 424
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchs – Reaktor G.m.b.H., High Temperature Reactor for a Thermal Output of 50MW, or 15MW Electrical. 782
- Arc Manufacturing Company, Ltd., 100A Oil- Cooled Welding Rectifier. Method of Resistance Heating of Tubes, 732
- Archdale, James, and Co., Ltd., Structural Steel Fabrication in Canada, 466 Vertical Milling Machine, 228
- Ardleigh Engineering, Ltd., Governors for Prime Movers, 192; Two Sets of General Purpose Diesel Engines, 266
- Argonne National Laboratory, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 786, 825; Argonne Low Power Reactor in Idaho, 79, 119; Experimental Boiling Water Reactors, 865; "Jason" Reactor for Training and Research, 582
- Argyriadis, Doroc, A., Cargo Container Ships, 578
- Arkansas Power and Light Co, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 474
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors Ltd., "Double Mamba" Engines. 8; Four-Chamber "Gamma" 201, 182; Oil Engine Manufacture, 392
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W. G., Aircraft, Ltd., Electronic Test Apparatus for Industry, 388; Five-Channel Cathode-Ray Tube Recording Equipment Complete with Camera, Sweep Oscillator and Vibration Controller, 642; Receiver for 420/470 Mc/s Band, 546; Ship-to-Air Weapon, 307; Wind Tunnel Investigations, (Plate 11, 9.1.59)
- Arnold Engineering Development Centre, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority. 474
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., 82-Ton Prefabricated Railway Bridge, 150
- Artificial Satellite Sub-Committee, Satellites and Rockets, 460
- AS Frydcnsboe Bergen. Contactless Control for a Rudder Engine. 743
- Asea Company, Swedish Hydro-Electric Development, 36
- Asquith Machine Tool Corporation, Ltd., The Machine Tool Industry, 547
- Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., Brushless Marine Alternators, 665; New London Suburban Diesel Trains, 926; Heavy Plant Division, Semi-conductor Devices, Silicon Crystal Production, 802; Tribal Class Frigate H.M.S. "Ashanti", 430
- Associated Ethyl Company, Ltd., Semi-conductor Rectifiers for High-Power Electro-Chemical Duty, 408
- Aston, A. C., Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Ateliers de Charmilles S.A., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 23, 19.6.59
- Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi, "SGX A-2" Recording Spectrometer, 100 kg Capacity Induction Melting Furnace, Pulley for a 987-Ton Per Hour Inclined Skip Hoist, 783
- Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Delle, Compressed Air Breaker, 824
- Atkins, W. A., and Partners, High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348
- Atlantic Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., Vehicle and Container Transport "Ionic Ferry", 109
- Atlas Construction Co., Ltd., Honore Mercier Reconstruction on the St. Lawrence River, 971; Jacques Cartier Bridge; St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Atlas Copco, Ltd., "Air Partner" Mobile Compressor, 824; Air-Cooled Compressors, 228
- Atlas Copco (Great Britain), Ltd., Heavy-Duty Portable Grinder, (828)
- Atlas-Winston, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Atomenergi, A. B., Swedish Hydro-Electric Development, 36
- Atomic Energy Commission, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 438: National Reactor Testing Station, SPERT-111 Achieves Criticality, 321
- Atomic Energy Research Establishment, De Havilland High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor, 794; Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428; Microphotography of Report from U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, (225); Modification of "Zeta", 814; Recent Thermonuclear Experiments with Sceptre 1 11A, 760; Tongs for Radioactive Materials, 432
- Atomic Industrial Forum, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 865
- Atomic Power Constructions, Ltd., Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 941, 955
- Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Nuclear Physics Research at Aldermaston, 917
- Atomics International, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Auckland Harbour Bridge Authority, Auckland Harbour Bridge, 892
- August Thyssen-Hi:Mc Aktiengesellschaft, Annual Report, 629; Large Blast-Furnace, 959
- Austinlite, Ltd., Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546
- Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Open Days at Lucas Heights, N.S.W., 57
- Australian Department of National Development, Development Projects in Australia, (345)
- Australind Steam Shipping Company, Ltd., "Aralucn" Cargo Ship, 107
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., "Microm" Filter Combining a Plate and a Paper Element, 563
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Company, Ltd., Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546; "Standardised System", 30; Trunk Dialling at Railway Exchange, 778; Subscriber Trunk Dialling, (Plate 8, 2.1.59)
- Autoset (Production), Ltd., Braked Castor, 151
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., New Testing Machine with Deflection Correction, 728
- Avro Aircraft, Ltd., "Arrow" All-weather Interceptor. 60; "Blue Steel" Powered by a Liquid-Fuel Rocket, 67
- Aylett, P. D., Turbo-Generator Behaviour in Abnormal Operating Conditions, 216
- BBC-Krupp Atomic Power Group, High Temperature Reactor for a Thermal Output of 50MW, or 15MW Electrical, 781
- B.I.P. Chemicals, Ltd., Plastic Moulding Compound, (40)
- B. P. Exploration Co, Oil Find in Lincolnshire, 139
- B. P. Tanker Company, Ltd., "British Architect" Oil Tanker, 70; "British Honour" Tanker, (Plate 6, 2.1.59)
- Babcock and Wilcox Company, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825; Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279; Propelling Machinery for the "Independence" Aircraft Carrier, 91
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity, 391; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741; Pressurised Water Reactor System, 795; "Selectable Superheat" Boilers, 70; Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 955
- Bailey, C. H., Ltd., Docks, 32
- Bailey, G. L., Organising Scientific Research, 614
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co., Ltd., Air Engines, 722; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719: Steam Control Stop Valve, 619
- Bakelite, Ltd., Epoxide Resin DRI9120, (282); Vapour Blasting Equipment, 309
- Balding Engineering, Ltd., Vertical Milling Machine, 74
- Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
- Balfour, D., and Sons, Construction of Two Sea Outran Pipelines, 428
- Ballay, Marcel, Centre d'Information du Nickel, 358
- Bally's Shoe Factories, Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 32. 19.6.59
- Bamford. J. C., (Excavators), Ltd., Barge- Mounted Excavator, 152
- Bank Line, Ltd., "Birchbank" and "Strcambank" Cargo Ships, 106
- Bank of Scotland, Scotland's Industries, 547
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., "Wimbledon" and "Weybridge" Cargo Ships, (Plate 12, 9.1.59)
- Barclay's Bank Ltd., Closed-Circuit TV for Document Viewing, 966; Prices and Production, 116
- Bardeen, J., "Basic Research on Semi-conductors—A Review", 797
- Barlow, H. E. M., Long-Distance Transmission by Waveguide, 172
- Barlow and Young, Ltd., Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Barlow-Whitney, Ltd., Electric Furnaces, 392; Trolley-Loading Ovens, 507
- Barr, W., Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, 766
- Barron, D. A., Subscriber Trunk Dialling, 185
- Bartholomew, J., and Son, Ltd., Sectional Combustion Chamber for Small Oil-Fired Boilers, 544
- Basalt Rock Co, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630
- Batelier, J. P., Water Tower at Caen-La Guerinire, 315
- Baxter, A. D., Rocket Development in 1958, 24, 66
- Bayerischer Rundlunk, Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 863; Television Transmitter Tower, 901
- Bechtel Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Beesley, J. H., Group Routing and Charging Equipment, 484
- Beharrell, Sir George, Obituary, 342
- Belg, Bayreuth, Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 901
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 827; Compatibility of Stereophonic Broadcasting and Single- Channel Reception. 707; Production of Synthetic Quartz, 360; Radio Transmission into Buildings, 439; "Time Assignment Speech Interpolation", 54, 515; "Twistor" Magnetic Wire for Shift Register in Computers, 201
- Bellis and Morcom, Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Bell's Asbestos, Ltd., Revival of Venetians. 942
- Belmos Company. Ltd., Flameproof Circuit Breaker, 928: Flameproof Drill Control Unit, 231; Flameproof Lighting Transformer, 430 Ben Line Steamers, Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 425
- Benson, R. S., Stroboflash-Coincident Unit for Engine Indicating, 334
- Bergius Company, Ltd., Four-Stroke Model "T" Engine, "Kelvin Ricardo" Giving 7.5 b.h.p. at 1150 r.p.m., 734; "T6" and "T8" Engines, 183
- Berkshire County Council, Newbury Relief Road Completed, 465
- Berman, L. D., "The Evaporative Cooling of Circulating Water", 588
- Berry, C. J., "On the Heating Effect in a Resonance Tube", (748)
- Berry, Z. D., and Sons, Ltd., Heinz Factory at K?tt Green, 812
- Bethlehem Pacific Coast Steel Shipbuilding Yards, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630
- Bethlehem Steel Co, Contract for the Design and Construction of a Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Frigate; Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser "Long Beach", 91
- Beyer Peacock and Co., Ltd., Beyer-Garratt. Locomotives on Rhodesia Railways, 226
- Birch, F. H., Turbo-Generator Behaviour Abnormal Operating Conditions, 216
- Birlec. Ltd., "Hump Back" Continuous Furnace, New Design of Laboratory Dryer, 679; Inert Gas Generator, (788); New Electric Melting Shop, 686; Pilot Dryer, 855
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353
- Birmingham University, 7000-Ton Magnet for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 838
- Bischoff Textiles Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt, 32, 19.6.59
- Blackburn and General Aircraft Ltd., N.A.39 Strike Aircraft, 8; N.A.39 Attack Aircraft, (Plate 13, 2.1.59)
- Blackman, Keith, Ltd., "Aristocrat" Centrifugal Fans, 601; Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812: Sound Ratings for Fans and Blowers, (40)
- Blackman, Raymond V.B., Naval Construction in 1958, 88
- J. Blakeborough and Sons, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Blakeborough and Sons, Ltd., 60-in. Bore Motor-Operated Butterfly Valve, Bellows Sealed Gate-and Globe-Valves for Radioactive Gas Conditions, 680
- Blankevoort and Zoon, Earth Moving by Dredger, 22
- Blaw-Knox and Co., Ltd., Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant, (Plate 4, 9.1.59); Large Steel Moulds for Dams, 38
- Blackman, S., Incorporated, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 937
- Blohm and Voss, 200-Ton Floating Cranes, 435
- Blythswood Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Hugh Macmillan Memorial Lecture, (40); Ore Carrier "Edenmore", 107
- Board of Professional Engineers Appointments Bureau, Appointments Service for Professional Engineers, 852
- Board of Trade. Anglo-Russian Trade, 703, 862; Association of Consulting Engineers. 308; British Exhibition in New York, 470; British Export to North America, 589 Development Areas, 275, 820; Distributing Industry, 125, 539; Engineering Production and Orders. 780; Export of Iron and Steel Scrap, 862: Exports in 1958, 196; Industrial Building, 275; Industry's Capital Expenditure, 196, 511, 703; The Machine Tool Industry, 355; Manufacturing Industry's Stocks, 667 New Industries in Unemployment Areas, 470; Overseas Trade, 75, 155, 355, 511, 701, 898; Refrigerator Factory for South Wales. 434; Vital Statistics, 752; Wholesale Prices in 1958, 355; World Exports of Manufactured Goods, 547; Departmental Committee, The Yard and the Pound (Avoirdupois) for Science and Technology, 137
- Boby, Wm., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Bochtimer Verein, Resistance Heating of Billets, 238
- Bochumer Verein filr Gusstahlfabrikation A.G., 29-Ton Turbine Shaft, 822
- Boeing Airplane Co, Boeing 707 "Jet Stratoliner", 689
- Bolinders Company, Ltd., Mark MD.I Penta Unit. 185
- Bolton Gate Co, LPL, Motor-Operated Traffic Barrier, 353
- Bonallack and Sons, Ltd., Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546 , Radiography for Miners, 147
- Booker and Tarran, Ltd., Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Boomsma, M., Pitting in Gears, 572
- Boot, Henry, and Sons, Ltd., Completion of Tunnelling Scheme on the Great Northern Line, 858
- Booth, Joseph, and Bros., Heavy Engineering Shop, 736
- Boots Pure Drug Company, Ltd. Video Recording, 55
- Borsig A.G., 200-Ton per hour Boiler Designed for Stop Valve Conditions, 824
- Bosch, Robert, A.G., Hask Concrete Vibrators, 650VA, 230V, 50 cis Miniature Generating Set, 744; Level Adjustment Valve, 668
- Bosworth, R. C. L., The Use of Non-Dimensional Groups, 381
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Structural Steel Fabrication in Canada, 466
- Boulton, William, Ltd., Continuous Pipeline Mixer, 152
- Boving and Co., Ltd., Operation of the Shin Hydro-Electric Scheme, 227
- Bowater Corporation, Electrical Drives, (Plate 5, 9.1.59)
- Bowater Steamship Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Constance Bowater"; Cargo Ship "Elizabeth Bowater", 69: "Nicolas Bowater" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
- Bowaters Southern Paper Co, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 398
- Bowden, A. T., Engineering Developments in Nuclear Power, 528
- Bowers, Eric H., Hydrostatic Tractor, 14
- Boyd, Sir Archibald, Obituary, 769
- Boyd, John, and Co., (Engineers), Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Boxall, A., and Partners, Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Brackett, F. W., and Co., Ltd., Water Supply at Hull. 774
- Braddyll, J. R. G., "Design", (554)
- Bradford Corporation, Replanning the Centre of Bradford. 168
- Brand, Charles, and Son, Ltd., Completion of Tunnelling Scheme on the Great Northern Line, 858
- Brattain, W. H., "Historical Development of Concepts Basic to the Understanding of Semi-conductors", 796
- Bray, George, and Co., Ltd., Lighting Progress. (828)
- Brayhead (Ascot), Ltd., Series of Turret Tuners Adaptable to Numerous Home and Overseas Requirements, 60')
- Breguet Co, 940 "Integral", (Plate 10, 9.1.59)
- Brentford Transformer Company, Ltd., High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348
- Bride, William L., Solution of Strain Gauge Rosettes, 144
- Bridge and Tank Company of Canada, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Bridges, F. W. and Sons, Ltd., Olympia in the Spring, 557
- Brightside Engineering Co., Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Brightside Heating and Engineering Company, Ltd., High Velocity Dual-Duct Air Conditioning System, 110
- Bristol Control Centre. Alternator Stability Tests at Poole Power Station. 13
- Bristol Aero-Engines, Ltd., "Porteus" Gas Turbines Adapted for the Royal Navy for "Brave Swordsman and "Brave Borderer". 89
- Bristol-Siddeley Engines. Ltd., A Big Risk. 45; Maybach "MD650" Engine of 1152-h.p. at 1500 r.p.m., 731; "Orpheus" Mark 801 Turbo-Jet, Gas Turbine Compressor Unit, 706
- Bristol University, Fatigue of Engineering Structures, 894; Fundamental Work on the Vibration of Ships' Panels, 71
- Bristol Waterworks Co. Newcomen Society's Summer Meeting, 966
- Britain Steamship Company. Ltd., "Wimbledon" and "Wes bridge" Cargo Ships, (Plate 12, 9.1.59)
- British Area Regulators Ltd., Car Ferry for Continental Services, 950
- British Air Registration Board, S.A.A. "Viscounts" Fitted with Aluminium Alloy Galleys, 314
- British Aluminium Company, Ltd., Welding of Thin Aluminium, 738
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Midlands- East Anglia Television Links, 699; Video Recording, 54
- British Cast Concrete Federation, Congress of Precast Concrete, 358
- British Council, Visit of Felix Candela to Britain in May, (608)
- British Electrical Power Convention, Britain and Nuclear Power in 1958, 16
- British Electricity Authority, "Standardised System". 30
- British Employers' Confederation, Education and Careers Exhibition, 464, 793; Expansion of Industrial Training, 232; Exporting Ideas, 406; Industrial Costs, 434; Industry's Medical Services, 898; Overtime and the Shorter Week, 780; Prices and Wages, 395; Restrictive Practices, .113
- British European Airways, Air Fare Differentials, 285; British Aviation Developments, 182; Contractors and Transport. 791: Test Bed for Turbo-Prop Engines at London Airport, 224; "Vanguard" Progress, 883
- British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., Fast Cargo Ship "Bulimba", 817
- British Industrial Plastics, Ltd., Acoustic Ear Muffs, 930
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Continuously Transposed Conductors, (693); Federation of British Industries, 628; High- Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 346; Mineral Insulated Thermocouples, 927; Submarine Power Cables, 52
- British Insulated Callendcr's Construction Company. Ltd., British Railways 50 Os Electrification, 618; High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348; 25kV A.C. Railway Electrification. (Plate 5, 2.1.59)
- British Insulated Callender's (Submarine Cables) Ltd., Submarine Power Cables, 52
- British Iron and Steel Federation, Automatic Rolling Mill Control, 897; British Iron and Steel, 742; British Steel, 547, 628; Education and Careers Exhibition, 793; Films on Steel, 547; Iron and Steel Gallery at Science Museum, 270; Iron and Steel Scrap, 434; Production and Capacity, 49; Scotland's Strip Mill Project. 155; Training Foremen, 470
- British Methane, Ltd., Liquefied Methane Carrier, 353
- British National Committee on Space Research, Satellites and Rockets, 466
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Air Fare Differentials, 285; Artificial Horizon with Stand-By Facility, 150
- British Overseas Fairs, Ltd., British Exhibition in New York, 470
- British Oxygen Company, Ltd., Computer- Controlled Port and Starboard Gas Cutting Machine for Steel Plate, 560
- British Petroleum Company, Ltd., Fiftieth Anniversary, (672); Grangemouth Refinery. (710); Kent Refinery, (345); Oil Find in Lincolnshire, (139)
- British Phosphate Commissioners, Cargo and Passenger Ship "Tri-Ellis", 33
- British Physical Laboratories. Impedance Bridge for Resistance, Inductance and Capacity Measurements, 575
- British Plaster Board, Ltd., Laboratories, Plant and Offices, 891
- British Plastics Federation, Centres on Inicetion Moulding Machines, (788); Convention on Plastics Technology, 388; Welding of Thermoplastic Materials, (40)
- British Polar Engines, Ltd., Direct Reversing Marine Vertical Two-Stroke Diesel Engine, Mark M45M, 715
- British Post Office, Britain's Telephones, 589; Telecommunications, 54
- British Productivity Council, Productivity, 667 British Railways, British Railways 50 c/s Electrification, 618; British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; British Railways in 1958, 8; Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765; Double-Bolted Facing Points, 390; Driver-Guard Communication in Trains, 664; Main-Line Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 889; Metropolitan Line Modernisation, 955; Motor-Generator Locomotives for Kent Coast Electrification, 267; Oil Engine Manufacture, 392; Oxford Road Station, Manchester, 468; Railway Electrification in East Anglia, 520; Railway Modernisation, (Plate 3, 2.1.59); Resignalling at Newcastle, 605; Self-Supporting Telephone Line, 858; Semi- Conductor Rectifiers, 53; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 759; Traction Voltage Indicator, 738; 2300-h.p. Diesel- Electric Locomotives, 696
- British Road Federation, Hammersmith Flyover, 230; Road Maintenance Grants, 196; Road Taxation and the Budget, 445
- British Tabulating Company, Ltd., Computer,. (Plate I, 9.1.59)
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; Diesel-Electric Locomotives. 421; Electrical Drives, (Plate 5, 9.1.59); Electrical and Mechanical Equipments for Marine and Industrial Application, 567; Locomotives for New Zealand, 506; Multiple Presentation Marine Radar, 454; Prototype Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 306; Prototype 330kV Lenticular Tank Oil-Circuit Breaker, 52; Semi-conductor Devices, 802; Semi-Conductor Rectifiers for High-Power Electro-Chemical Duty, 408; 75kW, 8.7 kc/s Vertical Shaft Motor-Alternator Set, 567; Synchronous Welding Control Equipment, Transistor Voltage Regulator, Three-Phase Automatic Circuit Recloser, 421 Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802; Universal Boring and Milling Machine with Electronic Controls. 505; Group Research Laboratory, Electro-Luminescent Panels, 802
- British Timken, Ltd., Traction Equipment of New Southern Region Electric Stock, 892
- British Transport Commission, BEAMA Annual Report, 464; British Railways 50 cfs Electrification, 618; British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; British Railways in 1958, 2, 8; British Railways Workshops, 820; Diesel- Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765: Driver-Guard Communication in Trains, 664; institution of Locomotive Engineers, (402); Progress With British Railways Electrification, 740; S.S. Maid of Kent, 950: South Wales Docks Modernisation, 470; 2300-h.p. Diesel- Electric Locomotives, 698; Unwanted Canals, 327
- British Twin Disc, Ltd., Derrick Cranes Fitted with Torque Converters, 895
- British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Company, Ltd., Large Industrial Mobile Vacuum Cleaning Plant. 272
- British Waterways. Barge-Mounted Excavator, 152; Ponders End Lock, 353
- British-American Chamber of Commerce, British Exhibition in New York, 470
- Broadbent and Co., (Rochdale), Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Brockhouse Steel Structures, Ltd., Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence, 270
- Brodie, J. L. P., Obituary, 500
- Bronx Engineering Company. Ltd., Levelling and Bending Machine, 509
- Brook Motors, Ltd., Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment, 352
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Brookhirst Igranic, Ltd., "BI-stat" System of Static Control Units, Additional Fitments for 25A and 50A "Arcmaster" Contactors, 461
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Two-Stroke, Double Acting Air-Compressor, 562
- Brown Bayley Steels, Ltd., Forging Press Contract, 75
- Brown Boveri, Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Brown, Boveri et Cie, A.G., Electric Equipment. Shipboard Compressors. Refrigeration Machinery, Contactless Control, Press-button, Control Desk, 743; Hoesch Broad Strip Mill, 550; Low Pressure Cylinder and Rotor of a 25MW Turbine for Korneuburg 11 Power Station, 705; Mcchanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 17, 19.6.59; Ochsenkopf Television. Tower, 901; Railways, Sunni. 5, 19.6.59; Universal Manipulating Machine the "AD-E100"; Welding Converter for Automatic, Semi- Automatic or Manual Welding, 705
- Brown, Boveri et Cie/Krupp Nuclear Working Group, High Temperature Reactor for a Thermal Output of 50MW, or 15MW Electrical, 781
- Brown Brothers, Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Ben- loyal", 426
- Brown, David, Corporation, Ltd., 42-13.H.P. Agricultural Tractor, 191
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., I.N.S. "Brahmaputra" Anti-Aircraft Frigate, 91
- Brown, John, and Co., (Clydebank), Ltd., Replacement of the "Queen" Liners, 597
- Brown-Firth Research Laboratories, Recent Industrial Films. 700
- Bruce, A. K., On the Bi-Centenary of the Birth of Robert Burns. 142
- Brunei Shell Petroleum Company. Ltd., Mobile Oil Drilling Platform "Orient Explorer", 312
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., Dry Flameproof Transformer, 460; Dry Type Flameproof Mining Transformer, 503; Heinz Factory at Kitt Green. 812: High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables. 348: Machine Control, 52
- Bryans Aeroquipment, Ltd., Pressure and Vacuum Test Equipment, (202)
- Brymbo Steel Works, Ltd., Pre-Refining Steel for Electric Furnaces, 685
- Buckle, G. H., and Partners, Ileint; Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Buckley and Taylor, Ltd., Water Distillation Using Waste Heat, 428
- Buhr Machine Tool Co, Semi-Automatic Machining Line for Transmission Cases, 709; Transfer Machine Tool, 361
- Buhrle and Co., Mechanicals Summer Visit. Suppt., 32, 19.6.59
- Building Research Station, Biomechanics as a Service to Man, 681; Building Trials with Large Perforated Bricks, 625; Multi-Storey Factories, 434: Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence. 270
- Bunge, J. H. 0., Obituary, 611
- Bureau of Aeronautics, Super-Cavitating Propeller for Ships, 38
- Burma Engineering Company, Ltd., Boring Machine for Coupling Flanges, 895
- Burness Corlett and Partners, Ltd., Fast Cargo Ship "Bulimba", 817
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner "Huntsfield". 106
- Burrough, James, Ltd., Distillery at Kennington, 545
- Butler Experimental and Electrical Company. Ltd., Roller Transporting Kit, 65 Transporter Skates, 928
- Butterley Company. Ltd., Temple Mills New I lump Marshalling Yard, 802; Preserving a Fen Pumping Engine 367
- Butters Bros. and Co., Ltd., Dry Dock Project on Tyneside. 391
- C.A.S. (Industrial Developments), Ltd., Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence. 270
- C.A.W.C. Sub-Committee on Water Resources, Using Water Over and Over Again, 325
- Cable and Wireless, Ltd., Automatic Correction of Telegraphic Errors, 394; Transatlantic Telephone Cable Orders, 467
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Company. Ltd., Cargo Ship "City of Hereford," 107; Cargo Ship "Constance Bowater".; Cargo Ship, "Elizabeth Bowater", 69; Cargo Ship "Menestheus", 106: Cargo Ship "Temple Main", (Plate 12, 9.1.59)
- California Toll Bridge Authority, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California. 630
- Caltex Tankkraft A.G., Rotterdam-Rhine Pipeline, 550
- Cambridge Instrument Company. Ltd., Control Co-ordinating System, 231; New Instrument Laboratory, (516)
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., "Grampus" Submarine, 89: "Talwar" Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate. 91
- Cammell Laird and Co. (Shipbuilders and Engineers). Ltd., Extensions to Existing Docks, 32
- Campbell. J. P., Train and Car Ferries, 577 Canada Iron Foundries, St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Canadair. Ltd., Strategic Freighter Order, 308
- Canadian General Electric Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 904
- Canadian Industries, Ltd., Gas Turbine for Industrial Duty in Canada, (282)
- Canadian Ingersoll Rand, St. Lawrence River Development. 913
- Canadian National Railways, Victoria Bridge on the St. Lawrence River, 950
- Canadian Overseas Telecommunication Corporation, Submarine Cable Telephone System Between Canadian Mainland and Newfoundland, 54; Transatlantic Telephone Cable Orders. 467
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co, Lifting Bridge at Caughnawaga on the St. Lawrence River, 950
- Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., Canadian Pacific Liner. (202)
- Canadian Vickers, Ltd., "Restigouche" Destroyer Escort. 90; St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Canamont Construction Co., Ltd., Cote Ste. Catherine Lock on the St. Lawrence River, 969
- Candela, Felix. Mexican Shell Structures, 770; Visit to Britain in May (608)
- Canit Construction Ltd., Cote Ste. Catherine Lock on the St. Lawrence River, 969
- Canning and Co., Ltd., Electrodeposition Research Centre, 545
- Cape Government Railways, Enlargement of East London Harbour, 154
- Carbon Dioxide Company. Ltd., Chapelcruss Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Carborundum Co, Advanced Materials Technology, 595
- Cargocaire, Ltd., Industrial humidity Control, 626
- Carolinas-Virginia Nuclear Power Associates, Incorporated, American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 825
- Carr Committee, Expansion of Industrial Training, 232; Training for Industry, 872 Carron Company, Bicentenary, 919
- Carruthers. J. H., and Co., Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 427
- Carter, F. C., Post Office "700-type" Telephone, 576
- Cass, G. R., "The Application of Ferrite~ to Railway Signalling Systems", (527)
- Cass and Philip, Ltd., Elapsed Time Indicators, 352
- Cathodeon, Ltd., Miniature Crystal Oven for Mobile Radar Equipment. New Plug-In Sub-Miniature Crystal Unit, 2M M, Matching in Size Transistors and Other Sub-Miniature Components, 609
- Cathodeon Crystals, Ltd., Miniature Crystal Oven for Mobile Radar Equipment. 609
- Cavendish Laboratory, Ncw Brit. I.R.L. Premiums, 544
- Cawkell Research and Electronics, Ltd., Equipment for the Non-Destructive Testing of Materials, 139; Storage Oscilloscope, 585
- Cayla, Bernard, Water Tower at Caen -La Citierini&e, 315
- Celotex, Ltd., Illuminated Acoustic Ceiling, 587
- Central Advisory Water Committee, Growing Demand for Water; Information on Water Resources, 351; National Water Resources, 308; Using Water Over and Over Again, 325 Central Eletricas de Furnas, Furnas Power Station. 358
- Central Electricity Authority, Electrical Engineering in 1958, 27: Electricity and Standards of Living, 923
- Central Electricity Generating Board, Alternator Stability Tests at Poole Power Station, I 1; Atmospheric Pollution, 406; Atomic Research Centre for Berkeley, 429; Britain and Nuclear Power in 1958, 16; British Railways 50 cis Electrification, 618; Chapelcross and Calder Hall, 713; Construction of 132kV Switch Douse at Belvedere, Kent, 454; Electrical Engineering in 1958, 27; Electrical Research Association, 888: Electricity and Standards of Living, 923 An Engineering Application of Reinforced Resin, 343; Engineering Developments in Nuclear Power, 530; 550MW Turbo-Generator for Thorpe Marsh Generating Station. 560; Fuel and Power Policy, 175; C.E.G.B. Generating Plant Installed in 1958, 55; Greer's Ferry, 165; Hams Hall "C" Power Station, 28; Nuclear Power, (Plate 9. 2.1.59); Submarine Power Cables, 52 Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322) Tests on Berkeley Reactor Pressure Vessel, 956; Thermal Efficiency of C.E.G.B. Power Station, 816; Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 941, 955; 200MW Turbo-Alternator for High Marnham, 666 Central Office of Information, British Exhibition in New York, 470
- Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nuckaire, Belgian Materials Testing Reactor, 35
- Centre d'Information du Nickel, Dr. Marcel Ballay, 358
- Centre Mondial de Promotion du fravail, International Institute for Labour Problems, 199
- Centre National des Industries et des Techniques, Brussels Exhibition. 34; Space Structures, (Plate 15, 2.1.59)
- CERN, Conference on High Energy Accelerators, 473; Council Meeting. 934; European Organisation for Nuclear Research, 238
- Ceylon Government Railways, Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765
- Chadwyck-Healey, Charles, Morgan Brothers (Publishers), Ltd., 226
- Chadwyck-Healey, Sir Edward, Morgan Brothers (Publishers), Ltd., 507
- Chalkley, A. P., Obituary. 653
- Chamber of Shipping, Chamber of Shipping Report, 355
- Chance Vought Aircraft Inc., "Crusader" (F8U-3) Aircraft, (Plate 13, 2.1.59)
- Chaplin. R. De. V., Suspension Pipe Bridges, 498
- Chapman, J. C., Design of Stiffened Plating in Compression, 292
- Chapman, J., and Sons, Ltd., Rubber-Bonded-to-Metal Laboratory, 818
- Charlton, H. E., Engineers, Ltd., Small Nitrogen Plants, (516)
- Charlton, N., Fairlie Locomotives, 610
- Charlton. T. M., Concept of Complementary Energy, 141
- Charnley, John, "The Lubrication of Animal Joints", 585
- Chatwood Milner, Ltd., Wind Tunnel Facilities, 179
- Chemical and Industrial International of Nassau, Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope. 943
- Chemidus Plastics, Ltd., P.V.C. Water Main, (723)
- Chemische Werke Hills, Glued Structural Steel Joints, 238; North-West Oil Pipeline, 358
- Chicago Bridge and Iron Co, Argonne Low Power Reactor in Idaho, 80
- Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway, Microwave Telephony for Railways. 111
- Child, H. C., "Vacuum Melting of Steels", 776
- Chine Shipping Company, Ltd., "Thackery" Short Sea Trader, 109
- Chiron-Werke G.m.b.H., Road-Marking Machine, 743
- Chugach Electric Association Incorporated, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Churchill Gear Machines, Ltd., Machine Tools, (Plate 11. 2.1.59)
- CIBA (A.R.L.), Ltd., Laboratories, Plant and Offices, 891
- C.I.G.S., The Defence White Paper —1959, 285
- Cinechrome, Ltd., Digital Computers, (868)
- City of Edinburgh, Refuse Separation-Composting Plant, 23
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Science Laboratory Technicians, 464
- Civil Engineering Construction Conciliation Board, Wage Increase, 155
- Clan Line Steamers, Ltd., "Clan Maciver" Cargo Ship, (Plate 12, 9.1.59); Cargo Ship. "Clan Menzies". 106
- Clarke Chapman and Co., Ltd., Fast Cargo Ship "Bulimba", 817; Fish Factory Trawler "Fairtry II", 739: Rescue and Salvage Tugs, 311; Self-Contained Ward-Leonard Winch for a.c. Supply, and a Production Model of a Steam Automatic Mooring Winch, 564
- Clark, H. E., Road Safety, 856
- Clarke, J. S., Heavy Oil Burning, (389)
- Clarke, S. G., Corrosion as a Design Problem, 847
- Clausen, Hugh, American Control. 768; Dirty Hands, 14; Engineering History and Records, 59; Training Machine Tool Designers, 125
- Clayton Dewandre Company, Ltd., Balanced Double-Acting Air Servo, 587 c Adaptable Vehicle Heater. 74; "Clayton-Still" Wire-Wound Heat Transfer Tubes for Industrial Application. 733
- Clayton Equipment Company, Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; Locomotives for New Zealand, 506; Mechanical Parts for Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 421; Prototype Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 306
- Clayton. P. S., Semi-Conductor Rectifiers for High-Power Electro-Chemical Duty, 408
- Clements, R. F.,, An Analysis of Ship-Model Correlation Data using the 1957 I.T.T.C. Line, 620
- Cleveland Bridge and Dorman, Long Partnership, Auckland Harbour Bridge, New Zealand. (Plate 8. 9.1.59)
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co, Auckland Harbour Bridge, 893
- Clifton and Baird, Ltd., Vertical Cold Sawing Machine, 896
- Clough Smith and Co., Ltd., Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- C.N.S. Instruments, Ltd., Tube Tester for Non-Magnetic Metals, 273
- Coal Utilisation Council, B.C.U.R.A. Twenty- First Anniversary. 702
- Cochran and Co., (Annan), Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Cochran, E. P., "Hydrocracker" Bearing Test Apparatus, 200
- Cole. Boris N., Non-Uniform Burning in a High-Speed Parallel Sided Combustor, 93, 129
- College of Advanced Technology, Education and Careers Exhibition, 793
- Collins (Overseas), Ltd., Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428
- Collins Submarine Pipelines, Ltd., Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428
- Colonial Broach and Machine Co, Turbine Rotor Slotting Machine, 241
- Colquhoun, Brian, and Partners, Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Colvilles, Ltd., Industrial Photography and Television, 700; "Public Accountability-. 275; Scotland's Strip Mill Project, 155
- Combustion Engineering Incorporated. American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 786: Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 848
- Commercial Solvents Corporation, Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Commissariat a I'Energie Atomique, French Atomic Developments, 35
- Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (C.I.E.), High-Speed Digital Computers, 239
- Commissioner for the Harbours and Docks of Leith, Motor Tug "Craig Leith". 109
- Committee of Inquiry into Inland Waterways, Unwanted Canals, 327
- Commonwealth Astronautical Committee, Space Flight Conference, 429
- Commonwealth Edison Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 787
- Commonwealth Spaceflight Committee, Space Flight Conferences, 429
- Communications Systems, Ltd., Trunk Dialling at Railways Exchange, 778
- Compagnie Electro-Mc'Tanique, French Observation Railcars, 396
- Compagnie Francaise d'Entreprise, Low Friction Valve Control, 629
- Compania Shell de Venezuela, 400-Ton Floating Crane for Lake Maracaibo. 590
- Concor Construction (Pty.), Ltd., Kyle Dam, Southern Rhodesia, 154
- Concrete Equipment and Metal Products (Westminster), Ltd., Two-Cylinder Hydraulically-Operated Concrete Pump, 782
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Claim for Shorter Hours, 355: Efficient Use of Engineering Manpower, 313: Restrictive Practices in Industry. 286; Wages and Hours, 713
- Connell, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 425
- Conn's Engineering Works, Aluminium Screens for South African Drive-in Cinemas, 235
- Conseil l'Etude. et la Documentation, International Congress for Building Studies, 199
- Conseil National de Patromat Francais, Annual General Meeting, 436
- Consett Iron Company, Ltd., Films on Steel. 547
- Consolidated Edison Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 785
- Consolidated Electrodynamic Corporation, Pressure Pickups, (161)
- Consolidated Machine Tool Division, Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium, West Virginia, 318
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd., "F.E." Range of Compressors. 562; Kyle Dam. Southern Rhodesia, 154; Raising the Kafue Bridge, 623; Self-Propelled Drilling Rig, 957
- Constock International Methane, Ltd., Liquefied Methane Carrier. 353
- Constructors John Brown, Ltd., Automatic Control of Hydrogen Production, (815) Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines. 428; Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Contraves, Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt., 32, 19.6.59
- Coode and Partners. Deep Water Pier at Bahrain, (Plate 14, 9.1.59)
- Cooke, Troughton and Simms, Ltd., Self-Aligning Surveyors' Levels, 148
- Cooper Roller Bearings Company. Ltd., 90in. Bore Angular Contact Ball Bearings, 678
- Cooper, W. Roylands, Obituary, 217
- Copperad, Ltd., Heinz Factory at Kitt Green. 812
- Cork Dockyard Ltd., Developments of Cork Dockyard. (906)
- Cornford, E. C., Research Rocket, 507
- Corning Glass Works, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 937
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., Earth Moving by Dredger, 22
- Council of Europe. Council of Europe Research Competition. 317
- Council of Industrial Design, Education for Design. 832
- Council of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Works Training. 3
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 894; National Engineering Laboratory, 664; New Brooms in D.S.I.R., 753; Work on Research Associations, 965
- Council of Underground Machinery Manufacturers, Mining Machinery Exhibition, 926
- Counting Instruments, Ltd., Electric Reset for Counters, (162)
- County Councils of Berkshire, Maidenhead By-Pass Motorway, 665
- Couves, L. J., and Partners, Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 716
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., C.D.4 Diesel Engine. 183; Godiva 40 Outboard Motor. 183; Mark K.F.4 Four-Cylinder Two-Stroke Water-Cooled Diesel Engine. 183
- Coventry Victor Motor Company, Ltd., "Neptune" Twin and Four-Cylinder Petrol Engines, 185; 16/20-h.p. "Victor Vixen" Transportable Power Pack, Lightweight Portable Compressor Set, Portable Aerohydraulic Testing Equipment. 733; "Victor Vixen" Horizontally Opposed Twin-Cylinder Diesel Engines, 185
- Cowley Concrete Company, Ltd.,- Chiswick Flyover, 22
- Cox, E. F. G., Obituary, 343
- Coyne, Andre, Kyle Dam. Southern Rhodesia, 154
- Cozens and Sutcliffe, Ltd., Demolition of Cannon Street Roof, 209
- Crabtree, J. A., and Co., Ltd., Electrical Handbook, (828); Heavy-Duty Contactor-Starters, 860
- Cravens, Ltd., New Trains for Metropolitan Line. 393
- Cremer and Brearley, Underground Gasification Experiments, 207
- Cristiani, Luigi. Tonnage Measurement. 694
- Crofts (Engineers). Ltd., "Croft-Ring" Flexible Coupling, A 16in. "Ritespeed" Motorised Conveyor Pulley. New Kinds of Universal- Mounting Gear Units, 733; Reduction Gear Units. 193
- Crompton Parkinson. Ltd., Adaptable Trunking for Medium Power Circuits. 153; British Railways Locomotive Orders. 353; Engine-Generator Set. 696; Fractional Horsepower Motors, 895; Range of Panel-Mounting Miniature D.C. Moving-Coil Ammeters. Volt Meters, and a Prototype of the Latest Addition to the Range of "Series 5" C.P. Motors, 502; Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station. 955
- Cronin, H. F., Retirement. 695
- Crossley Brothers. Ltd., "Carisbrooke Castle" Motor Ship. 887: Chaoelcross Nuclear Power Station. 719: Main Propelling Machinery for "Carisbrooke Castle". 887
- Crossthwaite, William, and Son. Tractor Tug "Banh'iry Cross". 104
- Crow, Catchpole and Co., Ltd., Medium-Capacity Plant for Coated Macadam, 433
- Cuhiertas Ala, S.A., Visit of Felix Candela to Britain in May. (608)
- Cubitts-Fitzpatrick-Shand. The "Set Piece" of the Road Programme, 909
- Cullum. H. W., and Co., Ltd., Test Bed for Turbo-Prop Engines at London Airport, 224
- Cunard Steam-ship Company, Ltd., Replacement of the "Queen" Liners, 597
- Curtiss-Wright Corporation. Rotary Precision Forging Plant at Buffalo. 159
- Cuthbertson, James A., Ltd., Crawler Tractors. 338
- Cuthbertson, R. H., Breaclaich Rockfill Dam. 64
- Cyclone Gate and Fence Company. Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Footbridge in Natal, 314
- Dale Benz. Incorporated, Stressed-Skin Aluminium Dome, 553
- Dalgiesh, R. S., Ltd., "Pennyworth" Ore Carrier. 108
- Dalton. Sir John, Obituary, 815
- Danish Laboratory for Welding, Organising Scientific Research, 616
- Danks of Netherton Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope. 943
- Dansk Betonvare Industrie, Congress of Precast Concrete, 358
- Darlaston Galvanised Holloware Company. Ltd., Plastic Finish on Metal Products, (660)
- Darwins Ltd., Permanent Magnet Chucks. 895
- Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd., Two Sets of General Purpose Diesel Engines, 266
- Davies Charlton. Ltd., Air Engines, 722
- Davies and Metcalfe. Ltd., Diesel-Electric ' Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765; Traction Motors and Control, 697
- Davy and United Engineering Company, Ltd., Forging Press Contract, 75; New Mill. (Plate 2, 9.1.59)
- Dawe Instruments, Ltd., Stroboscope, 853
- Dawson, Bros., Ltd., Component Washing Machine, (582)
- Day Summers and Co., "Norris Castle" Car Ferry, 886; "Princess Elizabeth", the Last of a Long Linz of Paddle Steamers, 886
- De Havilland Aircraft, Ltd., "Firestreak" Homing Missile. 68; "Gyron Junior" Engines. 8; Long Range Rocket, 66; "Spectre" for Saunders Roc "S.R.177", 68
- De Havilland Engine Company, Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353: Engine-Generator Set. 696; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741
- De Havilland Nuclear Power Group, High- Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor, 794
- Dean. J. and J., Ltd., Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- Decca Radar, Ltd., D.7 Series Consisting olSeven Marine Radars, Marine Automatic Plotter and Marine Dectra Equipment, 604 Industrial Photography and Television. 700: Radar Demonstration Unit. 73; Surveillance Radar at Test Airfield, 859; Visual Transmission of Train Information, 467
- DECHEMA, Achema Congress. 1961, 513
- Degenhardt and Co., Ltd., Precision Optical Measuring Equipment, 472
- DeLong Corporation, Mobile Oil Drilling Platform "Orient Explorer". 312
- Deloro Stellite, Ltd., Hard-facing Using Induction Heating. (322); "Spray-Fusing" Equipment for Hard Facing Components. 730
- Demag A.G., Hoesch Broad Strip Mill, 550; Demag Aktiengesellschaft, 200-Ton Floating Cranes, 435
- Demag Zug G.m.b.H., Travelling Cranes, 784 Demolition and Construction Company, Ltd., Blooming Mill Replacements, 223
- Denis Ferranti Meters, Ltd., Acoustic Ear Muffs, 930
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., Cargo Ship, "Nicolas Bowater", (Plate 7, 2.1.59), S.S. "Maid of Kent", 950; Vehicle and Container Transport "Ionic Ferry", 109
- Dent, E., and Co., Ltd., Centenary of the Westminster Clock, 914
- Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. Ottawa, Hydro-Electric Progress in Canada, 1958, (259)
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 894; Atmospheric Pollution, 405; Hydraulic Design of Channels and Pipes by "Wallingford Charts", 229; Installation of Instruments in "Hastings" Aircraft, 608; Long-Term D.S.I.R. Grants, 269; National Engineering Laboratory. 664; National Institute of Industrial Psychology Annual Report. 464; New Brooms in D.S.I.R., 753; New Equipment for Measuring Large Rates of Flow of Water. 729; Organising Scientific Research. 614; Performance of Handsaws, 929; Processing Coal, 638: Re-Organisation of Research. 831; Technical Colleges and Research. 391: Vigour in Machine Tools. 791; Water Pollution Research, 741; Wolfe Award: Atomic Frequency Standard of Time. 507; Work of Research Associations, 965
- Desourdy Construction Company, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development. 876
- Deutsche M.A.W. Strager and Co., G.m.b.H., Portable Diesel-Driven Air Compressor. 745
- Deutsche Shell A.G., Rotterdam-Rhine Pipeline. 550
- Deutsches Elektronen-Svnchrotron (D.E.S.Y.) Research Group, 40 MeV Linear Accelerator for Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, 310
- Development Areas Treasury Advisory Committee. Distribution of Industry, 539
- Dew. G., and Co., Ltd., Barton High-Level Bridge on the Stretford-Eccles By-Pass, 214
- Dimplex, Ltd., Portable Infra-Red Fire, 460
- Distillers Company, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station. 719
- Distributors Fishing Company (Aberdeen). Ltd., "Aberdeen Distributor" Trawler, (Plate 13, 9.1.59)
- Dollar Exports Council, British Exhibition in New York. 470
- Dominion Bridge Company. Ltd., Riviere des Prairies Bridge. Quebec. 276: Bridges on the Locks on the St. Lawrence River. 950; Honore Mercier Reconstruction on the St. Lawrence River, 971: Jac Cues Cartier Bridge, 876 St. Lawrence River Development. 913: Structural Steel Fabrication in Canada. 466
- Donovan Construction Company of Canada. Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development. 913
- Dore, John, and Co., Distillery at Kennington, 545
- Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., Universal Beam and Heavy Structural Mill. (Plate 3. 9.1.59)
- Dorman Long (Africa), Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Footbridge in Natal, 314
- Dorman Long (Bridge and Engineering). Ltd., Auckland Harbour Bridge, 893
- Dorman Long (Steel), Ltd., Large Industrial Mobile Vacuum Cleaning Plant. 272; Vertical Cold Sawing Machine. 896
- Dorman and Smith. Ltd., "Cubicon" Cubicle Switchboard. 502
- Dorman. W. H., and Co., Ltd., "LC" Engines, "6LCT" Engine of 200 b.h.p., "Q" Series of Engines, 603
- Doughty, G. H., Training for Design. 58
- Douglas Aircraft Co, Aircraft Engineering in the United States of America, 612. Competition and the Aircraft Industry. 597; "Skyhawk" A4D-2 Attack Aircraft. 60
- Douglas, Donald W., "The American Aircraft Industry", 612
- Douglas. R. M., (Contractors), Ltd; Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence, 270
- Dowell, T. M., Electromagnetic Vibration Generators in Resonant Fatigue Testing, 262
- Downie, George, John Morris Memorial Award, 898
- Dowson, P. M., Laboratories. Plant and Offices, 891
- Doxford, William, and Sons (Engineers). Ltd., Three Models of Ships Recently Completed, Mark 65 L.B.D.S.6 Oil Engine, Fuel Injection Timing Valve System. 679
- Doxford, William, and Sons (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Cargo Ships, "Administrator" and "Author". 106; Cargo Ships, "Birchbank" and "Streambank", 106
- Dracone Developments. Ltd., Flexible Oil Barge Progress, 392
- Drake, James, Northern Approach to Runcorn- Widnes Bridge. 627
- Drummond Brothers, Ltd., Automatic Cycle Multi-Tool Production Lathe, 543
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Ben- loyal", 427; Dry Dock Project on Tyneside. 391; Twin "Axoil" Forced Lubrication Pump, 735
- Du Pont Company (United Kingdom), Ltd., Elastomers Research Laboratory. 819
- Duckworth, R. A., Initial Protection of Structural Steel, 141
- Duff and Geddes, Breaclaich Rockfill Dam, 64
- Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd., High-Pressure Flexible Hose, 393
- Durham University, Detergents and River Pollution. 664
- Durrant, A. E., The Fairlie Locomotive, 14, 180; Mechanics of Train Running, 96
- Duyster, Ir., Space Structures, (Plate 15, 2.1.59)
- E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co., American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 825; Elastomers Research Laboratory, 819
- Eagle Tanker Company. Ltd., "San Edmundo" Tanker, (Plate 6, 2.1.59)
- East African Railways and Harbour Board. Large Locomotive Traverser, 662; Prototype Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 306
- Eastern Bloc's Economic Mutual Assistance. Council, Soviet Oil Pipe Line, 958
- Eastern Region of British Railways, Barking Flyovers, 73; Bethnal Green Bridge Reconstruction. 497; British Railways 50 cfs Electrification, 658; Completion of Tunnelling Scheme on the Great Northern Linc, 858: Eastern Region Modernisation, (938); 82-Ton Prefabricated Railway Bridge, 150; Main- Line Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 889 M.V. "Colchester". New Cargo Vessel for the Harwich-Antwerp Services. 305; Railway Electrification, 9; Railway Modernisation. (Plate 3, 2.1.59); Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 757, 799; Visual Transmission of Train Information. 467; Voice- Frequency Control of Traction Supply, 738 Easton, Amos and Sons, Ltd., Newcomen Society's Summer Meeting. 966
- E.C.S.C., Euratom Progress, 36
- Eckersley, T. L., Obituary, 301
- Economic Foundations. Ltd., Rig for Cylinder Piles, 967
- Edison Group, Nuclear Power Plant for Italy, 902
- Edwards, F. J., "Derivation of an Expression for Friction Coefficient", 585; "The Lubricating Properties of Synovial Fluid". 585
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Sheet Metal Guillotine. 897
- Eggers and Higgins, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
- Eisen - and Stahlwarenfabrik A.G., Programme-Controlled Suspended Electric Railway with Electronic Point Switching. 705
- Ekco Plastics, Ltd., Large Injection Moulding Machine, 394
- Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., "Darn" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
- Electric Construction Company, Ltd., Regulated Power Supply for Telecommunication Equipment, and an Electronic Control Panel, 504
- Electric Home and Farm Authority, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 438
- Electrical Installations, Ltd., High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348
- Electricite de la Lienne S.A., Swiss Power Schemes, 970
- Electricity Council, Electrical Engineering in 1958, 27
- Electro-Chemical Engineering Company Ltd., Metal Cleaning Equipment, 897
- Electrolube Sales Co, Contact Lubrication, (828)
- Electro-Methods, Ltd., Optical Monitoring of Feed Water Contamination, 113
- Electronic Switchgear (London) Ltd., Electrolytic Conductivity Recorder, 957
- Electro-Watt S.A., Mauvoisin Dam, (Plate 16, 2.1.59)
- Elektro Spezial G.m.b.H., Electronic Stroboscope, 782
- Elgar Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Mannaioni "Man-au-Cycle" High-Speed Automatic Screw-Cutting Machine; Mecof Boring/ Milling Machine; MOssner Heavy Duty Band Sawing Machine; Rambaudi Milling Machine, Utita Multi-Chuck, Ending, Centring and Boring Machine; Traub Single-Spindle Automatic Chucking Machine, 278; Weisser "Frontor 35" Semi-Automatic Turning Machine, 278
- Ellerman Lines, Ltd., Cargo Ship, "City of Lancaster", 107; "Malatian" Coastwise Ship, (Plate 13, 9.1.59)
- Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Radiation Monitoring Equipment for Field Use, 112
- Ellis, James W., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Ellison, George, Ltd., 1 IkV, 250N1VA Circuit Breaker Unit, and Oil Switch Unit. 423; Switchboard with Two Circuit Breaker Cubicles Controlling. Respectively, a 750k VA Transformer and a 600-h.p. Motor, 603
- Elm Engineering, Ltd., Welded Aluminium Tubes, 469
- Elmeso Werkzeugfabrik Elfried Mengel, Jaw Blocks, 824
- E.M.1. Electronics, Ltd., Closed Circuit Television Equipment Mark VI, 784; Control System for Automatic Weighing. 151; Driver- less Guided Industrial Truck System, 664; Electronic Positional Drilling Machine, 966
- Emanueli, Luigi, Obituary, 342
- "Energic Nucleairc S.A.", Atomic Power, Suppt. 9, 19.6.59
- Energia Nucleate Sud Italia, Nuclear Power in Southern Italy, 958
- Enfield Cables, Ltd., Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Engel, F. V. A., The Use of Non-Dimensional Groups. 534
- Engelhard Industries, Ltd., Catalytic Recombination Units, 139
- Engineering and Allied Employers National Federation. Claim for Shorter Hours, 355; Efficient Use of Engineering Manpower, 313: Restrictive Practices in Industry. 286; Overtime and the Shorter Week. 780
- Engineers Joint Council, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 865, 935
- English Electric Company Ltd., A Big Risk, 45; Air Engines, 722: Anglo-American Collaboration on Organic-Liquid-Cooled Reactors, 916; Automatic Rolling Mill Control. 897; British Railways 50 c/s Electrification. 618; British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353: Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere. Kent, 454; Electric Locomotives for South Africa. 508; Electrical Drives. (Plate 5, 9.1.59) Greer's Ferry, 165; Heavy- Current, Off-Load Isolator. New Range of Load-Breaking Fuse Switches, "9350" Series Washing Machine Motor and Maximum Demand Meters, 462: "Lightning" and "Canberra" Jet Aircraft, 808; "Lightning" Interceptor Aircraft. 61; "Lightning" Rocket Pack. (938); Main-Line Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 889; Motor-Generator Locomotives for Kent Coast Electrification, 268: New Electric Melting Shop, 686; P.1B. "Lightning" Fighter, 60; Tilbury Power Station, 29
- English Electric Valve Co. Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546; Germanium Rectifiers, 855; Midlands-East Anglia Television Links, 699; Radio Link With Travelling-Wave Tubes, 431; Storage Oscilloscope, 585; X-Ray Image Amplifier, 860
- English Electric-Babcock and Wilcox-Taylor Woodrow Atomic Power Group. Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
- English Steel Castings Corporation, Ltd., Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Films on Steel, 547
- English Steel Forge and Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Films on Steel, 547
- ENSIDESA (Empresa Nacional Siderurgica S.A.), Steel Melting Plant at Aviles, Spain, 236
- Ericsson Telephones. Ltd., Subscriber Trunk Dialling, (Plate 8, 2.1.59)
- Escher Wyss A.G., Axial-Flow Compressor for an Output of 6500kW, Eight-Stage Pusher Centrifuge, 704
- Escher Wyss Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt., 21, 19.6.59
- Esso A.G., Annual Meeting, 934; German Motorisation Trends, 237; North-West Oil Pipeline, 356
- Esso Petroleum Company. Ltd., Flexible Oil Barge Progress, 392
- Esso Research and Engineering Co, Oil-Fired Snow Disposal Equipment. 201
- Esso Standard S.A., Bordeaux Refinery. 668
- Esso Tankschiff Ruderei G.m.b.H., Annual Meeting of Esio A.G., 934
- E.T.R. Tankers, Ltd., "Llanishen" Tanker, 108 Etablissemcnts Benoto, Five-Cubic Metre, 160-h.p. Power Shovel, 782
- Euratom Commission, Euratom Progress, 35; United Kingdom/Euratom Atomic Energy Agreement, 254
- European Atomic Energy Community, United Kingdom/Euratom Atomic Energy Authority. 254
- European Coal and Steel Community, Fall in European Coal Output in 1958, 436; Production, Consumption and Exports. 50
- European Nuclear Energy Agency, High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Project, 415 European Productivity Agency. Fourth Symposium on Applied Research, 591
- Evans, J. I., "Silica Binders for Investment Castings", 798
- Everard, F. T., and Sons, Ltd Small General Purpose Tanker "Grit", 109
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., "Megger" Line- Earth Loop Tester, "Megger" Dielectric Testing Set, and a Pipe Type "Dionic" Conductivity Cell, s04
- Exhall Grinding and Engineering Company, Ltd., Suction Unit for Waste Removal, (554)
- Experimental Nuclear Power Station Consortium, Nuclear Power Projects, 704
- Export Credits Guarantee Department, Export Credits, 196
- Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd., Erratum, (906)
- Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, Highway Bridge of Light-Gauge Aluminium Cellular Construction, 592
- Fairclough, Leonard, Ltd., Slade Lane Bridge, 10
- Fairey Aviation Company, Ltd., "Delta 2" Research Aircraft, 61; "Gannet" Anti-Submarine Aircraft, 8: Machine Control, 53; Machine Tools, (Plate I I, 2.1.59); Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 955: World Record for Rotocraft, (122)
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. 426 "Chichester" Aircraft Direction Frigate, 88; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships. 741: Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 848 Ore Carrier "Morar", 373; Production of Fairfield-Stork Diesel Engine, 230
- Falmouth Dock and Engineering Co, Queen Elizabeth Dock at Falmouth, (Plate 14, 9.1.59)
- Farmer and Dark. Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere, Kent, 454
- Farnell Instruments. Ltd., Fuel Consumption Measurement. (322)
- Farr. A. E., Ltd., Ponders End Lock, 353 Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Farrell Construction Co, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 476
- Fawcett Preston and Co., Ltd., Grier-Mercier Hydro-Pneumatic Accumulator. Hydraulic Valves, 601
- Fazekas, G. A. G., "Hydrocracker" Bearing Test Apparatus, 200
- Federal Council for Science and Technology, Organising Scientific Research, 614
- Federal German Railways, Oil Engine Manufacture, 392
- Federal Institute of Technology, Technical Education, Suppt. 7, 19.6.59
- Federal Power Board of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 330kV Transmission System, 51
- Federation of British Industries, Annual General Meeting, 628 British Exhibition in New York, 470; Do Parents Earn These Scholarships ?, 676; Education and Careers Exhibition, 464, 793: Employment and Unemployment. 395; Export Trade Facilities, 616 F.B.I. Overseas Scholars, 628; Growing Demand for Water. 351; Industrial Trends. 313; Representations to the Chancellor. 167 Selling Overseas, 599; Water Pollution and Members of Parliament, 714
- Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors, Contractors and Transport. 791
- Federation of European Petroleum Equipment Manufacturers, Petroleum Equipment Congress, 824
- Federation of French Industries, Conseil National Du Patromat Francais, 436
- Federation National des Fabricants do Produits en Beton, Congress of Precast Concrete, 358
- Feldmuhle Sudplastik und-Keramik. Sintered Aluminium Oxide Cutting Tools, 783
- Felten and Guillaume Carlswcrk A.G., Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 901
- Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., Butyl Insulated Current- Transformer, Epoxy-Resin Voltage Transformer, Instrument Switches and High- Breaking Capacity Fuse-Links, 422; BVPI 7 Single-Busbar, Air-Insulated Metalclad Switchgear. ROP32 Oil Circuit-Breaker, Rotary and Control Switches, 422
- Ferguson Radio Corporation Ltd., Transistor- powered Instruments, 855
- Ferranti, Ltd., Aircraft Seat Reservations by Computer, 466; Anechoic Chamber for Research on Transformer Noise, 896; Artificial Horizon with Stand-By Facility, 150; Clip-On Ammeter for Railway Electrification, 626; Computers, (Plate I, 9.1.59); Digital Display Voltmeter, 194; High-Speed Flash Tubes, 352; High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348; Machine Control, 53; Portable Peak Accelerometer, 894; Selection of Klystrons, DC3 On-Load, Three-Phase Tap Changer, Remote Reading Meter and Billing Meter, 461; Simplified Code for Computer Problems, 272; Traction Voltage Indicator, 738; Transformer-Rectifier Units for Vickers "Vanguard". 231: Transistorised Desk Computer. 854; 2FX-Band Ferrite Isolator. 3Ff l Ferrite Switch. 609; Two-Rate Watt-Hour Meter, 115
- Ferranti-Packard Electric. Ltd., Aircraft Seat Reservations by Computer, 466
- Festo Maschinenfabrik G. Stoll, Four-Sided Automatic Planer-Moulder, 824
- Fewkes, P. L., Transportable Steam-Drisen Power Set, 856
- Fezer, Albert. Maschinenfabrik G.m.b.H., Lifting Tackle Using Suction Pads, 783
- Fielden Electronics, Ltd., Electronic Lesel Controller, 73
- Fierro Esponja S.A., Recent Industrial Films. 700
- Film Cooling Towers Ltd., Nitrogen Factory it Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Findlay, Alex., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Findlay and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity. 391
- Finkelstein. T., Air Engines, 492, 522, 568. 720
- Firma Paul Ferd. Peddinghaus, Flame Hardening with Oxy-Town Gas, 449
- First Atomic Power Industrial Group (F.A.P.I.G.), Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, 325
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Recent Industrial Films, 700
- Fischer, Georg, A.G., Construction Jig System, 705
- Fischer, Grorge. Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 19, 19.6.59
- Fisher Governor Co, Recent Industrial Films, 700
- Fisons, Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Fitzpatrick and Son (Contractors), Ltd., Doncaster By-Pass Motorway. 702
- Fleck, Sir Alexander, Non-Ferrous Metals Research Facilities. 846
- Fleck Committee. The Atomic Energy Authority. 18
- Floor Care Experimental Centre, Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment, 352
- Flug- and Fshrzeugwerke A.G., Light Structural Element in the Form of a Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Slab, 705
- Focke-Wull G.m.b.H., Hydraulic Lifting Trolley. 822
- Fodens, Ltd., Sectional Model of the Fa6 Mark III and the Complete Engines of the Marks FD.4, FD.6 and FD.12, 185
- Food and Agriculture Organisation, Atomic Waste Disposal, 278
- Ford Motor Company, Ltd., Design of Machine Tools, 482
- Formica. Ltd., Printed Circuits Exhibition. 585
- Forty, F. J., Constructing Route 11 from Aldersgate Street to Moorgate, (Plate 7, 9.1.59)
- Foster Transformers. Ltd., Toroidal Voltage Regulators, 274
- Foster-Wheeler, Ltd., Compressed Air Hose- Handling Installations at Fawley, 508
- Fawkes, W. S., "Investment Castings and Some Aspects of their Costs". 798
- Fowler, P. P., Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere, Kent. 450
- Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Hot Rolling Mill for Stainless Steel. 511; Steel Town, (828)
- France, William, Fenwick and Co., Ltd., Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 580
- Frank, Karl, 1000 kg Electronic Tensile Testing Machine, 823
- Frankfurter Maschinenbau A.G. vorm, Pokorny and Wittekind, "Hydroment" Hydraulic Power Elements, 744
- Frederickson and Watson Construction Company, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California. 630
- Freeman, E. R., 1959-60 Grid Tariff and Off- Peak Electricity Supplies, 380
- Freeman, Fox and Partners. Auckland Harbour Bridge. 893; Auckland Harbour Bridge, New Zealand, (Plate 8, 9.1.59); Demolition of Cannon Street Station Roof, 209; Maidenhead By-Pass Motorway, 665; Progress at the Forth Bridge Site, 429; Raising the Kafue Bridge, 623
- French Iron and Steel Research Institute, Oxygen Lime-Powder Steel-making Process. 317
- French National Railways, French Observation Railcars. 396
- French Railways, French Railway Electrification, 864
- French, W. and Co., Ltd., Barking Flyovers. 73; Bridge for Mono-Rail Transporter. 857; Metropolitan Water Board: New Works in 1958, 111; Railway Modernisation, (Plate 3. 2.1.59); Sewer Diversion at Hyde Park Corner. 467; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- Frieseke and Hoepfner G.m.b.H., Accessories for the "Lukas" Universal Hydraulic Tool System, 824
- Fry, D. W., Energy From Controlled Thermo• nuclear Reactions, 691
- Fuel Research Station, Atmospheric Pollution. 405; New Brooms in D.S.I.R., 753
- Fuller Electric. Ltd., British Railways 50 cis Electrification, 618; Resistor Transition Tap- Changer. 503
- Furnace Construction Company, Ltd., Electric Furnace Elements. 153
- Furness Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship, "Procyon", 106; Oil Tanker, "Violetta", 70; Tanker, "San Edmundo". (Plate 6. 2.1.59)
- Furness Withy and Co., Ltd., Ore Carrier "Edenmore", 107
- Gammon (Pakistan), Ltd., Deep Water Pier at Bahrain, (Plate 14, 9.1.59)
- Gardner. L., and Sons, Ltd., Air Engines, 722; "Medina", the First Motor-Driven Vessel for Isle of Wight Services, 886; Motor Ship for Southampton and Cowes Service, "Canisbrooke Castle", 886
- Gas Council of Great Britain, Liquefied Methane Carrier, 353
- Gate Electronics, Ltd., Telephone Answering Machine, 816: Warning Bell Simulated Electronically, 224
- Gear Grinding Company, Ltd., Machine Tools. (Plate I I, 2.1.59)
- Gebr. Canali. Heavy Horizontal Band Saw with Hydraulic Adjustment and Feed, 784
- G.E.C.-Simon Carves Atomic Energy Group, Hunterston Power Station. (Plate 9, 2.1.591 Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, 325, 389: Trawsfvnydd Nuclear Power Station. 914
- G.E.C.-Simon Carves. A.E.I.-John Thompson. and English Electric-Babcock and Wilcox-Taylor Woodrow Group, Export of Reactors, 20
- Gee, Walker and Slater. Ltd., Heavy Engineering Shop, 716; Multi-Storev Garage. 64
- Gelsenberg Benzin A.G., Rotterdam-Rhine Pipeline, 550
- General Dynamics Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 825: De Havilland High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor. 794: Nuclear Powered Attack Submarine "Skate". 92: Nuclear Powered Radar Picket Submarine. "Triton", 92; Prototype Submarine "Skipjack". 92
- General Electric Company, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 786, 825; Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa". 279: Engines for Nuclear Powered Submarine "Triton". 92; Exhibits at the American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 865: Infra-Red Progress. 37 "J-79" Variable-Stator Units, (Plate 13, 21.59): Nuclear Power Plant for the New "DLG(N)" Nuclear Powered Warship, 91: Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 477; Two-Shaft Arrangement of Steam Turbines and Gears for the Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser "Long Beach", 91
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Alternator Stability Tests at Poole Power Station. 11: Anglo-German Collaboration in Nuclear Power, 857: Demonstration of Air-Pressurised Electrical System, Various Systems of Busbar and Cable Trunking, 422; Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic. 765: Diesel-Electric Propulsion Machinery for Pilot Tender "Arnet Robinson, (Plate 13, 9.1.59): Export Prospects. 155; Fish Factory Trawler "Fairtry II". 739; Freedom from Glare in Lighting. 430; G.E.C./Simon-Carves Reactor, 754; General Purpose Vacuum Furnace, 779; Highland Water Power. 391; Impermeable Graphite Demonstration, 139; Japan's First Nuclear Power Station. 325, 389; Microwave Oscillator with Electrostatic Focusing, 860; New London Suburban Diesel Trains. 926; Niagara Falls Floodlighting Film, (660); Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741; Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 754 150MW Nuclear Power Station for Tokai-Mura, Japan, 622; "Osram" Lamps and Tubes. "Three-Eighty" Lantern for "Osram" 5ft., 80W Tubes, New Z8430CM" Lantern, Hose-Proof Weatherproof Fuseboard, 421; Silicon Rectifiers, 784; "Standarised System", 30; Standpipe Head Precision Tube. 678; Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre. 295, (440): Subscriber Trunk Dialling. (Plate 8, 2.1.59): Switch Functioning at Microwave Frequencies, 138; Temperature Control for Nylon Setting, 195; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard. 802; Withdrawable Relays. 393
- General Metals Corporation, Rotary Atomisers, 439
- General Motors Engineering Journal, A Good Grip on the Road. 167
- General Motors Suisse S.A., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 24, 19.6.59
- General Post Office, Aluminium Sheathing of Electric Cables by Direct Extrusion, 221; Automatic Correction of Telegraphic Errors, 394; Cheaper Radio-telephone Calls to Ships, (788); Midlands-East Anglia Television Links, 699
- German Air Force, German Aircraft Industry, 117
- German Federal Railway, German Locomotive Programme, 78; Installation of Further Diagrammatic Control Equipment, 473
- Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik and Mechanik, Ludwig Prandtl Memorial Lecture, 629
- Gesellschaft fur die Entwickiung der Atomkraft m.b.H., German Atomic Power Project, 358
- Gessler, J. K., Electrogyro Traction, 541
- Gest. J. M. Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Underground Gasification Experiments, 207
- Gibb, Sir Claude, Technology and Teachers, 365; Obituary, 128
- Gibbs and Cox, Incorporated, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
- Gibson, A. H., Obituary, 342
- Gifford-Wood Co, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
- Gillet, Guillaume, Water Tower at Caen--La Gueriniere, 315
- G.K.N. Reinforcements, Ltd., New Electric Melting Shop. 686 -
- Glacier Metal Company. Ltd., "Anti-Whirl" Turbine Bearing, 680; Self-Contained Self-Aligning Journal Bearing, 679
- Glamorgan Acid and Alkali Company, Ltd., Germanium Rectifier Cubicle, 53
- Glanville, W. H., James Forrest Lecture, 466
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Newcomen Society's Summer Meeting, 966; Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Portable Capstan Winch, 310
- Glover. I., Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere, Kent, 450
- Gomex, Carbide-Tipper Circular Saws, 744
- Goodier, A., Fully Transistorised Frequency Modulated Indicator for Field Tests, 374, 412
- Goodman, George, Ltd., Nylon Driving Chain, (649)
- Goodyear Pumps, Ltd., Marine Pressure Water Supply Set, Mining Pump Set for Face-Drainage, 732
- Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Company, Ltd., M.V. "Colchester, New Cargo Vessel for the Harwich-Antwerp Services, 305: Small General Purpose Tanker "Grit", 109
- Gourock Ropework Company, Ltd., Inflatable "Airhouse", 588
- Grace Line, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa" 279
- Grant Mills Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Graton and Knight. Ltd., Belt Dressing, (242)
- Graviner Manufacturing Company, Ltd., High Sensitivity Oil Mist Detector, 728
- Grayson, Rollo and Clover Docks, Ltd., Docks, 32
- Great Northern Telegraph Co Submarine Cable to Iceland. 586
- Green, T. E., Electrogyro Traction, 541
- Greenham Equipments, Ltd., Self-Erecting Jib Crane, 782
- Greenock Dockyard Company, Ltd., "Clan Maciver" Cargo Ship, (Plate 12, 9.1.59): "Clan Menzies" Cargo Ship, 106
- Gregory, R. W., and Partners, Dry Dock Project on Tyneside, 391
- Griggs and Son. Ltd., Multi-Storey Garage, 64
- Grimston Electric Tools, Ltd., Drilling and Boring Machine, 779; Unit Drilling Head, 310
- Griscom-Russell Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 937
- Grossrohrwer Mannesmann-Hoesch, North- West Oil Pipeline, 356
- Grundig Werke, Transistorised Dictating Machine, 591
- Gutehoffnungshiitte Sterkrade Aktiengesellschaft, Screw Compressors, 782; 30,000-Ton Floating Dock, 34
- Guyrex Equipment, Ltd., Trussing for Temporary Structures, 194
- G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- H.M. Dockyard, Aircraft Carrier "Victorious", 90; "Leopard" Novel Anti-Aircraft Frigate, 88
- H. F. Industrial Services, Ltd., V.H.F. Welder for Plastics, 115
- H.M. Stationery Office, Averages of British Rainfall. 1916-1950, (527); Electrical Accidents, 116; Hydraulic Design of Channels and Pipes by "Wallingford Charts", 229: Longer-Term D.S.I.R. Grants, 269; National Water Resources, 308; Safety Code for Radioactive Device, 667; Safety and Health in Shipbuilding, 589; Traffic and Highway Administration in the London Area, 193: Whitworth Fellowships, 683
- Hackbridge Cable Company, Ltd., Aluminium Sheathing of Electric Cables by Direct Extrusion, 221
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Company, Ltd., British Railways 50 c/s Electrification, 618
- Haefely, Emil, et Cic A.G., Automatic Oscillograph, 705
- Halbritter and Niephaus Maschinenbaugesellschaft, m.b.H., Fast-Cutting Bandsaw for Wood, Top Planing Attachment for Work- pieces, 745
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners. Completion of Tunnelling Scheme on the Great Northern Line, 858; Metropolitan Water Board: New Works in 1958, 1 1 l
- Hall and Co., Ltd., Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant, (Plate 4, 9.1.59)
- Hall, Alexander, and Co., Ltd., "Aberdeen Distributor" Trawler, (Plate 13, 9.1.59)
- Hall Engineering, Ltd., Wind Tunnel Facilities, 179
- Hall, I. M., "On the Heating Effect in a Resonance Tube", (748)
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Cargo Container with Built-in Refrigeration Equipment, 563; Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 426; Eight-Cylinder "Veeblock" Compressor, 562; Fast Cargo Ship "Bulimba", 817; Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 809
- Hall, Matthew, and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Hall Russell and Co., Ltd., Sugar Carrier "Sugar Transporter", 69; Up-River Collier "Ewell", 109
- Hailing, J., The Characteristic Method of Solution for the Problem of Plane Plastic Strain, 250
- Haltrac, Ltd., Lightweight Hoist, (162)
- Hammerson Property and Investment Trust, Ltd., Replanning the Centre of Bradford, 168
- Hammond, E., Refractory Concrete Moulds, 878
- Hamworthy Engineering Company, Ltd., Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 582
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., "Hancomatic" Oxygen Profiling Machine, 566
- Handley Page, Ltd., Aeronautics in 1958, 61
- Hardeman, Paul, Incorporated. SPERT-II1 Achieves Criticality, 321
- Hardings (Leeds), Ltd., Propeller Tachometer Equipment, 567
- Harland Drives, Ltd., Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre, 295, (440) Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Air Conditioning of "Orcades", 465; "Alaric" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59); "Blackpool" Anti-Submarine Frigate, 88; "British Honour" Tanker. (Plate 6, 2.1.59); Cargo and Passenger Ship "Tri-Ellis", 33; "Durtbank", "Garrybank" and "Minchbank" Cargo Ships, 106; 85,000 s.h.p. Twin-Screw Liner "Canberra", 567; Fast Cargo Ship "Bulimba", 817; Liner "Pendennis Castle", 31: "New Mexico" Oil Tanker, 70; Ore Carrier the "Iron Age", 107; Six-Cylinder Exhaust Turbo-Charged Vertical, Four-Stroke Auxiliary Engine, 60 c/s Three-Phase Revolving Field Salient Pole Marine Alternator, 735; "Trishul" Fast Anti-Submarine Frigate, 91
- Harris, A. J., and J. D., Aircraft Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 65
- Harris, L. E., Obituary, 573
- Harrison. McGregor and Guest, Ltd., Verge Trimmer, (699)
- Harrison, P. W., Measuring the Diameter Of Very Small Bores, 851
- Harte, J. G., The Fairlie Locomotive, 180
- Hartley, F. St. A., Science Museum Changes, 456
- Hartmann and Braun A.G., Electra-Dynamic Voltmeter with Light Pointer, "Complex Alternating Current Compensator", Electronic Compensating Recorders, 783
- Harvey, G. A., and Co., Ltd., Wind Tunnel Facilities, 179
- Hatfield Development Corp., Bridge for Mono-Rail Transporter, 857
- Hay, A/S., and Havtank "Stavern" Cargo Ship, (Plate 12, 9.1.59)
- Hawker Siddeley Aviation, Ltd., Short-Haul Transport, 741
- Hawker Siddeley Group, A Big Risk, 45; Aircraft Prospects, 354
- Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Company, Ltd., "Jason" Reactor for Training and Research, 582; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741 Organic Moderated Ship's Reactor, 755
- Hawthorn Leslie (Engineers), Ltd., Turbine Propelling Machinery, (Plate 6, 2.1.59)
- Hawthorn Leslie, Ltd., "Llandaff" Aircraft Direction Frigate, 88
- Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders), Ltd., "Caltex Newcastle" Tanker, 108; Full-Seale Trials Completed on the Hawthorn-Leslie Double Casing h.p. Turbine and Nozzle Leakage Eliminated, 72; "Halia" Tanker, (Plate 6, 2.1.59); "Jedmoor" Motorship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
- Hayes Engineers (Leeds). Ltd., Copy Milling Machine, 433; Machine Tool Demonstration, (402)
- Hayward Tyler and Co., Ltd., Air Engines, 722
- Head Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Dry Dock Project on Tyneside. 391; Process for Coal and Mineral Treatment, 824
- Head Wrightson Colliery Engineering, Ltd., Process for Coal and Mineral Treatment. 824
- Head Wrightson Machine Company, Ltd., Continuous Galvanising Line at Ebbw Vale, (Plate 2, 9.1.59); Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre. 295
- Head Wrightson Stockton Forge. Ltd., Fertiliser Plant, 466; Rufford Colliery Winding Plant. 190
- Hediger, H., Surface Finish Tester, 118
- Hedin, Ltd., Large Capacity Ovens, 701
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Adjustable Speed Fractional-Horse-Power Drive, and a Range of Stationary-Field Eddy-Current Couplings, 460; Test Bed for Turbo-Prop Engines at London Airport, 224
- Heinz, H. J., Company, Ltd., Factory at Kitt Green, 809
- Henderson, John M. and Co., Ltd., Derrick Cranes Fitted With Torque Converters, 895
- Henderson-Tate, R., Peak-Hour Travel, 218
- Hengstler, K. G., Electromagnetic Counters, 544
- Henley's, W. T., Telegraph Works Company, Ltd., British Railways 50 cfs Electrification, 618; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Plastics Joint Boxes for Cables, 586
- Hensoldt, M., and Soehne, Precision Optical Measuring Equipment, 472
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Lapping Attachment for Face Milling Cutters, 73; Tapping Attachment, 150
- Herbert, Edward G., Ltd., Adjustable Head Brinell Hardness Tester, 309
- Hertfordshire County Council, The "Set Piece" of the Road Programme, 909
- Heslop and Co., Ltd., Industrial Photography and Television, 700
- Heywood, S. H., and Co., Ltd., Large Locomotive Traverser, 662
- Hibberd. R. G., "Transistors and Associated Semi-conductor Devices—A Review of Progress", 797
- Higgs and Hill, Ltd., Development Scheme at the P.L.A.'s Royal Docks, 112
- High Voltage Engineering Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 935
- High Voltage Corporation, Nuclear Physics Research at Aldermaston, 917
- High-Duty Alloys, Ltd., Multi-Hole Extrusions, (304)
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd., Self-Aligning Surveyors' Levels, 148; 7000-Ton Magnet for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 838
- Hill, Charles, and Sons, Ltd., Rescue and Salvage Tugs, 311
- Hill, G. H., and Sons (Manchester), Ogston Reservoir, 23; Water Supply at Hull. 774
- Hill, Thos., (Rotherham). Ltd., Electrogyro Traction, 541
- Hiller Aircraft Corporation, Tilting-Wing tidier X-18, 105
- Hillier, M. J., Correlation of Thermal Stresses in Circular Cylinders and Flat Plates, 56, 95
- Hilton, W. F., Wind Tunnel Investigations, (Plate 11, 9.1.59) "Hinchcliffe", Launching Ballistic Missiles from Ships, 610
- Hindle, Joshua, and Sons, Ltd., Gate Valves, 627
- Hirst Electronic. Ltd., Welding Current Measurement, 151
- Hivolt, Ltd., High-Voltage Electrostatic Generator, 463
- Hochreuter and Baum Maschinenfabrik, Adjustable Friction Clutch, 199
- Hodgson Committee, The Yard and the Pound (Avoirdupois) for Science and Technology, 137
- Hoesch-Werke Aktiengesellschaft, Hoesch Broad Strip Mill, 548
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Traction Equipment of New Southern Region Electric Stock, 892
- Hojalata y Lamina, Recent Industrial Films, 700
- Holland-America Line, Holland-America Liner "Rotterdam". (477)
- Holland, Hannon and Cubitts (Great Britain), Ltd., Doncaster By-Pass Motorway, 702
- Holloway, Edward, Why Restrict Output, 499
- Holman, A. Treve, Obituary, 953
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Hydraulically-Operated Rock Drill Feed Leg, 153; Remote Controls for Air Motors, 432; Trailer Mounted Compressor, (122)
- Holman Group, Air Cylinders and Control Valves, 732; Marine Pressure Water Supply Set, Mining Pump Set for Face-Drainage, 732
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., Gas-Fired Inert Gas Generator of 3,000 Cubic Feet per Hour Capacity, Electrically Reactivated Solid Desiccant Dryer, 641
- Holmpress Piles, Ltd., Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- Holset Engineering Company. Ltd., Complete Range of Holset Turbo-Chargers, Flexible Rubber-Block Couplings Including Botn Wedge Block and Round Block Designs, 735
- Holt, Alfred, and Co., Ltd., "Menestheus" Cargo Ship, 106 ,
- Holt, H. P., Demolition of Cannon Street Station Roof, 209
- Hommel Werke, Surface Texture Reproduction, 864
- Hootscn. Ir. A., "The Stork Marine Diesel Engine", (540)
- Hoover. Ltd., Continuous Rotary Milling Machines, 433
- Hopkins, George, and Sons, Ltd., Ultrasonic Beer Fobbing, 929
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Small Oily Water Separator, 273
- Horsehay Furnace Co. Horsehay Blast-Furnaces, 424
- Houlder Line, Ltd., "Denby Grange" Oil Tanker, 70
- Howard, John, and Co., Ltd., Forth Road Bridge. 21: Progress at the Forth Bridge Site, J 429; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
- Howden, James. and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Hudson, G. J., Heavy Oil Burning. (389)
- Humber Graving Dock and Engineering Company, Ltd., Docks, 32
- Humphreys and Glasgow Ltd., Romford Gas Reforming Plant, 842; Underground Gasification Experiments, 207
- Hunt and Mitton, Ltd., Pneumatically-Operated J Four-Way Valve for Operating a Double- Acting Hydraulic Cylinder. 734; Two Pressure Hydraulic Throttling Valves. (122) Hurth, Carl, Maschinen- and Zahnradfabrik, Two-Speed Gearbox for Uninterrupted Torque Transmission, 744
- Husband and Co., Cadeby Colliery, (Plate 12, 2.1.59)
- Hydraulics Research Board, Manchester Ship Canal, (440)
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Ltd., Automatic Variable Delivery Constant Pressure Pump, "Hi-Lo" 2i-h.p. Double-Spindle Pump, 600; Hydraulic or Pneumatic Actuators, 468
- Hydraulics Research Station, Wave Action on Moored Ships, 741
- Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario. 200MW Turbo-Generators, 29
- Iliffe and Sons. Ltd., "Data Processing". (162)
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Automatic Control of Hydrogen Production, (815); Bulk Production of Pure Silicon in Britain, (322); Education and Careers Exhibition, 793; Experiments on the Compressive Strength of Anhydrite. 288; Fibre Filter for Acid Mists and Fumes, 624; Gas Turbine for Industrial Duty in Canada, (282); "Intro- view" Flaw and Corrosion Detector, 680; New Silicone Compounds, (516)
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, 69; Experimental Work to Verify Mathematical Methods for Calculating Stresses in High Temperature and Pressure Steam Lines, 71; Ferrites in Railway Signalling, (527)
- Independent Television Authority. Burnhope Television Station, Co. Durham, 146
- Industrial Hydraulics, Ltd., Hydraulic Accumulators, 231
- Industrial and Trade Fairs Ltd., Engineering, Materials Exhibition, (963): Industrial Photography and Television. 700; international Convention on Transistors, 796
- Industrial Training Council, Assistance for Training, 898; Training for Industry, 872
- Institut International pour l'Etude des Problemes Humains du Travail, International Institute for Labour Problems, 199
- Intermit, Ltd., "Comprair" Compressed Air Filters, "Far-Air" Filtration and Air-Conditioning Products, "Birfield-Hilco" Oil Maintenance Equipment, 735
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Atomic Waste Disposal, 278; Euratom Progress, 36; I.A.E.A. Signs Uranium Deals, 591
- International Study of Atomic Liability, 277
- International Combustion, Ltd., Heavy Engineering Shop, 736
- International Combustion (Holdings), Ltd., Trawsfynydd Power Station, 955
- International Committee on Space Research (C.O.S.P.A.R.), Rocket Development in 1958. 24
- International Computers and Tabulators, Ltd., Digital Computers, (868)
- International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, International Congress for Building Studies, 199
- International Council of Scientific Unions, Unesco and Science in 1959-60, 118
- International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Operational Research. 44
- International General Electric Company, Boiling Water Reactors, 20: Nuclear Power in Southern Italy, 958
- International Geophysical Year. Rocket Development in 1958, 24; "Skylark" Rocket, 66; Unesco and Science in 1959-60, 118
- International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Conference on High Energy Accelerators, 473
- Ipsen Industries, Inc., Control of Furnace Atmospheres. 432
- Iron and Steel Board, British Iron and Steel, 955; British Steel, 443, 547; Iron and Steel, 155, 313, 470, 820 Iron and Steel Prices, 898: Scotland's Strip Mill Project, 155 Shipbuilding Statistics, 667; Steel Development Programme, 49
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation. British Iron and Steel, 742
- Ironmonger, The, "The Ironmonger" Centenary, 833
- IRSID, Oxygen Lime-Powder Steel-making Process, 317
- Ishikawajima-Koehring, Spanish Excavator Factory, 513
- Jackson. S. B., 1959-60 Grid Tariff and Off- Peak Electricity Supplies, 211
- Jacob, W. and R., and Co., Ltd., Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence, 270
- Jager, A. and R., Motorised Hand Shovel, 706
- James, R. T., and Partners, Dry Dock Project on Tyneside, 391; Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Janin, A., Company, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Japan Atomic Power Co, Export of Reactors, 20; Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, 325, 389; 150MW Nuclear Power Station for Tokai-Mura, Japan, 622
- Jarvis, J., and Sons, Ltd., Construction of 132kV Switch House at Belvedere, Kent. 454; Metropolitan Water Board: New Works in 1958, I 1 I
- Jarvis, J., and Co., New Instrument Laboratory, (516)
- Jessop, H. T., The Work of Coker and Filon in Photoelasticity. 656
- Jessop-Saville, Ltd., Vacuum-Melting of Metals, 607
- Jodrell Bank, Moon as Radio Reflector, 816
- Joint Committee for National Certificates in Metallurgy. Institution of Metallurgists, 816
- Joint Committee on Structural Concrete, Visit of Felix Candela to Britain in May, (608)
- Joint Iron Council, Iron Castings Production, 395: Iron and Steel, 820
- Johns. Slater and Haward, Timber Shell Roofs. 353
- Johnson, Matthey and Co., Ltd., Cobalt- Platinum Alloy "Platinax II", (122): "Mallory" 1000. 274; Tool Shank Material, (710)
- Johnson and Phillips. Ltd., Dry Dock Project on Tyneside. 391: 150MVA, 3.3kV Oil-Circuit Breaker. 460; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard. 802
- Johnson, R. A., Obituary, 383
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., High Precision Cylindrical Grinding Machine, 274
- K. and L. Steelfounders and Engineers, Ltd., Mobile Crane, 587
- K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd., Sheathed Element Glow Plugs, 588
- Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, Highway Bridge of Light-Gauge Aluminium Cellular Construction, 592; Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium, West Virginia, 318; Stressed-Skin Aluminium Dome, 553
- Kaiser Engineers-ACF Industries, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Kaiser, Henry J., Company Technological Progress in the Steel Industry, 747
- Kalla-Bishop. P. M., Fairlie Locomotives, 652
- Karachi Electric Supply Corporation. Conservation in West Pakistan, 507
- Karcher, Alfred, Range of Steam Generators, 823
- Karo, D., Accurate Speed-Torque Tracer for Electric Motor Testing, 248
- Kassbohrer, Karl Fahrzeugwerke G.m.b.H., Electro-Hydraulic 6-7-Ton Trailer, Universal Auto-Crane "KS36", 745
- Kaylor and Pick, Ltd., Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Kaymat, Ltd., Research Laboratories Extension, (695)
- Kearns, H. W., and Co., Ltd., Universal Boring and Milling Machine with Electronic Controls, 505
- Keelavite Hydraulics, Ltd., Hydraulically-Operated 1-ton Winch, Hydraulic Steering Unit, 730
- Keir, J. L., and Co., Ltd., Cadeby Colliery, (Plate 12, 2.1.59)
- Kellogg International Corporation, Kent Refinery, (345); Recent Industrial Films, 700
- Kellogg M. W., Company, Recent Industrial Films, 700
- Kelvin and Hughes (Marine). Ltd., Unit Radar System for Ships, 109
- Kennedy and Donkin. Operation of the Shin Hydro-Electric Scheme, 227
- Kennedy, W., Ltd., Portable Power Hacksaw, 626
- Kent. George, Ltd., Chaplecross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Strip Chart Indicator-Recorder, 352
- Kerr Stuart and Co., Ltd., Preservation of Two Contractors' Locomotives, 776
- Kiewit, Peter, Sons' Company, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in. California, 630
- Kilpatrick, James, and Sons, Ltd., Chapelcross. Nuclear Power Station, 719; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity, 391
- King. C. R., Electricity and Standards of Living, 923
- King's College, Biomechanics as a Service to Man. 681 Theoretical Work on Aspects of Entrained Water Effect on Hull Vibrations, 71; Symposium on the Treatment of Waste Waters, (554)
- Kinnear Moodie and Co., Ltd., Colliery Modernisation, 51; Metropolitan Water Board: New Works in 1958, 111
- Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz Aktiengesellschaft, Emergency Generator Set of 36kV A Capacity, 1500 r.p.m.
- Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, American Nuclearing Engineering Conference, 825
- Knottley Peter, Road Safety. 726, 804
- Kodak. Ltd., Radiation Monitoring Film, (906)
- Koehring Co, Spanish Excavator Factory, 51i
- Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG., Hinterrhein Scheme. Suppt. 13. 19.6.59
- Krauss-Maffei Aktiengesellschaft, "V40-550" Injection Moulding Machine, Enclosed Mixer for Plastic Substances, 744
- Krosse, H., Replacement of Bridge at Wilhelm, 590
- Krupp, Fried., B.B.C./Krupp High Temperature Reactor for a Thermal Output of 50MW, or 15MW Electrical, 781; Maschinen-und Stahlbau Rheinhausen, Replacement of Bridge at Miilheim, 590: Track Laying Support, Light-Weight Compressors for Driving Railway Tamping Tools. 821
- Krupp-Ardelt G.m.b.H., Mobile Crane, Mechanical Dust Extractor, 822
- Kubon. W. J., Company, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630
- Kuhr, Gustav, Self-Righting Lifeboat, 668
- Kunz, Alfred, and Co., Ochsenkopf Television Tower. 901
- Kyle, Stewart, (Contractors), Ltd., Completion of Tunnelling Scheme on the Great Northern Line, 858
- Kynos S.A., Spanish Excavator Factory, 513
- La Technique Integrale, Low Friction Valve Control. 629
- Lacey. G., Telford Gold Metal Award, 464
- Lacrinoid Products, Ltd., Container for Liquids, 741
- Laing, John, and Son Limited, London-Birmingham Motorway. (Plate 1, 2.1.59); Maidenhead By-Pass Motorway, 665; Motorway Bridgeworks, (Plate 2, 2.1.59); The "Set Piece" of the Road Programme, 909; Shell-Roofed Hangars at Abingdon. 65; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
- Laithwaite and Bak, Distillery at Kennington, 545
- Lalonde and Valois, Honore Mercier Reconstruction on the St. Lawrence River, 971
- Lamberton and Co., Ltd., Blooming Mill Replacements, 223
- Lamont. James, and Company. Ltd., River Mersey Ferry "Royal Daffodil 11", (Plate 13, 9.1.59)
- Lancashire County Council, Closing of, the Preston By-Pass, 171
- Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products. Ltd., Electromagnetic Counters, 544; Electronic Process Timers, 151; Level Control and Indication. 115
- Lancashire Dynamo Nevelin, Ltd., Electrical Drives, (Plate 5, 9.1.59); "Varionic" Variable Speed Drive, 53
- Lancashire Steel Corporation. Ltd., Blooming Mill Replacements, 223
- Lancers Machinery, Ltd., Side Loader Transporters, 273
- Land Pyrometers. Ltd., Radiation Pyrometer for Foundry Measurements, 189
- Langham Thompson, J., Ltd., Rapid Process Photography, 352
- Larke, Sir William. Obituary, 727
- Lasker Boiler Works, Argonne Low Power Reactor in Idaho, 81
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 426; "Corrector" Winch for A.C. and D.C. Supply. 642; Fusegear Testing Facilities. 348; Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943; Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Lausanne Polytechnic. Suppt. 9, 19.6.59
- Le Bas Tube Company, Ltd., Construction Jig System. 705
- Lehane, Mackenzie and Shand, Ltd., Doncaster By-Pass Motorway, 702; Ogston Reservoir, 23
- Lehigh University. Highway Bridge of Light-Gauge Aluminium Cellular Construction, 592
- Leicester, Lovell and Co., Ltd., Plastics Products, 584
- Lewis, Frank, and Co. (London). Ltd., High-Speed Hydraulic Press, 191
- Lewis W. B., Canadian Atomic Energy Development, 646
- Ley Colbeck and Partners, Proposed Lecture Theatre, 820
- Leybold - Hochvakuurn - Anlagen G.m.b.H., Vacuum Gauge, "Thermotron 11" Hot-Filament (Pirani) Gauge, Ionisation Gauge. 783
- Leybold's, E., Nachfolger, Vacwim Gauge, "Thermotron II". Hot-Filament (Pirani) Gauge. Ionisation Gauge, 783
- Leyland Motors. Ltd., Fuel Consumption Measurement, (322); UE250 Four-Cylinder Industrial Engine, Six-Cylinder UE350 Industrial Engine, Ajax "Argonaut" Turbo-Charged Engine. 604
- Libra Compania Naviera S.A., Oil Tanker "N. Georgios", (Plate 6, 2.1.59)
- Liebman. R, C., International Fair at Liege, 199
- Limi Torque Valve Controls. Ltd., Automatic Valve Actuation. 515
- Lincoln Electric. Ltd., Equipments for Automatic Arc Welding, 566; 384ft. Geodesic Dome. 360
- Lincoln Electric Company, Ltd., Twin-Head Automatic Submerged Arc Tractor Head, "Arcmaker" Silicon Rectifier-Transformer, 565
- Lind. William, and Son, Highland Water Power, 391
- Lindt and Spriingli, Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 32, 19.6.59
- Lisborg, Niels, Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Lister Blackstone Rail Traction, Ltd., Prototype Diesel-Electric Locomotive. 306
- Lithgows, Ltd., Ore Carrier "Morar", 370 Livesay, Edward H., Rough-Riding Locomotives, 140
- Liversedge and Associates, Multi-Storey Garage, 64
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Lloyd's Annual Report, 434: Lloyd's Shipbuilding Returns, 155; Merchant Ships Lost, (845): Returns for the First Quarter of the Year, 703; Ships Launched in 1958, 308; Table 1—Ships Under Construction, 32; Work at the Glengarnock Testing Establishment, 69
- Lobeck Casting Processes Incorporated, Continuous Casting Machine for Aluminium Strip, 595
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, F-I04A "Star- fighter", 61; Three World Records for Aerodynes. 61
- Loher and Sohne G.m.b.H., Electric Motors for Lifts and Materials Hoists. 823
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Co, Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium, West Virginia, 318; Automatic Steel Bar Processing Line, 552
- Londex, Ltd., Plug-In Relay. 310
- London Computer Centre, Simplified Code for Computer Problems, 272
- London County Council, Blackwall Tunnel Duplication, 737; Civil Engineering in London, (Plate 7, 9.1.59); Detergents and River Pollution, 664; Hammersmith Flyover, 230; L.C.C. and Town Development, 540; "Post-Planning" London's Roads, 444; Proposed Strand Underpass, 894; Roads Much in the News, 205; Sewer Diversion at Hyde Park Corner, 467; Traffic and Highway Administration in the London Area, 193
- London Ferroconcrete Company, Ltd., Aircraft Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 65
- London Midland Region of British Railways, Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765; Double-Bolted Facing Points, 390; Esk Viaduct Reconstruction, (463); Locomotives, (Plate 4, 2.1.59): New London Suburban Diesel Trains, 926; Railway Electrification, 9; Railway Modernisation, (Plate 3, 2.1.59); Slade Lane Bridge. 10: 2300-h.p. Diesel- Electric Locomotives, 696
- London School of Economics, Engineers and Business Administration, 481
- London and Thames Haven Oil Wharves, Ltd., Oil Facilities at Thames Haven, 893
- London Transport, Diameter Gauge for Use With Ground Wheel Lathe, 431; Mechanical Wrapping of Silicone Insulation, 927; Metropolitan Line Modernisation. 955; New Lighting at Underground Stations, 579; New Trains for Metropolitan Line, 393: Peak-Hour Travel, 126; Trouble on the Tube, 86
- London University, Training in Radiation Dangers, 816
- Longley, James, and ltd., High-Voltage
- Laboratory for Power Co.,dables, 348; Research Laboratories Extension, (695)
- Lorient Navy Yard, Fast Anti-Submarine Frigates "L'Agenais", "L'Alsacien" and "Le Bearbais", 93
- Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos Power Reactor Experiment, No. 2, 747
- Losenhausenwerk, Diisseldorfer Maschinen-bau A.G., Oil-Hydraulic Units, 824
- Lotus Engineering Co., Ltd., Competition Car Evolution, 222
- Lovell, A. C. B., Moon as Radio Reflector, 816 Low, Archibald, and Sons. Ltd., Aluminium Gratings and Treads, 74
- Lowrie. G., Fibre Filter for Acid Mists and Fumes, 624
- Ltee, P. Baillargeon, Cote Ste. Catherine Lock on The St. Lawrence River, 969
- Lucas, Joseph, Ltd., Pneumatically-Operated Register for Boilers, 729
- M. A. Hanna Co, Technological Progress . in the Steel Industry, 746
- Maag Gear Wheel Co., Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 26, 19.6.59
- McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Son, Ltd., Gatwick Airport, (Plate 6, 9.1.59)
- McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Son (Rhod.) (Pvt.), Ltd., Kyle Dam, Southern Rhodesia, 154
- McAlpine and Concor (Pvt.), Kyle Dam, Southern Rhodesia, 154
- McAlpine, Sir Robert and Sons. Ltd., Derrick Cranes Fitted with Torque Converters, 895; Doncaster By-Pass Motorway, 702; Shell Building on the South Bank, (Plate 7, 9.1.59); Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
- McAlpine, Sir Robert. and Sons (North-Eastern), Ltd., Dry Dock Project on Tyneside. 391
- McCalls Macalloy, Ltd., Bars for Prestressed Concrete, 698
- McClimont, W., "Fuel Problems in Merchant Ships, (259); Boiler Refractories: Operating Temperatures, 701
- MacDonald, Sir Murdoch. and Partners, Operation of the Shin Hydro-Electric Scheme, 227; Telford Gold Medal Award, 464
- Macfarlane Watson, Ltd., Pneumatics and Hydraulics Exhibition. (619)
- MacGregor-Morris, J. T., Obituary, 500
- McKenzie, D. S., "The Provision of Workable Substitutes for Missing or Defective Limbs", 585
- McLellan and Partners, Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre, 295, (440)
- McLeod, R. J., (Contractors), Ltd., Breaclaich Rocktill Dam, 64
- McLouth Steel Corporation. Technological Progress in the Steel Industry, 747 McNamara-Pigott-Peacock Construction Company, St. Lawrence River Development, 876, 912
- McWane Cast-Iron Pipe Co, Technological Progress in the Steel Industry, 747
- Madan, Charles S., and Co., Ltd., Portable Pressure Source, (489)
- Maillart, Robert, Concrete Bridges, Suppt. 14, 19.6.59
- Maksutov, D., Six-Metre Reflecting Telescope, 958
- Management Training (P.E.), Ltd., Management Training, (710)
- Manchester College of Science and Technology, Scholarships for Machine Tool Designers, 149; Training Machine Tool Designers, 125; Vigour in Machine Tools, 791
- Manchester Ship Canal Co Manchester Ship Canal, (440)
- Mancuna Engineering, Ltd., Fibre Filter for Acid Mists and Fumes, 624
- Manley, C. V., Further Study of Ship Losses, 661
- Mannesmann-Meer A.G., Pipe Welding Transformer with Air-Cooled Primary Winding, Vertical Double-Acting Oil-Less Compressor of 135-h.p., 782
- Marbaix, Gaston E., Ltd., Groove and Deep Bore Gauges. 956; Turbine Rotor Slotting Machine, 241
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., F. M. Carrier Deviation Meter. 152; Low-kV Mobile Industrial X-Ray Set, 113; Portable Industrial X-ray Apparatus, Cabinet Suitable for the Direct Visual Examination of Objects, 680; Telecommunication Measuring Equipment, 225; X-Ray Image Amplifier, 861
- Marconi International Marine Communication Company. Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 426; Radar for &nth Craft, 508
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company. Ltd., Automatic Correction of Telegraphic Errors, 394; Burnhope Television Station, Co. Durham, 146: Closed-Circuit TV for Document Viewing, 966; Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546; Ferrite Isolators, 141: Industrial Photography and Television, 700; Midlands-East Anglia Television Links, 699; New Port Radar Station at Liverpool, 227; Radio Link With Travelling-Wave Tubes, 431: Telecommunications. 54: Television in a Steel Works, 777; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Guided Missile Nuclear Powered Submarine "Halibut", 92: "Sargo" Atomic Submarine. 92
- Marine Industries Ltd., Dredging Lake St. Louis on the St. Lawrence River, 971; St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Marine Products and Engineering Co Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
- Maritime Steel and Foundries, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Mark, H. F., "New Polymers: New Problems". 543
- Marles Bearing Company, Ltd., Ball Bushings, 229
- Marshall Andrew and Co., Ltd., Distillery at Kennington. 545
- Martin Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 905, 935
- Martindale Electric Company, Ltd., Storage Bin Cleaning Tool, (554)
- Martins Bank, Ltd., Mutual Confidence in Industry, 116
- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg A.G., Anglo-German Collaboration in Nuclear Power, 857; 100-Ton Universal Testing Machine with Pulsator and Electronic Equipment. "AV25/2" Mobile Crane, 822
- Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon, Flywheel-Driven Motor-Generator Emergency Set, 704
- Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Gebruder Scheubeck K.G., Jansen Type Transformer On-Load Tap-Change Equipment, 461
- Maschinenfabrik and Co., A.G., 40-Ton Travelling Hoist, 705
- Masheder, H., Research and Design, 180 Mason and Hanger, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California. 630 Mason, Silas, Incorporated, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630
- Mason, T. H., Turbo-Generator Behaviour in Abnormal Operating Conditions, 216
- Massman Construction Co, Progress or the Tennessee Valley Authority, 476
- Mathews, J. Douglas, and Partners, Heinz Factory at Kitt Green. 812
- Maunsell, G., and Partners, Hammersmith Flyover, 230
- Maxam Power, Ltd., Air Cylinders and Control Valves, 732 - Mechanical Work Handling in a Press Shop, 774
- Maybrey, H. J., and Co., Ltd, New Type of Bearing Repeater Compass Stand, 680
- Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory. National Engineering Laboratory, 664: New Brooms in D.S.I.R., 753
- Medical Research Council, Organising Scientific Research. 614
- Megator Pumps and Compressors. Ltd., Floating Suction Strainer for Pumping Systems, 312; On Ignoring Instructions, 445
- Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioners, Port of Melbourne New Steel Handling Berth. 149
- Mellanby, W. R., Ship Plate Production, (828)
- Menrow, Ltd., Two Sizes of a Multi-Purpose Treatment Unit, 563
- Mercantile Dry Dock Company, Ltd., Dry Dock Project on Tyneside, 391
- Meritus (Barnet), Ltd., Butt Welder, 113
- Merritt, H. E., Pitting in Gears, 726
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Dock Reconstruction Scheme, (Plate 14, 9.1.59); New River Entrance Lock at the Mersey Docks, 62; Pilot Tender "Arnet Robinson", (Plate 13, 9.1.59)
- Merton Engineering Co., Ltd., Front Loading Shovel, 858
- Merton Park Studios, Training Foremen, 470
- Merz and McLellan, Alternator Stability Tests at Poole Power Station, 13; Behaviour of Monolith, 842; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 716; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity, 391
- Messwandler-Bau-G.m.b.H., Combined Voltage and Current Transformer, 823
- Metachemical Processes, Ltd., Vapour Blasting Equipment, 309
- Metal Propellers, Ltd., Glitsch Ballast Tray, (938)
- Metalastik, Ltd., "Cushyfoot" "S" Mounting and Torque Transfer Coupling, 678; Rubber Bonded-to-Metal Laboratory. 818
- Metallurgical Engineering Committee, Metallurgical Annual Meetings, 588
- Metals and Controls Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 903
- Meteorological Office, Hydraulic Design of Channels and Pipes by "Wallingford Charts", 229
- Metropole Electric Inc., St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company. Ltd., Blooming Mill Replacements, 223: Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Cobalt Container for Industrial Radiography, 954; Electric Locomotives for South Africa, 508; 40 MeV Linear Accelerator for Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, 310; High-Pressure Cylinder Casing and Rotor of the 12,509/13,750 s.h.p., 4849 r.p.m., TwoCylincLr Geared Propulsion Steam Turbine, 564; Locomotives, (Plate 4, 2.1.59); Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943; Nuclear Physics Research at Aldermaston, 917: Steam Turbines, Gas Turbines, Gearing and Control Gear for "Ashanti" General Purpose Frigate, 89: Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802; 3000 h.p. 3580 r.p.m. Filter-Ventilated Motor for a Boiler Feed Pump, 564: 330kv Air-Blast Circuit Breaker for Snowy Mountain Scheme, 52: Tribal Class Frigate H.M.S. "Ashanti", 430: Two-Speed Change-Pole Sauirrel-Cafe Motor, Drip- Proof S luirrel-Cage Motors, Mine-Hoist Chart Recorder, "M21" Resistor-Transition on-load Tap Changer. 420; Water Supply at Hull 771
- Metropolitan-Vickers-Beyer-Peacock, Ltd., Electric Locomotives for South Africa. 508
- Metropolitan-Vickers-GRS, Ltd., British Railways 50 cis Electrification, 658; Completion of Tunnelling Scheme on the Great Northern Line, 858; Temple Mills West Signal-box: Control Panel, 801
- Metropolitan-Vickers Research Laboratory, Analogue Multiplier. 802
- Metropolitan Water Board, Ashford Common Filtration Works, (Plate 8, 9.1.59); New Works in 1958, I I 1
- Mexican Fierro Esponja, S.A., Technological Progress in the Steel Industry. 746
- Micafil Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 32, 19.6.59
- Michell, A. G. M., Obituary, 342
- Mid and South-East Cheshire Water Board, P.V.C. Water Main, (723)
- Midhage, Jack, and Co., Ltd., Carbide-Tipped Circular Saws, 744
- Midland Region of British Railways. Crewe Works - The Last Steam Locomotive, 143
- Midland Silicones, Ltd., Plastics Products, 584
- Midlands Electricity Board, Electric Furnace Elements, 153
- Mid-Northamptonshire Water Board, Duston Mill Pumping Station, 663, (868)
- Midvale Heppenstall Co, Turntable Rig for Flame-Cutting, 671
- Milan Polytechnic, Productivity Research in Italy, 513
- Miller, James, and Partners, Ltd., Lubreoch Dam, 64; Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-leHope, 943
- Miller, Martin, A.G., Taper Section Band Saws, 783
- Miller, Robert C., Ferroelectric Polarisation Reversal in Barium Titanate, 81
- Miller, S. D., and Sons, St. Lawrence River Development, 876, 912
- Mills, Edward D., and Partners, New Instrument Laboratory, (516)
- Milne, C. S., and Co., Ltd., Gas Cutting Machine, 566
- Minikay, Ltd., Industrial Humid), Control, 626
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, National College of Agricultural Engineering, 269
- Ministry of Education, Educating Agricultural Engineers. 287; Education and Careers Exhibition, 464; Future of Professional Metallurgy, 792: New College of Advanced Technology. (963); Plant at the National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering, 545; Training of Air Line Pilots, 780; Whitworth Fellowships, 683 Ministry of Fuel and Power, Underground Gasification Experiments, 207
- Ministry of Health Committee, Growing Demand for Water, 351
- Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Detergents and River Pollution, 664; Factories in the New Towns, 820: Hydraulic Design of Channels and Pipes by "Walling- ford Charts, 229; Hydrological Survey of the River Great Ouse, (938); National Water Resources, 308; New Industries in Unemployment Areas, 470; Town Planning. 703
- Ministry of Labour. Average Earnings, 395; Changes in Wage Rates, 75; Education and Careers Exhibition, 464. Employment, 820; Employment Policies. 742; The Employment Situation. 313: Employment and Unemployment, 116, 434; Engineering Careers, 931: Industrial Trends, 313; Safety Code for Radioactive Device, 667; Safety and Health in Shipbuilding, 589; Unemployment, 742, 862; Wages and Hours, 232; Work Stoppages, 232 Ministry of Power, B.C.U.R.A. Twenty-First Anniversary, 702; Coal. 667; Electric Actuators, (710); Electricity and Standards of Living, 923; Export of Iron and Steel Scrap, 862; Flameproof Lighting Transformer, 430 Fuel Efficiency Loan Scheme, 196; Fuel and Power Policy, 275
- Ministry of Supply, A Big Risk, 45; Association of Consulting Engineers, 308; "Black Knight" Rocket, 66; Crawler Tractors, 337; On Making a Fuss of Graduates, 366; Uranium Fuel Element Factory at Springfields, 169
- Ministry of Town and Country Planning, L.C.C. and Town Development, 540
- Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, Aviation News, 688; Battery-Electric Vehicles, 862; Blackwall Tunnel Duplication, 737: British Railways in 1958, 8; Chiswick Flyover 22; Closing of the Preston By-Pass, 171 Doncaster By-Pass Motorway, 702; Kingston By-Pass Modernisation Proposals, 817: Maidenhead By-Pass Motorway, 665; New- bury Relief Road Completed, 465; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741; Roads Much in the News, 205; Traffic and Highway Administration in the London Area. 193; Training of Air Line Pilots, 780; Unit Radar System for Ships, 109
- Ministry of Works, Building Plant Exhibition, 1959, (710)
- Miron and Freres, Ltee, St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Miron-Mannibec Construction Company, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Mirrlees Bickerton and Day, Ltd., "Monarch" Six-Cylinder Engine of 2400 s.h.p., 733
- Mitchell Construction Company, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719 ., Starts Generating Electricity, 391
- Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741; Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 848
- Mitten, J., "Process Control in the Investment Shop", 798
- M. O. Valve Co., Ltd., Microwave Oscillator with Electro-Static Focusing, 860; S-Band Microwave Duplexing Valve, 574
- Mobile Radio Committee, Mobile Radio Channels, 544
- Model Engineering Company, Ltd., Air Engines, 722
- Modern Wheel Drive, Ltd., Hindmarch/Berg Controllable Pitch Propeller, 728 ., M.W.K.R. Size 3 Reverse-Reduction Gearbox, 728
- Mohanti, H. B., Experimental Investigations on Stick-Slip Sliding, 537
- Mohr and Federhaff A.G., Auto Silo at Basle 932
- Molen, E. A., van der, "The Stork Marine Diesel Engine", (540)
- Molian, Samuel, Education for Design, 884; Training for Design. 96
- Molins Machine Company, Ltd., Cigarette- Making Machine, 922
- Monarch Machine Tool Co, Rotary Profile Tracer Lathe, 401; Double Carriage Production Centre Lathe, 594
- Mond Nickel Fellowships Committee, Mond Nickel Fellowships, 232
- Monk, A., and Co., Ltd., Duston Mill Pumping Station. (868): Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812; Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Moor Line, Ltd., "Jedmoor" Motorship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
- Morgan Crucible Company, Ltd., Electric Furnace Elements, 153
- Morris, Brian R., and Co., Ltd., Electromagnetic Counters, 544
- Morris, R. H., Ltd., Aluminium Screens for South African Drive-in Cinemas, 235
- Morrogh, H., An Engineering Application of Reinforced Resin. 498
- Mott, Hay and Anderson, Blackwall Tunnel Duplication, 737; Forth Road Bridge, 21; Progress at the Forth Bridge Site, 429: Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
- Mott, R. A., Horsehay Blast-Furnaces, 424
- Mould. N. A., Training for Design, 58
- Mowlem, John, and Co., Ltd., Ashford Common Filtration Works, (Plate 8, 9.1.59); Development Scheme at the P.L.A.'s Royal Docks, 112; Millbank Tower Block, 429
- Mueller Gauge Co., Groove and Deep Bore Gauges, 956
- Muirhead William, MacDonald Wilson and Co., Ltd., Preservation of Two Contractors' Locomotives, 776
- Mullard, Ltd., Decimal Indicator Tube, (828); High-Definition Photomultiplier, 927; Hollow-Cathode Glow Discharge Tube, 138; Industrial Power Transistors, 803; Magnetrons for Microwave Heating, 430 New Counter Tubes, 861; Photomultiplier Tubes, (788); Semi-conductor Factory Extension. 739; Supply in Package Form of Specially Selected and Tested Transistors for Use in the r.f. and a.f. Sections of Radio Receivers, 575
- Mullard Equipment Ltd., Replica Strain Gauge. 920; Ultrasonic Beer Fobbing, 929
- Mullard Research Laboratories, Research Laboratories Extension, (695); Simulating Transistor Behaviour, 803
- Muller-Hanna Company, Ltd., Iron and Steel Engineers in the Netherlands. 651
- Munich Technical University, Nuclear Fusion Experiments, 35
- Muntz. Alan. and Co., Ltd., Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 580
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Carriage Mounted Welding Equipment, 729
- Murray, M. V., "The Performance of an Overfeed Coking Stoker Using kin. to 0 Smalls, 737
- Musk. Cecil, Productions, Film Producers Guild, Ltd., Recent Industrial Films, 700
- Myers, F. H. E., Floating Stations for Nuclear Power Plants, 884
- Napier, D., and Son, Ltd., "Double Scorpion" in a "Canberra" Flying Test Bed. 68: "Gazell" Gas Turbine, 8: Main-Line Diesel-Electric Locomotives. 889; Turbo-Charged Deltic 18 High-Speed Diesel Engine. "Spraymat" Heated Panel, Representative Range of Turbo-Blowers, 732
- N.A.T.O., A Big Risk, 45; The Defence White Paper. 285; Minimum-Cost Fighter, 351; Defence Requirements. 206; Personnel, 47 Rocket Development in 1958. 24: Royal Navy-1958, 6; Technical Colleges and Research, 391: The Unexplodable H-Bomb, 87
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Experimental Aircraft, 61; Rocket Development in 1958, 24
- National Agricultural Engineering, Institution of British Agricultural Engineers, 737
- National Building Research Institute. Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams, 233
- National Bureau of Standards, Analogue Computer for Estimating Fire Endurance. 708; Automatic Reader for High-Precision Balances, 514: High-Speed Digital Computers. 239; Neutron Physics Research. 960; The Yard and the Pound (Avoirdupois) for Science and Technology, 137
- National Chemical Research Laboratory. A South African Bentonite, 234
- National Coal Board, Automatic Supervisory Equipment, 145; Canopy for Setting Arches in Mines, 509; Coal, 667, 862; The Coal Board's Finances, 116; Coal in 1958, 50; Electrogyro Traction, 541; Flameproof Lighting Transformer, 430; Flameproof Metering Panel, 431; Institute of Fuel Luncheon, 737; Large Industrial Mobile Vacuum Cleaning Plant, 272; Mass Radiography for Miners. 127; Miners' Hours and Holidays, 547; Mining Subsidence, 684; Radiography for Miners. 147; Report on Coal. 871; Surface Works at Collieries, (Plate 12, 2.1.59): Underground Gasification Experiments, 207; Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence, 270
- National College of Agricultural Engineering, Educating Agricultural Engineers, 287, 737
- National College for Heating, Ventilating. Refrigeration and Fan Engineering, Institute of Refrigeration, (242); New Building, 545
- National Committee for Photogrammetry. International Congress of Photogrammetry, (645)
- National Council for Technological Awards, Dip. Tech. Progress, 677
- National Farmers Union, Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- National Foundry Craft Training Centre. Foundry Trades Exhibition, 819
- National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., Diesel-Electric Propulsion Machinery for Pilot Tender "Arnet Robinson", (Plate 13, 9.1.59); Eight-Cylinder Turbo-Charged. Four-Stroke Diesel Engine, National McLaren LE Engines, National G.S.34 Free Piston Gasifiers of 1250-h.p., 732
- National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service, Production, Consumption and Exports, 50
- National Institute for Road Research, Measurement of Road Traffic Forces, 234
- National Institute for Water Research, Water Distillation in Solar Energy Unit, 234
- National Joint Advisory Council, Efficient Use of Engineering Manpower, 313; Restrictive Practices, 313; Restrictive Practices in Industry, 286
- National Lead Co, Technological Progress in the Steel Industry, 746
- National Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Pneumatic Conveyance of Granular Material, 235
- National Physical and Chemical Laboratories, Organising Scientific Research, 614
- National Physical Laboratory, "ACE" Automatic Computing Engine, (Plate I, 9.1.59); Annual Exhibition of Work in Progress, 876; Cargo Liner S.S. "Bcnloyal", 425; Interferometric Measurement of the Straightness. of Plug Gauges, 136: International Yard and Pound, 165; Open Days, 876; Measuring the Diameter of Very Small Bores, 852; Re- Organisation of Research, 831; Seakeeping 69; 7000-Ton Magnet for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 838; Tests Improving the Standard of Sound Insulation Between Adjacent Cabins in Passenger Ships, 71 Wolfe Award: Atomic Frequency Standard of Time, 507; The Yard and the Pound (Avoirdupois) for Science and Technology, I 37
- National Physical Research Laboratory. Pretoria, South Africa, The Yard and the Pound (Avoirdupois) for Science and Technology, 137
- National Production Advisory Council, Economic Outlook. 275
- National Research Council. Biomechanics as a Service to Man. 681: Productivity Research in Italy, 513; The Yard and the Pound (Avoirdupois) for Science and Technology. 137
- National Research Development Corporation, Electronic Engineering Association, 393: Ground Effect Hovering Aircraft, 700; Ground Effect Aircraft, 946
- National Society for Clean Air, International Clean Air Conference, 429
- National Standards Laboratory. Sydney. Australia. The Yard and the Pound (Avoirdupois) for Science and Technology, 137
- National Union of Blastfurnacemen, British Iron and Steel, 742
- National Union of Mineworkers, Coal. 667; Manpower and Wages, 50; Miners' Hours and Holidays. 547
- National Union of Teachers, Education and Careers Exhibition, 464. 793
- National University of Mexico, Visit of Felix Candela to Britain in May, (608)
- Natural Asphalt Mine-Owners and Manufacturers Council. Practical Techniques in the Use of Mastic Asphalt, (333)
- Naval Air Department. Naval Air Department at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Bedford, 307
- Netherlands Broadcasting Corporation, Stereophonic Broadcasting Techniques, 510
- New Western (Engineering). Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station. 719
- New York Shipbuilding Corporation. American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- New Zealand Government Railways, Locomotives for New Zealand, 506
- Newall Group Sales, Ltd., Automatic Tap Thread Grinding Machine, 626
- Newall Insulation Company, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Newman Industries, Ltd., New Range of Totally-Enclosed Motors, Close Coupled Pump Motor with Drip-Proof Enclosure, 422: Small Motors to NEM A Standards, 228
- Newmarket Transistor Company, Ltd., Bibliography of Semi-conductors, (162)
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa". 279; U.S.S. "Enterprise", Aircraft Carrier. 91
- Newson, J. C., An Engineering Application of Reinforced Resin, 343, 921
- Newton Chambers, Ltd., Spanish Excavator Factory. 513: Steel Plant at Durgapur. (Plate 2, 9.1.59)
- Newton Victor, Ltd., Cobalt Container for Industrial Radiography, 954
- Neyrpic Canada Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Nichols Construction Co, 384ft. Geodesic Dome, 358
- Nickel, Heinrich, Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 901
- Nig Manufacturing Company, Ltd., High-Speed Photo-Printing Machine, 625
- Nonius, Ltd., Large Surface Stress Tester, 397
- Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke A.G., Hydro-Electric Power, Suppt. 12, 19.6.59
- Norman and Dawbarn, Research Laboratories Extension, (695)
- Norships Ocean Carriers, Ltd., "Lord Codrington" Cargo Ship, 106
- North-American Aviation, Incorporated, A3J "Vigilante", (Plate 13, 2.1.59); Anglo- American Collaboration on Organic-Liquid Cooled Reactors, 916; Front-Line Aircraft, 61 X-15 Rocker Aircraft, 60
- North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., Locomotives, (Plate 4, 2.1.59)
- North-East Derbyshire Joint Water Committee. Ogston Reservoir, 23
- North-Eastern Region of British Railways, British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353: Microwave Telephony for Railways, 1 1 I: Re-signalling at Newcastle, 645; Trunk Dialling at Railway Exchange, 778
- North Riding County Council, Roads, 22
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board. Electrical Engineering in 1958, 27; Highland Water Power, 391 Operation of the Shin Hydro-Electric Scheme, 227
- North Thames Gas Board, Liquefied Methane Carrier. 353; Romford Gas Reforming Plant, 842
- North Yorkshire Shipping Company. Ltd., "Rievaulx" Ore Carrier, 108
- Northampton College of Advanced Technology, Ultrasonic Image Camera, 348
- Northern Construction Co., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Northern Electric Company, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development. 913
- Northern Equipment, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Northern Ireland Development Council, Industrial Development in Northern Ireland, 511
- Northrop Corporation. Minimum-Cost Fighter, 351
- Northrop Aircraft Inc., T-38 "Talon" Trainer. 689
- North-West Oelleitung G.m.b.H., North-West Oil Pipeline, 356
- North-Western Electricity Board, Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- North-Western Gas Board, Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 810
- Norton Tool Company. Ltd., High-Speed Hydraulic Press, 190
- Nottinghamshire County Architects, Warehouse Structure to Resist Mining Subsidence, 270
- NOWEA Nordwestdcutche Ausstellungs-Gesellschaft, Interkama 1960, 278
- N. R. C. Equipment Corporation, Vacuum Arc Furnace for Laboratory Operation, 39 Nuclear Civil Constructors, Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 955
- Nuclear Development Corporation, American
- Nuclear Engineering Conference. 825, 904
- Nuclear Energy Committee, Metallurgical Annual Meetings, 588
- Nuclear Power Plant Company, Ltd., Bradwell Power Station. (Plate 9, 2.1.59); Export of Reactors, 20; Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, 325; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322); Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 941
- N.V. Rotterdam-Rijn Pijpleiding Maatschappij, Rotterdam-Rhine Pipeline, 550
- Nydqvist and Holm Aktiebolag, (NOHAB), Furnas Power Station, 358
- O.E.E.C., De Havilland High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor, 794; Euratom Progress, 36; High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Project, 415; Overseas Trade. 355: Retrospect and Prospect. 1; Western European Trade, 206
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Oberhasli Co, Hydro-Electric Power, Suppt. 10, 19.6.59
- Oerlikon, Ltd., Electrogyro Traction, 541
- Oerlikon Machine Tool Works Bdhrle & Co., Mechanicals Summer Visit. Suppt. 32. 19.6.59
- Ohio Power Co, Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium. West Virginia, 318
- Oldham, M. C., "Heat Treatment", (554)
- Omega, Louis Brandt et Frere S.A., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 31, 19.6.59
- Ongar Radio Station, New Radio Transmitters at Ongar, 339
- Opperman Gears (Holdings), Ltd., Automatic Valve Actuation, 515
- Oppold, August, Dynamically Balanced and Magnetically Crack-Tested Cutters and Routers, 783
- Orenstein-Koppel and LUbecker Maschinenbau A.G., Universal Track-Laying Excavator. Rotary Excavator Loader, 822
- Osterreichische Minerolverwaltung A.G., Suspension Pipe Bridge Over the Danube, 277
- Oswald, H., Obituary, 97, 168
- Ove Arup and Partners, Laboratories. Plant and Offices, 891; Shell-Roofed Hangars at Abingdon. 65
- Overseas Tankship (U.K.), Ltd., "Caltex Newcastle" Tanker, 108
- Oxley Engineering Co., Ltd., Romford Gas Reforming Plant, 842
- Ozalid Company, Ltd., Microfilm Camera Unit. 642
- Ozonair, Ltd., Throw-Away Air Filter Units, 299
- Pacific Gas and Electric Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 787
- Packers Supply Company, Ltd., Heavy Duty Steel Strapping Tool, (497)
- Padua Provincial Productivity Centre, Productivity Research in Italy, 513
- Palm Line, Ltd., "Kano Palm" and "Enugu Palm" Cargo Ships, 107
- Palmer., Selwyn. U.F.O. ?, 181
- P. A. M., Ltd., High-Speed Counter with Photo- Transistors, 354
- Pametrada Research Station, Designed Machinery, 72
- Park Gate Iron and Steel Co, Using Water Over and Over Again, 325
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Oil Heating Unit, (402); Roll Crusher, 624
- Parkinson, Sir Lindsay, and Sons, Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Parson Engineering Company. Ltd., "Sea Zephyr" and "Sea Consul" Petrol Engines, and an H.G.4 Hydraulic Reverse Gear. 184 Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity. 391: Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 477; Scale Model of a 550MW Turbo-Generator. 560; Tilbury Pow 4r Station, 29; 200MW Turbo-Generator, 29
- Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd., Water Supply at Hull. 774
- Pauling and Co., Raising the Kafue Bridge, 623 Payne. A. R., Shape Factors and Functions in Rubber Engineering, 328. 368
- Payne, P. C. J., Careers in Agricultural Engineering, 466
- Payne Products International. Ltd., Surface Finish Tester, 118
- Peebles, Bruce, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station. 719; Operation of the Shin Hydro-Electric Scheme, 227
- Peirson and Co., Ltd., Heinz. Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Penn, R. G., Fully Transistorised Frequency Modulated Indicator for Field Tests, 374. 412
- Pentagon Construction Co., Ltd., Honore Mercier Reconstruction on the St. Lawrence River, 971
- Perkins. F., Ltd., Direct-Injection Option, 213; Four 99(M) Diesel Engine of 33 b.h.p. at 3000 r.p.m., 183; "Four 99" Marine Diesel Engine, Marine Version of the "Four 270D" Engine, 641; "35" Petrol Outboard Motor. 183
- Permutit Company, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station. 719
- Petroleum Information Bureau. Consumption of Oil in 1958, 742
- Philadelphia Electric Co. American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Philadelphia Gear Corporation. Automatic Valve Actuation, 515
- Philip and Son, Ltd., Pilot Tender "Arnct Robinson", (Plate 13. 9.1.59); Tractor Tug "Banbury Cross". 109
- Philips Electrical. Ltd., CO, "Bare Wire" Welding, (373); Radiography for Miners, 147
- Phillips Petroleum Co, SPERM'-III Achieves Criticality, 321
- Phoenix-Rheinrohr A.G., North-West Oil Pipeline, 356
- Piaggio & C., S.p.A., Piaggo P. 166, 689; P.136-L, 689
- Piasecki Aircraft Corporation. "Flying Jeep", (Plate 10, 9.1.59)
- Pick, Everard, Keay and Gimson, Rubber-Bonded-to-Metal Laboratory, 818
- Picken. W. J., Obituary, 383
- Piggott, Thomas, Ltd., Maidenhead By-Pass Motorway, 665
- Pilkington Brothers. Ltd., Armourplate Glass Tanks, (40); "Float Process" Glass, 195; Recent Industrial Films, 700
- Pioneer Service and Engineering Co, Argonne Low Power Reactor in Idaho. 79
- Pippard. A. J. S., A Voice in Affairs, 832
- Pirelli-General Cable Works. Ltd., British Railways 50 cis Electrification. 618 660
- Planer, G. V., Ltd., Displacement Transducer, 139
- Plant, Sir Arnold, Engineering in an Expanding Economy, 490
- Plastics Investigations, Plastics Abstracts, (171)
- Plessey Company, Ltd., Mobile Hydraulic Test Equipment, 623; Unconventional Electric Switches, 138
- Plessey Nucleonics, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Transistor Polarising Supplies, (828)
- Polarizers (United Kingdom), Ltd., Rapid Process Photography, 352
- Polish Salvage Co, Rescue and Salvage Tugs, 311
- Pollack, F., Standards Making. 456
- Pollard, J. G., Transportable Steam-Driven Power Set. 726
- Polypenco, Ltd., Stable Low-Friction Resin, 957
- Pories. E. J., Why Restrict Output ?, 380
- Port of London Authority, Development Scheme at the P.L.A.'s Royal Docks, 112; Navigation Service for Thames Shipping. 740
- Portland Cement Company, Ltd., Preservation of Two Contractors' Locomotives, 776
- Post Office, Additional Ship-Shore V.H.F. Service. (202); Burnhope Television Station, Co. Durham. 146; Lightweight Headset for Telephonists, 588; New Radio Transmitters at Ongar, 339; Radio Station, New Post Office Radio Station at Ilfracombe, 272: Telephone Answering Machine. 816; Telephone Service Proposals, 443; Engineering Research Station, Post Office "700-type" Telephone, 576
- Postmaster-General, Mobile Radio Channels, 544
- Poultney, E. C., Crewe Works— The Last Steam Locomotive, 143; 1200-h.p. Diesel-Electric Locomotives. British Railways, 58
- Power Reactor Development Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Power Steamship Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner "Huntsfield", 106; Cargo Liner "Shaftesbury", 106
- Power Steel Construction Company (Pty.), Ltd., Aluminium Screens for South African Drive-in Cinemas, 235
- Precious Metal Depositors, Ltd., Printed Circuits Exhibition, 585
- Press Equipment, Ltd., Coil Cutting and Straightening Line, 858
- Press, William, and Son, Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board: New Works in 1958, 1 1 I
- Pressed Steel Company, Ltd., Refrigerator Factory for South Wales, 434
- Preston, J. Roger, and Partners, Plant at the National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering, 545
- Prestressed Concrete Development Group, Design Competition for an Elevated Motorway, (268)
- Prestwich, J. A., Industries, Ltd., Diamond Jubilee Exhibition, 113
- Pretoria City Council, Purification of Sewage Water, 233
- Prime. 1- J., and T. E., Laboratories, Plant and Offices, 891
- Prince of Wales Dry Dock Company, Swansea. Ltd., Docks, 32
- Pritchett and Gold and E.P.S. Co,. Ltd., Porous Plastics, 957; Trunk Dialling at Railway Exchange, 778
- Progress (Universal), Ltd., Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment, 352
- Publicity Planning. Ltd., Iron and Steel gallery at Science Museum, 270
- Purfina Mineraldlraffinerie A.G., North-West Oil Pipeline, 356
- Pye, Ltd., Industrial Photography and Television, 700
- Pye Marine. Ltd., Navigation Service for Thames Shipping. 740
- Pye Telecommunications, Ltd., Anti-Tank Missile, 67; Moon as Radio Reflector, 816
- Pye, W. G., and Co., Ltd., Argon Chromatograph, 139
- Pyrene Company. Ltd., Fire Detection and Fire Extinguishing Equipment. 731
- Quasi-Arc, Ltd., Automatic Welding Machine, 195; Method of Welding Vertical Seams Automatically with "Unionmelt", Self- Propelled Twin-Fillet Automatic Welding Machine, 640; 7000-Ton Magnet for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 838; Welding Course, (516)
- Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission, Large Steel Moulds for Dams, 38; St. Lawrence River Development, 969
- Q.V.F., Ltd., Armourplate Glass Tanks, (40)
- R.A.F. School of Aviation Medicine. Biomechanics as a Service to Man, 681
- Radio Corporation of America, Infra-Red Progress, 37
- Radio and Electronic Component Manufacturers' Federation, Electronic Components Exhibition, 608
- Radio and Electronic Manufacturers' Federation. Electronic Engineering Association, 393
- Radio Industry Council. Electronic Engineering Association, 393
- Ramsey, W. G., Aluminium Alloy Footbridge in Natal, 314
- Rank Precision Industries, Ltd., Video Recording, 55
- Rankin and Blackmore. Ltd., Ore Carrier "Morar", 370
- Rank-Xerox, Ltd., Video Recording, 55
- Rapid Magnetic Machines, Ltd., Concave Magnetic Conveyor Rolls. (322)
- Reaktor A.G., Atomic Power, Suppt. 9. 19.6.59
- Reader, E., and Sons, Ltd., Transportable Steam-Driven Power Set, 455
- Red Funnel Steamers. Ltd., Motor Ship for Southampton and Cowes Service. "Canisbrooke Castle", 886
- Redding. T. H., Alternative Presentations of Pressure-Inferential Metering Formulae, 133, 173
- Redpath Brown and Co., Ltd., Heavy Engineering Shop, 736
- Rees and Kirby, Ltd., Cynheidre Colliery, (Plate 12, 2.1.59)
- Refinery Equipment and Speciality Company, Ltd., Small Nitrogen Plants. (516)
- Regie Nationale des Usines Renault. French Observation Railcars, 396
- Reichhold Chemic A.G., Self-Righting Lifeboat, 668
- Reid. Thomas. and Sons. Powered Winches for S.S. "Maid of Kent", 950
- Reiter, J. J., and Co., Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 32, 19.6.59
- Reliance Telephone Company, Ltd., New Automatic Telephones for Barclay's Bank, 967; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Bridge for Mono- Rail Transporter, 857 Cynheidre Colliery, (Plate 12, 2.1.59)
- Research Committee of the Institution of Water Engineers, Growing Demand for Water, 351
- Reveirs, George, Ltd., The Printing Dispute, 941
- Revo Electric Company, Ltd., Fusegear Testing Facilities, 350; New Range of Switch-fuses, 354
- Renold Chains, Ltd., Heavy Duty Chain Factory, 818
- Reynolds, K. J., The Design and Construction of a 36in. Diameter Aqueduct with Particular Reference to Adverse Ground Conditions, 772
- Reynolds Metal Co, Aluminium Armour, 827
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Rhein-Main-Donau A.G., (RMD), German Inland Waterways. 77
- Rheinische Stahlwerke, Heavy and Medium Castings and Forgings, 823
- Rheinisch-Westfiilische Technische Hochschule, Institute for Building Machines and Construction Management at Aachen, 512; V.D.I. Travelling Exhibition. 934
- Rheinstahl Eisenwerke Gelsenkirchen A.G., Centrifugally Casting Bronze Propeller Shaft Tubes, 823
- Rheinstahl Hanomag A.G., "K65" Track- Laying Tractor, 0.8-1 Cubic Metre, 70-h.p. All-Wheel Hydraulic Front Loader, 784
- Rhodesia Railways, Beyer-Garratt Locomotives on Rhodesia Railways. 226
- Richardson. H. M., Boiler Refractories: Operating Temperatures. 701
- Richardsons Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Trawslynydd Nuclear Power Station, 955
- Riddihough, M., "Mechanical Properties of Some Investment Cast Cobalt Base Alloys", 798
- Riddle Airlines Inc., Aircraft Prospects. 354 Ridley Committee, Processing Coal, 638
- Riley. A. J., and Son, Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- R.J.C. Motors and Marine Engines, Ltd., Two General Motors Detroit Diesel Engines. R.J.3 300 Diesel Engine and Bedford Diesel Engine, 184
- Road Machines (Drayton), Ltd., Mono-Rail Transporter, 857
- Road Research Laboratories. Biomechanics as a Service to Man. 681; Closing of the Preston By-Pass, 171; Hydraulic Design of Channels and Pipes by "Wallingford Charts", 229: James Forrest Lecture. 466
- Road Services (Caledonian) Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope. 943
- Roballo Engineering Company. Ltd., Wire Race Bearings, 510
- Robb, Henry, Ltd., "Malatian" Coastwise Ship, (Plate 13. 9.1.59); Motor Tug "Craigleith", 109; "Pateena" Coastwise Ship. (Plate 13, 9.1.59); "Thackeray" Short Sea Trader. 109
- Roberts, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Roberts Construction Company, Ltd., Colliery Modernisation. 51
- Robertson, H. T., and Co., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 427
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre, 295
- Robinson, I. V., Obituary, 653
- Robinson, T. R., Centenary of the Westminster Clock, 4 1 4
- Robson. R. C., Fully Transistorised Frequency Modulated Indicator for Field Tests, 374, 412
- Rochelle Tool Corporation, Welded Aluminium Tubes, 469
- Rockweld, Ltd., "Autopak" Arc Welding, Equipment, "Comet" Carbon Dioxide Welding Process, 565
- Rockwell Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Electrically-Controlled Milling Machines, 396; Machine Tool Demonstration. (322)
- Roe, A. V., Ltd., Air-Launched Missile, 66; Short-Haul Transport. 741; Wind Tunnel Investigations, (Plate 11, 9.1.59)
- Rohde and Schwarz, Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 901
- Rolandi, F. S., Jnr., Incorporated. Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630
- Rollason Aircraft and Engines, Ltd., Little Single-Seater Aircraft. 60
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., "Avon" Engines, 8; Marine Diesel Engines to Cover a Horsepower Range from 113 to 670 b.h.p., 732; "R.B.I08" Engine, (Plate 10, 9.1.59); "Tyne" Compound Turbines Driving Four Large Closely-Spaced Propellers, 182
- Rose. William, Ltd., Flexible P.T.F.E. Hoses, 930
- Rotinoff, G. A., Obituary, 769
- Rotork Engineering Company, Ltd., Electric Actuators, (710)
- Rotterdam Dry Dock Company, Ltd., Iron and Steel Engineers in the Netherlands. 651
- Rowan, David, and Co., Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal", 425
- Royal Air Force, Strategic Freighter Order, 308
- Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine, Life-Saving from Submerged Aircraft, 227
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Life-Saving from Submerged Aircraft, 227; Naval Air Department at the Royal Aircraft Establishment. Bedford, 307
- Royal Australian Navy, H.M.A.S. "Yarra" Anti-Submarine Frigate, 90
- Royal Automobile Club, Traffic Engineering at the University of Birmingham, 701
- Royal College of Science and Technology, Ventilation of Cargo Spaces, 71
- Royal Commission on Local Government in Greater London, Traffic and Highway Administration in the London Area, 193
- Royal Dockyards. Dockyards and Maintenance, 46
- Royal Navy, Naval Anti-Aircraft Missile, 269: —1958, 6
- Royal Netherlands Blast Furnaces and Steelworks, Ltd., Iron and Steel Engineers in the Netherlands, 651
- Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Organising Scientific Research. 615
- Royal Radar Research Establishment, Klystrons, 461
- Royal Society, Rocket Development in 1958, 24 Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Organising Scientific Research, 616
- Royce Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Exothermic Gas Generator, (266)
- Rozalex, Ltd., Barrier Creams, Waterless Skin Cleanser. 640
- Rubert and Co., Ltd., Surface Texture Reproduction. 864
- Ruhrchemie A.G., North-West Oil Pipeline, 356 Ruhrstahl A.G., Rotor Shaft, 823
- Rusch, H., Advantages of Prestressed Concrete, 471
- Russell Constructions, Ltd., Screw Elevator, 776
- Russell, R. C. H., "A Study of the Movement of Moored Ships Subject to Wave Action", 741
- Ruston-Bucyrus. Ltd., Flame Hardening with Oxy-Town Gas, 449
- Ruston and Hornsby. Ltd., Gas Turbine for Industrial Duty in Canada, (282); High Temperature and Pressure Pipe Connection, 930; Ruston "AT" Diesel Engines. 384; "6 ATC" Marine Engine of 950 Continuous s.h.p., Twelve-Cylinder "Vega" Engine of 400 h.h.p. at 1800 r.p.m., 602: Uprated Engines. (454): Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Ruthin Steamship Company. Ltd., "Administrator" and "Author" Cargo Ships, 106
- Sagues, J., "The Application of Ferrites to Railway Signalling Systems". (527)
- St. Ives Sand and Gravel Company. Ltd., Hardcore from Disused Runways, 735
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, St. Lawrence Seaway, 269, 876. 911, 950, 971
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Packaged 100 kc/s Transistor Oscillator on B9A Base. 574; Polystyrene Capacitors, (642)
- Salveson, Chr., and Co., Ltd., Fish Factory Trawler "Fairtry 11-, 739
- Samuely, F. J., Obituary, 168
- Sankey, J. H., and Son. Ltd., Acid and Alkali Resistant Cement, (302)
- Sankey, Joseph. and Sons, Ltd., 7000-Ton Magnet for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 838
- Santiago Armadora S.A., "Violeta" Oil Tanker, 70
- Santon, Ltd., Lockable-Handle Switches, 354
- Sarger, Rene. Water Tower at Caen—La Gureiniere, 315
- Sargrove Electronics, Ltd., High-Voltage Laboratory for Power Cables, 348
- Saunders-Roe (Anglesey), Ltd., Laboratories. Plant and Offices, 891
- Saunders-Roe. Ltd., "Black Knight" Engine. 182; "Black Knight" Rocket, 66; Ground Effect Aircraft, 946: Ground Effect Hovering Aircraft, 700; "S.R.177" Naval Aircraft. 68
- Saunders Valve Company, Ltd., New Glandless, Wet Motor Circulator, Diaphragm Valves for all Branches of Industry. 604
- Saurer, Adolph, Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 30, 19.6.59
- Sayers, J. F., Ultrasonic Image Camera, 348
- Schellenberg, Hermann. Vulcanised Sling, 78
- Schenck, Carl, Wood Chip Board Plant, 925
- Schiess A.G., Large Plano-Milling Machine, 156
- Schiess-Defries Hebezeug-und Kranbau G.m.b.H., Hand-Operated Winch for Lifting, Hauling and Erection, 784
- Schloemann A.G., dooming Mill Replacements. 223: Resistance Heating of Billets. 238
- Schmidt, Hans, Rope Tension Gauge, 550
- Schneider, Heinrich, Optotechnische Fabrik, Large Surface Stress Tester, 397
- Scholven-Chemie A.G., North-West Oil Pipe-line, 356
- Schrader's, A., Son, Small Double Acting Air Cylinder, Double Solenoid Operated Air Control Valve, 734
- Schuckertwerke A.G., Tres Marias Power Station, 238
- Schur, T., Main Line Diesel Locomotives, 309
- Schweiter Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 32. 19.6.59
- Schweizerischer Werkbund, Design Show "Die gute Form", 704
- Schwing, Frederich With. G.m.b.H., Self-Erecting Jib Crane. 782; Two-Cylinder Hydraulically-Operated Concrete Pump, 782
- Sciaky Brothers, Incorporated, 400kVA Flash-Butt Welding Machine, 594
- Science Museum, 245; Air Engines, 722; Iron and Steel Gallery at Science Museum, 270
- Scott Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Driverless Guided Industrial Truck System. 664
- Scott, James and Co., (Electrical Engineers) Ltd., Signal Spectrum Analyser, 926: Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Scott and Wilson. Kirkpatrick and Partners. Maidenhead By-Pass Motorway, 665; Shell Building on the South Bank, (Plate 7, 9.1.59)
- Scottish Ore Carriers, Ltd., Ore Carrier "Morar", 370
- Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., "Darn" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59): "Lord Codrington" Cargo Ship. 106; Oil Tanker "N. Georgios", (Plate 6. 2.1.591
- Scrivener, Arthur. Ltd., Centreless Grinder for Drill Bushes, 779; Surface Grinder. 586 S.E.A.T.O., A Big Risk. 45; Minimum-Cost Fighter, 351
- Secor Building Co, Stressed-Skin Aluminium Dome, 553
- Seekamp, Bernhard H., Portable Combination Grooving and Trepanning Tool, 744
- Self-Changing Gears, Ltd., Oil-Operated Marine Gearbox with Sequent Control, Twin Plate Clutch and Reduction Unit. 600; UE350 Industrial Engine, 16in. Single-Stage Torque Converter, 604
- Selfridges, Ltd., Multi-Storey Garage, 64
- Sender, E. G., Dirty Hands, -58; Why Restrict Output ?, 457
- Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., Electrogyro Traction, 541
- Serck Radiators, Ltd., Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 582
- Servo Consultants, Ltd., Transfer Function Analysers, 894
- Severn, G. M., Measuring the Diameter of Very. Small Bores, 851
- Shaw Savill and Albion Company, Ltd., "Alaric" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7. 2.1.59)
- Shell-B. P. Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria, Ltd., Crawler Tractors, 338
- Shell Chemical Co., Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943; Pipeline System, (828)
- Shell-Mex and B. P., Ltd., Pipeline System, (828); Silicone Lubricants, 613
- Shell Petroleum Company, Ltd., Pipeline for Borneo, (710)
- Shell Research, Ltd., Fully Transistorised Frequency Modulated Indicator for Field Tests. 374, 412
- Shell Refinery Co., Romford Gas Reforming Plant, 842
- Shell Tankers. Ltd., "Halia" Tanker, (Plate 6, 2.1.59); Oil Tanker "Amastra", 108
- Ship and Boat Builders' National Federation, National Boat Show, 10
- Shipbuilding Conference, Shipbuilding Statistics, 667
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, Safety and Health in Shipbuilding, 589
- Shippingport Atomic Power Station, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 785
- Shockley. W. B., Transistor Diodes, 855
- Short Brothers and Harland. Ltd., Bristol "Britannia" 253 Transport Aircraft. 182; Control System Analyser. 114; Hydraulically- Operated Ship-Side Doors. 230; Naval Anti-Aircraft Missile, 269; "S.C.1." Research Aircraft, (Plate 10, 9.1.59); Strategic Freighter Order, 308
- Sicomatic A.G., Auto Silo at Basle, 932
- Sidney Machine Tool Co., Large Centre Lathes for Rocket and Missile Work, 972
- SIEMAG Siegener Maschinenbau G.m.b.H., Large Slab Shear, 959
- Siemag, Hosech Broad Strip Mill, 550
- Siemens Edison Swan, Ltd., Printed Circuit Connectors. 819; Illuminated Acoustic Ceiling, 587; Self-Supporting Telephone Line. 858; Stabilised Power Units, 575; Submarine Power Cables, 52; Subscriber Trunk Dialling. (Plate 8, 2.1.59); Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802; Transatlantic Telephone Cable Orders. 467; Transistor Tester. (938): Wide-Angle Cathode-Ray Tube, (202)
- Siemens Edison Swan Research Laboratory, Semi-conductor Production and Devices, 803
- Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Company, Ltd., British Railways 50 cis Electrification. 658 Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 799
- Siemens and Halske A.G., Auto Silo at Basle. 934; Centralised Signalling System for Swedish Linc, 958: Model "2002" Digital Computer. Speed Control for a 20kW Motor, Facsimile Telecopying Equipment, 821; Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 901;
- Siemens and Halske and Siemens-Schuckertwerke, 473; Time Signalling Synchronous Clock. 315
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., Electrical Installation Equipment. 817: German Atomic Power Project, 358; Hoesch Broad Strip Mill, 550; Illuminated Weather Indicator, 397; Instrumentation Supplied for Karlsruhe Research Reactor. 473; Insulating Distribution System, 237: Ochsenkopf Television Tower, 901; "Siemens-Transidyn" System of Rack-Mounted Unit Control Elements. 473
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Electrical Installation Equipment. 817; Flameproof Distribution Board, Range of Monitored-Earth Units, 422; Flameproof Metering Panel, 431
- Sigmund Pumps Ltd., Totally Enclosed Leakproof Pump, 930
- Sigsworth, Charles, Dirty Hands, 140
- Silentbloc, Ltd., "Raykin" Fender for Harbour Installations, Examples of Rubber Bonded to Metal Components, 604
- Silvertown Services Shipping, Ltd., Sugar Carrier "Sugar Transporter", 69
- Simm, G. E., (Engineering), Ltd., Tension Band Clamping Equipment, 929
- Simmering-Graz-Pauker A.G., Diesel-Hydraulic Shunting Locomotive. 117
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Anglo-German Collaboration in Nuclear Power, 857; 150MW Nuclear Power Station for Takai-Mura, Japan, 622; Japan's First Nuclear Power Station, 389
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., "Sonic" Pneumatic Conveying System. 311
- Simons, William, and Co., Ltd., Fish Factory Trawler "Fairtry II". 739
- Sindall, William, Ltd., Laboratories, Plant and Offices, 891
- Sinex Engineering Company, Ltd., Internal Bunker Vibrator, 896; Small Vibratory Feeder. (710)
- Singh, B. R., Experimental Investigations on Stick-Slip Sliding, 537
- Skinner, W. J., Experiments on the Compressive .Strength of Anhydrite, 255, 288
- Skogsiigarnas Industri A.B., Swedish Chipboard Factory, 397
- Slatford, Jean E., Design of Stiffened Plating in Compression, 292
- Smith and McLean, Ltd., Scotland's Strip Mill Project, 155
- Smith, T. Eustace, Some Thoughts on Dry Docks, 532
- Smith, Thomas and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 22I-Ton Truck, 928
- Smith's Dock Company, Ltd., "Araluen" Cargo Ship, 107; Oil Tanker "Amastra". 108; "Pennyworth" Ore Carrier, 108; "Rievauls" Ore Carrier. 108; Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 580
- Smiths Group, Kelvin House. 778
- Smiths Industrial Instrument Division, Calibrated Relay. Servo-Motors, "5AF" Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, 423
- Smuts, Jan, Airport Workshops, S.A.A. "Viscounts" Fitted With Aluminium Alloy Galleys, 314
- Smyth, C. N., Ultrasonic Image Camera, 348
- Smyth. Urquhart and Marckwald, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
- Smyth, W. A., Fairlie Locomotives, 96
- S.N.C.F., French Railways, (Plate 15, 9.1.59); Paris-Lille Electrification Opened, 158; Wagon for Semi-Trailer Transport, 317
- Snazell, G. E., Semi-Conductor Rectifiers for High-Power Electro-Chemical Duty, 408
- Snell. C., "Modern Aspects of Photoclasticity", 656
- Snelling, A. F., Ltd., Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Snow, Frederick S., and Partners, Gatwick Airport, (Plate 6, 9.1.59)
- Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authorii v 330kV Oil-Filled Cable Installation, 422
- Societa' Elettronucleare Italiana, Nuclear Power Plant for Italy, 902
- Societe Alsacienne de Constructions Mecaniques, French Observation Railcars, 396
- Society Anonyme de Machines Electrostatiques, High-Voltage Electrostatic Generator. 463
- Society des Forges et Ateliers du Crcusot, Low Friction Valve Control, 629
- Societe Genevoise d'Instruments de Physique, Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 24, 19.6.59
- Society Lorraine des Anciens Etablissment De Dietrich et Cie. Wagon for Semi-Trailer Transport, 317
- Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais, French Railway Electrification, 78
- Society Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation, Hot Water Ejector Wind Tunnels, 397
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., Vehicle Production, (202)
- Solar Aircraft Co, Production of Honeycomb Core Material, 39
- Solartron Electronic Group, Ltd., Digital Voltmeter, 928; Vibrating-Cylinder Transducer, 665; Video Recording, 55
- Somerset River Board, Newcomen Society's Summer Meeting, 966
- Somes, A. D., Advances in Steam Turbines for Marine Propulsion, 446
- Sorby, George, Ltd., Ground Round Stock Tool Steel, (554)
- South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ne', Buildings in South Africa, 899; Research Progress in the South African C.S.I.R., 233
- South African Railways, Bridge over the Tugela River, South Africa, 971; Electric Locomotives for South Africa, 508; Enlargement of East London Harbour, 154; Mechanisation of Railway Maintenance, 971 S.A.A. "Viscounts" Fitted With Aluminium Alloy Galleys, 314
- South-Eastern Gas Board, Up-River Collier "E,e11", 109
- South of Scotland Electricity Board, 391; Chapelcross and Calder Hall, 713; Starts Generating Electricity, 391; Hunterston Power Station, (Plate 9, 2.1.59)
- South of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Electrical Engineering in 1958, 27
- South-Western Electricity Board, Experimental Road Heating, 230
- Southampton Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Motor Ship for Southampton and Cowes Service, "Carisbrooke Castle". 886
- Southern Instruments, Ltd., Sigrist and Weiss Industrial Photometer, 603
- Southern Pacific Co, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630
- Southern Region of British Railways, British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; ' Electrification of the Kent Coast Line, 467; Kent Coast Electrification, 10; Railway Modernisation, (Plate 3, 2.1.59); Self-Supporting Telephone Line, 858; Traction Equipment of New Southern Region Electric Stock, 891
- Southern Rhodesia Electricity Supply Commission, 330kV Transmission System. 51 Spanish Railways, Zamora—La Coruna Railway, 316
- Spax, Ltd., Variable.' Damper, 229 Spencer-Bonecourt-Clarkson. Ltd., Fish Factory Trawler "Fairtry II", 739
- Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., "Introview" Flaw and Corrosion Detector, New Type of Bearing Repeater Compass Stand, 680
- Staellberg-Stripa, Ltd., Process for Coal and Mineral Treatment, 824
- Standard Motor Company, Ltd., Front-engined, Rear-drive Light Car, 654
- Standard Telecommunication Laboratories, Ltd., Long-Distance Transmission by Waveguide. 172; Waveguide Transmission Demonstrations, 271
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd. British Railways SO c/s Electrification, 618; Burnhope Television Station. Co. Durham, 146; Carrier Telephony Channel Equipment, 114; Cathodic Protection Rectifiers, 699; New Radio Transmitters at Ongar, 339; Resignalling at Newcastle, 645; S.T.C. Type G10/201E Numerical Indicator Device (Nodistron), 574; "Standardised System", 30; Submarine Cable to Iceland, 586; Subscriber Trunk Dialling, (Plate 8, 2.1.59); Telecommunications Developments in Bahamas, 509; Transistor Exhibits, 853; Voice-Frequency Control of Traction Supply. 738
- Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd., Water Supply at Hull. 774
- State Shipping Service, Coastal Liner "Koolama", 31
- States Marine Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825
- Staveley Iron and Chemical Company, Ltd., Water Supply at Hull. .774
- Stearns-Roger Manufacturing Co SPERT-111 Achieves Criticality, 321
- Steel Company of Wales, Ltd., Coiled Tinplate, 394; Horsehay Blast-Furnaces, 424; Industrial Photography and Television, 700; Large Industrial Mobile Vacuum Cleaning Plant, 272; Margam No. 5 Blast-Furnace, 777; New Universal Slabbing Mill, (Plate 2, 9.1.59); Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre, 295 Television in a Steel Works • 777
- Steel, Peech and Tozer, Ltd., New Continuous Hot-Strip Mill, (Plate 3, 9.1.59)
- Steel Structures, Ltd., Mobile Oil Drilling Platform "Orient Explorer", 312
- Steels Engineering Installations Ltd., Dust Collection Plant, 861
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., Cargo and Passenger Liner "Chicanoa", 32; "Kirpan" Indian Anti-Submarine Frigate, 91; "Walk-are" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
- Stephenson, Robert. and Hawthorns, Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Benloyal" 426; Fish Factory Trawler "Fairtry II", 739
- Stevens, Ernest, Ltd., Vitreous Enamel Finish for Aluminium, (698)
- Stewart, J. W., Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Blooming Mill Replacements, 223; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station. 719; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity, 391; New Building for Research and Development. (Plate 3, 9.1.59); Steel Works Training Centre. 666; Tube Plant, (Plate 11, 2.1.59): Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Stirling, J. D., Honore Mercier Reconstruction on the St. Lawrence River, 971
- Stone Chance, Ltd., Lighthouse Equipment for India. 700; New Optical System for Eddystone Lighthouse, 504
- Stone-Platt Industries, Ltd., Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546
- Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 785
- Stork, Gebr., and Co. N.V., Production of Fairfield-Stork Diesel Engine, 230
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Cargo Liner S.S. "Ben- loyal", 426; Coating Plant. (Plate 4, 9.1.59) Development Scheme at the P.L.A.'s Royal Docks, 112
- Strachan and Henshaw, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Strandgren, Carl Bruno, Low Friction Valve Control, 629
- Strategic Materials Corporation, Technological Progress in the Steel Industry, 746
- Stressed Concrete Design, Ltd., Slade Lane Bridge, 10
- Stretham Engine Preservation Trust, Preserving A Fen Pumping Engine, 367
- Stuart, A. A., and Sons, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Stucky, Professor, Mauvoisin Dam, (Plate 16. 2.1.59)
- Studer, Willy, Automatic Oscillograph, 705
- Submarine Cables, Ltd., Submarine Cable Telephone System Between Canadian Mainland and Newfoundland, 54; Transatlantic Telephone Cable Orders, 467
- Suhner, Otto, G.m.b.H., Flexible Shaft Drive made in Two Sizes, 783
- Suisatom A.G., Atomic Power, Suppt. 9, 19.6.59
- Sulzer Bros., Engine-Generator Set, 696; Mechanicals Summer Visit. Suppt. 15, 19.6.59
- Sulzer Bros., (London), Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Engine-Generator Set, 696; Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Sulzer, Hans, Obituary, 97
- Sulzer, Ltd., Large Plano-Milling Machine, 156
- Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd., Plastics-Coated Steel Sheet, (162)
- Sunderland Forge and Engineering Company, Ltd., Equipment for the Trailing Anode System of Cathodic Protection, 730
- Supersonic Transport Aircraft Committee, Flying Speeds in Civil Aviation. 752; Proposed Air Liners, 624; Supersonic Airliner Project, 775
- Surface Combustion Corporation, Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium, West Virginia. 318
- Surfard, Ltd., Flame Hardening with Oxy-Town Gas, 449
- Surrey County Council, Kingston By-Pass Modernisation Proposals, 817
- Sussex and Dorking Brick Company, Ltd., Building Trials with Large Perforated Bricks. 625
- Svenska Flygmotor Aktienbolaget, Vibrating- Cylinder Tranducer, 665
- Swan, G. M., Obituary, 689
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., "British Architect" Oil Tanker, 70; Cargo Ship "City of Lancaster". 107; "Kano Palm" and "Enugu Palm" Cargo Ships, 107; "Llanishen" Tanker, 108; Position of British Shipbuilding, 468: "Stavern" Cargo Ship, (Plate 12, 9.1.59); 3.300-Ton Tanker, 32
- Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, Water Research in Sweden, 590
- Swedish State Power Board, Furnas Power Station, 358
- Swettenham, N. A. M., "The Provision of Workable Substitutes for Missing or Defective Limbs, 585
- Swindell-Dressler Corporation, Technological Progress in the Steel Industry, 747
- Swinney Brothers, Ltd., Rotary Atomisers, 439 Swiss China Clay Manufactory. Ltd., Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 32, 19.6.59
- Swiss Federal Railways, Railways. Suppt. 5, 19.6.59; Swiss-Built Electric TEE Trains, 902
- Swiss Industrial Co, Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 27, 19.6.59
- Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works, Mechanicals Summer Visit, Suppt. 25, 19.6.59; Motor-Generator Locomotives for Kent Coast Electrification, 268
- Switchgear Testing Co., Ltd., Prototype 330kV Lenticular Tank Oil Circuit Breaker, 52
- Sydostra Sveriges Skogsagares Fbrbund, Swedish Chipboard Factory. 397
- Sylvania-Corning Nuclear Corporation. American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 825; Exhibits at the American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 867
- Symons, H. D. and Co., Ltd., Mechanical Wrapping of D., Insulation, 927
- Tangyes, Ltd., High Pressure Pumping Set, 459
- Tanner, R. I., Calculation of the Shear Rate in the Hip Joint Lubricant, 585; "Some Tests on 'Fluon' As a Material for Artificial Animal Joints", 585; "The Lubricating Properties of Synovial Fluid", 585
- Tarmac Civil Engineering, Ltd., Closing of the Preston By-Pass, 171; Preston By-Pass. (Plate 6, 9.1.59); The "Set Piece" of the Road Programme, 909
- Tarmac (Roadstone), Ltd., Coating Plant. (Plate 4, 9.1.59)
- Tatnall Measuring Systems Co, 400.000-lb. Universal Testing Machine, 201
- Taylor. Bryan, Boiler Refractories: Operating Temperatures, 701
- Taylor Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Signal Generator Covering 100 kcJs to 240 Me/s for Television and Radio Receiver Servicing, 575
- Taylor, John, and Sons, Heinz Factory at Kitt Green, 812
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Measurement Exhibition in Manchester, (402)
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., Chapel- cross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428 Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (322)
- Taylor Woodrow (Ghana), Ltd., Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428
- Technograph Electronic Products. Ltd., Printed Circuits Exhibition, 585
- Teddington Industrial Equipment. Ltd., Automatic Supervisory Equipment. 145
- Tees Towing Company, Ltd., Tractor Tug "Banbury Cross", 109
- Teleflex Products, Ltd., Industrial Actuator. 586; Tongs for Radioactive Materials, 432
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, Ltd., Transatlantic Telephone Cable Orders, 467
- Telephone Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546
- Tema Development Corporation. Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428
- Temple Steamship Company. Ltd., "Temple Main" Cargo Ship. (Plate 12. 9.1.59)
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 398, 437, 474
- Terrell, B. J., Obituary, 533
- Texas Instruments, Ltd., "Ultramicroscopic" Solid Circuit, 855
- Thailand Government. Raw Materials Survey in Thailand, 435
- Thames Conservancy, Using Water Over and, Over Again, 325
- Thermocontrol Inst. Company Ltd., Communications for U.S.A.F. British Bases, 546
- Thermotank, Ltd., Air Conditioning of "Orcades", 465; Car Ferry for Continental Services. 950; Fast Cargo Ship "Bulimba", 817
- Thomas, Richard, and Baldwins, Ltd., Continuous Galvanising Line for Strip Mill, (Plate 2, 9.1.59); Iron and Steel, 470
- Thompson, John, Ltd., Fuel Loading and Unloading Equipment for the Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, "Multipac" Package Boiler, 601; Tests on Berkeley Reactor Pressure Vessel, 956
- Thompson. John, Ordnance Company Ltd., Flux Scanning Winches, 601: 90in. Bore Angular Contact Ball Bearings, 678
- Thompson, J. L., and Sons, Ltd., 15,000-Ton Bulk Carrier, 32
- Thornton Research Centre, Fully Transistorised Frequency Modulated Indicator for Field Tests, 374, 412
- Thornycroft, John I. and Co., Ltd., "Duncan" Anti-Submarine I., 88; "Medina". the First Motor-Driven Vessel for Isle of Wight Services, 886; Motor Ship for Southampton and Cowes Service, "Carisbrooke Castle", 886
- Tilghman's, Ltd., Automatic Mechanical Shot- blasting Machine. 729
- Timber Development Association, Ltd., Timber Shell Roofs, 354
- Timberland Machines, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 913
- Tinker and Young, Ltd., Oxford Road Station, Manchester, 468
- Titanium Metals Corporation, New Prospects for Titanium, 551
- Tolman, F. R., Interferometric Measurement of the Straightness of Plug Gauges, 136
- Trades Union Congress. Co-Ordinating Wage Claims, 628: Education and Careers Exhibition, 464, 793; Restrictive Practices, 313: T.U.C. and the Budget. 395 "Frafikaktiebolaget Griingesberg-Oxelbsund-Jdrnvagar, Centralised Signalling System for Swedish Line, 958
- Transair, Ltd., Aircraft Hangar at Gatwick Airport. 65
- Trans-Canada Air Lines, Aircraft Seat Reservations by Computer, 466
- Transformers (Watford). Ltd., Jansen Type Transformer On-Load Tap-Change Equipment, 461
- Travers, R., Morgan and Partners, Millbank Tower Block, 429
- Treasury, Financing Expansion, 742; Long- Term International Capital, 395; Public Investment, 75
- Trecker Aircraft Corp., "Royal Gull" Super 200. 689
- Trevelyan Scholarships Trust, Scholarships. 111
- Tripp, G. W., Car Ferry for Continental Services, 950; M.V. "Colchester". New Cargo Vessel for the Harwich-Antwerp Services, 305: Motor Ship for Southampton and Cowes Service, "Carisbrooke Castle", 886
- Tripp, V. H., Ponders End Lock, 353
- Trojan Ltd., "Trojan" Products Display, (868)
- Trollope and Colls, Ltd., Constructing Route 1 from Aldersgate Street to Moorgate, (Plate 7, 9.1.59)
- Trumpf and Co., "CN63" Copying and Co- Ordinate Nibbling Machine. 822
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Group, Tube Plant, (Plate 10. 2.1.59)
- Tube Plant. Ltd., Tube Plant, (Plate 10, 2.1.59)
- Tube Products, Ltd., Large Electric Resistance Welded Steel Tubes, 298
- Tubewrights, Ltd., Development Scheme at the P.L.A.'s Royal Docks, 112; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- Tucker, O. R., Implementation of Standards, 260
- Tuplin, W. A., Mechanics of Train Running, 14, 181
- Turner and Brown, Ltd., P.V.C. Valves, (202)
- Turner Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Hydraulic or Pneumatic Actuators, 468
- Turner, T. Henry, "Mainly Metallurgy", 832, 846
- Turriff Construction Corporation, Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board: New Works in 1958. III
- Twyman, Frank, Obituary, 427
- Tyne-Tees Television, Ltd., Burnhope Television Station, Co. Durham, 146
- U.N.E.S.C.O., Atomic Waste Disposal. 278; Unesco and Science in 1959-60. 118
- Unilever, Ltd., Faraday Lecture on "Automation", 193
- Union Castle Line, Enlargement of East London Harbour, 154; Liner "Pendennis Castle", 31
- Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Unesco and Science in 1959-60, 118
- Union Rheinische Braunkohlen Kraftstoff A.G., North-West Oil Pipeline, 356
- Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand, Ltd., "Pateena" Coastwise Ship, (Plate 13, 9.1.59); "Waikare" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 2.1.59)
- Union Tank Car Co, 384ft. Geodesic Dome, 360
- United Engineering and Foundry Co, Ravenswood Works of Kaiser Aluminium, West Virginia, 318
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Britain and Nuclear Power in 1958, 16 Changes in the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 507; Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity, 391: Cobalt Container for Industrial Radiography, 954: Construction of Two Sea Outfall Pipelines, 428; Convention on Thermonuclear Processes, 719; Engineering Developments in Nuclear Power, 530; 150MW Nuclear Power Station for Tokai-Mura, Japan, 622; G.E.C./ Simon-Carves Reactor, 754; High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Project, 415; High- Voltage Laboratory, 877: Hot Experimental Reactor of Zero Power, "HERO". 269; Information on Atomic Energy, (122); Microphotography of Reports from U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, (225): New Cream Made by Rozalex. Ltd., 640: Nuclear Power at Sea. 751; Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships. 741; Radiation Monitoring Equipment for Field Use, 112; Training in Radiation Dangers, 816; Transistor Oscilloscope, 855; United Kingdom/Euratom Atomic Energy Agreement, 254; Uranium Fuel Element Factory at Springfields, 169; X-Ray Equipment Exhibition, 902
- United Kingdom Post Office, Submarine Cable to Iceland, 586
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Fall in European Coal Output in 1958, 436
- United Shoe Machinery Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 934
- United States Air Force Research Centre, Moon as Radio Reflector, 816
- United States Army, Doak Model 16, (Plate 10, 9.1.59)
- United States Atomic Energy Commission, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 785, 825, 865. 903, 935; Argonne Low Power Reactor in Idaho. 79; Los Alamos Power Reactor Experiment No. 2. 747; Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, 91
- U.S. Bureau of Census, British Tractors in the U.S.A., 75
- U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, Highway Bridge of Light-Gauge Aluminium Cellular Construction, 592
- U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, High-Speed Digital Computers. 239
- U.S. Naval Shipyard, "Independence" Aircraft Carrier, 91
- United States Navy. H.M.S. "Dreadnought". 558; Infra-Red Progress, 37; The Submarine and Anti-Submarine Situation To-day, 7
- U.S. Navy Bureau, Neutrons for the Navy, 715; Super-Cavitating Propeller for Ships, 38 U.S. Office of Naval Research, Super-Cavitating Propeller for Ships, 38
- United States Steel Corporation, Double Cantilever Bridge over the Carquinez Strait in California, 630. 669; Steel Strip Shear and Classifier Drives at Velindre, 295; Technological Progress in the Steel Industry. 746
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Hot Rolling Mill for Stainless Steel, 511; New Continuous Strip Mill, (Plate 3. 9.1.59); Pilot Plant for Steel Research. 501; Steel Town. (828)
- United Steel Structural Company, Ltd., Computers for Structural Design, 85
- Urquart Lindsay and Robertson Orchar, Ltd., Erratum (906)
- Urquharts Ltd., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- Urquharts (1926). Ltd., Medium Size Oil Firing Units. 72: Printed Circuit for Oil Firing Unit, 617
- University of Birmingham. Non-Ferrous Metals Research Facilities. 846; Traffic Engineering at the University of Birmingham, 701
- University of California, Advanced Materials Technology, 595; Biomechanics as a Service to Man, 681
- University College, Long-Distance Transmission by Waveguide, 172; Photo-Elasticity at University College, (463); The Work of Coker and Filon in Photoelasticity, 656
- University College Hospital, International Conference on Medical Electronics, 513
- University of Hamburg, Advantages of Prestressed Concrete, 472
- University of Liverpool, Stroboflash-Coincident Unit for Engine Indicating. 336
- University of Natal. Water Research in Natal. 234
- University of Tennessee. Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 439
- USINOR Steel Co, Oxygen Lime-Powder Steel-making Process, 317
- U.S.S.R., Soviet Atomic Power Stations, 310; Soviet Seven-Year Plan, 1959-65, 118; Transferred Charge Telephone Service, (554)
- Vacu-Blast, Ltd., "Vacu-Blast" Machine with Open-Blast Nozzle, 567
- Vacuum Industrial Applications, General Purpose Vacuum Furnace, 779
- Valium Shipping Company, Ltd., Ore Carrier the "Iron Age". 107
- Vasudevan, P., "The Kinetics of Bainite Formation in a Plain Carbon Steel", 776
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Mechanical Work Handling in a Press Shop, 774
- Venetian Vogue Ltd., Revival of Venetians, 942
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Report for 1957, 199
- Verolme Cork Dockyard, Ltd., Cork Dockyard, (906)
- Versil, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Vian, Christopher Arthur, Obituary, 168
- Vickers, Antony, Why Restrict Output ?, 302, 498
- Vickers Nuclear Engineering Group, Nuclear Propulsion for Surface Ships, 741
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Air Conditioning of "Orcades", 465; Aircraft Carrier "Hermes", 89; Aircraft Carrier "Victorious", 90; "Eastbourne" Anti-Submarine Frigate, 88; I.N.S. "Beas" Anti-Aircraft Frigate, 91; "Porpoise" and "Rorqual" Submarines, 89
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Aircraft), Ltd., A Big Risk, 45; Aircraft Prospects, 354; S.A.A. "Viscounts" Fitted With Aluminium Alloy Galleys, 314; "Scimitars" Interceptor and Strike Aircraft, 8; Surveillance Radar at Test Airfield, 859; "Vanguard" Airliner, 182; "Vanguard" Progress, 883
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Engineers), Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; Engine- Generator Set, 696
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Canadian Pacific Liner, (202); Dock on the River Tyne, 32
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Tractors), Ltd., Crawler Tractors, 337
- Villiers Cycle Component Co, Diamond Jubilee Exhibition, 113
- Villiers Engineering Company, Ltd., Diamond Jubilee Exhibition, 113
- Voith, J. H., Tres Marias Power Station, 238
- Voith, J. M., G.m.b.H., Fan for Subsonic Wind Tunnel, 745
- Voith-Turbo K.G., Hydraulic Couplings and Torque Converters, 745
- Vosper, D. F. C., Freeing an End of a New Motorway, 953
- Vosper, Ltd., "Brave Borderer" and the "Brave Swordsman" Patrol Boats, 89; Fast Patrol Boat Trials, (322)
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; Main-Line Diesel- Electric Locomotives, 889
- Waagner-Biro A.G., Suspension Pipe Bridge Over the Danube, 277
- Wadkin, Ltd., Continuous Rotary Milling Machines, 433; Electronic Positional Drilling Machine, 966; Radial Arm Saw, 393
- Wakefield, C. C., and Co., Ltd., Mechanical Lubricator with Eight Feeds, 640
- Walker and Harrison-Hughes Engineering Laboratories, Strobotlash-Coincident Unit for Engine Indicating, 336
- Walker, P. M., and Co. (Halifax), Ltd., Air Conditioning Set, 586
- Wallace and Tiernan, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719; Water Supply at Hull, 774
- Wallasey Corporation, River Mersey Ferry "Royal Daffodil 11", (Plate 13, 9.1.59)
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Ltd., Single Shaft Set of Double Reduction Geared Turbines for "British Architect", 70
- Walsh Canadian Construction Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 876
- Walz and Krenzer, Incorporated, Cruise Liner S.S. "Santa Rosa", 279
- Ward, Ronald. and Partners, Millbank Tower Block, 429
- Ware, A. A., Recent Thermonuclear Experiments with Sceptre 111A, 723, 760
- Warings (Contractors), Ltd., Newbury Relief Road Completed, 465
- Warren Spring Laboratory, Atmospheric Pollution, 406
- Warwickshire and Radio Heaters, Ltd., Hard-facing Using Induction Heating, (322)
- Water Pollution Research Board, Water Pollution Research, 741
- Wates, Ltd., 1035 Flats and Maisonnettes at Roehampton, (Plate 7, 9.1.59)
- Weapons Research Establishment, The Atomic Energy Authority, 18
- Webber, B. W., (Contractors), Ltd., Swadlincote Colliery. (Plate 12, 2.1.59)
- Weir, Andrew, and Co., Ltd., "Durtbank", "Garrybank" and "Minchbank", Cargo Ships, 106
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Control Gear for S.S. "Maid of Kent", 952; Single-Stage Turbine- Driven Boiler Feed Pump, Air Compressor Set for Diesel Starting Duties, New Vertical "Packaged" Marine Evaporator Set, 731
- Weldcraft, Ltd., Automatic Fluxer for Brazing and Bronze Welding, (162)
- Wellerman Brothers, Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 802
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Blooming Mill Replacements, 223: Brinsworth Hot Strip Mill, (122); Pre- Refining Steel for Electric Furnaces, 685; Steel Melting Plant at Aviles, Spain. 236; Steel Plant at Durgapur, (Plate 2, 9.1.59)
- Wells, J. M., and Co., Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Wells and Walchi, Distillery at Kennington, 545
- Wentworth-Sheilds, F. E., Obituary, 769
- Werner, F., Machine Tool Demonstration, (322)
- Werner, Fritz, A.G., Electrically-Controlled Milling Machines, 396
- Wernerwerk fur Bauelemente, Developments Along the Lines of Smaller Dimensions and Higher Working Temperatures, 473
- Wernerwerk fur Messtechnik, Electro-Pneumatic Remote Control System, 473
- Wernerwerk fur Telegrafen-und Signaltechnik, New Teleprinter, 473
- Wernerwerk fur Weitverkehrs-und Kabeltechnik, Increase of Channels of Multiplex Telephony Links, 473
- Weserhiitte Otto Wolf G.m.b.H., "W18" Excavator Equipped with Grab, 706
- West, Allen, Ltd., British Railways Locomotive Orders, 353; Improved Dual-Motor "ALJEK" Crane Control Scheme, 462; Traction Motors and Control, 697; Vertical-Mounting, Plug-in Controller for Crane, 462
- West Pakistan Electricity Department. Conservation in West Pakistan, 507
- West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, Conservation in West Pakistan, 507
- Western Counties Brick Co, Building Trials with Large Perforated Bricks, 625
- Western Electric Co Production of Synthetic Quartz, 360
- Western Region of British Railways, Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Mixed Traffic, 765; Driverless Guided Industrial Truck System, 664; Locomotives, (Plate 4, 2.1.59); Train Resistance. 126
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company, Ltd. British Railways 50 c/s Electrification, 658; Germanium Rectifier Cubicle, 53; Main-Line Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 889; Resignalling at Newcastle, 645; Temple Mills New Hump Marshalling Yard, 759, 802; Three New Semi-conductor Devices, 854
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 785; Co- Operation Agreement with Siemens-Schuckertwerke Aktiengessellschaft, 473; Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 477; Propelling Machinery for the Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser "Long Beach", 91; Reactor Compartment and Steam Propulsion Machinery for Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, 91
- Westinghouse Electric International Co, Nuclear Power Plant for Italy. 902
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., Navy Estimates, 1959, 365; "Wessex" Helicopter, 285; "Wessex" Turbine-Engined Helicopter, 8; "Whirlwind" and "Widgeon" Helicopters. 688
- Weston, G., Overlapping of British Standards, 652
- Westwood, Joseph, and Co., Ltd., Bethnal Green Bridge Reconstruction, 497
- Westwood, Sons and Partners, Laboratories, Plant and Offices, 891
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Company, Ltd., Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 719
- Wheeler's Ltd., Timber Shell Roofs, 354
- Whessoe, Ltd., Aluminium Methane, (788); Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station Starts Generating Electricity, 391; Liquefied Methane Carrier, 353; Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-le-Hope, 943
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., "Khukri" Indian Anti-Submarine Frigate, 91; "Londonderry" Anti-Submarine Frigate, 88
- White. S. F., "The River Hull Supply to Kingston-unman-Hull". 772
- White, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Automatic Panel Sizing Machine, 74; Wood Chip Board Plant, 925
- Whittaker, L. O., Nitrogen Factory at Stanford-Le-Hope, 943
- Wickman, Ltd., Automatic Copy-Turning, (828): Surface Grinder, 586
- Wicksteed, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Hacksawing Machine, 194
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd., "Wiggin Electrical Resistance Materials", (575)
- Wilkinson, H., Fairlie Locomotives, 96
- Willans, Kyrie W., Transportable Steam-Driven Power Set, 856
- Williams, F. E., Post Office "700-type" Telephone, 576
- Williams, Sir Owen, and Partners, London-Birmingham Motorway, (Plate I, 2.1.59) Motorway Bridgeworks, (Plate 2, 2.1.59); The; "Set Piece" of the Road Programme, 909 Williams, T, J., Pulsation Damping in Pressure Gauge Connections, 378
- Williams, W. Cyril, Obituary, 427
- Williamson, James, and Partners, Lubreoch Dam, 64
- Williamstown Naval Dockyard, H.M.A.S. "Yarra" Anti-Submarine Frigate, 90
- Willis, Jackson Committee, Teachers at Technical Colleges, 965
- Wilson, A. C., "The Design and Construction of a 36in. Diameter Aqueduct with Particular Reference. to Adverse Ground Conditions, 772
- Wilton Royal Carpet Factory, Timber Shell Roofs, 353
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., Channel Tunnel Investigation, 585; Operation of the Shin Hydro-Electric Scheme, 227; Railway Modernisation, (Plate 3, 2.1.59)
- Windsor, R. H., Ltd., Large Injection Moulding Machine, 394
- Winston Electronics, Ltd., Computer Demonstrations, (202); Transistor Test Equipment, 271
- Winternitz, 0., Road Surface Slab Construction, 591
- Wiseman, Alfred, and Co., Ltd., Marine Reverse Reduction Oil-Operated Gearbox W.600, Forward and Reverse Final Drive Shunting Locomotive Gearbox, 734
- Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft far Luftfahrt, Ludwig Prandtl Memorial Lecture. 629
- Woden Transformer Company, Ltd., New Equipment for Electronics and Automation, 546
- Wood, B., Overlapping of British Standards, 690 Steam Turbine Runaways, 805:
- Wood, D. R., "Some Investment-Cast Alloys for High Temperature Service", 798
- Wood, Douglas and J. D., Distillery at Kennington, 545
- Woodfield Rochester, Ltd., Compressed Air Hose-Handling Installations at Fawley, 508
- Woods of Colchester, Ltd., Ship Conversion to Free Piston Gas Turbine Machinery, 581
- Woodward, C. Douglas, Standards Making, 418
- World Health Organisation, Atomic Waste Disposal, 278
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., Two-Stage, Oil- Cooled, Rotary Air Compressor, 565; Working Model of a Central Priming Unit, Marine Condenser Designed to Work in Conjunction with a Greenwood and Batley Turbine, 565
- Yamagata. M., Standard of Stability Adopted in Japan, 693
- Yankee Atomic Electric Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 785
- Yarrow-Admiralty Research Department, Tribal Class Frigate H.M.S. "Ashanti", 430
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Machinery Installations for the "Ashanti" General Purpose Frigate, 89; Tribal Class Frigate H.M.S. "Ashanti", 430
- Yates Plant, Ltd., Self-Aligning Rotator for Welding Large Vessels, 310; Travelling Universal Welding Column and Boom, Continuous Backing Bar and Clamp for Cylindrical Vessels, 601
- York Shipley, Ltd., Turbo-Compressor Complete with Water Cooling System. 562
- Yorkshire Electricity Board, 1959-60 Grid Tariff and Off-Peak Electricity Supplies, 211
- Yorkshire Engineering and Welding Company, Ltd., Pre-Refining Steel for Electric Furnaces, 685
- Y.T.C. Universal, Ltd., How to See Works Abroad, 246
- Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen, Machine Tool Drive with Flange Motor and Eight-Step Planetary Gearbox, 784
- Zarek, J. M., Biomechanics as a Service to Man, 681; "The Importance of Biomechanics as a Service to Man, Illustrated by a Discussion of Problems in Metallic Osteosynthesis", 585
- Zeiss, Carl, Precision Optical Measuring Equipment, 472
- Zinn, W. V., 1035 Flats and Maisonnettes at Roehampton, (Plate 7, 9.1.59)
See Also
Sources of Information