The Engineer 1959 Jul-Dec: Index

- Aannemingmaatschappij "Dijksbouw" N.V., Veersche Gat Dam, 346
- Aannemingmaatschappij P.C. Zanen N.V., Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341
- Aannemingsbedrijf Ooster wijk N.V., Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341
- Aberdare Cables, Africa, Ltd., Aluminium Conductors in South Africa, 793
- A.C. Cars, Ltd., "Greyhound" Sports Saloon, 505
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., Semi-Flexible Tube, 254
- A. C. E. Machinery, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Ackery, E. M., Earnings of Engineers, 566
- Acoustical Investigation and Research Organisation, Ltd., Acoustic Research Station, 560
- Acres, H. G., and Co., Final Extension of Beauharnois Power Station, 5
- Acrow (Engineers), Ltd., Construction at Beauharnois Locks, 18
- Activated Sludge, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Addison Electric Co., Ltd., Cable Eccentricity Control, 705; Impregnation Monitoring, 706
- Adelaide Junior Chamber of Commerce, Apprentice Exchange Scheme, 530
- Admiralty, Civil Lord's Committee, Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 420; Germanium Rectifiers for Marine Use, 481; Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 380
- Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, Ministers and Ministries, 499
- Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development, Space Research, 405, 444
- A.E.C. Ltd., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96; Large Dump Truck, (430)
- A.E.I. Electronic Apparatus Division, Data Processing System Under Test, 399
- A.E.I.—John Thompson Nuclear Energy Company, Ltd., "Merlin" Research Reactor, 58, 607; Irradiated Materials Laboratory, 266; Tenders for Tanker Nuclear Reactors, 843
- A.E.I., Lamp and Lighting Co., Ltd., Aluminium Columns for Street-lighting, 749
- Aerex Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Aerograph-De Vilbiss Company, Ltd., Travelling Paint Spraying Booth, 117
- Aeroplanes Morane-Saulnier, M.S. 1500 "Epervier" Light Co-operation and Ground- Support Aircraft, 27
- Aetna-Standard Engineering Company, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 534
- Agricultural Aviation Group, Formation, (40) Agricultural Research Council, Ministers and Ministries, 499
- Aiken and MacLachlan Ltd., St. Lawrence Riser Development, 806
- Ailsa Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., New Car Ferry "Freshwater", 550
- Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Airco D.H., 121
- Airmec, Ltd., Automatic Measuring and Control System, 323; Programme Controlled Turret-Head Drilling Machine, 775
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Aktiebolaget Karlstads Mekaniska Werkstad, Large Controllable-Pitch Propeller, 787
- Alcock, J. F., "The Combustion Process in High-Speed Diesel Engines", 119
- Alderton Construction Company, Ltd., Chiswick Flyover: Contractor's Statement, 397; Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483; Appraisal of the Rejected Staines Bridge Design, 567
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., Mr. L. K. Everitt, (40)
- Allen, West and Co., Ltd., Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., "Vecta" Dual Purpose Vessel, 550; Axial Flow Gas Compressor, 824
- Allied Employers National Federation, Wages and Hours, 365
- Allied Ironfounders, Ltd. Coke in Ironmaking, 157
- Allot, C. S., and Son, Hinkley Point Caisson, 37
- Aluminium Company of America, Welded Aluminium Pipeline for Natural Gas, 799
- Aluminium Corporation Ltd., Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- Alvis, Ltd., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Alvis Mechanization, Ltd., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Wages and Hours, 26, 365
- American Bridge Company, St. Lawrence River Development, 766
- American Bureau of Shipping, Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203
- American Machinery and Foundry Co, Revolution in Packaging, 619
- American Row-Finish Co, Vibratory Metal-Part-Finishing Machine, 115
- American Society for Testing Materials, Dielectric Research at the National Bureau of Standards, 717
- American Telephone and Telegraph Co, Television by Transatlantic Cable, 7: Economy in Post Office Buildings, 34; Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355
- Amey's Asphalte Co., Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Anderson, D., and Son, Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Andersons Insulation Company, Ltd., Site Welding at Hunterston, 307
- Andrew Air Conditioning Ltd., Motor-Car Factory at Dagenham, 641
- Appalachian Power Co, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co, Hinkley Point Caisson, (167)
- Area Gas Boards, Gas Industry Report, 443
- Argonne National Laboratory, Fuel Fabrication, 123, 160; Zero Gradient Synchrotron, 492
- Armament Research and Development Establishment, Defence Research, 591
- Armstrong Whitworth (Metal Industries), Ltd., Lever Lift Drilling Mast, 442
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W. G., Aircraft, Ltd., A.W.650 "Argosy" Freightercoach, 27; Commonwealth Spaceflight Symposium, 188
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W. G., and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Multi-Fuel Engines, 628
- Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Space Research, 444
- ASEA Group, Mains-Frequency Induction Furnaces, 401
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., South Works of the Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., 259
- Ashworth Ross and Co., Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., A.E.I. Reorganisation at Home and Abroad, 14; Electronic Apparatus Headquarters, 29; "Merlin" Research Ractor, 58, 607; Atomic Energy Report, 60; Re-Motoring of a Strip Mill, 231; Germanium Rectifiers for Marine Use, 481; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514; Multi-Motor Control Centre, 653; Building of the 45,000-Ton Liner "Canberra", 656; Reorganisation, 705; Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745; Silicon Controlled Rectifier, 790
- Aston Martin Lagonda, Ltd., Racing and Record Cars, 504
- Ateliers des Charmilles S.A., Electrolytic Carbide Precision Grinding Machine, 367
- Atkins and Partners, "Merlin" Research Reactor, 58
- Atkins, W. S., and Partners, Re-Motoring of a Strip Mill, 231
- Atlantic Gypsum, Ltd., Large Single Roll Crusher. (386)
- Atlas Winston, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 19
- Atomic Energy Commission's Advisory Committee, Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 282
- Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43
- Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 50 MeV Proton Linear Accelerator, 115; Pilot Plant for Gamma Irradiation, 395; Nucleonics Instrumentation Factory, 435; Proposed Site for Thermonuclear Research Establishment, 526; Atomic Energy Report, 60
- Augusta Aircraft Works, Italian Airliner, 491
- Austinlite Ltd., I.T.A. Transmitter in Northern Ireland, 657
- Austin Motor Co., Lt-'., Simplified Small Car, 140
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., Electronic Telephone Exchange Experiments, 651
- Auto-Union G.m.b.H., "Junior" Saloon, 318
- Avco Corporation, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Avions Fairey S.A., "Tipsy Nipper" Single- Seater Aircraft, 27
- Babcock and Wilcox Company, Nuclear Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203, 282; Development of Thermal Breeder Reactors, 325; A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, 37; 400-Ton Goliath Crane at Hinkley Point, 68; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; High-Pressure Gasification Plant in Scotland, 527
- Bache. J. K., "Possible Future Technical Requirements of the Spring Industry", 34
- Bachy Etablissements Neyrpic, Failure of Malpasset Dam, 774
- Bacon, F. T., Fuel Cell Progress, 154
- Baird, John, Obituary, (87)
- Baker Perkins, Ltd., Shell Moulding Machine, 79
- Bamfords Ltd., "ACI" Diesel Engine, 776
- Banbury Borough Council, Hand-Operated Bascule Bridge of Light Alloy, 234
- Barclay Curle and Co., Ltd., Extensions to a Heavy Machine Tool Factory, 659
- Barford (Agricultural) Ltd., Bale Loader, 777
- Barratt. P., "The Application of Closed-Circuit Television in the Nuclear Industry", 24
- Barrus, E. P., (Concessionaires), Ltd., Plastic Aluminium, (246)
- Bartram and Sons, Ltd., Centenary of Far- Eastern Voyage of a Ben Line Ship, 362 Bates, E. S., Oil and the Tractor, 772
- Battersea College of Technology, Summer School on Corrosion, 10
- Baudin-Chateuneuf, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Bauersfeld, Professor Walther, Obituary, 715
- Bayerischc Motorenwerke A.G., Type "700" Two-Seater Coupê, 320
- Beam-Echo Ltd., Stereophonic Amplifier Production, 611
- Beauharnois Light, Heat and Power Company, St. Lawrence River Development, 3
- Beck and Co., Ltd., Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Increased Capacity of Floating Zone Refining, 15; High-Temperature Insulation, 245; Copper Paste for Screen Printing Circuits on Ceramic, 453: Cable Laying Ship Laboratory, 879
- Ben Line, Centenary of Far-Eastern Voyage of a Ben Line Ship, 362
- Bennis Combustion, Ltd., Boilerhouse Elevator, (127)
- Benton Engineering Company, Ltd., Screwed Rivet Bushes, (87)
- Beresford, F. D., Computers for Constructional Design, 432
- Berger, Lewis, (Great Britain) Ltd., Stoving Enamel, 773
- Best, C. L., Tractor Company, Tractor Factory at Tannochside, 106
- Bethlehem Steel's Shipbuilding Division, A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- Beuth-Vertrieb G.m.b.H., Translations of German Industrial Standards, 715
- Biles, Sir J. H., and Co., Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191
- Binnie, Deacon and Gourley, Diorama of the Kalatuwawa Dam, 6; Dokan Dam, 553
- Birla, G. D., Indian Aluminium Works, 453
- Birlec-Efco (Melting), Ltd., Degassing and Vacuum Refining Furnace, 569
- Birmingham Battery and Metal Co., Ltd., Condenser Tube Preparation Machine, 751
- Birmingham Industrial Safety Training Centre, Civil Engineering Safety Training, 275
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Birmingham University, Coke in Ironmaking, 299
- Birtley Company, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Blackburn and General Aircraft Limited, Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22; Boundary Layer Control, 213; N.A.-39 Aircraft, 213
- Blackie & Son, Ltd., Blackie and Son — 150 years old, 705
- Blackwell, C. A. (Contracts) Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Blakeborough, J., and Sons, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Blackett Charlton, R., and Co., Ltd., Changeover Valve Control, 442
- Board of British Overseas Fairs, Ltd., British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571
- Board of Trade, Exports and Industrial Trends, 2; Industry's Capital Expenditure, 81; Engineering Statistics, 118; Protection of Industrial Designs, (127); Export of Iron and Steel Scrap, 157; Engineering Exports, 157; British Constructional Work Overseas, 275; Capital Expenditure, 316; Distribution of Industry, 316; Engineering Production, 316, 713; Overseas Trade, 365, 530; Local Employment Bill, 567; British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571; Export Service Bulletin, 873: United Kingdom Exports, 873
- Boby, William, and Company Ltd., Research Project for Decontamination of Nuclear Effluents, (40)
- Boehringer K.G., Automatic Multi-Station Machine, 323
- Bohi, A. G., Tubular Turbines, 200
- Boley, G., Automatic Finish Turning Lathe With Magazine Feed, 378
- Boley and Leinen, "Leromatic 36" High-Speed Turret Lathe, 277
- Bolidens Gruv A.B., Institute of Metals Visit to Sweden and Denmark, 197
- Bolkow-Entwicklungen K.G., Helicopter Trainer, 408
- Boltje, R., en Zonen N.V., Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341
- Bomford and Evershed Ltd., "Sapper" Rear- dozer, 778
- Boomsma, M., Speed Factors for Gears, 66
- Booth, James, and Co., Ltd., Magnet Coils for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 198
- Borax Consolidated Ltd., Corrosion Inhibition, 868
- Borg-Warner, Ltd., Spin-Resistant Differential, 507
- Bosch, Robert, G.m.b.H., Hydraulic Unit, 662; Oil Level Switch, 797
- Boulder Laboratories, Dielectric Research at the National Bureau of Standards, 716
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., Reaction Control Fan, 252
- Bourceau, C., "Experimental Study of the Welded Frame of a Vee-engine", 121
- Boussiron, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Bowden, A. T., "Trends in the Development of Gas Turbines for Vehicle Propulsion", 122
- B.P. Exploration Company, Mobile Drilling Rig, 363
- B.P. Refinery (Grangemouth), Ltd., Oil Terminal at Finnart, on Loch Long, 113
- B.P. Tanker Company, Ltd., Prevention of Undercooling in Marine Condensers, 395
- Brace, J. E. H., "Industrial Television", A Survey of History, Requirements and Applications", 24
- Bradbury, C. H., "High-Pressure Turbo- Charging of Small Engines", 120
- Braithwaite and Co. (Structural), Ltd., Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Brandt, D. J. 0., Obituary. .,82
- Bridge and Tank Company of Canada, Ltd., St. Lawrence River D•velopment, 19
- Bristol-Aerojet, Ltd., Rocket Combustion Chamber and Nozzle 254
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22; Supersonic Research Aircraft Type 188, 829
- Bristol Aircraft Ltd., Multi-Channel Millivolt Recorder, 751
- Bristol Siddeley Engines, Ltd., Power for the Long-Range Supersonic Airliner, 56; Lightweight Lifting Engine, (127); B.E.58 Engine, 216; "Thor" B.T.-I, 216
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Light Alloy Cladding Panels for Large Buildings, 13; Research Laboratories for Tube Investments Ltd., 522; Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- British Apprentice Award Committee, Apprentice Exchange Scheme, 530
- British Broadcasting Corporation. Television Films by Transatlantic Cable, 7: Remote Control of Television Camera, 271; Extending TV and Radio Coverage, 707
- British Cast Iron Research Association, Research on Cast Iron and Its Manufacture, 146
- British Challenge Glazing Co, Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269
- British Employer's Confederation, The Employers' Function, 571
- British General Electric Company, Ltd., Lighting of Kai Tak Airport, 297
- British Geon, Ltd., Metal/Rubber Laminate for Sealing, (127)
- British Industrial Gases, Ltd., Oxy-Fuel-Gas Cutting Equipment, 360
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Main Line A.C. Locomotive. 745
- British Insulated Callender's Construction Company, Lt I., Mendlesham Television Station, 526
- British Iron and Steel Federation, Management College, 2; Training Steelworks Managers, 2; Aeronautics at the Science Museum, 250; Britain's Steel Industry, 404
- British Jeffrey Diamond, Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74; Murton Coking Plant, 191
- British Junior Chambers of Commerce, Apprentice Exchange Scheme, 530
- British Motor Corporation, Simplified Small Car, 140
- British Northrop Ltd., Looms and Loading Shovels, 704
- British Overseas Fairs, Ltd., British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571
- British Oxygen Gases, Ltd., Expansion Engine, 253
- British Oxygen Linde, Ltd., High-Pressure Gasification Plant in Scotland, 527
- British Oxygen Research and Development Ltd., Metallurgical Powder Dispenser, 611
- British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Century of Oil, 220
- British Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., Filtering Cement Slurry, 155
- British Post Office, Economy in Post Office Buildings, 34; Armourless Submarine Telephone Cable, 273; Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355
- British Productivity Council, Planned Maintenance, (52); Data Processing Study Team, 199; British Institute of Management, 404; Shipbuilding Productivity Team, 571
- British Railways, Permanent Way Recording Coach, 5; "Swiss Achievement", (52) Electrification Conference, 114; The Critical Importance of Transport and Communications, 257; Institution of Locomotive Engineers, 309; Traction Equipment for 50 c/s Trains. 353; 2-10-0 Standard Freight Locomotive Performance and Efficiency Tests, 383; Tourist Award for B.T.C., 401; Electro-Diesel Locomotives, 419; Signalling Equipment on 50 c/s Electrified Lines, 429: Third-Rail Traction at 1200V, 482: New Car Ferry "Freshwater", 550
- British Road Federation, Urban Roads in West Germany, 541
- British Steel Piling Company, Ltd., Some Developments in Piling, 110; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Itham, 514
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., A.E.I. Reorganisation at Home and Abroad, 14; Electronic Apparatus Headquarters, 29; Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46; Technical Education at Rugby, 313; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Building of the 45,000-Ton Liner "Canberra", 656; Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- British Trailer Company, Ltd., Trailer-Mounted Generating Sets, (127)
- British Transport Commission, Permanent Way Recording Coach, 5; Deficits on the Railways, 10; Railway Re-appraisal, 33 British Railways A.C. Electrification, 169; Rediscovering Railways, 251; The Critical Importance of Transport and Communications, 257; Tourist Award for B.T.C., 401; Electro-Diesel Locomotives, 419: Railway Advisory Service for Asia and Far East, 513; Improvements at King George Dock, Hull, 526 . 1.000-H.P. Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 768
- British Transport Docks. Tourist Award for B.T.C., 401
- British Transport Waterways, Tourist Award for B.T.C., 401
- Brockless, J. Frank, Ltd., Closed Circuit Television Equipment, 438
- Brompton, Harry, and Partners, Chiswick Flyover, 397, 638; The Consultant's View, 439
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Development of Thermal Breeder Reactors, 325; Zero Gradient Synchrotron at the Argonne National Laboratory, 492
- Brookhirst Igranic, Ltd., Asquith Unit Head Equipped With "Bi-Stat" Control, 368
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Brown, Boveri and Co., "Mechanicals" in Switzerland, 17
- Brown, Boveri & Co., Ltd., Swiss-Built Locomotives for Roumania, 714
- Brown Brothers and Co., Ltd., Institute of Marine Engineers, 398
- Brown Brothers, Ltd., New Car Ferry "Freshwater", 550; Wet Accumulators for Naval Steam Catapults, 741
- Brown, David, Albion Division, Silage Cutting and Green Feeding Machine, 777
- Brown, David, Construction Equipment, Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63
- Brown, David, Corporation, Trade Union Thinking, 488
- Brown, David, Corporation (Sales) Ltd., Tractor with "Implematic" Hydraulic System, 776
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield) Ltd., Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- Brown, David. Industries, Ltd., Testing Large High-Speed Motors, 399
- Brown, David, Tractor Division, Agricultural Machinery, 63
- Brown, John, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. 439
- Brown, John, (Clydebank), Ltd., "Hoister" Equipment for Tanker Offshore Loading, 335; Prevention of Undercooling in Marine Condensers, 395
- Bruce, C. E. R., Arc Welding and the Galaxies, 864
- Bruel and Kjaer, Audiofrequency Voltmeter, 662
- Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, Centenary, 262
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269; Locomotives for Ship Canal Railway, 752
- Bryett, H. G., Obituary, (622)
- Brymbo Steel Works Ltd., North Wales Steel Plant Development, 612
- Buhr Machine Tool Company, Conversion of Transfer Machines for Automobile Parts, 324; Single-Head Low-Production Transfer Machine, 453
- Bullows, Alfred, and Sons, Ltd., Paint Spraying Equipment, 654; Paint Spray Booth, 710; Spraying Heavy Filler Materials, 830
- Bunawerke Huls, G.m.b.H,, West German Synthetic Rubber Plant, 489
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Einkauf, European Federation of Purchasing, 86
- Burns, J. N., Pitting in Gears, 66
- Burton Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Cylindrical Grinding Machine, 278; Automatic Finish Turning Lathe Magazine Feed, 368
- Bilssing-Nutzkraftwagen, G.m.b.H., Articulated Vehicle; New I45-h.p. Engine, 410
- Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd., Shipyard Mono-tower Cranes, 610
- Butzer A. G., Severin Bridge at Cologne, 280
- Cable Covers, Ltd., Anchorage Devices and Stranded Wire Cable for Prestressed Concrete, 271
- Cable and Wireless, Ltd., Armourless Submarine Telephone Cable, 273
- Cables de Lyon, Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355
- Caldwell, John, -"Large High-Pressure High Temperature Steam Turbines", 528
- California Texas Oil Corporation, Opening of the Whitegate Refinery, 362
- Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., Instrument Research Laboratories, 483
- Cambridge University, Fuel Cell Progress, 154
- Cammell, Laird and Co. (Shipbuilders and Engineers) Ltd., Launch of R.M.S. "Windsor Castle", 13
- Campbell, Bernstein and Irving, Durban Bluff Drainage Tunnel, 794
- Campenon-Bernard, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Canadair Limited, Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22
- Canadian Bridge Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 766
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Television Films by Transatlantic Cable, 7
- Canadian Dredge and Dock Company, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 19, 766, 806
- Canadian General Electric Co, New Canadian Microwave Link, 868
- Canadian National Telegraph Co, Canada-Newfoundland Microwave Link, 113
- Canadian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation, Television Films by Transatlantic Cable, 7
- Canadian Vickers, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 673
- Canit Construction, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 19
- Carborundum Co., Ltd., Industrial Films, (744)
- Carolinas Virginia Nuclear Power Associates, Large-Scale Nuclear Power Plants for Electric Utilities, 756
- Carr, L. H. A., Obituary, 217
- Carrier Engineering Ltd., Air Conditioning for Ships, 870
- Carruthers, J. H., and Co., Ltd., Pump and Crane Factory at East Kilbride, 403
- Carter, B. and F., and Co., Ltd., Centrifugal Clutches, 197
- Carter, H. Desmond, The Engineer, Life and Diesel Engines, 474
- Caterpillar Tractor Company, Ltd., Tractor Factory at Tannochside, 106; A Welcome to Foreign Firms, 170
- C.A.V., Ltd., Multi-Fuel Engines, 628
- Cavendish Laboratory, Skidding and High-Hysteresis Rubber, 6; Research Laboratories for Tube Investments, Ltd., 522
- Cawkell Research & Electronics, Ltd., Time Calibrator Unit, 34
- Cawley Plastics Ltd., Plastics Vessels for Chemical Plant, 750, (880)
- C. E. C. A., International Research on Blast Furnaces, 523
- Cellon, Ltd., Weldable Primer for Metal, (207)
- Cementation Company, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507; Dokan Dam, 553; London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Centec Machine Tools, Ltd., Multi-Station Rotary Transfer Machine, 323
- Central Advisory Water Committee, Demarcation Disputes, 330
- Central Council of Physical Recreation, Injuries by Incorrect Lifting, 443
- Central Electricity Authority, Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Central Electricity Generating Board, Hinkley Point Caisson, 37; First Electricity Supply Scholarships, (40); Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46; A Restrictive Practice Approved, 54; "Merlin" Research Reactor, 58; Report on Atomic Energy, 95; Fuel for Power, 330; Electricity Supply in England and Wales, 357; The Price of Amenity, 377; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Contractor's Statement About Chiswick Flyover, 397; Nucleonics Instrumentation Factory, 435; First 200MW Set at High Marnham, 528; 350MW Turbo-Alternators for Drakelow "C" Power Station, 705
- Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Electricity Supply in England and Wales, 357
- Central Illinois Light Co, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Central Office of Information, Earnings of Engineers—A Survey, 434; "What They Read and Why", 443
- Centre for Interfirm Comparison, British Institute of Management, 404
- Centre National des Industries et des Techniques, Exhibition of Public Works, 451
- C. E. R. N., High Energy Particle Accelerators Conference, 451
- Chamber of Shipping, British Shipping Surveyed, 668
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Tool for Straightening Scaffolding Tubes, 246
- Chandos, Lord, Moral Dignity of Pleasure, 725 Chantiers de I'Atlantique Penhott Loire, Progress of the Liner "France", 619
- Chaseside Engineering Co., Ltd., Looms and Loading Shovels, 704
- Chemical Engineering Laboratory, Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Chemische Werke HUls A.G., West German Synthetic Rubber Plant, 489
- China Light and Power Co, Lighting of Kai Tak Airport, 297
- Chloride Batteries, Ltd., Plante Cells for Standby Power, 485
- Christensen Diamond Products, French Turbo-Drilling Experiences, 874
- Christiani and Nielsen N.V., The Surge Barrier, 351; Narrows Bridge. Perth, 708
- Chrysler Motors, Ltd., "Valiant" Saloon, 502
- Chubb and Sons, Lock and Safe Co., Ltd., Large Strongroom Doors, (851)
- Churchill College, Trust Fund, 112
- Churchill-Redman Ltd., Automatic Loading Equipment for a Lathe, 751
- C.I.B.A. (A.R.L.), Ltd., Epoxy Resin Adhesives, (127); Research Fellowships, 825
- Citroen Cars, Ltd., "Bijou" De Luxe Saloon, 505
- Civil Service Commissioners, Professional and Technical Civil Servants, 275
- Clarke Chapman and Co., Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191
- Clarkson (Engineers) Ltd., Taper Shank Drills, 655
- Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Clayton Sons and Co., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609
- Clifford Hartley Patents, Ltd., "Hoister" Equipment for Tanker Offshore Loading, 335
- Clifford and Snell, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Clough, J. 0., & Son (Pty.) Ltd., Narrows Bridge, Perth, 708
- Clyde Crane and Engineering Company, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- C.N.S. Instruments, Ltd., Electric Furnace Temperature Controller, 34
- Cochranes (Middlesbro) Foundry. Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Cockerill-Ougree, S.A., International Research on Blast Furnaces, 527
- Cohen Committee, Maintaining Full Employment, 237
- Cohen, George, 600 Group Ltd., High-Precision Taper Roller Bearings, 8; The Economic Outlook, 237
- Colelough, C. D., Welding Fine Thermocouple Wires to Large Metal Bodies, 696
- Colclough, T. P., "Review of Recent Developments in Steel Making", 143
- College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering, Acceleration, 9
- Colley, Richard, Proposed Instrument Factory of Anti-Clastic Shell Construction. 134
- Collins Construction Co., The "Hartley Hoister", 6; Century of Oil. 220; "Hoister" Equipment for Tanker Offshore Loading, 335
- Collins Submarine Pipelines, Ltd., The "Hartley Hoister", 6; Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43
- Colman and Co. (Agricultural) Ltd., Tedder, 777
- Colston, Charles, Ltd., Automatic Dish Washing Machine, 831
- Colvilles Ltd., A Welcome to Foreign Firms, 170; Ravenscraig Strip Mill, 199; Site Welding at Hunterston, 307
- Combinatie Veeregat, Veersche Gat Dam, 346
- Combustion Chemicals Ltd., Control of Sulphur in Liquid Fuel Firing, 529
- Commission of Main Roads of Western Australia. Narrows Bridge. Perth. 708
- Committee on London Roads, Trunk Road, 53; London's Traffic Problems, 90
- Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council, Aircraft Undercarriages-- Design for Improvement or a New Approach ? 210
- Commonwealth Telecommunication Board, Report, 112
- Compagnia Shell de Venezuela. Fire-Fighting Tugboat. 23
- Compagnie des Chefs d'Approvisionnement, European Federation of Purchasing, 86
- Compagnie de Fives-Lille, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Compagnie Francaise d'Entreprise, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82; Developments at Paris Airports, 613
- Compagnie Francaise des Petroles (Algerie), French Turbo-Drilling Experiences. 874
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, Progress of the Liner "France", 619
- Compagnie Generale de T. S. F., Radio Telephony in French Express Trains, 158
- Compagnie Industrielle de Travaux, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Wages and Hours, 26, 365, 667; Aircraft Industry Redundancy, 157; Demarcation Disputes, 330
- Congres International des Machines a Combustion (C.I.M.A.C.), 5th International Congress on Internal Combustion Engines, 119
- Connell. Charles, and Co., Ltd., Centenary of Far-Eastern Voyage of a Ben Line Ship, 362
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd., Site Welding at Hunterston, 307; Mobile Rock Drill, 711
- Constructors John Brown Ltd., Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43; "Hoister" Equipment for Tanker Offshore Loading, 335; Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609
- Convair Division of General Dynamics Corporation, Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22; "Atlas" Missile, 38
- Cook Electric Co, Fuel Fabrication at Argonne National Laboratories, 160
- Coombs, T. A., Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 432
- Cooper Cars Ltd., Cooper-Climax Racing Car, 504
- Cooper and Turner, Ltd., Site Welding at Hunterston, 307
- Copenhagen University, Appraisal of the Rejected Staines Bridge Design. 567
- Copperad, Ltd., Hot Water Circulator. (127)
- Corby Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Automatic Slow-Down Equipment for Strip Mill, 153
- Corbyn, D. B., Characteristics and Protection of Semiconductor Rectifiers, 813
- Corlett, E. C. B., Prospect for a Nuclear- Powered Dry Cargo Liner. 438, 460
- Cornwall International Bridge Co, St. Lawrence River Development, 766
- Corporation of London, Ancient and Modern, 129
- Corrosion Committee, Twenty Years of Corrosion Research, 303
- Corrosion Research Council, Corrosion Research at the National Bureau of Standards, 371
- Cort, Robert, and Son, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- C.O.S.P.A.R., Space Research, 444
- Cossor Instruments, Ltd., National Radio Show, 151; Engineering Display at Islington, 708
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., Maidstone By-Pass, 182; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outran Works, 507
- Council of British Manufacturers of Petroleum Equipment, Annual Dinner, (454)
- Council on Prices, Productivity and Incomes, Beating Inflation by Lowering Prices, 55
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Naval Surveying, 568
- Council of Underground Machinery Manufacturers, Underground Mining Machinery, 74
- Counting Instruments, Ltd., Binary to Decimal Conversion, 35
- Courtaulds Limited, Carbon Disulphide Recovery, 34
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., Racing and Record Cars, 504
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Company, Ltd., New "Matrix" Jig Grinding Machine, 321; Hard Chrome Plating Equipment, 790
- Cowans Sheldon and Co., Ltd, New Goods Depot at Peterborough, 80
- Coyne and Bellier, Failure of Malpasset Dam, 774
- Cravens, Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Crittall, Richard, Marine Ltd., Rock Cutting Suction Dredger "Port Sunlight", 301
- Crompton Parkinson & Co., Ltd., Differential-Drive Electric Locomotive for Underground Mines, 30
- Crook, Anthony. Motors, Ltd., Racing and Record Cars, 504
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Crowley-Milling, M. C., Application of Irradiation in Industry, 557
- Crowley Russell and Co., Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Crypton Equipment, Ltd., Performance Comparator, 506; Transistorised Tachometer, 507
- Cubitts, Fitzpatrick, Shand Consortium. London to Birmingham Motorway—No. 1, 544
- C. V. A. Jigs, Moulds and Tools, Ltd "Power-turn" Copying Lathe, 277; C.V.A.—Kearney and Trecker Vertical Milling Machine, 278
- Daily Mail, London-Paris Race, 53
- Daimler-Benz A.G., 180, 190 and 220 Models, 317
- Daimler Company, Ltd., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96; SP250 and "Majestic Major" Saloon, 505
- Datacentralen Co, Data Processing Installation, 662
- Davenport Engineering Company, Ltd., Willing- ton "A" Power Station, 392
- Davy, A., Earnings of Engineers, 638
- Davy and United Engineering Company, Ltd., Ravenscraig Strip Mill, 199; Re-Motoring of a Strip Mill, 231
- Dayde, Tancarvillc Suspension Bridge, 82
- Dayton Power and Light Co, Magneto-hydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Dean, J. and J., (Leyton), Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outran Works, 507
- de Bruijn, M., The Dutch Delta Plan, 337
- Decca Navigator Company, Ltd., Mark 10 Navigator, 292
- Decca Radar Ltd., Radar for River Craft, 791
- Degenhardt and Co., Ltd., Auto Collimators, 159
- De Havilland Aircraft, Ltd., Commonwealth Spaceflight Symposium, 188; Farnborough— Missiles, 209; "Comet" 4B, 212
- De Havilland Propellers, Ltd., "Firestreak" Missile, 216; Test Rigs for Propeller Hydraulic Systems, 871
- Delapena and Son, Ltd., Induction Heating Changeover Switch, 441
- De Laval Steam Turbine Co, Nuclear- Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203, 282
- Delhi Engineering College, 867
- Delta Service, The Dutch Delta Plan, 337; Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341: Veersche Gat Dam, 346
- Demag A.G., South Works of the Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., 259
- Demolition and Construction Company, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Dempster, R. and J., Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Denhams Engineering Company, Ltd., Heavy Duty Lathe, 14
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514; "Vecta" Dual Purpose Vessel, 550
- Department of Defence Production, Division of Aircraft Production, "Malkara" Anti-Tank Weapon. 216
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Warren Spring Laboratory, 48; British Welding Research Association, 77; Hydraulics Research, 211; Electricity Supply in England and Wales, 357; "What They Read and Why", 443; National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 443; Ministers and Ministries. 499; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514; The Use of Technical Literature, 543; Road Research, 803, 828; Enlarged Activities of Radio Research Station, 830
- Design Committee, Protection of Industrial Designs, (I 27)
- Dewhurst, P. C., Staines Bridge and the Engineering Profession, 606
- Dewrance and Co., Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Dibbits, H. A. M. C., The Dutch Delta Plan, 337
- Dickinson, G. F. R., Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 304, 472
- Digital Engineering Company, Ltd., Rolling Mill with Programme-Controlled Screwdowns, 156
- Dinglerwerke Aktiengesellschaft, Roadbuilding Machines, 835
- Distington Engineering Company, Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74
- Doe, Ernest. and Sons, Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63
- Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., 300-ton Gantry Crane, 729
- Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 766
- Dominion Structural Steel Co, St. Lawrence River Development, 19
- Dorman Long (Bridge and Engineering), Ltd., Progress at Kingsferry Bridge, 398
- Dorman Long (Steel) Ltd., 10-ton Magnet Cranes for a Beam Mill, 782
- Dornier-Werke G.m.b.H., "Do.28" Twin Engined Aircraft, 27
- Dorr-Oliver Company, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., C-133 "Cargo- master" Military Aircraft, 27
- Dowsett Engineering Construction Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Dowty Group Ltd., Hydrostatic Transmissions for Tractors, 776
- Dowty Hydraulic Units, Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63; Hydrostatic Transmission, 117
- Dowty Mining Equipment, Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74
- Dowty Nucleonics Ltd., Weatherproofed Switch, 711
- Doxford, Wm., & Sons, Ltd., High Powered Doxford Engine, 108
- D.P. Battery Company, Ltd., Higher Capacity Traction Batteries, (580)
- Driam S.A., Spiral Tube Welding Machine, 122 Droop and Rein, Heavy Duty Universal Milling Machine. 366
- Dryden, Hugh L., Global Aspects of the Exploration of Space, 189
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191; Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Dubied, Edouard, and Cie, S.A., Automatic Cycle Copying Lathe, 276; Lathe with Six- Cycle Automatic Attachment and Automatic Feed Control, 276
- Duff, J. T., Rural Road Standards, 829
- Dufresne Engineering Co, Final Extension of Beauharnois Power Station, 5 Dumez-Ballot, Dokan Dam, 553
- Dunford and Elliott Process Engineering Ltd., Processing Fine Materials, 872
- Dunlop Rubber Company Ltd., Simplified Small Car, 140; Forced-Cooled Aircraft Brake, 253; Heat-Resistant Conveyor Belt, (326); Collapsible Containers for Fluids, (437)
- Dunn, W. M., Armoured Car Development, 305
- Durable Plastics Ltd., Heavy Plastics Protective Coatings, 752
- Durham Divisional Coal Board, Murton Coking Plant, 193
- Dyckerhoff and Widmann K.G., Severin Bridge at Cologne, 280
- East African Railways and Harbours, Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191
- East Midlands Gas Board, Ore Preparation Plant, 387
- East Warwickshire College of Further Education, Technical Education at Rugby. 313
- Eastern Electricity Board, Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Eastern Region of British Railways, New Goods Depot at Peterborough. 80; British Railways A.C. Electrification, 169; Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269; Electronic Control of Railway Signalling, 273; Traction Equipment for 50 cis Trains, 353
- E.C.C. (Moulded Breakers), Ltd., Moulded- Case Circuit Breakers, 570
- Eckert, B., "Prospects for Gas Turbines up to 1500-h.p.", 122
- Edmundsons Construction Company, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co, Re-processing of Spent Nuclear Fuel Elements, 879
- Ekco Electronics, Ltd., Thermocouple Trip Amplifier, 115; Automatic v.h.t'./d.f. Equipment, 293; Transistorised Airborne Weather Radar, 293; Universal Scintillation Counter. 570; Vibrating Reed Electrometer, 570
- Elcontrol, Ltd., Weight Control Equipment. (326)
- Electric Boat Co, A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Remotely Controlled Power Station, 826
- Electric Furnace Co, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Miltord, 577
- Electric Resistance Furnace Company, Ltd., Vertical Furnace for Gas Carburising, 235; Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- Electrical Inspection Directorate, 469
- Electrical Remote Control Company. Ltd., Motor Control Unit, 35
- Electricity Council, First Electricity Supply Scholarships, (40); Fuel for Power, 330; Electricity Supply in England and Wales, 357: Scholarships, 488
- Electro Dynamic Construction Co., Ltd., Battery Vehicle Practice and Applications, 747
- Electro Methods, Ltd., Transistorised Control Relay, 196
- Electroflo Meters Company, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Electro-Hydraulics, Ltd., Pilot Plant for Gamma Irradiation, 395
- Electrolytic Metals Corporation, 26 MW Silicon Rectifier, 76
- Electromagnets, Ltd., Magnetic Drum Separator, 29; Heavy Duty Lifting Magnets, 58
- Electronic Associates Inc., Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43
- Electronic Instruments, Ltd., Panel-Mounting pH Meter, 484
- Elgar Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Machine Tool Display in Birmingham, (20/) "Leromatic 36" High-Speed Turret Lathe, 277; Heavy Duty Universal Milling Machine, 366
- Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd., Permanent Way Recording Coach, 5
- E. M. I. Electronics, Ltd., High-Speed Computer Development, 13; Mobile Demonstration Unit for Electronic Control Equipment, 196; "Emicon" Control System and Co-ordinate Table, 320: Mendlesham Television Station, 526; Portable Contamination Monitor, 657
- Emmerton, J. T., Hydraulic Pressure Expansion Technique, 606
- Empire Rubber Co., Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- E. N. E. A., Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531
- Enfield Training Centre, Civil Engineering Safety Training, 275
- Engelund, A., Retirement, (40)
- Engineering and Allied Employers National Federation, Wages and Hours, 365, 667; Engineering Wages and Hours, 713
- Engineers Joint Council, Earnings of Engineers —A Survey, 434
- English Electric, Babcock and Wilcox, Taylor Woodrow Group, 400-ton Goliath Crane at Hinkley Point, 68
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, 37; Automatic Slow-Down Equipment for Strip Mill, 153; Brushless d.c. Generator, 294: Technical Education at Rugby, 313; Traction Equipment for 50 c/s Trains, 353; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; British Diesel Locomotives in Argentina, 403; Third-Rail Traction at 1200V, 482; Electric Motor for Vibrating Drives, 485; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514; First 200MW Set at High Marnham, 528; The Anatomy of Industry, 565: Harwell Neutron Project, 633; Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649; Building of the 45,000-ton Liner "Canberra", 656; 350 MW Turbo-Alternators for Drakelow "C" Power Station, 705; Dry Cooling Towers and Jet Condensing Plant, 729; St. Lawrence River Development, 810; Tenders for Tanker Nuclear Reactors, 843
- English Electric Valve Company, Ltd., Improved High Voltage Rectifier, (127); Television and Sound Equipment, 396
- Entreprise E.C.L., Developments at Paris Airports, 613
- Entreprise Labalette, Developments at Paris Airports, 613
- Entreprises Ballot. Dokan Dam, 553
- Entreprises de Grands Travaux Hydrauliques, Tancarville Suspension Bridge. 82
- Entreprises Leon Ballot and Gianotti Freres, Failure of Malpasset Dam, 774
- Entwistle, John, St. Lawrence River Development, 766
- Epsylon Industries, Ltd., Tape Recorder for Airborne Use, 155
- Escher-Wyss A.G., Tubular Turbines, 200 Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke A.G., Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft, 159
- Esso Petroleum Company, Ltd., Opening of the Whitegate Refinery, 362; Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388
- Esso Research and Engineering Co., Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388; West German Synthetic Rubber Plant, 489
- Erichsen, A. M., G.m.b.H., 40-ton Automatic Cup-Testing Machine for Sheet Metal, 368
- Ericsson Telephones Ltd., Electronic Telephone Exchange Experiments, 651
- European Broadcasting Union, Meetings, 387 European Coal and Steel Community, Coal Industry, 86
- European Economic Community, Little Free Trade Area, 1; The Six and the Seven, 625
- European Federation of Materials Handling, Federation Europeenne de la Manutention. 86
- European Nuclear Energy Agency, Norwegian Roiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26; High-Temperature Reactor "Dragon", 44; Atomic Energy Report, 60; European Economic Co-operation, 159
- European Payments Union, European Economic Co-operation. 159
- European Productivity Agency, Data Processing Study Team, 199
- Evans, Joseph, and Sons (Wolverhampton), Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Evans Lifts, Ltd., Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Everitt, L. K., Obituary, (40)
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Line-Earth Loop Tester, 115
- Ewbank and Partners, Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Expert Tool and Die Co, Tape-Controlled Heliarc Spot Welding Machine, 759
- Export Promotion Policy Committee, British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571
- Faber, Oscar, and Partners. Proposed Instrument Factory of Anti-Clastic Shell Construction, 134
- Fairclough, Leonard, Ltd., Viaducts for Midlands and North-West Motorway, (52)
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Aircraft-Carrier "Hermes", 668
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Cable Machinery for G.P.O. Cableship, 832; Tenders for Tanker Nuclear Reactors, 843
- Fairhurst, Harry S., and Son, Irradiated Materials Laboratory, 266
- Fairmile Construction Co., Ltd., Light Alloy Landing Craft, 868
- Farrand Controls Corporation, Tape-Controlled Heliarc Spot Welding Machine, 759
- Farr, A. E., Ltd., Caisson Sinking at Queenhill Bridge, 480
- Farrer, Wm. E., Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Federation of British Industries, Little Free Trade Area, 1; Exports and Industrial Trends, 2; Industrial Trends, 488; Exhibition Facilities, 501; British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571
- Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors, I.C.E. Conditions of Contract, 146; Civil Engineering Safety Training, 275
- Federation Europeenne de l'Approvisionnement, European Federation of Purchasing, 86
- Federation Europeenne d'Associations Nationales d'Ingenieurs (F.E.A.N.I.), International Engineers' Congress. (40)
- Feilden, C. B. R., "World-Wide Operating Experience with 750/1000kW Gas Turbines", 121
- Feldmiihle Sudplastik und-Keramik G.m.b.H., "SPK" Ceramics, 366
- Fellows, R., Space Research, 405, 444
- Ferranti, Ltd., High-Speed Computer Development, 13; Automatic Control Systems for Machine Tools, 137; Computers for Airline Bookings, 272; Fault Detector for Grid Lines, 273; Xerographic Printer for Computers. 273; Inertial Navigation Instrument Production, 315; High-Speed Digital Computer, 529; High-Speed Data Processing, 635; Welding Fine Thermocouple Wires to Large Metal Bodies, 687; Pig Iron from Reclaimed Scrap Steel, 786
- Ferranti-Packard Electric, Ltd., Computers for Airline Bookings, 272
- Fichtel & Sachs A.G., "Saxomat" Automatic Clutch, 411
- Fielden Electronics, Ltd., Centralised Level Control, (127)
- Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, Multi-Fuel Engines, 628
- Film Cooling Towers (1925), Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Film Producers Guild, Film for Electricity Council, 765
- Fire Research Board, Fire Research, 302
- Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company, Ltd., West German Synthetic Rubber Plant, 489
- Firma. Paul Ferd, Oxy-Town Gas Flame Hardening, 232
- Firth Cleveland Group of Companies, Printed Circuit Connections, 527
- Firth Cleveland Instruments Ltd., Flameproof Tank Gauge, (880)
- Firth. Thos., and John Brown Ltd., Large Forge Development Scheme, 871
- Fischer, George, Ltd., "KDM-II" Machine, 366
- Fitzsimmons. H. W., Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge. 483
- Fleck Committee, Atomic Energy Health and Safety Organisation, 77
- Fletcher, Thomas, and Co., Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Forbes, M. K., "Refrigeration of Charge Air for Diesel Engines", 120
- Ford Motor Company, Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63; Aircraft Undercarriages- Design for Improvement or a New Approach, 210; Motor Vehicle Modifications. 314: Redesigned Light Car. 359; Revised Light Car. (414); Motor-Car Factory at Dagenham, 641
- Ford, O'Neil, Prorosed Instrument Factory of Anti-Clastic Shell Construction, 134
- Ford-Werke A.G., "Taunus 12M", 319
- Foreign Office, British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571
- Forgo, L., Dry Cooling Towers and Jet Condensing Plant, 729
- Foss, Martyn, Zero Gradient Synchrotron at the Argonne National Laboratory, 492
- Foster, J. J., Manufacturing Company. Boom in Honeycomb. 798
- |Foster-Wheeler, Ltd., Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388; Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion. 420
- Fougerolle, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Foundation of Canada Engineering Corporation Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 766
- Fowler, K. T., Mass Spectrometer for Respiratory Studies, 485
- Foxboro-Yoxail, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Franki Compressed Pile Co., Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works Large Single Roll Crusher, (386); Magnetic Separator for Minerals. 21
- Free Piston Engine Co Wilton Works Extension, 310
- Freeman Fox and Partners 400-ton Goliath Crane at Hinkley Point. 68
- French Ministry of Posts. Telegraphs and Telephones, Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355
- French National Railways, Radio Telephony in French Express Trains, 158; Train Accelerations Follow Electrification, 370
- French. W. and C., Ltd., Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483
- Freyssinet-Wayss and Freytag A.G., Severin Bridge at Cologne. 280
- Fuel Research Station, Warren Spring Laboratory. 48
- Fuller Electric, Ltd. Mains-Frequency Induction Furnaces, 401
- Fuller, R. G., Earnings of Engineers, 856
- Galloway. D. F., Recent Production Developments in the Soviet Union, 811, 846
- Gandy, Ltd., Anti-Squeel Brake Lining, 791
- Gardner, D. S., Obituary, (374)
- Garrard, C. J. O., Redesigned Light Car, 472
- Garringtons, Ltd., Cold Forged Box Socket Spanners, (496)
- Gas Council, Gas Industry, 291; Report. 443
- Gebr. Boehringer G.m.b.H., Centre. Copying and Turret Lathes. 276
- Gee, Walker and Slater, Ltd., Bromley Technical College, 272
- Gendron Freres S.A., "RAI6" Grinding Machine, 367
- General Dynamics Corporation, Tape-Controlled Heliarc Spot Welding Machine. 759 General Dynamics Electric Boat Division Slotted Blade Axial Fans, 611
- General Electric Company, A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452; Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel Elements, 879
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Magnetic Separator for Minerals, 21; Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38; Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43: Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46; Static Exciter for Marine Alternators, I 1 I; Murton Coking Plant. 191; Television Lighting for Reactor Charge Machine. 196; Electrical Industry Film, 199; Export Prospects, 199, 488: Re-Motoring of a Strip Mill, 231; Missile Attitude Indicator, 294; Lighting of Kai Tak Airport, 297; Site Welding at Hunterston, 307; Large Single Roll Crusher, (386); Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Testing Large High-Speed Motors, 399; Earthquake- Proof Graphite Core for 150MW Reactor, 440; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514: Mineral Dressing Laboratory, 568; Cross-Flow Fuel Elements for Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors, 596; Electronic Telephone Exchange Experiments, 651; Semiconductor Factory at Stockport, 674; Thermoelectric Cooling, 734; Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745; New Canadian Microwave Link, 868
- G.E.C. Atomic Energy Division. Earthquake- Proof Graphite Core for 150MW Reactor, 440
- G.E.C. Research Laboratories, Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 380
- G.E.C. Simon-Carves Atomic Energy Group, Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 380
- General Electric Railway Signal Company, Ltd., Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38
- General Motors of Canada, Ltd., Chevrolet "Corvair" Six-Seater. 503; "Powerglide" Hydrokinetic Transmission, 503
- General Motors Corporation, Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development. 96
- General Post Office, Television by Transatlantic Cable, 7; Radio Telephone Service for Cars, 315
- Generale Aeronautiq uc Marcel Dassault, **Mirage Ill A" Delta-Wing Interceptor, "Etendard IV—M" Supersonic Aircraft, M.D. 415 "Communaute" Passenger Aircraft and Military Version the M.D. 410 "Spirale", 27
- Geological Museum, Aerial Photographic Exhibit'on of Quarries and Mines, 484
- German Association for Testing Materials (DVM). 159
- German Federal Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355
- German Standards Committee, Translations of German Industrial Standards, 715
- Gewerkscha ft Mannesmann, Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft, 159
- Gibb, Sir Alexander. and Partners, Caisson Sinking at Queenhill Bridge, 480; Motorway Viaducts, 6; Orrin Power Station, 223
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Gifford, E. W. H., Deck Structure of the Narrows Bridge, Perth, 655
- Gilbert-Ash. Ltd., New Goods Depot at Peterborough, 80
- Gilchrist, S. S., Beating Inflation, 856
- G.K.N. Reinforcements Ltd. Elevated Motorway Design Competition, 830
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Heavy Duty Anti-Whirl. Anti-Foam Bearings, 594; Lubrication of Bearings Under Fluctuating Loads, 827
- Glasgow Corporation, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 156
- Glasgow University Engineering Building, 640
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Orrin Power Station, 223; D. S. Gardner, (374); The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Glossop, R., Measurements in Soil Mechanics, 6
- Glover, C. W., and Partners, Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483
- Goggomobil Ltd., T. S. Coupe, 411
- Goldup, T. E., Obituary, 391
- Goodwin, A. J. H., Axial Vibration Resonance Changer, 655
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., Refuelling Ships at Sea, 867
- Gordon, James, Valves, Ltd., Building of the 45,000-ton Liner **Canberra", 656
- Gosheron, John, and Co., Ltd., Colour Identification of Pipelines, (334)
- Gotaverken, New Swedish Shipyard at Arendal, (127)
- Grand Council of the Federation of British Industries, British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571
- Grantham Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., Electric Motor for Vibrating Drives, 485
- Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., Shipyard Mono-tower Cranes, 610
- Gresham, Sir Thomas, Peace in Industry, 54
- Grieveson, W. S., Economy and Noise of Helicopters, 144
- Gulf Oil Co, Century of Oil. 220 Gutehotinungshiitte Sterkrade A.G., Severin Bridge at Cologne, 280
- Guy Motors, Ltd., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development. 96
- G. W. B. Furnaces, Ltd., Automatic Stokers, 487
- Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works,
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Company, Ltd., Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46; Buried Distribution Transformers, 274
- Haden, G. N., and Sons, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Haemmerle (London), Ltd., Universal Trimming, Rolling and forming Machine, 322
- Hahnscnc Werke A.G., Mannesmann Aktiengeselischaft, 159
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, New Goods Depot at Peterborough, 80; Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Halden Committee, Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531
- Hall and Hall Ltd., Double-Acting Fluid Seal, (72d)
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191; Hydro-Cooling Plant for Vegetables. 778
- Halley, G. B., Oil Tanker Machinery, 609
- Ham Baker and Co., Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Hammerle, Ltd., Universal Trimming, Rolling and forming Machine, 322
- Hammersmith Hospital, Mass Spectrometer for Respiratory Studies, 485
- Hammond Lane Ironfounders Ltd., Smokeless Combustion System, 39
- Hancock, T. W., Management Development, 443
- Hanika, F. de P., Institute of Management Sciences, 411
- Hardy Spicer, Ltd., Simplified Small Car, 140
- Haringvliet N.V., Construction of Haringvliet Dam. 341
- Harland Engineering Company, Ltd., Glandless Circulating Pump, 24; Orrin Power Station, 223
- Harland and Wolff Ltd., S.S. "Arcadia" Fully Air-Conditioned, 30; Building of the 45,000- ton Liner "Canberra", 656
- Harris Calorific Co, Oxy-Fuel-Gas Cutting Equipment, 360
- Hartley, A. C., The "Hartley Hoister". 6; Century of Oil, 183, 220; "Hoister" Equipment for Tanker Offshore Loading, 335: Presidential Address, Institution of Civil Engineers, 549
- Hartley (Stoke-on-Trent), Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Hattersley (Ormskirk) Ltd., Steam Valve, 608
- Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., "Jason" Reactors for Research and Training, 733
- Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Tenders for Tanker Nuclear Reactors, 843
- Hawthorne, E. P., Prospect for a Nuclear-Powered Dry Cargo Liner, 438, 460
- H. D. Foundations Ltd., Cast-in-Situ Piling System, 608
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514; Progress at Bradwell, 524
- Head Wrightson Processes, Ltd., Plastic Packing for Cooling Towers, 154
- Heald Machines, Ltd., "Gage-Matic" Internal Grinder and the "Bore-Matic" Boring Machine "Model 422", 323
- Heaney, Jack, and Associates, Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203
- Hedin, Ltd., Melting and Holding Furnaces, (8)
- Heenan and Froude Ltd., Motor-Car Factory at Dagenham, 641
- Heidenreich and Harbeck, Centre, Copying and Turret Lathes, 276
- Heller, L., Dry Cooling Towers and Jet Condensing Plant, 729
- Henley's, W. T., Telegraph Works Company, Ltd., Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46; Cable Laying Film, (664)
- Hensoldt, M., and Sohne, Auto Collimators, 159
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., 2B-36 De Vlieg "Jigmill", 321; Machine Tool Demonstration. (622)
- Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Report on Atomic Energy, 95; Graduated Pension Scheme, 118; Hydraulics Research, 211; Floor Finishes for Factories, (246); "What They Read and Why", 443; Control of Radioactive Wastes, 626
- Hertfordshire County Council, London to Birmingham Motorway—No. 1, 544; St. Albans By-Pass, 547
- Heyligenstaedt and Co., Twin-Copy Turning Machine, 367
- Hick Hargreaves, Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- High Precision Equipment, Ltd., Automatic Control Systems for Machine Tools, 137
- High Temperature Development Corporation, Large-Scale Nuclear Power Plants for Electric Utilities, 756
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd., Photoelectric Autocollimator, 116; Precision Clinometer, 527
- Hilmor, Ltd., Tube Bending Machine, 272
- Hilton, P. A., and Co., Instructional Heat Engine, 790
- Hindustan Aluminium Corporation, Ltd., Indian Aluminium Works, 453
- Historic Commercial Vehicle Club, Preservation of Transport Relics, 130
- Hochtief A.G., Severin Bridge at Cologne, 280
- Hogg, O. F. G., Woolwich Arsenal and its Machines, 736
- Holford, William, and Partners, Narrows Bridge, Perth, 708
- Holland American Line (London), Ltd., Holland-America Liner S.S. "Rotterdam", 202
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269; Bridge Over River Don at Doncaster, 749; Clatworthy Dam, 830
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38; London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Portable Sludge Pump, 196; Mine Tub Shake-Out, 608
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., Pulsation Damper, 79; Multi-Cell Cyclone Dust Collectors, 707
- Holset Engineering Co., Ltd., Flexible Couplings, 652
- Holt Manufacturing Co, Tractor Factory at Tannochside, 106
- Hong Kong Department of Civil Aviation, Lighting of Kai Tak Airport, 297
- Horden Mason and Edwards, Ltd., "Isofeed" Press, 321
- Horner, R. F., Uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, 872
- Houdry Process Corporation, West German Synthetic Rubber Plant, 489
- Howard, John, and Co., Ltd., Progress at Kingsferry Bridge, 398
- Howard, Stanley, Ltd., "RA16" Grinding Machine, 367
- Howie, W., Socialism Out Of Date ?, 525
- Hoy, Austin, and Co., Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74
- Hoyer Ellefsen, Norwegian Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26
- Hryniszak, W., "Trends in the Development of Gas Turbines for Vehicle Propulsion", 122
- Hudson Engineering Corporation, Variable Pitch Fans, 312
- Hudson, Robert, Ltd., Transporter Equipment for Concrete Blocks, 236
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., Locomotives for Ship Canal Railway, 752
- Hughes, F. A., and Co., Ltd., Ditch Cleaner and Digger, 778
- Hughes, R. V., "Influence of Turbo-charging on Component Design", 121
- Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., Warren Spring Laboratory, 48; High-Pressure Gasification Plant in Scotland, 527
- Hunslet Engine Company Ltd., Differential- Drive Electric Locomotive for Underground Mines, 30; Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive, (786)
- Hunter, G., (London), Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Hussmann, A. W., "Diesel Exhaust Blowdown Energy", 121
- Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, St. Lawrence River Development, 671
- Hymatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Tubeless-Tyre Inflation Machine, 8; Condenser Tube Preparation Machine, 751: Reducing Valves,:NO
- I.B.M. United Kingdom, Ltd., Simplified Commercial Computer Code, 398; Data Processing System, 655
- I.C.I. Ltd., Fire Research, 302
- I.C.T. Ltd., Electronic Forum for Industry, 651
- I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G., West German Synthetic Rubber Plant, 489
- Illinois Power Co, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Wilton Works Extension, 310; Variable Pitch Fans, 312; Organic Heat Transfer Medium, 712 Production of "New Metals", 819
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, (246): Weeks Hal!, 397; The Making of Professional Engineers, 426
- Independent Television Authority, Mendlesham Television Station, 526; Transmitter in Northern Ireland, 657
- Indian Defence Ministry, The Hawker Siddeley Group, (40)
- Indiana and Michigan Electric Co, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Indianapolis Power and Light Co Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Industrial Estates Management Corporations. Employment and Industry, 542; Local Employment Bill, 567
- Industrial Training Council, Training Services in Industry, 275
- Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation, A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- Ingersley and Partners, Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483
- Instron Engineering Corporation, Tensile Testing Machine for Radioactive Specimens, 50
- International Aluminium Co., Ltd., Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- International Business Machines Corporation, Cryogenic Progress, 878
- International Combustion, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392; First 200MW Set at High Marnham, 528
- International Council of Scientific Unions, Space Research, 444
- International Deep Drawing Research Group. Colloquium on the Shaping of Sheet Metal. 139
- International Federation for Medical Electronics, Third International Conference. (374)
- International General Electric Company, "CJ-805-23" Aft Turbo-Fan Engine, 27
- International Harvester Company of Great Britain Ltd., 8275 Tractor, 776; Baler, 777
- International Heat Transfer Conference Committee, Conference in Colorado, 413
- International Nickel Co, Inc Nickel-Chromium Casting Alloy, (167)
- International Rectifier Company (Great Britain), Ltd., Silicon Junction Power Diodes, 484
- International Road Federation, The Critical Importance of Transport and Communications. 257
- Ionlite, Ltd., New Goods Depot at Peterborough, 80
- Irish Refining Company, Ltd., Opening of the Whitegate Refinery, 362
- Iron and Steel Board, Iron Castings Production, 157: Iron and Steel, 81, 275, 365, 488
- Iroquois Constructors Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 673
- I.R.S.I.A., International Research on Blast Furnaces, 523
- International Research on Blast Furnaces, 523
- Isaria-Maschinenfabriek, Hans-Glas G.m.b.H., "Isar" S-35 Coupe, 411
- Isospeedic Company, Ltd., Multi-Fuel Engines, 628
- Italian Comitato Nazionale per le Richerche Nucleari, Research Project for Decontamination of Nuclear Effluents, (40)
- Jackson, J., Recent Developments in Steam Sampling and Purity Measurement, 683
- Jackson, J. E., Space Research, 405, 444
- Jackson, S. B., Free-Piston Gas Turbine Draught. 692
- Jackson, Sir Willis, The Making of Professional Engineers, 426
- James, W., Moral Dignity of Pleasure, 780
- Jamison, R. R., Power for the Long-Range Supersonic Airliner, 56, 92
- Japan Atomic Power Co, Earthquake- Proof Graphite Core for 150MW Reactor, 440
- Japanese Core Structure Study Group, Earthquake-Proof Graphite Core for 150MW Reactor, 440
- Jaray, F. F., Glass Fibre-Reinforced Vessels, 755
- Jarvis, J., and Co., Ltd., Instrument Research Laboratories, 483
- Jarvis, P. C., Uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, 872
- Jeffreys, J., and Co., Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outran Works, 507; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Jellett, J. H., Earnings of Engineers, 566
- Jenkins, W. J., and Co., Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Jenks Brothers, Ltd., Spring Testing Instrument, 114
- Jenson and Nicholson, Ltd., Anti-Corrosive Primer, (127); Catalysed Coatings, (167)
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Improved Oil Circuit Breaker, 314; Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Joint Committee for the Award of National Certificates and Diplomas in Electrical Engineering, Electronics in Education, 14
- Joint Fire Research Organisation, Fire Research, 302
- Joint Iron Council, 571; Iron Castings Production, 157
- Joint Panel on Nuclear Marine Propulsion, Prospect for a Nuclear-Powered Dry Cargo Liner, 438
- Joint Standing Committee on Safety, Health and Welfare Conditions in Non-Ferrous Foundries, 627
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., Spacing Attachment, 398; Small Pneumatic Press, 569
- Jones, D. N., Spirally Welded Tubular Piles, 304
- Jonker, J. J., Multi-System Electric Locomotives, 731
- Joy-Sullivan, Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74
- Joyc, J., Imperishable Tram, 638
- Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, Aluminium in Office Building, 32; Indian Aluminium Works, 453; Cold Strip Mill, 876
- Kaiser Center, Aluminium in Office Building, 32
- Kaiser, Henry J., Company, Indian Aluminium Works, 453
- Kansas City Power and Light Co, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation. 838
- Kam, D., Measurement of Impedance in the Audio-Frequency Range, 687
- Keelavite Hydraulics Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Keeton, Sons and Co., Ltd., Shearing Machine, 31
- Keighley Grinders Ltd., Small Crankpin Grinder, 611
- Keir. J. L., and Co., Ltd., Viaducts for Midlands and North-West Motorway, (52)
- Keith Blackman Ltd., Slotted Blade Axial Fans, 611
- Kellogg International Corporation, Wilton Works Extension, 310
- Kellog, M. W., Company, Wilton Works Extension, 310
- Kelvin and Hughes. Ltd., Ground Position Indicator. 292; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Kelvin and Hughes (Marine) Ltd., Radar Beacon Experiment at Dungeness, 869
- K.E.M.A. Laboratories, Improved Oil Circuit Breaker, 314
- Kent County Council. Maidstone By-Pass, 182
- Kent Education Committee, Bromley Technical College, 272
- Kent, Geo., Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Keppie, Henderson and Partners, Glasgow University Engineering Building, 640
- Kerry Group, Automatic Bandsaw, 278
- Kieserling and Albrecht, Automatic Bolt Blank Cropping Machine, 321
- Kiewit-Johnson-Johnson, St. Lawrence River Development, 673
- Kimbell Machine Tools, Ltd., Component Containers and Shelves for Stores, (167)
- Kinetrol, Ltd., Rotary Actuator, 34
- King, Geo. W., Ltd., Motor-Car Factory at Dagenham. 641
- K.L.M. Aerocarto, The Dutch Delta Plan, 337
- K. and L. Steelfounders and Engineers Ltd., Mobile Crane, (840)
- Koninklijke Maatschappij N.V., Holland-America Liner S.S. Rotterdam, 202
- Krauss-Maffei Locomotive Works, Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive "D.800", 644
- Krupp, Fried., Redesigned 120-h.p., 3.25-litre, Four-Cylinder, Two-Stroke Engine, 410
- Kublch, F. W., Ltd., Automatic Bolt Blank Croppine Machine 321
- Kiichler, E., "The Marginal Performance of Turbo-Super-Charged Pre-Com bustionChamber Engines", 119
- Kurdjumov, G. V., Phenomena Occurring in Steels During Quenching and Tempering, 740
- Kuwait Oil Company, Ltd., Century of Oil, 220; "Holster" Equipment for Tanker Offshore Loading, 335
- Kvaerner Brug A/S, Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531
- Kvaerner - Myhren - Thune Combine, Norwegian Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26
- Kwik Form Ltd., Adjustable Formwork for Columns, 13
- La Precision Industfielle, High-Precision Taper Roller Bearings, 8
- Laing, John, and Son, Ltd., Auger for Cylinder Piles, 156; Improvement of the Barnet By-Pass, (326); London to Birmingham Motorway, 544, 587
- Lancashire Dynamo Switchgear. Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Lang Pneumatic, Ltd., Solenoid Valves and Pneumatic Cylinders, 402
- Lapointe Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Turret Horizontal Broaching Machine, 658
- Larborn, A., "Experiments with High-Speed Diesel Engines with Special Torque Requirements", 119
- Lawrence, Ernest O., Radiation Laboratory, Zero Gradient Synchrotron at the Argonne National Laboratory, 492
- Lee, Charles E., Robert Stephenson, 1803-1859, 513
- Lee Guiness Ltd., "Statormatic" Starters for Squirrel-Cage Motors, 789
- Leliaysky, Serge, Sixth Congress on Large Dams, New York, 132, 172
- Lemon and Blizzard, Offshore Piling Rig, 152
- Lenfield (Ashford) Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63
- Lewis, Frank, and Co. (London) Ltd., Hydraulic Presses, 647
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Multi-Fuel Engines, 628 Licentia, Ekman & Brundin, Smokeless Combustion System, 39
- Light Alloy Construction Ltd., Welded Trolley Containers, (720)
- Lightfoot Refrigeration Company, Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Limmer and Trinidad Lake Asphalte Co., Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Lincoln Cars, Ltd., "Falcon" 4-Door Sedan, 502
- Lind, Peter, and Co.' Ltd., Supertanker Ter- minal at Tranmere, 609
- Lion Electronic Developments, Ltd., Fast Wave Display Unit, 35
- Liquid Systems Ltd., Hydrochloric Acid Handling System. 611
- Lister Blackstone Rail Traction Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Little, Arthur D., Incorporated, Cryogenic Progress, 878
- Liverpool Screw Towing and Lighterage Co, Tug Machinery, (40)
- Lloyd Motoren-Werke G.m.b.H., "Arabella" Two-Door Saloon, 318
- Lloyds Register of Shipping. Merchant Shipbuilding Returns, (127); Institution of Naval Architects in Portugal, 7; Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 439; Contact Welding Electrode. (454); Shipbuilding Returns, 565; British Shipping Surveyed, 668
- Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., Fire-Fighting Tugboat, 23
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, C-130 "Hercules" Multi-Purpose Military Aircraft, 27
- Lockheed Corporation, Institute of Management Sciences, 411
- Lockheed Missiles and Space Division, Recovery of "Polaris" Dummy Missiles in Mid-Flight, 413
- Logan, Duncan, Ltd., Orrin Power Station, 223
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Co, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 577; Continuous Casting Machine for Copper Billet and Slab Production, 663
- Londex Ltd., Hopper Level Switch, 608
- London Airport Development Committee, London Airport Development, (127)
- London Building and Civil Engineering Contractors Accident Prevention Group, Safety on the Site, 669
- London County Council, London's Traffic Problems, 90; County of London Development Plan. 418; Treating London's Sewage, 500; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507; Distributing Industry, 763
- London Electricity Board, Warren Spring Laboratory, 48; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- London Midland Region of British Railways, Electronic Control of Railway Signalling, 273: Heating of New Diesel Trains, 361: Third-Rail Traction at 1200V, 482; Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745; 1000-h.p. Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 768
- London School of Economics, The Making of Professional Engineers, 426
- London Transport, A London Transport Document, 171; Central Laboratory for London Transport, 234; Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269; Signalling Equipment on 50 cis Electrified Lines, 429; Improved Underground Trains, 852
- Lotier, J. P., Uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, 872
- Loughborough College of Technology, 607
- Louisville Gas and Electric Co, Magneto-hydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Loupere, A., "Experimental Study of the Welded Frame of a Vee-engine", 121
- Lovelock. J. E., Argon Chromatograph, 363
- Low, Archibald, and Sons, Ltd., Factory at Kirkintilloch, 400
- Lucas, Joseph. Ltd., Hydrostatic Transmissions for Tractors, 776
- Lucas, Joseph, (Hydraulic and Combustion Equipment) Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63: Hydrostatic Transmission Design, 478
- Lundell (Great Britain) Ltd., Flail Forage Harvesters, 777
- Lutyens, Sir Edwin, Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483
- Lynchburg College, Nuclear-Powered Passenger- Cargo Ship "Savannah", 282
- Lyons, Claude, Ltd., Engineering Display at Islington, 708
- McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Son, Ltd., Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609
- McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Re-Motoring of a Strip Mill, 231; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- M'Ewen, Ewen, The Study of Mechanisms, 151; Training of Engineers, 223
- McIntyre, D., Beauharnois Locks, 11
- McKinney Foundations, Ltd., Auger for Cylinder Piles, 156; London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Mackley. J. T., and Co., Ltd., Offshore Piling Rig, 152; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- McLellan and Partners, Re-Motoring of a Strip Mill. 231
- MacLellan. P. and W., Ltd., Orrin Power Station, 223
- McNamara Construction Company, Ltd., St. Lav,rence River Development, 19, 766, 806
- Maddocks, K., Some Aspects of Marine Reactor Safety, 848
- Magnetic Analysis Corporation, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 577
- Maintenance Contracts, Ltd., Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Maitland, D., Elegant Structures, 472
- Management Selection Ltd., Index of Executive Employment, 607
- Manchester Oil Refinery (Sales) Ltd., Penetrant Flaw Detection, (880)
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., Locomotives for Ship Canal Railway, 752
- Manchester University, High-Speed Computer Development, 13; High-Speed Digital Computer, 529
- Mandelzweig, S., Earnings of Engineers, 638 Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft, Annual General Meeting, 159
- Mannesmann-Huttenwerke A.G., Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft, 159
- Mannesmann Rohstoffwerke G.m.b.H., Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft, 159
- Mannesmannreihren-Werke A.G., Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft, 159
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., General Purpose Oscilloscope, 80 ., Transistor Power Supply, 826
- Marconi's International Marine Company, Ltd., 26 Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 9
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., New 50-Centimetre Airport Radar, 23; H.F. Transmitter with Wideband Amplifier, 112; Doppler Navigator, 292; Television and Sound Equipment, 396; Mendlesham Television Station, 526; I.T.A. Transmitter in Northern Ireland, 657; Extending TV and Radio Coverage, 707
- Marine Engineering Company (Stockport), Ltd., Clutch-Motor Drive, 569
- Marine Industries, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 19, 766
- Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Co, New Canadian Microwave Link, 868
- Marples Ridgway and Partners, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Marshall of Cambridge Electronics, Ltd., Fuel Cell Progress, 154
- Marshall, J., Spring-Back and Stretch-Forming of Sheet Metal, 135
- Marston, W. J., and Son, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works. 507
- Martin Co, A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg, Marine Diesel Engines Trial, 661
- Maschinenfabrik Sack, Cold Strip Mill, 876
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Making of Professional Engineers, 426
- Massey-Ferguson, Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63; Massey-Ferguson and Standard, 81; Industrial Tractor and Equipment, 364; M- F 65 and M-F 35 Tractors, 776
- Matchless Machines, Ltd., Range of Hobs in Tungsten Carbide, 366; Electrolytic Carbide Precision Grinding Machine, 367
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Can Filling Machine, 441, (580); Unit Heaters, (720)
- Matschoss, Conrad, Competition, 1960, 836
- Matterson, Ltd., Heavy Duty Screw Jacks, 709
- Maunsell, G. A., and Partners, Bulge Block Assemblies for a Dry Dock, 198; Narrows Bridge, Perth, 708
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74
- Maxam Power Ltd., Printed Circuit Assembly Device, 710
- Medical Engineering Co., Ltd., The, Engineering Display at Islington, 708
- Medical Research Council, Ministers and Ministries, 499
- Meier, A., "Temperature and Fatigue Strength of Cooled and Uncooled Aluminium Alloy Diesel Engine Pistons", 121
- Merlin Engineering Company, Ltd., Rig for Pump. 507
- Merz and McLellan, Orrin Power Station, 223
- Metal Diffusions, Ltd., Chromising Metal, 114
- Metal Industries (Salvage) Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, 37
- Metalfiltration, Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Metropolitan Board of Works, The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Improved Underground Trains, 852
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., A.E.I. Reorganisation at Home and Abroad, 14; Fire-Fighting Tugboat, 23; Electronic Apparatus Headquarters, 29; Production Mass Spectrometer, 78; 50 MeV Proton Linear Accelerator, 115; Rolling Mill with Programme-Controlled Screwdowns, 156; Magnet Coils for 7GeV Proton Synchrotron, 198; Irradiated Materials Laboratory, 266; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Mass Spectrometer for Respiratory Studies, 485; Harwell Neutron Project, 633
- Metropolitan Vickers-G.R.S., Ltd., Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38
- Meyenburg, K. von, Multi-System Electric Locomotives, 731
- Midland Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Distribution Fuseboards, (760)
- Mikron S. A., Range of Hobs in Tungsten Carbide, 366
- Miller, F., and Co. (London), Ltd., Thread Checking and Identification, (246)
- Mills, Edward D., and Partners, Instrument Research Laboratories, 483
- Milne, Oswald, Encouraging Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 584
- Milne, P., Hydraulic Pressure Expansion Technique, 390
- Mining Engineering Company, Ltd., Troughing Idler Belt Conveyor Structure, 486
- Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Machinery, 63; Nucleonics Instrumentation Factory, 435 Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43; The Surge Barrier, 351; Nucleonics Instrumentation Factory, 435
- Ministry of Labour, The Employment Situation, 81; Factory Legislation, 81; Industrial Disputes, 118; Strike Settlement, 118; Relationships in Industry, 154; Unemployment, 199, 365, 530, 873; Wages and Earnings, 199; Distribution of Industry, 316; The Size of Manufacturing Establishments, 365; Hours of Work, 530; Employment and Industry, 542; Youth Employment Service, 873
- Ministry of Power, Fuel Cell Progress, 154; Export of Iron and Steel Scrap, 157; Ministers and Ministries, 499
- Ministry of Supply, Electrical Inspection Directorate, 469; Ministers and Ministries, 499
- Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, Motorway Viaducts, 6; Landscape Treatment on the London/Birmingham Motorway, 14; Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46; Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191; London Motorway Proposal. 196; Hand-Operated Bascule Bridge of Light Alloy, 234; Improvement of the Barnet By-Pass, (326); Chiswick Flyover, 397: The Consultant's View, 439; Contact Welding Electrode, 454; Caisson Sinking at Queenhill Bridge, 480; Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483; Ministers and Ministries, 499; Competitive Design for Road Bridges, 500; London to Birmingham Motorway—No. 1, 544; Appraisal of the Rejected Staines Bridge Design, 567
- Ministry of Works, Warren Spring Laboratory, 48; Construction Work in Second Quarter, 199; Aeronautics at the Science Museum, 250; Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Fcltham, 514
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., "Monarch" Class Diesel Engine, 228
- Mitchell Engineering Ltd., Tenders for Tanker Nuclear Reactors, 843
- Mobil Oil Company Ltd., Moisture Control, (720)
- Modern Acoustics, Ltd., Heating of New Diesel Trains, 361
- Modern Furnaces and Stoves, Ltd., Portable Hot Air Unit, (454)
- Modern Wheel Drive Ltd., Twin-Input Two- Speed Reverse Gear for Tugs and Trawlers, 35
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Production Mass Spectrometer. 78; Improved Gunmetals, (496); Identification of Chromium-Plated Finishes, 709
- Monk, A., and Co., Ltd., Viaducts for Midlands and North-West Motorway, (52); London to Birmingham Motorway --No. I, 544; Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609
- Montgomerie, G. A., "Refrigeration of Charge Air for Diesel Engines", 120
- Moore and Wright (Sheffield) Ltd., Precision Tool Factory, (771)
- Morgan Brothers (Publishers) Ltd., Another Centenarian, 585
- Morgan. 1. G., Machine for the Precise Measurement of Internal Diameters, 518
- Morris. B. O., Ltd., Flexible Shaft Machine, (246)
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., Aluminium Jubilee, (760)
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Strike Settlement, 118; Simplified Small Car, 140
- Morrison-Knudson, Kiewit and Utah Construction Companies, The, St. Lawrence River Development, 674
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Company, Ltd., Site Welding at Hunterston, 307; Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388
- Mott, Hay and Anderson, Tyne Tunnel, 236; Progress at Kingsferry Bridge, 398
- Moulton Developments, Ltd., Simplified Small Car, 140
- Mowlem, John, and Co., Ltd., Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388
- Mowlem (Scotland) Ltd., Site Welding at Hunterston, 307
- Mullard Equipment Ltd., Electronic "Building Bricks", 658; Electronic Sub-Assemblies. 832
- Mullard, Ltd., National Radio Show, 151; Adjustable Pot Cores, 155; Mercury-Pool Ignitrons, (246); Electronics Laboratory Engineering Services, 705
- Mullard Research Laboratories, British Industrial "Maser" in Operation, 398
- Muller, R., "The Thermal Balance of Aircooled Diesel Engines". 121
- Murphy Radio, Ltd., Leader Cable System for Azimuth Guidance. 292
- Murray, C., (Cilasgoss) Ltd., Industrial Film and Equipment Exhibition in Glasgow, (454)
- Muschamp, N. J., and Co., Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74
- Napier, D., & Son, Ltd., Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22; Turbine Relighting, 114; Contour and Profile Projector, 116; High Speed Patrol Boats, (126)
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, British Satellites and Rockets; British Space Travel, 42; Global Aspects of the Exploration of Space, 189; Space Research, 405, 444
- National Bureau of Standards, Growth of Metal Single Crystals, 325; Corrosion Research, 371; X-Ray Scattering Experiments, 621; Dielectric Research, 716; Spectroscopic Studies of Trapped Radicals, 837
- National Coal Board, Underground Mining Machinery, 74; Revised Coal Output Plan, 157; Coal, 199, 713; Murton Coking Plant, (286); Coal in Industry, 379; Revised Plan for Coal, 458; The Coal Board's Finances, 530; Coal Industry's Prospects. 571; Central Engineering Establishment, Yield Mechanism for Friction Props, 486
- National Engineering Laboratory, Creep Information Centre, (40)
- National Farmers Union, The Royal Show, 9; Agricultural Machinery, 63
- National Federation of Engineers' Tool Manufacturers, General Meeting, 563
- National Federation of French Electronic Industries (F.N.I.E.), Electronic Components Exhibition, 451
- National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., Trailer-Mounted Generating Sets, (127); "Sovereign" Class Medium Powered Diesel Engines, 311
- National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service, Industrial Fuel Efficiency, 275
- National Insurance Advisory Committee, Graduated Pension Scheme, 118
- National Joint Advisory Council, Industrial Relations, 571
- National Physical Laboratory, Research on Pumps and Surge Tanks, 26; Production Mass Spectrometer, 78; Test Blocks for Indentation Hardness Testing, 147; Cantilever Indicator Stand for Precision Inspection, 517; Machine for the Precise Measurement of Internal Diameters, 518; Acoustic Research Station, 560; I00,000lb. Hydraulic Dynamometer, 712
- National Reactor Testing Station, A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- National Research Council, St. Lawrence River Development, 672
- National Research Council of Canada, Fire Research, 302
- National Research Development Corporation, High-Speed Computer Development, 13; Hovercraft Prospects, 41; Fuel Cell Progress, 154; High-Speed Digital Computer, 529; Reports, 845, 867
- National Test Laboratory, Control of Sulphur in Liquid Fuel Firing, 529
- National Union of Manufacturers, British Trade Fairs Overseas, 571
- National Union of Mineworkers, Revised Coal Output Plan, 157; Coal Industry's Prospects, 571
- National Union of Railwaymen, N.U.R. Plan for Transport, 404
- N.A.T.O., Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22; Farnborough -- Missiles, 209; Space Research, 405, 444
- Nature Conservancy, Ministers and Ministries, 499
- Neckar Water Softener Company, Ltd., Willing- ton "A" Power Station, 392
- Nederlandse Sluisen Tunnelbouw Maatschappij, N.V., Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341
- Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Inkoop-Efficiency, European Federation of Purchasing, 86
- Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., "Permanent-Electro" Magnetic Chucks, 401
- Neill, William, and Son (St. Helens), Ltd. Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388
- Netherlands-Norwegian Joint Establishment for Nuclear Energy Research, Norwegian Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26
- Neumo, Ltd., Positive Displacement Pump, 400
- Newall Engineering Company, Ltd., "Spacematic" Automatic-Positioning Jig Boring and Milling Machine, 323
- Newall Group Sales Ltd., Crankpin Grinding Machine, 870
- New Brunswick Telephone Co, New Canadian Microwave Link, 868
- New Conveyor Company, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Newell, H. E., Space Research, 405
- Newhouse, Frederic, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 225, 390
- Newman Industries, Ltd., Automatic Oil Burner Control, 181
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co, A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191; High-Pressure Gasification Plant in Scotland, 527
- New York Shipbuilding Corporation, Nuclear- Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203, 242, 282; A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- New Zealand Shipping Co, Naval Surveying, 568
- Nicol and Andrew Ltd., Honing Tool for Shafts. 707
- Nicolson, W. B., (Scientific Instruments). Ltd.]], Demonstration Van de Graaff Generator, 315
- Nife Batteries Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Nock, 0. S., 2-10-0 Standard Freight Locomotive Performance and Efficiency Tests, 383; 1,000-h.p. Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 768
- Nolan, W. J., Oil in Agriculture, 431
- Nonius Ltd., Optical Measurement of Principal Stresses, 754
- Nord-Aviation, Societe Nationale de Constructions Aeronautiques, "Griffon 02" Combined Turbo-Jet and Ramjet Experimental Aircraft, 27
- Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke, Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355
- Northern Aluminium Company, Ltd., Aluminium Conveyor for Iron Oxide, (101); Hand-Operated Bascule Bridge of Light Alloy, 234; Prefabricated Van Body, (246); Light Alloy Landing Craft, 868
- North American Aviation Co, Space Research, 444; Tenders for Tanker Nuclear Reactors, 843
- North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., Orrin Power Station, 223; Institution of Locomotive Engineers, 309; Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive "D.800", 644: Some Locomotives of 1909, 701
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Orrin Power Station, 223; Fault Detector for Grid Lines, 273
- North Wales Power Co, Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- North-Western Gas Board, Gas Industry Report, 443
- North-Western University, Forecast of Prices of Used Commercial Aircraft, 324
- Northrop Aircraft, Inc., Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22
- Norton Tool Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Presses, 647
- Nortons-Tividale, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Norwegian Institutt for Atomenergi, Norwegian Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26
- N.S.U. Company, Rotary Four-Stroke Engine, 834
- Nuclear Power Plant Company, Ltd., Nucleonics Instrumentation Factory, 435
- Numec, Ltd., Belt Conveyor, 113
- Nu-Way Heating Plants, Ltd., S.B. Oil Burner, 155
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Development of Thermal Breeder Reactors, 325
- Oberliincier, G., "The Application of Centripetal Turbines in Connection with Centrifugal Compressors in the Manufacture of Gas Turbines", 121
- Oceanwise Exhibits, Ltd., Exhibition Ship, (167)
- O.E.E.C., Winfrith Atomic Energy Establishment, 25; Norwegian Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26; High-Temperature Reactor "Dragon", 44; European Economic Cooperation, 159; Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531; The Six and the Seven, 625; Symposium on Graphite for the "Dragon" Project, 735
- Ogorkiewicz, R. M., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Ohio Power Co, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Odoni Equipment Ltd., Work Clamp, 872
- Oil Feed Engineering Company, Ltd., High- Pressure Hydraulic Fittings, (246)
- Oil Well Supply Company, Ltd., Lever Lift Drilling Mast, 442
- Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, Reflecting Telescope for Japan, 709
- Olding, Jack, and Co., Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- O'Neil, W. A., St. Lawrence River Development, 806
- Ontario Hydro, St. Lawrence River Development, 672
- Opel, Adam, A.G., "1200" Saloon, 319
- Optical Measuring Tools, Ltd., Contour and Profile Projector, 116
- Optische Werke A.G., Auto Collimators, 159
- Ordem Dos Engenheiros, Institution of Naval Architects in Portugal, 7
- Orient Line (Orient Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.), S.S. "Arcadia" Fully Air-Conditioned, 30
- Osterreichische Donaukraftwerke A.G., 200-ton Floating Crane, 877
- Overseas Research Council, Ministers and Ministries, 499
- Owen and Dyson Ltd., Main Linc A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Owen Organisation, Pilot Plant for Gamma Irradiation, 395
- Oxford University, Proposed Site for Thermonuclear Research Establishment, 526
- Ozonair Engineering Company, Ltd., Automatic Air Filters, 386
- Package Sealing Company, Ltd., Flexible Strapping Material, (126)
- Packers Supply Company, Ltd., Hand Strapping Tool, (326)
- Packshaw, S., Spirally-Welded Tubular Piles, 390
- Painter Brothers, Ltd., Mendlesham Television Station, 526
- Pan-Malayan Department of Telecommunications, Microwave Telephone Network in Malaya, 362
- Panhard Co, Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Paris Salon de l'Aeronautique, "Blue Streak" Dimensions, 170
- Parker, F. H., Obituary, 217
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Changeover Valve Control, 442
- Parsons, Sir Howard Grubb, and Co., Ltd., Reflecting Telescope for Japan, 709
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Aircraft-Carrier "Hermes", 668
- Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Paterson Hughes Engineering Company, Ltd., New Goods Depot at Peterborough, 80
- Paterson-Kelley Co, Gas-Fired Storage Water Heater, 719
- Paterson, W. C., Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 856
- Payne, P. P., and Sons, Ltd., Flexible Strapping Material, (126)
- Pearce, D. C. K., Cantilever Indicator Stand for Precision Inspection. 5 17
- Pearson Panke, Ltd., 40-ton Automatic Cup- Testing Machine for Sheet Metal, 368
- Peckover and Tustin, St. Lawrence River Development, 19
- Peebles, Bruce, and Co., Ltd. Orrin Power Station, 223
- Pennsylvania Crusher Co, Large Single Roll Crusher, (386)
- Pentagon Construction Co., Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 673
- Perini Corporation, St. Lawrence River Development, 674
- Perkins Engines Ltd., "Six 288 (TA)" Agricultural Engine, 776
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Massey-Ferguson and Standard, 81; British-Built Outboard Motors, 653
- Perkins Outboard Motors Ltd., British-Built Outboard Motors, 653
- Permutit Company, Ltd., A Water Purification Plant in Egypt, 6; Motor-Car Factory at Dagenham, 641
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., Contact Welding Elettrode, (454)
- Phillips Petroleum Co, Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel Elements, 879
- Photoelectronics (M.O.M.), Ltd., Oil Burner Sequence Controller, 114
- Pilatus Aircraft Works, Ltd., PC6 "Porter" Multi-Purpose Transporter. 27
- Piling and Construction Company. Ltd., Mobile Drilling Rig, 363: The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Pippard. A. J. S., Centenary of the Death of Brunel, 262
- Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd., New Goods Depot at Peterborough. 80; Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269; Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Pirelli, Ltd., Replaceable Tread Tyre, 575
- Pite, Son and Fairweather, Bromley Technical College, 272
- Pitts, C. A., Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 766
- Platon, G. A., Ltd., Flow Meters, 751
- Plessey Company, Ltd., V.H.F. Ground Transmitter/Receiver, 293
- Plessey Nucleonics, Ltd., Nucleonics Instrumentation Factory, 435
- Plummer, G. A., Wet Accumulators for Naval Steam Catapults, 741
- P. and O. Steam Navigation Co, Building of the 45,000-ton Liner "Canberra", 656; S.S. "Arcadia" Fully Air-Conditioned, 30
- Pointon, T. C. S., Free-Piston Gas Turbine Draught, 856
- Polypenco, Ltd., Plastics Products, 234
- Porter, J. P., Co., Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 806
- Portslade and Southwick Sewerage Board, Offshore Piling Rig, 152
- Post Office, Post Office Telephone Answering Machine. (127); National Radio Show, 151; Communications Equipment Display, 362: Car Radiophone Service in S. Lancs., 564; Engineering Department, Economy in Post Office Buildings, 34
- Post Office-Ministry of Works Development Group, Economy in Post Office Buildings, 34
- Potter, N. L., Characteristics and Protection of Semiconductor Rectifiers, 813
- Poultney, E. C., Some Locomotives of 1909, 699
- Pounder, C. C., Human Problems in Marine Engineering, 749
- Power Authority of the State of New York, St. Lawrence River Development, 671
- Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., South Works of the Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., 259
- Power Plant Company, Ltd., Rock Cutting Suction Dredger "Port Sunlight-, 301
- Power Reactor Development Corporation, Large-Scale Nuclear Power Plants for Electric Utilities, 756
- Pratt, F., and Co., Ltd., Self-Locking Clamping Drill Jigs, 529
- Precision Grinding Ltd., Grinding Wheel Form Dressing Equipment, 658
- Preece, Cardew and Rider, Lighting of Kai Tak Airport, 297; Microwave Telephone Network in Malaya, 362
- Preobrazhensky, M. A., "Laboratory and Field Investigations of Flow Pressure Pulsation and Vibrations of Large Dams, 132
- Pressed Steel Company, Ltd., Strike Settlement, 118
- Pressure Piling Company (Parent), Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Price, C. R., Ltd., New Goods Depot at Peterborough, 80
- Prince of Wales Dry Dock Company, Bilge Block Assemblies for a Dry Dock, 198
- P. S. C. Equipment, Ltd., Bearing Pads for Bridges and other Structures, 526
- Public Service Co, Zero Gradient Synchrotron at the Argonne National Laboratory, 492
- Pullin, R. B., and Co., Ltd., Amplifiers for Servo Systems, 486
- Pullman, W. A., "Diesel Exhaust Blowdown Energy", 121
- Pye, Ltd., Process Heater Range Extension, 222; Mendlesham Television Station, 526; Closed Circuit TV for Bank Branches, 791
- Pye Telecommunications, Ltd., National Radio Show, 151; Transmitter, 294; Ground-to-Air Radio Transmitter, 402; Mendlesham Television Station, 526; Car Radiophone Service in S. Lancs., 564
- Pye, W. G., and Co., Ltd., Argon Chromatograph. 363
- Qualters and Smith Brothers, Ltd., Automatic Bandsaw, 278 -
- Quasi-Arc, Ltd., Welding Equipment for Thin Materials, 486
- Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission, St. Lawrence River Development, 3, 19; Final Extension of Beauharnois Power Station, 5
- Radar and Navigational Aids Group, Radar and Navigational Aids, 526
- Radcliffe Committee, The Radcliffe Report, 129; Maintaining Full Employment, 237 Radio Research Board, British Space Travel, 42
- Radio-Suisse S.A., British Weather Radar for Swiss Airports, 86
- Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee, Control of Radioactive Wastes, 626
- Rail Sub-Committee of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Railway Advisory Service for Asia and Far East, 513
- Rank Precision Industries, Ltd., Xerographic Printer for Computers, 273; Industrial Film and Equipment Exhibition in Glasgow, (454)
- Rasbash, D. J., Extinction of Running Oil Fires, 862
- R. C. A. Great Britain Ltd., Miniature Valve for Computers, (720)
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Rectifier Company (Great Britain), Ltd., Controlled Silicon Rectifier, 80
- Redheugh Iron and Steel Company (1936), Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station. 392
- Redifon, Ltd., Equipments Using Independent and Single-Sideband Techniques, 293; Adaptable Radio Transmitter Range, 771
- Reed Crane and Hoist Company, Ltd., Willing- ton "A" Power Station, 392
- Reef's Aann. en Handel Mij, N.V., Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341
- Regentone Radio and Television Ltd., Printed Circuit Assembly Device, 710
- Regie Gandrale de Chemins de Fer et Travaux Publics, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Reinforced Concrete Engineering Company, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, (286)
- Remax, Ltd., Hydraulic Reservoir Monit5r, 507
- Renault Automobil-Verkaufsges, Small FrontWheel-Drive, the "Estafette", 340; "Aerostable" Auxiliary Spring Elements, 368; New 850 c.c. "Gordini", 368
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, "Holster" Equipment for Tanker Offshore Loading, 335
- Republic Steel Corporation, Direct Production of Strip Steel from Iron Ore, 373
- Research and Control Instruments Ltd., Cold Box, (40); Variable Transformer, 529; Low-Level Beta Counting, 659; Direct- Reading Vibration Meter, 831
- Reynolds Metal Company, Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- Rheinisch-Westailisches Elekrizitatswerk A.G., Tubular Turbines, 200
- Rhodes, Brydon and Youatt, Ltd., Small Hot Water Accelerator, 402
- R. H. R. Productions Ltd., Film for Electricity Council, 765
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Institution of Naval Architects in Portugal, 7
- Richardsons Westgarth (Hartlepool), Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Rijkswaterstaat, The Dutch Delta Plan, 337; Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341; The Surge Barrier, 351
- Riley (I. C.) Products, Ltd., ClSain Grate Ash Extractor, 441
- River Trent Board, Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Road Research Laboratory, Skidding and High- Hysteresis Rubber, 6; Trunk Road, 53 Lectures, (207); Road Research, 1958, 828
- Roadie, Traction Ltd., 100,000 lb. Hydraulic Dynamometer, 712
- Roberts Construction Co, Colesberg Bridge, 16; Durban Bluff Drainage Tunnel, 794
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., Screw Thread Standards Guide, (167); Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649
- Robinson, F., Vacation Training of Undergraduate Engineers, 743
- Rockweld, Ltd., Welding Equipment Demonstration, 235
- Role and Raffety, Clatworthy Dam, 830
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Motor Vehicle Modifications. 314; Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion. 420; Multi-Fuel Engines, 628
- Rootes Group, Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96; "T.S.3" Direct-Injection Two-Stroke Engine, 409
- Rootes Motors, Ltd., Multi-Fuel Engines, 628; Battery Vehicle Practice and Applications, 747
- Rose, H. E., Rate of Discharge of Granular Materials from Bins and Hoppers, 465
- Rotameter Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Photo-Electric Flow Alarm, (8)
- Roto-Finish, Ltd., Vibratory Metal-Part-Finishing Machine, 115
- Rotterdam Drydock Co, Holland-America Liner S.S. "Rotterdam", 202
- Roumanian State Railways, Swiss-Built Locomotives for Roumania, 714
- Rowan, David, and Co., Ltd., Centenary of Far-Eastern Voyage of a Ben Line Ship, 362
- Royal Air Force, Farnborough — Missiles, 209; Aerial Photographic Exhibition of Quarries and Mines, 484; School of Aviation Medicine, Mass Spectrometer for Respiratory Studies, 485
- Royal Armoured Corps Tank Museum, Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Royal Automobile Club, Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Royal College of Science and Technology, Institute of Management Sciences, 411
- Royal Commission, Earnings of Engineers -- A Survey, 434
- Royal Fine Art Commission, Chiswick Flyover; the Consultant's View, 439: Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483
- Royal Navy, A Fleet in Need, 89: Farnborough - Missiles, 209; Naval Surveying, 568: Nuclear Propulsion — U.S. Navy Progress, 627
- Royal Radar Establishment, Anglo-American Moon Echo Experiment, 196
- Royce Electric Furnaces Ltd., High-Temperature Sintering Furnace, 831
- Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., Pilot Plant for Gamma Irradiation, 395
- Rugby College of Technology and Arts, Technical Education at Rugby, 313
- Rural Electrification Administration, U.S.A. Controversy, 15
- Rural Industries Bureau, Rural Industries, 404
- Russell Construction Co., Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 806
- Russell, J. J., Computers for Constructional Design. 432
- Ruston Bucyrus, Ltd., Oxy-Town Gas Flame Hardening, 232
- Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., Correction, (207); Mobile Power Station for Russia, 270; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, 50 MeV Proton Linear Accelerator, 115; Magnet Coils for 7 GeV Proton Synchrotron, 198
- Rye Arc, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, 3, 11. 19, 671, 726, 766, 806
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Band-Pass Filters, (454)
- Salisbury Transmission, Ltd., Thornton "Powr Lok", 507
- Sarger, Rene, "Shapes in Shells", 618 Saugbrugsforeningen, A/S, Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531
- Saunders Roe Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, 37; Hovercraft Prospects. 41; "Hovercraft", 213
- Saunders-Roe Structures Ltd., Light-Alloy Radio Towers, 750
- Schaudt Maschinenbau G.m.b.H., Cylindrical Grinding Machine, 278
- Schneider, Dr. Heinrich, Optotechnische Fabrik, Optical Measurement of Principal Stresses, 754
- Scholes, G. E., Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive "D.800", 644; Erratum. (800)
- Schwelmer Eisenwerke Muller G.m.b.H., Glass Fibre-Reinforced Vessels, 755
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd., Welding Machine for Plastics Coated Steel, 610
- Science Museum, Aeronautics at the Science Museum, 250; Aeronautical Gallery, 268
- Scott, H. W., Redesigned Light Car, 472
- Scott and Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners, Maidstone By-Pass, 182
- Scottish Aviation. Ltd., "Twin Pioneer", 212 Scottish Gas Board, High-Pressure Gasification Plant in Scotland. 527
- Scovill Manufacturing Co, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 534, 577
- Scrivener, Arthur, Ltd., Small Centreless Grinder, 654
- S.E.A.T.O. Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22
- Secretariado Nacional de Informacao, (S.N.I.), Institution of Naval Architects in Portugal, 7
- Select Committee, Report on Atomic Energy, 95
- Select Committee on Estimates, Trunk Road, 53
- Senate Armed Services Committee, Cost of the Deterrent, 131
- Serck Radiators Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin, Ilyushin-18 Four-Engined Turbo-Prop Airliner, 27
- Services Electronics Research Laboratory, Production Mass Spectrometer, 78
- Sharp Control Gear Ltd., Battery Vehicle Practice and Applications, 747
- Sharpe, Georg:, G., Incorporated, Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah, 203
- Sheepbridge Equipment, Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, ( I 67)
- Sheerness Dockyard. Building Developments, Ltd., (40)
- Shell Chemical Co, Epoxy Resins in Road Surfacing. 24; Plastic Packing for Cooling Towers, 154
- Shell-Mex, Ltd., New Car Ferry "Freshwater". 550
- Shell Mex and B. P., Ltd., Soluble Cutting Oils, 31: Opening of the Whitegate Refinery, 362
- Shell Petroleum Company, Ltd., Can Filling Machine, 441
- Shell Refining Co., Ltd., Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609
- Shepard Niles Crane and Hoist Corporation, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 577
- Sheppard, George, (Hatfield) Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Sheppard, Richard, Robson and Partners, Churchill College Trust Fund, 112
- Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Shipbuilding Employers Federation, Demarcation Disputes, 330; Wages and Hours, 667
- Shipway, E.L.M. Lightweight Diesel Trains, 780
- Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd., Aircraft Engines and Equipment, 22; Aircraft Industry Redundancy, 157; Strategic Transport Aircraft. 197; "Seacat" Missile. 215; Versatile Analogue Computer, 487
- Shuffrey, L. B., Economy and Noise of Helicopters, 104
- Sielemann, Hans. Three-Head Grinding Machine, 836
- Siemens Edison Swan Ltd., A.E.I. Reorganisation at Home and Abroad, 14; Marine Intercommunication Equipment, 272; Armourless Submarine Telephone Cable, 273; Communications Equipment Display, 362; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Variable-Distribution Lighting, 401; Electronic Telephone Exchange Experiments, 651; Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Siemens-Electrogerate Aktiengesellschaft, Ultrasonic Remote Control, 408; Selective Filter for Television Screens, 412; Quick-Action Water Heater, 836
- Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd., Resignalling on Southern Region, 853
- Siemens and Halske A.G., Control Installation of North-West Pipeline, 490
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke Aktiengesellschaft, Electric Pumps for Agriculture, 412; Combination Socket Outlet, 876
- Sigmund Pumps, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Silentbloc Ltd. Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Silley Cox and Co., Ltd., Large Dry Dock Crane, 678
- Simmering-Graz-Pauker A.G., M.222 "Flamingo" Six-Seater Monoplane, 27
- Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., Printed Circuit Connections, 527; Cutter Drum Attachment for Power Tools, 706; Funnel for Fuel, (800)
- Simms, F. R., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Simms Motor Units Ltd., Fuel Injection Pump, "Minipump", 776
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Site Welding at Hunterston, 307
- Simplex Wire and Cable Co, Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355
- Sinex Engineering Co., Ltd., Mine Tub Shake- Out, 608
- Siskol Machines. Ltd., Underground Machinery, 74
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Smeddle, R. A., Institution of Locomotive Engineers, 309
- Smillie, J., Welding Fine Thermocouple Wires to Large Metal Bodies, 696
- Smith, Sir Ewart, The Critical Importance of Transport and Communications. 218, 257
- Smith, Hugh, (Possil) Ltd., Extensions to a Heavy Machine Tool Factory, 659
- Smith, John, (Keighley), Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Smith, S., and Sons, (England), Ltd., Heating of New Diesel Trains, 361
- Smith, T. W. F., Mohr Circle for Oblique Bending Deflections, 690
- Smith, W. H., and Co., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Smith, W. H., and Co. Electrical Engineers, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Smiths Aviation Division. Continuously Running Counter, 712
- Smith's Delivery Vehicles Ltd., Battery Vehicle Practice and Applications, 747
- Smith's Dock Co., Ltd., Large Controllable- Pitch Propeller, 787
- Societe des Ateliers d'Aviation Louis Breguet, "Deux Ponts" 765 "Sahara" Military Aircraft, "Taon 1001" Light Tactical Fighter, 1050 "Alize" Anti-Submarine Aircraft, 905 "Fauvette" Single Seater Sailplane, 27
- Societe des Avions Max Holste, 260 "Super Broussard" Light Transport Aircraft, 27
- Societe Dumez, Dokan Dam, 553
- Societe des Establissements Benjamin Wassmer, WA-40 Four-Seater Aircraft, 27; Light Aircraft, 715
- Societe Expomat, Exhibition of Public Works Equipment. 451
- Societe des Forges et Ateliers du Creusot, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Societe Francaise d'Entreprise et de Dragages et de Travaux Publics, Tancarville Suspension Bridge, 82
- Societe Francaise de Metallurgic, Colloquium on the Shaping of Sheet Metal, 139
- Societe Franoise Radio-Electrique (S.F.R.), Radio Telephony in French Express Trains, 158
- Societe Generale de Mecanique Appliquee, Wilton Works Extension, 310
- Societe Internationale Pirelli, Replaceable Tread Tyre, 575
- Societe Matra, "Matra R.422 B" Ground-to-Air Missile, 28
- Societe Misr pour la Filature et la Tissage, A Water Purification Plant in Egypt, 6
- Societe d'Outillage Mecanique et d'Usinage d'Artillerie, Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Societe Suisse des lngenieurs et des Architectes, "Mechanicals" in Switzerland, 17
- Soil Mechanics Ltd., Measurements in Soil Mechanics, 6
- Solartron Electronic Group, Ltd., Oscilloscope, Infinite Persistence, 294; Computer Training Device, 832
- Somerset Wire Co., Ltd., Deck Structure of the Narrows Bridge, Perth, 655
- Sondages, Injections, Forages, Dokan Dam, 553
- Sound Diffusion (Auto-Thermatic) Ltd., Remotely Controlled Power Station, 826
- South African Railways, Diesel Electric Locomotive Progress in South Africa, 51
- South-Eastern Electricity Board, Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46
- South of Scotland Electricity Board, Site Welding at Hunterston, 307
- South-Western Electricity Board, Remotely Controlled Power Station, 826
- Southern Instruments, Ltd., Telephone Answering Equipment, 79; Multi-Channel Millivolt Recorder, 751
- Southern Metalife, Ltd., Liquid Metal Anodic Unit, (167)
- Southern Region of British Railways, Multiple-Unit Boat Trains, 26; Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38, 46, 112; ElectroDiesel Locomotives, 419; New Car Ferry "Freshwater", 550; Resignalling, 853
- Southern Sea Fisheries District Committee, Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43
- Space Technology Laboratories, Space Research, 405
- Speed Tools Ltd., Straight Action Toggle Clamp, (800)
- Speedyheat, Ltd., Space Heaters, 364
- Spencer (Melksham) Ltd., Mobile Pneumatic Handling Plant, 868
- Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., Holland- America Liner S.S. "Rotterdam", 202: "Head Up" Information Presentation, 253; General Uniformity Transistorised Sampler, 254; Radio Track Guide, 292; Instrument Research Laboratories, 483
- Spiral Tube and Components Company, Ltd., Traction Equipment for 50 c/s Trains, 353
- Stacey, P. M., Ballast Tampers for South African Railways, 432
- Stahlblad, J., "Experiments with High-Speed Diesel Engines with Special Torque Requirements", 119
- Standard Motor Company, Ltd., Massey- Ferguson and Standard, 81
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 26 MW Silicon Rectifier, 76; Canada-Newfoundland Microwave Link, 113; Automatic Correction of Microwave Fading, 180; "Autoland" Frequency-Modulated Radio-Altimeter, 292; Cathode-Ray Tube Bearing Display Indicator, 293; Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355; Microwave Telephone Network in Malaya, 362; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; Electronic Telephone Exchange Experiments, 651: I.T.A. Transmitter in Northern Ireland, 657
- Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd., Ductile Iron Pipes, (40); Coke in Ironmaking, 157; Ore Preparation Plant, 387; Willington "A" Power Station, 392; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Stark, G. W. V., Extinction of Running Oil Fires, 862
- State Water Commission, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 577
- States Marine Corporation, Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203
- States Marine Lines, Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 242, 282
- Staveley Iron and Chemical Company, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Steel Company of Wales Ltd., Steel Works Development. 833
- Steel, Peech and Tozer Ltd., Vacation Training of Undergraduate Engineers, 743
- Steele, R., and Co., Centenary of Far-Eastern Voyage of a Ben Line Ship, 362
- Steels Engineering Products Ltd., Mobile Tower Cranes, 869
- Steels Engineering Installations, Ltd., Factory for Fabricating Pressure Vessels, 156
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., A Twelve- Cylinder Diesel Engine, 72; Centenary of Far-Eastern Voyage of a Ben Line Ship, 362
- Stephenson, Robert, and Hawthorne, Ltd., British Diesel Locomotives in Argentina, 403
- Steven and Struthers, Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191
- Stewart, George, Competitive Design and the New Staines Bridge, 483
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Rolling Mill with Programme-Controlled Screw-downs, 156
- Steyr - Daimler - Puch A.G., Cross-Country Vehicle, 368
- Stoller, M., Space Research, 405, 444
- Stone-Chance, Ltd., Powerful Lighthouse Equipment for India, 230
- Stone Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., Large Controllable-Pitch Propeller, 787
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Dockside Cargo Crane, 102; Large Dry Dock Crane, 678
- Strabag A.G., Severin Bridge at Cologne, 280
- Strabag-Bau A.G., Severin Bridge at Cologne, 280
- Studer, Fritz, Ltd., "Deltalimit" Equipment, 367; "Movolimit" Electronic-Mechanical Measuring and Control Equipment, 367; High Precision Cylindrical Grinding Machine, 367
- Sturdy Electric Company, Ltd., All-Insulated Portable Transformers, 570
- Sturtevant Engineering Co The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Submarine Cables, Ltd., Armourless Submarine Telephone Cable, 273; Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe, 355; Cable Machinery for G.P.O. Cableship, 832
- Suisatom S.A., Swiss Nuclear Station, 202
- Sulzer Bros., "Mechanicals" in Switzerland, 17; Development of the Sulzer Marine Diesel Engine, 572; Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609; Swiss-Built Locomotives for Roumania, 714
- Surface Combustion Corporation, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 534
- Surfard, Ltd., Oxy-Town Gas Flame Hardening, 232
- Sutcliffe Hydraulics Ltd., Variable Flow Hydraulic Pump, 608
- Sutcliffe, Richard Ltd., Hydraulia,Pump Set For Mines, 711
- Sutton Engineering Co, Fuel Fabrication at Argonne National Laboratories, 160
- Svenska Inkbpsledares Foregning, European Federation of Purchasing, 86
- Svenska Metallverken, A.B., Institute of Metals Visit to Sweden and Denmark, 197; Aluminium Log Flume, 755
- Swaminathan, V. S., British Gas Industry's Progress, 815
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Institution of Naval Architects in Portugal, 7
- Swansea Construction Co., Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 806
- Swedish Board of Pilotage, Lighthouses and Buoys, Telescopic Caisson Lighthouse, 238
- Sweetenham, W. M., Signalling Equipment on 50 c/s Electrified Lines, 429
- Swiss Federal Air Office, British Weather Radar for Swiss Airports, 86
- Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works, "Swiss Achievement", (52); Swiss-Built Locomotives for Roumania, 714
- Sykes, A., Allowable Load on Helical Gears, 598
- Sykes, Henry, Ltd., Small Centrifugal Pump, 872
- Sykes Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Automatic Multi-Station Machine, 323
- Sykes, W. E., Ltd., "Sykomatic" Gear Cutting Machine and IA Auto-Loading Horizontal Gear Generator, 322
- Sylvania-Thorn Colour Television Laboratories, Ltd., Transistor Test Set, 35; Germanium Switching Transistors, (720)
- Symes, H. E. J., Differential-Drive Electric Locomotive for Underground Mines, 30
- Tanaka, Tatsuo, Rate of Discharge of Granular Materials from Bins and Hoppers, 465
- Tangyes Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, 37
- Tarex (England) Ltd., Machine Tool Exhibition, (622)
- Tarmac Civil Engineering, Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway—No. I, 544
- Tavannes Machine Co S.A., Six-Spindle "Gyromatic" Vertical, Automatic Machine, 320
- Taylor, James, Solid Propellent and Exothermic Compositions, 66
- Taylor, Charles, (Birmingham) Ltd., Heavy Duty Spinning Lathe, 710
- Taylor, Frederick Winslow, Peace in Industry, 54
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Model 50 "Talyrond" Machine, 366; Copying, Routing and Milling Machine, 7081
- Taylor Woodrow Atomic Power Construction Company Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, 37
- Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, 37; Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38; Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, 43
- Technological Irradiation Group, Pilot Plant for Gamma Irradiation, 395
- Tehran Nuclear Centre, Opening, 14
- Telegraph Condenser Co., Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, Ltd., Large Anchor Windlass, (246); Armourless Submarine Telephone Cable, 273
- Tempo A.G., Commercial Vehicles, 368
- Tennessee Valley Authority, U.S.A. Rural Electrification Administration Controversy, 15
- Tersons, Ltd., Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269
- Texas Instruments, Incorporated, Proposed Instrument Factory of Anti-Clastic Shell Construction, 134
- Texas Instruments, Ltd., Proposed Instrument Factory of Anti-Clastic Shell Construction, 134
- Thermotank Ltd., S.S. "Arcadia" Fully Air- Conditioned, 30
- Thomas, Bertram, (Engineers) Ltd., Southern Region Kent Coast Electrification, 46
- Thomas Industrial Automation, Ltd., Capacitive Level Controller, 442
- Thomas, Richard, and Baldwins, Ltd., Re- Motoring of a Strip Mill, 231
- Thompson, John, Water Tube Boilers Ltd., Wet Accumulators for Naval Steam Catapults, 741
- Thompson, John, (Wolverhampton), Ltd., Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Thomson and Taylor (Brooklands) Ltd., Powered Freight Handling Equipment, 869
- Thorn Electrical Industries, Ltd., Visual Glide Path Projector Unit, 293
- Thunes Mek. Vxrksted A/S., Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531
- Tileman and Co., Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Tilley Lamp Co., Ltd., Storm Lantern, (880)
- Tizard, Sir Henry, Obituary, 433
- Tolmon, F. R., Machine for the Precise Measurement of Internal Diameters. 518
- Tonkin, G. P., Multi-Channel Millivolt Recorder, 751
- Tool Research and Engineering Corporation Boom in Honeycomb, 798
- Torrance, T. E. R., Large Dry Dock Crane, 678
- Torrington Manufacturing Co, Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 577
- Town Planning Committee, County of London Development Plan, 418
- Trades Union Congress, The Forthcoming T.U.C., 169: The Ninety-First T.U.C., 237; Trade Union Deliberations, 249; Demarcation Disputes. 330; Industrial Relations, 571
- Trans-Canada Air Lines, Computers for Airline Bookings, 272
- Transformers (Watford), Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Treasury, Industrial Production, 118; Hours of Work, 530
- Triangle Products, Ltd., Chassis Dynamometer, 505
- Triangle Valve Company, Ltd., Lubricated Plug Valve, 440
- Tripp, G. W., New Car Ferry "Freshwater", 550 Trojan Ltd., "Karting", 584
- Trott, J. J., Measuring, Classifying and Counting Wheel Loads of Moving Vehicles, 859
- Truscon, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Trowbridge, M. E. O'K., Centrifugal Purification of Oils for Marine Service, 442
- Tryhorn, D. W., Blower for Low-Pressure Oil- Free Air, 149
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Research Laboratories, 522; Golden Jubilee of Aluminium Production at Dolgarrog, 649; Trade Prospects, 792
- Tupolev, Andrei Nikolaevich, TU-I04B 100-Passenger Airliner, 27
- Turbomachines, Ltd., Small Air Turbines, (127) Turner, A. G., Uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, 872
- Turner, G. R., Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson, (167)
- Turner, Leslie, and Partners, Improvement of the Barnet By-Pass, (326)
- Turner, T. Henry, Redesigned Light Car. 432; Mainly Metallurgy, 146, 303, 522, 740; Research in Cast Iron and its Manufacture, 146; Research Laboratories for Tube Investments Ltd., 522; International Research on Blast Furnaces. 523; Twenty Years Corrosion Research; Powder Metallurgy, 303; Sponsored Metallurgical Research: Phenomena Occurring in Steers During Quenching and Tempering, 740
- Turriff Construction Corporation Ltd., Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith. 43; Warren Spring Laboratory, 48
- Tustin, A., Physical Models for Psychological Processes, 439
- Udalls Prestressed Concrete Ltd., Deck Structure of the Narrows Bridge, Perth, 655
- Uhl, Hall and Rich, St. Lawrence River Development, 674, 726
- Ulster Television Ltd., I.T.A. Transmitter in Northern Ireland, 657
- Union Carbide Corporation, Oxygen Cutting Machine with Electronic Tracer, 245; Tape-Controlled Heliarc Spot Welding Machine, 759
- Union Carbide Nuclear Co, Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel Elements, 879
- Union Department of Transport, Diesel Electric Locomotive Progress in South Africa, 51
- Union Electric Co, Magnetohydrodynamic Low-Temperature Power Generation, 838
- Union Steel Corporation (of South Africa) Ltd., Aluminium Conductors in South Africa, 793 - United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Tehran Nuclear Centre, 14; Nuclear Legislation, 25; Winfrith Atomic Energy Establishment, 25; Norwegian Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26; Controlled Thermonuclear Problems, 33; Nuclear Matters, 53; Atomic Energy Report. 60; Atomic Energy Health and Safety Organisation, 77; Production Mass Spectrometer, 78; Atomic Energy Under Scrutiny, 89; Report on Atomic Energy, 95: 50 MeV Proton Linear Accelerator, 115: Irradiated Materials Laboratory, 266; Electricity Supply in England and Wales, 357: Pilot Plant for Gamma Irradiation, 395: Nucleonics Instrumentation Factory, 435: Ministers and Ministries, 499; Proposed Site for Thermonuclear Research Establishment, 526; Institution of Civil Engineers, 549; Underground Test Explosions, 567; Control of Radioactive Wastes, 626; "Jason" Reactors for Research and Training, 733: Symposium on Graphite for the "Dragon" Project, 735; Large-Scale Nuclear Power Plants for Electric Utilities, 756; Hunting Probe for Indicating Liquid Levels, 779; industrial Group, Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531; Research Establishment, Transporter Equipment for Concrete Blocks, 236; Research Establishment, Harwell Neutron Project, 633: Research Establishment, Rapid Testing for Radioactivity, 708
- United Kingdom Railway Advisory Service, Railway Advisory Service for Asia and Far East, 513
- United States Atomic Energy Commission, Norwegian Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, 26 Fuel Fabrication at Argonne National Laboratories, 123, 160; Global Aspects of the Exploration of Space. 189; Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203, 242. 282; Development of Thermal Breeder Reactors, 325; Award of John Fritz Medal, 413; Zero Gradient Synchrotron at the Argonne National Laboratory, 492; Boiling Heavy Water Reactor at Halden, 531: Large- Scale Nuclear Power Plants for Electric Utilities, 756; International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 799; Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel Elements, 879
- U.S. Corps of Engineers, St. Lawrence River Development, 672
- U.S. Maritime Administration, Nuclear-Powered Passenger-Cargo Ship "Savannah", 203, 242, 282; A Nuclear-Powered Navy, 452
- U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Space Research, 444
- U.S. National Committee for Radiation Protection. Fuel Fabrication at Argonne National Laboratories, 160
- United States Navy, Nuclear Propulsion-U.S. Navy Progress, 627
- United States Steel Corporation. The Steel Strike, 241
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Underground Mining Machinery, 74; Steel Development Programme, 792
- United Steel Structural Company, Ltd., Hinkley Point Caisson. (167)
- United Waterways Constructors, Ltd., St. Lawrence River Development, 19
- University of Birmingham, Coke in Ironmaking, 157
- University of California. Road Research Laboratory Lectures, (207); Institute of Management Sciences, 411; Zero Gradient Synchrotron at the Argonne National Laboratory, 492
- University of Glasgow, New Engineering Building, 607
- University of Nottingham, Central Laboratory for London Transport. 234
- University of Sheffield. Glass Research Laboratories, 31
- University of Sydney, Mass Spectrometer for Respiratory Studies. 485
- Urquhart's (1926) Ltd., Heavy Fuel Oil Firing Unit, (776)
- Vacuum Research (Cambridge) Ltd., Engineering Display at Islington. 708; High Vacuum Valves, (880)
- Valay Industries, Ltd., "Wadpol" Polish. 254
- Van de Velde, P. A., Construction of Haringvliet Dam, 341
- Vaughan Associates, Ltd., "KDM-ll" Machine. 366
- Vaughan Crane Company, Ltd., Willington "A- Power Station, 392; The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Third International Symposium on "Hardness Testing in Theory and Practice", 491; German Travelling Exhibition, 715
- Vereinigte Drehbank-Fabriken, "Polycop" Lathe, and Special Purpose Lathe for Fittings up to 311-in. Diameter, 276
- Vero Precision Engineering Ltd., Programme Controlled Turret-Head Drilling Machine, 775
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., Launch of T.S.S. "Oriana", 654
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Aircraft), Ltd., Supermarine Scimitar, 212; Nuclear Reactor Simulator for Training, 785
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Shipbuilders) Ltd., Aircraft-Carrier "Hermes", 668
- Vickers, Ltd., Institution of Naval Architects in Portugal, 7; Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 420
- Vickers Nuclear Engineering, Ltd., Nuclear Reactors for Marine Propulsion, 420
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Ltd., Sixty Years of Armoured Car Development, 96
- Victaulic Company, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Viking Marine, Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191
- Visco Engineering Company, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant. 191
- V/0 "Avtoexport", "Volga M 21" Saloon, 369; "Volga M-2I-K" Five-Seater Saloon, 505: "Moskvitch" Four-Seater Saloon, 505
- Volkswagenwerk G.m.b.H., 1960 Models of the "V.W.", 411
- Vosper, D. F. C., Cost of Bridges and Electrification, 186
- Vosper, Ltd., Gas-Turbine Warship, 306 Vulcan FOundry. Ltd., British Diesel Locomotives in Argentina, 403
- Wadkin, Ltd., Sliding Table Say, Bench, 529
- Wallace and Tiernan, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., Institution of Naval Architects in Portugal, 7
- Walsh Construction Co, The, St. Lawrence River Development, 674
- Wantage Radiation Laboratories. Pilot Plant for Gamma Irradiation, 395
- War Department Works Directorate, Professional and Technical Civil Servants, 275 War Office, Multi-Fuel Engines, 628
- Ward, Thos. W., Ltd., Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Feltham, 514
- Warwickshire County Council, London to Birmingham Motorway—No. 1, 544
- Warwickshire Education Authority, Technical Education at Rugby, 313
- Waters, I. M., The Application of Closed-Circuit Television in the Nuclear Industry, 24
- Watson, Duncan, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Watson, James, Demise of the "Popular", 390
- Watts, R., "The Combustion Process in High-Speed Diesel Engines", 119
- Waverley Committee on Coastal Flooding, The Surge Barrier, 351
- Wayss and Freytag A.G., Severin Bridge at Cologne. 280
- Weatherill, F. E., Ltd., Wheeled Loading Shovels, 650
- Weir, Viscount, of Eastwood, Obituary, 17
- Welding Supplies, Ltd., Site Welding at Hunterston, 307
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191; 10-ton Magnet Cranes for a Beam Mill, 782
- Wernheim, Sven, Smokeless Combustion System, 39
- West, Allen, and Co., Ltd., Differential-Drive Electric Locomotive for Underground Mines, 30; Air-Break Cam-Operated Master Controllers, 656
- West, Sir Frederick, Obituary, 637
- Western Electric Company, Ltd., Submarine Telephone Cable Between U.S.A. and Europe. 355
- Western Region of British Railways, Measurements in Soil Mechanics, 6; Institution of. Locomotive Engineers, 309; Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive, "D.800", 644
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company, Ltd., Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38; Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269; Traction Equipment for 50 cls Trains, 353; Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, American Nuclear Propulsion Plant for British Submarine, 413; Award of John Fritz Medal, 413; Recovery of "Polaris" Dummy Missiles in Mid-Flight, 413; Copper and Brass Tube Mill at New Milford, 534: Large-Scale Nuclear Power Plants for Electric Utilities, 756
- Westland Aircraft Ltd., Aircraft and Equipment, 78; Aircraft-Carrier "Hermes", 668
- Westminster Bank Ltd., Closed Circuit TV for Bank Branches, 791
- Westminster Dredging Company, Ltd., Rock Cutting Suction Dredger "Port Sunlight", 301: Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609
- Westool, Ltd., Eddy Current Speed Regulator, 402
- West's Piling and Construction Company, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Company, Ltd., Depot for Underground Trains at Upminster, 269
- Whatlings, Ltd., Orrin Power Station, 223
- Whessoe, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191; Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388
- White, Sir Bruce, Wolfe Barry and Partners, Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609 Whitehead and Poole, Ltd., The L.C.C.'s Northern Outfall Works, 507
- Wickham, D., and Co., Ltd., Permanent Way Recording Coach, 5
- Wickman, Ltd., Large-Capacity Spark Erosion Machine, 274
- Wieger Maschinenbau G.m.b.H., Combined Guillotine and Press Brake, 491
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Nickel-Chromium Casting Alloy, (167); Degassing and Vacuum Refining Furnace, 569
- Wilding, J. S., Uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, 872
- Wilfords and Co., Ltd., Main Line A.C. Locomotive, 745
- Williams, Sir Owen, and Partners, Landscape Treatment on the London/Birmingham Motorway, 14; London to Birmingham Motorway— No. 1, 544
- Williamson, P. J., Measuring, Classifying and Counting Wheel Loads of Moving Vehicles, 859
- Willowbrook, Ltd., Prefabricated Van Body, (246)
- Wilson and Kyle, Ltd., A Twelve-Cylinder Diesel Engine, 72
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., Southern Railway Kent Coast Electrification, 38; Milford Haven Refinery and Jetty, 388; Supertanker Terminal at Tranmere, 609
- Winder, A. S., Meaning of "Watershed", 390
- Winder, R., Vacation Training of Undergraduate Engineers, 743
- Winget Ltd., Concrete Mixer, 654
- Winston Electronics, Ltd., Accurate Temperature Controller, 78, (126)
- Wirksworth Quarries Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Wohlenberg, H., K.G., Centre, Copying and Turret Lathes, 276
- Wolseley Engineering Ltd., Magnetic Plates for Farm Grain or Meal Conveyors, 778
- Woo, D. M., Spring-Back and Stretch-Forming of Sheet Metal, 135
- Wood, Edward, and Co., Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Wood, J. G., Test Blocks for Indentation Hardness Testing, 147
- Woodall-Duckham Construction Company, Ltd., Murton Coking Plant, 191
- Woods of Colchester, Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191
- Woodworth Co. N.A., Self-Locking Clamping Drill Jigs, 529
- Woozley, Peter, Construction Ltd., London to Birmingham Motorway, 587
- Worcester Fabrications Co., Suspension Device for Pipes and Cables, (760)
- Worcestershire County Council, Caisson Sinking at Queenhill Bridge, 480
- Work Study Equipments, Printed Circuit Assembly Device, 710
- Wright Anderson and Co., Ltd., Lever Lift Drilling Mast, 442
- Wright. Lewis, "Trends in the Trade Union Movement", 488
- Wright Rain, Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 63
- Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales, Lever Lift Drilling Mast, 442
- Yamamoto, M., "The Relation Between Bending Rigidity of Crankcase and Crankshaft of High-Speed Diesel Engines", 121
- YarroN.-Admiralty Research Department, Developments at Scotstoun, 562
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., R.M.S. "Victoria", (40); Passenger and Cargo Ship for Lake Victoria, 191; Developments at Scotstoun, 562
- Yarwood, W. J., and Co., Ltd., Twin-Input Two-Speed Reverse Gear for Tugs and Trawlers, 35
- Yorkshire Electric Transformer Company, Ltd., Willington "A" Power Station, 392
- Young. J. A., Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 304
- Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen A.G., New "Synchroma" Gearbox, 409
- Zappata, Filippo, Italian Airliner, 491
- Zimmer, K., "Output and Strain Relations. Demonstrated on an Exhaust-Turbocharged High-Speed Diesel Engine", 119
Also noted
- Alfred George Wilson Obituary 622
See Also
Sources of Information