1961 Dun and Bradstreet KBE: Difference between revisions
New page: 1961 Dun and Bradsheet’s KBE * “H Diamond” Switches * A. D. Foulkes * A. A. Jones and Shipman * A. A. Stuart and Sons (Contractors) * A. and F. Parkinson * [[A.... |
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* [[Zenith Carburetter Co]] | * [[Zenith Carburetter Co]] | ||
* [[Zenith Electric Co]] | * [[Zenith Electric Co]] | ||
==Sources of Information== | |||
1961 Dun and Bradsheet’s KBE | 1961 Dun and Bradsheet’s KBE |
Revision as of 12:30, 17 March 2008
1961 Dun and Bradsheet’s KBE
- “H Diamond” Switches
- A. D. Foulkes
- A. A. Jones and Shipman
- A. A. Stuart and Sons (Contractors)
- A. and F. Parkinson
- A. and J. Main and Co
- A. and R. Brown
- A. B. C. Coupler and Engineering Co
- A. B. Metal Products
- A. Balfour and Co
- A. C. Cars
- A. C. Cossor
- A. C. E. Machinery
- A. Cooksley and Co
- A. Cossor
- A. D. Foulkes
- A. E. C.
- A. E. Griffiths (Smethwick)
- A. E. I. Hotpoint
- A. E. Jenks and Cattell
- A. F. Bulgin and Co
- A. F. Craig and Co
- A. F. Parkes and Co
- A. H. Hunt (Capacitors)
- A. J. Balcombe
- A. J. Inglis
- A. Johnson and Co (London)
- A. P. Metalcraft
- A. P. Newall and Co
- A. Reyolle and C.
- A. Rutherford and Co
- A. Schrader’s Son
- A. T. and E. (Bridgeworth)
- A. T. and E. (Wigan)
- A. T. Gittins and Son
- Aberdare Cables
- Aberdare Engineering
- Abingdon King Dick
- Acme Domestic Equipment
- Acme Stampings
- Acrow (Engineers)
- Acton Bolt
- Ada (Halifax)
- Adams and Gibbons Co
- Adcock and Shipley
- Addressograph-Multigraph
- Adrema
- Aerialite
- Aero Zipp Fasteners
- Aerograph-De Vilbiss Co
- Aeronautical and General Instruments
- Aeroparts Engineering Co
- Aeroparts
- Aeroplane and Motor Aluminium Castings
- Aidas Electric
- Ailsa Shipbuilding Co
- Air control Installations
- Air Pumps
- Airmec
- Airscrew Company and Jicwood
- Aiton and Co
- Akirkstall Forge Engineering
- Albion Drop Forgings Co
- Albion Motors
- Albion Pressed Metal Co
- Aldous Successors
- Alexander Findlay and Co
- Alexander Hall and Co
- Alexander Shanks and Son
- Alfa-Laval and Co
- Alfa-Leval Co
- Alfred Herbert
- Alkaline Batteries
- Alley and MacLellan (Polmadie)
- Allis-Chalmers Great Britain
- Allspeeds
- Aluminium Goods
- Aluminium Wire and Cable Co
- Alvis
- Amal
- Amalgamated Needles and Fish Hooks
- Amos and Smith
- Anderson, Boyes and Co
- Andersons Insulations Co
- Anglo-American Vulcanized Fibre Co
- Anglo-Swiss Screw Co
- Angus George and Co
- Annan Cochran and Co
- Anti-Attrition Metal Co
- Antiference
- Appleyard Group of Companies
- Arc Manufacturing Co
- Archibald Baird and Son
- Archibald Kenrick and Sons
- Ardrossan Dockyard
- Ariel Motors
- Armco
- Armstrong Cycles
- Armstrong Patents Co
- Armstrong Whitworth and Co (Pneumatic Tools)
- Armstrong Whitworth (Metal Industries)
- Armstrong, Stevens and Son
- Arnold Rex and Co
- Arnott and Harrison
- Arthur Scrivener
- Arthur Scull and Son
- Arthur Smart and Sons
- Arthur Woollacott
- Arundel, Coulthard and Co
- Asco
- Ascot Gas Water Heaters
- Ascot Lamps and Lighting
- Ash and Lacy
- Ashley Accessories
- Ashwell and Nesbit
- Ashwell and Nesbitt
- Associated Automation
- Associated Commercial Vehicles
- Associated Electrical Industries
- Associated Electrical Industries (Manchester)
- Associated Electrical Industries (Rugby)
- Associated Electrical Industries (Woolwich)
- Associated Lead Manufacturers
- Associated Locomotive Equipment
- Associated Motor Cycles
- Associated Transistors
- Atkinson Vehicles
- Atlantic Shipbuilding Co
- Atlas Copco (Great Britain)
- Attwater and Sons
- Audley Engineering Co
- Austin and Pickersgill
- Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles
- Austin Motor Co
- Auto Diesel
- Auto Diesels
- Auto Machinery Co
- Automatic Coal Cleaning Co
- Automatic Sprinkler Co
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co
- Automotive Engineering
- Automotive Patents Co
- Automotive Products Co
- Aveling-Barford
- Aveling-Bedford
- Aviation Developments
- Avo
- Avondale Tinplate Co
- Avrey-Hardoll
- Ayrshire Dockyard Co
- B. and F. Carter and Co
- B. and S. Massey
- B. Elliott and Co
- B. H. D. Engineers
- B. K. L. Alloys
- B. S. A. Cycles
- B. S. A. Guns
- B. S. A. Motor Cycles
- B. S. A. Tools
- B. S. and W. Whiteley
- B. U. Supplies Machinery Co
- Babcock and Wilcox
- Bagshaw and Morris
- Bagshawe and Co
- Bailey Meters and Controls
- Baker, Perkins
- Baldwin and Francis
- Bamfords
- Barber-Greene Olding and Co
- Barclay Curle and Co
- Barclay, Ross and Hutchinson
- Barker Brothers Silversmiths
- Barlow and Chidlaw
- Barnsley Canister Co
- Barrow Ironworks
- Barry Graving Dock and Engineering Co
- Barry-Wehmiller Machinery Co
- Barton and Sons
- Barton Townley
- Bartram and Sons
- Batchelor Robinson and Co
- Batchelor, Bowles and Co
- Battery Carbons
- Baxter, Fell and Co
- Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss
- Beans Industries
- Beanstalk Shelving
- Beardmore Motors
- Beck and Co (Meters)
- Beeston Boiler Co
- Belgrave (Blackheath)
- Bell Punch Co
- Belling and Co
- Belling and Lee
- Bellis and Morcom
- Belliss and Morcom
- Bellow Machine Co
- Belmos Co
- Bendix Home Appliances
- Benford
- Benham and Sons
- Benjamin Electric
- Benjamin Priest and Sons
- Bennis Combustion
- Bentley and Jackson
- Bentley Brothers (Sheffield)
- Bentley Motors (1931)
- Bentlry Engineering Co
- Benton and Stone
- Bergius Co
- Berkel and Parnall’s Slicing Machine Manufacturing Co
- Berry’s Electric
- Bertrams
- Betts and Co
- Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co
- Bill Switchgear
- Bilston Foundries
- Binns and Speight
- Birfield
- Birman Products
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co
- Birmingham Sound Producers
- Birtley Engineering
- Black and Decker
- Blackburn Aircraft
- Blackburn Engines
- Blackburn Group
- Black-Clawson International
- Blackstone and Co
- Blairs
- Blakes Motors
- Blaw Knox
- Block and Anderson
- Bloctube Controls
- Bluebird Caravans
- Bluemel Brothers
- Blyth Dry Docks and Shipbuilding Co
- Blythswood Shipbuilding Co
- Bob Sergent
- Bolton Engineering Co
- Bolton Gate and Co
- Bonar Long and Co
- Bonochord
- Borg and Beck Co
- Borg-Warner
- Boulton and Paul
- Bound Brook Bearings
- Boving and Co
- Bovis
- Bowden (Engineers)
- Bowmaker (Plant)
- Bowthorpe Electric Co
- Boyes Anderson and Co
- Brades and Nash Tysack Industries
- Bradley and Co
- Bradley and Company
- Bradley and Craven
- Braithwaite and Co Engineers
- Braithwaite and Co Structural
- Bramber Engineering Co
- Brampton Fittings
- Branham, Patterson and Benham
- Bratby and Hinchliffe
- Bratt Colbran
- Brayhead Electronic Components
- Brayhead Products
- Brayhead (Ascot)
- Brecknell, Dolman and Rogers
- Brett’s Stamping Co
- Brigham and Cowan
- Brigham and Cowan (Hull)
- Bristol Aircraft
- Bristol Cars
- Bristol Industries
- Bristol Siddeley Engines
- Bristol Tractors
- Britannia Electric Lamp Works
- Britannia Wire Works Co
- Britannic Cables
- British Acheson Electrodes
- British Anzani Engineering Co
- British Automatic Co
- British Automatic Refrigerators
- British Belting and Asbestos
- British Driver-Harris Co
- British Electric Resistance Co
- British Electric Transformer Co
- British Ermeto Corporation
- British Federal Welder and Machine Co
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables
- British Insulated Callender’s (Submarine Cables)
- British Jeffret-Diamond
- British Light Steel Pressings
- British Manufacture and Research Co
- British Motor Corporation
- British Northrop
- British Olivetti
- British Oxygen Engineering
- British Oxygen Gases
- British Piston Ring Co
- British Polar Engines
- British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co
- British Screw and Co
- British Steam Specialities
- British Tap and Die (Holdings)
- British Tungsram Radio Works
- British United Shoe Machinery Co
- British Uralite
- Broads Manufacturing Co
- Brockhouse Engineering
- Brockhouse Steel Structures
- Bromford Spring Co
- Bromilow and Edwards
- Brook Motors
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co
- Broom and Wade
- Brown and Sharpe
- Brown and Tawse Tubes
- Brown and Tawse
- Brown Brothers and Co
- Brown Brothers
- Brown Brothers (Aircraft)
- Brown, Lenox and Co
- Brownlie and Murray
- Bruce Peebles and Co
- Brunton and Co
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co
- Bryan Donkin Co
- Bryce Berger
- Bryce Electric Construction Co
- Bryce
- BTR Industries
- Buell
- Bulpitt and Sons
- Burco
- Burgess Products Co
- Burman and Sons
- Burndept
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co
- Burroughs Adding Machine
- Burton Constructional Engineering Co
- Burton, Delingpole and Co
- Burtonwood Engineering Co
- Bush Radio
- Butler Machine Tool Co
- Butterley Co
- Butterworth and Dickinson
- Buttond
- Bylock Electric
- C. A. Britten and Co (Liverpool)
- C. A. Parsons and Co
- C. A. V.
- C. and H. Crichton
- C. and J. Hampton
- C. and W. Walker
- C. Brandauer and Co
- C. E. Harper Aircraft Co
- C. F. Doyle
- C. H. Bailey
- C. H. Edwards
- C. H. Johnson (Machinery)
- C. Isler and Co
- C. P. Equipment
- C. R. Bearings (Claude Rye)
- C. T. Skelton and Co
- Cable and Wireless
- Cable Belt
- Cables and Plastics
- Caird and Rayner
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co
- Caledonian Tractor and Equipment Co
- Callendar Abbots and Dobbie Forbes
- Cam Gears
- Cambridge Instrument Co
- Cameron and Robertson
- Cammell Laird and Co (Shipbuilders and Engineers)
- Campbell and Isherwood
- Camper and Nicholson
- Cannon Industries
- Carbic
- Carbodies
- Card Clothing and Belting
- Cardiff Channel Dry Dock and Pontoon Co
- Cardox (Great Britain)
- Caribonum
- Carr Fastener Co
- Carrier Engineering Co
- Cast Holoware
- Castos
- Caterpillar Tractor Co
- Cathodeon Electronic
- Cawood, Wharton and Co
- Ceag
- Cellon
- Celotex
- Central Equipment
- Central Wagon Co
- Centrax
- Chadburn’s (Liverpool)
- Chalwyn
- Chambon
- Chapman Clarke and Co
- Charles Churchill and Co
- Charles Colston
- Charles Connell and Sons
- Charles D. Holmes and Co
- Charles H. Pugh
- Charles H. Roe
- Charles Hill and Sons
- Charles Howson and Co
- Charles Wade and Co
- Charles Walker and Co
- Charles Weston and Co
- Charles Wicksteed and Co
- Charles Winn and Co
- Chaseside Engineering Co
- Chemical Construction (G. B.)
- Cheswick and Wright
- Chloride Batteries
- Christy Brothers
- Chubb and Sons Lock and Safe Co
- Churchill Machine Tool Co
- Churchill-Redman
- Cincinnati Shaper Co
- Citroen Cars
- Clapham Brothers
- Clark, Hunt and Co
- Clarke, Chapman and Co
- Clarke-Built
- Clarkson (Engineers)
- Claudgen
- Clayton and Son and Co
- Clayton Dewandre Co
- Clayton Son and Co
- Clear Hooters
- Clelands (Successors)
- Cleveland Twist Drill (Great Britain)
- Clifford Aero and Auto
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Co
- Clover Paint and Composition Co
- Clyde Structural Iron Co
- Coalbrookdale Co
- Cochrane and Sons
- Cockburns
- Cocksedge and Co
- Collaro
- Collin James (Birmingham)
- Colt Ventilation
- Columbia Gramophone Co
- Colvern
- Colville Constructional Co
- Combined English Mills (Spinners)
- Commer Cars
- Communication Systems
- Compactom
- Concentric Manufacturing Co
- Concordia Electric Safety Lamp Co
- Concordia Electric Wire and Cable Co
- Cone Automatic Machine Co
- Connies and Meaden
- Connollys (Blackley)
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co
- Constructors
- Contactor Switchgear
- Control Systems
- Cook, Welton and Gemmell
- Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co
- Copeland and Jenkins
- Coppee Company (Great Britain)
- Copper Car Co
- Copperad
- Corfield and Buckle
- Cornercroft
- Coseley Buildings
- Cosmocord
- Cossor Radio and Television
- Coubro and Scrutton
- Coventry Climax Engines
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co
- Coventry Machine Tool Works
- Cowans, Sheldon and Co
- Cowlishaw, Walker and Co
- Cox and Co (Watford)
- Crane
- Cranes (Dereham)
- Craven Brothers (Manchester)
- Cravens
- Crawley Brothers
- Crawley Industrial Products
- Creed and Co
- Crittall Manufacturing Co
- Crofts (Engineers)
- Crompton Parkinson
- Crompton Thomas and Sons
- Crosby Valve and Engineering Co
- Cross Manufacturing Co (1938)
- Crossley Brothers
- Crossley-Premier Engines
- Crudens
- Crypto
- Crypton Equipment
- Cryselco
- Crystalate (Mouldings)
- Cummins Engine Co
- D Square
- D. and J. Tullis
- D. and W. Henderson
- D. F. Tayler and Co
- D. Napier and Son
- D. P. Battery Co
- D. S. Plugs
- D. Sebel and Co
- Daimler Co
- Dairy Supplies Co
- Dale John
- Daniel Adamson and Co
- Daniel Doncaster and Sons
- Danite (Metals)
- Danks of Netherton
- Darlington Railway Plant and Foundry
- Dart Spring Co
- Darwins
- Davey, Paxman and Co
- David Brown Industries
- David Moseley and Sons
- Davidson and Co
- Davies Brothers and Co
- Davis and Timmins
- Davy and United Engineering Co
- Dawson and Downie
- Dawson Brothers
- Dawson, Payne and Elliott
- De Havilland Aircraft Co
- De Havilland Engine Co
- De La Rue Instruments
- Dean, Smith and Grace
- Decca Navigator Co
- Decca Radar
- Decca Record Co
- Deloro Stellite
- Denham’s Engineering Co
- Denings of Chard
- Dennis Brothers
- Denver Equipment Co
- Derby Cables
- Derbyshire Carriage and Wagon Co
- Deritend Drop Forgings
- Desoutter Brothers
- Dewhurst and Partner
- Dewrance and Co
- Dexion
- Dictograph Telephone
- Die Casting Machine Tools
- Dimplex
- Ditto (Britain)
- Dobson and Barlow
- Dodge Brothers (Britain)
- Doncaster Wagon Co
- Donkin Bryan Co
- Donovan Electrical Co
- Doorframes
- Dorman and Smith
- Dorman Long (Bridge and Engineering)
- Dorr-Oliver Co
- Douglas (Kingswood)
- Dover Engineering Works
- Dowding and Doll
- Dowding and Mills
- Dowson and Mason
- Dowty Nucleonics
- Dowty Rotol
- Drake and Mount
- Drakes
- Drewry Car Co
- Dronsfield Brothers
- Drummond Brothers
- Drums
- Drysdale and Co
- Dubilier Condenser Co (1925)
- Duple Motor Bodies
- Dupre Vermiculite
- E. A. Brough and Co
- E. Boydell and Co
- E. C. and J. Keay
- E. Cameliant and Co
- E. E. Jeavons and Co
- E. Elliott
- E. G. Brown and Co
- E. Green and Son
- E. H. Bentall and Co
- E. Illingworth and Co
- E. J. Baker and Co (Dorking)
- E. J. Baker (Dorking)
- E. K. Cole
- E. M. B. Co
- E. N. V. Engineering Co
- E. P. Barrus (Concessionaires)
- E. P. Jenks (Water Fittings)
- E. Pollard and Co
- E. R. and F. Turner
- E. R. F.
- E. S. and A. Robinson (Holdings)
- E. S. Perry
- E. Steiner
- E. W. Bliss (England)
- Eadie Brothers and Co
- Easter Coach Works
- Eaton Axles
- Economic Gas Boiler Co
- Edgar Allen and Co
- Edmiston, Brown and Co
- Edward Bidgood and Co
- Edward Curran Engineering
- Edward G. Herbert
- Edward Wood and Co
- Edwards High Vacuum
- Edwin Cottam and Co
- Edwin Danks and Co (Oldbury)
- Efco
- Ekco-Ensign Electric
- Eko-Ensign
- Elastic Rail Spike Co
- Electric Construction Co
- Electrical Components
- Electro Dynamic Construction Co
- Electro-Hydraulics
- Electrolux
- Electronic Reproducers (Components)
- Electronic Tubes
- Elkington and Co
- Ellams Duplicator
- Elliot Samuel and Sons (Reading)
- Elliott Brothers (London)
- Elliott-Automation
- Elswick-Hopper Cycle and Motor Co
- Emerson, Walker
- Enfield Cycle Co
- Enfield-Standard Power Cables
- Engineering and Lighting Equipment Co
- Engineering Components
- Engineering Productions (Clevedon)
- English Abrasives Corporation
- English Card Clothing Co
- English Drilling Equipment Co
- English Electric Co
- English Electric Valve Co
- English Rose Kitchens
- English Steel Tools Corporation
- En-Tout-Cas Co
- Entwistle and Kenyon
- Epsylon Industries
- Ericsson Telephones
- Ernest Doe and Sons
- Ernest Scragg and Sons
- Ernest Stevens
- Euclid (Great Britain)
- Eutectic Welding Alloys Co
- Evanwood’s
- Ever Ready Co (Great Britain)
- Ever Ready Razor Products
- Evered and Co
- Evershed and Vignoles
- Eveson Brothers (1928)
- Ewart Chainbelt Co
- Ewarts
- Ex-Cell-O-Corporation (Machine Tools)
- Expanded Metal Co
- Expandite
- Express Lift Co
- F. A. Clark and Son
- F. and C. Olster
- F. and C. Osler
- F. Francis and Sons
- F. H. Tomkins
- F. Hills and Sons
- F. J. Edwards
- F. L. Smidth and Co
- F. Parkinson and A.
- F. Perkins
- F. Pratt and Co
- F. Reddaway and Co
- F. Robinson and Co
- F. T. Products
- F. Taylor and Sons (Manchester)
- F. W. Brackett and Co
- Fairbairn, Lawson, Combe, Barbour
- Fairey Co
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co
- Falk, Stadelmann and Co
- Falkirk Iron Co
- Farm Industries
- Farnborough Engineering Co
- Farrar Boiler Works
- Farringdon Works and H. Pontifex and Sons
- Fawcet Preston and Co
- Felco Hoists
- Fell, Baxter and Co
- Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow)
- Ferodo
- Ferranti
- Ferraris of Crinklewood
- Fescol
- Field Aircraft Services
- Fielding and Platt
- Fireproof Tanks
- Firth Thos. And John Brown
- Firth, Brown Tools
- Firth-Derihon Stampings
- Fisher and Ludlow
- Fishers Foils
- Fleet Electrics (Retail)
- Fleetway Manufacturing Co
- Fleming and Ferguson
- Fleming Brothers (Structural Engineers)
- Fletcher Brothers (Pressings)
- Flex Fasteners
- Flexello Castors and Wheels
- Flexible Metal Co
- Flight Refuelling
- Fodens
- Ford Motor Co
- Foster Transformers
- Foster, Yates and Thom
- Fownes Forge and Engineering Co (1928)
- Francis and Barnett
- Francis Shaw and Co
- Frank F. Pershke
- Frank H. Ayling
- Fraser and Fraser
- Frederick Braby and Co
- Frederick Greenwood and Sons
- Frederick H. Burgess
- Frederick Mountford (Birmingham)
- Frederick Parker
- Frederick Sage and Co
- Frederick Town and Sons
- Freedlands
- Freeman, Taylor Machines
- Fry’s Metal Founderies
- Fuller Electric
- Fullerton, Hodgart and Barclay
- Funditor
- Furness Shipbuilding Co
- G. A. Harvey and Co (London)
- G. and A. E. Slingsby
- G. and J. Weir Holdings
- G. Beaton and Son
- G. Brady and Co
- G. D. Peters and Co
- G. H. Gledhill and Sons
- G. Hopkins and Sons
- G. K. N. Reinforcements
- G. N. Haden and Sons
- G. P. A. Tools and Gauges
- G. Scammell and Nephew
- G. Stibbe and Co
- G. W. B. Furnaces
- Galvanizers
- Gandy
- Gardiner Sons and Co
- Garringtons
- Gascoignes (Reading)
- Gaskell and Chambers
- Gaston E. Marbaix
- Gear Grinding Co
- General Cable Manufacturing Co
- General Electric Co
- General Gas Appliances
- General Motors
- General Precision Systems
- General Radiological
- Gent and Co
- George Adlam and Sons
- George Angus and Co
- George Anson and Co
- George Bray and Co
- George Brown and Co (Marine)
- George Christie
- George Clark (Sunderland)
- George Cohen and Sons and Co
- George Edmonds
- George Ellison
- George Fletcher and Co
- George Goodman
- George H. Gascoigne Co
- George H. Scholes and Co
- George Hattersley and Sons
- George Henderson
- George L. Scott and Co
- George M. Whiley
- George Mann and Co
- George McLean
- George McLellan and Co
- George Morgan
- George Richards and Co
- George Salter and Co
- George Tucker, Eyelet Co
- George Turton, Platts and Co
- George W. King
- George Walker and Sons (Birmingham)
- George Waller and Son
- George Wilson Gas Meters
- George Wolstenholm and Son
- Gerrard Engineering and Manufacturing Co
- Gerrard Industries
- Gestetner
- Gibbons (Dudley)
- Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon
- Gillette Industries
- Gimson and Co (Leicester)
- Girling
- Glacier Metal Co
- Glenfield and Kennedy
- Gloster Aircraft Co
- Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co
- Glover and Main
- Goblin (B. V. C.)
- Godfrey’s
- Godwin, Warren (Engineering)
- Goldring Manufacturing Co (Great Britain)
- Goodmans Industries
- Goodwin, Barsey and Co
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co (Great Britain)
- Gordon J. Alison and Co
- Gordon John
- Goss Printing Press Co
- Grahamstons Iron Co
- Grahamstons Iron Co
- Gramophone Co
- Grange-Camelon Iron Co
- Grangemouth Dockyard Co
- Grayson, Rollo and Clover Docks
- Greengate and Irwell Rubber Co
- Greenwood and Batley
- Grey and Marten
- Grundig (Great Britain)
- Guest and Chrimes
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds (Midlands)
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds (South Wales)
- Gummers
- Guy Motors
- Guylee Frank and Son
- H. and C. Davis and Co
- H. and J. Quick
- H. B. Sale
- H. Brammer and Co
- H. Burlingham and Co
- H. C. Slingsby
- H. C. Webb and Co
- H. Carter and Co (Manchester)
- H. D. Jackson and Co
- H. H. Fenner and Co
- H. J. Baldwin and Co
- H. J. Enthoven and Sons
- H. J. Maybrey and Co
- H. Lees and Sons
- H. M. Hobson
- H. Miller and Co
- H. R. Noble
- H. T. Lewis
- H. W. Kearns and Co
- H. Woodward and Son
- Hack Saws
- Hackbridge and Hweittic Electric Co
- Hackbridge Cable Co
- Haddon Group
- Haddon, Thomas and Stokes
- Hadfields
- Hailwood and Ackroyd
- Hall and Hall
- Hall and Pickles
- Hall Engineering
- Hall, Harding
- Hallam Sleigh and Cheston
- Handley Page
- Harding Machine Tools
- Hardoll
- Hardy Spicer
- Hardypick
- Hargreaves, Hick and Co
- Harland and Wolff
- Harland Engineering Co
- Harles Winn and Co
- Harper Engineering and Electronics
- Harrison (Birmingham)
- Harry Ferguson (Motors)
- Hartkey Electromotives
- Hartley and Sugden
- Hartley Baird
- Harvey, Matthew and Co
- Hatchett and Co
- Hathorn, Davey and Co
- Hattersley (Ormskirk)
- Hawker Aircraft
- Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Co
- Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders)
- Hayward, Taylor and Co
- Haywards
- Head, Wrightson and Co
- Head, Wrightson Colliery Engineers
- Head, Wrightson Stockton Forge
- Heberlein, Huntington and Co
- Helical Bar and Engineering Co
- Henry A. Cole and Co
- Henry Balfour and Co
- Henry Barrett and Sons
- Henry Berry and Co
- Henry Bisseker
- Henry C. Stephens
- Henry Garner
- Henry Hope and Sons
- Henry Meadows
- Henry Pooley and Son
- Henry Robb
- Henry Williams
- Henry Wilson and Co
- Hepburn, Barrow and Gale
- Hepworth and Grandage
- Herbert Morris
- Hercules Cycle and Motor Co
- Herman Smith
- Heston Aircraft and Associated Engineering
- Heston Aircraft and Associated Companies
- Heston Aircraft and Associated Engineers
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co
- Higgs Motors
- Hill and Jackson (Springs)
- Hillman Motor Co
- Hills (Wes Bromwich)
- Hilton Engineering Co
- Hivac
- Hobart Manufacturing Co
- Hobbies
- Hobbs Transmission
- Hobourn Aero Components
- Hobourn-F. N. F.
- Hoburn-Eaton Manufacturing Co
- Hoffman Gloucester
- Hoffman Manufacturing Co
- Hoffman Tweedales
- Holbrook Machine Tool Co
- Holland and Holland
- Hollindrake Automobile Co
- Holman Brothers
- Holmes (Preston)
- Holoplane
- Holt Products
- Homalloy (London)
- Honeywell Controls
- Hoover
- Hoover (Electric Motors)
- Hoover (Washing Machines)
- Hope Parameter and Sugden
- Hopkinson Austin and Co
- Hopkinsons
- Horace Green and Co
- Horden, Mason and Edwards
- Horden-Richmond
- Horseley Bridge and Thomas Piggot
- Horsfall and Bickham
- Horstmann Gear Co
- Hoskins and Sewell
- Howard and Bullough
- Hoy Austin and Co
- Hudson Brothers Trawlers
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co
- Hugh Smith and Co (Possil)
- Hugh Wood and Co
- Hughes Tool Co
- Hughes-Johnson Stampings
- Humber Graving Dock and Engineering Co
- Humber
- Humber-St. Andrews Engineering Co
- Hunslet Engine Co
- Hunt and Moscrop
- Hunt and Moscrop (Middleton)
- Hunter Clark
- Hunter-Penrose
- Hunting Aircraft
- Huntley Boorne and Stevens
- Hutchinson Hollingworth and Co
- Huwood Mining Machinery
- Huxley Matterson and Watson
- Hydraulic Engineering Co
- Hydrosteer
- Hygienic Wire Works
- I. B. M. United Kingdom
- I. T. D.
- Ibbotson Brothers and Co
- Ideal Boilers and Radiators
- Ideal Burglary and Fire Protection Corporation
- Ideal Capsules
- Igranic Electric Co
- Imperial Chemical Industries
- Imperial Typewriter Co
- Improved Hinges (Warwick)
- Incandescent Heat Co
- Industrial and Maritime Riggers
- Industrial Fan and Heater Co
- Ingersoll-Rand Co
- Insulators
- Interga, Leeds and Northrup
- International Aeradio
- International Alloys
- International Computers and Tabulators
- International Harvester Co of Great Britain
- International Twist Drill Co
- Intertype
- Interwood
- Invicta Foil Co
- Ioco
- Ionic Plating Co
- Irish Cables
- Irving Cranes
- Irving Engineering
- Isaac Braithwaite and Sons (Engineers)
- Isaac Jackson and Sons (Fasteners)
- Isaac Nash (Belbroughton)
- Ismay Lamps
- Iwel Engineering
- J. A. Crabtree and Co
- J. A. Jordan and Sons
- J. A. Prestwich Industries
- J. and E. Hall
- J. and E. Ison and Sons
- J. and S. Eyres
- J. Beardshaw and Son
- J. Blake and Co
- J. Blakeborough and Sons
- J. Brockhouse and Co
- J. C. Bamford (Excavators)
- J. C. Kilner and Co
- J. Collis and Sons
- J. G. Ingram and Son
- J. G. Statter and Co
- J. H. Carruthers and Co
- J. H. Fenner and Co
- J. H. Robinson and Co (Liverpool)
- J. H. Shand
- J. H. Tucker and Co
- J. L. Eve Construction
- J. Legge and Co
- J. R. Wood and Co
- J. Stone and Co (Deptford)
- J. T. Rothwell and Co
- J. W. Jackman and Co
- J. W. Singer and Sons
- J. White Samuel and Co
- Jackson Electric Stove Co
- Jackson Industries
- Jaguar Cars
- James Archdale and Co
- James Austin and Sons (Dewsbury)
- James Beresford and Son
- James Bowen and Sons
- James Buchanan and Son (Liverpool)
- James Chesterman and Co
- James Dawson and Son
- James Dickie and Co (Drop Forgings)
- James Dixon and Sons
- James F. Low and Co
- James Gibbons
- James Grundy and Co
- James H. Lamont and Co
- James Hendry
- James Howden and Co
- James Kilpatrick and Son
- James Laidlaw and Sons
- James Lamont and Co
- James Mackie and Sons
- James Mills (Exors. Of)
- James Motor Cycles
- James Pollock Sons and Co
- James Stott and Co (Engineers)
- James Summerhill and Co
- James Troop and Co
- James Walker and Co
- Jesshope
- John Allen and Sons (Oxford)
- John Baker and Bessemer
- John Bolding and Sons
- John Booth and Sons (Bolton)
- John Brown and Co (Clydebank)
- John Brown Constructors
- John Brown Land Boilers
- John Croal and Sons
- John Drummond and Sons
- John Feaver
- John Folkes Group
- John Fowler and Co (Leeds)
- John G. Kincaid and Co
- John Haigh and Sons
- John Harker
- John Harper and Co
- John Harris Tools
- John Hastie and Co
- John Holroyd and Co
- John I. Thornycroft and Co
- John Ingham and Sons
- John Inshaw
- John Jardine
- John Lang and Sons (G. P. O. Box No. 5)
- John Lysaght’s Bristol Works
- John M. Henderson and Co
- John Mollett
- John Readhead and Sons
- John Shaw and Sons (Salford)
- John Smith
- John Smith (Keighley)
- John Tann
- John Thompson
- John Thompson (Pipework)
- John Waddington
- John Wallace and Sons
- John Williams of Cardiff
- John Williams (Wishaw)
- John Wright and Co
- Johnson and Phillips
- Johnson Brothers (Engineering)
- Johnson Matthey and Co
- Jointine Products Co
- Jonas Woodhead and Sons
- Jones Textiles
- Jones’ Sewing Machine Co
- Joseph Cookshoot and Co
- Joseph Evans and Sons (Wolverhampton)
- Joseph L. Thompson and Sons
- Joseph Lucas (Industries)
- Joseph Parks and Son
- Joseph Rodgers and Sons
- Joseph Sankey and Sons
- Joseph Shakespeare and Co
- Joseph Stubbs
- Joseph Webb and Sons
- Joseph Westwood and Co
- Joshua Bigwood and Son
- Josiah Parkes and Sons
- Jowett Engineering
- Joy-Sullivan
- Jury Holloware
- Kay and Co (Engineers)
- Kayser, Ellison and Co
- Kearney and Trecker-C. V. A.
- Keen, Guest and Nettlefolds (Cwmbran)
- Keith Blackman
- Kelsey Industries
- Kelvinator
- Kendall and Gent
- Kennings
- Kent Brothers Electric Wire Co and E. H. Phillips
- Kenwood Manufacturing (Woking)
- Kerry’s (Great Britain)
- Kesley Industries
- Kidde Walter Co
- King and Harper
- Kirkstall Forge Engineering
- Kitchen and Wade
- Klaxon
- Klinger Manufacturing Co
- Klinger Richard
- Knitmaster
- Kolster-Brandes
- Kork-N-Seal
- Kwikform
- L. Gardner and Sons
- L. H. Newton and Co
- L. J. Hydleman and Co
- L. M. Van Moppes and Sons
- L. P. S. Electrical Co
- L. Sterne and Co
- La Mont Steam Generator
- Laird and Son
- Lambhill Ironworks
- Lamp Caps
- Lamp Presscapes
- Lamson Engineering Co
- Lanarkshire Bolt
- Lanarkshire Steel Co
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto
- Lancaster Motor Co
- Landis Lund
- Lane and Girvan
- Lang Bridge
- Lansing Bagnall
- Lapointe Machine Tool Co
- Lawrence Walter and Son
- Lawside Engineering and Foundry Co
- Lawtons of Liverpool
- Laycock Engineering
- Le Bas Tube Co
- Le Grand, Sutcliffe and Gell
- Lee Refrigeration
- Lee, Howl and Co
- Leesons Holt
- Leonard Fairclough
- Lesbrook
- Lewis John and Sons
- Leyland Motors
- Light Alloy Construction
- Light Metal Forgings
- Lightfoot Refrigeration Co
- Lightning Fasteners
- Lilleshall Co
- Limit Engineering Group
- Lincoln Electric Co
- Lindsey, Bruce Brothers
- Linotype and Machinery
- Linread
- Linton and Hirst
- Lister Equipment
- Lithgows
- Liver Galvanizing Co (Manchester)
- Lockhead Hydraulic Brake Co
- Lockhead Precision Products
- Lodge Plugs
- Lodge-Cottrell
- Logan Engineering
- London Aluminium Co
- London and Midland Steel Scaffolding Co
- London and Scandinavian Metallurgical Co
- London Containers and Noakes
- London Electric Cable Co
- London Electric Wire Co and Smiths
- London Electrical (Blackfriars)
- London Graving Dock Co
- Long and Crawford
- Low and Duff
- Lucas Joseph
- Lucas Joseph (Industries)
- Ludlow Brothers
- Luke and Spencer
- Lummus Co
- Lupton Brothers
- Luxram Electric
- Lyddon and Co
- Lynch International
- M. and W. Grazebrook
- M. B. Wild and Co
- M. G. Car Co
- M. Howlett and Co
- M. Mole and Sons
- M. Myers and Son
- M. S. E. Precision Manufacturers
- M. S. S. Recording Co
- Macartney
- Mackay Industrial Equipment
- Mackenzie and Moncur
- Macroniphone Co
- Magnatex
- Magnetic and Electrical Alloys
- Mains Radio Gramophones
- Mallaroy Batteries
- Mallory Metallurgical Products
- Manchester Dry Docks Co
- Manchester Tinning Co
- Mancuna Engineering
- Manganese Bronze and Brass Co
- Manley and Regulus
- Mann and Overton
- Mann Egerton and Co
- Mansell, Hunt and Catty and Co
- Mansfields
- Mansill, Booth and Co
- Mappin and Webb
- Marchlett X-Ray Tubes (Great Britain)
- Marco Refrigerators
- Marconi Instruments
- Marcroft Wagons
- Markham and Co
- Markland and Scowcroft
- Markland Scowcroft
- Marley Tile Co
- Marrison, McGregor and Guest
- Marryat and Scott
- Marshall and Anderson
- Marshall Sons and Co
- Marshall, Richards Machine Co
- Marston Excelsior
- Martin Brothers (Machinery)
- Martin Walter
- Martin-Baker Aircraft Co
- Massey-Ferguson (United Kingdom)
- Mather and Platt
- Mathews and Yates
- Matterson, Huxley and Watson
- Matthew Hall and Co
- Matthew T. Shaw and Co
- Matthew Wylie and Co
- Maudsley Motor Co
- Mavor and Coulson
- Mawdsley’s
- McCall and Co[(Sheffield)
- McLaren Fabrications
- McMichael Radio
- McNeill (Engineering)
- Mechans
- Mellowes and Co
- Mercantile Dry Dock Co
- Mersey Insulation Co
- Metal Agencies Co
- Metal Box Co
- Metal Containers
- Metal Mouldings
- Metal Propellers
- Metal Units
- Metamec
- Metco
- Metropolitan Electric Cable and Construction Co
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co
- Metropolitan-Vickers-Beyer-Peacock
- Mica and Micanite Supplies
- Micanite and Insulators Co
- Middle Docks and Engineering Co
- Midgley and Sutcliffe
- Midland Bright Drawn Steel and Engineering Co
- Midland Electric Manufacturing Co
- Midland Heating and Ventilation Co
- Midland Industries
- Midland Metal Spinning Co
- Midland Rollmakers
- Miles Druce and Co
- Millars’ Machinery Co
- Miller and Co
- Mills and Knight
- Mills Scaffold Co
- Millspaugh
- Minerals Separation
- Minimax
- Mining Engineering Co
- Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co
- Mint Birmingham
- Mirrlees Bickerton and Day
- Mirrlees Watson Co
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day
- Mitchell Engineering
- Mitchell’s Emery Wheel Co
- Mitchenall Brothers
- M-O. Valve Co
- Modern Machine Tools
- Modern Telephones (Service and Supply)
- Modern Wheel Drive
- Molins Machine Co
- Monks, Hall and Co
- Mono Pumps
- Monotype Corporation
- Moorwell Motors
- Moreland Hayne and Co
- Morgan Crucible and Co
- Morgan Motor Co
- Morganite Resistors
- Morphy-Richards
- Morphy-Richards (Astral)
- Morrall Abel
- Morris Commercial Cars
- Morris Garages
- Morris Motors
- Morton Machine Co
- Moss Gear Co
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Co
- Motor Panels (Coventry)
- Motor Rail
- Mountstuart Dry Docks
- Moxey
- Mucklow Brothers
- Muirhead and Co
- Mullard Radio Valve Co
- Mullard
- Mulliners
- Munster, Simms and Co
- Murex Welding Processes
- Murphy Radio
- Muschamp
- Musgrave and Co
- N. C. Joseph
- N. F. Ramsey and Co
- N. Greening and Son
- N. S. F.
- N. T. Frost
- Nalder Brothers and Thompson
- National Cash Register Co
- National Cash Register Co (Manufacturing)
- National Galvanizers
- National Gas and Oil Co
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co
- National Pressure Cooker Co (England)
- National Standard Co
- Neath Steel and Galvanizing Co
- Needle Industries
- Neepsend Steel and Tool Corporation
- Negretti and Zambra
- Neosid
- Nettle Accessories
- Nettlefold-Stenman Hinges
- New Conveyor Co
- New Hudson Auto-Cycles
- New London Electron Works
- Newage (Manchester)
- Newall Engineering Co
- Newalls Insulation Co
- Newell Ernst and Co
- Newman Hender and Co
- Newman Industries
- Newnhams
- Newton Brothers (Derby)
- Newton Chambers and Co
- Nissen Steelwork
- Noble and Lund
- Normalair
- Norman Bartleet
- Norman Reeves (Motors)
- Norstel and Templewood Hawksley
- North British Locomotive Co
- North Eastern Marine Engineering Co
- North-West Rivet Bolt and Nut Factory
- Nortic Electrical
- Norton Motors
- Nortons-Tividale
- Nuclear Power Group
- Nu-Swift
- Nuts and Bolts (Darlaston)
- Octavius Atkinson and Sons
- Ofrex
- Ogden and Lawson
- Oil Well Engineering Co
- Old Hill Co (Powke Lane)
- Oldham and Son
- Oleo Pneumatics
- Oliver Pell Control
- Omes
- Opperman Gears
- Ord and Teasdale
- Ormond Engineering Co
- Otis Elevator Co
- Ottermill Switchgear
- Owen and Dyson
- Owen Rubery and Co
- Owen Smith, Wellman Engineering Corporation
- Oxley Engineering Co
- Ozalid Co
- P. A. Mudd
- P. and W. MacLellan
- P. C. Henderson
- P. R. Motors
- Padley and Venables
- Painter Brothers
- Pal Personna Blades
- Palmer Aero Products
- Palmer’s Travelling Cradle and Scaffold Co
- Palmer’s Travelling Cradle and Scaffolding Co
- Paper Sacks
- Park Brothers
- Park Royal Vehicles
- Park, Ward and Co
- Parker, Winder and Achurch
- Parker-Hale
- Parkinson Cowan Appliances
- Parks Cramer (Great Britain)
- Parks Joseph and Son
- Parmeko
- Parnall and Sons
- Parsons Chain and Co
- Parsons Chain Co
- Parsons Engineering Co
- Patchett and Co
- Paton Calvert and Co
- Patrick Motors
- Paul Boulton Aircraft
- Paxman, Davey and Co
- Pearson Machine Tool Co
- Pearson-Page-Jewsbury Co
- Peckett and Sons
- Peerless and Ericsson
- Pegler and Louden
- Peirson and Co
- Pelaphone
- Penarfth Pontoon, Slipway and Ship Repairing Co
- Penfold Fencing and Engineering
- Percy Jones (Twinlock)
- Perfecta Motor Equipments
- Permutit Co
- Perry Barr Metal Co
- Perry Engineering
- Petbow
- Peter Brotherhood
- Peter Lind and Co
- Peter Stubbs
- Petrie and McNaught
- Petters
- Philco (Overseas)
- Philidas (Pollard Ball and Roller Bearing Co)
- Philip and Son
- Philips Croydon Works
- Philips Electrical
- Philips Hamilton Works
- Philips Records
- Pifco
- Pinaforte Supplies
- Pirelli-General Cable Works
- Planet Foundry Co
- Platt Brothers and Co
- Plessey Co
- Plessey Nucleonics
- Plowright Brothers
- Pneulec
- Pollard Ball and Roller Bearing Co
- Pollard Bearings
- Polymark
- Port Hamble
- Port Talbot Dry Dock Co Swansea
- Portsmouth Aviation
- Powell Duffryn Carbon Products
- Powell Duffryn Engineering Co
- Power Plant Co
- Power Strapping Systems
- Power-Gas Corporation
- Pressed Steel Co
- Prestcold (Midlands)
- Prestige Group
- Preston Fawcett and Co
- Prestwich, Parker
- Priestman Brothers
- Prince of Wales Dry Dock Co Swansea
- Prince-Smith and Stells
- Pritchett and Gold and E. P. S. Co
- Procon (Great Britain)
- Production Tool Alloy Co
- Projectile and Engineering Co
- Pulsometer Engineering Co
- Pye
- Pyrene Co
- Pyrotenax
- Q. V. F.
- Qualcast
- Qualter, Hall and Co
- Quasi-Arc
- R. A. Dyson and Co
- R. A. Lister and Co
- R. and J. Dempster
- R. and J. Dick
- R. and W. Hawthorne Leslie and Co
- R. and W. Watson
- R. B. Pullin and Co
- R. C. Brinton and Co
- R. F. D. Co
- R. Goodwin and Sons (Engineers)
- R. H. Green and Silley Weir
- R. H. Neal and Co
- R. Hoe and Co
- R. Hoe and Crabtree
- R. J. Fullwood and Bland
- R. J. Richardson and Sons
- R. T. Shelley
- R. W. Barraclough
- R. W. Crabtree and Sons
- R. W. Gunson (Seeds)
- R. White and Sons (Engineers)
- R. Y. Pickering and Co
- Racal Engineering
- Radiation
- Radio and Allied Industries
- Radio Rentals
- Raleigh Cycle Co
- Ralph Martindale and Co
- Rambler Motors (A. M. C.)
- Ranco
- Range Boilers
- Rank Precision Industries
- Rankin and Blackmore
- Rank-Xerox
- Ransome and Marles Bearing Co
- Ransomes and Rapier
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies
- Ratcliffe’s Springs
- Rawlings Brothers
- Rawplug Co
- Reads
- Reavell and Co
- Red Bank Manufacturing Co
- Redheugh Iron and Steel Co
- Redheugh-Willey
- Rediffusion Vision Service
- Rediffusion
- Redifon
- Redler Industries
- Redpath, Brown and Co
- Redwing
- Regentone Products
- Reliance Telephone Co
- Remax
- Remington Rand
- Renault
- Renold Chains
- Research and Control Instruments
- Resistance Welders
- Revo Electric Co
- Rheem Lysaght
- Rheostatic Co
- Rhodes Brydon and Youatt
- Richard Brothers and Sons
- Richard Crittall and Co
- Richard Garrett Engineering Works
- Richard Hill
- Richard Johnson, Clapham and Morris
- Richard Lloyd
- Richard Sutcliffe
- Richard Thomas and Baldwins
- Richards Structual Steel Co
- Richardsons, Westgrath and Co
- Richmond Gas Stove Co
- Rickerby
- Ripaults
- Rippingilles
- Rippon Brothers
- Rists Wire and Cable
- Road Machines (Drayton)
- Robert Cort and Son
- Robert Dempster and Sons
- Robert Frazer and Sons
- Robert Hudson
- Robert Jenkins and Co
- Robert McArd and Co
- Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns
- Robert Watson and Co (Constructional Engineers)
- Robert Wilson and Sons (Food Industries)
- Robey and Co
- Rola Celestion
- Rolex Paper Co
- Rolls Razor
- Rolls-Royce
- Romac Industries
- Roneo
- Ronson Products
- Rootes Motors
- Rose Brothers (Gainsborough)
- Rosser and Russell
- Rossleigh
- Rotaprint
- Rotary Hoes
- Rover Co
- Rowan David and Co
- Royles
- Royston Industries
- Rubery Owen and Co
- Rudge-Whitworth
- Russell Hall and Co
- Russell John and Co
- Ruston and Hornsby
- Ruston-Bucyrus
- Rustproof Metal Window and Engineering Co
- Rye-Arc
- Rylands Brothers
- S. Blanckensee and Sons
- S. E. Opperman
- S. J. and E. Fellows
- S. L. D. C
- S. L. Van Moppes
- S. M. T. Sales and Service Co
- S. N. Bridges and Co
- S. P. E.
- S. Russell and Sons
- S. T. Taylor and Sons
- S. W. Farmer and Son
- Sagar-Richards
- Sagma
- Sailsbury Transmission
- Sale Tilney (Industrial)
- Salem-Brosius (England)
- Salford Electrical Instruments
- Salopian Engineers
- Samuel Denison and Son
- Samuel Heath and Sons
- Samuel Hodge and Sons
- Samuel J. White and Co
- Samuel Jones and Co (Engineering)
- Samuel Osborn and Co
- Sanbra
- Sanderson Brothers and Newbould
- Sandvik Swedish Steels
- Sankey Green Wire Weaving Co
- Sankey-Sheldon
- Santon
- Saro (Anglesey)
- Saturn Industrial Cases
- Saunders Valve Co
- Savage and Parsons
- Saville (Tractors)
- Scaffolding Great Britain (Holdings)
- Scammell Lorries
- Scott James and Co (Electrical Engineers)
- Scott Laurence and Electromotors
- Scott Peto Electrical Instrument
- Scott Peto Electrical Instruments
- Scottish Aviation
- Scottish Cables
- Scottish Land Development Corporation
- Scottish Machine Tool Corporation
- Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co
- Seal-less Strapping
- Security Rook Bits
- Seddon Diesel Vehicles
- Self-Changing Gears
- Senior Economisers
- Sentinel (Shrewsbury)
- Setright Registers
- Shannon
- Shardlow Ambrose and Co
- Sharp’s Commercials
- Shaw and Kilburn
- Shaw Regent
- Sheepbridge Engineering
- Sheffield Steel Products
- Sheffield Twist Drill and Steel Co
- Shelvoke and Drewery
- Shevoke and Drewery
- Shires and Co (London)
- Short Brothers and Harland
- Short Brothers
- Sidney Flavel and Co
- Siebe Gorman and Co
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain)
- Sigmund Pumps
- Silley Cox and Co
- Simms Motor Units
- Simon-Carves
- Simons-Lobnitz
- Simplex Dairy Equipment Co
- Simplex Dairy Equipment
- Singer Manufacturing Co
- Singer Motors
- Singer Sewing Machine Co
- Sir George Godfrey and Partners
- Sir George Godfrey and Partners (Industrial)
- Sir James Farmer Norton and Co
- Sir James Laing and Sons
- Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co (Engineers)
- Sir W. H. Bailey and Co
- Sir William Arrol and Co
- Siroma Engineering Co
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co
- Small and Parkes
- Small Electric Motors
- Smart and Brown (Engineers)
- Smart and Brown (Machine Tools)
- Smethwick Drop Forgings
- Smith and Davis
- Smith and McLean
- Smith and Wellstood
- Smith, Clough and Co
- Smith, Patterson Co
- Smith, Wallis and Co
- Smith’s Aircraft Instruments
- Smith’s Dock and Co
- Smith’s Dock Co
- Smith’s Stamping Works (Coventry)
- Smiths Motor Accessories
- Smyth Mills
- Smyth-Horne
- Soag Machine Tools
- Solartron Electronic Group
- Solex
- Sommerfields
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co
- South Wales Forgemaster
- South Wales Switchgear
- Southall and Smith
- Southern Forge
- Southern Instruments
- Southern United Telephone Cables
- Southwark Manufacturing Co
- Spear and Jackson
- Specialloid
- Speedwell Gear Case Co
- Spenborough Engineering Co
- Spencer and Halstead
- Spencer Wire Co
- Spencer, Abbott and Co
- Spencer (Melksham)
- Sperry Gyroscope Co
- Sperryn and Co
- Spirax-Sacro
- Spooner Dryer and Engineering Co
- Sprite
- Spurling Motor Bodies
- Square Grip Reinforcement Co (London)
- Stadelmann Falk and Co
- Stadium
- Stampings Alliance
- Stancroft
- Standard Engineering Co
- Standard Mclean
- Standard Telephones and Cables
- Standard Triumph International
- Stanhay (Ashford)
- Star Aluminium Co
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co
- Steel Nut and Bell
- Steel Nut and Joseph Hampton
- Steel Parts
- Steel Scaffolding Co
- Steele, Griffiths and Co
- Steels Engineering Products
- Stein and Atkinson
- Stein Atkinson Vickers Hydraulics
- Stephen, Alexander and Sons
- Stephens and Carter
- Steright Registers
- Sterling Cable Co
- Sterling Foundry Specialities
- Sterling Industries
- Stewart, Duncan and Co
- Stirling Boiler Co
- Stone-Wallwork
- Stonhard Co
- Stothert and Pitt
- Stour Valley Motor Co
- Stour Valley Trucks
- Strachan and Henshaw
- Stream-Line Filters
- Strebor Diecasting Co
- Sturtevant Engineering Co
- Submarine Cables
- Suckling
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920)
- Sugg William and Co
- Sulzer Brothers (London)
- Sunbeam Electric
- Sunbeam-Talbot
- Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co
- Sunderland Shipbuilding, Dry Dock and Engineering Co
- Super Oil Seals and Gaskets
- Superheater Co
- Surrey Motors
- Sutcliffe, Speakman and Co
- Swain Holdings
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson
- Switchgear and Cowans
- Switchgear and Equipment
- Sydney S. Bird and Sons
- Sydney Smith and Sons (Nottingham)
- T. and C. Garnett
- T. B. Morley and Co
- T. B. Pearson and Sons (Engineers)
- T. C. Thompson and Son
- T. E. Startin Linnett
- T. F. and J. H. Braime
- T. Grieve and Co
- T. H. and J. Daniels
- T. Linsley and Co
- T. Partridge and Co
- T. W. Greenwell and Co
- Taggarts (Motherwell)
- Tangyes
- Tanks and Drums
- Taskers of Andover (1932)
- Taylor and Challon
- Taylor and Wilson
- Taylor Brothers and Co
- Tecalemic
- Technograph Printed Circuits
- Teddington Aircraft Controls
- Telcon Magnetic Cores
- Teleflex Products
- Telegraph Condenser Co
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co
- Telephone Rentals
- Tempered Spring Co
- Terry Herbert and Sons
- Textile Machine Works (Leicester)
- Thain Robertson
- Thames Slipway Co
- Thames Wire and Cables Co
- Thermotank Engineering Co
- Thermotank
- Thomas Bertram (Engineers)
- Thomas Blackburn and Sons
- Thomas Broadbent and Sons
- Thomas C. Keay
- Thomas Crompton and Sons
- Thomas Firth and John Brown
- Thomas French and Sons
- Thomas Green and Son
- Thomas Harrington
- Thomas Hart
- Thomas Locker (Holdings)
- Thomas Robinson and Son
- Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley)
- Thomas Storey (Engineers)
- Thomas Summerson and Sons
- Thomas Turton and Sons
- Thomas Ward and Sons
- Thomas White and Sons
- Thomas Whittle and Sons
- Thomas William Lench
- Thomas Wlamsley and Sons
- Thompson Brothers (Bilston)
- Thompson Lindley Transformer and Service Co
- Thompson, Diamond and Butcher
- Thor Power Tool Co
- Thorn Electrical Industries
- Thrissell Engineering Co
- Thurgood (Coachbuilders)
- Tilghmans
- Tilley Lamp Co
- Tilling-Stevens
- Tilloston Oswald
- Timsons
- Titanine
- Todd Brothers (St Helens and Widnes)
- Toledo Woodhead Springs
- Tomey Industries
- Tonks (Birmingham)
- Torrington Co
- Towler and Son
- Transport Equipment (Thornycroft)
- Trianco
- Triangle Valve Co
- Trice-Folberth
- Trist Ronals and Co
- Triumph Motor Co (1945)
- Trojan
- Trollope and Sons (London)
- Troughton and Young
- Truvox
- Tubbs, Lewis and Co
- Tubes (Equipment)
- Tubewrights
- Tungum Co
- Turner and Co (Glasgow)
- Turner Brothers Asbestos Co
- Turner Brothers (Birmingham)
- Turner Machinery
- Turner Manufacturing Co
- Turton Brothers and Matthews
- Turton, George Platts and Co
- Tweedales and Smalley
- Tyler Hayward and Co
- Tyne Dock Engineering Co
- Tyre Equipment and Reconditioning Co
- U. S. Rubber International (Great Britain)
- Ultra Electronics
- Unbrako Socket Screw Co
- Unicone Co
- United Flexible Metallic Tubing Co
- United States Metallic Packing Co
- United Steel Companies
- Universal Postal Frankers
- Uno-Tinplate Containers
- Usher-Walker
- Vab Products
- Vactric
- Vacuum Brake Co
- Valley Supply Co
- Valor Co
- Vanden Plas (England) 1923
- Vanderwell Products
- Vaughan Brothers (Drop Forgings)
- Vaughan Crane Co
- Vauxhall Motors
- Venesta Metal Containers
- Venner
- Vent-Axia
- Venus Packaging
- Vernons Industries
- Vero Precision Engineering
- Versil
- Vic Hallam
- Vickers
- Vickers-Armstrong (Engineers)
- Vickers-Armstrong (South Marston)
- Vickers-Armstrongs
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Shipbuilders)
- Vickerys
- Victaulic Co
- Victor Blagden and Co
- Victor Products (Wallsend)
- Victoria Motors Co (Bristol)
- Villiers Engineering Co
- Vincent Greenhous (Shrewsbury)
- Viner’s
- Visible Writing Machine Co
- Vokes
- Vosper
- W. A. Tyzack and Co
- W. A. Tyzack, Platts and Co
- W. and F. Dawson
- W. and T. Avery
- W. C. Holmes and Co
- W. C. Youngman
- W. Canning and Co
- W. E. and F. Dobson
- W. E. Sykes
- W. E. Willson
- W. G. Allen and Sons (Tipton)
- W. G. Bagnall
- W. G. Frith and Co
- W. G. James
- W. H. A. Robertson and Co
- W. H. Allen and Sons and Co
- W. H. Allen and Sons Co
- W. H. Davis and Sons
- W. H. Dean and Son
- W. H. Heywood and Co
- W. H. Paul
- W. H. Smith and Co (Electrical Engineers)
- W. Harold Perry
- W. J. Fraser and Co
- W. J. Furse and Co
- W. J. Jenkins and Co
- W. Lucy and Co
- W. M. Still and Sons
- W. P. Butterfield
- W. R. Stewart and Sons (Hacklemakers)
- W. R. Sykes Interlocking Signal Co
- W. T. Glover and Co
- W. Tyzack Sons and Turner
- W. W. Greener
- W. Watson and Co (Liverpool)
- W. Watson and Sons
- Wadham (Holdings)
- Wadkin
- Wagon Repairs
- Waite and Saville
- Walker and Hall
- Walker and Wilson
- Walker Brothers
- Walker Brothers (Wigan)
- Wallis and Stevens
- Wallis Tin Stamping Co
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co
- Walmsley (Bury)
- Walsall Conduits
- Walter Grafton and Son
- Walton, Bannister and Co
- Wandleside Cable Works
- Ward and Payne
- Warner, Swasey, Asquith
- Warwick Production Co
- Watford Engineering Works
- Watliff Co
- Watson and Sons (Electro Medical)
- Watson, Laidlaw and Co
- Watsonian Sidecars
- Watts of Lydney
- Watts, Fincham
- Weatherfoil
- Weatherly Oilgear
- Weathershields
- Weaver Manufacturing and Engineering Co
- Webley and Scott
- Webster and Bennett
- Weldall and Assembly
- Welin-Maclachlan Davits
- Wellman, Smith, Owen Engineering Corporation
- Wellworthy
- Welsh Metal Industries
- Welsh Tinplate and Metal Stamping Co
- Welwyn Electric
- West Allen and Co
- West Cumberland Farmers Trading Society
- West’s Gas Improvement Co
- West’s Works
- West’s (Manchester)
- Western Manufacturing (Reading)
- Westgarth Richardson (Hartlepool)
- Westgarth Richardsons Atomic
- Westgrath Richardsons (Hartlepool)
- Westgrath, Richardsons and Co
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co
- Westland Aircraft
- Westminster Dredging Co
- Weston Works(Birmingham)
- Westrex Co
- Westwood and Wrights
- Westwood, Dawes and Co
- Weyburn Engineering Co
- Weymann’s
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Co
- Wheeler, Foster
- Whessoe
- Whitecroft Pin Manufacturing Co
- Whitehouse Industries
- Whiteley Electrical Radio Co
- Whites-Nunan
- Whitfield, Hodgsons and Brough
- Whitlock Brothers
- Wickman
- Widnes Foundry and Engineering Co
- Widnes Foundry and Engineering
- Wilcox and Co (Birmingham)
- Wild Harum
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces
- Wildt Mellor Bromley
- Wilfred Robbins
- Wilinson Sword
- Wilkes Berger Engineering Co
- Wilkie and Paul
- Wilkins and Mitchell
- Wilkinson Sword
- Wilkinson Tools
- Willan and Dickinson
- Willen Key and Hardware Co
- Willenhall Motor Radiator Co
- William Arnold
- William Ayrton and Co
- William Bain and Co
- William Bate
- William Boulton
- William Crosland
- William Denny and Brothers
- William Dibben and Sons
- William Doxford and Sons
- William E. Carry
- William Elder and Sons
- William Geipel
- William Gray and Co
- William Gray and Co
- William Hamilton and Co
- William Hunt and Sons The Brades
- William Jones
- William Kenyon and Sons
- William Marples and Sons
- William Neill and Son (St Helens)
- William Newman and Sons
- William Ridgway and Sons
- William Rigley and Sons
- William Smith and Brothers
- William Tatham
- William Wadsworth and Sons
- William Whiteley and Sons
- Williams and Williams
- Willowbrook
- Wilmer Lea Foundries (Holdings)
- Wilmot-Breeden
- Wilson and Mathiesons
- Wilson George Gas Meters
- Wilson Pipe Fittings
- Winget
- Winn and Coales
- Wolf Electric Tools
- Wolseley Engineering
- Woodall-Duckham Construction Co
- Woodfield Rochester
- Woodhead Jones and Sons
- Woodhouse and Co
- Woods of Colchester
- Worthington-Simpson
- Wright Anderson and Co
- Wright, Bindley and Gell
- Wrightson Colliery Head Engineers
- Wrightson Teesdale Head
- Wrightson, Head and Co
- Yarrow and Co
- York, Shipley
- Yorkshire Electric Transformer Co
- Yorkshire Switchgear and Engineering Co
- Young Accumulator Co
- Young, Austen and Young
- Zenith Carburetter Co
- Zenith Electric Co
Sources of Information
1961 Dun and Bradsheet’s KBE