The Engineer 1958 Jan-Jun: Index

- Aachen Technical University, International Technical Co-operation, 517
- Aare-Tessin Electricity Company, (ATEL), Large Electricity Supply Systems, 962
- A. B. Hagglund and Soner, Voltage-Stabilised Generator Set, 482
- Abeles, P. W., "Wafer Slab" Bridge Decks, 842
- Abrasive Developments, Ltd., Vapour Blast Cleaning of Components, 783
- Abu Dhaby Marine Areas, Ltd., "Adma Enterprise" Drilling Barge, (Plate 15, 10.1.58)
- A.C. Cars, Ltd., Lightweight Railbus for British Railways, 294
- Academy of Sciences of Chicago, London Planetarium, 420
- Accident Prevention Advisory Committee, Safety in the Cement Industry, 985
- Ace Distributors, Ltd., Tubular Engineering, (116)
- ACE Heaters, Ltd., Simplified Space Heating, 333, 406
- ACEC, Belgian Electrical Equipment for Finland, 262
- A.C.E.C., Portuguese Iron and Steel Works, 227
- A.C.F. Industries, Incorporated, Development of Atomic Energy in Sweden, 111; Dual Purpose Nuclear Reactor, 751
- Admiralty, Administration of the Royal Dockyards, 308; Four Three-Drum Boilers, 28; Standard Range Diesels, 28; Gunnery Establishment, Research and Development, 47; Signal and Radar Establishment, Dockyards and Maintenance, 47
- Advisory Council, New Brooms for Research, 719
- Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, Defence, 3
- A.E.I.—John Thompson Nuclear Energy Company, Ltd., Berkeley Power Station, 5, 8, (Plate 1, 3.1.58); Boilers for Nuclear Power Stations, 900
- A.E.I. Lamp and Lighting Company, Ltd., Dustproof Fluorescent Fittings, 497; Flameproof Fitting, 498
- Aero Corporation, Pneumatic Tools, 296
- Aeronautical and General Instrument Company, Ltd., Naval Tactical Trainer, 813
- Aetna Standard Engineering Company, Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- AGAR D. Ballistics Meeting, 227
- A.G.I.P. Nuclear, Agreement with the N.P.P.C., Ltd., 8; Anglo-Italian Collaboration in Nuclear Power, 709; Collaboration for Nuclear Power, 681
- Aglite (Great Britain), Ltd., Shale Aggregate Plant. 144
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd., Two-Handed Mark RA6 Units, 86
- Ailsa Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., "Glen Sannox", 102
- Air League of the British Empire, Space Travel Conference, 480
- Air Reduction Company, Deep Drawn Aluminium Containers, 229
- Aircraft Manufacturing Company (Airco), Air Transport Developments, 293
- Airscrew Company and Jicwood, Ltd., Wood Chip Drying Plant, 252
- Airtech, Ltd., Hose Coupling, 109
- Aish and Co., Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861 Ajax Engineering Corporation, National Metal Congress and Exposition, 189
- Ajax Marine Engines, Ltd., "Albacore", "Amazon", "Atlanta" and the "Argosy" Marine Diesel Engines, 86
- Albin Motor Company, Engines Ranging from 5-h.p. to 40-h.p. including the "Mate" 0-411 Petrol Unit, 86
- Albion Motors Ltd., Short Wheelbase Eight- Wheeler, (450)
- Alderton Construction Company, Ltd., Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (235)
- Alexander, W. H. J., Ltd., Motor Tug "Sun XX". 102
- Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd., "PX. 207-20S" Automatic Centrifugal Separator and "Lab 201". 935
- All Wheel Drive, Ltd., Converted Ford Chassis, 705
- Allard, M., Refining of Phosphoric Irons, 968
- Allen, F. H., Civil Engineering Overseas, 963
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Fast Patrol Boat H.M.S. "Brave Borderer", 129; Lightweight Marine Gas Turbines, 92
- Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft. Gas-Turbine-Driven Blower, 748
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828
- Alpine-Montan Werk Zeltweg, The Pavilion of Europe, 760
- Aluminium Company of America, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 411
- Aluminium Company of Canada, Industrial Films. 369
- Aluminium Francaise, Road Tanker Construction, (342)
- Aluminium, Ltd., Too Much Aluminium?, 339
- Aluminium Union, Ltd., Industrial Films, 369
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, The A.E.U. National Committee, 672; Engineering Wages, 710
- Amber Chemical Company, Ltd., Combustion Additive for Solid Fuels, (522)
- American Bosch ARMA Corporation, Petrol Injection, 616
- American Car and Foundry Industries, Inc. (A.C.F.), Nuclear Power Developments in the Netherlands, 187
- American Machine and Foundry Corporation, Munich Research Reactor, 908
- American Motors Corporation, Detroit in 1958, 264
- American Optical Co, A New Film Technique, 782
- American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Electrical Communications Between Nations, 804; Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 52
- American Timken Roller Bearing Co, Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant. 767
- American Seating Corporation, New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828
- American Smelting and Refining Co, Continuous Casting of Large Tough Pitch Copper Slabs, 869
- Ames Crosta Mills and Co., Ltd., Plant at Hoscar Sewage Purification Works, 898
- Amsterdamsche Ballast-Maatschappij, N.V., Road and Rail Tunnel at Velsen, 33
- Anaconda Aluminium Company, Too Much Aluminium?, 339
- Anciens Etablissements Eiffel, French Pavilion at Brussels Exhibition, 722
- Anderson Boyes and Co., Ltd., Coal Cutting and Loading Machine, 142
- Anderson, D., and Son, Ltd., Fire Resistant Roof Construction, (558)
- Andre Rubber Company, G. T. R. Suspension, (Plate 4, 10.1.58)
- Andrew Machine Construction Company. Ltd, Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials. 135
- Anglian Building Products, Ltd., Precast Concrete Blocks of 35 Tons, 823
- Anglo-American Council of Productivity, Productivity in the Iron and Steel Industry- 1945-1956, 425
- Angus, George, and Co., Ltd., Positive Petrol Distribution, 666
- Antonov, Oleg Konstantinovich, "Ukraina" Airliner, (Plate 14, 3.1.58)
- Appareils Dragon S.A., Large Jaw Crusher, 298
- A.P.V. Company, Ltd., Plate Evaporator and Separator and No. 1 Rosenblad Spiral Heat Exchanger, 935
- Aquila Compania Naviera S.A., Cargo ship "Agean Island", (Plate 10, 3.1.58)
- Argonne National Laboratory, American-Built Greek Research Reactor, 557; Double Power Level of Experimental Boiling Water Reactor, 228; Law of Parity Conservation, 340; Tripled Output of Experimental Boiling Water Reactor, 715
- Armstrong Siddeley Development Co., Ltd., "Double Mamba" 47; "Viper" single-spool turbo-jet, (Plate 12, 3.1.58)
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Aero Engine of about 1,000-h.p., 60; Aero Engine Sponsorship, 708; 1,000-h.p. Aircraft Turbines, 291; "P.181" and "P.182" Free Turbine Engines, 60; "Viper" Gas Generators, 60
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W. G., Aircraft Ltd., Removing Radioactive Cartridges, 983:"Sea Hawk", Fighter, 47; Structural Thermal Insulation, 661
- A.R.O. Machinery Company, Ltd., Welding Gun, 258
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baic Comeau, Canada, 219 ASEA, Diesel-electric Propulsion for Russian Icebreakers, 33
- Ash, Gilbert, Ltd., Gatwick Airport. 895
- Associated Automation, Ltd., Instruments. Electronics and Automation. 585
- Associated British Combustion. Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855; Machinery for Cross- Channel Passenger Ships, 168
- Associated British Engineering, Ltd., Britain in Europe Committee, 985
- Associated Electrical Industries, Insurance Against Nuclear Accidents, 233; Research Laboratory, 781
- Associated Ethyl Company, Ltd., Laboratory Chassis Dynamometer, 366; Semi-Conductor Rectifier Factory. 362
- Associated Lead Manufacturers, Ltd., Rust-Inhibiting Calcium Plumbate Paint, (230) Associated-Rediffusion. Transistorised Television Transmitter, 516
- Associated Steels and Tools Company, Ltd., Tool Holder for Clamped Inserts, 983
- Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi (A.C.E.C.), Amsterdam-Brussels Dual Voltage Trains, 33
- Ateliers du Thiriau, S. A., Portuguese Iron and Steel Works, 227
- Atlantic Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., "Burdic Fem", (Plate 6, 10.1.58)
- Atlas Copco (Great Britain), Ltd., Rock Drills and Mine Loaders, 329
- Atlas Copco, Ltd., Stockholm Tube Extension, 149
- Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited, Large Gamma Radiation Cell, 675
- Atomic Energy Commission, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 411
- Atomic Energy Company, Development of Atomic Energy in Sweden, Ill
- Atomic Power Construction, Ltd., Design and Supply of Atomic Power Stations, 8
- Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, Particle Accelerators, 52; Structure of the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, 184
- Atomics International, 100MW Atomic Power Station, 713
- Audley Engineering Company, Ltd., "Audco Annin" Valves and "Domotor" Cylinder and Manual. 935
- August Thyssen-Hiltte, Open-Hearth Plant of August Thyssen-Hiltte, 260
- August's Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Austin and Pickersgill, Ltd., Reconstruction Schemes, 22
- Austin Motor Company, Ltd., Hard Facing of Cutting Tools, 513; Simplified Suspension, 325
- Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Atomic Energy in Australia. 941; HIFAR Test Reactor, (Plate 12, 10.1.58); Reactor Irradiation Techniques, 918; Use of Radioisotopes in Australia, (912)
- Austrian Federal Railways, Series 1010 Electric Locomotive, 373
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Company Ltd., Grid Control Centres, 859
- Auto-Mower, Ltd., Railway Drainage Trench Excavating Machine, 633
- Autoset (Production), Utcl., Universal Ball Castor, 864
- Avenue Shipping Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Donegal", (Plate 10, 3.1.58)
- Avery, W. and T. (Canada), Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Avica Equipment, Ltd., Precision Bellows, 952
- Avions Fairey S.A., Low-Cost Aircraft, 674
- Avon India Rubber Company, Simplified Suspension. 325
- Avro Aircraft, Ltd., Aircraft Ice Protection, 928; "Arrow" All-weather Interceptor. (Plate 10, 10.1 58)
- Babcock and Wilcox Company, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Boilers for U.S.S. "Ranger", 62; N.S. "Savannah" Nuclear-Powered Vessel, 713; Steam Gener- ator With Prefabricated Membrane Wall Furnace, 991
- Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219; Boilers for "Ayrshire" Cargo-Passenger Ship, (Plate 7, 10.1.58); Boilers for "Changuinola", 102: Boilers for Oil Tanker "Zaphon", (Plate 9, 3.1.58); Hinkley Point Power Station, 5, 403; Linden Steam Power Station, 949; Machinery for Cross-Channel Passenger Ships, 168; Propelling Machinery for anti-Submarine Frigates, 28; Selectable Superheat Boilers, 102; Tilbury Power Station, 861; Two Water- tube Boilers for "Woodarra", 22
- Badger, E. B., and Sons, Ltd., Extensions to Mina-Al-Ahmadi Refinery, 763; Extensions to Philblack, Ltd., Plant, 145
- Bahamas California Oil Co, Oil Drilling in the Bahamas, (486)
- Bahamas Gulf Oil Co, Oil Drilling in the Bahamas, (486)
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co., Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Baker, C., of Holborn, Ltd., Tool Grinding Attachment, (52,2)
- Baker Perkins. Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Bakelite, Ltd., Moisture-Resistant Wallboard, (414); Sir James Swinburne, Bt., F. R.S., 332
- Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation. National Congress and Exposition. 189
- Balfour Group, Scott-Smith Molecular Still, 977
- Ballamy, L. M., Railways into Roadways, 284, 698
- Bamford. J. C. (Excavators), Ltd., Hydraulically- Operated Loading Shovel. 902
- Bank Line, Ltd., "Firebank", "Riverbank.' and "Northbank", 102
- Barclay, John, Railways into Roadways, 775
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., Reconstruction Schemes, 22; "Woodarra", Cargo Ship, 22
- Barclays Bank, Ltd., Wage Demands, 110 Barking, H., Iron-Coke Process. 968
- Barnsley, John and Son. Ltd., Building for Handling Radioactive Materials, 135
- Barron and Shepherd. Ltd., Compensated Level Platform Table Trolley. 71
- Barrs, H., Railways into Roadways, 848 Barry, Henry and Cook. Ltd., Fertiliser Work at Leith, 530
- Battelle Memorial Institute, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635 1 MW Swimming Pool Research Reactor, 751
- Bauersfeld, Walter, London Planetarium, 424, 456
- Baxter, A. D., Satellite Rocket Problems, 236
- Beardmore, Wm., and Co., Ltd., Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- Bechtel International Corporation. Extensions to Mina-Al-Ahmadi Refinery, 763
- Beck and Pollitzer, Ltd., Exhibition Halls, 82
- Beckman Instruments, Inc., Instruments for Process Control, 69
- Beech Aircraft Corporation, Twin-Bonanza B50 2 x 260-h.p. Six-seater, 786
- Beer, Wilh., Spezial-Werkstatten-Wiesbaden, Cock and Valve Lapping Machine, 226
- Belgian National Railways, Amsterdam-Brussels Dual Voltage Trains, 33
- Belgian Railways, Display of Car Transport Service, etc., 609
- Bell, W. T., Obituary, 209
- Bell Aircraft Corporation, "X-14", Jet-deflection Flat-riser Aircraft, 25
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Electrical Communications Between Nations, 804; Field Effect Transistor Amplifier, 831; New Magnetic Memory Concept. 265: Passive Semiconductor Component, 831; Torsional Wave Delay Lines, 991 Transatlantic Telephone Cable. 52
- Bell Telephone Manufacturing Company, Submarine Two-Way Telephone Repeater, 646
- Belsize Metal Products, Ltd., Cold Setting Adhesives, (486)
- Bendix Aviation Corporation, Petrol Injection, 616
- Bergius Company, Ltd., "P4" Diesel Engine, 86
- Bergwerkgesellschaft Walsum m.b.H., Iron- Coke Process, 968
- Bertlin, D. P., Railways into Roadways, 932
- Beryllium Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Beryllium Metal, 675
- Bethlehem Steel Company, U.S. "Long Beach" Cruiser, 62
- Beton-und-Monierbau, Taq Taq Bridge, 44 B.H.P. Company, Ltd., Searching for Minerals in Australia, 220
- Bierrum and Partners, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Bigwood, Joshua. and Son, Ltd., Slag Production Plant at Teesport, 577
- Bilston Foundries, Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Binnie, Deacon and Gourley, Dokan Dam, (Plate 11. 3.1.58)
- B.I.P. Tools, Ltd., Injection Mould Heating, (450)
- Birlec, Ltd., Continuous Galvanising Line, 746
- Birmingham Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., Electric Trains for South African Railways, 398
- Birmingham College of Technology, Employee Interviewing, 371; Statistical Sampling in Industry, (486)
- Birmingham Engineering Centre, Industrial Production Show of Canada, 785
- B. and K. Laboratories, Ltd., Instrument Exhibition, (522); International Instrument Show, 1958, (116)
- Black, Harry L., Naval Main Propulsion Steam Turbines, 176
- Black Clawson International. Ltd., Tissue Paper Mill at Bridgend, 400
- Blackburn and General Aircraft, Ltd., "N.A.39" Strike Aircraft. 25; Small Gas Turbines, 434
- Blackman, Raymond V. B., Naval Construction in 1957, 28, 62
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Mobile Power Houses, (192)
- Blakeborough, J., and Sons, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Blaw-Knox Ltd., Electro-Refining of Nickel, 631; Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant, 740
- Blue Funnel Line, Cargo Ship "Menelaus", (Plate 7, 10.1.58)
- Blue Star Line, Ltd., Cargo-Passenger Liner "Canadian Star", (Plate 7, 10.1.58)
- Blume, W., Ingenieurbiiro fiir Leichtbau und StrOmungstechnik, Passenger Plane "B1-502", 786
- Blythswood Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship "North Empress', 102
- Board of Trade, Engineering Exports, 481. 672; Export Aids, 554; Exports in 1957, 186; Exports in January. 336; Finance for Capital Goods Exports, 634; Industrial Building, (598); Industrial Production Show of Canada, 785; Industry's Expenditure and Stocks, 444; International and Universal Exhibition— Brussels 1958, 644; Manufacturers' Capital Expenditure. 634; Manufacturing Industry's Stocks, 944; National Research Development Corporation, 371: Overseas Trade, 32, 110, 297, 481. 634, 824, 944; The Revolving Loan Funds, 371
- Boeing Airplane Company, "707" Jet Transport, 25
- Bolinders Company, Ltd., Bolinder 105 and the Penta Series of Engines, 86
- Bolton Steam Shipping Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Ruysdael", 102
- Bolton Training College, Training Technical Teachers. (342)
- Bombardier Snowmobile, Ltd., Trans-Antarctic Transport, 357
- Bondi, Hermann, Railways into Roadways, 738 Bone, Connell and Baxters, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Booth, Joseph. and Brothers, Diesel Locomotive Crane with Hydraulic Transmission, 440
- Borg-Warner, Ltd., Petrol Injection, 616
- Bosch, Ltd., Petrol Injection Pump, (Plate 4, 10.1.58)
- Boston Deep Sea Fisheries, Ltd., Motor Trawler "Boston Vanguard", 102
- Boulton, William, Ltd., Double Paddled Stirrer, 44in. Diameter Gyratory Screen and Milliard Mixing Machine, 977
- Bound Brook Bearings, Ltd., P.T.F.E. Impregnated Bearings, 983
- Bovis, Ltd., 4,500-ton Hot Plate Press Installation, 171
- Bowring Steamship Company, Ltd., Ore Carrier, "Trubculo", 102
- Boyd, G. M., Brittle Fracture, 174; Brittle Fracture in Welded Ships, An Empirical Approach from Recent Experience, 503
- Boydell, E., and Co., Ltd., Heavy Duty Loader, 705
- B.P. Tanker Company, Ltd., "British Courage" Oil Tanker, 102
- Bradbury, J., "Model Engineer" Diamond Jubilee, (754)
- Braunkohlen-und Brikettwerke Roddergrube A.G., West German Brown Coal. 988
- Brebner. J. H., Railways into Roadways, 698
- Brest Dockyard, Anti-aircraft Cruiser "Colbert", 62
- Bridgend Paper Mills, Ltd., Tissue Paper Mill at Bridgend, 400
- Bridges, F. W., and Sons, Ltd., Exhibition Halls, 82
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company Ltd., Double Duo Bar Mill, 65
- Brindle, R. B. O., Railways into Roadways, 322
- Brinckerhoff, Hall and Macdonald, Bridge Between Hampton and North Island, (Plate 16, 3.1.58)
- Brisby, M. D. J., Productivity in the Iron and Steel Industry, 1945-1956. 425
- Bristol Aero-Engines, Ltd., Acro Engine Sponsorship, 708; Aerothermodynamic Test Plant. 502; Aerothermodynamic Test Plant, 543; Aircraft Power Plants, 551; Fast Patrol Boat H.M.S. "Brave Borderer", 129
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Aircraft Ice Protection, 928; Aero Engine Sponsorship, 708: "Bloodhound" Moving-wing Configuration Ramjet Missile, 25; "Britannia" Airliner. 25: Future for British Aircraft?, 795; Medium Range Airliner, 81; "Olympus" Turbo-jet Aero-Engine, 570; "Orion" Compound Turboprops, 25; "Orpheus 3" Engine for N.A.T.O. Light Fighers, (Plate 13, 3.1.58); "Orpheus", 25; "Proteus" Engine, 60
- Bristol Aircraft. Ltd. Aero Engine Sponsorship, 708; "192" Twin-rotor Helicopter, (Plate 11, 10.1.58)
- Bristol Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Lightweight Railbus for British Railways, 294
- Bristol's Instrument Company, Ltd., Instruments. Electronics and Automation, 585 Britain in Europe Committee, 985
- British Atlantic Committee, Britain in Europe Committee, 985
- British Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Geiger Counter, 823
- British Broadcasting Corporation, B.B.C. Television's Coming of Age, 52; Colour Television, 942; Vision Electronic Recording Apparatus, 591
- British Cast Concrete Federation. Information on Cast Concrete Products. (558)
- British Channel Tunnel Company, The Channel Tunnel, 683
- British Combustion Equipment, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- British Communications Corporation, Ltd., Flight Deck Magnetic Broadcast System, 47
- British Council. Britain in Europe Committee, 985; Indian Science Congress, (38)
- British Deep Drawing Research Group, Research into Deep Drawing, 670
- British Electrical Development Association, Electric Space Heating, 602
- British Electricity Authority, Area Boards, 19; Grid Control Centres, 859; Title Changed to Central Electricity Authority, 19
- British Employers' Confederation, Annual Meeting. 407; Recruitment and Training of Young Workers, 515: Training for Skill, 269; Wages and Costs, 371
- British European Airways, Air Transport Developments, 293: Jet Airliners, 671
- British Federal Welding and Machine Company, Ltd., Special Projection Welding Machine, (992)
- British General Electric Company Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- British Hoist and Crane Company, Ltd., Long- Material Carrying Attachment, (378); Scaffold Jib Crane and a Platform Hoist, (230)
- British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., "Woodarra", Cargo Ship, 22
- British Indicator Ltd., Gauging Set-Ups. 735 British Industries Corporation, National Metal Congress and Exposition. 189
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau. Canada, 219; Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160; Electrical Conductors—International Standard Sizes, (304); Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530: Flame-Retarding Polythene Equipment Wire, (912); Sub-Miniature Coaxial Radio-Frequency Cables. (832)
- British Insulated Callender's Construction Company, Ltd., Mast Erection Equipment for Railway Electrification, 316: Submarine Power Cable for New Zealand, 709; Television Tower at Crystal Palace, (Plate 3, 3.1.58)
- B.I.C.C. Group, Submarine Power Cable for New Zealand, 709
- British Insulated Callender's (Submarine Cables), Ltd., Submarine Power Cable for New Zealand. 709
- British Insurance (Atomic Energy) Committee. London Atomic Energy Insurance Conference. 332: Cover for Atomic Energy Risks, 404
- British Labour Pump Company, Ltd., Mark 5Z Pumps, 935
- British Messier. Ltd., Hard Facing of Cutting Tools. 513
- British Motor Corporation, Motor-Car Transporter Truck for Railways. 185
- British Organising Committee, International Apprentice Competition. 410
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Bristol "Britannia" Airliner. 25; Jet Airliners, 671
- British Overseas Fairs, Ltd., British Trade Fail in Lisbon, 824
- British Oxygen Company, Ltd., Liquid Oxygen Convertors, 585
- British Oxygen Gases, Ltd., Transportable Oxygen Producing Equipment, 984
- British Petroleum Company, Ltd., Oil Company's Developments, (912); Trans-Antarctic Transport, 356
- British Plastics Federation, Polythene Tubing, (952)
- British Post Office, Electrical Communications Between Nations, 804; New Submarine Telephone Cable to Channel Islands, 982 British Productivity Council, Approach to Work Study, 32: Industrial Films, 294
- British Railways, B.T.C. Automatic Train Control System, 277; Eastleigh Works, Three Coach Units, 30: Great-Eastern Modernisation. (414): Mast Erection Equipment for Railway Electrification. 316; Single-Anode Rectifier, 745: Staff Training College, New Wing for Trainino Staff. 30
- British Refrasil Company. Ltd., "Refrasil" Thermal and Electrical Insulant, 572
- British Ropes, Ltd., Wire Rope Mechanical Splice. 296
- British Safety Council, Danger of Worn-Out Hand Tools, 837
- British Sugar Corporation, Sugar from Beet, 838, 878
- British Tabulating Machine Company, Ltd., Commercial Computers, (Plate 5, 10.1.58); Works Extension in Northern Ireland, (266)
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219; Board Mill at Thatcham, 855: B.T.H. 2,500-h.p. Friction Winder at Hem Heath Colliery, (Plate 7, 3.1.58); Combined A.C. Motor and Eddy-Current Coupling, 550; Controlled Thermonuclear Processes. 160: 800-h.p., Type I Locomotive, 30; 18,400kW Germanium Rectifier Installation. 222; Generators, 30: Image Converter, 500; Locomotives of 800-h.p. Sixteen-cylinder Paxman Engines. (Plate 4. 3.1.58): Professional Training for Electrical Engineering Graduates. (304): Rugby Technical College, (230); Semi- Conductors, (Plate 1, 10.1.58); Semi-Conductor Rectifier Factory. 362: Ship Radar Development, 184; The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. (486); "Varislip" Combined A.C. Motor and Eddy- Current Coupling, 742; Vertical High-Frequency Motor-Alternator Set, 744
- British Timken. Ltd., Four-row, Tapered Roller Bearings, 572; Inflation, 866
- British Transport Commission, Access to London Airport, 119; A Railway Conversion Opportunity, 917: British Railways, 30; British Transport Commission's Report, 981: B.T.C. Automatic Train Control System, 277; Construction of Fourteen Prototype Main Line Coaches, 30; Diesel Locomotives in America, 42; Electric Battery Railcar, 511: Experiments with an Electric Battery Twin- Coach Railcar, 30; Land Transport. 2; Lightweight Railbus for British Railways, 294: London Underground Railway Rolling Stock. 109: Manning Diesel Trains. 32; Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway, 938: New Work on the Trent and Mersey Canal. 820; Railway Economies and Wages, 710; Railway Wages. 592. 672. 747, 785; Southampton Port Operation Service. 133; Wage Claims, 444; Working Conditions on the Railways. 747
- British Transport Waterways, Trent and Mersey Canal Deviation, 329
- British United Traction, Ltd., Multi-Purpose Diesel Railcars, 137; 230-b.h.p. unit for Cars, 30
- British Waterways. Floating Containers for Use on Narrow Canals. 480: (North-Western Division), New Work on the Trent and Mersey Canal. 820
- Broken Hill Proprietary Company, Ltd., Searching for Minerals in Australia, 220
- Brookhaven National Laboratory. Cosmotron Particle Accelerator. (Plate 15, 3.1.58): 4 MeV Van de Graaff Accelerator. 675
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779; Pneumatic Tools, 296; Tilbury Power Station. 861
- Brown, Frank A. S., Railways into Roadways, 849
- Brown, Boveri and Cie., A.G., Blast Furnace Skip Winder. 786; Electrical Equipment, (Plate 14, 10.1.58); Industrial Gas Turbo-Alternator, 213
- Brown, Boveri Company of Baden (Switzerland), Heavy Transporter Wagon. 517
- Brown Brothers and Co., Ltd., Stabiliser for Small Ships, 107
- Brown, David (Australasia) Pty., Ltd., Tractor Manufacture in Australia, (304)
- Brown, David, Companies. Valves of 16in., 24in., and 30in., 935
- Brown, David, Construction Company, Ltd., Tractor Front-End Loader. (486,
- Brown, David, Foundries Division, Large Pipeline Valves. (558)
- Brown, David Gears (London) Ltd., Helical Gearbox, 52
- Brown, David, Industries. Ltd., Heavy Vehicle Gearbox, 514; New Double Reduction Unit, (558)
- Brown, David & Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., Ten-Speed Transmission, 258; 2,000-h.p. Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive, 327
- Brown, F. H. S., Failure of a 60MW Steam Turbo-Generator, 475, 508, 547
- Brown, R. D., Obituary, 4
- Brown. T. W. F., Propulsion of Ships by Steam Turbine Machinery. 387
- Brown. John. and Co. (Clydebank). Ltd., "Sylvania", the Fourth Passenger-cargo Liner, 22; "Tiger", 28
- Bruce, A. K., Boulton and Watt and the Mechanisation of the Brewing Industry, 310
- Brush Beryllium Co. American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 635
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., Self-Excited Alternator Controlled by a Static Automatic Voltage Regulator, 495; Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Brush Traction, Ltd., A.I.A.-A.I.A., Diesel Electric Locomotive, (Plate 4, 3.1.58): 1,250-h.p., Tyne 2 Locomotive, 30
- B.T.R., Ltd., Electronic Rack and Magnetic Drum Memory System, 52
- Bucey, Boyd K., Manufacturing in the Aeronautic Age. 89
- Budd Company. "Model-A Hotrodder" Gamma Radiography Machine, 113; American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Building Centre. New Building Materials, (342) Building Research Station, New Mobile Laboratory, 463
- Bullows. Alfred, and Sons, Ltd., Transportable Air Compressor. (992)
- Bunawcrke Hills G.m.b.H., Agreement Between Esso and Hills, 827
- Bureau of Reclamation. Measuring the Structural Behaviour of Hungry Horse Dam, 240
- Burgfalke Flugzeugbau, Powered "M150 Schulmeister", and Gliders "Bergfalke II 55" and "L-Spatz 55", 786
- Burns, T. F., and Partners, Dry Dock at Wallsend, (Plate 8, 10.1.58)
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., The "Huntsville" Cargo Ship. 58; Cargo Ship "Agean Island", (Plate 10, 3.1.58); "Sun- victor", 102
- Burton Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Hard Facing of Cutting Tools, 513
- Butchart. A. T., Railways into Roadways, 540
- Butcher, Harold W., Railways into Roadways, 892
- Butterley Company, Ltd., Shale Aggregate Plant, 144
- Cable and Wireless, Ltd., Electrical Communications Between Nations, 804; Transatlantic Telephone Cable. 52
- Cables de Lyon, Transatlantic Telephone Cable. 52
- Calder Hall, Nuclear Power, 1
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Company. Ltd., Cargo-Passenger Liner "Canadian Star", (Plate 7. 10.1.58); Cargo Ship "Menelaus", (Plate 7, 10.1.58)
- Caledonian Steam Packet Company. Ltd., "Glen Sannox", 102
- Cambridge University, Education, 2; Engineering Laboratory, 330
- Cammell Laird and Co. (Shipbuilders and Engineers), Ltd., Reconstruction Schemes, 22
- Canadair. Ltd., Air Transport Developments, 293; "CL-44". ‘‘ith Bristol "Orion" compound Turbo-props, 25
- Canadian British Aluminium Company, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219; Too Much Aluminium?, 339
- Canadian Department of Mines, Dislocation Sites in Iron, 175
- Canadian General Electric Co, Aluminium Smelter , Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Canadian Overseas Corporation, Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 52
- Canadian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation. Electrical Communications Between Nations, 804
- Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., "Empress of England", 22
- Canadian Trade Mission, Economics, 2 Canavese, Eredi Giovanni, Production Copying Lathe, 150
- Canning. W., and Co., Ltd., Vauxhall Works Extensions, 690
- Capital Issues Committee, A "Tiddley" Budget, 563
- Carborundum Company, Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston. 779
- Carborundum Metals Company, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Carrier Corporation, Construction of Solar-Heated House in Arizona, 597
- Carrier-Ross Engineering Company, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855; Tissue Paper Mill at Bridgend, 400
- Carter Carburettor Company, Petrol Injection, 616
- C.A.S. (Industrial Developments), Ltd., Antibiotic Plant, (678)
- Case. J. I., Co., New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828
- Casella. C. F., and Co., Water Vapour Measurement, 109
- Cass College, Sir John, Stereoscopic Cinema Films, 864
- Caswell. R., Turning Large Wooden Spiral Columns, 841
- Catchpole Engineering Company, Ltd., Beet Harvesting, 838
- Caterpillar Tractor Co., New Union Contracts in Detroit. 828
- Cawkell. A. E., (Electronic Engineers), Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160; Equipment for the Non-Destructive Testing of Material, 470
- Cement Marketing Company, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Cementation Company, Ltd., Raising the Steenbras Dam, (558)
- Central Advisory Council for Education. Educating the Modern Child, 417; Education of Boys and Girls, 431; Training Technicians, 221
- Central Advisory Water Committee, Powers of River Boards, 525; Water Pollution Research, 682
- Central Electricity Authority, Berkeley, Bradwell. Hinkley Point Power Stations, 5: Dry Cooling Towers, (78); Electrical Research Association, 728; Failure of a 60MW Steam Turbo-Generator, 475; Future Development of Nuclear Power, 435: Generating Plant, 70; Hinkley Point Power Station, 5; Memorial to Michael Faraday, 797; Nuclear Power Progress and Problems, 417
- Central Electricity Generating Board, Bradwell Power Station, 85; Electrical Development, (872); 500MW Nuclear Power Station at Hinkley Point, 644; 550MW Boiler for Thorpe Marsh Power Station, 256; 550MW Turbo-Generator Set, 706; Grid Control Centres, 859; Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station. 403; Nuclear Energy for Britain's Electricity Supply. 958: Nuclear Power Station at Dungeness, 863: Scale Model of Grid Control Centre, 604; 275kV Crossings of the Severn and Wye. 708; 275MW Generating Units for C.E.G.B., 369
- Centre d'Etudes Nuckaires, Research Reactor "EL.r, 445
- Centre Electronique de Bagneux, Electronics Research Centre at Bagneux, 482
- CERN, European Organisation for Nuclear Research, 262; 600 MeV Synchro-Cyclotron, 33
- Cessna Aircraft Corporation, Cessna-310 2 x 240-h.p. Five-Seater. 786
- Chamber of Shipping, Chamber of Shipping Report, 369; Shipping Affairs, 407; Southampton Port Operation Service, 133
- Chance Vought Aircraft Inc., F8U-2 "Crusader" Aircraft. 518
- Chantiers de l'Atlantique (PenhOet-Loire) Aircraft Carrier "Clemenceau", 62; Aircraft Carrier "Foch", 62
- Charleville (Ardennes). Pneumatic Tyred Compaction Roller, 298
- Charpente and Levage, Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Chase Brass and Copper Company, National Metal Congress and Exposition, 76
- Chatwood Milner. Ltd., Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135
- Chemical Industries Federation, Brussells Exhibition, 604
- Chemical and Insulating Company, Ltd., Processes Dolomite Limestone, 572
- Chemical Research Laboratory, Investigation into the Corrosion of Mild Steel Tubes, 56; Scientific and Industrial Research, 746
- Chemische Werke Hills, A.G., Agreement Between Esso and Hills, 827
- Chicago Bridge and Iron Co, National Metal Congress and Exposition, 151
- Chine Shipping Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Tennyson", 102
- Chivers, W. E., and Sons, Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135; Controlled Thermonuclear Processes. 160
- Chloride Batteries, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau. Canada, 219; Electric Battery Railcar, 511; Experiments with an Electric Battery Twin-Coach Railcar, 30
- Chrysler Motors Ltd., New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828; Trans-Antarctic Transport. 356
- C.I.G.R.E. Large Electricity Supply Systems, 883, 925, 962
- Cinema-Television. Ltd., Flying Spot Telecine Equipment. 52
- City of Wakefield, Baitings Dam, (Plate 11, 3.1.58)
- Civil Engineering Construction Conciliation Board, Wage Claims, 336
- Clan Line Steamers, Ltd., Cargo-Passenger Ship "Ayrshire", (Plate 7, 10.1.58); "Clan Malcolm" Cargo-Passenger Liner, 22
- Clare Instrument Company, Ltd., Transformer Testing Station, 499
- Clarendon Laboratory, Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- Clark, George F. (Toolmakers), Ltd., Automatic Strip Feed Unit for Presses, 735
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Bradwell Power Station, 85; 200-ton Goliath Crane at Bradwell, 473; Winch Magnetic Brake. 147
- Clausen, Hugh. The British Machine Tool Industry. 541; Engineering Design, 920; Technology of Engineering Manufacture, 576
- Clayton, A. J. H., Railways into Roadways. 322
- Clayton. Son and Co., Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Cleco Electric Industries, Ltd., Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135; Side-Loading Fork Truck, (116)
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company, Ltd., Auckland Harbour Bridge, 44
- Clichy Works, Gas Production in France, 33 Clifton and Baird, Ltd., Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, Ltd., Pneumatic Circuits, (378); Pneumatic Drill with Automatic Feed Control, 223
- Clouth, Franz, A.G., West German Brown Coal, 988
- Clyde Crane and Booth. Ltd., Diesel Locomotive Crane with Hydraulic Transmission, 440; 200-ton Goliath Crane at Bradwell, 473
- Clyde Crane and Engineering Company.Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Coal Industry National Consultative Council. Colliery Explosions, (7)
- Coal Utilisation Council, Mechanical Stokers in Smoke Control Areas, 905
- Coast Lines, Ltd., "Scottish Coast", (Plate 6, 10.1.58)
- Cockburn, R., Microwaves in Science and Technology, 802
- Cockcroft, Sir John, Future Development of Nuclear Power, 435; Nuclear Power for the Future, 764
- Cohen Council, Lord Cohen's Council, 307
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., Jones "KL 10-10" Mobile Crane, 705; Power Unit to Convert Gravity Roller Conveyors into Power Driven Belt Conveyors, 706
- Coil Spring Federation, Coil Spring Research, 94
- Colthrop Board and Paper Mills, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Columbia University, Law of Parity Conservation, 340
- Colvilles, Ltd., Baling Press for Scrap Metal, 295: Bar and Rod Mill, (Plate 3, 10.1.58)
- Colvin-Smith, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Comite Europeen des Assurances, Cover for Atomic Energy Risks, 404
- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Nuclear Research in French Aviation, 868
- Commission Generale d' Organisation Scien. tifique (C.E.G.O.S.). Industrial Management Congress, 908
- Committee of Imperial Defence, Barrage Across The Thames, 45
- Commonwealth Edison Company, 180MW Dresden Nuclear Power Station, 789
- Commonwealth of Virginia, Bridge Between Hampton and North Island, (Plate 16, 3.1.58)
- Compagnie Francaise Thomson-Houston. Electronics Research Centre at Bagneux, 482
- Companhia Siderurgica Belgo Mineira, First Brazilian Oxygen Steel Works, 260
- Compression Joints, Ltd., Couplings for Small Nylon Tubes, (872)
- Concrete Piling, Ltd., New Pier at Deal, 45
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Engineering Wages, 985; The Forty- Hour Week, 444; Joint Councils for Engineering and Shipbuilding, 824
- Conseil National du Patronat Francais, Federation of French Industries, 262
- Consolidated Electro-dynamic Corporation of Passadena. Refinery Process Pilot Plant, 557
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd., F. E. Range of Stationary Compressors, 935; High-Speed Rock Drill, 783; Horizontally- Opposed Compressor. (792): Pneumatic Bench Vice, (450); Stainless-Steel-Lined Drill Rods, (522)
- Constock Liquid Methane Corporation, Liquid Natural Gas, (266)
- Constructors John Brown, Ltd., Perspex "Spraypak", Small Electrolyser and instrumentation and Automatic Process Control Activities. 977; Research and Development Station Control Systems, (116)
- Consumers Power Company, Prefabricated Aluminium Trusses for Electricity Substations. 871
- Convair Division of the General Dynamics Corporation, Air Transport Developments, 293; Aircraft Ice Protection, 928; "Atlas" Guided Missile, 286; "B.58" "Hustler", "F.106A" "Delta Dart", (Plate 10, 10.1.58)
- Conveyancer Fork Trucks, Ltd., Diesel-Engine and Electrically-Driven Fork Trucks, 705
- Coode and Partners, Immah Bridge. 44; Progress of the Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, 442; Queen Aliyah Bridge, 44; Taq Taq Bridge, 44
- Cook, Welton and Gemmell, Ltd., Diesel Electric Trawler "Cape Trafalgar", 102
- Coppee Company, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Corlett, E. C. B., The Design, Construction, and Operation of a Class of Twin Screw Tugs, 537
- Cornelius, Wilhelm, U.S. Pavilion at Brussels Exhibition. 798
- Cornell University, Van de Graafl' Accelerators, 675
- Corporation of Trinity House, Southampton Port Operation Service, 133
- Cory, William and Sons, Ltd., Collier "Corbeach", 102; Jetty on the Thames at Erith, 17
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., British Buildings at Brussels Exhibition. 760; Building and Civil Engineering as a Career, (952); London's Northern Outfall Works, (Plate 9, 10.1.58); Maidstone By-Pass, 479; Prefabricated Steel Buildings, 370
- Council of British Manufacturers of Petroleum Equipment, Chemical and Petroleum Exhibition. 935: Oil Equipment, (414)
- Council of Customs Co-operation, International and Universal Exhibition, Brussels, 564
- Council of Europe, The Brussels Exhibition, 641; International and Universal Exhibition, Brussels, 1958, 564; The Pavilion of Europe, 760
- Council of Industrial Design , British Industries Pavilion, (Plate 2, 18.4.58)
- Council of Underground Machinery Manufacturers, Mining Machinery Exhibition, (912)
- Counting Instruments, Ltd., Counting Instruments, (819)
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., Godiva 40 Outboard Motor, 86; Series of Fork Lift Trucks of 2,000-1b. to 4,000-1b. Capacity. 705
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Company, Ltd., Hard Chromed Gauges, (522)
- Coventry Victor Motor Company, Ltd., Display of Engines Manufactured by Thornycroft, John I. and Co., Ltd., 86
- Cowlishaw, Walker and Co., Ltd., "E.S.S." Range of Presses, 735
- Cox, H., Railways into Roadways. 738
- Coyne, A. and J. Bellier, Kariba Dam, (Plate 11, 3.1.58)
- Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., Air-Sprung Trailer, 368; Mobile Power Houses, (192)
- Cranz. Carl. AGARD Ballistics Meeting, 227 Crawford Collets, Ltd., Wide Working Range Collets, 553
- Crawley Metal Productions. Ltd., Light weight Tractor, 370
- Creed and Co., Ltd., Airborne Teleprinter, 647 Cremer Committee, Synthetic Detergents in Sewage, (912)
- Crewe, P. R., The Hydrofoil Boat; Its History and Future Prospects, 573
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Heavy-Duty Fractional Horsepower Motors, 460; Power Transformers. 145; Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant. 767
- Crow, Catchpole and Co., Ltd., Coated Macadam Plant at Hayes, 902
- Crozier, J. D., and Partners, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Cubbage, J. W., and Son, Board Mill at Thatcham. 855
- Cule, J. E., Railways into Roadways, 396 Cunard Steam-ship Company. Ltd., "Sylvania", the fourth Passenger-Cargo Liner, 22
- Currey, J. H., B.T.C. Automatic Train Control System, 277
- Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Production of Large Plates at Rogerstone, 437; 12,000-ton Press, 113
- Customs Co-operation Council, International Organisations at Brussels Exhibition, 686
- Cyanamid of Great Britain, Ltd., Antibiotic Plant, (678)
- Dahm and Kruger, Ornithopter Aircraft, 786
- Dallow Lambert and Co., Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Daman, E. L., Institute of Marine Engineers. 940
- Darlington Insulation Company, Ltd., Insulating Materials. 572
- Davey, Paxman & Co., Ltd., 450-b.h.p. Diesel Engines, 30; Inshore Vessels, 12
- Davies Kent Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Davis, Stuart, Ltd., Drill Unit, 943; Wire Straightening and Cutting-Off Machine, 555
- Davison Chemical Company, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Davy and United Engineering Company, Ltd., Continuous Stainless Steel Strip Rolling Mill Extensions, 777
- De Ferranti, Sir Vincent, Nuclear Power for the Future, 764
- De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., Aircraft Ice Protection. 928; "Dove" 2 x 190-h.p. Eight- Seater, 786; "Firestreak" Homing Missiles, (Plate 12. 3.1.58): "Gyros Junior" Engines, 25; "110", The "Sea Vixen", 47; Jet Airliners. 671; "Spectre" Rocket. (Plate 12, 3.1.58)
- De Havilland Engine Company, Ltd., Aircraft Power Plant, (414); Small Aircraft Turbines, 224
- De Havilland Propellers, Ltd., Defence Projects, 708
- De Leuw Cutter and Co., The Channel Tunnel, 683
- De Long Corporation, Drilling Barge "Adma Enterprise", (Plate 15, 10.1.58)
- Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., Harbour Radar, Type 32 at Southampton. 134
- Deere and Co., New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828
- Delft Technical University, Spanish Pavilion, (Plate 4, 18.4.58)
- Demag Aktiengesellschaft, Continuous Casting Plant for Steel. 372; Copy of Model Built for ECSC Pavilion at Brussels, 673; German- American Reactor Company, 227
- Demolition and Construction Company, Ltd., London's Northern Outfall Works, (Plate 9, 10.1.58)
- Denny-Brown, Stabilisers for "Empress of England", 22; Stabilisers for "Sylvania", 22
- Denny, D. F., Inverted Stuffing-Box. 617
- Denny, E. L., Machinery for Cross-Channel Passenger Ships, 125
- Denny. William and Brothers, Ltd., "Bardic Ferry". (Plate 6, 10.1.58): Cargo Liner "Valetta", 58; Machinery for Cross-Channel Passenger Ship, 125, 168; Stabiliser for Small Ships. 107
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Coil Spring Research, 943; Fire Research, 941; High Polymers and Their Physical Behaviour, 256; More Work for Merl, 835: National Physical Laboratory, 332; Ncw Brooms for Research, 719: New Mobile Laboratory. 463; Post-Graduate Training. 146: Scientific and Industrial Research. 746; Smoke Density Indicator, (342); (T.1.D.U.), Resharpening of Files, 226
- Desch, C. H., Obituary, 972
- Desoutter Bros., Ltd., Die Set Selection Charts. (450)
- D.E.U.A. Working Cost Committee, Prevent Rather than Cure, 41
- Deutsche Messr and Austellungs A.G., German Industries Fair, 711
- Deutsche Wanson Warmetechnik G.m.b.H., "Thermobloc" Air Heaters, 748
- Dew, George and Co., Ltd., Trent and Mersey Canal Deviation, 329
- Dewrance and Co., Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Dickens, Stuart B., Ltd., Slag Production Plant at Tccsport. 577
- Diesel, Rudolf, Rudolf Diesel Centenary, 386
- Dinglerwerke Aktiengesellschaft, "V.T.S.H." Tandem Vibrating Roller, 786
- Dollar Exports Council, Trade with Canada. 601
- Dollar Sterling Trade Council, Anglo-Canadian Trade, 592
- Dominion Steel and Coal Company. Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Bale Comeau, Canada, 219
- Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., Auckland Harbour Bridge, 44; Future of the Steel Industry, 72: Lackcnby Beam Mill, (Plate 2, 10.1.58); Productivity in the Iron and Steel Industry- 1945-1956, 425; Slag Production Plant at Teesport. 577
- Dornier-Werke G.m.b.H., "Do27" Light Aircraft, 786
- Dorr-Oliver, Inc., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Doulton Industrial Porcelains, Ltd., Porcelain Insulators, (558)
- Downing, E. W., Petrol Infection, 616, 650 Dowty Group, Ltd., Vehicle Engineering, (Plate 4, 10. 1.58)
- Dowty Hydraulic Units, Ltd., Hydraulic Lock Valve, 405; Infinitely-Variable-Speed and Reversible Hydraulic Rotary Drive, 742
- Dowty Nucleonics, Ltd., Press-to-Test Warning Lamp, 552
- Dredging and Construction Company, Ltd., Planned Development of the Port of Aden, (Plate 8. 10.1.58)
- Drubba, H., Origin of the Word "Mil", 541
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Dunedin Engineering Company, Ltd., Testing of Reciprocating Engines, 783
- Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd., Motor Vehicle Tyre Stores, 903: Wheel Lock Inhibited Braking, 940; Works Apprenticeship Scheme, 863
- Dunningham, Charles, B.E.A. and C.E.A., 130
- Duquesne Light Company, Completion of Pressurised Water Reactor at Shippingport, 75: Dedication of Shippingport Atomic Power Station, 990; Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania, 447, 483, 519
- Dutch University of Franeker, London Planetarium, 420
- Dutton, John K., A "Tiddley" Budget. 775
- Dynamatic Corporation. Ferromagnetic Coupling Development, 703
- Dynamo and Motor Repairs, Ltd., Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- Dyson and Nalson, Air-Operated Vice, (367)
- Eastern Region, British Railways, The Dagenham Railway Collision, 196; Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway, 938; New Tunnels at Hadley Wood and Potters Bar. 254; Railway Modernisation at Barking, 464: "Wafer Slab" Bridge Decks, 842
- Eaton Manufacturing Company, Ferro-magnetic Coupling Development, 703
- Economist Intelligence Unit, The Channel Tunnel, 683
- Edison Swan Electric Company, Ltd., Controlled Thermonuclear Processes. 160; Siemens Centenary, 393
- Edwards, Sir George, Transport Speeds. 358
- El Al Israel Airlines, Bristol "Britannia" Airliner, 25
- Elcontrol, Ltd., Flame-Failure Equipment, (230)
- Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., Cargo Liner "Egori", 56
- Elder and Fyffes, Ltd., "Changuinola" Refrigerated Banana, Cargo and Passenger-Liner, 102
- Electric Construction Company, Ltd., Electronic Contractor Control Panel, 499; Germanium Rectifier Plant, 499; 2.000-h.p. Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive, 327
- Electric Energy, Incorporated, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 411
- Electric Resistance Furnace Company, Ltd., Water Vapour Measurement, 109
- Electricity Board for Northern Ireland, 150MW Nuclear Power Station, 5
- Electricity Commission of New South Wales, Use of Radioisotopes in Australia, (912)
- Electro-Chemical Engineering Company, Ltd., Metal Cleaning by Ultrasonics, (342)
- Electro-Methods. Ltd., Main Servomotor, Fitted with an Integral, 500; 1 Gear-Box, 470
- Electron Meters Company, Ltd., Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 585; Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Electronic Instruments, Ltd., Sugar from Beet. 878
- Elga Products, Ltd., "Elgastat Multiplan" Pilot Plant Assessment of Ion Exchange, 977
- Elizabethtown Water Co, Linden Steam Power Station, 909
- Ellerman Lines, Ltd., "City of Guildford". Motorship, 102
- Elliott-Automation, Ltd., Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 585
- Elliott. B., and Co., Ltd., Exhibition of Machines in Birmingham, (192)
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Commercial Computers. (Plate 5, 10.1.58); Improved Reflecting Dynamometers, 499; Instruments. Electronics and Automation, 585; Simple and Positive Potential Detector. 499
- Elliot, Cox and Partners, Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Elliott-Lucas. Ltd., Wire Stripper, (952)
- Ellis, James W., and Co., Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston. 779
- Ellison, George, Ltd., 1 IkV Oil Switch, ASTA Tested to B.S. 2631, 495; 660V, 400A, Circuit-Breaker and Direct-to-Line Starter, ASTA Tested to B.S. 936, 495
- Embassy Machine and Tool Company, Ltd., Precision Capstan Lathe, 337
- E.M.I. Electronics. Ltd., Electrical Component Manufacture, 891; Electronic Control System, 52; Electronic Equipment. 742; "EM1AC 11" Analogue Computer, 748; 2i kW Carrier Power Sound Transmitter. 52
- Enamelled Metal Products Corporation (1933), Ltd., Scott-Smith Molecular Still, 977 Endecotts (Filters), Ltd., "Endrock" Sieve Shaker, 935
- Engineering and Allied Employers National Federation, Engineering Wages, 985; Joint Councils for Engineering and Shipbuilding, 824; Shipyard Hours, 336
- Engineering and Industrial Corporation of Luxembourg, Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- England, E. C. Gordon, Railways into Roadways, 284, 433, 810
- English Electric-Babcock and Wilcox-Taylor Woodrow Atomic Power Group, 500MW Nuclear Power Station at Hinkley Point, 644; Hinkley Point Power Station, (Plate 1, 3.1.58); Station for the third site for C.E.A., 8
- English Electric Company, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219; Apprentice Awards, 905; Automatic Pro- gramming Equipment, 664; Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779; Dele.nce, 3; Direct-gas-cooled Alternator for Willington Power Station, 19; Dry Cooling Towers, (78); Electric Propulsion System, 28; Electrodes for Gouging and Pierc- ing, 258; Fertiliser Works at Leith. 530; Fully- bladed Rotor Disc for a 200MW, 300.000- r.p.m. Steam Turbine, 571; Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station, 5, 403: Intrinsically Sealed Rivets, 223; Large Drone Aircraft, (952); Mercury-Arc Converters for Large Reversing Drives, 844; New Scholarships in Engineering, 271; 1,000-h.p., Type 1 Locomo- tive, 30; "RIB", 25; P.1B. all-weather Interceptor, (Plate 12, 3.1.58); Plant at Hoscar Sewage Purification Works, 898; Reversible Pump-Turbine, 106; Six-Coach Diesel-Electric Sets, 30; 68,000-h.p. Synchronous Motor and 6,000-h.p. D.C. Motors, 52; Tenders for Water Turbines, 720; Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767; Tilbury Power Station, 861; 275MW Generating Units for C.E.G.B., 369; Type I. Mixed Traffic Diesel-Electric Locomotives, (Plate 4, 3.1.58); University Engineering Scholarships, 297
- English Racing Automobiles, Ltd., A Rig to Measure the Air Forces on a Car, (Plate 4, 10.1.58)
- Entreprises Blaton Aubert, U.S. Patilion at Brussels Exhibition, 798
- Entreprises Boussiron, Road and Railway Bridge at Abidjan, 482
- Esso A.G., Agreement Between Esso and Hills, 827
- Esso Petroleum Company, Ltd., Coastal Tanker "Esso Brixham", 102; Southampton Port Operation Service, 133
- Esso Research and Engineering Company at Linden. Refinery Process Pilot Plant, 557
- Esso Standard Oil Company, Linden Steam Power Station. 909, 949
- Etablissement Paul Duclos, Marseilles-Algiers Submarine Telephone Cable, 335
- Ethyl Corporation. Petrol Injection, 616
- European Coal and Steel Community, Electricity Production, 33; European Steel and Coal Production, 112: International Organisations at Brussels Exhibition, 686; International and Universal Exhibition-Brussels, 1958, 564, 641: Steel and Western Europe, 634; Transport Agreement with Austria, 338
- European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Symposium, (754)
- European Organisation for Nuclear Research, New U.K. Delegate to C.E.R.N., (116)
- Evance Cope and Cie, Portuguese Iron and Steel Works, 227
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd. Control of Power Stations, 942; Sugar from Beet, 878 Exhibitions Advisory Council, Overseas Trade Fairs, 336
- Experimental Establishment. Dockyards and Maintenance, 47
- Export Promotion Council, Exports of Engineering Goods. 825
- Eymann, C., Iron-Coke Process, 968
- Fairclough, L., Ltd., Precast Concrete Blocks of 35 Tons, 823 Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, 44
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company. Ltd., Aircraft Carrier "Blake', , 28; Prefabricated Railway Bridges, 179; Reconstruction Schemes, 22
- Fairey Aviation Company, Ltd., D.C. Analogue Computing Equipment. 585; Electronically-Controlled Milling Machine for Aircraft Components, 696; "Fireflash" Guided Missile. 286; "Gannet" Anti-Submarine Aircraft, 47; Low-Cost Aircraft, 674; Photo-electric Safety Ohmmeter. 585; "Rotodyne", (Plate 1 1. 10.1.58): "Rotodyne" flown as a Helicopter or as an Autogyro, 25; "Rotodyne" Transition to Autogyro Flight, 851
- Falkland Island Company, Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Ship "Darwin", 102
- Farboil Paint Company, Construction of Solar- Heated House in Arizona, 597
- Farr. A. E., Ltd., Ross Spur Motorway, 69 Farr Company, Air Cleaning. 258
- Farrer, William E., Ltd., Tilbury Power Station. 861
- Faun-Werke Karl Schmidt, 20-Ton Dumper Truck with All-Wheel Drive, 786
- Fawcett Preston and Co., Ltd., Anniversary Celebrations, 901
- Fearns, Mear and Co., Machining Time Calculator. (355)
- Federal Ministry of Transport, Heating for Road Surfaces. 868
- Federation of British Industries, British Building at Brussels Exhibition, 760; British Trade Fair in Lisbon, 824; F.B.I. Scholars. 603; Fighting Inflation. 515; Financing of Advanced Sandwich Courses, 670: Industrial Trends, 985; Industry's Prospects. 592: Middle East Industrial Projects Corporation. 554; Sandwich Course Finance, 683
- Feldmiihle Papier and Zellstoffwerke A.G., Paper Mill Extension, 674
- Fellows Brothers, Ltd., Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials. 135
- Felton and Guilleaume, Carlswerk, A G., Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 52
- Ferguson (Great Britain), Ltd., Titanium Mill at Waunarlwydd, 975
- Ferguson, J. M., The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Performance of a Model Propeller, 573
- Ferguson Pailin. Ltd., "ASB37, Form B", 3.3kV, Air-Break Single Busbar Switch Unit, 460; "BVC" Switchgear, 460
- Ferodo, Ltd., Factory for Asbestos Products. 406; Sintered Friction Elements, 630
- Ferranti Ltd., Auto-Transformer for the Central Electricity Authority, 19; 1,000,000V, 700kVA High-Voltage Testing Transformer for National Physical Laboratory, 19
- Fiat-Stabilimenti Avio, G.91 Light Fighter, (Plate 13. 3.1.58)
- Field, J. E., Tightening and Tensile Test on Joints, 654, 700
- Fielden Electronics, Ltd., Capacitance-Operated Level Controller, 256
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Baling Press for Scrap Metal, 295: 4,500-ton Hot Plate Press Installation, 171
- Findlay, Alexander, and Co., Ltd., Bradwell Power Station, 85; Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Fire Offices' Committee, Fire Research, 941
- Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company, Ltd., Air-Sprung Trailer, 368
- Firth Cleveland Instruments, Ltd., Fuel-Flow Test Houses, 941
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Industrial Films, 369
- Fisch Reederei Busse, German Gas Turbine Vessel, 410
- Fischer Bearings, Ltd., Miniature Bearings, 572
- Fisher Governor Company, Ltd., Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 585
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., "Flowlink" Overhead Chain Conveyor System, 706
- Fishwick, W., Theory of Regenerative Machine Tool Chatter, 199, 238
- Fitzpatrick and Son (Contractors), Ltd., Black- wall Tunnel Improvement, 670
- Fleck, Sir Alexander, Scientific Developments in 1957, 50
- Fleck Committee, Nuclear Power, 1
- Flexello Castors and Wheels, Ltd., Jacking Castor, 902
- Flexible Drives (Gilmans), Ltd., Driving Mechanism for Sluice Gates, 822
- Flexibox, Ltd., Super-Cooled Mechanical Seal, 977
- Flight Refuelling Company, French Aviation Developments, 226; 6in. Fuel Bunkering Coupling, 977
- Flindt, C. B., Engineering Applications of Rigid Foamed Plastics, 204
- Flugzeug-Union-Slid G.m.b.H., Fouga "Magister" "CM 170R" Jet Trainer, 786
- Fluor Products Company, Plastic Packing for Cooling Towers, (266)
- Fodens Ltd., Heavy Dumper, 184
- Foot, Richard, (Aust.), Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Ford Motor Company. Ltd. Ford Motor Company's Thames Foundry at Dagenham, 852: New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828; Petrol Injection, 616; Thames Foundry, (Plate 3, 10.1.58)
- Forestry Commission, Bark Stripping Machine, 984
- Formica Ltd., Uses of "Formica" in Transport, etc., 572
- Forrester, J. A., Application of Gamma Radiography to Concrete, 314
- Foster Wheeler Corporation, Atomic Depression, 75
- Foster Wheeler, Ltd., Boilers for Cargo Liner "Valetta", 58; Boilers for Destroyers "Impetuoso" and "Indomito", 62; Boilers for Ships, 28; Controlled Superheat Boilers, and one Reheat Boiler for "Empress of England", 22; Design and Construction of first British Nuclear-Powered Submarine, 571; Machinery for Cross-Channel Passenger Ships, 168; Steam Vacuum Refrigeration Plants for H.M.S. Victorious, 64
- Fox. Samuel and Co., Ltd., Bar and Rod Mill, (Plate 3, 10.1.58); New Birlec Electric Arc Furnace at Stocksbridge, 19
- Francis, J. R. D., Axial Flow Pump-Turbine in a Teaching Laboratory, 313
- Franklin, W. W., Obituary, 4
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, New Tunnels at Hadley Wood and Potters Bar, 254
- Fraser. W. J., and Co., Ltd., Nauta Mixer and Fraser Pin Granulator, 935
- Fratelli Morando and Co., Metalalmeccanica S.p.A., Heavy-Duty Lathe, 516
- Freedman, A. M., Institute of Fuel, (678)
- Freeman, Fox and Partners. Auckland Harbour Bridge, 44
- Freeman, K. B., Railways into Roadways, 739
- French, B., & Co., Ltd., Slag Production Plant at Teesport, 577
- French Channel Tunnel Company, The Channel Tunnel, 683
- French, W. and C., Ltd., Railway Modernisation at Barking, 464
- Fuller Electric, Ltd., Variable-Speed A.C. Commutator Motor. 499
- Fundamental Material Research, (F.O.M.). Nuclear Power Developments in the Netherlands. 187
- Furness Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., "Alan Evelyn", "Arabian Gulf" and "London Tradition", 102; Cargo Liner "Pegasus", (Plate 10, 3.1.58); Oil Tanker "Virginia", (Plate 9, 3.1.58)
- Furse, W. J., and Co. (Manchester) Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Fussell. G. F., Early Lawn Mowers, 280
- Fyson, C. J. R., and Son, Feed Conveyor. 742
- Gabor, D., New Television Tube for Monochrome or Colour, 733
- Galloway, D. F., Conference on Technology of Engineering Manufacture, 534
- Gardner, William, and Sons (Gloucester), Ltd., 14ft. Diameter Stainless Steel Double Cone Mixer, 977
- Garnett College, Training Technical Teachers, (342)
- Garrard, C. J. O., Railways into Roadways, 540
- Gas Council, Gas Plant Projects in Britain, 359; Liquid Natural Gas, (266); Midlands Gas Research Station, 588
- Gay, Errol J., The Status of Automotive Petrol Injection in the U.S.A., 616, 650
- Gear Grinding Company, Ltd., Precision Internal Helical Gear Grinders, 806
- Gebruder Bohler and Co., A.G., Continuous Casting Plant for Steel, 372
- Gebruder Honsberg, Transfer Machine with Rotary Work Fixtures, 187
- G.E.C.-Simon-Carves Atomic Energy Group, Hunterston Power Station, (Plate 1, 3.1.58)
- General Aircraft Company, Ltd., Defence Projects, 708
- General Atomics Incorporated, American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 635
- General Ceramics Corporation, Electrical Component Manufacture, 891
- General Council of the Trades Union Congress, Training for Skill. 269
- General Dynamics Corporation, Development of a Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor, 521; Nuclear- powered Submarine "Seawolf", 62
- General Electric Company, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Continuous Casting of Large Tough Pitch Copper Slabs, 869; Electrical Equipment for Three-Car Trains, 30; Engines for U.S.S. "Ranger", 62; Floodlighting Scheme for Niagara Falls, 518; 44in. Semi-Continuous Hot Strip Rolling Mill at Aliquippa, Pa, 829; Future of High-Temperature Metallurgy, 175; Hydrogen-Induced Failure of Steels, 341; "J.79" Single-spool Engines, (Plate 10, 10.1.58); Large Simple-Cycle Gas Turbines for Electric Power Generation, 300; Linden Steam Power Station, 949; National Metal Congress and Exposition, 76; Nuclear Powered Radar Picket Submarine "Triton", 62; 180MW Dresden Nuclear Power Station, 789; Re- Entry Bodies, 870; Square Bubble Formation in Lithium Fluoride, 303; Steam Turbines for U.S.S. "Long Reach", 62
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Atomic Energy Laboratories at Erith. 427: "CJ-805" Compressor, 60; Fluorescent Lighting Fittings, 222: "GRACE" 52; Grid Control Centres, 859: High Temperature Reactor, 5; Hunterston Power Station, 5: "Litealarm" Warning System, 977: New Tunnels at Hadley Wood and Potters Bar, 254; 150A Oil Circuit Breaker and Plug Isolator Assembly, 497; Power Equipment for Diesel-Electric Trains, 30; Power-Operated Manipulator, 443; Pressurised System Control Unit, 977; Progress at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 333; Radiation Pyrometer Experiment, 470; Radio- frequency Reflectometer, 585; Rotor with Hydrogen-Cooled Conductors, 786; Semi- Conductors, (Plate 1, 10.1.58); Single-Anode Rectifier, 745; "T-58" Small Engine, 60; 3,700-h.p. Geared D.C. Winder at Silverwood Colliery, (Plate 7, 3.1.58); Tilbury Power Station, 861; Ventilated Motor with Class-E Insulation, 496; "WINA" Network Analyser, 770
- General Electric Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory, Boiling Water Reactor (DBWR), 789
- General Mills, Inc., Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135
- General Motors Corporation, Diesel Locomotives in America, 42; Petrol Injection, 616
- General Motors Ltd., New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828
- General Post Office, A Lagging Network, 915; Careers in Civil Engineering, 82; Research Station, Cold Rolling Mill for Very Thin Strip, 272; Cross-Channel Power Cable, 22; Extension of G.P.O.'s Underground Railway, 139; Southampton Port Operation Service, 133; Submarine Telephone Cable from Britain to Belgium, 512
- General Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Sandpiper", (Plate 6, 10.1.58) General Steel Castings Corporation, Electric Trains for South African Railways, 398 Generale Aeronautique Marcel Dassault,
- "Etendard VI", Light Fighter, (Plate 13, 3.1.58)
- Gennevilliers-Villenenve-la-Garenne Group, Gas Production in France, 33
- German Aeronautical Experimental Station (D.V.L.), German Aeronautical Research, 827
- German Aeronautical Research Station, German Aeronautical Research, 827
- German Gliding Research Station, German Aeronautical Research, 827
- Gesellschaft fiir Linde's Eismachinen A.G., Ice Factory at Hamburg, 299; Zweigniederlassung GUldner-Motoren-Werke. T2K "Hydrocar" of 3-Ton Capacity, 786
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, Obituary, 178; An Appreciation. 209
- Gibb. Sir Alexander, and Partners. Atiamura Hydro-Electric Development on the Waikato River, 45; Kariba Dam, (Plate 11, 3.1.58): Queenshill Bridge, 69; West London Motorway, 479
- Gibbons Bros., Ltd., Manvers Main Carbonisation and By-Products Plant, 545
- Gibson, C. H., The Design, Construction. And Operation of a Class of Twin Screw, 537
- Gifford, E. W. H., Two-Storey Prestressed Concrete Structure, 694
- Gillieson, H. C. P., Nuclear Criticality, 128
- Gillet, Guillaume, French Main Pavilion and Paris Pavilion, (Plate 3, 18.4.58)
- Gillet, G., French Pavilion at Brussels Exhibition, 722
- Gilmour. A., Engineering Applications of Rigid Foamed Plastics, 204
- Girdlestone Pumps, Ltd., Glandless Diaphragm Pump, 977
- Glazier Metal Company, Ltd., Improved P.T.F.E. Impregnated Bronze Dry Bearing, 625
- Glaser, D. A., Bubble Chambers, (992)
- Glen, J., Yield Point and High-Temperature Proof Stress of Carbon-Manganese Steel, 809
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Globe Metallic Packing Company, Ltd., Automatic Feed Abrasive Band Machine, 224
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Large Pneumatic Winch, (952)
- Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., Lightweight Construction Vehicles, 30
- Goodard, Sir J. Holland, Obituary, 209
- Goettl Brothers Metal Products, Construction of Solar-Heated House in Arizona, 597
- Goode, A., Railways into Roadways, 506
- Goodwin, A. E., Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Company, Ltd, Passenger and Cargo Ship "Darwin", 102
- Gordon and Gotch, Ltd., Binary Coded Labels, 742
- Gordon, James and Co., Ltd., Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 585
- Gorski, K., Composite Steel and Concrete Construction, 775
- Gotthold Haffner Maschinenfabrik, "R1-30" Portable Router, 748
- Goulder. J., and Sons, Ltd., Lead Measuring Machines, 735
- Grant Production Company, Ltd., Offset Lithographic Process Equipment, (38)
- Graviner Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Oil Mist Detector, 56
- Greaves, F. A., Obituary, 505
- Greaves, R. H., Obituary, 179
- Greek Atomic Energy Commission, American- Built Greek Research Reactor, 557
- Green, Thomas and Sons, Ltd., Early Lawn Mowers, 280
- Greenock Dockyard Company, Ltd., Cargo- Passenger Ship "Ayrshire", (Plate 7, 10.1.58); "Clan Malcolm" Cargo-Passenger Liner, 22
- Grieveson, W. S., Railways Into Roadways, 433
- Griffin and George, Ltd., Vacuum Oven, (78)
- Grimstone Electric Tools, Ltd., Drilling Machine, (558)
- Guernsey Water Board. Island Enterprise, 916
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., University Scholarships, 239
- Gulf Oil Corporation, Oil Drilling the Bahamas, (486)
- GutehoffnungshUtte Aktienverein, Guteho IT- nungshUtte Annual Report, 298
- GutehoffnungshUtte Sterkrade Aktiengesellschaft, First Brazillian Oxygen Steel Works, 260; Gutehoffnungshiitte Annual Report, 298
- Hackbridge Cable Company, Ltd., Mr. W. McDonald, (754)
- Hairlok Laboratories, Ltd., Protective Packaging, (182)
- Halcrow, Sir William and Partners, Dundreggan Dam, (Plate 11, 3.1.58); Extension of G.P.O.'s Underground Railway, 139; Jetty on the Thames at Erith, 17; New Pier at Deal, 45; Railway Modernisation at Barking, 464; Shoreham Harbour, (Plate 8, 10.1.58); Thames-Lee Valley Tunnel, 140
- Hall and Co., Ltd., Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant, 740
- Hall, J. Edward (Electrical Engineers), Ltd., Remote Level Controller, (891)
- Hall Russell and Co., Ltd., Bulk Sugar Carrier "Sugar Producer", 102; Collier "Corsea", 102
- Halsbury, Earl of, Conference on Technology of Engineering Manufacture, 534
- Hamilton, S. B., Sixty Glorious Years, 730
- Hammond, C., Structural Thermal Insulation, 661
- Hammond, Rolt, Rotating Shield Method of Tunnelling, 493
- Hamworthy Engineering Company, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Handley-Brown Company, Prefabricated Aluminium Trusses for Electricity Substations, 871
- Handley Page, Ltd., Aeronautical Engineering, (38)
- Harding, V. J. G., Competitive Tendering, 98
- Harland Engineering Company, Ltd., Large Water Turbine Manufacture, (754); Tenders for Water Turbines, 720
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Cambridge University Engineering Laboratory, 330; Cargo Liner "Albany", 58; Cargo Liner, "Picardy", 58; Cargo Liner "Thessaly", 58; "Cloverbank" "Crestbank", and "Carronbank", 102; Diesel Engine for "Menelaus" Cargo Ship, (Plate 7, 10.1.58): H.M.C.S. "Bonaventure" Air- craft Carrier, 28; Liner "Port Launceston", (Plate 7, 10.1.58); Ore Carrier "Afghanistan". 102; The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, (486); "Scottish Coast", (Plate 6, 10.1.58); Shipbuilding Prospects, 824
- Harris, A. J. and J. D., Segmental Construction for an Aircraft Hangar, 973
- Harris, John, Tools, Ltd., Tungsten Carbide, 735
- Harvey Aluminium Company, Too Much Aluminium?, 339
- Harza Engineering Company, Priest Rapids Dam. (Plate 16, 10.1.58)
- Hawker-Siddeley Group, Ltd., Aero Engine Sponsorship, 708; Medium Range Airliner, 81
- Hawker Siddeley John Brown Construction, Ltd., Problems Associated with Marine Propulsion, 8
- Hawkins, J. C., Tools and Tilth, 283
- Hawthorne, Leslie (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Cargo Ship "Crystal Diamond", 58; Oil Tanker "British Courage", 102
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Bradwell Power Station, 85; First Heat Exchanger for Bradwell, 772; 200-ton Goliath Crane at Bradwell, 473
- Head, Wrightson Machine Company, Ltd., Continuous Galvanising Line, (832); Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- Head, Wrightson Processes, Ltd., Plastic Packing for Cooling Towers, (266); Two Contracts for Materials Testing Reactors, 8
- Health and Safety Committee, Atomic Energy Safety Committee, 785; Second Fleck Report on Windscale, 108
- Heap, Joshua, and Co., Ltd., Universal Screwing Machine, 671
- Hebdomadal Council, Proposal for Founding a New College at Oxford University, (792)
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Electronic Frequency-Generator Set, 497; Electronic Frequency Selector. 497; "Heenatonc" Programme Controller, 497: Higher Speed Water Brakes, 941; Laboratory Chassis Dynamometer, 366
- Heinkel, Ernst, Professor Ernst Heinkel, 261
- Heinrich Flottmann G.m.b.H., -Ideal" Column for Hammer Borer, and "Bully 3000DF" Air Compressor Units, 786
- Heinrich, H., Petrol Injection in Germany, 616, 650
- Helicopters Sales, Ltd., Helicopters in London, 782
- Helio Aircraft Corporation, Helio Courier H-391 B/4-597, 786
- Henderson, J. M., and Co., Ltd., Manvers Main Carbonisation and By-Products Plant, 545
- Heraeus, W. C., G.m.b.H., Titanium Melting Plant, 865
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530; "2B/36" Jigmil Boring Tool, 132
- Herbert Committee, Proposals for the Re- organisation of the Electricity Supply Industry, 19
- Herbertson and Co., Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Herman United Machine Company Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Hickman, B. S., Reactor Irradiation Techniques, 916
- Hicks, Raymond, Laterally Loaded Plates, 350; Stresses in a Cylindrical Pressure Vessel on a Cylindrical Support, 274
- Hickson's Timber Impregnation Company (GB.), Ltd., Flameproof Treatment for Fire-board, (342)
- High Voltage Engineering Corporation, 0.25MeV Van de Graaff Particle Accelerator, 675; "Super-voltage" X-ray Techniques, 113
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd., Optical Resolvers and Digitisers, 983
- "Hinchcliffe" Ballistic Rocket Era, 66
- Hinton, Sir Christopher, Control of Power Stations, 942; Nuclear Energy for Britain's Electricity Supply, 958; Nuclear Power Development 1946-1956, 281
- H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, Aircraft Carrier "Victorious", 28
- H.M. Overseas Civil Service, Civil Engineering Overseas, 963
- Hockel, Hans, "The Influence on the Combustion Process in High-Speed Diesel Engines on the Silence of Operation and the Aptitude to Use Various Fuels Without Inconvenience", 986
- Hodgson, J., Brittle Fracture in Welded Ships, An Empirical Approach from Recent Experience, 503
- Hoesch-Salzgitter Working Group, Amphibious Transport, 33
- Hoesch Werke A.G., New Development in the Manufacture of Pipes for Gas, Oil, Water and Piling, 711
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., Blackwall Tunnel Improvement, 670
- Holley Carburetter Co., Petrol Injection, 616
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., Baquba Railway Bridge, Iraq, 671; Jetty on the Thames at Erith, 17: New Berth at Tilbury, 17: Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Holman Bros., Ltd., Lightweight High Efficiency Pumps, 183
- Holman Group, Pneumatic Control Equipment, (912)
- Holmes, Charles D., and Co., Ltd., Triple Expansion Engine for "Darwin", 102
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., Manvers Main Carbonisation and By-Products Plant. 545; Screw Conveyor Heat Exchanger, 71
- Holroyd, John and Co., Ltd., Single Geared Rubber Mill, 257
- Hoist and Co., Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards. Ltd., Toggle Action Coining Press, 735
- Hornbuckle, Thomas, An Appreciation. 355
- Horseley Bridge and Thomas Piggott, Ltd., Prefabricated Railway Bridges, 179
- Howards of Ilford, Ltd., Synthetic Detergents in Sewage, (912)
- Howlett, J., Digital Computers and the Design of Nuclear Reactors, 243
- Hudd, A. E., Obituary, 209
- Huddersfield Training College, Training Technical Teachers. (342)
- Hudson Brothers Trawlers. Ltd., Diesel Electric Trawler "Cape Trafalgar", 102
- Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., Gas Plant Projects in Britain, 359; Models of Gas Plant at Partington and complete Gasification Plant at Westfield, 935; Sale Rights Outside N. America of the A.P.P. Reactor (Army Package Power Reactor), 8: Shellhaven Romford Gas Pipeline, 216
- Humphreys, Howard, and Sons. Sasumua Dam, 720
- Hunter and Co., (Scaffspray), Ltd., Machine for Painting Scaffolding Tubes, 784
- Hunter, G., (London), Ltd., Heavy Die-Handling Truck, (45))
- Hydraulics Research Laboratory, Researches into the Behaviour of the Thames Estuary, 45
- Hydraulics Research Station, Regime of Estuaries, 507; Tidal Model of the Port of Southampton, 293
- Hydrocarbon Mineraloel, Greek Oil Refinery, 141
- Hydrocarbon Research, Inc., Greek Oil Refinery, 149
- Hymatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Mobile Air Compressors, 404
- IBM United Kingdom, Ltd., New Calculating Unit, 822
- Illinois Testing Laboratories Inc., Water Vapour Measurement, 109
- Ilyushin, Sergei Vladimirovich, "Moscow" Airliner, (Plate 14, 3.1.58)
- Imatran Voima OY., Belgian Electrical Equipment for Finland, 262
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., "Alkathene", 572; Anodically Protected Titanium, (754); Exhibition Halls. 82; Inverted Stuffing-Box, 617; Metal Treatment Baths, 334; New Silicone Experimental Products, 497; Post-Graduate Training, 146; Titanium Melting Plant, 865: Titanium Mill at Waunarlwydd, 975; "Tubein-Strip" for Solar Energy Water Heaters, 746
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160; Hawksley Hydraulic Laboratory, Axial Flow Pump-Turbine in a Teaching Laboratory, 313; Open Days at M.E.R.L., 885; Sasumua Dam, 720; The Promise of "Zeta", 157; "WINA" Network Analyser, 770; Work upon the Expanding of Boiler Tubes, 56
- Impregnated Diamond Products, Ltd., Hard Facing of Cutting Tools, 513; "Neven" Oscillating Head Grinding Machine, 735
- Incandescent Heat Company, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Indian Navy, "Panther", 28
- Industrial Drives, Ltd., Variable Speed Belt Drive, 405
- Industrial and General Trust, Ltd., Employers and Workers, 944
- Industrial Sales, Ltd., Heavy-Duty Lathe, 516 Industrial Tectonics Incorporated, National Congress and Exposition, 189
- Inglis, Sir Claude, Regime of Estuaries, 507
- Institute per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI), Anglo-Italian Collaboration in Nuclear Power, 709
- Instrument Screw Company, Ltd., Press Nuts for Sheet Metal, (230)
- Integral, Ltd., Precision Work Chuck, 224
- Interatom. U.S.-German Nuclear Energy Firm. 265
- Intermit. Ltd., Air Cleaning. 253
- International Boundary and Water Commission, Work of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in 1957, 341
- International Civil Aviation Organisation, Semi-Automatic Communications Centre at Gatwick Airport. 981
- International Combustion, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- International Committee of the Red Cross, International Organisations, at Brussels Exhibition, 686
- International Equipment Company Ltd., Aluminium Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- International Harvester Co., of Great Britain Ltd., New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828
- International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd., Electro-Refining of Nickel, 631
- International Organisation for Standardisation, International Standards. 481
- International Radio Consultative Committee. Colour Television, 942
- International Red Cross, International and Universal Exhibition-Brussels, 1958, 564
- International Road Federation, The Channel Tunnel. 683
- Iron and Steel Board, Coal, Iron and Steel, 100; Future of the Steel Industry, 72, 444: Iron and Steel. 297, 444, 592. 785, 944: Steel Prices. 511: Steel Tube Prices, 32; Threat to the Steel Industry, 453
- Irving Cranes. Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Isted, G. A., Marconi and Microwave Transmission Beyond the Horizon, 207
- Jarrow Tube Works, Ltd., Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- Jellett, J. H., A "Tiddley" Budget. 699. 970
- Jenkins, R. A. Sefton, Composite Steel and Concrete Construction. 250
- Jenkins, Robert, and Co., Ltd., Two "Polybloc" Heat Exchangers and Mild Steel Ring Clamp Boltless Door, 935
- Jessop, William, and Sons, Ltd., Research on Special Steels. 184
- Jodrell Bank, Radio Telescope. 570. (Plate 2, 3.1.58); Retrospect, 1
- Johnson, C. H., (Machinery), Ltd., "Twin 65" Dumper, 706
- Johnson, Matthey and Co., Ltd., Platinum Alloys for Various Applications. 470
- Johnson and Philips, Ltd., Mr. W. McDonald, (754); Marseilles-Algiers Submarine Telephone Cable, 335; "NX" Ring-Main Unit, 460
- Johnson, W., Indentation and Forging and the Action of Nasmyth's Anvil, 348
- Joint Apprenticeship Council. Training of Craftsmen. 198
- Joint Committee for the Award of National Certificates of Naval Architecture, Naval Architecture Summer School, (450)
- Joint Nuclear Marine Propulsion Panel. Propulsion of Ships by Steam Turbine Machinery, 387
- Jonas. John F., M. A. Alderson. 469
- Jones. A. A., and Shipman. Ltd., Machine Tool Manufacturer's Exhibition, (792)
- Jones and Attwood, Ltd., Small Comminutor. 903
- Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation; Basic Oxygen Steel-making Plant. 228; 44in. Semi-Continuous Hot Strip Rolling Mill at Aliquippa, Pa., 829; Reinforced Concrete Construction for Car Park, 340
- K. and L, Steelfounders and Engineers. Ltd., Jones "KL 10-10" Travelling Crane, 445
- Kaiser Aluminum Company, Too Much Aluminium?, 339
- Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, Deep Drawn Aluminium Containers, 229: Prefabricated Aluminium Trusses for Electricity Substations, 871; 30,000,000-lb. Plate Stretcher, 228
- Kaiser Steel Corporation. National Metal Congress and Exposition, 113
- Kalis, K. L., Sons and Co., Ltd., Plannned De.elopment of the Port of Aden, (Plate 8. 10.1.58)
- Kalman, P. G., New Television Tube for Monochrome or Colour, 733
- Karlsruhe Technical University, 0, er-Dimensinned Electric Motors, 827
- Kässbohrer, Karl Fahrzeugwerke G.m.b.H., "Super Setra" Coach. (Plate 13, 10.1.58)
- Keelavite Rotary Pumps and Motors. Ltd., "GP" Gear Pump Range. 742; Testing Safety Glass, (872)
- Kelvin and Hughes (Industrial), Ltd., Industrial Mobile Demonstration Unit. (912)
- KEM A. (N.V. tot Keuring van Electrotechnische Materialen). Nuclear Power Developments in the Netherlands, 187
- Kenchington, L. L., and Partners. 4,500-ton Hot Plate Press Installation. 171
- Kennametal Incorporated. National Metal Congress and Exposition, 189
- Kent. George, Ltd., "Commander" Range of Instrumentation, 977: Electronic Indicating Recorder. 147
- Kershaw. C. A., Railways into Roadways, 810
- Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Company. Ltd., Air-Operated Stirrer. (558): "Isoductive" Flameproof Heating System and Protein Hylrolysate Plant. 977; Sulphur Burner. (678)
- Kestner, F., Regime of Estuaries, 507
- Kilpatrick. James. and Son. Ltd., English Electric Substation at Brussels Exhibition. 644
- Kincaid. John G., and Co., Ltd., B. and W. Propelling Machinery for Cargo Ship "Agean Island", (Plate 10. 3.1.58)
- King, Geo., Ltd, Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- King's College, London, Electrical Research Association, 728
- Kinnear Moodie and Co., Ltd., London's Water Supply: New Works During 1957, 140
- Kinnell, Chas. P., and Co., Ltd., Axial Flow Pump-Turbine in a Teaching Laboratory, 313
- Klemm-Flugzeuge G.m.b.H., "KL-107B" Sports and Private Aircraft, 786
- Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz A.G., West German Brown Coal, 945
- Knight Construction, Ltd London Planetarium, 456
- Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. Square Bubble Formation in Lithium Fluoride, 303; Thermal Test Reactor, 675
- Koch and Sterzel A.G., Laboratory Standard Current Transformer, 748
- Kodak (Asia.), Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia. 941
- Kosine, Ltd., A "Slide Chart" for Civil Engineering Calculation, (224)
- Kottler and Heron, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith. 530
- Kraus-Maffei, Munich-Allach, "E.10". Locomotive. (Plate 14. 10.1.58); Munich-Allach, "V200" Locomotive. (Plate 14, 10.1.58)
- Krupp Ardelt Werke G.m.b.H., 15-ton Breakdown Crane, 711
- Krupp, Fried, Greek Oil Refinery, 149; Maschinen-und Stahlbau Rheinhausen, West German Brown Coal, 945; "Nirosta VA4", Made of Special Rustless Steel. 711
- Kuwait Oil Company, Ltd., Extensions to Mina-Al-Almadi Refinery, 763
- Laidler, D. S., Lithium and its Compounds, 809
- Laing. J., and Company, Careers in Civil Engineering. 82
- Laing, John, and Son, Ltd., London-Birmingham Motorway, 479, 982; Road Schemes, 221
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto. Ltd., Small Forced-Ventilated Torque Motor, 460
- Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products, Ltd., "Transidyne" Variable-Speed Drive With Transparent Side Panels, 460
- Lancashire Dynamo Nevelin, Ltd., Direct-to-Mains "Varionic" Variable-Speed Drive, 460; Tissue Paper Mill at Bridgend, 400
- Landi, Jules, French Glider Record, 908
- Lansing-Bagnall, Ltd., Small Hand Stacker Truck, 223
- Lap, A. J. W., Analysis of the Wake Measurements on a Model Family and the Model Boat, 573
- Larmuth and Bulmer. Ltd., Haul-Off Equipment for Cable-Making Machines, 943
- Larsson Wilson Marine Motor Company, Ltd., Engines Ranging from 5-h.p. to 40-h.p., Including the "Mate" 0-411 Petrol Unit, 86
- Late-Coere Company, Naval Guided Missiles, 712
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Squirrel- Cage with British Standard Dimensions, 146; Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Lawes Rabjohns, Ltd., Filing Cabinet for Drawings. (872)
- Lawrence, Walter. and Son. Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Le Corbusier. Philips Pavilion at Brussels Exhibition. 798
- Lean, J. L., Railways into Roadways, 932
- Lee Guiness, Ltd., Automatic Control Gear for A.C. Motors, 499; Automatic Stepless Starters for Slipring Motors, 143
- Lee and Wilkes, Ltd., Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- Lees, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith. 530
- Leedham, Conference on Technology of Engineering Manufacture. 534
- Leeds and Northrup Company, Integrated Control System for Nuclear Power Plant, 751
- Leith Dock Commission, Fertiliser Works at Leith. 530
- Lesser, J. E., and Sons, Ltd., Prefabricated Steel Buildings, 370
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Early Lawn Mowers, 280; Multi-Purpose Diesel Railcars, 137
- Lexington Products, Ltd., Positive Petrol Distribution, 666
- Liebherr, Hans, Automatic Concrete Mixing Tower, 786
- Light Alloy Construction, Ltd., Lightweight Containers, (414)
- Lind, Peter and Co., Ltd., Shoreham Harbour, (Plate 8, 10.1.58)
- Lindley, A. L. G., Failure of a 60MW Steam Turbo-Getwerator, 475, 508. 547
- Linke-Hofmann-Busch G.m.b.H., Amphibious Containers, 33
- Liquid Systems. Ltd., Oil Cleaning Equipment, 338
- List, Hans. "The Development of High-Speed Loop-Scavenged Two-Stroke Engines, 986
- Lister, Blackstone Marine. Ltd., "Freedom" Range, Lister, J. P. and Rootes-Lister T.S.M. Engines. 86
- Lister Todd Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Testing Boiler for Leaks, 71
- Lithgows, Ltd., Reconstruction Schemes, 22 Liversedge. John, and Associates. Point Blocks of Flats in Sheffield, (450)
- Lloyd, T. I., Railways Into Roadways, 360, 468, 540, 621, 698, 774. 892, 932. 970
- Lloyds British Testing Company, Ltd., Heavy Beam Testing Machine. 553
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Brittle Fracture, 174: Shipbuilding Returns, 127; Wreck Returns. (329) (754); Merchant Ships Launched in 1957, (378); Research and Development, 56: Research of Fatigue Strength of Engine Shafts, 56
- Lobb. Howard. and Partners, British Buildings at Brussels Exhibition, 760
- Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., Grab Hopper Dredger "Mersey No. 40", 102
- Locomotive Testing Committee, Locomotive Performance, 245
- Locomotive Testing Joint Sub-Committee, Locomotive Performance. 245
- Lockhead Aircraft Corporation. "Electra" Medium-range Airliner, 25
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Company, Ltd., Stabiliser for Small Ships, 107
- Loewe, Ludw., and Co., A.G., Tool and Cutter Grinder, 338
- Loewy, E., Composite Steel and Concrete Construction, 322
- Loewy Engineering Company. Ltd., Production of Large Plates at Rogerstonc, 437
- Logan. Duncan (Contractors). Ltd., Dundreggan Dam, (Plate II, 3.1.58)
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Company. National Metal Congress and Exposition. 189
- Lomont, James and Co., Ltd., Tug "Wrestler", 102
- London Chamber of Commerce, Trade and Wage Demands, 710
- London County Council, Blackwall Tunnel Improvement, 670; London's Northern Out- fall Works, (Plate 9. 10.1.58); Memorial to Michael Faraday, 797; Problem of Mining Subsidence, 441; Road Plan for London, 875
- London Ferro-Concrete Company. Ltd. Segmental Construction for an Aircraft Hangar. 973
- London General Omnibus Company, Oil Engine Evolution, 345
- London Midland Region of British Railways. Experimental Twin-Car Diesel-Electric Train Set, 30; Five All-Pullman Diesel-Electric Trains, 30; Improvement in Rail Freight Speeds, 382; Precast Concrete Blocks of 35 Tons, 823; Prefabricated Railway Stations, 442; Service Test with Twin-unit Railcars, 30; Three-Car Multiple Unit Electric Trains, 30
- London and Overseas Freighters, Ltd., "London Tradition", 102
- London Transport. Problem of Mining Subsidence, 441; Automatic Signalling on the Northern Line. 96. Diesel Locomotives in America, 42; Electronic Aid to Bus Running Control, 95; London Underground Railway Rolling Stock, 109; London's Bus Strike, 710: Public City Transport, 837; Silicone Insulation for Traction Motors, 528; Technicalities and Bus Economics, 308
- Longley, James, and Co., Ltd., Gatwick Airport, 895
- Longworth Scientific Instrument Company, Ltd., Measurement of Dust Concentration in Gases, 864
- Lorient Dockyard. Anti-Submarine Destroyer "La Galissonniere. 62
- Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, "Columbus" Linear Machine, (Plate 15, 3.1.58); Underground Nuclear Detonation at Nevada Test Site, 556
- Lotus Engineering Company, Ltd., "Elite" Two-Seater Coupe, (Plate 4, 10.1.58)
- Lovatt. B. C., Turbines for Vehicles, 466
- Lubecker Maschincnbaugesellschaft (LMG), West German Brown Coal, 945
- Lucas, Joseph, Ltd., Trans-Antarctic Transport. 356
- Lundell (Great Britain), Ltd., Forage Harvesting Machine, 552
- Lurgi Company. Gas Plant Projects in Britain, 359
- Lux, Herbert, Tiled Partitions, 674
- Lyon. Arthur, and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., ("ES.") Small Self-Exciting Self-Regulati Alternators, 460
- McAlpine. Sir Alfred, and Son. Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779: Gatwick Airport, 895
- McAlpine. Sir Robert and Sons, Ltd., Bradwell Power Station, 85
- McAlpine, Sir Robert (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Ltd., Dry Dock at Wallsend, (Plate 8, 10.1.58)
- M'Ewen, Ewen, Methods of Teaching Mechanical Engineering Subjects at Universities, 468
- Machinery (Continental). Ltd., Pneumatic Tyred Compaction Roller, 298
- Mackinac Bridge Authority, Suspension Bridge over the Straits of Mackinac, (Plate 16, 3.1.58)
- McKay, John H., BEAMA and Screw Thread Practice, 848
- McLeod, Alastair, Obituary, 68
- McManus. A. C., Railways into Roadways, 774
- Madame Tussaud's, London Planetarium, 420
- Magnetic Equipment Company, Ltd., Portable Magnetic Drilling Stand. 513
- Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Malmedie and Co., Wire Straightening and Cutting-Off Machine, 555
- Manchester College of Science and Technology. Chemical Engineering Building, (792): Women as Engineers, 917
- Manesty Machines, Ltd., D.X.2 Rotary Tablet Machine, 977
- Manley. C. V., Losses of Small Ships, 537 Mannesmann Aktiengesellschaft. Model Showing Old and New Mannesmann Tower, 711
- Mannesmann-Hiittenwerke A.G., Continuous Casting Plant for Steel. 372
- MannesmannrOhren-Werke, Pipe and Cable Bridge Over Duisburg Harbour. 188
- Manufacturers' Equipment Company, Ltd., Application of Electronics, 742
- Marchand, Michel, French Glider Record, 908
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., 500W Radio-Frequency Power Meter, 296; Forms of Trans- portable X-ray Equipment, 665; Industrial "Vidicon" Camera, 52
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., Doppler Performance, (992); Tropospheric. Scatter Radio Link, 709
- Mare Island Naval Shipyard. Nuclear-Powered Submarine "Halibut", 62
- Maritime Administration, Development of a Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor. 521
- Marley. W. H., and Co., Ltd., Thread Measuring Comparator, 147
- Marsland, Thos., The British Machine Tool Industry, 810
- Martin Co. American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Martin Power Reactor (MPR), 789
- Martins Bank, Ltd., Free Trade Area Prospects, 110
- Martonair. Ltd., Pneumatic Selector Valve, (872)
- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg A.G., "D0026M" Six-Cylinder Diesel Engine, 786; Eight-cylinder Turbo-charged Diesel Engine, (Plate 13, 10.1.58); Immah Bridge, 44; Munich Research Reactor, 908; Neckar Bridge at Mannheim, 73; Queen Aliyah Bridge. 44; Sava Bridge, 33
- Maschinenfabrik Buckau R. Wolf A.G., West German Brown Coal, 988
- Maschinenfabrik Hartmann, Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Mason-Walsh-MacLean, Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River, (Plate 16, 3.1.58)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Van de Graaff Accelerators, 675
- Massey-Ferguson, Ltd., Mechanical Thinning, 838: Silage Machinery, 821: Trans-Antarctic Transport, 357
- Masters, F. H., Obituary. 209
- M.A.T. Transport, Ltd., Motor-Car Transporter Truck for Railways, 185
- Matchless Machines, Ltd., Copying Grinder, 299
- Materials Data, Ltd., Evaluation of Materials, 480
- Materials Handling Equipment (Great Britain), Ltd., "Trion" Side Operating Fork Lift Carriers. 705
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855; Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Mathew Brothers, Ltd., Loading Machines, 705
- Matthew Hall and Co., Ltd. Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135
- Mavor and Coulson. Ltd, Small Driving Gear for Belt Conveyors, 742
- Mayne, Stanley, A "Tiddley-Budget, 811
- M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith. 530
- Maunsell, Guy, An Appreciation, 209; Sir Alexander Gibb, (266)
- Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory, More Work for Merl, 835; Open Days. (450), 885, 922; Recent Work in Materials Testing, 501; Scientific and Industrial Research, 746 Medical Research Council. Miniature Recorder, 470; Second Fleck Report on Windscale, 108 Megatron, Ltd., Electrically Conductive Glass, 500
- Mekufa, N.V., Bearing Metals from Holland, 410
- Mendip Chemical Engineering, Ltd., Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135
- Mengele, Karl and Sohne, Rotary Table Surface Grinder, 73
- Merritt-Chapman and Scott Corporation. Bridge Between Hampton and North Island, (Plate 16, 3.1.58); Priest Rapids Dam, (Plate 16, 10.1.58); Suspension Bridge over the Straits of Mackinac, (Plate 16. 3.1.58)
- Mersey Cable Works, Ltd., "Merad" (Irradiated Modified Polythene) and "MerfIon" (P.T.F.E.) Equipment, Wires, Tapes and Sleeving, 499
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Grab Hopper Dr:Jg:r "Mersey No. 40", 102
- Merton Engineering Company, Ltd, Front Wheel Drive Hydraulically-Operated Over-loader, 706
- Merz and McLellan, Kariba Dam. (Plate 1 I. 1.1.58)
- Mesta Machine Company. 44in. Semi-Continuous Hot Strip Rolling Mill at Aliquippa, Pa., 829
- Metal and Pipeline Endurance, Ltd., Cathodic Protection of Coupled Steel Pipe-Lines, (414)
- Metalastic, Ltd., Lightweight Railbus for British Railways, 294
- Metals and Controls Corporation. American Nuclear Engineering Conference. 635; Fuel Elements and Reactor Components, 675
- Metallizing Engineering Company. National Metal Congress and Exposition, 151
- Metrawatt, A.G., Pocket-Size Instrument Equipped with Transistors. 748
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., All-Pullman Diesel-Electric Trains, 30; Electric Trains for South African Railways, 398
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham. 855; Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160; Crane Drives, 742; Electric Trains for South African Railways, 398; General-Purpose Electronic Analogue Computer, 664: Industrial Irradiation Laboratory, 857: "KN-C" Ventilated Squirrel Cage, 498; Mark H.K.F.P. Weatherproof and Flameriroof Enclosed Fan-Cooled Motor. 977: Particle Accelerators, 52; Radiograph Illuminator. 146: Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant. 767; 330kW, 330V Generator, 102; 330kV Single-Phase Assembly and Control Kiosk, 498: Tilbury Power Station, 861; Two 200MW Turbo-Generators for Willington "B" Power Station. 19; Vapour Phase Chromatograph. 664
- Metropolitan Water Board. Conserving Topsoil. 45; London's Water Supply: New Works During 1957, 140; Mobile Power Houses, (192)
- Meyer. M. L., Postgraduate Instruction for Practising Engineers, 384
- M.G. Plastics. Ltd., Cold Casting Metal, (695)
- Midgley and Sutcliffe. Ltd., Vertical Milling Machine. 671
- Midland and Great Northern Railway Joint Committee, Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway, 938
- Midland Heating and Ventilation Company, Ltd., Centrifugal Ventilating Fans, 899
- Midland Region of British Railways, Hollerith "550" Electronic Calculator, (Plate 5, 10.1.58)
- Midlands Electricity Board. Developments at Scientific Glassware Factory, 536
- Mil. Mikhail L. "Mil" Helicopter. (Plate 11. 10.1.58)
- Millars Machinery Company, Ltd., Concreting With Colloidal-Grout. 552
- Miller. J., and Partners, Ltd., Clifton Bridge. Nottingham. (Plate 3. 3.1.58), 334
- Millhouses Engineering Company, Ltd., Machine Tool Exhibitions. (522)
- Mills. E., Federation of British Industries Building, 760
- Miniature Engineering Ltd., International and Universal Exhibition-Brussels, 1958. 644
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Water Pollution Research, 682
- Ministry of Defence, Assessment of Surface Texture. (230); Plutonium from Power Stations, 982
- Ministry of Education, Education of Boys and Girls, 431; Financing of Advanced Sandwich Courses, 670; Institution of Electrical Engineers, 369; Institution of Metallurgists, 822; Sandwich Course Finance, 683; Teachers for Technical Colleges, 232; Training Technicians, 221
- Ministry of Food, Dense Polythene Tube, 904 Ministry of Irrigation and Power, Progress of Bhakra Dam, 825
- Ministry of Labour, Changes in Wage Rates. 32, 515, 672; Danger of Worn-Out Hand Tools, 837; Earnings and Hours, 515; Employment and Unemployment, 110, 297, 444, 592, 747, 905; Employment in the Aircraft Industry, 186; Industrial Disputes, 225, 866; Industrial Relations, 259; London Busmen's Wage Claim, 225; Payment by Results, 672; Trade Union Membership, 32
- Ministry of Power, The Coal Industry, 747; Gas and Electricity. 407; Government Loans for Fuel Saving, 824; Midlands Gas Research Station, 588; Nuclear Power Station at Dungeness, 863
- Ministry of Supply, Aircraft Ice Protection, 928; Automatic Dip-Soldering Machine and a Local Thickness Tester, 623; Electronically Controlled Milling Machine for Aircraft Components, 696; Royal Aircraft Establishment, 25
- Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, Access to London Airport, 119; Gatwick Airport, 895; The London-Birmingham Motorway 121, 982; Modernisation of Britain's Air Traffic Control, 982; Progress of the Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, 442; Railway Wages, 672; Road Schemes, 221, 479; Ross Spur Motorway, 69, 347; Semi-Automatic Communications Centre at Gatwick Airport, 981; Southampton Port Operation Service, 133; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, (235)
- Ministry of Works, Building and Civil Engineering Work, 371; Kenya, Embakasi Airport, Nairobi, 368
- Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, "Honeywell" Scram Monitor and Transient Recorder, 751
- Minneapolis-Moline Co., New Union Contracts in Detroit, 828
- Miracle Mills. Ltd., Wood Chip Drying Plant, 252
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd, Coastal Boats, 12; Heat and Power Generation, 70
- Mitchell Engineering Company, Ltd., Manvers Main Carbonisation and By-Products Plant, 545; Mechanical Method of Overhauling Large Tankers, 742: Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Mitchison, T., Ltd., Tug. "Arthur", 102 Modag, Motorenfabrik Darmstadt, G.m.b.H., German Gas Turbine Vessel, 410
- Monarch Machine Tool Company. Automatic Hydraulically-Actuated Turret, 637
- Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., Exhibition of Nickel Development, (486)
- Monniger. C. D., Ltd., "RF30" Portable Router, 748
- Monsanto Chemical Company, Fabrication in Glass, 939
- Mooney Aircraft Inc., Mark 20, 180-h.p. Four- Seater, 786
- Moore, E. B., Drawing of Steel at Elevated Temperatures, 969
- Morgan Crucible CoMorgan Crucible Company, Ltd., Improved Brush Holder, 109; Sintercd Clutch Facing. 822
- Morris, Herbert, and Co., Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219; Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Morris Motors, Ltd., (Marine Division), B.M.C. "Navigator" Four-Cylinder Engine, 86
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Company, Ltd., Hunterston Power Station. 5; Progress at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 333 Motoren-Werke Mannheim, A.G., KD/AKD 412, Water-Cooled and Air Cooled Engines, 748
- Motorenwerke Mannheim (M.W.M.), Seventh International Technical Congress of the 986
- Mott, Hay and Anderson, Progress of the Dartford-Purflect Tunnel. 442; Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, 44: Tyne Tunnel, 426
- Mountstuart Dry Docks, Ltd., Reconstruction Schemes, 22
- Mowlem, J., and Co., Ltd., Extension of G.P.O.'s Underground Railway, 139; Problem of Mining Subsidence. 441
- Mowlem, J., (Scotland). Ltd., Hunterston Power Station, 5; Progress at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 333
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., "Mufax" Equipment—Facsimile Machines, 470: Stabiliser for Small Ships, 107
- Mullard, Ltd., Cadmium-Sulphide Photo-Electric Cell, 479; Extension of the Accepted Techniques of Adhesion, 470; 5MeV Linear Accelerator, 52; Interferometer at Cambridge, 570; Proposal for Founding a New College at Oxford University, (792); Sequence Control to a Transfer Machine, 663; Transistor Films, (378)
- Mullards Radio Astronomy Observatory, Radio Telescope, (Plate 2. 3.1.58)
- Munich Technical University, Munich Research Reactor, 908
- Murad Developments, Ltd., Small Turret Lathe, 335
- Munro and Miller, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Murray, P. Snowden, Railways into Roadways, 621
- Nachtman, E. S., Drawing of Steel at Elevated Temperatures, 969
- Nalder Brothers and Thompson, Ltd., Electrostatic Volmcters, and Platform-Scale Instruments, 499
- Napier, D., and Son, Ltd., Aircraft Ice Protection. 928; Anniversary Celebrations, 901; "Eland" Single-Shaft Turbines, (Plate II. 10.1.58); "Gazelle" Free-Turbine Engine, 571; "Gazelle" Shall Turbine, 47; Ram-Jet Performance, (342); Small Aircraft Turbines, 224
- Nasmyth, James. Replica of an Historical Drilling Machine, 631
- National Advisory Council on the Training and Supply of Teachers, Teachers for Technical Colleges, 232
- National Agricultural Advisory Service, Beet Harvesting, 838
- National Bureau of Standards, Interferometer for Measuring Gauge Block Parallelism, 595; Law of Parity Conservation, 340; Redetermination of the Standard Ampere at the N.B.S., 596; Modification of Basis for Radiation Dose Calibrations, 264
- National Cash Register Company, Ltd., Commercial Computers, (Plate 5, 10.1.58)
- National Coal Board, Anderson Boyes Trepanner, (Plate 8, 3.1.58); The Coal Board's Finances, 785; Coal Exports, 824: The Coal Industry, 747; Coal. Iron and Steel. 100; Coal —Large and Small, 757; Coal Statistics, 72; A Coal Surplus?, 489; Colliery Explosions. (7); Electrogyro Shunting Locomotive, (107); Industrial Television Equipment, 52; Institution of Engineers-in-Charge. (716); Instrumentation of a Coal Plough, 500; Inventions by Coal Board Employees, (266): Manvers Main Carbonisation and By-Product Plant, 545; 7 Cubic Yard Walking Dragline, 287; Wage Claims, 336; West Midlands Division, Lea Hall Colliery, (Plate 6, 3.1.58); Working Condition on the Railways, 747
- National Committee of the Amalgamated Engineering Union, Shorter Working Week. 643
- National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement. New Radiation Exposure Limits, 341
- National Council for Technological Awards, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 221
- National Dairy Products Corporation, Deep Drawn Aluminium Containers, 229
- National Distillers Products Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- National Farmers' Union, Silage Machinery. 821
- National Foundry Craft Training Centre. Training Centre, 634
- National Gas Turbine Establishment, Ram-Jet Performance, (342)
- National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service, Coal. Iron and Steel, 100; Productivity in the Iron and Steel Industry-1945-1956, 425
- National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting, Electrical Installation Contracting, (754)
- National Joint Advisory Council. Training for Skill, 269
- National Metals Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- National Physical Laboratory, Aerodynamics Division, Wind Tunnel, 56; Caesium Atomic Standard ("Atomic Clock"). 766; Failure of a 60MW Steam Turbo-Generator, 475; More Work for Merl, 835; Open Days at M.E.R.L., 885; Scientific and Industrial Research, 746; Steel-and-Water Bomb Calorimeter, 766; Torque Meter, 766
- National Research Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635 National Research Council of Canada, Aircraft Ice Protection, 928; Fire Research, 941; Modification of Basis for Radiation Dose Calibrations, 264
- National Research Development Corporation, Cold Rolling Mill for Very Thin Strip, 272; National Research Development Corporation, 371
- National Union of Foundry Workers. Wages and Hours, 866
- National Union of General and Municipal Workers, Wages and Hours, 866
- National Union of Mineworkers, 336; Britain in Europe Committee, 985; Coal, Iron and Steel, 100
- National Union of Railwaymen, Railway Economies and Wages, 710; Railway Wages, 592, 672; Wage Claims, 444
- Neckar, A. G., Opening of the Port of Stuttgart, 826
- Neckar Water Softener Company, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Nederlandsche Helicopter Industrie, NHI H-3 "Kolibrie" Light Helicopter, 786
- Neill, James and Co., (Sheffield), Ltd., Magnetic Vee Block, (315)
- Netherlands Railways. Amsterdam-Brussels Dual Voltage Trains, 33
- Netherlands Reactor Centre (R.C.N.), Nuclear Power Developments in the Netherlands, 187
- New Conveyor Company, Ltd., Slag Production Plant at Teesport, 577; "Wissman" Swart' and Chip Conveyor, 706
- New Electronic Products, Ltd., Heart and Lung Machine, 570
- New South Wales University of Technology, Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Newall Engineering Company, Ltd., Small Jig Borer, 865
- Newell, Ernest, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Newman Industries, Ltd., Improved Single-Phase Motor, 478; Machine Tool Demonstration, (992); Ncw Design of Single-Phase. Capacitor-Start Induction-Run Motor, 460
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, First Atomic-powered Aircraft Carrier, 62; U.S.S. "Ranger", 62
- Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd, Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530; Motor Car Transporter Truck for Railways, 185
- Newton Victor, Ltd., Radiograph Illuminator, 146
- Nicholls, C. M., Nuclear Criticality, 128
- Nickel, E. C., and Co., Underground Nuclear Detonation at Nevada Test Site, 557
- Noord Brabant Electricity Supply Co. Nuclear Power Developments in the Netherlands, 187
- Norships Ocean Carriers, Ltd., Motor Ship "Lord Byron". (Plate 10, 3.1.58)
- North American Aviation. Incorporated, Atomic Power Station at Piqua, 911; F-86K Light Fighter. (Plate I 3, 3.1.58); German-American Reactor Company, 227 100 M W Power Station, 713
- North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., Diesel-Hydraulic 2,000-h.p. Locomotive, (Plate 4, 31.58); 2.000-h.p. Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive, 327; Type 4, 2,000-h.p., Diesel-Hydraulic Locomotive, 30
- North Eastern Region of British Railways, Motive Power Depot at Thornaby. (912)
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board. Electric Battery Railcar, 511; Experiments with an Electric Battery Twin-Coach Railcar, 30: Moriston Scheme. (Plate II, 3.1.58): Review of Scottish Water Power. 403; Scottish Water Power, 370; Tenders for Water Turbines, 720
- North Thames Gas Board, Shellhaven-Romford GAS Pipeline, 216
- North Western Gas Board, Gas Plant Projects in Britain, 359
- Northern Aluminium Company, Ltd., Aluminium Plate and Aluminium Oil Piping. 977; Body Bearer Pedestal, 335; Production of Large Plates at Rogerstone, 437; Stress- Relieved Aluminium Plate, (832)
- Nottingham University, Work and Report on Thermal and Elastic Properties of Eight Cast Irons, 56
- NRC Equipment Corporation, National Congress and Exposition, 189
- N.S.U. Werke A.G., Not a Pleasing Affair, 418
- Nuclear-Chicago Corporation, Complete Nuclear Training "Package" for Colleges and Universities. 675
- Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Nuclear Metals Incorporated, American Engineering Conference, 635
- Nuclear Power Plant Company, Ltd., Agreement with A.G.1.P. Nucleare, 8; Anglo-Italian Collaboration in Nuclear Power. 709; Atomic Energy in Australia, 941; Boilers for Nuclear Power Stations, 900; Bradwell Power Station. 5, 8, 85, (Plate 1, 3.1.58); Collaboration for Nuclear Power. 681; First Heat Exchanger for Bradwell. 772; Nuclear-Powered Ships, (792); Scale Model of Nuclear Power Station, 646; 200-ton Goliath Crane at Bradwell, 473
- Nueva Vista Compania Naviera S.A., Oil Tanker "Virginia". (Plate 9. 3.1.58)
- Nuttall, Edmund. Sons and Co., Ltd., Progress of the Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, 442
- Nydgvist and Holm A.B., NOHAB, Diesel- Electric Propulsion for Russian Icebreakers, 33
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Reactor Irradiation Techniques. 918
- O.E.E.C., European Nuclear Agency and Eurochemic, 226; The Pavilion of Europe. 760; Seventh International Technical Congress of the F.I.S.I.T.A., 986
- Ohio Valley Electric Corporation, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority. 411
- Olding, Jack, and Co., Ltd., Railway Drainage Trench Excavating Machine, 633
- Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Too Much Aluminium?, 339
- Omnipol A.G., "Super-Aero", 786 Orenstein-Koppel A.G., West German Brown Coal, 945
- Orenstein-Koppel und Liibecker Maschinenbau A.G., Amphibious Containers, 33: Ice Factory at Hamburg, 299; West German Brown Coal, 988
- Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, International and Universal Exhibition-Brussels, 1958, 564, 686
- Ormet Corporation, Too Much Aluminium?, 339
- Orr, J. G., "An Idea In The Bath", 210
- Osborn Precision Castings, Ltd., Foundry for Small Precise Steel Castings, 904
- Osborn, Samuel. and Co., Ltd., Foundry for Small Precise Steel Castings, 904; Tool Steel, (952)
- Osborne, A. A., Railways into Roadways, 360
- Oxford University, Proposal for Founding a New College at Oxford University, (792); Studying the Economics of Transport, 221
- Pahl'sche Gummi-und Asbest-Gesellschaft, West German Brown Coal, 988
- Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation, Industrial Gas Turbo-Alternator, 213
- Palm Line, Ltd., "Elmira Palm" and the "Kat- sina Palm", 102
- Panellit, Ltd., Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 585
- Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd., Lightweight Railbus for British Railways, 294
- Parkin, P. H., New Mobile Laboratory, 463
- Parkinson, Sir Lindsay & Co., Ltd., 7 Cubic Yard Walking Dragline, 287
- Parolle Electrical Plant Company, Ltd., Manvers Main Carbonisation and By-Product Plant, 545
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd, Bradwell Power Station, 85; 550MW Turbo-Generator Set., 706; North-East Coast Institution of Engineering and Shipbuilders, (558); 100MW Reheat Turbo-Generator at Ferrybridge, 404; Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Parsons Engineering Company, Ltd., "Scampi" Engine, 86
- Parsons Marine Turbine Co., Ltd., Geared Turbines of 54,000-s.h.p., 28
- Pascall, Clive, Segmental Construction for an Aircraft Hangar, 973
- Pauling and Co., Ltd., Planned Development of the Port of Aden, (Plate 8, 10.1.58)
- Payne, P. C. J., Mechanical Properties of Soil, 283
- Peebles, Bruce, Ltd., Electric Battery Railcar, 511; Experiments with an Electric Battery Twin-Coach Railcar. 30; Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Pennington, Charles B., Public City Transport, 932
- Penton Publishing Company, Ltd., Mr. Vincent Delport, (912)
- Pergamon Press, Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Diesel Engine Developments, 669; "L.4.M." Four-Cylinder Engine, 86
- Permali, Ltd., Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- Permutit Company, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Permutit Company of Australia Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Perrin, J. F., "Sixty Glorious Years", 811
- Petters, Ltd., Air Cooled Direct Injection High Speed Diesel PCR MR Engines, 86; Engine Manufacture. 334
- Philblack. Ltd., Filters for Carbon Black Production Plant, 145
- Philip and Son, Ltd., Coastal Tanker "Esso Brixham", 102; Lighthouse and Buoy Tender. "Salama”, (Plate 6, 10.1.58); Shipbuilding Centenary, (952); Tug "Sun XX", 102
- Philips Company, A New Film Technique. 782 Philips Electrical Industries Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Philips Research Laboratories, High Precision Lathe Headstock, 338
- Phillips Electrical, Ltd., "The Electronic Age", 147; Mineral Insulated Thermocouple Wires, 333; New Ballast (for Fluorescent and Discharge Lamps) with a Polyester Resin Filling, 499
- Photo-electronics (M.O.M.), Ltd., Combustion Supervision. (665)
- Picker X-ray Company of Cleveland, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Piling and Construction Company, Ltd. Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Pintsch-Bamag, A.G., Munich Research Reactor, 908
- Piper Aircraft Corporation, PA24 "Comanche" 180-h.p. Four-seater, 786
- Pirie, George, Balistic Rocket Era, 130
- Piry, Marcel. Turbobarillet, 541
- Pitchford, J. H., "One Fuel and One Engine for the Future"?, 986
- Pitter Gauge Precision Tool Company. Ltd., Gauging and Measurement Equipment. 735 Pizer, N. H., Soil Structure and Tillage Implements, 283
- Plaine de Montjoly, Pneumatic Tyred Compaction Roller, 298
- Plessey Company, Ltd., Electrical Component Manufacture, 891; Fabrication in Glass, 939; High-Pressure Hydraulic Pumps, 742
- Plowden, Sir Edwin, Impact of Nuclear Energy Upon Industry. 618
- Plowman, J. M., Composite Steel and Concrete Construction, 176
- Pneulec, Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779 Podmore, W., and Sons, Ltd., "Vibro Energy" Mill, 977
- Pohlig, J., A.G., West German Brown Coal, 988
- Polysius Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Pontifex, H., and Sons, Dust Recovery in Oxide Plant, (522)
- Pope, A. W., Lightweight Marine Gas Turbines, 92
- Port Line, Ltd., Liner "Port Launceston", (Plate 7, 10.1.58)
- Port of London Authority, Change Dredging Policy, 45; New Berth at Tilbury, 17
- Port of New York Authority, Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River, (Plate 16, 3.1.58) Poultney, E. C., Locomotive Performance, 245 Powell Dufiryn Carbon Products, Ltd., Graphite Bursting Discs, (266)
- Power Gas Corporation, Gas Plant Projects in Britain, 359; Mark ET Heat Exchanger, "Krystal" Crystalliser and "D" Type "Maxoil-Duplex Oil Expellers, 935
- Power Steamship Company, Ltd., The "Huntsville' Cargo Ship, 58
- Prat-Daniel (Stanmore) Ltd., Dust Collector, 514
- Pratt and Whitney Co., J75 Turbojet, (Plate 10, 10.1.58); "J.75" Engine Used In Republic F.105 "Thunderchief", (Plate 12, 3.1.18) Preload, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Press, William and Son, Ltd., London's Water Supply: New Works During 1957, 140; Shellhaven-Romford Gas Pipeline, 216
- Prestressed Concrete Development Group, Third Congress of the International Federation of Prestressing, 410
- Priest Furnaces, Ltd., Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant. 767
- Prodorite, Ltd., Fertiliser Works zit Leith, 530
- Production Engineering, Ltd., The State of Shipbuilding, 197
- Professional Engineers' Appointments Bureau, Report Summarising its Work during 1957, 481
- Prouve, J., French Pavilion at Brussels Exhibition, 722
- Pryor, J. H., Index of Films on Chemistry, (598)
- Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Linden Steam Power Station, 909, 949
- Pullin, R. B., and Co., Ltd., Air Conditioned Factory Block, (450)
- Pulverizing Machinery, Ltd., Dust Collector, 632
- Putzer, K. G., "Elster" Light Aircraft, 786
- Pye Telecommunications, Ltd., 1kW. V.H.F. Transmitter, 864; Transistor Amplifier, 901
- Pyrontenax, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Quasi-Arc, Ltd., Continuous Welded-Pipe Making Equipment, 214; Diesel-Engine-Driven Arc Welding Set, 295; Shielded Arc Welding Equipment, 335; Welding Equipment for Cylindrical Vessels, 865
- Quertier, Reginald Laurence, Obituary, 615
- Quickfit and Quartz, Ltd., Developments at Scientific Glassware Factory, 536
- Radiation Monitors, Ltd., Geiger Counter, 823
- Radio Advisory Service, Southampton Port Operation Service, 133
- Radiochemical Laboratory, Amersham, New Technical Building, (Plate 12, 10.1.58)
- Radium Hill Uranium Project, Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Radley, Sir Gordon, Electrical Communications Between Nations, 804
- Railway Conversion League, A Railway Conversion Opportunity, 917; Railways into Roadways, 158
- Rank Cintel, Ltd., Naval Tactical Trainer, 813 Rank Precision Industries, Ltd., A New Film Technique, 782
- Rank-Xerox, Ltd., Progress with Xerography. 467
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Fast Mobile Crane. 705; Fork Truck with a Sle,A ing Mast, 705: 7 Cubic Yard Walking Dragline, 287
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Early Lawn Mowers, 280; "NR40" Battery Fork Lift Truck, 705
- Rawlplug Company, Ltd., Portable Electric Drilling Machine, 460
- Raymond, M. J. M., Notes On The Use Of Resistance Strain Gauges, 210
- Redifon, Ltd., Naval Tactical Trainer, 813
- Redpath, Brown and Co., Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219: Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Reed Brothers (Engineering), Ltd., Single Geared Rubber Mill, 257
- Reed Crane and Hoist Company, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Reed and Mallik, Ltd., Two-Storey Prestressed Concrete Structure, 694
- Refrigerated Cargo Research Council, Shipboard and Model Tests, 56
- Regie Nationale des Usines Renault, 337
- Reiss Engineering Company, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Baquba Railway Bridge, Iraq, 671
- Renold Chains, Ltd., Roller Transmission Chains, 572
- Republic Aviation, F.105 "Thunderchief", (Plate 12, 3.1.58)
- Research Council, New Brooms for Research, 719
- Research Engineers, Ltd., Naval Tactical Trainer, 813
- Research Laboratories of Associated Electrical Industries, Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- Revere Copper and Brass Incorporated, Construction of Solar-Heated House in Arizona, 597; Too Much Aluminium? 339
- Reynolds Metal Company, Construction of Solar-Heated House in Arizona, 597; National Metal Congress and Exposition, 76
- Reynolds, R. D., Railways into Roadways, 396
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Rhein-Flugzeugbau-G.m.b.H., "RW3" Twin- Seater Monoplane, 786 Rheinisch-Westfalisches Elektrizitatswerk, A.G., (RWE), West German Brown Coal, 906 Rheinische Aktiengesellschaft Iiir Braunkchlenbergbau and Brikettfabrikation (R.A.G.), West German Brown Coal, 906
- Rheinische Braunkohlentiefbaugesellschaft, G.m.b.H., West German Brown Coal, 867 Rheinstahl Industrie-Planung, G.m.b.H., Portuguese Iron and Steel Works, 227 Rhodes, B., and Son. Ltd., Sight Flow Indicator, (865)
- Ricardo and Co., Engineers (1927), Ltd., Seventh International Technical Congress of the F.I.S.I.T.A., 986
- Richardson. Joe T., Measuring the Structural Behaviour of Hungry Horse Dam, 240 Richardson, P., Large Solid-Rotor Asynchronous Generators, 319
- Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., Double- Reduction Geared Turbines, 102; Double- reduction Geared Turbines for "Virginia", (Plate 9, 3.1.58)
- Richardsons, Westgarth (Hartlepool), Ltd., Industrial Gas Turbo-Alternator, 213
- Richier Fabrication. Pneumatic Tyred Compaction Roller, 298
- Rickmerswerft. Bremerhaven, German Gas Turbine Vessel, 410
- Road Machines (Drayton), Ltd., Mobile Cement Silo, 406
- Road Research Laboratory, Land Transport, 2; Material ard Construction Division. (716); Railways into Roadways, 158
- Roadways Equipment (1938), Ltd., Heavy-Duty Compactor, 474
- Robb, Henry, Ltd., Coaster "Konini", 102; Cargo Ship "Koonya", (Plate 6, 10.1.58); Cargo Ship, "Sandpiper", (Plate 6, 10.1.58); Cargo Ship "Tennyson", 102
- Robertson, E. O., Developments of Ice Protection Control Systems, 928
- Robinson. Thomas, and Son, Ltd., Automatic Production Machine for Railway Sleepers, 628; Mobile Seed Cleaner, 512
- Rockweld, Ltd., Weld Insert for Pipe Joints, (598)
- Rockwell Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Machine Tool Exhibitions, (522)
- Roe, A. V., Ltd., Air Force Missiles, 631; The Avro "Vulcan", 25
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., "Avon" Engines, (Plate 10, 10.1.58), 47, 60; "Avon" Single-spool Turbojets, (Plate 12, 3.1.58); "Conway" By-pass Engine, 60; "Dart", "Avon", "Conway" and "Tyne" Aero-Engines, 571; Defence Projects, 708; Industrial Films, 294; Jet Airliners, 671; Naturally Aspirated 180 h.p. Oil Engines, 30; Nuclear Reactor "Neptune", 571
- Rolt, F. H., Conference on Technology of Engineering Manufacture, 534
- Roper, E. A., and Co., Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Roto-Finish, Ltd., Cleaning Plant for Ball and Roller Bearings, 555
- Rotometer Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 585
- Rotorports, Ltd., Helicopter Landing Stations, (598)
- Rowe, P. N., Laboratory Methods of Measuring Thrust, 964
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Experimental Plasma Jet, 470; Ram-Jet Performance, (342) Royal Bank of Scotland, Scottish Industry, 225 Royal Canadian Navy, H.M.C.S. "Bonaventure", Aircraft Carrier, 28
- Royal College of Science and Technology, Hove We Think, 836; 3in. Bearing Testing Machine, 56
- Royal Fleet Auxiliaries, "Tidereach" Replenishment Ship, 47; "Triumph" To Be Converted Into Heavy Repair Ship, 47
- Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., Cargo Liner "Thessaly", 58
- Royal Naval Tactical School, Naval Tactical Trainer, 813
- Royal Radar Research Establishment, Radio Telescope, (Plate 2, 3.1.58)
- Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, Nuclear Energy for Britain's Electricity Supply, 958
- Rubert and Co., Ltd., High-Precision Electrical Comparator, 735
- Rugby College of Technology and Arts, Apprentice Awards, 905
- Russell, R. C. H., Civil Engineering Overseas, 963
- Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, AngloSoviet Trade, 634
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 430-h.p. Engine with Three-stage Turbine, 60; Mark "TE", Industrial Gas Turbine and Mark "6YDA" Air- Cooled Diesel Engine, 977; Non-reversing, Pressure Charged Diesel Engines, 102; Oil Mist Detector Trials, 56; Ruston-Paxman 4RPHM, Ruston 4YCM Engines, 86: "6VLBXM", Direct-injection Engine, 102; "YBAM" Engine, 86
- Ryan Aeronautical Company, "Vertijet' Research Aircraft, (Plate 10, 10.1.58)
- Rymag, Ltd., Continuous Casting Plant for Steel, 372
- Ryness, Aubrey S., E-Star System of Fractions, 848
- S. A. Cockerill-Ougree, Portuguese Iron and Steel Works, 227
- Saaty Fuel Injector Corporation, Petrol Injection, 616
- Sack Fillers, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Sadler and Co., Two-Storey Prestressed Concrete Structure, 694
- Safari. Ltd., Factory Heating, 633
- Safety in Mines Research Establishment, Safety in Mines Research, 69
- Sainsbury, J. H., Air Suspension for Road Vehicles, 253, 290
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, St. Lawrence Seaway, 146
- Salem Engineering Company, Ltd., Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- Salter, Geo., and Co., Ltd., Internal Grooving Tool, (378)
- Salzgitter Maschinen, A.G., Intermediate Conveyor Belt, 748
- Samuely, F. J., and Partners, British Buildings at Brussels Exhibition, 760
- Samuel, J., White and Co., Ltd., Heavy Beam Testing Machine, 553
- Sanders and Forster, Ltd., Steel Portal-Framed Building of 68ft. Span, 863
- Sanderson Brothers and Newbould, Ltd., Double Duo Bar Mill, 65
- Santer Controls, Ltd., Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 585
- Sarger, R. French Pavilion at Brussels Exhibition, 722
- Saunders, Alan, Railways into Roadways, 933
- Saunders-Roe (Anglesey), Ltd., Stabiliser for Small Ships, 107
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd., "Gyron Junior" Turbine, (Plate 12, 3.1.58); "Princess", 25; S.R.53 Interceptor, (Plate 12, 3.1.58)
- Saunders Valve Company, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Savage and Parsons, Ltd., Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135; "HI" Floodlight for Illumination of the Niagara Falls, 518
- Scheibe-Flugzegbau-G.m.b.H., SF-23A-C90 "Sperling", 786
- Schenck, Carl, Maschinenfabrik, G.m.b.H., Girdle Pocket Elevator, 786
- Schiess-Defries Hebezeug-und Kranbau, G.m.b.H., Travelling Crab for Overhead Travelling Crane, 908
- Schlegel Fellbach (Wiirtt.), Gebr. Oil Cleaning Equipment, 338
- Schoeller and Co., Cleaning Plant for Ball and Roller Bearings, 555
- Schoppe und Faeser, G.m.b.H., Large Gear Tester, 150; West German Brown Coal, 906
- Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband, Annual Report on Swiss Water Power, 226
- Science Museum, Design in Engineering, 915: Replica of a Historical Drilling Machine, 631: Science and the Public, 42; Stereoscopic Cinema Films, 864
- Scott, George, and Son (London), Ltd., Scott- Smith Molecular Still, 977
- Scott and Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners, Bridstow Bridge, 69; Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong, 17; Maidstone By-Pass, 479
- Scottish Agricultural Industries, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530, (638)
- Scottish Gas Board, Gas Plant Projects in Britain, 359
- Scottish Region of British Railways, Electric Battery Railcar, 511; Experiments with an Electric Battery Twin-Coach Railcar, 30
- Scotts' Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner "Egori", 56; "Defence", 28; "Lion", 28; Motor Ship "Lord Byron", (Plate 10. 3.1.58); Oil Tanker "Angelos Lusis", (Plate 9, 3.1.58)
- Selby, H. B., and Co., Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Self-Changing Gears, Ltd., Mark M.F.I5 Marine Gearbox, 86; Multi-Purpose Diesel Railcars, 137
- Sharp. George G., Incorporated, N.S. "Savannah" Nuclear-Powered Vessel, 713
- Shaw Savill Line, Shipping Centenary, (832)
- Sheepcote Rolling Mills, Ltd., Continuous Stainless Steel Strip Rolling Mill Extensions. 777
- Sheffield Corporation—Ohio, National Metal Congress and Exposition, 151
- Shell Chemical Company, Ltd., Plastics Tooling (872); Silage Machinery, 821
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Southampton Port Operation Service, 133
- Shell Petroleum Company, Ltd., Computer for Oil Company, (378): High-Speed Flight, (414); Shellhaven-Romford Gas Pipeline, 216
- Shell Tankers, Ltd., Oil Tankers, "Haminella' and "Hanetia", 102; Oil Tanker "Zaphon", (Plate 9, 3.1.58)
- Shelley Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Developments at Scientific Glassware Factory, 536
- Shelley, L. E., Early Lawn Mowers, 360
- Sherbourne Engineering, Ltd., Lightweight Structure for Tropical Buildings, (952); Steel Roof Trusses, 424
- Sherwood Construction Company, Ltd., Fire Resistant Roof Construction, (558)
- Ship and Boatbuilders' National Federation, National Boat Show, 31
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, Shipyard Hours, 336
- Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd., Engineering Applications of Rigid Foamed Plastics, 204; Large Drone Aircraft, (952); New D.C. Ampli- fier Unit, 623; "S.C.1.- Research Aircraft, 25
- Siemens Bauunion, Immah Bridge, 44; Queen Aliyah, Bridge, 44
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., Siemens Cen- tenary, 393
- Siemens Edison Swan, Ltd., "Centenary Neo-phone" Telephone Hand-Set, 460
- Siemens Ediswan, Ltd., Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 52
- Siemens and Halske, A.G., "Model 100" Teleprinter, 748; West German Brown Coal, 906
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Electric Battery Railcar, 511
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke, A.G., Silicon Power Rectifier, 748; 380kV Super-grid, 33
- Sigma Instrument Company, Ltd., Comparators and Multi-Dimension Inspection Equipment, 735
- Sigmund Pumps, Ltd., Water Temperature Controller, 902
- Sikorsky Aircraft Division of United Aircraft Corporation, "S58" Helicopter, 408
- Silvertown Services Shipping, Ltd., Sugar Carrier, "Sugar Producer", 102
- Simmering-Graz-Pauker, A.G., Series 1010 Electric Locomotive, 373 SimmOnds Aerocessories, Ltd., Fuel-Flow Test House, 941; Petrol Injection, 616
- Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Excess Fuel Selector, 405
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530; Hunterston Power Station, 5; Manvers Main Carbonisation and By-Product Plant, 545; Progress at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 333
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant, 740
- Simplex Wire and Cable Co, Transatlantic Tele- phone Cable, 52
- S. K. Wellman Company, Sintered Friction Elements, 630
- Smith, E. R., Railways into Roadways, 738, 933 Smith Kline and French Laboratories, Ltd., Colour Television, 942
- Smith, S., and Sons (England), Ltd., Ferro-magnetic Coupling Development, 703; Trans- Antarctic Transport, 356
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 8-ton Truck-Mounted Crane, 704
- Smiths Aircraft Instruments, Ltd., Miniature Electric Motors for Small Servo-Systems, (598)
- Smith's Dock Co., Ltd., Cargo Ship "Ruysdael", 102; "Crystal Crown" Cargo Ship, 58; Oil Tankers, "Haminella" and -Hanetia", 102
- Smiths Industrial Instrument Division, Accurate Speed Sensing, 632; Transistor Batch Counter and a Calibrated Relay, 499
- Snow, Frederick S., and Partners, Gatwick Airport, 895
- Sociedad Carga Oceanica S.A., Oil Tanker "Angelos Lusis", (Plate 9, 3.1.58)
- Sociedad Transoceania Canopus S.A., Cargo Liner "Pegasus", (Plate 10, 3.1.58)
- Societa Italiana Meridionale per l'Energia Atomica (SIMEA), Anglo-Italian Collabora- tion in Nuclear Power, 709
- Societe Alsthom, 110MW Germanium Rectifier, 373
- Societe Anonyme des Ateliers D'Aviation Louis Breguet, 1001 "Taon" Light Fighter, (Plate 13, 3.1.58)
- Societe d'Etudes de Techniques et Economiques, The Channel Tunnel, 683
- Societe de l'Exposition, Ring Main, 645
- Societe Electro-Mechanique (S.E.M.), Amsterdam-Brussels Dual Voltage Trains, 33
- Societe Fabrimetal, The Atomium Design, 569 S.N.E.C.M.A., "Mar 101" Engines, (Plate 13, 3.1.58); Nuclear Research in French Aviation, 868
- Societe Suisse des Constructeurs de Machines, Steam Turbine Rated at 110MW, 1810 p.s.i.a., 685
- S.O.G.E.I., Kariba Dam. (Plate 11, 3.1.58) Solar Energy Committee; Construction of Solar- Heated House in Arizona, 597
- Sound Control, Ltd., A New Film Technique, 782
- Sound Services, Ltd., Petroleum Fires, (653)
- South Durham Steel and Iron Company, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- South-Eastern Electricity Board, Electrical Research Association, 728
- South of Scotland Electricity Board, Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530; Grid Control Centres, 859; Hunterston Power Station, 5; New Generating Plant, 70; Nuclear Power Station at Dungeness, 863; Progress at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 333
- Southampton Harbour Board, Southampton Port Operation Service, 133
- Southampton University, Marchwood Power Station, 369; Tidal Model of the Port of Southampton, 293
- Southern Region of British Railways, Gatwick Airport, 895: Machinery for Cross-Channel Passenger Ships, 125; A Railway Accident, 2; Replacement of Railway Bridge at Lewisham, 108; Six-Coach Diesel-Electric Sets, 30
- Southwark Chamber of Commerce, Memorial to Michael Faraday, 797
- Southwark Council, Memorial to Michael Faraday, 797
- Sparkes, S. R., Composite Steel and Concrete Construction, 322
- Spencer and Halstead, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Spencer (Melksham), Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Spencer, W. D., Railways into Roadways, 468 Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., Defence Projects, 708; Ferromagnetic Coupling Development, 703
- Sperry Products, Incorporated, "Reflectoscope" Ultrasonic Unit, 113
- Stahlunion Export, Greek Oil Refinery, 149
- Standard Motor Company, Ltd., "IS/250" Radial-flow Turbine and Compressor, 60: Trans-Antarctic Transport, 356
- Standard Oil Company of California, Oil Drilling in the Bahamas, (486)
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160; Grid Control Centres, 859; New Submarine Telephone Cable to Channel Islands, 983; S.T.C. "Simple Supervisory" System, 498; Semi- Automatic Communications Centre at Gatwick Airport, 981; Silicon Rectifier Cubicles from a 130V, 20,000A D.C. Power Plant, 498; Submarine Telephone Cable from Britain to Belgium, 512; Submarine Two-Way Telephone Repeater, 646; Tilbury Power Station, 861; Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 52; Valve Factory at Paignton, 331
- Standen, F. A., and Sons, Ltd., Beet Harvesting, 838
- StanhayStanhay (Ashford), Ltd., Precision Drilling. 838 Stanier, Sir William, Conference on Technology of Engineering Manufacture, 534
- Stanley Works (G.B.), Ltd., Disc Filing Machine, (378); Hammer Factory, (230)
- Stark, K. G., "Turbulent-D" Single-Seater, 786 Startrite Engineering Company, Ltd., Sensitive Drilling Machine, 223
- Steam Nozzle Research Committee, Laboratory Methods of Measuring Thrust, 964
- Steel and Bennie, Ltd., Tug "Wrestler", 102
- Steel Company of Canada Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Steel Company of Wales, Ltd., Hot Strip Mill Width Gauge, 294; Iron and Steel Institute Awards, (598); Mobile Materials-Handling Plant in a Steel Works, 217; Productivity in the Iron and Steel Industry-1945-1956, 425
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., Crane Distributors Conference, (716); Diesel-Electric Mobile Cranes, 632; Forage Harvesting Machine, 552 Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., Aluminium Smelter Plant at Baie Comeau, Canada, 219
- Stenners of Tiverton, Ltd., Mr. Joseph Stenner, (266)
- Stephen, Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Donegal", (Plate 10, 3.1.58); Cargo Ship "Koraki", 102; "Changuinola" Refrigerated Banana, Cargo and Passenger Liner, 102
- Stern and Bell, Ltd., Developments at Scientific Glassware Factory, 536
- Stewart, Duncan, and Co., Ltd., Sugar from Beet, 878
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Continuous WeldedPipe-Making Equipment, 214; Future of the Steel Industry, 72; Tilbury Power Station, 861; Tubular Engineering, (116)
- Still, Carl, Portuguese Iron and Steel Works, 227
- Stohert and Pitt, Ltd., Slag Production Plant at Teesport, 577; Tilbury Power Station, 861 Stoll, H., Petrol Injection in Germany, 616, 650 Stone, E. D., U.S. Pavilion at Brussels Exhibition, 798
- Stone, J., and Co., Lithium and its Compounds, 809
- Stordy Engineering, Ltd., Production of Large Plates at Rogerstone, 437
- Stow, George, and Co., Ltd., Turning Large Wooden Spiral Columns, 841
- Strachan and Henshaw, Ltd., Bradwell Power Station, 85
- Strojexport, Electric Calculator, 445
- Stuart, P. R., New Television Tube for Monochrome or Colour, 733
- Stuart Davis, Ltd., Flank Angle Checking Machine, 405; Rotary Table Surface Grinder, 73
- Sturtevant Engineering Company, Ltd., Wood Chip Drying Plant, 252
- Stuttgart Municipal Technical Services, Opening of the Port of Stuttgart, 826
- Stuttgart University, German Aeronautical Research, 827
- Studer, Fritz, Aktiengesellschaft Copying Grinder, 299
- Submarine Cables, Ltd., New Submarine Telephone Cable to Channel Islands, 983; Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 52
- Sud Aviation, Aircraft Ice Protection, 928: Sociátê Nationale de Constructions Aêronautiques, Sud-Est "Baroudeur" Light Fighter, (Plate 13, 3.1.58)
- Suez Canal Company, The Channel Tunnel, 683 Sugar Beet Research and Education Committee, Sugar from Beet, 838
- Sugar Board, Sugar from Beet, 838
- Sugar Line, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Crystal Diamond", 58
- Sugar Research Foundation, Synthetic Detergents in Sewage, (912)
- Sulzer Bros. (London), Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd., Anti-White Rust Process for Galvanised Steel Sheets, (754)
- Svenson Evaporator Company, Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- S. W. Shattuck Chemical Co, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., "British Valoar", 102; Completion of Hull for "Lion", 28; Dry Dock at Wallsend, (Plate 8, 10.1.58); "Elmira Palm and the "Katsina Palm", 102; Nuclear-Powered Ships, (792); Oil Tanker "Zaphon", (Plate 9, 3.1.58); Ore Carrier, "Trinculo", 102; Reconstruction Schemes, 22
- Swedish Atomic Energy Board, Development of Atomic Energy in Sweden, Ill
- Swedish Royal Navy, "Oden" Icebreaker. 33
- Sweet, J. M., Progressive Towing Trials for Full-Scale Inland and Shallow Dratiat Vessels, 537
- Swinburne, Sir James, Obituary, 505
- Swiss Federal Railways, Heavy Transporter Wagon, 517; Ten-Year Plan, 33
- Swiss Industrial Company, (SIG), Heavy Transporter Wagon, 517; Passenger Coaches, (Plate 14, 10.1.58)
- Swiss Inspectorate of Factories, Manpower and Factories in Switzerland, 227
- Switchgear Testing Company. Ltd., Single-phase B.T.H. Power Transformer, 19
- Sylvania-Corning Nuclear Corporation, American Nuclear Engine: -ing Conference, 635
- Syndicat Beige d'Entreprise a l'Etranger "Sybetra", Portuguese Iron and Steel Works, 227
- Talbot Stead Tube Company, Ltd., Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- Tarmac, Ltd., North Ribble Escarpment on the Preston By-pass Motorway, 17
- Tarmac Civil Engineering, Ltd., Gatwick Airport, 895; London-Birmingham Motorway, 479; Road Schemes, 221; Slag Production Plant at Teesport. 577
- Tarmac Roadstone, Ltd., Slag Production Plant at Teesport, 577
- Taylor Controls, Ltd., "Transcope" Recorder and Potentiometer Transmitter, 977
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., Notching Press for Rotor Lamination, 735
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Recorder, 735
- Taylor Woodrow Ltd., Hinkley Point Power Station, 5, 403
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Tecalemit, Ltd., Plastics Tubing, 572
- Technical Ceramics, Ltd., Electrical Component Manufacture, 891
- Technical Evaluation Committee, Second Fleck Report on Windscale, 108
- Technical Studies Inc. The Channel Tunnel, 683
- Technoimpex, P.O.B., "LKO2" Surface Grinder, 445
- Teddington Aircraft Controls, Ltd., Tests on Large Stainless Steel Bellows, 181
- T.E.E. Committee, Trans-European Expresses, 33
- Tees Side Bridge and Engineering Works, Ltd., 203-ton Goliath Crane at Bradwell, 473
- Tees Valley Water Board, Driving Mechanism for Sluice Gates, 822
- Telcon Magnetic Cores, Ltd., Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, Ltd., Marseilles-Algiers Submarine Telephone Cable, 335; Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 52
- Television Advisory Committee, Experiments with B.B.C., 52
- Tellurium Development Committee. Tellurium Semi-Ca t Juctors, 341
- Temperature. Ltd., Air Conditioner. 633 Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress of the
- Tennessee Valley Authority. 374. 411: Transformer for Power Station at Gallatin, 606
- Tersons, Ltd., Point Blocks of Flats in Sheffield, (450)
- Texaco Development Corporation, Gas Plant Projects in Britain, 359
- Thames Conservancy, Clean Rivers After Clean Air?, 382
- Thomas, J. R. M., Railways into Roadways, 774. 892
- Thomas, Richard, and Baldwins. Ltd., Continuous Galvanising Line, 746, (832)
- Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., Road Tanker Construction, 257
- Thompson, John, Ltd., First Pressure Vessel at Berkeley (Plate 1, 3.1.58): Heat Exchanger at Berkeley, 780; Simplified Suspension, 325
- Thompson. John, Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Thompson. John, (Wolverhampton), Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Thompson Products, Inc., Petrol Injection, 616
- Thompson, W. B., Railways into Roadways. 322
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., "B" Oil Operated Gear, 86
- Tildesley, Jesse, Ltd., Prefabricated Railway Bridges, 179
- Tileman and Co., Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530; Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Tilghman's Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779; Filters for Carbon Black Production Plant, 145
- Tobias, S. A., Theory of Regenerative Machine Tool Chatter, 19), 238
- Tolemit Gauges, Ltd., Automatic Size Control, 735
- Tonshoff and Co., Precision Capstan Lathe, 337
- Tooltech, Ltd., Colour Units for Niagara Falls Illumination, 518
- Torbell, W. A., Railways into Roadways, 620
- Torpedo Experimental Establishment, Estimates for the Armed Forces. 346
- Torrington Manufacturing Company. National Metal Congress and Exposition, 151
- Towler BrothersTowler Brothers (Patents), Ltd., Hydraulic Operation and Control of Presses. 748
- Trades Union Congress, European Industry and Trades Unions, 259; Strike Ballots, 944; The T.U.C. and the Cohen Report, 371; Wages and Hours, 866
- Transair, Ltd., Segmental Construction for an Aircraft Hangar, 973
- Transplanters (Robot), Ltd., Earth Boring Attachment for Tractors, (230)
- Transport and General Workers' Union, London's Bus Strike, 710; London Busmen's Wage Claim, 225; Wage Claims, 444
- Travers, Morgan R., and Partners, Clifton Bridge, Nottingham, (Plate 3, 3.1.58); Completion of the Clifton Bridge, Nottingham, 334
- Trentini, B., Refining of Phosphoric Irons, 968
- Trillo, E. W. J., Railways into Roadways, 468, 620
- Triplex Safety Glass Company, Ltd., Fabrication in Glass, 931; Laminated Glass. 500
- Trist, Ronald and Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Seals, 406
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- Tubela Engineering Company, Ltd., Plastics Sheet Cutter, 922
- Tubes, Ltd., Thick-Wall Precision Tube Plant, 767
- Tucker, Sno-Cat Corporation, Trans-Antarctic Transport, 356
- Tuplin, W. A., Cost and Value of Automatic Train Control, 234; Draught in the Locomotive Boiler, 122; Railways into Roadways, 322, 540, 892
- Tupolev, Andrei Nikolaevich, "TU-110" Airliner, (Plate 14, 3.1.58); "TU-114", "Russia", (Platy 14, 3.1.58)
- Turnbull, D. E., Inverted Stuffing-Box, 617
- Turner Brothers Asbestos Company, Ltd., Factory for Asbestos Products, 406
- Turner Brothers (Birmingham). Ltd., Machine Tool Manufacturer's Exhibition, (792)
- Turner, D. L., Railways into Roadways, 892
- Turriff Construction Corporation, Ltd., Gatwick Airport, 895
- Tyne Improvement Commission, The State of the River Tyne, 916
- Tyne Tunnel Joint Committee, Tyne Tunnel. 426
- Ulster Transport Authority, Multi-Purpose Diesel Railcars, 137
- Ultra Electric, Ltd., Radar Simulator, 863
- Underwater Launching Establishment, Dockyards and Maintenance, 47
- Underwater Weapons Research and Development Organisation, Dockyards and Maintenance, 47
- UNESCO, International Organisations at Brussels Exhibition, 686
- Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation. Instruments for Process Control, 69
- Union Carbide Nuclear Co, Oak Ridge Research Reactor (ORR), 789
- Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, Ltd., Cargo Ship "Koonya", (Plate 6, 10.1.58); Cargo Ship "Koraki", 102; Coaster "Konini", 102
- United Aircraft Corporation, London Helicopter Terminal, 359
- United Engineering and Foundry Company, Continuous Stainless Steel Strip Rolling Mill Extensions, 777
- United Engineering Trustees. United Engineering Centre in New York, 521
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Accident at Windscale, 8; Atomic Energy in Australia, 941; Atomic Energy Exhibition in Madrid, (792); Atomic Energy Laboratories at Erith, 427; Atomic Energy Safety Committee, 785; Atomic Powered Submarine "Dreadnought", 28; British Industries Pavilion, (Plate 2, 18.4.58); Calder Hall and Chapel- cross Power Stations, 8: Geiger Counter, 823; Impact of Nuclear Energy Upon Industry, 618; Insurance Against Nuclear Accidents, 233; International and Universal Exhibition- Brussels, 1958, 644; Neptune Experimental Reactor, 729; Nuclear Agreement with Japan, 943; Nuclear Energy for Britain's Electricity Supply, 958; Nuclear Power, 1: Nuclear Power for the Future, 764; Nuclear Reactor "Neptune". 571 Open Days at M.E.R.L., 922; Particle Accelerators, 52; Prospects of Nuclear Power, 562; Removing Radioactive Cartridges, 983; Research and Development, 56; Safe and Healthy Nuclear Power. 81; Second Fleck Report on Wind- scale, 108; Uranium Fuel Elements, 711; Zero Energy Assembly, at Winfrith Heath, 8; Zero-Energy Reactor "Hazel", 514; Zeta, Nero, Pluto, DMTR, Neptune, Fast Breeder Reactor, 5; Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135; Controlled Thermonuclear Processes, 160; Harwell, Particle Accelerators, 52; Reactor Irradiation Techniques, 918
- United Kingdom Council, European Industry and Trades Unions, 259
- United Nations Organisation, International and Universal Exhibition. Brussels. 1958, 564
- United Show Machinery Corporation, PWR Atomic Power Station, 751
- United States Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Re-Entry Bodies, 870
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Atomic Depression, 75; Atomic Power Station at Piqua, 911: Contract Award for an Atomic Merchant Ship, 113; Dedication of Shipping- port Atomic Power Station. 990: Departure of Mr. Strauss, 990; Development of a Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor, 521; Digital Computers and the Design of Nuclear Reactors, 243; Double Power Level of Experimental Boiling Water Reactor, 228; Euratom Agreement with U.S A., 982; New Radiation Exposure Limits, 341 Plutonium-Beryllium, 675; Private Sales of Uranium to Foreign and Domestic Buyers, 871; Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 374; Prospects of Nuclear Power, 562; Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania, 447, 483, 519; Underground Nuclear Detonation at Nevada Test Site, 556; U.S.-German Nuclear Energy Firm. 265
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Accelerated Reclamation Programme, 597; Work of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in 1957, 341
- United States Information Service, Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- United States Steel Corporation, Fifty-Sixth Annual Report, 449; Suspension Bridge over the Straits of Mackinac, (Plate 16, 3.1.58)
- United States Weather Bureau, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 374
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Bar and Rolling Mill, (Plate 3, 10.1.58); The Steel Industry's Future, 225; Steel Prospects, 554
- Universal Asbestos Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Fireproof Insulation Board, (697); Steel Portal-Framed Building of 68ft. Span, 863
- Universal Oil Products Company, Extensions to Mina-Al-Ahmadi Refinery, 763
- University of Bonn, Van de Graaff Accelerators, 675
- University of Bristol, British Welding Research Association, 931
- University of California, Heavy Iron Linear Accelerator, (Plate 15, 3.1.58); Radiation Laboratory, Underground Nuclear Detonation at Nevada Test Site, 556
- University of Chicago, Law of Parity Conservation, 340
- University of Geneva, Annual Conference on High Energy Nuclear Physics, 555
- University Grants Committee, University Expansion, 332
- University of London, Open Days at M.E.R.L., 885
- University of Marburgh/Lahn, Isotope Separation by Hypersonic Jets, 188
- University of Sheffield. Postgraduate Instruction for Practising Engineers, 384
- University of Southampton, Aircraft Production, 43
- University of Sydney, Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Vaal Reefs Exploration and Mining Company Ltd., Metropolitan-Vickers 3,000-h.p. Electric Winder Equipment, (Plate 7, 3.1.58)
- Vacu-Blast, Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Vacuum Metals Corporation, Dislocation Sites in Iron, 175
- Van Manen, J. D., Analysis of the Wake Measurements on a Model Family and the Model Boat, 573
- Vaughan Crane Company, Ltd., Combined A.C. Motor and Eddy-Current Coupling, 550; Eddy-Current Couplings for Variable- Speed Output, 742
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Commercial Vehicle Developments, (38); Vauxhall Works Exten- sion, 690
- V.E.B. Elektromotorenwerk G011ingen, Auto- matic Heat-Treatment Plant for Roller Bearing Races, 445
- V.E.B. Giesserei und Maschinenbau, A Jolt-Slueeze Turn-Over Moulding Machine. 445
- V.E.B. Lokomotivbau und Elektrotechnische Werke, "E05-30 ,. Locomotive, 445
- V.E.B. Zahnschneidemaschinenfabrik Modul. Automatic Gear and Worm Wheel Milling M tchine, 445
- Venus, J., The Design, Construction, and Ooeration of a Class of Twin Screw, 537
- Verdon-Roe, Sir Alliott, Obituary, 68
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (V.D.I.), Association of German Engineers in 1956, 262; Main Congress, 517; Mechanical Vibrations Congress, 517
- Verrolec, Ltd., Ceramic Tool Tips, (443)
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. "Victorious ', 64; "Empress of England" for Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., 22; Experimental Single-Cylinder, Two- Stroke Opposed Piston Engines, 56; Tests by Wave Maker, 56
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Aircraft), Ltd., Climatic Testing Tank, 56; D.C. Transistor Inverter, 585; (Supermarine Division), "N113"—"Scimitar", 47; (Supermarine Division). "Scimitar", 25; (Supermarine Division), "Swift", 25
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Aircraft Carrier "Hermes", 28; "Victorious", Aircraft Carrier, 28
- Vickers, Ltd., Design and Construction of First British Nuclear-Powered Submarine, 571
- Vickey's, Ltd., Tissue Paper Mill at Bridgend, 400
- Victoria and Albert Museum, Design in Engineering, 915
- Visco Engineering Company, Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, 530
- Voith, J. M., G.m.b.H., "Diwabus" Automatic Transmission, (378)
- Vokes Aust. Pty., Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Vokes, Ltd., Building for Handling Highly Radioactive Materials, 135
- Volund Company, Ltd., Marine Diesel Engine. 338
- Vosper, D. F. C., Railways into Roadways, 576, 892
- Vosper, Ltd., Fast Patrol Boat H.M.S. "Brave Borderer", 129 Motor Trawler "Boston Vanguard", 102
- Waagner-Biro, lmmah Bridge, 44; Queen Aliyah Bridge, 44; The Pavilion of Europe, 760
- Waddington, A., and Son, Ltd., London's Water Supply: New Works During 1957, 140
- Wah Chang Corporation, American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635
- Wailes Dove Bitumastic, Ltd., Protective Coating, (558)
- Wailes, George, and Co., Ltd., Replica of a Historical Drilling Machine, 631
- Wait, A. J., and Co., Ltd., London Planetarium, 456
- Wakefield, L. P., Technology of Engineering Manufacture, 775
- Waggon und Maschinenbau, G.m.b.H., Light-weight Railbus for British Railways, 294
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Walker, James, Ltd, Safety Mat for Factory Use, (912)
- Wallace, F. J., Turbines for Vehicles. 466
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Ltd., Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. "Victorious", 64; "British Valour", 102; Diaphragm Opposed Piston Oil Engine for "Clan Malcolm" Cargo Passenger Liner, 22; Double Reduction Geared Turbines for "Zaphon", (Plate 9, 3.1.58); Main Machinery for Completion of "Lion", 28; Propelling Machinery for "Victorious", 28
- Walmsleys (Bury), Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Walterisation Company, Ltd., Phosphating of Sheet Steel Surfaces, 332
- Wanson Company, Ltd., "Thermobloc" Air Heaters, 748
- Ward. Thos. W., Ltd., Conveyors and Elevators with Automatic Digital Control System, 706
- Ward, W. C., Railways into Roadways, 506
- Wartsila-Koncernen, AB., "Oden" Icebreaker, 33
- Warwick Production Company, Ltd., Collapsible Container, 221
- Water Pollution Research Laboratory, A Water Pollution Activity, 877; Researches into the Behaviour of the Thames Estuary, 45; Synthetic Detergents, 225
- Water Pollution Research Board, Water Pollution Research, 682
- Wates, G. Leslie, Obituary, 179
- Watford Engineering Company, Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Watson, Aubrey, Ltd., Rotating Shield Method of Tunnelling, 493
- Watson, Peter, Segmental Construction for an Aircraft Hangar, 973
- Watson, Victor, Ltd., Atomic Energy in Australia, 941
- Watson, W., and J. R., Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, (638)
- Waverley, Viscount. O.M. Obituary, 68
- Wayne Tank and Pump Company, Ltd., Dock Levelling Ramp, (558)
- Wayss and Freytag, A.G., West German Brown Coal, 988
- Wean Engineering Company, National Metal Congress and Exposition. 113
- Weir, Andrew, Shipping and Trading Company, Ltd., "Crestbank", "Cloverbank", and Carron- bank", 102
- Weir, G., and J., Ltd., Island Enterprise, 916; Use of Sea-Water in Guernsey, 901
- Weldall and Assembly, Ltd., Developments at Scientific Glassware Factory, 536
- Wellworthy, Ltd., Circular Retainers. 653
- Welmec Corporation, Ltd., Gas-Turbine-Driven Blower, 743
- Werkspoor. N.V., Amsterdam-Brussels Dual Voltage Trains. 33
- West, Allen and Co., Ltd., Single-Geared Rubber Mill, 257
- West End Engine Works (Edinburgh). Ltd. Board Mill at Thatcham. 855
- Western Electric Company, Transatlantic Telephone Cable., 52
- Western Region of British Railways, All-Pullman Diesel-Electric Trains, 30: Diesel Locomotiv! Crane with Hydraulic Transmission, 440; Diesel Locomotives in America, 42; Locomotive Performance, 245: KmersSamas Programme-Controlled Computer, (Plate 5, 10.1.58): Prefabricated Railway Bridges, 179; Railway Drainage Trench Excavating Machine, 633; Type 4. 2,000-h.p., Diesel-Hydraulic Locomotive, 30; 2,000-h.p. Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive, 327
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., 2,000-h.p. Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive. 327
- Westinghouse Electric Company, Nuclear Reactors for U.S.S. "Long Reach", 62
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation. American Nuclear Engineering Conference, 635; Completion of Pressurised Water Reactor at Shippingport, 75; Development in the Field of Magnetic Materials, 76; 44in. Semi-Continuous Hot Strip Rolling Mill at Aliquippa, Pa., 829; 60MW Atomic Power Station, 751: Reactor Compartment Components and Steam Propulsion Machinery for Atomic Powered Aircraft Carrier, 62; Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania, 447, 483, 519
- Westland Aircraft. Ltd., Helicopter Landing Stations, (598); London Helicopter Terminal, 359; "Wesses" Helicopter, 47; "Whirlwind" Helicopter, 47
- Westminster City Council, Rating of Engineering Societies, 419
- Westwood Dawes and Co., Ltd., Bath Foundry at Bilston, 779
- Westwood, Joseph and Co., Ltd., New Tunnels at Hadley Wood and Potters Bar, 254
- Weymann's, Ltd., London Transport Equipment, (441)
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Company, Ltd., Tilbury Power Station, 861
- Wharton Engineers (Elstree), Ltd., Mast Erection Equipment for Railway Electrification, 316
- Wheelabrator Corporation, Filters for Carbon Black Production Plant, 145
- Wheeler, F. H., (Southern), Ltd., Board Mill at Thatcham, 855
- Wheeler, John, Composite Steel and Concrete Construction, 66
- Whessoe, Ltd, Bradwell Power Station, 85; 4,500-ton Hot Plate Press Installation. 171
- Whitbread and Co., Ltd., Boulton and Watt and the Mechanisation of the Brewing Industry, 313
- White, Sir Bruce, Wolfe-Barry and Partners, Planned Development of the Port of Aden, (Plate 8, 10.1.58)
- White, J., (Contracts), Ltd., Fertiliser Works at Leith, (638)
- Whiting Corporation, Continuous Casting of Large Tough Pitch Copper Slabs, 869
- Wickman, Ltd., Sintered Oxide Cutting Tools, (912)
- Wickham, D., and Co., Ltd., Lightweight Railbus for British Railways, 294
- Williams, Professor Lady, Training of Craftsmen, 198
- Williams, Sir Owen, and Partners, London- Birmingham Motorway, 479
- Williams, Samuel and Sons, Ltd., Tug, "Arthur", 102
- Williamson, James and Son, Ltd, Training for Foremanship, 186
- Wilmot, H. F., Water Pressure in Concrete Dams, 662
- Wilson, G. R. S., Obituary, 467
- Wilson, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Factory Heating, 633
- Wilson, Herbert, Composite Steel and Concrete Construction, 176
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Extensions to MinaAl-Ahmadi Refinery, 763
- Winston Electronics, Ltd., Instruments for Process Control, 69
- Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fill. Luftfahrt, (W.G.L.), Ludwig Prandtl Memorial Lecture, 410
- W.K.M. Valve Company (Britain) Ltd., Large Pipeline Valves, (558)
- Wolsey Aerials, Ltd., Transistorised Television Transmitter, 516
- Wolseley Engineering, Ltd., Silage Machinery, 821
- Woodfield Hoist and Associated Industries, Ltd., "Ideco-Woodfield H20" Drilling Rig and "Fieldmaster Servicing Hoist, 977
- Woollard, F. G., Obituary, 4
- Wright, J. C., Metallurgical Aspects of Nuclear Power Engineering, 613, 658, 686, 725
- Wright, John and Co., (Edinburgh), Ltd., Road Schemes, 221
- Wynstruments, Ltd., Fabrication in Glass, 939
- Yale and Town Manufacturing Company. Aluminium Smelter Plant at Bale Comeau, Canada, 219; Lightweight Hoist, (378)
- Yankee Atomic Power Company, Future Development of Nuclear Power, 435
- Yorkshire Imperial Metals, Ltd., Copper and Copper Base Alloy Tubes, Fittings and Plates, 498; "Taprogge System of Cleaning Con- denser Tubes, 498
- Zeiss, Carl, Coude Refractor, 337; London Planetarium, 420, 456
See Also
Sources of Information